British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 20, 1847, p. 3

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mhwikiiitv tl mr anvlohii we it liktn ttal pumuit nn ithikln artunrf uafft toefntflhevaritwltniiiuveincm itluttj w fc tm fnwattl duilitifliw lmff in our inwwu tnwn w8k we tttlh lhf iktflunn hf llfanlfont ihfaa ytftt stnee uml eoairail ll wltli wjil ire naff nf may inity i proud f nr townaniflff th puhlio lrh inanlfeileil fhiihitntmiiiitl nvervhelinihi1ilfieiib tle in iptlnf nnr cnitl cnii-itletrdp- nicllt the amvt ttkiwvwtftrnini ilw wniiihiiy mtid in evcnnll hii we nit not forth irw tntaftrrlt whlrh ha ihtweil hr ereellilr of the i hrirk uml stmif bmmiunf mir crnkfauib turner vlk slnhldv it cr w uit it cemmnduhi ibick milt fciiulby wilkel llriliers c c lint lflvr ill fnnnor eaue ir elf a lie tin in the proancet held out far ihv ncl ver we niirrind it uihr iutcntijinrf sir i ln ijniflnh to ailorti our tfitfbb with onee liawj- some twlclattstnre and mr mniitwadubu il ikn of midline b0 more wlh indeed mly some of the many wc itcar air 0 be led arc n afte we umientand hint the can at will be in vtmltinslcr ilnniv th- ivinur rrnlv fof ill aral breaking upef the birf when this is done we impe uie aline of rirst-ratcsleam- a rt fcfhwwl hi plk and lfnititv tnere is o reason why a regular line shonm am be farmed 10 lakr oak let bone tt unf it cc rtainly wcailj he rental wm out townsmen will nl ht hhifl llian in iis up this line which woid j be of essen to this place in connection wiiti mkjrt we may ly iri notice in the u1 gazette ftiw en iirfcttil will be mitlc tt the nt section of tht lejematnrf fr an act to lncarotalr ft cotiiniiy io con flroct a rilrori from lh tmv of dniil fbrdto ihr shorrt of iht niiara river 00 potile buffalo oiilcr ihe name ano flyle of tfc buffalo nd brtntfonj railroad com- wnr u oiigiiwi wo briseve in irir ttat of now york thi5 rouic m ill tonnerl by 1 toiy toiy itrade a dccenl of ouv 9rt fcl in iht whofe dimtncc with the ritalo iuioch of ibtncw york and efio luilma thw fpvior ruflalo an ojprloily of ttraclinc w travli which otnrrwise uvlhecieat wcst- tf vevu fw ortr tke suspension llfide direct to uochesler we undenraud it if the opinion of enctie thit thi un esn fc hcl it entire for the exneieu of v-t- tttd oeomdini tke hudilton motiutain alone we aholpeotraw revert to thi subject and moahaie will acaiu coniatu1aic our enier- ptjpnitiliowtoivustroenon the raoid mglwi je place brentford courier i pptoeiktu snow one toronto eon- frjiporarr the hrra in his tnifllk on the jatd eatiihilifin state tliai the llooie 0ilric1 and duvemeaatward carried off a majority of thewfea aflhouh our neihbo frm that aecuoei mulerruimn and pfolnfcl a k aoantityof raluahle moekyet a little atten tion would haetatotefi tbat they were very far from earrjin oft amajoriiyof irie wt hare ene carefuhy over the lii and fiorillittheresiltissfohow priief rained by hrimts of the jot di2s7 111 k i 7 9 i do to do t do i fa to 4 to jo do to a do j home nikara nrvttaaw wellington talut prince ejwarj 7 london 3 western 3 si ml fviutini lr illnrkniati nl ihlu vllbiiio hairrcutly iorfnihiod the rmi uml tiiiimitant mmilfm m vt fiwrfw tfrriei n the atiu patient with irenaa tliuf idtibh pfmvedlnjf wai eillnl for ti mfrrf ttir fjmwth nf n enormnim inmor in vol v- io1honpptr 4rluaw cmil il tuaufeeouf umthjfffuvf feanom who have aeen th ltiot iov ireollret in thu tnoit frililuil manner it had aliridy protruded from the nnte and month nod wai jfoweu wlh allitmin rrtit1ity thfratenin the hov willi prnly deunictwu an nllempt had keen madr by flue nf the fimt xirm of new vork toremnvo the duteart but o irrrlme waa th bwlin which mttwral umi in un cnjurlled to abandon the ujiecfjlirni the only hufc iww remained fn the hoy and that a ftwtiie one vi by cuttinc nil il np 11 y of blooit lit tnre the luhmuats tht riht carotnl tieil hy dr ll fetlt four liy hqo and three week atierwaru the ann operhitofi wo porfninied nion the loft nohi illrf intlini the imoeue amount of btnnd hmi suddenly ahitraeted fromi the bra in with the vcption f a temimry mindue tatinc only hmf an hour not an unptoaant aymjdnm ua occurred doth hksilhm bflvi eiue away and the wound oii both sides of the neck are entirely healed th- tad who h but thictou yeam of ae ami a son of mr gideon biruwl phtbkill tfflibitc4 the moit berocc fotilnje on eaeh ol these trying oreanoi and won the adtnira- tiftfl of iihnrnnc filiviciarni bnth fmm our villas and the adjoining towui who were prcvuit and irmtj 1 li in this teitonsihlc undertaking the dieae wc undeiland has been materdly checked in its v and we believe ike doctor ha now some hoifecx that a falal termination may w averted xctcbttrgh tlgroph thus iv 1115 the mrnof u a clear majority over their neighbors of the home and nllalhcr district enbine n mni aa of wu to be aenbad in aome bahuiiu to tbeloeajity in which ihesow wathrld hein more coneeuient for the inhabitants nf thr cuav dial rk i tban tbe other com eti ton t but trjh1 fact b not deficient of itsetf to ae- crainrtot the manifest lufieriorily wo sir qiirte reiftinmo accord prats to our friends in irae home dittrict iraeu fftej uc4 tti but in th meantime we are uiiritj thiy rfo rvot dr- aire u reap laurels to which they are not cteifly entitled- spitotar odtopchancey 5 vrneki tweeieef coum not be uraninl wilh vnchfert ser3 unless improper eonduct vjis ihmfla tke nntt of the executor ono rt was in actual daner unlets the jwerfere mr avsfat in re- ovaionen doctrine nnly arplied itlellie peoneny waji m m- rml tbe ce here the puintirf he clearly ntitleord he deremunt refu- l amttgiee anarjoovnl and bin in roitkmpi fca ft atarnawer case cited mjddleton a4tvi0rtli 13 vrtey hrcjy rarrr icauj a- aiwi 12 very 4 16 ve- 5c wdjpmtrt wai pou juried fluiav octocca ml r tpattthe defeiulant in f cause wubtoushtuponrocpssofattach- vapentfer fiol filing his answer to the plaintiltv iifri l if trner foved for the remittal gsk the jeendant for whom jm bfowt ap- fiperoaaicatnmihe motion and asked further out allowed defendant three aklai the answer am his release in tbe meantime mi pnymmit of aipttintment of iku eeaa granted lrccivir w t of the late storm r clclnkati oct 15 iso the 9aslne papers which hr jut been yvcttff contain the narticubri 0 a most ihdqwnp clajriiry winch uefrl nt ciy on ijjjataleii5 a poulon of the a ful cf- tectajpmmftorrn donngiuffiiaihy while ihe rain was fall- inar in tcrrengj 3j11 ihoswind in a linr- tic an r tkepewder mas in nasheille was itrvck by tbt fire llmoat in- ceantrv reached the powder and the entire cuildiiutwas hlown laton5 the report 0 be expiation i said to have been eual mhal of the most trrmenovua earthquake tbi ion of life and destruction of propr rty y ihii horiihlc calamity was immense one tieadreo boosts were either wholly destroyed 41 materially injured ten human bodies had atrradv keen ex bo sued from ihc ruins of the buidinai k 11 ihrm ah laoar massixcvlaa ptttntlfatlw n satorday last a cntleman brought imo forumouib from the bloom furnace scotia coaiumoan iron ma o fout i t t vrc m t the part we siw wm the fool ant jurrtoflhe icp having been ennterted hto arony a rjajual poeeas the mmuiesl divi- aiontt as between the toe e were not vii- le but tbe general atncof ihe io aod ankle ice- were peifeelly plain we were toid lhat iheheadanjarrrs were more pefffet there could not be the lean doubt of its he- ansj etn aim kor is there njueh doubt of jhz aoanner in which ii came into tbii condi lioil tjsiiilyavebtenpr- ri6td jo laaae but of this there remain now only tbe ouutde incmotatton wbictj will crumble off what wit a man now iron by some natural procras ihe iron mail haw rwn out of the lime andbcrr u a tbem aotofuui how did this chanre take place t and the feu teem toleareno room for doubt this iron would ajtoed one of the ftoal baulifn luhjects for a geological lrc- i tute the iron ore in which it was tound is cilled tbe catcireouf formation woild be inatruet re study ctffnnnofi cjt 3r t- advtariijkc the following item from ihe baltimore sun retain a jtieat det t truih and rjesejies to bo rrd and undr- flood by au biiajnea men l ay mem ol dvertrsjn liberally jn newspaper of targr ttulation is the true aecret of succe busincja tj eftcta produred of uu w jeceawplwteanlhf mannfj nnd sbsuiraj ejlabliiiirneuuif afmal tvciy riionbf idvertuin throuxhont the nfry mm t9 tave awakened public at unteenily of the peineiple which bis to oveiy huiinesj pursuit depends upon the eualom of ber it he cemmercia or me tiftlor pmfeasionst wholesale arhelhsf conducted by individu j m 1 1 vi 1 s ami fatai arcirtrst at the new foundry of messrs ja cromhie co on the arettude of the hiver in thh villaee a very dratreasins accident oceurred on tin evening of the 29th september last to mr wm stewartcaqicner about the works it appears thit the new si earn engine for driving the hlat c there had jiim bevu eieeted and was at the time mn- lionel undofuo a trial the decease j was attempting to keen the rau from coming on a drum which was fixed to the ame candle a the fly wheel and white bath were revolv ing wilri couiderahe veoeity he ha pick ed op a losticland wm umu it lor thu purpose when uufmtnnatty the stick s1ipj and came in contact with the f out or cdic of one of the arms of the fly- wheels which ac- anratielff in a moment knocked the mirk fur wardttie one end of winch itiuev the de ceased with great aire in the nit of the ifosncfc ktmektnc him hack setweless on the after a sliol lime he tt p kut atlhonh hv comjiinrd much of pain mill he thoiiht he anient el oeer it lie walk home himself and went to boil and medical assistance wasseon at hand inflammjlioief the intetiuva however set in and he rtplred on the friday fdlowini colt icvrfer c srrnioh amul the durham calf which bcluued to jdin wetenhall hf ncitson and received ihe first premium in th class to whkh he belonged at the iroeineial agricultural fchibition wa only tt months and eiht ihy old and hi live weight 875 lbs as cernncd hy the wei thingm aster at he hamilton market he was deservedly admired hy competent judges of slock and eonudercif hy all as far the best auiinal ex hibited at the show we understand ihil mr wucnrult ha since sold him tn a ccn- tfeman in the newcastle dixtriet for 91 ift or l l6 currency vilhi ouht tociicouiaitc our faimeet to choove the hct tock as being in every respect the mol proli table torero cidtfatif foawftjinc we are happy to perceire that produce is at length coming forward several cargo hee rfurin the week enter ed the port we noticed more particularly ihe arrive of the jar si eiia the prince of wale and steamer england with cargoes the jatter resel brought about 3500 bit con signed to j 11 creer k co and we vreiav farmed this imfwttf that these penilemen vryn- we9w ftikvluw moiij the last steamer liano douhttvtn atrvrtiie ms to the trade we should certainly ad vise farmers to sell taking if they plrie the advauatr of elhn pon time in hope of tenlizin liihc prkeav jftam lxtracl of a letter from oleganlic dated the 8th instant it ii said here that daly retfstm hi seal in the lower honse and that the person tj he appointed solicitor cenerat witt come for ward for tnis county if this be hie case nc will be beaten hollow the people oi mejtari- lic will not be handed over by dav to any one still less to a perfect itnmer- there is the utmottend iinalion fall throughout thu county at the mere report- we may add u a fact that the above i from a person who formerly assisted mi daly in his jat ejection for meautic juonrrof wo esaubfrehnefrt at qiwajrj 1 up within a iw av the quarantine tle wilt be brokei the nudical italthas been reduced to doctor douglas the medical superintendent and jacques- put one hospital is now in use the military detachment returned in town on tuesday cecumc 11e lady colborne took up to montreal about 250 of the invalids wh were in charge of dr fenwiek itie inim- ber now remaining at the iland doei not ex ceed one hundred and these are ehiefly patients suffering under chronic iljtenlri the police force has been reduced by sick ness and discharges to two sergeant and the like number of men one of whvm unosay has the fever the follnwiug i the hotpilal statement from the 3rd 10 the lh inmaut remainins 715 since admitted 36 discharged died 61 kemainin 3fri th sorrow we record the serine illness of the rev j auctair formerly viear of si rochs and lately annintrj to the curacy of ste marie kourulli uauce his disease i typhus fever cvntracled during hi4ltcmance at the marine hospital we learn from the lam number of ihe ue amei jtajmr that messrs cvment eieai of m iie and morrju curate of le cedre aie alnsck with typhus contiacted at tht sbedsiu mranlteak to the atovc 1 1 we regret to add the name of dr raccy one of the medical alundanu tf ihe marine l hal where he has jjiven his services gratuitously throughout this ar duous sea sof quxoec jcrcurp fy h lltraa mo mid an old lad himw inx ilown the pf and svimiia her imetaeles t- m julm hoe and flicharil live nl lew ogniu thovve lind n hiiit ro ar y r or fu iune than lliiny years to luy certain knowledge wo cm lh mlvju itntrtrunt iiaragraph from ihe montreal the ijlli in throuith theexfititanl one of our rilrxiw in the united stales eaulaliaes have urn iudured tn dreuro thruielvrs retidy to ijlv npall iheetrck torn cimi between uir st iawrrnra und lube champuin thi cut if himuji twenty milee in length will uitie the miii lines of canadian cmniiniejtivu to ikese logitificviit intjnd waleri which ttu ijudfen lifer lfca northern canal and the lile rwiw eiem eonlinini4v fioui the elly of new verb in tu av n lai to si jefcvs in jjiiji on itie 5iti deg f the mormons are said to he in a vuimhin eoiuhliun in their ririv loejlioiinn thu fine land of the pottawattamie rrchne above councils filulrv missouri they have jdanted itmnense tlchu of eorn 10 the 1 xtet it i rstimated v 300uu acreand ollwi grain and proditc thry hav built lo a iwr oiled wiiilernirter which t- ready eoniains a pulati si of sone totxl iculs 7his tswn is entirety piekefed in there rs at the present time and eon- taiilry in maud a laicr tliitrh armrrf taree than the wbnh amy and navy of flit lnitrd slates inducing the armies in mexi co the livernohi altriitii jgivrstbc follow im mirnnjfv ot ihe ijnlih fgirce i ireland al the begiiiniug of last muutli ten reiaaeub of cavalry 9 thirty regiments or battalions of in fantry 1 wo troups of borav wtillerj 1 nine eeri pauwh and detactuncntsor afli1iviy and two cmsanies of marine- these x rank and tile of a arms there are in addi- lion cils2 eniolw pcnioter militia slatf and recruiting uirlies adding the lj eonitabulary the total force amount to abwut 6qmq men wool iwmutvne teiof cwcnercml ncwr front it tf i lanjlat- nearly all the tfc ni the list rnes frni iwenly to fify pet cmi u ie petuta euir 11 r 1 1 wreks unce and ile defnumlm pre aeol is not near e as 1 ihe i una pheue- uiiafvt vrere f 1 tlid th ht not tceo rri dul eoiirelj w ihe cnrnpleifttn ol otir ad viee fom ih rt ft v ur fmm lune km loitiur hr ilte espwiinsn of ihe eurnera lifto bftii ranied on fr a time n hieetpfully t1e aeeapah we h wiiliiai die oat nanartb rc- eeivedffm enflai4 and rntn meais hve ni been surncicntly ebrmv tnfcraaaaiccpareklieiaei dni ml in prioaib h fiocil raahamaajaaeail wbieh the etruuiivei cussea f eo- bte w 0 vft u time rxrvrineed iuvf u wt h rt it vfy ianfhutaam inflamcc ipn invmsal tin in thiseauniry are lmwt sj 1 met ara htu kil anly lo a pandsam eaaraat oannarcd with o abihly ro hra w e slit ufc cediifm rf tiri kilam the srvild at laryr and tnn as r niamiaiu lhal ptiifin vi rv fiiilc ned mtertsimed cf anj mrnmeniat revulaiiui ryfrj kn thrmigh ifto cuirf atny t tln liankinpt- ciea wtneli have kvn lenurted 10 linund attrvv aaasaaa hie cn dcatrra 0 nl a ilns comiiy mi it i b ititirq uiu n aanaue arvdiii c will vini brc t sy than aik liair if tbii tipieni of bre4dlult cmtii ihia nnd ohc mhs of ihe cuniry 10 cofopr were taj lore i 11 rouei kingston m saw reejieeerj ly mrj y rtura h3 la uhei per rxitjici ilirlry do vc ov oats a ivuthcl fc- j oji 4 ewt lotsut per biii ltorfaycwi ln u pwkayrl ik 47 lb veuliylb k tum do holder in nh do in ob vfvaveiwvn turkoj- fctf frwia onrkvhtj b1o dwba do pulieov nvt eaeli i liny st tim straw lu wnj i kklt pricks noav oct 18 1si7 ue ctttkef rae uarxer a n a 14 0 u 3 fi 3 3 6 sj 1 c at 13 u 0 fat 4 0 i 0 165 d g fl q 6 0 ii 4 c 0 lj 0 0 c tf 25 t 0 0 314 0 4 u 71a 0 9 41 f 0 j s 0 tt arifl b rfl 7 1 is a i 3 0 j ri 0f 3 3 v ii i u i j u n 0 4 3i 17 6 90 0 9 c 9 t w arhvattnt ilic urltltli imrrlten houi axothttt ltktukki in lifinnk- bkcko mb kaa livurmoe aea 12 1815 der sir yti nta v wiiifij ihia let tee 0 nukr taeh ue o il as ynu ilnk beat a yeai ao lnt ml t 4iialeo rick ieth a severe eoxh vry tnikh iiacd fir birtnh lost or aiite and be oaajia vry mich redocoil in eeier a he uh twi irufuaely nj evutd not aari nnit i applied i- a ratyaiein wlr tre all in in power to micve and realre roe tmldid ml ruccred f enom fiied lo ue in ie uvl o hie winlrr ulen ha hhij a oviu of acvee couitnnir r- inod smik biood caxrtte contain a flhc provincial par- the november fitlielaat canada proclamation nrorouiii tiament profortna li next ej the railroad from london to windsor ia now under contract ard on monday fe the ih i they commenced to break ground fj the members of the deputation of the emabihrd church of srotland having finish ed their labors in this count ry have left cana da fi scotland the 3rionrt lthgitx mentions the death of m ilectr vacca a youm statuary via wa induced ro rome from rme tn canada hr tbe late crand vicar hudon he died at stjotenhs llosrutal on wednelay lasi after twentyonv days illnesa in the moclccetb year of hi ke t wc read in ihe canadien a eonlradic- ton upon mot poilire authority of the ru mour that ihe hon d daly was about 10 vacate bis scat for mcganlic qvrbct wm c3 ncfsfciaaum r craljt a reward of oik tin noundt is now offered for ibe apjurhcotion nf the parties wbo on the tih oi auoii jat wilfully set firt to the mill belonging in ueaara clark orion of cuelpb in the district of wellington rsrarnt aaaival fnoar mostcir dttugct- the rvorrv owned by ccdcleah creer arrived on friday laat with a gene ral cargo from montreal mr coleman one of the consigner had scarcely received inti mation by peel of his iod havirn been for warder rlr lr had uotife of iht if 0nijil 0asjm liaue in llo aonne i enimcoced taking wittam dalmm r wild chaav iktorclhad tiniabrd bwc inilk- t wa rvlieved my rioieh re a ny skep resoed i bird no time i hjve taken fmr wtlet the oal aeaan mr trenili d general unhn is tnd i am iboie it lu lvactafrt ulsau of wildchkrrv sajed nathan wbixisrcton lainpermally ruiiulcd with mr welti van and believe tiiimiirmmit lube true ftffuel j5av1uct mdclton nrtno tcouioc ohicm funned 1 it d its on the wrnjnr fu aalo by du qrncejtr tbrouhout tlie pnwince keception of ti1k governor cfkkeral his excellency the governor genera willanive at kington on thursday gwiwurrt at u oclock noon on which orcamon the following will be the order of public proccasion from tbe wharf to the city tall programme police the pre assutant marshal hook c ladder cnmnany m uniform victoria fire company do firemen do sl georges society st patrick society st andrews society aitant marshal the rand order of old fellow magistrates midland disfrirl tllk ctovtnvon cimmi am siiir attended bv the sheritt as marthal in carriates his worship the mayor and city council officer of cilv council warded and member nf diuriri cooncil meinhrrsof l council member of legislative aatembjy trk f iiry 11 rnbes dbtrici jil- and member afthe bar in rnlies citizen two end two aiaisianl marshal police c3the anpmaehof his excellency the governor general will he announced to th- citizens hy the fneinf of the c- y 1 i the inhantanti are respectfully requvaied to iel and form in princes sheet october 20 1647 twfeliti orirjcamutfaicj comw- warded before he had notice omi in port dwdus fvardtr ku j 5 n otic re his excellency the aovkr- vfk gkneral willholda lereeai thecityhal 3m insl after which addresses will be re ceive and answered gentteuen attending the levee are ieque4 ed to tuovide two cards each with their names and addreaa tecbty written on un one of which thej aill leave atthedor and the other they will band to the aide decarn in wartmg october 187 llaytuil mm nice k urw a rth ruirh tulien v s i ll lwkrwj fauaieej w tf w p i iihn ri p a 1 hi fit am4an alunebi r k i let i w t ck wl abiansh jc t v vradivdl xk majsrfrruilij o reilrf kliwny mr jcejvn wrti wf mud ti ill- mr vtmkue iih itri i iue uwtraul pnnlcf mfatre inel tiuto mi kr- t mr f n mi o mi nj lie uiljie t v4ci l s aiio yaeh jasaa ajr inn mr j1t r r mr m st patricks society pllg member r tlir st palriek soe and all irihrmn are rmucatrd meet af gooofellolvs hottcl mn kgnajit on tlury prnethne nef 21st r at ten oehvk a hf fr the pofakr urleihoin 11 lxccluncv the cwe lieiictal oet 101817 ii fianvcw arryjih engfand trpexh ctcry man to do his do the members of st georges society and tlir kfigi r tnc n rwr tvclslnnctfy kingston mid vicinity 9 he imiieeted in meet at rvainorvts rv oiithukmimy 211 inil at half leu ovlocka in for the mrfkke of join ll ihe procovioo for the receon of h t- cellrncy the governor general on bis art in this city cod save the queen kington oct i j is 17 wares ahgtjon roomk important annual trade sale- of tttiufacturcfl sf unmiuufuctu on friday morning 29th octe at eleven oclock wilt be sol j ane ive variety of fr cajk of the newebl stales mff and boa qnantite of gloves and mitts with various articles connected with tc fur trade and 6 dales bnrtalo robe 1o0 pieces satincus and grer cloih william wark kniton 20th oct- 1817 sale of teas sugars liquor tobaccw oils fish saieratiu fttjti and a variety of stap1h grocbrirr just arriving and will he cltite otr on friday 99th october at lvo rtls- william warr- kingston oct 20 1817 saleof houses cakrlacffs hf cfrts ffilsrom buffalo ar4- flrttr skin tobes harness saddles bridles t ijvrtj ftriiwe other aitiokf william ware kiulohp 01 20 1817 extensive credit sale hy auction sugars coffee molasses tobrcns liquors wincf c jc on tuesday wednesday the i hcli arid 20th instant at the stores of hugh fllasek ontario street sale each day at one oclock precisely william ware fcfmrr kingston october 14 117 george howe gildek and slazlkh baotst kingstun near mr pftiieit4 canhe fachsry sici fainting vul and mar bio hiitia- liitue decorated work in gr-neral- z tor sale a superior lot of suoasv v cured hams- very excellent j iitlliakd market ptocc oct 187 40 reward 47 strayed or stolen jn from tlio lst ut 0 nf tho sub- x 1 ctijhit r in n our burgh cam den euait a fine foxy mare ivith a small blaek star in the fmeltead hih is about thirteen hen high four teen year old and in kj fniijiiion the ahove licward wilt lc paid for the recti very of the mare and trie enn- vicfiiti o tho thief if any llicre he and for thi recovery of tho more with out the offender huf the aujve reward wilt be nsid william nuuext ncwbnreh camden eat oct is 1317 j st2i horse strayed strayed from the pan- lure near kidfstuni on sun- rujlailasxlall white ma uk canajian hrel nged when laat hearjof ahe was seen 5105 along the front roatl piltalmrli whoevoc will take charge of hor an j irt theanb- acribtr know nr ttvo nny in form at ion if her whereabouts will bo july ic- warjcj william mass1e kingston oct 14 iw whe board of education fir ipner cfliiode in to iliruct the eitcntion of teachwfa end truatoet if oommoti schoola to tho fullowing noticij the normal school for upper canada will be ope ned in tho lete orwmfr- stenr hovspei at tttranio 00 mon- imv iho first day of novum- dek tieu fur tkusi apply to any of the di- trial suoiiiilomleta and fur adwia- jiiiim to thu chief suerinicndiiil of scluols tinuto hy order uf the rrtarj j ceojtgk hodcins luniraog ott nrrreatien office torontn oct 4 jsi7 vlrail6cos express william wallkim i if a ht fl k stovtisi stoves stoves i 11 ik simriher rotnnifolly liitn llio j ir utlnntvui tti lm tt intui sutrh if siieautt euenpfwinij neafry vniiuty tneliiilinji paitej smviuii ieilvi srvin ilix stivva siarfik uml ihualilt conking striven of vuiui iurriih nuil irixawi 1 1 tt air slnvih diiiiiii snivea ami lin slisvni of thu hunt cuuwliuit and lliitcd tulun munufui tore tliifm stores pe hi eouvetileftcc of insert fluffi nro ptivd tin wainrmifu isnrrushvhy mmiing ihe swrncf ibit htirdwari nttitaliiiniiul nn trijcr lion nf nliich it aohiriiud liefoic ui charting aowlivii iviirew sterol oct 117 w 3m lamps lamps lamps 0 largo rtitppu u have jissi reroived rcuinctntiu patent solar la ft r f vrinu nizie runipriinr stann ftanjj ire iij suu rup to iich they wunh pnrtienbrh nivilc the attintinn of thv imhlic jhcy huvc on hand a ojt- plyof superior beer pumps whieh ihey will ri p ort1 ml ijimiuii to their usual l of i irawrrv n stoves i quaiiiiy f iluwe patrol dimmer unj wilmef aik tight cooking stoves e aci10wn kiintrtoti ort is 17 s3if commission business the subscriber having commenccj tmiiinea5acnmmtain merchant in the dtno buildings at the foot of ptineesa street in this city i now pre itirrl to receive consignments and tfqusact husinets generally iu the commission line his extensive stores and cellars arc ennoble fr the stracc of any tie- scviolion of goojs end arc consnlcred tjuiie safe from external risk of fire pnuii lit long experience in the traje of this city the subscriber flalier him self that with assiduous attention to the inlet eaia of those who may employ hitnlte will be able totivr aatisfactioik chakies hales kingston oct- 13 1s7 notice 1he undersigned having been ap- oointed agent for the cfllcvbcs sb1b lxslwicb cosrt la now prepared to take marine riska of ewory deacnolion at moderate rates of premium thomas brlfigs jturn agtnt ornrc princes street kinptee j elrn 11 stoves stoves cheapek than tee cheapest- r surscrirer retums his pratefol acknorelcmcnta for the liberal patron age hrietnftr vtended to him and bcs leave to inferro the public tbat be is now manufac- tariec stoves jerience iu ihe bosincav and persoiul sclcc- lrof and materials io havin a nnmbcr of firstrate workmen ue unjcrsinrd heittes not to say lhal hv tua turn eut an article equal to any manufac ture iu the united statvs if yon dnnt be- ifrve it ou and see tbe subscriber is atiutfac tiring tbe buck hot air cooklns stoves uhiek in tbe estimation of all who hrfve uscrl mm arc found tm as a coukins apparatus n stoves have been made yet waicb ijave vji uniform and eifcct satisfaction wherever isy bare been well put up and fairly used tere is so perfect a comnalioo of points rentil to a qood cookin stove that he mhc nanicuiarlr to call attention thereto tc capacity of this stove that he no hesitation in aftcrtiug that no other stove vvbtch hm yet been conntrueten is ca- pbleef doitij- an equal amount of work so r fcetljr with an expenditure of so little labor aj trouble the nndrsined hatfin used those stoves ir nine monlbs believe the to be superior to ay stove they have ever seen or used and rcrornmcnd thcin as an article that cannot fail give perfect alif action david srllblev bath james shaw ivujttnee rouekt 1101 nariurg n b all orders thankally received and puclually attended tu christopher miller bugot strain kinplon oct 1817 6iir isireceived prom new york at tilt atheneum book store per aliens express tic fallowing new rvbligatiom ussell bv g p r james- norman bridge r the modem midas kniliief curynne bv c lever the sbalspeare nnveh by f ii ilpaiaf cbrulouher tadnole by albetl smillj vakmeerlric lily of la vrndee- ruea mnnroejasuelto lift in londnn tbe parricide nr youlhv career of crime tauourel or the sorcerer ef the mountain martin tliv foundling hv ejmjeae r lhileheroijth ll by ii w ttvibcrt the conmandernf mallij by e se fne mysleiieeaf lundon nriecnpyeftliemuialhcmeanbooud hie counlev of kleiiotl the count nf mnw ciiristo st giles and st pairirs life in loudon nry 0more by s lever vjlrmine mcclulcbey by carlton lucrelia by bulwer ardent timilitnn hy cijf marryall cleveland a tale ul the cathmit church mararel cralum nr tbe revcrcs vt fortim a simple stury by mrs incbbald alimi the tnsijnla nf the ryal arch free masunry in kurojie the rovat arch dvzrec royal arch livgulaimns kinplon oct 1317 just rrckived tararsatebtthesdbsgribeh 1j supply of h le- haurlvcefrbrale1 de powder inr removing hair ilhnut inniry tn lie skin patey v old brown wmsuf soap willsmiav fine alnaerul soap edev ivii htiji ink for marking linen tlair and tooth bfultrc nd a neral assortment of fnelish per fumery robt barkkr drugflt apothtcartf biock street jlioetofljocts 117 ry h co bui tpbic- 5sj ktm nw irraerl f lunar far f ttlts uksvl lellw soamcin ri rrru hnutu ie n xwwwlh tiis ijumjrtv b co oct 7 hit iiiuuins yurt 1tiiivii m tath n t llwrunt j not kniicjiit tiis limvdry v co oat 7 irtit oat mkal xsfa tttaaeml rv k br ihe swb- tiios iilnuky a ta uett t soap am candlfs tiiksuiisprikkii l- mbulaiilwmi hmd 1 ily nl shi aui liullt f lw iu yet mimtuclucd in tinv ruhkitt iiknouy aavnst llrnn- h n ryihjruiv mieai tttr cmjl farrry militaky books just received r haeens knutiont and order for tbe a1111v pnbliudby autliomy field hierefcse aad evotittinns nf the army 37 plate pwmiihrd bv anlboriiy light infantry and rifle exercise jackou treassv en military survc init will plates and diagram straiih trejtitr on fuitification and artil lery with plate kt gerev frvij batfrly exrrisc 13 plates army estimates for 1817s i jilt rrrv jtioni on cnuru 1 r collection of vvananu and refutations to ihe a 1 my on mjltvruf finance doytcs miliiaiy catectitsm amy lbc fur september a few copies still on band for site by r c chalmers montreal october 5th is17 ship 6iahdlert nol hardys buildings- william donaldson having purchased ell my stocky in trcde ami interest in the ebeve eatewuhnienl i beg to reconinenl hint tn my friends the matters and owner uf vuaseh m t hunter rmie subscriber havin into the above busiurj vmi entered vulj call ihe attention of his friends and ihe pub lic to hi emawiihment where will be constantly kept on hami everything in the ship chandlery line wm donaldsox kingston oct 1st 1svr sotf fleiuovale saddlery establishment tuie subscriber respectfully informs hi customer that he haa rumcvej his business from brock ittcut to princess street neit door to mr ttawa brxgg ifora- teare stort where he hopes to be favored with a continuance of public pntmnae j reeves october fib 1317 solm two cows strayed lost by the subscriber two cows one a black cow aged end dry with hoked horns the other a red cow lao dry with white liurni nicvud tlie cowa went istray from mr oreillys pimurnge near waterloo about three weeks ago and any intelligence of them will lg duly acknowledged and rewarded any person detaining them after this notice will nut bo paid for their keep wl sckale near the marine uailway oct 6 is47 so3t for sale at credit a handsome f vo d canadian poney well broke apply at the british whig ciiice kingston october 4 is47 oswego nuuser1es and floral garden r j w p alltn tnift w hi m interest in this tablishmint to f 5c s sheldon the business will hereafter be conducted undr the name of sheldon k kline mr allen will in future devote his time as an amaienr and market cultivator ni j has very kindly oflvred us his services in the till reduction and testing of every new and lare variety ef fruit ef whicb we flatter ourselves we shall soon be aide iq show the finest cvltecttom in the union especially of voi and praxes to which oursoij ane climate seem remarkably well adapted tbe uomtton of our nurseries beineth most north erlv of any in ibc united slates beiiij situ ated upon tbe immediate strafe h the lake fully eaiifoeil to the winds which t lite time tht ihey serve as a protection to our mrr ternfer varieties of ihstl render our fees much hardier and far more desirable for transporta tion particularly to ibc canadas and ivel than those nniva in more southern and pro tected localities and on stimulated sail onr tieosareall viirousand healthy pfr fat ty fre from the nuraerow afsariwi viva hiui motfotktr yvrserict ore inerru the yel- fuws of ibe peach and the froen san and fire luifiht ot the fear are diseases ssjarer known in laefe aurtrrtv ve wvnld rll the altcnlion of prtlic to our uicreaiil ard esleauive tock of fruit and oniamental tree bui bom finder h00h shiuvi hrrbacenus and barmuaajm plants etc ike tcntyric acrr are exeluivrly devoted to tbe culture of trees which consist iu pvlef tievs suitable fur transplanting lo ihe oiehanl m fardeu mflqq pencil trees or the lartt ah snj the ht and most popular sorts at 23 rents nooi jv trees including all iheraovrt varieties 60 cents each eacrpt few ratv kind and lhoc of exfa aixe 75 to 1u0 ccub in addition tounr uual 1ock of iear wr have a fw hundreds of iheone pcurrt 1 uew 4 ad iuitimawe pear oriinaitnjf he now for ihe frt line ottered for pale end orju ro be raworval from thtse xurvrvj 2 fur tree two yrai old from ihe bud or rrrafl utnkj apjetree iiiejiuline everytbinc lhal i worthy of cuttrvatiin 25 eenla each afvo a very extensive and desirable auut- inent uf pnnn4 cluirses nectarine aprientv kraps tor lernes currants hapberries striuherrir eie cc all packing uf trees and plant fur lranpor taliliii done in a manner it render ihwr success a cviiaiii at the diunce of a ttmaiul mile aiia ruse own town fv- s h- tl with dilfernt varirtie can leave hivxelrctimi v 1 ui and he sure of obtaining lh orif all order for this fall should be sent imme diately- catalogues sent gratis to alt post paid apfalieatiea addre nhcldon kline oswego n v 0wrfoseuis iftlt to tinsmiths waxted immcdiatily one or rnrc steady workmen to vhom rhki wnc- ij constant cmpl will bogivun anply to tlinsubneriberu e ft a chown pnucase stroet kingston sepl 18 1817 t loqkisb blasabtlipadtaby- rilhk silnrritirr harlrlli liaiid a imnd aornu anaorlrnvnt f looking gkaksttm whih ho will lull at low pricua hit alno laltea it iilrjauum in in- f t 1 iumic lluit ho hua e ttio 5trvicii f 11 exihinnito tlr from i ho city of now vok and will lliciffisic lu enauud to manufartmru portrait ami ptcttiia fruittei b4h nttin ant oruuf nl in n llylo not to lw siiipoed ohl frnrom rooilt linking dates in suited in old fiamo- ttm bciyle vjityiiejfi cf nirjy amaitfc if ifili a- vj kinator sept i t7 77ln city of kingston cirv cllrfcs tlrrrre cirv matt kieaoarctulicr i ii7 notice is hlcltkliv mvbx that ihe vuteks list fur the bleuinn of two amermrn ami iwo cmuix 1i1h fur eth tf hhj reuriiv wards in ifcin city fr tin- year i 4s are tiling up in ihe tiy hall fr ft ami nation nf all cttncornrd arol wim tc enutinueil lh0 froin tho first dayoflctotiitirl ilny f novbmhbit 1m7 t to iimpection from hu1iniiriif ten uvhnk a m tothrco ocliek p m and any pemtia whovhalldatri tube i n the ajl voters list or any alvetvi rtho 1all desire to hava any name expnucjej thvrufroin t lr prefer hta rewacin wtitiw signed with hi name tlal ir he ward lo which 10 beluiiga ami shnmcaie the aame to beilohvenjd lo thu city clerk hehirolhcuaidiweutieih dae of november mflanagan cif j clrrif sukitlpfs sale of lands postponed the sale of flhers lands ia further postponed to mon day the 1st november next at the samo hour and place t a corbett v v at sheriffs office kington 9b oct 1847 j ktnqto vmamltjn thkskvv iuk rf kamm magnet tom tor hamlltonifcajljariiikl otermetiale lun v oxtcesday and prioat afrfw ai t nnefc raaatesfirff after te imral of lur ma fteu fo iiui 1 and will lei re hamiuon for eincston on hlni ttt thirty morningb king skiit uh7 book bindery at the atheneum book store bagot street the subscribers respectfully inform the inhabitant of kineaton and vicinity that having engod com petent workmenthay a now prepared lo execute all kind of work in tho book binding line with neatness ane despatch all jcectiptrfvonaof blank books made o 01 jer edward john barker son- sept 10 1s7 sheriffs sale of lands on saturday the 16th day of january 188 will be mui the cuurt himit in tho city of kings- inn the undermentioned lands and tenements sailed hy virtue of several write of fiora fade issued out of tho court of tho midlsod district and tome directed viz john ouphamt ffamsf rirvirrdr vrinwflvur all the right title ond interest of dofcn- lam in lui no 13 6tb cuoceasioq lo- borough john cannutherstainii angus mcvjcarwendonl and the bank of montreal angus mcvicar defmart all the right title and intereat of the ix- fendaut tn town lot no 3 93 and also oart nf lot n 22 li ciwoaehiui kinistonand village lnt in portsmouth being pari of lnt no 19 1st cuncussiun township of kingston bale at la oclixkneuuv tacorkett skeri m d sheriffs ornce kingston oct 3 ism sheriffs sale file sle of i ami phasers j- land advertised to be mw this day ipsiponed until the 53d octocer at the satne huur and place thomas a corbbtt sheriff mid- dit surmrrs office midland district sent i5 im7 sheri fps sale on saturday the 4th dny of de cember isv7 mil bo sold at the court hnuo iu the city of kiugstotii tho utidei mentioned lands and tenements seized by virmo of a writ of fieri fucioj isnucd out of the court of the mid land district and to me directed vi william simpsonpuirjr ra john ord ah the eilit title and intereat f the defomhni in aoi no 104 in the vllige plot laid mil in the wealhalf of east- half no 02 lt con kingston sale 12 oclock noon t a cotmktt sheriff m z sherirts oflsce kioiptnn lt seju 117 7rtllr n k ru ptc v on sale the whole of the valuable stock of ibe late firm of donouituk mantz printers censistioa of duime frny colmnbiait printing press i demy columbian d 1 ftei priue nl walee d t 2iin scrw slandini pre liakittg tama and ailuw ftanv horses a small lot of colored ink e e e atrav- a stock op tvpk rarely upulted for variety vmhraeine h the modern fancv founts now in use ami evkwv tlllnfi fnuiiiifftr cairviiurnna hook jnjminl aud newspaper uuslnfsstha type press u bavin been srlectrd with the frfmtem rare fmm the best foundries iu lou jon v new ynlf for further pariiculara aphvtn thomas seed jhiiwntsj 31 lutle sl james sireel- monuealsch 111917 7m for sale bytais stj33cribers 200 iacphrrson ft ruixz kiugaioo23rtl augiu 181 mail iinc op steamers notice iiir rflval mail steamers i lixspoht iiigiilaxdbr anrl tlidsl wi awff frkicht irm latrtimi to lifsuin and deliver it r r and whendetined for pr above will lie shipped immediately on board tin lake ontario teambitaia mr wm gunn ant at laehina will attend to the lieceiviaa and shiunia if good august 27 ts7 just rjoceivod- priv copies nf the kniati fhc brciet triui by j hamof 8aar 9 rtiwllkyc p r james tlie nnarra uj c 8vy the irhrrtancby miss ferrier puufo altiawby eua scribe inelukeitih cousin hy mr ore oiuhivaus lore hy wm cahrton e 5 ep loj j917 from buffalo to montreal 1847 1847 iak8 ontario ana river st lawxenoa steam boat line thf iltojjtj mw uid clepuilly famiihet united states mail line of steamers cataract cut j vn cib rochester cpt hntkop lady op the lakb giptth hoig niagara gnt r ffcena la eoonecoa utt li new uppr ciu britislteirjekn f capl chainberliin britrsu kftlpike capt hawkint forming da1 leo from lewrstok lo montreal tf rochster o wggosackgta habcor klfxgfitqft brockvlllbaoeogdertsbdncrtrstinf p of viewing b dlihr sa 1000 iund uisaullliodli ia rjj tktomealnavm lawbafaia itlbalasassjt libi bnf una art 4tjanr ficud up rd famr ihad iq lite eaotl azrtttt efj raidq4 w partirt of pleaaara i hr wirfiio- l t a ik cl or mtnlrsjil rvj qaow w taz loanr altrtctr saratoga ka yori m tan rail fad f oni at the aa rmt ruj n ancfic 8sfjsaets bwdbrewter bfftofeptimr of ilmiag u 4 for thmiuiml yif ae time for all thoxe uio icatatt t y ovule uiemsettcs with winter ftih whfe subscrincr iervwihca liia frieuila in know that he ie now mnoficfurtiigal kinds and qualiltea of winter ftjr clothings r conmrising oatra cape miuagiqvrai muolecaiiw c for gentlemen and mttfti tfyrmtt cau capea mvva and glovea wm ltilies all other kinds of furs amd to order j a mco isa nn hand a lorge tn- ply of guftila rv benr skina are pox ami otlur fancy skin toe tjltaxlt robes mato ui orjer at faatly ea- duced pricea the army supjititd to orcfer on the shmtcst itofce j a mcd0vyam bnxkstmti kingston ts7 vatuabkb real estate for sale that inrfnanj valuelio farm ifeluniug 10 jastes koaatx kauiro icntiwn na vuiile hill farm arcenl aitiiatej mi the tvrmtreal knail only tlire m fiuui this citj couiaiaing abogt 540 acres of which iluara isuif umjcrculiivntioo the reniaimlrjr liointf well wio-jcjl- tliere ta 1 paeciniri to ihe farm iq ftxtenmvvmahhh fn whieh aolbav monso qantiiy of good fjder for hisrnej oaue may be amnually cut remleri iia ivimi imalrautf firm fur en extensive iaimy beiic cnmisiwij raf wliql wae ofigi- nelly three ratincl thuugh eemtiguuua farms viz am f 06 aceh nne if 200 arnlviteut 23g acrun il i aihioaub- ilivido1 whi ckcvlleiii faneea admit f nahi bii occupied aepi ami witl be e- void if deaircd- c 1 v 1 1 ihi nro four dwulns bousd two bui with tallica c tliere arc niv awm ihafarrn boa 200 tuns if hay and 50 acxaauuja crnpa uf lirn taae curn oauf p4iatiji anl tmiipatvliivh wiih a pa- nf kwa a yki i oaen ii j farming inplennte mn la had tvt mlfratlfmi payiti c and 2 moatlat fr fnrikif iiifirraathn repidirgr lerma which will be very irbathj lnl either pinicuar apply to the ftxajf piieuiror to olmmi vtvt h watt tvrs cm 1tu

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