push groceries af th city storb cqbnw 0j sw3 4 princess strre wholesav ret cm coffees frails vr ifjgsjorfi rft clt m ttttti- an yel rfrtft twtavioovpif 0roe goods tit m5j jc 07 i ifflpmjlun i 1 r iifttc k go 4100 teas iflgirt m toon atfyaoo w qlsien m ty eww fcwh do x sfroobfci rnd so m j aoeoof sugars jonhd lio reo tomtrrlctgalpa 10 yets itsvanah copffies 4 java tobaccos schooljookse just received at the atheneum book store 7v founoing srfwot bvohs boston academymta ojhys d atlas lio ki ti walker dictionary pmfioeks goldsmith england do do rome do do greece junesih ist7 milis mandarin sauce tj1c iclt r a i- rttast fvh iiim rck oft t jvft jbh of in frtuieuni ito jfom r ii m ncnburyobor- agent f cuda atim 1191 iciinriijs 1ct- qpcrtoe bm io njftjfcw if j j odoctfl1ide pfjlwl- 3jra ssurra ueccabuy snuff 2 tejaseotcb molasses lahhevcow liquors ft tibd cayna maridvor ft do bitfw sfgdi ft do ihsaisda de kujper 1 do gin vi pw snwrv rt ijaf whiskey 2 fcl huovport scarea 4ft inbeatfoa ih6dttui hadcin scli joiobonit q p1seocemtiitfm cm fhuit r06 to motcj raastm 40 bonw pip ifiwd ht faocr fnuk- tbtftfl ifiesm 0 wolmtb 4o soft shr atfnow p- sundries i ifl bob vl bjteyi m m orbt- m p 4 bi iva 4fb fio0li 4jmojaomi giotcr t von leaio syrup fpor3ott ricklrt 4 bkru biud oil 90 ixt- cod nnnfi jo n whult 4 kefi sawfito 10 fc mj if u mbowu oobooo thom 9 hendry jc co vuxirmmitulo u17 pz aftcu7ambntible solutiowc a tht flrtrophoji ani extlwrtlon iblbnhifts itivvdtar of the dto naifrd uijjij hntflliy noli- 6m ik pawic hi h iimw pre- burt diflg m tori fah hiptcint aw tiwa 3oludon tch fur mitty ica iltrovuivcatelj rontwo vrill tlt to mlow tho ikvmftr otu will be ihtopbroti uj sheds scrtlea feaceo c b pvvdffd ih expert mm v rttctlar pply if vf jj tii lhj subeonbor ai wrory grenn doynear iu ilic abcuoucn book john montgomery kingston july 1s17 573d general agenc y and commission office 4j3xrgo yarj bucktashury loudon fctf ato r f jjv j r to wrrtsn- cmnrciiil new- iton pomu ftluvoxus o ward aamcroj mftmti nd r i t jcrcaonlr ix i umff frioffcji aj oiq c1iil powieio 0i qitof ond go os f y r o criflan of finln qjlhj at the lf v gjutiut- ihione ijtuthow oilu ri4jur difu iu ihwtc rorptjiri i- lamtfonlfs vkour4tkiqmiff tonicj oj w d munmh2e oojdii wnowm jcttpi utt m iroki lft ihtt cf p i ti 4rr pkttvtc d iwirwfjd st rstbdqlid t4lktii itrtttn ton intcic4of lh gizacr- ao uliomfi hmwkdirvfljthml o n 11 mi l nchfcj dwrhu luiv f io jj jil tk- oilvr rto lulu ootod od ovhtkqt cifnive if f ljjl x iibitrtlrm 3 the last supper y leonardo 1a vinxl 1 wom tjitcflrcwrrfi rj it raphael mo ft off em to the lovers of the weed willi a m offers for sale mb it j marti wbolk of rcuil loafjhof ilrvrv thfirip r n tnd oihvr iufv of il dimotl i- i rttiitli llotyydtow tmttaka aimtolaci and l ii iv m-vt- tiib colonial im assurance company rtgutertd ojij pyicvrej imavr f o pot tiamait 7 jf tor caop mo caltali0000 9tettlmo ntaoliitf to rot tan rorot or erf 0ctim assurances on the lives of ftnpojl rovnf ift oroiovf tqpqffdto tkt colortii o ovfot ilriflin injwor oiarc4orwi eoikotmili bnom glloow jd 41 at vipoma flftm governor thblrrnon and klncrdtnb govtnwgtwol of ccnodo- t hp capital of ik company is xsw- 000 all he direxwr arc suirchoil of che company the rates ho hoi formta on n most toneci obef- vatins in- i txtft u io cho loe of jiff the profits of the company will be atctruined and divided i teruin biwrt thy when ctth policy hiring i rijm io prticiptr in the pfofiu will ho in the fund to bo ftltactteu fo ditjiioi to06fflw aword advantages arnftncothfrodtnttm htti mil by lw company to which thrftluntion of the public b especially r4wltm the following my bepaiijeulfied l th stfuritf of o fargt guarftnffftj cojot ii the t raj of premum which m br ptd yeifly or lulfyecly tt ihe option of he pty iwifiii iiitlie iireoifti vjtfte fo oid 4 esfj ftiitiente ftj ivmttnhbt limit bein jeencully wfy txtchivo 9mt in pitticular ike ttm beutc o uevij fo po oy stflm rewtt or naku wfce htt ttixt ony w 4aeriom pt rojvjrt pmiifnji tblf ofihttor wtlhout ctlm theasiiieed need ihoi h rri ppie- bftloji of jaiog the benefits of their ilcict by lh ombion petbftps inajvrrlc ii ihew pin to eiee the notice reunited by other company of their intention to cros the atlantic ivthe nrof f jipofn 14 th damot of owwis tbc board ot direetort il monlrtal being we cited with ful powers to examine into ind oceeyt of o u pnltiug the compijiy on the risk at once without com- fmntettidg with he patent board vthe exepiion eoffi stomp duv n- trend ftt or onj otter extmn tn fjftftins wutojicee vltlie fact of the company beln- ti o zpir assurance 0 ficc nnconneled with either fire oe marine imurtnce copies of tbe cmuiajp prospectus tablet of hole fee assurance with ko- firawilhont posuon siitfi lift lointlireo nd surrivonhipft for the whole term of life or fori limittd eriod together with tery otber information aiay be nb- uined on application t the olicca of the company by older of the director a davidson parker mwagti or cunido branch in canada head office montreal ko 15 gfcatsi juim street dffttc rou ho petri wflfl ruliffit favh daviosox e4 alkxk sftipsiim rj ifbw r4iway kq vmtm dunxln km mdtcal aptirn geo camfsell m- d auction i john ekjse esq mamma albxx davidson parker e btftcj 0tire nlh itidi f mnjnti i vf ciiblijivd l shfvuwi lee io tritli nnh amkttc w new orunsuicktldoifie stvmto fota8cn lli oifcew imijcaw nr kq imti m s i- c j if n por vft ivuislijamiioteiombd b lhitiifwana rs rttmv u sydiy nj adelaide poucape uibvvinvt jo li milr u j 11 htv spuinc am summuu new dry goods tiii3ot wmn eke led t mawrpecejin iti rc iin hu tifitd tnd teems dvtlmoj loenioy a tithonaoaa existence in the vellkoivh njmeensaein of raplu morjriitk ahm wall apon which it was iiainud intodojt sir oiud ivumk- a ftm copies of r dmvl beaotiful psrawrof pjc bove ceubuud kc- teimt r4ir and for u n y and pickles oi at ud pichlt mm a ilum i gur iiiif by i ir fi a british lry ooods lwibttdgij xv ronjcv ano tweed uii 34tf3ctngvr pih llonrvlhoj wimo lwm od i u sliimntfo ffii jsik fluqhwlifu4nd confrd iladaami n n enj two ul ue iviiu fiev 6n tyle hu cltei j rn qtiduutk sulci vrt- l4gpwm voa pjiwh stomal isvetj 111 bid maddv omu hdkffc midj clnott kvd viuiud uir ang plje s f lue hot do indttsdkcoalia rtiamitu aod ihek xatjn ro alben and rofiaj fi imptvrad i k hiii cmtflb andojtic hvt a lhalettfjfnt r tw thomelts at wottiod ed ljmdt vrxtssgs alio a eooefnmom from tyiidaa dirc ear fohr wl od jirt aiiivad hara jco o v e i w pari and london hats for sale fresh teas sugars coffle tobacco fruit and other staple groceries liquors glastwarc 5 fc c t phe subscriber re reeeiesnj and offer 1 for tale m f j ir 0 bw do do i hnd rebofilif ikd cob motpe i half ehew yojo hjowi t fine and mijdlint 5 chart old hyaon do 30 half ehu tfrinetatomf do e paekajirt uuek tea iiooebo pcrocbooj itd cnfffl 20 rw coaa jl if ikuildn 140 boxca mugj duneb rabina m prinw order 0 lxra hamcoi ammie laweyjeay co vrndt jfx at icano ndnd r- jf teboe siff j n rirj and lleana cir ao pimii ci and 3 uj altaaea j5 dot jicd picvka and uj a aod rep- pe rthjrci boie lo sureh 10 hoomi cnndlea 50 toi ooei kwiano 2n bxej txj ceentan h r q0 dii i rtt nd pin tiiiibkea j milea jpn itifc is iml n i llvtiingpxra cd ronin timllu ril ad cf4wn vine hemp d tajee ivd lvcilvf mnldami logwood vcoeuan red ood aoftotv vther afltelea alno cfl eki c vinecaf 31 kei mlwesolcrjto cne rjdy javioie kim and fmtlhfle rjioythc hhd or quarter eavk xo 150 obta plnaie man me 60 do fej f laund water liirv onuad- sohf eonautitly on haod 1 i3i- h rtke ol1phant t watt jtfffttao 4 ftct-i-v- w kinti juno l6 17 fftesli fltuits just rec eived riaa a l mom oo prune n j r dreil kirt pratcired guior in filboftf poia wn pif to not conjir umm ond orone wholesale and rtail b tiliam js martis maiktsiiur new importations teas groceries 1847- tloeau canal and grenville r0l t vrock dtitcrx rifrosr t he snbseriser rospcclftilly be leacelo inform hl tovort and connuv ctntomera that he is noty htoririojt his sjnn stock ot teas gftookrie win ed spirits 4ka rtrrfuly selected by peraonm inspect ton in be montreal and new york marked flic prrsnt slock comnmes amoftj othera thefollouinj artleles teass conpowdoml vauaff ritotffankoe rltoosinaii prkoe cpefiktwnf souchong casjajoi and c sugars moaoaahi sipnr miot ei indio doj double turinojcroiied mutaei coffer ciecn t s m nd cend n inutlon lbeono mh coco cincvlit sjcm spotali plain e pcefared- wines h wncvoob sttm ej madifa l rrfhorre i 0o l p tetkirft hohu port and shnrrv rscoeeartv dun mile thu qto pott npiitltrj old lonade n mund cnnc brwadth nnlcani rfandyjinluitd gin common gilt onfid whjtfkyyt soa whiakry tchtid nit cio in 1 dot tji thert pepfmnt liij j poite aatd palo ale in quart siolfo eliair m r i pait du vie do dntak cueaco anj viher l- i groceries otim piu bt f qoiirte jeftvtavi mi l y ft ouiier fineatul i in c vjnf ni o tl t r ptjin caekcr pvl nd tearl bi cirolntii ric pirre svc voinlerlh f acarni saj o arv lot rtenl barley t4 uinoun mvran u ii jq i lb and hi botllea durham tn jr soie wmrivir rilile white and eclvn cnotk wjsm wax tt j ii otwi perin and fine oueea iaton aajdaga leroool fine and fuskel krfiwljrv pe liouriec brvn iiite4nd en india scjfti candr faut oringeiid lcoionav bovt inrd4 nlt sfdw hard ahellcd nd rmer aliviada rrceani btatil wntnot onh hotel niia torke valencia nnd mokfiiel auntti ivolslipjhciirfdnupiaaie t tky f hrrl ffs tyime in jr rnktiiii pmfiihcitrnornxc nd tnrtn pm km indii cinr 0urrtrj riitidiprfvifuoencaqt and pbaelhv fcim nised o wini piccalilu in ki rmihfn ited clhae cue j h- i fepoo s miihnrni kctchn uqlnnt d- lurrey uajlecmal kioz umle todi sy ratline lkcetfikertnro alter tit sjb4 o njef uiivea anelkiyiond cvmrfa hr4or slwtiee st irola mot lo chalk whilln- ihjttid in j inttrr fllitkif tine ultfif wrappiot ami wnllajf pawe sksoa tkflmf nifihi lihi nlti orlcvteenatid ppc casur 0 ifi obwii fd pint wtd tiiw cflha knnff line rtnd winecvika hir id crn brm iflkpifrdr lf4tscwcfi alo sallprtfe kn ni iiylcrstu jm f tartar siiphi tfriiimte itp mm nil mtee- thr subjcrihri nes the public that the whole of the aove artielesate of the vtiy urt qualily md will be told for cau ot itt om ill iwy gn the luwrl oibu tern robert a1jxn- bed bug poison a certain bvuif tuil hma fotdrtitoj ins lico rauoiao psiedikii villi druu oil th i e 2- d ineeeni iy itun ut tlko dtiimvt tiatoami ruiud a vlt rtllshrt rarker rwfafi pfr i 34 1 j w ijvtd fvcomparahle s t ii alapuu h k manlracecnrii wholcsau and ntrau ii tukathexeum hook store kpvwmun uanalm wiwt rou sale inoooo ect uvlwoiiht in juno llitxt aiy tn wulram i martin jiftefref s f kihobsbtltii may 17 itcit he underiinrd forbid nit neranr crcj iug jny niioon their ftccouat w4lonl wntwii ardor mgncii be onot the ftrnrgr by mrjamftg j 11 black h k s jongs kinralnn april 20ih 33n to let ftatme house atprew iilullmoci by tlirt sularihir iioti giro ii on tlir fimi y imiv im thomas a cobbit rn eceu ponoa tits tow phcflr t a i perth captain fen wick n 1 l doriof tt r velren kiiaun j- ur n aid cc i f uownwaltds wilmeaee k ctrrr tuesday at a h kja mine 14 lii batsfcra m i r- m jniw kolte lhnn p llwofx ferry uj inuhafbllacvowodufoy 3 a 1 meickaic j horull rt i ptcfceit lndf hi ee maid 3 p i andrim0injljiloo ti upwards will leave tlyiown every fiiday l a v anr laloiad i p- i i f lt 5 turntra n tt l mertickvitlo 5 hiilhx fl every satordny i a 3j olivers fvy s ivitava jev fnuf i p- w upper qfor 6 kic mii 7 i in kifi every alordy at pj the ivvte hot on4 io connceio with rolat l4ilr irfier spi4n brsffli nnd gaetanu no monifral andirtma toweern iravcun hc bei nj i- u the cjleiooia spfinpa pof lieifhior pjuac lamtloj oponrrjlmn aecoininodauonapolyttihcmaiorwiboiortn macpherson a cftan kinjalon 8ui jono 1347 don kg anas uotui 1 84 7s tmr r of thla fauliahraonijric aioy it be said to have ro rival n the continent of anveric bet to reium lonu t frienda and ratn hi mo meert thnnka for tuoaonooei ao enenoly ceyid in icon lincc hi lohmal ttvtn su pul sjwt io thooraaenl eatawislifneni io notre daub street thohiuao rvmerly iha proporiy rf w rtsi erqand afier tho vieorfa dencaof lords duaitm and srocviual during the pm jear tho vfhofof tm immense bstadiishwt luaboca cnmplcied in iho fimt atylo tfdcon mvld wilhovrry tp for the omt eiauoro the kuftmture at of ihit enalty daeriptin nd iho nrovialoi hj vim riiicoof aueho dreo i aa to fmnie th atjneomenu in the mansion of a moof rank nnd forlono than thoao usually met mth m hotels this srtuatcon bcasatroa and ariluei an eaay diatanee lh chimpdomastheclhedrala feuhop mb anipabeo the danka the government ifiec thn meva flousea ot utc diffcroni rejimerfi ofnceaof ihodittcam miliiotv dcpntp city tlaucoorc hoae and other pamlc w mi on onevatod iio wtih abondahr ahdljchiond haafronn iia frota tpuni tr i he imfiafcadl eioanso of lh mljpw st ivljionce while thoyo ia relieved by x jfpu ddlsand ivoodod ahore of the umuiifvnu ot5t lleteno and ttpj diaunt mooninui w lhr cern tnwnthio anvflf the ennvoniancea trill he fond six battllng roo ms- mio a nitxlaru room the table vril be ajofded eiih ever caey of iijo aespon a while the pmsiir- rn ajfo nw eipenso to give aauafaetion tv iiijj hoo him w ihrjr pauonnce k taf nmitncr which tlso latent nf h tiaiah ii od nit vj kihgilorifuuroa u ui7 3jlf enable him io aeonimditt chareeo being very farnbhle c aftrt vcefl iot ajfeso raitaaiai v ir arra loand frna tbe sieamb st hmc0d lif 1f por caoadm and other stno olfiee ahl u puotrir wihftaire i ov ri i m i cauhlishmmt continue wnlliy nf ihn rbeeat oatton sea which he received aa nf tio j m donegaiw- montreal may 14 1s47 the canada iiousuj- the subscriber in exptttvtt obiigaliin fur the very liberal ftttran- ip he receive dunnj the prectfjirvum haer ism to lateral the pouiej tbot the canada house iio opened by isim for tho rcccpt yf inuoh md lie mm rtopcr tfuuy tjtciu i continuance tjf ihetr lotronago il assures thei thhl ho will fpnrc ooll to odd to their comloit health anl re- creauon since the clne of ihc hn ffe ih house and gronmts hve undir niany important alterations nn iflil menw whirh itie hojioj will aililitthe ooiiilwt anj convenience of visikj- the dining roofn hasi been cmisinoly enlarged and the bar removed ml lhc fione the snhscriber u happy in miss murrat whoe4tleistiniiio v iso wcllvnotvn tvih till remaiif l spsngft the caledonia spring prtcif treat advantage of 0 variety nf mru waters ackiunvlejgoj ly the cno nentofihe faculty to le each wj kind unrivalled in their efficacy pf eureof ihseatieandinvjnratinjfin the salt mid sulphur both orv ful1 0rrauon from the use of which tiff mo xtra ordinary brneol hate bssonvs the stages will leave aloniapwv7 morning smidyevceptod ondar the sinjs in the evening thechirgf the canada hnir o the same os avt ycir natnoly rvuie mnntl xft j fir a week 1 die 0y may c7 187- i t ilcurivn v t olivr buftrt mmlftiuo ah kind and eti 1 r i n t n c 1 n i aveifff o avd b0fm nevrthe clnv nnd toif milte tea troj pebroary 1 lt j jtthohnveii fi oak at ilia at ksas 18 it office or nik cirv 1ril j kiatoi afil20 lfi he suhfci riher will fr the receive all isnlerf anl uiin lminecnncrwd uiih iho duiilljti al hiitjricc oiiteringon mr browna wharf jsjcix tt k ba ripply of wmsunv jhva nn hand enl cain paid for cuaw f during iho entire jieasn j k blank ukeds for 9 vle a r t ti k atheneum book st6 dei lose iic dooiaof bvtzin nnd rata with htfal l m i willinni t n ihiwef lj ih withlhr uf ihiwcr m h i r jf jlmrr wtht lurif loiri fct alao rt qtstaavl hiaklj an a coots nr 4 pisiava luam uuni fna bay o fq uinte new arrangement 1847 tilt srttmxd afo eotssfooioea itlasfca queen victoria capt j barry downwards wrnmeavo rttttiiltttt kington ti ovcry mtinday vednes3dt1ya1ni fiiday afrn nonnti at half past j oclock kiuching at theiiitormvdiate iurts ltwav1d9 leave e tirowne tc coa wharf kiuton for belleville every tueeday thuifdoy ami saturday alwrmmmm at b olorkir immediately after the arrival nf tho mehiirvtl line nf sreameraj thereby forrririr a direct lino of com- munieain between that city and the bay tif quinte 117 the above slcarncri filled up in a atipcrinr manner wiih stato boom and every aitenlinn piij to the comfort tril aceimmlatin of paengew belleville slat june 1347 for warding for 18447 the underained having entered into co- rortrerhp for the nurposeol earrying on the forwakdixg business between kisoston k montreal amj tlct vir- 0 kid the ruleuu canal and river si lawrcmc will 1st prepared on the opening of the navi- gationy with a new stock of steamers barges capable of carrying jo 000 barrelo of flaur per aorsili to tend forward any property which maj be consignm to them from their eiierience and knowledge nf the bines hey trut to be ahle to iee general atifaclion and solicit a share of public patronage the business- will be carried on in montreal at the mret occupied lat season by hfa mi b w k under the itamr and firm of sxitii utctassfoao and at kiiton under the name and firtb of gliroitd smith 1 james aglasforo gtioltge smitfl kindlon slh march 1917 30lf cj chains canvass for sale by the subscriber alj r bolts fcfivimfron vo llog jfloejospatontchirtaianehira 8hip sftiktfv pme and ceite piich qkq sp licam nhaliod bviiasil twine deek varaitb rom in flc made l afawft l snealhinicatitl brea cooer imporifmanhlamnd taireo rope doll r v 2 mooring anchors from 12 to 0 cwt francis mutuns monlrct momroal march 14 ib47 n dtlfiiweleni arvtli meeota g raowsa co kifiot to penoiu attendee to- robert barker chemist oruggist ukocx tb t kingston 1 1 rapeetfotly tntorms liia cuawnara aj f rmie to enarl that he b urn tiiadttui store 10 brock strebt in tde pcmihi fjrmciu occupied hf air jj mevcon wh re r may 1 1 r 1 upon h j v i- wiuj c mdi physicians prescription and family recipes carefully prrprfrcd horse avi cattle medicines kngusii and french fcrrumek tjuoks and stationiikv kmrrvo march 1847 fall importations fresh groceries wholesale ind retail wm j mart8h comtr of xsnj end aw street market sovtr jcaafew c enaloretuitshiailnhaiahia fnonda ami u the pontic ft the vcty liberal patronage ex- ten jfd if lin dorine the psat two eaara anj n uvjld nvwi reepccirolly iafarin ther that tie has itt reeetved a laree and vrkd a of groceries wines and liquors comprising fellow h htnivanl sandiminv pvii madeira slierrioa maraellaa ctvret chmftae jamaica priia maetciracopiae brandy otardv cojnao do tale brandy genuine scotch whikey hollands gin sohcidio pofiporniinl rum cantdian wualroy wj m aoltcita parskular aucntion to hie ibtte stoek of win nmj qurs t noa4 of ihenv r j r boon ifflboclcd direei frvm elfiiun he hs endriee in revmtviendiof them aa maaj free front adulteration the gaotaaia tnaa faorra dec having heeo carefully acleted by hueeclf tn the new york boatin itunirel market can he rocommondod aa beiof of the bartajsjauae tear teas evts ir- n i 1 f r vvv hyaoa gunpowder ttrenkay pouclwi ivfm fovuo souchooe gongoo irllvfti coreama gaeon roalod and gmuad cjesl sioa loaf crushed ant muteovtdo treaesa fruits raitine citv filbota fia ahnond asveet and hitter candied 0inc loimm and citrun ecrrn otivo aj trd oil soioesof evary t m r picklvs saeea mtcoo rosn vormiceli aneiwiriea liuifjca sardine scented cjtil and bruun s starch rlue fndiro rroiha scritbuin- druahae puis srnje whj sd puyinj cards piyea blocking 1 black load dec pish sea salmon lncljfivo ficrnnca north sh or itccrifica dijby r lobcck itertmn wwem ndlmiih n ii t- rgftjiae oteih pasraajfjaa punhuh sleamnnal wogdviltc la normas ac 10 m and tj hoara tobccos cavendiah niilmrf fnfieyff r- ii i 1 i v t plue nnh ltta tarimi scarruiu ami cann-tut- jvkieh and geirnan tbaecoe mcebny r and fteoteh elnajc willi o rarieiy of ihcr uowtv loo nimefnuirorntnn ah of srhieh svll oc aa4 whnleaale nr rriat at th ksweoi roimteriiin ci nviuo bem light pt4it4mdyuk kefarna taeom keerxruncdinfij terms kmfstun december th4b- covipuuvn pectoru balsam o h0rehoundand honey a snft iiecry onj tfaotwus trmvtu far alt dsaavrtorte 091 vi4 jtarvefaa p- fauooinf covjs gfs catarrh t ojflf iioi pfion fnftunfsoj ptiulmom ciesr difitidtf of brtatking hh3 0d tisjdiag in tht aroof eotjejievs ttna batfam is oompoatd of luo moat valuable tawie for ihe 4boc nii it ooerutoi ov diiovinr te eoijeakd niacua or phhm in k tnonttihareby cavaine a freoeioeetoeatiootirid ehevme the nol nbatmati conaha ftwfi ond sold by roaar hi drvcist kmoion prift2i 6 onotf oj ncr aiffte mill greek cloth factory ilh euhacnber eisarsectfally return thanks to in- frirjnila and the public generauy fur tbe nujipurt he haa rttceiveil since ht fulling mill and caviling machine have baron iti operation and beqa leave to inform them that encnuraged by the huatnesvlio lias iranaeted in the above hue he ia now prepared to commence the manufacture nf allktndaof country cloths sattinets blankets c e and hopea by isenna he tntenda i lafco to ensure the continued patronage of this public joshua booth r wool a purchased or taken in uxclianse for clotli millcroekt january ii is47 4-tf- lady huntingdons femte pills art esteemed ihe ehoiseat family metieino ever mhmuud tr pohhe pjtrona aod duno ihr eveowryr yea ihal iher hv been in j v oar are ell knwi to hvo rescued many aandu ytop fros fom an vaily erave and ncvwfefrilfliacrilty lenfihei hi hfc of every ow avhttaaaaiavowily look itiia medieine rivy nm ha fmid pqrrjcitwly cfireioa in eatromr ifenerj dcbhty of tbo coo4trtii4 in crraimt appetite by mrenfthennx tlicayaternro mvevifotoiroeiw civji fihf wthctfcuhjh wtlh fioiifi fiia nm ililiini paita in the heed dc ood nerulijiy iii n caaea vi code arad fl oi by trenllivfline j ad tho svmeh aod evnetin m airre r lively cnplcirt tu ile rfiutt ak nl aa1t1 couiionvoce nd rti- fine t il nvlutl aeniird thdl peciiuar afppr- anet ao minrttrly envcied wiih iho ouoainit tioualwdfireof usa fcionlosea 4duor robsrt bvhkrr dvmaalj fliucsi sincl icipfaaort c ff price 26o and la jpovu pppppfpppjpppppppppkppdpppppi sir astlry coopers aniibibioiis pills for jliu mtiiafion hick htodofat om ail tisfpiilshav in nil lewta proved aopo ri4tivveiy tithrr medicine n the eureni on oiitl livereoinrtaiftulo of aaattieia hlcvtmn cut cn4n of folnci and op- predion afar ucla ahv uicaaof breath and an eiccikm icaioraiive afvr vay eiccaa at ihc labia a they crmly vlcaoaotua bow l triinjihtn the tortach and iawipamla ihcconatiljnon ivfmvofa satrtfcocit habit avlio are dalkjaal 1- i eiddinea diosnaa of sichidfnvn- ne atlcndftj with ainlciic sy 1 i t i lolrifmin frcieivlty frptrl rruin an unnt receipt by roatar ln i j riitvrk sa kiovaloo pfce 1 h j wr lie kingetofl maieh 10 j c imtes e just received ami for sole by the sutri1ieri a ruantiiy nf plulci celebrated imitation cheshire ctrrsr thomas hendry at co- ma 9918k london steel tens just received at the atheneum book store 4 targ attnrlnsent of jiteel pen hy varinn makers inehjlin hiiois cele smi mjanv bnittsnaj v tho wv ve ladies fenaand aevorloihe new article- a liberal allowance to the trade tflctekrfls to tub revdincv public of canada ta adveriiorr u propirod to iranatnil the fl- onit vdloablo aod awmwrhia by m4t to any psrt gf jper or ler caiiida at the prieee octiied 8 eta vieora and rvies in ansarleaa nr iteraluta and fiction by w u 1 c 0 50 tho poois fom the french f m michelet 0 3 wi i- i i of hums 0 so leibtk a acicoltutaf ohemawy 0 j cornhaa pliyaiolo imuairatod 310 p etavt fc 0 handoovkoftae waieecaro 0 50 chiidhiihriihwol pain fl so myatonea of london 00 d of iavjasa ill stool plala 0 75 do01 ihc aekwoda by t u vifpo 6 so the liaiofy y mania c 0 so lifenf ceotay1r 0 js famhaina meiteo 0 35 facia or the people in ch ij ihioj la of practical nee to evry boy 0 1 a trealieo on miteb cows whereby tlt quality ami quantily of milk whch any eiw wnl itv may ur p 1 v aaccr- taiaed numervu batftavwajm 0 50 grecnun tjmblinj 0 50 wvman in ie nmchctlu cvnty 0 50 cebs repomie 0 50 fitehasit u-cim- c rrnttiuvn ft 50 orders for any nf ihe above encloaint ha ch and pn4 paid adjfesed to t c caiuctrr now york will bo u 4 to ftfcrcnco n kmsuvn tt t j- darker nco v- i-v- 6 ld7 if row ian ds hpacamarolii eight hundreo thousano acres of land in the ibaron track notice to old srttlers emi grants and oniers 11h8 canada comianv iiav agaiii thrown niton all their lamia in the huron tract for knosal by wayrf lgasb firtbn years no money bbikg reqhired down the kent payable on the tat february in each year ia ijot nmcli inotst thai tho inlwmai upon iho uj50t price of urt lan the ijih to por- chase the freolmlil at any timo within th ten years at a fiteil jriio unmed in lease i aocurej t thv settlor who joule thuhaave all further paymecta of rente the lltiron dimriet ia known to l onoonhemoit hwahhyaihl forlhotraci of in canmla it haa mrre clmti rinublejita population within funr yoora the huron trad in ihn year 1819 con tained 7101 aou tninno laiynr tire huron uietrietniitsherecl llis anula accordttiftto the ottiiialroturna thoabovo lsoilanro i uhieks f kroaftordinc fjcihty fur tho unrlivided aottlemeni t familica of old scttlera am their friend mapa printed pirticular and every requisite information upun the huron dnd iho oanftdo 70hiiy other lond- tn the pnivsneet wilt bo fumiahed rata or curok by appucalinn if hy inter postpaid to tho canada company office at toronto ml ffndorieli and stroltird inthe llonm ruirict- cakan cmr4hvs0sric 1 frejerickslmtotontojsljanj 1817 j 6m japan ink powders kanufactu kit ii atll bold ov nobgllt hatlkeit a mr rvp akata ww rowlands unique preparations tfoktiie rvin fatrrjausl of rcnn moearr h wtt use n n mim i aiafnt tilt auval paulty am niiimr or olieat adltals aa vrexi aa vat ivrrm sovehctoa axd cocrta of echofr rowlands macassar oil ts celebrated throojhnui the arorlj lor il genial nd mjjniinf u il i the if ifatt f i v- and rcaloret iai aofh n ffoirv f jtirj ill ir lvric jpftj rertarf gtto ftit fv its orm ew frof tt from avu e rfiidera a ao aattaj eorty aod i ipjt ciiiloati it i itly rrriwq j tttt i j a uentirvt llaav oe hiii oi nj ihcwaof itao fincccivti r- iv m m nnir i in 4 small toa 1 and ooome ibn aiie 2ta pre bottle to ileaara hoirlan an4 soosoualteo crtflasipvf onvjcrit almftan imrraiive jnlf to tbir u- eftc4cy of jr eaeelknl macunaa oiu porlne last fifteen years f tuvc bee bald octene4 vy a droafl fever mhm io in4ia i nave ueo amaasj erery merv a pro cor a kcad of air sgam but all mp cffiwi- aeotoed o rm until a a fricojl ajeiaoj tbe hj- of yoat saloakjg flair rcafcrfar r rre no teller name and after onne i i aottlc fi simpton i hed t n r teeao to ihor ur i to toe svrpriae both of oiyvlf and haairfii i reaotved on uavin anouier an aiap ed a in before tbe whok of which waa i bad aae have r at bandnave a i liairasovcra man enpved add i aaroety ic eommcnd that h wh kvc rwt trtvd ulniv cltctlcnt oil vrill not f i to do aa i am 3iis yowr r- t arvam i walkcr cosmsji vvmuh idije nrir taunioo oa inc wrapper of uch 1 1 v of u ckuivk atiesc areiheae wotda in fine all others are p u t imitotrtn rowlands kalydor tho oubntal balsamic pre enf unrailjerefbraey jn uiorotichly pvriryinthe kl from alt pi a r lp sroth rnm t in fateatatf t and oioloa4vnjrt haliaf savav srnvoj or isros and pucmj i aegjmyaeaayewfweeoaaareaevffhpixilo and aa admired ftnt and owieifa of ihe maip aaaa and ii fnce 4s 6d nndds i per battle rowlands odonto or pearl destifrlce a wiuve potvoaa pna vi teevir smhpssavcfd of threhokost nd nvm rtfhrtm inrduai o th qfkmuk tttrbot it emdicmlea ufur front iho tetffti removes apla a incipient decay ailii4iea an i pvirao tho enmef imru rie mtn pvtt ej pflmh wtiuort od citc t4ttt una pcrfut fa f ae areafav price ii 9 j hportvwrofflmti utipnofipved titiiidtau fa the ae of ei- in a trifle more profii vend tha mol spurious l1pouhafcs uodev ihe raneof 44 sarnili m kabvdorrandodontor a iindcf the tmptit4 ametin of 1toyiliy nnd tli government uepanmenta with aniui at- tiopte 4t deception ibey aow th 4aavia cdot- rimearaniideaimaurieaajriiiiiif fstitim yma and addrrsac fo the reil f hi angioa prepimtlortav ft ia thrrrtfo highly neeewry to e tlmt the word ftovlaxos uon the woipprr of eaeh aiticlo tv eeisoiise artickaare vfilh rovxor piaslererpumbry soaps rllflftff kdta ac imported ery by mesra rosin flrothers oi cj- rvii cae aiiitibla fx cnemib and pevfori on plieliuin olsawhavai oeasoe of tii r m iih tss sjil retail by reapmublc chemltta q por fumera imvortant information caution u rvwla s0 20 ffratioq rirdert lonatoft be- locqiioa v n lv ind gentry aainal lcinff mieted hy ihe aitsoia of eaaal kecj0a who t cymrj of iheir 044 mvn faemre ivo tho tiuee of mcaa oil kkvivh and oooero me uolcr ii imptifd aaaetin of ryihv ann tho 0rern- ti j dr- r r r afiempia at j repiinn sihila lhe com tho lhe fvllv ad eertiameoia ad tiinn ti 1 jeeilpvs nmca and arfd car the t of ihe original prepirrerina the asjlaj gtmt m- caaa oiu kstvooa and ooowo are rowlands and h wrtppw 0 oaeh bcaaihenameof rowlno preceding wt ihe artcl rau ihvr sin4lurc at the fuot in zed a tbw- a bortllivd oc 80x rowlandsliitcassr oiu the ioetilr vsrlueaof thia aoccefn invention for rtlttnp aao btaihifyiag me ii lair rr 1 well boo wo an j paeciated mnced comment tho very fietofju invia stood the tcet of nearly hilf a contory lafraaoaststk nod oht iiord ite epvenl patronafe of her m jeiy iheqtieen tt ft ii pre albert too athuleof the ryal family if crot pblaio aaad of ever coul of tha eiitiaed rvnrw and tbe hieh ftm in whieh ti ia universally hold tiaather with numeojija tctimniu cfttanily reeeived ofira 1 t the het and ot jwifaof ila merila paice 3s cd tod 7s- j or fitnil ehtte coial to 4 email a lc- sd and uiiumc thai shc2up cirrmv nn l v 1 perof neb bauaa 0 o rowlwivs oeniv arnhe are these f m acoit oil ramjai infiealinea j rowlands k alydor an oriextal bttsavk prbpara- tlonof rsiofsato effieey ryaflsasaa assnfr um tuo fail fmm aii pimples pots matches it eps ess freckles thilaaj ntscoloratioys paoiaf a and rroneravj co w- plexios i 1 an admird e4fe and oei eaeyiftlio llnds i- m k ii i iivjhiibte i a reftivatine and refreimc waah xtrarrutr and iw in ivatfoj chmitra and m ew l iiiborn stna ol jnketa or v j follanvittioa iu a iiues issta toajff and iatrnuflv bevit aekwldcd- ila pmififqc and nrrfii obained the emlnii pitioeof ihetukcn the court amltbe roy vl fxmilv omireat rraiaifa aa well 4a tfttpiincml courts op gukopc x intaal dirtinctjithril nuull j v andoknlrv of all civivncd natiirtv itewareofsptftmtjfkalynor cmaawrst swiaatal asumcenla ntiey mm- i- lle coriljileatois and tthkli by tn rrn ilim ictto endanger health eaeii hoiit u ihr rnehnallrfwiurowlvnivs k alv- imrootw ivsappcfswsj rowlanil sonco iiaptw utnie iaalo eavfrnvd by ilevireuf tbc caiarieoes on heuvero mcot hiainp albted 00 eaels priec 4a cj ano na cd jtef bhjtlle rowlands odonto or pearl dentifrice awuitb powi1br kok tuttketii c4rii0del of llic ehotee aod iitl tttlrc mgtedt4uisof fit qrmfaf ffarfalnl ncaiiasa- blc value fr piirt and rittfyi the tkkvij and trrifthmx the ci i iruly eftieitiiiaidfrairot aromatic prrriea ilavrob li therciuut di royal famlhy op urbat kritain and rhe sovkrkiisvs and xtriilhv tllrolfillfot hlaawbi wbiu- tl eeoernl demand at oneo i iho fa- in whioh it itoniveranliy held p are tya carvsnjt ropntretthtiwiefonkraim cwoioicotstnniji aaontlic halvnimrj ltind 00 each hit l rowinmmacawarft im hr ointtv ac are wth tvir f hno iil pkhrumvity wia1v imilsflrs ao si itnsited aalyby heataia iiosxiy orotiikry dtsv toronto niv imamll rlnjimfci igiuus m chemiata and per fuasera n puchanc elaewheva lv s fvanjrnr camrrnm v sold retail by reopeoiable chemaia anal pat- f f 0 it s a i ii m ot n- 4 liriihcth con town 1 j aliit nfkingatmti 160 aciotin uboial tortna auplyto c stuart kinasatontdifa jaotiaey iht winers arcanum extract rnhismedfeinahaa aeuirrd an eaea- artuvttamistirijceebriiv ihronjtbaariba ceaolry nhieb has bain mainited by m vritue andfkcaeyatona a reaady lor 5ckoputa kioa evil ulcerated soke tkoat tonsi hiikumatic affeehane uiscasesol the skin wftiiesvaothoff diseases of 6e bones all ufcaratoe cajmif arfehonaofihe lifer dvspepxia costivejness all chronic an nerv10us complaints occurring ia debi litated afcii caiheiicconittteiioii oiscates caoscd by an impure malt f tbe blooo tlit ahcaftum kxtractrta torn- plete anlmoiclo the strioj knu croruead by itte intudiciooansaol mkfa i jv aa a pkifto and fall purifier u ean- not be surpassed working its nay cmoe the ryatem wtlb a silent tndettediv efotca cleanmnglhc blood remear ovspkptic f ltlnce iooihingihenervks removing internal obttioellona aod oiaetetht vverthl nthersviae eeuaehavij ts the liver and lungs perteiii aiiojc coettlutiont are brottan jovii be the oe of mercuuv artsekic erquiine and any erne ho mu saffetinjr from dioeaed liver or aiitjdiiiotja treaiment of any ol the above dlseasi a fbuuld ute tbe arcanum extract tsjlbottt deuy- tn ntirtieroaa tnvtanrea aha athertsjleata tton had laid bare both ligament aad aon and where to allappeatanee ao hvoian oioaaa but amtnitalioneootdhavsaedlifepalieta hve hevnsniehed frotnihe crave and res tored ioheltn the jrvenrtna disease beiag enmpletfty eiadieateb the use oftta iae timble ealiaet the proprietors of tha arcanum ex tract bae bad this medicine aaed ia all tbe above ditasea with kbe noatctatifyini results in usiasjtiw manlieine neither bai ne nor pteacore need bo interipted vt quiring only the tisoal restraint of aaoderamp ndiat and ia equally explicable aad affita- ctoae to the infant ai seel j ai ibt aaltitt pasnpmeu t ca 1 detctipttob for what ihe arcanum exthact is ipjhe- he with obaereaiienaan toiensihle parefira- lion and a trtitise on disease in geretal accompany each bottle agrnuaie aofpltesf withtha above pamphleti tor riloitoaa alt- etllatioh price 51 perbotlle prepared and aadst by j winer hamitrnn canada west aad john wmer otco maidm lane ly far sat al the aibeaenno rook store h pamers and c heaths k1eei aad by ahlhesespectable drugvu ttirooeboui ca nada k5t itvvinbrs pectoral syrup of hort bound and klecam pane iitr the apeaily and efleetaal eoie of cohscomsambmaspilliogof8kosj whoopin- coogle craop or hivea con ttmption plemiy iloaraenrss pars mi sorencdof the qtcaat auo luus tfroncj itie a iliseaje that if awvepihn to a fte- mature grave tinder ihe fiettlioas aaaa of consantption eanbeeuted by thb medkloe rite ustial aymptomsof ihis disease steav- ehuis are eoaagb aor ea of ibt lone a throjf hnaraenee difficulty of bteathjpr athsai heetie fever epithng up pblegna or matter and sometime blow llanotnjof more than an mlumattati of the ine akta whch lines the maide of the uhote ol the wind ttibe or air veela whieh tua thrajg every jncl of tho lung tsl peruliar vittov of this eomrrontj hve for a long tme attrarlrj tbe in ntim of the mejicl ptoleaaittii ad pablir twmfjjr lively loierot has tecmly been dinctodu the devrlopemem of lhairaetive paweta aisd uulmoharie ji iliiies whirrthe prpiletovtit m fiivrt to giatirv and pteami fhv nedteire to the pahlie aritfkillcovitdeiifavol itsbvink the ov- in arni valuable reire- ereidia- covered o adapted t all diaeasa ol tba lumi wjii- ita ofl titi fiinntlruii ks spjsj poffhtal their natural or hrkh alinn it 1 oniveraally hciieed iht coi in hsa provifjenee haanolalrtctvd llisehiliiea anh pm and damaw kitlnu1 at ihe same ijpe giving thun something in the rdinof ri that wilt not ony njiatehot ia maay eea entirety relieve them with llieae viavisr ihssmay tmprewed on oop minis everrt ihovilil feel a grat defire to ivvealieatt so the olmoti of hi power the gcal arena of utture and to diaw irorn ibat aearce that irxirociion whieh the wttdooi of soar haa failed to attain in presentin tltisaitiele to tbe pvblitjlbs proprietors were influenced hy ihe hopt that a medicine prepared wtfb mueh earo aao athct regard to the chemical piopcrliaa ol ila sweril iofvedientt0hntj ikclh place af thoiiiands of incspomime aostiams of tho day with whie b tbe rountry ti delaged tthe use of one bothe of ibe sftm wilt be sufbcieai io eonvinre tbe moal eal o iu bedegdal eafvci prepared and sold ry j wiier hamiltppj canada west and john winter ft co 83 maiden lanen t for tale at tbe atbe- neumnoow store n pnlftrnnd chrjib kingston nd ay ail respectabk dtojuji hroighnoi canada cure foll worms metvs caxadxan ferwfuge warranted in all eaaes tbe be rs oiedy aeer yal ducoeeed for wjoa it not only deitroya them bol inviojtrata tbo ahn ayatemaad cairieofl tbe soperaboo dani slime or moeot o prevaent n tba tomach and howefo eapeeially of theacin ad heallh lt is hesmknia tu eftctuoei theyatem ami the btallb of the piumiir attvaya improving hy itaajaa even wbtn 00 aornn are discovered jcbgftihirinr hiti otatahle no ehil wimftt lo lake si not even the most drucarr klsio hndprar- tiralobertationj apodiraibes rrsuhmfioaa worrn accompany each bottle prepared halanlilhy j winer hamiltoa canau west and john wiqieroi co 99 mahen l di n y forsaleal ibe aibepcvaa root storen pimetai c heall kingo ton anf by all iha respectable diog ihrouf hoot canada wineus celebrated medicine puefohoiaiftc modkjnea are kepi enauntlj a qii te at il c atticoeaai bak stw i j street kmgatpon via winery arcanum bxtoact porlbt 1 1 i r onrot cure ot nt diaesaraariain from ho iinptiic atale of ihe blood wiserspecforalsvrupofhorat hounds elccampanekor tha euro oa conqhe cs asthma consnofpiivo dto winers canadian vermifogb ttire bret remedy ever yet jiactivrrrd fur wouf wixkrs tooth acmedropsoar i ii tiite for the tooth a otic wlnerfampilorateo nerve 4nu bokb liniment a aettaaa euro iu it la ftammatoayt soiatc md lhr nie bhirrnatltovt wlnkft family ointmeut vha eijrotseiufuu whiia swallinii hbu4tr rm c no cancer ilch die- wiskrscmehcalpilcointm rni aipccdy aafe aad adectval reocdyftort pilra titeiher with an ea tsjmivo varily t gtnaia 1 i i and auiencaa pascal medieinoa stsf 6 1mb cop al varnish imtl 3ale attho atlrnmrn pook sioro pvppriur coial vait n1sh in pinta ontl quarta ly tba diaeiior ainglp lniiltr puiintry frier- choiiiaapilioil en pfaaonahla teruia kinatnarin3 i94ti the rr1t1rii willi akoctnlfipal advcurihkh ftp wratein canatla s in the ut fktniatna canada wsol r ruwaau jona llaaa and mtrasat lauaaajs paoaa nodet tla kju tn 4 asiblulied r t y i- peoaa itodet tto atala jaasa uataam is waf