British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 30, 1847, p. 1

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t britoh whig ail adttltlmt ht outdt wwt pubuwiiru ffkmmvkkkiy jtnn itijufadai and mliriu mornlth st ewwaftd john barxkak son at tiik attlknaom 0frt f rj n foi fu i tefefen jottlv tkhma ova ivnp pes annoy if paid i sevens ni 11 disfrmllnurd vl1 mpttlflff it mid iimtrtwmthonptuenf th pihlialitr atmtiiifmht itim a1 wtr vqd ftft hnasrtten 0 tij rneh tiwiitii iiiwiiwi d hufjmimihi 4dflnl irnirtnertud himhikltktrt nhev iratlwee m ilifiivhtlrm haasiiuri end id rnwh ownl tmwilih advert inemroi- i i dimelxm twhrh nmjm l he in writing fctlfmt1ul npentbnrly ivllimiw ww wl jrtii1niif ur canadinecrmouti win twelwwed vvh vfrtiwmeiitl rnrpcmllborr ah miart t be r le ucitiol tthtfi and general advertiskll for canada west it opifer per orbem dioor liinyrfniat ear we remnji ax th waft fcnnww fmm biad0 wfw tm ivs jimm ih f rin hoe taalausai fonri jrtutw iva fm ujittlbunu aluimw3rtj fr iii f mtrdad vka and aj iuoah sud mode wasw m fr tfsnsum rfh xrw nrkjkmnivu a mhtiommi heed nj f u n veir i of 1 i- t j i kp in male job paistisa i vr rojstjjreu rt mlf i t vv aftni pmveew 1 itaiummfcflt nkt4ww jvwtrf uaobiuf ivmhw d 11 h4 cad vol- xvi kingston canada saturday morning october 30 1847 no 87 business directory virgil o cos express wiimam warbvf kixdstox 1 tcmj bilu ifrrtnrajlistta f i fc printing in cdoara rrfojj i tttf fhofll j ii p jm 11117 j and of tbr j 1 th rl pjretfrvlanaaax george fiowe nnrf glazier hufjot winter gilder si kinyslon war mr plieft cflndl faciory l wwlj mrblfi i mini john doteaiictitnoor und tto orotk slcrii ah orjeib ilibfikfiihy rtcoiv rtj punctually ftttohdad t wholesale 4tul bcstleathfll store pfia- 44j niitiiastfltf rmihtfr uppers kip ni cofswin morocco anj tiinn nwimakowlficidiiigiofomydckrip- lion bmm grelliyi henderson brnaicrs u 6nq 3mes powell ironmonger ic 1 in ware manuftcutft pnnccw slrecl the british american hotel 57 pattkilcon ion cmda wert jamedowau furrier 8c h alter arockslrccu klnfstoa fur tnite up to idniflr on itic lortc noic fori of vjuj jrtcipunn dcmiiii anj solj- mr wiltiaoi wihopv wdunjirtft sweei all wor ift liii i e cxecoiej jviib neal nettno jipftwh matthew dmmmond grocer vin t spiru ftlervliaiii- wrihnpi finiljvhf tex 10 mr w wiuon j b kayler conch boildcrs nd carritgehakcr prmcese strcci kinptnn boertwiccormick wholesale ch1 kcuil dekr in wind spiriu tw croccricipc prinrs slryei kingrtow forwarding notice the union iw comony mffcy five notice uul l- new nd fvl mh r i fan stcairtvr emerald and oheqon f r 1 tilt union hailroad nfvs in nmlnir aij ftyid t njtt steamer emerald caf t cumiko tiwano lwm at1wi trery lmhft viwrffiy iiui aifvnlnh ft7viock a hi b0ww lcarr the railrol immc 4iattly afrr ibt ihivai of the car fiom tbr inlui omthf and affivci tl aylmcr at 4 oclock pm steamer oregonj caft t iiilliahq dowkwihtx ltavri prlac do fi ef ety turkey 7urjiyaitd balfpil camocv a h tlornin feay union viltw imrtoiotly ftcr the arriralof the c fom ihc iteimif emf ra4 bcib beau tticb at tf slofping puatt t hufr each wy tbry uo cvc notice that ro freight will icirmtr hoard thfir sjrn if not pwpeily markm ami wyftlltl j l after eleven oclrcv p m t aylmer oft the nifcht previous lo iailinany coming lo ijni fter that timr nvl remain in store u iiil mac eniuinj irip tbej 4 ih to pie- vent property tiring lootli and carelely thrown on hoar4 by ownew without bill or mark eooeqnefttly not entered tkff ffil bhm ieioftsim for any pro perty iihout beiog jnly cateftd nd a receipt eanted thos cuming agtnt ttuq foneordrv commiiy aylmer ul july 1m7 just received ffabosa srawrosixp and forsalby ihoaubacribor jt at mi store n prtncoaa street o cboico oaortntenl of groceries c conaiatingin prt of 50 midi bright pono ricosugtr 300bnxc mubcacci rauina 200 jo aborted tcu 60 tlo jo tobacco 100 lt con brooma 500 roam wrapping papar 25 lbla rnin 10 do turpontino 10 do tar 20 ncaia tuba 10 doz graa malta 60 groa matchoa t2u0 a jci sfrtiab solo leaihor naw yrk tannage with toriooa otlier arttclaa not hero onmrotod matthew rourk knstoo auguat 1s47 tbtbrfflsbi teacher of t katio forrea tuned- anrw mmlrlun artctioneer shssson carey 9 jtbawe and cooimijaion mcrtlianu3l actftw york ft oard ian drawback law ut ware commission uhumd general ani no 105 wklct slattrt new york jfceddnaldhoteljiite sioncv onpmatta iho city b5vl king street 5tonto 43riiicis s carey m d sbreon accurheur itc oto new blwbicalndrft eaat t jtfftard staceyj mtrcham tai- inr ooarty opyoac the montreal bank istjtemaclrifitoiij sailmaker whordyvbuftlinontnr walter eales paiofer glazier nd fapw tunr rideu srt j jt a cfibwdi liu sntiihs coiiixrsmubijgd rift plato vvtrktt5 pnmca s ira n doctor barneys surgery ciartnce tiect o dr wlw lie bank of britiab monk amenca kinjtioa juty 10 167 lm t 0 butter cabinet maker and lipbultrr hitfueal slit kinglon a general orironi of the latcat y ir h of furoiturer constantly on h3d and mf ale on liberal term 0 lanitfor sale vwv acres of land for p sale io ih tiatvndiin i rymouv ncwcaatlc district being lon hoi 17 and 18 in the 9ib neeion 40 acres of which 9re cleared anil has a largo house and a frame barn m feel by 30 outhouse atd i waltzed uwhi be aoltl in one blocker in lrsta to autt purchaiera terms mojerate for- porticnlara ap lyal luu ciieoc tif by loticr postpai4j j b geary kingaiojunels is17 ialwtl lake ont a rio the royal mail line of steamers i7hx leve kingston fa torox vv to kvrry aftennion svndja fitpple flvk cc prrcrtctf am f ijp kxafffat yptptfwi w ro wil lcfo t0wto w kltifttwi uchii- uoi vmif every day itasjasya wejii al on r oclock f m nffttklyuotkl iho dli scp r r a frimll ihg toth sqrbtr to ihs closo of its ssusn si ts1rcnfo nb cabino drcvrsfirssrntbeiii 1y fr tm cmcl willi sick eniiasu aa re allowed onborl tbc mail xnoc u j i m i 1 office toronto july 6 ifrlt kingston hamilton the new ikon steambft 11 mag net wriluwrtll furlhet notice irare kings ton for hamlltoncairg aillte tnlerntciatc port on tuesday and fridat afternoon at 4 oekt or immediately aar thr arrival of ittr kfsul rh from montreal and nwiwsc hamilton for kingston on montlmf mud tkttntttg mornings from quffslo to montreal is47 1847 english stationary rscc tscc just received t tiir athineum book storf 4uit strut fngrtl alargk assortment of engtiafj suiiiocery of tbc ocat duality consiat- lofof medium dtfmt an fol pt lrnd tsptf rlasndqp rn ipcf fiflill pt unrf flilin ntc ditto lnrto smati cmrtnitja p or fioturanainn bnaef stl lilts- 7ujsi s vlauirts csav rious kine afiaiivgifilj fnm c inort by 4 metis ift ssbja sj tho snhorl omd in ui ltnf with llfonl d7l847 ttflu of crsrj doicripi lit alhocoji oook 3uk i j a ma w aad t lak8 ontai0 and river st lanence steam boat line the splcndi new and elegantly fuwlslwd united states mail line of steamers catakai t clil j van cleve rochiistlik capi nn thrvp lady oftiiklake cipl t ii hoag niagara cpl r r child io coneein wilh ihe new upper cbb engrllsh stcamen british juebn capi cbamberlaih british kmpihk capt hawkins forminr a lui tine ftm tbwirvton m motkbau fis ftocurxtcft 0s- wecosackkts harftor kingston rtockvfxkndocden3burgflfun pomcacri vitiyi vtcwinf by ssutkni nc tlird keener of the riitr si liwrcrtce tlic 10uc minrilttsaulmwftudo i the ccadt i- lle bou fornin tho abrte linaojrosilrs mllsl if aid faftujid io the motl modcfn and cttpo okannrr vftb mite rftoin prtii nf pimavre and otjttr w r c to im tho cttiro r momioi and qookcc wilh thoif l i my io 1 1- r s i n ymk and ik- ion il find ihiiftn r lls cnoat atcr44jof ftd ptcotanl t r i america ikiwnu 1m-t- krrirvl upwards- lttto atd liwd btbllvtatr ospataj ari oitffitoitcpt ibft for sale thbnnnb halfnflono 13 in bits con of pnrclahd apply to charlesstuakt kinjstonuly 571617 tlic mail line op steamers 62tf on hand for sale 300 casks superior iunn- manufactured pals vinegar at i- per gallor 85 orj for casks at th warehouse of messrs oli pliant watt kington anj at the kingston brewery un4 ciii7rry salsratus of choice quality at 80 per 100 lbs black walnut lumber 2o feci of various dirtttnaitons that is boards inch and i inch plank u2 2 3 and inch scantling nf snnilry lenjtlis 5x5 4x v and 3x3 tha tho luraljer will be disposed of aisspcf m- james morton runrfton braver e distillctr july 17 1847 notice the subscriber has commenced the gaoccav bustucsa where he nowredide next door m mr- harkea crnckery stor king street kingston whore he hopes by strict attention to business and moderate prices to meet a mmrmcffgfa fqstr july 201347 frth teas for sals b ih snetihct at nisslsae whcro cvf fttmtly qrtm isjaj be vbtainrd t ion prtoo amonjrt thg te fine i if ii old and young hyton r southsftg piikuniif afcea r dec in i half cimtp and taddtra with a vilely of sueaa ffiauss saner biioina and oil to atticka n httut innu- ssjfamii william j martin mftkct sqoarc km2tnn june 23 lands for sale the snwribcrs hast tht follow ins lards 0 the midland district for sal sonth j lot no 1 la the 3u con piushiigh 50 arrss no 10 in ihr 7ih con sichmond w acref south lot no 39 ib ihc 7th con camtlrn 100 etc weal lot no 15 in th4lb con kenne bec looacm lot no 9 5th gen olden coo acrei lot no 18 6th co qoo acres cumminc fit iiacdoneil sottiitontc xigsten 117 frrsh importations of wines laqnors c compriiiiig an aortment of fine and otnmrn wines dt liquors dec wholesale and retail at thr twe of the ubcrfecr north corner win h tine old pt k r i dc rhii v k ci imi madeira i v fit coa madeira pals 1 old shcrries- bmwn iv p- tsoeems cihtmo de uoyehertk curst itafv dt kes i3andychampgne re 1 00 atan old cofnc pate tlrende tlulunfji schema m fine pfe brands in botttoa rasa genmno srtfch whitkny r r n whiakry with a miit of l i aaiuuo lor the r i i 0 pins apple s vi 1 m i y syrvp iinl 0 lrntfn strufn ot- ac foj a be william j- martin market snart cn jvne 3rit commercial mart for sale on consignment three elegant and very shpehb toned piano tortes made by tha rery bet makers af new york and boaion william ware july 30 1647 the new novels just received ocr erec frcn near york i il e t1o or the reign of chark it the near novel be o p ft jame x t tle niet orgmne taft of ito 1io of tke unto bj ctlverlra leer ronaoteto 0 ivrv lovo iendof cdenmorand tha hiuorv of paddroesa aod hu wife nonet bv wnvcerltpa 1 1 v 1 1 end r i ir i i the lifftof mr godolphin by john etelvn tbe cuotiet of the dtva of cherloa ii with other fa lea bs v r k c chalmers 8 steal si jjjocaftioti monueat augdjt s ih notice the royal mail steamers pjspottt higtiljjydek and cjjtjda swlfl orry freight from lachinq to kingston on j jelivrr it thercinig hours ami ivhcnomincj fm pons above will he ahiirfrd immejiotely on board tnc lake ontsriu scsmboals me wm gunn agm at tathino will attend to ihc receiving nnd sliipjin of fiood aviin 187 hardware sheffield goods and ironmongery the subscriber rcaptctfuhy informs hia town and cmmiry customers that ne has just finished receiving hissum mer sopply of gotls in litaj line consist ing of nn excellent asiorttnent of hord tvarc for household and ituilding purpn- scs sheffield and birmingham plated goods shelf and fancy goods plain jopnned and bloek tioware and all kirn of agricultural implements of the very host quality and manufacture the uhacriber alan respectfully re- cjuesis the attention nf the public to his r xienswe nisnrtment of taints oil and dye stuff and indigo he solirita ihe put he patronoge mating that his pricea an quality of his geojs w jl instain hitn more fully than any self recommendation james powell ploughs of variou patterna and plough pointa the highest price paid in cash for old brose copper pewter and lead kiogson princess stieet august 1sjs47 j tfsni britannia life assurance company 10 1 prdtces street bank uhmi cmoxared oy act oparfiomenr capital 1000000 storlg cheapest bates of any office doing business in canada aftiicoi rtfirtt for avv or- thos w robjson fth e undersigned having beeft ap- 1 xiiinii in ott a asuiit m ihjii company which has been doing buain in canada and this city since the ym is39 rcsfhccifully requeat persuos v quiring life assurance to call at his office princess street kingston where prospectuses and r nevcsnary infurmohnri will be given also a variety of tabtea to meet the cr cumatanccs and convenience of api cants can be seen the rates of similar tahles in the 0 fi co doing business in this province tc as follows fur on asuronce of 100 oasnaaal li asnrance cae 30 9 4 4 v i kne do 2 llriun vtr co d s 0 these moderate rates litttemorethn sufficient tttftly to provirje f lossc pi it in the power of moil peraons to assurv and with reference to the present tatvf ho healih of the inhabiiants of ehc pt- f ince general y it moy he thought nece- ary should the prevailing sickness is- crease to decline taking any rinks it appears therefore to be a duty on thnc who have to provide fr their familifso take the timely precaution of asaurirgihir lives and thus provide against the rial of perhaps leavif thcoc dependant orn thetr exertions or means to suflcr ii cullies if not destitution thomas bricgsjs kingston aug- 21 is47 x notice tke subscriber having obubto from the court of chancery an injunction restraining the revdgcasn okill stuaht from intermeddling in any manner with ihe real or perial estate of tho late ckarl9 stokt ysq formerly sheriff of the miduil district either hy sale or by the r l of monies due by bond or othcrme on account of the aid estate having been compelled to rile ailill against the said george okill stirr and allan mclean esqaa execiitunto the will of the aaid late ch smart esq to obtain an account t public are hereby cautioned nehh tn accept any deeds from the said geiq okill muart nor to pay him any muicy as they will do so at their own lus nj peril the said george okill stuart h hitherto refused and still rcfow render jost and honest acconm n his executorahip to the snid e but on ihe cnntraiy asserts that jg the heir at law thereto all those persons who are in nor slon of or claim title to land fttrly bolonging to the atj charlea st under conveyances from theaaid gc okiu stoart and align mclean b or either of them as executor aforesaid are also notified that pirtioa in possession will be ejejj therefrom unlets an arrangcmoiu 0fl eltoctcd vith thesubacribcr as all iuch one id deeds are invalid for several reasons of which is that the power of sale in will is given to all the executors in ourobajr and not to any one or j of them and theitfore neither hv j gtrorgo okill stuart nor thetaid aw mclean esq nor either of thrn everauihotizel to convey the real ej one only nf ihe remaining hur havirg renounced and no valid can heaivenby any one while tho suit i chancery remains pending charles stuajj kiniiton 6ih aogij 1847 vera air kirnra tlos aid hffflcak ikcbntlvey tu desbk fm far f o p 7la lr 9 1 ei mrikmthirr nw ttrvre ut tlt rt 0cn of llnl gcrnmnt w nod acv- omt art prrnawl ih tl viasi to ano a ih rnk f oor rmj in vessoa the sffasa ar safcetaiy jirctcd lo rrrinca m vr rnki li more rcuvf to irimctfe sine llc ctrcuin of o kctk v ccn soicm r hman write ha swaa- and thf otlj cfctonura laaeiisrith anna in lliir lund c hvc hols f fo iv srm likl may be pn jri by mrtioan aitliritstiona still ii raaai feaillt oitt ktrinabcn mj upon oir ran maine iba itaaallnf f the dnrrttti nse nttcallbttn haeci in ihc ftaj j4fw of mrico printm m sf nili ami or aod i ndititnjn to lbf nr- iklra wlifh we eopr wc fiid in llrt io rf ihe wkaar by cm orea vriitien frumtilu iahswvtssss hasiwi f a h ut aedalr mum as uia somatrs and volontccrs of ibe arskr aaiamsyi appcarel in ihe matatvavtt ptperawnicaincev lks santa anon aaussaasa t smasarafes ocmttiunhj denune ihe pmieni the united stmca and il wtr m itjsf v individual set wsnow easfnitiaai or ofirv w mm ndijreaaai 10 eneaqftfa de aertior vnonf the mviicma we isjosjh ncer hfar tk infcniy of aoch condkt sjeejiiatel gjo i r t oata april 147 kiwrft aarnih aniontn lnpei d snta av- nili paiknt of ths united stntea of hcat hti6 itjcf iic m cf of iii mfcr tniiea tu ben 0iy aatlktfiud lo make tha fiiuotfinr cn ceasi rr ah and every one of ilo poraont now in va arccso arm wbo wdl prraent lheaaclve beforfncot an ofth comoandinf oceta of ihc mo fpfcei vrt 1 swy aaukf n the a- armj who will afvear before ne or anv of tlte wmnvtndjv offieenthc mccan armic i to rcetere in- m 8l0eash if coming without arm and a laijf amount if to ri aned m qrasfl to reev ef throott rihnrmt may bring 3 trery aeraor 1 i v tho amerkan at nir hlwecf by a hundrrd men if eniitlrd to re ctcvaaj aoori le prrtenia himtelf wilti hia neo 300 nail vii ihe 8 which every one of i hlrtefu entitled nawcttj the tuna iw nee eaoe ihey be nrmej 3 ti whq tfeaprlt wih 900 roen ht rigm 10 claim rod hu pid imdiamj 81 ah m- d t i n r i fvr every hundred men eos the proportional amount if ibo oirmbcr be under i00 wiihoji ioclodini tbe q0 attowee o etfervaotditr nor ih eoai of mma and ammuoi ttw r of tvhieh will inaiitdr be paij l aliifiit tny nt -l- jiih ik fvffa- can aimy vij mil deert and pkor btfoe ma vr ur any of 1i10 eommaitdn- officer of the mexican i mil waidea the avo mentiihej alinertno- incath aelterby rntukd mcliim ni ttitl imnifdibllv rcekve fron io r any of tie cfficff doone l or lrnd by nliicb oto- nenpnevy nf 4 jnintuf land runihng of two hundred re aetea wilt bo ciwured to luem well aa to ueir families or hcira the diiion of vueh grant wit ba made as aoun as the prctenf wa n orr fr tni oflicera in the amcncan simy arc not oidyenlitled to tho aforesaid doeuokot or band hvt ihe number of acres in djilin lo ho wo hundred allowed to ihe aoldln will b cmpni in popt to the tcfpcclivc iirs lly hi h 0 tjwse whudract hie ameneao army d etiier the miican rcrk art to bti eotitinwed in il during ih cjmpnien an dtssa of the m nation kfttd remain lomlvrr if uiy cbaese and under the immediate command vf tlkirown cen who will continue in 1i10 aamo grade they held in the amcriean arsjif all thngif r r 1 whi eomo orer to th meiican artniejuluil be eunaidered rewarded nd promoted in the anm way a the mciicnn and aeeoriiftfi to their amiec in ux ptacnl caiajajnifia ttie ptecdmz aritrleaahll be duly pub inordrr thtt the mexican author iirea may act in conformity thereto antonio lopez de santa anna- mexicans to catholic 18khur i rir 1 men listen to the wurd of yiur bruthcra hear ue sfrounl of a clkjc pdv i meaieana ime that ihc ann of jn land ihit noblo uod of the cligioua and the bra wnld be rwi amon the if nemira well known il i thai triahmen are a nuo race 1 well bnowo it liiat in tlieir own country many of them have not ercn bread lo give ilteir children thee ae tbo chief motive that induce trih men to abandon their beloved country and tttit ihe shore of lite near world hut w4 it not nnlnral loespret that tho dl irreaed irhmcn who rtj frm hunger would ube refure in thm colbohc count rv wtier ihy milit have me with a jtcstly welcome and ben hoked upon a broiheca bad they not come aa cruel od soja of iretand have yn foreollen tint in any sonniah cinhy it 1 iti 1 1 to euii in loud a you iwme 10 meet with a friendly racptnn frenn autlkintiea n well aa oiliicna r la religion no longer the tirongeai of all human tsasjal what j can von fijlil hy thr aide o thoeo vho pii fir lo veur templea in uinn nd rinladel pla dd you wtioet ab dreadful ernnta and aaerilexrs milhout making umn vow to ou lordt if je are catholics the a we if yu tor- low the doeiincaof our swoie why nre you een tword in hand murdrm- yourjireihron why art you ihe f ui of ttwe who defend thci coonuy mi 1 jut own od t ar cmhhv iriahmn to tic h drat foyer nf catholic trinntca the murdcera of caihhe and ihe rounder of heretical nlea in tbia piou nalim iriahniori yo were ftffireied to bo mt l cooar you ae the ctitntiymen of that truly great and ttssjtjcat man oconnell who ha ovvidrd hi arboto hfo lodeffnd vruie rifihteand anally beenu you are aaid to bo good 0 amcce catmlca why then do you rank among our wiclied sfasfakf jail baeaoovnu wiah to have a grant of bsjd that jou mj call your own i bui srlaai can iko meat powerful armies do ogam whole ni n bf cmqtkai yiu en laks eiiei and laarssji hut never mo f nt mcl umudrid a hng as lftro lan m t dnlit of meiiana l- deiermineil to rlii avilhuul fv hi eoon- tryand hi c hut 00- hoafmity ad cood will toward yn tenden jwi hat by free you can nee pa of enyiy aa much property n land a pm iny require and th under the pkdf of our hvnor and flur hnty come overti m you wd bo received onder ih lwa nf thai truly chrittiirt hpittity nd rod faith which lrh f ueata are entitled to eapvel and ohiain ryajj catloie nmivn ouf 1 offvr have already ben realiped with many of your countryman nlo are our ntvn mhei amoi i tay vr oi and irmrspaeai united hy the aaered tie of hligrv aod bcoewlenee form only one pode ceneral uuartcr il- trnin auffum is it tb prvrdai of tht mtxitz rtpbli re me fi j in atmy rae vud sum awerfea tio ctaceaialaanjn of wot have aswa ynu to the tieuliful valley of meiicn in lle midal of o wcilthyand fcflik couotfv the amcfenco vfmment enraged yu to fiihl asjainat 0 cvumr from which you have received no harm jiyjr eomponiun have after th bittk received nd liall only rccio the contempt of the unnr4 state and the cor of tho natinif civilitcd europe that quite turpnaed ee that lhit govcn mem aetk rnfafemeni fut their bollke in the came at tbey kos for beaaia to draw their eermge in ihe bum of the nation 1 represent and n r t filt f 1 ortr v- j a reward if de anting the american nandatj jo peoaenl ynot etvc like frlenc to a naim that uftcra you rich arid and urge tracta of land which bring cul tivated by your inituatry itl crown you with bppince and eonvenienc the mexican nairna only look upon yoo si wine deceived fore i tier a nd heeehy atreioh oul to you a friendly hood vffvt yoii the felicity and fertiliiy of their territory hero there iano jn tinciion of taeea 1 here indeed there 1 liberty nn j ma alaveiy nature hem plentifully aheda it favor and ii it im yuuf power to cny then rely upon what 1 ouv you in the namo of na tion pteaeht yooracleca hko framdaond yu ohll hare country home laoda the ruppinosa winch a ca in a cmjntry of mild and humane c- iini eiiviatioq buoianty no fcr addeu von ihsnajcb me an rojiiowrezdt santa anna fitrarts from late uglisl paprrs trie ivnf h an c etriet from a letter of the jouilon gwiffitittanl 4 ij n v camkr ur adttti of the 4ih inai t- tdy the pante in tbc slock mkei hoe wn j brtufs every drserptmn of vice aa well as the u lboeuvrnou w them hl at ptovio to 1 hat pnmt ol orl of miafacsjt okb aa bo4roiij monf j at any lerruv on an aaatfomeati of h iiie n arltft a irtn r the reman der will be t 10 lh ay in which iv niarket will lc rtrtdfd 1 apparent and the da- contv in be iuted i tho ple of ptemiuoa wh be in itie eiieot uvually otwrvublc when marlotj aie filvd with eclkt inouadof boyet j roo that mut i- be looted for pervade tbecn- lire coajniry you wjhnly understand from the pactiara hve drawn what inut be the notual end of the preaent cria a temporary reaction may lk pavhi and even ilia hy no menn certain but there can u no c io the general down- vrard eourac unil tlie f 1 r l have arrived at that point t vhiihi njtber caydcrr no- threau altll enable the ratway eompinioa to obtain o tithe aj their ilnnvul dtfoae that lime aatl f rie t r 1 every weak hnove ahlt be brvven down but ihoac that remain will then have a 1 1- p i rrr tlie general ditet thalmunbe home liowovef ra painful bject lo eotnpue i r the ian f- vteeka i fall io tlie 1 all decrtptitnaof raiw4y ptfcerty cannot have been ra than 15 per ent and whl i mnt fe h when the final beeh up h1 m be rimoty apnrooehiiig anrpe violent and dirjoel moba ni cjlitbcaion either by umpettiiff wilh the cutrvner ov by oru ohcr mim may only be uahed ofion but u rho aid ut a railway parliament may te arbirort carried uol n the midal of the nil peevailineicuejoettt m he money market tbeatate of the corn eichaner ha during th uat frwinithi attracted but hute iw ntion tlvo urfck befote taat ukw wa a de elite in th ptiee of wheal f s per cjorlee hot ut ibe wevk aidnp today tbcro ta agmio aa wn- provrment ii i j j v prohibition ok intoxicating liquors in canteens maaaj tk ttadan tiaaea stpi is- ws have seen arilfe great aliafactioo an an ftonncenrtnt of ihc ioteniion of covertovem to nmhibitbr the msjfstsa sale f ioioaieeaio- liquor in the canteen if ihia regulsiml kio j baearrkd cult il will be found one of inuboai thai ever waa doptcd for r v- the chaiac ter aod corttnbutio 10 the bappines of ih j bra- iiah oijcr hitherto the eaotee haa ittfrnh him retdroafartiionaaafor eontraetm abiuof du- ipnion and neo whieb indeed he mut hat found it tfj lavearll in avod t- loia io-da- led from arnriliice mean of oceupyin bis wiun drinking v- vm almoss f ytmj hi only rtauure iturtssa avng sod coljxafclc indifer coca to the rtveelabilny and oooafort of tha low er mnk of tbc j umtihoy hniild has been now abunuoneil torvch a 4bani smploy ment of their tim when tff doiyni a irapmum ifvmlwnfm t9m fj to ws ajfcfffi ift ahfftae them with any bctlet iodulgonee tbuo i vioviat in ton rpmasj pnpe which pnvbial1 tho fnnaltna hto io 6v r futly in foreign sasmlitas boi tbojtantity ywt e dawad ia iasnirlaatpsh f- ihn rtaof u lutaas m fi lr oftho ofiliah li m- eiedlenry placed befrk ho i a mnnet the moat etoar ed comji aiow reaadm th fonl 6n1j that wam foe lit onlerpriaa f hk esottiam r e to oilend 1 i- imvrid ajauaa af aw cuhivaioa in ireland ave fro thnofktihat ihtrtanastild bo no rentrieiiut ptaerd nn iba pridwmototaatfsajai ukahoamter remote fnngrat dfuaus ssstt j prmcipu ofwbieji lie sppeoaed ni tt saarj cttooldboy in tlte cheapest andaellin th fassfl awffcasjh but that ddnnt previnthw deiriif so tt the pr4nclnn hia nw awuntry eaaaaasjat better and in all ret topvriar 10 aheassss as t4 cuntrr under ibetr adaicra h baajd haaw ahwd yet ee iha uno minntou iptataam thauut the onomy s4wilhsjiovg tlw ehmiiewaa highly fetaba to has tton of 1 1 iii tlieir rcawoiry sras aa kbceab and their oniitnn m inirma aa iboau of mmf srrifvm lltboao innlfnafir villi f real rrfrel that th pate of cess kvrfm 1 irrlnj nfvir in- in fheamilnt aeon xwm aat ly fo an smick whii ii coom h bondrly panaaf diket t bnmc the rajauiiftle of nhieii naufl baaoiutcanf wevlth tntbocnoomy indices santn aumpton sf rhich wnwtd tuoc lb bwmse of remuemtiae empinynwnl to oir own e if thcminec hnud 4poe tbaorrjarin of mad the muoufaetute of 1 in irtundj ba of iiojktial iniportanee and there was nothing thai tl dfaltnbi could pwm ovi to hieo subatssi vieepatnvtofthesrciy oein hucssvatsj vrapav eity by whp h their ayet bw h advnvowl asji the manufeion- nf lanew ponwnd tw wswaa tbey tnoiw be iwjrtjtjftrjfctf rallii ataajtaai treaier th nt any timo mc tss conma drnpfted fu 84 artd eicjiecjotf bjh to 2t di a alight improve nent however occurreu inward the done of tbc day at one time the rat for money upm loin n tock and e klf for tho nx ten day wa nt teca than f iva yet cent write tho amount ami in ilatic fearing thai if put in isa tpnaj would aeaircvly believe thotn mttot the ninn atfundmf mature coeineetcd with all tbia history iii rcmaina lo be relvrred 10 11 mrmih the p call 1 vd t nearly four ntilhon slvvblfa and on the firet of ihi rmmth the very day on which the chief faihire took place id hy aiiie with i i 1 the calami ties which it t hippend came ihe nnounoement of tho farther aim to be raid lu the eioi of throe mitt inn mt a haft the unhappy prnpre tors of laabfraj thtt ia to y nme men ont nf ten proteot nu4 implore for anm rtlief but dto direct prehnvinfj eommeneed lh vnriu work nd having in m- ji inaunce eoi to that point at which il s ruinous to gn beck aa aund atill arc trieivrtje and betng mureorer irrged nn by cmtf4etur enfineera and votiitn and the asrf hoit who have evmylhinc to gain nd nhi lonae hy puhin forward ihey uwvcnet in stifle the eomptamt by which ibey ore couauatly aasjlcala that the time of the fatal crfh hnweter ia nowappruachin- may ue tppee bended from van ouaaifo lnai week a mccm ai htd at m jj the banker oierchanin martufac lurer and other of tlc tovrn at which bctiecn one ami tart ilmumiid peajin vree prrsent 10 take iuto cnnidemiioei thetepa ihnt bet bo adapted by iho hrehiildea to enforce a nutpen- aion tf llc vnrmue wojkn at that meeting nno of lh rpcaken nborrved hat lie perceived in one of has mertcwaicr pptra that during tho present ynr ihe outlay on aft principlraitwin had amionted to 1100 qno and it waft found byeomptring tho tmal market value of iheno fifty linea rnnj ihe gmmsj cement f the sear to the prcarnt time they tnntj at a le marketnhle value by xl5fl00tt sterling even apor the nd- ditioo m their cnialof the tfiatxiotfrux hnrs plarine iwariiiaey nf cfllmoor mrtinf a ntn that migiti a acll bo auok tn the ae a en- plnycd m otnnner o prejudicial to tbc eontmini ly all apramtfs folvjwej in ihe ame 4ics the unatunwhji feeling of the meeting bnc umi the l prcjint uernngement of momentary ajfiim h tobeoiiribuied 10 the unwarrantamc hsvjls in rvrvig out ihe railway erjietpriie of lire enuniry thnt m if eveylhinj waa on imu1uneium ty tho mmicy pwer of the ewwy would h euattoiha call and that the lime wutd coot when if a nemml abati0ininenl of wnrb not nn ennaented to nothing but pmnic sraalld wsrk out then delivernncc hie uyjrt of thla meeting w red with uai tnrtil avidity und it ia quite ovident that the public lemper ha nearly reached it limit of en rfoanc- in die rery ltf tetier which i wmts royou vow norly a yenr ac i deacrittd ilj statcof attaif that atould ultimately occur and that dejipt- corepondaopeeciacy with what v nnu taking place that i tempted to recall it to ynur rccollreiiin tht the railway srnrfc aro 1 be eatendrd during the enmin year it wn ubied beyond any aajs t ne eonjent hm nf ihetr nmjeetev aod in that cin a tolctablo conception rnav bo formed of what i likely lo be the rte of money tut il i palpaplt th il msjss eitatona are whnlly delu- 1 r ane thai n- 1 oneintb port of tho oonlcm plated eeheme n ill be proceeded with during the coming orwi it certain bowovvr that j will go on until the prajum is o grei a to randvr a tmpibu for ths aharaholdcr to pty twssl minfiy in its tram by the re herein0re rxutini the privilege of iewpliij the tjmierto tuna drunkard ift milter of comnh between tha government and the keeper of the canteen wh having pfiftchaaed hi rht felt iuelf at full hefts to mnke ihe beat he could tf it theaafvof inloaicamn hcjuora waa of enrs ihc mm lucfitabfe prt of ihe trade for a mini of drinking ia ripidty aequied snd who oe t triies it victim it rpotdity abacb all ht tmm tboa the mldier waa encouraged io 0 vice which waa sans to tranafer every farthing hopnopeswd to ihe pocket of those by whom the metcriata far smlifjing hia ovgrado proper were applied wo think the covcrevinstit virl have jneted rmut pmyetly in prnhibitmf allogether the alof woxituioof itqnne for any regulation ihil might be prceeribod in order lo sjlosr u c cenain cooditjoos would atrnat ccuitiy bo abuncd while however tho srddr is deprived mi di rect temptation to idlcne od disipaitvi the aertiee rir dcrrj h n wiu be aery incnpla4e ut leasitwaeowponiedby ome paiion tor the employment of hi leisure by hieh he may be at tir 1 mc occupied and imprortd wlicnlb mean of degradation arc takeo svay their pine ouhl si once to be filled up by vimhktaf r more salutary kind and rnauneruom which nc believe have bea 1redy iotrodueed ii na urracka auiisbty ftfostdecj with llio roesoaef in- truction and antuaaruent would fotm a most vihokanrnc aa well saacepublc addilio to the new canteens we sre emifuxd iksl ths chftrge rs would work a rondatful rcforamtitin in the army for itaranka wmld bo filled bf better men who would a rnsttcr of ewc be better i tjalassi there would taan end foverortoik ftrce of ite arfuroent ao degrading in tlc mih lry chmctev that in coaaeejoeuce of it brutal i intenaibjhty to moral influeoce th pontrfimentr the tanh i icquired the step rceeody taken tmunrda improving the moral condition of the vnldicr arc pvoofa s deaie to icpnir thua error which have reduced h v in some reeprct below the levclof bis fehowiijten by sssa him tha l h i moral condtimn u catd fnr by th 6v- vernment he will be mad carfu of it hinvclf and the diuc nf cerpval punnwirvrnt added ia the initotuctinn of tbo uven of mental unprnre meni witlridrr the army no loofct th refuc for the vieimk sad ehosraie but a cleja io vrbicb it will be itoelf an honour iubolof- cultivation ok vijlx in ireland and the linen tkaue wc peomiaed mi saturday 10 rstum lo ih auv jecl of iho addrer prvasnied to ihe urd usa aiil fron thr society for the prmnotion and im- pnni ti f tlte gmnth of ful in irsaanrt th reader nf ima journaehad prevroiybscn wel aeuaintod ih ibe efforts wo am happy m bnnua la any the vueeeuful ejerlineuf the f r i 1 rvcoicnl of uw cowlb of pax tn iieland lbe peindicel report of that eminently praetkal neccly whoso hvedcjuar lei are at dclfeat h irbuwo how tncceamnt liutw been it laboum to intruduee a ayvtem of ftai cultivation in beland net only in ins nor- them r 11 but in lb tutbsrn and tveitern ctuntiv availing 1hmcltc of the ieuficrt tv neceaaity euuacd by tho failurs c the potio odcnin ihc toil toe syatean of efotp0g ouitcd tmert the altered oircuuniuneeeof the country the society laboured with the moat uodabte seal loeiiend the cultivating uf plaj h ocinntly adapted tin th noedaorth add to the sail and swate of ireland and for the employuvnt of bar papulation and vrbibin eaaetber trait urge trkrsaaeinitaeultur might n ntv tbt ftturs m th fc fr of j l produce as tbf crrseatfefje if v cers fouk a reilivc ef ihreo whieji i ha cnyiyad raes tanaaaau of ihc reuukaol tha utte h5varftv ils etneka now in head nctt ej xhm ptoepatmktr uw rmnp mie1e4cal cna lr udsuss mm rwosal n y rh n h fm bttamfl 0 aoajaat uf inirraadevav sataqtaliiefr tn naua4aum needed n ordemlbpjuf lllil 1w eeodihof rund h a w j ladl harveet in irtiawal w aimsaotldka ordinary yanatsmdijksls athiwt lha qaimr 0 asmh a it cndrvbte and 3nwrf vssyi of uti earriwfhand otlicrr hmkaala vet tv utntehav iwn been pbifod aod will rtrr lend moth us aejaaossine tw u af j i h j- j iffl mrj rrii f rf owuig tinned draught wi 1 l tarn out a imjuw- ferent nn fiaoea may w ennldtved ft rare toxur q rog no cttenjnec oia m llmfw tbnuh cka hath if sritt liavo th bevwgciu cssha any ii n z their coroniptin r cod of ontoriuj an nrplo ijly f wed tx next fcnf fni peaatvsry etuirtly in the ut of tjat not havuig been planted for t ejjjsjanjninwl irtitiiiyjeii inryn ueij anythiof wtmimtm aat the apprwraaee of the diecaie thoug lnw7fsj ha been marfo te eroato aaoie ee lltat atilfau iravchmtde greet avelatotrt il bet c pr4aaa iiif to the pfvjta iadieiicd the aces tpututaam t aoo j invest irptis j end cfftcasii ailajphjjsssji j erjpvjyrd m diffi nf tb i jftu iff ateubbj 4 hna entirety faiard in elfetiot the waaaj a me nbcrvuon epofioa t oay owe sashmmg in chcn and all ui eaa tfmky the aacne cpioiors or mlliajr cot one of tlm bes4 salkeass sd aw utot tha 1 or elf r abundot and choke niiafilyj owieg to tho peculiar cirouidauneem oi large qanoiuaaa nf indian vaent srin be m edfy rcviirod during ih cessiof srwier blcsj rprutg and will oootinee to be ie ebxceej tfb pdasa btvnf likely to mag f xh u f m quautcr tti qontntinn 00 the dohtm com eei frnhy test arm as fylnar aimirj uiiiedtois ky igsto 17a aad k tvea iiii ayjasvei riiu well interned pajtiawibal liooa ha rwached their hwert 1 mi in in j4sj tna qvrcsi qewaa em am scrjyrisaij t majstviina rctcned fmen soooafld asd egaie lorud at opsmrne h jc fjbo cft rokie lndre 00 the 17th ull aedun tho 18th sncsmtd b ibe ha on tbc vhu be haefy vjnaauald tirr fiiu cemcllin bvmiwatheoed could not be eexompthtaitecaiid uirgpl cj rcn snuhtrefotc os mil bij webibwaafa where remained during tho- nihi of lnivjlt 11a rea we eierodinfty coegh arid aopuwuni not auiicd to ihe tmvehtng onehavancaa orsaev memben of t ryel panj oo ijaejjckfc taae muadnj once moe n nrapr tafl evr iikesf andbemhtfcmwsnum tat ssj eelmeat etorc nrrivrd f si a uua after artenncwcil a- m and there the vwnatea r vril at tlie nijhl some ruemhara of uo auafe andnthor landed bnt iv mat pnrty levralned 00 boeed at this piac the rnnat ibsrte nr paretiona nrorc made for itie ieeeein et uieaejul party en grcel ai the onjiety of the peapu iflaa afirrooitjiog townein tofkbm and laaabivt inceieh a flmtwe of th nrwoi auj en c m any part of hr dooitnwmw is mi baawal wilh aomueudelixht- al an uhy hnjr la ltu rwinf town at fwetwtod ptnwavaaa1 uteefeeeaewotmn which il rwrar batfaaaaajia ed and em niao vehok ayftfoecbed n msaaaa paelelr f llod aluheavvteissimdakoiwlauaav mg ptae uanicutahy ao but crfder area bye large body of the diinuy police tawa indeed crrj ona aoemed rjliin shortly flrlooa iho vyel aauty taxied edlth utter haur baamieely ihay eniuewi ue atatino wttsman eapnaaa ire to hud bss tavjsjaj osw no tiers hesiex sew hei th traia ve sssai io motica and quickly m the toota in cka i polw at the places wtnra the eog odanl th prinywl pca t w ihe line t made the tmm arviv4 el tn ir iiintjt t ewet halfaat fit cel rojalparlj amrel at quckuafraaam pajeuuafiaj oclock pri the eejiaj upasrseal be a fayam ef laoeeeil on the ajkatmc oeekubgbam pelaee end er ah a iu ib will pert of ui ajiurueaai 0 tee kyk m

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