aw fn orm e r liete september 28 1547 i erry toelnervt in ihr intcllixyncer erhe 13lh idiim the folkwinpasae in a ech of ibe hon t b- kine nf oo5 which hr drhrrren at chiee this speceh was itrngfr imbue with ihe liberality nf kflliment and elevation of thought vmeh al ways cbracnte the addrec of thai -en- llcmao ow does iho followint sentence de tract rwo these attribute any further than a it frooal be fonnded in error and doc nmiwrroi far th 04fblita oi tboic feeline of liftllity forrnticrnjof te rtmrvaiiie kirntnc which il i to be hoiied awalw futtre nil mark the conduct of bosh jmtad an the urulrd stale mr kio- sld in eir ne t contest with john bull mimttutl ftiuaicoosc assure a the rreat asrtd rorls rrnnd ih ihcairc of action will he on tb tntand lake- if con i est omul come end nvjotc mr kin speech literal- if rwrw wilre so nvoidint il whv lawn ftvefrul be wthim in be done hut for unite stales to cmtr a larre heel aoj pre t fhatr fkarhors on the lake far it rccep- aajprh bui rail certain that such an event iavoavitame t tilt transe of tbi war evi- ajendyto be canada and tbc other british powvnn 10 the ftnrth of he american froo- tier tnank to able and nacilir netiaton ev rvmndity line bai been adjusted from the atlantic ltra pacifo there can be no dis taste futnre about ronm fuum fur afiibot rwiioo will he fooh or dhonct en- ouh o encroach upon lis neighbor the vn of border warfare formerly so productive rjf dispute between nttons having a eonler- aamtfirihnnriilary eonrnt gnd a place in the ainrthrf ihr niiwifastli century between the ivmfticiviuxcd moidc on the face of lite earth the rviuand injuritwascltceuof con uabaaj usikc will not needslta kteoni arm of srls n pot tbem down and bcvhje be ooti- 4 bftftam onkma towards fee trade will ict- ihajr million to uu itkfal eooioicce tioedtftroj it t together from what fhe ft u hi i natt cortrst with john ir mae f it k to hae it wtlb in the tojodsutkrakirzlei with the colonic tlmtie eaeiltrt between the latter ami he fruhrj xinmrf in tue jikc of any fcjawml afaiapaurcaiu of walel tbi he a- ahhlldja l aoijrte fioro wliicli that horrible toufreil birthj anj examine fifci bsjbiwtrtit loch a content ariin- ftat britain aal bt cotontc and b nrrr ttuanr ia of the cniteil adlui ilriv in mich eribmilmrfit ij wifi ariie of conrs fros the mhine to fltrwc off the eoeernmrtt dfcneilnf tte mother conotty and from liitnr1o miinuin ani comi ntir h b ihoujj r probawe and the bnoeh aljtljiie m tbe sreaat if a lucmonrt va0iyi9 that the british coloni- twy w f ffifov ihe etampleof lhiremef ttemt1ieviiileil sute and declare fta- setfm imcrdrni and eonmener r eirnn if trat bfiiain ares aut tf a- jaweaa ao4 iinm oeer cantja and nuvj icoiiam ibt miuutiy of ceorce iii at- lrrnld lo ll or r the c4w7 which have ajnejweanw irie uitrd state the formn wnrlda nct in terntin sieh n alkmt and roar j ffdm ihem ncee should ich vb erent lavr place but kini and mini- uttte wie in iwedjy of victoria and ku than they m ibe reitn of gentge ra durii 0c pirmind liry nf is oetb england will nerer attempt to irniinyorhcreooaita a the was foolish e to attempt to pttli the united msi wbrre m all her preent culrmim cy there aioy thelcaat nymptomof mich llercotnoial fttem ii mnliilly m ihouid iht peace of europe tna b istotbedtt will ennftnoe to be ir- luviu aiiv be uid hat itt tc cmirwrj rjmld ic liloily ptolrdiee and liberals y aaf tnn the camtrt thcie will tn a trh in th bktor nf thce latter when thvy will ntftirallyvjiab to asiume ibe privike of afw awh tao ilajce ititeir aamfmt of the earthy v jf rfroichin hat it if iygttogh fttt ilirtd wtll reirat ihit waft flhff fcrt flrvbirin be bosy oa the vv ot rnnrtj anj hev brmira m ihr mbljwf of alie kilted slw that the charter jieamia whkh the likerboni their c tj4ue which re ndrr rl jaofndtffl to take ide wilh tbc tiff tlfrm in the holy eaoe of fhj noat content with lfcwar htaca the noewii cai n r the uarud slatt liar- tln i enoo orf con vbwt ft if not conatdered as lbiw tftnjaafoo with rhbft necafawhwma of rajiv in- tajerceo the wfaj anj of fnr- irnroleairkstttiral pjikuof 11rrviracf enmpr fwawaharvefyear beomc i jieaainjdertf nooo the now for teaaawk ta every day convinced that the majority of the people of any of bet colonic ue desirous of a rhane are able lo maintain political independence and lo boild up a namo and a fame amoo 0e nalmnf of tbe earth and he woold ee he convinced and admit that what was he for them wa ut for ber h would he a horuicjitrd policy for any mtin to prefer unwilling and rrbrlliou fuhjccl to attached and peaceable allies and such would not be he policy of eocland when ihe lime ar- rirc ad atriv it w for all of tbem for any nf treat britain colonic i to atnrao the fmvjlece and the power of fctfforcromcnr h will not denj it on the contrary he will help tkwm in ihrir undertaking bidthem god ftftfed and rind her beft inlerniu and her inet national honor and qtorv in to doing- nut lake the third poinlof the question t n lcrn ppofe hat canada intifted upon her polili- sn cal ndrpidnce an great brailain refused il and aent her fleets and armir to coerce her rawlliowt coioailfc such a juncture waqm it be the duty or inurett of the united mate to interfere accordinglothc oundrt view of internaljonat law it would nnt ik riht for them to do so and what is not rif lit cannot be a duty nor in the end an adran- late tbc united stale did not do mot than vnipalhize with he south american sianih male until thry had acbiered independence nor did hicyad a diiivrent course with rcpeel lo mevico a rerarded spain nor with tea a respected mexico vvhv th sbvold canada a respects england be an exrepon to a funeral mle estabfiihed amon and adhered lob tfle y au civilised nations strikp against the pook rate the kilkenny board of guardian presided ow by ibe mi nf ormonde met on thunwayi when conmunicaljon was read ftorolhecocntnioetertaiinounrinlhfir con sent to having tx repavmcni of any portion or the government advance under hie tern- pwatr relief act to ihe diewon of kilkenny and orlmford held back till a future rale tiii conceon howrvc aava but little sal- faction as will be aeeu by the sober icnt prorcedins tbe rcadiu or the above letter jjaee rise to much desultory conversation amount the nardian but no new toiic waf broached all eureainf tbfj opinion which they hd at preriommeelinf pji ttuih npan tb fohjecl if ilie corcrnrnvnt advanrrf tbe reuk of the lcuaion w that mr finn proposed ibe following lotyhilion j thj weaieuf npinion that we are not hound either in layp oi in equity to nj more than onelmlf vf u uftf advanced to live diirien kciofj division under ibe temio- rary rvlirf all mr sillivan seconded the motion as it met hi approbation mr smithwick exnreed hi diwent ftnm utch a renlutiou he bcini of opinion that tbj certainly wrrc bound in ijw to pay more than onehalf equity was quite another martyr the nobl chairman aeeed with mr smiihwicl and tuonciy protested aainu the pamn ot a icsntniion in those word mr wahdeafufje also protested against tbe mminn nt ilaekcll intimated hie dienl from the learned gentleman motion on account of it not slating any reason why the board should come to such a rewduliou mr finn vlalvd thai heeametn the conclil- ien as to the ofomies of the govrmment t payment 2 jjeju jbeo ub year of vrotitaiftuc w dc arlincaieofconlmen- aoen forbid ftr of a jtavof anon ncxaraain wbirh etpttvent be vat region of ni sute finding their outleu laaa fioftt would be the toce i cinjnm of he od world here ahuruuut rcaaom finsnded uno then art iwcebt benevolent and christian principk qj pnxnotinfj th jriat and cood work which jtr kjn so mj adrealrd without hrealh- no nt ah an ci it k hone rm- prosable and hoiiiue event of a war wits bui ihu i cjiiittin- the pninl at rj which wm oie pfohabiliiy of ih h orilioi worth aieiican colonic enleris into a cn itst for thrir national iiirfnmleiic uiih the w4bercoon1iy and tu uhd satr heeon- iosannlly was or at leat utlaw mied np with iht frnici i xtfa therr are iirr atnu t he cminvrel bent the fir i th- pbiliy of the bri iiah fixih american connie enfrin inn a mw rt he mohrr ennntry far tlir no titjcal indrftdrnec the rcnrtd whiker cfwtbrrfabi tvnnmrntkr any mat npprtsi- on to turh mhtict jndrjiendhici if it emim hacornplikcd yfia a fair chance of bein matntalnil and the lhid poiu u ach i tave place llirnnli lh- cmttlsr iiiifjtuir indepndeitcr oihl tse mother cnnmry rmlni wojm llir tj iihm stale conaiier h jhrfa duty or their interest to ir- feticrt ttic ne all th u proiu jj fpftj to he the mot prnsaiite ivhaii ih j ptiwt pfhiiiunor th jbblorjofcaad- which matiifi4wi m the yitl any cwieveame portion nf th 2z atl lhri alfr fiance to aaotwr cmmty ihe ititorhaner whirli aaok pte p f u 4 aa a fm rihr ihat inn ir wa iratd a riot bv w botub kiteinrnmr aed a t m i and the ameic m covennent wved upon it in the mine liht althnh no afraid aomr tnihi jptaple an yentr fronlier of euersentiaontdhavr heenisrd taifka nv the ajuirof the cjrajjnn w uw firijv if aweltad uiacauw of wai ciet bniain rwiuj retarded ibe ifr dei 4 fetmi and not aa iranw u die pri onr rrn t u h gfe 2 what since th- qullin of iht aanwrat plfmlc it vw rallrjl lead in ajary reiiroanrfe ftntit tta the peoplr ftf caaaauu ai difivd with thir cidoniaj warn 4 avenibneni as to be ludsuai d t rhmw mwm vhtrimc ft may be titimi- ly rej4jd t i hm fvr a w f a pousa for tnch a ippoijtion am acaia admit that the time wn rmr wm the xt f r ni nnva scotia ua traaaaunnited rke declared lliririii jjrj jjvfe tjir iiiral cmineinn woh fvitfand art rsr -ii- i if aatkal rfthfii1 l kiund i tfi i atr ta frn bornen th rnd1nre and w awcantiu and eonmrcml m- 1 f hwrawoi aa to irwfner ktrland to ait a ion ajtft eannite war utt ilia aaaaa ai rtaian obtm and retjinw ilm ajraui ijlofuvpenar inland srsfa l tritcaajlr riaajtui hr ntrriniy aaofof bet territmry nor um which had been come to by the entire of the nrwjpcr prtitof england with the jswf it is head and the vast mioritv of the peo ple of iretantl the chairman said that he relied more on the interpretation f the aet of parliament a conveyed i the commissioners letter tlian on he inlcrpceulion given to the enactment by iht pre- after wnedieoion kr hacked urta ed that the rar for kilkenny division fr in- dior and ntrfon rerttf be made at 3 i u in he nd a he had found hal hat would be iijicient no intalmanl of t irnll h irj some c on vrati on bavins taken place mr snuwii ultimately proposed tbe following rctotulion i resolved that having carefully eon- aideied iu letter ol the poor law comrni- f loner of ihe 1st inil commenting upon the rcfolntion of h board of the 25th ult we are ootatnned that any rottd reason have been ured by them to induce as to abrn- dnn or dethtla from tbe principals and opin ion deliberately eioreaaed in those rcsolu- oornr we are still convinced bat to make any atlernpt lolcvy a rate excessive in amonot and of coorse intoteraht iu its hnrden woaln be nwise and nnjust and calculated toofvfrnct he operation agd endincr ihe eititirncy of ibe uvr whicfe such rale was iti- emlei to maintain ow veem with regard to the portion of the advance to the several relief committees which outfit to be repair by the union name ly onehalf are not changed by the owrva- tion of tho commissioner and whim we aree with ttiom ihaiihey have a leal nht under lite tempnijuy relief act lo insist on the repayment of he whole amount advanced a irspectfiilly c that ibe acl doe not make it fnandalovy on tbew to do so and that it bam them ample and free discretion on that intact the casamifxioncr admit hat the th section which autlwrizei eanui to be made in aid tf the rate as well ns votnory con- rbnion leave r discretion as to ihe i i wkcfc my he mak tbo subject of ranr thus the act itself anthoriaes grants in aid of rare n trcastny minute from mi trcrelyn to the tempoay relief com- miiioacrs further authovfe and cominj from that drranmrnt of he government it amnuublo a direction the m akin- of those raiits thru t rrjif cavsunkwiineis bi thvii rrmal inm to committee hold nut ihe inducement of those rant lo simu late lo either the declaring rates or making vojunusy easmribotvona ft would tricfore be repugnant to the intent and ineanin of the act entirely at va riance willi ihe assurance given by ihe said comihismrr4 in the public and snhverive of all connmencc in he government if i mtist- rd on he tepavnwia of these advance in llh exercise of ihe discretion left to ihcm a- to the oiorlinn nf grant to be given the commi sinner have fixed onehalf or an ammsnt eqml to that of the voluntary cnb- scriptionylhns erunwhin- a pteccdent which ia wtlly oppicahir to crams in aid of rales and foitiiyiu our original opinion that there wa no jut or lihllul clwna upon tbi union lo repay nvre it of tbe advance under the temporary relief act no j r- that we have no inten tion in evae th repavrnent of mhalf tbe u advanced oj eral relef committer of uivs union btil it is impnalivc on tor the ecjit reawih pnt forward in our former renluthmf to rtpo4i unlit the isral xneral rating mikn j1v fjlt fr lac purpose of saieh reiaymirtp tsveni hcreauer men 1ined mr kelly bavin seconded the adoption of lie teatjaliom thry wrfcmtfrpin the charr and paed ihe only diiutienl vsefici lishtihe of tke maquis of ormonde and the htm mr wfkctford it ati then pioocd by mr finn seceavl- cd by mr bulhvan and unanimously resolved that in accordaee with the above rew- lutni drclaniory of our opiniori that we are lijmrnaly tonnrhalf ol the amount advanc ed by uoverftoivflt we do for he rest of the electoral diviion tnkc the late at onethird of mich half kwpeiedhy mr sullivan seconded by mr kelly and ienlved that in tho dihvrinjr from the views of the iw uw commissmnerswo are actuate ny the cnnieriiuua belief hal wo thus giro 14 he meenuvc he enopersion and anppoil mot calculated lo ohuo for th law that re- prct and ohedence which il mail be the ob ject of ttiy wah government to secure mexico the latest of mr kendall letter dated the 28th mention two rumors with retard to santa anna one of which is tbal he had been taken prisoner by col child the other that he bad been slain by gen alra- and be congress of puebta the fdlowinr is one of the latest of mr kendalls letters city ol mexico sent 25 iri7 assassination continue no ira than ten murdered soldiers were found this morning in the vicinity of the quartern of san jnieblo and cifht on the previous day the fault ik partially with our own men who straggle from their quarters and get intoxicated at lie first putquerta or gr shop yet the first that i met even in his sate is sel uiion by gane of armed ruffians which show iht a feejinc of revetend haired ratajliftatiml us and the froquenoy of the murder would prove lhat a regular system of asasinatioti has been or ganised the wireworker arc very likely ome of the priest and leading men my last i slated that col melnloth wn sinking under hi wounds tliat brave olli- cer died last niht and i to he buried to morrow with military honor he fell pierced by two tsajrji wdiile gallantly leading hb men to attack the cass mata on the 8tb septem ber and his ylcrn suffering under won nd received in former batdcf was not able to overcame tbe shock yur c c iv k cvn santa anna has been proclaimed by senor gambos as ling a traitor lo his coon- lev intentionally blowing the americans to defeat him in every battle and finally he accuse him of having destroyed the national ity of metico the honor and glory of their unfortunate city and of hjving compromised in the calamity alt classes of society regulations of the national palace from tte jvc ortvtvu iwfa september 23 cen quitman occupies the palace and it has been under the superinten dence of capt nisylor according lo tho fot lowing rctulation 1 officer quartered in the palace or bas- 1115 troop quartered in it will report imme diately to the superintendent the number and locality of tht apailments occupied by them or their troop respectively 2 no apartment in the palace can be taken possession of or occupied aa quarters fnr cither officer or men for any purpose without having been first previously assigned by the snpenntenoenl upon proper applica tion made to him 3 no book record paper article of furni ture or piece of property ol any kind what ever found in the palace will be permitted to be removed from the palace or from one apartment to the nlhor without the written permission of the superintendent first bad for lhat purpose 4 no burial will be allowed within the palace or any of its ground or enclosure 5 troops quartered in the apartment con taining any of ihe pnhtic record or national archieves will imnwdiately vacate tbem and find quarters cucu hi- re 6 any interference with or mutilation of ihe books papers or reeonk contained within ihe palace is stridty forbidden and alt per sons are most earnestly requested to observe and enforce a compliance with this recitation and lo preserve as far as poxsible ihe palace itself and all its furniture and contents from injury or spoliation by order of major gen quitman military and civil governor capt charles naylor superintendent of 1 kg national palace and custodian of the national archives ice national palace mvic sepl2l lt7 cvrreanonovnce ofafiv y crow wainixcrn oct 1817 a irter has he received this evening from ihe headquaitrr ol the army in htjtt- co dated on the ab of september at a later bur ban any berore received it states that an oiniwi wen ra 0or scscc a dln ilalannouncinlbe fact that peuay pena had entered on ihe discharge orhts duties a prc- vionai president at toloca and was then on bn way to qurretar tlie teller is writ ten hf lnif dc la rra who ha been appoint ed secretary for foreign affairs by pena y pena de la rosa in a peace man ii seems ibat the peace party ha been en tirely triumphant in he legislature of totuea those who are in 0 interest of parede and in favor of monarchy endeavored to rid them selves of all federal coniirction wilh the other states but the governor had refused lo pub lish their decree declaring the federal league hrokeo and they had been completely foiled in their efforts to preeent the swearin in of pern y pena asconstiiotional president the writer adda that there are tbe most flattering prospcel of a pace but unless a commission be sent here 1 do not see any prospect of ifscb a result the messenger sent to recall mr trist will reach his destination before that gentleman can enter upon fresh negoti ation even were the new government to make such a proposal should this not be he case mr trist can not abate anything ofhii formerotters and when his letter of recall shall reach hin he will be utterly without aoihorily lo negociatc at all in no case i it prohawle that such a treaty can be agreed upon between mr trist and the mexican gov ernment under he present circumstance as the government would be willing to accept i alters have been received from london in relation to the postal arraegemenraybetheen this country and great britain no adjust ment has yet been tnzdt although from the prores made in the negotiation there is a puahiiityasf an early arranecmenl accord ing as the lime approaches tor putting in exe cution the retaliatory measure adopted bv this government ihe difficulties raised by the british minister are becoming small by de gree in fact an official irtlcr received here states that there are now very few difficulties in the way of a satisfactory arrangement thi arrangement will be made just in lime lo escape he retaliation resorled toby our gov ernment but not before mr leal the acting charge daitait of near this oovemmcni his received from his own government instructions of such a nature a promise a suiifactory adjustment of all drfficulties pending between wil and the united stales mr leal has already since the receipt of his recent ins met ions had one or two interviews with the secretary estate and there hi every prosiect hat tbe late tmha py misunderstanding brought about by the very disagreeable conduct of ihe em- peror adviwr will receive such explanation at the hands ot his present representative near this government a to lead to tbc happiest kfttllf simon taraoci kames rt canada john armstrong and cbarl or smoke ihree indians of ihe v tribt ond two other indian whose did not learn they got off well afit andaoonfell in indian file cildet l king he lead they kept wef 1 areirw and mae the nfl mile hjvs 25 sec thecondrhird and frae were a mile slower bi the running even and ihe men all looked fa jj good condition for t he next fouj j nr running wascapiljl and there was thj n he speed or appearance oflhe w a which 0 found cnnjeciteoi htfcsiu on the frrst quarter of ihe eiglitl nik si mon alra smoke dashed ahead x cmtt sleeve at a great pate and soon aik a p gp upon him afmmrongam canaja followed directly and ihey came njsfjaeal ahead of the white m doln 1l1 m ne aicfji ha had it a a be- th ran 5 minute and 32 conrk on mile il wasobervrd hat the lod all to themselves and ihe only stnti iwccn canada and smuti they heautirolfy without faiioe or exev 4p when ihey iared on ihe lat mile i xxit nothing to indicate tkl they had yv u forth their power and armstrong was nwoe opon them running wish great ease aaj speed the tenth mile was made in 5 min 01 sec simon leaomt home atiout four yard ahead of canada armstrong omc six or ngbt joda behind gilderslceee came in 3j wconds within the hour h willi aarafnamu p f hy the dtcraiin nt o l f auhf psuifjj por vr hy rl utlri su owjkuoi i nftmi to rtu lut lieolanaiw kimt 3d ifiucra tvaa seuid ihow rvii rr fror4 i or thai heu raronmg lueast in tha ftetnoa it u an f4 p4 mto a brhv hie auniiuoatajarftg hr rlmt la aoet tjorssr jfaweaff great foot race a fojl race which escited a great deal of interest on ihe horder took place in buffalo 00 sumday afteinoon most of the men aic well known in the raeing world and one or two have been n canada where tbey have astonished the native considerably by their fart travelling t buffalo kvprcs ays wtr have never witnessed so large a concourse of people at the trotting course as were aemhled on saturday afternoon to ee ibe great footrace it was knotrn that gij- dcrsleeve use famvn runner had entered for he ure it wa al known that several indian were dclrmiiicd to contest with him and wilh each other a short time before he time ftaed for the race it got whispered itoul that steeprock the tunawanda indian who had acquired agoaj deal of reputation on lh beacon conise wai not present and the pre vailing opinion tltmed lo be that gildcrslucvc was sure to win and to have an eay lime at lhat the odd were heavy on him agninst ihe field with few taker tbc re were some among the crowd however good judge of ihew and amewa who had seen the perform aocea of john canada a muscuur well pro fiortroncd indian from catarauiu on a pre vioo occasion and believed he had tho foot and bottom of iho whirlwind and wero ready lobacb op their opinion in iho customary mode but the auenco of steeprock pro duced mitch dimmointmcnt and lha general expectation was that the tun would be a jim one a few minutot put four ihe call wo aounded and he cocnpeloni a in nber commencement of the great vsgstkrn bailroau prcm tht tonmt9 globe on saturday last thr ceremony 03 breaking ground on this great national uivderltriv wa celebrated al imton the direcbraof the company having previously inlimted their intention or commencing the work on that day a meeting of ihe inhahitant 0 london was immediately called to cousidoube pro- prietv of making a grand public demonstration on he auspicious occasion the sneetinc resolved unanimously lhat it was lie duly of the inhabitant 10 sivv all possible eril lo the event and a committee was appoints lo carry out their view daylight broke on the eventful muring in all the splendor of an october day rrcanada and throughout ibe day he weather ojitinned delightful from a very early hanjr he strees of london gave evidence of o holiday tbc hops were decked out in heir t style he sidewalks tvere thronged with ay flas here and there parties bent on enyyment and innnmerawo waggons loaded with he hardy lords of the soil and their merssfatdilic joutcd into town at 13 oclock ihe store were ebsed and shortly after the procvssron began u form iu he court house square about mo oclock sir allan mcnah president anlt messrs tiffany and carroll director of tm compa- nycameon ihe gro and mr goodhue having led them 0 their place in ik proces sion the band struck up their jnytil notes and the different bodi riled off ihe ground in the following order mt0 the dloclion of captain wilson marsbsl of ihe day the riflc company atierj bnd of mrasic tie temperance society the free masons preidenl of the board of police andmbers the sheriff judge district coutfjl and warden treasurer and clerk of ihe pee m agist rates the presijcnland directors of theyompany tie eugiucers and other officers tbe company the contractors colonrl talbot and other invilriocat the committee the odd fclhive tc national societies visitors and inluntants of the jnvn an district not included in tho ntuve the rwere moved along dundav to richmond street wken it turned p 0 c nortk nning he grriio and erksini ihe fcidgt o uvc ftainia fcjj sin fjaaa and came lo a hall on he left side t the road about a mile from the court hose tbe srdepalbs and the windows of he boures were crowded wilh the fair daughtr of lon don and the procession moved on trough ihe cheers and joyous salutation of iheaeclator on the ground pecparatioo bad oen made for the ceremony whith was now 1 ensue a svld space had been cjcoreo mihe forest around and slants creeled for tboccommr- dation oi ihe guest and speetalon tbe logs gaihered from the clearance were ped round the scent of action and err the procession had reached tie ground these lorrt galleries were covered with people and ac ladies stand watthroneed with tbe reauv and he fashion of ihe metnolij rf thefar west the ritlemcn kept he ground e centre and at the proeessiou arrivdrlhe seve ral bodies took up their stations ruund and inside of the large circle forming il were a spacious amphitheatre the umber pre- ient have heensmaicd a frtfm 3w to 5000 persons and we feel certain thafie smaller number is below the fact the wedt scene iu truth was a fplenqid spectacle work which had drawn tba maisof pcotf together the ihought that ihi war ihe firlmtaek on the canarliaii forest h the steam fgine that nighly lever of civilisation and thenwdin speculation a 10 ihe wonder whiri t few years it might effect on what wasf yester day an unpeopled wilderness we brought vividly to the minds or all trie proceedings were opened h ro george j goodhue who made cclienl and feeling address to the assem drew a contrasted picture n wharths coun try was a few year ago and hen i now occupied and the vast revolt which live inlrodtiction of the loconsotivc rft nr vpected to eflect he amuiled vll c feeling to the appearance of col talbot among themhe was the father ei ment had cut his way half a et a through the dense fore and had to tet the land in lie hands of hi chiluv ibiekly settled crowned with prosperity v the comforts and luxuries of old air wealthy countries mr goodhue having conclude 1 hr mw mated lhat col talbot would nmtl 0 open the ground the venerame nllean then came forward amid tbe cw x audience and the direelnrs en- anj managers having proceeded to the efcted spot col talhol lock ihe spado and l first wound on mother earth in ihr o m deriaking the nale and banos tacp l instruments chosen lor ihe occasicih tnf uual ceremoniea having been golf- thronjb the thundering ppfau 0 ihe crr a salale from the artillery haiien r r and wide old hat the great wf rj road iiad actimhy been comusenc- ihe meetitij wa then bsiellv by cnl tialuli ilecojgi t jf llte wonderful jogre making ihr ihmit he eminlrv id especially in thi r irict lie had pent hi life m v district he hade j rneulv watched fw audit miiihl well in believed h fri deeply ffttcrerftvd in llir fcttcco lhv evenl ohcl hhoil lolsceomiiinccd tv gentleman concluded hv ibiuk lhn fnl the hoivor they had w him on sson lul day of spevr hm itmg w lltt thai god would uw them air ltis lfc uolertakin was hi jkarifat talbot sat down amid loud at c hreiiug sir allan mcnah fnnwrtl ce uk went at some imth but in gener c the position of live comimny i wn director had a ginil of mean to guutialeadily with th even rjfciutd ihe state nf the m redird their oeratior emjinriritj no doubt thai at the nvam snertf liamenl they would receive u legivulure iu canyinq on a um immense importance to ttsr coui lie tell that no rovrniiirnt canada unless il enmc cindially i nee of this iialional undrrlakm eojde would nnly cl numi lb pe of bmrjon for th goodwill they had slown to the company and tbc cordiality and f irirt with which his demonstration haj been git up it was the people utssv the direct ca were engaged in mj uiry might m a aired hat every rxrrlion woold be majr in bfng it lo a salitfactory tcnaiflalion sir alun wa loudly cheered e malhew eqlhcn addressed he meel- ieg on the advantage w hich the country would ivrise from the completion of tiv rllaul e showed the henehl it would confer in qna- lizingtbe markets and hy enabtin die faniff to take hi produce to market at any season of the year he showed ho profitable nature of the transport trade which it would surely create the demand for and ihe enhancement in ihe value or labor whieb would alteod it and the gtral ris in tho value of properly which miht certainly he euctef mr matthews eametl urged on all who heard him lo make strcnuovs efforts o promote the likct of he companvthey shmild even mortgage the rfofit of avir industry for ome lime to come for ont of ht very benefit of ihe road thev would receive in their bmines the mean ol meeting the instalment if men of rnjines were to receive no return for their mvetment in the way of dividend m vrojld still he a good investment for them for ihe iav crease of their business would moch more than repay any sum they might contribute rut thl was for from the cacthere wa no doub that the stock would be mot lucrative and when the road should be compiled they would he fortunate men who held it mr mathcwroadc an excel hnl speech and some of the best points were warmly responded lo by the asemhlbrc george s tiffany esq followed next and wa received wilh loud cheer he poke at muwo length on ihe tendency which this road would have in promoting friendly relatimta between this province an the united states he then alluded tothe aslonwhing jiowtb and extent of the business now done on lake erie and concluded by alludlnt to the bcnchl which the road would confer on the province andsaid the vajucofthe road lo the farmers pmitd he incalculable and expressed a belief that the road when urj 1ir3 ufould pay dividends of 15 per cet charle b stuart q chief engineer of the company wa ihe inirodoced to tbe audience and be proceeded to give a brief sketch of he progressed the work and favor able adaptation of ibe country for the con- truction of a railroad he dwelt at some jcaglh likewise on lh seal advantage which tbi line woold be lo canarta and showed the certainly of a targe portion nf the passenger and frcifjbt transport trade of the great western territories being diverted ibro it mr sluart wound op hy an energetic ap peal to the people of canada lo pnl their shoulder manfully to the wheel and the work would soon be carried through the day wax now well advanced and mr goodhue having intimated that the proceed ing were closed the audience tpee three hearty eheers for the queen and ibe pro cession filed oil ihe ground a before and re turned to town svhere it broke nis tbc whole demonstration passed off admira bly the utmost order and good humour pre vailed and with the excemion of be breaking down of the stand for the directors and guests which only gave rise to small jokr and prophesiesno bone being hurt not the slightest accident occurred to mar the general enyivmcnt the spirit of the affair and the good judgment winch prevailed uifujidh all the arrangmeut were altogether creditable lo be district and to ihe managing commit in the evening a public dinner w a given hy ihe cililvas of london h honour of ihe oc casion il was held kufat western hotel at fix oclock aural i2tj c nf the own and neighborhood sat down the pa cious diningroom oflhe hotel wa extended by throwing inio it the large front room two range of aide ran th f length of he apartment and a cios able was placed for ihe chairman and guests at tbe up nf thr room tbe tables were very elegantly laid out and ornamented and the chamber wng brilliantly lighted up the whole presented a profession more and make a common elect to enforce courtesy we doobt it there i a body of men he ihrircainngevrr o low who uo ild ork hive worked fo people who hud n irly jvi3nlrrj ihrm ai die prtm were hy ihe provincial asooluv and ye he fmirth estate li paludium of bnlish liberty pocketed re irit pke wbintdng and tan and carried and barked tor their rna- ter and yet we can all talk loud cnnneti read lite pile of eatracta given elsewhere- and consider when you read that many of hoc wry urif ifm the tadingol their in- snfieia and fcoblitbtd thevr avingvf a annrl to make a show of indejencwrvce but a delib erate fameuiui on of the chains of lheir own servitude more firmly than ever ard the only prelexl offered for uch sillihtts is well if i did not another would andtosaythe irnth there lay he di6v cnlly lliere are n many paper all so de pendent each i afraid to relute an ofter or lo lake an indeneinirnt aland for fear lhat a extemporary will inirne he nppositc and more rcpiilarcoar and so hediiity anr influ ence oflhe fres is k often sarrincd tothi mercenery eonji feral eoa the cue rests wti oarselvc if there wa a spark of p rit cfe eorot among u we would rol be fonnd saeri firing our profession beciuac another might potiuy do ir we htve tons been of oinnion that a con vention of the provincial pees wootd he prtv doctive of immense berversl a diatinct un- derstandinc on many poinu in general infer- nt mighl oe irrrved at person i acqiiaint- ncc woufdtbodiry oroicke andaecm- munily of interest wootd b beilaa realized business mailers might afo witcr autantae be brought before such a eonventims ihe es- tcnsioaof postal tacil lie to tbe pre hr rales of advetlifint and c4hcr tonic of inter est the present b an excellent reason of ihe year for holding such a meeting and tornnln or kingston would be csmeyent points of aemblio an expression of t4wruon from the fresson ihi point might govda future action goc british whig cnrtftr orf oism i or saturday octoher 30 isi7 noiieeeof ihnh chorged 3a cd m dish cnl 1 pro lodged the press jvom the toronto globe we make no apology u osrr readers for the large space devoted in thnj day paper lo the opinion of our hrethren of the fourth tatc oi ihe hamilton acair the influent wield ed by ihe pre ia free countries is so powerful its power to do god or do harm is so great the morality the intelligence the advance ment of the community ire so dependant on it that every well wisher to this country most desire lo see il placed a a national institu tion in the most ellcient and respectable posi tion were this merely a question of courtesy to mr a or mr b fl would be ashamed in occupy our journal with such matter but it is far otherwise it nay he thai iho present couductorsofihccinsdiai press do not possess tbat high order of talent nhich distinguishe lheir brethren in great rriuin but sure we are they are quite equal to the intelligcntc for which ihey write and in this community are entitle lo every respect were a journal started in canada the editorial cf which vens written in the philosophic slvlelhc high oe he boldastdrprndence or the english mvsh papen we feel certain that it reader would be few and far between the tart is there is no taste in canada for first- rate independent journalism if there were it would ttoorr among nt a newspaper in canada tanked opon as a tbin- you find a little english neu in to advertise your wares and merchandise in and to puff gat jimir men and wonder ful spectacle and private peculation as a means of raiong ihe moral sentiment of ibe people- cf protechng tbe iberie of the people and of cunng the purity of the bench and ihe integrity rf public men it is never thosighl of such ouie are no expect ed from the pre we doubt whether many people in canada care u r inch tbim the general idea of jierfeci bi seem to bcj to slip through life a rilefy as poibre find meat and clothe and lay past a little money and let public liberty or morality or improve- ment get along as they best can surely there never waj a country t destitute of pub lic spirit a canada oh for some power to fire the servile maw with nobility of thnnght or feeling oh that this mere animal content ment were exchanged for public nay for even private ambition oh foe a canadian nation ality which wnuld amclivrate iht unmitigated personal selfishness which pervade the land money 1 the tandardof ugood in this coun try the man who serve the public honest ly ha no gratitude nn credit given him for it he i called a fun fnr wa pains by ihe ma jority if after ill year labour he can bring home lo their tonihd and unwilling con viction thai he ha not been working purely 10 serve hi own private nd wc know we shall be old thiai only human nature that it is ihe same in at counties we dout be lies e il tbal ingratitude i ihe reward of the patriot in all countfij and in all tiioe wcknowwhi but there have always been redeeming point if the public benefactor hi hut n ceived honour and reward he ha at leal had hie applause of the people if he lucked cwruplitni or mtapaciiy in hia1i 4a- ee he had at lea 1 the apmvl of the tranj t canada the ioli1iian who sell himself for the highest urice is he mot honoured and use oftcni 1 he wire the higher lie rise he neipapr wiijrh pieleail to no public i rinci- ole which iat ihr pnw iliat he to sicken in- anl which tell tiuth or falsehood accor mukderr from the awhfrcof piw on saturday night last aborjt halfpasl twelve ocloek a most atrocioua murder was committed in griffiutown a two of our peaceful and resjsectabte citizens in the prime of life with wivesarsdyoungfamniesde end- enl upon them were cruelly shot down m our streets without any provocation on their part whatcildbclbciiove toe ihe coaansillal of 10 fiendish an act it ij itnpostihje at present lo eonjecture bait it artordf o some sattifac- lion to knowlbat no parly feeling ejlherre- liginnior political wa mixed up with the melancholy affiir both the murdered men were lriah noc a proliant he other a catholic holh were peaceable and inottcn- ive men and it was not known bal either oftlicin had an enemy in tbe world we give he particular of he murder a they wera re lated to is and we believe in allimpmunt paiticulars a they were stated hy one of the unfnrtotiate met biouelf bvurc lie eapired on sunday last oajsalrfivlata mr falnck mcbhane hoth cattle dealer and ihe former holding a atatl in he st anns market in partnership with mr brcarey were poceeding from ihe niarket to roberts residenre in gnffintnwn and whiltt pasting along wellington street ihvy mel wrlh tsvn boys ffrivihg several cow mne of which roberts reeogniied at belonging to a ir widow with whom he 91 de won do lheir 1 10 many inly he railrnad win inlh ehike in nclir svork iey market ihey felt 1 j par- aid of the ifc of such y ai large 1 stand iu the ait oird if ibe jeglslatara i bvfre per 1 in she gallaiil knihl x ap lha work ahotld mart rkn nt jrr ih m wft particiiutly wrl teeeiveij ear- ludrd 10 llin rlvctin ot nw h i d rvcora una uf th mtm mdniv wltii ll llienlfxl iber- ng a it i pmd if el 1 1 the rcpectalde ihe moderalr prml which all men love ti patronise hut the nirl which eaka irttih boldly which mil thine hy their ngat name which drmunce con iion which mqikk up for the right nf the people iu pic of th- fiowiv or the persreuiiim qf ihe great men ul iht- i mil i ih ealreme to vinlunl if h would only he more moderate men read surh jmrrnali in privalr they won mi terilie fnr them i ml ihey heg or steal them from ihir neuhlour hnkigti they admit rsrrv word o e hu ihey are afraid l br cauht reading them il it clear iur oiind ht many of th- pumie jnirau of canada are far wore ike fftitnili- peofde- that the diitieaevpecied frn rhe pr a f the owe rharocter and is miinahnn id the service in pwpnflitin we fnar there malt hope lhai the lnh im- pnrtance nt ihe prrs j hr proj4 iy apae ciated ilem ihe cnduciuj ol il rennet their r wa acquainted j seeing llicy were bring driven away from the widow residence he inquired ot the hoy where they were driving them to they replied lhat the cows had been lrcvpaing iu a garden where they had done onrdera- be damae and they were taking them to the pound robert adiej tlie boys to let ihe cos go telling then that lie knew who they betmeed to and would himsell be re pniilde foe the payment of any damage they might have done at this moment a tall and athletic man came up 5 in ji insoenl manner demanded to fcnosv what hojinttj roberb had tnrtilerferonhuitl the cow as1thtrtiere- tswlinsildbclsi rai x jjorui coming np at the time it was at once termi nated robetu fiiring hi name and address to ihe policeman wit the olhe man refusing to give hi roberts and mcshane aaerward proceeded peaceably on ifarir way down george street and atun l gabriel street on arriving at the corner of sticilriel near the english church they were met by a boy who stopped them and urged them not to pro ceed an further a he jus saw a man with a gun in hi hand and wilhan evident design oftakin ihefife of some one roberts re marked that hr knew nooac would do him any litrm- that he wa loo well known to have any fear of being shot they both therefore tased on but had rsot proceeded far when a man dressed in a ncdcskin coat and owera and a glaied hat advanced from a recess la the fence of the english church to within ahont ten yard of tbem and deliber ately levelled a gun and fired at roberts who received the contents a heavy charge of duck shot iu bis breast the unfortunate mm fejl id the ground exclaiming i i ant shot mcshane immediately came up lo ins a and whilst in the act of rais ing hun ft the ground the murderer delib erately waited up lo within a few fret of them and nred a pistol at mcshane the shot wrjiwas nni a botkt hl a aquare 01 fals er triangular ittmp of lead enlrred the lower part of the chest pain- hrougli lite lower hbeof the right limg and coming out at ten inches distant behind the anetc of the low est false rib- the murderous villain then drew a byonet which he bd on bit person and wa proceeding to ue ir when the ap- irrj of some eie seemed to alarm him and he suddenly decamped roberts thouh moiully wonnded lan toward hi reidersce hut noi being hie to reach it he fell at the door of mr cox s house a hoot 3u0 yards from where he wa shot here he wa taken in and expired about two hour afterward mcshane loo followed knhertc and fell about the same place lie was nhwquently con veyed lo hi residence in naxarclh slreet svhere he wa promptly attended by or fra- cr who sutceedrd in extracting he ball and had some hopes of hi recovery hut he g adu- ally sunk and about seven oclock on sun- asy evening brcaihrd ins fa rnlh the uiilortiinate ner were well known in montreal thev were upright peaceable and industrious citizens and their untimely fate ha created a general reeling of sorrow and indignaion throughout the community roberts wa thirtythree years of aj and leave a widow and hrcc children mac shane was about forty and also leaves a widow and four children the above account of ihe melancholy affair 1 chiepy derived from he matcmcnt made hy mcshane himself on sunjay before hb death he wa quite senibe to almost the latest mo ment of his eiteee he nvarrivj ihe man who toosinitled the murder and said he knew him well and could instantly identify hiin but saij he did tint know or rather a 1 prob ably he did not recomeet the name of he man we are credibly informed that a tittle 1elwc his lealh oiviug to some rptcinn which at tached to one jame carosl he wa naked if he knew mich a man and ho instantly ex claimed wilh great earncstuessi thai is the man who shot us at a late hour on sunday night the police uccceded in arresting jamr carroll who ia a maon residing in gulrjnlown 4 who il will be recollected wa tried and acquitted at the last criminal term on a charge tf tub- hinga young man named oonlau we learn lhat since ilie arrest of cattoll he h made leeotal admissions and cinfeinns which it i hord will lend lo tbe furcetsful iraeing out with certainty ihe perpetrator of a deed o disgraceful to our ciiy and to revolting to humanity a coroner inquest wa held nn the body nf huberts tr sunday mormug which ws adjiuturd t monday when after the eaami- nation of a great number if wilneaaeas tbe ju ry relumed a verdict of wilful murder against jamt carroll tlte inquest nn mc- sbane nvl yet concluded hut from the evi- dewt h be addm ed there can b no doubt that ihe verdict will be thr a in the other case reports gain ground that political affairs areata crisis in montreal n a general breaking upof the provincial cabinet i se riously apprehended nhcojd pit really take place in the aiminittration nothing less than a dissolution of parliament my be ex pected we ri we hae no real ground for believing either or both these contingencies will occur hot ihey are the general talk about town and we parrotlike repeat il in the eiistiig temper of thr people of ca nada a new house of assembly wotlj be composed of very much the same material a the present in tower canada all the cities town and conn tin whkh thr execntire now influence wil be again influenced and all those that mepr ulontaine marin and drumurond can command will anin be com manded the change that ci rationally be anticipated will be iu tbe representation of iheehy of montreal which the opjiosiiion will endeavor to wrench out nf the liamj of the silting members uotets indeed b elder mr papineau com to the rescue of the government as some perrons confidently pre- diet when other change may j jke place in upper canada the reformer boast lhat seven counties in the west wilt change the complexion of their repreentalioa 1 may be irue bol we hardly believe it it k however more than possible bai oxfonj and middlesex will return osrosiiori men but this is alt that can rationally be feared rtowever diflrcalt it may be to prognosticate the gain ol the reform jtarly ii u still more difficult 10 imagine where iht government is to obtain new adherents pi edward might return a conevervatlve if well mmaeed and so might slormont and glen garry bu tbrrei nothing sure about either during the past three years there hssbeen rrorevuuion of opinio in the minds of the people of upper canada the concession of the principle of reiponsime government has satisfied alt moderate fterormera and silenced for a time the more anscropufon were ihe government a t1l jionevr the executive might he a tittle hcmesier there woum be lev trafficking for place in ihe house of assembly and lex direct bribery in the carrying on of the administration the principte of the present government are pure enough in all conscience but the ex eeulive i much too weak lo aet up to such principles if mr baldwin really love falj cnnnry tbe leader of he reform party hr should do one of these two things he should make a great rally and secure a preponderance of men of hi own way of lhikio in the next houje of assembly and then he rnijjht carry out his own principte of justice ot failing this be should add aireogth in the hoaselo the prevent men in jwwer in order to lessen ihe present eorruptinn but our advice is much too utopian fx mr baldwin lo follow we must be satisfied wilh thing as ihey are foe a while and leave to another generation the emendation of orvubkc morals offtwllr rnudftt anv fve rtsoir uni r o cna uiv lanf usd moo neer aball ncna tll lihvo rhe raiaboa mrbl the varvso i iot ovike and fnern in ifcivcn iht on arab of peavc drrwnro gorcraaitat rbr unainctnietlori yoiilh and cfllhofjc cfertrymtfrr pijt miniilerirur ij ihe calhojic sojjtrrs of lbt army tbe door of parliament hnva beer thrown open 10 catholic- all tbe odloua enactment against their religion hive long since been renovej and ii airy remain ihey are but dead teller ot the statute book la all material respects ai rejird the affair of this world the caibcjic refljiou and the protestant religion are placed on an equal fooline where ihen is ihe hunriliationj the indignity to catholics if all lsemen women and children in kinplen were to n out with orange flae and onge ninf9r r where the triumph to those if they xfxre co ikkj1 no pojery tor a month of suatayt no man in his scne will nay that ihera t any and why then shobld irishmen on those silly ground separate disunite make them selves laughing stocks loo in the hand of desguinj person who care not f f jji frelnnd were sunk fifty falhoin deep in th ocean after their own end are scrvedf i am well aware iberc are some oulandout oranemen who writ curse pope and popery tothe end of the chapter some outandout catholics who would regard no conlamin- lion fjvialer than to inhale the cour of m orange fla what are those but ont-aod- uul woclhrads incapable of comreheadlaa elements of clnistian duly and neocbcd the of no more re aon v common stove foreoo- in tni their tnimal pa eons and pointing out a proper course of action than cats bft aft irishmen art not of this rlass j aid if orange- men and catholics would otmly revise the bad opinion which circumstance 00 longer exiating nor likely to reco bavtr compnliiaj hem to form of one another unaiq be come as tbe native of the sister ise resectett because united aod not as now csnteenned despised ridiculed sperned jnj poisccoird when he opportunity offer i remain dear whit- yonrs trvly october 59 1847 klldatle- t the ay lhat ihr neijhtohooo ts svoise hn i yv huftilo cmjiorrrrfol a4mtier rot iu the pniflfo emfi in tbat erin silent lear ha hef n abed in ad- ncsanj in sorrow for twelve ccolurics and upwards and her varions tint are as far from forming an arch of peace at the present honr as they were a thouvand year ago when aa hulory reble having brarely expelled from their shores a horde of danish invadertheirown fatal intestine com motions partially abandoned for the occasion at length rendered the dish an easy prey n he hand of their ruthless enemies m enand ha had her doaicstic broils iutnil her rebellions revolution- have cxaitiav ktif aw dyianie of europe rte- throncd monarcs ktok oflf their heads or doomed ihcm lo perpetual cxil j bur it is only in ireland and amongst irishmen lhat the seeds of mutual haired ad increasing discord glean in harbaroos limes are rehpotrsjy preserved and banned down hetreoom ffom fathir o son it is only amontisose mwguided pepfe thai tbe infaol tongxie before il can lisp the lords prayer is autjht to utter imprecations aelnvl neighbors chil dren that this unhallowed felting forms part of the yoone man education and enters into alt the relations of life that lite ajvd sire loitering on he margin of he rjrave bestow t a benediction on his son with a solemn in junction to live and die he implacable cm mi of his fettowmen jreivul issampha tic ally styled he island of saints but wliocver takes the trouble to pernae her history and examine ihe conduct of her children musl have reason to conclude thai ihose ethereal being took lheir flight with the snakes and serpenls and left her an is land of mad men what can be more contemptible than the eonductof ihe irishmen of kingston on ihe occasion of hi excellency the karl nf el gins recent visit to onr city j englishmen aetnblcd under the floating tanner of their national saint and no man took orfcocc at the dies or religion of hi neieibor their ejeatesl pride a to be called enekshmcn and 1ft have n opportunity of testify in therr refscel for the representative of their beloved sovcreifm the son of scotia were there nnsevercd hy sectional distinction ide by fide moved the highland cairvdic and the uwland calvinisl scochman brine the elword thcie is a lie stronger than the lie of freemasonry amon these people which the irish have yet l learn vhe scotchmen mcet they meet a friend but an irishman must know thai bi own fleah and blood i a catholic a protestant an ornntenien a ribhonman a shonna- veth or a caravath before he consel to extend tbn riehthand of fellowship on that occasion referred to one irishman appeared with a hit nf gicen ribbon lied iu hi btillrnvhole another with a bit of purple and these men for no other siiittcient mtom refused to unite to join in procession lo bid a cordial cheadh mi ihe faiuhe lo theii iilinuihrd riilnr therr tvcm lrr in deed whencatholira miht eoniitteatly have refuted to mix with oraouymen hoi the lime aro pa i and il were a uewinjr for jr 1 1 ml and iriihmen if all imro nf ihrm ronm be forgotten the calhokn roliason tamw ritoeiaed sy 1h slit j catmk cowe are endowed al ihe nxpenan if iho nation 1 choofa ciamhad under ilta autbortty af for tke briluh to be worshiping the cbalrwrtftind board of trustee of thecc city ot ktngon gbtarnntar having been train dumia and havroe mt earpcrissofw t the syslern of eduoa uoci nteraatrt 9 be dirtused in tbi province irsdocc ism to lay before your serious comidenuen tbe present state of common school in ijjij city with a view to sive jo j fasb idea of ihe little 7d ovrived frxo ihe common schoots in ihb cjly herelcdbre pared to the utility of socb a hjhlyaveaid yte should it be base on beiltr pmrci- pfes and in compliance wilh the mnast of some of lit ii rcncctahlc of thi city 1 hasten to lay before your wcatsir- ful body a sketch of the code of rmulaajoeu with a short recital of the mode of leaehin which ought lo be practiced in tbi risauf country it is my wish to recount id b plainest term ihe economy 0 ikhsyevjn lhat the scheme of education which fea been honored with the approbation nf omo of ihe most learned in ihn oar adopted country may be so marked out aa may eoabrf 301 r worshipful botly in futore lo cnake rruca mc of it a may be ihoaebt most eoadvctva tojhe well beinaj of the institution rvmstvj been earned eo ia ibb city bat lesullin in evil rather than leading lo spy sood the city liaa bcea jiridcctinto too many school secttoas and the carueu wandering from osw sceasl tcrrmtbti ilcommnnty bappejaest that lb et pat3a lowed tbem to wander agreetaklj tiifayir own wishes this liberty to cbidrea pem4 very inc atectrtal as no system coatjibtsxib- served when there were sach a ptrprfijal sticcession of system aad tmratottivi tralee and othen interested to ii interest m the clasa of children attenrfins boce schools ta was ehictjj awlnjio the very ereat defed of ihe bwcl r which rendered he tvuatees uiubsele make provision for tbe schoohr to acable ivepr lo meet tbe eipenses atteodrnsr tharhv paying the teacherf fiainbbirlr scmcka and keeping ibe schools in orddr fit fot tke reeenliua and comfort of the chiljrentf ky which the hjecr classe looked on fctnm- mon scwl criis cily ai rviftt an erurabrance ofljwmelve andterifcci lo the constitation tm rnjhi cj v remedied by leafing the city a one sjasmi syhool section providim 1 larfje and arnph school koiue some place centrely whern u woold be convematto the reapceliea ixlbatpi- tanu of the cilsv iniias 5ttfel house wilh forms de aad paatattfrvvw the different section hot rte and snpplyine said school tlk aaetf maps class rolls tablet borajtb reriost book and footers wilh a frrerat wvf uookv t4sva troulj enatit me trxaram ro carry tke syttm into tflfclz and whteh wt accordins to the chrrjfciqirndcrl re- vrt to the city ccstndbrbe auppjiefrea of charge and ftarlher to appoint a lufficatt number of cjnalified teachers and hare aji apartment set apart ia said school ffooao a a nlodel school for the micllaad litriet trhik iroufj inout them to ovot on addttioncl grmntfrm the general uno which rrrally tend o lessen the school to city and also to have a day in the week for religion instructions where ihestvara4 denominations ma3 receive irvstruclioa tiorn ibe clergymen or others of their dcnoefllnl- liawi who nay be appointed for lhat purpose here will he a field for an actiro tvaiaer to animate his exertion anil crrounio- hi dilieenec here his sneces is errtala anil will bear proportion lo the ability he ihajl dicnver ihe labor he shall bestow and lfca mean he shall employ hera ho bau nrd mrnis of inftillme prncipks of mnmilry into the minds of the children it i by farmif them in habits of dilisrenee inrhaifry efraci- ty and honesty and by snllxie1in tsain useful knowtedce lhat be can bcsfsrnme1a lheir individual interest and serve the com niy 10 which ihey hetonctwci puroae whttk cannot in reality exist apart i- llnpiiiglhat lhebjectof tiiuinileh will meel your enerl approbation and weill th good o4arwi of the chief sunetlotandanl of udu cation i remain renllemen 4ce fee patrick j mfhrinkvi twktr kml verfron av a city aias kluoin w oot laht am uipii units ot ftt hoaiavln icr of ihr allusion iu ivfi iu ratl lls 1 iuen ull dublin anj propriety of thl tem the rope iflff number of huhawn 1 hv expjteaaod thlr wltltnssjsss sam for that ttitpne and they asntapalmw 41ij uiretm i jtllllnn iht qtrj fctfcsa ihlm 10 do so dhkf rwt sfs v wit wharfs r irtttfufmniai liria raaiasasst iavs