to de rane the consroncnccs were rmii- fanlsled inbabiianis of the r lakeeiesxeedrjiutown wtr 10 the vcrnkfraet bcre rfcey jmftiet tdmijaton vf re om ion wpplicatiftjr when wp nl cf military and pntiee were on ihe mnmtndrd by p caul a in d mttftwelef of cafliuwwt all under the control of mr wnlchirortjft of the peace at ihis isjnr of ine proetedinjr the buncry and dis- apmialed applicanto commerced uptosltti jjetcf pmitetmm attached 10 the work- booae ul the miliary owiced them 40 retreat aieaicktye their eahanmcd mtvngih penriiihem soe of the drseetfted pfplc plucked lqi torn courage an j ale lvn hbl teiiiing still nothing actio q thiee only were captured for tbe very tlamo- iqdi maxatft in wbicb they sought to obiain tool lt is ni meted here lhat the melancholy accnejof this day miotic reneveed to- morrow n j each tucceedine dy nnlil ibe people nod e refuge in the workhouse laokch or tx tjeitie ecaora on monday tbc 26ita ull the magniftceril steamship eorepa another of the fine fleet of rtt w tctfth now buildine on the clyde for the british nonh anglican royal mail steamship company was lannched in the very best style from the wilding yard of mr john wood of pertglasgow she may very safely be placed ajonpids the finest tctsclf ever buhl being in form and construction every way perfect her beauty or moul lea4f taittmnf dettuion nf the eye as it an r to believe rhe is of the evef lonoago she actually is the europe is tout the faire sue as the other supecb vetu 01 the fleet ni il without a ootbt tdd to the fame of bee wilder and fully vji the fcm cbmrmcter 10 wonbily earned and kept tip by llir coipftvt aleaoer already eroit io ihe aluniic witiithe extraordinary pre i mm and reurity which we and oor eo vtaaposmnea arc called on week after week to wcottj- sn giiut dsjtaih tc rewel vi torred out of th prince dkk bain on fri day b fite of the steaminej company boaiit and corweyed to the cohre dock on ih poulh aide at which she i now floatinc tb rciii she has undergone have proved thoronhlv effectaal in yrrvcnliog rmkag the ejnanitty of water made tip to lhl time brin scatwj perceptible no orders hare ct been eeen as to when and whrre he it to taken for the alteration or restoration of the machinery and fitting weleam further that the aenu hac not received ny direc tions as to the sale of the vcoel the trzarl of minlo fjthciinljnv lo lord john tfrifteil ttl it i ftsutmee be thr am- mka4ot to brie should a repfeenutive in f ac eternal city frora the court of st jamrv kp approted ofv tt hon loz marshall of xoea setfia h ssuchmt wintifl c i i mperanee in tarioos loni in yokvhire a caret of pryr ant tbaratsvinsthvbrvn rsiard to be nxed n the lth ivenn for the late iboftdinlhnrvc on wednmav thr amfvvi in liverpool were decked with htirmirmft era in honot of the tictories ciind hv cn mm sesjeral of the respectable tindoi finnk tcrndit 1 th lenort of th allecel cntrm- frated enarria btwen the duveof wei- jfijtoti and min burdett cnwtu twat preoaratt ae makinal hamhiirgs ao qc a banquet to mr cobdort he rnw thtonh that city o his way i tnand ie eropuoo of vesoriu uill cmttnaiea tji ihr rifrvn of lava ha chand it ecire 5vv ftovi rr llfcc irm tof tlkcutml- ftfcuvtherhrt the roqneit on the snfferera by the eso ion of itre ctickel steamvessel on the tfcam hw at lcngih closed and a ykac f aaamteerfater returned aaintl hcaimar the cosoog letters lvcqi rome of the sotb oll an noooetlhat isioxe loeiea bonaparte bad bcn armted sjn bjj retam to that cpual loim 0cprncj1 has addressed the pen- ttv of fke bepeal assoclatioo ex- ihj emy owitaliob of morality errdnj h cthwne ay ttr y und- ltt nd coreiiur w 1- ibe ratji waazbcqffo fieiv ht a aeperelion has ts4ee iiachfctwffstba etieet ion of a dnkc vneqa vifwho u also the daoehler of one iftjjl tbfwsheit cussea of the nohilly i parochial teachers mat at edin- v anrl formed an in tftstlftd the edueaiwal institole nf pd hcrine for ib object inert asinr am the cofidiuoe of schools through irjpm a most ujk6c llonn or wind and rain tetvli tidied ore cy and 1aed for forty rijlrtlmrir doobowe were destroyed and el one time fears were entettained for the sssietr of thp rntirt ciy- there oja hfc dicntrrerl in taiu i mrn- factory for t iafrrval reach and re- eel persons wttb in uie last few days have been uken into custody on suspicion of wine vjonnected with the cttodin publishment tevtstsnof chamynf caeihray ate on tha toinl at takinr their tfeparture fr china a zcaloui ve lisiers the soperiors of the sis- terbood are obliged t mak a selection from the etcet number who offer the mselres tile commander of r m s bramble ha taken pcsmssbn of new guinea in the name of her majesty which ciie nntancr i stron- it eonnrmatorj of the repod intention nflb briush government to found a penal settle- coentio that aland sereraj kircch eneiner have arrived in eejplfoteren of making suieeys of the istbmm cf suer n artier to leeeisejsl f hivernrnfot hare br mirr in ireland ftiren orders in have tvhioh ihy held wl sir ri jvel was in eftsc rrialc n and nib en te- pared fir food in the chminn winter esv nol- withtanln the assertton that the j is eeerr they have emunds for anticipating seirdtri before the narveit of 1s1a in ire land ky die library of lu late right reverend dr mnrhy i been valueij by a eosnprtent jiidcirom london at xi500a t5fobe irst week a hoy and if one sixteen the other rihtrm years m ae preicnted them aelvc at st i 1 cornwall with a ikeme to k matiel llie vicar icfucd 10 perform the ceremrmy a uwr snri a lu seltan been sen in jhopn wss brhcbl oeet bv the cambria fnwn halifax it weighed 00 leu than uki tv5 ioljinn sliteet aso sttloirr lrttes- the i ml- jrrrini jl hi htiiifru ha the lellfl el hmdier and srawesi ifi her mjtyn ei- vie and kssi mw company lnuhf wfnr- venlcd in future at he rsujoeed rale or porx- ks rbrlker ty wer jiawe to foreign tvtce or not tv fcin flef pthfafe owveer mu1 he nai in all eae in addition to the leducvd rotes or biiiili omajc elnttirnvox stiiaie or tlc pore mretmni roman peibnitee wa held en tlwjvml ell it fieeina taeern lnrnlin n ritres heir sympathy with pfk pitt 1xmhi recent reforms and their ii naliio at the menacing joiiion atuimed hr aumtii wore ntoved and seconded by the rev dr hesi of the sardinian chapel tncolnsinniehk mr lota mr- aniley h- p pev dr ferguson c potato fitr of the poial failure csesgem o let- nie uhmjiji the eejfi- iith sretrh aed cnoiieentel presa it s vvy remarkable ihat ihe nuneron papers iumih rrpottiwly ey the disease an j entire- r exclude the wucli deny its exiitence- there b no doubt of a pailial failure hut we would adei our readers not lo enter on wtudsv apeeeution on the faith of enlih nrwpaper reports which in mauy c4vs are uiserted ftom inlereiled rautrve kj r n reom sovru aaitmca the roman cathalic afchb of lisin has jut re ceived a teller frotn bnenos ay res ricloup atddl u tod lowanji the relief of distress m ireland tti aenretrectroih aecodin tothe anantnent made by sir john frnkhn re- peeliijc alss evpeditinr caputns or resek nhy imw eatcl q meet vth some of te ntrmr lie ally sealed in like containing ac counts ol the vessels written in six dflfeient laneiiaees which were to be thrown nverboard at certain icrioif i bpe that some of them iehl he picked up by vessel navi the ntmhsee the month of october wli the time named by t john franklin aoeu feimson socictv- a genrl meeting of the k0cr nors and stibcrbm to this society iimituied in ihe year 1835 for the purpose of providing an ay1um fat worthy aad and decayed freemason wa held on vednedav afternoon at rodey hotel bridcelreet bleckfriars dr r- t cruci- fit occupied the chair mr j wlutmore the secretary read the statement of account by which it appeared that the fund of the 0einv amnunted in the whole 10 x jw is l id ewtud mtom cdf 1 4d cath in avins baias ri3ti ditto in the hand f hanfceri and ireaurce zx oh the morion of the tnairman second d hy mr broard tn lihi ivtfd southampton w elected resident after sawe tontine busi new the mcetins separated drawing room at toroto ct tiviii lost t ouatfacuskj from the toronfo prio- an kfonday errnirc the counters ot befa hehl a drawin- wowi at the new city hall at nine ovlock the hour a the con- linked rohofcarriai intimated thalthe com pany who intended to have the honor of waiting an her ladyship were essemminjt the front of ho biiljln tuelf was tolerably well lighted op and several home in ttio i- einily wre illuminated the llice 0fice tsea nicety and comfortably flw up as a tiring room far the ladir and one rf ihe small rooms itp stairs tea appropriated to the rnr purple fr the centtemrn on arrvinij on the landin place at the head of lmeleinltsp cotvpany were nihered intnthe council ball by the evl door the hail shnited to prat odvanrare although wttj hftle had ben doe lo it further than removing the fo anrf mil and ranin ihe chir round the room eleee oltir tell oas lo tease ihe paciotj area lriily eee the hrlltantly tiehi ed chandelier in the centre nnd three branch camllcttirk on arh chimney per well jp plied with was i fave a ireat ihgndanee of lichl wthnut helnj eepemtt t the eyf i mill a riiartr hfor it inwaiiort ra ever thai her iilrhip veaareadf 0 receive iv eompar the majftjts room had heen coenfmimv filter up or tn inrpoe her ldyhip mood htr the mim of the rown nn an elevaton the covernnr general standing nn her richt baud and fady afice lamtoti on her lft a the ladles and ilrinen entered the room heir nxne were announced by the a d c in waitine and iheir raluulioet acknowledged hy the connt- es in a erj pleanj and happy manner mis excellency also bowed uraeiomfy and ihe pccntce passed on ont a the other door into the fohhr and thence into the council hy the same way a they orieindly enled in abnt halfan hour her ladyhlfj entered the halt leaning on ibe arm ol the ear and fohnwerlby the lady alice with the mayor mrs w ii boutton tre a- 0 cs end ihe setetal lad es and gentlemen who had the honor of kin aun with the nome viiois durinjc the preentanon- after a oiort tvalk around the rrwun durin which the nhle pair addrecd dirtereni iniitals in short con versation the governor general requested that quadnllci micht commence his wor ship aic mayor then led her iadyahip to the chair of slate on the das whtle his excel lency ecrupied the chair to ihe risht anif he lady alice one to the left hand the btnd of the rift- tvhcb was in attendance in the elleey then struck ami the roam seamed covered with dancer where so many de- cred notice it would he dtfficmlllonaltcf all nnd ineidions to elect walters and polbas alternated with quadrille were danced with real tprit indeed we do not remember hv- m seen the pnlka at any time danced estter in several intcrvau the connie and tord euin walked rooddeal about the room and dnrin the dncin seerned to enjoy the scene hefure them at lwety tniniilei hefnre twelve ihe counters with he governor gene ral ant lady alice attended by their stifle and the mayoi rose to leve the room the hand ployin co1 save tht qteen as ihey piiaresded rn the door lly nstuled the eensssavi ny 01 all aides repatedry and retired lern every one much pteaej and hihly eraiiried wilh lioii fraiik and imoeulauoii dspnrt- mrnl tuc asirbly immediately conmoeed retifinx and by twev ovlnck the hall reply was exreltcnt and admiramv rea after ward ihe profeo an j oihrr menai of cenfocation snj the graduate of ki coltetft endoiher uiiverilie an i ihvn u master of upper canada colue erers nv senled to his escellency and hy his etcl itneys desite the nndergndnater weir trm jirecetiled after the staslers of upoer c nda collee nad beeo prented flu addre from the college tree read by w- ban ina narlicuun itidiulc manner hi rxeellertet rad en a victim loth 7w jsww si deta psji5vaies hc ftlh- ne em i f ihe nrivetiicl at liea tlie fffvitfi uii ii ierkiin tlw di l lk hve wei paiilv cnsifrnerf we hove heen mri j tht ie cenrcetrnee el nerfm1wi cltmv r iftrted hv dcr d mnat tlw r i4 iv itrditmv lfie he f fuiin t 1oee iwntit miv oso o the irt idt tl lleieosury lpwy r nvr rcodkclts tmirt m m- uvfrlv duur r hie lleek e t apflhc pripcieei appropriate reply which wahewiily cheer by the leaenued hrou- tae vice pc dent ihen mooimced thai ihr cliancctlor h t requested that one term srmelil li arceidj to the gfedeates and ihedeeadvmtei eej n occasion of hi vitil hi ettelwney ihen in doe fnrm profosnuj the convocaiion the chaneellor nferwar in prli chapel libr4ry apiaratu reeeia and omh parti of the umverviiy and w h pleased vm efpres himtelf in the hihvt tena of seis faction in record ij etrry pertiajn of il f0n ihe tniverity i rtcetnry t crede to caftida cole whore ef preparation had seen made tnrecr h the entrance into the cle iimnnds at handsomely decorated with vverreeo centre was snrmojnted with eeoirss fas aw which wa a ablet with u c coll- htvrnn two wreaths and underneath ihe colieee motto palmam rjni meruit feral witb k t en each side under he tamp the ptfn of the college ilelf was similarly onamieud the college hofv formed a donme line eatr-id- lae from the ifaie lo the college ani rhr falters femwed near th fate to eeoee hit excellency a jarje number of ulie and ntlemen were amirtsd into the essi rom by peivale pjekrrsp and here we h 10 thank ihe principal hr hi kind altentmn hut the doow were kept closed till a uter period on his esccltenrvj arriat he wa tasff ed into the principals rooom while th rny wen to their repectiee forms hii recei- irncy ihen vivted the fofirn separately and inspected their work vsith which he tas highly satmried the he then ranc for prayers and the ho arrnmed at minim ihe geat room his ewelurire lady etrin the lady arke and lord mark kerr eiwvnpf previonly taken their places after thetrw were placed the public was admitted no m ifevailin jepidemic typhu fvcr ihe inmtieruf thai family were dit aipoiitldof the ijppoituoily of aaiteunhis fcecllcntv who hos accompanied from ihe ivdubr ja curnminjts and t c street km haenaeainmedlhe new eesill of ja- eek keefer 1 and expressed hb admire- tin of ill beauty and lolidilyi he proceeded alnnthe tine of the canal to st catharines flul very few of the inhabitant were aware 5 the approach of hi esceucncy neverthe- let h miukherer e w stpuenton j i ranner and o- s phelp eitv of the tuard of police nnl lereral other nl and received him at the st cathnritut ihhmt when m the absence of e s a jaw k4he preidertomhe bjard by reaon of uidispnmilion mr hiltkbfrgcr presented ii etcelleucy with an addrets to which be mat an eatempore rrply on the spur of ihe moment a unco had been prepared by mr ashfetd of which hiseicelleecy partook and l a few 1o4lt he rose from tbc table and enteen e cairiaice wilh mr marriit and ml stephenson who took ibe reini returned lo ihe fallt british whig opusr e orb mo wer wkpnesoa oct s7 1s17 notiot of 11 r 1 cbrtd 2 tvl mn mcm cvwfsv lettemt4sc oot f4t r ft tnln r c j a med- odt b moeitfral b p h- r lr l 1 l d v l vilts with etm j bt bitown with rei j m r vuk earn c it new v i 1 a ttrfonu j o1 from our loxdom otrresrondkst en eetpits spaio handsome tjiure- te pv- ivtiee lnvc nie1 a raclteue and advisable from ihe mediterranean whether ilvcilt be j tu cut aerupcifiil it ihtheeri the qointiiv of wine crvnumed in franc is torly millions of hcelnlitf tke rtferautl ly of wine imported from all enunlnes into jbessnd only sgocao beclotitres ro that traasce coneumes upwards of one hundred iwes as touch wine every year as england lee the appoinlpient ff the ftst hon tl m otarrau jj cyertinr of alalia ha bren fo- eaellv gclled this i ihr ffl iumance wuhm our recollectton of a civilian leinc ap poioldlothe icnvemment of ihjt importit fcrtreas mr opanaji is a catknlk mr- affarman thompn mr chrlitopher 4eue ladmrs o hihhari hive ben owld iireclari of ihr llank el enaod in toe rrsfeca si mt p jesuit w has hn ejected if jnrt y cot emm and of sir john rae eveidandmr abel u ej guwef who have laly been disqulifjed ceeeuwubfc rvjrpriae has been occasimtj sb cofbetuncc of its hating bremnc known ckattbe vtdeftaonof the hum mrs krnnv 1to ai heir pttsomptite to it lilleof baon csaelley hecame a convert to pwjer while mm m eio boy during hit vtott iay n parit ei eatr laat a french priest with whom eyootaj becanse acquainted drilt hisvitit te rre with his ejotawli it the parly by ksvhote aseano his reaunciafn cf plvtanwi- asea trae effected gubt oolhcihlh oil- the whole of the nw 1 froea eleears f c- co ihe london skew j 11 hovembrr ish ameenttna to tesioo anndry uiu of eachan reserned v lhir wrier in a parcel i essy ossdaeajion jj lja at ike se uu kea ueco wade vjaeaky u llr icveev fttr mi mathi to n4plrf lb lb v vstert kae 14v 1 tk cry ew wmm lvarv j iu tako jdae h ihe u adtlpa ifia jerti txtrn luerth w4y ra mj r ww reacr d m uo mtn iw tvhll i tmfr thrd it uib rtnet hie mnu iwvinj imu- s dtngemu nrpeet the minimees of the duke atjestfflf inisedor hivfivmc tome vaiittaeixin l- liiblic nfinmn de1 in case of reuest l they tvoud nvien ikeir p-iste- po duke aetvdt to uieir tritbe nd a pieeui tn vrleeh vetivorn thnt atnifan ealuied tho pp0 ciuiio the r fri i-t- 1 iiwiiy in the cvnuv a snkmn je jevss 1 eung m the cathetii nd the town iniiminated tne lonvwine the pel imlion u batea ioo of bmiibm infant of spiedukeoflvttcalouor usofcd subject we with frienovceyonnlbr fear but bv in we ffssn to yoooer paternal keen wc are accord e3soeved to ubka ml lea nvdt esijcriwm htter may n 1 rihute to yoor welfare and i- y tlw improreeknls eon tempuied awkonfit ihetiaeans vnr ncichtvoei inordcr to make vao eny in advance ihe bio- sin that may roll fni rlwm in the mean lime e annoee in j j the in rtitiltionevltwmvfeardnceeaary opib1e r jntav wehivo a hndy d reeled our lnunetof tete whleh nsuimaled with ibe he mtenlem fi propoae to usv aa vn is pmible nil the im pov envoi clrolttpit n eatify oor jnt iles ie nnd acrentri ttr ard nl vo vm lor present and future hpfiinrso yoe my paee fll eonfijnce ki thom nffcc t un ate word uf vossrlilbes and svcreifii wh w moat osio fw ysr cirne anl it r cilonihat aoicct fruot tlte most usived ut jesst fljw e isciw charles louis- r- m nv if in vijnuci the o september n we have ale keen nonfd aass he jowr inlifliii an miritnay umtc- ment tok puce n the 3rl in1- at messno mti4 recin m te fcircdin f the twi sicilw- ftoaeoititibner hacee wee fodocvtveof no tftaih issi vn ttetriioentt of uifardry were rerteiraind at ni4ea rcjelinp lla f-f- orihat ienpraiy aititi-a- nrlit rem- poreemenu lhao heen acnt 10 sicily tncsrmvwe de mmt hs hlji inh tjm i ihe altiwirif trller frftm time the alinci miwccn hie poe and ihe ke oc piedmont ma be cniji it he hoped thai a twdar fttivrsrmem rit be enter cdlowilbtucary m cwboli trft frr fler eoee to that eejoal aesteia ha already eee autlvariad by te duvt f mena and lcca in ncpy ibei m ieta tlw smo eeerstfe tia been m rian toatjei nsf whkh dieaee the arntal if the knruli 6eh an his been iomrij ty ika hfoloekl wlhhun ttefittt a and evnnevi i i l iruneluwrst ua here wc re reedy tomet wth vy n ungnncy and ptfrvd f oesry 11 ratrcmeue tliecnndut ofuur fowu hiaw n adaewn- bv vou it be cfttmo lhal pn- ix will af itjly wo lj iv pihwo who batt ihe mutch cenvtdaor remain besyral i cfrtl eive j fthe pmeim uil ym may rrjtfd iht 1 wttieeetitluiil the ntimi iae alt- a rerrl arsessnvfiejit nl tm tin en the 4th iws thai lb kinfhao re- eited ilie py t the cahmt f vimvio ki dec lata wm in rovor f tre tinlrneie nf the fiomtn stauo auau waiid li havi ilrehee1 in ihtl ne thtt ur w it d iartnnf1 not in til- mr ilic eetabti1iiwnt ntvttl crn in italv it ipfjriheraavrnft tlw ihe km cifswmttaiii t msrtaiod le rtrjlil and hal of lli pse to vanj ilknttrur lii thtv coum aeountt from turu am kl uitaeji hnvv a viroy teem the p p was errwtud nl iv s ti reiurvi thankt lo ihr km anil t cuawqit ni oiei illj hm wll enk ihe istaod jkt l teseaivp fr tin lv4if a adee luku ainnt autrr kk- 1 ie th anavnl f cimfntion ftom citrtt fttin vm f j tawtif anyiwia will le een fom th flltwitit invvfei nf cmirihi tmm ifvipom alllv t vlatee 77- 11 r s iic now itujitick mtd kova8cotit tnnce bdnro lllt vth pljk4lsau iiul hft4k thi lathe re- litrn made vp i y tiff ij- tjf it v mu uf cniiramt iwfrlhtrda veto iruk ij f the maaeipsaas enetssed twwifthe were hotrh aed c 1 and fifth ttcriinf ofwhni 4 ur 1 u- 1 r than fnimurf tfl hut fifrl ilunn th stsfieaaee it ii wurtly nf remark ikal m she eoiifreivorltke liwie lte it bvl a ssr f fiv ot ws men i 1 r iltia ni j jtnf r to tnei jr psrnre and tl o prin lln urtieioncyor tliw auit and jhwoi tks lawoby 1 i l i jri y it psh teme4 have torn intt vw paiitutly ewm- rlmtr to tor fa eo tsfam u niif mi l i- j iltoaa 1 j- r 1 tht fnjiftr tavi m ihe fonrul rohidp wti tbtj lteeej 110 ii 3 j n anwresn adfow conlramic trikinrtr tvilh ihe mue hite and iiiceant mnvemem of the buv throne tvho hau jul retired i eain had cnnimriceil ivhiehcauxed nsnch delav we hope nooiher diaacreeabte conseouence ltdv 1 1 in wa handsomely thonh tfei m a heauliful niuk atin madt trv fni without any ornaments excpt a circle or rather wreath of diamonds round her fihnad diamond oecklace and par ttcolaeiv pty diamond flennc in ihe stom acher of her dress we lkesjaftj sjm looked dctic at and rather pale j i- livellenev had em the very jlndd cloiiijl uniform erstse- wn funeral rmie and vilver svilh lh lar pud ftlhnon of the tvdr of th thim and itv t f evn tvtis ailiicd in hito viith a bturiful hrcjih nf rojes round lier hale and bet italic lady- ship seemed tueujiyho daueir a much aa any other little lady in the rrvm to venlure 01 any description of the rjrcti of lmjt toronto ldie would be very superflo- esi they wete in jrenerxl hatidcome and in eood lafe come of ihem very miieh ou- ling the waltzing we were much interested ie observing two youne ladies step forward and wallr loiclhcr wilh rreat siirt who they wer we know not one was dreed in tuck eeleel with a broad ermine irimmin around the neck and with 5 pretty wreath of meet placed fantastic j try tumid the top of her head the other dressed in uin while with some peal ornameat a comb if wc trmemhrr rifhtly in her hair it was rathe an uncom mon but pretty siht toiee uva vhaj i ali c daucinjc lojeliiei in a puhlic awmhly some few amtuinx incidenij occurred hut we mtl not travel bey wid 011 prnviuce tho whole afftiir wat well manrdind llic pfrwruzl demeanor of the flovte lrl anrl couritess on this occasion have produced an imoreinn wh we arc well asnred the pooeitia gosb of solitical strife will never efface we have now lo tirmpt lo chronicle some of tbc events of wcdtirjday which wc would fait hoii may prove a day albo lapiiv no- lands in the annalt of tetontn if during tits reeltencv aminitralitn of the tjov- ermnent nf canada any unlnllowed handi hi ii rd aain amemit m deeratc the mini scunols of lcarnio- and relicion whose eery exuienee we owe the welltimed forttight that rre lone canad wnum call inlo reotmi- von ai the piovitir tvkoh enerjry and y contd provide v ttp irutruclicu of hor youth in the various dentttmrntt of science anil literature which however eeery rihl mind rrni i he aware are apt to lead only to human self tudkiritcy and infidel anoyance unlr guided hy the pure and hnly lihl of jvjipun- we irnit that the reolliviion nf lii viil in ihr tniveritv and lnrer canada colteee will cnsjtej helore the mind vf his excttrtcy in full btchlne tn- ptrerve thit hatitifnl teion of hi own jfijta wafer frnvt bem eiftced on the hriti of inf tvi bijnliy and jni r a lie ml vi j i1u excellency havnheen pleased recall a sperial conioeatin frr wewviy ihe several memhers nf th limine aemmed in lull enttume at ise itnisvmly at iwclve octock fioott the critiijtes and dnacr- hradnatet ami all the member of hi lut- vcrdtv at present in inwn receive nirfje- h atteiul ln hefrte ihe hour menlwed the hal wat ihrooej with ladier and gentle- rneu who were idmjte j hy licket winch had rven ulwrally dislrikntedtei all the meet hers of ihe university- durin- the lime of sernmin the frunt of ibe htiiblin ditdivd a truly pleasinc aircl the tiradnal and iinirgr4nki in their various vowns and hnajt were diverted ehstt ihe reen and eotleetvd on th ip of iki iineipal en trance the lipei canada cdlee bnye headed hy thetr jf fnnrrd a line frnei ihe carrmx eilree wwh ten tatrfully derorald wilh evreeuv in tho fn of aii arch in the tps hut pwip4l tr wk aln tiaudoinl dcoratf with eerrecns and over it was 4 pmel in rod lierin tjrowo fncireted hy the molt of t uulvct- ity tlievitlalijittr tvtrsvery kinkinjc at nearly llfpst iwhe adoek fie arirnah ol elis ivilhwy was anmkpottvdi a1iiftitn he wa ivnivfit at the entrance bv the wr ffeijtnl proetoft j memhem of ihe ttiivraity and preceded by the lwi etyiire bedidl advanced hfiween ihe mere vr nf nnvoejtm wh feinted iwn linet fur ihe phrtmae n ihe halt where lie look hit seat as t attended hy fyird mark hrr a 0 c ami slier kniire qedelli itdy kltfin vtx placed in a chmr oi tko chncellnr riichl u ami nnd hede her mrs mclaul and mr toiiltuti and jjdy alice nnl the myttreis iicki lo ihn vt- i and vice f ieide ftl hit kceitine wore a pum blue eoat with a mar nt j was 1mimj m the tiww aoi noml and cap of a maw nf ant of oxford allrr ihe vaiiein hodira of fiiaduajr under- rtadmtr anil canada llh r ism had taken thtii lrt the vire itesidem delieerrd ihv aj nf cmveatwtii run djstitict assisjnbc iwqr ilia tvtvlltucfca fete miniites the room was r ed mr principl baeao lhn addrctted hit excellency in a few words thankinc hin or the kind patience he had shown in risiiirctbe form t and marine thai the hoys had srteita- neously detired to oretent a alight arlreas thrmelvei y r gmin of ihe avoth form then read ihe soya addresi whici we conceive to be a eery happy production it tit alsovenf teeif read nctwithstendnc t alight nervirus irepidatinn which hoeeer only added to the inloien of th- meanm his eacellenee made a mot asemteareaial flatterinjc icpty ii latin afterwards ii was pleated lo addrest thn priacpl and hy n en extempore cnlih speech which w not pretend to fie although the elaqute of the lancnaee and ease of delivery wannl eqitalted hy the eood sen e and irue feeliny expressed could we imagine hat 1 raise of cur could he am eamtmeni ivceltency we shoim eeavour to wjt our feeling in much stronger lannacfe hi ftcellenct snke so the highest 1er of praiieoflhc manacemnt of the lnsl held up in ihe tad from hi own es the absolute ieccily and reel ejrttfspf the com hi natron or retlie iavueellnvwith clastical attainment and concluded byw rine ihem lhat far as uy in hi r he would footer the cellee and thai t any time it wnnld afford him teal sstifaen le hear of ihe success of any uoper cn jj- lejji bty hit escelency also refue baneosr to compensate them for their w jl hotilay by giving ihem a tetmlc holiday excellency ihen made a roev av 1 0 w away when mr irincipsl ktmnnt eotetel him lo be kind enonch to duby foeafe min- utet a the hoy hh a n4ll trn i lo laov riciv and laibr anci- n it would he mnfl eratrfyi lo ihm to per mitted t oteet t tvo iritle ivitit bili 4 i t tbvn came up the middle paa- with wt fianj some bouqncu tied with white rihtau wraich they vrccnted to their ladvshins n-neclivc- jwe cosju not eet a nij ef ietr la- ithirw conelenaces at the mon hut cerd etins literacy beamed wilh hsure thc little fellow tot their lnncir ui it havcbeennthctwise ili erellenct welch ed out ht handi firl tocne sen to he oth er and thanked ihem in the mod hnd and affectionate manner the cwmtei were drrssed alike and looked well ennucmocras ifythe withes of the fowl and mot ans- iosvj of narentt trie piiocipat pic a few words ftc them a follows mav it r lvwe yeti laovsiiirs- thco little boys wcwi tm hec yi j ac cept the oflvrinj of lhenelves and iif tej- lnwniriu in lokcn of thir deep ensc of your ladvthips eondesceminn the inlerot however created in hem in which they but follow the example ru have caused so univenally to e cl ilicmjie pre vented them saying what ihey thnufr i 3m therefore obliceitiitlheii ic in be you to accept their humble oti bsilii unctiaee far more feeble ihsn the eleqnent and i tnist not unavaifinc appellor their hrliti heamt and vpellhoud lip your ladyships will preserve for their atl qm hi tie jewel thy nave presented vmv mamer ami pnpits mayevclaim n the sp r adjres which has jst been ptcenri w h kveellvney 0 fortunate we if aevixolher ihinjfs of fester ivpeflfil may ait yn a pawnjt rralification to remmvr fn us when the noble vitilors aid ui j nc fcnewltdctd the salulrs f ike c any and withdrew amidsi loud af w1mi cheer we cannot omil rcmajkin hie atrenyiy distinct en nnc iativn and correct c the fiovernnr cetera both in x nnd speaking his latin watin acenh jvilh the highest standards of ivretrlf fle- wrt years up alllionh different in few patlicutat from hie fashion of ihe peinuy all the addrctses were wer well r compotjtin and idea o higli ere respectltt author provincial penitentiary tit eteerieaey the oovemorgancral not- w the thortness of tim he had to tpend in kington made a long ejil to ihe renitenlia whrre by previoui arrangement the lizard of inspectors and warden were asarmmed co meet him at were the chaplain and other erleer of the institution rati rvcellnoey wt accompanied by sir richard amistrnne and br their respertire suites hy ihe sheriff the slayer tbe member for the cooniyeie havinac been received by the intpeetors and warden in front of be prison bis ex cellency ecenfnnanied intteclort vvorden and visitors was conducted throngh every nah ef it and seemed panicolarly in terested in everythjna which waa pointed out to him he ashed a creat many quettions relatlte to the discipline and employment of ihe convict ann shewed from the remarks he made that he had paid freat attention to all subjects connected with prison discipline- his excellency exnrewed hinjself highly gratified with everything which he saw re ferring particnurlc to the extreme cleanliness and complete ventilation of the prison which he mid he conceived perfect he also much admired the manufacture and beauti ful finish of the rahou articles made by the con vie for the ne of the prison such as the fireenfnes drags iron jocks iron doors carpenter and cabinet work etc alt of which be minutely csamined his lord ship arte teemed particularly struck wilh he solidity and excellence of the maaon- work of ihe buildingt and surrounding wal remarking that it reflected great credit on the mi perin tending architect and that il was eyatifyinn to think that the con victs were so well inttraeld in ihete earions trades as on their liberation they could he at no difficulty in jrainin an honest livelihood by means of wjal ihey had learned while in the ff he govern general with that kindness end humanity tor which he is dirtinguithed repressed hia opinion thai some inducement to nod conduct on the part of the prisoners should if possible be held ont and thattbey should to a certain e stent be influenced hy the hope of reward as well as hy the fear of pnnufc- rnent and in accordance with ihis npinion was pleated lo dcire rhat the fuiard nf inspec tor and warden should lay before him the names of met of the most deserving convicts thit bem done j he directed lhat it should he itimntcri to tire of them foil r males female that he bad heen pleased to remit ihe remainjr of their tentenees on account of ihcir good conduct and lhat ihey wontj bo liberated as son as the usial forms could be complied with hit ivtcekency wilh the other dillnctished cticsts aferwardt oartonk of refeeshmeutya t m c tm with the warden and inspectors and took leave expressing his hijh talitfnclivn with evpfythine connected with the invitation mrs vital altogether wa most cralifyin both o list jnsjicclrr cv wren careetcv tfnw pry giialbs ctk loodon ftelfv- corrie ot cf manehrvte witaon moknitfhl co glassjmtr to ilieir kardytreao for a he incy v t a 1 1 lo itichrr 1hree lrmnidiil a ti we have ht ecell tuesday ul erected actovt ihe road 0e a ihe pontannnn feeling of lln- aaon thmele raronaid mr it i second at llirhmondhit hy tnr- in that village- yud the ii at tjv the flat beyond rich riond hill the mr rcrnaid that ru richenoitd yarticutatly well otvm- t il ehi lion the noble pane aenjniiani nliec of kill on es tarere uwukj mvtrv rllvike lutanuof miltsesi opcrtyof tl looked led tvii hy acre- later from mexico wesjnsied fr th v pj emfvre 1ittmdauniup l p mi oct il further detalb hy the fashion represent lhat the mexican general kht certainly in possession of fkc oten 0 ptiesia and thai forcct were conccnlraiing there from all e cot chitdt having retired from pocbla it well rsnsted near there expecting lo be reinforced by gen lane and major lilly noon geo line was at jalaoa the 30th cap kscey who took a convoy for him lo national nride no enemy col fairehlld in reiunin froea the bridge was fired upon but there was only one man injured jen alvaie rommanrk at pucbla and it very active general trt and suite armed at ven cie on the 10th tnrl also general cuhine and snite gen ratlcraon ww to leave vera cruz soon wilh 3000 men and so join ceo scott a hearrof dispatches from grn scott re wrled killed at cordova private samuel nnnelji and uctit gadnwen f pnlnaan gnardj rfied lately at monterey the union has letters giving the disposi tion of the mexican forces filaseu with hxw men and gen- coretya with 3000 and leperos and national guaro have united to make a demonstration on the capital sanla tnna with gen qnijand n 2000 horse and 1010 fool wcreoranixin to obstruct rein forcements joinc to gen scott utisted by gen rhe wilh 2000 men should santa nna be umucceful he will make hit way rothecoat and leave ihe country the war hereafter is to be carried nn bv ihe iliflcrent department or slalea each dcrl- meul or sate lo operate wilh it own forcei tufthf4 fir the atnntj journal nrw youk oct 8 3jp m the tteamr fathion with datet from vera croi to lhc7tb hm arrival at neworlean lvltcrs from kendall dated ihe cilv of mexico on the mlh sept says gen scntt ha full pcse of tho eitv pillow and skteldi wounded ted weee ilotn well the tos of geo worth v rtiviiinn in ihe hallle of kinc mih wa 7fl and iliout coo u eve in in the baltlc nf the 13lh in flnrmipcj rhaptitlavc and the atlaev nf th ctaiet 1 v diviajofj htl s00 men ral of the ervtiyof ivonlo nirted at mr ruydn preeisety at pw- rdnek jji ap- pniwed where several if llw iir redjik weie aseml4ed i luel f ft it at and mr gpper cam melwesri mrs parsons mrs twemd fonnsit the party at ejvrot concrilnvilion v from ihe remtenl of hictimtti d dii lilies m ihe hrnd of hhin wn mejne btralprferd lit lisrlleo it innt ciaeioiiy al itrvte 0 repy aller hiieueot four fresh jvll t an 1 mi- kr4ttltpv hidl i of 1im prince of driver mcmj up vuenelfoet tkit ike ii il klaelieir slor in 11 1 itelnrnin to mi hnyv no 1 1 made there and ihe rilm iimis vr n at a rapid pace arrives m t 7 oclock the hearty and fer utperselllemertl il i lenr forth itu exeebeney wasrip while mu klcs dleficyn el rftth drtceniion and tadv kl 111 nd aftahilay were the ivmo nf iiiv ratioii visit of ri iivkknn to st civrijmlim n thtirttuy mmn11 ao ml rcviead by lfkitph ihnl hi ri toil he al ihondl nksiet r 1 merrill iherefnre wil up red nhnlnlsnft of thai vil m hiru jr cm v kivii hating tavsaiqlfd v deear- e cittani receit d ttrspore ans wife lijatice li eceiti fai ikmrnli irae ira rtaic in krdere iv id ihe called tnvaiiasi itdroai- nrn and i arfnai n e it at ilrna wi tvtcc w rilnw i ij and worths isw makin- the lns sw in ill fienu worth had scarcely 1000 men in ihis aftmn 01 cnlire low tince kavtne pnehla in killed wrninde1 and rnini kendall seft down at full 30t0 anorw makes td000 the mtcii s not aonralely known kill was onormoms fieu fjravo was nol kilm bol was liken nnsnoer cnpl van otinda noticed amon tne killed was from ihrl cily iv li 10 j afi 1 2 o co j- coest h co mtnehmer baebfctall manehetter v aihcrton new onehton w siosl h co i rro jh t rrpil sjidtttult co on- im ess apvancc me james coleman n ol the cnrniniinera nf ihe flint das and lvaterfoe road has haide n the fnltouiinc luteeatbl of the prieet ohiaiued lal satur day at the lvtttue of the ti jtc on the above roed no 1 xi i5k bcinr an advance of tt no j w2 7fj no s- 7fll 1 312 thf ihr ie prodnrin ihe ealranrdmary t4md 2j1 eeedinic ike amount reeii ed lest srhy 114 the rii vili hofiry he finished aud ihen n iti nilher uale will l- rreeiedtj which h iw vx hiori tlie prm u scvon of cannula it ttuty wnn- dorftit whe can ell vhal the lolu on caaal hus of roii w unnnnt lo when the ufock rood it ftmicd f ptindat wurlrr xa ill reelect porltyol 11 -eh- li ti ll t uld mi ttann tfanirn mnst tliifnnle ti iu rvjify nl thit puee iwies 0 aeli y pt h fmy of 1taioltnn in kmal ii hi iwirf pmeieiki pwnare naliei ny ti wvi pfio e itnca i i 1 ihiacii kifn iih iiie i f- c ti-nn- in kihlap fif tiia nlf 1 peolvj mi hr n enj ill iv di he te ted bv ee u u tiirese itku- lr ir jft in cfkcir 10 rijr r rf e- itit tliiiiih he i pi iwioj wlfct i tj romm bvl wliicli p kuilietltud wo wink lino f at eeatni tvotjndreauitd met thi w hitiir niui mratsfismfiui h ike urt jri hm jeermeev- uisooit oct 4 iw7 the commercial world b in a tuto horde r- itssj upon a eneral puuc by the annouoce- oacnt of tbe failure of aooie of our large bouse ijji monday nolwilhslandina the moat conndcot aaeerlioci of the ultimate pay- meot of every pound sterling for which tbe firm cootd be liable the house of coekcrcu k co bavjnjt sr george larpent for on of iu leading mcmbers vaj declared to bate slop ped payment for littla leas lhan three cj of a million and to their suspension ws very soon added that of bcnsnaan co an african hsuve of some importance laic in the day cockbum ft ccy uaikcrs and armyaejcntt had to be added to the jicl on the foltowinc day some further failures were announced on tuesday the respectable firm of perkins schltajsher misqrn a house in the ball k tade were broujhrto a stand the how bad of late years 000 into ihe eau india trade and the proxitnatc cause of their failure sea their taking up hilts of one of ike fallen houses from the bank of england before ihey had arrived al maturity theyhad expected to meet all claimi asinst them on thtj arrival of the lodian mail but the remittances they relied open have ben made on reil irvine co anil ihe result it as slated the house however wilt shortly resume business trie failure of the firm of watson brother e co of liverpool and j burt watson fc co of manchester was announced last week they have been largely encaged in the export trade their branch business besides man chester included leeds and other 1 v towns and several parts of the sooth american coast the liabilities of the former house are estima ted at quite x000 hnt if time he allowed the creditors will he paid in full another liverpool failure is that of messrs armstronc co cotton merchants whose liabilities nre said to reach c1w000 on saturday fort night lelterj from southampton reported the stoppage of westlake co the largest corn hause in tbe town on wednesday week messrs frycriffithsi co colonial broker suspended payment on thnnday messrs syall h co and phillips co both in ihe il fndia ttade were omieed to adopt a similar course the lollowinr are failures from the 27lh september to the 2nd october inclusive ckcref1cnlodots ttt ryoao lyolacco u- 4m0n0 pctkita schlusajicf x muhnlondoo zwjw 230000 nnoonn nnojn ivnonfi irn0m 13000 35000 2olcmd 9mn loocsl rnvhn do in addition to ajl ibis we have the intelli gence of the hrchvinupo4tbeeesabusbments of the duke a of buckingham and beaufort whose pressing dbls amount toctber to about 2000000 he coal hnrners and coat ship pers of neweaslehotyne have had a pub lic medio at which they drscuseed their grievances and finally resolved 00 adeula lion which has ended in nothing trade is inactive credit by no means good and confi dence ranch shaken in this emergency the timid know not what to do and as a natural consequence a host of quacks stand up and proffer their emanation of the essssjtf and their own notion of securing a remedy- a section of polities economtjta atteibuteshe crisis to feepa bank charter bill another to the general dcfircciation of agricitflural and colonial produce whitsl a third lay it to ex- ccssiee speculation in railways and foreign corn there en be no doubt that the great prcsure al the present time arises in a reat degree from the unusual liabilities which the country has laid itself under beyond its natural resources the mad speculation that were crowded into thi- money market without cau tion and without mercy were certain to have a recoil sooner nr uler it has come new and in a fearful form the remedy has yet to he foitnd f am happy to stale that the queen prince albert prince of wales and the prince royal after a sojourn of about ix weeks in the highlands arrived at buckingham palace on the ilst ult in excellent health and spirit on he tame day parliament was prompted with the usual formalities to th liihof the present month mr francis brarlye fisine barrister has been appointed chief justice nf fstewfoend land he is a roman catholic uf moderate lilies and f think hi appointment will gite atifaction in the colony a free trad conches has been assembling at brussels during the last fw days ami du- ruing ihe theory of free trade and protec tion col thompson hf p mr brown m p droowringm p anj mr ewam m p were pretenl as tcpresenutrves of the english ftectradcrs the health of sir robert peel vas received with great dis tinction the fail of chichester has declined ihe chief commissioner ship f pot laws marahal soult has resigned the presidency of the council of the frenrh government m iuiot succeeds to the vacant not re- laioing his olhec a minister of foreign atrairs liwrty has olwas 1ien stuntett of growth in fiance and in thse days of revolutionary thirst the government kee a jatnua rye on the movement of the wntknuc clatses i sc it nlaled that ihe piinters nf pklia have annually harl a pumic dinner but when they asked the ustial permitvion ftom ac prefect for thit year it was refused the men lo the- number of ave or sis hundred then made arrangements lo dine privately hut ns they were siltine down lo table tnlrlv iwn comrttrreivr ov polite enured the moint ami nrdercd the printer to dispone which they didwithtjnl rcmttnnee mnllrrt rnhivnue in a very nnssji factory ttale in i italy the uuke of lucch has turn ed recreant abandoned hit hiivdum ami louvtil ihn iroteclion of austria the utand duke of mudena lra also abandoned hia capi tal and i refe in vienna it 1 repott ed thai pope pius ix has written a concilia- lory teller 10 the emperor of austria ineur reclionary movemcnci still peoajrese in italy a corrctpondent of the tlnser rvritia from athens under date of the llth ult afievgv- intomc particulars of ihe death of celet ihe primt mmislerof crete mentions thai every effort is being made hy the french party to compel kingotho lo continue the perni cious syttero which has oroerht ibe cesinuy into its present dreadful siate further un the same authority states tbat there are no less than fix separate insurrections oq foot celandine ftom veto to arto tbe whole line of frontirr tbe turks have begrin reprisal and threaten more the finances ae cxbauvt- edcoeii dead and a ministerial crisis in- v 1 m the cbamhees denounced by the pvo- pie a illetal the senate refusing to ait r in short everything in direct confusion two overland mails have arrived since i lat wrote india u in a unusually traiuiul stale the atrey isabotit lobe reduced by iowornen whereby a saving cfaoooo per ann will be effected fn chinj matters are quite the revert of quiet the jeaiotisy and haired of the na tives luvo arrived at suth a hieh pitch both at cinlon and hong krjng that it will be difficult much longer to prevent a rupture ever fresh arrival from china make it coore and more evident lhat there mitst be again recourse bad to arms before we can expect our merchants and residents to meet with that degree of justice and respect which can be tolerated and without which it is folly to expect that ny of that confidence can exist which is so essential fcr commercial inter course beiwivt two nations tjja maftitttvtetbe rise which had taken place in tbc price of srain waa not maintained in mark lane last monday the prices of wheal fell fully 5 per charter beloiv the prices of lb it day week in liv erpool birmingham cheltenham bristol gloucester and several other largo markets c curves ponding reducticms have taken place both in wheat and flour on friday the prices of foreign wheal w forlbcr reduecl hy is per quarter 2h per barrel wis accept ed for american rlonr of which large pan lilies were pressed fur sale been oats peat ndian corn moal and flour wero very dull of nalo ti is my belief that prices wilj have a downward tendency for some weeks to come o crtat are the imports of foreign grain and so large the stock on hand this after noon howtver there was a fairhnsiecsj done in fo eign wheat at is to 2 advance over the rales of last week english wheel realised fully 3s per quarter more barrel flour v held with firmness and good ircsh qualities bring d to i more lhan on friday f lrui thai my nt communication may prove of a more interesting character but citv council moadayoctolvrilwt present hb worship the myor mcseff hourk robucst meagher flaniged conotev btedtn baker aoglvn alfen witty tunlota crawford memahon smylb udrvay chae- nonhouk minutes of tbe previous ejecting rsid thine- arc inomnl littfmlv dull al ihe present omega ll ie iixhl m idaetv hitl mes4 unvyoit nralt eikt hesers patliiasjli i ate uetaae 11 sd esurnift mill cj1kek fair on woetday last the first seruiannua fair was held at this fast rising villaxc in frnihtown by fair our knrfth and irh readers must not imagine lo themselves anv thing resemblinc le fairs at home foe in ca nada hy thcterm i nteanl a mere assemblage of horned cattle for sale with 0 slight sprinkling of horses no uvcrchandize of any description nor amiiemntt of any kind whatsoever w tw wcdiraxy wne sseaqiitiew marlfet for fat aluc only and taking into consideration it being the first of its kind in that part of the country the turnout wan very crediume to the neighborhood about eighlv bead of cattle changed handa on tbi occasion more than half of which were honh by a few kingston butchers very few wine and no sheep were brought lo mar ket the fair at mill creek wis anything but a failure allhongh losomc it mighl ap pears theretvmavvrrgookjiyassvmblase of the country rcplc bul with the exception of the butchers very few icrsons from kings ton altendcj while at this village pour passer ie temps we took occasion to look it over with a kind of paternal eye twelve years ago a crbi mill and a tavern were its only tenements il now contains a saw mill a grist mill with ptaneiog machine very oxtensiv cloth factory fulling and carding mills a patent pail manufactory an iron foundry for the making of stoves a post office tbrec taverns hnlfajoxen merchants shop of different kinds ihe same number of mechanic 3 and warehoues am apparently doing an ex cellent business jugging from ihe air of com fort around ihcrn to which if we add 0 njmincahoic church and a common school i f 1 wc shall have mentioned alt the capa bililies of an upper canadian villa- of twelve years growth another visit iwclve year henc and we may have a movh longer atceunl to cjve the cnl mill saw mill and cloth fac tory are the properly and are managed bj the tons of mr rosja ihe owner of the land on which the village i aid nul the clolh fahory kweaih a viit from kingston to see the machinery is mot excellent of its kind and is kepi in applepie order no ess than eih1 looms are cnnslantly al work together with 4 splendid ppinninj jenny j and clolh of nil kind is ma1c with aj m lhoi who know not vvhktqiper canada i the priee of wool hoine extremely low and the material abundant clolh of escellnnt quality is made ami sold at this manufactory at such juice at mwd soon drive ihe coars english woollent from th colonial market we looked neat at the stove foundry of mr minli which wo found at active work manufacturing all description of stoves with peifeet ease even backs hnt ai stoves o new to ihis mrt of the provinte and so nmch recommended for their excellent eynd qualities are mndv al ibis small fclory in a obseire villae hardly known even by name twenty miles off had we spece we could say more concernine mill creek mil or sheet i full and we conclude with a hope thai since the vlllncc it really a village worth havin n name thtt il my toon find mie worthy of lit iueicasin- rrrertly mill t reek indeed i there are hundreds of creeks n canada wiih mills on ihmi frt tri fwinnaiars thevevon ofim- rnieinliou t redly drawing in a cljte the two emigrant steamer the ouakrtfit nnd the fainion hare crated their trip between montreal an j k illation and hav 1 other bmincm thp fiwersfeee nfter being ihiuouiily eleanted and refnrnihed lo at hi in ihe rejutir conveyance of the unity moil and ihe asa ion lo do what the did hi the thai low liiracs for her chatter billea the forwrdine itnusesof mtllieiven i crane and tleher it lltrweifoe several members were indictisd under con n- citman liulorvs new act relalios to non- attendance but no bilp waa found aaioai them hy tbeir peers and they were ihere- f ore acquitted no such thintes ae cue iuikrisoumcnt tc were pot in requimljcn- a communication was read ftom f m hill em m behalf of mrs cartwriesat statint that the site of the late fire 00 wei hugton street which had bceocomplatacd of as a nuisance had been leased to j mowat esq who hid made arrangements for abating the nuisance complained of rnmioms of john crawford for leave in open a drain for the purr- of clearing itctaolcd 0 j doricaesj j carter d donojbae mrs j mcleod j cunian and a mc carthy reutin- to ajsevnent referred to committee on assessment aid appeals with rcfcrerice to llieac petitions ihtre can be no hesitation in savinir tbat a toj in justice crisis somewhere or tbe it is that not a single person in town knows anyitliogof the law uf acment the council evident ly do not of else they would nol have socb wranlinf about every petition which ii peev seuted to them on ihe subject and ag for the lower clasaet such as monthly tenant ihey know no moc about it than tbat if these pas- 4 rent of perhaps 9d per moyiji ihey arc assessed 0s which as a matter of course they imagine they have no right to pay ihey are monthly tenants and eapeet ihe landlord of the houe to pay ihe laxce with restv rencv to one of the pclitioriy mr coaour in the leahk of ihe katlway coluees or part of ihem which were valued at 150 per num he paid tbc assessments on them to the- treasurer but after some time eoroea bjj monthly tenants and tell h they have been aetesscd too and this b not tbe only case uf ihe kind for in several of the peutkrsrhsa ine to astment and which have awa referred to the committee oa ataessnaeut and appeals the most ros injustice appears to have 11 perpetrated uth upon undloed and tenants whether it b the fault of tbe ar csjor or otherwise yet remains to bo seen it may bt referred to hereafter stattu ay- thine more appear roars of finance committee rcommendine the payment of several sums therein mentioned j and staling that ibey canaot recoroznend the payment of tbe account for fronlcnax wavd as its councillor bad already overdrawn iheir share ol the spoil adopted of police committee relative to be ab sence of subconsuble 8ornt ao7p4td ofsclecl commiuee appointed toejptati and define the limits wilhin the city in which wooden building may be erected it bprt- sumed the council will pnblish them for the bene6t of all whom it may eoorcro of chief engineer stating lhat the new engine for no- 1 fire company will shohry arrive here anil statin lhit there ii no houie for its rtecption and also stating that there is xtry liltle satisfaction in acting in tbe capa city of chief engineer unless tbe cotjinisa- if lake some active mcuarea with restart aj the fire dcparimeni of the cirrordenvsj tint xviefljhh3e tvyunltiifc itofcrwiseha plan and nsccrtain ihe cost ocerectina a hoose capable of holding tbrve eneirres on tht premisof adjoining mr midcalfa property mr counter moved a vote of thanks to mr thibodo for hit active services in creeling the triumphal arches in princess street aj alio u th catarasui lode of oddfellswa foe thu use of their furniture osc which wwtjssrriest unanimously of mr 3 shaw high baibff moamiend- in- th uppcinlment of a peetaaocnt police constable in the room of john johnslon de ceased manninc or js apporntei mr crawford complained of tbe apsaearsmcsi of ihe high bailitton the oceasion of tbe vbrt of the governor general and said be conardcr- cd it a disgrace to the city as he had beesi told that he hid a better coal at home had he chosen to put it on mr shaw wascillcd upon and denied thb amnion he slated lhat the coat he had on on that occasion watjjje best uniform coat he could have dressed bet ter in colored clothes hao he been aliosved mr funaan followed mr crsiwfortl m aboine mr shaw and said that be aught to how in example lo the police and try to make ihem keep ttjeir eletbes clesse it paj be all very fine foe mr fliinaan to tjk tn that way but jomrthing hcitcr wu certaioly expected from mr crawford tbsj ijas lice are supplied at the expanse of tbe corpo ration vvtth a coat tor summer wear which ie supposed to lat two returns of the avasoasstt ssthey are always expected to he drteesl in uniform it is very likely that if they imjvsv lo lake some poor innbriate who hea been rolline in ihe mud with whiob ouratrvata bj ihe way b at present peclty well iloche f j the station ifouse their broadetoetb is apt bjt suicr hy the close eontiuiiy of aknitnm tee substance speakinc of dieraceu borjf ed very bad tavie for mr crawford lo iraayav up and accuse a man of bavins bad cl when it lay in the power of up and l mnmw leaenva lopas a rylaw 10 provide the with wlter there vfej somelhintaid about i summonses for nuisance hut after ibsaifa opirjinn formed against the polico by hvtstll members it mliihl be panted over allhoaf fja this respect they were certainty to blame- a member of the council mentioned to lha lltufh baililt that a nuitanct existed in eter lain street and the petty who had created lhs j nuisanca was summonsed before the pohe j maftiatrate but when aervinfc the imnm the policeman happened to loll the peifm tnmmoned at wheoe instance it had been it sued which was decidedly wronr mfc at glen said tueh a ihinf had been dona to hiaa tome time ars and he would thareton piaka a motion lo the eltel that if any policaman ahntild do such a thine aeyiln he be diavali forthwith wtuvb waa eonied then pearvd to h ome at ont of coiinoil evprescd it oainst the pcjtae thi whole evenine as marrey a rjttertua lirruieht up but what they fifittrvd i t ckanihinltnuse al las put n ttop to ii hj rjuetthg tlio mrjnbera cif the couetu ifj had any tpecifle charge ejtalnel tbaj uoitirt iith it p at oneeaadaoll atkk llllemiwred atiwhtta the apunlnlmenl of evhool then ftono on with whau the folhii ffonttaiue n were eppetnted i dl dunlt daly iomea lutty m mef i mm hftii ceiv mvliltami wkai etaeasjj 4 felowitsw pimuafc