British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 4, 1847, p. 1

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tib british wiio am il iinrtlitr fcr cawda will puiuniiku hkm1wckkly inn ti4mmltf niui kniinlny itnlni bt id ward john babksr k bon at till atijbnum nivr jinn fo aiioritnn jou frm tn wn hi ami if pl in lift n p1 tifjflalrfltw until ftllmftf art paid rtp unlfhm ihu1rtanaf lh puuiutiar aaavtanmalawj end urur fiou th eobaauuetil it ahnvalan ttnr1 prt llrrilhunrat inartnavt an1 id pas lis c fciraefi luearuurwt inatteo adilurneot uithout ursine 4i rhi meh mim tn he in wilint tr intenrdiui vhjd snrinharytd ure orrlirtfly theeeiti viubinf ajoqmalirfttourfret ceedatncirclliefficeaf hallowed n 1- i ir- natil 4 btit pmtetl whlaoett alleaiattibrimpoid j mi lt- fftfvthi ic srttisl ttmjifl and general advertiser for canada west the athenaum book store t hi ht4t s so r r 4 wa avwrw 4 m i is- raj nw f lt 4 ft 5 i ptlr4 pi ii mkiunjh far jama f g opipbr per orbem dicor vol- xvi kingston canada saturday morning december 4 1847 no 07 job prihtiho i ml tu at hjlwt aueaivrvv fcrlb lvt jmd fl4flaiau dni rz isseftft vufn- in cuwt nc cnefem kt vmtijjt jjewirtl ye old j tha tdctr4m busines direct j v- clarke wine and spirit dealer lambton bui ll x us pnmcmt trnt hkotox cjadawwt vtftgil gos express jfflluam warcaoir creorge j8 howb pahtier gitdtr migiazitr kiat si- kiiijsiun mr pbiu cnnait frli falnili viimi tj mnruu lmii tno deromtj work in fimrtl 2 gphu s cluto auctioneer and crfnmiwwn vlervliaiuriirncf fofiier mml brckplmu am orjcrslhunkfuhy rtitpil and ruiictually nltcpdnl in thomas pfinneys wloksnlr tnd kntil lbaihbrstohbjm- cfttstrset kington dcbi in niv tomlisttt letter urpor kipt and cdf skiiw mroe liinp- rhmiw pinjingtof verydcciin- attomci at lav stc 6tr kmgmoi jamc orkiixy george k- hkndersox v6m jost receiveg filom new york at tilt atiieneum hook store per auon3 express rite pnuiwuio mv rvskkutfom ku5sfxu br c p h jims nornin bidjk or ihr modern miiia kiotfhtot gwyone br c lr the skikneatf novrl hy f wltiam chfiiohrr tatime by albert sith vilcic or ihe uiy of la vendc wleft m0nro tlit parricije o omlin car r vf ciime- pjtwfcl or lh strrt of lb fimiiilaiii maiisd be frtilini by euite ftat itifrsvihicb iuii h ft w hviwrl the gmlum4fl of mllu by e sue the mylereof lmtiwi 0e coyy of the tn m tbc mom bound the cvuniei of manoii the cmn of monte chfisto su gile and si lame life in i i f rny omwt by s ueet valentine mtcliiicbey by carltoo iocietim by duller ardent ttouhton hy cap marryalt f r hm a tiij of ihe calhotte church marrarei grah or tba rererhi of fommn a siotyle stry by mr jochbim the tfrtienia of the royal arob free 1anry ii eofope the royal arch decree ttyal arch renlation kington oet isi7 james powell ironmonger a j id wirt manufacturer iriocw tfirtttj a kingalrtn i the british american hotel laic dateya ur j patwmmi kilr tn canada w 5- jamcdowalljfumcrilaher brock sircei kifjfton- for mvk up to ofdr on the bonet noiice fur- of very jefccripliitn bought aoj solj ht tlhew dnunmond jroccr wine fc spirit merchant wrilmfton ruiljin aei to mr w wiltoa kinjion w iv celebr atf d removing hair 7 b kayler coach buiulnrs ind carriage makcra princctt street robert mccormick wholesale tod retail dcakr in wine spiiiu tea croceriej priflea4sirect just received and far sale by the subscriber supply of jle hat depilatory fowdr for withajt injury to the kio pauy v old brown wiotlw soap lvilliaivai aloioodsp e1tv indelible ink for markiftj linen oie hair and tooth rmbefc aod a general auortmrnt of flih per fomery robt darker drocu pfrtary breck street kinct1onoel 17 military books just received fplle qeen refulaiiooc aod ordrrt for the acoi pumished by authority field exercise and lvojnooi of ibe book bindery at tilt atiifctum uook store bagot street p sunrireits flpcrifuly 1 ill form thrt mfaillklflor kincat nl vicmity thsif havhj anvftirdcom retkst wflllkmkniliry r t prrpal to moftui ill himli f wfirk in tho bk itinjing litm with netn anil ileaiftaieh all ikciipiiontr blank rookt ilc toomltt edward john barker ic son srpt 10 1847 sheriif s qajo of lands ship chandlery no i hardys buildfng wiluam donaldson imiv purrhmut 0 my sofk tn t ami intertfl in th lj n eilaljiieluitcii llj i rcfomineiid uun 1a my frieit tlic mjaiati anj ownera of wneli m t huntei1 t on saturday january arn 37 plate publisbed hi authority liht infantry and rifle etntiie jackiniis treatite on mililary surveying with plate and diagram stiailh treat ue on fonincation and artil lery with plan core field btlry exereise 13 plataa- army eimate for 1s478 daoilfa onetfton on coori martial collection of warrant nd regulation in messrbmacdonaldcampbeu otsgssi llarriaiera cc altomer t law j army lim for srptembcr a few eopietill oi hand fj p rirfiier6t attorney john a wacdonuo atexasher campbell james mcmillan teacher or mrriic puno fortes toned addrw win mcmillon auctioneer thompson carey ocnerai brod sired new york william ware general com- naeion apnt broker and aoctivncer k hocdonaldhotelilave stones irppoiite th city batha kinj street xoronto francis v carey m n surfcon awnurheur iic scc new- buth east ibe i6tri day nf i8w will be ildai the oimft hfffltfft in tno city of km- rihti tbc iftdfnemtirftl land and tcneoinita kf iaj by virtue of tveial wriu nf fjitffl fsci iaued not of the court of i lie midland itrict and to me dirccfed vii john oliphant plaintiff ceorce vahker fi4t all the right tituand inlnreal nf dcfen- ilaotjn lot no l3cjb cooctmioi lu- baniugh john carkltijers ttmmtif anccs mcvicar defendant t and the bank of montreal putinfii angus mtvicajt drfm ah tb riglit titln nnd intereal of the de fouclant in town lot no 93and also ivirl of lot n 22 tt coneoiim kiofta1onand village lot in portamouili lioing port of lot no 10 1 at concession townahlp of kincmon sale at 19 ocloek noon tacokbbtt aarif d stteriffvoffict kingttnn oct 9 si7 ff5 o edward stacey mrrclianttai- lor nearly oppoaite the montreal dank kin street kingtion john blackiston no hardy buildings sailmnkcr ontario strht z walter eales paimcr jiizwr and pptr hanger ridcati sreei kiioo e a chown tin smiths copper snhli4 and tin plate vorkcra prinettaa street kttiiston- t 0 butler cnbincl maker and uaifrer mimtreal sliet tvingmon a general anortment of the latest atyien of fumitvf e constantly en band and fnfi atle on liieral tcrnis kanl foh salk- ackes of land afr ache of land tor qjj tle n th tnvrip of seymour newcastle diwi t teiii lh na 17 and 18 in tue 9tli itontemin 40 acre of wliieh are clennrd and tia a large lf hiue and a frame barn so feel by 30 gthone4 r ami wll voiered it wil bewjd in one usickor in lota to suit pnrrliascr term inkteratc for particulars p- pi alilitaeflivc iif by letter p j ii g kinimonjune 16 ibvj irffhlid ary 49uvtf c chalmers montreal october 5th 1817 just received a few opictaf the kniihi of fiwynne bylcer the srcret tribuital hy dgma isabel of baaria by co kmscll by g p k jamc hie ustf4 lady c bury the lnhrrit3ikrhy mist femer phluillo alliaja hy eugene sciibe tlie duke the ceuin mrs grey osullionv ue by wmcarleton the meteor or day of 76 an old salt srpt 16 1817 just received a nl for sale hy thoaubacribon j at hia store in princoaa streat a choice aaaorlmtm of groceries c conaiatingtn pan of 0 mds bright pono ricn sugar 300 boxe muscatel raiins 200 ill avortcj tean fto do do tbacco ifodoz con jjrooma 500rrama wrapping rapr 25 bid roi 10 li turpcnttna 10 do ta 20 iiraii tnba to dor rasa malta 0 rona 1atche l20ide spanish sole leather new york tannage with varioti ntber anicl en me rated- matthew kourk hiikhani aogoat 147 62tf laads for sale rnllf snwibers ha the mlawinxtand 1 ihthe midlanddistrictfarsale santa j lot no 1 in the 31 can piltcbuigh mi acres no 10 inthr7ib con riebaiond coo acres souili 1 lt no- 39 it the 7th con camden 100 err ivaal 1 lm n 15 in the4tb con kenne we 100 km lot no tfi c- ldn 00ere lot no tfc 6th i m h t 1 cummlntifc macdonkll sdkjforat kington jieathlt7 sheriffs sale n satordatttbe tbday of da cemlier 187 wilt be sold at the court houac imhacily of kigton undermentioned lands and tenements seized by virtue of a writ of fieri factor turned out of the court of the mid land district and to me directed vis william simpson- pteintiff john orddtfrjaaf all the right title ami interest of the defendant in lot no 104 in the village plot laid out in the wett half of eau hir1rt i r k- r sale vt oclock noun hie slfbscrlhbr havnj enter nto the aitovc lmincs woutd c the attention of hi friend and the p lie 10 in catahlibmcnt where will coiiattnlly kept on band cerythrnc i ship chandlery line wm donaldson kingtne oct t ts7 yj vl t t a sherirt office kincton lit sept 1847 rnirnrtt shenf m d atta cii men midland district to mrt attacbmvrilisatied out of th m nv lcrc t virtue ot two wricaof diatrici court of tha midland dialrict and to mo directed aamh the estate real mr womaaperaonalof david mcgrat tan an absconding or concealed demor at the rait of nathaniel 11aegan3 for the aum of eleven pound ooa ah i hi rig and icven pence- ballpenny and alto at ibe auit ol john miller jamesmillek and thomas miller furibeum of nineteen pound eihteea shilling and ona penny i htiva aeizrd and token all the estate teal aa well aa pronntl of the naiil david mc gratvan and unleaa the attd david meii rattan return within the j af lha said court and flldm ibe amo t iki dicharped vitiin three calender rnontbatho said schooner will ho held liiihlt fr the payment benefit and aatisfaciion of lha aaid claim t a cohrftt sheriff ij d sheriff offici- midland ltatrict nov s47 j butter i kf new pjrvm rinttf r fo w hy 9 t1i04 iiesdrv u co oct 7 1347 for sale he new selwmec nachaef between itfooand l0 bme fi burrben sbo will be told on advantageouaterv apply lo m t hunter or r r young kingaton oct 18 87 8 stoves stovesi stoves 11he sumcrihcr rospoctfumy folii the public attention to hi win stock of stoves comprising cwy vaiioty including fancy stove pa stove box tftofca siiglc and doiv cooking stove of various pane and ixc hot air stove d stoves and tin stove of tho lm canadian and united iaia rnannfv ture these stove for the convenience of jntpoctinn re placed in the warehririo immediately adjnnina the suhtcrihfa hardware estibliahniennt an intflsv lion of which ia solicited before rr- chanine elsewhere j powell princess siet lct isi7 s3j lamps lamps lamps the subscriber hac just recevd i large anopie of cornel in a patent solar lamps ot various vizea ccnnprising stand hav ing and side lamp to which tsry would particularly invito the attntiof tbc public they have- on band a tip- ply of superiof18eer pumps which they will fit up to order atev ifl addition to their inual atck of tinvre and stoves a qumiily rf hows p4tl su msier ard winter alb tight cooking stovir eachown refffeta q7 f rheudtatism mokk than cjoo csks of riirtv matisu ih uee fvrr by thr ue m uu iwhmd ibismaaraii ivuhin the lsm3 rr principal offick l fulton st thi n trtpii aa if yd will he mt purect km m lltunie ttpuuujwrewe ve j j a4fftil oiikt enojic nrtiin fits lvaaaqry relhrf i ih aataett ipnaa iti r tsea ika iiki and tone ae svadltph iwodcn neiryatb ii l4t to dita tovc7io sis i tfcifc u my i f return yoij mr own reere uink farthe wmfril lie ctreacrd fcv itie w of jrmir ettrt fstnii w nortrdfrf nmny monri wim chetiaittr mn nd 1i irtnvition if thr iner iht ttflvtmf which 1 riiiltitcd from lhee 4wt tmaeta mi lis ahjrrnt me 1 nied evrry ttn4y that aat pyspiim r inc fiom tlure t lbs tt phrci4in tlieeily tut utihoit raceivmr r pconhrnt benat i atm4ettd nyetf itcwbo wt bv it dvee of a friend ws indoerd lo try jrtcjf comrrld ihsdbvt fnfit 1 r hi i am hapaf to kj not tkn mora than imk irttde befofe i rxarrieneed rlicr thio in dated me l rfere m n te ond two bonk hro i cd n entire cutg it is nw maie niomfc wre 1 ud vvr rcmsdr and 1 itm f ratdsjl and htpy to y j never enjrtyed bctttr heshh i ohsli lake ireat plasar in recomnwndinx it tniheafflctrj fvt fy it cits lhvnl bcaeta my hct waatvrd willi ac grlet u no to tvcrae mycllvgr f iefni nietj william b- morgan 43 i anrei coroar of bo4ay da tawaavva i as attacked with a dl- ireaaikc in nty hip juit a had 1hl 1 caald not aralh wilout mj rtatew a od much oi lht i aiwieed okceit nw hd- i tried acre- rl rikdfce lot thcr dj not ichcre me i then called on one of our phyfian he d not hp mc i heard of ynvt srsapaitta and ob tained s ile and in s faw dar it mrely cured iv and 1 am s well now as ever asjipcll walker albany juslw 33 0tanlit liver coviplaint ti mbiwins h frooi a reapeeualq metehsol sod ia srftiirc eedenec tint dr townod sr- nprju i ilicnvat ettctive remedy eter known fr era d teat of ditesf dr thwine is a blt f mesam c ce f tv thvin- esekanca a4er 3 waii si tho ir aaaeaaart win ti aot the faela eonlicd in ilta eertificto thre it no nthahe tloosnd and ihtiifanda of eatr f diamao ar continually eared and br ibe we of hi mcjigiae new yearscpldltt pa towixft dtqt sir m i am eothrintd at an art nf jihlka to polety aekrwwledje ihe f cal benefit i hafc received mum the uc you srsjptrijla iuloc m town about rwu years mnro in a very ck and dcbiuaicd ottte my dieaac was chroac inflammation of th fcver ittl itonifieh and aa many thuf si conaumptn j 1 wavai reduced that j had eery little iiope of re- eovey ifeeripf and fedini sxiasll the rffffh of your mediciqe i resolved to try ii boitti i enteriioed nvruidteo panl advert lttd mnedrca 1 h4 taken tlic medirioo but a aaetlisbt and beeao to fecotcr fraduslly ami erfninord to jet beilt and am now well lo deec i am ao muih improved ihat my fiico s far1v fcfniacd ne wvn i reiurned la th of i ha nmnernu frms ia hbe soap rosin ifi tloeubehi5a rwin rraalebrthe oct- xm thus henpay it c hruuinjs just rereived30biretnul ravtisawa tha falls csteh ofll t 7 tuos hknury a cu rds noticea ihe suhciiler ha commenced tha gancrnv nvainert wieir he itnw reside next dooi to mr haikra ceoekvjry sinre kin street kincm whore ho hope hy ntrict aiietitinn to hyalae amv modeiati pitces to meet a abara t public uauina0 john foster july 20 1847 just received at til atheneum book store a 9urily of twaa markuic ink h kia d dt tfdds ooayin lak citwaaa rrd av moiatev a do lein n and atafarmsaaatalf of olaek office fab karats atf- h the new novels p received per eipreas fmen nea rfc- rnwil ttf thrrrtn rf curle illfct mem lumk by g p h j tmrs fq the nichnif gvfinr i tate f i he time o the uumo sjj rharba ler fuapleie osuuvn lve a icdf kfantf and ih- hrttory m plkeoeapy and ha wife nanee by vn t ntlltrt makvareaad hifnrda the lfr of u codojrhm hy jolm feelyn itrrtlier m ikdv of chitkell with atkrtjlcsbi mr- ge r k c- rilalmer5i 8 fiieat si jmeastiet minrtfeal aaaaet t ojt london steel pens just received at tub atheneum book store a large assortment of steel peas hy ration maker incladinc cillot cele brated magnum rnum the new yerfc ladiea pens and several other nrw articles v a liberal allowance lo the trade octohr r 06 blanks of every deveiipilen may il atenttfi boo 5tsie hid 50 0 if tela venben oel 7 17 oat mlial oiimel for s hy ike 9it thos hbspftv u co notice iijfr lidorsigned having boait ap pointed aeht for the coldibti mn isscincr coxmr la now prepared to rake marine risks tf evory description at moderate rate of lremtum thomas nitirtcs jv agent orrrca print street kinsman 82tf fresh teas for ftamjc hy tha huwfifcrr at htrfe ttseio r7aot- 4fy r7oef a- may he tstaitnrd it 1 iw piiccsv anvmfai the trs as fme1wpeiij omand voasif llyon twnky soehm poushrhc pcsjio gunpider 4 eheala half- chest and eadov with a sanely sue p 5atea druoma and othar article i tin hue innu merable william mahtiv mikei souars- kiaatiaajaaitjtw ult barkers laxative pills fob bilious complaints pains in the head gijdineit sreanej jaunjtce ob stnictions confititmtnt nf the bourth 4c yc thereat demaml for lhee pills is a milrcient chmmr for lh utefulne in the shore comulaints numerous telintonials conld be ccn if aefiffjhiw from person of the hieheit rewt lability who hae iited them ao family tkohid u ituhout i ar ot ui cat v sudden sideneu dtseste to which ihe human thee ia scarcely owe the aympeoni of winch re mil sreioutly acravated hy r r i stole vf ihs twea and to this alone many o c their o v n rmhowncr the oe setrioe the alimentary canal nee fmm obstfucilrfi ia s fo uf aueh aimiry unortincc that eery ocf 4co of eef leet ia ojkwcd by more oc leas of aa cmvcnoaco or fetftwiqc wlier rtalilual costive- mffj peeeaila le jhea1 vgor of health iaoon nripred maetiatta by tfctst degrea aad at mker timea ntoie rpidlj doeaaea make their iaroad on tlte cfwntviiftt atd an numbcrleo maunces pamouurly wliet the habiis are acdeeiarf or where freo lirinff ia ioduted peonsoent ill iteahh ia ibe iioinhil m ii wot be obeioos to tha inom mpelwial nwtsr tltat wbrn tlte funeto or notun awsf ahudrd to are nut perfened wmh due rtfhleoly oauace mvat beov aiord from art afxoent mvdtcioc lbe become mdiapertia- my heciswtry and asaat bo hd recumrsc to until j the oe ccssrly ltr vjt aid ceaaes put it ia aura nf conaiderabtf importance ht laitiee ahll be empkyed t fho hat of aprrienl mrtieioea nomoaia but their elfwu on the ayiirm fy contdeo1ite roe cscit iheir uiflosnea chtehy a the eahshnt vemcla or on wiinc part uf tlte hovel only whiut iik aipa or cohere eitemu nof iras io the whle sf ihe m- teatmal caal the utter claas of upeocnta is cviovntt the beat dpted tobaio the issbkaal aaafneenent f the gvela sa they apy ht ad ditanial eeinoel which nature then tt oocea to mutt has ia the peimonance uf her sccuautoiad fotvtinna ii wprewiaety on thw laitei ptineipla that ihe pihb itw otiiid icj e pttblie aie f rmrd d lhcr a eu l itc fprl o veeiwd rjrrv ay uaine a lfet r aiasvr qowoitiy mey nn an i mcdieme puft cne- i n j n a fatally st ore a well elrhlaied t- iawrr itvtst f ihr p4ptae fvr which purjtie remedie are acfwaary th pill tie rh fwefr ravrrnffoded a spefic u ilro eure of all fieawa en peeasensa atalettroia are reae than ridiutiwi h6 mte nrtlr pt fth or deceoik fui tlw vlli seosw a valihtate n4r fw ihmw mate af latoatotsj winch i y a the fodual mch salftviac f ihaae oesainl 4fctructxn to srliatb am me lulla ah tir all ilio drder winch brfcaenootmmscloadcj m4to of lliaaas miehaod jiaseolsry canal rontuntly deeided hrnrnl wdl he ovrited fmm thk ue in liidjioew ami poinatntliclletdaompooid willi nausea ffwsaekweaaj mall llaa1ala liee ieaea prcita io flatueaeica dlah attaaa ih en- mfffiecmel or chijic the cotly stc j dr atitl if ptootmini ihe eipulvo f w4na- thy rrioe rw rt or caoc in ll dwt ntndaia esfftiac will wt tkear ojran od rparinco l prtrd that a an aperient they a fe ami rlraeina may be tkrn fc adorra and ehikitw and alo ti trtty ao ot prensey t clitdnrn or five years of afe an1 upward they may hcreadtly fiven iopulfvf hpt ssasafff a telly and thdicuiaffdlhy are naweh r u ravbitton than fkr of oihei dareeable medecmea prepared and ld only at ihe alhencum book store kinion aid m 0ieai la 3a and fa each th- ehwf rtajtetul ihe pnpwtoff in art- llee ptllfti is make lbai ceoeal v v ltmk i remedy ttua tl aivl- ii- i ulu fl jvjr s ill p vh futloni t- tiiwinq lot hek speech tar moeird eeri tell a simple sod irtrihal x lrf mrwi and relief- there are tluunur iaw thiacity and hrv l tlweo arc ihnuaandsof parents lettlarir rbildre t f of bomp huiobued or la mvo wehilhnga- claooirtrx seal 13 1917 r rtahh t tko plcaaute in maitqti fu the riielit nf il6 nltom ii my coocer that mr dttl veaio od six mhsllhald naa m e bra i c debjrty and to of pcech she w a aj patl reotery by our family phtaie but ttirtueutely i wis leeoaamewded bya fad l try your sara par ilia before in in ne a bttle she iceorered her r t 0d wa eoled tu walk atanr to te atonishmee tf all wmiffth aeetslrtttd with lhseireuoiarice she ia w oho weluiid m much bciim itealth tanolbceo foi 16 mmhepam josbpii taylor ies ywki omuklyn- fits fits fits ttvnted not bavin tested bit rap rjlls i aal fit of cogrsc never rccomuieouvd n iti aiitpnaed t reerive the lolowm froi an tihianenl and irsjicotablc urmst in wericbca icr- fuaoaiasi aajust 13117 da war0 dear sir i hro ai htlle l aeren tirarf r olio hs aeveral yeara at fected fh ota we incd shnoat every llnnc f hcf bii wnhoot lasxesa at 11 hhwi2h er eoold m o rccvin nndiii m your circular svir esse to hoe c thwifl as 1 waa in swiy aviesu rahh we jive her sum ot yoaje saeaafffiua and are very clad we did fir it nh only reaffrl we atrnvih but ahe hb hid n eeum the fiiajo our are at pteaufc and mirpne sha etub weomia foeed and heaoy fjr which a feet ralfl vtv rcspoat tulle john gutecr jan the ftev john of jore try no j and palatal ia nhl laeantiima pntlaw ecrnlkii at lr t pali ens ort siiordy l t 5r seyer reapeoul4e eterjy- hnftaiiji d to lh iwnacniranlfieff ijg it afarokafw itiatf i tm ctnmraiiwd oc in i m tcmr ffmo fv siraii4tta a3t1l ptthtf a hesieal to i hava naa tf the atynpal a nmj for ij 14 wk iw hu whf f4 wl i aem it ilu lam keroi a lo 1 h m it rar nsrw maclil w c ill i h it lit n f lite trfnerrt j iffii 1 nelar ne hy so alalia i ihov vharcitc ung aa ljpr1 rh mny maailasliy hi tt it waamnehdiiikulle hlait i 1rt litda lc- r e4 nltrk n e n f remohea plaint nl 1 rcceivej itittrnt ran luna vtkii mtfrauatim f uffh utr sutdrnem iif fciwrtviie r it mf uian mv rlatee4 ii rnipirtor my i 4 sitirly i nmff and ve i irad oinle a numb li laay ri ratio i asylum mr mimhialia aaykan vernaiof uarulmaeoinny ttheic rinaaer th llite lfajrei and lu ao4 any npcriffinta reetpff saatfalasog hi n ri tpaled a each b whereb men may use hm i ty hi so a d stance eao gel um p spasd at a cai a shp carro ace nl roptienl medical prfc p apiha fmlc y tb rlvrvt ruro ey ela n learrli aiilrssii hmla aaaltii mnf r i apr i two ciiildrkn 3avel veryfew famalia inled m fet wehuenm heard of one that ucd i twnent flataa pailla in liif tl any chddron the patl eummrr wink thao ihoi dd ik akencd and din the eeunval we p wh bcto tcluive evidtstee f it ialueand taoale oouwrmaunaof jt to the hves of children da t-wacae- dfr stri i ldlwcliiluwei eureh br your smju of ise aaimokf eire puini and dyaeniiry rtaf tolv 15 aflitslh and the oiher 3 yeaa- they were rc much re- furcd and wo rxpecltd tlwy wouhl die tfcey wets given p by twe j r ti p4eina wlam hie doctor iold a that e mutt lose thim wo rcwtltd to uy your saraapsrdla wo jd hrsid sontgehof buihwd hut intto eontvlener iheic beinf ao much m sdeiniacd lliat t wwihks hut wc are aery thankfol tltat we dad a it uooubtedlv rwvsj rle htea of buth i wrlio that that otltora may ho induced h aae at yari reeirty john wilcox jr myrtle avenue brooklyn sept 1- 147 amethodist cle ft gym an the follooinjp was aent to our of rot in rah wy by the rev o tuniann ol the mchmdiat b- chvch ooeoftbemwi learacd anc reveled tn tlio method cnnncetjaaj and is anweravk- denccof ihe wonderful trteetsof d tud s i r- jt j on the system faihva peaasasr 11 for aome time pan h you arc awaro eiiet c swaaaral de bility of my ayaiaat sttended with cowaant sod slarmina irntanon of the thmat and lunfa i tra at youe own instance and in curtsequence of bavin read captain mclean decided teatrmony in ita hcliair induced to trv or tftcnda tr fimrd sataaparilla i tried ii rwif more te ihe asa than in the fijec f it provm- etli cioubutl am bound in candor now to ac knowledge that 1 hsitnni trard il tone larfcsw 1 began to cipeiieneo it aslutsry effrctt and i may now avy with captain mclso that i would cot bo without n rr any enndwalieaa it h i donom ntors fao thao any prtvru reraie tty i hive tried and if nii ttatement ia deeaned ity youofany iqvporianccyuuruvo oty co h coo tent lu make it public jotun1son railway autt3d fu picpaloiicol fulton st sue buwioe s y 105 availipar1 srreet albany nd all uio prineipsl oiuft and mcichanta cenrrtly iouchut the united state west tndvea and the canada wwttetjse and rotait scent for canada kma ton t w chart tlrnt toronto c w ly man knectlisw k t hamilton c- w john wmer linttan c wjj salter m annual ft w reivd and dr- p prtaliq j muaoo and j bowks afttf far puffftoamn vt the a pock- attention attention 1 1 tub holy lam t cawijitsj wtt r hian i lnvt fr o niwii mr i ant nw fit n of afc t wuiti- s litvafimlilt- rntdivie and reemuhmnd ntimru itqunnutf vrlnrli ore vei e hivebtrnn miniaur fvr a freot inane i hipe thta tmty keieh ansy be binsfl t vii vajf inrvjitina hoa breo tu uts john nkyklijerieyciiy i 110 o one of lh amant itmffkweji lund ia the rhe njlrwin utur riiiumaflsm otr on nr than four nuand ea of nl lavt lr tlttwarsi karsiptrilu h jlie irvai tre ehone case arc week tied hy ita iimntdmary virtue invxwrma lo sen i t rmr aie 1 isasa sniwri r ine y or niih lle iheuinuatif it- tiflho tno ekl not cot slrrp or 1 hod ma ovitrtoinp pais and anv tfffrthly nllen at of- i imve tited wsr f ywtr 4fijpmtiti suit tv dif in n tfht thouhud tmu wojthof c i ineti netler nd4 i art entiiek- v- laiaa loac this r the un ajfticied voir irpreifu1y jamc5 clmming brewery to let tmie cnmmodtotjs well siiu ttod and establishes brewory st ruclts tu aether wilhlhc irdwili and oqtiioil appurtenances to carry on the sumc lucrative business it is liuilt of atone now working and in iooj repair i also well aittiated the lank nf iha river st charles and in tha m st populous part of the city rintije nf hmvrrif te phv ctiuno il ali daily oulhc nrc- miscs urc a malt plnoa kiln dv kohm oflakaliy and coac orlltna txieihtvfl airugh to bold six liundicd punchcuns also a capacious and wcllfirnishcd ftvuaa il- torjolhcr with startle nit house yrd and a wharf convenient for diaeharguig and leading tho whiilc is vvotkej hy horse power to riji aovjnfiea mnkmg it worn thn same amount of business with teo mun c than any other caublishrocot on this continents capitslitt wtaliirrtn embark in tbc ibovaj business can have every infunna lion and alock if required for furtner paniculara apply post paid to the undersigned on tho promises h- j- jamon jamonn brewery st roch quebec nivembcr a 1847 foh sale portaaisifbkitv winbacin itkasdy ac in hogsheads qtiavvr cats awl octatfeai tira susiif fniu etc kc very low for chwiles hales caledonia water rglhic subsctibr has received a con- aiyjniiiwiti f tho above oxcollont walfrw1iili lia will sell in quantities ti iuit tiji chaser m t hunt est rca rm ffvercr ojte oftufjq etieeik dtolrable resldbace neir kingston to be lict or soldo to re letorsou wtthim- itiejloie ponsesion ll3 very com dnni family rridoee on ihe ttp of rarviefiehj mill ftirmerly occupied hy ol fracr anl recently by mr tucker it n a ure garden i attachej to ihe house winch t roomy and in grtod n pr and tho stable and ouiheuac iro suciouanj convenient fitr particulars ap1y to mr nichnlaa cms in the vi1liie who will show tne pramvtta or to or sarmon kingston 0vts8 lsr7 notice he subscribers hereby beg to offer their services to thir frtenils and the pntiiie tncralle in capacity nf com mission mkrchants nndgen- er aents and from their lonr enperieuce in this market irl they will ho istialiafd tt gie every atisfacttrui in lianosttng ufauch nrnpeny aa may be con a knl to ihuu care far sale or conain- iii out pus clkmowavcn- bytawri october ifi 1817 aa3ttl rort sale hv ill siilacrilkr nt hw ship chand lery store mo 1 hoitlys build- iiirj tar pllrli koaiti tarred itojtt miinillli and everything in lho slop handlorv lmo wat donaldtion oalfis 157 s7 tie r utm f j thia dsr f ari ashj wr ansa t riit th jr- elan anil iwj sej in th carls nvrnnt afaoa fire ovfofk i jeaendej a ateep iaviuil near en ffeamprnenr and sue a srr aa wsenl rorr- ikat of th preedrtf l chjitr l tthr coulj nake it- tjie tta kid rut risen hot ihre wa a hint r tu ai f r te li whnvd ihe moab noalair ttar lr of trenj aaal t in mvidls nl the plain vaard btaeh aa eoaitraat ith tha hrichtetiioc hats pecipieesor qdsrantniea an tha treat sihtrsrd ihe lad ea stretefced iato tse lad re and eka be low rtaf u tenia and fcshpc and the moeiaa ttrare of the arabs ejsssd tbc aad imia rr ttte stream ws trera off t aar and ere t raeh il unk of tho fntdan sj abnvl lao and a httf hauta on ary uy tl r m sart of loreat land a tee had encamped in- it era eery rild and alnat the tokens of habitation tultremet ariih srerc abl rhhaawby oa ppoaed to u tha exae aitc or lbs ancient js can thieia mvar a rmtrabe a sillaje a say in pateatioe and it inhabutot are a lsr ui eltar seier s m wealth nn ttntt thinkaof fz near it who not tcll armed and trirovh vet ihere i no need loreavt m ot nwasi bet hont aad sery moderate indonry to obtsia a exnforla- kleattbsutenra mrlifajajf hnery arere sred asd indaatrr f- tate tha tine fie lee ikat areeattrrd srqffd and thflabnndjnt pravae af the few crops tltat are atiw thit tha fo i arjdc ignite are not ta blima at ihuplaee tlieraisoiaratower ceo pcavtia from afar tv the ireea hicb aw oppaae to w the aole rentnaat of ihe z teat etty hot it can hardly be aasa enob to bt bc- lneed to the old jrkti on a hiloek in ihe midt uf the wi v are saw a lew bird nf sack a iht one t ihe partj in a irvioaent of frelfoloc cried eol oatochea r tni ara no ntrk1ica in hu country but ihea eranra oked ery wa ihen liila on iheir feet l v one l i n r iflj oi ihm lanfj les behind iheas ertatnl thekrfett bifdicf iar tiy or prossbla ahad ever ea tbewfh ws had keen mm nd hid resd that tw naer could nas be cq tilt ihe irat alter reacvd lassary banka tre oiald not help laofcinf taril- three broad terrseea haas to be 1rastred and tbca it unk in a deep bed where it ruahr hid den ainon iba arooduttd it depth of water vsttea much at diicrent aeaton though tea rw titan foetnerly tne scriplvca speak so much of the oeerflow of jorhan and of lb lion coinjr u at th awethna of jordan that it a uppuaed urn roreierl tha riser waa ibct ta iauodalaan which may bsta afmrd lle thre tetraeea h- mentioaffd and caused the lrnjinir fcrtihtx afflpllsn mold limff av irnittrae wiu twaaa frail then harbored f tbe bffakea came op to lerrir ihe dwellers in the nvd however tur roarhebesn it isnm o now the channel irv- doubi deenoned aod tv rir now in imr folic acavi ool htn over ita banks into tha baw o a to tand amottf uic csnea and nrerrecbca ihe uriaeca thoyjrh we were all on tho look oot and ihoufij we reached the riser at ihs pot which aa cleared fur ih approach of the ealec ptljnrna we could no ace tha wicr till w could aaavi touch it tn 6ot noiice to me of where it waa aaa from oma or the arly diaenasmiirts oei ibe palpam- bcaclt when i came upo how beaottrulit wahow rnoch more aanaltm than all picture and all daerp r bad led me t- cipect the only drawback waa that lbs stream wa turbid nolnnlr w rm a aolahorrcu admtxture but moddy but it swept nobly ajoatjr with a sttonx and rapid ctirrcwt and man eddica fuatiinf throuf h thick snadknd and flwiac an srnaaijp tne tslt toads osw amuut the white ruck vr tw opposite shorci and now wmdm away owl uf atfiht behind the popura nd acacia and tall eeda which crowd n banks it i not a boad riser but it i tvih of inajcvy from il force and forcuncte tha tiseaxi- upaprincief character of the stood alone ti marf in truck me much and we saw it now ia its neid ring f reeat tlropitfriraarirah into the sacred rircr ia each numbets and wiih so links acceaniion aa to ihe atrcnth of the current that ao real passe wiih- ojl nme irwa of ls and usostt rcral pcriah thi sear only one wa dmaroed wnstcser ih- 1 1 t r r hare bcefl anvnj oor eainpony it avaanot of ibt wild eort we bathed in mtvty- the tad went cjatlb tha eaumcn jiii i made a wo i bcouga thednckst whh rlitlicully tilll tounda ttlttw core which thacajr- rent did not enter end oeor which htm ayea whose lower branches were waiheu by the ripple which ths current aani in aa it paaaed on r branchc the batker mifm atand or sit ttith nj laasaaiinf his mud srhtch lay est and deep brtaw t anwasaftja prccipise snd trooded prumoator affpoaitn moe tho rive paitieulatly bctutiiulhera and aorry i wa to icisc it ot last it aaawasfaw toalternpt t mtke out wlara the baptum of jesu tok plsce or where itca daei pies aad john admialttned h rltav and an tse pot oac ha no pesaains wialt tu hnar fce whole of the ritriu sacred and an a rut that it ia enough to have aalutcj it in soy pirtuf tt covrar one tlnnf more are did we remembered friend fr away and carrieal away aostc wote for otem hasnc peasiiled tin eac ftto pjtpoac t7ie queen chiten beprved in jitcao water and t biaafhl away a cawl tar ih bapitsm of the child uf a foetid win ijre further away fmm thr jordan titan uor queen dor thi bawioeaa done wc wn ummvned to horse and rode towards ihe dead sea toeboh of amavatj anon turned away aaat- wardaartd waluurvd nurasura etaeo cftrcm itoal m a deoll phin cruted with ak and cracked wiilt diouhl there had beso a okae- neassnd murkirwia iha r alt the uwoiog which waa wy cccffwutc and now it waa at our uaaal etow pice a1ovit intowmbls- 1 pot my iter m faat csnter and creawed the plain aa cuteksy aapaeatbvv- fine uti pce a relief tamf we a wed a mjwlt tho drift on ibe bach r the are kaakad diuarr enough ridge of bra cane and willow lif washed up and ijiof amon the salt and iriiu uawhowime awampsof h shore but tha wsar lokrd bright and elee nd an temptiflf that our fcrec their note down repealodlsalwsta latfllsf away aain n j j laitad tha wejcr abwuj tajtvo d ut f liiwtt itraufhl i ahuid ftc fi the i rftjoerii a aod this as tha watf ih ftrli irtatc afsi qmde of roaiririwaj iriahmsn whose mta1 o raol n ih tle io ea aod eo ins the wwtd the bsarih nf br dia ofc ft wwtd has beuna uarfoleetsieait ad he hud anal and atwdaeai eaoearh tor it lihcwantffellierkrt i hi l-f- ia ih adasenve wiiheast havatf lea u any ddn wilurmarton wbaresee ha wesnellltuaiearrkdoircr tan j ay csmeta aad inihrauactfitl rtaa boat in theeaoani of jlj whi btly oo odendant a matuwa aeifiiit tlvrehffd the aaartaweai ondut tha lakem wikut haidahip and rfcavullr but tu fta tliinrk wa in ctiin back afsta tne wind du nut fsor thain aod ok slew euah a qall uat iher had to fiwmea the bust sthsa tlarrrtniantdlyilwcwocrrtkwffd the only cask of freah nater lt1 oies h they wa ma cumprltcd f rw or ther lifts lo reach th jor dan laferc hire prrtu4 nh mirat bat the aa curhcd ihroi fioffn a ckvndlesa y snd toa at rtalava afrncev when coat ifau could isa no lonjcr hi secant rrm ggfa lhm wleror ihrukc snd then they lay down in tha boat lo die bat to man ce mom reused bias lfad by many ffiwte boht lha bawl tu iha head d im lake they uy hetpjesa tv a day on ihe huritmc ewe l r do aw- lad ihruw the salt water n uhtr fiumiioa to imuc iha next twornfc h enslfd swaj to hopffaof rechto rifalteh which hotfid with eitretae dirtieullr he sent 0tinhffua down to the alwre with rupply of watec fa waa ahse and eatrwe to jeiuakm ia ihe casolaasa al lhaniehl it wa tkaw earuof to tbolatia cerent the but he died tn laroalaya n4 a note relating it hi eofrptif wseur airj nd ouine hia inrush r faauaa tits ul- any aomuj that hs bight have falsed hue pet rhed rrnh htm and n rrliahl informata could be ouaincd fmm m eerraot cuatieaaa f rase in ih amerteaa buffyin ground t ad ihcrc i ew iha awns rkica tall hi ostlanoholy atorj he died tn l3i there aptrn to be no emacsoeu idrnru as tn whether any eva arc to be touod ia ih dead sea our f utdt aad ibst m amll baa mi bar been eecn there but other oroy tbs a dead fiah ha been fuod ea tha baora near ibe picm jorrfift entemtho laka out thn mlbt hnuncinu4ihtttjiao of lb riaes il i aid ihitaaiall irdado ntxfljtisar u4e uk e bccoqit of the ddrtiruoi mlort ttla alrwaa- phrre abnt ml birdsl catmut wak but i eaw two or three vulture wlaiag iheir waj down it obtiouely the eurioasj iif hie wbico luaw ore he iur i k ma bhwinr ao unti atatauf tha atmpharothe purpt murk lijhl raauasf on on part nd the liaa or aweary ret ilea in anothar thou the ty wa dear after the moflchpsasudswsy thsaahir cared dim nd rsa hj mn ttt r tft rcentaauw torl vu4 l bathe avevraax uo wjosa a faoa vrhiv ihat uiey had fouod lb cummoa report t the hoaaaneyorthosraicruf this sea not at ajlesaea terated and that it wa jnrcd art euar mstteria fti ia it and eery dtnvcuu to aiok thy ajaa frod ifici half aod akin povd wb ll wbco ovt out they could ednit th r oestnikinesb which t r to adkrru tolwrtkta na bitirin in tle zm4 sea they vara scry poailive about ibit end ftaj rrfiirtj it ifitlasstra ihefactacrreerefolty yctl hereacaaastaj return a elerermia who biihad ihore ad w iaeured to me that hu ekm r uswietyaaw aome daaa after liitt h roold not cut rid at it effw from huhaad and the nasasmtby di iwnoeoa lata travel uicrc aaya aflar cumins out i itecciecd u n of u aak araa upon tlte bod of which m m o j speak thaa waa a aajtf wraewaf aaadu eapecisd wima theakiahsd been chafed snd aortufwreaay trelinf of nil cam tho wsh uttad fee ccvcrul hiur the contrast of ihete tcajaaoaaas andthedircrslir whiehsiaruamonf iksualysaa 4 the water which his ueo mads by ctaerauis rem lo how that the ouatuy of ibe water of thw dead sea caries aad it pprp ruaaoaabb that itahoold fur it muii mik a jitsi djffcrsnca whether fmali watees asaa baaa pouruji into law basanof tbelake after uowialer rate ur a suaa ctbpotiqt itai been ymftjpoe under itiecemara sun in rulbwinf ibe mtrxia of tbaaaa we hact tu cross a creek where my efcirfwapjawd these pratc loraed pteseutlr to lhiatrnata af aalt and the atfotiurc htj1 uicsjaeaa wseo aa jraal a week afirfward i stihe oaurueac wa wvuod amoca aul mirthee ad bnfccav ua and out a the dtwoule afcors or ihia thif era which ii out ihe lna dead and dreary far bav bef acloraodaabluea froab mmtauturn i as we aieeudcd the rnjri of hi wfaieft tmj between u and the cootont wlcn w wem lo real the judan varley eetvneu wrlbwmjda and ihc dead sea wxitbwrd tilj rn ejlenl tmiarswi by theetowaarcalf ta how boasiifal moat it haeeaxenurtcewhenihe jordan vattey who verdure wa now abonk ioloeblick hrw amoncit the r n i waa jiko o inrrmmbk cardee aad when the city of iho phm tood btifht sad liqsy erhaua tha dead sea now uy bunk and ray aa i took ray uk look back fmm a cot ear est mat 1 thought that as mournful undiuapc fox ono havaaf rest beauty i had never eur v mavxa or a saw seacic a lelur rble1 metr olosjr 17 pjmihrd in tha journal dtt debats miter ihat during a totm which lasted for a part uf tha rwecedwi- nihi the village nf vaux was literally af flicted with the second of the plaaraes of eypt thr jrotnj tea coetej withfroes which entereii the iwane thtfinedressers who were erapaojcd at tha tvinearesa gafa the atarro nd an ample harvest of this man na was made by tbeinhbitsnuof the viltace nn cue had been assigned for this extraordi nary fact hut it va itc5eled ihat ihe froa miehthave been raited fram an extensiea msrsb in the neihsorbood by a wtttapont we thnuld imactnat ai to have ben a aery accetuble at fmll for moatseat crapand- rvp or ww hcxar baaji remarkable rann who acted a attorn joshua flelchtr in the eelrbeited f such will fofftry me bat patfu tan town he hat jnst cua rj norfolk itund ir the prmoijre lo wbcuiw bay a ejay or two afleeuu arrlf- itat majetly tfwcial warrant for a eewniinonal free pjnlen reached bim direct from enjeand he it therefore free to fe to any part of tfca worm ffxcejit tho united rfinedua h p fetsioual income it lb titno of bit aneut jtd uiajjoaflteiwft04 je

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