British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 4, 1847, p. 2

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dankok cxfllakob ttqpiwf x k coeeirwi jibvrfivcr firprtpl a oii mul now doimm w id wu tftntimi inlvlheeo by cacli iicja mncmilllicvwi teliiird to warts on this occasion will tli i tosso the mtt bbnwos the ii parties by lerl cflirenrr lift binkctaifcraetrflsmf inojae of the moat baiuwi uhhvn trft litnk fdacc inbis couitttv hl at aipttvine i not add lo ny f 0l llf iies deivlbte 1 imcrit of lb im- april last i paw ton so exact ljifte iw tllt and i il turt l k intjiiiy i0u ktainx i vq mdtriti the pril to heh n would be oiwd final ibe want of milmiriii fmwiw wllrflliwbllirl lute iff f4 tuts lea ikal ftiiim l faind ai jr uhcarver ii tcvt hot hmrgctl cliui awiim tein to eeiate with the viealrv locc it was lo pointed out lhat thuda- c would he hfwa m the lnr qnililir of ir rohvil iwi iiiriwelf wl wu1dl all lllllrvbwftsf f ihtnt ibe maintenance or which mi tht 111- voiee ru i nophlirilir the ithm- ion thus eiccd have since been fulfill the miiers hive ruaiicd hcto hi for rcliro and it is folly iivdrvaiuojl that in eonscritin to a suspension of the hank art ibee har proceeded by tad will ibc advice of sir jmtil ml flic iaiowdiate tifcouwlanecs b wluelilbe cveni wa tioqgtii alul viere if 1 very pal tunc eftaraciei jol before tfpah vlr wt bvi titatner ito fil rf tht kfljar llanlt f lverw4 awnll ih mflrftaf dirftcff which my ivllcrv ly l r r ia conmmcate 1ndajrllcr another 1 j r joint stock cuikorn in 4 ilihtri- fiffit rf ihf tniliy ihr nrcatlr lniihi t flrart fttimilir lv tin tlurrri cfrriil 4ti9liot in ihe banl and a urrjl for krir prm idintf lir mrr namm tttc mn to nhth 1 wa tidit w xrwcaib ftnd iivip4l at kil lhj w6u be rd tty artinlinjly mli piu dfioihim vp- 9lh iti llr mrirpoli for mipjjif 44 iwhr an j u anj lhi cicmiojif r tfrga t ofvtcd nfon y the p1n hankrr hie majrtkty oftttlmi had fffkyr li ml ittly pp 1v the hank chaur act ata hi for fuiriii ith ffrhfifd fafr toxht chancrllor of the fofhfqnrt to po cfjoi jlif ckki ncr of a iiic anj to v ry anivrrvl ruin if aid wrc rn ajjrj thr moli wf iht on thrh ull a ycriul z luildnly mamftml j tic cfnfqrncr i l on imihiiitrnce it only rairj il iilc inurtslma iolrnt matfctjt- but alttlakr iviwil aml rft iiwmai i on ary lrrn iliuwaiia jt tiv nimic imi hv- eoo arnikd al ihr ia4j rdlm of u n4 al tlir nv mitjnrdl u hn ulnnl nm uom that railltf itir ujil iitoltml iti in a cilion kivr cmplckr wa llic forcii- lu iuimt tku 10 nrioi iit own pailrmg iimnilr ihe general lniyy and am ll 10 ainrnr thr 6rm m a ranic ritff thit ifmp il in be rcuiornwr- d no cfjlratioti of thr circulation had tako itiicp thr hadk haioe coihiirartil vuch conlrarlion h rklr ily fircin out it tcm thr kailway ctpcnditnrc iherc fw irmainftl vncberknli and it wi ihe ame wilh coin ctlioi miar ant all o4tiir spvwlcipwn it lioril limviicr ilia i tbe jriitti in uliifh the diircto hil jl ioutid lsfintvr wcwld aerate a a warning and that i1fn u ihrir viitl mtimr thry had iicitvjj in tuciu ihotichc in alvl ihcy wouli tliicclbftfa act tijwvn hrllrr jtin- ci-tc- atl that vta tciitiircj f thm waft that ihry ihould condikt cvii hnincl at lrat in torfoimity with tkr ono real ulc f wtl tiauint owrajibin mtmly tlut ihy ibonld ircidatr thr urirt nf their chiirurlily llyriyuic demand had luy followed iuijjn lliiv umim lcaiitv liatr mimt tlktir uir of drmint month fcy month fioirl he rniinifrvriniat of the drnin a ir jin wnm have vrn rtuwq irorn llieintty whicli at l hih 13c ol interrit ihry vouid hair made a ftwh a k idling ail the laif iiiint at a w fair th widj have kpl a ting iwt in llicf tll with which d fj ny ultimate emecivy aj lhty vmlim wnve ai4lril al an cjily od a eee chcli iu ihr railway llay hirriiibl- ton would akn kit- ben preventrd aed of fch for com and olhef pfodurc would have bn ktiaici lhcy iiefercd however a different course foe which w cow pay atf chaty but for which yoni planters and frmeit and iaanufjclucn may thank ikcm ctry heaitily ttje coviriojin april and mav eawc- a fall in price ind i iimry iiiliik of cl t the ceoiitntl tvltiie it altochrced 111 extiofl to attifriri tie bnk wcncfd il- f confidnee wa aain irirrd railw jei ro5elify pr een and people niiali1 thmi that tse werl jw ver our ex- pencfitnc v on and afkr the fatther jatrf of atoul two inri th the rm cniumtttfafica jrvv aaiii ucortii apparent 1he fiihi in the em msvrkl hw brjnii 1i lle pl- tdition of tbc tunc appeared containing a cormpondence which had passed mwcen the corrrnmcnt and the bank of hilfland in which il was arranged 1hl rh hani should nrdifr to the public 1 1 rcadinc id mike irtrinces to cyexrir oa ooteri- ment stncv eacbeqner hlt and approved bills of ebinfc at th rate of eiht per cfot it be ipc understood that if this noiiee iloatdii3 to a demand on the bank such a to cibanst its reerrr of notes it should be allowed to isne mm notes upon the securities c inl thn to contravene lht pro- vot of the act by winch it is forbidden in mike any increase of its jmc ccviit npna adnosit of sid for your rrijrr to nadersland tbe silii hooticidy it will be nre-u- to take a siihl retrcppct the haok chaileracleame into o oration en the th septrmhrr 1811 previous to that time lite bnk had auva4 fouefd tbe piwer of issue to any extent pubjret only to the condition of nayioin 10 thti power it had uniformly iwcd by m-ik- in uiidoe ivie vtbrnever the balance vf iralje was twmine eainl us and thn per- mitlini itsrlf to be driven to sudden and frav- t m co1ractiona when the iold in its cofjers tiadbcen dinned to a point such a to place the convertibility ofitsnotrt ja imrsirirnt dan- str to prevent thre djn shocks was ihe object of the new mcasotp ft povidrc ihit jsstfjf a itew fc rourlrj so aiiontj the ciicnlatton contract aadlbui tire warning to itie- commmiy- at the dste when the bill came ilo opera tion the coaimerce and currency of the coun ley happened to b tn m really healthy stale the bank held atifttt 29000000 of ils nous which were then in circnlation about 14000x00 of gov eminent tecuritin and it i ft00000 of buuioo the lcsiflaiurr said yon hall be permitted o hnd thrte x14 000000 nf vecurilies but vou shall not eicccd ibal amoont henceforth you shall only in crtaae vour issues by plinc note in r- cbansrfot bmuion svnd when this bullion gk isjssjsjssjm of jouyour circoulion will iftn m like manner undergo cotflraclion in lhnj tht cufyrncv of the country will be rfobjeel toprrfiitylkesaeaolawsaaifitwrrc forrty mctalic and no vinierl conviikin wijlenyuctinoo eteyr iruunce of contrac tion oc oxpanaion wih ltt place jnl in the same ssruftwttmnf s tsheo gold horn in or onl for two years suhsteinent to that 5ate pold enntianed to enter the cauooy until on the 29rhasat lm6 amount in the bank sejeber n highest point it then ptmd at aurbx dori ie the wholo of hiu pf- riod ibflfsilwiv mania crew in mrcnthj and t one time tho total capital of ihcnroietm enmijriiri flintnulplj to onxvardc of 500 mil lions rkiu biii- considetablv mme than fetrflhe amount f our euoemons national dtbi oftliese schemes a latje prportsmf ajvop will remetrher rapidly exdoded but sttft a snfjlrlrm number went btore pariia- m obtained its sanclion to induce all teflectinjr men tdict whenever a f ol the r mlbt take plare eonseqien- ecaoftbe r ri i nif h total exp fivjt authoitatd by the i nation in iig and 13l7 was fia less than xisocoooo from ihe29ih aujensi i61c a gradual de- cmne in our stock of bullion commenced the tvetr eacliaoges however altbotjh exliih- jtinr an adeerse tenrlenry cere still slightly enoorfiot thsasjorplion nfbnlliari there ii in the firt in1 jnce rnuvl have been oc- cuoordhy the afnoont of jtod and silver reqoirc ail over the counliy to pay the vt- eji of the lhvrers and others ftow actively st wsjrfc ou our manificeivt schemes- in a til th tvhife however ih- fcesjlte of our home drmand um irtcrased by ihe eomoerccnent of a foreign drain 1he impitdtion of urain closed iv the failure of the pmato crop wa ftnw becinin to urodttce ils eftrc ami tntd pil leftfor ftuvtaand the tnited mates jsftbfavof interest ions pcevafent bad beca fronvollo 3 pec cent at the ennvm-ucc- meni of ihe presnl vfr the hnlkon has de- ein4 foio 16g000 to i 4 931000 theittceasity for an immense imiiniiation of fond was universally iconised and the prices ol produce of all othvc dcoitioe mrjir vi hib compared with the price of fllbtf count ric ji ij render it dmnntram that urge srrppliea of almost eeery allele mrassm poor in upnn is still the hank of england look n precautionary tncmire at the time when th bnllion was at it hrhtst pn1 namely l6 ism amount of bank noir isftocj w of course 3o300xsi heihx the amount of bullion coupled with tn 1400000 of securities cut confieriee wao then to hijh and credit so universal iimi of tbs aanount of notes a larzc pinpwrton found their way to tbo hankiux departmnt of the bank in the shape of drposita from iu ccntorner by tbts mcam tlie bnkktld a 44 tty n 01 note in their ocn lifl of alosjl 9 wnirio ptitlaa and here we ariive tit the ktf to all its tobwueot miseondncl when the drain of bollion commenced ard ihwas poioid oil to the public in the rnnm f their irtd pecutitusn iimi ondrr th new bsacharter act ibc cinoution woim cosi- ki- was withdrawn cat that upry had lietter therefore at once wfit to curtail iheir eutfaemenu tbe wtrri- c vii mal hy the aawrtioo that as the isank iswao ntilli4ii of notes onemploycd in ji coold by poahinjt ihev ml easily snp- nfe of the ssold withdrawn- aid in uef waa ihe course which to ihe di- foll who uokd lol to ihe bene- saerljruf of te new law th hank lilcr- 4 inouad ns hubandins iu re late to prraiti the adverse action of f tehsi tavvaah lo navo osnc imme aw owci aad aeao an v kaep itself in a sasilhin w avcsueih thai suatd eoabte it at caw tsaw v sasetnj preaaare to vw a mi svane u w iha dasaand thai anddeuly avana with 1w saoal terkuaa prodifajiiy jo aa way awllwt a imfr wr 9t sw vu as tvr as it roorrha tka il ahymfwwajlanof- aid lhce aners rtllawasl hy the sutpeiv4n n bongos in th lii indi uj who hi rcen purmiin an immrne hijtini foi loo j iiun4n sely on rcis credit wk hy week trfd was ain leivintf the counliy afd cat taluts were in consequence chrqin hic rates for their fount at th liniewtth an infatuation which haa rtcver hern evplainrrt and winch srems aki to nnthine of which wr have ever hrfure had an eaaaatde the nk again reduced its rales of interest speculators aan iluew up their ca and atain eitendrd thir commitmcris aain was ihe bank heieid with apdirations for that ac com modal inn which il offered heov ibc market rate and again all at once it dis covered that another uek of the same course would hfinj it to the very vcree of tturtf- atnn qoce more in reserve of notes were brniijht down at an alarming psjjsit as crwn- pared with its liabilities and flue- more did it suddenly turn round urn throe whom it had weired by delusive nflirs of en apmo1my and announced that it would make no rooce advances on any term thos we weie all thrown into confusion capiiliu and bankers who were led to ck- pect that they ttifhl at any lime rely unn advances liein made on the eimiu of moek or cxehnuer bills at 5 per cent were row suddenly told that oflee what rale ihry miu1 not n stiiele pound coiild he oiteied ttiem lilt 7flsfv lll4jt 1 lit v tililt bii al to bom nothing like trie jenctal dismay thai was thus caused such an anoouiceoieot would have answered aj u purines of helfprver vaiion frr no oic would have aphrd fur tains on snoh terms and it would have broken the shock which the director were at ust driven lo inflict it was the idea that mney was flot to be had on covrrnroent curitict 0 dyprve that dprivid iho cratmittuity of all confidence conc if the bank woud tut mrirf iii4ui in uiu jin nk juncuuevl that t nnlv rfilvniiea 15 even so prr cent then would have no touch such sec unties no one ehe would and hence persons were lft in ihe terrildcron- ciousnest that wilh first rate propcrtv in their hnds ther miht find themselves unable to raise a sbillinc- by this second career of 1 1 the bank muenvvi htsd acain reduced its reserve sei as to nlacr iilf in a foiiion of utter help lrsnes froulc saw that if any vtdfen df ificnuy should 4risc to anv lar bnafo of nn- eslionrje mean or lo any iiiafe or pub pc bankincetablisbmenl in which temporary aid plight be essential it wascutoi i ques tion thai it cotild be attordcd bv the bank of england had the bank maintained a re ten from the first eueb aa wmtld have ena bled it to sav- no reallv nnid firm tremble at what is iow passing the rolkn and speculative housca mast meet the me they deserve but to any house that may br exposed to a more momentary difecullv it will be in our power to altordaidnotliiiii in the shape of panic would al any tlsnt have been beheld but it was fell that ihe hank would have enoah to do a save iuiclf and that it wa much more jikhv to dia down solvent howtt by it stu lim to ajtonl aid tn them in any shipe this was the state of thtne tn which we were brought when the denunciation of 1-na- dnn banker instead of adotin measures to point out to th public tbe teij can of tv existing evils and thus lo alloy the needless alarm hnnied up to the prime minister toe v- 3eerate tbe rlanjr which citil znd ta clamor for additional powers of issue brine granted to that very ialumiou which had t already to deplorably abused it fane- irons that oter ha vim- been jronlcd lh hank cbnrtcr tt is al end it will be asked if ih object was merely to rpme ronmencc why should not the act ie altowcd nain to o iato opctsuu when that object shall hare bscn accotnptiheij the answer simply u that the o valued the act corsbledin ihe belief which pre vailed that its operation wav immntable- while thai imprewnn existed atl men had a chart hy which 10 mccr heir count if they ehorr to attend to if wlca a drain of gold vr inon it was in the pmvof of the pro- flcit trader lo warn hk speculative iiend hy hoinlhr out tn them the daily eotlainty of in- treatine prevurvand it was imioasilrle fut them lo deny bia arguments even rf they re fucd load upnn livn now hoeevrr the eae isdiavrtfjit they may say it i al very true as ynn remark under t orra con of the a l a procure will come whtch if w do not stop our srculatio now will throw us into iuio but wo have no alarm on the tnrjrel when hat premunr come the nvrmmvut will tp in aain r it hat we nave only tn and now what will ha the consequence i tils fiwichanu and lankees ban cl flic avou ihry demamuj id idonol heilale to pro ptiery ihahl will r the ihwl fatal flfl that culd hur neon bwwrvi afleralit- lle while the irai t jpld xt t w renewed iciejiiv anotuei pplielin will h made to the guiernmenl at first it wilt he n titled 1 but ihe prrcedent of the cmtcet- innut maile willha brought aainst ihem will ihwe who enuhl eol retim ihe clamor of the recent panic held their cround when a more serious tale of things aiisrs a n it will t if not we mivepeela fittber iflni of notes in th fcr t a lecned amonnl of bullion the drain will thm he acceferjtfd at length th quantity will he reduced to a point at winch ihe notesnwn will takr alarw discredit of ihe filfvlllalidn which thanks tn iwi bill has never yet sliwn itelf durin the prore nf the prrture w ill then inevitably atvpea general run for snd will lake place ihintihont tlie country ihe uil pound will be diiiued d j upvniu of sisecie pavmerit t a resort lo one rtuif notes will in- ihe end of ah tfi yoi will 4iv is a bold iiojihecy but unle ih tim ernmenl chantr then course yon will tij the neat twelve montlm deuioovliat it lo br a true one tire balance of trade is ttill entirely acainsl the country prtwlueo of all kindi yet lonrin in upon us and will continue to p in for tome mnriibt frut india ihe mauritius ftc indian com will be largely ocnsiimed ir iieland and vnur cnlloii emp will shortly en forward meanwhile we are daily leskiiing our jtcod action j ohierve in your paper of the 7th septem ber lal an article fivm aofivpondent call ln tn qunitou nv assertion that the caue ol our eonsinc troubfes wxmhe railway eswa dilures the old fallacy was repeated which has deceived thouiaart au1 led them to their if- n that this expenditure conhl nm create pressure as ihr money did not leave he country the nrevatene h this doctrine and the extent tn which il has been received in the nineiceoth centmv when laical economy k ihe choice study of plitlsophrrs are aslouadin- set dtsfo0f men iu work upon the contraction of articles which capnot he exnorlrd lu jiay for what they consume and thru persuade yourvelvcv that the money will not leave the cnuntry let these me u wear shiru made nf american cotton and coat made of american wool let them smoke tobacco fm cubs drink brandy rum and in fiom france jamaica and holland sweeten their wel india coffee with ura 1 ttar mijrar and rcir their daily waste of muscle with iik and indian corn from ohio nd then tell n that none of the mouev with which ihey purchase thso things will find its way to america cuba trance the wet indira or the bfaxil tioc who preach this doc triae at evidently tmame to see a iard before them they can lace the ahil- itijc from ihe hilorer jacket to thn nearest ejoccry store but nfter tliat they cannot car- in their miudv eye lo tbe wholesale er from him to the merchint od from ihe merchant to the produce grower oneyrcat point however wish ihes rea soned 15 that ihe labieri w are thus em ployed on 1 ail way must h kept in some way or another and at all events therefore when you thus evt employment to those who oth- ctwisc be iine you incut no additional 011 in limesnf disireit is alleged when hand ate thrown nut of work you cannot do twite t tan use ihem in this way here howerrr it it wholly fnrcniicn ibai a far as the hal mice of trade is concerned il would aluutelv hr les ruinous to kee theie parlies totelv at the col of iheir parlyht- than at work which will hriii an return where their keeparcor rluaif lo tilt jito nf aqricullural waci woujd cfl lo pel vecrt nr ccordi4 in ptrih ex enjirr probahly iw more than it now averages about 2ls a1mn the whole nf which addition pwf for fjfijn hixtltin rcui lil iu vmi vjtl ai se ii 4mt riiiami ad to the often ol jj0fkj0 a weea flak- ialhe 1111 itihtr of men employed at wywu which would ottierwrie be dispensed with hi u will jive an advene loeiii demand of about ten millions per annum but here yna only get a small pri of ihe niichief the construction nf public works leads to a consumption of material such of the e materials as are produced at home are thus detained at home instead of hein ex- uoricd as heretofore to pay for the labours hy which they were created and to bring a fair profit to the maxler the ortion which it not produced al home must be imported ami thus atm to the paymcms to be made to foreigners in connection with railways irnn aid coal form two trcmendnna ilems under the first head and limber and oil oic- uuder tli second rut you wilf exclaim if the rcasonin he line how do you account for the fact thai while thesc works havr been pin on for two or ihree yeaes and while rutland ha broi under the iireiiy t importing millions of pound worlh of fond nc has only been snb- iecled to a drain or 8 millions of gold the answer is a giinple one england when she ccmmenccsl her railway folly was a rich coun try sthr had not only 16 millions of bullion in her bankers vaults but she had alors of cotton wool com iron cutlciy j hcrap lauowf see j in shod every article that the world produces piled op in her manufactories liul warehouses she has paid for her enor mous i in ports nut merely by patting with her itady money but by parting with what alw bad provided aslhe material jor future in dustry er cuddru is store or 6ur oa aer fttabox and ifu dfrniaud fur manufactured guojs were now 10 he mauv mpno her from any ami of the world hi rmild have first to iaiporl he raw materials and id poifor u if these things seem as dantoyoiw reader o ihev are lo me 1iey will have no difiicuhy in rcconixn the prospect which is before us ivpend iipno it ihe account you have faith ertn ii cvivid arc yet destined tube far out- dtfiw hy ttiosc which arc to come nihtary com jiff really during the swthi a ri ert from all th eant i larx rj lauhisj 1 itihlary nil rr the r the accordmc lo ihe rei lhe diet rateftsive fteari daily from the fore of th mljlreiit liberal canlnna deceit to zirieh anl arau ihof aee j11- hlr lerv tnuniliom of war and waent from the arenal fteiue lieaibuaiteis of the vvcrjl divitkaa be e army inf the parli inn krrlahtu the caulolh ht fcoi y ahvadfe with their tdfrccr had jamed he fioui zurich aecorlin1n ih latent j jatr1ies firmed that all rftovl at an ira1 ment bavin fiihil the dirt had n decree f the irnmdalc rcutinn ra ffl inres of comriuhimr asamvt the sndi htnl the futmvin n the etf 1t t t fmif u ihr diet autmurwiiiz j acceilerf the chief cminand vf ill fedeiat artie i hare received with tt u-v- i com mvitdithchief of tbe klrcal atirts u ntjuiat nuiiceof my uinirmlon in t in ibis bicvel f assume i kiuw an llirtrtufe resiumbihiy hut mill an ntitairtq rt hninar which eery iituvrr coulracta ii firirviarc the svrviee uf the confeiferatinn jt m a nvisneut like the rrcseiil that otic can per- milled in fitir however paiufut my ie the duly which b irnposej uion mo f noi tr owe thank lo ihe hth federal dieitf the m irk of cnnrtdviwe which l hat been a- kind as in ivt mo in the d fficiill circuwlarre in which swil7erind is placed i willmdfae irlon ake myself wotlhynfil out i trlirve it riht lo d clary lo tbi assembly tht whilst doin all thai duty cxar4 w nver if evlreniiie mum he com to exceed th ud ot moderation arnl huuianiiy uui i vv jol bsc siirnt of the fact that it hi belwvti con federates ibc dicuioi lake plarr that i will remain a lranerto pjilial eveiaiinns and thai confiriiu myelf etelutively m my imilvy riuies i will endeavor to njuataiu older and dicidim in the federal iroopi eauie public and private prpctly utw res pected protect catholic worship in thperson of ils aiinisiert in ils templet and inils reli gious eslahlishment in one word id all to soften ihe evih iiwepaiabe fnin a wa may my ievolednm then he nelul to theaminon counliy iut above all may ivin- froti dencv prevent ihe ealamiliea with whrb il is threatened tendon djily jftsaf iw 3a latkr from mexico orstfacrjon or atliaco ev a ratiqvakk an arrival at new oilcans frocr liraios slates thai fever was increasing lriier finsn tbe city of aroco nte that allien was entirely dcslinyed hv m earlh quake on the 3rd of fviovr nor a imuve was left standing- a larje poportiiti of the inhahjantt w buried iu ihe ruin serious damafe wasdnnr tn the mirroundin unlfy many of the villas and nrountaiis being otc thrown an arrival a si lhlis brin mn dales fiom santa fe another iiiirroin laken place amont- the mexicans atuhihua- hoa and american feaidcnu were forced to t tu atnid manacrc leaving ouch of their property inkind cnl katoti was a aemhhnt a force at santa fe march against the enemy tftapc with mrvirn w find he w- lowio- in ihe flotfnn trurtihr a w nd itirat thecbiwr piltiin l hosj- itcrt ryter clear- todiv fir v cruz with a eaico yahud at about el ahout souti of which wita of iwotie imip ahlooe lhe rein projnetv wa 5rt yards of tamdon bttaehil hciris vhid jnji lltdtmr- car- invirej ifj0l each iu llidfihi i lhj b atrlual cuuipanies vvssej probably fully duaorrt riblcltav- a latter fin marquila ii ar liura nrmfcr i says that u lb- 12th nf october we wetc veiled by a dreadi i hurricane- it took a ran- f frnthai frafi the 7rt of lauayra 1 i itaitlv oclitinl or ih stae it m frlm1v jvh ifrtdin swlhiill rivers iumrdi itely and rt-ojin- ht uiwlids tlwut waetmiledabw suioxoijo carracaihai silfertd saveidy by the rainw firm sbtue bridges and a number of hmucs awrid aw treat dutress picvaijcd ju the inhibilanls jure fell biutisiivh qfdftf par oraaaa dlcar- svrntia dereo1vtkk 4 isit x 1k j ibrhia ehaiced cj miie 5s fir praf awayssa nc ij k klbt1un were an tn me lil re isoniidy active ihry i the canal commissioner wilh kirfitioxekrlnfi intfxligence vor tht fawe lssaan t m iladeiihurxl ksq will be reiurmd fin laiirfc in lhe refuiti ialeicvl wf have iot lieard that any one will oppose hirii lrcih we rejoice in say thai ihe bfl- furmers of leeds luvc lived iw a candidate in rhce of iu kiuarn w b- uickardv 1h was nnanimoirly chosen hy a conven- iwal at detraie and if the hefoiotch of lhe fount y can turn ou cftaf wrt iiitos tlie gall ltspwitr states porilivrly thai mr shade of gait will be a candidate for this county on lhe tory interest a wllasmr webster this would make mr kcrgutoir leltira even loorc ccitain than befure- ess colonel prilko will be returned forthis county without opposition on what inter- it wvtld v ditticull lo say w have riiut tltoii jhti of omna a head for sale when we make up the election returns and certainly imnec will be put down as a 1 in it fouani rmixc or von when we an nouneed with feelings of pleasure that no person had bein found le oppose mr baldwin in the fourth biding we little knew the blow that was in store for us- jv r bc- formerv may as well ban up their fiddle hotfh scoihc sn- editor of the cotonijf is about to oust their leader from hi scat in parliament thuugh il r somewhat ditficult lo say on which side mr scobie is on for three minutes together ae have resolved to put hini under the same heading as colonel frince durham will be contested hy james smith esq in lb befoin interest against mr williams the present member niaeasu mr drvn will be allowed to walk the coore in this town indeed mr lickon ii so universally respected as a man of integrity p and hi disxosl al lhe dis honest tricks of the admin wt ration- was so marked during last session that hot little dis position is fell by tbe ftrformeta to oppose him banc kvilit wo are rlad lo notice that william buell eacj intends to contest the lowft f brockvilkt in lhe liberal inlcrem il having neen repoited lhat major camp bell the gntrernors private secretary iu tended tosland fur the counly of huuvlle at the romin election lie has contradicted ihe mrmvirin a letter to lhe ivinerre it is retried thai fmward malluch esrj esheitf of the ouawa pisirict is ean- dtan wine an iinpwlanlouelion wwch in he heat and rxcsremcnl inteparahle from the occiion but rarely oceury lo an kfeclof should not be cast eait of siht durin the apoachin conflict for place ana power when ifr maje ty leces o our ood mij town shall he sum- rtiry sed to aid and assist in tlw honorabte iak of baildintr np lhe s collective wilom of the nation by sending forth a 6t and proper leron lorpprescnt their wants and withe in provincial parffameal there are three candidates in lhe fold each so far lolerably well aippnruil and determined fiom all ap pea ranee resolutely losee the end while our motto a the main tfocaasf of this move ment shoud bo a clear stage and no favot il u to us a mtle of tbe utmost conieqoence that we endeavor by all the moan in our power to obtain a correct answer to ihi simple question which of those enllemen is likeliest to do my work bct which of them can cnllecl round htm the strorel support in carrying out measures for local and general iuiptnvefflcm an j utility this is a plain incroal0y which terioosly interests us all and were we to heslow upon it i little more attention than wo da there would be less time and inclination for indulging in scuirilraiif and disrernilave abue which degrades the 10 his piity ihey waufd corn lo make use of il rr to seek by sneh haxe unworthy means lo secure htielectin rf which he ii all ll cerlan if md defeated thiouh lhe untnidud zeal of hairiaiued pailisan wantiuj in cnnderativianliteceneyaf etprission lo4in ihe imjtttsi weight for sistitioni which ex- liibit the very rewi of truth to return to the kjitor of ist ira now that his mojs appear veaial loiiirvly arre withhim in ihe only valid objection thtl can he urjej against mr kirkpatrickname- ly the iitiiniii1e mint eluwubyhim for making his aarjuce in the firm oy di idin ihe cujurvalives an opening is male tfirasi ft wwh the rform candidji our m hr hirn or dor r atlvn adrml o no cimparito in ils prolcssors if so lb en we need not cuter into any inqaiiie na lo lhe nlinrn or hotieiy of candidate if they com chuhej in the garment of conservatism it ia ailkctent for u i fjney sjch doclrioe u ii will be but coolly received mr matdonau is a llth charch toj one of a race nearly defunct wu do not nerd such tikn now the times i fr aheaj of tfacm we want men of a more moderate tanp men that can see the want of the country through no perverted irictfiinri anj if earlier at wiw ml ohhn in vijne ability f i cailida ht sljnd a chanc nf nurart the of his i my fancy 1 i in h v iews parly fur if carlrton mi the tory al slhjii ami asnut 5u00 woitli knjlixh apod thread piuinru oi lire mrvie- nuiin then keji inamedtately raaie frm ihe cilr of fiieo inlt scan states and the moment thrte tftrvxjowitt n in averc in raehnfs j n llen f rei i 4k itpb dlruiil teiwc the enanliy may be cnnsiiferc a coti 2nercd sic a move on our pari ivcontd to ivide lhe forces of the mivau ll a i they could do iklhiofi ave shonm have in our possession all their capiubnd all thrrrr capi lal of every decrijdion and if wilh at these in our hnds we could do iothin tlwn and not till then wvd it do tin think ofrctifin but il is a liby cai our nutioaaj character lo suppose lhat we could do nolhmc under such circumstances tb itoct it that mexico would thus be a cnnrtlcte1y couqnered as inv country ever was eon nuered hevond the hope of rocorerw and then as a fmialiin stroko our cnewnmenl should ice jrttly of tht ajtxifcn domain to o aiiay of ovr eittetn as icoarf cavre thi would soon fill up the coory with armed aipefican who woibj not on v com vassmj llw cofinly tickeu ptuhk f we uuderland aaya the qutlic mer- rurv thai mr drimnioid will present him self fur shefftud f vr are authorised lu slate to the enn- ilnents of llv linn fraoris hinck ttrat he u ill return from kurupe in time to nlter bim- polf as a eaiurdatc it the aproacbiuc elcc- liou prlof ration of nletc lhe ujuation m1 he civ slnico ivcrr orleans mrrurf pmsoscu fakctssome of the texican cavalry pkde themselves in the ite of lao- eers of poison nr jiuchetas of be iasoned lance the uc of such weapon as they carry is forbidden by ihr mlea of rviiiiro warfare and place thole who wear hem be youd all claim to respect or quarter thry mul be vyrv caieful never to be laken pris oners buffalo commcrrioi cid stepped m already we have only in n a cry of pnir lo frichlen the bank ol cnland and 10 foanent a iun on the bankers eitcratly and evcrylhi will be doic tku may be nrccisare ft was in tact through what may he al- j nt dejijcuated a cosoey f ibis kind lhat i the recent step waa farced from the hsvern- i ment the railway undenttou nod iron and coal aoecolatom ol liverpool hiimiuxhau and kewcaile were determined lo use lhe panic ai a means ifjairde of extrication from that prewurc which if il were lo con tinue woid ihry well knew seal their doom accordingly nstead of any attempt beint made to rciorc confidence cviy cftort ws used tndestrov it and so tiikiurly was ihi earmpbfid that iu movrmerit uf lle laan- don bankera ft the notiation of their counliy friends actually took place at tlie very snomeni when a market improved the public feeling had ocancd and when a delay of four and twenty heir would tool ihoim- bly have resided maiiert to a aiato which mould have rendered it iinposubre for then lu aaxaraphah their object cold was rapidly comm in from the continent railway workt anj call were btiotf suspended ou all side aod produc wi m coora g eaotlalon all that was wauud waa a puuic meelinic of asrrenanu and jjjnkt k declare thrii iutei m itll mil other and a rvadion 1 the fall aunt that wt desirama would bar beta tciiraj tiireateved civii war ix swit- zeitland tlw journal and correvomleoce of wil zerund have arrived to saturday last the new of the retirement of lhe austrian an hassalnr and dhe neutrality of that power in rrlaloa tn the present civil dissruuibna which we nave yeateiday arc fully confirmed the office irf the jetation wilhanajenl for the transaction of oidmary huiur will be con tinned a hjua i at znilch the ambasador retires to an adjacent neutral territory the ministers nf kussi itussia ud sardinia were il lvrne and were evpeeicd lo demand their pa4rhbt ivu tlie same cvdanaifon h those fivrn by anrfliui li amv clear lhat no intervention whatever iv coutemdjted am lhat the cantons will have lo sellle their own dispute all lhe federal cfmmlvi oners had r turned to heme and had made iheir rvputs tluir msson was in every owe wiihnnt resuit the drpulirs of the snnder- huud were in constant conference with m ihn le cunitr the krench iaiuitrr by whnm they were i arnolly advised to propose a ctunt- imairst- on the ctth the deputies of the league addfesed tbmivjves to rhoe of st gail aud istlialtiiauscn to ubtain iheir medita tion on in 2slh the rtijvrtiiy nf twelve apitoiuled 1 hi of their colleagues to eaufer with the druitie nf the league with the view to an amicable arrangement ihi coiw feence was williout success j1ic uttimatmn cf the snfldeibuiuj ws it nmcars lo if-at- tddih the convents of arau and in postponr theetiuuionof the jrsuijs until ifslo llicsc piojiikn were rejected hy a minority on the jftih h calaine announced to lhe vorml tm the pari of the cainna1 government of eiif satel that il would decline upptyin ihe imhtary continaei renuiied in lhe present exigency bv the decree of the diet lhe aiiswcr riven to this cominunirntion was thnt if ihe ceitiuent wrre not mpplu as re quired the lroisnf ihe ledenl ovoruineni wtuld immediately occupy the canlnn of neufcbatrl m dv slidow lhcreuun wailed on president oehwnlreiii lo support the de mand of m calame oswirin the pieaideiil lhat it wa the wih of ilia majesty tbo kinr td piusin fwhu it mivrein of lhe piui palitv of neufehalel that the canlnn rdiouhl out lie required to supply hoops for ihe war hill lhat nrvoiiheleta m mnjesly enteilained no intention of iiilerfenn- in tin- iuturnal dia- i jmitri of th confederation the nnwer of ihe president left no doubt of tbe dntermliiu i litni of tht kdeial fovcminciil lu tnfvit iha awful calamity ouftximo or xnc enoriil i 1 r 17 uvra lasari pitisbursh nivf-ss- 0n sunday moming altot 4 ovbt ie propeller phtroix bonad n when witn 70 miles of sh hay can wa uiscovered tlt 1c on ure and it was found impossible ineminauih the flames she had more than l pasaen cr 30of whom took to the small hnatli sud were picked up by tht propeller delaware which hove in aipm but not in time owe tlioc on boad the remainder wft either burned or drowned capt sweet was sick in his materoom imt wu saved 1 l passengers weic cmiratin holland kvery aitention wa extended to the suf ferers by the captain and crew of the dela ware- the pheeniy was owned by ai allen cleveland and wa insurer m 15 000 lairn the schoonet ootonatv capt anived yctcrday by wliich vc leaiw lhe phutiiu wa burnl tenniles fror man- lowac and ix icilc from land vne fire nrttinated in the forward part nf yv boiler deck mr blecch of uthpnct ttlwhe rared capt sweet relumed and pfbcd in the hame- there were probhl e lost capt is at preieut i shekvcn- the mate and six of lhe crew were vived the propeller ivtawara u evpecf hour whieh will irtin full parlicu1 of the calamity sjjuro coarwr ivoe 2 steamboat disastktk tontv lu rsi loh r te 4mei vaoline from piluhuitfh foe jvai riy ji boiler on ftidjy itrnrniiiaj ust ma near sfiaweelo n mr- peacock pa- fon pittlmrh was kilcd and itaar badly vimed one since dend oe boiler was defective tire lcnnrtmp bound dmiii ard tlw talisman torn cluv f st tauis j- io in riiilainu on thurn mom in ten nilej iwlnw as cirardi-v- missitsiu tlie talisman sunk in ly in 1 deep water the lolal iw l htil at fntiy lives some think mo f ladirs and passemccr to i overs ihin scaping only in their rjihleloihs 3m in lh cond- tion were taken togiraidcau by th leamir tvuet srvrue fair atn siufwrtrk- wc from mr wnodworth mat of th nik that lake huron bis been ttrh v ted by 0 severe ale that eanrd rr k of apteral vrel ho new schnof f ana cobb is ahnie at poinl an jamy w fllll earjeo nf wheat wc tindcrtnd i n carn and veiorl ate inquired thr mills is ashore at forty i with a earcuofbooo buhch wlnat en- l john llftlilrr vesel ami cirirn ty a tidal iom carta indued in hiiari k a marine inauranco tomoiiuv a hnonei uvwn- wish vee npaiii aulhre nt 8aaw hnyname 11 the rehoimer chnmpinn bound ui euiajo of meciliiiudle hid nlovi insured fur 1001 in hie 1hrfln mst l ty wfjs partially i lft ll hilu fire and murine rhuany- v lawrenro ran on a leef irjf ida dltifj m neur the month of leirh lyr qn cafuof lilooy bmhfu wh eravad i rr ie iift t 4tfvo htwrjn4eanrir the loltowm- are a few nf lhe ncanrci pard by the present ministry 7oc dcf foprorusvvr fac adrinhirouou of jrve an act by hich ihe people of lhe upper equality i ruvinee were placed with the lower canadians the government of ijjidwin and co nn an under we had not only to pay for the ad minist ration of justice in upper canada but warm also ohji ed lo pay onehalf lhe expense of peoseeu- tlrg lower canadian euljuiu this i whai wc call jtmtti e with a venreinee but did the reformers dare to ak their french mas ters to re0101 ibi abje and injustice o and hau ihey asked it it would never have been jih i upper canadians are the main contributors to lhe imblie fuwn fiom which awrr canadians helped thcuiselves we could never have enjoyed the ame had we remained under the tyranny of baldwin k lfontaine the price of the aitanct granted by ike frem h parly to hahlwin co was the lasatiou of the ueople of cppcr canada apfcfcrejwe for the it el quebec and montreal over lhjje of upper canada and the deuominatie m of the tr wc will not enter into the amount saved to the district hy this act but put it on ihe jginund the present ministry obtained lhat for which the radicals dare nol ask viz justice lo upper canada 7ne pjufttcnf if tht hue lomts in upptr canodt would lb reformer have carried a dill t tnovmmfy those who allaul1y yen lured iheir means and their lire lo defend the countrj from an irruption or invasion of brigand tardy justice was done to the claimant by the present ministry and thai without any new burthen upon the people a by an increase of duly on tavern a fund will he raised to rejdace the money paid tjvj late of which w will now men tion butnne feature thai of ch using the offi cers from am on the people rcidnl within the limits of each ballalioit- a reduction of duty on ihi import anl article was eltecled whereby the consu mer will avo 2s on each barrel he may sur chve after lhe alh nf january next thr district court att by which suit to the amount of 50 may be collected in this court thus attordm speedier justice at lei coil tat dutits on hffrrithe duty nn dililed ixiihi1 has been increased 3d a col- lon this i a mrit eiiimaii artiele far taxation from which a cnnsiderahle revenue may be mtsed without detriment to the coon try tht ttrigt att- cxicftdinjr its ptivi icea lo olf uvnoifiiufiojl ptttrboro gai parly usin ir and never tails lo defeat iuyjj object as reeardi the cjneslion before us we ate all bound to admit the extreme difficulty there exist in arrivinat a satisfactory solu the r alluded to are univer sally etteemed fcr talent kijrfa character and wor lb scarcely inferior one lo another iu those rare qualities which invariably secure for their possessor the confidence of his fellowmen in these rcspeclv ihry sland very justly 111 the estimation of our citizen on a perfect erpuliiy and it would he dilfieu1 for tin reason to invcjt onv of the number with any prpeminenrr to which the nlheis are not equally entitled any unfair attempt to snily the r put jtion of oie iu the hope exalting ibatof auolher would be trealcd by all who know them with lhe groet con tempt out a we can only send one member lo parliament it is the part of wisdom of prudence and of common sense to select lhat man whi in our opinion i best qualified for i 1 t r the inporuut trust to be commilled lo hi hands the immediate friend and partixsns of the respective candid ite will asarnalterof coujsv ive a decided it mihl be a blind preference lo tin object of their own clroice and no reasoning can injure them to iesieii a particle of lhe fivoralde iipinien ihey entertain nt his quaiifica- tituis and merit but as there aie many who have not vet made up iheir iftiad it is of these f entreat lo camir0 calmly tlie question al isue llial ihey may be enabled lo cive a comcieutimit vole bein satiafjed in ibeit own anitst rtf ilunni thr w jiw urv evidence in iheir poyer to ohlan leaving them to consider the subject al their leisure i must bet permission in exchange a wo4 with the lr7ri in huj first place i cannot coin cide with the ivlilot of thai journal in his condemnation of the tai i v c t mer- it of mr kirkratrick 1 tiat jrentlemju or any other gcrtcman has a perfect riht to cralify bis ambition even at tbe expense of the sitting member provided he only makes use or legitimate competlaii in doin so by which i mean all lawful expedients lo unseat him aided hy a little honest britnn if iicccftaiy for very little frond can be done in the mai ler without some slight consid ratio it it rom if vnu inu on the principle of here- ditary rtprtsenlation ym recede graditally hit cert aiujy tn the condition of uajlypo- exactly ahke iheir propei of success mav briefly slated ti- f mr kirkpalriek irish tionds were not tizratelnl ihey woild ceuv lit election if mr majd iriji friondn can e flauncfi and eonutenl they svutjtd triumphantly carry him if the rt- formr were jflitiealty powerful mr mc- kenie ii watk the courie and f cm- didly cotifcsj lhat i would as j9on see tlw treasury fhncbtf occupttd hy rafsllflicn al hy constrvatives sinee neither one nor the other can jel ihete unless with the conent of lhe laitcrciii peopxe which alt iont ad mil is the life and soul of oir colonial con titutiuaced respoasimc governmenl but hefue we turn our eye in the ilircc lion of refm wc should be certain that ihe podic mind inclines iu that direction toothat reform k absolutely needed oiher wise it woutj be fdly f w the mere wc vf change to rjtslailal cabinet which has been found ta work honestly and well with only a ilosibtfiil rfosccl ofsuhitnlinja betier on thee grounds i cannot perceive the ex pediency of appfarin too anivo for ibe election of mr mckenie just now whai- ever change may pass over the subject of our dream another time and as foe mr kirk- patrick who with one exception is filtly joditird 10 my mind in the lcp he bas taken there appears no advantage in aitdil 1 new link to the chain unless it serve to give il new stronth il ulii he seen from llie remarks tiit i am fu ih- ueeiver gmeril i am fur hm on rarincipt for hiving calmly rouidered th- snhjtct in all iu bearin il is my bciel that under evistiu citrormtancr he is likeliest to do our work bst his parisameaiary ex- pcricneo i entitled to sjosne weiht the place be ocejiuiei a a mcmher of tho govcni ijubte or st mr kiikpainck he now fearlessly call upon you fo your support confident that if hit views are impsrtially considered aft j unbiasjcd by aeclarian untrammelled hy the shackles of eh an one electors of kiupton u his claims upon you have their due wciht be will e vietorsour kappa kindlon dec i im7 j wrris nov ilr claims of if llrt receiver general on the rarvple of kington arc ta well known and pubtcly acknowledged tu need any puffin from av- mr kirkpatrek deserves evey credit for hva zealous ewrtiuns dann tlie revalcnce of the typhus anoalf u but we have yet to learn that lsna exerlions which he so ably rendered constitute any qualification lor bins a- a hp- revrliuiive of the cily we would bo jud lo e an irish geitleian such as mr kirk- patfiik repreentine this city but we ao not lb ink that the present member should ho turned out for that purpose it is pleasing to observe that thy irih electors as a bolyhavo by iheir acts given the lie to the fool aper- tion f those wh- declared lhat they would be guided by national narrowminded preju dice in the election of a member 11 a large majority of lliuse geulleinen are supporter of mr macdonim as to the assertion of kappa that mr ulacdonald is a hih chufih tory it i ion absurd lo need refuta- lion mr kirkratrick brin as ik best friemla will admit more deservin of lhat apprllitron than mr mcd tald who on the contrary ia remarkable for his liberality in all matter re- latin both to religion and politic r mem the fact that he has scarcely an enemy in the ihrasc while all admit lhat ducins th hiirf iieriod f his paitiarn mart career he ha secured a larer nu nhr of friend than in treble tho tun ever fell lo lhe share of any other member from huron 10 hasp the consulc rations havcijrcal weight wlh me in ravine him a ilvciikd preference a member with these matrriai al hand appears 10 me lo pm an advantage over one who has them to eek they are however hot the opinions of an individual who of course land d to correction i may he permilled in conclusion tu allude i- tsnsj- svterlwta vl tn ffnvaj m m ml lion in this atair i peculiarly cmbarrassuic 1 err ihe m the recognised 1 i of a party he oubl then l04tapor that party through thick and thin lu heap burning coals and our rxtihn water on tlie heads of their opponent jo this way would he strengthen hb claims on lhe gratitude of hi friends while in no danger of losing friends arnoo iheir political enemies where he bad no friends jo 1i bu sin independent journalist deriving his revenues indiscriminalely fioin london quartbo sessions cask or co a ran ac y tliis was a ease of prnecution on the part of live of thealaatersliocmakenofthitoyn against iccn nf the journeymen in the same trad it appeared in evidence that tiere had wen in txwi ce for some lime a ascieiy callei ihe cord wai net society orntiad partly for the laudable purpose or a mutual bvnelil so ciety and partly for that of cofatn the prices oftheir work tbissociclv w ntco nieij and it seems folly sanctioned by the mameis far the tciciy were consulted by llieiu u ihe pricea lo be tared for particular article hot m course of it oiteralion- this snciely assumed ibe ower of tlnkid ihe sys as it was called the uoces- euo- tislrd ia a iletulatin of one or more member of iie aociely enterinf tlie workshp f a mm- tr sluemaker and nrderinrj hit men to leave iheir work a fund luring prnitdsl lo suaia the men ifto ut out of eoiploynwnl tliiy proccai had baen tenricd 10 and foiuaed tlie caa for the prosecution il also appeared that both maaler and journeymen went on together in effect hae mony forsofne time but at jal this calm kaa urn intruptrd the natural result of all slltkeeanil enrbinalinn has orcurred in ibis n ih y iniurr llh parties on itse une hand elutline the market for lalnr till wire ure irdued r ihr starvfllinn ivel or oil the mher hand ilnvn eiridnynv of luhour to ila wheie iheir prohls ae ftf thr ofendauls were iu v hlirtf and aanleocrd in j a fine uf ten shilbmc- rach and tu alanu eoaimihed till the fines and ens i be paid eah individual to enter into reconi 1 hlrnself in twenty hund and i wo huielrrs n teu o 1 raeh urinal any llfgut iorublnolhm in futum latmftm travrt tecn or old ynu may well know were not ama7irily enviable or pro ductive of much biuefit lo kiuot conn- iry let n have a hruk rail hot canvass a thundering storm to chase away the thick mist and imneiviou vapor that occasion ally obsenre the polilicul horizon and sometimes prevent even farseeing people from distinguishing the difference between right and wrong then couquerin hero comes with redoubled acclamation mr kirk- palrick 30 far has been dein notlin- wroo nor is he bound to ivc any idlier explanation than what is fully understood a desire to ad- ranee his own interest in connexion with ours if singular in this specie of 4 denial hen indeed is hu conduct in pre senting himself to our notice wholly inexcusa ble anmrieraccusalinnarcainstmr kirkpalrick it lhat of insratillde tbe root of this word now fallen into diue is allj to be found in very oil editintt of rulickv liiclissnary johnson sheiilan b k r th hd and other eminent nriboeplsts of rur lime have unanimoury excluded the term both in name and practice wetc ihero such a tlilnif as gratitude m kirkpa- ricks irish ffiend would hear him in their am to his wl in spile of alt opposition hm there is nut and ils dvrivalive thciefote should base no place in our vocabulary again mr kiikpalritk i a lawyer a mercantile man would do boiler will your erudite editordeny that whats sauce for a aooe is sauce for a gander a regard lhe comparison with mr for- yth i do not think that mr kukpairkk is by it a very jreal loser put the rernirksof tha subrdilor of the im nre full of jace and jood breeding comjiared with lhe keltoi of a cnerva live n in a late number of the chronik 4 arte from which for tse rcial edlication of mr kitkpalrickmtieb friend i have se lected the fil lo win paisa did mr kirkpatrick conc forward in an pen and ittdependciit manner much as be would deserve the blame of thecuiiervativc yet bis conduct mijthl he pardoned but as it iheousht lo be held up to scorn and con- icinpt aono who irafi a feetiuc ol envy to ward a man who is infinilely hi superior in every way would sacrifice every upright and honorably principle of course this 1 nil fadre mere aory ouurisb batd sou mlinr word of tioalxnioationor mtauin lucaue iaijsplkame 10 the pern for whom ihey am inlerded and o more cjlculated lo rjinlurh hi cquaiiiinily than ui barbing of a con- tenptible cur doxrbut i ak uny man nf eniu- nuvi decency if they are iroer leim to br uddreed lo an hish tceulleinau of thirty yaarv residence in kiiijraloiittnd the firtl ma- ittralvof ihocityf one tiling may l rerulii of thai it u not the hnua of mr macjenam 01 f y senaluu man btloniao the whole conmunily it is hardly fair that his friends ihould expect him in forwarding their interests to sactihee his own in these perpleainic cifiumstances all lhat could rea sonably be expected of the ikau was to mak- ring with an invitation for all parties lo u handle the imtten al iheir dis cretion now ihi was done and if active partuan reluse to mskc their own bullet- afid lire them loo which they may do without fear of loss or detriment il unfair to drag into the vortex the publisher of an independ ent paper who cannot escape serious pecu niary 1osm proportionate to his adherence or opjvtaktsonto either party the several can did he i i- generous and lo exnect ihi llxsji friend certainly should not seek lo punish 1 man because he hesitates at their bidding to burn hiaowfl finxvrv tour ne 1sta atcnesr no coronei tn- t lift ha lcrn ihd vo tbebtdioeof th ihrna man kittnl aien the ile3iwr ivae burtt her buitee hre ui ouae of the r hsee yet beei swud fon a bvrtovr m- ll vn keams who wil- orej ihe sjj accidenrand rho aeiflcd tottro the ure ivors we c tbo dl wing oddjlkimt pmlieulsr tho eiotoaion timk plce ahiut li ovhpcv on the itwoin- if mundy lat cat a pseo cillej kerni pint io the klidvau cf- nal betwryn kin and breieera milkv the stejjicr wnemnlnrrd m towiruf n raft btit at lie ii ii if tbo eolpe was m in owo sh hadoa uurd twcipliin hr hiram i via mnx a ctew of six men and a tj together with mr rohl tidier tr ifaltcca bar nnd unoibor eatu mm connected wkh the raft our informant lkiftj at the stcsmcr when tbo aocidank oceur- rej nn4 deeriba the noise not l has baeo very loud but more like a heaf crasti than ia eipaiiton he anw th ahntlered bodie nf ttro mrnhebinthe air and ssvr them tall into iha water another budr wst biowu ansooe iho dead ireea fl the far vide of iho canal the wsal ap- peatfd to be fnlal srwek and lira amva wis uuwii airrle diitneo olt llarin no so i trork with hin mr rtobert keami ju m ped im a laac carme 1yn hndy and takins biotvo men wilb hiio pnddtedrdt tnard tjto amck they twt at the clotin th cnxinorv and a deck hsnd jrcailj archied tvnso who rserirtfwd wro itopila jiaieikecnaa john ucbridc tvoter i- a kcepef ii the riiteriittrj andthobrry mr kber1 kafi rr rr iv nth r ctiilrnan eonteclid with the rift fortintel were uninjored it m expaeied that tbov wlv eaxiaed witfi atviooa ia yirj till reeorev of ibo eaioao of the acci dent we fcasmf ncahin aadif wedidit vrocrfd not bo rijrtit tornentvi it till afar iho liw ulc rstae at wfiieh dvobtlrass a fall rand cnrelasl r r i will bo made kiisiion s uec3 an elector im7 t ii for tht rrtiish whig e tuctiows m r- r ale nd tin uvor i ohserve in the tvhig of iuj momirv a lcuqfhy editorial on llo subject of the ap- proachiue election for ihi city i perceive that it com forward a an avowed support er of the present member and tlnuih enter tainin high feelings of personal respect for the other candidates and believing them t lesjsod meil aod lrn ycl il alranjcly enough says thot if the elector ofkineloii choose- eilher of them ihey will i nullify thcnnelees and hecoine the uuhinje stock of ibe tovloce but aeilb all due defer- crsc to the rfrttorvioporiorjodjcmen i would boldly layhat if iho conservative electors of kinolorrare 10 by ihe avowed princi ples of the 10 and reelect it present member hey will stultify themselves in deed and ia bath what cloimi haa the receiver central opon thu eteolon of knetoft x wherein has he merited the adulation sn lavishly bestowed upon him by his friends what palpable cpne ha resulted from hi election lo ihe eily what icreat advantsjces have accrued from hi nnjveinlment to office lt his fiends answer thesa intcrrnialoriea sfacn do 0 it will he time cnouch for his sup port a to expect the skplort of lhe elector nf kindlon the university dll i now en- deatoured lo bo foisted iiion lhe coenmunily asllic suaunuax souura iho fcrand paiiacei for educailnnalwaul the roman ciltio- hca ibe froo cburcb llaptiau can lell dirterenl iory mr klrkpatriclc la well known to tin cjrctore of kinsban hr hai faithfully serve ihom in whaltver oaricily ho haa hfea placed uo hoo not ihniiik from iho prkvrti- anca of itto moat dlaarteeame nml harrauing dull when the inlareat and wtuhro oflhv crrornumly ncjsj ml aenicei uion thn ctccianaenttfllly h hot ptrnij elsimi ft r their supporl lut psoullnrty 10 njwn lhe inh portion otlnemf ihtfotoaiiwiiourihttniu hloa thalr witiicei mr kukpanltk iitt ufa tre will known aor it uny atiibtil toiayihil biceuii ttvo otlho caadlditoura curusirvitwr itial ihi pmaanl mmuf ouyliito laiirtrmvtd ikctm a halt falo fisiiai to b a lcnurvidvi an we to ia u tlzaqx ot aonfntxav we have it from in liitnt authority that mr peter perry will offer hicnielf to the eleeton of lbs uniid counly a numerously signed reoei- ntion has been frritarded lotbe pirnoljcgen- tleman fo which a favorable aaiwer baa been received frriiac an address from tmh b marks esq to ihe efector of thai cuun- ly appear in this days british rtv f- tie reform caadidila mr kenneth mckcniie has come out with his address lo ihe electors of kingiloo explaining hi ieu- liments on iolitics and thins in general ia two columns and a half of cjosely rarintad matter we will endeavor to male somo eommenlson it in our next byron lays 1 1 1 u a kiss strength i think it must be reckoned by its length if we are to judge of mr mckeniiei ad- drrs by tbis evccllcnt ruu it oust he a moat jowcrful one f post orvicc nonce the next mail for rtland will be closed it the kingston post oiuee lb- day satufday the 4lh dee at 5 oclock p hi ll 1 a irtiielidy i 1 t oeeoned loneid ihe cittj rf t l tuesday evoirr the amain hard mm dv beou ditnmtled and ib ml vyuhrf kidrfr hltamn ivvirdaiibip hrerer ilwdrsl firet thiileen venll isfaajrsraaui tk int fc hrunn stiihhhl mmbrv linpeedin her nt frit ntinuk ell iirestimril iietn ibn mcamer and lsw nkint wr klu hri ibc radwlj jumped yeiird aim h inl ally aji in iem r tbeo mmute ire liil irjmbaieieisyeeania fnhi flsashauee- the r r lar iva frud la li r iiiauirs ukdril u waa nn at hwl tttit in vain hfr waa rhinet ii had bee titasot lte it lb emrfd urd iao asencv tim ajenta aie mhi-irimt- aeiits trade ele ub reieelrd by theel itie fami i lrih ilrin r and bfrbly 4t mniu llrrun i inld iulhutriro- i llw 5jtd bttaa4t itretjrd i rauj l h 1iaaedt thea laiapee mr wu ten 1 al 1 hi fjuwy emfwt eifi ntri1 nt lffcj- ih r aimer nee ihi bate if n m hia ilradi lamtii tba p wan tm ifi inuk neat ihe flriflk- i eibdh in iv of i sf dif iin iss p nf ilfmso y id tn 1 nf eatlh luduesl e his tyeah tvlrt11 amisil infant death ho wai ns1 tht if i yiaidnd hnd 1enfuie years us ibs eniliy verheireridnd1 death irturaet la ia prn nf af nii mr wiiet rmhd jph l- l and h- i t- t la twniii a ll 7un rrutieihj he mi da itw inni in the lima m wu nratlh autertea nf lliastar ifter wujinf atl w tbo rwrieir ffihria t thr liisr imsuj lui kaia tsj rltwii v 1 1 fnwkanhuit vlf no ibat hit lltsnatd tlajilea mllnwasf llnnsiffia coim luw lltnleih- relii ve i- tei k ijwlv la laa iiteinnnnl j ih itaswrsi ibe rfaial frsjf- iimtjnna that ll tuelbney lo il a ri utr 1iuet howf cirtlavj s it id ttirehtwt r- huoawustin hat 1- the latealhal imilhha ba eloerr iwrldaj fl h llioeouue tn k titmied wllb mf u dl lit1 thai it limimit titholitn tktlf ii 10t tn her eruieinenee with mn lat da wnltn whleh van tsmw iho jraaflsfcfjf t lilil rofittv tkt iv11m f ath

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