winws s lit phi i a vkhmitluik ass tsast tmu 1 i 41 rthlj inrnmlviml iimiji mr to ij lull dtj v vflblfthi nm j lhaulrffci thr ttivln 11 tin n in firtrmwjt lb f dvnr limn in of thfm miauu i il week d any ft itei iwt iht mnio i ail1v fiom win wnmw that ihrarvoniiv r tin i ww w- drd a atmiallnt ifrtmch il jjmtnm nrtu from mymltftof luln opiate in rejtmi iu youth mm j if ner nmrh mlmmiiom inrfkf 1 io iry it- flu facts eomccud with ih t ate ats stmjdy tlc about use w4tl ati my link itinera logk what is commonly called chill ik rnlwiihnhh fever thnfcmittinuihine more then tbe result of a cold i gave her rfnr rirni rnedicioc a wsssk cjjrtiip ttuen i go much alarmed fioift litr pole ajid iftfiutj appearance owl general de bility 1 bronchi her to one of the mol ah fnl phyiieinn in kingston who iave kci ome ikavdersanilamiiniiieniiuure alibi end of a wlniahl be eeme1 a lilllr heller butjorl to fiomiiiantl violent ul i hail igain tccoursc to ihr physician who rtc mc i a svonn powder and another hotlle lmtlred vvuch e0fn i ktwntatrftefuiik bad had an da and amcwrf- u y w iiar o4ftazcj ktf tfomacli iwid ondaivcuvd bt had violent vomuin and ctampa in her hum ami fcrl and exhibited eve ry indica tion of approaching dissolution i finally hal lecoiirte to yogi vcrmifitji a bnttlc of which t procurcdat the alhenenm book store khgftm akoul wx oclock p m i tjv lier a ieapoonful and in half on hoar the pajoedarrm vvoirn sh took the contend of tha hottfe io tursc daynd p aether tta reamfc wa hl i d fhc pwwl ajutr iumn now lacn j fir incaci hg i but many of ihtia 16 10 20 inches she is row itfcctly recccered i jiu fully trauaded thai unler cod vour iatalatbk eoedicme ha been the means of rttinwy child ltie and i hex lonve hi c- tnrn you hut publicly my ratfulatknow- icdjcoicfu foruch and am sir jtmjc ovedienl errant q w- p ok lv to j wamfj e chemiit hamilton rail- 111 l i jm if aallfef daytmiorlatri1 fot tho hflfliwtal khlmttmi nr fit i aupionehtin we- lion nitih mi u j it i i am much pwmwl lo in- i ivfi ilii im- hilrrmeiit 0th lit- nil il mil fli1 v i y wiirtfilt in thuu riro- ilrlnf tin iirrrjwnry fthtfd anil buiulioi mi lli lur- cihiim mir utidvr cmiimci to r ii i l w li v ilu hmh inil one of whhli will ui 17 lm hni jll iilo with ip windotv autl lnhliu dim tl oocheml ttij jimom lulbp fan i lltnuc kpjllf for tho oimiuf riilinu lu hru levelled tmd it it ill hi- iin- mriflplrly rimed iv pimmn mai on the fith will q0fm to ihc lucu coutm mi nimuiil cmiilly ifaiiw hy mik k4 tfci riiouman f the local ciunit- tn- ii tndvfkilthle in hit mineriiilvodcncr nml tlouhtlv ili show will do credit ioi cuhceriied tin tily t tn ur honored by the preentv of i j kieeluney thr iovemiif ieneral and ni ci rt v ii i im vin in imni q cordim ir continu lo ihc worthy reireeihalirc cat mu i i- i- fjneen it ali behove our ari- ruliuril muunfaeturerm ie in lay briw him hi mam valuable jirodncu of tmri ritio- province an oiiettfatj m otpv1 to every one a a rate of the society admit ill cua alicleti not ennmeratrd to br eiitetel an lremiiitn to u pouted 0 those r ever dvrmed worthy under every ciren instance we an- itviuatc ok ideasiire f imshohfiittf a i thi ka- hibitinn a niimrou display ot oml hiubaudiy itt and manuftfcthiros which wilt ivc a litin imfcvinn to the many ttrancgs thai niay he ctjpcleil of the canahtlitc and tht- actual width of this section n flu irovinc uioijon 0rlfc a jul wttbl lnr mr tv of the arm nf lluurdim it tarcait left ihi rity rvn iwiattl lh mr mowipr inteodine lo vioil bmnmv m jirhn of hi viila- in ihal imii it ilt eihhliy and lui jot inr brrn umj of a ilnd r uud irtfjulff imi im heeh madv w ituiut 4rte late- jiifnob pl mr ttumclndrtl tlitl fri4hhni 4 a nfi ntn hnluie had ljnril ud mc we an inrmrmril jmi cvei vlhiu ti uacc hii aayalv liout athtice hni wiiiimi rajccojtj on kaltmlay f tuproeo in in- thil f lh nhiv- it w flnid ii ii wdml mar m atkhtatdr witti tin beadevci- ril fnmn the hjy with an llf h ohri aw insimimriit the hoty wa mncli u an iniirm wa- um uvi i ihc dcraud and a rcnlicr f mntdvr aina witt- terwn or ner- tfoni iknown i inuil itontfrnt hanltf jiftcu mil straps oiiguul aiii scltrt- pi vlit or tjik corwson cirsknal on tieday next hi rwelleney lord bin i cxncctrd to anive at kioxun hi fir mt to weitern canada ite will traiel oo- ihtrnttlionsly in ihc icroiar mail bott which will he the ppmt captain bowen ltd will probably proceed upward the same evening in iht regular lake hail sleimer of the day il i not known whether the countew of fi- jo will accompany ber husband on thi occa iont t a w paner is rrhiiiil to he rumuheif a 1irilt jo le called the tiufctuph hit tu j iimuud by mcf- merrill l mlleo tie lncirr lw been fir mib tine he ikis teaef nf the kintntj htm jtut ire hehve the phl ni iliv i i jniil va fotmfily rtinfctpl wild the piri jt vifm soine iiiill jrn allvinjil have wen timlc to eub lili l kcfoun nwnjcr at preroir hill liitlieitnwitliimt hlcce whetft r l in mela rflint will lie mitciwiil a hort lime will ull it may hovevrr ihmrry itt thcetu ftfcfiof mlrfi frane and dtniu tilt afttr the clcitmol smi4cn information wanted yr bknjauin as5 iirsrv i i i ii l rhn i u i j hi tbe hi anmhttf i4 vraihil vorttif 11 mar and parir with ihi nili j i i i i lb sh vf ij i irti h wvy rf mmtriii ay tiiitiima mimi io ihk aid 1j non m tu tll aa llmaklfiny fii alllw iivcvl iik rioj riv awfanf frr p- iv iiavis jiaw i7 mi iunmr jf4tltll vii i 117 f 4irue i 12 n mm j creek tier 71 fa ir ctttutfht liarrtiy given hint bumianl city of kingston n st t fata- our paper of today mvtaiol three notice from the sheriff of the dpalrictelliiii forth the day appoinled for ihc holding of three new new country fain in variolic village near kingston one in he held at waterloo on the xcoiid wednci- lawbfnce k atlantic road com pan i m ite stontrcvl proceeding of a uecial ceneral meeting of pioprittor io ihc cjpital stock nf the st lawrence and atlantic railroail comiiany held aft company office on 20th itbtitatj evonnant to irnitc for the purnv of deter mining the rat of interest thai snail he naya- mc on the paid up csiiitalp iruant lo the lolh and 11th yittorib cap 65 pannier the hon geo mthfau john frolhinham witltafn edinonmoiie williain motion a larotiie john clenuon ttio tiit johnflotona h oelmec s cher- tier j- a nerthtlot j f- pelletier andre oftimet rotrrt mnckay alexander mmjihy john sadie e cartier rarjra and many cer sllji or moved hy hoar macxrar aaconded hy a lxaocuv bfa1ved i tbt ikb meeting be tn a pnctiit meeting of the pmrirton of the st lawrence and at unlit ujilroad compmy convrntd uider ihe 15h sectin of the act of the 1tt se- j ft 10 aitd ii vic clpter 3w ith the fcj ol decidmz on the pmely of xtvwin iutertoii mmiie- vetd in ltiie anil paid up decide and reolve thtt interest at ihe rate ol ia pi cent per annum he al inul toxtockhomekoitonallaooicathntare or bati h on day in o tohcr viz the i3ih another to be held at gjth on ihe ftrt tuesday io oetobct vtapthf 5th and ihc thinl at lamhlon or mill creek twelve roieon the torontn jload ontbe ihifd wednesday in october ihe j0lh the governor genera in council ha the power of tabliliir5 the fars on pelition nn of the inhabitant of any place dcirine th io shares of in capital s- i liaaulitiv veterl w iof ilhi lcnp imjtnim from the ion i tbe reatce4tve ymeau lh fii kiymeuj of which lier- eat ahall be rnmhied in and iayablr on ihe fw dy of januaiy nexi and bail thence rnnlinv iojahe miurualjy sftrrrf hy m- k ntra m seconded try alax miaenv i t peotid 9 1 iiai all toebhotderx to whom any amminl tr aid inteftal may lire after he declared piyalile and who at any tin when they in iv frmtiie iavment iberenf hall he indented iu caji o- interest for other laxiitmenn utp im1i iot be allowed tn draw and pfmve tlic m rr until joch arrrari have been fully paio moved by wimiaai kimxtos eq condrd hy tjiam tair heiolved 3 that i pfoprietora of abate who have itmv made or may hereafter make default in the ayment of calla declared anil advertiedbc reineted mv at uie compa ny ovkt in ihe city of imithtreal interest on the i if due by them at the legal rote of interest it per cent per annum in the man ner provided by the afth trrtion of the before menttonrd acl ami hat he interem on inmal- jnnnta now called whether the caoiul amount thereof hs urt been or ba been paid at later date than it rum to have been u de clared to be now payable moved by jiiin itoios iv4f seconded by joiik eaoir fa derived 4 that such lits and alatc- inent he immediately prepared under ihe iflnervhion of iht coaid rf director a will facilitate the etltcmen of iutcrcslfo payable hy or fo thi company ttie thank vt the meeting were moved tj the chairman and the medina adjourned tito srrfcax sctrttary we nndrrslard thai lhr ucih at thi meeting were dcximn of epresiu byrco- lotion their unanimnuf opinion in favnr of the foagc adnpted hy the coiivvntiou with the airier company tn maine heint 5 fee t ftchca but were jtirvented by the meeting being special from nuidiftj ilieaame it i however expected l a mccti-i- will he called for the j4itpue a hen the sc imi will be diverted rebfe to the allan- lie anil si lawtcoce railroad nnd it tia htt been a matter of surprise to many that he should be so rarely called npon lo exercise hit prefofftlt ee napanee eem tu be the only village in thi vicinity which ha had a semiannual fair for nay lenyth of time established and w itidiftvrent are the people even there thai the fair day often pavteshy unnoticed by any but the villager t1i i not a it ouhl to be public fairs or mail for the sale or barter of agricultural produce cattle and mcrchaodie have been found of the ulmost service in cieat britain and we see no reason why they should hot be equally serviceable in co naria f0dfd a it is wilh old -on- uy fri k we hnie the etablihmtnt of thee three new fair will give an impetus to the farmers lauiol and induce them tobrin tbeir 1nlt lo market if prrsont who want to pnrchaxe coolj he nrt of a llmv they would al- uhd in number and make it wanh the while of flirtftulir to tie eipiallypunctiiol f5tie left viinxif ihe blrt reimeiil anl ihe imvliiu frnm tti evetal rromenl in canada rintiaifced i on mwulay thranhllwl m uwtii hie alalia roqjai irimpoat she will rail tomorrow muinink m kniid iiroec jarrury ty the ceksratd ineeutors of the dbla- ftctn fluid anut which much fui ba keen nude in mnfaudi are aow in monlrai mikinst trial of ihe jcyof their ilievcrv we allude lo m lcdrien and colonel cal- vvit ih the ivieisle arrived at quebec on tuclav tnouin willitlic two jlailalioi of ibtjttn rifameiit tho lt itatrajion land ed tojy the hivne tlaituliori will pon lo london c vv one wine io toniirhl sic atner and ihe reiaaindcr tomorrow ftjr knaxnon ti the 4th itttu w- 397 vui tyrant arrived at quebec during the present eaxi bciiif an excos of 56133 over 18 ig pxunilicr of fttiipants aruved at the poll of toronto ending 17th instant 3035 so all vellow fever continue to lrftftb wilh uiubateil fury it new orleans it is alanojiufly dillicult lo procure physician at ihe propel hkhnehe ttv nalinnai bis only two comipoitoo to set tf the whole pacr irrliiuai the unt id immw iioerl sepjfiihw r wme kktfiifiimr and mn iniwr nnajt vehcwirw u merrirn pifnilll meaidne v mrs ft wm invyrfi via g h stri- aluniy mlwvie lii j u dtnm- x a rrior li rotoi j jm imfj jrn rflot r jak vnle llmck vwniio rfcrk- o ivwh pexviu mo fucjklfciuc i mr filter hmilfpnlj 01ir ii tlvmnp c j lujiiv f aj i mr kmt jer j h mims hiee fortes bi t- 1 nieirv ltnviclcr jim weal q wf fti m nker t children and 8cv m bvmjf l tnidnn kncluiut a h teen wepiaikhi pkrlip i-ia- j lade hra feveie kcmj mr ri l -i- j- ii reel st jju hiptnan s viireul b maefu tvbn- tieoim mr iiumr du montreal m w myct rint trent 9sj ml taliamft- iltliju s o rib ia huruliy sivnn thai ciii4ii uf iho atuuncut ifidl of iiof nufmt wuyjf u thin tiiv nre filed in my tmlico ani all poranui kvtctl lieraiii inn riurnl tu vnl nt tho tien in itv oitkr mol nuke intnm- dime imytnciitn n the mm of ihnsv t nun whoo rxc lil i rim lrjm been pnirl hrrmc ihc will iiihtnu mmoi ik lcd1 n rhe vrir lint ho the ac ami in uvwiy ininre aftv j llll ii tor i i mill dato will he imuij it r ilm cidleelutn thorcor wiluam axbtln 1ifjp tariirer lil ui fj- in hoi person wn- oclul month a id c tier idtisut to hie rlirrii- pv llh lleellenev the rijrfil llmi flio nod kincardine re fovrrnar f imada in the tiaaie and behalf book bindery at the atulmum ooqk siuti baoot street ink st it c it i uk iis rpoctfiilly of tciricitiu rodcom- tieawrer ofljee city h vi rm nr dli cry mall h tft7 j thomas penneys ulinlealo rind it kail lkatlllkstolt5 priii- rotftistrvi kingntoh diuilnr in xntivr aiii npaiiiriisolia rqathcr ppir kip nnd faf skint murnriim and lining 3 iii maltiuv fiiituug uf dvery jciiip- llitpt rttrwigil on oft urrrunrnahrt 1 a parlor ond two bed the lakis sbdtoi apply at tho rgu for lb t iral al wuch d in a itu a j iloiemy ihe jueen t ill nlleni i vtr village n mill cvk ill the of kiitvahiwn uu wednesday v beinn tie tbiro wednesday vi ihc i mint ubrli of llin forenimi tbvo to oin aii ciuistitute pctsur fair on jfjtr rlei j ilr of jll kint ef arifun jitee llires cnllkf sheep swoie i lier stock nnd aba fur ihe ji tvl of oi0 anj n1erchnjiie nlirtc fair or mail m io in kept ojeu ai iiid until smsrt of ihc jame diyj minr thomas a corhkit sktriff jr dm uirjiirr fmei blidlr rkl seprt h4 1817 j s lrj f air avbath ifntp nitirarct to flw sroom it may fhui concern tof ihreby jiver tht pursuant to r i iil o mi lohaioiai aiil viemy i lint j vn tin pbtbnt vtjltkminjiiy are now prepaid lo oxceuiu l biiuli t4 wiirk mi lhe uuok uinjiug lino with noqtfto and ilenpnh h ah jcnukjilutnanf blank runka malc io onlpr kdwakd john harkeu k son ficiil 10 1417 office grptsi is7 stray cow fvwrfj stilaykdininllh prem jjsa sbcriber at barriefiem ne of the a darht a white face and white wr by pay kfcd cow with bind ic fhe owner can have ber b ing for this adveilisrmoiw and i kin ber awav- john jtvan septcn lwir 7rj3i to tl wanted niiiic atei v b allnr j nsmiths imrnejialrly one or dy workmun to whom iki wicjta and constant employment will bo givon apply to thn suhcribera e4 a chovn prince siret kington sept is ww 75tf farm stock and implements of husbandry to be sold by auction mwidftpi tte 4th octoht rrejr by james linton uotice hereby iveo that a public i aiiciioo will he held at mount charles mi lot 3b in the fimt conceiujon of er- m town terr mile from kineton on the icih rnad dy of quinle al iho kri on jarimotiwm bnvtlol tim cmmw lmt1 ijey alitieit j ih k fi liiidin clnarn jhn f c ilna heiwi t t- hfvriejli h lity french trevlk j n fvccr ij lide h n alemvk f i- viclt sjivr imim bebvialei mr bbnajl i uftijuii ur mktbane ij tlio u oned hiiskiul s irch english mail through the states we regret to team that the tnns mission of and paper kuiope tu canada itrnnch the united state will toj onihe 4rh oncrvember and afrer that dale the nail iafh n received no jjalifac aa formerly tye bejierc that tbi onenate in a demand i 071 ihe part f tbe ameneaa foeeiniaeut for jricteeiejrl pof bje on newspaper from boston to ihe cawliaa frontier the present pnt- and a penny il required be ponible to leare thi ej wftile the british co mijherrr fl rjrrajfrii riown au die tinnahnl ern b nar b our evet if wimm rissib t a iii u bpmxjii f miuranv cjlace yesterday morn in the ew steamer lir cant sulher- land bom it down finm tumilton the risbt wing of tbe end r1 late fioffl london nud ihe nine momi the mail steamer co- f lawle innk the detachment on to montreal on ttiuisdiy evening the co- nodti brmgm f mm ici the rihl wing of ihe reserve flaflalnn of the 30th regt and yeterdiy ihe detachment wene upward in tbe mngntl one uf the band wa unfor tunately diowncd while the cmuufo wa leaving ihe harbor the ler wing of the rifle rrijeade now in fort henry we are jorry to say leave khutton on tlmnutay next to be rclitved hy three compnnie of the canadian rifle the 46th rftfi in tite de ionl barrack are djily expecting he route to qnehrci to be relieved hy ihc 11 bahaiio of thesoih regt daily from hali fax fj- laujistaol ac cl m xt an inquest tfftfjn bold on wedmalay blip by george gax- tcr la- on ihe body of mi- elia franuin one of the daaaejbteri of mr win franklin remdint in piluburh who met her death the preceding night in a very calamitouc way the yount if 1 wa about paying a visit to a neighbor on horsehek when ihe hone took friieht threw her off and her foot catching in the stinip he was killed in a very shocking manner the jury returned a verdict in ac cordance with uie circitmtances fr at acciorixt yesterday morning at hooker a henderson wharf the body of mr jarnexomojun who a ted hi father mr james noble in the dutienof clerk of the markcti wfl picker n the decease had heeu misain from his family sinpe satur day night last nnd it wan generally aupposed that some accident must have befallen him as he was always very punctual in hie at- tendance al the market a coroner in quest wa held on the body yesterday and the verdict of found drowned returned c- mckinv accootctor hi escart william lyon mekenzie has favored tbe public teiib a narrative of bi adventure hy flood or tism in making hia escape to yankee land aflrt the route of the rebeh near ga low hill what the object oiho mtle tator ii isdifrrenlt lo uadeislaiv apparenlly he is very aaafais to ret 0 aiada qvtrajcejfnu aoos f l y am a pardon i titij k- snot loir tf r wbtda fvinif li i i misa ci qoeve riit vvlhriitco oievil tsfi suth md stoanw wmrno v wiim j u wt h f tae and rilv n vnk tv mm4 o kft r ii s rjuo rt llh 1 m hcnrr h- l p r rblmni j aichibl miaagi fltiuld alaieron irie uuilmal jvlin r iumvc th witni tm ii wetfcn weeki tjihif jai m iilltlj j llflftlh i evuit im1li twum lr itjujlil r ilren i- i tin adtlpliu rullii ilj4i l f itnl mm ui v ri uh1e t mr iyy udy lw e i leftnwini slurficul jjt j k c jittvoi tt wiihun rtenrfjic i mr tfvcilhi iliudio j t a i 4 n nel ii livwk am william ki tieirt ww wistars daham of wild cherry ll ifuiimo i r tit n eiinfiem iiilor narhiw lhm1v in a it jlnttt h ull nf nunrrui cores tbat bv uen efli elel by wltull jjujm we n nijv tfivf l b revf kp piciiiwn nf ii fffneral c11licv- a few ilaya ugo ft hitly ehctl ol ll rtiei iteahh and i- cii rib n iiiiult iae re knew whul icknetu wv t wn wrpfic kijted tlit unril reermly 11 lth iht n ick tiftten in ret ami fvr yft with wial jiikj to be cnunpinnrh it slic hrl a vi ouh flight nariatja wiiti d1trruntc cbdu fever nd vrry oinl yni in f ootififnuu mimtt4tn lt- eiitr m 1i14i ur wciitdi iiict il li ircmfit iiitei- the ijtmrne it akdelhi iinn a livin tjeinjp pr iivinhv vl pflun tune tieaul lio tn idreoil eiret toftf fd hy ur fvlrtnr hibin if vl cbiy t itiii inciter rl tinjf it pitfr i hio rbeci iltaf elpebe-jar- n el lieiief at mec ur dear- ik- uh kfi her iheetiulrfuwd fcee diiph nnd in ic tim fowud ucraelf m mm laoawh n genuine ualeafi tinned e butts on wrafiper fof eile t the athentum bjuw svrc bj rttrefi kiuun willijm ijtt enquire the under- far m stotfk and imjdemeais of vlk i wtiicy celdin 6 year i fjry j aed 6 3ilebc icife i slerr 3 cftjv hmbam huli crjntinc3 yrar ernies of iouui dwon i ler h mlcnnf yonn- oues runnio i 35 saiert leic 5 5tnrr pi sow wi avr 2 lmijiei ivnamrt ilirrw u jpuitiiie nttov lniuet i lunui tfhb fioujsh- i rii i z a j iii tpefnf wiilia qiantiiy of wheat iu may and pvueoch arid hy hi- lilr item to me directed rjnied leney tbe rihl hon karl of kincardine oc governor general ofcartja iu the name and behalf of her maiot q i hatl attend in person at uie vw bath in the township of ertrtpf oxtyfksoar 5r7i october beinefrp fir tuesday of uie month at the fiiir nfv ck cf the forenoon then and there fiv l ou s blic fair or mart for thj v sale of all kind of aei- cullura oducc hon cattle sheen swine- her live stock and afao for the sale p- d of cnod and mcrehaudise which r or and m sunset of the same day and mm-fn- thomas a corbett rjhfqt 5ficf 0if hirairr5 orncc midi ijitcr sept 117 vatelroo fair minl- district to all ktm if p wit may concern nojclv hereby iven that nunuant to liters fa lent la mc dhoftiajfc granted b the wabmaulofem the iv een at any time be- precisely at it ifeuev and kfcje sc cldternot general of ca nada ithe name and behalf of her majesty tbe qiti i shall attend in person at tba vjiiazvof waterloo in the townsbii of klncmtfs on wednesday october 13 being ihc eetd wednesday of ihe month at nine oclock j the forenoon then and there to open and c0fjtntr a public fair or mart for tbe barter ad sale of all kind of aericultural produce hones cattle sheep swine and oth live slock and also for the sale of alt kuofgnod and merchandise which ftimic rair or mart t to be kept open and mainr- unti iu tiitfer stmmt of the ame day and rfiv can u forv the diy or stlei ihe sjle lo commence leek a m tenn at sjic jas- linton aucturhtcr rmetnivo ltlh sepl 1s17 thomas a ciirbeti sheriff jftf jif sifrs oravie midland nricl sept 10 1817 cawtm and conipiiiing a of pikst pjtesh arrival of mvvpau4m a i shaw would he lo irttimali that they have received the fifit ofthvr importationy for this enn rx the cwihl culoloniu i nnw at montrtj tnerat and well selected ati british dry goods fn rljiiketv fjjnnels woollen and gala i l ij- velvets shawt handker chief mriinir orleans cobirj cashmere and other gfods fur fall dresses together tviih a lare selection of staph ahd fangy dhy mods hosiery hjberifathcry sinai ware c kc they will alo he receiving daily further ad dition in ibeir stock by the following ships now ivintr at the port of montreal and que bec penrv fitm london seroh and sir l jorason from liverpool and rtoitono flrtvbe and cnerthtee from glasgow ki jd sept 18 1s47 just keceitod by the last mill at tub atheeih book sture l0n0ov pilncil of the 2u38lh a illustratkd news do do pktoltlal times do do c wlllmlbtlmesoflbe 4lh sent te mer il ertwo hind legs white noever has fier m keeping oi arurxevu isooa stuar piat 1847 strayed cow it strayfd fiom ini no 24 am spalten day ago a yellow cow with woile face one of her eye has a yeu are inform her owner where he is u 6e found will be rewarded handomeiy t doyle sept 141847- 74s but ol the cure way o ob elainly r-r- hard toea- aer rebel a l cvfil actio r- a teleapri desfatsh yeler 5 made 10 aeo uith the re ion triaj io rbe court of qireeu ntreal a verdiel ia been r rrd fpt the colonel with at2j0 dam e jaw i alway encemiin and this vdid c set aaid e the liwco- plained of w j certainly a mojt atrocioui one wi imdilky cannot possibly u jr i behind the aje ad a new crtoitry oiel tosct lhoe4inpto to old one in llerli and not hs iu the rear t4 olvu ofctktmein a water nnw voik ackr4wicvmb7 r7f v ljiitanma tin kingslo wcalfta aor viiietilgintarjt vn iaper published in the state of f kient t- frotn ih wn its women rheyubscriherhnarkj b iim lliltit fir lookng classk which he will oell at low jmecv htaalaotkei gieat plnosuro in in forming t0 public first no has aecurod tho inlpiajof an dxperjcnttj fjihlt frurn city of now yirk and will t be enabled io matiufartui prlihlt antl picture frame aattivaal ci j onrtmrnfof in a slyle not lo bovupumj v 0 frame rvgilr lookiog olaaa hlntea iuaoncd in old frame wm hoyik irtittngton btttti btwbtfppotiu instron titpi 2 j jsi7 17lrc notice the unjeraijncd having been duly nppontd administrator lo theeotatc of the late janes macrartank esq of the city of kingston deeead rcqucata all pcrn tndebcd to the estate to make immediate- payment 10 thomas slittiip eq who ia authorized to grant rvccipn and who has the books and ac count in hia posaoaion all persona 1 j f claim on the estate ore requeied to orcsent them duly authenticated to mr gjastip fur iiliummml fjtancis m hill a 1 i iff r 0 1 f kindlon sepl 13 187 to let the premioeo lately occupied as for the million ivottfr frv rfraae for all tho toao want toprouttfthtbiscivcs with ivtntcr furs liie ticriuer reipnctfully hi jkid- to know- thai ho ia now witfhes know thai ho manulijct4ii nil kindi and rjualtice of win1er fur clothing compmfn coota cftpii miltj glovca at uriewopc ic for gentlemen anj moflv bmi tippetn cop oapc mitts and glov fi lodicfl all pi2r kixds of fu made to order j a 1cd has on hand a large stip- pljofbajbla riijcijiiar skind krtjp foxantilher fancy sains foe sleigh roles nado to order at greatly ro- duced pnes 75 army supplied to order on the sltortxt notice j a mcdowall kinjson 1s7 to 1 on building leases hafl central and eligible property on tiw site of the recent fire being ninclyirr feet front on wellington strentanj one bun jfcd and forty feet front on queer streot them m a quarry of stone 00 the pramiictt for further par ticulars q n ly to francis m hill kingston sopt iti 1s7 75lf 10 bankruptcy i karabton louse vi llulel the barroom which can be converted inttt en excellent shop will if required be lot aeparalo the premise are well adapted for a largo buaijig houae oflicers quarters ice- apply to francis if ikutu on sale the ehote of the valuable stock f he late firm of dosoohue mantz printer oniting of t donbr demy columbian printing pre 1 dnr roiiiflitiulr do 1 fooiiap prince rf wales do i 9-m- screw sundinsj pre lnkiitjriableand roller bank hore a malt lo- colored ink stc 4m 6ec and a stutk ompe rarely equalled for variety nlracine all ihc modern fancy fount n i uwi an kvkrv thing rejiuite bfeirtyjiur book jobbing and nevpaper blsinrs ihe type prees 6- havintfbeen elected with the urcale ee from the bel foundries in lon- 1 no ivn vork for furher particulars apply to thomas seed m titte st jama streel honttet set ii ii7 75gi cston sept 16 i8e7- 70tf a jt received if fk w coojes rf he knight of tk raithy lever the srcret trbuna fj niibel of davariany aa jwmh hyti p iljaast tbe iitnartd hy ldv c b the fnlitilaiicety mj y pluijo alhargsy ec sctjot ihe 1 iki a ibe coainy jfr rrev f5mmiilove h lie 7jucir j4cj 1- t fr itook at this afkaotifulfy situated lot u land for tiaio within a fw kingston tomgaro torm h appty to tho yards oft rtasonab tss9bajetitaj kini for f u thn trl craft charles ward sept it 1847 7jlm wanted v iprentw to learn iho cnnfec iryaud paatrycvuk bumnnas apply without gnorl refnr- u subscriber teknuw nnt itr ems c te torm ut thi john delangeh e j j7 7 a pmviscc ur rastaiia muuhi diittut j rankrupy to wt jauks browx tht iotvticrr fal f eiwjj ai4u in rir 1ulfiad xvurut il iae tirhtini oi ffvjcrv i10mmission isned hy staftnl frederick kirkpainek eniiif ju of the midland district court jitrj this ihirticnth jay of septemlicr nre thousand eight hundrxd 011j friveven pirri myelin of crvditors on ipesne- ifoyjae tirtnty ninth thv of stplctnter tntant it tho court hdlio in the ciiy of iii rmtott at vi ovioek nnrui tiios a- coiuiftt suriffm d- kukfatlltcr bvaaowk fc for peiitionlnj cnditon sherrt office kington 13tb sept i6u7 11aknkhh axti hafldibky tlf k uucrilor laftw thit rafiatt iii u return din ifrutoful ihanka to thrnio kiiol frittmla and ii i i- wliy ably assist rd him to lornttvo his toods and furuituro at tho loin iiro ho j take aksnuige of this mean rf iij 1 r 1 m hia tuw nnj c custrnnirrs that ho ha removed hia hikvksk 4xu mudlb wxwcwtt to rar ctorarr of ikdinifon nvf roi stfftt lhrecuy tijiihie 1em evm wisssa at co mhfiro lid hrimi hi fovorrd with a contiiiuuiice of public pavrnuace wm wilkinson auui30hi i9l7 70 irr mail line of steamers otice pllrroval- mail steamers j vy sheriffs sale o n saturday the 4th day of ccmher s7 will be sold at dr the court house in iho city of kingston tho undermentioned laxds and tenements sei2ed by virtue of a writ of fieri facias iued out of the court of the mid laud district and to rue directej vis william simpsos pumtif ir john ord drfindant all the right title and interest f the uefondant in lot no 104 in the village plot laij out in the weal half of eau half no 22 1st con kingston sale 12 oclock noun t a cnrrett sheriff j d sheriff office kinpton it sept ltf sheriffs sale of lands- oon saturuay ihc 25th day of september instant will be anm at the court house in the city of kingston the uudeirncnlionetl lauds and reuernentsi by virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas mued out of her majestys court of queuus beocb and to me directed viz ross w wood and alexander a grant fumtifft t john shaw dtfendml all the rightit1e and interest in pare of m e quarter of lot no 191st con- cersion kingston kuown afl lot no i on tlic east aid of main street and between front and ray streets iljwse the villago of porst mouth contain- piearjni ine 22 square rods of laud more fit less sale at isoctork noon thomas a- corbett sberifi m d sheritt office 1 kingston 1st sept 187 pot hffiiljndbr and cwv will carry freight iroui lnchiui- to kt anil dtiiver ii there in jo hours ami when deilincd fir pttrix nbive will be alnpped iinnicoiatcjy 1111 bsrd the lake ontario steamboat mr wax gunn aijeut at lacliim will aiicnd to tlie roceiviug and shipping of wtia auiiii27 is7 from bt to montreal 1847 12e 1ak3 ostahio and river st lawrence steam boat line the yniid faw ai elcnili fumiilitj united states mail line of steamers cataract capt j van cicvc rochester capt ii n thmnp lady ofthkiake capi t ii hwag niagara capi r f cliim in cvfleelion niu lb krw v- cabin enrlish steamers i3uituh queen capt chadiberiiio british kmplkr cipr llawkin- foitvin 1 th lnr fi lfltii l- ivnik n rocrfhtcr 03- wpfiosackei iiaroor kincstun hki ii i ii ijtr acesrvyv yasit mwtssli no vim hatfi l js t l siw i iufm mha lixif oilbmm f w groceries see mifi in trt nf f0 lilija rriiffat iw4r wir 30i lfxos mr ik iiaiirif 260 a rlod ttssja do ilf ttha0- 10c jrrat corn krhirnv soriroaros vrs pai-w- w nls llmb jo d j urt inif lt ili far w iiois tnls ii traw mntts sftfftcssi mnidiwii 3u0aiim lpabuw suta ua yorv ramiau villi yariou nthr articles art vtrra onntcrjicd matthew rourk k mtnn aijnxi is47- tsfcst nr bkockvlleonooun pmciicrv vf j- iy of dyhhl lltoiintqn ithd sccnrrynmlir kitcr 1 fit wtoicc th i j ji r- l- sjkjllrviiir pu facind iii r v t wil fi- i r h abnte lino are mtff new fitted up and lumnhri in uie niot tnudcrn and tujpnt wsuasr wlb t ll ji 1 psrru of pimwo and htn vmo to vi hc ciiici of mootnul and qtiebrc with ihnr tjtan y aftrsetioii sanituf a new vrk snj uvs 1 find 111 or of ibt outa mcctsiiof sod downvardlf4nktfnmisiltsl3i upwauu- usts llwftm ilwd bbbiivtbt btitatosrpr ar immodtardy by the t t siiiucj itipr on the uovoriiment wuihsat kingston 30 stone cullers i 15 masons to whom liberal wmcf will ho civen isaac hope- kingfon sept u 1347 removal rpflr snlrtcriber rriprcifnlly friends and cuittian ibat itifomi be tiaa his ihr snl frien moved lii boot and shoe fifacofactory xorthvrn corner of uie city building w whtbirlm strm direeily opposite wittiain ivhon oi co llies mci and chil i itoou r made in the inot fohionable ityle patent leather french ard k- cjt i sam url kinplon auutt 27 1817 4koiin removal the subscriber bp lease ro return public thanks to all t hone ptinns whose prnrnpt and wilting assiatance at the llo fire enabled him to rrniuve wtlbout much lnas his stocl in trade and household furniture he takes advantage of the present op portunity to inform hii friends and cu v toners thai he has removed his boot and shoe maniitactohy to kisg street to the house thrco doors from the market square formerly occupied by mr dick son as a china ami earthenware esub- tihment wherv he hopes ptill to receive theencourageoisnt and patronage of the public john george sept 1 isv7 70 lm notice all persons are forbidden lr pur cbaae from lkwis fkalick or any other person the wealhalf of lot no two in iho 5th concesiim ofthu toisntihip of ernoftotvn cnutmiuing onehanilred acres fora ded of which land 1 hold tho bnnd of his father lewis fhalicki deceaeed who con veyed tn him without cnosidoratton and with full knowledge nf my claim and t am about filing a bill in chancery to recover the same dated trent port 33rd augtm 1847 thomas kilmer summer 8c autnmn hats princes sjirtien opposite the cfteauercd store tljksiihcriner puhlc trial h is neve alanufactiirin r tl 1 1 1 l c i ihe summrr and amuuii hauof the tiiifcsl and linet fabfie ibicb he offrrj for sile on term a j u lh can be sou in kii n i he i manure i urinj a french silk hat or prriilijr tasuafl and rleancfi fir srhich he riertfnuv oiiulhe impection f the tiub- lie prcykrirt to prircbavinfj etiewherc all dacripns of istmmer cam kept on band thomas bradley al gw 2n 1m7 ct6a valuable reals stalf for sale xhat largrand valuame farm belonging to jamtca uiirll esjtpiefft known a toitlea hifl s7ann irvcdwy situated pn the frontrml kad only three miles frocn this city f r 1 1 i 1 1 i about 540 acro9 lt of which 250 aro now under cultissnicst thtf reinaindur beinf wll wooded tjiere is uo pertaining to uba firmii xiiiivr ma umi frum which at ir mouse ijtiiiny of food fodder fur hjrntd caule may be annually cut render ini ii a moat dcsiablg fanp fiti jn extensive dairy- being composed nf what waa orhji nally tluce distinct though contijunoa iiitros ri- onoof 9g aerea of mplt and one of 3fj acre it u till 10 aitb divided vriti excellent feoeca tts admit ofrach bfinfj orrcupied sflpartrly ind win be ojoul if irirrd tu erections are four dv7ellng bosses two bw willi subles is j there are now upn he farmaibouc 200 tons of hay arul 50 aewmonam cry t whuat- 1vi9 nrn n pntatoesand tjnjtps which vvitri aipsssit nf horses a yoke f ovrn anrl xfm farming impiemartta may h had it a valuation payable to t and 12 imibs for oirthor infoffisaiion rprdms ififfli which wih be rorj tilmralj met other particulars apply t the fri- ouphant fc watt britannia life assurance compamt kp fkcs slbkbt b1mk lttdoft emfwtrtd by 11 of parfiamtfj capital 451000000 steitg cheapest batesop anv offlcs doing business in caadm imkvl rfi rr jor ft ss dr thos w rosispjlbc i pointful cixntanri in 1 1- lib lo acl which lint hardware sheffield gdj j aad iionmoiisety ghri subscriber respectfully informs jl his town and country custodiers that he hl3 jgsit jwiiilj iv ii litn hlisr supply uf goods in his line consist- inj of an rm asurtinent of hard- wa e for household and building purpo- lea i ffirhi and oil mirigliam puled goods ahilf and fiicy tod3 plain japaned aad black tvvate and all kinds of agricultural implements of the very besi ouatiiy and manufacture the subscriber also respecifolly rc- qitests the attention of the public u hu extensive assortment of pm- otis and dyn stults and indigo he solirits the put ic patronage truiiog thai his prices an quality of his jns vvil sustain hiut mro ull v than any ulf recommcadalioo james powell pmojha of variuits pattern and plotijjh pirints the hilieii priie paid in cash for old bias copper pcvier and lead kingaton princess snect 662t august 18 is7 for sale by the sobs0r1beas cfifi tons no 1 scotch pig macpiierson l crane kingston 23rd a tig oat 187 tf for sale y the sirhicribers fmh ftet snwcd wal- dllf llltuucr rf different sixoa j000 do do in logs macphersov e frane kingstonjjal aiiguvl ltt7 0if notice ri1he s ilciihor has commenced j the finiiirsy biriinkttn wherohe now rosidta next door to mr haibcs crorki ry storo kiiij street kiusujh where ho hnpo- by strict attentioo tu ihimmm and modeiate pmce to roeet a sharo vf public pattuiuge john fosteb jv 20157 government notice- 3axe of old iron and stores at the lock stations on thi rituon canal rmienneks will boreccivodat ho jl office of ordnaace at bylown on t30a day op september i at 12 ocloek 60011 fir the purchao uf old cut ond wrought lror bn- vicesbte stchrrn timber iic now lying at the various lock staiiona alonj the line ofihn itideou canal the rate for the iron tn be stat al jer cwtof iu iimm ihunthei articles by ile lump to be eon on anlicatii l tne lickioaloifl nd a list witti a rlca oipi lhcrtul tu oe cea at the o kansicrvojbce at thaj plut the iriuiioy u be r j to tho lock mantnrsin ehvni previous to iho re moval of the aitjcleb ofkre of ordnance bytiiwri august 1847 s 61 as aeril tor thrt been doing hosinfsss ini cil m the jmr is9 rvspeeifullr requests persons ro urint- life assurance to call at hia office prtxcess street kingion where prospectus aid ill necessary information will be givea alssa variety of tables to meel tbecuv cumstanccs jconveoicne of appli- can jli the rates onimitar ttfnvffl tbe of- ficiwloing holiness in thi province ef as follows fr an aituraocc of 100 anirsnce r vmtasim rf j 5 these molerate rtot liutemore tharr hffitatr1 stsfdy tr- pmvui f isfs pal it in th pntvw nf mot pernios tn asaure t and rt ilji nfcrenre lo uie pnseat sute of tho health of the irihabitanm if the pro vince eenerallr il raviy ho thought necesv sary shuulil the prvfailjhf aicknees in- crease i- 1 dchne taking any hka lc appears tbtfrttiartt to b tt j 0 who have to provide for their families to take the timely preoiionof anssuringlhekr lives and thus provid agtiui tho rusk of perhaps jeaviif those dependant irpon their exertinns or means lo suffer diffl culties it not destitotiirip thomas baicgsja y milla mandarin sauco tht sft 14 ore fltam loa ricf itfak ea soep seu at tta rtneui pook store o ii if bunbury coburfanl km cnsfa aojunt 2 1 1r47 for sale ihe north halfnflono 13 in the 9th cor of portland anry ll charlestiart kingston aug 2l iw7 n o t i o b t 1mb subscriber having obtained from the couit of cltaiieery an injunatihi rottraining the rcevdoaovda okhc atuaiit from iniormcjdriiij in any roaiinur with the roal ur pcauuat lsuto of the lato cjjshxm stuaiit lvsq formerly sheriff of the mitllaoj oistrict cither hy seizor by ih receipt of monies duo hy li m i- 1 nr otherwino on account of ihe said esrale j stid having been comnoncd to fila but aptnttthv aid george okih suikrr and allan mclcaii eo ekecrfrortlo ihe will of the said hie cwica stuart es to obtain an accurate the pumtc ar hereby caotluxad oefcsur to accept any dorla from the taid gecrs okill moart nor to pay him any tnoney fc hi tkey will do in at tuitr uvu tos and nioil thai said letrgeukih muanliavifif hitherto iefued nd still refuses u remler a jut auj bnnesi sceouueif his executors hi p ro tho said kmi bat on the cnniraiy asserts ibat hols the hoirat law thereto all in pesons wlio arc in rrim a ion of or claim rule tn land lsimerfy bulouting to the said chaxlea stuart under coovoyaucesfron tuesaid ijlkrjt okill uit and allan wiu or cither of them ai eaarnriora sw afreeid are alo noiiuwj dial aa paiiiri in pnmvsaiou will 10 cjrcjtaav ihetefrom ualeas au an nnmmn b fltcted iih rhe suhscrilsrr as all ingionjiy 27 i37 petds are invalid on ewraf reasons osm of v hirh it that the power of sale ia saij will is given to all the exvcuiors a in number and not to any nnm or tvr of them nd iherefero neither tho i4 george okill smart nor tnesai4iiaa mclean bsrt either offhin ivertt ever tothorized locnnvty the roal estat one onlv of the rematuiug executnra iimt renounced anj oo valid iiil can be givoo by any one vhil tbe sat4 6uit in chancery remain pending charles sttabt rito5i0n 5lo august ipi