fern oitttllh i fwi irbhuisn nn smieb- vklttiifmt ugllshtrun if oi iminel wof t pm rm i klteijm will hr k and www mik n u r ri si f mi ihhmn vjrtrufllit snj mrmhera nhiuliifj aa stain tins bringing up of hi m ceftl yatvbafttdtav tr ccmnrjt sffrad s i mn 4 1 u iw iht wlirii wv jeak nf vvliltuart 4mfirt r we use n inot ftslstal lihfof it li tli mm f thr it- mans rrvojirrilly tranilnlrd hw an in deed thil wl l mrim rut mflf r want v originally nor anything of hit bhtd li mfant mltrrj hai is eioerrr enutar uuiftiifd ihe sanw way the tfln called iih0nf ifcm is tmtnrsj 7wooij ertgjua 7ywgn nora v ed d- wiito hf talhoi who avarlbf gentleman my be displays a vji dtawf warning l0 ij lilf piiri iiu derivation of tbe word entiic it quit wroos asefrry ctckneyof len year of aec eouvd loll win abonl 150 years n go i he familiar drink yclept london porter hoi lb wwtfwfty muff called ionjo ti tled porter became generally known am was then chiefly fvwiscd by porters and uborinj rrwn heee it name when called for il was draw wrmbvillmiir ahil ejoalinum to 1 dfirsfrom rlbhhlfll tup vtth lup difference tht whejea wfslfandfalf composed of rcjinl jri of alt and pftrtrft m foster when it ste drank us draw from cu1 port of air twopenny d h beer in a very short timt porter became so universally ikcdthat the uet london brcwrr corn- iho dw iimpe which ftfmi4 on ihe irs ynu would luppos oh 0 shower f ttiliif r juri i jln ar j ww h moimtoil hljlwi ou liu nyol tliioi onjt liit vtiwnlrnoe bvttp uijluti ihorlowi btfpnu itconilii rpwry faaliflcw iovtofj htsfwi wtt omititihl imoboi from uw lmn o ntlutc dirt lei u purvvo ouf journey anivcj il trio tilitto f mlif xvo nl uf at ajjnf tutfii f bcro wr ihtitml hhilt mmiito fhf our ifvlili r iwn iwiutt lefn fion ft nithl itlroirttifr tw tri nmiag e peu4 an toriiif jinlrl agi tth propjrcj fr oif ropfrwrfhci ff aching we were cotnlnell i llw trfnii poml on4 unnctiej i fchinj ajij upot4 il fctma tht pomj ahotjnoi vrith heauliful peckkl ifotil uh in hooted witb rirtiet bdit of fly wc chose fliet aiid tplciulitl eaminjve bvl- troul ikowh were hooked by u iha hy d with a kevn rcluhjid vcdnuli to lbom oflrr hein droned by ie h- dmlnf ouf ihrcc ty vncwiclil ie1ve docft-wd-i- iwlf ralber fnir sort w pickled few of he mdftttat and dcictovcklei ibcy rnaje thu uqt u tted in lir towmhip of cjledon and ahout h nic frvnt inr eatl bmnrli of the cund river il is built on ire ridt of 4 hill lawn w hich the offdtl tunime ornune eapjtal mill privilege- tiro urtj- trit mills have been erected lately ant a brewery and dtuery we would rather not stc these la ospccially mng tremmller the viluee numbers nbout i00 inhabitants has ta two good siore pifoiuce lwokirfct aifl two tavern it in mraceet the btewoor on article which should j- chicf by sfc vt khctly heard ontbjftt ihe exfellenejes of its three com pmadj ale twopeony ond small doer j and ib poblicaai who sold ibe new drimk njentiooed ibe tame corwpieuuiiy over tbtirdooff by making np wlitlbread en tire bn11 moktteidsentitr8ntt or bandy pertint st co rbtfn bull fcc fa to daotyoko lhat tbe poner was frwn fwn one boll nd no iroen three- in aourae of time the word bull came lo be omilled although il b occaiorally yet seen ahont tawn while ipeakin of london porter we dmire udifabcueonr leaders of an erroneoo im- preasian generally enk rtained that the fluff dmnk in canada ibe ast indies on board ahip and in other places on7 o londe and called loador polucd porter is tbe lah- doo drlak called u porter noihtn u far iberfroco the fact- the london poller brewer are one cja of men the london bottlrd porter brewers another hat oh how inferior there it as much difference between ihe ex- cellence of the two kinds o hear as there b between the commercial runnine of the hnuse of barclay perkins st coaod that oi e hit- bertk co sol all this is hebrew to any but 4 londoner far th british mig a tour to the west ltrrcr so nil a word of english noken during our stay thty seem to hate bldflgm with them heir habits dress lanptae six the village iales its name from its owner mr mcmullin to aebon our thanks rc due for the kind manner in which he promoted our amine ment while licce ju afccrtwd uf a field of sufiti wheat 80 acres eklent ifeisonc of yowf tfue cnieiprzine scotch farmers st iiij his villages so convenient to lake ifuron and the amal kiver beint built on the credit and in the centre of a rich country andvettltd by entefprisint and hard working farmers it is dilhcult to tell the maximum of proprity which is in reversion font viator township of kincmonoel 19 1817 my lal letter ml me indu1eine in some gloomy reflections while jnin an abominable roadtoour net stopping place- from ballingafad to ihe nel lilbfft b dratancc of sevrr mile alt wild and frai- fully tand we were benighted ert we ol half oay in consequence of our axlelree breaksne tbenfarea few houses between uwtitlaej bnt where to look for them we were ignorant i we had no otlicr recourae bot a night in the woods and such a night may iht fawn nercr doom roe lo ondcret jtniti h w a darv and deiry niht the jkind uric aighin and inoanim unougli llie ireea like tbe wail of an jrih dahshcc the qsel booied mournfully it the branches and 1fin wolrxa howed frightfully in the neigh- ftiii qj w n i we itrew out wrcon ic ll i edeeof the woods and bavin tied our horses to a irte betook oorselves lo choose a loca tion t but we hao no choice left alf was a dreary rooonlnny wc oqnaltcd under the aprtading branches of a mighty elm hi cnsriiroj and appointed oor watches about tnidoignt the watch called ns and lord lis that the horses were neighine and plunging we listened fof a momcat and could plainly hear the low howl or growl of a pack of wolves which seemed lo be attacking ihe bones here wsi a dilemma we armed tcppu for the attack three bad im ind two had en4s of fishing reds be used as lances we stealthily creut through the thick undcrbrosht in he direction of the noise arriving close lo the place v- c could dimly perceive five wnlres attacking the asoraea rushing at them and snapping at ihe throat the horses kicked and plunged and trere it not that we were afraid unit ihey wold get the worst of it we would hare prolonged the attack but hang bang bang and threo of their wolfshipc lay rolling on tbe roarf our brate hneersruvbrn al ihe other two but ihey reere non sunt inceni so tbeir prowcu hv n y r the tear tht wished fof morning dawned jocund flay lueeeedrd and the jolty old sun shower aui bis rubicund countenance one nf os sstosrnted a horse and started to the village e joij last if ji for a waggon fortunately ve wa procorej on it we placed our anvanu walked onrselrcs ihe remainder nf ike distance four miles lo ihe village ol busy ibwging ardcmi mcmullinsvitlc between ballmafad and this village here are the remains of an immense heaver dam pity ett aal civilisation s in cvery direc itiofij chrterctiog every thiog thai tend to inform tm of the habits characlerislics 5c of on irrferestrrig race of animals which con- attfjdm snch csrordinary embankments- in a lew yean the only information we can pfefe will be fhremb th- tiresome parses of eame wort on paturaj history or by some staffed l on ibe dusty sbelvesof amclrar l ifatraeojatcry over the dam is a fi nd rouged wcuitain with a pure and ihnptduke on its top having no outlet or lata sncti anomtarn uken are corious nataraj phenomena tbey afiurd an interest ing theme for the naturalist or geologist from ibis mountain there is one of ihe most magnificent views i ever beheld the iqd waajujt riling when we gained the top and what a scent borsi upon the sight tew aee before yoo an unbroken aca of tbdvsandscf acrtf of invnriaaf forest trees m compact an even and so dcase that you might readily suppose it wis a vaa plain of awaawl abceo over wbkb yo might walk with ltasart the refreshing brceaesofa jaly burning wer wafud acroaa this azure jaodanape laden with ibo periome omyriad f flowacela and the odoor oi the jeayy miiav tba atiftfoiefaraway in iho bound- um borixoa nnd aa hii gcljen beams ihol twit tha lajafjf leafy plain and colored watfirtowi rome and cape vincent rail road fnm fae ml y jbkiwll of commerce we uimletstand b one of the direcloif who is now in ibis cily that the farmer on the line of this contemplated thoroughfare have at iniph aivakenl lo a sense nf the importance of hrin nblc to tend larir prutluce to market without the drawback ihey have heretofore epriiiccd in consequence of their isolalrd situation when it i suiceptiblf of proof that they lose annually in short pric eatra freights loi of interest damc horn telay deterio ration in quality fluctuation in price before reaching market i an aiooubt snnleieiil par interest on double the sum required lo bcild ihe road wo do cot wonder tht ihey hare at least i one eye open lo the suhjret the same result shoald and nmiunbiertly will concentntle the attention of owners of real estate r i i- and merchants in tliii city wc ore authored to stale that the farmers on the route are takintock spiiilrdly anri freely and that nothing is wanted lo insure complete and immediate success hut a suitable cooueration at the bead of the market we were not fnlly aware of the valine or of the importance of ihe region we mitfhl belter say rgimwlo be made mutually available ontil our allerttim was loday par ticularly drawn to it by ihe genijeman alluded lo al the head of this article- rttd of lke ontario a tract of country cw inff teirn ohtorapr or rinofe andftrttfityvf fotm fae fiqrthtn smtf of aloui loortiilr in lenjlh and 40 in width lengthwise of which the road is to run the road is to ttart from rome and terminate at cane vin cent on the si lawrence opposite the city of kiiijfitrtn the ancient capital and principal mirkettnwn of all canada weal immediately on he canada snip of the st luwrenee there is a population american in character numbering about half a million occupying n territory lyin across ihe nor thern terminus of the road eaer lo burst ihe bands with which nature closer tbcin in for nearly half of each yea in conclusion we are constrained to ay that we know not of any nnoetnntcd route for a railroad of equal importance for invest ment of capital of equal interest to thehusi- nrr men and owners of rral cslile in this cily or vitality lo the inhabitant of the vast region lo be entered and touched ry hie work under eon side rat inn aod when wc remember lhat ihe cily and country are nne and iudi- viihle in their inleretsthat one woutd he noihinr without the of acs we are ready to promise a full response to such calls as ihe directors may sec fit lo make on this city for aid i ovtgiiul fliti fltlcil caurmia to tkuvwl cms on die mneailamid rnol aajransvl unacpiiinled will id triehs of lie toll c keeper nxd wli fr g towardi mill crek or nana- iier ahnuld ue cantious in paasine the first toll gale to ak for n tiofc to poa the t ennd toll rifcte chofwlse they will beaaed tv pay a ecnd time al this caie whioh u con trary to ijw which prnliibfl the creeling nf nny yiue cjntes within a lets distance thai lire milei from one another all old tmeellem know the i iwi and claim lb tickeit which taves them from ifnroilinn but the stranger or unwary traveller is nre to he cheated cnit of hi mony il j a di- gaeo to the fjovernmanl under whoe conlru this read i that a umic nrwfmipfr abnajld be llnjt compiled to nutmn the queens ib- ject jjjmu itviiig swindled on ihe queens highway hue wuld think thai a simple nf on the part of the roard of works wouhj prc enl ihe indiscriminate nilueof her lie- il it the duty uf the firt toll gate koejer tuiltcr the reiluired ttvvel lo trareller ai not lo wait until it is detnanjed of him by he way petomi travvllin inwards kington mot be ennillv careful in deinandin a ticket at the second tull gale to ctcaie bein plundered at the firl cle 11 bd al llatlrva m f arityaanmi iu srnd rtt aged li eei i ni il cor tint wn i mcxtco- il do- not appear that althonqli the armieiof the united satcsarcin pinsession of lh capital of the mexicans iheir chief acapoit towns anil aun of several other important places in mexico that ihe war i one polnl the higher to iu termination the mfficau h other half civilised uatioirs make no effective re distance aaimt military kill and discipline yet they know not when thef are beaten thev cuitimie to tciit whei all hopes of reliance should b at n end gn suia anna and other mexican leaders although they hardly venture lo lim much them seite are iurlrfatiablc is uinpn up freili magics of tbeir countrymen to be slauehtercd by the americans europe should interfere to prevent this wholesale butchery otifl sr pataicki sorictv il is but fjir loeards the member- of the st patricks society of kington who left ihe public pr ecision on thursday last to tute that the motives of tbvir conduct were properly appre ciated by his excellency the governor gene ral when ihe other public bodies marchcl past lord elgin after the lerec at the city iu11 his wurshijv the mavortook occxion lo explain to iiislomhi the reason which influ enced ihe si patricks society in learine ibe pruceaion and hi lordhip a h t l as j to re- marv that he duly anprecialed sueb conduct and requeued that the mayor in his capacity of prudent would coneey lo the si patricks society his entire approbation ol what had been done and lo bia apecial thanks for their loyalty oi thai occasion c3tll govcskoe cratnjcjus lkviv the followine are the names of the gentle men presented in his excellency on hiursday jut vsxehr ii smith mr h smith jr councillor smyth vcnble george okiji suart mr thibodn profnsor wjlliamfoii councillor wiley professor romanes alder man rourk dr robion rev r v rcjers mr pearccp r n- mr- palmer mr o reilly mr macjecorjra mr marks rev dr m j r mr macpbcrsoo lieut gran ville moyle r n the mayor alderman meagher mr staford p kirfcpatrick mr ifarvey ordnance slnrekeeper lion john hamiuon rev wm ilejchmer mr- ifarper ftnnvrrtv wtt haifrrtemerfnr f btr vey itev wi gitfii mf gildeisleeve mr allan geddet j il greer lirul forde r a- lieot cnl fenwick ft e- mr m flanagan mjor forbex alderman ford dr f i lir- iuaj ka jiiiae sni oatil blkledttj j 4 ii auction 8alk fjx tiiursdw heart the ahifi iaiafjml at ten nvhkk a m will he sdd the stnifi of llufi camrf corner of lirctr jl qui jr in streru a nnaimty of iiousei10ku funxltthe cosiaittixo r mibnany ann wjlnul dininjr tahleg r d room tame r jbteadi feilhe bed taltrss3es ubiket qaiilu cnveheh cruekery kitchen utenvi fee ec lo a yuantitqf single a dtithl fneef lnmedutelv after u 1 he nm one doubt sleigh 2 sn do i pleasure avaarajaiij llne and harney with a vrity of oilirr arlicln aril wutthy the attention of ihe public jomv s cltte rfta kington tuesday oct 2 1si7 0 crates am hogshead of tvtim he sn ty auction on account e ihe ufaefnrer nrilulihdav rvfixtoc 2i on messrs smith ftftlaisfofd whan oirfo file mr worn rloll rx f part i eu iars sec utgt handbills ball an 0ie oclock terms liberal james l1ntov- k oct y n c kingston building society the iv sixth loan meeting x lake place at the district coi ijousf oa honday 1st rovebibbr 184 at 7 oclock nhen the directors vrili pitted to lend or advance 600 of the fundi of the society which will he pr up lo rompetitiun in uncfe sumi of xi00 in manner provided for by the directors the kiblu instalment beine due on ihv day the treasurer will be in attendance at oclock p m10 tiow member who a j i i to attend at his olce durinc the dv to y f their suhscriplions before ihe clnf is uken by order ueorgf baxter secretary cc treasurer kinptoo oct- 2b 1317 for sale port and sherry wine gls brandy in hcahn qiiaror caaka ail octavea toa suara fruit c 3c voiy low ftr caafa oct 56187 charles hales desirable residence near kinsim to be let or sold toronto yauiit clun in one unrrw rvtviee nf the pacaaffafai of the r- n vrrival c utiwlltirnjly nmitfed ndveet to ihe ps r mide by ihe t ychl cm the ieeaion in mple tiffia us net h efrcmfney ihe cteral v irimiiied wt thrit fanariai trutking ihe liocnf whif ihetr puc of renav i- rtis am c itifn we r i u uiu hvitt efunoinndfd lr k s5rv lb itrfifle xiw e jnc ihe tjveeo m ucce rrkomnki n4 ihe trosrfje mr0 with many amalkr cmfc when te caerotee iavin ihe jtioiiifd itee i bard vs in lite ree of ihe lichi tnue ihe rebels iicke j about tlie ry unlit the rmr teiarr j ihe hitff nr0 nft the it at the liiwc sc r ihe gre iu a4 ihe qveen lay to leewird te htlu nj um49t fceinf ihe ttrhrjtick toere wmj t mirririf which dded in aofnc fmjsooa to v cnvct of o oiutical mr rf t mliitc brktveizberfff and ihoofv petite lo cheer t wee tlise on board tle bttr uii ithieh ws bcknowledeed hy hi eicd- fence in howinj nd ly counleeo ir nsv the tarmkechie rj the pemudn neod crfi tvwne sweed he boon the gazilu dropped lierpek i nod s mil vaa aide for tho whf whtf htm cteelkncr hd appninted tu laaufi the wind wt ferb froi the bji bat lhr vc i 1 i a fine run up sod the arrive eiew of the hwi lhic were firti on rofll firm rn free ihe tteprtvenuhve of ihe qvn nf ihe ite v- lewioff io xr wk were the wio ihe qveen and ho gu whteh fu msdr iho breim work vur- e ii w 1 i crews or which bhorljy sf their beothe lata teronfo cui4t wueit st pi crrov wheal is at a higher nrire in pieion ihaa it h been incw iho htrrct l is now i j i fwe h bufineea ri n- 5 bestcr the ii tha tawrj flund wintergoodsarfait orriviot armalt u ihe briilih mcricii oiltl smavu e n jvrj mr iepnr fort f j mr a fncr clenf rer i joho 0 fulton otwejo mr pjiivani bwckrime mr parker montreal mr etoaw wew yrk m v rad- elict amherat iuntf j berry dcjlffiile mr crawfarrf and two udwo mr g crawford mr jaaajaj crawford drockvisla cape winonvioa tojund llawt dwcane a e qnebec t kae ifaotitioo mr hunt metres i wiitiam koat tojooio sstb jameopiisfibboo bylorrn r k pr-rr- mvnlrml molxewtd cornwall s welu diefccoaws londinf mr macleod anshcrh burs wtltuaa pali drijtoo l h tffodrran ftfuarille poi uaoer quebec john grey mcnlrcau john bearllc chartcclrhe cburg j b tr mpt atb mr cole atthrat jiuoi r dickson sheriff ctrhet connciilor chanonhouse councillor crawford mr crookshanlr com staff alex campbell alderman dredcn dr bakei mr breakers fidjfe dr darker councilman anglen coaav cihnait allen wa anliw cptttsaunrii catttt snow the show at fafliatitm for the tvwnstiip of pittsbuth was hardly a i sooil or as nnm mus aa isuil this was solelv inconseouene of the ulness f its holdiuz the roajs bein broken tip ini the weather exercdiiily precarious for jour- neyin ur with cattle the fbeep and swine at this show always exceedingly good ex ceeded the usual avrrae of merit hut the hortc and homed cattle were somewhat in- diftrcnt the auhfam butchers were the chief purchasers particulars of tbe premiums in our next fc roions reporu are prevalent io town that all is not well with the canadian ministry al montreal thai a division of optii- ino exiits in ihe camp a to the fitness of mr o r howan for oflice- cotifled with thi i a belief that the present provincial parlia ment ivill not rfasaemhle hot be dissolved and a new parliament called fogtlheriti may next probably both these razors are filie to be let or sow win isl immediate vr ion that vc0 commujioua facuily reaitlcnco vn tltf top of jtarricfield hill furmcrly rkciiri- co ly col froacr and recently by mb tuvkcr k n a bre garden r ottr ed to tbe hnusc which is room ixsjifl g04hl repair and tbe stable and oar- hrhiaea are apacious ond convenient for particular apply to mr ptnthantfi cnnfs in the village ivho svill ibovf t iitni or lo ur sampson kinft t tui wcatrijl afhir a ion- spell nf rain aud slonrtsy we toay now look forward to a weeks line and frosty vccahier winter is fast approaching but before it comes in reh ty we shall also have lo experience that most fiilcclahle of all seasons the ten dayi indian summer of upper canaria about the middle of november is the average time for expecting these smoky looking days i ofrvial fcrtta of ttrrdaj eantaioaa rtoetamton announcinrj ihe ryal ament to iho aot ffrantioc u civil likt her majesty oamed in the ataaroo befero bat of ike proa lo- cl rrliamcnh taiia act aays tbe qntbtc jft will nm heeyrtfie tawunitt t 1 and i n i ihe union act afiall h aft been repealed which mual of course i be arlvctcd by ih iitipertel parliament kingston market prices moxoav oct 26 i17 prrerede mr j fowf curh f th mrkt a i 119 ft wfeial por asaw bsrkvdo it kojv ay bsjswel j i oat meat ay i i v par bush- ikiri rhvy b pna trcwt th l veatayib mutton rb ham eks 6itxr in rll uo b tub clkaya vusen turkr jp ar eocpto fwla cnickcne ajooo dreks do pitrdan fch hay r toa suaw4o wood ay cord 14 3 2 3 1 a ji i m u s 0 1 6 3 a 0 ft c 2 so store and t a v e it to keto mthat house with ftbuih- itics furmcrly occtitied an a csiuio by mrci mtjinni m symtur eaat- the aituation ia odm- ralrly adapted cither for a ritoro tir f in ii llinro bvmg ticither a 3torc ir tavern witliin considerable distanoi 100 acres of land 20 cleared to io lot aopnrately or together for furtlnr particulara ppy i john mitchell seymour east oct 5 is47 8cil to let a commodious shop hi jlltvewburjji lately nccupicd n-i- general sture ly messra fi a sttvkffbrtw all the fixtuiea crnpleu aird no outlay necessary flier piratpaid tlj newburgl camdm apply t by drctoh carey bast oclober 22 mt z3s cetebratbd remedy for wdrhh raihe cambrian- vermifuge pitptrtdfrcm 4 rtcipe of a ctl brttttd whh wyiicion thia femed has been in use in england and wojiay with great succeaa for roany yiars an ia now for the fust time introduced y this country one trial will prove iu efficacy prepared and sold by rodert hm- kra chomiat and uriicrjiatt brotic street kingaton- price la 3d pi boitto for sale by tlie subacribcrj at hii ship ckaurl lery store no i hardy build iigvrar pilch ud1h taiicrj lope 3iitnllla and everylbing i ihe sship chandlery line wm d0nald8ox oct 23 j847 s7ir 0 3jfl o 4 2 s 2s u 6 j u i t 9 m o 0 9 7 2 ii o 0 0 2 so so 2 d 37 yy da 0 q 0 a 4 0 0 0 0 0 jo 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 i 0 in the court of bankuptcy fob the midland u1stjuct 7i the maiur ofjoix mcgjxfbwtk rucf ageneraif meeting of crc lorbrsf ilio above namod bankfiip to recoivo a report fronj thv attigittftj will be held at the judres chamwr in the court houacs cily uf kingston on thursday 2stbiuat at twolw oclncki noon by the court s rowlands ocr kingston oct 23 lc7 for 8a1e the nowschrvonor rachablof hotiveon 1800 and 1m0 bbl flour hen sho will be tom on ajvantagooua terms ntr to ap hunter or r k young kingsron oct 18 187 8s if for sale a suieaior lot of sugar- it tmkivi iiams- vwlne j htlllaltd mjrkiplee oel 1817 ware3 atfotidnbdom3 iiiiliriiiiii annual t it a dr s a lk of mittmfiihmrl py r tmtfrctucl qn kruuy mornfno 2h october m rkvrn nvlgck mjj bo scd uncxleci live eai ly of kssf ct nf tlie nrwnl slyks jiamtityol tllgvei and mitls ivihi variow ftflicles connected with ik kir trade nl 5 llalea ftjtiis rhtj w iscce tfatiiielts aril hrev crls william wake xirplao oofli oct 1h17 saleop teas sugars liquofts tobacco 0il9 fish sajeratus fruit vtl ti vai icly of st a pl k guuckrfks just arriving ami m ke cled cll on fiijjy jti ochihr at ueoeelnck william ivartt kingiortorl m isi7 saleof 1iousbs cakiuages dog crt ifaroru buffalo and itmr sim koltf harkr8s sludlrss bridlcs with vsriwut oilier ankles on ltnduy i s f vviciocvcr ol j william ware kinton 1817 to irrt ai and ioshehsion civrn j31 uimedlately th prcmiaca in jnrafvi mrecf lalr1y occupied by mr tkfiacfvrvy and atjnnint tka commii ar it utliirt aipncai i to le made to jnhri p4ilfiafi bf juor xingsurs oct 22 1817 b93w stoves stoves cheaper thaw the cheapest si rimh icrl i hit eralem lhnral atrn- anj wki lavr now tnanufac- nscxnifr tmiin r i lament frr tw je hrrrimnre rlrrl lo hiw to inforin ihc public tml lie i turint stoves rtn an t tentive scat vvliitli ru much he low ihr onal exerience inthe 6usine aih tion of iron ani materials haviue a rtnyiscr of firitrale wyrwmc immcs hlaaj io price prom j pcuortal seter- stb am bo at hn lair rlpenders addreased to tbo un- i ilcraignrd will u recuived at this office until tutiday the 2ml novrsm- bci next fnr iho purchase rf iho steam tu boat nnw uij upni sorol wiih lor engine uf foriy hursn power manufactured at ihrj st ajaiya funndfc trma of payment ofleinlrd ci on gnpg the deed of ate onelhird payable at twelve months and ihe re maining thiij at eighteen months vrith interim from dale uf sale the nanca of two responsible persona lo bo atntad in hc tenders who are willing to be- come sccurlir for the pajment of the two last inatalinciiu the boat can be aeeo at sorel on application to the officer in charge uy nrder fsiged thomas a- bggfy sttrttory pub wokt drpartmrnt of public works october 19 1647 j so the urijernned hesitates nm to say umc he can luro oiil a article rcinaj to y iitaimfjc- tnred in ih lnlrj stales if yrm jrni br- ficvv it full onj are the ubcrtljfr is en ami uc nri h ibe bock hot air cooking stoves rfhich in itie estimation nf all erw have uirrf them are eaoal rikt a a t aharalu no stoves have brfn maje yet which jve such uniform and nemrctiatifaciien wbffcmi ihey have hren well il no aij lairly nterl there is so perfect a coansinaliofi 01 ffiah easential to a tao4 ckifve stovr thtt hr wishes particularlv to oi attention ilmn tfceearuciiy of this stove io great thai la has no hoitjtion in jvrrhr that ito other slove which has yet been constructed if ca- oablf of dojaw an ennal unonol rtf work o perfectly with an expenditure of so little labor anl trouble the undirsigned having iscj those siove for nine months believe them to be mpc rior lv any stoves they have evor aec- oi nsed am recojimend them a an article that cannct fail logire perfect iatifieiinn david sh1biev hi jamks shaw acipanre rouert hope fcxburg d and book biwdbrt at the atiicnkuh uofjk 5tohe baqot street- the 3ubscnioe03 rirsaerfoiy inform iho nhatiitaouof kinaatofi end vicinity that having eogaced com petent workmen the are now prcpaierl to oaceuto all kinda of work m the buk rinding lino with neatnatt n fi 1 rleapatrh all detentions of blank books made 0 ol lrf edward john barker st son- stfpt io i47 sheriffs sale rnllr fialo of james krakers landd advertised to be sold thii day ivpiponed until the 53d octocer d the aatno hour and place thomas a coriwstt skiftv ai 1iat i 20 oat bitttbh lufaam t4 arav jafcw tiw mtapmfm cav htutt soap rohi5 r- tir baaaaa av 50 oet i ifc4 tttm hathmty as ck juht rekivcd lwt caajav oewt 1317 avraasftavl thou nukt u brrela cnci oat mkal 0t4te f ay ibe smairr midland dnirc on li sth a 1517 postponement tphesaleof j ames frasesvs lnds ii fmlber rosiponed to lif nvenior ncr t a corbett steriff mid dial sheriltu ofnce kiiscimtf 23rj oct 1917 t 50 soap and caudles itfurkibermacojaavrttyaai vfpj t frp and caodas awrka- to ay mniichitrj ua kinbtatax f obert uendatt aotts i lfaoar t i v 7lo47 i sheriffs sale of lands postponed mesaloof fishery lands mon- t the government notice the commissary general will ris scaler frjiidera at mmitrcar iinlil noon on thursday the ssrjl tnal f r bill at thirty days aight cm hrr mvjcatya treasury payauo in mexican or united states dollars tr bo deposited in the commissariat cheat at london toronto kingston mon treal or quebec the tenders must itato the rato slor- tinsy per dollar and be marked on the envelope tender fr liilla atuulreal 16lh oct la17 m horse strayed strayed from tho pis- turc noar kinrstoiii on sun day lastosmall white make canadian breed aged when last hoard of sho ww acfjii gointj altng the front road pittsburgh whoever will late charge of her and let tho b scribor know or givn any information of her whoreabouta will o duly re warded william massif kingaton oct 14 1347 stoves stoves stoves rwh e subscriber respectfully solicit jpj the public attention to his winter stock of stovrs comprising every varieiyp including fancy sloven parlor stoves box stove single and double coofcin stove of various patte and sizes hot air stoves dumb stoves and tin stovoa of tie best canadian and united stales manufac lure theso ptovcs for the convenience of inapcciion are placed in ihe warchouo immcdialely adjoiuing the subscribers hardware esuutishnienni an insiiee- lion nf which is solicited before pur chasing clsewhero j poweirl princess steeet oct 187 s3 3m lamps 1 lamps lamps m the sulhcribcrs have just received a lorgp supply of corneliuss patent solar lam ts ol various sizes enmprisinf stood hang ing and ide lamps to which ihey would particularly invite the attention of the public the have on hand a sup ply of superior eefctr fumfs which they will gi up to order ati m addition to their iaattl alnck of tirv and stoves a quantity rf hows paient summer and winter air tight cooking stoves k aghown- rinfatod ot is47 83tf- commission business the subscriber having commenced businc ajfl apommisnin merchant in the stifie risiljinf at the foot of princess sucet in ihis city is now pre- parent t receive efniiumcnts and transact business generally tn the commission line mis extensive stores nnd cellars suiiahlo fat ihe storaee of any scriptionof cnods and arc cnntidccj rjutio aofe from external rink at fire prom hi ioup experience in the trde nf this city the subscriber flatters him- olf lhaiwiib assiduous attention tn rie intaroals ff those who may employ turn ho will be a file to fivr saiifaciin charlls hales oct u is47 kingston for sale b7 tbe subscribers 200 no s ris mackierson t crane rtngiton augut 1s4 inkfully receive n b auorflcrs lb punctually attended w christopher uiligr btuyt sfrm kindlon oct 1947 81lm just received and for sale by the subs chiber a supply of jutes hattflv celchraled depilatory jcr for rcmoviftg hair wiihnui injury to the akin patty v old rrovru wimtsor seaf vvijtiamsv fiue almoo soap bava injclible ink for markiua linen lt hsir anj tooth brushes sce antl a central assortment nf enelih prr- furarry robt itarkerv rvggiit if apothtery brock suert crton 1847 rucv aio li is furihor postroncj to day the 1st november next same hour and plarr t a corbett shmryjf mid zgf sheriff oftcc kinetor m octj lti7 i sheriffs sale of lands ol sturday the igth dav of ancaity 131 will be aild at the court in the cily of kings- ll0 hkf nt iir lrij and tn lddrlxa bussjavdticnit fi he subscriber moo harsd a bacsd- looking glasses which he will sell hi low pricaa hoalotakea rcat tdeaiure ia ha forming the public thai he haa aecurod tbo aawitehfif an experiened oildar from the cny uf new york and will therefore be enabled lo manutaciar portialtand picture frmnca both ptoin oui orfwbsesioj irr a stylo oot to be 30rpsm0 v pames itegilf looking glass plates inserted in old frame wm boyle vaaawjftv kiogton sept 24 1317 7t1b rt just regeiteb phdm ne w tors at ta atiieneum book store per allans express the fttultfnim sew rtdllctlojrs usself- by c p r james nj lfrile or the modem midi knihtof cwynne bv c lever the sbkspeare novels by f williams chriitocthcr tadpole by albert smith yalcoive or ihe lily o la vcndce- k monroe a scoel to lifr in london the parricide or youths career of crime pastourrl or the sorcerer of tbe mountain ofartin the foundlinr hy euene stoe inlehoroiigb hall by ft w herbert the commanjerof malta by e sue the mysteries of london one coyy of the man in the moon bound the countes of morion the count of monte christo st giles and st james life in london rrv 0more e x lore vdkiline mcvhitchey by carflofi lucfelii hy rulwer ardent trough ton t by cai- marryall cleveland a tlr of ihe calvella cliurch- m graham forlue a simple story by mrs also ihe rvfcrcs of inchbali the insienia of the royal kree masonry in curojie the royal arch degree royal arch regulation kingston oct 1m7 arch fin military books just received rillle queens recjulations and orders ihe arm puhtlshed hy authority field exercuc and evohilionsef ihe army 37 pljlet publishej by authority light infantry and rifle ltcrcisc jack ion treatise on military surveying with plates and diagrams slrailhs treatise on fun ificatioo an j artil lery with plan fit gores field batli fy exercise 13 flatc army estimate for 18478 dacuiears ormervationson courts martial collection of wairants and re pjl at ions to the array on matters of finance doyles military cccliifca army list for september a on hand for sale hy r k c chalmers montreal october 5th 1617 ship chandlery no i hardys buildings wim l i donaldson having purchased all my stocfc in trade ami interest in the abcre eutahlirthmcnl i beg to recommend him in my friends the masters and owner nf vessel m t hunter tcnemom seized hy virtue o several i ima nf firrn facias ia5ued nut of th 0uri ifthe midliftd district and to me directid vizi john 0l1phant plaintiff george yarker ixeatfonf all tho right title and interest nf dcfen jant in lot no t3 6th cuuceasinn lo baruugh johncarrutherspointi angus mcvlcar drftndaat and titx bank uf montreal haswtfa akctls mcvlcar dtfindant all tho right tiilc and interoat of the dr- ftfndaut in town lot n- 3 93and also dan of lot ni l lat conceniiki kingston village lot in tni tamouth being part of lot no 10 1st concsion township of kingaton ttale at 12 oclock ioon t a corbett mafic r d sheriffs olticc kingaion ocl s 187 tvt copies sill flhe slscrinr having entered al into thoahnvis husinoss would call the attention of his fricndi and the pub lic to hia eiiabiahment where will be constantly bepl on hand ererytliioir in the ship chandlery lino wm donaldson kingston oct 1st 1s47 so if lceinoval satdiery establishment ilhesubacrirwr respectfully infirm his cnatimera that he haa rontovd ins business from uiuck tiacttu princess street a ctoor jfr 7aoef firujg hard- whemi he hnpea 10 uc ivroml frith continuance of public natronace j rlikve 187 fiolm october i for sale at credit a handsome four yoar old canadian ponby well broke apply at ihe itniih whig office kingston october 4 1s47 w o tinsmiths anted immediately one of mnrc steady workmen lo whom cjund wares ami constant cmpioymenl ivon apply to tho subicrihcn 4 a chon iriucfm stfoet is 1847 i i fu bo sheriffs sale onsaturdayihe4ihdarof de cember is will be sold at the cmiri house in the city of kingstonllir undermentioned lands and tenements seised by virtuo of a writ of fieri fefij issued out of tho court of tho mid land district and to me directed vi william simpson plaintiff m joft ofltt dtfindhnk ah ine riffht title and intcreat of the defondanl in lot no 104 in the village pint latil out in the west half of east- half no 22 1st con kingston salo 12 oclocv noon t a corbett sheriff if d sheriffs ofbcr kiicvr 1st sept 1817 oswego nurseries and floralgaroen vfr j ltl in p allkn having i hu in in- edablisbairnt to e kinattoc sept w emt s sheldon the business wilt hrrcafar he crtndne1d anrter the name of sheldon ac kllv k mr allen will in future devote bis time ataa amateur and market cultifator and has very ttinjfy octrred us hij sereices tn the iiitrodnction aad irstrr of every nw and tart variety of froil which we flatter nunelres we shalf soou be able to shew hie i eolleclioo in the uaion etftecially of ptart and ptahcs to which onr sail amj ctirciate seem remarkably well adapted th pfkition of our n urserifs being iho most aorlh- erly of any in ibe united states heinj silu atcd upon the immediate shore of the like fully exirosf d lo the winds which al the same lime tfcui ihey serve as a protection to our more tender varieties or fruit render our ireet atucb hardier and far more deiirable for transporta tion particularly is the can sdas and west than those grown in more southern and pre lected localities and on slimalatedsoil our trees are a i vigorous and healthy and prfrtt fy free from far jiuifierow dirfofca trila icrwa ritosf other suncries are lnaotra the yel lows of the peach and the frozen sap and fire blight ol the pear are diseases raeter anoten in thtte vursersrs wc would call ihe attealloa of the pomic to onr increased and extensive stock of prurt and ornamental trees biilboa piflerer rm shrubf herbaceoiai and feahoaj plants c it twentyfive acres are eaclasivety devoted to ihe culture of trees whicb consist in part of trees tui iaote foe traaaorwtisig lo ihe orchard or gardea 30000 peach trees of the largest eiit and the best and most pounlar sorb at 25 enta each 10000 pear trees including oil trwowirssf varielies 50 cents each except a few rare kinds and those of exta silf 75 to 100 cents in addition toonr aail stock of pearr we have a few hundreds nf the osicego frurr a new and inestimable pear nfjgjnatirie here finw for ihs fri time otte red t sale and ojg fa he cteaiwd fro thtte xurtrvit2tot trees two years old from the bud or raft 13000 aiple trees incladinc eterythias lhal is worthy of culifatiofi 25 cents each ali3 a ery etcnive and desirable assort ment of plums cherries nectarines aprioou ftrawf i vniir wire curraatsj twphetries strawberries ssc vu all packinir of irf nf and plants for ranspor- istiom done in a manner loreodff thfir oecess a certain at ihe dislsnce of a irwsand miles awiajshii own town persies unacquainted with diirrent srietih can tease the s lectioo with n snd be sure of nhlainins the cvsi all ordera for this fall srwahr be sent imme diately catalogues sent gratis to all post paid applications address slieldon khnr oswego n v osweto sept 21617 notice iihe undirsifned having boon ip- piiinuid agomfor iho rolubu 1111x6 incmcb rosrnt snow prepared io tako marino risks f oory doscnotion at modorate rates of lvomiurn thomas hugos jt stl omcs princess street joogltofj j wico city of kingston cirr cccaaa ofnca crre hsu kinvwoctobar i rh7 i vtotice is hereby given j ihat iho voters list for tho slrctino of iwo amermc and tw councilors far eaeh rf ti- respective waijsin this cirr fr ihe year 1s46 arehuncjupin the ciy hall for tb ixaminaiinn of ail concerned and will i continued there fnim the first dayftcttoerihotwkntieta day if nuvemiieif 17 opm te i n f m 1- pii fmm he hhir f ton ovftck a k listlifcd mdicfc p m jlajsi any person who shl clairo io be idded to the voters li at or any ejeetir who shall desire tn have smj sstaa vjtponed therofrom ii ftj rejik wr slaiiutt ihe wan to wticfa and hli cause ihemtrje se vjwivrrm ioihrcityclfk bcforofhfiswidtwerfistasi dav c nurember day ct nuvembar m flatrfaar ciry orrt just ifewcestiftft- the knight of garyrs toe secret tribunal habel of bavaria hr jt y o p it j the insjtareejfay lady ft twrr the tahfrru mass imtf pcurllo ahiasaby euane scribe the duke it too coeitnst mr grey g love or vvsa canton trw meteor or days ef7r si scpl 16 lto tb-iuiomselfc- just receivb1i a at mc a taffffffff iff w hftpsl a pupply op ri mfknf lak hekins oa cw v trimal cnpyi tmk orwiuiu tu6 do moifticr do da si riii basri aad a superior utkly of buck oftsoi lat kiotonv aut t ft47 for the milliai v ivorcs the time for alt thai r anriit to provide thenuctvet tefkk tvixkrwknj rwiiie sohscrlnet reopeeifully his rrieaaii in kaow ibsjhe utj aaaufiofiring all kiada ami riialtifaaslsf winter fur cloth1t comning coara caps mitfalove mufflers cape fitc frirgctiiiernea aoat muff- las tippet cspe oapem mirir and ctoveo fur fadiea all otulr kisds of fos madt tv obdbr i j a mcd has on hand a largo scp ply of iluffjlo rniea bear skina tymrr fox ind orjier fancy skins for slasgfe itohe rnado to tanler at grlalry r- duced prices t the army euppiitd to tftc ehoriesi fiofrcc j a kingston 18v7- mcdowallt xrvekstomx 4 valuable heal e fi fa for sale 3ihat largo and 1s bejoiging 10 jamvjctusii uire known aa fultloa hill fawaaj agreety aittsated oe the mnntrasal road only three mivai from thhtdty containing about 540 acroii of which 240 are now under cultivsuioe the remaimlor being well wooded thero is partaining to tho parae am otensivo maralf from wlieji an in rnonid quantity of good frxldsr tear homanl 0ul ana be ssaoneuy renderina ilfar desirable fasfna taf en oxrtnnive ualry beiig cnmposcj of whet wjmi orjgav nally three distinct though couilasoaaa farm ix one of 00 ace une nf rooj find nrie of 38 acrea it ia sjill eo aua- liviilcl with excellent fencee a to admit nf each being occupied sopastfew and ssill be ad sold if desired tike eroctinns oro i ftmr dwaaling botuon two steav with stables fco thflc are nnw upon ibe farm alsoa sootrsnaof hay ttul 60 aoree uudo crnp of whnetp loase core oam pittatoeaaiid turnips svhkb wrus a spars nf horses e yoke rf otoe sod tfcsr fj r rn i 1 1 17 implements may be bad at a valuatinn paytue in c and 12 moetsas pik further information rtnrcfiu forma which will be very ucnsrsjm mher panicuurs apply pnciot or to to the pfo 0l1phant ft watt ifrivcvfav iinsjlortp 4tb aogwjt 1647