British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 13, 1847, p. 1

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the british whig advtrtlnr ibr oanidi woat pubmmikit prmiwtkkly rmj wf jnmli turf snlunlny nomlnx vt eiward john barker 6 bon at tiik atufwjklwi jhjfll trfit mxt ifrmr fu fae looirvh ffoate tkrm llm ln era axru if i4 m anvens no p wtsewjitiuaeil iiuiil arrearage tjpitm1rttliiftiuof tho piibuie aotintt kil lines and under 9s chi flnt 101 llwi ati1 rsuh ajhn nl miii mv tinea ntmlmrot jil fw jnrrttli and tud elaurreirrtitinarmi ohnroien ihw jd- wr linilhrllwflnwnilnin n0 id pre mae awracu uwfnt ilaerlnn- a it hifciritiil with fwetflo direct which eaght lo le in writing af tiwjrrlrd until tutwd andohoer accordingly tit isaitiwi wuw bing o jrtinualfihc lrgrt ou ailvpiismoirle on any ietcst whatoctcr ah letters to be postpaid m few 10 ii it lort phutxr k firitisl unjifl and general advertiser for canada west the athenaum book stow opifer per orbem dioor m vol xvi kingston canada wednesday morning october 13 1847 no 82 business directory thomas fenneys wholesale and reiil leather store prin ccaastroetl kinoton donlcr in niv ami uppish silt feetlior upper kips nd calf skiftn mrkfr and limn d rut makers pi ennga of every jeacnp- trn bfiura oreilly henderson bairivter attorneys al lv he c kirigtnr jambs 0rteimy i george b hknocrtfon 69 6an james powell ironmonger l in- ware manufacturer princes street kingston the british american hotel late dalcyv hy j pattcase kig- aton canada wert ot1 jafflcdowall farrier hatter brock street kington fur majr up tn order oft tlte hortet notice foe of every description bought and sold w noden tailor 0c opposite mr vvilliani wilson wellington street all work is via li e executed with neat ness ano dioptteh matthew dnimmond orocer wine spirt merchant wellinmn buiwiog mxi to mr w wilws kinnionc w i f b kayler coach builders nj carriage makers princess street kingston robert mccormick wholesale ad tteiail dealer in ww spirit teat groceries t princess street kingston fflessrsmacdonaldcampbell barristers amerrwja at law prince street knttnn jbttn a macdonald i albxandcr campbe jamei jflcmillan teacher of musk pttou ftirte tuned addre if m momitun auctioneer thompson carey ciencrai imontnt andcommwotimerhanissl broad street new york- a card canadian drawback law orlando ware commission merchani unil general aent no 10r street new york iflacdonalds hotel late stone ppiho the cuj balli icitig street toronto francis v carey sareon acoueheur ott buri canvltn hnu m a q kcw- forwarding notice rfihf union farwdtng cempnny hetekv kive noike tbat ihrif new and t uiliii iroo slcamen emerald and oregon union hailroad art now in operation and plying a nndcr steamer emerald caft t cluiiho urft lravei aylmrr erety turarfdv tvriddy and sittrrfoy at tevkitk a m ijljvuvahiv lfitr ine rail road imme- diateljr after the arrieal or the cart from tin steamer oregon and arrive at arlmer at 4 oclock pm steamer oregon ca1t m hllllaxn dow twad leave rkiefc dn fort eery tutvfaif txurrdtty and itttntat al alfjnut 6ovlock a m c1nrnioir frare uninii village immedralelr after the arrival nf the car from ihe heainer emeram both boat touch at all ftopfiieg place en rovfe eaeh war- thee aho ie notice ikat no freiehl will be receired on board their stemei if not propeily marked and wwutlled and not after eleven ovieck p m at ayhner on ihe nighl previous to sailing any cnminj1o hand aftrr thai lime most remain in tlorv nniil the ensuing trip tbey do ihi 10 pre vent property hric twxely mri cirelrsly thrown o 8o4rd by owner without bill or mark consequently not entered thy will not he rttponiiue for any pto- iwrty nitboot being duly entered and a receipt granted thos cuming jgtnt taiioe forwarding copony aylmer bljuly 1847 just received irow 2isw sp vnd fousale ray tlioubacribcr ait hi store ti piinceaa 6lrecl a ehuica oitneiii f groceries c coniring in irt f 5n mhu briilil purlia uosugot 300 bxc moaem koihin o0 il aiaurlwj ton fio jo l tulisevo 100 time cvrti umraton j00 ronmn lvramng l0ee 25 libu unsiif 10 j turjkniinc 10 jo tar 20 iieam tnha lodoz tjrosa milt 50 qr mntehe 1200 viov pail le leather new york taitrtngir willi vnrioui ottter oriiclea not ler toimcratj matthew rouitk v iimoii aojiht 147 62i t on hand for salr 300 casks superior nomi m srfarruki pale vinegar al per gi1t 3 if i frtr cnaks at tlio warolioiie f mwr oil phjnt ttatl kiviemi unil t the kingston urtittry ond dhttlury saleratusa of choke qualify al 81 per 100 lbs black walnut lumber 20000 feci of vnrioui dimension thai i roar- jinehjinil i inch pbnk 1j2 2 3 nml 4 inrli scanilinf of nmlrv lenglli 5 4xanj3x3 tho nbove lumber will be diffposej of ls5perm jambs morton knton brewerr k dilillcry july 17 istt hardware sheffield gojds ani ironmongery tiie stibocribcr renecifully infttno in- town am country cnatomeo iliai lieha juvl fuuvi receiving hiisim mm supply of gouja in htv lino con- in of an rxrultcnt asaonment of kj war ftir lliuoia nrnl buiuinj purpp rw slicffinm anj birmineiam pioim chmn shelf ami fney g oj pint japnne anj black tin waro anj ui kiol of audicultural implements of ikcvery heal iuatoy and mamifnctmo tiie suhacrilier a1a respectfully et rjneln be attention of the public hi li extensive ai hment of painu oil nij dyn siuit aio indigo he olirit no pul ic patronage truming that hi pricm an quality of hi gwhs w t tiaraio ion forcefully than any elf recornnarnilaitiiii james powell plnlaehfl of vhhihh palterna tl poitf pnni tho bihet pfiee pno ill rtmb for ij brns copper pevor ami lear kington prince smeet aum is is47 t 66 2m iflimwfrmsr artovtotwa i attttowltfat0ri4ft rj i- k4ioc tmttrr i bai pndjuif ir- rf af m i catfe horietf hht0t ttu caj frmcathuivaw pip myrrr afcloii j t dilkrt of murdrd vvk- 4 ff m r vwynpn r- bhokbin6n 4 ruling oona t- 4m utt4n4 ut biolllvt of fcur hwh job phtbttiwo all lcoow r job pbintjkolle fou citoicrf m to attkin paiarioo bav taauihatcfvr viih dotch a moowat prmi pflmer i j j i circouf dill lfroa lfd blbor u4lr steaota4i bin mkiof haioda fj-ir- i a prio frog io cotmt neojy enevroi ozt the omii wf jootjpo ieolir4y i aaof lh ery bel 4ovof4ft edwud staceyj merchant taj- lonctrly oppodite iho montreal bank kirt street kiiaglw john blacbiston sailmaker nohardye bumingii ontario street z walter eales painter glazier and paper hanr rijeau srect kinpt e a cfiowb tin sniiihs copprr smuhstad li pl wortera vrittoess str icuajhon doctor harveys surgery clsrvrioe street ooe jour belw law bank of british north ameiicn giatatonuly 101sw- j t 0 butler cabinet maker and utholdierer montreal street kmlon a general aawrtmeni of the uteai attiet of furniture constantly on hand and for ale on liberal lermv 60 land for sale agt acres op land foi jqxjxj sole io the township of seymour newcastle duttict being loi no vi d 18 in the 9h concewion 40 acres of vhtch aro cleared and haw a arm log house and a frame barn mj foot by 30 ooihouaes c d well avalfred il will be aotd in one utck or in lots to auil purchatere trm moderate- for particuura p ply aitbia office tif by letter prvatpaidj cotaton jone 16 1h7- 4fllwtf atmaiira express t allein sl co wl ll despatch one of the firm lo new york every week mating the trip between kingston and new york a recularly ns circumstance will permit all larctl cummiaaiona and mcantea are to be left with the subscriber ai greer wrrarf eiward harvey bttngrtnn june 1h 1847 493m hrflh stationery c c just rbcewgd at tub atheneum book storf begot strttt kmgttm alaege assortment of engliita sutioner of lue beat quality r comiil- irte of mtijium demy and iua pi lij ppr friieandqiiopi wtiiif pper uimu pon mil j tittiii nia tjiikl laajaaa cnn rnodf pe hnnm uofkir all aiiea piavvoc in vihufi ttj vim fcimj frinlelva mrn6inctt ky 4 irhalo ao tbmitlat eol in uk tcthn iin ctef1 titw aetutaa iotketiuiioiwr line jala 7 1647 fob sale araphb vnrth hatroflono 13 in th bib con of pitrtlanj apnw io t charlesstuart lake ontario the royal mail line of steamer will leave kingston for tokon to evrrv afternoon saodjaja eireatod at flveoelock aceely loaeaaif at cobirf port hoc wur pcimiltnie and fciynirtj will leee trtoio r kirtrrtm tachlaat ioleemctaio pe rvrry day tsxim-aeift- at onk ovta p m aaaaataqi aatil ik it aawaaaaaua j huu laa i0lb srpunbcf ifttba ckm of um soup al tarefra noon n b cwn nr drcv ffroffn frill be enlire tf free frwn coniuct wtth sick nieal waax ara allawed onturd it mail liaa nii mull 0rbr- toeoaio joit for salr fresh teas suoalls coffee tobacco fruit and 01 her staple groceries liquor t glassware r v- 4 rillle acriel are receiving and oltp x for aale s i mttaeoeaov sotar 20 bbl a oo i and reelned loaf oo hbov caha moutaea 76 hair ehoma yog hyaao tea coe aoj 5 caojta 04 hyaon oa 3d half ebc4 auperwr taoky do 00 pckicn iiatci suyciion puoehon- ttlt coojjrt 90 taa rw cnve 10 aota freh iaamai do uu bic mi duncli ruini in imc orjef 70 boi tobrco aamihtie ifmnfydrw c- tcadit aytta o 10 otf tfilred is ian manatay toff 5 m poneipc aod htoa cigar 40 malit lim 3 bf aie 13 doa micd pick tea and ojater sod pep per soee 0 borra l4on sureh 10 sperto ouaikv io dot cfo broia oti ani 7 a 9 ccnnan sheet gua j i j ovrt 0vbp1 flulu ind pin tuuiblcra 4 bottle jfin iai 13 bua na i tlcrina n eond eothihn manilla drd corda tf4to twine hemp d tapr od lutifrr mtet joaoud vmtan red and aanjr vthti mlklea aiao 30 kea sfataan satof cnnao 8rtdj iamicj kno tnd uulud uin t ibc hhd v qjtrtrt eatlu aki lio wa prtfier man a do freah c imifd water lm oiwndaa hatt cimunll on lund 500 dot lh rakea omphant x watp aeoa v wmteifrb lfrrea ktnrlaojaiia 16 1s47 noticka rrthe subscriber having taken oat liceoae aa an auctioneer lake ihi melhotl nf informing oii iw and the pobhc that he will be inott happy la altenj all calla in lhat line and ihey may he atiored oi atriet altntioo to all order trnd punctuality in banding orer the ttvctd of salea entreated to him all ordera left al the office cf mr hh calder corner of ontario and brock streets will be thankfully received punctually aucmjrd 10 30hn s clutc auflwnttt kintoa 1st june 1s47 tf bed bug poifon a certain ndcifrtiuif remedy for deeooj in- kd one ipplc4tiofi will drto h lhir efjrr rtd praeni ioj return f lhco dn- itnoc prepared ao sjd by ru3krt darker dtgfi 8fom sunt kino i paica la 3d- and si w aaj svtile miu mandarin sauce thc a car aaocs extakt roa rtuoama ran oa awk sow of fae fameuai aook ovore c- il m dun bur v coufgaenl for canada auaat 4l 1817 notice rihe snliaciilhr ha comtkenel 1 the onceity bnikrmi r here 1m now raaiilttita tixt iliwar to mr haikea crockery store kin strert kittwto where he hopea by irici aiientinn lo liajaiafam anj mojate price lo meet ahare of public patrunifd john foster july 20 1347 fresh teas for salr be tha nh-nv- at hi smrr everc caorr fm gweri aiy w notavned at lo prit- ai4 ihatvaa ae foelfnetial om voun- tlo tarnky sikhog poodttair poaje oiinu- ivdrr olc- in clrta h1f chefii an ta4avi with a vanei of sif tvvltv tkc flftkii ad wtlicr anktrlj mi uptime iaaa aaafakta viujam j martin maoici square hrtfjtaffbjamttt4t- landi for sale he smkeiher hav thr frlowin fan1 4v io ihe midland district for sale sooth lot no 1 in the 3d coo ptbhuih so aere no 10 in the 7th coo richmaml 300 acre south lot no 39 lu the 7th coa caroden 100 ere weal 1 lot no 15 in the 41k con kenne bee 100 acre- lot no 9 5th git oldanl 0 ere lot no 18 6th cn 200 aerea- cdmmlngo- hacdonell saftzftfra 4r kvnjalon jc i47 frbsii imtortations of wines liquors c ctimpritnjj an asortmenf of fine and coinrnon wine liquor c wholesale and retail at ih stoora nf the sohcriher north cvioer ilihe mjikoiarr kiftalar v in es fumj old pint l sa44iwa port rvkhwo mdrr uwtaoitva madeira plc 1 u4d jsiwfric bwo s u p tvorinv clmieu rtv rcrheeil1e haret qfapa at rt urjodrchampnnc eery one old f n rr 0iody lffftlaodasrhenlo aaaaae rtifii fie pjic braftdy in bottle ram fttooin seteu whiary can d inn whiakej with a aikr of lqo laiiatik for ite r m r met wl pine apple syrup ritftberrysyrtfpv sirmwhrrr y y rp nun ftvray c fr ijtr oy etc william j- martin tiwiliei ftp kindlon june irt commercial mart for sale on consignment three nieanl aod tiy sdpehb toned piano fortes ioade by lha very hel maker of new york and boston william ware ly 30 1847 the new novelst iut received per eipreae frcai new york rtaawllatalavf ihobciio af cuilaa iltbe oear nvclbylpriaaea eo tlr nihr of ct av a tte f the ham ol ihe uam hj rhrte le nwplere oulhvun- iw uteodftf edniafeod ihe ilrinry af pddy c nd b mo niriy by wh f li sh4hpre d hiafrwnd- the life of 5lr oodatpuwi hj john btefja itaooaaaiw f the dy of clrkll wih dtbcftaarabr mia g-e- 8 fklstjmc-stt- afdiiircalavcifollvi britannia life assurance company nft i princes street bank wxdoj mpotttrtd btf a i ff parliament capital 1 sterl cheapest k atms of any offhe doing business in canada nidkul rrfirt for khtgton or thos- w robison tiie undewigned hiving been ft- rhiintitv in act aa aenl or lh company which baa ben doing barim tn conaja and ihia city aince llio yea is39 reaped fully request pewona rx quiring life avurance to roll al hia office princess stheet kinhtrin where pioccluses and dl nf4 information will be given a b n variety of table in meet tho en rutnancea and convenience of appi- cani can be acen ihe kaiea of aimilar tables in the o ficeid4ang bovine in llito province er aa ruhoves frm aasuraoceof 100 ruinl l afurancc civ v 30 uan fwiid do ilriivxiiit ataofftitco co o theae mohraie ratea liitle more thai rhffirjpril wa toproawe fo c tf- il mi the poiatef irf mwii pcrdoi i auro and with reference to the prrenl iatc of fc hellh of the inhalailaiiu of the pcv vince general y it may im thought nercn ncy hoou the prevailing sichneaa in erweto decline taking any rih- li apper ihcrcfirrc to be a duly on the who have to provide for llieir familiea to latc the timely precaution of atfuringilieir live aul thir provide ogaintit the rivk of perhapo leavt g tho dipeihlant rpnr llieir exertion or moan to auflcr jiffi cllltei if not detit nt im thomas bricgsja kiotonaog si 1s7 07 y notice fhe subactiber havmo obtained jl from the coon of chancery an injunction rostraiiiint ihe revilgaonor- oatilt situaiit from iutaimiddlio in iwy manner willi the real or peraonal katute of the late ctfaiimti uuat kq foimarly cfhcrift af tho midland i tt net either by sale or by tho receipt f vmiuica due hy itond or otherwise n account of fro said estate and haviiif- been compelled to file a bill itgaifiat the aid getrge okill stuart nnd allan mclean eq aa bkecutotato the will of iba datd late charles swart iq lo obtain ait account tho public ara 1rrcly catload nehberto accept any deeds from lite said gecrge okill moan nor to pay him any money as they will do so at their own loss and shsi il the said george okill stuart having luilnuo refused and still refuses to render a just and honest account of his executorship to tlm said estate but on the contrary aert thai he ia ihe heir at law thereto all those persons who are in posset sion of or claim title to land formerly belonging to the said charlea stuart under conveyances from the said georeo oktu stuatt and allan mclean esq r either of them as executors aa aforesaid are also notified that all parties in possession will lie ejected therefrom unices an arrangement be effected with the subsccilcr aa all such ooeds arc invalid fur several reasons one of which is thai tho power of sale in said will is given lo all the executor- five in niinibei and not to any one nr two tf ihesft onil ihereforc neither the aaid giorge okill stuart ror the said allan melean esq nor either oflhom were everauisoiisfed in convoy tho real estate one only of llio remaining executors havirq renounced and no valid tiilrs ran le given by any one while the said suit in chancery remain pending charles stuart kingston 5th august 1847 cnow iimi h run mrs r montreal ih march 1816 notice is hereby civrn by or der of his excellency the ad miiiistralor of the cjovormnont in coun cil to all poraotift who have received locations of land in western canada since the 1st januaiy s3and irsiitu parties located previous lo tbnt daii wlide bicaiions were not included io the list of unpatented lamn litlita lr fir iviture published 4th of april 1849 that unlets the claimants or the ir legal representatives ciabtiehther claims dmt lake out their patent mithiu ftro yehi frioii itiis date the land will be resumed by the govorumi nt lo be disposed of by 3lu sflfrtca jodrji punchs flight with russell f-a- pae up op ray ud jhn runellu o fk nif m i a fly 00 ihoua new rieophasa new aunorfcoeo i come cluleh my elvok nd thro uie mokr lofetherwtovmkk the bfc of unjuo buddkd neau the hsotet of ihedov the rnoonlifht foils on fair bl pauls on the abbej prim tnd reo lo lha tamps jke bars serpent pi winding for away or like flow worm caltersd twinkle and wink op fmm below but lie not to jjato oo thio fair eight that ihio the night ne grx not a boiwed boeknr tone o tiiek on iboss wide acre thrown hut bears a tonrac wmhia ithath a isngosgaof it own in ttrort and wiatro and atky bare with a pmwih af fiurpon coo fa a grcot brhk apread beneothoaookdowo my lord and read in sieepfcs upward springing read prayer stroek into stone in prisnnr barred and hettioned read crime and cassa nd coan in lighted west end houses read mirth and warmtb and show tn foul srgiksa virj ftad quajw want and woe theres a liomilybark to it tls lbs voice of siftrvn hid i ultrr how i luffrr froni mj trcijjl hjmin in all is ftlthincss without ma all ia ignorance within 1 aebo with cramps- ehaks with dmmpa oh ihe warmth of glorious fio and nnw for proof t goes a roof is lhat a hwi or hive t ech fcedn a room each room a cowo as imnkail and yet aliee tn lha maggot life of london aod lhat nples hapless horde in fcwh keo in ctneas fed ia work ft yoo ray lord another and another and the eight is stiq tba aouee and sin tbat savage life f soflvinp lht krorfa no knows no ahm hunger by bovftsnd ubles thooand sehoots here arr human krertt lo tntpo anew bethink too of the i- bui bark another oco t up sod pompoualy it booms fmm wetrapeesd tafcwt eay beds and fnety fumiihcd room m i am respec i ability things most not go oo io thcrct nowhere i can dote my gig but rome- isingeaeaoui woe- m then yut sanitary rjxddkea ad agog fur drain and ewer par say pat all i know is f wish the drains were lewct poor folks wrlf throw ihinp down emss for unwhotcooms air i know oor ctreeis eateemely sweat and thala all my affair h ohefron chimoi in bi cumblfom youre righl my worthy fnd tis time ih ftut and etonarosa wcto beoughl onto an end therea ihe unnn wvckhooaa fvr the poor yoo ahoold aee bow we have broke em into temneraneo by aaort diet into industry by oakum bu hark that boa rw and hoteow 000 ua from a newgate eefl h de silent heariksi blindwotme a dirtartot ulo i tall pfi wrestled crime cv eenlufiae and frebte sq i feel too my bones sic msdo of grsoite and my amewi hammered sttel yc titile wot how iisid sod hoi tho tide of orima flow ever how ti unchs my canute talk to scorn and mock my stern endearor how law nghast aaide ii cast befors the fcatful sea which makes a plaything of the scourge and a toy of the gallwa oca let saint trcut9 from late ffnqlisl paper the skvj inc rkimknt fm ckamurt juml in norway ihogtwaad eoeeredaithaniw for thrre owuem f the ysr and nm unfretfat ty to a ji pth f n rort wlxaj a thaw come i m eaajr the swiaea or ih raabaihal ui nod thentbenevt frol of eourae aavem tae whb eoantry snh a crut of iee in aeh liimaib hawcesv ibsea ll no groin along the ijaul woy the peoftls mot still axend the hims ad dieo into the lley in porenit of game tney mul tis traverse ihe hoary irtrtu to gailicr w i foe iw and ihey moat atitt journey lo the dnlant iwne to brinp tooj to tteir iwlntrd homleio in ihrao egobrtiooe whenser long or khi they uae skates skting a with them nrither a mero amuarment nor a gymnevtio eierciae il ia a mean of locomotion waiesj ihe natuto of lle ground rendrra indeawnaable a nan who cjd not akata would be uoabk to walk ivouyutol pnaosa li it melancholy to thmk tht nn f tle aysari delightful winter cuatoma hs like my nther tilings gnnd in ihrmaelres ien presacd inio ttm- service of war in the army of xowoy there a company of skaters drcwd in the djihgieon of cngtuh fiocnten and sriaed merely with s alight mo vet ajung upon tho shoulder and a dagger sword they ore trkeniae provided with an ironpointed surt feel jon rctrmbliug timer used by the sit it when imvrrnig tho glaeiera which serves to balance them as tby sweep along the iee sad which they strike deep into the ground when ihry deaio to stop in their hredl r eareei the startw also ladispewsmue a affording a trtt for their pieces wtn they ire tliew skstea an of a peculiar onaatraction being singutaily lonj and when tho shod it is a strange sight in time of peace tike the proacnr- an amosing owe te sea this light company chtnbing with case the iey nils gliding down ihoir ureeipitou sides and eiridirtgas kuptloek ays with wmgrd feet oter the waters transmuted into awhd ground as if ul defiance of tho common laws of caiuro skating was known to the aneertors of the norihmans if ws take the data assigned by some authors to tho edda as evidence eight centuries agu lha goud filer being renrrarnlrj in ihe seaodioaeisn scriptures aa rcmaiva ble f or hi beauty his arrows and hat skate the exercise is not enmtioned by ihe creek snd roman wnters though so well eccjuinted with sll other gymnastics but klsioek geouir herder sad other german pocie sing ibr praiaes of the srt in holland it ia practiced aa in norway not fur lis gracefulneos but for tie utility end thera it is ewmmoo for thooooniiy peopte to akute to market during flat famoo esordition of louis xiv this art of loeosii was used against lha pwteh themselves in one of the most eiiu and dsrng etpwu reeoiovd in hrtltfy uia the uics sl nc peace tu- terms orterrd by the pride of louri weea so rmm- otroua that the people toes open tbrir sluices and uid their untfer water no frnu after a time ho weecr rendered eren ui unavailing and at saia oestaevaat lluar thw irnpneunt naiionnl esantths aale of ihe luuruivoa hk noarea house took place at the oily sueikm mr- krl m lnndon oo law lili umimu the affair escited much public annety nnd draw togethera ry largo number of persnna in fact the spncioua alerooro was ool able lo eecmodat raorethn onclulf of those deairou of being peoarnt mr ubbtntp tho eminent auctioneer to whom tsj dis- pal f ihe binbpucc of ihe great dninall was entiuated briefly but with great abdiiy duecicd the attentino of the crowovd auditory to theeircomttanceaconeectrd wiib thoaak which wrra such aa to eiooerats from all bume me nuatees who acted oo the part of the misers to whom the property legally belonged ttie pro perty was eery valuable aa regarded its posiiino ia stratford and its extent but ita great vshra aroacfromitsbdftg the spot where tho immortal hikopeare first oaw the tight a apot which was regarded with reverence noi only by etighahmcn but by ihe admirers of geniuj from all coooiritsv it waa inietestmg toobwrre ihe steady ineresae in the nymvr of ssuora to the hrnc ol the poet which haa ukcn piaec a few year ago one f jvrfitand m year was aortdefrd a urge numbrr bet isaf tear the numb had increased to sesen thounrid hewaacphie cwinovnt that sweh so otjreiattnc huc in which william shaksprrr first drew his infant breath wtutd bo fomy sppre raicd by sgeh so assembly aa lht which hr aaw sitund him and lhat uwy wutd cihihit ia a practical manner lhat oppreciotmo mr rbin hen rend tho term of oak wlueri were at the krigth gen loiembourg re dark and rvn in mc call mother church to help school do all ehe esn give ihem chitd crims tofght wrlh and vrj mo tl ruttgrown man or soon the evil saps ray waits aod down forth with j fall maaiar bumble sir respectable gig mace cocked hat and atl tne stem sounds ccsae the otam look peace on ihe atreete on otnl sad grey and now la iwningstrcei my lord with what oppethc you may nd bethink jou f ihe leasee of lnooo rood aright when with ica fnr guvde you bitencd lo the vrnt tt v tiik irish hlsaltt th lyollxi ctfrpondcnt of rh pillbjr cssaasercwf jraaf gitco tho followinj scene i tba ouier day a scene occurred oo eden night moonted twelve uiiooaod men oo sheics and sent ihem oter the ice from utrecht to aor prise the hague- the result ta gieeo aa follow by a wrker who takes his facia from a freocs hiilrrinn when tbey left utrecht it was clear fronlv weather and the eftcci of tho moon and aearr ucm the seen sheet of iee orer whieh they swept like a breese was iroly magical by de gree s they advanced the visible hoiiioo ef ihe earth wssobrcuted by vapor snd they could arc noihin around abvve or beneath them hot s cireour eipsnse of iee bounded at the edge by thik grey ckwds snd csnopred by use starry cur tsinoftbe sky the slrsngc groaning aound which ever and soon beamed alorjt the fmem wilderness had nl fast somethio iwprcssibty terrific lo imagination and as it died nifully away in ihe dtaoee tho space aurftonding them ecemed eaiendcd olrnnrt to infinity- the sky at ttngih ws gradual covered by the vapors rising seif from the edges of the eircte of crth a veil of doll and hsywhueovorprcd tire hraeen and obscured ihe stars and a dim round spot of wat ery brightness y the ooly indication of the sue of the mown by which atone they could etccr tleir courts a rapid thaw had coma on their skatrssunk deeper and dceoor into the ice at every sweep and st last the water gathering upon tho surface ss it was agitated by the night wind tbat had now rusn assumed lbs picatvce of a aaa the wind increased ihe sky grow bbeker and blacker their fooling became raurc spongy and lnsecor they plunged slmost to the knee and cho ice groaned and cracked beneath them every ono looked on himself as lost and iho horrors of s bate hitherto untold in story and appearing tn be long neither loiha fortunes of the und nor of ihe sea appalled the boldest imagination at length a faint twinkling light aripsarcd in thediotance somtfimee aeon and some times bat in tba varying atmosphere and they had thr solitacftoaeochasil was of at kslknoiag he rclsliec bearing of ihspuceon which ihey wtr about to pcrih the light pnxcssd from a strong fort in the enemys hsod impregnabb without csnnnojsnd what added biturrneaslo their miocrr was the knnwledgs thst beyoud ihisfortwasa dike which in all probability atfmbd a path how- eter narrow and mvdtif by which tbey could base returned to uireehl the fort however waa thr goto of this aenooof safety snd even if ihey posscsed ue requisite rneans of stegs if it waa defended f a single day they would either be dr newman the fytc fin aod theo hat n nearly ioitcl a rornaa cihoh with othsr rfkjhmer smitrlf situated it seerw bars conceived 0e ides of enierin tha embhshment of tho psibor of osvwy that ihey may subqentry ostsblisb m cnglsad a conre gatton of ibv older and pwps pica haa hartenoa la second uie pruernt ut lbs plan pe gave notirc b uv vrry rer father tsssioi abba of the moeaotery of lbs holy cross af jerusalem tbat it waa h daaws thai ibeas futnra enwreiofst pbilof nuei should be raesisad intotbia ronrnrtery duit umaof thai ou vieiatemofeemiaenurfvrvlhera thwwasduna the father aopvd u disposing of use opptu pari of his moonaiery u aevfo a dwellg for ih ncwmao aod hb comp ho sauwiaed tliemeclveslhsee towards iho endol ihaoootbof june on tba b of aarn onlaekaa laaeveoing the huty fstbev paid them a vvsii fstbsr taavmi went to rrwet bis uohoeaa io lfca avenue leading to ibe tfnnorury ooo un otbov mekttceworiiirioaid m tvetoso the apootutlc ytcr in enud aqrroooiied tho pope at the door of ihe convent after having admit led all tbw hspp fai to the mendatlori to lie etraust lenincy of lie coui to the apartmeni of father rute the pops at prayar of father toseini vutted the pan of lb conveot devoted to ihe tvwgsesu- staarsj thai visit be eertversed irorly with mr wman and esbcrwwa ratde hiroself agroeswa msauot or a rnarss csvwouc pojesrv thoork cunolilutinnsayv we oaad not any uviutt tvm for fie hold properly and mated thst i im iu fcpjajang cemra to us from a cnrfitnbas be was ready lo eomownee the sale three uttees jst xlmn 2nd 000 and 3rd n0 were then nisde wfen wa ihe part of the stratfvrd and lndn shakspcsre committees arganitcd lot tlw purcluiaa of tho house 3000 wescttcrvd no lf b dder iprcirinr the siratfotd and u d vi motets were declared the purchaser amidst immense cheering which clearly exhibited the gratiaessthmi which those present felt at thecir- cumuanco of tliia moot interrsiing national moar- ument having been oecured fr the nation by iho cornrniilcea serrraj irtermliag shakanernan rele a were put tip and aold at oucoa varying from f to lfia the timet pjoliviea a poaihomoui lellrr writ icn fu thst journal by or andrew combs the emmrwt physinwgist sbvrtty tcfuro u dcalh on ihe caoaes snd peetpntitfn of the alnefever am mg ihermigraottto america tba inter eoauiss ootbing that is positively new cot ll is diatia- uirh d by dr comwi lucid eulemrot and prao tieal rug gessjoa the caeaeaaf fever ha evnrid- ers io be a diet rnvumcieni in euandty and poor inquhly ovrcnwdjig bad vrnlilaihrn the c cervcnal ondcwnlioro l which lhc ponnr iruji in pmrtieuur aa addicted and ihr roorsl deprrsam toduoed by ckarraideocy pooi hving and eonfirwmrot de combo eofwertss iu peiacipsl icosecacs lac suayly i a belter diet a greater limitation or oombcre in proportion la twioegei heller venliuiio ropeeiamy by mean i f dr neill arnntte ventilating pump rnrue atritgcnt rrgulattool lo enwee cbaruiacss snd the sreoinicocot of a surgeon v every emigrant- shin the incrvesed eipcoae iv be met by a higher rale of fares aoorce tot such a ittta coatd out uwertssa any hui the moat oaliaaelory authority aswaoasi t letlerbsarerwdihibe4a aut box h eetars into partieukrs which wa praise natyfb- lisbing ijtili kwss of feeewy has baro favorad vftusw- ordinarf marriaja belsvj a ramrwad hdjtmij catholic cleijman arid aa aciqplickq tee of so m o ths dessrmtraliaji of ft t a gsoiwotan aaaros pjnswvwfiry ojwtv4 i impartial oepnrjgdiccd psrwaas orih wiafa bun ow4- h ir bride god sfwwd- afajria- is aoow orabu io u moo aji m the fcata me rwtbruvihrwhaaatftnrtnliaeasm teg m p- sr chvo esaoty aavd cairiaat nianeiplioo the rr- mr absswa anatwn ths ieo and hiieefonh csuoscy will bo om wwr he aeandal and mn of an rraab prrsrtawad mr ahvmca foniinda i ihreiom to be maob appuuevet tliafaetotbarawjru and you can publiah lhr o not oa you wwfs- uniroanrrv ov tisi r toxooaaea thf blsctric tovswaph cprnnyasa oasy eaakias oorb artxngavoenu oa vrittcnawo lhm toaommu mcete lhc rue lima aa obsarvad djy al too kay a oberratoryal urevwkbta btoj bwa m twvsrra irnwj of railwa wrsa lbs eeeapaa- baa a staaaaprx awurv wr uorsrnv i v nvta lowna lhrrerfoet the kiagerom itrsnww usj daily praeuce at creenieb at oaa oetoek ta nirmimrt fry boppiag ball froto the upper part of lbs obsssativa wnkb being traphrdto lha admiralty nd aigrwlud lo tba shipping oo the tkaora eoauan ahipa- rjjrooo coelrra lu be adjeulcd the cocujivajsca by wh quay in tubtin ojita chrasicihe a family had corns fmm ihe interior and among them waa i n l had some money of her own- she i and a neighbor boy ware to hro been married when the sammnns came it was iho ilmof lent so ihey agreed lo preipone lhc mrtioga till uiey reached amcoca snd oho payed his passage whito waiting t dublin ibo coward awain rued tire damanl applied io ijie ottce to have tho money refunded no it was a eoeiract h iho beriri was ihrre tw him ajhe otood on iho deck and about aol is there a aeeeaf biy would like to come out tuamorieat here is a free passge a hodman itatrncd a atout likely fellow he flrnghodand avutsr nn ihe gnund armg not 0ew til go narcr say it twice cried alio bo ouiok were w in ave minutes he had on his cost and with a bundle in hia hand wss on deck and with hie arm round her waist away down the rvrei went i tlae fair ship on dor voyage to nvw vulk carnas or stavea hev msestya brig see- lark caps white ha arrived al poruenoulh fnam iheeosatof afneaand report a tit n ihe ith of aufwstiiilara n v fjwwasra suipicinv looking ewh and gase eiiose nnd snon cmo up with her nod m sending an ofieer on hird ro eismiae her cwevered thai she we a brsilban aavrr ealtcd the libera and pl r btwnd to kid nt and leaving 199 suvev oo board she war immediately taken peesessian of and the erew eneastiox ef ivor sjwoiaras and twrlrr ootulunx ukcn on buird ihe sesurk and eon voyed to ssathaad mr fenwiek midshipman and a pna crew were put in biird ihe liher and pncveded to sierra leon cap whiieauied lhat the ilave trade iaiomliy briak the stji hsdcaplored a 6fth prie fnvn st hcama wc tesrn ihst rrr msjcetye aieamer penekfpa cap gitfsrd arrived fmm ths wot ooast uf afra with three prixen in compsoy six- the brsiilin fotuccnsaroneaptoduntrielih math iwt the aehoorct nuinc and naliito uiikrrawn nf 5 una with 317 ntavr eapluredon itie 30lb march 1847 i and brsaiitian sriner joaniio captured on ihadih april is47 wbiah vvawets and the aurvving 315 slaves worn condemned in ths vice admiralty court oo thursday 22nd ultimo- th rmiillian ichciner jupiter cspturad by ii- at of flying pith oa 30th march 1017 which arrived on the gh augaat under llechjrgo of mr ftimpaon midaiiipman waa atao oundcrun- l i un tha uocj ult- and iho alluaca oams and nation unknown captured by tho same cruiaee on tire 17th april 1847 and roo on ohere hy uo crew of lbs vassal w otoo pronuijocce lablo lo condemnalton by bli honor the ju jgr nriviilnkt iimmk cataaranmr a mort murnful occurrence hap lake ptoee noar taaehiorn petar hair an irwhruan who cam i his rising by travel ting lha country and vending bmorn bmorio after lodging all night with hia ehldren iwn bnya and a girl al loehiae roar now abbsy look lhc msd with them in ihe assaffa kig in the direction of ts root bom trie parly took a rear cut aoroos iho anndr the falher alvow- ing theehiurro toantuaaibseoservesattlfs swci edgv whik he is puppcerd waa booy wiih hi occapation while the hsedtesa trio wem vn- r gathering 4u wn lhe mndbanka the lid a waa creep n up healthily and auuiwf tawso ff froco lha main land al laol lhe children were tuaavad by tharuslong waievssndte bswimeeed snd igswrenlof the voeslrty tbey rao ffm tue uncorerad gmond which ihey occupied into the ido tt diftraoled sathcr anon ynrd kem an did has beat la sevo his asvc hnoaehiw now in deadly pel hscsught homnf ihe tern yoonca and made a drperato attempt lo hang ihem on ohiav but fmm alietr sthaustinn he hd if 1st go lha tcsegraph uompai itaodtbt ewa1kwd up by the waters m ihe conunoance of lhe ttuw 4r penth miwifabty through cntd and fatigue- but sny thing was better than inaction the water creeping inridooy around them vaa a dradlwrcieniythanstaewallsorcenaoahi and ilvy determined at leasl to rnaks a rush pnn uie immoreabte masonry of ihe rt and provoke the fi of tta defandera il is inporsiblelo e- the elcvat bj who coutd awim a lint msnagvd cmtm fns lhe result- it msv have been that lbs ia krap his hed hove water tr a while but hia eight of an lags a body of men ruaing in upno atssiglh was maufecirni lo strive them as if from the open ara their numbers mul tiplied end evci their individual forms dialled and magnified in the mirt struck a pants lente into the hearts of the garrin while ibis may lovo been increased hy the shouts nf courage of deeps mooming wildly ose lhc icy wssis and mingling bka ibo aaacea of demons with tlonaing wind dot however it was lbs gates of uie fort ojrenrd at their approach and lha herplssa snd lulfnnacn adventurers rushed in vriljrout striking n blvw gainmlhatide a bnat manned hy cap blair reached lhe plaee ino lai io sss the children hut in lime in inks in ihe old man wo but jr it mon altorlly have perishod ha was conveyed ta tho carsa and on being brought lo aonaetouaneea hia stny muat have been stnoia- after ihe lids bad ebbed ibe bodies wea diseoveisd ths two yuogen lay locked in each othera arms at a little daice ftwai tho acvua of lha if daslh wluh ibo hdy tt ihn cldrat cmtd ua fojrd at a diatancc f iwul hall a unki bikur know led ea of ihia aaa time thrcsgrsoat the anp dam is ceetnv1y svpw it inaeoatcd ti4 the ball imdiiaj no beies osrtocbed nl use cop rrf its fl arsueld wkka peinst- bactj n rvu4 wnh ths svarua fssos uf etatria srieca af law eornpany wal inatantl atrika a btl at owevw scsiao thit ianruonly poo iwe aod eewctiew able not what in all awobabiity will ba a aaatiar nt riprnvrcrerr erry bnaj that bassara lha bili ml rreirwh qhacrvainry ah i ll ha vn rvasnbed thegfonnd in lafllilrv vlretne bell oamamheolea will hvc been atruct aud art rinjig oo rml ore raall 1j it is no hi i ik at gmenwieai hchrn the batl nnwueoiig hat fact ihret ha rmwiuad ralhwg a fw ieart n thra way lha i roe lima t greenwich may he heft hy every railway onpin sad every lorgr town ia the kiid i xraua ivereera srji0aaes ojr asjsatcia rkjjk saitctye calay ppcf wc ir t lhe iiain nf pfjila octphls one nf tbe antericnu relief abiaav baa bean cued b- likcowirvinlueinriof oalway in coiaeetencaf sooteallegod smagarliog of to bcc it apprar isl lhe rtwaatcr olha awaasl capuin wuinaland relauisd on boatasvwjaia liboceeinuidcdfur iheunns thccgrmagi tng out in ibe vessel tha urbacce waa sard la ba at first undor leak nrt key in cm oar ox tba7i aaptsin ths tuwcni oticcrv rcmovrd it ta ornlher pail of the vre whence il waaatuwa- ill vrvael lias accurudgly boon asimad by ihoofit aonjand ta at avsseat pnrrenled rraaj sailiog to has doolination homeward newsrarkr accouil bvimc pple have a lawror of hacrvmkars aotinng frilnw wiikfooiian jacket wlh npwce of crapeavev bis fae sod a pistol in he hand w nerlainly a difagiccewo witor to a country gwo- tkeian in the rmddk pfadark nigbi in ocevmbarf tba hoaraa whiapo oonvoving an alluaioe lo yoqr rrvmay bags ae yom ife is fef from a ploaaing mcthod of carrving n a coivcraation and there fere without ceoceojiag tu any more minuaa vuv twour plurniijgmjwiruponiny rrvqalimmba ly uit oueh iiwuikx u the reora uf having oo iium i t ml i utlm brosaeaaekeaia detewlbk sharacter and wvethy of renssaav- jr a snurover abo j am rpevpaied to vws dieale a kfc foeeed ito the sumeek of an deriy swswjrwiaa ia hlf repy mate bain sj lwilaorordprta rawedrawo acroaa a swaaae fal barvmaid 0wuatot a bulkt seenti ftcnpy inprried thruh lhe earhula of a dosf wm how engaged aecstg irrr half yasnf otiowaelaaa black trntikrw iho rretamdiwigrvbieuajrcjas of ccaaumcaalfehiruiria pfiiunlkropto mind aod thcrrfceel alrocride in lhe frrrcnt mxw imn in nch a marrfersv betd by a very pejosaa 1 have etmvsavvd eilh on uh auvjael ci lhe aocewlaof inimmy d lam or ih a ifa aas ilera nf the cnt uasj svbak fiol itswa ajasvatb cr aiacteent t wbusn i hv nn ean a nnrtcji essmpajwd with ham air beraka1 hnomne morihsriona and mnrdsriau urbeawarwa asajatika bjeaneawfa1 nntuiganf chelaa philipa lha darka wiibtswa h wtita as aavaw i diction is a curst wtjoss bnith is aaiawsaaf sbaevewlssa rsaajgi ory mul a aaaae aassihasy i over weasa swiwea i1l aeltla lha wb icslina od a fsvy ck ohallahiitdav brm lhe ofa fsusnlvt ekawea iwwl af niiino need i a bat i mat an u noostsewtiu uvrclsw aav hw nawap aj m rinv m

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