1 british whig mr aawrtlw ftr ouiaaa wist jtdblwtlbl mimiwkkitly imrnmni urnl smnnlay morning lljdwaal john barker st son at thk athknauh avuel lr i rtft wourr truh us itaso ra ahumft if paid in adssno rfo iwpfr 1omift until wwnif imm upunkmetllisiplnmor fc fwi- aotatusanrmsli ui anstander sn d fret fesv4ffe mfcd 4t cb mhqwll hisvllsss 111 futelb lnl tines sacheuberoiisnl iflfwll hlvslhll lis ut in num ivt lod ten ltwe ld pel fomrvsarnuawlion iw wf line for raeli sssaniaii ri which hl be r wmci lift iniprtni mrti1titwjnl j iilcoilibflj ths reman wliwlmt cnfthdaitifsitulmiiaimifm wl ev1id n sdvaxusemhie o any pwciril wheisoeier ajlutiraioeenai p- on lom frtntkr e fflrttfe m and general advertiser for canada west the athenaoib book start at n evfl amm revlarsssi r j tram- v f 7ms mlnw ltvee jlwiag ms of i jrem sssl mtftm hntiij 1 r v c r1ytnnv akmkafr9rto pl4m tofvr wrth smyprd t itft 1 ujmmoi of kteovd we and e3 ass hpver anram end hov rvsvft uofre meoy kglufr twrmr m ooh idi4 fw to fr trwt if ftlissstll opifer peh orb em dicor vol xvi kingston canada saturday morning november 6 1847 no 89 job pbistiio all utfirfi rf jog prtrttf 5c tftftt- follyeiecvvdsttlte arirx tuj e t with oeastch and ass pj ffaodblls rruf itilllrsda ivd baraorladiaf steamboat 1kb bkntaof etfak jvfift in csws neofyy reewed jt lvswwtmni of jop type wemirejy ad of i he very bit ci err i business directory vtrgil a cos express william wreg kimqstok geoke howe painter gilder aid glazier bugol st kisgvluu rrer mr pliippcns candle factory slintliig woi1 a0 mf blfl li- lions nj dcroralco work in goncal z jbhn stchnte auctioneer and mmimi merhanicorner ronlirin wl bfwck stoflu alinfjoslhankfullj- eaivej nj pincluallt ntlcnjcj to thomas penney s wholesale kmil lbathcrbtohepm- tcessstreet kingwoc doiw in ktfvn awl pi1i sole emlfir upper k koii flfskin moroc liur- ii makefj finjiygi of very jechp- tip flri 0bflul7 ft havtomo narrlcrt ahofmnat law ha i- engtloi jamb 0kehlv 1 tfbokue e ucndbiwov jamfes poweu iionmoncr tin ifan hjnuracturer ilinccm street the british american hotel cue daleei j pattm i kon canada wert r7 aodo wall furrier halter bmck straat k fur male up l carder en ue hrtriei nee fur of very description boulil and sold tkhqtai tailor coppoitc ilr wilkaia wlois wdlinjioti street jill wort in li lirt cculeil with ncau matthew drummond grocer bttiltiingrf nex to forwarding notice tiik unitm forttanting componf htrtbv ivt nvltce bit their new and fut uiliig ho stramvn emerald and oregon witm tilt union kailroad are nrtvt inoiiiiuii nj plying ai utufor steamer emerald capt t cvmixo l lfaitih aylmer vry tifoy aurwoy md salvnfay it oclock a u dpwvwaam lor ibe ra1roaj imme jijielj after lie jniril jf the cars from the steamer orejnoo aoj arrive at aylttet at 4 clock pm steamer oregon cait iriuum drttvnvtamrii- leaves prlaje da fort erety 7iiectoif jlturtitj lot ufurti4j al alfp3t 6 rclok a m cclurnin mm union villae iiumejiatelv after the arrival of the cat from the mcainor toieram nilj boau touch at all hopping placet i rotr each way they ako jjive notice that no freight wll le received on board their stencs if not pjafopeily marked iimi wybilm and not after eleven vleck p m at ayhner on the niit previous to sailing any coming to barvi aoer that lime mist remain in store until the enauinj trip they do this to pre vent property bring loosely and carelessly thrown on board hy owners without billor mirk cofwequenlly not entered thfv will not be resjvnj6le for any pro ptrty without being duly entered and a receipt granted tiios cuming jgcnt unvm forieuroviv cooimrv aylmer jtjuly 1847 just received k ndforsale by ihosuhscrihor jl li store in pnucesa street a choice osaoitmenc of groceries c consisting in prt of 50 hlidi briijht porto rico sugar 200 boxca muacatcl rnteiua 200 do atuortuo tea io jo do tuhacco loodos corn broom 500 rnuma wrapping papor 25 hols rosin 10 jo turpentine 10 ilo tar 20 tirata tubs 10 joa tiiasa matts 0 grots match 1200 dnle spanish sole leather new yurk taonagr willi varioua other ertielee not fere uumiratej- matthew rourk k ncon aoguvt 1847 62tf mr w- wiloanv f b kayler conch builders end carraje makers princess street jtinploo robert mccormick wiioicsmc end luildejter in wmcs spirit teas groceries he princess str kmgatn hessrsmacdonaldcampbel bartiter 3t attorneys at law pneeeea joiis a macnonain alkxaoffl campbell w james mcmillan tc u pan kw- tuiw1 j4w wni mcmillan aeiie thompwn carey general j a 0 a kb iaa4 drawpack law wfltci commission btgmrtl a w no 100 new votk- hacdtmald hotel 1aiesionev rppviic lha clly bail king j k hft tvaricib v carey 5iirxen aecourjici i bari cmipdfn easi m inward staceyvmm j lor nearly opposue uc motureat bank jiinttrtel kindlon jolin blackiston saii novharxlsbiiliunsonunotrelz writer bales painter jlazier im paper hanpr rjti street kbtfhp tftl cssowdj y smiths sioper smiths enj tm plate workers frjr street kington- doctor harveys surgery clarence street one door iwuw the bank of brittth north ameiice igofljuly 10 iw7 jm t or butlertcab maker and uiihuuierer montreal sticet kingston a general assortment of ihc lateht atjto of furniture constanoy on band and lw talc unliljeral tetnis lake onta rio the royal hall line of steamers leave kingston far to ron- every afthknixjn fsund rfpadt ftvbocfeekofreurtt tochiuet o0tic port llnp wcslhet pnmriirt sad riufmoje wilt teavo toto tte kvnfatau imkhirtf iiinirrtnriato pwts eveeiy dav i i onr octjck p m vrcemle eaffil ue 10th september end from h oih srnietttvf uf lbs eluoe or the sefo a twetee t4m h- tl iimo lusk mens sni bceolirc v free frvm canict with sick tfiiinste as eopo are enoircd on bord the mail lino kyl mail office 9 on hand for sale 300 casks superior home manufactured pals vinegar al 1 per gallon 3s m for casks t the warehouse of messrs oli- pliant ft watt kingston and at the kingiton brmtry vnti ditlilurj salbkattjs of choice quality at 0 per 100 ibe black walnut lumber yn000 fcei of various drmcntioni that it rtarda jinrh and 1 inch pjank li 2 23 and inch scantliog of nundrr lenguia 5x 5 4 and 3x 3 tho above ijumier will be deposed or tissper m james morton ki05on hrewery dultltery j ly 17 1847 ma lung of steamers kingston hamilton the new iron steamer magnet wilt unlit further nolicr leave kings ton for hamilton cejkng at the intermediate ports on tuesday and friday afternoon at 4o or immedialelj after the arrival of the mail boats from montreal j and will leave hamilton far kingston on monday and thundtty mornings kington srji- ffi 1s47 from buffl0 to montreal notice the subscriber has commenced the gxoeeur dtrsireese where he hfw renifjfs noxt rlnor to mr harkcs crnefcery store king street kingston where he hopes by strict attention to isaisinese and moderate piices to meet a hare of public patronage notice rphe royal mail steamf jl passport highlydp and crutjumi will carry freigii from lschioe to king-in- and delivef n ihere in 26 hour ami tvhen declined f piris above will be shipped iinmediaiho on board the lake ontario steamboats mr wji gunn ajet at larhl- will attend to the receivin and sliip of hiil atigtial27 is47 hardware sheffield gooia and ironmongor v pjhe subscriber respectfully inforv jl hia towoaod country cusrornv that ne has jul finished receiving bissvp roer atipply of goods in his line consj ing of an excellent aasomment of hiw ware for household and building porp tee sheffield and biirmnnsatn pbw goods shelf and fancy goods ptasf i japaned and block tinware and fj kinds of agricultural implements of the very best mjaliiy and manufactory the subscriber also respectfully v- quests the attention of the public to tj extensive assortment of paini oils srvd dye stuffs ami indigo he solicits pur sc pairooage trusting that his pri an quality of his gauds wil itistain hw morefully than any self reeommendatro- james powell ploughs of variosis patterns av4 plough poiuu the highest price pavj in cash for old brass copper pewr nd lead kingston princess sticot august is 1347 j 62n july 201347 john foster fa ft fre h teas s1lr t tk- flsiirf s uusib kfc cmtee ftfoitiy trtir jniy obtained i few pilcc aoofut he trss re- f impctitt old inj vottng ii v son tiraolivy snochhi pwewnr peltte gonptimlrr dee in enffie halcehests sod oaddin will a vtuiciy r ar pichlet auce nirvt rj oilktr article in lliiiijic inj la wiluau 1 martin xie4tn june 931847 tsitiela for sale thk suatcrjhers have the following lands in the midland district for sale soath i let no i in the 3d con pitubuigti x seres no 10 in the 7th con richmond 1200 seres sotf i lot no 39 ir he 7lh con caravden 100 teres wrsl i ut no 15 io lhc4lh coo kenne bec 100 ic res letne lot no 5h on olden 200 seres 1847 1847 60 tjksid for sair aff acres of land for arjj sale in the towninp ir seymour newcastle ds rwt being lois nna 17 and 18 in this ml toneession 40 acres or which are clcarcj anl nan large log house ainta frame barn flo feet by 30 j ootlimntcs c and well watered it will be sold inone block or in itrttsi to suit purchasers terms moderate fnr particulars ap- ntratiliii office rif by letter otoid gisary i 49lwt iib kin 16 w7- take ontario and river st lawrence steam boat line the splrmlid new 4nd elrjrll furtiijh united states mail line of steamers cataract capl j van cleve rochester capi hn throop lady of the lake capt til hoag niagara capl r f child in dincclino iilh ibi ktw ufx cbin english sleameri buitisii uueen capt cliambcrlain british empire capt hawkins t70rmtnf a lit lne lrff6ton t8 slh con 200 acres cumhing macdonell c7ofiriforfc kiogstoti june 23th 1s47 englifih statiotiery c c just received at til atheneum book store jbogol strert amjson- a large assortment of english stationer of tue best quality consist- uediun dmr ami pj post lid pspse jiilr hpid q n prt ffiliasf rytr 00111 put tnd kslin ni dhlo itrpjeand smill cwm9 pprr mnynd iin nmupnf rsoftnc andvimt vds varms kinds pwntsej cbois rmnrifieh b4 loebe m sie j s ua jn01rl cj in uri lir4 wlh scktal fihwirlrnolrsuuml lio joy7 ifnj p lavks i efrf rfeun fty be bd t issathcucuii uvok r mstontrkal rkhrvrkh wegosackeia harbor kingston 0rotkvillk and ogornsburgtleivinc mttzr amop0urt4ilf ot onc of daftifht ilc usifoh lt d scenervoithe river la arsime ins h0iufidltsmitifceodu uoand the cstcadea hupwte the 0u aaraaasaj ifel beam lhav arc nvtlf new sited op and fanuwd m ittc mt inodco and ejegtnt nmnaer tvith mrtie itms prik o plesore and at hrn wihtnf to visit the ciitea of mteunml and qucfcec wrth their rany mirmetnihs ijorf a new yk and bus- ton will find liionor the shl intecsiin and hetnt mutts in amehca dow n wa kdsuavs jflaestoooaiit at je upwarus- uavs si 4 fm hwixbrbwftbr genual acnt bgrtkcat w7 for sale at credit a handsome four year old canadian ronby well broke apply at the jciiih whig office kingston october 187 fresh importations of wines liquors c comprieinw an rxsortincnl of fine and cnmrrinn wines liquors c wholesale and retail at the siww of the subscriber nortb cotbci uflie urkctsqanr kingiioo wines pseodpn hunt or sanamii port bckburs madeira lrwrs cos midcirt pole tfrtd jsherriesv rnvwn i p tenerifte cliithiiikretserrillrcurei graoe it kz brandydmjrnc verj 6k atari otd jpie psk oiand lllirui sclteicuim jsaisicft 8rita fine pjo brand v bottka rm genuine seaich whiter snd willi a whi not v of liqjon khae sstubfe for the ptfto asjk stto rnfnvnrysvr sirawbcrtf sjtup lrnvn r w for ssle bv william j martin maiksl siosre kings jons i j commercial mart ff for sale on consignment three elrnant jud ery scpe3b tusd piano pdbtes made by ihc rcry oeit makers of new york 400 boston william ware js1aoim7 the new novels j jut received per eiprese from new york- russell tto of thereien of cltsrtos illhc new novel by g p at james esq fl night of gwe one a tete of in time of lha unum by thtrte loverfompkio sunmne love a lefendof edenmarosnd th llitdfv of psdsy goeasy and bu wife naner bv was carton fthatrprto and bisfrkoda fklfoo mis godolmio by john evelyn fits guvt- ihedaya of cfcssfcsll witii otltrtakabi mrs gr r at h chalmers 8 greet st femes attest jlsfjcwa augutt w jlract0 from lair eiiqu4 piipcrs- huppressiun of the sivptrade from tht jj avtrf a memtjotcilino of hkn ihc fojtin 0 ooitmn bs been madr by the contmutee of thr britiaband foreign aotislavery society lv he fiml lord of ibe tressory after twenty tine team of active snd ubnnoo rrtovlrtns african inniloixm kft it on record a the poit of ita erporterkc that it is in olaven tltat the suvemrade basir orifin it isthemarvr pmt4r4 by lhasraveliotor wkkb fumiinea ibr rtirrct ineeotiee to alt the crinva of a trade in autes cotha mudefaaid eonfiafrattoas svnich oltsnd their cantofs to lt ennnwd hnmtra nf ibe midok poaaaa lnh fuow it and to the miaery ad evanlalin of a evntinent that faci uioa rnurwialjd indicate ine true point o auaekatsvery esuat be abolished before the slave irade can osaoarcaaocl in rinkr- with thii view of tbo lujeeiiw cosscitotasn of the british sod foreign ami- suttry society lays it down as s fundamental ptmtiple that ao oif ai alitcry eiiali ihenr on maonabk prrjpet vf lha annhilalton of the atavsteads and of aitkngnishinf ibe ask and barter ot human bringi and n that the eitine tionof iljrrry anj the ilarelradc wili baaltainrij most setectushy by lbs etirlnymont of tne mesas wlueb are of s moral fthgioos and pseinc eharsctrr toihe ocaeefuleitiacitonrdalarey the erlbrfsor its executive committee have bcrn ascluaivety ewifincd and tliey now repeat their eontklkoa ao ofuro aiaud tn dkcnoruls laid boktrsforcromeril that lite attempt to suppress iho ilareirao by an arrtfad roco ia not only m tain ia itsdf but mkehievioos in its rrsoria in making xhrt remark xhe tonimitloe woulij nut ba ottderatooo ore fleet in lha srihieat oegtee on ho present or sny artcediof goemrrenl strongly aj many of ifvem are oopratcd lv the ei- britannia life assurance company no l princes street bans lokdok empomrtd by aft of parfioen capital 1000000 sterlg cheapest rates of any office doing business in canada mtdkot fleirec for kingtton pr thos- w robison 3he irndersincd having been an poimfki o set as ajctit tor thii npany which has bef doireg bsraioess ia canada and ihts city since the year is39 respectfully requeau persons re ttiirirtg life asverance in eall at liis uwul phificiios str7 ktiigtn tvliere pronpectoses anei a ncrcaasiry information avill ba give aishi a variety of tables to meet lbef etitostances and convenience of afj cunts can bescea the rales of similar tables in the of fice joing business in lliia proviuco as folloivs fur an asmrsnce ofxlfjo cobmt le aasurance gov age 30 wslasaasl fwnd o 2 uriiertfiie aarosee co do 2 x these mrlcrste rates tittle more niticwiii ftfrly in prnviijo to losses p m in lire poivr if encnt perrsons to atwf and with reference to the present amr he beahli of ilie inhabitants of thet t general y it mny be thought ntff sry the prevailing sickaew create to decline taking any rinks appears thercfttre to be a duly obw who have to provide for their familfta to tnke die timely precaution of assuring lives and thus provide against the i of fierliapa leaving thoe dependant p their ortions or rnesn tososer jlffi- cullicbi if riot uestitution thomas bhicgsjh fxjkney and others of them to lbs principle of lire system of armed cruiecre they batkre that the government have been actuated in all tin measures they haae anuptrd for the suppression of the ejavelradc by the roost horwmbjr intentioyia and by a aincere desw to erminaieanevil whkh has so kog demoted africa and brought diiracc on lha ciriimd world they msrely assert a melanelioly truth whkb the documents laid bftovs psfltasacat for many yearn past iacoatestibly enseal with rvrjtet lo the eileni if if o s la re- 1 rede it sppeori frvm the year 1816 to 1843 both inch ia the number or afrkan negroes iantfed for the purpose of alarerv oo ha utinca snd on the eoniinsnt of amerrca so far n ths aame eould be made up from the otfc 11 reports was otisi of utesa i h fi j were eaptored and brvufht to o driven m shora on tna ktanets or coasts or aascrka and twre uhrraud but it j- ckar frum ibr docanvnui un whkh thk slafrmeoi k fuoncko that much urjpf number of alavra wu landed than khrre gtveau the number of vraasla f c y fr stls lfc t vl vs stated was 2i3i3 uf which the number of staves or board 5l5 couu roi bo acrtaine tneve akvers pmbably earrkd about 208000 auvea ellatsi added to g57o0o will give a total ot s5000 fffcfiaal isttw 27 years ycuhkesti mate fearful as it is in tlc sgcregate docs not pfvoach ute actual aumbar of wrclchrd ahicsf who wars lorn frocn titsir homrs snd aerurrit landed in tha trsnaatkntic rlare marketa ii highly ptioahla lhal lrbls tfio somber would eareely appruach ilic truth at be presonl time n ia bclkred on iro6 iot horny 4 tlii the number of afrkarra sntni it importrd iain the majnkb colouks and braiil amounla to from o00o lo 100000 the great secrecy with which the rlsvctrda k oowearrado and the fcifitka whkh the cilrs sire coa4s of cuba and braiil offer tor the asaat- ii- of aleeee toethse wilh thr ennnitaikc t sroftlily y iia uuiihn reaocr it tmpnriibk lo obtato a correct estimate of the nctmce inputted or the places at whkh they are knded ttik is admitted by her majestys consular a feats and cyimim vrcn rrajii n in llne counlfks ilui sejee that ltto nunbel ia immense the ulesl oacts ftfporu indicate tncrcaard ac tisiiy in ihr ijbtc trade- tha crmmiwooets at sktrs leone in tteir repori for ws say that notwithstanding the augmentation of the cruisers uio addition ut slesmvcvseu and tuc increased vigilantoof the aquadrnn we bcika that use atave trade k mcrcaainj and that it w cooductrd perhaps more jiieroatkejly lhan it crtr hae bren hrthertoi and thee add nearly alt the fermer noted altc haooti appear to be still freepiealed and in aptte of the atnnfcnt meajrci adopted by the british oommodors with i prwrrful torce qhoff ji it command filers can he fto ciuevikn but that there ha been a vrfj urc number of tae traneportcd bous t cuba snd firs ait her ma jestys eoensstsssry jojawmths havannsh in hk nrpvrt fr the same year nt i ai hn opnioe that 10000 african hsd been btourht into luvcry durioy ihat period snd adds that the foam ex- pwcascdin the report of the 1st january 1844 res peeling an active continuance of iho trade have been confirmed- thk centkmea further itatea that if the average of the importation of stave does not equal at the present time the number an nually iqlchuced pevrfiefj to the idmimrtmih of ukrvcat vjldet the cause mutt be ascribed to lha rmalttr demnd for auvse rather than to the diminished activity of ihr dealers or pejuti- tory mraturei of the ootcrnmerii md he iee it as hk opinion thai if it swiud their iotsraslr to send veseck whether from jfavannah or oiker psrtaof cab ik ouubti wliethtr lhy wnjld b deterred by lh fcr wf ihc woekadmy aejusdron iter msjotty cummiaikntrs at rk dr janeiro in i heir report remark that ihe imputation oi african ififrj durkg iho year iu has not di minrihed j thai lha state dcelri hate managed to obtain the cores of ditterrnt rlacs under which they placa in afrks without ria the indkpeosfi us mesne of ssmniing their neformua trade that enrijing the certain protcetka t their own cetrmment no lha shorsa and in the territorial wetera of the empire they cenniri but hufmert their infamua trsniaetiona stimulated by tlso i profits they hast and regardless of the horrors they oeceeko these profita mutt he immense xvere e lor weafe n4d or ikeeama authority mhat lha everauthoiixejt toennveythe real batste ptureof or veavess would n subject them to one only of ihe remaining lx6c less provided the firth sms aocectaful intending hevirp rroouncedand uo vslid j theskveain bmill amoig the mstsnees given can he given hy any one while the tm r ta eoceessfol pmsseutios of this detestable suit ia chancery remains pending sfle k that of manual pirnode faoaeea wu charles stlmft h eooimksknsrs aisle has oobirtly ooolsrod kiofistoitilb august 1817 j pr iu the african tsde ajuns t tjn notice he subscriber having obwied from the courr of chancerjs an nctiott restraining the revdgifcc okill stuast from ioterroeddiissj io any manner with the ral or personal estate of the late oiiaatee stct ksq formerly slreriff of the mieland district either by ssle or by the rweipi nf monies dun by bond or othorsnse on account of the said estate and having been compelled to file a bill against the said george okill stuart and allan mclean esq as executors to iho will of the said late charles stuart esq to obtain af account the public are hereby cautlorvsd neither to accept any deeds from the said gecrge okill muart nor to pay him any money as they will do so at their own loss and pel il the said george oki stuart having hitherto refused and still refuses lo render a juat snd honest account of his executorship to the said estate but on the contrary asserts that he is the heir at law thereto ah those persons who are in posses sion of or claim title tolsnd foinierly belonging to the said charles stuart under conveysnees from the ssid george eq okill stcsrt end allan mclean e or either of them as execotnra as aforesaid are also notified that alt parties in possession will he ejected therefrom unless an srrangemeht be effected with the subscriber ot all such deeds are invalid for several reaone one of which is that the pnwe of sale in ssid will is given to ell the executor- five n n umbo i and ft4 t any one or nf them snj therefore neither th aid george okill smart rnr the ssid u mclean esq nnr either of thorn the yr 16w were ijdj0m reek or about nsftrtwa with respect to the incompereney of an armed frca tu suppress the staretrsdc lha cgig facts might he deemed sufficient but the papers lard before parliament still further demuniirste hia point it apoeam from imcitl returns thai from the year i l ej v- u both iaetorive the numhev of alavem captured and adudksicd in the miicd commiakun courts at sierra lcunc havsnnah rio de jnein end vthce places tvsa 401 and the nambre tf a ares liberated 7639- aboot ijo of the sisters were eaptored under the eeapsisent article in two cases ihe rosrcuioo tm abanduned by hie capture sod in 2tf cases nv adjdctko tt4pkc so thai the actual noni ber of itavtre cnndetnnco arntfuntrj to 3t5 but ihese cepturea were but few enmpseed to the creal number of eaaca whkh escaped the vigilance snd activity of the british cruisers the fact is iho shilful srraneementv ihe daring encry end the pceonet imsvnny an by all par t ks engaged in tb stasatnide sm found to ba mors thau a mstcb for ths prrsenl ot indeed for anr squadron of crukem that can bs employed oo the coett of africa in the service liketident m the enmmilt that whilst esacs of all dcsenptiona and eiiee are empfoyed m the slave trade few comparatively of the larger else arc captured and front facts whkh analysis of he returns ui brought to lijhl it wnald apycar that many of the akvers taken arc ascd as decoy a and hat ibo pnucpta business of ihe british crak em now k lo recapture old staters thk pact k strikingly exhibited in the return made by com lajiigvv jones ot the erase vessel- detained vy the rvjiiajmo uader hk coremaod from april 1844 to a ug tt lehs toe csptures srers 7s of these only x were detained ke the fit ticne the others had passed lha courts frcotontly til 14 hadcxcundcroneh twkc 12 rhrke 9 4 limes 5 fire times 4 sis times 3 seven times 1 eight times loir times i tan times sod 1 ekven times of tricso 75 alsrers 1 only here captur ed with slaves on board i thereat wee detained under tlc eu pmcit article these fich prorc two things first that the josses of iho stave leaf fkhets are not very heavy espeeklly aa through their agents at skra lcusi and elsewhere they have the power of teparehaing the detained vessels and their stores stestmnrij low rates and of sending ibem forih ajain aod again on their detestabk voyages and seooodly ihst ibis coun try kojt tohesy charjre in the inane of prise ircurry n rcsaela whicii aro frequently captured under circuiniuficab which scarcely admit of doubt of their having beau used ai deooye ii k impossimep perhaps to jive an ui rari mate of tha sums of moaty which have been ei- pendvd by thk country in the attempt lo rapprcvu the stave trade it k highly pnbbk hasever that iwenlj milkpneof poondi itrrhnp have boen osvotsd grit and uat to ihk branch of the public aevvioe tlcie k not only the direct siueoao io- curved by ihecruieen whieh have been ssaasjaasjd slhe coasts uf afrks i west fndka and sii but tun fbicli ba vrn mio o fcln sowers to recurc their coopcratin the expendi ture in i l fr sierra leone the cord coast and fetoado po beootke paid to captors of krar salaries to ihe mixed cvmmkskns peoaions etc gte according to the latest estimate the charge br thv sopeaesaion of oieslsve trsds resisted a mrow vesack employed k lha weat coast of africa ji 01 and for rramkrm escrusvdr empjrrycd on the coast 441lftb total jt70g j eictusive of the vumapaid to caatora mited com- mieun courii ic- probably the amount actu- 1y etprdedk more than a million uf puunos ptcrling p eunum so vaat aa espendituro on inefwlr rftr1a lo acmprres thta hatefut trase ckarly ahows ttie impoiky of the mraanrev hitherto adopted i secure thai ena ieii l lo llni eipsnditare mui bo sdded the o of hrvsiistsmedby the ctusem en the pestikntiat ohateoof africa from whh lha dsnuemua and the destructive character nf the aevvieo to oritam omeers end seaman becornoe appo b re turns made in ie4l it appeals thai during the ureecfrl jl yens the aurtiber ef ocalhi n l west african ms lion ornouoied to bmo of whom 18 anprs hilled ia action with slavers- the num ber amended k not given nor ihe amount uf the iflvaftds sent home during ihc pcrkd but they mutt heve ben onoatderebte ths number of cruuv empfoysd varied fmm year to yea from servo to nifteiceo snd ihe complement of men from 19 to svt llmovatha occ which took piece on board vesssk esnploeed in the seme itroce in ihe west indira bastil occ am ot siren a me perfect return for it5 las how rrr bean uid before parliament frym bkh k appears that tle number uf ahtpe of war of all ekjerrnajcd fff the socpresaiun of the siate- trade w ovihtnlinjr 8e6ins end aaanasd by 9js9 men tlrt mot u lily end caavalttcsj are stated aa follows number of deaths of officers and nn i veaek employed on tha west coast nf af and in toa nn exclusively em ployed m the costt 93 tutst 359 j utneers snd men iovslided 271 makiof agvandtoutof 530 such s waste of life end h1th m a servke which kmawt be abmveedbos failed in nsubjectikgrrai ly to p deplored but when it ia found eesckl edwihoihercviuofe more bggmvtedcharaete that in pnnl of factit increseea rsiher ih dimintrlka tlia lirnrsot ihe irefne it mey be rvtpedthat ihe rtvernment witl pause wforo it aaneii the enatinuaaeo of ths aysum or re eorrwncnds furlfkcr jranlaaf the pub le money for its auoort the fnghifol mkery and death to whkh the armed aoppeemton of ths ssvetrads gives hk on board the etsrere k most snliet ing stnec the ireflie has brrn decured oontraband it kan unanubtcd fact thai tha veaaeta employed in the traasport of slavea from africa to cuba and 0rst1 have been cooitrocted rather for aw if sailing than for slnw are sd yet lhal un board of lham incredible numbrm of ttares ere usuahy pnohad tha his lft of humin ruffrair and crime oreseats no piclare ruj 7iaerlrsndrng and msiflling ea lhat which k freqiienily wllneased on bnaid the slavens i tin list of captures fumkjied by com rnodara jones ftre lb4s wo find a felucce nf 10 loswlswdcsl with ju slsvet another hi tons with ji atf a sciauoner of m ions uoih 4h erase a brif sntna of 7 tons wilh m stsvse tt4 another of j3cmoi- with cu blares bcsivvs htsat ssisss and ttorcs of course the nrost frightful msert h hj n dtslh rr iii i fi f i f n aod the wretched victims who survita tho penk of the vojsgaara osually ia so dteruaed and arnacistrd a stele as mihi justly au wti dj nation and sm tla hearts of all ut hsrdcocd by participuuun in ibk alrucrvua uads csn lu iiym eases io which the erukirr base been raic crisful for o lima m driving the alavem from pur ikatur ports lire ooasi ihe sves aecumukled io tho barrecooee bw shirianestt have vunyrrd mjhdiaeae afld motitily the cvowikd etete of those pbces and a seareiiy of tend aa may be seen from the loal oftm rerviet of ihe commtasiencrv at iena leone the cvmmittea srould add uiat them srs gsd grounda for bo- jjrsinj that in some of these oaf tha slases sea rwtibcmtelv butewrcd tn avoid he coal of mam tenanco and the teuhk of seciog ihem it k then ineooimecnibk tbjt the cvcrsive fjrincipk oappl js uto wipprcsavoouf ihsslavo trade has faded trnt n ciij im couiirj an inr rrwnse sjatsosw of treasure lhal it wastes the health sad jives of british teamen tht tt sggrevites meal of llieir notes under any ckco sveh a rcamn it i not proubk that ihsy weaod hiya tha artaent esav if herefoie ens of ihe refer notes had been srsw eented for payment by a party who erooathsiva sbtiera hie pfobebiuv of hk baring use iheoa knbavjt cross r k r i would no asssm bsrebenridlryihebiosand measrs botpaea snd moat have beano ihe loss tw maaseris n mr ilvbscr the aulicitor srese howrror ao well connived lbt it was soareery psmibk foe any if the urgcr noiea to bars booo tshesj ig nee iff the robbatt tltc horrura without sefi tiigatiig thecitcot of the lfbtlj jruj laal aoroe nther tarmnw uiuiit be found tf eves uik acourge of the numio race ureenoved rbotystoftmenototcstoles from mcslcs rocbrsec co in 144 as we hire freooeetly had w rrcur lo the rob ject of the rubbery of note froo meeare rugrvs snd co bank in i s4 we are vtow happy to stste that the wholeof tho property lias boon recovered onder circumttnncca which we tehevo wihbe ml isfsctory toihcfrkodsuf ihs louacahhouhthe recovery has been attended with much espvnae and inconvenience as the subject k of more ihari ordinary interest oo acooont oi the urja smout ot peopctty in- rnlvcd it winperrtipabo useful w revert briefly ti aorne of ue circomataaoc eooriected wilh it whkh althouch wcbanown to anust of ihecn toencrs of the firm hare not wc bctkfe been hithrrtomade publk oa moodey oornincihe ih of noremhar 1644 onrpenioj the door of lha etrong luom at the osualhourofcornmeneirg bonocm it wadk- corercd that cne of thaboiea placed in it on rator day nihl containing all the bsoh of bngknd notes io band at tha evm of bmmess and other taliubte eocoriile had been removed ttgvber with xlxo in gold cvnuinadirtheuoalesafs bags mskrag in aw upworue nf 4sfl0q m not snd gold exclusive of bitk of esohang ohecki otc attrntroe wasof rjmirssin tho fot pcs direct- ed to ascertain by what meanalrw lhaif or thkvcs hsdobuined aocesstatha ttran roecn tistm was no msrfce of vkkocs on arty of the dora or window nf the rwose andtne foch snd donj o iho rtrong room wets to all appoamncs lbs anmo asusoal it was evr4aaltherr fern that the foek dbeeopkacd either by fake bcya whkh asej errrtimpnasibkor by cnpwj uf lha key ueed at the bank having by some maani boao nbtainad by the mbbers we belkve the laat suppeaitkn ianowthoufblto bo enrrccl suaceeioo did not immediately altscb lo any one all the pons n a estpecd in ihcaatabiahiftent gs a salkfaetory eecoantof themsetvc end accosted foe lha man ner in whkh they tkd reaps lirly brewewtaird nnttkmflthvrla perrivv mvrrevrf urn rubbery the poter had la boon out alt iho day by pcrmiavssn sad had van seem u tease the sank in the mornio at the ttm he stated we llrva the partners ererc fuhy vstianvd with the cfpknelkae of their ekile and follf onnemted them from any prtkipiko in the nbbey il sroojd of course be out of pwfl for oatostale whom they ddrsspecl no crinrina proceeding barmgbeen taken egeinst any one trvm the b- sceoce of all meant of pnriog too crrmc but we feet cunrinced from the feet we know that the robbery will nut untimely jn unponlieel there k at present s difficulty of ousising kfal f f the rrime whkh may isrrafter be sopprkd a reward of 43000 was ienmediatefy oncred by messrs rogers snd co for ttc apprtbenaknof the gsilty party or panic- and restoratko oj da popcriy snd hat of oearlr mil ilia nolos were raede out and distributed thnuhoul lbekrnfoom and aobseejoeatty alt over the eaorw by these msans ile rrprkintin of the ktm a urfcelaally stosped and aa all live xi 000 ooea ainkn were dated ihe t3tb may 1844 tho 8nb af england at the rrcorat of tka firm eucd io and eanoelkd all the outstanding mtesof that date eicepliog thnse stolen od iknssalbrdod a ohae mcsnot dctottkn ssbarjrrucoity the bn ef enekod abnouowcd messrs rotrra snd co tha foil am mnuniof the notes on thejrimdcrukmg1oejama- lee tlte bank sgsmrt soy euim whkh mht be niadeupem thcmendgvig in thk ststo ihc matter remaiocd uoiie ahuut twelvemonth efo waam in rewceucooo of iofor- malion received it waa believod lhal th stokn brofssty wasaecretcd in a house t islinjtorv tha grouada of auspicon did not boreet joatifg aajajvjh anant being issued but ss echss stolen rroocrty waa beki t ed lo ba secreted there a war rent war obtaieed and 600 io aorereicne vraa saondconeeakd jv money hrwas as esmld tstrt be idtntified snd no proceedings war therefore takes ths theif or thkvcs had seted very yadr ciovslysttba ism af the rubbery in not takjua say of the silver com from the almay reueo in order tn save ihemsclrse itm trpjbk of opening the bap to see which contained ftd they had cui lha sides of eseh bag with a knife ad so aseor tained itaenntents to addition to the notes ajeeirkd in tho irtte as alonbout ioo mnre ehkrly n cs ootee ereve taken sod so tbo numbers f some iftnem wars known it was honed that if any of them ware nsgocuicd a ctoo might bs obtained of the iiidtyportirev tim ihkrce however wem evs- ocnily maatemof their creft ad inatead of at- tempi inf to nasi lie notea i hay ejtred into nrwri- ciatrons for ihe return of ths psmperty assonrw otlkr iaeatouarnndesof ecteeling ihk one mity a burtco woman alive and we li troth kstmnge stmnfev laen avtvma4 the fokoaing rtors m rstt more ertraordlnsry than true to or three week agn the danehlar of aa old sstchvr srbo rarjr m miner street in th nortrisasum part ulb city wmekssd arilh as veraad was conveyed to on nl the hospitals th otd man of coums mads frepent esvauaksj at the boapital as to the progress of ibe diaaasa arrdwaspaiqcd takarnoo every vust that he daughter sra gmduauy geti kg worse al last he received the rjytfaneury msoreaatjssi that ah wa dead tne oeeceaary arranrrroeou war maoofor the funeral sod the bodyy wu intarrasl in shghthill cemetery on trjumosy o last waek on tuesday last whits lbs rnothsrof th aajr ted woman waaengefxd hoi usual hunbotl atocattons tb door slowly onened aod iq ihsr entered pak and emaciated the fifopeot bee oaad 4ithttr whkh ottered th word sytatf vs osnna get in hens y can gt in bar r eacuirned tho affnihted aaother jc fotha buried j oo kit week and hetasg ikeas uenvored to lay the reiaul o oooanif lo her sroarv snd oberrrmg lha snw sw ilmrsiltioa in ofhiaa abe rushed down sub tlhsiochrrvp ofheeheabaad and s4ouiaaad ia th aaaoe vatns r oitreea terror oh lha daughter yon boned lent week ia nllmg ap i and aha went ortin another 6 whue the b interrneaod surprka dropped tha iisaornlmt his caft aril whkh at ths tuss h sra ssj sgeeh whan lb old eoopk rexrrarad a bttj self posavaaauo ncighboari srem eejlod na lb rubied rvose ems entered sod tbcvssst rspt introsira illbred ghses but th tariusble cuss icf pk and thm bat uvly is life aa erse ska wa hera wa a mysiary not easily to bssravasl f at ih moment but beqoeot enquirias showed lhlthockcnrhteend an trash araaaasl f aawrty askiitcr name uy in tho hospital nh bad us eachothc icnce ibe mistake ofthafaibee a iaginuinrormadasloicn sulsuf hj daqatars heafth and when lse rrtah wnmin died bar body wa givao to the xned flhar wfm at w learn a scotchman sad from the eirrcmauaa of tha disoaarx interred without idealuteatioa- wa hare been informed lhat tho klher oib i ed daafhirv abat lo inttiate kfaj iagaagsmst tha maoatwr or the earaskal far uhs sspewsa iaeurftd bv idm ha tha uuarramal rata straagrcfargiie emifr t john vrnybll oxlvsamtarrat okirettno afixhocoanehhispublkhed ia lb dsv ivn imjt another address loochioj the present mr- ditesn d ths oosotry its rgisss as thai vbereu tho nloh preea thmwe the beitswoa eg ireland uooa the lendlorck srapsnaraiv4 pmr rates- th usdkrds most be rpkd by lb teni ma inability lo p rents much lass cwa tpm pey renti aad rale ihete k no sjtijii jrissqlftia meoukcturraind thesbscaleeadraia away qaara lhn theofmuvrdotoenptryrasat fsnd teoas ihsj land and with eeard tj lite snarseetsa that estate moat be aietrd he rerninda ivac sks adrocate lb that before it k d soil rioo m be cruaw iamteawiaab of peuperianvut teas k hu ohastsi remedy t it k thus akuvkd r emamnt sh od be crkct vuoses sft esseso snd0epectceof temfmry ra maasare sh as lhc eonipetiofl of unfinished made ca sampo rery rrrooemngof tb food dyota f iaif sngrr u rtfiir hhk then if the rjparirnont k to be maheon irish property kt the w bote of that pjopcrtv en fir be rmdeead sjaahla by comacttng tho abscrrtees to rclona boosesanl not oseap aa nun with the pwymani ejroan oslrav bet cio tha benefit of ihen pejraooal asd hooh- kotd epediim hy rrwidenea for al toait ue rreox sii nvmtha io the loeilii r whence tkey draw tha revenues tfwy now scjuander out of lb ceantry of cnofaeil will b alao of litunlfiuihe moat inaualnaeeaalyiaatay the un dkrda bud tn their c ruel on c t ione of the peopta nay lka is a znattrr whici alone wmud joatity a nj lj- gethee caa pmrlkmeat ia th very snut waaar seirn ofemps andrriclino of tcnats am arar- grj with fearful rapidity at ihk ssos n varioua parta of ireland sad aebs1 iosrnlad urronl ia iho need of soaaa oheck to uarao if sr would bave e hnaa of pnrerrving iho acmem sstua rontry no mercy to lb kadbrda if tbsycknvc how inrrcy to thopcopls mr 0conurt lhen ryueeada to say that lb calaanlr oujht b be conaidefrd an ivtjj h cabmity andbadeok with aooordkfty and oa this ground h sorttsnda that sain 1s4 tbafioan cal ibiilv of lielnnd wa rrawl tu b ib pro poilioe to great britain a on lo pmc lyskod jhyd nitj pay nf tltc advances on aeouuntoflha fosjans rtjiavintaad un utjnoeu neit eaters islo ik u of ofscarel ited tatatk and rcooaome idir th of witu knda cloaca ihk hk finrt ktter indertuok in assj vut bj msai eritm where ihe fieoreny was conoeated but meair rugera firmly declined to racers back their prpriyon any temii whicji ilodd kreen tns ky psrlr or psitks frvm justke snd hence the mur bs stood until lira niesent time tic whot of the rrttmspocficdm th tsstf las beaorwvcrerfto gether withihsesher v at aabk documents oontaio ed ifi ihe stolen bos w are nt w s ths precise manner in which ihk lass bee clseotcd but we idkve it has eeel ihe rises flew being the amount f th reward oftcrsj uviog tfhepre aont year few tit lervory or ths poparty tb original eum of inoo kanssg been radoood by messrs roger wis iutended to dis the ra ws id annually tf thannte bd remsined imeuisjlsd fof 5v tasrs lha dank of entlsn0iabt awl dcclmcd paying thaos have pkijrd th utee uf l iniuins s a ir to an acttosi hi he rrco very but aa th dank hare netcr retuaedpiy- ra away mu rtti acst mr joe bennett an esjrmsehv dtrtset of canton iwss- sarhucttj h been drptived of bk sfirv mother of thr children oy a ycinajnaphcsr named jobs bennett whoren suray wilh her- thr young acwmn boarded ia the family tot trie ancle iwnkrng h ohserrtd too moch frecdoto of mannsrs bhsrte bis young wife and nciibexv forbid him hk hcaas and he ronk up his abode in another family oa wednesday week ihe hmbend ararpscting or having beesi inforrnei thst things were not all right eni to his house tn the efcraooo and fotmd aftsr some search ihe yemur man rccealcdioljis wirebeuc op iri a eovrrlirh trris was fo hk yrjloe mind connrmalion at rweg ss procats from holy sril lie sailed a csrvinyjknifv and the jona man fled teainr hi hit hehird as joseph did his coal ihocrgn kr a diherent reason ha ran towards the river hie uncle running after nirn and iked lob shand the fksa of abssjom for hit hair caurht in ibo brartchra a ire on lha rivers bank h ussontaogted hts htir lvram lhrtrram and hk uncle rersmed to has wirv hk work at the rbsw rast hi attention he drferred fu rthee pme i sstic title venisg meanwhile hu wife aid mour hcd lh ukinc on child ami ei two behind her s9vjv edy rsvr