British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 20, 1847, p. 2

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extracts from pareiis tejt wa shington si ww knee the puoliealion of our paper hy lb cale doni a complete para vfzj al- w ever hianvhnf tfa-jc- til earnest aii- plication of the lfccretol coviimercial body far rvlieffwm the government ha bvenaut wilh henom ear nest ex predion of sympathy imt op to this mfmeil the ehnf mernvr of the administration seem either inexorable in tit complaint or loullyaijiqiialo tlte uhk nf providing rrrrndv hsery day ibe mis chief i pf adine cmis aft slopped ihon- sand ihnawn ontof employ andthc total ah- fftff of alt dealings in trade tntf r ibe arv if ffloj o a fir rsinvi jltortlrtr impnsidtv in ibis stare of thine 4ii our eperu ibni niccarilv he of one unvarying roue of a inm tnr ijfifwy and deponirin character thr corn nmfcer since ihe lub iittar th remained without toy diking fact 10 iir 1 itw arrival of all finds of crani have kln moderate but thr demand ha afo ueuhnl triflinc and to have dwntal ae of jv liial cmice qualities of both i jitfrth asiri loiti a reduction of price niul have brii mitmillcd to holder bouevtr skiw 410 dtiinutinn 11 farce sale ah clamour about lb pftlata disease aitpcars lo have luluivl fru ihe pir ll the ifrouliu ffom lilo mediurrjkcmi and fti the rijck sea jcsrjir thi mrkn gtnrnjjj a inferably suu several failures of considerably extent have been rc- il st ytrmc 4flint from lan4clion iii rlo bnt the ruforj haee not reached ii liter pool 01 1 earn martet yurrday w the qufcmit f wheal ad flour ttlt eedy whiut the lafeiior dkr4iou receded fro nr i ill quouifoo h cvred poi thtro u verv lillb 4oir5 both he cd in koodoo wihitihe quottioi ii iver remain aoallerrd hot vtmmi odrlje ha ihry can h coiiivred y other light than nootnl the late lrao- belne jinvtfd to ttfj frw retail in fad the marketfor oreijn piovi- may he corhertd at 4 tmplele und fhe aeeinls from all the otaohfctinin rneb continue a toomy ever anl dtr- jftho weekioroc fjilofet hive laken jtjivt f mrrcheter which unl to keethemami- v icrorrn in a mate of treat vn k- v trrfj have veo rondo ir the lal fcw dayt by various partis to ptichm clieap lbfr ufereot catib hul we believe iciili 4erf ithfc nceein the ma oufae litres heirut tfenerilty rery firm in ftice ootfvilhf unrlim the drctin to eolloi the mill at ahoi- vndtrlene trj allr nearly atl uridiuc tie men harioc refused to sobmii to the ic- bclionnf wjri prorced ly their ewi4nyer sooe atuitfonal millj hae alotopocd or are bout to moo at rlacvbtirn tni w noi heir any thin oiodoee osto hrliree that icrnemt syrhmhi of fcor m alt thi farlu- r of the diotricl i ohhe erjuallv di- eojtrinc are the report from bradioid lei- eeeimhjr xottinfham c- the money marwl liuoc tneday 1am has nrmd in the jame agitated male without lmnrrrer any fnitber material decline in price coro for money opened on ihat day at about 7 and having dr clioed about onehalf jtereeit rallied again tn 79j and finally left oft at 7 to thrf eane of price allorvine foe the aoat ffccif orany mo mentary ioielhenet ha been the daily course of the proceeding throughout the week after the heavy fall of pobtic seeu- riliea the tenfency n now apparently upward mfiff to the bhbmivv imall devoimr wbo hire been iprdby the love price to make irwir inremenu in government ero ritie the bank hnwever having tendered aijk nce to ocreraj mercantile hontr in loan of alocfc which ba hern immediately thrown upon the market ihee a1e account fnr thp flrikinc fall of price which ha laken place not withstand in thic rtirae ihr bank ac- cojnti trill eliihl an unfairm ipfrfi anrc the huttinn in both department bas decrevwd won x2l0 the paper circula- 1 ton ha increased at759632 ihe tert bat decreased whi1l the other seen vrceo from lonjoo represent ihe presfture for private dtscounu yletday tfrater than ll aoy former pciiotl stock a howerer dij not fiocloate ro mch as on previon days conojs opened at t to far moiey belnt a firit deeline opon the elosine price of cdraneed to 80 receded acain to 79j and closed at 7i to i for the ac- eeatorthe fint price wai 79j in 8cj and ifitt aaceadint to 80 they left ortateli to the bettriren in the foreicn slock market till fmtkmtfl limited some tue took place 1 day or two ao irt mexican tock bvt prices bnvn again tabfided to 1 7 io other stocks no ojleiati n from fw ifertonifc ontn ff ie3 we bire mty apace today to direct the attrntior of onr rratfen fo he riimon of tse r r r ml morrrins paper wht ch we havr quoted eawwhere on the eoerrae pursued by ihe cov trnment in the ittctrnt monetary crisis- ft will be seen that the whole of ihem th muiiiurial parpen n patiular rondmn ihe ajiaihy oflne ministrand ii1canity warn himf ibe eonsecn ree- the cltancejlor of the eicbeqaer we learn lias heroin the til thin tittrntori ttic alron- opinions novr eptsvd on tbe aobjct cannot ull t lbink to lead to tocna coune m action we find trrt rooming thai ihe foltoin ifetifron has been peinted al uverpool and thai hoittd ihe uovernmeril oot decide t peedly on otne mra- sore of reltf a public meeting will be called loconii4rr ih iitifi ot hits or some other decisive mraiure to her majesty the qcketf tht hnnbu pttiiin iff jte ufrrsitnrt ranters mermanf trodrr cml vbtn injboifonts 0 lkttpoa hevefji u that ynor petitioners humbly be to re- prmrnl io your majeciv the ruin with which commerce marwfacivre aoj indatry of the tkiriakof the miiajfturitw diitricts h ajoroiiu that government lltntih it re- relief h prnviinj 1 fe alt measures of stimiig millury r tn keep the ciice in tar y rrf fatlife be tocil anroiitie4 have received warrant frnm sir orc crey ibe homo secfilry antuoaxin them to call out and enrol the penifncrs of the dialricl and a tronx force of cavalry u now statiorcd at newbrmjc no one suppose lint the winter can be ovi tbrnuh ahould the dilres not be militated without some jr rate rtolint trie wmttmg caronf nf thursday says we are sorry io leirn that scriom appre- henyions arc enlcriaiiied of au outrwrak on tbe part of the operatives of whom so many are mow nj of employment in conrueuce ef ihe moppact of the mill at work and people ppqtloaod in them lat week sjaaw that maicely mre than half ihe uual uoitcr of mill ae wvfciit fall lime the itiminntjon iutae t k having ben nn w ifiaii riftrcn tlw uumbwtof mn i t s 1 upwurd of tltoo and there invie than k00n u9ikii irom tune the total number infum omlon ibml tslawoo jca than bflqo hivinheeu placed oi bort tme or thmwn aloether out of emprnymntj during ihc cwrm of last week turc dux tnvdr willmer times of iie 21tli tjy t all elamor about tbe pvtatoe dieisv apneas to have stibfiiw for llic pre sent in liver o t our coru market vrterdnv for the btlltr rjnatitei of wheat ami tlonr wa steady while luc rnfetior description sfihtly rvccjcd iroiii oh laal ojotalious f7 tu raaajm sffttotw f him 23 the extent u ihe pressure on the merean- lid wurm it ltftwi in inaiy untoward icn this week there are more failures and amour ihoman immrant bank al livrrpooj hat topeij while auosborba iaaeudcd pey- c ij from the cotton- factory districts come tbe lnomieat accounts of general stag nation the occofion v bfooxbt lurth a swarm of deniands and projrcti of remedy not only in the ihape of the iisnal ciirreney ii which now lil in ibe sunthine of notice but vouipttnu sih ctws foi help jmm pmctial men not only doe the antutrotd law r ir eoiitimie il select meeting hut a deputation of nblaniial merchants omc io government lh a variety ofjuxciions minilent it u nnderttooj w stand firm on the act of 1844 the seemn of the jreneral public that are moved io ot practical sutesiois appear to be nmtc at sea iheir remedies are propose with the earnest ijith ana vague ieimun of thove who ure nottrun a more hoie lhan kuoiclvde no facts are adducrd to show thai thre is realty a delicieitcy oj cir- cnlaiiui medium or thai ihe act uf 1844 real ly comes into question the faru that are mated concur in proving that ihe jecicncy ir one not of money or circulating medium but or credit host i of vpecntatorsf notably in r l and corn have sone i far en an licipatiuf probable return and probable rc iource there i therefore a redundance ftfdvbt to be paid many arc bankrupt no one know who wilt ejn neat and the monictl rlarsei withhold accom modation decline tn lend or advance on dittosrh white there i a very general jiucsilion to hoard money in orrlcr to meet impendin dvmautl on he hoarders or to make a profit of the hoard when tbe pressorc stiill have hecouir mill ereiter ah ihi digcnlly m foreseen ft bad rcpeitedty been howu that he reckless spec ulation mint if 0 preclsery lo soch troubles as thcuetht now press upon the mereaniitc world but the warnings were unheeded by ihvit who were ill tbe fevrr rercial eamhline airj now that ibe day of rvcknn iiik ebmec there it a painful outcry for help the tehvmion of ihe act of 1841 might have rblaim tho roman tathic prelae hav ittesn hvd in dublin t lo deuerau on the yntc cf the cminlry the pilvl reports tbe iteoecej- iijrtbvfar- their lorddurrt have uuinrmmulf aajreed upon a memrial ivhclher to her mijemv or lo the tivemment jws nt been we believe decided eiij foilh ih ronrtifion of ihe frith poor iar1iculrlv in tbe sotilh urd wem they point to the propeel of coimr famine ai wall as to ih uffrrin induced by present destitwroch they repeseni the necessity of prompt mrajdre of relief to provide against he future a- welt a to prevent the ipreari of the disiren wjiieh at presenl eiu be lieve ihe memorial vll alto refer to the rt- lationsvubsslinif between landbr and tenant and ako protamy altuje to he eltecis of lite itaere cune ijici in the north especially b depriving and will ile- pive of ns km fviy mh hoher compel led to apply fr relief nmler the poorlait their irdoiip we undersubj oar the important ubjrct still under conn il i rat ion their lordships have unaninouily deci ded nn an aililrerv io hi holiness ihe por expressive of their thankfuhsfui hifivmr towims ireland and hiilivrat sympailn iv the lrih people in the r ditr thir lordshii alsn we mderstaud eortfratnljie hmtlloljnesfsosi tnr wmlom at ihos altoci- lions in which ha ha enunciate n jw world his comprehensive principles of reform anit tiherty based upon religion and suiained by morality and jieacc tlieir lordship too concur unanimously in the ni policy of which hb holiness has given example in bis own state and expresses ait eiiaal uani- ann desire fw the socces of the great pon- tifts nlorm destilution of an aoalin kind has shown llielf n- tht uiern coat of clare pamicu tarly in millnwn malbay eihit hundred families are said to be without any means of avum food exeet rhe preeariom one of dis cing he nottto fields a ecoenj lime thr whle country is posted with notices that con is not to re taken to market on the pain of death vet hi harvet and 1 1 crop have been unusually abunaui terry alt law prescribe that the produce of the soil u to ne xiven lo ihe penple al iheir own urieca and upon credit the tiprrory fret pm mentions that fourteen houdrvd prceese and thirty ejecl- menlt have hoen enrerrd for hearing at the pieseal qirtrrsi tie limerick tirx isintaln acconnis of twouuen air moettn held by the eas4iiflty l make knwn ihnr demand for relief the lirjl was held on tuesday the tn al oarry- fiue the people assmmed to the nnmbr of two hotitanrf and after some dr liberal ioo they decided to apply to mr real hers tone at rrnree for hi friendly aid lo r food or em ployment on their way they mopped to listen lu an addrev from the rev mr meny who exhorted hem to peaceable and lo resprcl pmpertv- onairivinat rrnrre1tiey urminded mt fealhrslones boil nod tei their clamcrous denands mr pcaih- eitone addrred them and was liatencd lo with patience until he told them ihat he new poorlaw provided that thr able hurficd pau pers of the country cuulj enter ihe work houeof each union and the aged the infirm and ihe decrypir be supported by outdoor jeltel pis announcement was very ill received and the people tcejared that they tar vc while mr fflthtfstafm i lieve entirely a matter of eiaii i ae merit of llie affairs nf ihe bank so contracled by the rreenl law i ice ill the iucunvenlfiec whm uiuinf to tbs ibe free tade rsalcriallv contiibule a tending and continuo an unfavorable hoj chanze in our operations wilh the woild i jo iirt believe iheie is really unsound i at si vute of trut fairs in the ordinaiy traile of huii country except that a very jfje h prvplc unl merest n i ilo penido only particnuily gentlemen nil of busir- ry class n j drscriotion have irlfol selve in enicaemenfi in railsv which they hve no rurans of p bu by lle rale of the shares li which are however now atmnl al any price and will nvjl pirsliab 0 it is really to bo refuelled hoberf ptels w adniiame one aii uitrtu ab0iuc truth bnu1d by iu aj want mauy kifid of facjiio ima a ac of inj a the prsev likely to be v mlaimns in its emc universally vemiird ind repealed facf a btauliful piece of macbineo in tiothiiis hut a lillle oil in malt j snnolh and wt from the want of tugo all to piece r man uch aie tw dim m tun ir0dnri nf cx- t nf the ylhtn icifi y ilae lakuij ptaee so r f- jp any rneaure nf sir mnl tcieets 3 saf- i of the umbrr of bul ajrifi nafvv- h them- shie lurmiiijr nelve jiwbk nauilnie liaj ihi rh is ii itmllflttl rinrney hi niict u ven m io h a in reqnif- 1 1 i ir i tftit jit fie a ihi province icnncemert hs o ium i already ideirsph lo make lefreiosscy the iecovusry revenue iijwn marnii coiurul of the ueuirlinenl and ff oonld ceitainjy eypect thai ibe legislature oi the other province will make a iiniur prohial and ihu acure fwsi ihe home go vcniiient a mow desjnue boon sl mn jv b ctoffer oti 33- public knterpihses if the number of proposed scheme for public impmvemijit in- ony tet of uroiperily cana da rint li f4hrtu a tiu of the notices nf a d leit inns m charters from ihe canada tlteiu uill ne fnunc 11 take notice thai mste ai he ensuing srssjuevof the legi not uniuiereaiiog an apptrcation will le tn i i tjf tt for work likely tirrajk massy plunder stopi of p4talyseiu and ipdoy co j ij i y are ttueatened trade roanufacru to a great eaient tbe laborin clasaes tbrowi out enl yoor pelitinners have in van invoked ibe fttatace of yur majesty minister n re- tv cenbdence and allay the univrrsal alarm which prevail atd tbry now venture l ap- proseh ihe throne with full confidmce in your majetlys oliilide for the welfare nf your peude and praying thai your majrly will oe graciouy pleased to summon the lila- inre tomrtfor ibe porposcnf deliberative on the alarmioi coudilioo of tbe c0nibrs and of devmtns measures i- reilorinar confidence yovr petitioner fel asanred thai unlets rrrnf ii mrasnrei be peedily air ibe social evidciii of yoir mapftjra uhrcts will be impaired to nch an evlfm jen- pard tb oatnal credit and lead to semes vf nubeard of calamity and duoranualjdm tn revennr of ihe h from cus- tomj seise and nnr iaa threatened with aerima diminution m ruissof these classes on which the labor of tbe country depends must inevitably lead to li in mean of vm lining thai food wbfcbcan no longer be procured by honest in- daslry aeceuitatin thr service of ibe mili- ury force to repress die excesse of a n j of peulr diivea to deiperaiion by impending afiau roai ut- liao brunnta tobe j the projrice of deitiiulion i frightful in tbe e aire me in laurauire alone it is com- sssrud ibit ax work pro ili their fami lies are deprived of emplayment jn man- bevter danns the lat werk the hmbar f ofevatives wwfy wiikout employroenl ba mfftlm by ljai ne mtaakrr on short csam kaa incrased hy ztm the report of kday manebriter marhel slate that it ivtektiinrieamarktldayevriptiienced mmaaciriirr nt a riojcle u baring been amried tht mofiiaj orllciat mnrfmror w tor use laai three wevkowim bn tbnftd mcream jn ibe numb of operative no iljort lime or entirely out of m octponrd the pressure for a lime by eivins apsareniand tnnporary supenion to cfedif but it could not have prcvenled the day of eekunin and would only have increased tbe difficulty which il deferred for although ihe want of credit as it were a sentiment it is not unfounded thrre iswmhftetv commercial ondert skints an actual deftcien- cf of ready capital of avilame materials of pnnlike not only was cajutal wasted in rhe most mollifarious and laviih expenditure in specoulion and invarioos hvinje but the probable resources of the future were n- licipatrd and weia over estimated credit was discounted and ha for the time been used up the merchant class has on the hole been jitaftm in fnrnish tbe most dis tinguished vielimi a class wblcb condnct its attain private i well as commercial upon a system of credit the merchants iff our day abaodouin the tamely trading exactness of their forefather ivith tast and complicated operation irldom know ont of my speeirjc receipl i tjross income and what net profit rheir in comes are reinvested they pay their wa bmh io busine and hoilsehoid adjjr and aft ascertained surplus is perhaps a phenomenon which theyonly knorv abnl retroipectirely if at ml this ha helped lo mrke rieal tslablishmenti and princely merchants plunce into princely amounts ot debt without lcoowine it but if tbe pressure was not unforeseen it is not without iio of reaction- uad as it i it ii not yet so bad as ihe misery eriiii of 1825 was although he immense vcalo of mercantile oicrations mavnifies tbe present asnect of disaster there has been no oniver- 1 rmaie amotu the banks hecaicm the act of is11 has kept them generally out of specula tion ard in tpile of the railway call insol vency ha r made an irruptinn into every section of ibe community as it did in isis tlic faitniei have ptobswy weeded tbe com- mrreiat world of its weaker aid unsound rowltis the depreciation tt property and sbick which rsobieirej is uy the tangible evi tenceof that rctrpnchmenl which necessarily fidlihy upoa laeisb cspeftdiiure ihe bank- or the man who fnreeet bankruivtcy to he averte only by retrenchment obliged to sell ojt be sells and gluts tbe tnarke prices would noi tnd other had plenty of m bullock they jmmedi- alely drove ntt bis catile aduins lo tbe spoil evtral beast bctongin to the rev air oil arriving at roekhit with their tbe rev mr hyau remonstrated with lhem but they forthwith helped themselves to his all mr ryan followed them how ever and by hi exhortations induced them to surrender ihe booty on the following day a siinttar tneelin was held at ftallvaerane here the people took fiom father oflauaan tuejr parish prieit eijhl barrelaof potatoes and slol from n mr drew some wheat and carrots several sheep which ibey drove oftlhey restored aammhiordwmsviraw place at broadfnrd clare but the autbotities were on ihe alert and prevented he meeting actire measures bave at once been taken by ihe government to put down bis summary mod of eonieyaner according lo a stale ment in ihe dublin n r k i larce reinforcement of cavalry ami infantry ha been sent to charlcvilk ard brine and oilier places will atso be occupied wilhtooop the anliooerate movement hj ettendd in ulster and tommy dowmhire tbe northern captain rock has come out forbidding be payment of more lhan i in he pound under pain of beine burned to the ground the objection seems in be that the produce of the larger rate struck will o lo reay advances- in the nenah l the poorrate cnller- lori have been hunted rot arid ill some in- slanee compelled tn cut tne notices tho miowiii pot teutons notice is posted in certain parts of llpjerafy stvstfsj gen tlemen in the county uf tippcrary arernarkrd out for anamination liberal as writ as con servatives the usual weekly meeting of ihe repeal association was held on monday mr scully in the chair the chief subject wa the pre sent and coming distress in rrlsnd and its remedy mr john 0cnnnell demanded an additional advance of trwcc miioas from the imperial treasury to preserve the tires of the people he insisted that enland could liml oodifficoiy in advancing this amount for she expended in 1813 upon i useless wa 147000000 and in ib15 in tbe irrseru- tionof the same mischicvoiis ar 17000- 000 mr scully m p suted the import ott fall he sells and gluis tbe the intvitable sacrifice restore mexico monc ricnnsc ami ssme vtroav vautu killjid new york 2lh nov v17 the steamer new orleans arrivr orleans on ihj ih irut wilh dies from vera tnn tn nov js the following is from the jeninf liber ty gen patiersnu was to leave vra cm on the 31st tiholr number of tre escort so00 men and 200 waeou las advices that attisco had been lihn puuclhil of by iu0 american ironpj iu resistane santa anna superseded by ftinron hut r loudly protests nd rrfnse obedience to ivtovem- mcnl- the cily was filled with rmours of peace- it wis said a quorum efoorress met at qucratarn majorily decide in favor of in amicable adjustment littleuubt but that a force n 4lm americans lud cctrpied oriaba several officers have hd leave of hcncc from our army to tbe cnidstata vmi to recruit their resrinxntt piw paper published in hfexten city caed thr nottb american ctoby of riiijailhia puh- lisher attjis in ihe city in a quit mate gen lane arrived at perot ondwsjoioed there by capt walker and bi cmmiidp who took march in juniaufa aaotcuina- y cnrjavmenl toow place io it rfftttv be tween walkc rtl force ji ami tli mieansp f500 ilrsulled in the tola expulon of tbe enemy and occupation of the to0 by our troops who only tost sit men anins them walker killed by father enraged t ihe loss of bs son mctictinj lost 200 rnn ami tnreo piece of artillery americns after wards evacuated the place and ivemowards piral on the puebja route nonposition and there meeting tico lane hnllinarched together for poeola which they fund in a date of insurrection ifad to nrvh jda- llfllip and drove the mexicans hefc and order wasrestored gen rca therittd with wo guerillas towards atllscn sola anna al at chacan de loj tjrrnada u honns had deserted him except 300 rtvh horlr rrearthriace at the capital jlealh of our army far from bein ced climalnnconce- nial in smitbcroer kttcctive fcurrcducc ennsiderably 10 lo 15 per cent ern pcr- bjftf smith succeeded quitman a o error of mevrco capl baylor of peniwylvuiavol unlees covcrnnr nf the palace ml keeper ff archive flenerala shields anrfiitmin will come down wilh 0 train foe to cmz on 3ut october on way to l 5 rbv oswoh from new york wilh troops aniveipt vrra cniz oct 20 escort for protcctin of thi train four or flvo companies nf nft arid wme cavalry under the eonim col harney gen scott and tart hat lately visited the city nf gusdalnnoe daeral al nnnte hasucceded in rearhin ijnatsio ftytavvififc irnrui n wmiim wswr command of capl a- xi taylor i p ented 9 words lo their capr and 1mk j e crlfbn the orth american publifbe at the capital ay lhalproenintnt mcmw of tbe feviean conei now silling wtlutatinatc- lr mainlain the present obstinate rkiiion of the country the publuhers of 1 if re publi can were summoned to appear befvv gover nor quitman lo prove an alleged ert race by the american in the capital rph d bacou died on the 12tb it wa rimorcd al ihe capital lhai a severe fitm had iktn pracc at veniara ihe supreme cuvcrrvicot oi tfcrerl paredes lo remain at tevtoapen in perote col witliamt and roberts ol ibe penn sylvania reimeau dieil at be esiral on the 2nd of oct- nf lyptuit fever tbtexican have decreed a curious wrouihi sr tn be man who killed ctpr walker tn quit man had refused to join cen tatir btf- ramnt was vtecled to be aonmrcd com manderincmef maj g iuetjnt ca- siu u clay cap heady mw horland capt donly midshipman roger and m r kendall are cominc home aaiu jr bank- hcad the biitish ministers arrivd at vera crz on the 30th uk and was revived with military honors mr marshall ij at vera cruz on the rideau canal to the town of in the couoiy of lanark and district urst incorporate an extension nf the charter of the cohurzauj oafnui conpant to enoue litem to make a nraucn 1lauk ftuvr j or micada- infed road tn percy und isemoir tn o a charter lor tbe niirpoe of cnntlririinj n bridge aer ibe st i nw- it- mv uun ibe ssth ife of the said riter to a innt on 51 pail lwandme st paul and from sim uiand ulhe north bank wilh rfiil ri way crov aid inland and from ihe north hvifc nf the river to a convenient jrrmrnu on the canal or should it be found that this site not uj well adapted a others then in ibis cae at tucli other point beiweu lachineand montreal aa may be deroied bet wilh a view to safely and permanency tirobiaina charter for ihe pornoe of constfuciing a canal lo connect the si law rence hiier willi lake champuin at the mnt eouvenienl point for ibe purpose wilh a view in the fciteral interest of the trade of the proline that the directors of the cflrsosfo tifi jf5iroce cowwiy established in hamilton will apply at the next session of the provin cial parliament for an act of incorporation to enable them wilh greater facility to carry on the birsmess of fifc assurance and jtrnni- in annuitic in its various branches pour conducttd under a deed of scttlcrnent for a chartvr tolneorporaia an assofia- linn rvff the name and alyle of tnc crtnwon family entowntnt a and lfw a r voncc commny frederic w1dder to make or construct a plank or macada mised road from the villas l of smiths falls pelh offiaih to incorporate a company for tbe pur pose of co ut iiie ring and eiablihing new tas lihl work in the city of toronto for a charter to construct a rail road from port sarnia tn london to incorporate a company to construct a rail road from the town of urantford to the shore of the niagara river opposite buffalo nnderiue name and stylo of loe buffoh and bradford rait gaci coraoonw for the charter of a company to be called tht conjdo loml ojuf rnh and pkmk r0od rmd harbor company from port burrvrll on lakekrie tottoderich en lake huron with power lo issue their own note payable n lirp on the responsibility of the provincial gnvernmenr rclainin- security on all he books nf the conpanv with a capital of to incorporate a company by the nsme an j style of 7ae canada ii uroutc company with power to carry on business ru a marine and fire insurance comruiir at kiiiffifon canada west toconsfniei a railroad from montreal lo the river ottawa j or nlacc at hie routdepjslc in the parish of pointcviutromblcs as ihalj be fomn most convenient and appropriate tot ibe same jporan act to constmcl rail flnad frorw ihe township of bertie on the river nuiful upper canada hiitfalo in the townhiiuf sandwich on the rircr netrnil fuf an act in amend the actincorporalteis ihr niagara qd tn 1ik tverfc plnkltid compqjiy by reduciiue i tin amnmtsof stwh fonimciiev upmi iiuthinutu umucuue terminru at each eni and also as 0 extend to tborold or st calheiinei or both and also ihe imposition of tolls on the portions ai finished f time time also in eravel nr macadaroie jny portion thereof and other amendment- the city of t mich riisinl nriosile tn black rock near staif of new vnrk in th ini fact that fjovemment had forwarded to the west of ireland already 1200 ions uf meal when the frith rr present atives abould meet in dublin he hoped they would seek toetthe ijsh increased lo 12000 tons of meal rem 10 ojmiwa rw u3u so onasfey f tmm rnvl time rms as i mit ipm m h mm tut rm ft mja m twu iaamaortowrb i i a rnoe iwaltmul eoadiliou of finance the pub lic bein to pirchae jm ami price iie sticb h the circle of which vm bavo reached ht depreciation slae aud from that stare we are likely load ranee ete lon ului pavflr luminastion the stream nf b immigration in liverpool ha ajain el in airiinl ut at a feerftil rate and unless tomelhiu bo done to arrest it we art at a lacs to know how its pressure can be borne loai month tie team from the record kejl by thv lliibciiitable mr diwlinrf the total notiber of arnrats was 109 pernuc within ihe lai fortnight they iuve been on ihe incr- w the numbers arrived btlnthfi29 istramu luum uptotbeltlb iusiaitor 511 per dty ajiost 3l in the previou month ff lean a m aarravalion of tht fan of there beioj such an increase that the partir now jnivii are of the vrom r t it cflritirm- ed paupers aud ncticsnli the ireal iqiiry of most of whom i a c fvotioj upori our quay ia which tbe way to the parih oiticer somr of ibrm we are told know ibe way lolrrably well without arkinc bav in bren there before and havinrr had a ai sajr at the eapense of the parish to their own country there i uo mclt icatoft to believe ihjt the bulk uf lhem imvc isol found their wa here now entirely at thriv own ea- nense ttiat a tenth part of tbee people come aaiot u with any ptnieet or itiieo- on of iiui lhrrriri n by bouesl inbol ii impovibfe stnc lbs ifilh of jasmil when mr dowltitf real kepi a record daily arrival 2g2filh immrjrant have arriv ed in liverpool of whom uilli tlse exception of thoe who have proceeded to america and the few who have returned at onr ovpeuto in their own country ihe bulk are acatitred abont the cfutdry a cumoroin rectar jjoiv tot are to find rtrwn fur most it is nut ray to i il bejtarihal wc ih not ire able in the apprnar r winter to rind employment for our own pople it il quite as difficult to drrit a p1n r tnpj thr invaitm if the if rah landlords and board of ftumrduma pvriul in forrinjf it umn ut the aulboriiira uf the parih onifbr liowrer in bftnv the lulijrt at trtti ptfrm tb sxvroment wr have borne our httvy tnffiriiou thui ut wilh tourablr niiri- 1 j i ih noil puiivnt vn be driven u r b t t jtmstfrw a7rrvfrd of ihe from t t pitrivt onr readeis will recollect that on he 21t seplembrr we alluded o the railway pro posed lo be formed belwevn st altjftrwfl and woodstock n a we then itfrccalcd the advantares that mif lit be expected if the pro vincial legislature backed hy rhe imperial oowmoieot would gimtanlce a minimum rate of interes1 for a gand line of railway ivhicb vr nrrtiimrd fhirht be carried on un der the directinn of ihe imperial govern men i and ih funeral interevts not to be mncd by any sectional bia we find lhat this article has nel with rawtch alienlion in england and ly ihe leainer fpamblgtm we iave received a letter from a very intelligent enr respondent whoe attention bos been closely drawn lo tlii sublet tbn estracl from iliu letter will be ivund very ruteiestinr and our read ers may cnidrr the opinio therein ex pressed as fully to be depended upon fvost our tendon cot rttfominu received per teamer wailimjclon lodoxoeiobcr3 1817 the rliceinlhe furioi of the 2ltt sept t a vtrv cood one nd precivly in accord ance with tbe views and opinion of many of the wellinformed here n the subject of railway iraim in canada it is jul the course which tho authoriiiei of the province bad better smipt 5uch i tic pesenl state or the munrtsry alfftir nt home lhat i do not believe tho iuc of debenture a guarantee of hitrrctt or anything else by he govern ment cither in he colony tr at home would rarse the capital necevary for a mitway ibrn western canada hut titl llie heat tbini ihfj povinfro could do in their lckiauture wviild he to pas resojuiioi nrlo iiudcrtake in omv manner to do u hat is 0 wett pointed out in the patriot wilh thn hoe ttitt when heir determination it known in kncund and tuppotine the money raatkcl to it in a diilr- ent slate from what il now ii iitimediale frlepfinay be tuken by be company here or hy ihe other friends of caimda in make use of urii rescdtttiona to found upon thorn a rdin of ptoreedinx with the support of the euir iui corernment il poniidr aa that no time tost i adojiliiiff active rniiiuree fiteacnl slate it our money market it so fully dicrbrd in our uowsmpeu dial il appear imneeemsty to dwell irwm it here tu detail suflire il to ay that at iho monarnl 1 n wilin the li no nhnraianefl of iij rihoiihtlij dllmlirfl ia t k9m transatiantic poslurk from the aete york coftimetxiolidixrtisrr wc regret to learn that ihckhtith go vernment ha not wilbdrawu it ofiul order in reference lo the trantaliantieortaer by the washington tbe pommaile fieneral has therefore issued the fotlowin order public notice post office departmeni not 51847 the british government havineen fit lo charge vith fnll poiaec across ie atlantic the mail matter which wa aetally con- veyed aemss it by tht cniledtcs mail steamer washington it iwcame neeaary a measure of selfprotection thu this go vernment should take the rdepsiercin au- tlioksed lor terminating the antiatina ar rangement bttwncl the twoeomrirsin re lation a well tn rrillih maikn transit through litis country for their gonial po- sessions on this cnlinrnt if ih ordinary mail tnlereoure hctween lbunwssinsis and the culled stare 7nu wacsordinc- ly done and thoe arrauermsll will in cortenuencc terminate on the siurenlh dy of the present inonlh the neceary reult will be tat on and after be ixleenlh infant no ail mailer dettincd for any of the ftiiush peston on this continent will lie permitted leave ihe cnited siales unlfs postage i hewn is pre viously fully paid fla r rant inhumanity om fae queoec arrrtiry but loo frequently this season the press of canada has been called upon to expose acts of wanton hcartlrainrs connected with the expatriation of the botssen from groat bri tain lo this enlony starving fcverrtckpn- and dyint tbe exposure of lhee fact as been unheeded at home and this disregard at a justifiable appeal mli always mad n direct icrm but everimplied by tbe publi cation of funiu v- cae of misery and ibe arpalinjt lit of movlatipy coicpicnl upon mch indifciiitiinate trannottation has re- tutted hot only in llie sacrifice of an immense number of envctant but the deprivation to ihe several citie and towns thmuhoul rri- liih north amrrica nf tome nay manyeif the most valuable members of iheir respective communities thi1 proewdinc this reckless waste of life mxist be checked and if the public authori- tic in great llritain charercd with tin uiier intendence of emigration will nnl or cannot enure the reqoiite preeanlion for the safely and welfare nf all partiei concerned il be comet the imperative duty of our colonial legislature lo beitir themselves to protect lhoe whose interests they are apjtoinled lo guard that tbe epeclatinn of thr mverlystricker of great britain has been syttcrniacit and most zealoiuly carried out is beyond dispute and alone have dictated equally certain in have been assured by a certain centl saw lhem when thry arrived cave j0hnox pnstoivvneral kbw publish prunswick la anwrteiaroiice frosti iic i ii z that we piiminh io lh pntlilfwe d part mm i ann afier ihe 10th of november no leitu or neus- fron ihv united stales noi which foreign ilape ha not been imilvill he v- crived at anynf ibe prul offieri thii pro yince and we uuilerumt thai it the ame dale llie oriiish mail ot causdfvjlt he rent by way nf land fluff halifax rhligll tbi province a firuieily imlead iby way of ho ion a ha lalely been lln iactice tliee altera i ion have vv coultlu n oovruf upon mrnls gt iirjing fnnvnrd the nncl frvun llalifsx in qtiehic may le the yrovrmemj at qiiviice of a iniundrilan hrilih and american gjv ul matters the delerrnination of be ih guvern- ment lo forwnrd ibe canja mil lbrrmih iim lrormce will douhl en he ll means if llalswf uiitroad i l v ruiertaud bat a report ha alnady brru nardri to krsteutiil by die survey n idae irariica- bility of the under taking v have not heard wilh cerlnlnty ibe rmih jrommended hut have reami to believe llitilt by the kiinpt or mrti road we tinr nun learned lhat i die recent meeting in montreal ml dlrr cana da nova scrim uitd new lirunwie uj rtaie irtllri a lnfo nf 1hnepnee pftff half miner when under uud pew w over noarlllef wmskrevd uoti vibffceelha i viild b iv ddlicollj ui4 desirable a lhat mercenary motive their admittion hither upjmrt ol ourasiertioii ue have oily lo refer to the lord ashburton h vesel which mailed from liverpool on the lltb of sfdembor with pasener- uul we have yei a more slrifcrne and a more mjancbolv prnof n rcord it that of ihe richard uba frxran sliei with 169 uassenjcer tvhich afler a quick run rived here on sunday last we must premise our rad narrative n italinc that these poor ciealurc were lenanis of lord patmerslon and sent out by hil mtwku mr smith the tenants already sent ol this year from this noblemans tate bad alml become a byword for wrmchrdncus of these peneen ahoul nnefonrlh were male the remainder women and children and v eman who m port that a more destitute and helpless m1 have not come out ibis war they were peonilesrt and io raq without shos nr stoekime and lvie non the bare hoards ol having even straw when the health officer railed them he saw amon nlhei vinible insuner of destilu- lion lbre poor childlfn infants we irfichl say fmm ibir ae ittin on be bare deck jvrfsitly naxtd huddled together hiveriaj thr only coierinr fnj the three bciiisi a scant pieeef blanket thrown over ihe group atie moiur r i a widowand inrajrs not possessed of a farthinj and ai we understand not knnwine where lo iet one her youitu child is about two years old one poor girl who was rent lo tbe marine hospital where even from the vccl were sonlj was so naked be had lo be supplied with a fjar- inent made from a hiscurl hae and we have beard from a gentleman who ftaw her land i ilnil tin appeared to be her only cnverin i srme of the menaaitim were no scmbtantn i uf tailor wnk their shreds bein lied lo- fftlfefrwith eord wc liavi- been informed lhal rol one of the steerage passengers owned a liiv tbe bwrnwine inlereu nf our ton cad far- ralive vejradplrlf wbesi wc slate ihai ihi vrtfvel sailed for quebec on iboirib sca t l lliee are farts whirli iprak for ihem- slves- they or rd nniomment the dak of vailinir rhetf it tuttirirnlk rwr4fiv ai in ibesjeneraritv of eminxthe st lawtvnee period tf tbrir arrival mitflil possibly d thrr ponr rffpft py nf example in ihe morm of sviioruticr last when the frot nf tlir saon was iioparenl an cmrranl who bad bern empovml in the country parts had both ies frown ibe one he has jot below tbe knee and the other has been saved wilh the sacrifice of hrs too this ia nifjcicnjlv demoii steul m of the fale which awaits the snitltstude which will era dually bo discharged from hospilaj ibis win ter if iherefor- we have ihe mcw and the corn valecrnl to provide for dnrlnt the winter seasoti who to succour use paupeis thrown anionic its can rl be suppotedlhat our femow colonists will submit to this wholesale and iniquitoias transfer of an oblifation only lobe met in ihe banc of a tat voluntary or otherwise a circumstance may determine no arnl ihi munoylabte mul be expreive british whig opt trr mr or0 difor satuuday november 30 1i7 nli4 of uiriha chart j 2 rjd marriao sa qmonrai lrrrsvck ova lmr ft d w d r c montreal wj k oflih rt tltiirv wt bae omhlug fresh on th snhject of the coming elections save that nil doubts are at an end aa lo the fact of i- oissototion of tbe catting parliament tbe proclamation will appear very soon but when is not yet ascer tained meanwhile candidate of all parties and all shades of patties are caovassing with might and main although the circulation of the british fpkg extends far beyond the limits of the midi- dstricl and b almost as conent in tbe victoria prince edward and newcastle districts aa it is in ita district firoper yet we shall lestrict its usefulness during the ap proaching struggle to tbe latter viz to the cily of kingiton and tbe counties of fron- tenac and fyenov addinglon tlie several candidates for these places and their friends will find our columns open to tbeir literary labors under certain restrictions and as we shall show clear stage and no favor we truit we shall jkss through tbe contest without ibe aelancoly assurance of having made many enemies without gaining one single friend mil uodgers thiv prvpntr lecturer in mewnerism ha finirficd hi third cofjrto f laretures in ton and will tovc fur riclnu tbieevcnine dur ing uio rvur nihla uf hia tail conre ho tv eeerdfnly notl 1 1 1- t andhi ivi grydeo oimunt from nit art of jttpv tho tdtiiip teiror oddrrwd to mr aldennin moll bus beci placed in our hnd f pu mien l ion i ignciishi nvveridier lf ip47 you will rrrftlleci tvit t imr s yin dmrjv after ihe lvnue erbivh civen fnr the her rlii of the py onl mwoied nt rliii the rccepli ibe evenin i j if io j- tv 3d mid in morlie to iccuunt for ihr dtamriiv lrlifccn tbrmifiihr of thn auilieiicc and tbe prtrecd il limttl be remrroberrd rlit n laro number were rhildrei hmitied al h if price uhieb ttseiber wth a ripvnr thiiv fnecii hv njt ipie rivilrjey of initio in with hiin iwo udie and mmy hei lee lirkei ndmiltinr prdimrv pnotcfund tthf would mailer of rr rrducn ihn l lowrf than michl fto m perore lr rrntjwt espected fnm fisr jd dfluii i3 11j f eapenvm hci wf kiwer thin ihe jctu f tm umi ia ihe oeentinnlravinf n balance uf j aw whieb imtlnit r iy beitrbrnr iv trl0 dij pii ofna put nnv vo fir tlie 4 meilkued lu vw willi wlneji i idnairwd kf1 hint nteki tt uttai bija 1 jiaio nv4 dedfictrd from lle tinunl ywv rfnifnl1r w uudirs tor tht british fpaif kildare v kappa nature ifmronfer than d ttian rcovtu n man rrei wa bv at hav irn lilh- lure been auhj ivue cold nut iunweik tn mve hniv i pant of ibis vmi litv isaih rf tilth ire i rlrd tn nil tu miak th ihn misriv nf in f the chances of irepored nro llie imm l men f cnir uj teve- lsi ih enotdsil io rile on it hj pilot but die pikrt n nct llie governor rrishrrlen in general rhave bad iiutloaophers they jump at couzliuioos without any precioas reacssid gtsirjmi with effects without eey iavertigalanr causes- tr impulstra of nature nnguided byrrasoti are lottlbeso the chief motives for action ap i the bel rroond for argument eiperieneaj is lo ibrm like the light tn the hern ot n sfaip it itriraun the track passed oyerbu i serves as no guide for that yuiivrc w trivll rjcfi being a few of the peculiar chaiactcrilic if t rnayiife the eapressrori ol my eountryoien is no eaiy matter for tbernvo coolly aruc opon a given sabjrcl- eapecially when lial subjecr intimately concerns themselves aekuowlfdge lhat in tbe recent discussion beween hl kiljute and myaelrmber loo mnehof nalirsrhimpiiuesltale henenitlcerr for reasontns and conclinions hare been ir rived j t without mneb research but be this a it may we have hit upon the iru sfter much circumlocajljoa for be and i are in ibe main of oas mind and were it mm that 1 wisbl prove to bioi bow mucii br micundcr stoud his own position and mine and reply to a few of his unjust aspersion- would not tire ihe readers of tbe whig with w bat to hem mnst be a dry and oninteresting subject a brief recurrence to tbe matter of dispute it nccetsary ou ibe oeraiou of he governor general visit to ibis city a cummalee of ihe st patricks society wailed upou ihcoranjeme to make arrangement a i the manner they were to march in procenu the orange men prumitcd to appear williosit their banner and rosette and tbe si patricks society wilhoat heir rosettes sslisoed tbal the un derstanding was eompleie the st- patricks to show how fai they would go to conciliate wound an orange ribbon ronnd their nation al banner on appearing in proceion the st paliick perceived with some astoniah- mcatthe oranc flag unfurled and the greater pari of the orangemen wearing their ruseltes tliii to tbcm was unaccountable they wt and justly tint their feeling ttere insulted and lhat as tbe first tep was taken towards illrceliiisr it could not be told bow soon others mighl follow and to whal extent they there fore oiieliy withdrew 1 ask any receding intelligent man did ibey noi do rihl t if the orangemen were alt men of intelligence this would uot have occurred for no baarwr would bavo been exhibited ihe bringing of it there was the set of some imprudent hotheaded psrsons therefore it was dilllcuu to tell what escesies might ba eommltted and it was pm- denl lo guanl ajraint such the st patricks saw ibis ami acted a very landahle part i fait iheir conduct on that occasion is called con- lemptiulc kiljare irnie bavin rrksifioacsf the st patricks society tjtia is a pour pitiful and unmanly way lo defend himsvlf who did he mean t not the orange parly for it was the withdrawing from the peocerslon he found fault wiiii it was the su palrick withdrew ennserjuentty ho mut have meant lhem a writer that prides lilttiself upon his candid ieniirheati oaght not loresorl lo tbu ulderfuo it i paltry rul eonarjly irlbls llie proof of blauvndori lo aland na nrrsfrnf out darin to meiliou litem to thic covertly and insidiously attack a respectable society itch a the st patiicks and when brought to public account lor doing so and to bring for ward bis proof io coolly tell u i did md mention ihem kildare kildarv bll be camlid expresiion nf bis nirnclt invoked tbe wrath of some itnr writer who bad tbe temerity lo call in nueliontlieir enf- redness tim pvnon foulishty thunlit that the affair had suwidrd but no irishmen never forivr never mourn over pal miniv- in intficienl reasons meibiuk for a writer to j froir excitable topic never hear tbe voire of reason or common sene tbrjft- fore hey xt to be held up to public execra tion what strange men these irish most he what imperiou minds they must porter when they have never been convinced by tbe logi cal nr fervrd outpourings of gifted kildare mark how labtaslsi he ubors to convince catholics lhat tbry oncht lo give ihe orarge a gentle liup and view it with benign complacency whal fools not tn be instructed by lii voice of reason aud common se 1 rtonollitid fault with the honest avowal of kildares serdiments but i find fanll willi the irmo and occasion taken to ttow tbcm and ihe manner in which they were conveyed this firing from nenlral ground i deleft this depreciating acts wilhool examin ing into motives i mutt condemn kappa under another name- has been making orne blasphemous comparisons be tween procession of the hoot and orange demonstrations attention is drawn lo this by three notes of exc tarnation this comparison u mibl be mentioned in lxo w now considering bis volubility it i strange he did noi mention ibem but probjbly bis idea of honor may have induced him to have pity upon a prostrate foe not exactly kappa knows why he did not ae cotrju nof and his lhee notes of wonder serve only tn point out clearly the impossibility nor will any effort of imagination make the thing in icltiblc- kildare asks was it from the st pat rick society i riot was to be apprehended in truth not bui if it were ihe mean they adopted to prevent one were ibe most likrly to bring one about no doubt if i jce a man coming towards mc labeling under excited frcitu and if i walk into tbe next street in avoid him according to ki idare 1 am adopting ibe bet means to make him injure me if the s patricks foiety had emained and an altercation ensiled kitdarc v conlsteul voice of lesson aud commesi sense would bavr lold them van saw a likelihood or disturb ance you knew ibe angry and hard feebus which oranre insignia create toward catho lics yon therefore cnitm clcd prn- dcnlly and retired until such accidental feel ing would cool down a versatile genius ibis riol wrauld only haw been a bit pftut exactly fr lliose whv occupy neutral iround you sec kildarv your armor in not io compact tha i cannot bud a iol lo ihfttat in my liny laitcc kildan auro no provocation con induce him to wield his talented pen again on ibijc subject- jtnl fo ihe lion is roused from his lair t nnd forth lie comes in all the power and might of insignificance and imbe cility u kappa v rabid citusion gets ony a glance m nxc ur avi tiae rnrtrw4 ll ran expect when i bare violated ome lie more sacred lhan the united irisbmaaa or ihe masonic 1 svuirc you m k i r t i do not nndtrftantt your question it is lo me somcthinttinritellilire he cannot moon tbal kappa has done anything ungentlcmanly thai should be more of a private affair than would be at all pleasant for white tvilttnrr lo go any leneth to conciliate a pub lic writer on pubticvounds i would certain ly treat differently ajp offraice involving such reprehensitiie conieqneuce ai he alludes to kf ri find no pirallel tnrt ween ihe cases of ibe different societies and ibe sixth paragraph of hirfirsl letter sufficiently protes such jii is reply eoough to ihe rn rijc of arjunaenl adopted byjtil- olfk ai 11 j l the csndit of men vilih term the ridknlou prejudicoa whicbp irishmeli from being united and anycst tic would have luken hi oath lhat oard tw veller was an bonet rinnou in coodeteas the guilty party no matter who thoy my patient reader kappa is tbo us ler kildare tbo bnsl but tlie xilosc rf thorvdayst cannot be the kildare of ibrse lie may bein the bodybuton my word ffj in ibe spirit my claue quill has lucd me in ibis inveviftion i require il met fur one of another sort m says i have enlcrh into a irmrnaj dirjuiition to prove the evila of orangviam and having dune so boldly call upon tha government lo tut down orange dcmonslra- lion now i boldly call opon a kildare to mitmauiiaie his gratuitous assertion the truths exarlly the reverse and this i can easily prove in my firl letter i say a law cojloss or demonstration which jroducea no teusibu good elteels osiglit to be repeated or discon tinued f bere argue on general grounds in saying law i cannot mean ibe orange exhibitions for iherc is no law authorising l then fore no law could be repealed f have there endeavored to show ibat they art neither expedient or useful tkertfort ibey oughl lo be discontinued f havchewn that ihe british ftovcrnincul baj acted irt ajibsv ral spirit and lhat orangeism ought noi to nullify its good intentions i have asked orangemen io throw aside their dcmoruira- tion and merc ueles display of irritating real in one jrrcat bondof national brolber- liood i shire under another name asked them to let llie events of the nasi serve no beacon tight for their guidance through the future being perfectly convinced that if ibey did so ibey u onld act in accordance with the jrit of thi enlightened xet i have ap pealed to the esiod sense and wiidom of orangemen to discontinue those timewora displays but upon no occasion have t over appealed 1st my govcritment to put down sneb this firmly assert and whoever as tern the contrary asserts what ssol fact- kildare bay entirely mistaken coy laoguigt kappa is noi one of osoie politicians who recommend tbe point of the bayonot nor ono nj ibose rcasoncrs who impose apoo lberv sdves the strange task of uniting irishmen y keeping them asunder lie wishes ardeot- ly wishes to see them united as onr l in ri throw aside sectarian views and party feel- t ings when they lend to disunion and diiorder r- n irisliman he loves his country and his countrymen tie wihc to sec lhem respected and as o inrrw he propose unity and aa tbe means of promoting aod cementing tbal unity and friendship he calls upon orange uwn to give up their yearly dcrdonsttationa kappa v defence may be mime bat it is candid he has epoken out without fear or oftcclnin probably with severity for ihotigfc willing ho is lo make any concessions to calm feelings and secure a rusting frienosbip -ire- will never shrink from a position wben eoci- vinced of its rectitude nor refrain fmm using languace no nutter bow unpalalublc or se vere wben itcccssuy to support sue h having now brought ibis discussion to at close al least so far as i am concerned t feci it thtt to myself to say tbal i regret e ceedingly that any bitterness should bnfr sprung up in the discnsiion andai lbcoojr amrntik mmurne 1 ofjuxks i usttriafih true sfilritof fricnoshp lo kifdare my sira- eere respects as an advance ny as a feltf of rf cone ili it ion kappa township of kingston e wov ie kj1 y no w kildare ventnres to ask if 1 am a sin cere lorer of bis holiness i am indeed as a man and as anetiiuhlened liberal so- vexciof t since re fv love him bill bi reli- giouv failhjinds nofavor in my eyes and here rests the main difficulty with kildarc oat nof a catholic bat a sound orthodox pic teataut dult draw a dfstihctton between men and thing i must respect the feeling of my catirolic fellow countrymen because i hold the catholic religion ax erroncou am i to despise jls betiovers i consider lhal f have no right to trifle wilh iheir religious feelings the law of nature and of go give me no right and to no other law to prevent their feelings frutn being wantonly excited have i adverted and it is unjust and untrue for kildart to assert ibe contrary but of ibis by and by t evinced no sagncity in discovering kin- dare to be an irishman his peculiar racy style asserts il in every tine kildare is gen erous in yielding to me the palm of superior ity this is a happy omen prognostkating the stupid anecdote which follows in hia nexr paragraph ouee upoa a lime a very fair begin ning but kildare ontsl allow mc lo pursue ibe story by correcting bis mistakes of course i camot clothe the narrative with such rovfie beauty as my friend bui no matter 41 once upon a lime an untnclcy wight of an irishman might be seen wending his w across v bleak and dreary common in a raw cold and moist day in ihe month o march isi7 towards tbe hospitable resi drnce of a suburban friend a gentle rat at the door and its binges creaked like welcome in his ear white the globular cnuu lenance of his friend peered on i beaming wilh joy and hospitality the broad sinewy hand was extended and dosed upon bis dirninu live palm wilh a trucatilesisn squeeze th weary traveller was seated by a crackling nre while a tahlo groaning wilh the good things of ibis life wa in the back ground on which shone forth conspicuously the lope ncckaof teetotalers abhorrence fii there was htl tbo weary traveller was courteously asked 0 iomihin eno ond considering its being good friday he d ample justice to the richnesa of the viands and in his friends hoipilftlily tli iuhv colourer wino was prersed upon hi notice but unfortunately or fnrlunalcly rotber- the traveller was an abstainer a psivat interview diklosctl the object nf ihe irwel- ler call tht friends aistncfl wm iv- quired on one nf lliosn intrrciiii evroinoutea eonsrrjueni tifnni the- introduction into no cbureb of iboso fissss frail liolno rf rnmulllj whlyb matilmouy irnubli ui with the tin veller did indeed denounce in no nmaimed rkofejflwn ing vpakcd iit i l ii v b0 a- for fie britia ffniv t kildariisdefencfe my dean write peteeivitg iimii yoo uv rw obwcl to an mlsr 1 mr- m n vifiyl4 uirwwn irt nh o j lt i r x hn ifiviinij f cootrtmjf ibo km vfjl irqnnt yoo wilt l f ij r cti in in ll- oqctu pxtmnof nay dtreooc tatt if ronrrstrd to u pubjie aocjocr dvtoelinjr rtrry syoalde nd fcutove ol i r ease m llc bose of otatarasrii n verdtenf gsdiy loibwvd be sncnee of jojis ntttnot benefit ofctef linr unfiwtnime viavcnef mnotli lesvuted iwre paejwd luey drpoved of ibe vinic paskbge lonnrdiawly sireecdvas etever prslhcliafiv winv n-il- r i l the stirkos gu4 kntuy let tlie eiwke run thu nw bat cahwlic would tjv ttf lake ins in thai o twn vio u orankomsn ot very net lb rb w3wipsj j ue think aome lime ificr iq fird lbs oil pn bsili t afainrt ynrader onaee frost eat 0ihan ioinfortirsf lstsolcit would b sajlaai ihsol rnj myrnvafl tmmfcjimml mihe ail ynur sjsnof return t tbo oh ide if you ftr though yn iaikam nhuhna tsftce very vrelt 1 obveeva in ovsl reaajh rht yi re a wolf ji- tnoiog ereerri of the prera onvy w of mite xnaec to ibe ynwr drvil tf rhe vy jug lot thry ats nf vatl insswuncu cv tfav ontmiwiiij fr it urd etsmn tba reowla- tua of u afr alt nrrij metoesv ibo a rtficksorhj act the crrtjsreft ssssrfsj nitfe wiierondcirtlieratefsorfflnr f hdooirn it applv rr t hb iwroat if in iftenrlicyslf ine a u kateterj ndsvee not ovvctsilsd evefe ptrid iiiade mndiiii rnln vcswa klldakk nc 19 ecaatrthivrertm votinies the las cdm of note is colonel caleart wbo ar tv i r 1 m ledoyes to this cfhintrv for the purpose of testing trie fsaseaey of the fluid invented by the liltee cent tern an n1 vthor r last mht sbonty belbre seven oetoet colonel calverlhotjallcn a vietiru 0 his energetic ajtd iintinngrkeeruncyn endeavoring to prove the value of tbw s- coveiy as a mitigait of drsvaae and a pre ventive in irs spread- he declared himself to be netoated by philsjhropic motives purely and if selfex povaiie in etuse of danger be riy guaranlff sf intecrilj of jurpose lhal justice musi be accorded to his mrttwn earlvt mmninc noon night and snidnigni ho was in ttlendanee al the hospital and wtek he rviysthe virlues of thn ftuirl ho juidi- ouslysouem irfiiromtse the comforts of lbs palienls anl did secrtrt tr lhem c very sary nayrten tn dclrcncici whlcb tbsir vau seemed in them to require he not only pnmpered ovm if we may use tbo eure irnt but clothed tbvos nr whan tttftijf was needed his tmrsowesc lie wa trcity philanthropic wurm htirltd anil kind seeing iml to do eood wit mhervbe may hnvo bad wa fnnltafcutln quebec at deast noli of fwjtlnaaa nroa w- ii ii nf bit luve ho helieerd in lite value of the discovery n which hadtvcdi his entire lime and perished in tha m bad sn generously undeitaben and t lllli fully mmied tn the lrt wo eeab mm person nl nd itttlimie hculllltsilcb will 11 deeeaaed quraec ifrrvuf 3 0v we reritet lo hear llitt mf- deism hlee lw tm uf tkta mj andrrsshi sbul blimtdf aeeldsat ajbr m dny kn h u ns in ibe sit of jrattlm gun by the murrle in of tht iffatt esplniled nnd biled tho eflltu1i tfwtmmf uilil- o biensl aud ihollnr hh i udoublfvtl fmg srfi s

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