British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 1, 1847, p. 1

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the british whig m afiwuwr for canada wht imiumhiui skmmvkkkly intf vttilwwlijr ma riiiunlij morale bt bdwaad john bamlxrct bon at tub atiiunveum ihienf fu door la lat lambfrm jovrr tkbmhp 0r hruni ran anwanlf paid in oiwanne no w rfnonniiaoto until orrenocrn mpardupftlvnsnitlioclvaftof tha pikuhar aotftmltmtmsilumi nftdoadoe hvw fttm luaeitvaiiftiti udennh antaq iiwrini tuhnmlnuallrwst 40 ftrv iteiirn and im iiiulinuirmi ahnietvo hk 41 pei klltflnrllilrttin4mi0ltt ond id pw line ito each mtoinir1iitthia4whmiiff1t lomin wftilnfr i rrrhnjl thf bamtrt willi beta a jwhll4fflm ufpl canadian cirfluilft t d h v j n kimkirhiihu wtaftv rteslhlooevae all lottot til w nvtpari jorttf love minm le fflrittsl ssjifl the athenaua book slow li rt v hurt eiin halts hi will lnw4 u vjaf rynolnmev kta ck and general advertiser tor canada west in hi t ii r tilivine f crrftrfdn i ke u i j nk ha 1 idwln rinjr ifanhnnj ft tu4j wl r4fj nundrd vvrfc nnd n nj avi d mndevn i- jhah nerenornponel lu at rijnu wxi4v mcg tl opifer per orbem dioor vol xvi kingston canada wednesday morning december 1 1817 no og business directory virgil cos express william warejifcmlj gborge howe pointer gilder and glazier buol st kingston near mr phiphon candle faeiory si mming- wl mwwai i liimi0 and dcrotated work in general john s clnte auciioncer ami commission merchant corner ifoflun j broefc plcei aunrjcrsuinnkliitly rtoolwd rttnctually attend to thomas pennws wlolesmp m kolail leather store prin- tasistroet kittson dealer io native nj spinwhsote leather uppers k nnd calf skint morocco awl liiiinp b mmfttarv pin jiitga of every deaenp tio hasan dttclllj hendwn barrister ationwyaat uvfckc oflptnplon james o rrilly m i tin britannia life assurance compamy ko 1 pwkcbs stbect bank london capital 1000000 sterlg cheapest rates of any office doing business in canada mtdiwt rrfint for kingifon dr thos- w robjson the tinjtnigae having ijcm poinlntf ki art 39 aiit t company t which un boen ilmiftg liints ir cantja ml ihi ciiy rflrtc in for is39 mpecifullf rrque pcrwmn re quiring lite awanrt i riu al lti office frlxcess street kington wlier piovlotc ftfttl ol necessary inwinnuim will lc given a isoo variety vf table la mcci the cio linii- antl convenience t ftppi conu can tc iien the rates of similar tame in tlte of fice joing buatncvi in iltifi province nre a follow fian amwia of 100 ch1 lifa aananmaci cvc30 4 4 hfltiavftl lw fbj rfi q z v dnitnftm awuiace c 2 0 i thert moilcric rates little wore ibpn osciif nt svftly in provide for wse put it io hc power f moil person hi assure ond willi reference io the prcaent aaie of ho liealih of ilic inhdvitann of iho pri- u james powell ironmonger thi wore mjctufaciurtr prioccm suwi kingston the british american hotel lnle ihloyi bv j rattfion klfr rfopcanadi wok inhabitants j a wcdowall furrier hatlcr uince genera y it wry he uiovghi tece- br slrecl kinnion furi made up to taryalioom ihc prevailing siekneaa n cro to decline taking any rfcl il appears therefie lo be a duly oi lhoe who hnve to provide foi their famihea 10 tlw the limely pmathim of owufii g iheir lives anfl lh provide againl the rk nf perhaps ltavig thne dependant upon tbeir exertion nr means to mtifeff drjti cullies if not dcmudinn tuomas bri0gjt riamma2l is7 67y jdst received f3qm new tdhk- at tub athkneum book store per auen8 express tub rmmavinq icfguv pvbllcatlofts ussbmi hy p r janr niikokiiv bri-ii- 1 the mmieti mmta knight if gffjrim bv c lrvef the skiafr ncrtf by p willsamt vjkcie the lily of la v- r rllen montf a sqnl l life in london tlic pirirjde or yoith career f crime ftfnff 1 nr lh scerer of the mountain martin he fomillto liv fene sue njlcbosooh iu1i hy i- w hrtbrru tlic ciinmtnlrr nf alta by e sut the myltrietof lonn oitecniyofiliemanniihcmoonboond the cawaen of motion the count of monte chlsht st cilr and st j jr ufa in lni rary omor hy s vpr valentine mcciatchey by carlton lacrtia buir ardent trohtan capl tatryah ctcteland a tle of the cooum chile marfaret graham nr the rrrerst of fortune a sfk story by mr 1icbbalj tle tninia of the royal arch free mlmwj in eror the royal arch lr- royal ah ridvlionf kiogiton oct 1847 book bindery at the athesjeum uook stoke bagot street 11hr suusorirers reapeetfot inrnim tho inhalntarta of kin nod vicinity hint havm wntged com- f petbn f workmkn ihny ore nnwl prrpaicd to nvcryto nil kimn fwv in iho bnik ritijing lino with ncatiwaj mnd despatch aluuactsptiona of blank bnokimaje edward john darker ft son sept- 10 is job prlbttina a mi nrifii r jon pkintcrct f fujvrictetlttvathpcrpajav r h u mk vji liu rt l kiirmjirf4jfc ite priirfiwf i 1 noy faevfo lttaciiiiiri ftiti j lmurrfyamw i mo j if y vl lr4ki fur made up to ordoe on iho ahortet oolieo fura of overy deaeriptiftn bought aod sold m uhew drumraond wine fit spim merchant buiuiog oext to mr w kington c w grocer wellington wilona f b kayler coch uuiwcrs aid carriage maker princ street rtnptnn b robert wccormick wholesale atij itetftil duller ifi wine spirit teaa groceries c t pnnee street kinjaion kessrsmacdonaldcampbeu larriter aiimnrya oi law pnnc btreei knin john a- hacdonln alkxandrr camppbli just kecbived actpdhsalebttkbsubschiher supply of juw mittlv eelehrateh depilatory powder for removing hair p wiilinul injury palevv en 1o tlie afcin 014 rrown windsor sotf ne almond snap v indelible ink for matlin linen 4v jlaw and tooili 8ni1ir e and a genrral mortaioal nf entkdi per- fuintry robt barker drug c ofnecory biock sirert kington oct u ifrl7 sheriffs sale of land postpo ned ix the qoebjts bejcch aaron chambers robert fisher james fisher and john fisher rphe sale of fishers laws in further postponed until ihe day tf dkcembbk next it lie itim hour and ttlam thomas a corbett shrrif mtilond diitni sheriff oiee midland diilrict 1st november 1b47 sheriffs sal of lands m mothbn anlmaruht latfrb4- tli rairad r sfmpfj h beati ifriv 10 franle eaojiimrtpi si t l oipiv ip i trnj 1 riin prvrniartr yrriilt ditl- iin inf r tii tt uw ynj ni s a the dr townsenirs k s a 1 a i i i i a iedi- james iflcmilian tcacbrr of mhmc pi rm tmea aojtw wm memihftn aociionwr thompeob earey iwgr importiiiv anjcnmioinn mtfirmaioii vtilliaxnware onrml com- miiin apfti dfutir anj anclinneer kinpion c w macdonalflshoieliatcsioncv onito tho ciy bailia king street francis v carey bwfhcbimlfn ea a kctv edward stacey wirciim tiy loe nearly oyoiie im montreal biftk king street kintal john blackiston saiinnkcr so 4 htrjei hlrihlvqic ontar- slrwt 7 waller bales pamiftr and puper kington hanger kcdoau i2icr sirce e a chown tm sniihs cupper smith and i in plato worker princaa street kiiijatun t 0 butler cnbiuul maker and uiihitiaterrt mmtreal slre jingmcn a general aortntent of ihe laieat iyiea et furniture conaianoy on bond and m on liberal terms land for sale arf acres or land ror atvp sale in the twwihip of seymour neweaatlo diatrict king lois not 17 and 18 in the w nnccwinn 40 aereinf which arc cleared and ha large fng floofe and a frame botb mfeethy30 ootlmmca e amlmtil watered it will lie nld in one bhtekurini ijnu toauit nrehaacr term moderate for particular ap- j nlraiihu olticc if hy letter imi oaid kinptonjnnc 1g is7 491wtf on hand for sale 300 casks superior rous manufactured pale vinegar at i per oillon 3 ft far cask vt tht warrhoiio of hflntf ob- phant k watt kinrton nnd at the attnifon brtyttry vntl dhthltry saibhatos of cltnirc qualify nt 9 per 100 lb qi- agk walnut dumber tf000 fvei of vnrimis qioicdihii ihai i bmrinl 4neh and i inch pi m k 112048 nnd in h scanirinf of nliv leiilm b rind 3x31 thr nbftve lumber will lcdipned of ts29perm james morton kuon brtwery fcdtriihcr joy 17 18w for the million iyitc vit time for alt tfwtr who train to m ovijc thttntetvtx with tvintcr furs fllllr suhrriher reineetfnlly ihe bi fiieoda in know ihnl be i imiv mfcflu a kiinu ond qtttliari of winter fur clothing cmipritfiog attn cape mitts gbve mvfflens rpja c fr ronflemtii nj muflv bt- tippethj cajw oap mliin and glnve fr ladies all otulr kisds of flrs made to order j a mcd i as io bund n aic awp py of buffalo rteji bir skirif liij fost and notr fancy kiiis fvr mcb robei madu to urder at grtaily re duced prices the army supplied 0 order on tlic skvitrst hotter j a mcdowatl brotk strtct kinlon 1847 a hardware knglifih stationery c- c just received atheneum book storf it strut kingston a larg assortment inef suiieoety f itie bet quality sheffield goo23 and ironmongery tmtlle suhxr liber reperifiiuy infin jl lii tmvnand cmmlry cummcm ibailnelim jmfuiiidicil rveeivinjbisiiiii- intir 9iijpty if ctxnl in lib lino conaiht- ing of nnxeopent aasorlinenl rf hard ware fr hmiehoui and building purpo m shcfbom and birmiftciaiii fluted cphj sbtir flod fancy giods ffain japaned anj bljck tinvaio and all klftib nt acriculturat implkmekt- ofilrtvctybtjst qualify and mnnofncure tbc 5uberi1icr aun respectfully r- riieh the aitention nf ihe public lo bix cxienivensihmenl ft pointy oiu and deo tiioff a ludifo he oli it ihe f lfflih pul 5c polffutflfq ifnrting ibat hw piirca military books just received qiecn icrcnlatiana anrl ojiiit for tn army aushit by anihooty v i raercie and e of ihf army j7 plmr p i- i- 1 hy authority liitht lnfniry and rjile bxrcie jackwn tatc on mdhary soryeying with patrand ilarmi stfaitlib 1 1 on i j 1 1 and atil lrfy wilti plan e gaava kicld italit krrcr 13 plater army edinnat f imts dauiur okfcrvatmiioa court martial clheiiimi of tyimiitt and rfulatioru i ihe atmyon makcraof finance fmyk ijiiaty ctechim plroiy i r r-fi- f ii a fw copiraatit on land j ii dir ipv r c chalmers metitfeaj ocinihrr 5il 1s17 just received frlycnlfitf- tbe knini ftf 0ynnc hy lrver tbc jsrcirl tribuimlby dtimai tahplnf bavaria ly o riimcii fcjr p- r- jam thi fnnarvii hy tody c biry tho hilienuikie hy mata fenipr pqui1fo alltaxa hy eugene seiitte th dik ilir cun by mifc fe vimiltiranv love hj wm caruton thnmrunr v ifayt 9l s4ll sept 16 i84 dust received ysa 27w osx no foit salu by ihetotcrihor ml slurein frineoa sircm ciidco iflmnitnt f groceries e conihriliift in pin ttt sobbfn bright pitrifi itirisugai 300 bfixca haacklel kbtidf 200 d aoitcd tim w do drt tabaeco iodnccaffi urctoitis r00 rcarna wrqhm taper 10 jo tiipcnuiio 10 do tr 0 nei tub ifl ciai tri- malta 50 gem mtrchea s00jea ppanbh sole leather new ylrik tnnnagt with varioua oihor arliclea no i matthew rourk k hilton angimli 1r47 62tf iottcet fhe olncithor aw ennrnnnerd j the groccmv bniaifimi wbciehv now luaidc uuxt dour to mr harkea cntcfcery siorr kin slront kfnwulti wrcro ho hopa hy strict aucution lo liuiineaud nrx1oiate price to mucin aluro of public pauttnarr john foster juy20ls47 a nl a adioaa ornv nnd fc4i pi ll 5m11 pm rt svlin xmt doot fria nj mu fwtridce ppcr playbif nd vthnf finfi vini frkoew 4trtf v rron 6 idiet ly 4 oitho in iv lathemallr4rd in wr itftttar tli aavttil lbtrartkkinitltlwerr lne j1y 717 comu a qunltiy of hu uad wl ftiaruin bim morefully tlia any clf rernmniendnlion ve james powell plnugha of variniii paiierna and plough poinds tlic hlflhcvt prlrc paid in curt fnr old bta copper pevlcr and lead kingtnn tvinensa slice afw 18187 j c2m just rccbived at tmc atheneum ibodk stqri a supply of richrr 200 rr tlie7lh con camden lands for sale tiif suhicfilieni havrtii mipvim land in the midland district for sale south f lat no i in ilie 31 con- pilttbuigb 50 ftcm no 10 in hie 7th con souili 1 loi no 39 it 100 4crca wel lnt no 5 in the4tb c kennc hecp 100 atro lot no 0 jili cint olden 200 acres lot no is gib con 200 arte- cumlllkgft hacdonefi ftficairar kinjtlftn j ir- 2ah hm7- fresh teas novels rr tjip frm kep f it store mny lie 11 t h wl uaam rod maint i riapbenamai and ipor 0 an c ink av avtynl tllm otic office cnv smk be in hoaaeriwr m tra catrr mity orotrrt ullincd al l trice anngpj tl- tkw aic pm bnpciul old aad yawij wji twbmfi sichn- riorlmnc irfc qyfiftt- stc ii r h i r i j i eamnt with a vhuy of st per urihiti and ouici ariiufc hi ibmaaae william j hmttix 3flvel sajw knlajijrt 2j 1647 innn- the new it t jkrtviiv i r tav f the ni i tf ciniie fl iuv tirn- ktnrtlttjf g p joor k- iwnitmaf cvntir tab f ifca ilaaa ol tho union kv ertirl p lrf f riiipcic ostjitirnno n re inid lu mitry jf ltuyvlay if xoaejthj tvmc4fima r brfind tbe lifrof mip inrfityjjn frriy- tlf nlirr if f fvy ai 1hnfle il anil mhctkv mr cs r a c k irr iialmcrp m it- juif niwel on saturday the 16th january 139 will be aqrnf oklol the court ilmoto in tho city of ivirija toil tho uudtrnveniioned land ord tooemrutt seized by virtue of vl wriia of finra facias iasued out nfihu cfurl the micjiind diatrict and loioc diverted viz john oliphantrcenii george yarker drnovnr ah iherighmitleand iutcreat of devn dantin lot n0- 13 gth conceaaion ho- boeoogli john carrltiieiis jfebfjf angus mcvivar jit and the bak of montreal henfja angus mcvlcab ftrarfaail all iho right title ond interest nf thci ronilaut in town lot no 393 and r rwirt nf lot n u 22 lit cncc kintlonaod vihnge lot in pnuemvrt oine pari of lm no 10 lat concotf voivnabip if kiugfoo sale at is oclock noon tacorbett shtrijf j j shoriftvoffiee kin del i4t c stteittffs sal- on saturday the thday eember is7 will be sold uc court i i in bo city of kingt coder mentioned lands and tenement sixed by viinic f a writ fnttmm iiaawal out of lite court oflkj land uifitrict and to mc direcled william simpson tfahatf- john ord dfrtmt all the light tile and iotereafr drfendant in lot no 104 in the ploilaid nut in the weal half olat half no 32 in con kingston sale 12oclgca nnnn t a corbet sbrif fod- sheriff s office kinclon lvt seyt is47 most extraordinary cine in the world thit eitrmcl i put ua in quart bouw il i lia ihnea ehper pk4mnir and wmfad tnfmrttw lo my ii ri iii wiihout t i v pnrgmf ekenmg oi dculiuimr the piint great fall and winter medicine tne e uauly nd anpcrioriiy of i hit stria parilu nvcr ii onrr ttirdicioa i while it ernli- ditnar it invicoratra llie bod ilia no tf ilie vetr acl fall and winter ncdiciietcr kitfivrn it rt onl pirifi iho h tljn and ircnrthca the acorn but it crtmet ww pore oil riu voa a cr potkaacd oy no otlic medic atm in lki liea lire acciet of in wonderful oeei it kaa pctrmed oubin i i yean rw itian 3sfxh curet of kwttaacaor daeafe at kaat soooqof thcae wec cootijerea in u morelian3 1000 enact f 3jpcpu 4pu0oeaietnr general doully and want of enerf y 7ho0 cicsor te dirtortnl ftmolo compuinit cnocaviofsmh isoci r lurr comptainl 1500 otct or diacatc of uio kidnera and droty 8000 eaor coumpva ar4 k iji if caaeanf ditrnte of tlio bvynt til ukera ervaifu salt rheum pinpon on hie fn dec im- itf with numerous eaea f suk iicidackc pain itilbo side and cbetl symnl altclont oc tri we arc aware otuti appear incrcdibte bit we bate llti frunt fhyticiant and oair acrnit frrim all panaof the lniicd 5ttn in fitoviic u r c v curco r van duo- kiik ew nr of h mrol rrepecubte druitu in nwaia n jh inf na dial lie can irfrr o more inan 150 cavn in ifii place wne there are lhonanrt nt eatca in the cilv of new yrfc wliir h wc will tefrr i k hi plcaiure and lo men of ewncfcr it rt the beat rncdicine tr the pre- wt4fi wf dtca hnoua it undouoicd red lltelitaof unit than 5000 gkium the past season i il rernted te choi of diaaae and prepared rparcd in refcrr vmtr wthlia rcian nf tliat erilieaf ik rijlecl in ijk it i or any of the mimttoai thkh fwnak ne 4jri ni i rrwd maybe detafed arwon acdtfinr nrwiait u fjuald mr trwnp h nvmtantcihliiatl i enrcoloxd t m iaiureuyetti1iimns if b1 iid inri-nim- irirayicin irueej ilttt tnc4wiii ja ivtutn jaatan maraj 4beai am aahjtci lnle renew nn niilr noajatutatencrfetlreanntin4 iheimpioilw y ioi ao i iniuiinc lb jiem at h i ii uiawaa xg mttn km fr the simiir e tbc attach ment i0l4no ntiucr 1 1 v iuo of icq ii out of the ehtict t and ditfrittm bl m to wsu auacbmeot mueil ciiajrl of tin- mirl me ji t lrtd aanr the etale cal a i uxll aa peroii1f david mckat i tan an owondinp or cnrnlfd j debtor at ih nf nathaniel haegans frr tho aum of kuvcn prumop one ahillint ano aovon awee imkpeimv boo ltd at iho nf john miller jamesmiiuer anil thomas miller friuaum ofnitieiecn prumj eigbteeu ablirga gnj one penny 1 havo seixti and loken all tho eatoto real ax aji ua nmonil ff tho aaid david mc- j grattan ami unloss the tld david mcgiuttan rciurii tbiu tho jtiriadictuiit nf the aatd coat and catiso ihe aamo o ho discharged milbin line c4loftder monihaihe said sononcr will bo held liable fr tho paroont heaesi dtlniff- sherif and vatiafoclioo of thv aaltl t a coriibh shroff vd s oltice mihiand ditrici not 4 is17 seif chandleby no 1 hardys bu1ldrgs william donaldson purchaned all my stock iftrav be alkve eiabtiahrent i rrl him in nyjienda r i 1 iinrcnl ii neg in rccon ihe maalcra and oivnera of vettei m t iiitnibr t he subscriber having the above luioes woiij c die alieolron of hw fncndii anj thi pnl lie to hie eapailitbnenl where i p corrlantly kepi on hand ctcryihng in ihe sliipclianijlca line wm donaldsv kinitoporl ut 1847 fit n li otic rained loving bt rihr un a piontud aotit for iho c0lu9bhs ultlne lm co 1 rv iti- miako maiitir if rruiy ilucimiitm at nnkrr of lremiun thomas br1hgs j orrt n prfoe slrcel kiitatnii n ap- bt rinkm mlc 4gmt il it liar neicr he n to injure in ih wtt thf nit dcliete cuiul rmtumatrsm tlie sat asfrt fill j ajaj with the ewt dfefacl aiiere in tthroiiatt rmpvmlt itiwrrer if rcr t cnrotik tltc tinulunc cuffo il lia p- fofmrd aro innecd wonderful other reintdira onfntiinea jpte lernpoary rrtief thia eniirely ftmattitt ii fnn tltc mien even when ihe lrohi andeneaare dreadfully awollcn it ha mr sell tny oia of ihe nlleal nnd m at rpectiufe lnyrra m iuiiprd cvein tsc dj reirmrflrf i hafcofcd nne wde r va sara iparilla anft fiid it t exeekant in ita etci i i f- i- 1 1 iflin iu irhieh luia wonjeii fmi nn njifj xearned keeeal tear nr in a puttie j pleaeo end me two brllk- to the ear ol mr seynnor t nave cneened trithltvoof mr prirvjiat pnyicani and recum i- ii j r ls r j i t r j setii terry ilanfirj march is 1645 consumption cured cfrtfw ttk ca ea r co lrer ta- nml coir caoera cvz arilm spttlimp f fttlt mctai to lo cnfitttrfit im av ew 0p- tw prome et- yrttmtin r infnc siov ej iaee iwen dr tiwrweod dear sir nearly twenty yean npi i link violent rvld winch kltlei on my tuc nj fteelrd hic aciciclr ineved anally it bennte a conauni lucwz cooh tul nh w araere at lo fret mc fmn ottendjn lo my bufinem willitn the tat feir yeurt it inercnud in me c at lt 1 became rejued i hfnicl wilh dii- ond railed wilh al ciri1i much b rnititcr nnd for llie il nine moniha prcvnu t um yrtr sataananua had prga4ar nijhl wcta indeed inr meaji nnd mhr oivrtl iimi iroi1d lre willi the cn- mmjiii i have thelnppmea lo inform yn lhaiiumv aioofiar auer nanif ihroc unika f yvr sarapaiilu t canl my amkli rckiej ii tciercd ne e nd 1 am nw enjyine much hrttay lalih ono i latti ufeeo in 26 yeae ihid alixtt cnlierly tat my piitc which it i dorncil vinj arc at jibeiy rn prllnh th with my name m the ptpent if yon clpc my liifle errl ilv ra tlirec yeart um ltd tey fcd crld the whdeo ij4 wmler we be- enmc ccf mneh ahrrned i iwr accunl while u i j lh ii ii- ii- j jrrc lice amna nf il and i own entirely relieved her a erell aaravteir nnd afac it na well now aa ny eliifd i ever w ijc wtt alto foil of milo blaiejrta it tk dtftfl v and her akri ia ih anrl fmr noie and i nin foitned alkc lerovercdher health frnt ini yogr eiccllcni acditine s w conant j llotcrr giris qiao till trhn he palp eomlcitnna yon irho hove iffaicler rei the rce mh hv ipiritafue klile wtwiifpr aiinn i will elanae vrnir dlt ryf l nfd re outf ifimomaaoiw i41 renwre the ami ipin an freeklaand blichr rparklmp ryei fne illcitan al nfwhlth viuoarried ld grrat prmaix dtnniwn a ifcedv cot f r tt am lrwnmhen while me ntttnali i f honice latjfiliaraiarcc llrewf nd tratm f the aycn n ni civr yj aniafiittn i 101 laatiul eoffr- af iniincnoe i her atpir in i ni rontmpi cis it rfrt- nf llir-eo- nlfi ruf id w it ifiutt t t r maltin fr ihe rrl imp liter wviher mi fe imii nf iolwo nt enutc oe eiodoed ly iieul iritv nihnc ev t mnr mifprin thin it m iriilinc eteinn tir uinn fthtti pirpfi nil weakoraa and lnitiade fmta tkine ltla hemc itahtmmfed r ir enerjy untrr it iitirnrilely c unirracit mc wlikh i ih n artvei rrnl i m aemi in aft ihe f the tody itotao f rn podocea lulfcqveni rrlaialnm ht paaeofitmatwdicnktiihciifor fnau f cured prove ihat and direiae scrofula thi certificate eonctnaitely saraapanlla haprfritfmiilravr hirannaluh- atmmodineomtoflhe tlad three fjcnma cored m one n- ia unprecedented three children 2r 2 vr si i have the plcimre linluem u that ihree j my children hnvo been etircd of lh sctnrola by ihe ic of ynor cacellenl medrcine they were athiried rery acrerely with bad aorta h tykn atlr fru untie il took ihm fwc wlicl i feel myielx uodee j your f caper t full r isaac wcrain 106 woatuttt near york morcht ii opinions of physicians ir towmrnd ia almoirt duly receivmf ord from li- i- r r i thmiia to cceiify that tee the vndereifned rhpleianaof tliecily of albany have in eaaea prencribed dr towatettita saraponla and hrlieve it lo be one of uaj moot tatonbj jt parativa io uk market up puling m d j wilson md ft it niins m 0 pe elmevdork md albany april i le46 united states cant g w fcle marine cnrpa and r t uahdalof haa kmdu vent ua uk foltowme ccrt acaia it telle na owq amry railway a year aincc i wa taken wi and my whnvo eywctn teft in a j tinted ajale i ara induced iu iry drtownaend a saranpaiilla nnd ancr takm iwo v thrrr bnnrc araa very much relieved and atinbote it rniurly m ihe aaid simapariua i vi coniinced tnhinf tr find that i improve r j believe thnt it aaroit my ufa and not be wilhaut it under tny cootidcrailon g w y s offtrer r iheumirrdstaw f lh nrw jeey jan55 1it h the i i ond nl i the erne ally principal office ic pultonrf sm s y albanj peine ipal doigeiata unit merchonia iimoaitout the uoiitd btatea w lndk lmcaiaa4a wrvkanle v 1maii arenia fn candn- knf- mn c w charles brent-tni- a v lyman kxeesciaw 4 txhnii tenuw john wtner tin pff john arrcltmifenl r v ex- ford nnd dr p r puawit qckee j musson ami j ijowlks aeeni for bv ii thro a petk tuirsile mihe new schrncr racilaer of x beiwfon leooanj 19c0 rbu flour hilhajb she will be aokj nn ajvatiiajeooaierm apply to m t hunter or r r young ktngstnn oct is 187 85 if stoves stoves stoves irsumerihcr reapoetfumyoolicit the ptililic tteilion to liii winter slock of ftmnat compriaitig every vaiioty tnclvitin fancy stove parlor mnvoa kux tflnvea siirgle and inblc cookiah stovca of vaiinii r antl ze hot air stove dumb stnve and tit stovoa of tho lol canadian anj united tajca matlufac- tore tlicao stoves iospocinn are i r i hardware etau lion of which ia chasing elfcwbetai princess siecer lei fur ihe cnnvenienco of fhaced in iho varctmiiv adjopninif the sulicriber inhnienitt imtpec- tuticiicd bo fore titir- j potverr- lamps lamps lamps the stajfei a lare a or c have jnl recoived patent solar lamps il variolia cn- i n m i hn ing and itlc amf lo which lliet ivnum particularly invite llie atintinn i the public thoj havo on hand a sup ply of superiofibeer pumps which ihee will fit tip to nrder al4 in ajthtion u- their un1 mck of tinware and stoves a quantity f hnv palvrt su atlccr ntrlwinifr aik tight cooking stoves e achown kinginnorl lrt7 83if i1utteu 20 k doliiht aaj n4 lifai roilei re aletit tikjv ifiiivci 50 oal vt soap rosin lckl sap rnin thus tjrnort r aae r ie im 1 ajajeoen leaieire nr lle femjc itnill nnt bo efrrl at o iirier avfioalt nnurr lit cifnui eefttfieajfra4 ewea j tfrnird liul we ein nve lle nfihd iimi himdreda rf lae levn rr lel t n 1 svrrlcinra vhlieo famlm i u viilfcnert j ehavie alite ajtanfj a fw lmtlnf liiemet bar mcavinri h- wen uyo ni liealiy nnd t ulmnnd pvin and a ettti r iiltr emmkeil ftuhmfcrr j j lvmfi nva wfceie v i1kuk1ncs 30 hniel n i herring itenory a cv- ist rkcritro ulialuvcnth oct tea a irrvd ne wtkt off rmf rnnliti iflp rtfarincntflie dlifinh end iiivm 50 on nnia aeiiurta 7 141 oat cmn ml mv by ih tllos iiexmy e j 6a ce tmh farm cos of canada pea fnr fawjfon 0tut silw u mbcel in ve ajmavt ani uatnaelttartla jaeaafaecolkt uua wcieo rnii ui at nrf remark j thire n miku lineif and lemmreefniatntalil pnfoulam i vner a v m vaiti i riprrt cent onhimcfneniflit be raiace aalenj nr h- ine 1 inrvit it thet i k demand fnr it ia britain s tba med ala aicallnil ubwm it the r xpnev were ilia maph raiiealr4 lu biitnjnm f miktte wpar ffi ia fr4 n rrfst be made fr lirue e st for eipt f ifjr aere tnf aaaajig vilbin4aev aaabtacti ajjir atone aee nfansar cane will lu tdvnntnf t in ihr ente or hm nxpte frnvf the ait eao be fipftn t fm- f r t ndrfcrnf tn mnke it nntvrr well rjitreter ht uee mori te olanuom rmt m to emtry lb p fronrnw to row and ft- lit- into the kettle and near mple 0btrda rboat te bootioaal nlmtrrl toavpffjj tlieplaeou irmeeot dwi wlren in llie fi fvr bowa troum be auppiwd be ihe old irecv connected wiih lfa ikaftf nnnoracwret or caatdahocohivaiio af p4nail tw rfyain mr i calattcatm amof ifaaaa ctaj be icck- e-wd- rtvu or drert wnftd produce the bt ftlw briefilet iktri teltowohfrf j fcreilne dark nnd more durable tbfa mm in strini and ml down v i o rice and mt up in imnlv woaelfivat bwatill nre avamt iban tkat n if itinalij n j afjng hmi rwhund when tu iravea luv- attine eiiir f frowtli irwv are rotec ej nide into bnlu a owed to fermcnl id n few jve beken nd allowed lo dr wiih tbe fame t r r f nanftr naerrttnn in wae and arparamnj the sediment alicr wrmentnlnn it ia prvbabk la- difej aicm he made in tbe plnnt bui lb ii ienpoviiioidte plant anvatt to bome i r f f i d i i tnadtr tntprmi r i r h in aiiuer teed t 9 planted sprinf mifjnn toowncio pcfetin muii haveekef ieh lihtiiei aoj and be kept free fron weed h ill i ao inueb io ekenand ihtit fiipifti tr aitenrpwi 8flbwe oaeel f n paahi nod uo a a dn could eaiil bo cuhivatcj 0o ia spring nndcatheeee when rip rhubarb inibt be rajaed foe the take ofru root a a drof it require ratbet a poor dey ail sumac doacrvee tam ration tbe demand fw it in oiitoin uverr eonidertb1e and it will grow on liar pooreil toil tne wild variatv i inferlur aa tbe eohirated bui i atill wonholtitefnio fmm hi enveia hi j the pwta of katnee ii mikesrwmrucliunrwdleatbceeeinal to oak tan ned ifoeedwhcn r leaiuer it threeejotrter fiftivhfd wiih henilocw unci for rwecat and upper lent her i and eairkme t ia of in jrctrrt impontacoi it be m cheap to jniw il ta lo cul the wild planiv a it can when ntojwvihcrtif mtfffj twr remfff vftfj mv ool furilker limjue tlete are a noobe- of native ptmta 0t pnaiblj l fuffva djw of r or ire floe tne oeorlet wiliuw avtmfttl luad and a vark- if of orbert tieldina red ew puepte n arc wnhvnrttenlinri a bfim k red dye ofa permaneat ebarut i rjll a ibinubo deired ttoprodacif of tho dalrj next claim oar alien linn of wbiciibuilcr ojaaaaa the ajl place thir moitbeputop be die ronei repaekinf al warainjuwa butter cifinr l a treaty chrrrer tlckr like tard in e4ai4efer and inlatlr dee- itociive of iudejienitj flavor it mwi be pait ip at the dairj n0 oot luocbcd tfaia ooiil ooo orned thntnfrind butler lnni i ibniity equired evc7 uietjril moat be kept clean and valued after u iv cream rpatnit be moooi the ehorninr ajutt bn done at a peoper cflrcvral iempertoro lha whet muot bo tbnnehly heat oi and iric butler u and evenly eucd with mir an ounce of baa and btlf an emnce of loaf uftr la thepoond of bjttee no m r i nn any re u t it riin be pot up in temtblc ah w wuiuoak cava all f one aiie aot over 80 ra wiifhi wemaealited a piece of cotton wwked in brrne avuu be ojaced at the bj lorn ot the 7ik then 0 uyer r aaha and a vmilr piece on ho tm afier a layer of cotrvt ah had aim been placed tbe caak enoud then bo kd with brine tn thi way halter cqnl to the dutch mifhi bo prepared hb in c giieh morketa woold fotcb a ooirur nre than thai put op in tho pn tent mink the cin drawwcjr aowete lo wen in reeeiviflj baftff in tone and pauioy il up ot tie couotry nor i sxd tpouio io tbe re- ihockin wrbacoontryonrtiflilaucd lo pneiortce it teenif timilaf ibnt canada obould iertport cheotc fruu tlw uaiied slnit iaoreod of having a tarjn oaniilyfafoipnrt t demand m britain ia emwxnnt andejtcntive allqjaliiiennnrcnnjiim ed and feon ilc cecal toecent attendiof tbe cntna facluro of elkcoe n pnrta of cannda n in perfectly deploewo uot to eaienoivn and pfito ble 0 branch uf indavtry alvoull bo ooaaajr nefkel- ed thn deacriptjan bel eitd lo the fnliah meket cmrtnf nmialvom nf dnnuecltttae aid of cbraliro lire cheenet mde from cillte oil new mdk or hie morniaa milk wilh ihenkim nilk uf f ortcrtvooo invtalvwi or sttltnn mov rmm i moroinrja nw milk with crenin of tl- peiviu onernn wer in aerne daiieo bnt il wn iho imie lajtj lhi tlic ioot aeofitimo would be it mike ono deooription- latflooawotj fminajlnew irilk trio rek- f p rii claim notice v ii wiihout ihe f riteat ere and aitenton net pirmjf tbm tor iho oiitifh maket noly end in deipil merit whcraa with pojpee precaution a moat vasmbv bnneh m imde iny bo carried on wih khf mmbh rnnntry btavi evn fo hmo rontompiior the dittrenee in it between nn ohicic well pat p or pyjw rh w bd roo of the rostal arraxceilesti ntwt nf iv a alv ruti lk 1 rm m f yl 0n ariirrhrtt rymnnratn ylm riraii cioenrriiiieit ha wen acic jioajrl jt an tnecehy order of vr urfyr mhv f trei hyvjtri i 1 apan thai there to aft am if t me ttt nr 1 mnmi fidlnwtttf rt panhlt t 1 n ith bitliftfi si v ill- tew fivfrmtnti fh mci i hi ptxvhl vi iiof thqnnttinei reaend i in tie cn liftl ki j n declined to an- f ihe fjri of jitnn mlattee cf ij fc tbe washing it n 10 maluf hoast thn iiiaii f a ittfitl unfleruljeiti winch mior hebie hit hmncht bsrv u ith him and wltkb i now invr the conhderatton of the ameii con cinott ifr mr11owelnaivn it tecme elect- 0t peuul ar4nint wl tbe rriiiab p0t tfici tnefveramntof gfett oriuin it i arltin lo ilmir v4lvmorc ndr of the 9u of june 1151 irtipmitiat the fciutf injivelacj on c-iry- in ihe aiencjro lr thy tvtl rliri4gih k poia rnefnrionbe- lltcar lfe two co rr vm in dicaajina thi trm fra convention ttiy iritited ajiotj tarlnn rf nhf clod irtbr cajinffmo mitour rivten not fcothnoe vljrt lovthirhiniat him ihe h 4ih fbn foe a 1 i con veaiaor rvvrnmenl h prance ar oecfnrf ihn a r tiailt ktcanjhit till aot 0 poo the iftliun of tctedina ipia for ihe decitn of omi aliemenu i ly poipon1 uniil ihme wib ceat brita ajnmed j a the roiveved hy the aacitcn rieatarr the eiait to nod fa uill i france pas through fnlacd and ivcome tqljed 10 tbe enlihirnfil palace m ln tepci lenr m h the gcajtcris state mljf hu ff ctrd fu aod ati- fjctorr ainrmenu uantjaia- ion of irhc he the whinioo dhrct to their dwlinaiinit cither h ilh pmlafp fitfti j or tinfuiil at ihe eni of tu writen tilth a plan of accnon tab lily vrhtch fier u each evivcrnmnliuthareof the pmlar u nt of the trma staten tmefe tnifoem rate of slaiern alnritnn co rtronifreoe hnl been grct opon and at a ledtced aatoonl and tbee a fair penopect that tha other stales will concede the aawr advaau so there b omc how of accearaniiiitt vcl bot te cannot avoir rereaunc tkai tha eras om or cirfirj int rflcl tflo pmndccn ill be cntely ajem f ual ii laics for hwtpoitaj contaakahom st barb measure wtb rmct u toe itnn tit of the mail to ctnali wot ao haalilw adopted tlie loconvcotence fell hy pcnaina 11 btittocia heie u coniidomble and tba aiiodry pwmiihrn ivlijie tvocka haeecrroq ulatmtn the colmict will 04 pni tcloooavot nicoce in pnvpaying the ftfkwft o4lanntpncr ucationt th re aalcct thi journal as it hu al ufaya waljat practice to pay the unelcd slaceo patta era that portion of thn edition itlt to the british pfotincc in the ricvv metsiiilahutnta now op enine beleen canada and tko uaiatl suict under ih aaiptcea of ftu trmu hath ivviti ofall ihe mtrcantue corretp fall on ihe american corcifoodcnl poinlcd ihj t 1 q in tjrtr jat imureaio the iiilcmtpijoft ofibe loain by j nard liar of ateamen ni be unqueii0 scriotiiy fell hy th canadian mohaojni but the people of ihe coieuiea coaaila 2t aaun avb ih- c inn i kwr tut kh be diclhin will toad tn car ton cjurarbcd frtat prhf of a general bhjfaai ihrotlh the aaahwl etlcnl of teeprovitcev njoid thaflirjeac project be carried into effect iho rvorwbfac suic tot lhttr05tl the mother country tud we dembt art chat at the cwia actus of ihe caoainwlokjjp- latare ihe cjoestloo wlh bar rw brc eamckl and the ircv atccn ucat lanfhtl the air in train prorn haliaxtojl iluroi thunneaenlirnept nrjerla and mm ihe mol adcenro potifica rnrotaadiasr tbc reat queljon of tai auonp1 the irnpoulioo of illikeruljtai th of great bntain ia rtfinni1i wahintona letteit on bar 1 tliose brovifbt her otvu 1 perhifnoverj crent britaittj highly ccicnt line ofmatj jamera wh norih aric0pa4 a a7c4l eiptnaii half a cnillioa of doll us annnatliy j4o turn complaint of ttualton either 4t ixapaxajllti tacety it punctualitv nr i- charrjev 4att are aaliilw wilh it boh in enud autd america and pionoitnct it altnoat foottleaf the united sule hnwoeer thonrjit ptpjr lo act up a rival line 0 tjeamoif which ihay bad an undoubted riht to do hui taicair on the part of th rival to ark ih old unrt give up a baie of il botioai tchtch -ldmll- tin the leiteabj the whinjtafi jjie manner recioirtd eeq4 t ttrfpvpjj we are aratt that bach cam be fwavt other iict if the cjaeatioiig and or ibj evjpaai we are aoxiotu to tea the natter iueiy virtue of a friendly ajid mnnully advajii- eeoui conventioo thii hmf j nt iratt willheyetarri tt foit i ttfeatfia ly important to both cconirica tbit tit epu- tolatoey as well aa tbt rrukantiltatalaaafgaj be nrocooted by all pcnvibtr ireaoj a the german ittecmj hare como liberal arrangement ibubtl bare noateamcrnf lhtirowa ov theif treaur for half a miujoji noaljy njud wc ate often told of tha jealosy ml v eurjand lowanb am and ta american steafoera thia jolousy it notalwayi nmii rent we cm sclaoas indeed detect il tu- aetvet but very often we iee and ratxasjofv ally pointout feeling f a veryopprwlkunl in further proof of tvhich we tcf to fjy vy icttion loan titract of a letter recently rt- ceived from london it comei from a gen tleman of hijb rank in didomatic i and who moves n ihe srat cirew in beiflartd we ferret lhat vve pitt not at liberty lo ho pe nd hit atptfaw m hi name would jira ailditlonal force to bit kcmcnta ioo jon f vu tittle prepared to oc41lch7 teuo that now itvftii elan ana- i w ihe mo ouodery qoention have beta id bo faind m arfjneicd and when at bocth the prorhioo ms ot oreal britain have been optnrt without relfielinn lo the atfrciutirat prodoc of th united sralehcntiliiy and resent ment are the prcdoatnani felifif aiodiey trd in ihe epeciioeo whih i have cn orrhh aruerictn pre- i bejlo aoireyi that 00 ih tide of the atlantic o fnr from any nc- tik feeling toward the united stat ifemft only one universal dcilr thronevot all cun- en lhalofeeint crei rritnn an lh umlwi stnti conliilly fniuallenrorrl in pjav- moitnq etch olheea nnriry you moat mdiiap ht epveted fral mtft nod l ihmll 11 rannrdrj fii tmh fc i have 0ein i ta nirt i lnitni nnaji ktneti s r hlfa mid fnllowml ihe drvltnvt ynai ete in 4 afimft fttod i wivivid he ermpl rrntfid lt ncimv ni lrf il f- 1 fintin reenvd ktur ft ledjine rtaid rrebiiaciiit n vr it irk oniox strrl riins j0st recouped at the atheneum book store a1vk amoftrtieojl of ste jvna by virimi- miber inehidio ttillots chn vld mac ftiti the jow vnri lalr p and rveralnlht nv articlrt attamy anj i ti t mnurn r orjtidrfik lejani ill a 1lrwfjl allowance 1 the trade laeltihrtcfi b lanks per mil rrvtc n may u bid nt o lha caat uj make ao infitrmflt nf z inpneinee- tbja prvl rjiltreofa bmnwr ih d 1 prkine d use iiafen mfstl frnn rnvb rnwninia i attaufti tnhmn thr n i inatortit wlbdiw p aa m 1 pi fnr if ihe meii lriheelitnn1 tan it nth in cv a lhr r h ttien romd nen me md nntir piled lip tr n tiiniur ieril if bunt ehrk dint m pnerilf than leked p wmhkmrnif online ot intu trtnlf m lmm i and otwehoaa ha nihd frenneniiv dtfn ihe unirafro nhvh tvv nv he dl rniel hut ivj te ditiiirkci ih laauhafttf injtt be ier imal emctaft orcjttnojl overflow arujer frenm iho fauore nnner nf 1 rih eat in thn paath ihn covrt pnvr d al afier aehc wn nihvd 1 tritli n verv amall njuntiv liptrr etnr in w piwd np fi iremtfn ruined br i aad by the rtf- pertona who have bec of the lwtel stales btnh dalion hot that is oinentajm- j nt but ibrrc is an iirur fact in unjtn nest eommnlr lol cht of name- that tha criiiii government to vied the ma chalv on itlteia hv the great wejlrn and great 5w jln esc fonnlniai inm ho nov dcta on v thoe by he watfiincjon the tame nlf anidiea to ihe sarahsand drtlpencr mr- line aa we tindersuml heine chaffjed in rvrseaothaia aerfrel rojmaliiyoxauoo the vwli of both eotintrim vepl a re- rird the cunard tmrrs it can ivn w hrdlr cspected that frut wenld esnid piieiwrff to a fecvitp arfcfcchl iht pafuaco tn iereen

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