mf t m hf si w i 11 1 ba l a 1441 j mp tfv i rfff lift pw pf my v wijii if cjrv iih rw thpttti blmtf tlf tmic- tfj cnd ho tjif ihvvlrdlwd w l0 s i i ikfv vt h vllt4 iv iii till ft mbcf llvpi imsi if ii anlc 1it-i- lucldil itffhrfltihil ttf lliftnv uj4i cjriilv bo emfr the ff4tpjrtn f ibe wore rfpr mtip- cl so wife jqj 4 t lflic wmjiii qmiwft trch wilt perfect tjftaiiit tfcpj blieofilhe lto mh tcf ero of piodntlioe l4 cetou n v of oar rjunovtf eoumry tte wnsaubrcd and imnnie icr of ltinca to tlecfvcrmcnfrvfcari ufcf itinlrftfrt be anli li- ij icivf mv t- th ijrlttv ftfjq- ilviuic il eiitlatrr iinpitlimcet in it uatio tn- it i tw nw rme- 1 pimllo frfl jllj ki dm4ur ntrnnr m inch iadirkftt tine hwicwr mferaf ir if ii a ak an i tr1 fcp tv uircn kvw t3 d iwli tn nt lf wkftf wc llffc fre quern tr ifd f r hrtei irtue hrtjilk rtwi a- drtrbida avrr the twrrep jrvar i fcbn are n a ia4p tfo urmbletli0ali a etcr ore of ihe comen inerc i no ninut fwatlel ljclcct lbcee tbe ltijh ant 4 t- mirf il iihillwnivirlivc eee0n imr 1 pr tiff pnfbm iht- wl af ff ow cimvvjcv 11 lief mftlff lt1 j hvtfj h uvivcc liltftpict kfvm r bltfh tlhrn- ilhqu4l difllmif rmhr yi lie rftfr i wlf vift uw mrinc piit ij jt lb nu llf of out rat by jhtcf to 4ffv r- il t m wt mf mit ltlktrmj viw f immb4mmmfam9t ilm itijatforfw py- rv hrwe rin tf ij plbttnttklv4 ikfmclvtt riiprd f ii r ntr i il uji b tirc l vvlkftml ti rrf- lint ff nlrr l1 lli fwmh fcf fcl fmeowmuiitpvn jlic fr rn- ft iwarlfeftl bitw hrtt wl tt tfcc siu- ltlu ilt fftialll f ttfhmpf irt liw t uff inflololh ji mt imm tj tfildlnvivat rt si oplc fltr rfl ti nlitiutlt j miwim i fwttheb itricts peft steadier caledonia commercial revicw mipjpj wfvmft 4i fdkfm thf prrwnl mfifih the 0fflwiijl dilfe 4critv1 m aui ll no h 01 iocrij- tfif4 art 4y vclwt lc tcl 4f n- wldrljr ihj mrrcrtlilr j5jlrf ant ii u imv jif5ntj nijl 1c vml tlirtftk iffiich pimluf o rijorcf any m4t l mkb we ffaiu f nooiy mriwiej flow thr rfificullirs wliih imuj i 11 uvirpko1 conccni 0n uil failisr of tw r1 bife yipr1j jimtiki irr- wih tf h n rynl umi oiimh i jmm lfl 9t4 ft rtf tffjry tiftrt of hrothirf cin be mrmnl on onratioc iin or ivillp oot ttoitjiuffllmt- reliction n thn in the iramfartnrtii liricl a s ltfp of he nulbir titolvnvl j md llir trfv rii ulint in th rfvpjw for tin ltqoarirr inteicl thai a he i comin- ftrlwtw emfltioa ofic p hfti f n- of i vi v af4 tftf partiiti paling in lh nerjl iooni whicb pcniftfj jiir olhr bmnchrf of 1ri on cot- tot maili doling iik puc fonilil mi wen rerj 1il ami unrnit ihntty anyihin- wa vi no inoculation anj very ille taknon report the tia1e f counte limit ed their nperjlioat 10 immediate wu to ihat the sale ince he 3i imtuit are of mau ninoiiht in the citral uni1n tf trad and tae adopljm of ihoel time in le mannfacfor- inc ttitlrick enhbfd wiih the tevere mo mfv feetnrp ncm hare c ay nlhal ontitrihe hmnithl w hve f nhc 4hnti4 j wjl on ainerian jkuul id l j eeilun 3 o jl per ne the clnunjc timuriom nf tut week while ttmroay tbculet which iverer ww on j 1joo havu we min at a farther decline yetterfat at mark lane he preriom price of lat week were aked ui before ntee cow he ertecterf a defftw nf from to s ireqnartee wai sulwniiird to hy the teller pureico irhrat wxdiffienll ofiale the 6ner aorti lurched tart wceh ibices h ibeinferioedevcnptjorvwere oteahk the millcra fcd lite p pice of 0oor at 46j per jack american floor nu about 1 per harrel cheapfr lhan he meeinu wrk the ouo fiiriorw for american flotir in liverpool u ifc sd o a 61 uoder the iloomv pnxpeen f tijmrf t jain tie qnarlerlv eclifts nf lb iron imdr have jmtejolt more oijfacnrily ihan aanny wet al find dripotej toevicl l tat that the tranaint hee nm vnt et tiilre eml at thtsuie lme pne 0 manu rlujjd iron remain mrd l in ttuisi im jtance pny metiifc were rori ivttti jiiaic nli 1 at lireffooj all hi been leacy and triili le excptiaci of nie failure nlhm ha or- enrred in the tradv to mar pnhjtc i hntreftr we qflme tntrehati hjr at i9 10 but kara j0i0m i- pt hmb seweb oiibaee nn nay a link and mr aowbeqovted x3 i2 aj j 2 ia cla- blppej in th mnxocinrin ftrjesi uomntetele palyel nor w my ptpeci of inmertiate retrf thfm re- aaark r applicable ti the ioolleii jisincs of v iuik a well i ibwtf ofcon ii ltticaliirr onr mccniik fon mnaclieatt r v rhal ihrre unni a in4urt cln e of any kind in the yam at i- j riraikof llie telntm repeeln the raniil dintnlton rt emovnenl in aihi oron mnhcticr ar xuin mor licouain everyday ir ap sar fu tfutf tlfn the tfeefcrftjift t no fewe than 1mlru ml etaiil wnk in ftl lime nf which wen ha4 cnrnrct rrfocid hnrft and siv or neatlv hall had nt lirrle cad up ifllhe dte ootnl asnve out of 41000 i- ptnjiiee vf every decripjon i unit ale- hle in njl nnanliiie and at an iitrmchi acnnce pill of fdchake anl ih niot auame iecwttiej arr nneonvrrlime into eas even al fret rfepfrcialiori ctevpt in hi- try iiiiiitreant amomtu fnivsn nrl nr pthjlict ami u 1 u evu itnl be exmilftl l waul nf citlomary f4ctli- tie knt djfpaial nf bills drawn acainl tbem- contidence u all hit annihilated and ihe rorreucy of lh country 10 a great measure withdrawn and hoaidej it 1 needle oceaaon in inquire to what cnnbinaipn of eaive ih umrnlabfe slate of affair hi wen brought abou a crm of mitaatle1ed evetily exit and yoot mrmotialil believe ihat it i in the power of the jovernment toalja alarm ant intore conrvlrice hy coming o the relief of the commrrcitil aij mhnfacittril1tclaet hy a einporary nlvancc on the credit of the conn try yonr memorialist iwlievc it nn only he dnlv inil the inlerel at jurernmcnt 0 af fnd teief in mnch a they contidenlly l-e- treve lliat ihe utier prostration of the mafm fclhriu and cnmpnercial ifrrei cihinm ntherwie be prevented whereby i he labor- inrintnlatinn will he immediately hruivn out of enp4oyment and an ammna ofniiaery sajdiafitmih will be wilnevted uncxaronlvd iu tne 3bfin rf the ennntry yntir lnrilnhp tnt depend upon m when we vo4i th if the pwtenr pressure ho not relieved mechanu and other trader ot uttdoihled rev ability who are not only soltvnt hnl rich and who have meiciandio and hill whic umler ordinary eircmnlnneet wmttd affrd cay and ample mant of meet in rn3einerl inetililily be enmitlkd o np pavrnen we rerrl 0 tate jhal yit a we eeere c- in- topre4 e learn ihat ihe ileptifacioi h niurned to liverpool hating failed to nake a faronrahff ifietion upw he drcors ut the bank of entland the lmtfnn fctwittiif uprakin nf the re cent bhrtneavaffa with approbation the fnl- lowinrotti tbccifcnlor of mcr innij brnxner this a emrndnnt thi of diaher and 1 i not to be donvted hicoinmereial credit hai hecn gally hatteied much blamo hj been eutnn tfti ivrrnment policy heth aw kitardi the rlfminnlinn nf peoeciee dnlie and a reaped the bankin ant monolarv law ii u nt neceaiy nor are we called upon o justify ihe policy now in nnce hut we en iotej a4nl the ajramplinn lhal hp prrol endiliun nf the commercial world h aliorlher cm4eame on ihat policy one halt of ihe rnrf were arxoloiely intnlrenl and it would have been mdneaa in the gnk of enlani had it cofler been oveirlowin with bullion tv diwonht piaprr rn the faith or their nam on any term whatever a re cardf the fall in lle price of indan produce convene upow ihe policy of parliament and the government rh fall woa a facl 01 br foremen aod provided iiwl there ha been no nddcn ml in price hit a gradual rrlfnrehi and pendent merchanunf nrdi- luiv ivefiht- carrvinnn hone lefiimate- ly have nntere rllfc a foe llo hnme hlkh hare faid ihroagti ihe zoeaeaof nib rrfi ihey lerc and have received syaipalliv in erety qtraiter many of them lemainin atoetirr nnbiihed in rrpniation in avmnqoaunc p thia part or he subject we may daif the diaiert thin first a hm career of ill adriwt otiera ion witliont coinptent capital the reanll precipitated and cageiacd by unfavoraue cif guaunce seconda mad career of pci1jtion fn corn carried ou withoo capital cr at least with iiunflcient mean thirdtlie inailenyacy of th- mean for niched by cvlomer and eonnxionv in cover advance mad to hem by the opendinr finstj akkonlt little bsame can he aiachvl in hi tv6 inasnncb a the yei of du- conntin bilu dawn and eceprd not for ihe tiielly leiiimjte ptfrtoti nf elfettr remit tance and payment but for nhins workin capital bal became ihe general rntlom of the mercantile world and a tuch to a cvdjin or comsideialronwhellicr it vi i6f adviiamr to retnrn tn rf ore stable y em the liver pool km indr aociation cem tn coicnrin till a ihe eminent member compoiin- that tody have we believe vininimotijy recom mended the limitation of india bill to ia month iihlead of ten a i ihe preaent course miscellaneous the london paper announce ihe death al the advanced a of 55 of he diinnihed rnmpn william michael rooke chiefly known hy hi npeia in amllre he leave widow and a taro family of children in pov erty the bark of beuinm baa jnt decided hit ir will todiiuminl hjlti at iore than 30 day dale tim arrhbitknpof pari ha jol been flam ed by the poffi count of the i inly roman eilie liverpl ha become one of the first if not lh lrwt eiw it in eiinmr the bavion civcmmvnt i taking meas ure in tovuact la of 4g6s7000 florin for raihuady a oirtit for i2nt day watch made to n wilhotii an inid chain ju ben liken oki hy mr ilwry uismorjill of predion a mi ldei a frenchman attended in 3 hiitiivn ri the tvt nit in st ivtersbrtr- and ha eit incf wen heard nf the hafn ha heen fftiind nn br lake ladoga the nlimaud value of tho warehotie in mnnmcilfi inu o h- oqfitojxn tin inclndrs only v which have been built on jrfivair speculation letter ffm venice hnar the intelligence lcaii firm in he i feared hat the jia- a ryitmml rf incie nf itie failnre of ihree 2 ii trade of whirh i inliln are very cnijj4cnuj sl pat iy a vtate innviion nn doum a vuhi- dy for ireland uithnut a famine wnujd not lr- lamilofil hoe had llir nurnr of hand emyr miu in lh hamob nf maneh t1 tor mi bjom ml and 9103 tftiemplrtven at st ptervnrs letter tat- that the aumiit in vihi of i o evparlnl fron rjsilhimia ine hela hirvea i jjsh ji romhmemialiii auit i12wuu0 frac the repmt f in citnlatii thai mr her ttrf frmfily chanchr of ihe evchenuer 1 to put furwrj a lv deader of th cner vatirepirty in lieu of lord joho fteniiiwk when ihe new parliament aemb1e e 8711 wvl lime lnofft1 w- larr ahn ihat the flop of mtll in he diincl 1 1 nunelhofr it uacltasin coimfcfanlj on accni from u ad lliullcrrld pcak anfavrabry 4 tradv the localil at hahut itaniifacurrt tfoj are nal- ikr 4 h a fufcllcv 3id prlee are ntrr if ponamal in ih yarn trade lesa i rlqn j btit lvek are not accomillatinowinc n the mtavntf of the f pinner the ret fioco i rvhditlr are nn dikonrafiin the wool marvei ibre m nniahy ciiiet flnntl ainj piece firifl a rarfy le 1m hinnes 1 doi- at bradford and prneral rnavtiilr prvtl yarn have unk i a tk uitjtn o all fvvi h hem itc have ajo advice finin ntftiinimn and li- cvter they li nt tntiln any ilnn- imi ekulatrd u afftrl nieh irouratnnt in a ncan inct nn he ti4on et- ehnie nothto ff nrtilaree ha been dot dnlnc the pat m umijnj fv ifavi re filmed m niuylvanij kive 4010 at a and ivnited states bank shares 16 ai i2vi tae fulbivin hlwhiaj to i coeero- nenl a n up n jtuday lat hy the aoveliean fhi v f cntnmrrce and wa tr5 nnmervfily ied bv ihe nrchau n4fcipirftrsf oeerd a dimrhm how tie h mavor mr blown m i to lheainty and mr iardwhi m p fntllje rwooh ptfffppjrd n lynvton niht to preaeit t soa v du weiet and itotflf unce ta rla repreoeatatiom to 0 ami ik tfifi mm nuu tw mrtooriai f th irjimirrd nilr mrtarta trdr and nttierv inhabi- tasta nf fv nrrtth yn miav1arij u re- feffty toreureaent u yaear lotdtbithtf ja avpiavaiav ndr of tbo irawe mf od ftualaeftof fho rotjnuy awphe miaarafaa fctaiiy fc aneh iiifi hnlois4waaa1f bj tw power of tb av m w ajd loss of nik lvst india compa nys watt stewier rtlopltjt with nlakly 300 persons for several wefk pat a fee line of tbe deepest reirl ha je vailed nbonjetl author- tie f the kil fnjia llone in conrunce of the rrceipt of intel1ine frm ihe com pjny- bmlw drpnlit ltonbay anrrooncin the pnhame in of the aove mentioned vel wuh evetv onj on board tie cir- cunncr attending her dfalruclion will qj likely ever remain a mynirit the clrnfiltra it i iaed fmo her rreuhar form nf huild and othr cirenm1ance was not n well adapu d for iho puroe he wa cnmtni iotid ir nthe- v nmvittfi nearly hw imh um den mj carried four xmu siw steamed frvj ltsh on the mlh of april lal with order fnr rnajmrr ad hdon board neaity jtjo cnnviel ilei crew com- priced 70 prrni ih chief jvfltnn vf whorn were enfppai there wa jaa a detach ment of maiueo iraard who had llie afc keejofj of i be convict- anfu the nfliccf in charge nf the hip may hi mrntuhied cap tain j a ynuntf commander mem edrrtj iienl rolii mr r u nlt mr t c tmnd aedn mjdr and mr j sondy emeat nn oi crpt soody it n four daya ofler her leparlnre from bohibay there cae ona fiiahtful hurricane which continued with unabated violence tn three xu lie i7ih ichh and llth the ml fnhful havoc at oecaiinid m all drreciion amoni ihe hippine krnni ealculahon made by com i- lent parhe it i very probable tba tlie cleopatra had at ha period of encounteriny the florin reached be mulahar coatt ojt which tli- i vs nntrh reason to believe le fmndered wilh every humin beinon hoard many week and rrro m ilir havine eltpaed rne he wna dne t slnpvro ihe marine aolhnthiea al jvnbay lo at i all doubt at real ut hi lo powerful ttrafnert in rarrli f ler tn up hi ihe met rcnunti nt ihe rdinlett deoery had been made tn clear np iti myatty thai tf prevent turronnda ibo ale of tha faatal the esaipnau for buildm and citing hie nnhitioau thip tacved c3nxw iiiklmx irand i nviii f il itn the engtith xudie 1 1 lh ihat m unud fcr ibr 1bjnlt nfoeval hev fore the ne battvif baad rt gordii fiitil nf kmdicill im afverne veftient in iinl tie h iivi- jtileietlfd nnlivhh im minuter iml rot ibide u ihe pfincijde of 11 mineftetif e att mnney rn ihe imperil trcaoy i valnhjh a com pared to the lhouam1 nf live lvt ljiyea and he i enpiaed to learn from liie c-rt- ence nf lal jrri he afcriwc nedfcity for making a vftte protijn lor an apnreheiided famine it 1 not yet widen hat there i to be o famiee oct jer tml 1l dne seem thai certain local ajminutraiori of the poor law in rrjol have remitved tha ihe t are s to tnrve if ty ate uol vippurlcd nbnd a a ihwy wilh n famine as it would be only one evil m1ead u two but it would be rather trpubleomo thedechriini of the rcilrnrfi gnwojin jiaht be jtaed hy a an irish waer h that it receive fnrmidahu cnnfirmalijii from the official siaiemnnt nf sir jhn 00 head of hc relief coiomijjinrr aul mr tre- vrlyan of th treaniry the otlcer of thai department ihoha snd partinulat atrenhori in tin ubect f huiirl and the vrhtdie hr john fenndrsl by mr trevelyw ie- elat that clain dririrh ut teat mt b aided willi ftl ther cnnl4i1ijtinn or lie iiro pie will larve ii theirfitti apic3 to he plieed hwyotid dmibl hoi prrtij nenl will be called upon tfl m fmlher supplie fee jr land and lhit ihv hrtien1rnce to he col- lecled in the churchy nf kiand itnd scot lail tomorrow u ojv a rvelate it kpjha4 iwkf jfcentri ai an act nf rave on ihe rail f vaihi local lidie that they have waived their nmoiili0fl lo paying the hr1 ma1lmlalmntnf fie advonces un der hie temforary ifchef act hy a rale nf three billiii in luouod it i olrlic in then not tofiittun repudiating ho obfi- vn white thvy ar akn for more hut of cotire tfrt grand argument wliuh ihey uw jaimt feayi the aorance woom hy much linlbened hy the receipt nffunher advance inr if that already supplied wa loo much to rfjuy of enursc a larer amount w0i1j he fill ore dificufr a local cor remn dent of ihe onmin even- in- fnil for wbo aecucy the editor voucher iv j the fot account of an aftlikmt motder william roe riaj i p bacrtffoi wa rdvtl at ivceve nvlock iradaji near bu pueas uoekwctt ad- j mnin boyiouum tjiree niles from cahel 11 was aa evfejieni gminlrf centlenan hi falhrrinlaw mr clarke nf nenah wa mnnlered ahwt two yean ajto the cne aijjned foe the murder i that mr itoe had rvcicd one fonerfan ivjio had ttl to pay him any ren for a considerable period lie hai abscnndeit several letters have lately a luteal vd in a local paper foretelling ome- tiling like luuvcry event daled fiom the nehanrbonj mr itoen crime had been hat he was a it i a remarkable fad tbat mr itlirlflflh laic prind nfcjicitv made every tfxtri 11 thai wa pwluy with- in hi powers make ualkvjott tbe pe varlin- ditrs of hne deendent on him and ihe pum icsidm n hb hcihborhood lie e4ahlihed a us own etpeme a kitchen fnr the pnrhoe of providing foj for ihe poor thai efahlihneni wa conducted and man avd hy mr hoc two iter who from chimin in daly enntnet with ihe deitihiie caught epidemic fcrer from which happily they recovered and are now alive one would have imagined hat conduct and chari ty inch 0 hi would have created an affec- linsaic regard for mrv koe among the peasan- iry employment of the peasantry ve rae btri paetec weotter onr ibankt to a kind friend for a report of ibo toceedint of the landlords end cnanu of the electoral division of fora in ihe union of ojdratle cnunly ol westmeath misacory 111 uvfm biclhl he eaealtlt and fav aiifia rh hndlor antj farmer at cumbcrwn will he fotloived hy be undlom and faimc in every rural elec toral division in ireland hitherto a want of union between ihe farmer cbc dad the entry wan one of he ecatel muforlunc bat ireland ensured the following he report lo which tve have alluded ala full meeting of ihe landlords am tenant hiving projely in the electoral di vision of fora in the union of oldcattc held al cnmhcrmoivn on so 2d of october in the marnwi of wetmeath in the chair the fnlltfvvinj resolution tvoreunanirn- otoly adopted r that vicvyinq the law as it u until t- cnnsioercd wr are of opinion that inasmuch a here are 464 statnio acre and ihe poor taw valuation uxr2u3 15 rn this di vision ihree labourer 10 every hundred acres is nol an excessive proportion for evcty occupier of land lo employ and inasmuch a we calcuta th it the probable number of aidebodied men who will be entitled to re lief nndcr the statu most be taken f mm 170 families and inasmuch as saint of ihe landlords of ii division have bitbcrlo aito- elher drcllucd or neglected to contribute the jut pmnotinn to the cmjdnymcnlnf the laboring poor ditrin- the eviin period of dltrv 11 reo1vedthat the proprietor and farm er hrc aembled hohjin co acre of land azd upward wilt employ the labooicrs of this division in tiic proporlion of at icisl three to ercry hundred acie durin tbe ensuing winter and jrio and inasmuch a a great number of labvnrcrs wiu be tbu hiown upon tenant farmers at a lime when their moans of nayintf wacs are kxs than they havn been inordinary yars we are nf opinion that landlord navin properly in hi dimion mav he fairly epccted to employ at tca one third of be laborer whowmild othffrvrio be cbarfeame onihi tale and we respective ly kill use ojr utrwwl effort to induce such landlord lo employ them resolved at samuel a re ncll ea- he reunited in act as secretary and that he relief committee tocether with mr geotf nvill and mr laurence lvy bo a slandine committee for ihe purpose of sceinc those resolution carried into effect and that i hey do keep a book and rciter therein from lime n lime the name of all laborer in hi diiio the person hy whom em ployed and the number which each proprie tor of land ought to employ within ihe mean ing of hear relntinn whsisisatii chairman iwn vnai nf nninterrvpled jfnm no th bankih ateramtf a kal jki the wilhdrawat frorn thr pai nuna oit motidav lt reevd tilp m ty nikki i n i ne jfouitrtir ha pitiihcd a rori ancc ojhlhoriaintf liuirter fin rrvntrac a lo- of oooowi franc fkitoi noiem tie j to be be ittraci i on rhc ien aerk mby i chdi nc- to mlhnf mi l france- klnjr lonl philippe cnmpmed bt seventr- forirth fiiron october 6- the evenr wa cele brated at st chvrd by a crund dinners tbe kinc and queen of he bvlfioias had arrived to join ihe festive circk ft ild dial ld 4ormanhy had anuhl and obtained evplaiialimi on the subject of the one ipaumafev apnnintiociit to be gov ernor genera of aiv il o cause nn alteration in the policy of france ki flahanll who had been nnepecedly detained at pari by iinlin ha depaitvd to vienna and foual walcwski has arrived from he km de la plata reform dinner continue to be held about the country a tut lo oecun ranch wild lan- nojrjo of 0 reimhlicnu kinil inaomuob thai tymptom of uneasioos itestiu to be howu at head quar ler in rumor of ministerial pro ject of reform o appear the discontent rj drvrpe eponble editor of thf covrritr poot 0t hjrjt sufterrd judgment lo jo hy default had been senlencer to iwelve months imrioonciit and a ant of 60000 francs with cou fochivimje copied from hie ifidcjwdtntt dt jlrujfbt a libel on be fi nance mioivr conveyed iu this sentence h much at thia mnmrnt ia lieins slid aborts a certain inscription of 1000 franc rente itiven hy itaron do r rohaohild lo m h jotnea mtmhor of llio council of state on ibo day of hu maniajtv with ihe daublr of hit ivlnlater d emmont the preaenl wii made mi acknoivlcdirriojit for ihe con- ceufon cf hi noithcrn hailrnnl ilie aceewai of thn bank of frnce allowed i fovoeaue sliit but vihou ml uriel dialrva however cimiti in mak pro rct4 amon liv ifsdercf parti aflcrrteirly a iicatei on h f jrlferent intl10t- j o khtj niteember ih il7lh januaiy is 18 and tljrd wfwtxn faucs nvthurn the ty eactlinonih jjown u jvjreintf 1 ter loan i to le itexoliaed in ihree pj eenl lie- law of tlkslhnf aiul annii a iivu of 35 11x10000 fraor bn rtnlv ivmnrtft biin vtanm ihe other xlfkri0 s r he employ to redece ito ttati jffpbi pmduecd by the nveine initio bai the dukn dc fjuiie second son vf the puke ipaiimfleffttvern rineialof rria diclllhiee nlock on smdav mnrinnie hi st ound niter thne jy illoe lhm- de oitic wa born on the ihn f tftd anuth th trial of m unteinnd de reirrallon earn before the our dvve lou eek the pmceedni aree oi of thb fin duel fuht ii ps49 net wow m lujjnot vam or he piik ani m vera uvii lion tvhieh e olhaecnafitni f liifiind ibo aftsimllli t of pefinrv on the irijh al ile kmuvilfntt wa held to hl cummirel teijuv jiiwvlf in dniyin on nath hhat he hd ptaetted willi a eculi4f pan i pislok iinmevially 3w le duel wilh jl tmjarier th uel had en affirmed on ifeccjue willy ttial by m de meynard wlm wa mo hie principal w iluc brought forward nn tine pc- i t eaiwi there wa oiher cnrrntu iatvc endenc hut al de ueau ailon uennniulv dented iu accuracy- tht pnori foumd bim tuillv with elennalin circumuaincev and eirtaeed hnti tn ribt year imuiruon- mel he has appealed o be coua nit cas- satim italy rollers irom homo to the find of twclow iivr lw partcula nf tiir dccre iuitd by the pope snr tile nramaiion of the muiuicipal chimcii of rome which is to asunne u nane nf senate the council 1 o consial of one hundred member namely sixtvtfour proprietor 32 lawyers fojvttatj airi aank- cr merchank c and four trpcfeiiiiiiut uie ecclealical bod the municipality will be cojnposed m a senator n mnyor ann oisfht ileimtv mayors who were a i first to be chosen hy ilie teieminene and afierwant hecleced by the council the member of the latter ate in be renewed h third annually the steele pnhjihc a pnrammeof ihe mivsnret contemplated by the cand ruke of tucny firl the nranixation of a civic cd di vided ion two copooe formed on ihe plan of the german landwehr and liable t lajte lli lil ard ibe other sedentary devimi l iiiard the inwn secondly the aiijornia- ttin of ihe aroy with a correjnuii war matetiel 1biidlv the evtablishinc f n- eipahties fonnjed on ihe principle of dcjiiur ewtlon fniirthly the eslahlisbmenti of pro vincial councils aio elective fiff central remreenlatinn oranixed accorimyto the circumnnce willsooli i the peaceful anticipations for italy o far justified that austria has retiacvibva it rrvsmnniln and evaetiael ievrans prince mekemich ha not stood eennical riht on which hi suborninn sutetl he ha emulated ilie denizen polite nation in tiny worm uho tepln the eufilish lady fear let what she lurid said wanotcd frerchthal it otrzht to be n jf pope pin heninh is not dipliomoii- cally infallible prince mcilerrich vroallv admii that his ilutinesa ouht to ho v and the latin conmrnction of the treaty iff made for ihe nmte lo override the idon of c ipw maey tin rve for all partie ihlt somo denhei thmwn on the aaliralp tinjinf luslfia 1iwark italy by li rejmvu oiat hi ansifian toi fr frnn i rained th vcetinjlton nn w tih- jt fall 1owcvrrby itelf itoe not prove much cemral and norlberu ilaly remat on ihe whole trarquil the poje and t grand dujte of tuscany onlinnns ihetrneralix- ine mraurei the fom ha juvijblithrd amunicip- l 5r fits co b selfelecting bm in immbem aif ir nature of iltohtistibient ectlon vevurcwftfai- siderame deiee of jtopnlanty iiiir south thtuteof kaples eonttnucs ardor poticyortryin to suppress the ichelliowbilv he alfeet tovmru vk c on tie 2lth and succeeding wenu lace assemblage of peop1f took ptaee out bp pi- 774 kealelht l3r0 delta canr adtpiie fraaa santa croce tricolor batioev were disdaed and the cries nf itip nnno kalian iiidvpendene and comtilulion verc bf arl afterllsn jentde bad been dispersed the lowrr vhibiled all ihe appearances nf a place in atate of rce lhetreeu bein coixtanllypatromcd hy stjuadron nf cavalry and jelacfnent of infantry and overrun by he ajefl oftbe police r i ilie vajrarie of the prince nf cvnohad resulted in hii heinj ordered 0 roioai a pris oner in ids palace at dome switztiuant the cisl vmuld appear o bt erf car at hand a lare convoy of arm armunni- lionvt wor uupljed by he fh r emmenl for the ue of he canun cf oibort i hoaancdsi o enter neufchaiel tt gov- ernmeut of that canton have ottirreikiran- ci lo thnsndtibiind the vwld of he departure of 1he ennvoy awiice lo ihe governments ncnfchalol to ejtthe decree of ihe 314 july directing lncinre of al arm and mnnilnns of war drnd for jje sonderbund the convoy twever waint tnjipedbvlbe by a lare lody of citizen who toobe task upon themselves on discovering ihcpihy of he authorities thydeliverd enn- voy 0 be fulhunty oflbf yandwlsentjt to vverduj toanvmeiitcoioaj nervhalel governmtsl induce htovern- mcnl of vand to seimasicam kr ion0fic tdlhe former and bavin fjt i u on board and a party of caibineerv illation it on the fribntg bant of the lawnyr he purpose of irever ihe hilroduriinof arms into the caulnn hy watc the veil ha despalched to neofehatel a feuvrarvumv sinner with the national rotor aecnnnicd by a ecrrary and a notary formally moo nvufcbatet to execute the nrdeof be diet or tn obtain a formal refalf ohe- dience thus a collision appeared le im- mineut hi fttl im hi a hlil ncj vi rntfesh- ii ii nut remnntrae dtti fraticn igaii rhn rnirtted the mven liunf the irevjn i much eile me4r eitiih in the mne and the i eihi hajd 1- fuavd tooen berraii bop ttie eiule vf epa j afw arpr tr dene of sntsse iaonti taithln tl 1nili erflti rv itmi tie tud of uly rveevlea itcenl irhait tiiil np ut timwaiitii hi j s vf lvteyvd li firtnin ibmnisj in ti hl ial tu arifcy would jm liijrj 1 ni fiinld rte j him in i slirf hunitlnifhy lne isosk seeoifl tohvy hn lijil il li lim a i lure wilh l liw ti rlaeiiij hnn in le fiicnn l hi rval and miiiiii th dinrluhi nr ilrsppiawi f hi liiirnvl jtid lliitt elmcnihtn alt h bnn of irslfrrtion hi the jtb itils hvu usafi- inentt en r from iataraniio finder w nun vifl anil the cjii- jiitthf oi the cut itlfm in rnl tnn lk ft camp ly niifnim and ivi fttrimtly nn hhtfwnsaboull dalttnfat t k iuo ic irtonitk ay 51 ra t 1 lle it ji ii ihe r- ml carrvi nf the e kin a prlptitv the drmi tv- efumriil hive rccfnted lii niv miii mi ihete ia little irkehhootl of then beine t e ditnbanie in lhai ntiarter for lire ivfui cjreni mmjalhy had been evcitrd llirniti- nnl i ml u by ile eaaroi laenlliiami flirli isf the indian riavyvelm had ientfuot4riiiii the senice of ihe uji jja conptnr wiih a peuitt of 100 vvat the charge a mui ligtcnanl iird li mciplctly tbe ffivernor tenral wo eioclet retiiflin rl the hiln till novembv inri tnnh luj been tultctirtf from fevor tul wa rocovoiinx- a decided improvement bad taken pvice in the aspect of ejdimcreial ajfairs at linnhay ihe accounl of the rovvin c i i were e- ecediugly laeorame inouey was plenlifnl it f rnouey was fenced their rate ol anil ihe hank had count 2 per peiil n tid n- had hern received of the unfor- tunale clettpaua flirrv r every reaon tn believe thil u foundered off the valabr coal iitlbe hnrvjemvf the t7lbitdl and tss bf april she hat 200 emiviel on ji jrr eftwrcoirsiaird 70 rneo ainl here wa beside a delachmect of mauuv on iroard the marine aulltocrtie it lumay vent out wo jnwerfut 4 sienuver in i- lierfbut according to- ihe last account nol ihe subtest icnver had been made ihat woalsl tend n clear up he mytlcry lhal at present urrouid heaite f the teci the unlubakired islands westward lo which ii wh thmht ihat ihe illfated steamer mibtprnha mj have ben dne en had been inspected bnf wubont resuil neither hoi any wieckcor- respnndm wilh the cleopatra bein nctud up from ihe ueculiaiity of her buihlit i said bat the cleopatra wa not well adapted for ihe service rn w bach she was employed british whig oprer r oibem otmft satlhjmv noviujber 13 1s17 notices of birirja j gd m tfi 5 tj ourbit imrtfession nv merely sae a meare account of twttcwai brought by tfie steamship clcoonla today we pr c4onr readei with an iuierfsltn letter frnannur loivdon correoihlvnl loether wilh copiou- extracts feoni klu papevsjof u dale awumffiss iotiray lovnoar oct ifl 4 a fearful commercial chm eit ieri sinccajjrtva second atu3 uunvfae ihkc have sufeuded payment i it il he ml7cjt for me to imtr- cal he leadinxins which liae riven wnyi before th preiun of the tim fird tfi morni haehj rrnlhcr i e la re f ted vltnl to overcome be eu1it aid he we willfiht le ua imry ca1h of good h0pk- hi a late paper from the cape we ibe forowlnj oralum town jul 7 icieti oevenild ihe xl b0ly of ede al hi ejeal pucc piblicly to aott hs inlcutioii to join in earnest i lhe ribv added bat is bad ivreefcjioafosn sanded in focm a confederacy of llirttliale ol ihe cahlribesvhvorllcf invoke ie ui- dy i our past mifrundvtajandiu- a h jenjde m unitr aiinl the eumy as one kah liiili a miauiinoui rtfpnne was given lo inrnwi mil by hi projde expreei tborejici t mi jiittion to rommeiice ihe tinvy hen fomed a plan in send ojt mfclaiiie lo tho fiondviwhilc ihn inain bodj yewi a home tofiihtllie anrty when h toman manomt ihe cmhookit chief basiaed kricli with all hi people and palo vib all hipeodo india th nvertahd mail fmrd india habnushi ceonul from ftombiiy lo the loili nvc-l- outtn lo ihe th aupnat lid bah of now est hardly any interest iu ibo punjauh ire inhreuce of our jjesidthwta allpowerful it had led lo the iwi of pinclamalion nkilrshlnr slaver if lnlie fmm t imu vv jcam tiat in cnrteir of lbs iuana int tajly napur liohndnvred are1aresir ckstsvl would a yulm eior oailvllim impiili nirre fo6 two dlvfiibmioev in lhrwrn- dur lhab iu crmaeipanee if the ilautfnr and sal of rowe callle hy a mutviibnan udhvr tlsr ea aald to trie smvavuiir case o ivi8 t4 4tv ahiw ipentsio lbcmrrillwvovinjf a absorplion of tapllai lies t brought lhcuvrt int difbculties and the rceenl fnilurtas nerrj land of paittes onvhini it isold accrtfnao coupled with istoxminjiiecsre fjc ren dcrod extrication inijstsje mr baruj tbebeadef ifcn houe0ncof tliejisembciv ft sunderiid 0 fy b iml ucnvrai rikardsaltilltft co faiwith kawltir o the amnnn of acoooaitdorvihe snrodnyj tf a bornonillf in ihe veneiian ajidlmr fioaresdn he porrujosse inde 0tihr41tii inmantt nfi rs j at morley mantbesi warehousemearstcpl pftyinenlwiinaiihil lilies to the ammaat of xtt70fl oil the fuu lowing day mr w naah inshearnc trjlif j came to a stantlfor asimuaramounr 0aihq ioh inarit messrs laitronee rhillljf sonsin the east india iradcstppneilbaviog liahilitios to ho amount of 711 firtbe fnrjure are rcrorted root manchrser messrs james sou co and mr tcbhutl hein avionr lfl number fmm ltveernnt i barn that messrs mocatta in la fjnaira trtde have cornel to a stop tlieir liabilrfies arn 0 at ktafmi meinj soap ma nn fa ciute re hoih nf tivcrolarj co corn and tirnier otchauls jof ayjilf ii forothavesii fpofqt the fiabilij tieaxlu si case are about 50000 scoiland ton is fectiny the piemuro nnd in -vhe- 110 vinces tve have ihe failure of the a bank twfiqtitttirtki ihi owhtm banking company as faltliffcse beta anticipated the revenue rriurrh up to the 5tb oiiobtr othihit am vesolt of ihispressoreln the commercial thj i sir iciiherl peel by uwp decep 1mi an- rtuckerv ihe preeni nnf u hiiiit c le nf ajtithabenmiiily1iroirt ainiil sn irj parnieniaty jn- rxcs ihenfatrnalrc etct of iee dade h ihi the fistjtrr cuniiy an j o bet tnln- niis w pfjrfy nnl im ntiatual npekin uf the avwtd and in mime eae already eecn1ed intcetion nf he iovem mvnl innaerihrw our colonial ysieu bad heir evihit leamua loan abntilioc o nivilfoi iju s the jaijrfrj y iu hie ilil plare i to ihe eobnir itiil the new piiiviilri adopted tbe elvi-i- hem trni- rtpeih rejnsimc tn local lei-blure- and ibe efen ihrin from all rrciptrvalron nf com- mefcial favor wilh hie mother country are neiiher more nor let than rirronrtrfrn if vumu t hi he vcned by a nalive cibiet ienlhr to her own leilalive inklies if tier produce t lo receive no favnr in the enj- lih makel im rptja province no favui in hen andaj wu or cunayvaii l i hae no snore adennua in ibe oanjil of tithcr pffinee lian krerichor american wilf tord prey be leard tn ml in tvhat wo panada will ikkef villi regard lo ue fae fhil nf the united stales cecp4 ovirhiiuy turdrnenwfrii llie ot eveiidirit and the peril of tosniit tolunita are we say holdjy of nn htinnsu taltte tt hafevtf it ia only as they ate unr- xerirs for nalive sea inert and markets for native industry that ihey ate of any worth subrjiefl covnu and cvtttmrrt ot4 to bt a fattflt ttat involving o wise and paliiolic finriple hnl wilbon s and commtfff cooiie ace a bnrltien and a danger and the tomhrj weclridof ihemthc beler modern widnm invites n w lliraw away all bve idvintifv- if we must obey these oraolc let if m the name of common sense ret rid of ihe expense and rik also the decided failnre of sir robert peels free trade mea sures was 7 mnre clearly eataldislied jun by lorit george behtinck who showed at the ordinary kvenite i the commeneermenj vf sir botvr t i jxfta ay7ai7 sir iloterl peel irted bs ea tmnienraaaprjdiced u52s7in tetrll gexvec fnnhet whonved that i the a37sft5i with which mr unherl peel did not middle eve up n 4tj3ijr while ihe lilwi7l6 on which hv eerirrenteu dwin dled dove iu 6oim27 from i a j uto yiewcilhyadiliiivnal re venue fi em foreign snynr admitted by tbe lyfelpjp should be deduvled riv sty t36rhf btojimnkb hat hfi a dwindled down lo 5ti03l27 shveiue a 1 1 to hie revenue put upon that part of it m which sir robert peel a tern pled in hsn- ciaj pi4iijfenl of no less than i1v253l oi lj per cent autlwhen you liear in rii that mian um of xlr5is forms hnl 4v- ainas of the vnlite vfdrnay icvvft- yn ee vi hat- wtnld hnve hreit the condilim of he country il ir iddiert peel hd tried hi ev ierneniuhan upnu he w hole of what are vailed the utdinaty sourgr pf ir venue 1iee fiu evrflihi- eiib for klnx lvnti uviheitrate that hhhv rcrorv wfbvehrchfhr evfuiirdtfr ipi hctihr v vprrslofi ijve jvnslntp bad dimluulied 11j iir cent ihat which he left tliifmfclfid hj ntrrjised jijaj jvj ceia rbec hnare llnj onconraatiihiktlv l i nnviirr 0i minister are abvul to simdify the cuton aiid evcllr -lejtjrt- hvftk iu a vcy sweepinf manner lhe rnnio flia is ecif i o l mbahliebx autj tho revenue derrvedfiartrllir- al libujn winch lie ha t n largely cnnlri- kiiit o hrin- under the pioteelion of k- laud mr hrrnk nillluy sit month in llnrfand after winch he will return to a well nmied nveinnienl in llejan ihiiiifjei is hie order of lie day iu the piltlhio uod we aie imve reeeisin ih uxkof he inonipamme tlo in ihree- hatfpenn nurnht and are hvrt1v t iluu llioo lfccilt hi jiuiar half a crown rel lv have lie brilliant sir inward liulwer at att in ally low girice hr murray u wilh the hannome ouifjv ol utar iloie and cuhpjitol library at we can now purchase sir walter senii wnik fur asmauyshil liivt 3i they ofjiuall ck pounik and hir knipti5 and cbnlr aed neoi are feed in lhepeo-le- vonnd whofrnome lilcrlnie ivrni wliicb deserve am obtain a universal ciiculaliop mr murray tvlei rasoitty jnimih a residence at the cape of t hmd mope by t j f bunbnry f- l s ftem life present and pi by mis maflineau the life writiti and mv eoeiiesofair isaac nefton hysir xv bl hrewer napoleon at st helena ar- mntred from the paper of ihe late sir iludnn lewr by sir ii- ii niclmla metros whituker bavo ju ind mr maceye-or- procter of america from the discovery ny columbus othe year frm6 and early in november mesr lyrmon pmmie ihe negatively ivot byaeiaioisupoa evorv litito cnenfelhat may aie uanj etnr7men of diflirciii ptrnaion and maktnc them tho vsheclof pnlllic malevolence or prlvojc piriie knt hy endeavoring al one time lo paofv es- iiicd eehne and at another lme to areaie irtem rot by al cue tjice ibtovvins iviltr jwi he baffling pile and at soother time beapirr on hieyv kihtar yon ivave done in your lirst lelkr wa a 1rane coniponnd of incqn41rricy irony anj pendo potflotbm vour last a noultacript ln yon pievmnc lo tell n that yoo detest han um and dn yrm brin forth your ivo ptn- cioustutrlable cltumieat as proof catho lic of kluvton heboid the anetal of your al lam champion orangemen f ier your con temner ktwatc i kind in desirin- to oerfov my sturtied hiternr fiut i travelled urcr ihe ordinary limits of tnlth- tliis ii if rlmnv by from this passim lone eeeled history sir hnhert honburvlr glance you will perceive that if other lhrn are dull there some activity in the world nf li nature a change ha come over ihe state of altalr- in viln the salamanca cabin 1 1 has been dumid and general xarvaei ha been appoiilej ihe brad nf a new ministry notoiioutly devoted to the designs of france it is slated unl general senano the queen favorite iru bribed tn support narrae and ihal moreover he had personal grounds to lake port aiitl firamanca as that minister uni endeavorinc to obtain her majemya eiod ernees ftrr a handome officer named gondnra- thee rrporre favor use ovstn of france fr ibai loeti philipie has some particular itilit ooatry out is fnnrt ikan pio and sn inntf a lae jneenn noditnijied inl- macy with feneral serrano continue a pretest for the vilest calumnies hey ny wh hi conceal ibe deeper desires us ibe defalcation b notlaier hah ttc citcirnapvgs desof the fimes would lead us to cajcl bsrl it is ssiolcieully large lo rve rise in verioul forebodiotand should the prcven siaic of asairs continue as sonic predict until afict chriatmas we may expect jo fee nn uie sih january ncsl an nccouutdtill more unfavort- wethan the present the rreereaseon ihe year arnemw to xl and on iscfjuarj ler to fifft on he ycor there baj been an increne of ifi7jl2l iu lie- cilstnmsj but in he tio a dect oji5ii t- the quarter iwnvvvr present- a avripua dc- ciisfetwsjhira kye to u raed hie cmowft cxclflsvely ami from nine articles ol cnqaumplion ihe properly iax in be iuerea i to snercvnu the staleinent that sir j c hnbhnueand rtfbfrlcf sole are jo he raised in f pepraee has lvcn eontiaticlril as jf on wtiiokrly i-fl- r lord r has wilhin tbelaslanonth enabled w jaujuilicj on hs irih states to tjmirate 0 shrjicl h i jm tail hi finot that povernenl ntrtu jr irou to extend faeililles for fnt eniralioii onur cnloitlal seltletnenl tlie jujlicy of uch iiircedin oi u make itself nfiilrnt innnypnrutii who cnuidcr ihe preett con- miiun nf ibe laboring classes in hi cnnntiy lhe people themselves have long been con vinced nf ho necessity of cmlratib0 ajid ihey have acted nh ihienntietm ilirlierto lmvever un united stale haw alisorlied nnlmmen prtinn of biiith emigrant hnuei our cohuiial dependenees nefude tomfafytftmpifmi jnostjitpbiiois world tomiffti aafif kin of tbe french ream alo the man vrlvn kiled m dufai- rier the itewayflpn eajtor in a duel two year an ha been cnidemned m eifibl year im- primmmenl and hard labor for perjuff com- mitieit nn trial of durnetilley hi econd in the diset wlifi two mnnih aitiee was ie condemned to ten tears in rrivoument for liivin durly vwoin thai iteauvallnu did nor prietice on hr ntinln of the duel with ihe pbtogs wilh which he tihd hi ricrirm iv- taordtrciry interest wa e toiled by the eae patlsj nn a of the enre i which il led tif ihe debauched life nf he fblnnhfcs l park amt parity fiecane iteauvahnn wa editor of jx 7nw which for a inn time vva the cnncdenlnl nrrihdf tb7 present ministry napoleon brother jcwotc and bis bn ut itow in paii awl have both been itcvitedby lentil philippe prfncfr ieronvr exkinj of wcstphatra has been exited from fiance hisnn word i pa ipaldy false con temptibie tthkthm may have not been writ ten by him but eontcmfctble conduct va- pny my amiable criicicr which enntaint the more r4neooif niiilitjfiitt look al uay at ihe rmvrf of 1airuae mote than tbr lanfuai itself my molires arc not evidjnf to kildiie the ore lohaev tnak hypociisy and intortsrstencr tofcohlijp lopnslie seont ihe nvirmed friend and id- pajrri la true colors the ferrelor of broils and ihe ditufber of eacr it peae me at ll evenw hat i am riht in saying that an iinnersart jin efsteut belween the st patricks society and the ftmrmcn whjeb vs viotiiod by be rnrter an i wlrih ihe former we juslilied in rrent- in in tbe manner they di m kimaresesairtotne ohavc a farsee undcntandtnir lie say fpp td liia autlors kappa has no abettors he writes hi own cone iction and makes no use of those of others if there be anyecnsura mer- lied he is alone to blame and he is vriuiuj tn i bear ihe warn the remhirfer ef ptrfdarev rloiislnw ladc i wpi let en forirhjt it i worth frish- meo will easily peircir the drflcrence be tween ifulb and falsehotnl between tbe or jcxt of kitdare and the desiin of kanp a- kildarnotwithstandioc jour uncour coil tore and raluitou asumploiis 1 wish rou a rtmsicorr adieo kappau y november 12- to fair7or oftu tfnfca ifni ilv datvh wmc- the reaon why i rnade mention of the iroftf in my feitcr pubfivhrd in tbe whig of the 6th ipplnl wa simply o inform yooe reader that such i rirnaj the journal al luded to was ia exigence it is a pity that u slwuld be kepi in he back ground when ils very valuable service are so muchrtcuied a hey arc at pine i be of he irerou iu accept my tuy sincere bink fa the pjip- pyisasconlamcd hi hi la number j hey ire eienly lien and of immense value ft awtsriy ycaarhj saanxiio ever amce n rc4liars downfal 33 year 4 04 noticed mcffir crease on both x371i9i upon u pun be ivse lidle iodicalivc one source of revenurf vi i he custom and jim t lnember hoads of itovcriuc way or ho oturf itjc poreof natural prospfhty exhibit nnimiv- lcrialajteratn the decrease ruiil4nah4 tctinduravv treclinerat tme rate nf iicndy siv inlllioa per anuurrv it wnuld he ttrafiodul oj antielpale o evtnmaiit and ftignifbl k rate ff deeetlf but sd ion ai life fre trare sjwem continues tabs proecutcd we may touh fijr rcceinjtrevcniand wilh ilenrrrndiny ifaujojoitip ilie contort iif ifie conly and the ttiofgruof thopnojdt- rrjiu mcpnorajde ietrtftaft tf urn adtalu bvee tradn nmnviuea dosotro to bo recwuvd al ihe eurrenry mealing ut bniinjfbam hs iheridleifl fhd fve trddo mr iv fnrlhiil brrouh tittered ihesa ftortrntorhr untdt where i evpurted iftnuuifaji vf iound mrrh of eerialn ajil t dannl now rasfjaavt wwiftii pcute worth ond i nm jruindrhf frjh auempt ymir fren trade jiriuriplnf osyon die vio no jjcie lii pn inihfijni nay itfe1ly a vrado io rirlandplhl niuav wnh rnrryijnut i i tbrlaatrrtintrjaf nfke qirnrferfy which by ihv tnyls anulejbnt one ajhjy i clttjlesinlhe wnrld tomlhvr aflinu ucf 6h cjsmffiehr twst4o wfebejously rniilibry ro bur nteref sliiev cnlftutvt are mtrvhinnre ptdttme comer tren foierjnri nd tecairfe many bt vfnr eihemenrv are hweishiiie through need of additional muof w ivelope iheir resnurces- oyadepiatelyujrityininwanjsthourd open new snurceo of revenue to the stale nlwtys tajfnsiaa ftu tadetn havered a natural drath new mat ket fnr onr manufar- tutes ami new channels nf vmdnjment fnr ten of ihouand uoivathnnie in loverly and hetplnvslllutinn amonir inc accent me4fnreshen byrtovrrmsni fnrvrrdoiolinir emiralion losoulbitralia ifflhe ajtpoini- mer of local astntsv wboae duty eotwist in examining applicants for flee rura and rcjtorlinir upon hcir onaliucafloii- i the odivial cltcularof resulatiomstttet that ihe emiranl must br ehletly aeyfcnlturat jteialwolted 4mmfaeiifepna farm sereanl fc pensoo who an intend in to buy land in ihe colony o iwol a small capital in irade ajtiust eijibhlfnr a free iiassaste nor arrhcavftmile the fire civ dfsieicdtn ftencflf tftotc wbo have no friends of ihoir own oo or irfo change ire abnuf to lake place in the ojosjtf mrafjtfc i as cnvcrppr of uritiab f by sir colebronke wlm in br turn ia leplae lea llrlnvvick y sir e1mimd ijcad late m poor lawcommiiaionor tt utr ihe piorngatlnn pf iarlnicrtt arc now inuually ffesiueni nefook fnrnivrarly a- embin- of ihe lelolallve borly the new jisonf cpmurons will wp in jrlihanti mure on bo rueril stainmf nftuir itinriitn any larliculpt w pfaj funlion mr uroofcttho itajahnf rirowak imn ar rived by ihe indue ttt southampton wnicb port hf t6v wimi yasrt t bwk x iq achl rojptut in oploto the p ijpd of lnlmnirf mmjmg uu tvrvin hj vitcl etdnitln that uiiwrrare ftminnv uillv iht litrfir1u irlruvcprril fhnnra and cvomrrhtrrfirot in iltj inirtiiiv ittpfc of nrneh m it ihe alb renoa lliey lioiiird urilwb dtg from italv hie aeennnr are more pocilic mi rrmi thetv t the aualrran havceracuated kcrrara z the cholera srtnakvnsrfearfnl raracys in the port of ihebmcse and i slowly ap- nroachrnj this enwotry- it ha- phases in russia ami polajidj ad oram the pirrnawc landini- nf ihe master of a briy from alexan dria malta has been plcein quarantine for afortofemiu 11 amnne the death im robert cnrdon a c 1mtl lhuiijbn llnrl sir ftcore philli bart and captain ouchctjfh iulhor bf ind shark sea cull e ri the uices nr corn have scarcely eband ihelnquiiv forforei wheal is ratlier slack humotrcsncn aeioa pniircnlai lntsnu n icalixe and lowrr lerms yctto nn ae- ccptedtltirre ha hecn mile june in lour amrsicatl njfwtivi to a canadian at the sjiinrrsles llstletcin and pea are in ratiscx sbir sojtfdy antf previous price have beeir sjuyjithed indian corn i held at ully nuda term it atlerrioofj prices for english wheat fell 3 jier twprw and roreiei war unaeabc at last mondajn jflea ff v fla and unsafs factory ohjec 7 mi itid uie kappa ni iv ivered disposed lo ad out he spirit of a hnthedderlixticilabje iriimih and whirl my hiflrjabdvofifh jar i inrlm find ampc u1iucalion fn join r n in ins letter of he 9th irastwt but j am of a more pacific character hn he i pcehd f nuile a much patriotism and rvniiyrnc3 ihonh i ili nol make such a show nf ii fa fore lip farther 1 tntm uu- heitnlinjly and iincfui vocally aeri lhal hi commuaicaiion so soul of common leouilcy and poilenei lba lean icnicnjy fim my irish imrojeply rp it ivkallnvfidlovv v rtrnufh the lahyiinih nf phraseology which he indulges in j imib at once ba to hiaponcbe- kocejtvir apd yvliajts tt thai thnre ptenined to und fault with lite isto enn emplilde cpnrk0 ov he slpalrick so ciety and for litis 1 am maliciously een ured hy kildatehnnimtffte flint mill one sverrt of in ulipuiian broad sword be can rtoibijak hie catlmtie irisamcairs new friivatufi r lagtlfl assert that hilda re v hes not knove ms ihilibn thntlii laufnae is inap- plicnu to tlie aubject he profoa lo be w- nualnted with hytjbm he depie nnj the proof he in iiic forward an exfraii in ie- fcicncc trfcrcirnrf written ijeario iatrioltc mhmnn the runttnarc of that etiart ke nnl 40htmw lotkrnicrw of kiimlojti- u4 i nantol soy how aoon it mtyido oo anoh cxoihiarlellf r tbe oqr im dintihf tu notice itravaitio at- xcm i bnvo read ovr ihn torond jras7flr nf his letter and still any that its ihn nd hdlavbm i ntarety alluded to in m first loltono brini hi st patritksthkig mis rnffoijir ajmo does not nil cj a tudao cljsna lii opuiipis o ii il ba dffflrs ki hur o lifln rorujiij arty taxiralvvi c fllfi fintlo nndr mother iuibo hivywn inftttitirr ilminpiava ht yaulloujhliuli iaj i ti v ij s l ci iji illi tiu n lhl la hi sunny t j orimgalidi li ft fii ovll ml one w nuithllumrtridai but hot1 hi mo wavier fflja escarcfaojt deathon wrd- nrday night last belween eifihl iu juu nviucklhenicliiopdarfcism bclifjf l4 bf5v rftumini tn bi harracfc at fm mwfl fil ftmfitt i ri esearnreatired lillle tbtndrte- in chose somowbal wautooly lo fall orer the drawbridge irt ibe wajer hcie be mk inentah ftaseheen diawned bal not ihe plunge and hv crie alarmed one of be toll keeper r ivjjiiaai aledlay nhoinv mediately jumped into the water and by dim nf rreai persona xeroti rcnrived tn keep the poor nan ajrvat until atance came in the shape of lbesoldiera omitrtles reltirniui- to barrack the half drowned wddier wa taken lo the tele deposit car rack in ii wainany bours before he came 00 tt tircat uiiiaan a gold bjedaj i gisen by ihe humane society osuch wbofave life itxond ternnal inliepidity utt m canau all ihaison or ihiei i jet to be the fcoti- mamlefirichief bonm lhank mr mvdrvy nrficrajly as an incentive lo olber act of the kind f iixotitior nr paomaiirthe montreal pnoi ihe viclona carojtrfc and rtvrorean u tf iba ilk openly irvaiuiutr ihat lit feidlency is displeased errrfi his proeitl advisers and thai hip f ordshipbaa fh- mtuciion fiom home lo disolve poor men if we cannot viv hum credit for ihe viftuo of sinfcriiy ihey are ccrfainly ciimt rfo j parent lihl for invenrirm i lord kljiis in dud day false iih lit cabinet kay nay gentlemen you msov fo your grtf your iiinuntrnn ate not tine as to tbetajcflutnt ihal illy kcellencyha been instructed o dinlve it i aleut a near uie truth as iho iunh i-shi- is in the jjonth but certainly not ftn vejit rmrter ibe know i- italics nvjdo pi to the contrary noiveilhiandins it may lie however ihat minister will not for ever stand hie iauutio of an opmh- lion nhorecrr- is h rhey 4rv 0ljtsrlve in such an event ihey mey advie a ulaohj- ion jn1 to slmw heir enemies what ihey jim dt should sucti advice be tendered and acted npnn vve well know what would r the wifopif of 1 jenteful and hoppy ennfj- ity a tfouulfy which we are pieuired to how ha had more done for ils peace pro pnily and advaikcineut in thive esoiv hv the present olintlty ban ha been erformtd by any other mirntrv m three limes i hive seink should a ihftolnttmi really eine the defers in ntiibhle and the declaimeni njtef vieue tlienrie svill find lo llieir snriow nnj dittppoihlmenlt that fcl aie atroner than fiitrnna nnd that in ihe present enliifhu rued al- of ihe rimic miuj the rreal hotly tif ihe leltecliifc and open bcarled veeanatiry ni iv eslcrrt canada will nel sliul ihrir eyes lo ihe bel of all eeiiivoco if ihe cuvcts of n lnnd jnvernuun namely hut absence nf crime tlie imanimily of ibe people- and tbo rapid proxies- if the country iu wealth til- trrpic n4 lrmnovemenl- slutftmim still latkk prom tukope by ihe arrival at neve vuik nf the amen man me me r lfnarton wobie lelecrnih new m dajr later ban iv washington arrived eicnin late tml we copy ihe mhjnintd special lejahl frhn ihe flnbc evtia dffila fftv hhh s ah sinee inv rerurt last neniucwehavn hod adiieej nfuhe prrivl of the isli wib- mehtivhi smhkitnpuik with six daci later intelliteiwe from ktitoe mh ruhbrs sdvlcih nfeobliuiled failnre km ceoetul aflic ligation hlb nltisrrdilig nmc itlietu rik tlendy demand itw lipttn erc half pnuv a letirr fiom londun doh d iviolser wad anvf um muneury uvntv hna invrvimd luiiiipc th week ad eiomdlaiv rliieiun tiuns p ihomniiny naarhnt hn lalvn puee ula bo lrven dnwn hy ihe rnfcowia in rori tiwvtuv ihe c n which i hwer than tar hecn iiiiiivl impomihlo dnllonounny tsiav manv lo urn uw ea ai llha tin sicsusitrev- wiriihutilmi inleomtut hie dleae undvi which uui v evud uilnk j it mill iui havbernlthettug am fast rot dnj 101 innh an uufavvmo lun on hun ilv iilj and w nve inst in a tiy if i purotmiitt1afi apwltosi imee us th