British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 9, 1847, p. 2

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mwfctaw raw mexieo thk camjre of the capital of mexico torn tfe ft it htnll th iftvwt jae t- dy ri at kit 0nscm 35lh with the roost m- rrtant intelligence d received from the wr eilrecl fro lb n orleao puoyw of uiatttbait received hy tho overland rxpreslbr the a tor mfd the follow- tic do fr v nj ad leuer frao mexico under dale of the sih itaiiar lhaloo the 7th the mexican com minoct declared tbtth wamim made ly m r tvat were inadmfoible in conse- qctenec oft whicbocneral santa anna eon toknla fpuneti of genera who decided thai pot ice heo1d he given to general scott that ihe tfirnislir was it an end and anpoint- tth9lbfotthcitcoconccfmeator hovlili- oft tile 6th of september genrral scott ad dressed a irtier to santa anna from tacnbaya aeeunjt himof ha vine violated several arti cles of ihe arinulicc one of which wax that of not allowing the american army to obtain malta faun the city of mtienl central scott demanded an explanation and concludes u follow t i hereby formally notify yog that if i do not receive the most complete aihtaciion on all lhcc point before twelve oclock tomorrow i shall ennsider the arrnit- tice i terminated from that honr toliis idler genera santa anna replied at considerable length and with treat soioiity he aeensed general scott of having violated the term of the armwliee in refittine to allow bator from the nirlrs in the vicinity to be broshl into the city and say that the ame rican wageons wore driven nut of ihe til on crcoogt of the objectionable conduct of the officersaccmpanyiuz tbrm santa anna al so cherts general seotl with having sorkfd tfamaxrun lmi mi ov vicinity of the toptinl taboto ovd drumtcd th thortha uut onct dtstmying orthus mdjocredoy tan he conclude a follow myrerflhal your excellency will weed on calm rrfittlion on tbe of my reason hot if by misfortune id ace 1c only a pretest to deprive the city of the american continent f anop- jrnily lo free the unarmed ponnulion of boon of war there will be left wr ne tiibar mcaru of salvation lt to repel force by force orih thr jceision and energj which my birh ohliration iooeufon me on the 7h general ilcitera a comma n- daot of tbe eily of mexico addree4 the clergy exhorting dem tn exert all ihvir i- acoce to incite tbe jieonte to aim and pre pare to resist ibe america army or the cub general scott ahaeled tw mill dd bevor king mill in the immediate rieinily of thahcre and accotiin lothr xkarto del cohiertro and the boktin pyh- luhed at alisc nmr poeua or amy ma itowj after a hml conflict in which we loot about four hmidcrd in kilied nd from six to seven htmdrcd in wounded and fell back opon tceiiuiya the accounts ven by the bolton repre- aenta the batoe to have en the moxl hloody acid aevercly contested of tbr wbov war tbb however b a mexican account it con cludes as follow al ii oclock the enemy commenced a rr troerade movement and by 2 oclock in the afternoon be withdrew all hi force to tavu- baya abandoned tht tw funt hi had occu pied and blew np the hmienfmat although pamc aay it as set on fiie by u bomb fiom chapottepec 4lo bellere that gnerju twiyr and pierce directed the attack and thit tliey pnt in motion about 8000 men it u certain that the aft was more iutcnsr artwbfm than at chtuubihro idkoor nwtno ainouiitto iw villen- aod 250 wounrpd there ire a few mlinr nearly all not killed or wounded retiring tn cbapolteec the enemy according to tbe enfejsion of an irishman who came over to us in the even ing carried off 400 dead and 600 or 700 wounded we hart to lament the lo of gen loon doce dcd that of col balhcrmof ihe val iant cols hueriaand cclcat and of the leemined capt mateoi of puciju a mtwan letter annomces that riley and his iction of st patrick 70 in number were ordered by the coort martial to be bung the atoteocc was approved by gen scott and on thaxsth of sep tbe whole teeion were bung ia pttaence of lbc arm as also of the ene- th xhahoow cmtmo says at half past 4 oclock in the morning the americans at ftfcked thepewtion of the mill of 1 key to tbo forirejf of chapoltenece their rrems and brave cuma wcie however ti three timua by vauont soldiers who i day jve brilliant nroouoj their patriit- fink inrery more than a thousand of the ahrtnaintd oil the field of baltfe and on tbe joaa baa been less than one half t noauw bating u lament he death of the gauaol col john lucas baldras and gen km aotooio de leon forin- wounded pelher with e t era olhcr divtintjtmhed chief and om errs the trailer santa anna com manded in prrtnti the colnmn which forced the american to retreat taking with them without doubt the cnnviclina that lhi only brought riven of hlooi tht thry caunot penetrtde the rity of mrxico and that at alt events they will there fij their epuehrc- we irantlate the uhoinrd tetter from jala- pa u ihe frto without vmiehifg for it eoftkln when gen perez avandnned the milt kl ry a bomb siitsarcl ft cm chapoltetce fll aon tle ammvnttton wagons of thr iwtn v in the yard of the mi1 ctndn four of them tn etintc by which 300 atnrricjii are vaii hae wen blown p ioclvdinc goiii ivoith who according to the accounts had not been mti or heard from collector at vera cna from oriaaba as fol low ouiaiu sejtl l17 have the honor in inform yon that an eprew arrived here his evening fiotn mrtto which briiibi iulelliernce hat general scott wav in the city of mexico that onthe nth the american iroofk took chapouohcc and the citahl and went info ihe city that niht gen bravo was killed and general santa anna was wounded in ihe ium and has retired with the remainder of his troop whrh hate suffered much to guidaloupc your friend kc a leller from a creditable nnree confirm all that i aid in ihe above and only disa gree with it in vulin that lie city wa car rietl lv avinull on tlw 4th tlie sua of ana- hua has ilnn ihe 13th the hiihuaud fiik rf chaiotehe wete eanieilon the i hh and british whig opirtr m orwm dwo saturday october 1847 wj coirmv irrvitticc n lt t cojenw o- 0 tnjr n v- armval of the steamship l vh the cilv was itommrled and thai a part of mil army enlored it no the morning of the ifith ihe balance remainiiij at ctniiejtepec in re ard to tlie americin hi ihv pica yune rt attoonr hxt before he army entered the city we have nolhine authentie we feartiii new victory has not bee achieved without sreal loss of life the mexican ac counts how hat aetite hni ti ies com meneed on the ftlh and were continued with more or lest activity unlit our aimy took possession of the city a psjawigrr by the james day informs us thai il was reiioried anion the ntexieans at vera cr hat we lot 1700 men in killed and wounded but he conld trace it to no au thentic wiree aiustlier passenger estimates cie scott vttoi 3 fiomaquartcr oalhirdof hiiaimy from me frro his o tm cntz cen is protest of th tlrnreseutatives of the states of mexico ja1ien and zjcalees tn his ey- eeljency he prcudcnl of interim of the republic mol evcellem sir the deputies who assembled on the 10th ol hit month had agreed toutjinul their metins iu tlie capital under these circumstances the underined have today irarned that the minuterof fo reign affvirs yesterday summoned the dtpnties for the purpose of discitssiu an arrangement with tlie invading army and that there was a iiycclin bat rot cnuuh to constitute n quo rum the undersigned ileem it their duty to de clare that evicting ti ns nn stances in the cly of mexico would nh allow the lcplativ body ihe necessary fredinn in iu dicuvsioui and deliberations if ii should assemmc in thai eily and th it vniim ivt convfn t with the dic- nity of ihe republic that its repteenlatives should nvlibtrate there on his matter this opinion is ihe same as that which the coupes itself entertained when under less rrsioc circumstance it passed a decree for removing its sessions to querelaro a decree which wm not fulfilled in its other provision owin to unlawful proceeding which are not a seer and which resulted in a determination not to repair to iht eily rut as it i- abolntiiy beyond all doubt thai any arraneeint wnicti may be made with reard to estemal iclatinns without the ratifi cation of conrcs will besides hein inde cent under evrtlini circum1anees be cm- hibbrnia tato ffeeks later from europe important comntro4t lhtftigfnrfh1ditfonvt exttnsiw fuvurrs inuroje improvtmtnt 1 1 me com trorff the steamship hibcniia captain ryrie was announced off boston at ten oclock on sunday morning she reached the city at twenty minutes of two in tbe afternoon ihit the new governor sir llarr smith place them on a more satisfactory felting her majestys highland lorn is to close and tbe qiiren will reach oswt tin w en tuesdij of wednesday- thcuoftferablt slate of the weather in the norlb ha obliged her majesty o return earlier than wm at arst anticipated a proclamation by ortur of the queen in council will be issued shortly fr rectin a teneral thanksgiving for tu bless in of ihe piesent boinliful hatvtt sir robert peel having visited tbe nortbof eng land to bo piesent at ihe manure of a daughter of ltd londonderry sestral des perate attempts were made by town cometh and other public kodies to draw a sjvch oil of him tbe jcijht honorable runet re fined all interviews hut at darlinciiu was dialed unexpecudly and per force iom the railway saiion to the town i ml where the inhabitants were assembled thrmin foe political levetalismh rut after itviviiig all ftnssrtion the tialnlities beinf between two nd three huarfd thousand pound trstiailumin venice gerwi and in paris my here coruternation when ne- tpped hit- 7 ifisr their compliment no ami would sr robert the following day a tac tlie next account wc have from the eapi tal comes in a letter the art jrir dated the 10ih inil of which the following is an e- tro the mexteiiu govrxviuvni has ta kes three thousand olur wtiich were hcinjj sent by a commercial tmue m ihe cueinys camp general sinilh hjsevjhted by the enclosed slip you will mc that the amejicsns mutilated and cruelly asvjnalcd tlie unfortu nate irish whi xverc taken at the battle of chuniburco another letter fron tlie capidl under date of llthand l2lh say it jpa lhat the ervemv is convinced of ihe iinprohahilily of reducio the cilv by any other mean than by boeahardiar it because ihere i no doubt lht hehaslmlljoolo iwkj men who svne placed mar dc ohiui by ihe nettm of the slh antf amtn hem thirtyeicn officers and three colonel were killed anil one solortel xtonftded it atfiesrs lhat the deutfi of cen pillow tt uoeerlain they have exielled fm lher houses all the inhabitants nf le rillac of mumc in order to establish theie tbeil wpilah and head qnaitert on the 1 jlhsepfa lnvvk in thernmn ine the helit awoe n hy the announcement of mn alarm th- laiteie f n antnnio ajli and lie coftiiandift hitutv i lhr cnor mm k unm each other we have aeca diarnarcd hy the eomv a multitude of bomb the efljte t irr of uhish imm iii the air tou before ihey trvut a our irene h4 altheaasae hmr a firme eommenced at cha polepee oci th rii1i1 3 f he rs n oi it use mountain whence cam m he attack a ifc7tl dislsnee fiorn lit eneuy are tatirvcd ous faces of cavalry and infinity sslm wrtc waiehiriflhefoe we eefid l half ffl til fnaaa the battery of rarih ut helen or h may be from bat tyrtin from ihe end 4 btt w aeto whkh aituat d in the angle sssawd by th ukjay rfcu vf th vfua gasjjf u pied4sand tculava nm tias u aa uie p f hh- m im u whai bwif rrf the day ihe seller mrajjssre4 wa are ua inlawed of th- vb avwurexenl w h svraassjt bif virtytenl lt g imi ihe amsusswm late sr4 a uilliaot trinrph if tmy ii ntselliorj in th- hall- nf asssja fs tmf iefisme metmnl auwaof wiw befe lleajrtlal mutut u mr laajhusrl tirely null as inrin nihtouttitulional and will bring him by whom i may be made within ihe com f treason declared by atticle 5ih of the law of coh april the undersigned are willing to repair to the eily ol quefetam as soon as your excellency shall issue the nccvs- sary summoirt to i hem for that place the undemiied protest before the whole nation and partlculafly before the slate of mexico ja1ie and zacalecas their consti tuent- lhat this resolution on their iia1- which a ihe proeedinc of congress refeirrd to iboxvi if cuncuued in bj a minority f their fellow de jeiiic does not imjdy the abatnkm- ment ol iheirduty or j rei nation t tar it or etfprev nf lit legislative power but is the result of ihe iodtic usable nceessly of having lhat freedom of dieuijnn and deliberation which dees now cain in the federal city and would incwiartfy a had j to a ireaty concluded and ratified under lie jenns of the enemy and on the day succeeding uu looked for re morses all which we hare the honor to communi cate to your excellency availing ourselves of he occasion oorier he alliances of our res pect and consideration csd liberty and federalism valentin gomez fariaz jose maria de laclxza luis de la rosa pascl gonzaees fuentes mariano otero cossie torres manuel hoijseoo joaquin norriega toicca aughlsi7 to hit errtltnrf tht president of the con gress of the tthtott trc fnrn protest was enclosed to the minister of foreign affairs in t commnniea lion from the governor of hie state of mexico daled at teduca ihe capital of that stole and about forty miles southeast of the city of mexico aunst 26 the governor enlarges on the sentiments contained in the protest speaks of the effort made hy the people to raise and erpiiu an army which il there had been a chief worthy to command it would hare been victorious and finishes by declar ing that the war must be continued until peace can be made with dignity and honor and such a leaee a will be approved of by just and generous men thionxhout the world then follows 4n address from the same efl- rernnr to th- ptsspsfl of the stale exhorting thrm to continue the war reminding ihem of their ten year war wilh spain under more adverse ciicumiuice and telling them bat war foi another ten years or for a hurdred years would be piefcrabee to inoasiny the annual meeting of tie provincial azicniual aisncalion whch is to be held at llxmillon en he glh and 7th iiist is ex pected lo be wductive of 4 most aifjclory lesult to ihe agricultural interest on fookiii over the 11 of premiums we were amused and ifol a itlle arxied at the varietv of subjects pioiosed for enmpelilton while some of ihem can hardly be cfsisidcied within the real limit nf n agricultural society hy far the greatest portion com duly wlhln its sphere and as tv the others such as in ihe fine aets if the name of the association were ihe general improvement sieioiy they would hive been held to he putewrtl cci of iis supmt it u we are with hc exlri limiti for everyihinfi lhat tend to humaic the mind and raise it a we ihe srovellm pursuits iu which he farmer or mere seeker after nu sometimes is coniiued is to be viewed witii satisfaction of the treat utility of iice sucielies no one who has wilnvstid their effects m ntlter plaes can enkttin 4 tnnnemj doum the quality of heck throughout hk iroeiuce compared lo what il was fourteen or fifteen years 350 is remarked by every one wlm has appoiiuuily of wilncin it mt in the cauc tf the iropruvemeni the s flip ob- pteiiserf aassars tracing timuluiven hy the iicuttuial ssrcietic ii one f he mii ahvxon the etwl of hie horticultural society in this city is very marked in he iai4uvemeut iu bulb the ijuality and ii4uity rf j nvefx and wi ublf v he ser in mir oaiket and in lb nimcfttu and leuulifut varieties which now adorn the varrr eiccithoues and cvh sltvfttofioti of oir city the canada company ha come ftrwtrd hriiedly nu this oecasioi fnrii fur th- l r trhifji h irlrsilthtnrw wheal lhe xvrn up to the association lor eed whel or disttibutmu we are mil turnused l utid that mr i mi- m urifume with hi accuslomed liberality will affd every faeility fni the convyiuee if rt and prliee to and fro n ijamilhin th tiiiuiitlc ato with due fci ht hare mule acanemnits fj the acoimjmdaliun of strangers tvftmlo pnlv4 xt tr011 our london corresrondlxt lokdov sept is 117 matters are a dull as they well can be and your readers will believe his when i in form them lhat another first white swallow ever seen is oin ihe round of the press and also that 0cnnnell ix supposed to be alive and living in a nu italian telreat this is mere rubbish hut it serves to astonish ihe eoueisrucnca and to fill the columns of ihe papers my task therefore of chtoniclinrj be events of the pisl forlniit will be a brief one the foceii inlclliirencc snperccdes ceery domestic topic and is of some import ance both politic ally and commercially- in spain ihe inevitable crisis in public ajtir is rapidly approachin- gen narraez not only failed in his attempt to form a ministry but had had withdrawn from him and transferred to rsf salamanca the power to reconstrucl be cabinel the ministry have advised the queen to issue a decree of amnesty of all po litical refugees and offenders who are permit ted to return o spain and reside there with out further molestation this decree has been followed by ihe recall of gen frpartcro who u restored to his rank honors and properly whose restoration to power may he speedily looked for this esent will no doubt lead lo an cnlic change in the government and roost probably in the financial and commercial laws of ihe country- on ihe evening of the day on which the decree was issued making espartero senato the queen was received in the rftrcct of the capital wilh deafening acclamations of viva in heinn and the nvwi impassioned demonstra tions of loyalty ii began to be apprehended in paris that matters would nut end without bloodshed that if foiled in his pacific attempt lo the dictatorship narvaea would appeal lo the soldier fr minportand that ia case of suc cess he would dimucumber himself of all his rivals the queen n potlutrat has also otaained a new cabinet which has beeu eomplclcd hy saldanha and it eomitosed of his frienik- ippftrw this document the cabinet declares that it has adopted conciliation between all parlies as the basjt of its policy that it has determined to respect and observe the charter and to folftl all the diplomatic entice me nl contracted with foreign po we r they dee tare that the object of the men now entering on power is to cany on the government on principles of morality honesty independence and virtue what there fine phrases mean i cannot tell hut in fact there has been no porlufuee ministry fot a long liine havin any more de- linile object than he promotion of their own personal interests the military occupation by the troops of ausdia of ferrara which belong lo the h minions if tip pcpc continjiei tn ik the source of much excitemenl hmnghout italy and miht ive cause for uneasiness as to the peace of kuropc bein disturbed were it not clear hat the course pursued by austria i discountenanced by our government pope piii ix the present head of ihe roman catholic church has been evincing a spirit of liberality and regard fur ihe inhabitants of the rnwiali stales nuitc unexampled at he vatican it is lth a pleasingand remark- hie thinj to find the pope so far in advance of many of his neighbors in bcstoiiin cisit and political intitu ions thai it ba excited the jealousy of anslria and it is clear lhat should lhi power b permitted to put iu phxni inlo execution the tope must be contented to he ditected by austria as 0 the wisdom and practicability of entering upon ihe couuc projiosed it i well kuown that this lowcr hx- lonintluenced ihe policy of the vatican and at the pope cannot proceed to renovate ihe civil institutions and political rights of his dominions without readine a disagreeable lesson to such of hi neijlibmirs as entertain such no notions of civil im provement wc cannot be surprised that austria uiould be anxious to coor if not to tally exiinruhh the generous and patriotic ardour of her ancient ally ft is rlear that should austria extend bee agression ui fcrrara there is a determina tion on ihe pail of pius ix and his people to resist to the utmost iu this he i lo be sip- jmfteri by cliarles albert kiuof sardinia who hjs fiirmerly protested ajjiiol the oc cupation and sent copies of lbc ame to all tlw cuutl of kuropc with re ret to a hriiih ambawador tw loahatf the ndlnw- inc the departure of he karl of minto siiy but that he was much obliged to them for their good opinion and had no tioe to say more il would be interesting lo snow the course the cairemier intends lo titto at this turn nf political affairs bul lie kecphis own counsel the post sis that ihe hon tn6 rev montague villiers is to be the bbta man chester the earl of chlchvsl tit piesident of the new poor law restj tord courlenay is the parliamentary ternary and mr nicholl the permanent screlary lord courtenay is a moderate conr and it is somewhat surprise lhat to boutd have thus joined the whig parly on saturday week the new reim laliveto the remoea lo aulralmof yonnp prisoners who have completed iwemvrmof confinement in this country were rv fi time carried into effect from lo w prisoners being conveyed from mill iak rwwn lo woolwich they will there be etd by another hatch from the model rsrison w he shipped for australia calling wi the way for more they will all rep wilh free tickets and on their v ln australia will be free like other scl tfld emipanu two new stamps rdwnlini poatae rates of lod and is each w btn prepared the 1 stamps will bcw cw tenient for the prepaymenl of lei lo from the colooies and india pf o4twr itamp is intended for the french 5- and italian postae the deaths rv nod are urd kenmure lady jane rwi shal oudinot one of bonapar1en sir itichard dobson and sir nigel rresjoy- rttt the late mr john whiter if ltt h freehold estates in berks and wilh b interest in the time newspaper john waller m p and the resft real and personal estate to his w personality was valued at x90fw the ttjrtct ilxrnine cnrouicle nn star economist t the ltmet bis son lie of hit avm- and romr other nevvpaiers are now repr parliament i am sorry to annonne the mown gnwcr kephew ft messrs alison cumbeilcpe fe c which firms slopped payment on it o ted in fiir the continent beielly noticed fit ti veilorjay flfftian bo new ki4ihr at tinih px nua ii k h jat hf mr ptirlun ahih 4 ihia ttwn wa linn it j fiwra if l ckvittao ot wfu huf ia 4 p mml nl enl iuim bri rsel clewtol to fia elju tlf d under oaaflmond r isafi jisiiun iv wtr ijt ttiard im n2 baai hj ibr hntj iln uf il ifi d ty lui fite m liiiurtm il- rfrmiltltieil alt hi umij tik rlei in liw lrtjell le iitwrm lavffflriiv avsvrajrf nfsv jo in the curt firvssbr is an event likely lo inleret others trsidi s the mere amateurs of fashuma- we intellene his lordhip ve ikiivsc i on hi way lu rune to ajvium the isf if llfituh ambassador at ibe court of pitt ix wc are confirmed in that opinion imth by pojtivo testimony from padies uotthy of cndii ud by various circumstances all indi cative f tle intention of our tlueenimenl to jkiiii ill ahsiird and highly nriveuirnt pisitinn ia which we have hiiherto iood wilh regard n ih- runai fwiverciin lltp pradin iragiy has received new y the eldest fton of the murderer ami ti dukes juill uit thrown no lihl upm the other parts of ihe case as frn tan hr judged lliere feemlolenoeidivsea alt hat ihe iln- verncss lelny was either guilty at a pan runiir of ihe hukes or a having any know- inrlice of th murder and al nil events thrre cannot he a asslm lhat ihe rl of rmmi- hatihi khe hat ui4leromi- i- r1v e rise rid failure of j and of both of jte 11- sm fryfwi anftiwnt wy a of the recent disasters cyecptine ov that of the governor of the bank of eniijmo the failure nf two directors of the tbnfc shortly following one another is aperent unprecedented duriuc a lime like llo pre sent on wednesday messrs sandeeon co suspended payment in allusion to which the 3iomutg htmia of yesterday say a- the failure of sanderson co has been tlu chief topic of conversation in the cilv o-ny- the liabilities arc named at jrw or 900000 tbe failure of thomas jborne son and of halie llulchini have also been announced the increasing oom which gathers over the trade of our cmnlry tbe numeroivs failures and the fear or others of an equally if not of a more serin char acter jive lise to the greatest nneasne commercial circles and tire rushrcss ojuftnl will eontinue to be watched with the aniiy i am afraid the worst is t to come there are symptoms of im ml lhe banks many of which caatnol possib sland such an event ttw well known firm of reid irvnc co failed yesterday the liability c larare trie com markets are rallying an lm is a general tendency lo iinpcovcme a mark lane on monday prices afrwcd from 5s to 6s per quarter for english hcal and from 3 to 5 for foreign on wee and thursday the improvement contr wheal sold freely at an advance of f to 6s per quarter and in some instane icr american wheat sold bs hsfher would have done last monday on crem shicheonlribnted to this change f lne larce quantity of orden for ihe ctintil and ihe provinces and the prcience man buyers fmm belgium and holland n from our inland towns it turrit out r inc stock of old pain are everywhere j exhausted and will he quite inadcnj o supfdy ihe enomimrs consumption e oread nowtoin on- tlie fact ako of th oorc decided appearance of he pol4lodiseat mt in thi country and n the conlineut h cort trilmted to this advance as one iflip result rice has advanced 2 per cw w effect of this rite will be mateiialh xo im winch beans n trade lexten- 1 wheat ven atncnji i red 28s lo r 4s0 ircreised iherrneral ffloom it foreoe readily imagined whale n3 created in london un the 1 lih h t ttanamred that mesn a a cower phew t co of coleman street mid ii payment th extensive banking and mereial relations of this house with i aiain france south america india an litcj silitrk cannot fail to noduce corrcs pomfine mikbievons results this house has been established nearly a century and the founder died twenty years afo at an advanced ajte worlb about x400 000 hi nepliews have since carried on the butinrs mi abel lewis cower the present eiiicf has nfcn a director of the rink of er land for many years aud has also taken an aelic part in ihe company of royal copper miners hut his connection wilh the taller body is said to haw laiely ceased tho liabilities of the house upon acceptance alone were aaid to amusint 10 600000 the other enrage- me lit we should think cannot fait to bri n 5 the total amount to nearly a million sler- liuf the bouse of alison combe hedee co- of london and valparaiso of which firm one of the rower family ii a partner was imme diately compelled lo stop payment it would be improper nl that moment lo animadvert iiion any act of tlie partner in messrs cower firm whkh may accelerate its ruin but it is ainty stated that losfcs on railway shares are contributed to this insolvency whilst the failure of gem met i brother of alasow he urn which political affairs have taken in spain with which cminiry messrs cowers were deeit cniirimfjed have no doubt been the immediate causes of tne eaustmphe from the nature of ihe dealing of the firm with spain i having ben originally three- r irfaibs a spanish house there can he no cloubt that th effects will be felt there at well at in cuba whence i jic shipments of suear come annually into their own hands tbe failure of another banv director ss re cently after the oiscjiialiacation of mr robin wn has reeived anry animadversion ajainst theeilamihrccnlof the rank of entand mr a l gower beinjal present out nf office by rotation 00 change of officers will bt ren dered tjcttssary the pnhtic had scarcely recovered from these ihocks when it further tranpired that mesn sandersoo co hilt brokers which houe stood second in the metrnpolis in their branch of business had suspended payment they were known o be heavy sufferers by leslie alexander co and cower nephew tt co and a severe run having been made upon them for money of their depositors held at call lliey were compelled lo slop it is auite impossible to estimate the extent of their f labilities as the amount of hir endocsements on paper circulation must be enorrrvou- the rnfichicf and interruption to discounts from this failure mu4 extend to numerous classes in the metropolis and in ihe m inula c turing and mining dttricts whiltt closing this fearful catarovre ot failures tho intelligence reaches us that reid irvine co ol london one of the oldest houses in ihe west india and mauritius trade besides having considera ble business with the continent and the united states have been compelled to atop pay- mem r the death of mr john irving m p for antrim which happened ahoul two years ajo ihe home roil ihe benefit of his aajracity and experience his property descended to his nephew a partner in the house but the firm hem- deprived of mr irvim pcat capacity tor business ha not been able lo contend against ihe overwhelming difficulties with which it has been beset sir john kae reid the present chief was coremnr of ihe bank of ectand in 1939 and still holds a eat in the direction thus no less than three bank directors have sskcumbed o the limes within ihe last four weeks it iit stated in the londnn exchanicci that a gentleman connected with the firm of prime lvf fjn sfs ytulc la rived w jh laulii auu tttal bis pieaenee in lne ctvy t iven cnn6denee and satisfaction tlie hi i la of this bouse upon ovcrend gumeyco which arrived by the cambria have been ac cepted in doe course the amount however was only two thonsind pounils the ohio life and trust company which has stood high and deservedly to in public estimation beinjr one of those who in 1837 honorably fuelled all thrm enjascmenta it was anhcipatert would have a largo amount of their drafts on cowers house relumed hy the hibernitjbut it has been arranged that prove the estates of ome of the hoiki have reernlly failed in london iicas and indian corn are dull the eo has iseeit very active at liverpool an- ire business has been done in ftur ai st gradually inrreatinc prices 3t- i for the bet wistern canal avur v whel per 7u lbs white su 3d to to t svlrast td canadian qmr sweet m sir js tn iss indian crr lhs 3fh torvi omp hnrrnr dy the etitcst murtlercd hnvini comuiitlel mjiride leil inseliation has cstamished th taken from the tetf w york herald the foleuwin reportof the n from willmer k smitha times of th irhh nit ttie firm nf thomas inwn k artl tlio hooker well known a able autm h denny and if 1 nns irironb id licit failuicciutrdf vflsiarr a k d nmelj itrothers were known tn hate mopendrd ff sinn ws fr and w tin leiutc uuuir mailer wear a 1 kid apprinitee k ike t r lle ult i 4 v w hified ceneral ferlini- of a limits ol ihe corn trade prea there have heeta mans more etf falurci ni great commercial embark e wa felt all over kuroie the fxodon itttcount liouaoa are jr r tlie stoppaee f afwtv cemmell j was ratted bv ihe iwhnanivnl nf r china mat aid it- elfferla have r rf ihe limai anu it- ellei widely extended aa ihe nimieciioa hnue were riuidiualih with cantiin and valnnraiao the failure m a itni i lari uesed with hie itisilk ttnde sieatrd ftreat ihe ohio companys bill accepted will be taken hy messrs barnetl hoarcs k co ihr londosi bankers the bills received by ihe cambria the gowera olfered to accept hut ihe holders will probably prefer returning them to tbe united stare it is said that the ohio life and trust com pany will be creditors of messrs cowers nephews co for not less than fifty thou sand rjoonds tho relaxation of the stringent measures of the bank nf england in allowing loans on bills and stock at 5 per cent till ibe 14th of fklober however il may have rendered faci lities in some ouarters has not as we antici pated improved ihe position of the bank itself in the last four week there has been a de crease of bullion to the amount of 3 i 5 in tbe last three weeks only ihe securities t ej tho btlls discounted have increased to the extent of 1637039 the bullion has decreased v op whilst ihe reserved fund which had decreased considerably his reco vered itself in ihe last week coder these circumstances with a smaller amount of bullion than the bank has ever had since the hank charter act il could have been only an earnest desire to relieve ihe commercial body which induced the bank directors so far t depart from principle a in lend money at per cent when its actual value was hiher in the market tbe inevitable result ha been decreased power lo assist with perhaps ultimately ihe necessity for further stringent measures to l t thenvickev the continued failure in the corn market sumciently account for the further depression n the price of rain during the rust week c the rrgntlj on ihe market day of he flth nil prices stilt continued ti recede but to- wardi the close of tho week both wheal and hour were in active rerjuimtion this im provement was further maintained on ihe market day of ihe 13th when whel advanced ahout fit shillings jter quarter on ihe quota tions of the 6ih and flour far which there was syn immense demand bolh in fmdnn uj liverpool advanced three tn four ahillinrs per barrel the lop quotation for the better des criptions of laheat was sialytwo shillings per qoarier in liverpool tlie best western canal flour which on the 1st wa quoted al twentyfive ahillincs per barrel and rurely felcheil lhat price was elline on hie isth at lwcnlycihl lothitty hilhn indian corn also had been iu more demand and higher rales had wen paid for it and the corn market at the latest moment appeared firm 1ml aa lart supplies were still espectcd frun ahod and as the englith market was expected to ho an abun dant one t was verv doubtful whether fur ther fluctuation would not take place before prices reached their natural level considerable nurrhase have been made in the roaivcl for belgium and holland in con sequence of the diseased appearance of the jiotalo crop in ihoae countries and these pur chases have tended lo alrenftthen ihe market the slate of commercial attairt and nf the torn trade especially render il a matter of ureal difficulty to farm a correct judgment of tbe fifture cour c of prices at mark lane on ihe mill and 1lh ult nrieei were a little higher there waa a limited supply of wheal and the alncktnf the i ea which had failed brine withem from the market aided lo produce a firmer ten dency the tenor of the advices from the united state by which it is ascertained that no great vnptdies can jo forwaid baa contributed ereate a belter fethn in the corn trade flour wa qioird in liverpool on the iftth si 4 fa 10 3k and in ludou on lire i7ih at rti tho freal waul f confidence which ihe late iinporlaal itoudnii fiilure have fuduced in the moeey innrltel mud tlie ftct of the cnu- uiuptionuf cvttun atiji cunlinuin nj a very contracted scale tojrrlber wilh tlm alleged unreinunrtalin- state of trade have lendrd throughout the week eodtnjt im 17in sill lo osf press the averposl cotton market and to reduce quotations j of a penny par pnd at paris 04 theflrd inilant the ssjlmnu amuiiaclor midrnl at ihe frmtrv court presented at the office for foeeitrr affars a diplomatic note from i is government of which ibe following is the tmbsunct in case his holiness pope pius ix should claim armed aasitaiie tr tlu majesty the kin- of sardinia asinst austrian faeasian his sardinian majesty will consider himself hound ol ttjrefie ihe sovereign pontiff thai assblance it beinjr hiaduty is an italian power to cause taw independence of all the sutea of the peninsula to he respected as guaranteed by tbe treaties of vienna the rotimnnicalion was immedialelv for- warded lo the king and mguirfhoth of whom were absent from parij in the chief politic and diplomatic circles this movement of sardinia in favor of tbe pope excites the jrreatesl sensation it is stated 111 the london sun of the 18th nit that tho marquis of normandy called on guizot and officially announced to him that the british government would not permit for eign intervention in italy austna on ihe other band it 11 said announced her in tcntion ot inlerfrrinj in every town of italy in which a national guardiuould be estab lished tbe semopkort ov warehesf the 13th ultimo slates that il ihe protests if england and france amst the occipatioc of ferrari were prodociiveof no result those two pow ers would effect a landing at aocona aad civita weenie tbe pope was said to hare declared 0 m rossi that he would not unlit the last ex tremity claim tbe asurstaneo of the faecifcn inwers and that he stilt hoped lo induce the austrian lo evacuate tus town hy the uimnes of bis attitude ii was nimored on ihebouneon thursday the lgtb ult that m gnirothad ve fused to concur in any intervention in ihcauyirsof italy madrid joomala of ihe 10th and lllh ult slate that the duke de frias had declined to accept ihe presidency or the council but at the request of the qoeeft bad promised to recomidcr the subbed and lo announce his definite answer lo her mawstv on tbe 1th naravez wb0 is intfiutn actively in exjunction with tht duke of glucbsburh for the overthrow of ihe new ministry bid an interview with the queen on the i lib the foro states that an order had neen liven on the 6th to send 200000 rials to ge neral espartero and also to pay he queens household the same journal slates that marshal soldanha has been nominated minis ter of portugal in madrid m cabestana tbe new political chief of madrid had arrived and had immediately entered on ihe discharge or his dttie the latett letters from catatonia mention the defeat of a monte mulin band of 300 men at binolas drpoobella of another from 800 to 900 men at sabadell and of three or four others of minor importance at different places the fownfe ol barcelona of the 10th ult states that the french troops had surprised a hand of between 110 and 115 carlisl refugees commanded by cotlasa and cu ramonai- bones just aa they were preparing to enter spain and that most of them were taken prisoners qttu concha was lo arrive at darcelooa on the lih italy i till the scene of jercat excitement tn lucfa and tuscany it will be observed lhat the papulation have extorted from their rulers a ao4t of plede to promote progress whilst their liberties have nen secured by the institution of tho civic guard frooi ihelwo sicilies the accminls which reach ns am vague and conflicting but it is evident lhat a serious movement ia gradually workine in favor of popular rights the austrian have faltered 8 b sorbed into austria as cracow was lasl year hot the resistance of the population of tbe whole of hair and the decided opposition of england have so fat wrought upon prjpcc mctternich that he has written an apologetic note to president ochbenson whose political existence he before scarcely recogniaed en deavoring lo explain away the occupation of ferrara by ihe airsuian troops there is no doubt that some dipomatic ex cuse will be framed lo enable the auilriaos to retrace their steps nd retire from ferrara unless some event should happen either in naples or in the papal dominions to excite further the alarm of prince metternich lent the liberal sentiments now finding loud ex nresstons throughout italy should attend into venetian lombardyamlpvrbah reach vicuna iirlf the germans are as ready as the italians to strike a blow in favor of constitutional ami religious ficcdom letters from st petersburg of the 7tri nil state that the ciiy has been visited with the most terrible slono of wind and rain ever ex perienced within tbe memory of the oldest inhabitant it rained incessantly for lurty- eihl hours whilst tlie wind mew with intense violence the result of this violation was the destruction of above wo hrtsse at one period fears were entertained for ihe safely of ihe entire city and omc timid and snpoetti- tious persons apprehended that the end of the world was al baud onuntiv butcnjal rrinltidiinjr on ittc mi alt llw kjinp rticte of the imdo wore lielfl wilh iiweninjfif-nir- al nnpntinp ri y kfih iiiah and iumxn waoata ibo ckmnd wa conovbw well f local eaantry cr- i h ntn u srr olftt-o- reofhiiiri n0 odsnoee if i per the eimreney of tieday nsst seas indite ohstdiahed american fbnir bemg urge l difpcrreo m varnitia dieeciwna oimohout tho united k 1 tao aloch here i nptdty dininiiinj afvl couriouca lo meet nlivetsoittl estenrifo nt the bcaloa well inferior brand eunnynrkd iapas- tvrrctcr list l of thwl iuy vannight ftc ttcnd for intfiwn corn be- etiuing mofs fneal tire tmnsetrnaofi both boghah nssd umt asseosjnt sveeo estenieo at on amendnicnlof 2j4 0 per 4er1uba flnd ftt meal being lolen feelv svaa la perbvrrtlover t mjfaet trem veatcfdsy sept 17 waa sect nl tettovd and ibo trade ruled firm for moat ariielev ru ecnrralte eosjered rather irta animjt wa opfmicnt than befdte ibe leanaset n in vvhoal aowcicsj arero tn a mndcealafy fireaer tl for me jofcau nf imh ratwlt and fvretn m fonlee advance of 2d per 70iba wo 1 uujincd ansenaan frone ohkugh er taken oaite freely of latct wa in fiod rrfucts mtrpemr brand roilirioe the foil rates f ibe mus and eedarf qjatuica an hnpelecmjil of ta per barrel bcsovauil peas cnt 1 iy rule sndily 11 i fojiiid anoee ladian cot etrnlinu- n to meet a very lively and cjienaieo dementi priase avrnpfea folly smpptcd j j rr prite frej- in ptreeh cwmmarflinf lapee 490 to advance atij cvin mamf aaoic a on lio 15th the following b a vast of the failures which have taken plicetro the 4lh to the 10th scp- testber pamcs or tirf infolvcht ttowcs the govertnoav qintowtar gress westward ilia eveetlency ihe gortrwoc gvrvertl tc- companierl by the aconnieaa of cir atm attended hy his lust arrived at wjifl wttlnenday iaat on hoard thnjc jsteearw ctiy of torono thi sti auiauw jmmmmf kiiston tuesday afttrnoon abcrof 5rkss came into post at about sovlovk vvednftaaow wrnitis hit worship the mfyor ffk boultiki kk wrw at iha whaif awiilk his excelkikya arrivnt nl ut tiw wt pntrty immediately proceeded in close catr- ristei the ram nounn loen all he limel to tfie grange where ihey were hospitabj enirrtained by hi worship- at rsooa kaeellencr and her tadyahlp returned steamer which shortly arirrwarj departed for hamilton whither the governor get4a4 i boun i fur the purpose of caring present al the piovirvcial aajricujlurat association hra vorship the mayor aud mrs w ii bothon cotouot carthew and several other gentle men went over a the same tiftmr ila s- litamy cr lency we learn travelled mere as a pues fluaineata i lyndti t tndn h ureot cumerthljo ot ttoms rveutersun as c bvettc at co adt aciaaso isenmn ec cu da0awye kudorwdjcs retail cf e gimelrv a a gew k ox turltea llutsjhwtip leidrm lbilitie n4 uied sujtol r 1-1- i orram bfcflw lierieli wm stredl hrrw 40000 hmltucr ifuvot jvcnee ru htvsl gbsfnw 2000tn inotjfjo tain 10 viee 30 cutfnw 4500j y tlea co mittt f4rt rewirinr4co ldon afimjm samlrrwm wbern cslatoo 30 ftio ssndefton es co kndnl soutfvi tbowiuaboroaes sw lema 9000u0 vcssukarsco soutumpiwn notuteo ipurar njnw rne austrian v- tauercu tal the italian slates miht oeasealyv the avtrtwfrf ovm vorscifrvs of the i4lb ult t mentions lhat an insurrection took place al naples on ihe ftih one aecount vtated that the kin had tied anl another lhat he had fallen into the hands of the insurgent itoona letters of the olh nit announce that tbe duke de modena nnd hit family had left their dooiinions and retired to thanna it was currently believed in ifo1ont thai austria would take military pvssesion ol the duchy and was determined to interfere in liornana and tocany in ireland ihere apprars to he a ueral inclination to resist the payment of the loan advanced by government ihrnuu the relit f commissioner to the several poor law boards ihrouhonl irelaihl for the purpose of alle- viatint the universal distress which prevailed in that country durin ihe past year sueh conduct will no doubt lead to very serious results especially if the government insists ujton ihe repayment of the money liverpool corn market se 191317 wnur p 70 ik canadmorrtl ta 31 o 7 w while 7 1 1 s 3d united -i- i- red ta 3d 8a 3d wjme 11 uuiiti u3d ot r as hi lasu a 4s re canasta wh4o ma 19 rr o imis tvias per aal llwss w t ala cd umsn meir pet tnc it ti q ifla fihnrrbrl ids lb cufw neelst hi i 3n united same evert gj h 3 u- 1- l x 1 t vi- ola oatmcsc per 3 10 lb canadian old jj 3 rcrtsat tlie trade ha ucmlh nfmee nee ir uh rrpoti nd nmrhsalannff itie im0 of inc innney nfbn imjikt v kivo been 1 tlie iriwla frmiufmd duiblf ibo rreek ending lli7th of sceieniber were je oi uaal auy ilirro wa aumerou uetdnnee and a vtrt urge t huaneaa tmiuclcl wjiest bijhi ihe ull eiureney of dial iue rek and a orjuco rreplimpk arc fell in ira ptroiiful ueh in nmo uuuneeu krvsrclit alf mve nwriey fii jmsbsrof mtaiiherdeeilririeeaor ile2nd- tliere was a moderate 1c dr 0rley nl ftemr at furmcr raletv a cmmsfahlo hutoa wa own lf ibo wee uuilitie f insjisn vn ai fr nei f-cca- 0ilnwal wm 3a o 3 per load cheap er tho auk of flour wa crioaive and 0 1j catabmied fwiea fe wmlern canal torwiileni bio airchaea woro m4o ror irekns and for transit tuiho asssr a bule new trih selieat wa jd m im a gd s n 3d per hk a w new ii at mm if hm 3a l per ji lu and a tho svlnf new eauoicl ausallit luvufht 3tper aw r tlio mirhvl held em itta jinh wo well ahenovd and art aeliro demand tt wheat al an aitanc of t 4j pej btarjwj iho u- ncp pweltaae waic im iheaiuatjy oala whjcm fry cvll piieo nd irialmf hrarlry wa hlbhf dcaier aou ft u rr ltm to iuuud itfter bj rrry law aa l p ajuntter uaier oalokslanj indian ern rajaal bmuaht rftlmr m nvjney llieta an riljlra aa fa immci rsv and lis hcl lviiem rns amam ffp lid ijr1uencr4 n iha ranmple vt mark laiiaovj ibo ijui and tlio iwoum nf jaan rkport of the grand joky midlato drsvsuxr 1 the jurors or our to nf b y sovereign lady tbe queen on their oath present- that they have vrsited the canl of thu district andtound the several cells and apart ments well ventilated and in ood order and on intormalini the prisoners were informed by them tnal they had rvocomntaintstomake wilh the exception thai their allowance of food vu not quite siircient thai on aaalurely considerinr lhat part nf the chare of hit honor the judre which has reference to tbe emigration of lusieann they arv of opinion that il is a subject of the utmost importance in 1 1 ctteets on the present and future destiny of ibis young and hitherto thriving colony that while the inhabitants of this province are generally disponed lo hail wilh a welcome the airivat amongst them of so many sound ablebodied and indhstrinu immigrant as their limited capital can put into useful cm ployment and also to extend charity in pro- portion to their mean whenever a claim can be preserled on thesr bencvolencei this jun are al a loss to find languar mflkiently stron to express their deprecation of the moral turpitude of teadine men nne lastrftordt who have dtvised ncouraryd and assisted to leavc their native home the kind sympathy of frieud and even their besl chance of nro- innted existence such large bodies of uieir destitute countrymen many of them too old lo work for their living others exhausted by famine avfd sic1tiicx and some of them even blind and crisffdcsj who congregated into dene ttc onboard of inirij without whofe- 0mv lietand fk atf bat fcc licj contacibas disease as usoalfy acccuhpanies siachacccnplicatronof miseries and without any reference to the evil consesncnespesult- ine tothc inhabitants oflhii province this conduct is most cruel to the emirrinu them selves rrntlcrtru more bitter the last sorrows of a shortened life by easting them out from their native country to die in a distant land thit in addition to th croc hies thus in dicted ot those sinfortun ale individuals them- vfjlvef nnder the pretence of friendship and charitv ruit in the opinion of this jury for the 1 rpose of jetting rid of ihtm it is rnani- frit injiittice atnonest those wltorn thev ore landerl and imposes upon them a moltrlnde of paupers destined tn oca serious burden on the rccnirces of the humane and industrious and cisin ihcm to the influence of conta gion aiwdisease of a most malignant cl actor it ia with reluctance ibis jury remark the tntmiaratioei of this season is more ca later to depopulate than to stimulate growth nf this province and this jury hav fearful anticipations of their starvation from cold daring the increment season unless the provincial government can by authority and means from the mother country adopt omc plan nf a rfordin relief not only lo those of tbera who are sick bil also to lhos in health by giving them em ployment the jury confidently hope that sxh mr seniaiiom nave already been forwarded from the provincial legislature and from the kwculive fovernment a hare procured a guarantee of means to alleviate the distress of those paupers so unjustly located upon us 1 ii ft rand jury trust hat the imperial government will shield this piotinee from a future recurrence of this gross injustice and lhat our local authorities will be more tsiard rt in prcucnlinr tho introduction of contagion rnrmct the ponutatiun of town and cities hy maki choice of bob led aliiatiosv whereon to erect sheds and hopitau iu evjhreinr as abure their unanimous opinion h what ihey conceive lo be a general apiirlon hirouehout ihe piorince on the immiraliin of this season il maynot hr rait o place for them to siijccet ihatvueh nf those immigrants in ibis district as are able to work should he forthwith employed under the direction of experienced workmen in opening np the road contemidaled lo be made hy the fiovernmenl from kineston to wards trn ottowa river not merely with a view lo the public benefit hut rather lo taeh ibeavand encourage them in become indn4trinu good settlers in ibe neighborhood of eh road sbensld the tlovimmenl deem il proper to grant them land there on the owen sound principle this jury farther present thai there are tliroihnit this province large nu others of orphan children whose interests anrl future happiness would be rurally promoted hy their wing hound as apprentices either in fanners mechanics or others bnl owing to the want of 0 provincial law on the uhjel no so- thiuily exists fur carrying out mi deirable a measure thi jury thereforo xiiggnsl that at th- next meeting of the legislature nn ael fnr thi nnnjassc hn introduced by thi law orfrcrof he crown all of which is resterlfultv suhmiliesl j countkv tlraul jury room 1 2nd october im7 private gentlemen he was dressed in plain cluthcr a iid his apprarjnre and manner werr singularly quiet and upsiuminjg a nnrrirser of our fellow citizens were assembled on the wharf in witness his vscejlencys slrpjrlnv- andasth iloat moved 01t ihey rvihssse beady cheers whi h uis exeellency ho knowlcded hy eourieouly bowing to tfva company 7brenfo iscfmtt his occeurocrs heceptkw at hamilton at ameelinof ihe ileiuesertatitesof st- georce si palritx st arwlnswis anei b itifhland society and a depuiatiou of iha members of the cily council and frorrr fnu provincial a zricnltural suciely sir allh n macnab in the chair ftcos baofrna iliathwtnvnwirgvl order n ihe prrkeiorvtoirctl tc lency ihe tinvernor general 00 his arrii the whaif 1 crmslabiesof lboeare wjirick 2 th constable fcbnnd ddepuly marshals s si andrews society 6 band 7s patrick socku bad 9 st ceorrts sociely 10 highland society r ii hit honor ihe mayor wilh bis jucel- leucy lhr 1 tth krrrllencys soile inenrrsal 13 it hociorahta ihe speaker sftaw honseof assstinmy id the chief justice 15the president vice president oncers of xbe apitvfinral a jfi members of use executive corsne 17 mimberaof the legislative conr 1ft mernhers of the house of awash 15 the district judge aad mtasrtf the bir rt 20 tbe hirfe sheriff i z- 21 the warden nl the itrlel 22 district cxinctl 23 cily council 24 magistrates 25 grand marshal on rjorsetifa 26 citizens otuband 2s the abolition society 29pouee v and that colonel goorlay tbi grand shal dtv carry tbe same jnfjejteci- allan n macnab h fat 4 91 hamilton oct 6 ith7 sjfsl following mljnrfn niagara suspension bri a meeting of thestoebholdtraof tbaal pany war bcd pnrauaut to adrertivenwnt on the ilih nit attbo clifhm houie fci purpose of electing a secretary and otfiyi cers ic when tbo were duly elected w ii merritimriritf thoec street trrcaneer- jvmolrver jwrmwrrj 5reryfo ffivwfiift mvm fimav pjame oiwald bamnel zimmerman aler tbe eksffmn a as tcwvraf 4aauttin can ancf canadian dirertora was be1dn3 f once entered npem their dirties mr hh of raitajelphia asms appmmct- tomaie avorey of the rivrr and iiahanl and report imrrwdlalfly aajvmhstw were ordered to he pubkibed fiar plaas and pfatimatesof the work to be received al ibe cataract ifoiuc on ot before tbe lstnorcm- ber neatj vhra it is in leaded tar patfdittf work under contract jio that atlaafoira may be commenced abonl tbe isth of tbv momh and tbe matrrial prepared anrf orilm jpot ready for cunstructiou early in the sfsrajav at tbifi meeting conmittees warn amwiasi for tbe puqteoenf pvchssinif the uoii oaabotb- f ihe itivcr oceataaary fa ibr 1 and pier of the ftridrs navigattny laws panrisirt ht we ftn the follow in a i and fredmc pea oftriali iihimh hunger an of winter inlelirfc4 of iriw 0 tut putato hot a ffenlleman frmn crenville ipnwvr canada write lis in say that tho rot in the potiic crop is much sweater this season than any former nrw ince it made it uppearauce he says there i a greater rot about grenvilk in the poteln orop this year than in any former one nnee it commenced mino grew an nanmlant crojv hot the iol ia an great ihey would katcely pvy ah taking up even thoenlbnt look pretty well row aihoti boilarf nut rf haf n imnhel we can scarcely get the full of a dinner pfnle at for the table wo have ibo heard nf some if nur farmers cnmhlainln of tlie dies preaeliuit fearfully amotur the imtataea atier taken lain ihe hcmi j and it n iupied thai jvitsloe will he icurcer and dearer next spring ttiaa they were jautffwa -fdu- gf tin eltellttn ur the lnsfaf bvluten tnwrt4tlimt ky an aet aerod al lle la iun if ike ltmulere hnea lekvn alo and aeem tx r0 canem rparirujltrtv jsn kbii ktj fiiru tily vf oijilboniuflratmajwjk new vori x ft ance as howin what wim he tbej arobabtv aril of ilir btiliah povemment with reganl lo onr own claim tor siasitar rctasalions jamaicra a kmrk poit the dlaositort of the home government s favorable to frveptv tition lately tramiued to be colonial office loying this colony may be made a free port t ihnuh not quite lothe extenl renandcd jl ha been deterasintd by gevrriimemtliasnav ease rir lloivse ef atsemblf arret apott aod recommend ibe importation ot certain esaaafa to he uominaied ihe impotlatinti eat which in foreiesi veuek is nnw proltilitted by tbe navigation law lite gevemteenuvvill cf ercivsr the power vested m list cro- w upefliting the nariatian laws with reej tn those articles and will name certain of the jsjaitd in which btxiding warehp shall be established for ihe reception of tooj it u however to be nndar the oods sbaji be implied raelnairely for caeicumplroo in this island a devpalch to ibi ertecr ha either already been or soon will be transmitted to the governor 1 fatal accident rm t f a melanchoty occurrence jook ficejj short distance aheve uillings bridge on day lal by which an active lad bnii years of age named holtle sac deprived suddenly of life it appea 1 dririntr a load of wood on a cart hyiown and 1 ue root of a hill the 1 rutlhc track one of ihe wheel aiukrngi deep hne which caurril to iipsel i anil unfortunate youth wps crnhej beoralbllhl load of timker wilh hi face in tht mud which waaof iisctf autfaciattt tp c deafh independent of a number of a w gaprs tnsionsnn ihe head and other mint of tbn rjaajy a cworrn inquest wa held ttpnet the body before doctor stewart which ehjli ed in a verdict of accidental death tijc road in ihe utighhorhrtod where this sad eccideiit occurred ia in siorh nrtdif tc- itaiir aiticilaily a cross laid hidge on tho hank nf the rideao close to lltllin bvilgti which i in a most dangerous and wrttchvtai stale ami when we consider lhat ihia ia llnr i hi road to precott we pre iitrprued ibat ihe stage n anodes in pass aiieh ilaet in the night and olo lo wonder that lit inpfqpvn- men u neglected keally the roada innha vicinitv of llytown and in aome ot the m street nf the city are atmet ibi u that can easily lie met with without travel- jin- aa iho dimriot sni veynr daoa for tbt purpmv of diecoveiing bad wave oltov fdrorofe scjil flav frsaiva ciianoa or pmatiiiautaw vk friday nlem ithh nil the port 6u surveyor fioen canada arrived in tovin ar gave uch information relative to ihe ndly alemetii nf uumey nut cf tetltrt wnl tim tvnata imr mouth ilnee tht tw oeo nf dejinmsie in hill provlae u liengilwned by olnir iiujdtinui iit eerledtolhtlmiilwgoi a wamatfj urn he 111 ion of john cunnfugljua w totlmaatfr al ihal dac wha wrii in july laal on rviuiiy u was wai i jirjurthiii my a da nt twit mtm wa wife end 0i1im1 far bvederlilrsru fas 1 to the uiillod malei i hstl mt- jirvra tzmtk ford puniu mllei thu clly high riiiiaiahb havtu oa tjask it u wa nvvitakvn n asfaj w m lhliidrnr ilirnraudbrfatmlastlst il cm tlmteaji vlval ivajh i k

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