fresh groceries at thb city stork colxbr otkirg princess streets xikflstos wholesale and retail rtvfe snwarihai are now reoeramf from moo x trwalao n yrs their sjtac ioyply or stisjuts coffees fruits liquor wines itoo and tiit end tew t- a of l sro liooortaj lowrin pnoclhiiiiir yet nflerr m tnr mirhel tbofelwwiicoeocnnaapartof tiwe rew geoda t teas 100 bow yoovir hjton veriocwqitjjiiice r tmhtay do 5 ou llraon finp 2nhl do 4ft javvcalooacr 20 cfd4r bo h do do s olieea fcwoisnona i sugars infidi3rihirortflioa 1 0 wirru ko1 croahed 10 yawhavaneh 4lwijmmod loaf coffees jttbowiijni 4 java j knoftpv tobaccos m iaooerijaw feaopcrwt t w tie t 4 sp alien- p tbo7 soot search fttalasses liquors 3 do flruax llo vi bw do lurpor w sinartv rrt ope wlueaey 5 caave jowa inbollk bbuti i1u1i flmofervmi d 4i ioaotuee 0 wfw-ttwrl- wine 2rwraievrne fruit itfe waxaetd tuwrm sq cviu it ewaoiderl jo kuc ikji rrunco 5 do wltt 4 s d sa sync atnannpav sun d nits 4 jhtw rice jo bnrslawl 0 do he brae 1 ceaelriolge 1 crtt t iu fc 2 vfcwwws i ov i4i ctmftr r i d x immi o i 0f tvwi rop t rfipriii o- w woo sawco j 4 nakn j oiu cv jevlotd so l01 cofp ttftfkal 1 wbwae 7- 4kofsil7itj 10 avne- f- ttih rwprrr if ir ctj lnm too dwacnofto ncrtiotw opwibw schooljookso just received at the atheneum book store 7 fobawing school booh boston academymtio olncyi grftlay and aluf kirlihanij gianor do eiocuuon wilkrrt diciionmrr fiuockf cowiwjta enlin do do- hooif do 49 crete jbmmi 1647 muu mandarin sauce tjie fleftt vit kxtaxt fcr irxiv om sdp- u tbf ftoftf sort start ftsj- h m bucturyrcobopfjant lir cini4a auil- lm7 i to the lovers of the wood william martin offers ut solo wkj4lc ct retail o ohmcolof hiimi prineipo tsnotcii ind lhe cwulo orihochgieci bfndo citnttiu ncoovw otww4o artwoitic cjtoreicut nrctovino jvn jco and turkish toicc0o woutlsqoor fnnfiioajiac mi thb colonial lite assuhaiee compact t auff rrf onrf mpoictt wdtr ait fl far itovaj 7 8 fid cfcop ho cat- it ai- 600000 8t2rlthg otaotniiaoroatmtftjapotof jriectio assurances on the liveo 0 pt7iofu mittoaf m 9root lopiormf i laf coionirj o crwu flrioifl iufioor cticfptoxfrri eoixicion mtftifll lofrrpt slfl fymlibiaij 19 uttl st jjeocfl sifter 5f lmioojotjin bit potent auticombnstible solution for uu fre7e3tloa and exunctlon i ornm a abovt ontoed lijuij hereby noil- a ho public thtt ho is tiott pro tirej losoturait- nu fgoma lioostuaml iiilj idgmiefiil with hipic4jl ami- coidbuihblo lkiiifji hicli after mmny mrt tritl tal experictk km been fxoni to bo fully adeulto too pur- mooofo which u wo ioventcj tilt potout anucmnhintiblc oolu- rrolfi by thonunn y an liirinn wfio will jrive hqvmf ll6 iroauto lo6ilow tho dircctido of uo 1 nvror or u will be pfhtvobtkw rkhoeribcr pertfon to litftapot sliojs sublo fenco4c wlioro it may bo nwtjoii at hit expense tkfiewfp- square yirxl- forwrluer fonkubra oply if by totjvpootptid to tho suthftribor at ihojow jjrtverf gromi uaj neof kingston ot at the abeorum book ffwre john montgomery tiomon july 187 573oi v ceneit a l agency ahd coumisstos office 6 barge yard buklcslury london t hokooat co4hocatil kewo ukiit tamtc anoy ovi nvy fhatewi t v stmt- tfsfofoano jtlritttiorilly sim 1 ox us ivabt gdcftd dgtnit omj conmisioft mtrhants rbtuk i ffoicm ih nk fj t fatrtro to um ficao ooi the coo pumk n raf to oittrto ofdco vt suppu bs any lr offvltoloiniy t llio t urch rki pte t ck j r nj uxu ic 8uti mm ih nwrt tfkofoliewwirrd thrjtrft wotly toojavi wnu rjrtr lofu oi riihrr fto or trtrt j ilco or 4 rcfcraco to r loojuo r ltwovi 11 map lo utyirtcftl nvwtiof oy 0criinvr of aikrij nlh2e ohtoom oo cmaioik m4 ccpt bilu ol hiiqiit on ro- imooli en i atlantic btoivas the bo krtctora ibftfcd trfl mh oo omoi wnoty 0yffv 0o4 iho ul1af lfuo co uumui io tuoif e will mco wiri trir vmililr 4ityoioh io their rl oo s lr c wi lot fmni oifoim ia iac iutcrratt of if gonwfoor an ritciwito kinrw of tionol qsrhdlvan ml0ef fctukj dvia- i002 nooooo o itatica ooa too othf ve otio iundo 4 soqoto tslcntjff fnt of bn nrctomduic dilib col ih ctrif 4ir iwpotlikouiiin4ojimri7nkni wnltioytrocoivtc thcoio ifivv mtufciljioj felftm mj kr toco w kick coo governor the pt hovbtgtiie barofelga and kincardine fownwrcrfcf o conaja- thr capital of the compmy x500- ofk antheoiwnarosbofehouon of the cmpany tlfk rates rtc hftn formed on hie most correct ob- rations wltich eiut lotbe tolue of life the profits or th cotnpaoj will be fechoiof and iwiited cohain inter whefteaeh poticy hiata flit to particiott i ihc profit wir ikaro in tho pond to be ojlocsteo h ouinun amwijt the aauh advantages afnflnxoterdaftugh hm out by tbl company lo whicti uie irntiin f ihr pusj cfpocullj roeote the mlowiof nay bo oofftieoftrfafd the swuriy o a irtrre ruorontrrfl cojnor ii the javroferocoprcoiiani m- be paid yaty or halfy mly at ine i of toe pinj mripr ihttlo tnoroird faalitiet fo i ouurc a reginb reidene ond troptfiru th- iufc tttfatfly vwi- vafkr w m pjtucular w omurfmnot tibcrtj to paubustwn ixudtjqrwjlineyadmu bttitizt arty mra intmcon ptfrf ansany uroneon poro7iy timt o f a ycor uvnool rrm r need ibmoe under no aport- hcinru orhiinf ihe beneitj of ibeir policies by ihn ominloupcroajo ioadftrtent cn their parti o p4 ihenouco rfquioulbjoili jowpanicd cl their inunucu to crjane ai dojioiol o at mootreaj being iueitedwilh ml powersrorxtrntfic jno ttbdmcoeiit of pqposals paluog the coupirtt outbo ritk at once wilboul cooi- montoabos wilh tho ptrot board v- the emnptmfnm stamp oiuj h- fronc for or any orter xponae ia tfftelvg autsiwtt vl the latt of the compaiij beihg uiayo jjv auarancc office tineooiee led with cither fire otmatiue bttutiaca cop of ihr 0oranjftpftolosw tables of kotr for aitiirance wit o- eirtaetlboulpiofiuajrf binglo itiwt jomluei andsfirvwonihiuo fcr the wboje un eylitr or for i limited jiericni taejhei with ootry olhet informxlion raay be ob tained oo tpfttcauou h the office of the company by order of ibe directoni- a davidson parker motuigfrfor cunodo branch in- cahada- heaf officef montreal nt9grcml8t- jtmostrect- di acc torn rfov pvtsr mcill charrroaa tktid davidson o alkxit simpsom et iibw camsay 5o- criaistk dunwk eao- mcotcar anvuca geo campbelt eio h- d aoucitoa john rose eso- auaatjca atexil davidson pabkrr eo unc ofkfo th uuori f mofmnt hove oho born eaubtihc4 at tho mlewiof plaoea ia brkiob worth aokticat kew bruswickhcooseo s jaho atnt dvaeaa t- u t t- tova scotia ltdofncehhfaxafete jams siawaatt i d c j tewt f a at for wet imdigswat jamaica trioaoodv barbode untiol cuiana foft afstralialo sydney and adevide poftcape colonv ocpotoiro for east indies and ceylon la coottn mohraa buoaaft and colovi ta jnooi6 ib4l spklnd and summer new dry 809ds tvtksbacjibcivaratohwf he privo dle a wcuvtocuj jtlicntaf british dry goods i tris last supper by ltvmitdo da vincl mom tot calaaoato r v sl by i a p u a el hosuhen tliiamjurveeeio ita rery roin haf vrvn wtee and eme deatied to enjoy a otjr ohtharnoaiciriteiic n the tvelljaqtfq odomtaltt enivnc of luphtl mofjrheo ojuallof the wajipoowimhtwaa painted bmefusme4jfttodat and frut pawcopim of mr dicaf heaoiifat l5f ckbratedpie aoavoat rod and for late pfiee piae jmaajaa ui kau al i wcimeum sool caiir oe iton for sale fresh teas sugars coffee tobacco fbuit and 01heb staple groceries liquors glassware c oc rphe looacribara are receiving nd offer x for sale u midi aluacoa4o stiaar woma do do 1 hhdrjindloor do i ijiovcobomolaoko 75 half theau younf hyn tea fina and pjii 0 thorn old mjn 30 bk dicala gperir twanvj jcp 90 porkri olacatea souchowti pochoo mnd rno so ufa rjo- coffee 10 hbla fioji muied o 140 boiea malabo bunch hiirn jo prima 70 boiea tobaeo amalie ffootyde ca- feodioi rtsaot traaefdnoilaid li jam moecouw sons 5 m pnoeipe ond hoiaaoh cica 40 iohii laia and 3 bf auoito 12 doa aaorted pichle and 0tu ond pep- t sii r 20 boiea louono siafeh 10 boom coftdlea 50 oot cn beim so bsct 7x9 gcoan shod glaaa floo ovi eaaaed hot and plain tooiotatav 40 ijoiiloa pi i ik is bhlo na i lletitng in twd oomdiiion manilu bed gftfd cotton twinc hemp do taper aad locifc matchea loj wood vcoeuan red and aundry ahaf articae it aooaaaacood vinear 30 hoe moton- siknm cofnae bdy jntaka rwm and holland f ginby the hhd or omer caafc a0 i ml m pkaior pfoaoie co oo riti jtrmjd wer lime omndn stt coftfuntt on tand 500 dot ut rct- oliphant 4t watt actin 4raaaoiianaafraai ktofvtm juno g lom7 fresh fruits recei v just pfoneain jf prcaettod cincf ed almooo btaail nui fitbottfl walnut rif a po nou condied lemon and ofong whokoak and reub william j martin mafhc scuarc klofatoo i2ih june 1847 new importations teas ft groceries r0b5ht all bttock stkert kingston the submriber lejnecjfolly neoleaaeto inform hia town and country cualomere that lie it now rcceiein hia spnhg stock ol tea wines spirits otc citefolly kleted hj pertonal iofpection in the montreal and new votk matheu hiipcrtent stock compraea aowo others the foloiti- articln teas cu4powdir youtip mrwri trnaij hro saio lekoo caper 3uodiuo suechoaecootouand dohra sugars moaeoiido supertftr alt ert iodla do donate rtfioocfo4ko nouaou coffee wines 0 woon oa aorrce c j madriflrdostfy l ptenorifle hooia pofl andheiry bcoecaiu claret mmlauojwwgid polt- spirits old jamaica lm iud cotnae ofandy hordum rr tfotltndcitcoeomoflcvn canada yhi4oy sootoh whialwy 8aouom gto io 1 oox caoea chaeey pepfqrmint inin portet irtd palo al in qqarti siouton etilir matieow ean do via da dantxie curaco aad tilbcf lirurr groceries cartas pttila rof qviinta jejtoraoa dfitttj uaift frtohbuier finound sopeffine ficmj rtfl uatoicml plain craeaeto potabd ftali barky btctfojina h poarea oic voocelli wacaronsaio atrxtw iwt fallot barley and lmnfuaa motraaowuojol ivajid ilbootoea dorhanamjiirh sir -wrn- cnliio ui and yr1ff caotca woj perro waa wiflva mmijp tin n fine oil tea odof litcipool fine and bethel rcftnedonrf wo laoricc bmffo white and eatt india sojjar candy fjurr0eft jjea and xjcmooa bottjomanaou ahclted hard ahelloo and bivler almmda boreo1oaia bratoj wajnot anl haul kota malaga turkey veleacte and muthalcl rawine ikat zaata cofranta plume beat tor hoy pif 6ot freah plome in jan paaaraaan fauira citron orange and lemon peel eai tndiu ginaer bottlx o fa vtt dam aona grc tjga j m r arj poaehco ptcwte miied ouiont walnoia piccalilli glraini cabbage cucombera hot reppete sua moahfoom ketchon waloot oo harecj uoitcrtal kiftr onde lodjasoy satad ojltcapcm ohrea aoeboeioaarid conk powder scjcoaiaa sb blue cloe chmpt whiting uaoid and vaair blachinf ttrioe wafer wiapptojr and wntior paper hoo thteaj ninhiufhla baih bfek tobaeo od ppoa ct oil io qoarta and pintaj window ra cod0 fahir- ltoea beer and wieecorha tuuand corn broomr fhhpowoafi laoojoigopporaa alum saltpetre ep4orn and glubfrsua hream of tartar selphor bidwtoo rope matt all aitoa the suhcribet anures tae public lhat the whole of the anorc articlee ate of the ery beat quality and will he sold for cash o oli sper ailen prompt pay or the lowert pojiajbli cilfhu kinptonmay bed bug robert 1847 1847 rideau canal and qrenville rfttt tbi low e at 9 a 10 24 p n 11 3 j a 10 pj 9 i s 41 i- fl a 3 at p- ranidtt perth captain fenw1ck ltrllpdlrn ihcmanibeiwrea kkpi tf and bytowooidvietoraamtolkrao downwards wlllltaea kmfaton aeery toeaday kiftftion hilar iplr urevera jhoea falto oliver ferry smilha folia e wa jfteay merriektilte borvlira bcckcira landing u lnc lata and aniee io bylon upwards wih lotto betoorn crcy fridoy at uniitand deekctralaridin- m bfrfilie merrick banitha folu every saturday i qlirerrfc 5 inhmufl 9 jooev falta 1 upper brceri m icinffatonmill 7 m jflrfomaela kiofaton every satorday at 8 m th mborc bom i rmi in coo nee lion wilirrfour ja it y vtcairvera betwtcn ciiw ndcfeoia ind mudtftol and ahvtda to weatero trxeeatea too bea4 roou to the cledoni spring- fo freiehtor faioie bannj ropprieioiuo accoftnaotiauooipplyto the maneimoowof to machherson u cimn kiofaaon bth jona ib doneganas hotjl 1 84 7 tle propitor of thi ekawiahmenaw may to be eoid l have no neal th coolcrjmtof amcrie hea to retom tovahiv merooo fiondi and ti i r hi mual n gere thanhi for the rapport renenjuir ieobto lo hin nrco ha re trvm sv paul fteat io the nrejcnl eaiamiahsiem in notre dame street tbaboooo formajty ih property of sttajvao- riah eoq ind aflernrdi uk v-o-bnta- rr r lorrfi fann nd srenj tjurinjuwpajtycamh wholaof tjfta immense establishment haaooan completed to tha first atyl ooorm tm oud wtih otery peoaieion for the erthfct ol iaitora tlo furniture ia of rviaoat ekly dosenplnn and tho povieen fcrallaa- inii i ijli a doieriplion oi mora to rtcnbjc itr brfancmenb in l mundion of a r jnv and fofluae lban thoao oiually raelio houla the sitoatiok la central and within champ da mora ho ca rf the rvmfflt foifiqn lav mac 1w7 aucct and picklcs vlabik aaaoftaaant of fndon pieklaa aoi oaxe f o- oaio at the je or laatioafojlai frw ltrcrpooi cipiilinf of wrb aod tirey icanartneu pane od tweed drill rtto3siogytui dooaeatka wljua ijchiiki utcatin siiirlingr 1 ti i snehe blev while and rovpjred iuliana nhy and two otoa priattaj fancy 6oa etyla 4o caekadaaar aod block satio vcet- taga and vcat katlfh flonalru bo i 1 madoar hrilnnnib hdkra humer cirnu red apouad ofaoa aad blue p3 pnrhcl do- in jim ilt conha panmalia and black jalin dowr albert and 8aitn palla irbarorcdt il chiai cotton werud dro wioia jrar aaaurvnent of ecodjmda tr0wsers and vesting alio a ocoaaajiraartf fronn london direct par m jwha bah aad juat atrjfad aara i j caaaa aooarior vat rat wapped fvarfs and london hats oupiiamt i watt turton hap w i47 certain aodoffectoal remedy fordcairoy- ued uog on apoficatioti wli deatroy alliltearexirnaod prcreni any rclomof ihec diaajrccave fawaava prepared and sold by robert barker dtkuu brock si feci kirifatoo paict 1 5d and q 6d per bottle incomparable black japan ink makoracxuokdt wuolc5al asn ratatl it the athene um book store kingston canada west an eny distance hcerata 8i andfaiaee ihe banka ike govern nwnt tha mort houaco of li r dtttrrenl rvime fld 0era of the diffefent mihlarr drpiimc l city ht4 coert hooaa and other pobltc hwdjnv itia on aa elevated aitc with oban4inf ar and uhl and haafrorn ita front a rplen over the mat eaponae of the mtfw st laarnrjiee white tf eyo n urmctj by v ipr dobaoiid wcoood ahaoea tha beaartirol ojsihcleor ind iho dukiul mojotair the eoetew towowhip aaaoaa the eanveahencce will be six bathing room aw0 a paro nu erpenao to cvo aotiafoctioo to ahwiro may honor hiro with their patronaca the tjtf a numser wjiich the iloi of ma rnabtei hual4anrare mil adoaai of h charfaoeiof very rcaaonbjc carriages willbe alwayaio attendance to convey parfioi lotndfrom tho stemool wlrarn nd asc tjp per canada and ottier ktaic oacca anvl tha vrooriotaff enaaeare noexartlon to makeawctew eauwiahmrnt eontinoa wortlty of uav nocral patrtiaarowhchhfl cccirrdaa ivc- lyoi xmdoneca5a montreal may 14 is7 caledonia sprinss the canada housfi the subicriber ia expreatibf hia obligation for lto very liberolfturort- p he receive j during ht precjitaum- met beg to inform the public that the canada house tepin opened by hin for ihc rccrlifn of vieiiore and he fnoal reancetrullyiolicila continuance of tlieir htronab he aaoiireathem that he will spare ncpaina to odd to their comfort health j re creation since the eloee of the last the house and grounds have qnhnftone many important alteration enl trpo- ment which it ia hoped will awmoihe eocnfort and convenience of vhwhrs tha dining room has been conkrlfltatmy enlarged and the bar removed frot tbc houeo the subscriber io happy to rfflff ihn miss moarat wbtroeaiienliontctvaitora imo well known will still rcmnfl springs the catodoili sprinp prc rrt advantage uf h variety of jfcedicinal waytere weknowlojged by the rn9crn ncntofhe faculty to be each of kinj unrivalieil in their efficacy f me euro of tiaeasea and invigorating cfhee the salt and sulphur baiha tw in full operation from the use of which t mosi extraordinary benegu have heeftvred the stages will leave monlr ry morning sunday excepted oath at ht springs in the evening the charges of the canada rnwrwdi o the sanie aa last year namely ry iha moftlh xc bythaweea h i si 0 d roiau 1 mr vi 1s47 qlivkr rra maouraelorea all kinda and coart t printing inkf newsy job and boh- near the tobo aod troy miua trfi for sale 100000 issuhwz dolivoretlin juno next apply to william j martin jlforlref square kingetrtn 11th may 1847 notice she undervigned forbid all person crediting any one on their account mi written nrdaro signed by oneol the firm or by mrjamcs j i black h s jone3 kingto a gqih1gw 33h t6 let mthe house atpreaout occu- juiilpicci by thosubacribor poaoa aion given odlbe pi rat day of may next thomas a forbetr 1 ktn ii 1h7 mif t- 3rn lsenejm bay ofqulnte new anftangemett 1847e tua jflr- aao couxodiqds queen victor c a pt john bar downwards willi btlumtufor every monday wed friday afternoon at halt past touchtog at tha intermwdiato upwards- leaves e itrowno ft c kingston for belleville everfuexjr thursday inj saturday aft ovloek or iqimediaiely aft of the montreal line o thereby frrmitig a direct mtinicaiiod betweeo that bay of quince fry- the above sleimrj apin a superior mtuncr wiir rooms and every attention paw coni r acd accommrpjation ofw c bouoville ljt juno rharf le arrival enayjiera com atrdthe forwaping foit tj1e undenined ha7 nto co paritenhtp for tha jarf carrying on ihe fobwardiv bu8isbs8 between kigsf montreal 4 fiaa kw the ri4m fa riper troykcbruaryjlcu7 zt tho above ink for eat at tha oonk store kimittoo fee 5 1647- ornca of tut citv distfe kingte april co i8 5 the subscriber will for ip fdl receive all orders and if rt bhtineaa connected with tho diqvptv biaofficenextdoorio mrsftarms l entering on mrbrowna whart roge nva supply of whisk tltvays on hand and cah paid for cogaia during tbo entire season blank deeds foit 8 at th a atheneum book sf deedscrran una i 46 dawdiof nfzaina wiui 0 do martfi utid wtl jfor of ot po do with her of howe r mcraoria witii bar of uower lo wiibmt fur of thwr alaaycavrrt v uea fkooh a cogrtarsdviaaancoojt waoh kerw marah opeaing of the navi- itha willbe prepareo new stocktff barges capeh p m0o0 bmrel or mwilt toaend forward arpwty wwcri may be conaiyrifrl to iberf from their ojf ind kw the btaaioeas th to he abie to giee aaenl aafitfae ab1 am of pnuic patronaj ft thabusiaetj canied oti in montreal at the tore c lmit season by hit iaaao ca wa laf under the name and firm of siattw bit anc at jfjogsloo under lha narfi firm of gli ilrles aglassford eohgf- smith knptonrmh robert barker chemist uragtfisi d r o c k 0 t a ft bt klnottron r b rrpectroly rrrfarmi hir riitijrrwra matt the luhic vi fenaraft ilit ha rm ttattuvaif lusdruc store io orocac street io the framaai irrmtrif ocoupftfj by mr u mcvean whrre hf maj cwpenj ooon hairif auppticd wjui onuinc liriiij medieinoi physician prcicripthnj an3 fttmwt recipes caryuilij prepared horse and cattle medicines engusii and fremcil fkrfumettv books and stationery kn marcajf47 fall importations fresh groceries wholesale ind retail wrst arirf ftnt boa to tr ho hat heinji tiu chals canvass c for 8 j v the subscriber oofal cvaaarrom o 1 to 6 salwhad uhtasailtwaoe dech vf r1c fmadc loorder kiis swtjiiuf an4 bfaiohv copper impoeia and tatrcl hope bour 12 ti anchors from 12 to 40 francis h0im9 afonfreoi mpfrt march le 1647 0 mirmarch le 18s7 rnirrvn wlhv trr k co- iov ali fk0ljr jr i owva cototj nd pectoral balsafat or hqaioundjtnd honey- taeyejv ino escoootu vrnwnv vr fli diiovfoffe caaaf and lungs aa looping coagh coiif conum blam frfltthrso dinr ifi aa cf ijijjfcwtff f nflm ujsftoja fik i4e 7vooi etoovaeaefr thiaiawrn it ccrncoac of iho ttmoi ralwabk fcmcjflheapeocorrtpliirua iloooralawhy htaauiifllic cctofealej mucoa or fhlaf a io the thoeawrchy caanpi tree arnectormlaoo ajirvirar iui nwuoala couf ha frtfd 4 scld by hoaxar baaxsm dxokintftoo price 2a 6 omomj 3d mill creek joth factory fjlhubitribor reapectfully fotnos a to hia frioriji and tho publienermlly for tba aupaverrt he baa reejed since has jolung mill and cntlin machine hsvela inoperation andbecja leave to inforhem thst encouragnclby tlie bustnea has tranaactrrl in the atxivo lino netow prepared to commence the inaofctiijv if all hinds of coory cloths sattinets plankets4eo and hoi by the pains he intends tn taketoiiito tho coutinuej pitronagr of tho clic j05huabooth- iwootfl pnrchd oriaacn in oxliango for cloth hill ft j 1 1 1 187 avtt lai huntingdons gmaire pills ate oatorrri cwaeat family mciieino aver jbmillcd rij iairotajr rj dorinj ue ac verity- 6 voflra ihat ihey have baen in 4y oae are wetwn tohavo rcaeve maiy trxtu conaer of king ojad sqtirt alj begj in relurn hla ihanialjsliu flirnda n tae poblse to the try ibcrol pauonvta lmdrd ii fiitn donnf the imi iwo olildmireoerifa1ly inroern ikfthat eat reeatted a larfe aad awrtad atoeh of groceries wines and llorjors cooipriaineaj follows 11 humvaod i saniliomna pmt moiristaamco marociua cufct cbampocne jmoaick 5brila motairacrnoae branjy m cojnoc do palo brandy g00roescmch whiey hrfuri girt rvijjtd peppermirit rom camdjan whivkey w j m ootteiu parlrccaw aurolioo acvestocaoflv eauve ntnai naeioewniraponcd dirrcl fruan brkain ro6oegeo t i remtnaaendinr tbem aa trco train adullormljon hac gaocaaieo faorrm cac havtfif oeon carefully avtcctej by hinaack in tho naw yotw boatoo nj minlrcal marfceta caa be recoonjcnxlcd aa bemj of ir beoqrieav teas i tcasi eiirajiparwt otd hyamowij hyaoa gunwder tvankcy poaohoog impirui poayjop sriclwo r uwoima andotrtcr toaa crrrex ciceo rialej ml grwurtd dftaevh scoaaa loaf crwaaa m mwaoejaav trecle fruits ramnn cvmuatp rilbarto firra almonea tweet anjbiller c4ndd oann le non and iiri- sfttn ii olive ui lij oil i stneca of erory deaeniakin picw smiv m4ra rooi veenice41i anchirio jiqavr ice sard mica soentcd carlilr enj qrtirn 3p sarclr fttx uotso bremm scrobcanx brtaarrra poile speaj- waiamsu hrin- cordi pipe utaekio black les io fi8ti seasalnvwi trdtfiie hertin north srw htfin njbr jao lylek rterrinea uhitcfs aaillmow ta jifvl l maanunav rlk- hertohf panamm punlelinn stoaiibri wiwdyiiie t4 aad lavea tobaccos careejofeh nailrod honey kw cot naon jew anrf amwiaii crviwinff plo aad liaataaj twpoi searnjrlatii and ccaattcr tokwh and reihn ttoaeeoa maeeaboy rippee and sctcksrttifj wilha variety of nthee gooda too eivhevajiaaloeaontaaa alrf wheebwill be md whrale or retail at tkeloweai reotoneratn- rriccahiimolo beinp light fmjlu andyui aeam tan kfrpeiuppliehon ood lotm ff najrcaai neeevh l ott rbcervbdjt rsp a atheneum jaook stouft alabg asaofunent of sleelpaas by vavrona oakera inelujinr gjilola coic- brafed vlairnnrn bonljmv ine naff voek flies penv and aeveral oloer new arlftlea v a libanl luovrncc ia ihe trade october s to the reading public op oanaoa tna advertwev i oreptred totranawmtlhe ku loarinf eajhmble and ipiloreotinic bka uy m 1 1 ip fiy part of ujppor or fywor uanda at ihr rrtkea atised i vicwi m ftavwwaja aasorkaa hiatory idloealvt and fteoao tlr stowaw 0 the ptopk fro iaa french of j maekcw -w- amo 5 jeioijaflcalliloil cheniouy-v- cpcabopaoiov illtwraltj 3d p- dcuio- maw r bworjaonno wvaercotm chwdaaitli wiuvivi paio 0 lyateneef lon m a di ouvitiuluioajuttea 0 indiof j er n a never fakd viallr from an carty crava and cntbon tba ihmoc every cia 50 d totjc 0 50 aa trwhiiittvandprtihwofrsyuf arnotc 0 tifof geotjto pomuama mrgrnra q- li reu forthapetpie io wliienovcrjtkipa a of oraottoal uio to ecry boyh 0 131 a trvaliaq in mimi tla sakcreljkuha q i j 1 1 1 v id fjuaatily of milk wliich any cw will jpvo inayw accurate vaacef laarcv nfcincruu knjjraviiigi n 50 crooijn iiiiiuni 0 50 vaaan io no nmefeui coturi 0 so cawocitittnofarceitmie 0 so ritksialetoroootjna4jnipiiun 0 5u urdara or ay f hc above bonie coewinr tho cab and poet pid addreaacd io t c tucvrnow york willbe afhlrouendod to kruranein kiafaion dr c- j carker nawyor fob 6 ldt tf cor whooctbly look thti imcjtc-oc- thoy wiufrti id parijenlalx etcciona in caacavf gcmriceuty of the cooetitation in creating appeby atreftjjlhenmj iharyateni rc- trjovciaxovtrciaaiviof riawioihcweiroublod wilh faiotiof nerrooa fiddlncaa paira in the head ev oiculia bcornnicl m cac or colie aod shwaor doath by aironfihenine tho off ana oft stoanadi aad t im paired dtruutf a livdy cooipeao l the moat pale laiekly cooetcoanco aod rawjcw rof to ita toaltatandard that peeotiar appear ance ao iifid cnnoeetad wth ibe eonauio iona1 welfare ot peroalosoi sold only by acrt raftkgr tjmttt rroeh r naoo c v frkesagd and la 3d pei be sir aiey coopers antibions pills for safe mffei skk froaeeo one all diaeojef oftkr- back end digutic organ tlivsl lmlttve m ill eaaeo proved aope- rawlooeeryer medicine m the ooreoi tomach anoliveripuiau looa 0 appetie in- dicttion fool otton ot founaaa and op- urtat miu iie iirhoineaaof brath ind an aiecttcai levtoratiiter any eiceoa at the labia aa ibey cemu cleoiha bowele roilkco the iruoach and divifa theconaitutiol peraorracfkphlojc habit who are aubjeel lolvtaatacse ffddi diraaraa of eif bldnrwai nert ilunried wiilopklic ijioptomt ahoutd lake iwm ffeoent prepared fmoi orlpnal lueaapi by roicav baamia ufvfcietktftiotj prtrc lr3ilaadui pav boa kin maieh lit- hkn chese tit3t receivojind for solo by the snlcr i be ra family of plates ceteraffmitation cheshire thoh hendry at co- mnv 28 1817 eight hundred thousano acres of land im the huron tract notice to old settlers emi grants and others the canada com pan v have again thrown open all their land in the huron tttact for lipoeu by wavf lease for ten years- no money being required down the rent payable on the tat frebroary in each yoor is not much morn than the tiuerarat upon tho iipaot price of iho land that right to pur- clisotho freoholtlat any timo within th ion vtara at a fivej price nametl in loesn is aoctired to the settlor who otilj thueaave all farther payments of rents the huron district is known irt bt one oah3mo5thafihy and forttlrvtiaela of lnnj in canaja it has mora than iloajbledits population within fouryears tho huron tract tn the year isocon taijigfltiol soula injuno laarjenr tlio huron diatrictnu inhered 14983 aouls acenrdingto tho ohicial rnturns theabove landaarein blocks there flrcrafiorflins facihty for tho undivided settlement of familiea of old settlors out thoii friends maps printed particular em every rpquiaiie infurcnatioti upon the huoii and tie canada cnnananye other lanrla in ihe province will ho fumtahajyaic oacaaoe hy application ifbytebr pti1aid lf l canajj company oibcof at toronto nn3 ooderic and strafford inthe huron diatrict catfaoa coatraxts ortict pradarukfllloraito ul jany 1847 sm superior japan ink powders martoracttieeo ard soipo iv robert baukeit kimston aiawaua wt rowlands unique preparations- okoea tbs aarcml rataoitaus or itfia mohtv fm ejocer ma at raimck jiaar ruiaoniavf artr virtifirr or at 4t orirar a ml 11 tjix ibvepal sovfcreiovs couats op eoaorsi ahotrlivcesaliv aareaatoaao ttrncd- koyiaambs macassar oil is eectiroled tbrouhoot ihe world tr iia renial ant noorirttfnr quliiio fr ihc itvmnn tfir it puiijcfornjj rraiorooww eup it fnn fhinfj off or roropa- m rrawea orey tuir io iva oriroal evfr free it ftoitivwr and 4ivafra ano reh5er it aoj wrt anj kpy w tnrnr it avpe rrrwn- rrtcfdiifirjwinajibeboaera llaatirirvt u4u or ftaic and rr e fineotnb nnereeatt j3e r 7a rintly pjoiiw icoiul ui 4j 10 gj aod cjliltc ibal ir aii jiwonl to moaanvftowuna aod sonso halloo tjarton looom ocaffumrvittwijerilalmnrtiin riely to waia lbe efficacy of yoor eieeflcoi macama oil evthe laal fineeo yeare i it re baen bold oeotvoedbr a orcofol freer wnilat in india i la c uiee alot4 every mejna to fo cure a leoj of hair ageo bot all my covfj aectneil fruilww n nnl accoentally u4 t vnl ilie oac of yoor yaniamd hair iteatfrer i can given betler nacaej and after irauie a3au botlle every irmp4oo of w head f hair bea loanjow ifeir to the a both of myaelf aod family trroolraon wtio- inoow anrbn ed a x unaa before the wliote r whien w4i oed t btf and bare now aa haattanr a head of halrawoero eaaienjed anrt i earrtcatty commend thai ajl vim hee not tried tbaa eaehlrol oit win ma fiii rn cv wv 1 am sira ycaif u oirnl rvjil j waucebcoickkt whiulj ldfee ov taaiiioo- on the wi r of eacli bottle rf pjjcotae artirjc err iltevo wrda in raro tioea am riin rr 5arioar ajfojreaa rowlands kalydor til oiretal baiamtc prrpmration ia f oofnilinpeificcy in thoochly pojifyinr ute snn from all p4rtva srvvt ftavtalorcuu faaeacca tia aod rftacotaaatio heakag snaoa or iromcra and prodocinfa kruhftrt ft fl ry c f fjoa nei n v aad an idiuirod avocer and irfifoc ct toe llaaoa aawa od naxat price a set and rja 6d pre bntlc rowlands ooonto or p4rt dentlfhwe a wture powra mo run tttftjmpvn6 otlhr elrticcat aod nxei rccxrrear inrrtdirbt me oreewfal rttrhsl it cridictemtbitar frowi tae teetlij ctmovee opir of iolpieni decay paluara out proaetvea lite eoa4 ioipafu tie aaear pare oarf prmfif wiaaae and flee eaaeetoeaiawdatfraaaetonecarr pkce2am patbva importantinforhation unincipk4 iinmvida ita f ho aake of fro tnfte rnwv omnt eeriif llan uvim spukloufi ctlhpous os aador hie naoaea a macas sar oiu kalvoor and oiwnto aocno under lh ijprd aartctmo of ww aod ue govetoaeeii depouneu wiui wauur al- temt ai decesptpjn uwy oopy llwt toiela oitrr- fwjoearannd ilmnlt mhrtifftiwr jfelifanc ii ri and ajrraaca the rcil f lfc oririoal prtmraiionev ft ta trronrfffns berfftaa iwewry to aee uwt tbo word to wlvner h mm u wrapper of ooli articlo trhroiiratiicjeaare wilh rowlaxds fvooauorerfdmeuysoaps buusfr vs e ac tmportcd aay bj meara uosdfn buotrtetls i torwiio cand io woall chw ruiubni fnr cncmiala and pcrfumara- o n 6ea0te vf tj futcif fn hou retail y reapecloblo cbajoiilff ajld fcr- fisrtvlji wi ners arcanum y sr kina evil jlehatiu 60ht thhuat toncalanijing hhbumatic affecliana lhseeseaol ne skin vvbiteswellhifsf oiatasea of ibe hunks all ukatait aaeiteator the liv cocstlvefrss all chronic eoat nehviou compuiiiia oceurriftg indabi- litaierj and eaiheluconatjtnlioiif otieaei eauaed by an imruk state el the blood the arcaaum hatract t a plete aniiilaieto ihe senooa kvila rvodae by ihr irmjicoo e ol sikrcury a a spring and fall vvrlflek ii eon ol be oijimrt yvojkijijp ita way tnro ihe oyciom viilli aailrd rndrnvctivefoic cieanmitgiha i1luou fteajjevintfuyfiiptlc inflijencfifi oolbinjthenekk ftemotrna intkknal obttreeltena ad diarate tliat woold ihrwiee eagle njory se toe llvekaad lung peaoa lie confotntsont are broke rlowi hv the uie of mtkcvuy aheftc orqullne ami any one nho are aafteriaa iron diskamcd liv or aninjodicjwf ttealroeal ol axy ol the abovrdtafaaea abauld oae hie arcanum extract wilfceat delay in nuoerona inraneea ko wherolctra lion hat laid hare oih rpnrr aad b and wherein aljipeaiincep no nufmomeiaa but arnuti fnnw haiesaerilifepetteae have bt anatehed from ihe grave 4 am toted tohealtii the devouring oueaae iaiajr completely etadieated by ibe oae ol litis inee mr ealiaei nowrwds macassroil important formation 1 jtdwhano son zo aiajtewar cwrtloi lowdow l rjaftijbh the nobility and aewtry aatnat d bainf pitfaiedfty ihoaitcnpuor oshoe- keepenr who ieunpoon4r of thear owornonu- faetirre ffvve tho tit wo of maemaaa ort k vn a 4t rao nndrr liar implm anaetieo of royjify and the iw- aieor 3ervrca wirh wmipaf alirmrdi at i rnn wtiih trwy copy too lbew bilw ad tartiaaanonuj i tejf m nri fmbetil ot to iclft nacoeoaod addrewxprforthrrtao ihe onfctairpretfatmna the jfagri vm iiii 0n- kiltooa wnf 00tt ore kowlasdcvarri lae wraaoor e each cewvhnaamorrovlntjs preoodrnf jw aww anjcio wilkuawrsietutiare atibo tnt u ud iiut rvaf a rowlvvd ir som rofvvlands m vcai3sar oil taanafcjrtateeiotworin frr reaearfo jaroihv oai frrtif fe funi hairr are tc wwh ttoown aod pcaetialed ronced cnnivtni tho vetfxetofite havtna ii ui ihe lea fttnonhy half cetfir vrnfl andorxairedtih rwnccwl patmoajpii he hajey tbcqaeeo h r il prince albert iharftuf die lliy1 rmi1ytf great britawi nndofcferv osntl ariiwcavtsratd wiid and the hiftiratecoi irt which it a oniveraollw held together wvth nutieritt triiirrvwiiia chijty reeared ofiu vjtnry vt the heat and iurct rifif ita raorila paicvt 3end7a or faunly betea ecjiatl to 4 affloujat t0a6d and doobicthii aiiri tuoraort ha wwa- 1 rot each uatle of th 1 rowlinos oavuta arikl are thoao f aucaiuojl wctrovintwaljnoa j rowlands kafyuor frcpara- 1 pvrff an ofubaftal datsamlc tiolfof airfoparaffioaey fadm or tbo frrti p11 ulmrlestpqts blotchs hbdsess prbcklbs tas aad qjscolqratioxs omduiiae a arvliay rvraoefj aad tinsry o co-v- plbxfoy and a admired fllri nod em eery oftite if an os arms im neck it u iovaluaeae a a iuorriint and refreajiiox waah tu fraeefea and reaiifrarr po warm fjhmmea andio caata of snnborn tir orwtoal lodaopatton kwvittm hvet and eitenmeely been akniwlewrrd ita fmtfyfmg and rerritef praavelira obuihed lite enloaivo rairooa thrquebn tlio nourtaodlhe roval family of grate ftmeio aawellja tiw 4w9aal ctiurtet of eurupe and ke ntt oittiajtippftbcdnoullitv aoduentrv of aluivthled oahorkv ct pawarcofsrt7iowkaly0orr e nuiiiif iniucial attrmirrnla mcjlf ruirnua m two cfrnidrtioii acirvn entunaer fmvittt hue tlte w ih1r on the wn son so harm drain rf ihr ao nd wtiij by tlvr repellent 1tcojih eh bottle of the da rowlands kaly- poor and a rowland jfc utaney iaalao eneraved by canitaiaciearraj ai the oovem meat stamp alnxod ou eaela price 4a m aod it od fierbitttla rowlands odonto on pearl dentifrice a white powder for ttic tebth compounded of the ajhaarawt ael moot reeaereae inrrrdfrolaefworfr rnf rfraofof loaatinu bio vatoe fvr paaerwii aod 00- iha tarrn and etragiae aivf the guma lie irawy efflcieit aidrnifranlamml0 rvrtf erl er hnreob- uinrdltaieteeiionbethequkct ihocutjkt ck royal kamlcy or cltbat britain and iho hovgrrrcnd u nodihty tiirouguout eulcopc whila itaafeneral dcptandat4eoa nnounere tho favor bnamawt liooivermony hnld price fa maajr b t ciuttiovh t peoieeiihhrblio rrofbraw9lrmj gorirnncrn stamp ajenlho xalydctkt ia alxed on ih toi rowlands maca3sahpiukaly doit able pebfumay stiaw r evo oto- impnrlod aoly by mdaara r033in nrotiiertffclifctoeonlu canadf mimall caeoe efearied avuahla br cbomlall andpaf- fumem 0 pororainf elaawhwa aaarjra fvevdutrat t7evaru sold juiiii by rawpooiamaicjitasu aitdar- for sarewj tot no 4llnfbitb cenjjbnnl- a hp oftclnpldfi tflaftpin klngitonoahjsimatythrtti the proptietoi of the arcanum ex- tract have had thta anedkioe vatdrav all ihe alpove diaajes with the mci gratify a reaolls in uitalhe medicine neither but- ae oor pleasntr ned he rnlenopled ra- qotriogonly the nmial tettrainl of anoderatiaa o diet and ia equally appueahle aod effica- ciotia to the infrnl aa nell a the adult paphlela ctvtnz a deaciiptien for what ihe arcanum extract n apatim- me wilh oretvatiofton inaenaihle faitpfra tienndatteatife on diaeaaea in cneral aecampany each bottle areata ate sapplwd willdhe aljovepamphjeh for jiataiuai air colailoa pclce 1 per bottle prepared and aafdbj j winer hamilton canada weal aid john winer co 8j maiden une- jltf for tale at the aihenenm pook slatr h palmer and c heathst kinpton and by jhhc rcpcrlable drueiita ibrourhogj ca- osda ismlja j winers pectoral syrup of ilorehonud and elecampane itlor the ipeoly and eaeelial eere a4 cotfbv whoopina cooh creep or hvra cas urnptinr lmeuuy hoataearsvj peifta a4 noreiieafofthe breatt aod leara bronchi be a disease that i aweepinj m dteda t a pra- matore rave under the nctiliaaa naaaa el coosompttoo ran he cored by that mtvjfcant tbeoswal symptoms of hia diaaaae firaa- ehirls are eb smeaeaa of the iqii av tbroalf linaraenr- diicuhy of braatbraa asthma hectic ferr sailianf op pbletwt or maiieraod sometimes blood itisealhrna more than an inffamaton of tha one ibia which lines the inside of the whole of the wind tohes or air aeaaela which ieii ihroogr vypatt of ihe ltins tne pcculur virtues of hia comrewat hayeforalon ime attracted the sllenlaea fii- ftvvivvt prorersvtt mtrf m m4 as lively wteiefrltw tceenevy mod 4atnoaaatfsw ihe deve lope meni ot iheiraeiive powers and ptinnonarie qoaliliea which lbs prow i tor art oqw amr io gratify and prranl ibii roeesieine to the puhlic wilhfotlconfidroee of iiibrfas the most safe and valuable kmedy everdpa covered and adapted to all diseaaes of tfe linet hcn any of the function j not perform their natural or healthy action tl is universally believed that goo icvujr providence hssnol afflicted htscmhttm wiia pain and lisease veiihool at ihe same ql xivin- thrm somelhin- in the gardrn of paicia that will not only medicate hot ia mane cafrt entirely relieve ibvm- with rhre vitsva sifnly impressed on oor mins everyone ahooldfeel aerial deiiie to inveatiate io the oimost of his power the fieat arena el torn tlifll seorco ibat 1 ican kai utturr and to diaw ihsirociion which the wisdoa fili to attain in presenlins thlaarlicleto ihe pen1ietna pnpfirlors wrre influnred hy the bowe tbat a medicine prepared with snoch ears ana atrfclrrtatdto the chemical propetlita el it several insredenis should talietb plica af thousands of iriesponsihle no trams t iava day wilh which the cooitrv is rieloed t3the ase of one bottle of the syrap wilti beaaiscitatte convince the anon aupii- calof pbenebcial effrcl pfepsrl and told by j wier hsnwasva canada west aod joho wimer gaajbs maiden lane n y for safe at thf me- icheatfi rclablt oragjfsts neambook sloren palmer kiniiou and oy m respectabl hrotixboot crada cure foit worms jvisers canadian vermifuge warranted m allcasea the hrst re- tuedy ever yet jiicoverru fen vaiprma it nototil deaifoyi them bot if r i n n k 1 r lb rholr lrmand caitieot he irnoaa- nni vlimr or muens so pievelent in fha lernach and bowels especially el these in had health it is harmlrrsin its rteelaaa the ayslcnand the haattt of the ttieattl tway mpioviftj hy ncw evm wheneoai norms aredicoverrd- temedirie bcin alaiala no child will refaae to lafce li not m the most delicate plain apii ptac iieannorvaiion opo dtrrsea eeauhvpjrn worms croi pij each hottle f prepared smlsnmhvj wnr hamiltaa canau iw -n- jnim wimer ft co 3 rilatden lnen y foraalcat the ataeneaat u 8iaee pameisec hethskme on anr hy all the respectable diueia1 thronghoiit canada winers celebrated meoicl rph8mloinprnlrrricinea are kepi ornliihy j v olo at tko atteneooi duak 3iaa dot tfinci kmialoo vii w inflto arcanum bxtb acta for lba apevdytiodmanent etitcol olt dioeaaf aatiaraj frowi on lanpaiie atata of th blood winkrsrkcrultalhyuupofbcaaw hounds elecampane for tlisaairaant conjfhs cvlda aathma coaaumptioo etaa winers canadian vehmrruglt- thebertrcineily ever yeadiacnrorrd foe waawaai wlxvkr toutir ague dflopewiaenr vain cntvf for tho trkih aohr winchs camphorated nerve atll bone liniment a etrtaio eaia ibr taw in flanwiatqry scialift aud tlironic unutpalipbt wtntilvs f amily ointment y eoteofsamfou while swellings lihhjoatjov speirttni caneer heh dte winkbcumicalpiibointmnil apccdy safe acd clfeeiaaj raarwdy rtorl tijlhrr wirh in ettenriso oanaja envlipji and ankhcafl patflal madiaioaa nv c iwu 1 copal v arnlln eor sale attho ailicnoum took store auptii iui- covala vah- h in linta antl quaria batata alnien or alngle lottlo isamtfj faar fjhnnta lupplied on rnaaonsbla infaua klprftn april 13 iw wiiiu anttqknuul fr wpitatn t ariirfa u ft kjnaiin canada wisk tiik nnrn rvdvkbtihtcr mildialwd ttilhniai lv liowasn johi luaaaa and miohialmajawa fame unli 1ia atyl jvaw llaaaaa da at and naavi r atu