ltttvtwtutwf halters thai lllftn ifid the shaijtea wrfined if the kliaheii m wen wfjllwft lht n deriaion tin loi tlmi tin isitfei hirl ileum am tire thine mliriea lirtnultrm r ut t hnllfnlliiy pk improjver eonnnct toward om nf the re vauwcts t1t neond charge include pat tkuurly the xvmnioii ikonliiis at our cf llir jih pr tsootra with a haw ami arrow and the iresuircllon ru one nf hi eyes simiine tt aj tusntiary lo mag end til propriety the klty itmitn hsi hern netrnilied in reasaiii in dildturr fifllm ilulin of tut office dufiflj thrtttijtmiollllliitouiftrriiltnoneiii iwlwillimandinrf the xiftviry of the ctijr we have been furniahed with fael of milter a iwtliu character m lo ihr coodiiinn nf hie penitentiary tlic cnura puraurl hy ihe in spectors in this iimiiit ve which m uah cully lay before our reader m on aa a deti sun shall be heen furweil uihmi he mailer now before the inspector ofm v yef ku waih n intend to repov lih in the flwfiuv tfhig all that may apjear an tho oihpf provincial paper respecting ihr smyrna ha er went of llli lnttittionebul ri aunts the covernmmt will nfv piat any public earpiiiy wink it nerds the aclire asiirke of the memser fr rruntenac t carry on the war in the home of assembly tlttyurii cattlk show the fohouirir ivermiit wee awarded at the paltbordi gallic shnw held in the vaiafit of baffiefirld on tuesday the 26th october iso iiorscs wrtsirfwwnwfic mnk jo 13 4 vbit tn brrcdinrmje arefimrlotirc 0 6 fwond on da a melttye 6 i thld d do cm caifthhaf t ta p 5 p hm9taddolt tim wuw iu p twlfcotajairodchamr 0 0 s s sand ale o d arelt rumr o 0 m t di uw fcrcuoon 3 4 0 fnrthwl jrtinjcort w stvk 0 0 giowtd ov jdo witw4 0 3 4 tn b coll f 4 tt metxnnsn ii a 0 sd do do tbo kelly 0 3 4 third do do atck mi inirr 0 3 4 firt brvi ipiin wotkinf llrvr sm a cheomit scnr 0 10 0 cnd o j j sen 0 6 s tvtnj do a alrtcot- 0 flosnsu cattte ritwl bull from tto5jen old jao ffccohoai 4hm 0 13 swd do d ha donn l4t 6 w bcrt mitabow awtcnsfnr 0 cwrond do do wat frif mon 0 third do do j jioscmcrun 0 fii bal poir surm 2 jenow j 8 ntry ffiend lank in i or in evriy ttrtw to wo ihrtrfuti warn our aoumf iv ku mny hivi nolnof ihf gora b paaaomtoi lo rtfin ihern blnj rriif dp oed m ovart and mm khr inifmiallom of ibaoo deilp necmot who arr ernloarorlng to exeile onnrceiy alara with iha aole view of leading lo llwir uwn profit by jmcebatitit the note at a ili- conni and aflvi ward iealilnathair fall value f trwm from ihtt bank tvhaja chur 5 0 10 c 4 ibito o tfo av 1v wfcr siatbak heifer 2 jco old j rmorr 0 aand da ibum 0 tirrtbwlbuucifimt j d mv 0 srcund o do wa mcdtlom 0 mj kbrvrlir r v att cown u tffll wl joki of avwiinj oon wo 66 5 0 6 6 5 0 s ci 3 4 6 0 stoma du tual av df alttcowaft 0 do joan miuoo 0 w sheep km to run alei grant 0 woaojd do do gcvrga moorr 0 1hird do do jao mccoiroai 0 fimbortobrredmf eft a- mclotvrc 0 seowd do do john mccuud 0 third du i juho dooo 0 rirkka ram lamb or47 saotirl rivfaot jr 0 acond do do do joba dono 0 ttiird 4m do do john mcolun 0 iabi4 tmt ljttortt j uuftii 0 haraad do do a mcnt 0 tuitf oo do jjin mclullcjn 0 hugs be bnar ftftftecj cbaaoi 0 10 c s it c a 10 g 5 i s 3 g ft 1q 0 1 aompwva manufactures ritotd cloth alaidlow 0 r imkm wljl ctfflo o bcflpvcaof flunnrl jihn cowin smr 0 ftcat wotch wevljcn corcffid john avfc 0 jofjaaaal judhlirh j rr vts rh jrnllatf oiui hoaiudry 0 n floducc lhralarolnupurri2riduler jin cdam i 0 baoood do do alra grat a jnaai jbtaa coona soot 0 i6a 10 jbo ubnr atiuwjn 0 pftatraid o do htieh cowan laipj jo a mooo 0 jfdallkatniotpkl bualtfnwrmml mc4 h a oj do momilton 0 rif do spfinf wfroi airs coofl 0 fianmd do do x c coan 0 hftj dn d- jvhavitton rj jfbavbrot hvibal ryo a mclfilvec 0 ooapt ala dv i4 mcottonv 0 fkal do proa da mrtnjcraon 0 da waa cowan 0 afa t iiurhcowan 0 loo darlcj hiwli conart 0 do do wo conu 0 jo da john miwi 0 aanvplflof j bosh 0a w saftur tthbnwljr 4 srcobd da do jidin wilanot 0 ttrwd dn do jhn mtctfkiai 0 wtaot do rnduncnrn jiao mitlin d km beat do poiaiocv jimrv lane p fioooaaf do do wm start 0 jtfav do di jljn crh 0 xaaomdo tuiaupwn urk 0 v do arch ram 0 tllild do fv 0 0 0 i 0 0 o 0 0 i g i i 4 ftni uoto cintiti is cucanuijr do wo surk john mtltoo find beat do brclr julin cowaa sccnod dm do wo stalky ird do do jcjiomlium jialboaldo onion a- meiijro mmd do 00 a 1fjr twd do oo tbacv bjinit 4pt bm pmmtloof 1 duaon cabbage sbrjjcl cltonijt do do l j h marka- third do do tjooa mcleooao 0 boat lot of kitchen garn scofr 1 0 oltby yan mcctjiawi 0 john dunn 0 firat boat pair gcaor jnim lhor 0 2 ato do jivfcn c rvttan 0 i paij fovu juhn duiin 0 t pair utck juwn dunn 0 1 john bailltr tfrerearyl t iiuldanj scraps origuul aid driril o movhmj ojn cock in k is a matter of rel aaaoaent in england he al jonine of servant in livrty tp rnouit the cockade on their half thit h a priiler cxcwffly anjfopnatcd to tbe tercam of cenllrmea in the navy and arny and bigai- lir that their matter bava aercrd so iedly ilhuurivilr tiaided at home thai orlicrn have hern known rrnratedfyfo tear tlic cockada rmi of the imu of thoc not tn tilled lo warhi ending their card to their mastrx ad aervantv i inren known it pctdly to if ht witb lhoe oko aaaomed it improperly hot in kington iu fi nf rhin it entirely dircid who kafam anything about the wearing of cockadet here t for invtance the servant of a gentleman in thi city bihiit the cockade and they are a much entitled to wear it as the man in ke moon but in the colonies thine are done which would never be eca attempted at 1 iodic the proudeal peer of ireal drit- ain with a rrverrnnr of half a million pro vided he had not served would never presume to allow his servants lo mount the cockade white he noucommissonrd officer or rhe private foot soldier who in after life acquired wraith or even competence would not be accused of impronriely were he lo allow his sriv ants to do it this dislin pii th in mark in former times was worn hy mili tary and and naval men themselves but in thee mnfli days it has fallen to their livery civanis it is a great piece of impudence for any person not privilege to mount the cockade on ibc liveries of their retainers v tttlk llfcaktm or thk civv wo arr huhfy to trim upon all hid that ihvbmllll ni roronln ii now rralnrtd 0 i wonled conili lion and lhat all tho tpiuhenion of our gitod people at in iho coming winter are tike- tobr ajcreciibly disapitoinled there is no unleos wiirr it m created by dm and intemperance and we fear il will be some lime before iheso two erhiflc agents are thoroiiiihly rerrdialnl hy the cily failf matl their nroriiinc childrrn sfartk sirfrt mill reenters in all its luturiance of nllh aid odoriferout elegance on monday f mr gar- lie made a sweep amount the pip and cap tured a iloaen or two of ihne irettrajr scavrnrn we rejoice to learn that none of the cily fathers were on fuot olhvrwiie ihe reuili miht have been very unhappy earlicilarly dnnnc lord eljius visit vr ave not yet trceived a return of the killeil and uiin 7orofv 9tirrr wiist becomes or tin sovtceicss f aldnman rlv o montreal ha published n letter in the ftht of the mih lasu rctaliw in thr moriry found 0oj or lakro frnpn lb perton of ick enucranlt hy the rtfeuactii rjffi at the sleds i hu ts an interesting sutycf and one lo which the covrrment should rive sone attrntion we coum furnish fooie hints on this mallet which would fo to sutniautiolc mn tully apprcheniont it is ron t hum the clothioaj of the drud withoutetami- naton we have heard of an emigrant who many yar4aeo died in a provincial llupi- laj leaving viht ovceiuna in the bands of the aoolbecary hut a the lailtr injividaal oon after h aiv wo were never able to learn what became of the eight sove- rcic rcepiin lhniuat ihr poor minv ard moitrr in ireland did mox receive ihem this a new aehl of invelieation but one of much impot lance tr onto mirror jie ropi fthaia fkixift rwru rumfitf bv literary faueitr lhat mi ja felrrneaird to mrjmtc a dotoic- iihs under jmdiciiu anl mrr iohs fuc aiaifttainllljc lrare cluid ftihal imvinets coddrtiiiinl ftr ohct punished rowii uioatw worlil charaurl be ern m lwv afl uheih the spiiirocej and worthy cor rldbatblields t we arr told mpr mteajdlf c14 ji vi rffuaje- uctiun sale w reserve on mo next november i x l jsibsrkiiiiirs auro building ih- fultowui- lnrnenl viz weil of h siperfve blue hiv vott hauvl iyiktutklsiikrky winimmn imtandv ft ii lluctbeeiu jnoi or fakti and clctuvro tva sushis ivuii fit ifi4 very lw foi ciiahle3 hales ori3li m doslraue reawonce aoar kinsblon to be lict or oll holltr oiitfewuaml alack br cloths piivi cloth fjattiuh a tair when barker canadian magaziue was in erittencr the more generally interesting of its papers was tho tale ol altham capt cummingof anhertt fvlaod it would not bt too much to autrt ibat when the magazine was discon tinued all the sobseribers regretted the nun- eompletion of ibis really exquisite tale we have tbe pleasure now of informing such of the late ubcribers who peruse tbe british thig that the accomplished writer influ enced hv the opinion of his friend has sent the m s s to london where under the aa perviiion of a near relative tbe work is about to be published immediately ft is more than possible thai the london price 1 is may present any greal sale in canada but doubt- less od iu appearance the new york press will pirate it and the western continent be deluged wilh copies at twentyfive ccntt each ta new sftuuca a new freight learner of a model similar lo thsl of the enghtni and rolcnd has jtast been launched for messrs maepherson crane and b in tended for the lake and river trade tbe new steamer is named the coouacrte the cmnascrce will be freighted with flour and towed hrlow far khr tfcrulion of err biieifir which will be of 75 horse power tliis ves sel was built at portsmouth two miles from this city durinjlhis summer and is capable of carrying about 300 barters chrvmrlrk a bill r f the ditiain uf ihe montrri dlitrici ifincouivf prfaarataau will be leuufilt jurward at iho nest searkm by tho aitafavr cenersl baat a new dwtrkt will bo funned whku wlm 10 unkrlnd all lite wn- huwonth lower canado sida viluatcd abwe uw rnot of arernieui aylaer a illrba- bivboibacapiimloriba no dirlikt thi a cwictmn io i1r part of the government which wjj aajrtu tha ottawa ioarrn1f tlw prnplc of ibe opprr twnthipa hair fvr a kof infocd fterind ailalclhu ineahiff id a rfimlcj roifj n tn ibem to be awaro thai ibe have aluaiiuc- cceded iaobtaiuloj liictr dcirv 7roea tarter pjthr hathutcouriirsay hat messrs amawj k ward w simptoit and k ifarpjer inirnd petitrvnin parliament at its nest ssion for a charter to construct a plank or macadamized road from smiths falb lo by- town cjp capt granhy calcrafi her majcslvs pi fbe packet aent in the united stales recently appoinled as successor to the late mr moore is now in new york and is to enier oon the duties of his office immediately jx rd and lad alcsander roaaoll who aa enmpanied tbeir bicchcnck the earl and couut- ev of ki n ilrir trceol voiil tu upper cona 4a hre we onovwund returned tv low and intend iccdinf lo enf iid bv ibe nest packet fnm btton wootreol urntd o tlie keeper of the new york tnmb fuiiiml himself not a little iroiibtrd while thr seven junk celestials were under his charge their comrades frnn the junk would visit ihei in numbers and there i s much sameness i their countenance that it was impossible fo him in tell which was ihr priorers uv too he safe course however of locking the ce door wheu all had come out but seven but for bti life could nut lell whether the seven kepi in were the offender q3 a new glass factory has recently been put in operation at yaudrruil by messrs besbataua detbuhitr this s the econd establishment of tbe hied in lower canada the other being at st jubns fsionabl joesiiiis as fancy clua- thread dif molvbin fje while saioti ic- forty irs blankets notice iahttribei would call tk attention 01 the xmi ihe uhov- meiilioned goods u rt sj as they arc a co r 0 x m firt hue tenifc of slc ward 3 month cc per at eleven sal bn ed r- sa h 23 and n oy ftmibjntapprf mcmillan kingston ocifibi 7 boohs bhuctioiiw without 0a plonday and aj evonln is the sixk messrs ouphev 8c watt this is the laret t assorime 1 of law mkdic ti4 miscml lakeous book in t4riwtt j mentiof literaturvcienci arter offered in kingston alvdock books encap at prifaurincllie l- cwl barnes- burkk ilmffiwkf ktnpton oct 29 117 with afc4 to bk let or 8om xjjrl immeslnho patann thai rmiuinklioim pumily lttaideiieu tin the u nf harnrfitld ull furrm rly ncrupi ed hy crj frajcv and reeehtlf hy mr ttirker ii n a hie tiaruvn i aitarli id lu the hrtifc wjiuli is rnumy and ill td rrpiir and ihv talrlea nnd out- hmis art aiictuj and ennvrnirul fur particular apy i m- naihaniel crtiua in ihc villp who will stiv llie- to let and possession given immediately this nromiaoa tu dmsrti street lately occupied by mr riinafjrurr and ndponmf thu cuinmia rial oltiurj auslicalin to be made ti jdin pattorsiin kq n5tl door kiiitstunuil it 3a at ulin rmi oct rs ir ii l ist7 nr sjoiuou kinmon wt s t o it e a n l t a v e it n to lict i that house whli outbuild e5fl ilifti fi moi ly orcupiud as to b n mr g m ouihk iu seyitiiur icast lhu situation is ndmi- ruldy ado pud eillier fr a slic or taviiu ihcrc being neither t stiuo rr tavurn within a cottokramc distance 100 acre of lawlj 20 cleared t bo lot separately or tigolhor for fuillier particulars apply to john mitchell seymour m ocllu 1s47 83 sloves stoves cheaper than the cheapest mje subscriber retnitw his jrratrful ackiijwlrduineia for hie libfrlo palron- ajjo liejetofore eatended to him and lni leave t inform the public uiat he ia nov maimfac- tuiinj stoves on an extensive scale wlrh enables him tn vll much mlow the usual pices from eseuence in hie bujaincwi and personal selec- livfl of iron ai matkuiaus ale ha vine a number if firntate workuhn the undetticded hriute imt to mv thai he t4tt lum hit oi article equal l any maniifac- lured in the mied sulvf if vu dan be lieve it coil ond kc the snbicnber is manufacturing the bock bot alt cooking stoves which in the estimation nf all whn hsve osed them are found rigfcl a a cooking amatttus no stoves have hern made yet which avc inch uniform and perfect tanfacton wherever they have been well put up and fairly used there is o perfect a combination of poitils etvential to a toad cokinr stnve that he tsiahct particularly to call attehtion thereto the capacity o this slove is so yeal that he las no hesitation in asertms that no other slovc which has yet been constructed i ca pable of don- an qual auwunl of woik so perfectly with an expenditure of so little i nd ituuble book bindery the atmunhum book sloitt baoot street tub suhscnifterts respectfully infnrni ihn liihalitaitaof itiniaiiri and vicinity that liavme auiftaajcd com petknt wokkmbnibry are now prepare i eseeuie all kindx fyiik in iho booh liiiiding lino with neatness and ikspatclt aihhciptioruj uf blank cooks made to oi ut edwaro john djihker ik son sept 10 llr7 sheriffs sale rplle sic of jame4 fhsebs lands mlvcrtised lo bo snu thi day t if psthtnod until the 23docrocek at the same hour and oturc thomas a cortirrt ski rig mid but sitcnirrs orricr midland dmiki sept a lt- postponement piiesaleuf james phasers lanos u further poloaed to itl xmtwjf next t a cokkkit cthenlt mid dst turnn of fars paalw alkv kiajww vrl soap hosin f walaua akaw luraaaobi jv utaurt oct 7 iw7- tmitm haotdky c just rtxkivku una pair cat ii sheriff office kinston 23rd oct it7 j uil 7 lb7 orvi s0d ort 7117 ikkk1ngs 30titaaalavl rsaviaaas tlloal liluy a cav meafa tor rata br ib tiioa riendrv licav soap and candles the scu tulikrhivwuoi kupptjif spicndlaaaupaiiuri aaj vtl rnattitractarcd in kfelnfll ruucbt hendry co ansrvat h uetabea7 bai irriralitl ibe briiiib iotrican uiiel oct 2uk mr hauler oewep 3 banle jassr arj udy belkvlw mr and aim patter- aim fcnn kev jhn barrkv tjrrtnl4 c kaiks mornroal rer h urqohirit curuwall itav w oniae perth juihta majloeh 0k silia j lessee montreal tha rae hsiotu j wtstfrh ciihim mr jonc 0fielie e dicjtjaaoo mvuircals cha fiucibhvoto- 0ik mr tuktae hamilton mr garret i orawall thou mrtmlsri wclnufloo mr scallr do jdri nicholl hamttion mr ralph jones coburf jaiueo fiugibbrpn kiialon mill goira hrodtwo belkvilk ii t bub di k llnllili do willi im boa ibmi baujafaaai in lhiaitton l revd- mmchar mr jtntrn lchf rrrrfhraip 3 j 3 1 the core bank awooij the recent failures tn england s lhat of the house of keij living co the lando ifjentsof the coir bank ilee thr news of this fsituvr rsrhrd ri- lorn 1hst in oiae psiu of ihe piormcc tfiri rvt been 0avwcrfejudieethe public against tiu noiea of the jofc bsok and thst thr koldrra of fuene ot these notes from alarm thst bsve hern excited hare hevn induced lo srilh lhrxn il le thsn ihrir slw we ftlu put ihr pyhlic on thrlr kirsrd jamm fceins rside he dupes of 0sinne persons asjtao rt pprradini evil reports re pectins he core kink for ibe sole purpose of a pee ol at in oo ill notra by parchaiin thrm sl a ji rr n a l ihr e eiii of the pretext innocent itnmf m jnam of whom are too- ready to liaten to the taate rmrrs that sre nut ir ciottaiun whatever loss the siuekboldeis of the gore bank may ssclain by ihv failure of rnrf lrriatat co the public will rtsuredly jrr uathin tor itucs ol the gurr bank are taken in pajaeut as usual oy off foe ufner nu r fht ptmmcct and they are rnlrema hie li iriecio at hmiltoo at before the bills drawn by the uoi biuk udn ri irving it co and which had nut matured at uia data 01 tneir failorr have hecu proridrd tor tboae that were since returned will be psid at the core bsak in hamilton and iwr that an atill u enliod will be paid through mr stevja ciaier who has taken bisde patlure for laoldoo sviih money for tbeir loltnenl z itri probame tbat he fiore rink will lorr cansl jtrawy by tna failure of itrid irinxiv cw mtatia reserved fend of the bank will ukelllsratifliaenlto m too artnt of that fun huhis ftbort ibe rnjm spuen will be a lemporarir dvfrfind to the tockhomvrs all crble lathe pnmie for double the r shirts po that the holders of bank eta iu no way bo losers circa rn lan co shut ha jjiren idt ajirm svravl cavtaomr six men daiearif it irvi oir duir o record a oroas ose1anehtlf acenkor by which ria men hkvs been vtuwcitr tjnelted inti r1miij 3 pippeai that thev had been woikutar in ocdrnttujrfat doling i ha week rtd nrt rclammg home to wiharnabwfgh ihir tin of the river on saiurdvr crcaii last they had loaded their skiff bear ilr veiitt nrro tcrrea a bard of liqvrr and aua abtr snick rpwto immdinsr viavd thcpajirjoi uf duties whan m iha fnlr rprfi oj ai f mis- ih breainrfiurd with water ad inunodratelv sunk krneaih them sod altbuf h ther wsro aecn irom incited milk no rciuce ckjm bo rrimkd tlw namauf inc unfutinilc ti m far as we could learn were robert jtnan ewussr fr lavcqine a jhreh iu otdisbiirjrh iwwrt rilrv a hired awi vf mr daniel carman rf ma titd mrliiurni a n wf mr darling of mfttuds arthur mcnsri another pcrnn whwc naiue wc could not learn rrc trkopa u houi disvcicr atrs tne as- irs for thi district are drawing ihrir slow length arona without affording anjthinc of maleiial interest fur the umic journals the two important cases on the criminal calendar have been derided that of the queen versus pourt avbtiffl for the murder of william oincrjt wherein the prisoner wasncqmtrd and the qntn vtrttts 7uoi fivrrkou for murder at ltoydtown the prisoner was ac quitted of ine capital offence but convicted of manslaughter cofonuf c tn aav ueut col mountain mentioned in the foltuwim patarrah is a native of canada and a brother of the bishop of montreal i ueut ctrl atmine mountain c b of the stilt cameonians has hen selected lo accom pany the eailof dslhoir j to india as military seetelarr to the aovernur genrral tbe ifw poiutment will ht extremely popular in india where lirul col moumfcin is iell knon and much esteemed the lieutenant colonel wa in china during the iste war and nlkd a kiazh stslt itnation under lord then sir hoh cough hi gallantry al canton obtain ed fur hin ihe decoration c b his local knowledge and evrieiice will be of treat ulility to lrrl dalhnriie ljenl the hon we francis tt fane 74th mihlandert accom- panirthr earlof dalhoumv as a id cam p- queber rrcury pao arxiovt wnh rejrei w krn that a nissi ieiiknt hppened l mr ju1yn of hie lsussutsswhal trwce tnuiadaji i sc thw fen tkrann tiila u atjiioawo at gm0 10 difiot the wjnfw altj w tw o n jtnm w ahkifl in lk mtrueiiie aawttsuu when anf uluatjl it bialnwlntc fcee sflae an j taiirered hi kt boau nvt ivarfohv amuas coover- tln qosrirva where ho al once aitcnkd by dr geo on ho medveal sopeiintenocni be hut a eonidcrbl t i blat on fiirr hu to bo irnvuved al ihe hfd fmt a aln a purisoaj of the tliub bui dr dnoclaa esprcaaea a hio nf bein- able it ve tho woining poijww vl tne land rareve avrrery too qiiiinune sm al tfronte lk f lv anl i tm ebed fa tn rvaaon all tlw nealihv a6 uihcra lvo been twankd up and bnt twr p1tcis ftiv linear there both f ihwu couneei ed with iho el lent and lanu very ill of kver william linawyaud llum all remaiiinjfvjwrnurwariswillkodiahfg ed mi tocadny neat the het narned indwdoal lis been nrculvsrly unsrtwie he in already ssutrrrd from inn marked attack of tyorui it as tinfifkr arah that aatsral uf the nurtea blrariuncdfnmgraaoiebavorrnaiup edwiiukvar and died within a vey iv rauaaasj nd otha aro anw ubiwrnc uode tha duta tjiey h kft in ml hea1iiptar it all oroua appaf saibof houses 4uacf dog ctrrlt wavott fh and hear skin rot harness ssodles with various other m cs mvivtsy lit avovcmoer ifo willlaivarb kington ort ho islz ma rimed on tueadar tho cnih inat by ihe lo miss tcserrtt pea bnerr rf rtnrtreai- attsl- ic4ces gliurcji on wednesday ifih jwu by the kcv wm llerchme mr joun humkva pooler to mea esxc- jvrcc buth of tnia city on minday 35th inl by the rev mr llnw ard mr jups kcatim to miasmaav gaavrxx both of kinpleta died al clcnbuiak ibe 2th m ricuao daae scnr an old and lutvcclftfl mhabitant krtemll are revpectnalry requested to attend ihe fuuml fivan his late place of iejcncc on sunday at 10 chick a u on llc inuraine of tjiuiaday week after a prf ractcd and painful qlneao at he advanced ao if 66 year john kvan kq one of tho frinlirs in this colony to tier majr the queen mr iljran waa a native nf rtfda ltand in tbe cnu led slates of america and wa one of iho byat- iata wlro at tho ebiso of iho was of i ndrpenoence left their buuea and that country pmccided t the llriliah north aoseaiean pruvincca and aeltled down on wildcnieaa lands c housing ruthcr tn on dure the hardships incident tu a reaidonco in tliuat then new and partially settled countries than to renoucc the ailcsi n ihe dth cnwn mr ryan etiedun the ailc vf ihe praem ittuthh inf city f st jolio new brunewkb at that lime but partially ctemed from the fcrt sue years aresewatoa uie cnlony havmg rpdu in- cnrtm vn pofmurinn and rmpartsace mr ryau waa appointed lo iho tkc kinia rrrnter in new bunwick which ittlio ho continued to hold until the reimval f the scat vl gtcvnmcnt fmm stjohnw krckiclonwhillcr lie declined tnproece in 1807 being on a vimt to new iouidund he waa induce- iy oftera of ruppoi fron ihe erimnenr ad coinmereial bodv to oatablith a press in this town and the jiaawl gistttr ay ouraerrly avaa pubtiahed by him m ili rrar brinj rhenrat pcsiodcl ever woed in tho tbvauy from that time vt ihe preaent bdnc a norioj of so yean ha hsa held first by himself mi iitfrmir jhnlr with mr withers iho ofoceuf primer to the craw n mr ryan has been a nenapnper pnpretir between co and 7tl yearsand was tlw father of ihe picas in bratirji nrrih america in new oruniwkk mr ryan lienl a captamvcinmiiaion in tbe militia and in this cunty commanded ruse of iho conpsn- sraav voluntecisenrttcdaist johns in 1617 llirnofhot an unushifty protraetcd tcim f es- t e ncc hw dm racier ba bean irreoeoachablc h public conduct ha eve been marked by tho ttneicrt inieeriry and oitfichtncm whiut in private life hit many virtues will be wug remem bered by llhuc who knew him mvt inliinately st jsavs v f cvsrie barker laxative fxp for bilious cgmplants insin the head giddipcs sivkncs jaun structionsi confinement thesreal demand for ihese pills is flierei guarantee for their ucfnlrrrs in sue complaints numerous lestimou toid be i veu if necessaiy from persouf br highest rrecubitiry who have mhn svo family imotjd bfxeithout them ire f sudden sklmest of the nomemirt diesea to which ivsur framo ia hable thero aeaicelyjw i synipioms of which see nt scualy af sjrkby enticed tac of the kwels and lo t se uaia fot sale the new schnuner rachaerf between isooand 1k0 bbs flour burthen shu will be sold on advantageous terms- apple lo m t hunter or r r young kingston oct 18 si 85if for sale sim erior lot of suoar- curbd hamsveryoxccmont j hilllakd mnrkt place oct 137 steam boat on salc lenders ad j reaped to tho un dcraignej will be received al thi fffice until tuesday the 2nd novem ber jioxi for iho purchase of tho steam tuj boat i mrs- hoare hillinea and dress haker king stqect kingston is rae iveaviser utttvpd ayr afr u k begs to inform tbe ladies of tho city f kington and its vicinity that she has latuly came from london with a ht and kaibidible auorlincdl of millinery and dress patterns and she hoprs by unremiing attention to be favored wilh their patfonsgt mourning made on the shortest notice oct 28 1817 4l rcvih iiiciflkiiji canal free rim iaaiit is a point of roch prasssrr imrrrt mce tovy ikirr af nceei h fmltwcd by more or nin eanvenwnccvraiiltiiinc when habiivaiirc ncaa prevjila the cheer fj i v- of hcavwn mparet raetnk b yw decrees an er mi mre raiadjt dracs niako arir iasuai tbe cnuttgliori and in numbekaa im padicolarly wierc the hbita are acev or wlkre fceo ne ia mdnej pcrnaoratuitli bttsainro1 ccsvh- ii nmai be obvurthe mnt anfwftci uleww thsr when tlivi if nature nuw attvjtd lo eie nut efr villi due reguliiitfy asttnce uut le ovarwn art a tract medicine tiwfl btouojc ira1u wy ti- t snd nium be hd iteawru asul utc neccaaily bar cuch aia re ii it u is n qvcittnn f coi aidern tile wiace hai irsalive ahh be eniloyej i nr aprrient medicines ianhiicfou but llrflcia on ihe ifmcrfi vary coo j- aa iibiknec chicny n ilso nkunt vraro ame fnrl of the boel asily whilt tltlir f other extends more n lca u the whdoh leslinal canal the mtcr claas nf a evklently llc best aetaoted tonhviale tairsawl rvnfiiknwnt 4 the auwl as they apjasid ditioal eiciieiuent which nature tlwrlnra tn auint her in the ocffvrmafce vf bcr aovasi lasanlkam it baaorssslj no this utlcr princibailbsj pilla niw nffrtca to the putrc ae rru aa iber activity can be crekd or tesac rneely by ttihinj n lifter or smalkr qunntibcjnot nay fniitii an apcncot mejicine f rpr gne tl oe in a family siat are nls well oaid tn anawcr rirossof llv pupc for wtiiojrysrve ivinedc arc ncccasary the pills aio rwt bnwever reenmdcds n specific fat ilia core of allrfsaseo preihatvroos statciiwnla sre wose ihahcttloa and are only put telb for decepttordoter will prove n valuable rvnedv fnr tfcvrind halo of the burets which lays ihe flmm nf much sotfvrnie tor tlioc oceonal rgcajna lo which all are lublc and frall iiodrenf whieh sriac from an overloaded atali 1010- nsaeh and aliiuentar canal conseqiv deeded bcrxfit will ho derircd fewn tbik ioie nnd painiia ihehcd acenmpmed nasea nrswhncsa in all ileadaclwi wltcoflif uss prevail- ii fuluencks 0 jioo all s ba onv- meocrnient of cssa the early u of in diccaii inpromiiinaheeifiwiaioiwe tliey recjone no enftwiwcnt or chaiu thdiet moderats esrresv wdl asswt ihrfestit- sndv rt p that s apernt they arc aife and ilusciob ma uiwby i j and ehilfren ad alw sea rj af rf i peecnaey to children f five yf at nrt iapwarea vy may be rvsjjit tivenuot aplo tcarc or jtuy and thu dmoy are nh more ey ut eihbitino than prs or it dieacecvfe melicinca prepared aenl old al the atho ronv a f and hy flobeit barker lrvijnka ftef ki alston sold in bwroattj la 3j ta 6d h now laid up al sorel with her engine of forty horse power manufactureo at tho st marys foundry tcrma of payment one ilurj cash on sgnoj the deed of sale onethird payable ut twelve months and tlic re maining third at eighteen months with i interest from date of sale the name i of two responsible permit to be stales in tue tatndcr who aro willing to be- eome kenriiy for the paymont of the iw raai ljmlfwlii tho lloat can be eot at sore1 on application 10 the officer in cltaige by order csi thomas a rggfy secretary pub woik detriment of puhlie works october 19 wi7 j 8i horse strayed strayed from tlic pas ture near kinistoni on sun day 1avstftsmalia white mare cauailitn brej ugetl when last heard nf she was aeon grains along the frmt roa pittsburgh whoover will talo charge of her an let the sub scriber know or givo any information of her whereabouts will bo duly ie warded william massie kingston oct 14 187 in kingston btojinb hciety otice i hrrehj pven that ihe pre mium of 2 10 uer share on the stock of this society is suspended until tbt first monday in january next by order of lh board of director ceorck baxter steretarutr treasurer st jean baptiste society am be rji ay u lell in lyeojo wo arv sorry to hoar that dr panchaitd ihe iiwat4icinof ihomsriflsnoptaj 1 illnf tvaantafavor0 jr 101 piiin native born canadians will held at le soius ceavonnea jean baptiste bbloinge off wedneinu nel 4a novernber at 7 oclock in the evening for the purposr of orsjnniaioc a canadian society all those who arv interested in the welfare of their nliv counlry are particularly renovated to attend cod ou the queen kindlon oct 25 1847 ah city pipers will pkaee cofj untilthe dayof mccung m to let commodioushop in wburgh lately upieil a a general sire by mafaslnsnku titvercaorf all tho fixtt- eoroptfej and no outlay necessary apply if by lettor patdj ul doctuk ca nowl1r conv east october 22 is17 v celebrated hemd0h woflafgi hk cambrian rmifckc piepanjftom the tfi of a c brntti whk payrcii this mniy has boon in use in kntl and wl with great sdccuw firly years ij ia niw fur the fiial timitrirlocej i thin country one tl will ptovej sctcy- prepared and sold ronrnr l mi chumiat and uiist bt- street kingston to la 3d bottle for s e bv far pitch win thusubscribornihijjfhi v siuro niiheidys b rope minlllu iho ship chandlery wai ocl 23 i8f7 tri tl j overyljun n k nalueion stoves stoves stoves ihr subaeriber reapoctfuhy siliciia the pubie ttcniim to his winter stock of stnvtfc comprising every variety including fancy stoves parto stovmi box stoves single and doable cooking stovca of various patterns and sizes hot air stoves dumb stoves ami tin stoves of tbe hum canadian anj united taiea rnanufac ture these stoves for the convenience of inspection axe placed in the warehouse immediately trjjoioing the subkribers hardware gstabtiahniennt on inapec- lion of which is solicited before pur chafing elsewhere j powell princess steeet o 1s7 s33 the iindeislijned having used thme slove lor nine month believe them to be superior to any slove they have evor seen or used and ircommend then a an article tbat cannct fail tueive perfect satifaeihn david shiblev bath james shaw mpuw robert hope vecrotrc n b all orders thankfully received and punctually attended to christopher miller bagat strut hapten oct isi7 6lm just received abrflrsalebythesubsghibeh a su pply of jules hauel v celrbratfd deilalory powder for removing hair without ininrv pateyv to the skin old brown win one lor soap almond soap iftk for marking william edav indelible linen tee hair and tooth bnithes c and a general assortment of english per fumeiy robt barker zruc o apotkeeotu block street kington oct 8 1847 sheriffs sale of lands postponed rwhe sale of fishers lands jl itt further postpone to mon day the 1st november next ex the aarne hour and place sheriff ofliee kinplon9ih oct a corbett sheriff mid dist 1517 jdst rece17eb froe new york at ill atheneum book store per alllens express the smiowixo new pullatloxs russell hy c p r james nonnarjs bridjcc or the modern midas knight of gvvouebv c lever the sbafcspeafe novels by f williams cniutopber tadpole by albert smilh valcre or the lil of la vendee ellen monroe a sequel lo life in london the parricide or youths career of crime pastourel or the sorcerer of tbt mountain vatirt ihe foundlin by eueene sue inifrof hah- rt- v j the cnmandcr of malta b t sue die myteriesof london one copy ofttieman in the moon bound tlic countess of moiion the count nf monte christo st filter snd si lame life in london kiiy owiore by s iviver valentine mccltleclsey by carlton lucretiahy bulver ardent trmihton by cad martyatt cleveland a tale or the catholic church marrraret graham nr ihe reverses vf fortnue a simple story by mrs inchbald the insizira of the free masonry in europe the rnval arch orfrre rnyal arch ulatious kmgtloflt oct- 1817 arch- lamps lamps lamps rrille subsef ber hsse just received m a larre supply f cnrtiviua patent solar lamps ol various ss comprising stand hang inr and fsule lamps lo which they ouu particularly invite the attention if the public they have on hand a aup- ply of superior beer pumps which they will fit up to orjtr alsn in aomitioii lo their usual atck of tinware and stoves a quantity rf hv patent 5ummer and winter air tight cooking stoves f a chow n kingston oet is7 83tf commission uusiness he suhscrilier having commenced buiunetiaaacimmitsion merchant in the stone btiiijiurr at the fot of princrsa street in litis city is now pre- pare to receive rnmtimcnra and transact humncas generally in tho commission line hi extensive stores and cellar ore suitable for iho st race of any tie seriplionof gods ami aro considered quiio aafe from external risk of arc from his long expeiitocc in the trade of this city tbe subscriber flullcrs imn- nolflhat with toiijuou attcnttnn 10 tho interests of ilmso wlm may employ hirnhu will he uhlo m qivn suiisfuctioii chables hales kiafffttin oei- is l7 for sale blf the subscribers nlacpherson l crane kingston augual 167 military books just received rille qiieeitn recjlalions and oniers for the army puhhhrj hy authority field kucrctc ano evolution of the army 37 nlates pubhahed hy authority li tilit infantry and rifle csercise jacksons treatise on military surveying with plates and diagrams suahlistrcaiti on frti neat ion and artil lerv wilh plan fce gcirea field battty exercise 13 plates army etonates for 1si7- dacuilara observations on court martial collection uf warrants and regulations la ihe aimy on matters of finance dolcs military catechism army lil for september a few copies still 011 hand fr sale by r c chalmers wesilreal october 5ih 1s17 ship ghanblbky no- hardys buildings wvtllfalam donaldson having t t puichaaed all my stock in trmje ami interest in the above bstahliabmenl i beg t recommend him in my friends the masters and owner of vessel m t hunter wlle sucriber having enteroil into the ahive business vmld call ihoalientinuof his friends and the pub lie to ii establishment where will he couianily kept on hand everything in hit ship chandlery line wm donaldson kington ovt tl is47 so if m sheriffs sale of lands on saturday the 16th jar of january 1819 will be antdai the court house in the city of kings ton tho undermentioned lands am tenements aeiid by virtue of sevetal writs of ficm facias issued irt if th curtifihe midland oistiict and tome directed vie john oupihnt plaintiff george yarker arndanl ah ihe right title and iiileroot f defen dantin lot no 13 otb conceasiun lo- bortkiglt john carrutherfrututrfr vs angus mc vicar jufennt and the bank of montreal plaintiffs angds mcvicar defendant all tho right title and interest of the de fendant in town lot no 3 93and also oarl of lot n- 2 t conceviti ktngstonand village asot in poatamouth being part of lot no 19 i at cuuccssinn ivtrosliip of kingston sale at 12 oclock onn tacorikrt sheriff m t- sheriffs office ktotpioct s 1s7 she riffs sale on saturday the 4th day or de cember is 17 will be sulj at the court house in the city of kingston the under mentioned l ts axl tftxrvextsl seiied by virtue nf n writ of frees frems ued out of tbe conn of the mid and district mil to me directed vix william slmpsoniuanlrf john 0r0ieorfanr all tbe right ntle and interest nf ihr efonam in lot no ioi in the village plot laid out in tha wvst half of east- half no 42 1st con kingston sale 12 oclock noon t a lfrbbtt sheriff m d slirriit- office kington 1st sepl levl7 sapdlert establishment rjlll e subscriber rospecifnhy inform as hiscustumern ihnt he has removed his business from umck street to princess street vex cw fo mr tnvnut brigg hard ware stare j ttbro lie hooea to b favored uith a cmiuitunco uf pubbc iiirnuaice j itkeves octoltercih 817 nulm for sale at credit a handsome fr year old canadian poney woll brnho atiply at the oswego nuuserie8 andfloralgarden mr j w p allen ha som ma interest in lh- etawiafiraent 10 e fe s sheldon ihe busiueu will hereafter be enmlnete under ihe name of sheldon it kline air allen will in future dew hi time as an amateur a net market cultivator and has very kindly offered us his services in tbt introduction and testing of every new and tare variety of fruit of which we flatter oiimlves we shall soon be able to show ihe aittst collection in the union especially of pears and peaekesf to which our soil and climate seem teinarkably well adapted the mtiiion of our nurseries hern- the most north etly of any in the uaited slates bcin situ ated upon the iramcdntc sbote of ihe lakr ally rxpoted to the wiuds which at the sane time that they serve at a protection to our mere tender varieties ol fruit render oor trees much hardier and far more deiirable for trtnsrrfvru- rtion particularly lo ihe canadas ami west than those truwn in more southern and pro- lectrj itscalitiei and on atiroulatrd mil our trresarealvioeousand healthy and perfext ta free frm tlu numroum airs aria inuh moirofare ivatrieracs urr infrtt4 the yel iaws of hi- peach and the froarn saji and fire blight ot the pear are aisuti never ft in these aoiwvt wc would call ihe attention of the pomic to our increased srl extensive stock or fruit and ornamental trees ru1hou flower ronl htuhi herhaceovii and creenhoe plant fcc oot twentylive acres are etiusvhy devoted to the culture ol trees which coniit id part of t tees suits otv for iratisuiantin lo the orchard of garden 30000 peach trees of ihe largest sue and tba twit and most popular sort at 25 renti each 10000 pear treea including off ihe caorvri varieties 50 cents rach eacrut a few rarr kind and those of ela sxe 75 t ho cents in addition roojr onal mock of pears we have a few hundreds of thr osrrrgv peisrrty a new and inesliniaue pair maaafapj hr now tee tbe trrat time ortered f sale and only in be ooav w ffon throe nttneritt 2 tat trees two yer old trnm the hud or craft 12000 apjile trees iuelndinc everythine thai is worthy of cultivation 25 cents each alssa vry euennve and deairault aiaoit- mentof plum- thnries kectarinea aijeirotf rrape raherrio currants juspherriei oirawherne 6te itc aji acking of trees and planu for transpnr lalioa done in a msnnrr lo rendei their succest as ceitaiu it the diatance uf a thouanj mile a t our osvn town personn muenjainted with dilterenl varieties can leare the selcctloal with us and be sure of obtaining the best all orders for this fall shouhi be sent imme diately catalogues sent gratis to all jt- paid applicaiionf address sheldon it kline oswego n y 0tjeo sent 28 1817 iriiish whi office kingston october 4 187 w o tinsmiths anted immediately ooe or tn iro steady workmen to whom good waijra and constant employment will bocivon aoiily tolliosuuacribera ek a ciion princeas st rent kingaton sept j8 1617 73 tf n oti c e the undersigned having boon ap- pointed agent for tho columbus 3jbjnb isslsiace rohpinl a now preparrvl 10 t f eeury description of premium thomas enifigs ke marine risk at modoiate rales 0 rice pr inr a street kinjstea jojra ienl 8mf 1d0kiso blassahlttltnat ihe subscriber ha on hand a band aimo assortment f looking glasses which he will tell at low pricce hoooiahea rrat plaaauro m irs- farming thj public that ho has aeejvred iho aer vices of in expeneued oiljur from the city of new york aod will therefore be enabled to maoufaetara portiiillnnd picture frames both plain and ornajmrntat in a style na to besurpaasoj old frames ravgilt iookioo- glass plates insetted in old prime wm boyle rfttiinrtm street ivuriv onxarilt w ivxbon cua7 kinsston sept24 is47 77lm city of kingston citt cicats orncccrrr llato kiuptoa october i 1847 jotice is hereby given that tha votehs lldtbr the election of two a mermen and two councilors fr eah of the reifieciiv wards in thu ciry for tbe year 1348 are hung up iu ihe ciy hull for tha iaminatino of all eonceruosj aiid mill la continued literal from lha first ilayufi ktorabrt3tbetwatieth day f novemkbk 1847 cj a insheiion from he boor of ten oloek a m to three ocloci p m aol any pesnn wlio shall claim uijm adstasr tiilhcsnid viterb list o auy aarhtor who shall desire to hato nj oijss expuned lhcrccrom prrfur hu rcijucacin w iuuiignod with hiapamts titatiiii llus ward ta svbich he belonrs and shall cause lhfatame 10 be ilelieetaji totbociiyclfirk fcfij ctjje ffaiihooliciti dayof noeerutviv 1 an 3 flan just rectihnjat 4 klw copieiof the secret tribunal by dujoijv isaoel of naeariaby co kurllajf patjawirs the inars 4ycsay c tury tbc liilitntvcasvy juaa frmrr initlln cti f eiuij tru- dita jc ut gnsnestfby m 0miv4ts lore hy tvrn carletam inemeuor r dayi of tcaawd5ajl septit5is17 t nw taayp just received at to v ateesedm book 5thh a ruppur or n edr mrvmriek i ruekiasev dt loswe cnujina ol osujajsa red v mainiart do v stccnena 0hjr jnd a rajaastuf m nf fttscfc oaeelae kinflon a- iiim7 wl mjsvf a for the million nmot us time for all ejussfit tpra oidt tiemsejoc toith f suhcrioeat rraapnfi hit friejida to know teaktasr manufacturing all miatta sof qualiptaq wintefl fur cloth w comprising coara citna mittxsliww murtlera cajjca c gentjemerf stris capes imjmu sic mufts busvi tiipcta capa anu gloves for l id its skitiatffiarf 4 all other kixsdb of fobs mjs to 6bjb j a vtcd itit onh ply of busalo busea ft faximj other fancy skioj tat writf robe mado to order at i juccu prrcc the arms mvyplicd fn afjjafj m tfie jhvttejt notice j av mtdwrxtm wl rfnston is7 re valuable a l b s t a t i for salb that large and valuabtrj fajjat beluniug to jai rtisxaj eaxuin kotrwn as fuitlea hill farm arasrjarlj saiuaird on use moturasal kiaj only three miles from tit city containing about 540 acres of which oam now under cttlufmitoaa thq remaimlor buing well voojod thure ia als pertaititui to ihe farm aq nateiisivc marsh from which anliw- moiise jiautiry nf good fodder for huitjed catu may ba annually cot re aliening iia mai desirabirs farm aoa an extensive uaihy reins clmpoaed of what waa origin naif tbroo dfmiiicr though contieidoai farms uiz one nf 96 acros oio of 200 and one of c3rj ac run it ia atill ao w divider with excellent fencea ta era jmit ulnacli being occupied aeparatelj if deaircd tk suir aj sold 1 and will b erect ton a aro foot dwelling bsmm two wiih stables ax there are now upon the farm abeiu 200 tons r hay and 50 aeroa umu crop of wheat potae coro oaw piaatocsand tjroipa which wfrbtpu of horses a yoke of oxeaj astal tt farming implements may be had ut valuation peyabu in 6 and 13 rneanttis fur further informatiod reranhat terms which will b eary libaraj and other particulars apply to tava prv pnetortorto ouphant fc vtkttt 4rcmmxsyt knipler ak agvst 1541- 4