British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 16, 1847, p. 2

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sm1ng i10hrors cceresvwrdcei of th- gigor cvner in a rcceel number of tol riper yrtwuu the following oielanehnjy pmlkuvd of ccanioe treats in bilatid with free trade and 4cnltfut crop in ww ft dre ad winter state the ratter the fanner sod the landlord in the face eur- rand will iwwbclht torebocofiiie world jler markets will be deluded ere christmas arrive aateriea 4 the continent will pnr ill their estnanec rowih mod price will be down to a nopreccdejtied ebb and nation al bankruptcy will ke the almost icevuablc rcmseournee thb i the one albpe reading fear in ihecily yt calculated on as a natural restive ifabte reeiitt kent mutt fall an bod deearciates in value- trade will toftopfwi wares mill decrcae and it is tat o ny that the iftbnoier and the arlban will rot frier even mote than the capitalist tv fkit d basal picture the fifowt fjomi- mtf jit es the fedwwin additional fowrlus now ill tbu is very bad ot uu charac ter far veracity so tvu ansdainod by m london correspoiijcut iirrvcits him from trllint the worst tksidr the melaoclioly intelligence iht the people will be stsrved bv kacland being the lorchmic of the world il b certain that every house will be thatch- r 1 with penny loaves instead ol ssubalte the greets will moo n under a rich coating nf pancake the nnbtc roads will be macadami- 1 with indian ntn nice fat little pis antlcd to a turn with knives and forks slick- ios in their intce-tin- bacon may he heard rjunline thrwijh xhtt micet nichl and day implerinv everv uesseneyr to come and eat htm ruined farmer will be wedint fcnec- rfeep thrdarri ihe festjtalicinof enm i vstn- rietf boje will be constructed of nuariern loacawilh battel for mortar door of bicrton toly windosr of anty faignr stairs of fcou ed nam and wim fnmitnrc ccncjed of itve rfehetl corrfrctioniy mn will be dinp on on rn hand of ibt miwnr of abnnflance and a wttlched nattoq wilf be chofcedfoh of bread and of the grrajnj curr of ntoidence jmtjr for man atd beast and won than fl there b bat i i irv rfoobfi uu the veracious losdoa eoto pond tn i w wji be inilted urw der a abonjer of uit and twopenny oies it i rmpoiwc if lite logic of our uadp 1 mv bn hcliered the natoa ci be aaeed of all thb misery unlew- by the pfpjnewofa new com law and another two gearf fanaiae ilfarrr akd lirt dnf tnt- epar ctxtiwibwf are glad to find that nitrnlwn of wen of ttience ii brrnedi- reeled to the perfecting f the electric tele graph and in the development of all thr deinligrt of that wondeiful ajrrnc by tnint of which the working of human tra the human will my he eomrnn aicated at the name imhaiit in the moaremote coaera of the uhnd n ineenlions and improertaenuof mcatm bietl and littlr of ftirnifalvinn are highly driervinj the at- arfrucn of vtfntific men since they aim at jfeercunfhe mkatmv of ihr elrctric tele m9h iet the first place by the dial and rncscator nnut-n- that eominniiirat may fne made more safeljr and t w than by fteayijecn now ir o- jht iikieatcd uower vaviained by a nx whirh fvecllte cvprr and line plate in the aultifien ffom thr mu ahate of line wiikh oijiuacilv accamnlates fon them and wli1 oon diminbhrs their fence newfe btajfl anl tititvs apamtut enwbfj of ihree iraozh placed nne above aiother tlw hih a frvrrrr conlaiii- io- thr cxcitlnr ioiver ddnlrd slrhnrie acid the middle hh the galvanic tery conlainin the offer and tine plates jffided he celt nrcnrnpartmeul nf fine sand b um lowest tfonb rereiielhc vitiates fiqnid which hating lowly dropwl from tse leseteolr into the haliefy l- filiirlel tbfcijh the sand in the um- anj ihciwe wrcolates top b drop inlo th feceivinjc trough below iwt- utme vyrhnv eui th lfom mbe r ialolho fjueanic batterv throueh 41 eoneo perforated at the holtom awl m carried from the boliomof iheeleanictraiieh kjaayoodipjt cora nd perfontora into ba rteeitinjtrodzh the and which aae- ttftintu fte metallic putt l thm coutanlly aatrrnrteffj and a a constant snpply of fresh aldhiif fcaa oc and th tititled fluid as con- anlly aacagif betowf the format ion tff erj-s- abqjlbt ulptsnu of x b prerented by jta a aaurj pnmceas and he whole iur- q i mpoaed to the actioq of bp ihft ffcp flah in the reeeivinfimi avaarttwnlfanurrc quanutiet of the aul- mrlscnoit svtcior r a ciabjnvaiase- tv diahh ftoinjc aaf mvv- it le- enmes nir mn1 jatitful dilv t record lh rfeath nf the kt alevawner i ifeeio of lablhern cadiiil tippcrary wliirh tonic place at hi tflehe on sunday tht isth insl uimw tlw niim dulressinj ciicummances a local cihfejiondeil thn wfilc hut two hvr fier he returned froi tttcimlin in hi church lhlrini u oiler actions nunial de- ranaenicnl he put an end to m life with a lowed titol bv bb own hand for some time hi family obsened thai he was auttcr- ing under unusual depeaei on of taints owiiti to the bamfrinf scene of disfrcs amooi thestarviui hoor around him ir 1chalf of whom his warmem ymj alhies were called forth- priioirt to the carrymr out of the govenneitt measutcs of relief mrwas daily to he seen dmiibntinc with hb own hands meal pmcnteil hy private mirkcnntion to the fami1iin mullitudcs around him in minb- terip to their wantslhe inteicsk of his own family were atatosl dlireinkfl sith secjtwff ihe kev icemlcnian filkj dc nf- iko of chairman the hvlicf committee advanced a he wwlneeans and ntihwtfstnjg an over scumtive mind iu oncimis duties proved iwomuch for him he wa inkiue benenth their veiiht until by the sdvicc of hb friends he reiined thn ofute hut hi mind w not thereby relieved from the in tense lucssure of anxiety the tfoorn hecante settled and his name may now he added to the lo ibtnf ienetons men who hare fallen victims lotheir dcvolcdne in the cause of our famishinc poor and who in showing mercy toothers have had nn me rev on ihcni- wlve ilib sad event has thrown hi own immediate family the rvwr of hb parili and the nuntcrau circle of hb friend into the deepest fllwiin the tmrvra vindica tor says lbc rev mr lloox committed the rash deed hy plat in a hatdd pistol to his head aitd litrraltv blowtnc nn hishraimc urbjltert wirfjmtet omnm county cotojicr and a verdict according to the circumstance was iclutncd hunato taaoanr- a week az- a weddin feast at chatchn le macbab crcuse the father of the bride became anty wilh iter and severely rebuked her the hridemom interfered in vhalf nf ht wife and a violent aj i creation ensued hit ween him aua his father- nlaw tlic od man left the pnttf in a slate of ereal ewiumvut and went home ala later hour he went armed with pitol to the houie of his djitejieer where he was in bed and aswp ahme having left he huliamt still ensvin- hiosc1f with the fiartv the ineeleate old man wet up to her chamber and without wain her placed the muazle of one of the pislnb in her head and pulled the trieer it cmed fire bi the action awoke the poor ynou woman who thas ee- ire her father tandm armed betide her and jitdqin of his intention by the etpreaaon nf hi countenance implored for tnercy the obdurate man however oilv irorn- her with iitiue fue retiru uf him to herlms band and levrlhuij at her the aceaaw pistol shot her thtuh the head tho deed done he rcitnd ui the lrue of a uibbor and jaid i hat lletd my daughter and am oaichod with itital ive mo oie brandy the snninlsur on coming horn found hi wife dead in ihe nuptial bed haihed in het bood the niinlercr was traced to ihe house in whirh lie had taken irfn but in armtd himself with a hatchet aj tetreatint into a bark mon threatened to cleave the skull of the first who wtm fay hands on him one man however mor coufaerous and jidicou than the rot critricd hy a mjnnjvrr in el pntssion of the hatchet and in ten minute the infuuai lavcr of his own ebild wlrsfckied hoond and taken beifc uie magistrates whoro4nrnilted h to prison to le hs trial for hb atrocious crime cwjtuptt yta tfhkp would in the ordinary tt the plate and peer en 1 the lhe acid orva the aaeul the frvuir ip ibe iaeojinn of messnu muft if the new alpbahet and the w lha dial aomtcd hy them fwttaiaalsechedtotvdiauhiiheaoin sat ajaqamjlf na gti ett and their incessant i elottncal and other dbtorb hu pfodaced much ifmion in cenmaaicauorrs le dbl befort ojitc not no vibration whatever j5rtencab that in tbediat tttma uttle atery letter in the rwith ihe mean of exprest- l no tfnbob orarhilrartea need aaenltace may be perfectly and rsirmyawfled and trxntmlllcd as it b writ un wwpr wothaakfully iccept every at- umpt lo tfftprdve the alphabet of the electric tcugraoh aadtoaqake astnc wire discourse tbevaned lanoae of oests boiineisand imgcbi we may ho jarjonpfr nestin ibit there la worfc for a very high order of ciej in the diovey of th new symbolic ruae aeeesaary for the peedv tiansmit- asoa of cnmplvte and accurate intcllience and that it b not u ibe maehanician that we have a ritt to lnk for the las and hiheft weeelopmenls nf what we may call the sww electric lanuajee witiiout under- f aloiaxf too the adv5nae of havin- every ajabarie letter in the disl plate we do not anticipate that the ue of akitraries such aawoutj be iued in shorband b thereby rendered onneecuary on the contrary ii b by no means imofosamc that before the elec tnc telrnb can he fully eulbtrd into the aarvke of the pikjic prew a class of nervoo mai arise ctrabu of com mflittwiui complex idaa by iu aid with much greater faeilitv and i dtstinclom than at present and ihcse indlvijoatf wilt form as distinct a profession perhaps as the horthad wciler of the pre sent day we uv this without wham to rjodee messrs brett and littles claim of rin produced the most perfrcl telcjrathic alphabet ftowjii uf lo one room the pa tentees have 17 instruments completely fitted op reuresentin- itttaliun and the eletrie current which atales ihe indicator iu each iaalrsuaenl simnlmneonjy lureiimt a coil ot wire equal to lrtjrj male- in length we have left no p lo decr ihe the patentees other elect ro- tele raph iuipnvment their mew and ineenitntf hell apparatus their li-jht- ainx eonluctor and insulator the wofkloj coojels of their various iovenlions make an eicecdingl htlamtutx eshibiuon to sitnlnt aaen lolhe scieolic world and ihe lalt- way interest we rare it to decide upon their advaoues aod tupejioiiiy the gulf yawnino bkporn us from ae v k utrm 0 h iftcry duv ilii- pvix ccja vv t hility of peace more slronc and toon lhal im probability will he converted intn imposihili- ty but the two count ries cannot msinlain an eadlesa strife- one must yield the united stairs of conrse cannot yield and mexico will u-4- i lwi 1 1 happen then as ii ha always hapiiened in like ease that the stmnrer will nnjnate the weaker there will bo no alter nalive there is no middle conrsa between a dicvaeefiit surrender of claims io ruppol of whioh the best wood of the country has flowed and a wiicersoi oivd tv niiiai ii of maritok- thb will he irnly no holiday pastime fl will be a week of toil and troumr and will lake many years in ihe acompuhmenl a farce mukt be pooicd into ihe counlry nfr ciently poiverful to overawe rnbtauce eve ry stale government must he overthrown and new governments half ntitilii half territorial mift he erected a uniform tariff must be enforced in every port the public mines most be aeiaed and worked and ren- denrd profitable the sneriuas mnt be i wepl fjttit toms or a newspsera- news paper liferalnre b a link in ihe tl chain of aahactes which prove the great new of i awlf aatd every soppon hnuld le ptiveo lo taewvaapers the ediors of these iiaperimnst nave a most enormnu iak it b not the ajritina of the leadanr article itself but the ewption to wiite that article every week nether locuned ot not in iknrs or in awaltvt laajletion disease of mind u i and tmmsycaf after year tied tlown lo the ul remajnmjc a on t t i something nu the walking of a lloiaud miles in a fanmaid baon have a feltowsvrline for t haew raow a periodic will wear down w ttbleece u ifwlf i appeeti nlhin the woo m oot eoaoifat nor b it the lahout it is the cenlinai aitrntion which il require tesir bt wcomr u il were lb pumicalioo one wtek tt iwwrr eoreled and printed aabmcmmaivothet it ilti ilwjeof si-y- hi 1 repetition of toil a conrtant wwi pri th ttnd a esmlinual weariaa cnw mteu and spinn deaandio all ifruflo of yemr foculne at be aame imc npelteu toviheereieldrud- f waaeaat mueeuieion t hjrtff ilaeiy from the roads and umlcr ihe protection of our eate commerce and f nduttry must be encouraged where ihey already exirt awd aivea birlb to where llsey do no the peo ple most be rendered fully secure in the f- suit of their daily avocations am the coy maiden peace nsut be wooed hy decrees to etapse our mailed hanl and unite with us in promo tin the true interests nf mexico every arenuc to the intector should be open ed the cnmmtinication between san luis potosi and tampio m he cleared of all oklnctiois from vera croi lo aeaiuilcn is but a six dsys jourocj and over this road the lighter article- of ounmerce conld reach the pacific in eighteen days from new york an annual revenue or from ten to twelve millions al least could he raitd in mexico this b ihe lowest estimate ami there is rea son 10 believe that il would be much jvealcr under the old luinvrine prohibitory syttem in under force the mexican rule the revenue amounted 10 twelve millions a jiidicions system would make them yield a much larger levenne mexico cv ports fourteen millions of bullion anuuallv principally fn cntaud this in lead of to knlau wssjd ia case mcaico were in cur possession necosrilv cwt to the uuiled states ainl thus the thild real staple eaitorl would he added to tin- other two piincipal ones cotton and tvn with which we alrealv npilv the world- this would kive the united states complete commercial supremacy among the nations of the earth we already ftcd aud clothe the world we would then supply it with ihe precious metau tins would qive us immense advantages as an import in ctmutry bullion b in- every where ailmiiied fnc of duty ii b a rgfou ptipeci ihb annexation of all mvtico ft were more desirable that lw shonl i cofue ln us tluiitiri1y but as w shall have ni peace until he be antiexed let it enmep even though force he lujctmff 9 at fjrsi t hrin her like ihr xbinr virtns lc will seon learn to love her ravbher frvi the x 1 fribsiiie five years an such avowu as the above mich a prntpecl as is here opcnrd uoum bate excited the intrude abhorreiwe of the american people ad ntv with ihe ex ample of russia iti ciresia france in alters and knjland in apfhahitan befwe us wo sre setiouly incited to allempl the auidutc uljiation of a nation of seven miiumu of iwlc inhauiit a country near ly isjarcc a all kurope eept t thick ly dotted wilh impaaaotr mmunlains water- pkociialumun op the provinces from the mdifox ttamft a peteral uuimi under uk eircunttances we have suuposed would imply com- metclal relation with foreign powera the j velopement of internal rxsonrco eacour- aecmenl ro pmjccu of internal improvement- ami as a necessary enneenenee n evleosive niixraliou which in addiiion to the natural increase of population wonhl soon give the country million- of innahiiaiils ah these under the aospiees of ihe llrrlbh tivvernmeni bat wilh ihe federal union would have io he retained the connection of ihe fabric as a colony with ihe lamoi st tie and what would form ihe bond of union t all ihe pro- rcs enumerated above would when neper- atton he viewed as iothin more than lc naiural devetowhienl conquenl upn the intrinsic value of the counuv il abjiiv within itself lo sustain ilsetfe thus would rather militate amuisi than falift the con nction ij- 1 ilb inweier we fciv t nohm- hut the prrrniittite held hv ihe so vereign of appnilm incentive fiiers of nomuiatini in ihe lilaiivr council and of mainlaininje a fnce within ihe cikxiv ami upon its cat in asit in its defeiute or as sert the imperial supremacy thb icraja tive 0ctssafey enough white it is exercised wisely in the itreaeol liitle impwlint and divided hlc of ilrttblt america hut we con tend that under a federal union centrilisin thc general government of thj province and eiufouinc ihem with a national jmeom- anee accrdii in all ntavin of humn ihii- cyit would not he rinilted to act al all white therefore a federal union of the provinces would present on these eim a form of government so incomplete as to tails in a short time a general w bb for its removal or as general an aitslio for an adcilion to its pnuxdftloay be as weil has iijtm glanced at its ii pfi de velopement in bcmtfwa pttsia notice open what it b likely to arrite at under an nrsauiaiion more com jde to fel ut suppose that it will exercise other rswee than uiose which are merely administrative it may he ihe intention of lue gritbh govem- ment to ive a national character to the cotin- tiy in evervthinc except the nominal protec tion of the parent slate tlie repeal of all dirfsrenlial duties with re card tofnreicicntjn ries imjeies abo a concession of th right of the colonies to make treaties of commerce with all such conitritff which aain items to imply diplomatic relaiituis in a limited seasc- tlib b the concessjoii of a national privireee that may well b- evpcmid to incteare their wealth aid dcvespe iheir resomces lhal wilt make them sttont- and tend lo isolate their interests fnvn llmse nf ihe mother coun try and connect them mere intimately with oher powefc couple with this ihe opnin up nf ihe cunliy hy the extensiun of public improvement construction of railroads ftc am to these add the inevitable influx nf emi- rjatioo and the natural increase of oopuljlioik through a period of twenty tears and there will be a rich and iopuloh country ils ccotv seiax energies in full activity feehn its own importance poetjn under a federal oper- iuteudence all the elements of naltoual ttenjclh and more inclined lo etect a presi denl wlio timlemaid it wants than to susmit the control nf its interests 10 a new rcan every i years who mtht very irnperlecuy under stand itiofflj thuh nonuiiated by the sover- eiin nf great rilatu wrlh a regularly oranised nvrnmenl a full reasurya coiiulry cmwinin provperitv it maylw no inner expected that the peo ple of what is now rritbh america wouk submit in rank ihhnte nations in the subordi nate condition of a colony every sentiment of attachment in a iarenl stale would vanish the slihlefl interference wilh their coveni meni jtrivileces wonhl be reentcd every modibcation of imperial policy atfcliiu their commerce or its wide telations tvouhl be treated as a eicvancc the whole sentiment nf allegiance in fact wnum he iransfrrrecj from thr fa fvnntey lip eraliu aukki i a i nation would be uril pirly in pave uie v ay for a concession of independence the mothce country has already called upon these depenleneie to pay the whole amount nf iheir civil ibt they hate acceded to the reasonable nes uf the request but demur to ustainin ihe honor of the crown in il a rce ment with its servants ihe afoiher country would then demand that ihey should pay for their defence from foreign aggression and in ternal commolion and fur nrotection to their commerce and nolhinjcouldbemnre resnn able on the part of the federation il would he the least ihey culd do ru ac know led gmetll of the foterinj care which had mate them what tlwy were but it would he deemed a tayroent of the dem in full with swelling ttatriotimn two french canadian regiment m pruvinciit expence would take piwsesionof the citadel ol qdrhcc a regiment of symp thiiers would arrisn the citadrl of kington and the citadel of halifax would be gar risoned by 1 reiment ot bluennses upon whoe standards would be inscribed lhat pre- these we lake t he only aiutaral seiinenees of a federal inothr r juervi if initio ahiut a afatinn th ohjecl of grrat rriialu well the k expenditure in the pmvinccs f variu j hcs tin coutcniplalcd reels for benefit and ihe impoaant tutw they osveifw wilb reference to the influencef great p lain uvmi the american cnenent ja na w u in supjein such neane tu nsanihtbe the hot that coil he desj hnl whv shoutd it be mccamo adi a soicidal policy have wem fr rwe be feelings rritish aahjccls ato deir ihal half a century hence this camey s4i0st he teparaled trnvi the jtrihoi fnvii uhl we rather than h iocorpeated tore iialiipj t- ly willi thr mnlher fninitv itfome a hdion o itanifesily inforiur that w should okc rank i a fifth or ftixth inte wer se can never he tin- semimeiils toy at r itb frdonims it does not enter iin their lcu rations in advocate a iri- tvliici aay lead to the fulue diinuih4riit l u kn- pire and ihrrfr it is thai le stjbjuo of a federal luidn iletes the sn eriiititt tioi of alt whi are in any w dimu lhat llii ptrmanrncv of that ctmnetion vum le wrarrewp tit its tenhny my be e jnard and uie mischief frulrated we jewia a more iniimaie rtlirr lhati a jkc lotis ecu ncctinu with great rriliu au hnjptioi into boundaries of which icnceof he mtimaily and al hojie of lib ll lite scheme would appointi a efcitual the 7th july in ttviug the tvjwie a location which he had secured aks itpon l the n mining on laki supeakk atrorst oi tuk steraisrrsovvr fb trpflll cisaos kltftttv cohtt tjtirktgtjfvt rae ilatnuoa ptctr crf ilibbte the surinteridant vriliue on of of it as follows this location was made july itlhjblt upen the front oecifts a laree tienincta ol reenstnnc and i sacceetled hyavmiie about two mile towards the north which rock is predominant upon the balauc- of the location and b ibrown up into ivsnded kaelb and ranees ear he jukiiea with the cjrccrmone accimliaaj upon ihe psnsla before mctitionrd occnr several quaff- contain yeltow snlfhiiklt of copr hut generally of small dimensions golden est ceedncst inche in width running atcrior i course in in easterly direction at n a ly ritht anleri to the horc wk h- currln in a laniill bay or nook nr lie nek of the peninsula f dbeecereta ven two feet in width at the water ed- nin- nin interior in an easterly direetlot increasing in width and joined he n feeders or siring which if added to wsold width of the vein before nhn1ioneilild increase its thickness in many fl five and a half feet much of lb t seems comiroscd of a cranular nnarr wili well definnl walls fined wilh a mineral bears white pyralonm an cat iron abundantly in the form chryaau the cavities thus ocend arc frequently coated sslphurelt of sile the chryatau contiderablv mine win galena accompanying these are yellow sulphurett of eopicr and or4ilifer of crrr at richness from a specini l drfrdkadalmullhesie of a sanll ol wheat 1 coducd a butlou al which b herewith enclosed much wi by the process but i believe ten to iijjjj per cent of sib e may lie safely e as its per centne in the lar wav of ihb description is largely die thmuth the vein and upon hlatinc bclvw the sutface evidently ini niiantitv i traced thb vein more n mile takine several sjiccimeitx v results aslo the product of silver j ut ils dinctiou acntvi the bay a sm vcw was discovered runinn- in a wc reclinn several other veins w dimensions occur on tho writ porrl locatitks fron neahv all of wlti larte irtfhued galena 0 wo feel e in itaj half ith like smaller of this 1 took and a chanee made in he sp a follow 1hr chupe is prnjtnaed m cone a drcoey made snwcjiient to the former r ot nrorniiinc e c j 1 1 ijiipoatte i uthu etiuterof islands in terrace bay tlus vein on the shore b eiejit inches in widin is joined by a laree nttmaer of droppers so called hy miners all very rid in dnume ycdjowul4iu frit of copper fron which toinc of the best specimen of that variety of ore have been aken yet jiveoveted f lave traced a vein about one mile in a direction n 15 kal it occurs in a idult afly feel in height and h teen distinctly traced into a mountain ridc rr-in- mote lhau three hundred feel above the lake the tauc it white niiatu and com- oel ihe wills lined wilh a mack mcalic nuneral accompanying the yellow copper b een raphite of eery puie qnfttiiy two aax work wilh three men have been spent at eseavatieci in 0tenti it and five barrels eaccllen specimens of ore taken since my previous report i have surveyed the vein appeared open and crinj- the river and ihe slouishinc mmwr of twentytwo well de serving notice have been found and a much grcatcf number of mall feeders or dropper joining the larger veins tbete are fntind within a dbtance of one and a half miles from ihe lake shore fl a direct line- to which point in banks are rocky and ihe river bed a dee n oesjc from en to three hundred feet above lhat point th banks are sandy bat little rock appearing amon- these veins are two of laree fixe- bearing ihe same direction ore and other cxuroal cbaracterbtics ohservahle io those npou the shore i have no doubt they are the same and shall so consider ihem tbo nearly two milca distant in confirmation of ihb b the fei that in runnini- a line from the shore upon ihe course of the unrvm it cut a point within a few feel of the vein upco the river thb variance may cavil be accounted foe in the irregularity pf the ground and a ii- ii deviation from our coarse the eewi crosses the riser abote tbe hijrh falls and pasc into the opposite bank other coiitci- drnceflof tktsame kind were dbcovrred i have been openine a fine vein near ihe sh fall oneandahalf miles interior direct iith otosl mbfaeiory results the vein was ikcovered in the river 5re traced un the ihut eithty feet hijh across it to a heavy lyka which heaves the vein about fifty feet o the north wheie it was discovered of in created sizc berine the same ore and carry t haer faced it across the river into a hjej rooky blrja cnttint il face preservins the northerly dip as at the date of discovery i opend the vein the top of the bluff on the east side ol river on sinking iwo feet which was ilonewilh two blast the vein increased to five and a half inchc solid and disclosed three drqrs each more than an inch in thickness and highly charged with beautirol jrey ora and a better show in the law vein four feet baa been reached today lite vein has become eight inches in ihicknew and in crraed in richness i have already pi ont sesen barrets of specimem nf excellent quali ty and any quantity may be obtained by the proper esc a rations this vein mnt make a mine- i cam bat think our prospects mol cheering and ihb at tt location second to none upon the lak shore the larjc vein upon ihe shote is abo turning out beautiful specimens which may from this he obtained in a quantity far too ureal to think of removinj- with any boats several fine veinaof yellow and grey copper ore have been opened at the lower fairs ajo a vein at first stpled graphite btjt on testing il was found iuvilre- oes coppcr years havine caused a reduction of price much below the actual cot of its dlivery at ihe port of quebec hashasla not rnjurfotj eitrcr uiun ihe pmterily of ihe producers without iteiiic in iheir opinion ofane advantage lo ihe shipping mcftbaou or of any portion of the public 3idlyjtceo1ved lhat with a view to reme dy ihe efirois depretsion of trade under which they nw tuner and to accelerate the retutn of a healthy rtateof the maikei the undersigned individually and collectively hereby aerce lhal jtvjt will as far as it b saa- iblc and within their influence and coriteoul cgtlail the manufacture of all tamber intend ed for the quebec market for the ensuing year mily vidver thai the thanks of the unircrsreocd are due to ihe provincial govern ment for allowing lliem to retain their limber limits without actual operation for pic ensu ing season t sitrj by alev mcdonell and thirty six othes british whig optrtit pr oraem dice- saturday octobhr 10 tai7 new pirns avo htaaourt at cota cove mr samuel s cole has nui oni nne good suhslanlial piers s6feet in length and tj feet in water xvell leaded with alone aau iw ready for planking he intends opening out a road direct to cotkkne aaclhrtildin- store houses snujcieul loaiore all the ihwir and oth er produce required forshinmenl next year he intends addin one hundred feel more piers which will give from 12 to 11 feet of water at the end of pier when completed tttere is now tight feel of water at end of pier wilh food anchorage and shettr for vevscb from south southwest and northweit xvinds the pier runs out neatly east inlo the lake mr govcrs schooner isabella delivered pat of a cartoon it a few days since his mr cole intention to apply to parliament at next session for a charier of said harbosir and alto for x250 a smalt sn lo enable him lo complete hb piers c nvxt year mr cole cerla in lv deserve great credit for h enterpriiinc spirit ard wo tjust that gov ernment will not only erant mr cole the necesary asibtance lo complete his pirm but make cotborne a port of entry and give mr cole tho coleclorbii coburg star cocioos plant the mayflower embroidered hy the hand nf some fair danhler of acadia a few colonial steamships upon us- mod ofthecunard line for ihey would thn he able in construct steam engines and loeormv tives would look alter iheir commerce pro tect their fisheries and be prepared for any emerjency that miil happen in iheii diplo matic reiilinnc or m hero be rut like as xova scotia legislation on the civil lixt thvte would be one grave cause of appe hensfon with thb mutual wief and conces sion should a rupture take place between the mother connliy and a foreien power ot the hay un wth ihk in fronb forms a safe and commodious babor the mriiintainti on the rear denely covered with limber though near the shcrc it has been injured hy fire i aceompanv thb report hy a cask of specimens taken from the silver vein marked no 0 tn the letter above qnoled we od still another location secured the snpeuteiideni speaks ouile enthiimaslically of il we an nex his docription m thi location tvav made july ims- the fnnl exhibits an array of ver seldom teen neon the lake ae crter com posed of quart cutting a ijejll rrrx ranite which i ihe predominant rk nf loca tion am neisuborhoo-l- on the pjtl upon the easterly front occurs a lartf ibttabtr nf verns of viriou width ceficiwy ev- cccdin six inches running norrherh harine irevand yellow snlphorelbcf enjper and at tima associated loclher in vk small hay west of thb point occurs a vciti rf qnart inman olacei ten feet in wldlh n iiarmuiuar lc than ftta in th l enrered slains rf enicr andevxtf ww of the quart seemed t harced with wnerat which t believe tn be black sulphur- w aide to trace this one hundred vf lh west and i eniretpthi lin magnitude the federal lio- viclal tovernmcnt iih ils national altk- tute mitht he inclined lo weih in the balance ils relation with ihe enemy againsi the obligation lo defend itself from hb axes- ionr the provincial federal covemment miht cirevs a decided wish to remain neu tral it miht nnt care to have il coasts en dangercd its relalinns dbturbed its prosperity jeopardised its treasury emptied in a quarcel winch il 0hl have done nothing to provoke ami in which it had nn eahhly eeneern an cxpressimi nf this deehled character would he an infrinerriert nf the compact and the mother country must then yield her claims wilh a jenod grace if she resenb l ihe daoeer would lee lhat lit federal provincial government ttlaneiuy the advantages of ihe connection aain i ihe frcednm of naiinnal dependence miht aeri the latter and to mttain it rnihl even declare war again the foonjuot parent and assbl the enemy il b no i reasouame lo suppose that a con- try in a condition in etricbe thee iriiwem will noi aeail itself flf lhm if the pedtral govenvnenl can wwvide legiments and fieam cf why should it not otficer them this conceded how much iflnzer wotild it be before the ei wnnld ire made to elect ali the executive depriincul and sen l irrespective of any reference t the aimeoval nf ihe crowe there cnald bi- no reason to reject the demand uprn the ground of thei- want of abilily by this lime nhle men ami wealth v and tveel greedy of dislinclion would be msiad in the countty whose compelriwe u all lle hhf si olticrf in the tjovernmen cooh not he intetioned and afdebaired from them rlirccl line inierior branny north where it wa covered with rubbish to a considerable depth a few itj m west i dikovered numerous verv j 10 the lare veins generally rf wi excecdin six inche most of whs composed of fluor spar of a ov 11 color bearing copertiins rrthera9jj fmm which ad specimens of jjjj and tellow solphnreiu of cojer ahftit three hundred yartk lo ihe wj one nf the urarrt metal hearini v vet met in the tianllic rock le waters cdjefiflwn feet in thiclin and running inierior wilh scarceit j ihicknew fnrone hundred feel wh- jj occurs beyond which ihe vein contil six feel in width ntid also adjmivei j work nf smaller veins lending m a j hon the direction pf ihb trill i wed and was tracel inlceinf a j tarter nf a ml where it is eovc t law and dcrablc the late provincial show ftqa tht omiffon spttaatot the hut of prize- and proceed in cs at the dinner look up to much space in our last number lhat we had litlle room for an v reflec lions of our own either upon the exhibition the management or the satisfaction expert enced by viiiore we shall therefore hrieflv avw piymhtl lmtr teilnft at tlic inofuenl and whidi require retnik even at this late period as a provincial exhibition ihe superiority over lhat ef last year b universally conceded indeed we may lake a more extended rane and assrri on tbe authority of more than one american renitemcrt present that the eeeit state fair al saratoja la it month was immeasurably vntj y i nip j y- show of cum wa really manificcnl gen tlemen of experience admitted that the wheat belonging in mr freemsnthe produce of ihe core district was quite equal lo the best samples which hare been produced from ihe eclcarat4 grain g rowing counties of england thb fact alone b lofhvient to peove thai under a prober system of cult vat ion canadian ii cann be surpassed in the world the show of fruit although not vcryev- tenxive conld not fait to have struck all who observed it the apples and grapes wcr- mch snoerior to any we bad before cast eyes upon the productions of the dairy were amone the most attractive articles on the froond the bnlter and cheese which we tasted xvas excellent of the former some stiltons were universally admired of ihe live stock we could not speak in too hh terms the show orhoncs was mj extensive and a number of ihe animals bore unmblakehta evidence of hih breeding the same thine mihl be said of a treat por tion of the horned cattle and sheep i he implement department we vera quite unahle to eet over and therefore quote the brititk cancduui oir contemporary beine fattlwr a wav from home bad more leburc on hb hands and appears in have made a eery mi nute examination lie say there were improved harrows and enjb the einhrtstneraud closing of ihe season of course diminish he number ofarri- vab of emigrants and ihuhlhi hospitals and asylums are lets crowded than they have been at earlier periods in the year the statements are however still extremely distressing thutonlhe 11 october there was in frospital at grosse isle 1152 of whom 368 were dis charged and eleven died i bat day leaving 733 of these about 700 were fever atitalc and tbe rest in general afflicted with smalt pox at the marine hospital quebec ihere were on the same day 4 13 patients al the sheds montreal on the th there were 776 emigrants and cithl deaths during ihe day an assertion has been made in ihe common council and is generally believed to be true that considerable sums have been brought here by some of ihese people and consigned hy ihem in their last moments to persons who have in many instances appropriated the money to their own use an alderman named tully who is known to have the means of mbrofttion calculate ihe average of the suors brought to canada hy emigrants at 10 each we suppose hearts of families this does not prevent them from appfyiue to the public for relief the whole number of emi- trauts arrived here ibis vcar tn ihe 9lh octo ber is 91892 aiost3i073laa year the emigrant aient hai inlormaiion o i iff more who mailed fiom england in august vonfca htrour the commitlee appointed al the public meeting lo airanfee matters for the propef nf- crpiion of the covemor general when hi excellency ebits kinion have adjnrned sineche al ibe first ineetio of the commitlee mr rohl jackson was appointed chif mar- hal of ihe day ami the appointment was duly accepted but tl would anpear that ihb ap- pomlmenl cave cjneral dbsalisfaetion to the various public bodies and societies of the city and a kind of round rotdn wa signed and sent to the couxmiltec expressive of iheir determination not to allow themselves t he marshalled hy mr rott jacksot this document placed ihe co omittce in a peculiar poeilion they knew uf no reason why the apjkjmimenl should be rescinded muc parti cularly as it hadboeu accepted and if they did oot rescind it uteve would be no public pioccssioo and no proper reception of the governor general the committee therefore became dividrd in opinion but tbe itjajority nevertheless passed a resolntiow leaving- ihe whole sajperintendence of the public proces sion lo t a corbet i q- the sheriff of the district and leaeinj each fociely i ar raoge itself as itmxy tbink proper under hb directioa tile affair therefore stand thus the mavor at the head of ihe cor poration wttt probably receive hb dcel- lency and escort bin to ihe city half where the address wfl be presented and the pre- cesaon will be feiiaed by the larioum societies and pnmie bodies as abuse mentioned it b not known precisely whet bit excel lency will visit kingston but il b expected lhat monday or tuesday next will be the day the manofwar steamer carrstoe captain powell went np to queenon a few caya ao to take hb lordship and sote thence lo to roolo and will in all probability thing bim down to kingston itnxle manufactures pflnsaps ihere inchiot in a vculai aanetei t lew vien- ri conducive to hmnan lu pet it v ii r t ond ii v uvin vet leyeribcc rue post office at sheffield we are assured lhat mr detve bj for the latt is mouths urged ihe eslablishmenttf a post office in sheffield but baa not thus far been met by tbe chief of the department we hope however lhal ihb notice will attract the allcniinn of ihe deputy post master general and lead to the desired convenience wc would recomaicnd ihe inhabilanla of lhat lowivsihp to ei up a petition and forward it to the proper quarter rrnuesiinc the estabtiah- mcnl uf an office either at wheelers or hays corner and ihere is no doubt their renuest will be alonce acceded lo cnromvtv v aetes ftom the above naearah it will appear thai the carmiiete sr ivtei has taken up the cidgcb in favor ol this much neglected portion of the country and has exonerated ihe poal office surveyor from any nelect in the mat ler- the whole pr of the city should cqualy espouse ihe same cause the town- ihipof stieleclil lies in the rear of camden and a laigc porlion of it b exlreroely well rrn nd pr ate trite the ned key i ived s a ik i r ocd whiever te ufe eapihie of d io pr nosleci we smuld d- wirh ae9uilv and bt te m w vam hr errfirl erf art ifuts ciukavur l iuvac ov t othcre as poiluv wastt vrohvveithird aanpflnw blc lo individuate ico t to a nation at latgo tontuin lruer4lnr od dovclvpe cc inerraae ieo irre ithc itnpeiiiro tiutv of a ewuon il b me itt peorpiitj ant inofpcnturee l eocnor oeeorrjkndnf ntfolwne mflooftciorc the nnn wluch uerleeni lhjt end heatma itco- vn dcketts perilous dcfru and utterlj destilule uf navigable water ur nitroidj 1 complete tins c0ncie eve if it he pracllca blr and rwi reverws are eoftnolert d mim co one lluiidied millions allitioin ot national dem minr thousands of vcious live nd worw than all mul engulph the moials and ihe uheilita if our m lue unlatlrom- able abvss of uuodthcd d and na tional guilt w where ilesjj ihe lodgment what hat stnpified the colhfjene nf thr auc rican ieotjef lucre uusht to he an instant and iceneral uprii-inj- of all wlto hare apiie- heusion beyon i the beast that perbh to de mand au vutire bandoninvui of mvaton and aumaim who tbir1m fur more bloodshed f more oo the new york and new haven ft aittuarl bhveeti the wetlern hue ef ihe rily aad new vself the route h nn er tract and the wule wotlt ptogretsine with leji rapnmy lhau 151x1 tnen ate employed fv an absolute act of auiluuity or if ihev imagined that ihetr ment aod popuarily wnm he produced a male nf ilimo which it wouhl ivt4 he worth the while of the mother conn- try with only a nominal mention of ihe hllc- jnce of the provinces lo contend against it will we think be evident frnm a eon fridcraiion ol uie above premise that the danger tn he apprehended hy thr mnther country fiom a federal union nf live pro vince i ike ceil hit that through il means she wi1j lo them olbvrlhc this event uonld rohsltv he conitnuaied within a ufiod f fifiy eari in the meantime and far thr reason aive staled it dos noi apihai clcnlatrd to he jdvantaccoiis to ihe mother country nrv the flhwiu emui lerattotw rrtreal pritain by ihe free loin of commerce she has iguataiilccd ts thein w in webe yea lose twothirds of their trnle 6vond- in iheir kiowifig and nnileil ureikth she will firrlcit their alleianee which wosihl be tranferrcd to tho federal cfmyrrnrnenl an authority willnn thciotelve- thev will lie lauhl in lmk upnit as supirne thtr4it sh woim hse ihrit ciope arjihfct y pmf wild which she mim f im vjm would he ite prmiill t iiiw t4ir lrriilom4 imt bai nf v ail ieali evccji jnj iheii ovti ululf ujl jnj rubbbli thb vein came etev sulphuretk nf cniipr in wt nuinlilies and u cvhihiled in a h th lolc tti lite pih of twelve fcet tc irminatcd two feel in width ocoa centre of ihe vein inc bleinle and jlpit of iion are also obcrvrd accompany each side thb vein is united by feeders in which was owrved ltey uldiumfs nf cjper and a f in considerable abundant aecnm yllow sulpliurett nf copper a fe the eal runs a vein of purple tin i inches in width nearly parallel i tntt ards the lare veils un tho tt the incatinn eulplies lllick hivcf bar at the nmuih si frcmv he- divchare lre volume of th month and tn t lew fmtn lh lake ufwalenv falling over rockyaiatj with little expeme almt ftltj w uvsimwe iwa mile ajniw js fall ihitjofiu the liver on ihe e a series f terrrwifs cnmsd of dim ved iiintim if iw chafacler dcseild sijfficienl in extent to m coinl furms and susceplimr nf cuk krorulhelae his mnlirtn rir fiuallv altainius tho ordinary in nh laiusseen alou- the coam and b ihe limlier comomn lo thb btilude i hiich and fir of sfiall sie lh iirccnts miiwra iatlicatioiu nf the l tlie nncertafn vicalher audaet in which the btceb majeei te wee si nf ihedilfieultlovnlh wlilel lorshave tneonirnd th- sniu in hi ltert refi f lo lh- wcalh- the weihef feewrit dit rxiwdinty iiniopitions mihjeel i jenl quails undudden ehaur l si innti w weu ijnirsril in vtorni vhile putls 1 rve em cyuraeufti vn ibo jajckoia r want o rocrn eoeiiuy n prstereerji ti ir- oo i unwire ii ducotiracoa nd rnfcebk tlaelf mj uh imati lv mitl frork tt an itvn flicre b not a eooolrj udcr llio aun tebich maltejo mfro ita is manuucturffa ond niechsnie nod beatia itt wtroace on cofeieijni lun cdi tlw canadian eijeod nore money on articleo msnn- racitiied it tlie unim sisieo urtblw which enald ke well intdo in cnda and thr mi pt among vlisl b received bv ttoroirn ntechattio lf a1 roelhe it imi oonirurcrnbte fael tint conad iuppofrho ante mean mnafclurc ooc bicehanir teller thin jin own krry tyae in cnrtda ia wrpl by an american mmnufnctarl brn sinpleasthb auklc ir ileoala vt thitinh f tifs io cs which never raturu the rorn fir thb article cao o ruieal in couada where tho article itself cold and ooht tn be inane our hay b col rnxit nn flked wilh rethea fofk and rake of american nufietrtrc seythcioiuha hoee ooji lini every ttnlemenl ca hushosiffv ued h af fanner- eone ff4o l1r alce and aaoee ottl uf intel or every det- criplom and esen tlm eatkrr h mutt be brvoclit fnm the other kir nil of which we pay j i jwi t iiuaf cnada iny irrlf-mcaiir4- your naoifctufeni and tncehoice eheit iha uiu of your and wtfcnlhct and enrich vur irrrilorkn arl ws adoetitrr am tcic i n ntat i h a t so much directed setiled sir miles from the post office at camden b a lrjre clump of bouses in the mublru a fine settlement called whale corner vvlicm a post ofuce is lotidly called for and nine mile farther in the rear are whe1er blills in the middle ur another well settled tract of land il b through thb neighborhood that the new road to the ottawa wn wfcflk iamtki white public allcution is towards the contemplated road lhat none should be exhibited towards devclopine the resoorceiof the country already opened out it b rwvv more than tvvojreaee since the post etfr6npva4afwrw rvfontreal a peti tion ol the inhabitants of sheffield fur a post 0feewilh older document but from that lime to the present no attention has been paid to the subject the mail already raes tn camden and newbfgh twice awcck and the espense of sending the mail on to wha been for rtc ami hr-at- a tour to the wst tavrast no rir of ihe many villaico retreats which hava hruue up in ihe back woo ih and which i baea visited none hai plcisj nc half well happy houriebine ccorutavosen sweet atidenchaoting location frcqaautly have your beautiful assceiatiowa iwtorrw ta rny memory and made me wbh to sre yom aciin for whether it it lhat you oiorl wilh met peaceful rjuiei ao uncepectedly or thai you are aired of travellint tbrooish the eootny foret certain il is that thb village calls op pleasing emotions voo seem raddonty tranaw planted into another clime emerging from the interminable forest yea come by a hoil intn 0on a beautiful verdant slope another turn and you coma in full vieer of the villaeje its end reposing- in a valley and laved by the ohrystal waters of tha credit us top climbs the opposite bill which b crowned with a luxuriant wfpsm ejuve tlie credit hrrc taks thefurrrtofat scmiciicle and nearly cncloaes the cad of the village in an bland the whose village as enclosed by a thick bah through which al white collage now and thvu pcepa the houses are neatly bnilf and srve to assure you of the comfort of the inmates the vil- jua numherv ahmit 700 inhabitants it con taint two mellkodbt and one ccmrrerticmaj churches a postoffice three stores and twee taverns one furniture manufactory by tra vis employing thirty hands one taonery by dayfoot with fifty workmen j two saw milb and a crist mill with three run of stone aaj iron foundry and extensive woolen factory by kennedy the manufacture of which took he highest premium at be show n tv rottto and well the enterjirisio pruprietor deserves such a mark of merit kia eetabi lishment b well worth a day journey lo ato the buildrn it larjc and wem tuvli the owner b obliin and a0ble ibe wovkmett are the best that can be procurer and tbe cloth the best manufactured the rtwhfref ry is all in good working order and aearly stoas you by its ceaseless wbioe thoreaj fourteen vver loocns and iwo spinnips- ieo- nies which u nin m h 260 and 270 thrrad lodeed frorn what i have seen j can ray there are few tuch estambbments ia the pro vince success f say to the entrrtnslaf owner and may lite shadote of kvnnrdj v woollen factory never be jess a drive uf a few mites over a billy and picturesque country brought us to the vil lage of laluyafaoi this village b the centre of an trubset llcracnt and it well situated for internal trade the land adjacent b fertile and in at hlrh stale of cultivation the hotusea are neat and hespaak happiness and fnlly attcat to tire tfaveller what patt can do when ywn pre him libehy aod a chance the rillaie nnmbers about 200 inhabitant has a postv office store to end h fast improvine ll b a pilty lhat the villarc itself b located on moh a rocky piece of irvound do not know the anglican translation of baltmafad bat from ihe locality one would suppose it mean something rocfcy hilly tineren and r et has one eveat advantaage boweva inlaw jnantityof imetone in iu nerecrrroocth vators dr and seed sower reapitic ma iuicoii ilow and t otnitc mied by vardi to par sis i lendmc tiinrof nton the t near it t a series ct rating r power teoid ide are a and and rctofore several l4l0o h f r hun gered hy white hy viftu t order e ualu iin tin tittji i chines and siachiees for all manner of ue and aotdnst them all we were as much pleased with live numerous admirably-con- tmcled plmiihsas with many other articles the iron scotch pteai h were beautiful pieces of workmanship and omc wooden one of similar make were well desenin nf notioe there vvas a uv lull asorlmeit nf ihb pri mary and impbit implement in the farmers ibt- amon the inventions in nice hanir war a clevorly construrtcd nsnrlbine machine some nvt1yinvcntedchaftcu1ierxsne the iatlent of which hts been lately jnutorted from england and several earietres of threshing machine a food dealof attention was smarted hy the stumpemricalocs one of theo uvfulimphmenu eonitructcd with a wooden ercw was put inlo operation but uiiforlunilty for the owner win much itaw atuinptcd tlie stump was fixed hard and firm in thr ground almost fcen and tbe roots were not cut or loosened conseniienlly in utter detiance it remained where it cew fl would he impossible for us to enumerate a fifth f ihe wonderful ihini in this depart ment hi tuurt refer our readers to the prie list wliich wc si111 liocrt bcftre our m per pies to press if we can ppjldy obtain il tn lime wheh however at ht present wtfliraw aecsni rather doubtful the horjes were amisng the mnt popular nltraclinn on the trouu4 the supply was laree there were some hahfslucfi mood hoia and of ihe other kinib we should suppssv nearly twenty two three year nld cutis from the vouftnown horse coeanrss were lieuutie and thei were i h heavy clydesdale and several noiv of the strong and uieful farmcr horso maotcvictwieoara- il ppsra lhal vcy imptrtant ond novel empviymcal h- rceenllr leen perteeed hi the opesalie aetitin of tho ue- ntie tclreph by meaito f which communiea- lifuif enn he twtdo in aual htten iikeed f ruarlm mutm thcn m lhat in fact le who nefts iny read an amcrirnn pfr five ilc lo aettirarrt nf itui incnln which b called liwavw iteeordina takirph eb tue crenl prnctwal dirfrrrr lctreen me mir anj tloucs m wle of leti fffpninj bihl thr ffinwr nc n nch i tmphtrt f dt ihi tinea nil t nhich nre nude li a ainlc atcel ptiut tahile ibe uierprrrrra diminet knau hllcr lnly llw uinimicd can read die lvmer wh ie latter ialewein wiio can rend at hu in addi lain it hha inn och- aafecuda of accuaev i wlii the pcralr i fr if4anee tatlii- al ihe mvehine hrc ettunirirnlit i lubsile a printed p iuea fr ihchsmeonc direcly be ftie inm whtch i ea icly th aama nv ihe owe lh wu al ile uie linc fenw lh nvehwit m liwbviltu 1 a ktixrindawwffehnn njiftn hchapfjuiica icdieau evere letter a it b pilot ed the appearance f she mwhine b imeihine like a pirn ll h h ys lalmlrd wih uie kite l tho slitanhrt by lirfan winch iba puine tlire opnn ihe tp a itii trt ia a nimll hri- jmul atesl wheel npi ht edjjc of whieh cvey mier beut aftiniu a peejndicu1r cili4iei raiitrfiaff neir ibe whm wmre cmarnw rilwm atturlnl villi ink and iwtvn ll und the vhrcl pria ah a narvw lip t ptr upu iiacmr hevim ow iniane- uh luik wheel rcvbc quickly halaassjm iiosj l wpvrentedio thevh mder which at tlc mme illtuut rruea htrrlty drivine the ppcr avl rdthin aatnat ll0 kltcr andthuathc uaarcaasm b tohsn as atierkeca piaaiho1 he ruber evening artanclemett well hn 111 nltftju ibs wfts d hchlrd ufd- neatlrnteumeauerceikiyiiir inmo raiber late vet svarutlb whei d tftadeit hit ami clfccii upon rturnm- ne od he weknk him wuji while inakitk a traverse il bv il r ten 11 man was iln nchil bv llm cnuihi ra mid itif liat lnh in wulvfuti v itnatier in huekeis foil fml b tiiirabl fui twu week vn l 1elilw1unit4 hid have i fd kiits have ut pd niuih nf i liime- ihi ihe nih or aueikt rd u wlllea 10 ihe ielrtil inlnnuinr ioi ithil svavtllvi lvntion hail ten ii j mn vin estiidny t of ihe ttervd- is every f tlie her hows uated ai iajn nf h aealiihit- vetla- ue aai hp irir-s- ifuilirj the timbkr trade at a rumir meeiine of the manufacturer of tiimw held at he ottawa hotel in ihe city of jirhec nn saluiday uie 17th seplembei tlie ienral stale if the ira jo was fully djcusd and correct infoimalinn of the for nicrhrlt nf lumber 1tcther wilh the quan tify liovi arrived and yet to arriee for ihe season wvs nhmilltd lo the meeting where- uiert if was reuilvcd uthat the forests of camda arc a souice of weallh to the country wh for in- eil rtisurnptisn ami espnrlatinn of lumber if jodtcinusly and economically mauaee put the e iterbive and lavish peoduciinn of lhat indittenahle nrticle which ca never bo re placed aod which no other ennotey can ae evienbely mpjy and forced away with aal ovtuui an eajaiivalrtll fr ils inlrintie vatae h cool of iifwhtclhfl ta atlended with urinsij hna in the manufacturer and alfrctlae ihe reimial inlerrtt of live ptovinee at lare stilly hrnieed thl tlw -upeeabuul- anf taoiltrlion of lumber for the last two lie fcnnd umi bb ifs- had pritetid the alfnerr wilh fne or hia beat iwc and eaer scat twan- dr tltenrttuf ll hnnurr haunfr iwiw b eortl luuve waal ii- j i that it was iibehimrtoof lh rooat calenaivonsks nf valusblo pmovrty urr i ri- u nttttnihanv hlie clerk wa called and holh he and liw maieejae cruird till after midnipht ptpaftni a calumffik et hie jnhhj pmpcily ik tirnjer mcmiwhao dtcinlin ohi portietikra mnikft tn pipe mid jpri hn bnmdy tn work wa fchoul tuop d lu latlllq woe nrilr rtiipiyand the nvjoumy of h 0 heut anuu jfwcd ihut llwsc 4i ind be moth ittbneo hfl iifuiousv1ienlbjoutooior ucn otalh tili vicer kb lhat bw leeiatsed htcnef hnn bs inaj mo lo mast po dfiak 1 ehwuld n4 hnva old ihb peoyeate asw it- oy uial swtce t caino tf a t4doio i aanl iel any fouftv uuny nnd 1 aeao gnhi fiicnd but i wouldnt rett ikn mla nt hbi slitmueu ho iflvrod me ssflmt mn i won il hijmk- tina aubriiah cwvinetd ihn avetruieer lhat mmfas id oelnhma a fudeeon ho ileal in roahly ceuht 4 cmh an inquiry was ot mi ban laintethftii ly a hilt f iot hccmie hoowa id gicnl cmt las iihiimi ihiriaoh ihb mtn bad ut cteep hiu ue njlimi rdioe lens comer and wheeler mills has estimated at a30 per annum and yet for ihe want of ihb trifling cpcndiluc a laree population it seriously i neon rente need we have keen assured that dunuf the lumber n the letters of ihe lumbermen alone would exceed the whole expeu ol the year mail surely the dernity post master oenerat will not shut hb eyes to iheie fcts hn will direct the post office surveyor to make a special report on ihe matter for tu 5fiia h7j- a tickler for the evaporating gentlemen of kinfistok uvcstioir os cvteonattn admiltin lhat lake ontario from niarara to kintnton is 160 miles and depth 6w feel in uie channel depth decreasing radudly from channel say 0 feet to every mile in ihe summer seaunn what time will it require for the whole of thb body of water to evaporate ll is found hy experiment that 333 rains b eaisd on a circle whose diameter b 7 inches anil depth i iuches in hours tt b requiied to know the time and ihe quantity of water cvapoialcd also the wedjht of the same and ihe area of a river that will contain thb bc4jt of water its leucjth not to exceed 640 miles arcihmfues kingston october vx lt7 to the kdttorojlkt kriti whig drn iu will you eraiit metbroutch toe columns of your valuuble jiuirnal to ask of our woroir city cihincil or those of it lhat hare the man airement of the market airs 1 briber il is ihe law if law b it justice to lite person who is payinje a heavy rent i ak b il juhcc to allmv another of tin same bosiiies to entnr wilhin a few fee of his shop put op a stand as the icriui sys in opnoition ahullint him rail entirely from htrvinesi i i am pcakinj- of the perjin who for the last four weeks has brm selling oiposite mcliuan toppiuc up the public siikwalk of the market square and eooiniitliug ther nuisances am apt to think that those gmtleman hint form the market cntnmitlee should put a slap to batch business willmul delay i understand lie per- aen lhat b roariq every other day like a bull has a hop on brock stfeet b the pupa of earryinvon the aitctiofl ruaincsa whether or not thai tt none of my btuiness me- me- alillan rented the dinphenow oenpiesnlte it expresjy for that bitsineaa eetablihed him self ihere and the coifaoratinn might to pro tect him ainstmichpcrroni who foreeven- hmire halfhnny er day con shut out a man frnm bwsinevs lot any matt that is eanyin on bminevs for one moment iinocino himself paying 0 ha iriil and a norseai lo rocne in fronl of hb jirenibes and offc- the ame or- ticler for rale how would lit feel i wwuw ho keep him cdtf i am ineliucd lo think 1 almuld yes sir and had it been any olher porsmi than fiiend mvmlllan i am think in the mayie era thb would have hod aouie buineaa in do in iho way af idndiutt 0 vunr irnly a mkkciiaht kiutrionocli m hh7 t met a manihcse if 0l k h he told me be was the first man thai cut a im in uie place and fsre meeapfaje descriplion of life in tbe baefctvtrals has heart wanned he said at seeinr one froen his pari of tbe mild coonlry mine did too that word aomr has a magical charm potent as the magician wand what raorrrnfully jdeasin- associations will it not conjore op from the inmost cells of the bears wttfre memory conceals her most precbua rjeajb thought life bein- will atari forth at the sound- scene nearly forotlen will ruih thick as autumnal leaves which strew tha brooks in valamhrena before tbn phantoms of lauhine beauly and paccacil mien will ftit and dance lefoee yoor higjbi wroulil imoejnations fancy will paint ba all the roseate hue of beauty ttreaiitiar tsf a distant land tbe variejated unovtape thar shady ejoec the mosscovered potto the irycbd abbey the vilassephaiet tcs lagc encased in fcaeyant boaryrocklt ttv pialline brothers and sisicrs the fond and af fectionate parents ihe downing reek eerv banint- the eretled wave where the artkaa tale of 6rstlove was lrst lisfiedajt tfaeasey and rrore will crowd upon the mind but only for a moment only m a moment ate yora allowed to revel in the delieiout aeny whtehi scls your brain whblinf the neat why vouru droamincj just ace ihe sjasrnaav departed and i find mysotf jotting nrtr a rouh mad under a bieiliny sun in the foreatta nf canada viator townhip of kinrtnn oct l yemerdny reeeied ttu tfupplroteftl totba itailwr ol pptenvrnf riila of a fttaivatie we li a hi odd fokrtv leaaet of ia br huerihirinff the year issw awj itwrion 4 h b dre4ej lo uf jep which wsvtw liitle itinilncetnwa r4er but i ha fuwq itrroofnirttin irnet in hut aareacj a mi f tkwip en4 lheoljca of iu am leniekftlimleieat ill a lalde oonliiir u rtteuenl of afli iilirdmlr loiterer- the r wgtujd tnbeeof iliuish fcrih america 1 o o f fr the eein ceew jut- isiv theeareiwenirtwn tndaaj ihtmi la i ef wlneb sast aie in moolaw iw- lit wjaww onil two at toronto the mih finnaaml lewnssvpa slnin ue mat ye hvm mk rasaavcw end flnco aea tha naraicev ot uend ra oetvollr e the wawx iw vd iwti mmdrai and ihftlarljusw tln rear atveaae 3tac u u iho rmenbarur luvinbera relieved 131 o wn wed familma 7 wsj i mcswvti ivelnswa tv tasna of r lief aenkinwr ux3ffj d 61 6w family jmibtm and rurbl t3 i lo tncal sal iia aijleetenf werm 5lm iae ihcuiitted eerrtary ap or o p tlie grad iletee af sltes i 0 of 0 session l itatlimnre fiom a rerw j t rtwjcaly e secretary peats thai ihe number of frree ut ittlli the order en the 38ihef june ist wis 13sst of which wi vere in the stole of new the number of memhers woe ilewt sv turn ffvjoc were in the stale af tik thn levemir of thr llgv fcr if 1t as ssstfixtis nd ihe canrndiinr rw brfllre vxap in fil were fn tie rehrf of lltrm rkk lnd t mrintter s3i iw 7u fnr htf af h7tt widowed famitimof dtcmiti mrrsjajsl and sti7i4t f tic il orpbani ftf djcrrvl mnnilwrt nd l36w m uja minal of 6 deceased mjdnbrs duria lb year- cum jum a 9a r aurucvansaav ibb nio fall show vbb m i ihla city yestemayajmi ie lite very nwrlw r iho mjoat w m y llovir djatsuot iirsvv uclo in landing wmiher trvvit iiicleeil mwjf tielinjr tim eaatend of ihalnvtrl tm cimln lsoots wf dlipinved tn iho nlil rhy nan of aarieumvml lmivlarmriii war iho iu pi fhr llirnhnemtl uiwomprled iw ilvrtmr- finvaej

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