British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 9, 1847, p. 1

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mf i whig 10 ftnlw ftr guitu wtt tikd remmykbkiy luiti lid lilirilir iorulnii am join barker son at tnb atiicnawm fivvof w deor fw the lofton ifou t4innr i iviimd ran aama if pattl in lphpp nft ft4ef il kbjn hfmfie uoi it fsif rrr tmili ufh u ii vim r lite notion of hc pdblubrr afeftvthimukt sit lince anj ueior v jj- first itwrc 7rloaori iuhipklirtarrr4i 3 ed fil fnacrlion and i0d himii ii iiniin snre ifi hue a 1h vr trai inarstlen nitd ij rerhor french jrtterit irterition advoflieewirntu willatul tpecfflo rfireeline which useil to c in uiiin i t iftarfi wf unlll forbid and etiarceil aorir jinpty ttc flamtu willy tong njonihltf ihe larjcet rtimdwii cirfliilallnn so irun will ualltweir onortrtlwoiil oft nj ntetcat whetaocrcr all lorer to be jhul j mo fa let hue ffilje firttisl ttifl a nj j and general advertiser tor canada ave st the atlienamm ii opifer per orbem dicor vol xvl kingston canada saturday mokning october 9 1817 na si business directory thomas fenneys wloiosalo nd rmail leather store prin cuiitet kinfjutcm dcutfr in nfttivv ami apaiislis fsmlknr upper kip pj cpilfskin morcsm win iiiiiitjce btttt mnkor finding of every deacrip- linn vssn oreilly ft honderson narristcr attorney at law c sec kinptnn jat oijkuiv i fresh gltockres at ths city store princess streets coknfcltofkino ktsonxos wholesale and retail james powell ironmonger uftffirt manufacturer princes street kingston the british american hotel laic daley 1 liy j pattshsos king- toncanmia wert m- xamcdowailurrierhntter brock store kingston fur mule up ti order on the aliorteet notice fora of every jocriplion bought and sotd wibfldeh tailor c opposite mr will tan pvilnoit wellington street all wurk in lu executed with ntat- neaainj dispatch matthew drummond grocer wiie t spirit merchant wellington jjuthinn inwt lo mr v wiuova kiajatoyc v f a b kayler coach builders and carriage maker priacesa street kingston robert fflccormick wholesale ana ketail dealer in wine stunt tcna grocene stc prinresi street kingatnn messrs macdonaldcampbell birriterai attorney it law rrinceiia street kinrrtrm john a- macdonam v alexandkk campljelt james mcmillan teacher of mwjic piano forte tunej ajjrei wm mcmillan auctioneer thompson carey ficneroi importjjig anj coinmutionmerchant5 broad street new ynrv a canadian card drawback law ware cowmimion ftl enj general agent no 105 gjhialda hotel laie stoned attfbiite lh city baths king street gae t- carey ocouclicur tw an e- m 4c d ketv- sastacey me f oppovite the m rchant tai onlreol bank jbgwe k1np iriliiblaowbtdnj sailmake rfealilmnlbuiljioc onurio street wstet zdlbb painter g istppper utnger rtileau street a cfiowd tin smiths copper smith ami tin pltla workera iocea street kioijaloo jbfibx harveys surgery gurrnce streci ont door bew the berk of bntieb ntni amcrice krngtorijulylost7- 1m x tt bjulfiti cabinet maker and cuowerer muiiieal street kiogaton fcederol aasoriment of tfte lateit alyiei tiwuiture corulaotly on lanj anj for f on liberal terms 60 land for sale yiff acres of land for jqtjj sale in tbo twnehrp of seymour newcastle dtairict being lots j7 and 18 tti he 9th concession sreaof which are cleared nl hai fuiuae ami a frauic ibrn 30 ouiuousea stc an vcm tit will beaolj mono clock or in t tivjil ntirckaaera ifwiri mojerate- for particular on- ihii office mf by letter petij i8r7 9lwtf fcongmon juno 16 fijmlda akbnew mrs hxfubss t allen co wy hf jwpatch one of the firm to f htwtmk every week making olio trip between kingston anj new york u regularly acircumtitancci will permit 44j perceu coinrbiaaiora anj meagea ttoleft with the suhacriber tigreer edward harvey kingtfn june 18 1s47 493m jjoglifib stationery c tsic s just received at tiie jheheum book store idgoi yfrcrr jftgfon a large assortment of entfi fjh suliorwryof ujo beat oaaiily comiil- judium prmy and fotto ti iijj tjpi 4tviuurturm wfjiini rj ill pt nod sim nf diuo i jnj snuh rrtriuo fpcr fldvwljiff cr4 mrioa kind irdffmngineiim b4 inele in iniljpiffrd in dig ultiot wllh loi ru7w e fog sau efporijanj apply t0 bt chablesstua rluljr 37 187- tlllvsiucfiwriiafcftwv fci r ffn me- nj nm vfk uieif s- j v f fffvli tcaai sugars cofteei fall8 v 1 1 nf which f ihii sina linpof lutinn onj nn will u fm eul in titily lovr in ji rr limit anj yel attvfr4 in ih miwl nwrotkwjcji pan of ifccirw cijq4 teas 100 bw vuni lly rtrioutquolititt 0 twftnk rfo 6 om llyn tfift fiio 20cmi e- cii dfc i 5 cnh snarfe 90 ewi oelue sovttpeaf n flbraur sugars lotithf itcm rto hicw lovtffcltrf tcfricd 10 vltw llavnh 4 lbdt rcfrwl lnir coffees j j- 1 a l lj tf a 4 j- 3 aiesfee tobaccos 10 if enefde 5x r chewtnf snult 5 it 5 so dfi- cut lloncyrfpw 30ir8nprliir mic04buj 2 kc scotch molasses 4biciith mquotts q bua miruiro 2 do bfdci 8nnd a do 9 do 30 bwt- 5 ctm f j 5 ibowlbf v 3 pipe rii i gie snurt v fort hop whuwj fc pot d ii botltm tawhafv madeira w 0n 5 5 in fruit dnjim mfjiil-jiiw- kncr boxe rrun imfifttftvi 0k do wnlnuti do scfk shftl arijj sundries 4 tiereo rc fa mfefiawtffefr in dn fit t crct cimia rjiiif cround clahlnofi 4 euf ywr pienttit 3 bju jamaica gnor i ik owtimoo do j bote liv fip i saraapanha do lcwr tuio g pickki 4 bactkt8jttd oil 20 jtr mumofd 0 dm cofi nroorai jo wkiou 4 kee sant ao 10 ophafncrp wiii n irktf of articla id uio groccrr tlo too aurweroo o nkatioo thomas hknory it co eefappva jok 1iju7 t for sale fresh tfas sufiars coffee tobacco fruit and 01 her staple groceries lituors glassware c fc c he lobcooers are receiving aud oftcr for tale 3 imfc mtcovado somf 30 bui do do i lhd do 5 migv cohi mowhvp j h krn yvuqj ujaoe toa fiaa and s cbcuou hjpw do 30 lukdteou oywi twmvj do 8u packnc fttacfctea ktcif roveffonx nd cno 90 bi rawcottce 10 bbtff4linitfddo mi botca muij soncb cumhi in prinvr odor 70 toia tobono aftimle iknrjrfrw ca tt ftltfawjt i0 oadnaiwd is jca alncobj snort m principe- nd turatma cijnn 40 rnatlo j 3 in c anee 12 doa wtcd pickle and ojaur n j ptp- 30 bwro loncw sufch 10 sperm caodkft 50 dor own brtvipna so bnxc 7 ji caffwlm 3wl fiiaaa 3n0 dibcicj floteondpj tuawtn 40 u4tloc jan nv s bhif na i hcnirtjr in fod condiiion mimiu nd cvd cotton twine hemp d itorr and luciccf mtetir loajanaah vcoctan fled in rijry iihcr iici al0 qq c i ii fnod vinccaf 30 bega motto soteratea ccng brandy jftoiotco tlum and tlolundi uur by ihc hhd or quaflff ul iso bwi fierier manu go do fth p w hi fin fetoli cooauotu on hand modoavllar kakc oliniant it watt i iinliil 1vruri ktftfrtwn jooo ic 1047 notick rpnn suhscniqer haln taken oat licceae aa an auctioneer take thtf mettioo of informing hu frietida and the piblie that be will he moot happy te atttnt all catla in that lino ma they may be iiiirr j of atritt attcotloa to all ordtra and punctuality in handle over the piweed of sale rntrufltil n him all otders left at the office of mr flogh camer corntr of oniario and brock strectj will he thankfully ttttlta and punctually iucnded to john s cutte xingateai 1 junf7 if bed bug poison a certain and cffctut rtrncdjr for cvalm- in red dajfona apiclio w 4tlnj return ua m ther eand phyeat diaaroealtitom- fropardniiotdoy rpubrt barkkr dr bnc btnct king rtici la 3d aodea aid pj fettle forwarding notice hciehr bilinje iiik tvrtion fvamfwf conoony fiie notice tlul llicit new and 141 iron stcamcrf emerald and oregon union kailroad are now in operation and plying m under steamer emk ralu car t citmio urwanns lve aylnter cvny tvt4ay llwruluy and saturday altovlvck ah ixiwnvvakdf lr jv the kailroad ienme- diaioly after thr antral of lite can from ihr iicmi j j iv at ayjmor at a ocjock pm steamer oregon gaft m imlliinu dowtwaant loaroi prtatjc dm port at crj fkwtciay r and urv at lalfpt 6 oviock a m rlnmii- iierei union village innnediatclr after the arrivaloflho caa from tit c tlcancr emerald roth 0il touch al all toppin plate ai rowe each way thoy 1o atre ntcc that no freight will be frceivel on board ihrir stcmeta if not itopety marked ami wyritledj and not after eleven ocleck p m at aylmcr on ihe niht prerioth in aailujaciy coming lo hand after that time mut remain in store unlit the rustling trip they jo ihia lo pre vent property hein loocly ant enrclrmly thrown on hoard by owners without bijior mark consequently not entered m- wilt not he rctptnmme for any pro ierty without bcin duly entered aud a rcceiiit rtnlcj th0s coming agent union fofttordins couiewny aylmcr id july im7 lake o n ta rio the royal ball line of steamers will leave kington rr tokon- ixj kvkhv apfekniion sitncht airtt t hvfltfrtaa hpnr tvhtw ctnrj purt hjk ll0 pcuniling and rrlumnf lotc t frr kihit tuocuinairilcriicdnitc rti kvsby wav 8adaa cirepfodj al osk ovlcv i m ikrctaetv ontil tho 10th s4crttwr itd fnttn ilf vh septccnbcr to ho cium of tnc scdwn si twetar noon nr cbniajer l riaojer wihbnhr i itj- fa4i 4fjpfiliel with atrk kmiiant mw9 aro a it il on tuird ill mji line inja mil office jtr j nd for sale hy iheaiilmchhcr i et liia sttirc in priticcaa street n just received v clttiice aaaortmont f grocoiies ac cona iitg in pari of 50 mais bright pimci kiosugat sooboxea muacaiel icuimita 200 j aamiid team 50 jo jo twhceo- 100 dnz corn unioma 500 reama wrajuijng pnper 25 lak rotitt 10 jn turpentine 10 do tar 20 ttete tulia 10 joz grata matts 50 grims mateho5 t2u0aitietf snuiiah suc leather yurk tatmngtf with various other artictoa no oitmerjted matthew rourk k nttton aaguat 13i7 6 patent anticombustible so l vvl i for the ieventlod and exunclion of fires llllg subifthbtrr inventor of the i ebnvfl njmcj lujuitl hemhy nni fi he pntttie thn hv la now pio- fiarcil tt4lurau nil frame houses an j uuiljin mnivriau with liin patent ahli ctnnlmithlc suluiion v hich alter many voir trint ami exjoi tnnc hen lieon privcj li ho folly lilt quell it thy pui- jiih fur which it was illtvdtoali the patout atiiicfitnhuaiihle sr intitin ia suld in hnrron by tho galliw anil can he llftid by any person w1k hii viv htmaolf tin trouhle m follow iht jtrectiona f the invontor or it wi sc np hy the sulcrilicr in pcraeti o all llnuara shcja stuka facai a whoro it may bo noetlcj at the expeo of ij per otie y i for further nmikours npply if hy lultt r im1 reiid to llio susicnbii 31 tho ohl lircwry ofmii bny near kittflalull or at the ahcneum brvk sluka john moxrcoileky kinrnn july 1 87 673ra on hand tok sali 300 casks superior ijomif manufactuuavo pale vinegar at 1 er gallon 3 stl fur cosk at tho warchoii nf rn oi- phint 3c watt kinhlnn anj at the kingston brewery and diuiuury salbratqs of choice quality nf 8g per 100 lbs black walnut lumber 20000 cct of vnrioos- diiucmions thnt rnrl jinrh ami j inrh plank 14224 3 ami inch scantling nf sunjrv length 5x3 5 4x1 onj33 thfl lnve lumlier will he diapoied nf at s25 xrr m james morton kinalon tlrcwery dulilfory jly 17 im47- new here notice ihe sobaerther h commencej lite gnoceur uuatnke where be mow redijea next door a mr harkea crocvery store king street kingaloit where he hopes by strict attention tu iiunine anil moderate prices to meet a ahare of public paumnae john foster july i0 1s47 fresh teas istni 1ott salti b ilie sewribtr at 1 j ltea rtai firfy gtttrw pm b umiuujv fricc aiut ihc tkap ftro fine vtnpctial old and yoeng iljaon lvankj siwclyn kiiit pekje gunowrfce cite in cjjeata iialtcfifrej met eaarffrii rtaty of seara piclilca sauce utjior aiticka in llti itaao intt- with ft ftruoma mil nwrawe william ktnfaue j ana 23 iwt j martin iluu lands for sale the subicriber have the following lanrb in the midland district loi sale seeth t let no i in the 34 con piltabtiigh w acrf ne 10 in the 7th con nichmonil 500 acre south lot no- 39 ir the 7ih con caindeni 100 acres west i let no 15 in the4lh con kenpe- boc 100 aerea lot no x 5th ceo olden srtoacroi lot no 18 6th con 500 aetes gumming fc macdoneix solicitors x rinalen june mth 1m7- just received at til ai atbeneum book store a surply or ejfla marking ink jioci a c1i ov twda copying inb cuwana see an mmnicrarfa 4 rcjeiflwc and jpcriualil black ohic ink a- nj a 11147 tht ntw nckvcl iust kkcfcuvell pgc cirrat f n vecfe- khwii a talo f ihe rcin f clisrlca m in v nal h c i h jmt i l 7bcntthtiiupvnneu tain f tin liinrf ihe ijitbn hj riivw ltcf cimrtlcir vsuh i iivr a ljfmlr rcntiure ike ii1ot f pawyeceaj and bia m niimerby win rltn u ki nte and bia ttnl p- i if of lira uivmpw br jar rvtin tin rmiicf of tbe data of cbark ii ui ubcr tlabj mra pafth lt c- ciialmriis 8 ukatmjaims4n-t- mntrol aitsot c tel commercial mart for sale on consignment three ittcant aud very supehb toned piano fortes nude by the rviy bet makrrs o new a and boston william ware jnty w ibi7 flflh imfortations of wines liquors sec conpriing on asorlmnl of fine wj onnmoii wines liiiftr c wholesale and rktah at the stafra nf the subcnvr norlli cvki uf ibo market aie kmtuft w in ba fbv old rrt honv sindimaoa port rwb1ira madrir i im coa macvira pale j twl shcniea 1 i i trwttlb cltatea rorrbcfflw cural cear v kn ufandycliamnajcv very fiiic atn old rnc palo of and lulbnvs schcidam inv kttta fine palo ihandv i bottka real jinmrte 5leh whiakcv i v i r whtakey with a faiielf of liiaoca aaitavto for he pino apnlrsthip lhpscreysyuf w lc by william j mart1n market srrnar kipzatn juno in47 to farmers albertt0ungs metamccoilspitlngtoorm horse rake cothirteitja jiaelf not onl tr knrmcra 4 liavo bit i iatnm bet to tbvao nho ciiliivaii t r tiffed lulu lecauao it m pjkechen 01 rnh ininru utid atvny avrfhco ibat canwl be 4ae hj any uikf iimj bike i nap it nit a fr uritpotlon o ihe navel miut uik neei ti aeripcbay it al aavea utuckaf tb oatatlfj iremcd 10 raking wincs wny bo ui irtwnte hy ibo ordinary eacrtmki aed om anaeli f a ahortf mn aero of iwk bay beoeeitfcctin 15 wnolea it enouci lln tkir aoatimmped nontbee vf banda w a corr i by r ihifitrcbkaa tmne levclinion f it fittiiaraiiio ti10 sowciwr hatirn fiirelmord iho f aodbcihe ibewe oiee ra ma 04 eact rew the are fukea ao far na reutf a mdund ami piioee fdwmd dmheln be inform he irjblic and cajiceially tho ftw ft mm llialiictalbalbo ia n ha vine fnhi t tofkliif t ul 1ek 1 1 1 by meti krod lletptir at xaanee wh h widbvrevil ilruitty in tnno it tho cnutt imrtt pitfe ajlo a ampiif id llke ir ntrdrdtitbc dallatcel tunna w4 vlag uab dfiatnftnj ufur the epdil may l piv willlmto tpnitumly to eiaiitiuu axi j ileal vraw e- ilia anna john p tklvglt iulerle y s ml rhder left vitb iv ir ra hrlmitlrtan ihe manctrc u ttvtlv iu6t to fllrl tn jt sckdtil joclni tw ftttmiac pmiitdhmkim frtwuimf cfwiff womans love ar ecoaoc n dtwirr tit nhdncbt aod ibc artottlulica fall nbiacwu aa drop be atirfitrwr vf wide and ff iho rfiiucnioc pall of vnritt arbjiienaaji 10 tjic wftthtig rjud liicir mmvccu writo in wrcmlhwix arnnklei ove llio tniar wbile tvmvtvon etl the cbirnet vf nibt aaonard to tbc rat tbey flow within a rom trbeee vrani and cold cfcarm faranrnt lh am ja of yr a ooibc arma ariib love unfbbi iiirnth liucc infant buy pctm okkcratneupcev lijhi deckina tho wall 10 abbtv drcaj while tadly all tbo cbeerlcaa mm site bbldh rlcfear d bk ala tfaad fat bia tread t ayo teilh cbildlce wmrfd abe ret welcome hi relern fn fondly eve bad aie cluj amund lite wreck which oihcra tpnro- tbr witrcd tailed form of one who in ljri aniibn morwol life when cviudkaa roae her nopiialaun had imuodly ealld her dcarcil wjrol lfitr taly now i 1 ihe rein that oar her nid in my yoith when ucmchinf un bfoi rvnvtof ateeam her bean all bofebcr thought alt truth she a iv llae rcnealo ay aboto ctujdwa aarc wilh ranpoino hue nirf dreand at all of bbjbirrf love be oca lb tho overare bio btae bnt wlcfea the maid of myttie mind thtt can the fuleee fate fonrlett that mid ibelcavro whicli oieeknjt bind tlio robtei wilh ita hrkop apeh cao aeo iho deep abmbin pnvor that lii itcnaatb il rnby tahw and wat kliflje cteera iho featie o hour to herald in on ago of wo but bark abo hcira a ditfaot tread which hope bad by het thiofc aia own tit tfio and even hojk bulb fled to lea vo her in bcr jre awne tiwt love wbieb like tbo ivy crcen tbe ruin bidea to which it eliriga is wilh liecyet and tmdea acrcna while oven bopo jtalli lakco 1 j 1 r j 1 paal the mom hath come vet kinely waita that molbor thovo tli iii aytfhicflbfeaee weetlkrme la plid a alllim of vafnel ptijer vvt kneeling down betide her boy with faith alio looka to tml abore and withered ikoegh her oaribly jy she htih yet kn bcr womana love on the legisfativk union ok ireland fom tht ijiji standard it in a ovanta not unfrcoocnily exhibited in pi- vat life thai of iwo pjft married peraon unuupkt by experience tbat leawjei wtiioh txpeu crtco nnlr ean leaebthc neeeairlj of bearing and forbeaiinf to lire happily in any aociat urikm nha make ibcmaelvea miaeebk by o artel lic opnn tbe moat iriflinf grounda end ttacd upwi ibe evo of afparauoo wo mijfht ein4 our reooria of iha drrua by detailin tho atta of j if 1 1 ard ill 1- ijitqnn or evn rclatn tu foment ami caaapenfe tbo jirtcreneoa of ibo unlucky pair but tho remembrance jf nwt roadcra wil aupply lbeo ineidanla at lontb tome einecre and prudent frieitd intcrpotea poinu out 10 the muwd initband and wilo tbo folly tp livmv id ptrpotuat discord on one aide and ibo acamfdl of an angry feneration on tbo other ad tee reeiprocul forbearance w a time if only to avoid makm ihcmactvea odtooa and ridieulotu to children acivint and even tho public and bohta out lo them tbla probation aa ibo proper preliihi iwry lockcenlnaatin ifupoo final ae pa ration they are reeulrrd lo nine casee out of ton where iiis prodent advice taken o wish to croaratc ie ihe leat with wbieb tbo late aajajlfjlpji win admit into 1 hoif hearts hey have tuiod the comfort of domeeiic peieo and aarorlainod et perimcnlarly tbeamau amount of tbo aacrilice wbieb it ejin be purclpaacd this aaour reejori ifihey have had any experience of lifo know 11 ho no meant an unfrccjuciif dramaof privale be and it ht noe utaj once been brought upon the stage in lively ficiionan atteaialtua of ibo cne ral influence of the ptinciplc which it inculcate the influonro of thai prmieiple prevails indeed to a grcjl eiient in all ute attiira 0 mc wbetbcf the affaire of indieidel or of nations or eepereip dilieb of a nation it m thetame it ibc di- vided parlleftabca teauluiion thai if they are to aeparatr ftnauyi ibtir ijnal separation aboil be jntt h decent ami it ie a mttyioa finne tliey aaf il not kenarate at alt tlicee rcltectiont ate euggcm- ed t ua by he sreeeh of llio new member r mjy to which we elluded on saturday mr uonet w1ietlcr je contempuire repeal m the bfmalive unirni ictseeen it eounly and cret 1 1 aa en inevitable end or dure not contem plate il oqcra ibo advice which aovfted mi lender the rpcal patprjeetnlo by leaching to llc irisb peojie4ll ibc lcmble lhal the j may dvriro though now aieurcdly they a not derive lben fnm ibo cimling pobikal rcutiofii of tl iho ilnda whatever bit purpoe end ho bare no dtull ibat il an hioeablv one via to obuin jtuuet or to prcoare for repeal mr- muurea ie the moat useful apceci uat we hero beard frei4 on iriali gentleman for many year w have inure ihn once lokl the irieh nobility and goatry that they bare nuw in ihmr own hande ilif fte not only ul tbcir own eoumry bul of ibc empire lei hem tmiet upon e juet uiiparliebtv in aaolying ihe naitoal wealth and a doe and equal putter ii n o the tuitonel twihilry and inr- uikdaalhc pouter end leal prteetcd portion of tlk united kingdom muhbe the fust and greaast gainer but nil tic tmuvcmlted and unprotected cuetcs of the empire n ill ebrc tho meaeinc in prirtion to their tvenle in thie way ireland will becwiie on cejtul lemw partner jn all the wejttliaml ftoiliiefetuf tirent fbitain wbik ibo tiriuuriirfja eaimrce il h emouy will tuuk ufu iicuml u their bulnavk on which ado then cjnedysjre fur n peal bibmluyeiiai iv tima luday in a irabf mice of mr mooiot she eeji tauntingly iemrk bat- no eiulivc body that uo ever heard vf ccrtafay noik 1 1 in tbto tcaloircan pas an pei enddecurc 1 1 v i fioto and iflvr oeb dtto these sjiiill he a liverpool m uofiirtiia a lccrft in iknri and trml a sbehirlj a llirminlrtin a mauebeatrr a sloekiwift jial t pnpttd at tueh tutinta m ireland a mr jhn 0comietlmr smith ottien and a comtnuteo of youn jrisb liatftaicra tbah apiwnl an eel vf uirliaimnt cannot by itr3f create port of eitiea bui an act of par lament eun k hcevne vbcro lite hand of providence liaa luid the foundaliona aajd in railing live- lupcrtt rue lure tiiete are in cvfincmara fjr belter nalural i than liveraiol betcer tti i in neighbutm wave end in lmal there are all the noturjt facilities f minitg upn ieds were it not t greler cieitilka nmjr be found in ibc neihiurin ononisr 11 rcritianogh and tyrone when lle trnr woukj intimate that rt ia an inberent defect in the character vf the reputation which he prevented tbotrowtliof a liverpool in cuncutaroor n lrcdt in donegal it forfeit how grct a poriiu of the pnpulelion of iiverpol inetudint all wbo do ibc mom bbufiooe work ia lnv why we aak might not tleeo men work at cftcinaily in lite lircrpvul of corneuira aa in ibe liverpool of liucatiie and when a leedt in dnel citkcd for we require to bur pointed onl tu 11 ibi uett of uic lnjrhfh lnegal cinbeilmd tbie foolish inenner uf aprwkinjr irrilatev but il privet nuthln we me y inaek irehnd wilh her pnrerty the eftect uf our own earlier aitcrnrne audi we mutt add of our own gtacping euiidity vtl wc do ikitby tbe inu1l prove llial rtl nd tu not suffered iajaatlce or thai uo bate 00 repara tion lo make her the atluainn lo tho lvwajfejl icctla by the 7wj is unfortimatp leedi hat gmwa lo it pfeel magnitude by the wmjico ujiic a trodo ejtinguiled in irebnre alt but forcibly eitmgukbed by act or rjther acta uf r which teemeln prove that lbih an el uf piirliamcot cannot create a lecls it ajaay bftfeail ibe eeeaiionof one tlal ihe woolen manufacture eirtted in irrlano early aa in 1673 we know by an cway of sir witbam tomplce written in lhat year i hmttjiarf uieencmiraeementof ibnhnnen mauu- fjclorr na better adapted to cireum lancet of ire- ijn4 templea adrice wa adopted bf tbe itritrili parliament in tfi9s end the king wsvhp1 the third waa required to ive 0 pwo hut ho would dicoortigc iha woollen trade of ireund this ptrde bat been often represented at a griev ance by frith agitator tmt really il vaaj n eilbcr liartii or unjust and if both conditions of ibe pledge oee of which waa n togivo all pomiwe cacuuragcment lo tbo linoen arad hempen aneio fjcture in ireland without ruttnclions or liiaila- lion wbaicverhad been faithfully and eiteiiially futfiltej ireland would have norhmg lo hrasaalian traaj wa hm rl t-mts- oucrved wt a fair one hko that of ihe pour arena if ibou aril lake tbe left band then i wik go to llw right of if hou depart lo the rgln band then i will fu to the hrfl kuund wa to take tiro woollen trade and ireund the tivnca ude s far ve repeat it ell wn foir end it the bargain bad been es fairly obatvcd ae it ajajl mode ireland would luvo been tbo gainor aboul o century afttr isr william temple recom- ntendeil iboarraogetrknla in queatsun namely in tts eertoin manufsctuet in loncshitc begun tu slcal tho linncn irade from ireland and tu throw every prcaiuc obslructiorj in the way uf mamlnin ing that irado tavsm mtnufctutere we aa we find in tle slate papers of tlie time tee letter of mr inrfcr secretary km tu sir robert heron n 2l0 the col ton milbowncra of man cheater thus england has kept the woolk unnfaerurobut the plunder or the iiiah liooen munufaeture has been ennnised at toe fomowiog complaint waa made on ibis subject by e mnn of hnglieh family and bwlhbut who living in lrefond felt tbat ireland tree the sphere of he dulios ao early ee in 1778- wo have lighted upon it in eoinc fomily popere hut as wc bcc by a aasjaaefanditm inaeiibcd upn the or m ted epy that it wet unanimously adopted at a pubbc meeting of the eitiiena of dublin no doubt some iuble record of the icmikablo jeolaratton svstl be fwund tocaisi reaotver tbl tliounjutl illiberal and trn potitic npfosiiion given by many srlfinleecaicd peopv of flreal britain to the premised eneour- ageroent of ihe trade and oommerco of ibis k ing- dom ortginated in ovafieo and ingratitude itceolved tbat we will not directly or indt rcctlv import or use any good or wares tho pro dues or manufactures of greol dritain which can bo produced or manufactured in iii at king dom a tit an enlrgbtenedpubcy fhinrted on principka of justice shall appear to actuate iho irdiabiunta of cctsin manufacturing town a of 0eat britami ii- 1 have laken ao active a part in opposing the regulations reerted in favor of tbe uado uf ire land end tiu they appear lo entertain ecmimente of ropeel and ajticlioo for tbejr fcltow subyecu of tbie kingjom we have called this a remarkable declaration and remsrkaue it is aa al owing how early tho man of true sagacity and of truih pointed mil the real enemy of irish industry and laegbt ihe irish ibe tessun which they ought to have kerned long amcelawdihirwlionbelskrn thopeulcof tng- land nnd the money- pbbers and mill owners ulm are at moch the cncrntceol cngund as ibej are f ireland if ihe irih now thnigh late learn llie leewm and welhmk tbel the flo nf lord centge tlenlineks bill nubl to have mcukaicd it leare tlit tliey and llio country pe in hogund will act ip one for ihe good of ireland hccaoei thegondof irclmd sa ibo good of cngland eod tbo kopcal question wiu be condemned lo perpet ual alcep- omo of tho worel dirpoaed of the irr4i wilt r duum lako ibo oppnvla course limy will aid ibe mill owner end moneyjobber hiterest in order lo render repeal indispensable by conduit ing tho misery of lher uofrtuoate eonly but these persons will be soon cipcd if only thi well disposed eet srilb energy end courage we tee by tbe tvlbiwiog estimate of iha tale re turns given tu tbe f h jwvtnt a repeal ynrrital that the biglkst cttituitc of ihe rrptarwe iti iho rib riirevenlation scarcely reiare ikil number in ohovc ooe third of the whole lz from tins table ii appeers thai ireland li t turned 1 plergr rrpews 17 whigs 3d con- arsvatives aed 0 gcmlcmrn who either are in tse reicurser etse nr aro avoned fcferabtlt but all of whom wshald bo preotred to tote or a toinmillco of inquiry tn mtestigato iho cfleci of the kgielalivc union upon tlus couolry and to droeaie suob ullereiuint h os to a repeal if modine iua vf l4t uisip es ibc result 01 lb inquiry mihl j is pvrhop not nnpevb jbte lal itesumllpatiesi tin nan p in tfje t uwet uf the kndatitc nnron will amumr n form somen hat of the character we allude to the numbers wc presume are fidy staled we aro sjre thai they uo not uockeraie the rtpcah erv and it is tvew aitiafeinry liseo tbst to amall ctiianlivcly as his number peepited forlliottntl plmige aa li the ntmion eiiggraied bv our irib cou- icntfformy we te in il nmhiog alkitming lei the quealion be fjuiy canvassed and it will bt rrtnd tint it is nut the union lhat has rendered irehnd pr and mitenblc but tbo money ene mittouner pasntr which had in fset tenikrcd lie misery f ireland intolcabte seventy year sgo and is nv rprcudinz imeety through eng- lattd tnke iho pruvuon trade ef two or three niittjona a ycir aenrierd indirceilr to mancbra- tcr vnd ihe linen trade wbieb thai ineatbbk gulf hisdnecily swsjhwcj up the home eonsumn- rihia whiaown ketet lesff lympswa e thh bmx j sttawn jrivlus hrfia- 4 ibe ht cni imdee rf4frf ml rreisveua nii altrellbeosaurtesln lisawaalpsmi ieystfftjr sfob svvssaeaul 1 mi kuhdard works ed alt kin 1 l anit and kj4sew ofi fiew ltirt k j niwrpstst rn iikbiniifw krumwotatwatssi jtj ml lw hknke cuut uf itausssa hssm iwaya kept for hale job pauvtiafg all lwrip4nsoj jb fltstlkcl fully caecuieo at the amadous pairmuo i issulinst silisiamin hjtu rtee aebills cireuteie hit llnwt uaresa billeoflasdiaf m bins niiitiojajlatodav kaarshvskc4e fvinfine rn cofoues neofft exciii- tjt tim aaanrtrarint ui iep tepe uresamry assay 1 endof ilie vrry bett dcrieton on tho day afut the deeease witlumt canteavoe prcpvaiiou rcimfr- i bio son mr j vetar the moeiae of i by an namcae miiorily tion of cotton is sm eer nutioit year llie would be linen if fatih had been heys wstli ltlna imen a lcitrr end m the end a clciper artick than efm- within twenty fur yora vc huvcpaid ji miltosia hcrliti to ibe united slates foe ctsuosi sfesw ihe substitute for flax every siatkof wltich might hire been grown in ihe uoiud icingdiol what lua the uuiun to do nilh tkrs t if the union were fcpeukd to morrow would not the chances of obtaining jas- tice be an meek tbe worse better lhan they ere tbey enrt be if only tbo lrnh rejiresnuiire iij their duty iel them insiat upon peoteciion to tkeir pmristin irode nnd lo their hnco trwde the bitter ibey can cutty obtain by a good emirt daly uon colioo wowl imported from the unned slates whlesi even if it fad in vin to ireland the tnenty miqions of linen trade 10 which ireland is by compact cnikkd witfrctleci lo ibe bci6t of our kitt 1- l jjct0 bal icilaod um a greatgdioerliy the rearation of the duty upon cotton wool a greater gainer elm by a u upon ercem pwcr employed in lljc cotton linen woollen end bilk manufactures and be such a tat alt the indulrttut clartch of engbviien would bo rk ka gainers and why sho jj not aleam oofer in factorsrs be teicd a steam engine of 2ft horse power does tbe wurk of r0 uien eupportmg 1 1 lirt on ihclowctl average of tljrce each that ie 40 peraons thcev ito eraons am tatodi rjoo witli tbe other 1 10s a be ed that is tho man ahiwcrav taiedat 4130 pee annum tbo etcetn- power at nulbinjj and yet we are lotd tbat if men m imbnd or england are poor it ia their own auh wc moot however uflen rcloio lo rhiasukjttti end in ibo naoso ticoo wo tell ihe ttnws thel ireland may al no dtstent day have ilacomieonia livorpool without damage to the tnrenof ilie mersey end thai ireland may have her leeds without e shilling lots tu yuikjbire 7iisl aiiiu afcoitr itilbul i kit r ncecaaary to give jusltco tu ifetaad and fair play to sit other cvunies riilrate w vvlteand frist ixgdvstkau- tbe greatest ebnn- wroealil by mr walter if live tondon times was ono tliat ie an ca m the imury of lite sverld an improvement in im purunee aceovid inly u the laveolion of priming itself ho wja the fimt who applied ilie power of steam lo the operations of the press tise circu jtliuoof the timt became mum tliao cvud be aufrpbrd by hand ubur and a more rapid proccm vrae imicrsiivcly nrcsary as early ai the year l0 an toe named tlemu uariyo bsdiuvenleda selt- actmj machine fcr working the press and lu produced a model which f ituncd mr waiter o tbe feasibility of utc eelkme being auvted with ihe necessary funds he nudeeooidcrabtcprogreiu towards uiocompkliunof bis work in ibe course of which ho wee eipneed to much personil dtncr from tbo rtitelility of tlje raresnmcn who vowed ven- geneo against ihe m n whose innoveliont threat ened deattuetion to their crafi to audi a ien3l1 eras their oppuaition carried that it vm neces sary to intrnduee the various pieces of machinery inio be rtrcmuct with tho uimoit poteibk eecrcy white marlyn was obliged 1 i himtetf under vafiova disguiaes in order to eeespc tbtir fury mr walter however waa not yet permiltedto reap tho fruits of bia enterprise on ibe very ore f f i r- was toomed to bitter cssnrriini mcnl he bad eibaustcd hm own fundeirt ibe eltemptand hiafatlier uboned hilberto eraiatod bitn became diitkaifsned ood refuaed bimeny further aid the project was therefore for the timr abantoncd mr waster however urae ool the men to be deterred fnnn what he had once reanleed to 00- he gave his iri id incasanlty to llic n and courted aid from allquarters with his usual mo mftcroce initio yeas i6u he waa induced by a clerical friend in nhrwo judgment bo mltded lo meke a fresh cipcrtutcnl od accordingly the meelnneryf the emtabte and ingfnioa koenig assisted by his young fiiend flsuer eras introduced not indeed at first inio iho times office but into tbo ndjiumng prennaea such caatm being uiotigkt nrssnrt from ibe ibreateood viuknee vf pressmen hero tbo work advanced under the fieqitent inspect ion and advice nf the friend allu ded lo at oneptftd lltese ireo able mechanics suapentled ilirtr aniiout loll and loft the pmmisr in ditguar after tliotapte however of ebouf ibreo dais iho genlkmsn dtsooverod tltcir rotrsat in tfueed ihem to niona ahnwruw lliem 10 tlwir euprrae thtir dirtteutiy conquered end the work efji in acnstftva tle night on wliuhihmeorioue machine arts first bnmghl into uto in ste near abode was us of great eurey am ever nbim tlsr enspirinis preasmen jiad threatened destruction to any whoa inventions nnhl suen4 lbir employment dcsiruelion l him and bis trape drecied lo wail fur eipeeted newe from the con tinent it mas about sia uelock in lln nwrn- niog when mr waller went into ibo peeeroom and astonished ite occupants by tailing ihem lhat ihe tmiea waa already piinted by steam thst if uiy attempted viuknee thete waee force ready to suppress it but that if ibev were peaceable there wages ratssld he connnued lo ctetf una of ihrm ttltatmilmempsoyokol could bo procured a prutiise which wee no 4mm fiihfolly p fosined and uang so said he dwributed eeverl eoite among ihenr- thne urn tbia mej iwiw ea emraie ufl net isken and auccrufutly carried ihrnaqraj and printiug by ateem rut an aluvwl gi genlie teak given to tbe wurlel mr waters died in tbe cniost of ilia oeoersl kkctmn on the 2h rf july bnti end ihe repeet in wbeh hie rncntury ie held we shown br s circonteteoee envv arnlrrvt 0 perlkl to par inneniary hntury tlttekeiort f u4tas rtaat ocgwtil 1 rllicion hit heart u rome ht bojy lo ireland i tbia waa hii dying sviib the old man died on hit way tq receive th benedsotion of ihe pof wo obterve with a wondering pleasure ibe ad oihalrifia which the journal- wbieb revie4 him most make when writing under the inw premmn of bit death ii wu aayt tbe fifpjortfi a line ere ami coruutriu roenaia of the tiuentk century fa fact hit bo maaim was not so modern itwuthoreu ly medieval of hi mlod trai baunied bj the memory of st tbomw a deckel of tbiv eliampion of rocnanitm eivtliuuou uij the conquered i the writer of ifi v 1 clc hat published a life though a preu tevunt of no lukewarm tort be cuerisoem aa actairaiwn for the saint and uero of the twelfth eenlnry this was a common entbvii iesrn with the wriler and mr 0connrll he womw latk tor hours while 4111 rqacjf his face radiant about st tbomaa k betwot with a twinkle of huom in bis eye and tone of il in bis voice be airj 1 make jilgrimage a pritehaise ailgriaaere to iba titrinu of hi thorn at every year once when ihe woman was showing me the tombr of ilie caihwral i aic ah ictc people were aiiit kb cried the womaowilbj a start were they really panuu it a carioqs it had never occgrred lo her bervrp that they were narnsu we qet mf oxonnell immediately 01 his return to ifoejs dun from qirmiuabam where a ijneniatd den munfiralion was made 10 hie behalf to if ferr encelu ihe outrage on coruttlnuoftaj uvrty on hit person in the state ifielr flolico clasping lianas his firsl yoyfol tlmlimsi were i 1 haue bern to qtcol aqj tjvtj t on ihe robe and mitre of st tboaiaw he must havebuen a roan abott my i tbe reference of mr oxonorll wttptoon furchriitiauily au gantlcttnlxi was cnilty of an irrefigioaj joke mf flaajt ir you pain me you diilrcja roe njy jcu rn i must iek wih yoti about tqubairori row said lie on riiiar from ijinocriaabi joker rv an insh rrjornber a wkj ttiq serious f will he really five me a rowliy ten morrow rejdy in ynnr life accordingly at hx horr oaenej mf oconnetl aotgtt ue cjmkr him to tell tti what 0 ton 0 ell taicj lt bis aal- rnooition we were seated over a tumbler of whitkey louy a slate in whkh we are not usually soflheadeu bat m llje reply we r ceieed vat a oh he was very scrioas v aa4 the eyes of ihe jokw fitted with tear tt death bed of mr 0counell is described aa one uf actenity and neacc amid the lasi ritet of religion and io this was ooly in axcoreunce wih the devout ogserrances which occupied much of the later years of his stormy life erittte review pnilb lbat ije ayiup ayma uxl as severe a lecture aa afar yorj baj rt pt- iaea tbe tnm times pauiwal faassf impmlant information onto llio coeoaureav adopiihg byibs iivniki w like dcfesaeaf tbe coast tbia embraces tlweroelion nf itjvng unset psrticulat epm end whb tbo csstef tiuarj are to be trained to work ntsdor tbetn hlmelnirfwarrsoiervwrirron iriebcvuca are to lli- i aiday io addition u ibasj rrrarnt pay i and tbo men arho rs brougnt to iba uns fir innrktiin am to resjeisa- 2 krfay ctf on during srhich time tkey an ucajptf frum all iiiher duty it is purposed lo instruct tlie cooet guard ar means of tjp palform baueriev uf oatjacsj eonttfueted eietty simrfr t tl j porta ot m baaaw oferar placed in o fruition io each awnrtessng vemesit dr iho drill of 50 men end in a tflauion n wtiicbii m sy be rendered sjaflabto far rtafosjor ii weo is affording a reego lo am fiv pracsjctb the gral days drill of wnw rameaedcan1 eat the airj of july and tbey csct trained at three guns bet two unn guu ooro menettl last moeoay at deal anutbar at vule hamitoi end one el hursi ombpsj 00 pterjmil timiler lo tlwaa ouw m naa tslb rtroelton pli forme are cooslructed for ibo ii- il district one of arbicb t tnbo njtoaa at ftttehnigtoa fort halwaan ntvraeeri awnias lord tboeabcrat llovo near asautn r hnurton hfowart c b hu enjrwtatd lo havocao men rdj ar fiirtber inepaeiion by die igtltuf october ua well trained ee ijaoee ikeiv lueljii4t tisve wilocesed j and neat jtr uuj ij omcmutalion to cilend the vattiuciinu fnavully and iwo have been promieod at rrsciaal gi ncrt hy the lth of qot ttqel t funtrf ineomemptaliod lo dwaenae erlih theservicetof iho gunncm fnaiolhp navy nc ymr end in esulitu district gpp 6tro uie coaal tluard tltrse ineo ltlciirkcxra fm ihe serricvfr their tnlritixuswoasusod oouduev and be sent to the hseeorof f- iawmtewt when after pasting e afriot eimjnelion es gq neee ibey wdl nn meciting their eartjneetrn ba ppvinted to dittricte as eitlrici g uftnera srilb isn crrsf pjf tliia bowtrsr is soi udjcflii f them from doing their duly to ibe rest nut ee pmrtttmi will be msrfe for thai indrcj irj u10 wbounreangementihe prelection of ibe retsjju is marie ihe pninsry obsei tle ujrbulo coasf guard f ireo in cruieera end aitarr eoosuls uf 6rw0 men 200 of wrxei are stalvanee fhaas list lory were mmh of itiopiames to ur inde bnd tbey aro a remarkably few wdyoi men botr inter jtcerance emj in conduct and arttibrt tbey nuoain unjsr ttio eomnand nf tfw preeeni a elite anal pouf cuntmller general tbato as litlla ekaabt butlho valotbte aervroraof lb very fi e e n d ln lepigrol eorps wiube sjfrceiaiod by lbaexmntry and ry aiasstw uw epeculn ajiqold araa4 ever call t every man 1 jo jijs duty jxtmi d ftvto ano nra rvrritn tor tito hon adam frmimn of wnejhit gnre plhrici writing tu the hamiltes jaavaej 4 raiem nossrvae trwra ie cteackpe ma grund fnr indulging hftpe iml tbo dbawasjen ata f i nr p 4lo erne unit wluaai berffl i ekdl rl ftmtific ageiellwmlssu rtnrnirtiallmritor i ia wrlet tnth be dsewtnaird vvrsssa ci ilrriiifr mrl wlh mji inltevite m thia 1 phciim al all evewii wjleneftl an aaii eid carefu tn aod vud is aasnacij by ral anuagecoent m ibe ageiortha ta wjlm tu eauericoeut eod rvyait-

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