t tatea pbjm mexico ttr jvttrrtrrf thrcith annonec iha itttvjl ihrsllamel alatimi which left vera cmr en ihr llv with talc fm the ear t fie sih trhrb ice five jay hiicr tne new w tnterrttvnr ant jmiohanf 5tj cn quitman grit shield rotate i ilirney carland andrew morgan ramcy and burnett t major lkemm aal jiruu porter and sweuynf the new wk volun teer with paxseu midshipman huter and feorr vamtini kcndal united in the la- bamoi abo numerous other srjflaut ottici mai gen juilmau leave mexico under ccder from ti scott tlai lri tuuch rfi- tincuuheu n4 raosrenvcrrm officer imtfi to the united stal aj report pertouallv ff by letter j the war drrtarirnon 1faat slrrcr w rfoifiufffl n permanent injiajultwi of h division ha teen awirde4s him 4ml tttt b- yt of hi reftim i to aeew ihts- f ntan hill corn anr m rio frio cck jpnrv af pucipm had been arrive in r itrg ciiihe haunts of ibe eincrill there h liven but little annoysuee sities lie aitn jin ontu and atwo- k hvpihlicann pomhj at the capital o be ieu aj that l uffiticol unfeber oj m m hr hid nirifcw 41 j j on the 14 vv comber for l tic tnr of huiiiis a 1itir fiun querela to tfsfcc announce thai courre bad nrauiu j 0 the il kv4fcirn f ni l i m 1 il ridy a deputy fon iimhjvum f ren seleeii prrdcm ami frftm ii jo maria ifornand a jnty fiom 1 a mcer frntti 30 krlih irenilernao in vri red at the nufll sth novebcr mji thjl atl1oixti 0iiclconeljrae i fell tbe oc r pieftidcut anj vcc iv- m m anj i it t i rh rrr hit cvjrflh rf abi vrih fre crrtel pndeifl of v f pfc rcwlilic iir 1 of hrrtr or fc j pcim xt bjpli f ucncia ui5 jvme y an flrtui will ecive a immin eif vtrfr fir rei4eol erf interim itkilvothm jwir vlttecn ilerrera jjifinlc gfiq3ejel1 roto f it ivu rporm ifiumcbm bu ocncml l n r haj jhutht f lniiliviit g ilea iicai pupjjj j i t rriit j frn frjrttv adwd uftf it nhfewhca ac friin -p-m- inrrurfh v- ton lmtrno iumh iy vy i int ol up tir poema on hr nth e- ctimjwolk wd mr swuhe bearer the ipoil cm jm jnau bh eomfitionemogentwroo u cnnrmc ti lt isfd1hit j4aubt cooc tok3td l 1 h ir jiihr trrievh at vri cto on tke i7ib inj received w miliun hnur fton soqoto 3lo0 tcoepe ariivel tbcreofilhe i7lh ftd 16jh geo dwalrt liurtb lo ibc catol in a fortnight pith oxw whatw lettof be jfthtai cf wo quit faa aj ibe eioitat bad wen ihovcnnm ttilh the diabionaof geowtharitrn ihc penoivuatiia and new yockcojutteut with the former nfi i- iiire it looieo of the wlcrc- anoule of santa noa many heievr he tcrhed neir vera croir wailing an opw 1ioil tj aim off io a british steamer the arco trie nf the 2cmh ttr th lie iaf if rived at oizabi witb liftern htfnjrei ixc follower but girea no hiota of hi fmuce laweencnla tne ameriraji slar puhlubed at the eaui- s lb tt lhit eomaiuoalijn or hr trit ha been icceivcd from queicujo 1 fhe bttbtance bad rwt f tbr pscarnae of lb 45rh received bv onr retiod rxptertjs that a natrooil alnte ra brc4 on tha previooidae at new orient ft fjnmroftteam fmaam wl jw4ew othr jimcbej ofcua the ftcnltm of liberty hat stopped ilsedt tioo and it editor 11 in picion a terolotton bat broken out at cuadjlavata in favor of the election of farias to the prt- leacy a moaiisery cctoiam ented between ma iroo and a iiioj headed by peinfak jr ihe ar lion general ampiijia noil manv ott e ff ofl f r ia pjrty were killm the irrhfjv x ti pancjf at io4 hta noenlv thoganimn at mzatlan stme of ibc me fleam hareilill an unjncnchabe hatred tevtno americana and ewtf 00 jciiic for ree ht wiein conejeti at qphrvtenl hni rratrd t moitlia to be rid of the oailury bjwhirh it 11 ororawed cena- rae an4 snta anoa with a brigade asatorttaha utendin 6 allaclc the rct io 1o tally the otd army in hi bear and ibe tatter exertion 1irelc to prevent the gor- troment fmoi ilwnz anv thing at all the election uf ptvjfdh b been pht- pooed when iicoioroo cop1tlo will likr- ly u the camlijate of the vwo and of the medentr i think it will by between iv- nmypeoaciodeyandleroandrz ajmotite whi uooi nfominrnt a abort time mdct being 91 the present apporrntly drepied sunta anna ha wiitten anothef amreialn lrr mvac4n foro tedmeao j an i altbnj1 ur hi brf o a er by the coos ranbt himtelf eeoerahincsieroflhe army the remain of the mexican army are acat teted about in imah bdiet where ihey can be most easily ptvpfoftedi not mov i baa 500 at any one point fiotn tehaitran j and iftboftlh ifftplelrtrewj vflijoii jujj iijcl frtriiiefit r rfl f r ff at pneidenl cd i ana ivasiilkkton roltrfrnnrnce of the honrreal herald jlimxcroxnnr c7 isi7 on m- iriy week contr will meet am mr 9 m the whir ire in a clear maprcey in lb lloit of bciweniatife ylat body will injtkc a mnl thofongb ivemjt intoju ibe cwv kin eifciithrce ajf this war it vir tntcrttt they witf cnrrjuv fi be tlhir jufy la pr it to h fej heyord fhjecoe orcein lhefcioitv wxawal 3cwir j vpmipmip ha entiqnerefan audba afrrearbfrfijpfd men in hi command caxvatu wu encomntrrh near the capital j a mall americao jojee and defeated witli aomeloaa conejjiondcnceof tfie nodelta ctttor uftxicotnov6 1617 we tre all a a perfect gl and t aftvl iont t0-aiiia- the diaovttrdvol oar cvernnenl tw city b oiars mnrt quid than it but even for many year imjrcc it i an well trrtialrd a any city in any clfjry the cmly dlfficolttei ocenrrinf are cao5ed by ai tjaionat drunken nmier filinj in with the fcpeeat at nihl winch nwulfy result in the fltputimtion of the atrfer many of ibe familin who left ilum ihr nr t nnw rehanarajjto their homea the wonrded are acoreriaand the ipneral health of the army ft aod day before yeiterda ihe arcjjhb- b paid a itil l- jn scolk he wa r- eeieed with marbeo ifinc1inn by the tleoe ramnchief nl i hnntd not he mrptiartj if the general attakitiiyaaey aiyteofcon- iiajon jilaaaed hjni tl itailor tie botqcnt it ia atoolotely imnnibk 10 cokjeclnre wbat coamethe pnlitic ol hi conntiy wilj uto- the discordant faction are hnin jmvoni leitihr mher honttfeoociuik a vcitr and he left in poeee thetflaoral f bate been endcaeoiin- foe many yejr to break down ihe pirileed ejtahliih- merrta of the ehoreh v niilitary and are novr iftnf to acceeapikh their nhject thronefi for that eeaion ihrj are atrtviog o ficlotit he twa and prevent by apwiiu the aoccu of oiifoeo and anarchy the present paily ia power fram takinr any meatnre ihbf max ejloapeaeejuno d ui de la km wimilcr of foreign rclatino hat callrjlil neelioj of u jot eioev of lite h stntevi forlnepnrpnofwyin whether thy arc tofttvrof pfelonriu the war nd if ihy are- thai tbry ahatl tevdar themelrea lo lur- ntatsrnrceu mm and tnpfdie to wore- ccte it the meiui wa intended t have lafceo plate ime time lh month uil in olpaionf ilme of h ovemat of jnavral sutea bate tiiitedtbc 1 1 nimni at qaereuro and returned to l lnnes tnhmar ctie aaeaorea in umx of ibrir jveaewl cvernment u are evidently dei- roan of canelajinj a mi p rojrtvo ihe 9i9m pat of iaamev ofoctvner3laaya haa been fcd 1l ihe ivrr uodi making a rerrcaatfrn to tha dflcrrut townt of the rkate fcvr ac pwpme of making eneeche to wbkhltexc ha already com- na40 the bahot of cqfo- jju i coveinmeot of pna 9nmannleoaabia drfennntrio to rive 4avwnm ainwi lat sma ut vra i i t endc ormllar oeybjnafijm ct y uli pieaeot ptffy in pwr wnnld fce iaican enriy lie old ery ahhit tnft dii1ipe infen- m pnl ihe one de itmltjend mr the win he conerlre it cote ind mke it a olui eo ihe amcriran peoho miolhv red of ihe eivilixol onirtd wcahall heat fjon ttie dtmooiu a vail dral about paliinttani u iiaiioaat honor ma- icanpeifidy anf the bke t will be for ihi- whit to trar away the fliiy veil trnm the frevof thee btmnr anl prnvethat the patriotism of mw modern ierrtcr4ey real ty mean iapacitvlhat tbeir honor oc l6n- ne aiiil ibeit pnbfic faitbu mo heller iban mexican ierfi tbc lion to pnl ihe one de mrnitpmoee on henibenff a tnifac in meieo hat been nt- tivctlrn ome qujf rten tbn trulh ht rurofir but f4ienialy fiance ami 1 england bevv hceu uotoe u their pledge in regard to alex- leo lid aberdeen and opeoially m gtftol aid loo much to be enlielylnvajollen ft 1k eirlv dr4ttrnilthe1ndeieiidence nd integrity of trul repitwrv t rl nr that both ovefomenta hare ti itjlurnce by ihe manner in whkh ihev have d jjed their t ppntrbilirv l ft ins ciloema wtom now ai iiiia u prile jifr aiirkamtn nt rz bnjiy may do with hi and jooier oeiihhdf prellv mnrb a he win ctfba ino vtrhripcreif about wehesr that a i trio be taffrfln ftavana which moarvojte njnbtridw elttdixuiioo of ihuulind wttfl the suauiih crown and l anaiviilion to the fttited sirica jurl trvaaid torn mkaerihetl t iinort tu firil itnye if more ia wanted it can lie jiaj the ruij gr t t- i i j i interfere to prevent ihe publication and i lipiil1 no or at all ujtprtfri if mr lolk 1 1 nil a 71 lb profecl the cjilor in the perrnmance of h funcribn len cot fremontv trial drapinr iu lo lenjcui aunf u it hard o aay who ar the yacoca ihit arc aeally under tfial in ibi mailer somrlinte it look- like cwmnaw stockton then gent kfmj then the ittt ivr mam ictnofft oovhelin for talrareof envptcimi her imut iitstrncl n at to the eniavio the ive the preference to pei5tn wuhiinjc ti cibtjinlhrir pic kihjbttcj mty proenro thetn by jpplyinal ih otfice vrl in anch fmc it i n4ul to pry one year in adeaccv cor- tin oreaoful 5teamd0a collision oaa nimri 4fj tmiarv aavaa lnrrereau- ar ituaaua ntxi- from uesrv zaiiij aca the steamer xvci 7irfrojn tip hit mniik- iiarffwi bclowbiinxiutcpjraieiecc of the lotaiof iheleamrr tvaaton and the lice of fthfljvtcnaellmaavaal nw mtrfy oa o wcagftt the lutoea wf fiom nilp1lflh ana junxl jr ihifl tdj with heavy co of mercbandittf d nearlljrtedvtntd rtvs hf c4me irf volfrtwri rvh life jtrlnter tvflif botntd dowm by irhicii eccden difrtfunfc- a-ft- ifliim jit hojjtoaiie af the lifoc of tkcaccident wa crofting the main channel of the rivr fn the missouri hore the entpnn ofthv 7vet- prj were stopped but uotro liajclo avoid a colli ioo there were ocne one ffnonven alio fifty deck paoiejeh on6onjtbe torfawrfall of irr in h xccboatarfiiifjecl to- liatlpffjjtanvjmi aara r t- xromnji wccjatlninhjat ore jkmtarrajaii paaeneeri lo5t jvnc of hr officr are mining- tlie jiniyf recved nlafitjr and the pfitenara who came np on the tnry lirrrwtt ay thai no blame each allacnrd to her ofheer she rvmqjoed by uir wreck of mktjindlsrs and tlls be question tlw ijniteraifj qoeaiion ha aain became a topic of diciiinn hy a poitino of tbr f in coneqneev j the adojuion by the special tomrnilic of ne yyjeyan flethodit con- feren of ft pajfitinai to hnh liee of iav liament i rvur of fl ifilf jnlrndbeeil during the fat eioi cf parliament by the lljn the receiver snlnrnli the probihility that ii measure will re eeivelhe apfoval of the lare majority of a targe denominalioimomron io onmheraiid in influence a ihe ivwejan melhhlith ha created uo link aunn in the brau of iboc who teaid mr rjuwiii tcbemi u ihe ne ultra of educational legislation and they altct in cnnijer hi naiinenl of the conference remmiilreat fiartakin mote wf a priy tditical chararier thn a directejl ojly to the etleifactory seltlecoroi of tbc universilv unettion dot thu 1 the beercsl ajtcclation the imlct inodicuo o catinoyft arnsc wvuju leach bee ojjectiint hut tmtibodii have in jnlcnm in hie dipoiiioti of the unitrtmty lofrlion hr lie receiver onern i bill more hntreefutthananyof thecooafovfation which fnflnence taditical parlien- aeeue them of ihfahnra if ynn will aecntefhrhi of a rte- tirolo edncarc their rnnth in their own man ner and unrter the direet inneneet of their own reliejiii yiem yon bnicliirc then mithe obtr had hfllfa an uowillinv- in iirld hpvn inmitnliin which wm- have fnnnj- icd and mitatned i the mil of dilecltir on onuie oiheof a jcdon cue that their ehttmi will iv j ik 10 the path which they tjkmctve have trod mt cannot ee with what jistiee tbe who ijrkih hr vdueiinnof the caiitinc charter nf kinea collece who ikinl upon ihe din intion nf ihe nmtv nf that intitattoriao throw n tone ai the methoifjla became they prefer a distribution which will materially hctve hie ntrein their enoimiinion to a ijoeftioname attetn to etlamnn another ereil rcntul tchotd of feamin in lh ptec ys ihe to iwe nried to apoliatfon in ibc it of rival rcstfinnifctje t viploiiaculoa ha hibfo received hut 300 cr aititim a pihicaid hip iijrihti- lion proceed under the- recivrr gentaps billttmtncreaac ihw raot ioatl590 in aunpoilioii advance ihe clliciency or the in7 uanlammama4l paiaaina of iu mulliahinejil adl to hi the facithatjbc collecc hutuinc at pnhur will yh he aeatlble that it will l jm necetnary fjmake any new demand wpon iheoyeilionroj the denoanijution for the breeiion ol oew huihlin at toionlo and heve are nrily pntntd reacnv mrflcient fi the s jon t ion of tbc petition to which we ha adverted wjh-i- 11 1 hj party political conjdiration to nirhv jjieae iucejilivci ate however a claimed jhyikcdommitleepaitvly denotninalionaf and fwrlhyrlv perfain to the methodists them ereoni bot rhere arre other ttmjhlmlrnm niujcu imporlailt ta them in jheiacanacillr aimcmbera nf the naduivsdy politic 1w proposed jncreaied facililica or eleineol- aiw nd it wc may 10 tenn the establishment of district rrimmar sehofl domestic educa lion can hardly have a les degree of influence in deiemjinme their eoorae and it ia hv ia4 ktfljft of the hu which we are per tnaded will recommend it 10 the aapmil of the ureal ma of ihe people for they arc qihcii rnnrr coiicerned in itrocntine within each district art ay aceea nv ihctt children to tbr mranaof a snbatantral edneation than in biiiidog p i toronto uo great public in- sttiniion we annex a copy nf thepelitioo lo which reteientehaa been made to ac on ac common mb tic 0 jhtda tile petition of the cmiference special cmn- x niiiee of the wcseeyan melhnjbt church in canada t 5ntemir trial your pelitlonets witnesrd with watiiaion the introduction of cerlio bills in it it may he a we1r iwwcve t rdt serve thflt white the 0ponen ot he um- rerxity rail ot the preint heme at cumnr for m rpldwrnn that the latter on t wbkh the ewcpliin4 will ik convent upon ony termt their detcnninatn lavin been and still remaining n ereel conn- dent nl the time thdl tie mcanrc was btotlffat forward to wilhdr4w fnv the uni- eeraiiy i y ratwr than bnivej up iviii the discordant elr menl ha mtd lhu inevitably have been junifvl coherer to rhe altckravin or oerv peofpeel cnfreted with ihe university j v- m eotinran tn harp nioii ihe comparative eccllve of tr paldwinn lfil may find it a we perhap to reflect nwn ifik for th jrces ir kin college to be wots cnrtl the sterlinjrtalenr of the kpcoliarwy mh retain it milinn in ihe etahian1 ll ihe memwr of that holy he one and f r- ctlcojitrajnd tn withdraw arftfoin that hmr the decrees will pa enrrei 1 ahu ihe su9 value a uiat whiel akuneci in lhc which areeonfrrc4 uvlmlu wiuj jji the united slate- if tia dewia- jr then of cntrve wc hive nnlh t fmlhr tn mry npon the uhject qvt fjft however is poiiy well knnwnr iwr ihpcftl of illilny withmit inteferin with r elic ptejndicee of any onethe cuhvc wt tvelh shonm iatiiky dieontenl a ambition cnvnhinednrottrtoatelv stieceed rwiuwn h it tlie rnnnlry witt at lent irjy fl h- fantae of hnowjuaj who to 1liank t ailatorwho the nnj willi t pfoiuiic in it maturity coniinrf to throw rvtty nhsjaclr in the way of advance ment in the hope of ntnderlntr ivwje ed hv that means envctnalli ernhins it i it ii imiry iftimltm caztlte the ijifaud boatajitl tnfc olf her tvrricini ij wfl 3 rt them to caue virnr eao from whence wnse lorty rrircd hl t us the mlml the tovrtmoavvn areiveah w fcom hcawever thmt ihe lopk imj ijv o fcc boat have heen faced bot axwwjlill winiilf if ot quite a ssk fofiltoix 5thri n ssita iliiccbrimian ifncijdc of iher narcnu mrtiftizi ffroftpssaeirtthhmr 5 9ftk sisssss into the uotijtc of aembly dunnc the late seion of ihe proviikial lxittiire with a vew to the sflriement upon cbfulian and eeuifahleprrncipte of ihe important md tonp- nudinttjniverily onestion 4 thauyoui petitioner re tret led to learn aftcrivarda that the faither conaidtration of that que ml on wa postponed until another scwnn of ihe lrlma1ure tliat ymir peiitioners believe the bilb above referred in provije roe the settlement of that tt irihs ted qnestion upon more equi table and cjiriatian piiiciplpa and iu a man ner more extensively benericial to the general iiitcrc of nil claci of our country hpi- ltin than any which has yd wen ulmitud lelatnnr including a pruvhwan fot tire acattcmi- cdl joi jmhiiimj 1 irnii of yooth in very ljjttrvctin upper caada ako pro- idinfor the hifjher educating of youth upon tug cnllrhrl of srni7 and th k colleo r qiestllw jlcni or svxon j4frt sv- tnatlhe sytincl fecliu therl ctain nf ihe rwvierian church of ejection with the churcii trf tcollaod in lure in ibe j r and- the pnbltc endowment nf km othrer have on prevkm oceasionf npee u afproval of the nnion scheme w l hcrworfr ha not omaied that which ihey ihinfc it wi entitf j a their jnf claim still remain iw claim which ihey can never coiiw svthc synod declare that thff wlu lher countenance 0 any dtvkf which shall ptovide for theii cjw v ucinciit in ao ut a their twtjfw kacomdnrabicextoiit providiid univernly liil inttodnctd inlo f ll ofjariiamem approve of the di a e vvii r i a ute cvidcice rf our majati bark to n tto of things that hirl worked kidl in former times and that had wctl inirerally condemned i would le practically renouncing the very etence of rnponsible vjovcrnmcnt we are nnt huppy lo have it in our power to elate thai hee tateheniniii ewe entirely croimdle trie new civil f r act ha not as yh been pnhlihed hl xe have inaje mtimiry in jh- proier quarter and have much pd asure in tatm thatxhc elauc u ic nqiirintti- recommendation of the gove 1 nor in council all money pl wfna nin voth by the ole of aiemmy altho repealed hy the imperial parliament frm the rnu clhiihrvti recnavtedhy ihe provin- rlil parti4irenl in th new civil iut act and tb- ruauironrtoi nndcr the latter act is a rtfe1nal ai1 was under ihe former the rrtpnombilily of all money ipant will there- lore kui tetf with the ltecutive government and no money rutccm be maile hy the tcci- lnic aarujtdy nmm aral recommended by the ovord4r in qouncilra woxl saluiaiu ehrtk ti liferent rockier cnlilure whtcn we t wh never lc diiieos d with cofonisf with mich mooitteminn a rnny awlllwjt rve to petilnm the different hriftv iilaiute- ihmt 5itch meaiuri adnnied sv them a hall he b 5 f aiifr tlc claims of the preshrteirvl of canada in connect with 0 r scotland to secure anejoiumc this ij- question and put j r aonrce of most uuhafpy dltscon a tecotjimenii to the jferirteri aia tionjt if they aeo meot to petition f latore lo thr anoeffcci kibctjonekii1kg ixtlli6kccr tumtf rimsto or yoax mr mvro ha jini relumed fron a tour through the third rimin- ef vorlc wc undertund he hu been decidedly succofful iu bi canvaa ind has received too many amavcca ocnp tl to make him u any wiy doubtful a to thtr jrtili of the apptoachmq election coosry or ilvnoy onr accounts trym ihisemuiiy fully eoeroboraiv the jtalcmrtit of the iri i rji u that tmr jobu call de ives lu run lor the county in oputvatinn to mr cu 1v ie vny we j m- 10 f nr- nct ije tnitnke imintrd mil hy onr emlerrk lanrajry in repaid to mr thoma gait hein candidate wc hope ihat no harm ha been dore oc wrath inrnrrej mrjthl cau has pckiej a notice at the tnt oce at ccdericb and in other places cautioninat the voter not to dedo iliru- elffrailil they know who i coming for xvard me aln tlarlrl far port saniia lo eoe air y cameron trho he earpects will advance the needful lo procure st qualtfi- cation mr cameron hw extensively pro- mulptrd a prin ed notice hayini potted ami circulated it alin the london road of a ra ther c inordinary irte it it a violent aeal loathe rolijpoiis fccliuc and prcji- dicca of the scotch sefllere and oilier call- l14 u0n ihem to protect f ihe goveinur general aainit his proanl minialers and tunc that hi rklfncywlbrowhimrtf upon tbrm for aoiraoee to get rid of ihean c lc the cunard ltnk of stt thi enterprising enanraanv lm cli of enormous power in kmtt f t they ate hoatgwlr hy tmffi or whom berona to our x nesp andlliey are heln fitted ti with encnes hy menjarier ictd fomidrief tto naniea of ibc v man the euroticada kfflfls- andthe athiioo the mb already reaebej cusapw im irownroernirrrreietooj 1 h wr iim 1 1 ti r 1 sej- sauf hiv m er caujioaapillcfcawt ffdfifaan jjw jpt fi acroej who were on jerk and fourteen hfrtic tlie concern attov 5 arffflrftecfttnof rrfelnkcniteirrrer arnenrtonwtn ri j ljlllftacfilnn wolhar wl t ijtru i r lhaamrtvfralk boat jlk iji ai ljjr i iul r 1r vmrm u- owrroaro and were rescued wi i h dtlcuiiv many male paerterfhrevi and nrwifa oeeihaard to which ihey don until nuetoed ve have much ca3ue iu directing pitbuc hrtltawto the acconanjne annnqneemrni wel ae copy avnm the n v- alwon of wn 2vah- the albion is 4teriiia jonroauandrrjcmt ciiuhvonrahfe w valandjicilrtpiolfoml6ccuide ofca- j tfaiox iruasfi foutwe eirkc hh wjtm roaafot yiourtt 27 w hamncr aanoonce ihat the plate lc iiwjajrrialr l cnujoi- ycav umt o pwick4bel7aiitji lc catjtolof vihielhn tiincjalbeftftofilte iraweiae a the qtciv ym nii iviiar atftvtcaajrya mime uenned ah ru companion vnftte in this mauet we bv enucmmiitcd lo otoply rtb a ma j i wiji naiesy n unifor mity iff ome of nut enjiavine thij osjecl i nma tntly attained in recpect to the print of hevrfiyanr1urherniyhcoocnl and the pairwfll when framed form ahueavnin menla tnny parlour or iraihf ine uith arc caeeutvd ly sadd inuhe hihcjit pcrfecv jflf he art of mejuoiio enavinq prince albtrtbein- of the sime txe as flic quern rnrajutrea 31 j inches ivy 32 l and fr if jorjreaiitrmore dalhinm inretye pmfffh llu royal ltirme0 arear in tun inrmotn fm nlarhl f gxot biibhl bubursc iaheld by a rpaui of iim llih ajvar if vhirli refjrncal the prince icol- ftort ubile the ivatejl and fatcrinent of itinnvor cattle appear in the back rrnnnd lhv4uh education irarin a fair portici of tbe uniyemity iwpaujt wcoltets which religious pvr- hiajio may hereafter establish as wallas otfivin needful andbenehcial aiancc to lhoe ntready established that during that period of ihe education of youth when titer are nccenarily separated finriliie irtontajtir arid public worship nf lh4f own homes provision ahnold be made for tbe proper care of their moral and reltgicxu liwliticlnm aa well a secular learning and f 1 1 my antciti of edntalion which divots lhpanlhnritie of a cotlecc and the cottnu of inilviiction of ihoattiibthcs aud character of chrulianity nut be n source of unspeakable evil ioktcad of 000 that wliuc your petitioners concur in the general prnviiiont of the university rjill they nre of opinion that a dfcpmrortionabiy mall anm proposed in he granted to the collect of tlu ea4nyan melhndht chun a bqdy whoae early and widely extonde ia hour in l canadawhoc number and cmenuve usefntna and ceat exertions to prnmnte edneation place them second to no relitfinu ntauainn in wvvlern canada 4t with theion of their opinion of the proviioii of the university rijb your petitioner eatnruly piay vnur lvaawible llmic in consider ihe jki claims and wishes af tharfpart ofth eipnlation reliriouty b4eft- i pre 1 wttty iwir church and to pat the uni- vfejly bilk with such modifications in simc nf their dytaila as will levqnitamc to the dr liiou jh rjuiaa- and neiiellclal lo the gen eral educational inlerctjj of upper canada amlyoor pel l ton era of in duly hound p will ever pray rtrrfiyornvr ond m wa 0 ihe con crtavr spvm commilte u jhitjticner i p co-tcoi- tm m cil sandekson scvery toronto oclobcr sh 1317 the cnrnfii np fnciand axd the coijkckquesrion p tt v r i wi c f hevesleyan tt whatever lytbey rt i lamtwrc kaomlu cnnfetkc pt be aaa f fctiv ay ttmt al uil fhy araioeerina nf ivn n wimb aatetleal n che 14 a aa uanauu t ua 1i fwsmaemioalaai krriwiwentfaet rnf fofnvevaunfi 4 ti man4j iga urt a thn prince to ho a hamwn youiuj man of enojl three arfnurini1 twenty the other ptatnlhe conim at ffiimlhaj f i mvaxoiiot il iaa rery bctiu- tiiuland stuhio hclur give o vivid o rypreaenution of ihe reality at n trifce fcry orwrrver the nropritlor ha icteat pleanre in jiretrnitn thr rnrarin to the aojefiean portion of liar teaovre u ilmcrilier 10 ite aum foi ihe yvi i8w il havu the riuuvuf eilhr tiblc and u w be uijcimooj that mty nc ulatr can be fiiien f each fears qlnadinji and ihat th- tuhicripraun imut be paid for one en- fcvfcaonvia new or tu who may prcror uh- ot hie fufaner pua may hive tint pi- vjejjenf elir f the hfcvlin- llj thecv irutfrvrtajfr ffphnlk o4 f iraavr anif n fne mnmit 9 beautiful mamnt for the dr iwiu ronrn ta- w eavrfainna ty mtwt pulaa uhu thtr hlj iitnuv wa ihalf tuum re tr iwja f onr t mte reolntions wcre pasfid n favor nf the unircnity bill inlmditevd hy the min- itey at ihe clove nf the uti csion of par- lmmenlfnr which the conference and dbmf particularly dr llichcy a chairman of it are rrttin ivyll ahuiyd in the onioai lion viumaala tii plan which diunbiltd the fcidnwinnt nrkint ccdlee en a certain ralcnl between the kicopsliaav the prv httrian ihe wealcyans and the itouan c- tm- o tied prnpwtion the fcaiduekin vl ajatt fof the rembiofn denomioatioih irltti in aeenmtitaiinf tln4viion lo prnpeetwr fovthacmuiirar acwl wa oreef fry ia ajtaaviaar ue fftc curcsa rvogr- wtour tbc akv of peaccaml with ihe vivw jf prhtfuj lhr finally at rel hut the ijeiterae int nf aitaliun eeinfc de- tarirfined n patent ihe aeeoidihnient nf wyntiretiti ha onwllllitf appateullv 10 rnu4ah theeechrmet tube produced annually by tbt revival of lullrr dicuaaiuu limn ihe aubjicl the ivund i14j1 hie nftpu itonejniy ju hatiwi hi ll lhal amy fui- clyde idjoiuina tbe laneefied ffi lta tiye an ida to thue who fi iren theae momtera of the drop jj 7 nnsaild the awrie irhidt tm mr swwdvfone dx and m hein fitted up with engine of tilt borc power- tlirough the kindness of jimr napier km we were favored witl a tho rough inspect toi wih or thi tcsflt anj of her engine which arc along with tlimnine of the other tlirve in course of preujalion iu the foundiies mentioned the america it unqurmionably amacnin- cenl yesel both as rtrd iae animrenimh she i built nf dirferent layer of rdarlfc which amomil to a fool in thickness and he lower pan after ihe fathion of whiter i at an ad- djltofial outide linjnif of plant ahut ihrce inches thick willi a full ctmpbmcnl of paencrs for whnn plciulid acconojalion i bein prepared alon wilh her enw he may carry about eiht hundred nrriou she is lherefie a tl 0atiu tnlhufv lhe fittti upi iu a aylc of rnariiilichuo never lieforc seen in the clyde the tothj are rwmy and eletjanlf the saloon jorrns anid the tarienrs netarteneals all eommnrtenj and elegant the tinlahtnjj it ccinheurrrfu1ly tone tlic vnnd ti of the btt qirimy the wurvaanhip r nn exc option ahrv an design of the whole interiur tfitift lo secure comtofl and convcotcncc to sisyter and crew j tf f t l 1 dut if ii is 0falhteto ve sonfeideaon ihe rcaef hie enicr irjffle der their magnitude and pierido upset mlkof ror- 1 meridea of enoneerihf tjreattte wiw the engines which have been or completely in the shade each ofihvc four veel i to have four boilers and eoh f ihtse boilers is ahuitl ssxlcen ffh on twelve fed kroad and welre feet 5 tliey arc built of the heat iron mod iwvvrork- manliip most masterjy awviwew 0j the enmea is most powerful andepjl the htce beam of malfeahjo iron of or twefily feet lonr d from eiahfvelye inches urick are- placed in the lathe torrt- ed with threne wilh which otr rrarirtt turned l ht rock ami rpfnrlle thec nf about nine feet in diameter nntj depth are bein scooped onl with nwoi will aoch ease a if they were ttiilflm hc entire machinery i hein made villt rt- aclet mathematical precinion and iwhtd in the cnot exqusile manner the detn of the encinen at ejcnfchows the perfeelinn lo whhrh ihe enterprf any haye carrd their hnaine tte hce a prtlicoinary meeting of elector wa ub- eaucnt1v tieto at codcrich iat weel mt sscriat mcdoavjjkaw a mtcr from ilr john uwynnc tendering lit aoryicea to thr elector to represent thim in parliacnrnt thebwaciftinrfjeai tponthc naeeunfthal mr geyona wauj cntitkd to their smppoia for hk ltvj himctfl rcvctine the haitroad epa- ciaiiy in ffmawwrri to malce ooderlchihr lermmns p ewtors howrver tni a deaf tr to ibwappcat and iftrr nr ipeecheanionjyhjch htr daniel lrmar cftrt of the pcaccad he wa r k lice all private tcelinjuo hjfftjutm4 ofjjujltc hy n jpprtinj mr inspector irncal caley ajr twyunc ptr was nromtuty cuectedanof a vote otlhanu aicoaiadonce wnich waa inoeal- by mr mobmvjuoei9 jur u he caley wa adopted ciroomr anee bare transpired idiieh lend uktorhe idea tbat wr malcolm cameron oiaf oir t refrcent the county himef mr calt bein only ihe cr-cyat- it is alco rumored that mr alexander mcdonald ofthcfirsnof blake m0rjon ovcn ncnt- in of t bo she off of the llnron dilrict i0 omc idea pf liyine hr luck or jhe counjy ueplrtmikwetm vwt tfy hioitiiicippocaihauck oanac qnalnted with tier frrahofder through having arent of the canada company at sirat- ford for rvta yforireviortttp cdterjngthr ffofetoiiof the law caitd fvctnica mdny advantages especialljca a violent sdffsrf eslri between thwy octw hin ha to 4 3ivkion c ihe prerxnt district iriln tve codfrich hci now the tisttjcl inwoimr cajcy coitctpc oocm lw anii 0mcjther matur barjnc allirdc ho gftuc xuii 1ti iu niclnu of his enc- cainii i 2 ihiis mi i idrrlf vc waut4wml i cj chi r 0 fm tactksof he rcfoera aociaiton ana to cni docc cflndidatntoonvcroothe hnron coanj tywho may ptelc rid fohavc any change of iuctes and ihefl los aoat wvfectn heheliitjtrted pate neilbc fnwy rvdr pajfristo clfect mr caleyvddcai mie jli s recrive1 agranrccoij c- jjie t luccctt jmw of the atairqljwwt vaiiicc- pf lie jufortp anoaiictobit iiomttfuliil ptotrabiuly 04 bcinv tealitasd u- 1 1 lwi n tf conxurnttfnonrhrtatiecmtfn the rfdirrfw of sofcmom ytlhr5ej tn c errtdttcornrrijieert lufrl inhmtlr fact oftvtr cfiwes waj jj cd 6 lhet6nsevaavr fiii to irgok tat sjjpp ju e rtvntij px bjlweei hir 5ollcilof avtpl odirovlfftoulj- 6tjs co mrcuealev basuoce iaynmx9i r cameron aodwjl we no4t teo declaim every r inner this art of mr ctwraicy is only what wcwonld etpectfrocn him w we think never to c furcoilonby eevwe r e at ieesjtrae rally the klfcfonwite note tn make chnice hlwecft mr- cameron- and dr medonabl they havenow 1 fairfieu placed before iftccn on which toeverciae their beam are fitted into each other so f vt the heenet eye lo deled ihe joint bren in lite mntt difflcnll cliryea where ceejr are fillad in the jtfininofei jicrfev part finiehcrt are nlihed in the hw w and ihe ensmea when completed ft cha- intpr ihe world to competition tn vjw idea of ihe maxniiitdc or thr inachlf x w jlk nayalaie that the tfouhle emynorh if the relets i lobae adnulmoeiibi huilcra wul inaouiit lo nearly sax h ions the other vela hare nnl heenkr m the wni hm ihevare all fjnhehe thf rnjntm are ina forward tale ff iatlhernmpa in n able ha when 011 the line lhv will prpyc tft rc pipeline 0 auyoat for cjrfiauje cm venicoce a ueu as for afely 4utf nf ina lorwaril tale w233 npjny nil having nlrfieu w r hand we have ip tlfflrh f klive franchise net tmrrly political prinoi ifcsand their derjion mnet now be foafidrd nn hefe crnwaua dr nlcd hav been brnoht into the field by reformer and from hem doe be receive hi main support from which we juitifiahly avuntc dial he if one ofnevn actcji coriwrvu qbstrw oxfoao mr hiwfc vealoeateencnd in the leamet of the 19th nd ha no doubt arrived tie will of rourse lose no time in vleitint- hi former comtiturhu in oxforvi vvc have received a idler from one of hi friends in ihe coanlry who assures u that there not the ktkiiic1 doubt of hi kkctinn 0 t malicious fatehood of the loiics which wa not caplaincd till nfter the elec- imr ihe zt4 voters in a this votej aatinti him this will not h tbe cave at the ioiwhib election the people of zorra aje principally naernberaof lue pice churchy and it is impcu- sihltvlhai ihey wuld eoln otherwise than foe lurtr friend uo tn uto jarn cj om fjnrcsr up ard a pboclamation where s we have ihoitfthl al hy ami with the advice and ronient of oir tecu- live cuuocil of oaif province of canada to dissolve the present provincial pailia- itt of 0ir aid pmwnce which uncs im ruined lo the fourth day of january nnw neel chiming now kvowvelhal we do for that end puhuh thi our hnyal precla- maiinn and do hereby diaulvc the aid pm- vinrial parliament accordioly and ihe le- crvlatite courcjjor ind tbe kmciu cifi- avim i buresm of the ieifif1aiivo aweow hly aie drcbned from ihrir mretio and atteodanceon ihe said fourth day of january ow nest ensuing a proclamation whereas wc arc dcsitmi and resolved at soon as may be lo meet our people of our province of cmd- and lo have their advice in provincial pjrjauenl we do mavr known our royal will and pjeaanrciocalj a provin cial parliament and do firrther declare lhal hy the advice of our executive council we have litis day civei orders for issuing our writs in due frm for calliua provincial parliament in our said provioce whirl writai are hear date on ihostxth jay nf oft ccfreh instant and to he relnmahje n the twkntvr3urtu daroijanuarv next a proclamation know ye that we bein desirous aid rc- nlved t soon a may he to meet our people of our provioce nf canada 2ts tn have their advice in provincial parliament dn hereby hy and with the advirc of our executive conner of our said province summon anh call together ihe lei1ativc assembly irfian to our sard prnrincelo meel at 0r city of montreal sn ourairf provriice on monday the twentvrpukthuay of january nt then and thcie lo have conference add treaty wjfh the fireal men and lcgiilalivt council nf our aid province pnrion with the fearful cholera tho one earricj of i tentho otlwr ik hundred how thankful ought ho city therefore o be lo sec seventeen cnlteoajn armed wilh dearly bought experic ncc offer co rcocw foe another year the fatigue bf4 dancer of the past so warm do we feel on ibis subject that it is our heartily expressed conviction that some- thinic inorc ihau a silent cxprcsion of opinion al ihe ward polls i demanded of the town will these penllemen still remain in office andbifotc the elections some token some ex prcmton i ropular freliue should be exhibi ted toward ihew in order lo cheer them to a renewal of exertions in the cominjr year a vote of thanks at a public meeting might do but it ia in empty mode of expressing approha- iton a public dinner to the corporation to which all could contribute their mite would do a vast deal better let our fellow towns men pondcrupon this ptoposilinu let them fo in this instance as they won d be doicby lhemeves and ihe revolt will he that we shalitavcan early opportunity ofahcwmto the people of canada lhal ihe an habitants of eingitofl fully appreciate jhibfic scrricc- when tendtied with hcattineva and cood will tll canadian 30cie1t- rf tuesday evening a cntctin british whig oirer pr orfraa oiaav saturday december ll 1s47 1 he teclton writs ate in the hand of u10 returning officer mr sheriff cttvbtq officiate to ftoteriac f fftthrp vujj t lnox t addinlon and dr jtr1iou for kintou lhe anocniiialion day for fronic oac is the 17ih mil alivaurtno and thr polling daj for the sevent township on ihe afmsknl wth ti3bwh tlie nomina- lion day for lenox ac addiogloii hs not luscn dclerriiincd on hut tbat uf kington ia fixed foethelsnd instant no change h taherr place in the in trillion or sc4irpu of tbo various candida tea and none we believe in ihoacpf lho electors- wi tiie new of the arrival of i he motorola at noaton rrwhert nkintt on p wrgrnjvvfcn ttrurdi this sfeartler haifatlotfeier tri t than or dinar no jicws in yet been r cfivrdp thn stale lh marbeisaaaaorevcep n1 which it nearly the fmine at per ihe last awwfjtj mr wes esptex lo ovetuke tho britaaatv which mh l n un- ik v ll leart kintoo towfay ahoat nooii the pni lie shnntdbe much onkew in mr ware fij his laudably cnlfrfrc on i his occasion nurncrchis- ly attended wa held at the saloon of mr jojn belabor lo receive the rrort of the committee apjmintcd al a fnrmee oieetinjr todrafl a coniiilution for a society about tn be fotmcd catted be canadian society john r forsyth ecj was called tn the chair and mr ma swell stranfe appointed secretary- mr alexander campbell read the report and the constitution after soror unimportant alteration were made wan onanimouvly adopted the objects ff the society are threefold it to eneouraex i native talent 2ndly to reward action of merit and 3rdly to ccor the d is tressed thr foliowiiifj persona are cliabtc to become mrmhers yiy 1st native bom the municipal elections- the town is 10 excited wilh the approach ing parliamentary election that little alien lion isjid lo ihe oominuiiicipajcjions h is however hieh timefo betjinto ihiitk o itytjolutajtafirs irt jannafjv win hwfe ijjcoincbv rial helrrlcouwn xyj wj anreil liatl rcc gentlemen will retire ajiwiiatwabi jlbajjaj iv swj llriiish inject of evnry panadifns rjoxctiplion aflet thryc ear roioencc tn canada or after tbu purchase of 1te1l estate 3rd nalumlixcd critiah stibjeck of sevco years reidence theuuctiption yearly u boc dollar with the sine uni as u r tec the annual mcclinc for ibc election pf oilicc rearers is appointed fur i ho first tuday in december ctlic anniversary of thr lormation of the society and ih celv- btalion day u the mlh of june the festi val of st jidtn the baptist avhen the re- port was anoted ihe society tvurrwd itelf by all rtesowlmjiiiii iho cuit ilu lion aflo winch the fnikiwin olticcr wfc choscq oi mlnws vir 1 prthnvlit- the linn john mncaulay vicepresident john counter and j r ftvnyth kuure secreiaiy c j- macdonald bscja trcaxnrcr m l strange cm amlilnrae- mcssrll t a cwntmis nnd j a walher snrenti r a c robinson tbeelhrr with a committee of tcn includine the fullowinf name via mejaatf- a carop- hell p le-tiejb- lut w kiu mp l wilkiaso f llwwforaon and fonr others wheov names we cannot call lo reool flheftrm rim tprrarwcls nf ihemwofhciejv arc scry eboorin aud there cxst eveiy imbiulity ihat inavery short time itt m-rn- bcyx will include ahvmt every person of vavortbae awajlwev wtviv ivfnvti uzzlh tizil m 1 w wl 11u lata umy i dipenaeil hmja nvjlhrf novelty ot utility tttr ael nf ivm irla i pj crantine a civil list tn hr mtft- itr placeof the clcilfj mriferl hi j porial pntliamrnt nindr lle ihw act hax bern bit ly oinled in by tm qoeer rm extracts lhat outdared in amuc vincitl paper frmn iho rlouruart f w atacinlly ut the tinir the act p iv civil list was under duciaaiou iu thf jn it waa made tft appear ibot a conutfio of j now ael rominaj in fofer was tflr w the flrt plane by the imniia1 idjhamoiil nf certain elanse nf ihe union art- w them the clnilr whleh renuiicathal a inol cnntby iholcislallee aemhly m f tint bo rcrmnrnendrd hylha tvl rounil an xw wax frchu1 r p 1c iirn finj v iiiinn r- r r hi v in nuexlbit and the new piftiricin i et vva theieutian denlr4 hv rf wi this ajmeura iu lve given rise in la- ihin 111 ntii ipartrn ou henl l f winaitaiihinkdlhal hkmiu utaelirr l illumire f tbr trl punyiitlii a j intiivvld hr avtoin tranitrd o li unnv sirte wonlra naili hlmh anpnihlyt ttiihmi any ieehiirnnnd- tin kseinlke 1 wlllmui iho r belnf held lm ime for llioin ii- pout iiopb harbor the inhabitant of port h6pe sjie rtnloa to the condition of im iajboy a a ancclina r held at the oulno umtfw on lhe utt luo mlowmc resnlulinrur wer paed jlmei smith cx m p p irlbc chair mnvedbjt m p whitehead eneecond ex by gen ilaoman va and fesofre tht flik ifc hiriaf lahinc inlo enni derating ihe inulcriinf alate of fhe pott fote harbor sjird vtfharf deem il hihly imporunt to the nleeat- of the tawnvnefthe fhiptirny intc- estaof fa be 0laiio lhal some step- should he lowaid their jmprovenxrnt keejhia in vinw al the sum lime iho rtb uf ibc pronimocltholdcre mover by mr reamiah aeeonded hy mr qfiiilctii and rteanrw tlmt the mectlnarl of opinion that it will oc expedient fn memo rialle ihe onvenimenl in jliine he ffjm lurtyir and wharf movucd ll0 siockhomer- feci lliired lo paifwilb fbrjf infreil in the xiue moncb timiail crnnrani lojight nacode lo moved by mr- matwell areanded by mr metcalfe t ortd l6iofren that 11 fnrihyraurr nf thf nhjcf ihl meelm i of opinio lhal a cnmhaifire should he sftfaatnled fnaeeeiahi ffo jilncbkldrf whether ailul ot whtit teim inei ituiilj disirte nf tficir uiteirtl in the miduailxvftho wh4f ydlbalicaey u riiiilirr 4alawmwjl msuwiajpae ijit g- j j- hji1 nd ip oftojuolf inran la uay tieat amy najp 4 thwarwaiini- anl that j t vvtllinnjame inuh uavd hinill n kiishmh r m t ivhilehoal r una ii rrhjhr f nsntle lsrnha piahor mid r mrffweh riilrei lie erirlri tn net irtiend maninisifrfrhed meraberi wfl ajanyafcr evhlicv fti low ftifrfn 1 tnil il k ottr tfftwm c3lv welioa twaithey aia r th cjl yir hasbcert a ncrt trying tone an inlrovjxtie hii btifaf eif fte land anij ihe lata of ttte t irj coutciikt in conjenuencchave hecn ardooua io uve exreme jndecndeiitf lbe- haa- raaains dutie of thai poitroci fcefhtne the ronftl of l rjivij i ccmctt cambrnevavfn ucthcor ct corar ytr bfaffal swiththa a kttlo ocataacmjillnrtrtunc nannea totrars one wilhtuart94 majgs ihe started and wrelchcilnna of thryear paitrlfthtn otnsr ih- ri v aricrrif jl havcwnyniw wliffnalhralfiel in fe wiihvxo hope of rfward since ihcejciiaruce nf paatyeirahall idirht i hem hniriittlfc they had avertrtrsi fhe iharftrjw cjij gjntlttile of lhak cflflcnfa ihe evapcslat thxadfav of ihrii laborsv wtnoul open rcproaahra and calubanutine accnsav tiorts il woutd be more than thfcy would he wanjntrl in rtpcetin it muslhowevcr bt consoling to themselves and their famhiata know that wc portion of their fclfew towosmrn have nkva frflly ippeeelaled their services ind tlmt a hocdtsful proyi- drncc ha presented ihe vholo council it health when so many valoabo uvea bavn fallen aacnfrce lozeal and inlrssctjrlsty in ihe execution of ihrar almlet functions at uti lime idu year the town rung u4tb afttjry declamations from a nrt of ihe cltjp pre calling upon the elcclors u uri out a rreat majority of the members of the then exijtin- council because they were frlfhmen the natural tctntt of such 511 advises kilipic xeas ibe return by 4cchffa mat ion not only of all tha irishmen then if ihncocncau bniof the introdiiction of several other up lo the present time nnl 6nv word bu been written upon national dilinc- lion or cxtrd ncd the mull is tlvtt to bu tticptacoaof the three atrlcrmenxvho relic ofthrtr ovn seenrd he choice f iho eleetora ha falloo ipon mtsjrs j k foriylh f m hill and a k mclean not one of vrhooi if iu irishman na camest peratiaiiom have becvuseil more particularly with the first named jentlcmpn to induce them to serya lite city this important fact taken in con- nciion with that of u mhcrlonawl beina ihe fbvotrte candidnto to jiatfioinenury hoflort alioahow muchljle lrh characjor httlnca tuduccd cnslorofuse tiws to tv habitant nf iho ijudilao oalwbi rrrliins jvnptce on the snbjccl of iho faajapproachloe cholera- it should be read with deep kllentlnn in ivtiy tfil ami evety tenaon ate 11 applscibtn uj the inhabilanla of kintatun na to ihotu of l-ondon- should ihe cholera tench ktud and aalbi winch dieted event no l mm von lo rop it nr aiauredly will reach canada either thrnuf tjruee of ijrnali lh uiijlrj fstatea tho hiavty of the a4unlio i more lbtoneu with piaawnra tutn the aieppca rfnjoitii and mind aerttt which the pelilcnee la flat iorirajln tf ilia uvnvof fthi mtuiitlpal a fl ii a oft be ynar fil7 iravo hern tarrerc imw mneh sersret mv tlbtv uvth wtfui imw itui f bo iho m iflrlfww hie 4t ill- tptiualao mildajtialad uhiu put in cum ferthtjtrtihk wng nation allty jeiop wrote in vain if hi allegories were not meanlu illbstraiioru of hoirran character beyond ihe times iu which he lived it may bctdifyitig in rmirr- how far they exem plify he u of society al the present ddy the famc of the t9ljgm amoo the beosts thons not particularly adapted to ihe jf i will be found to answer the pur pose tolerably well aiid being familiar to every schoolbuy needs not lohe repealed at much fnjh thr ifion wilh great jcntmty condicemu in be he jrtjn making publicr cintfrssioihhe accuse himself of enorniol ciinehavinfc1illed mlhylirthatcnl sheep and mfri iii a case of nrccwrily made a ineal nf the sbrpherd rh fo who is ipfviinied father wlfjlw1l wilh mnch rivrty acknowledges that these in any other than a kijstt vroum have bceti ftiexpiahle crimes j out thai his majeily had certainly a light lo a few silly shee p and the shepherd too in case of necersty the jndment of ihe fov ia applauded the eiwrmiiii ol ihe superior auage re palliated or exened wilh the same clemency and mercy soch crime ire accounted too veniatp to deseive tbe name of flfjir v at last a poor penitent as ac- know1elrr that once patting hronglt ihe parson meadow he cropped a litlte of he ejrat lo salniy hi hunger hut i very sorrr for the misdemeanor qimi hoped j mope exclaimed ihefox with singular zeat what cant tho hope fori what et the par son vgrasa oh srileisel thi 1 hie auh stance of the fable and this the application tire englishman in kinelon and all over the earlh ajnnnaichof the forei huwm of htl dread and cheese hr roat reef and plum pjlinr lores h conntfy and hit country- men enakca no secret of hi nationality and aooiir than iaaop rmn particle of hia na lionajl prrjudicea would snrrender ins life thnuph ineaprahlc in any olhrr j a kin ihl is loo venial a crime in the eyes of the fathar confessor todcrvclhe name of an oovnce ahkolulhhi i granted lo hi mojrsty and hie itoya scriijdea el at rest the scotchman prefigured by the foa be soon and an excuse nuf prorliim hi own pat- don a iu ihe lah o iho lion u too venial to eawile iho ihger nf the goi and ihe cunninj- jrsuit pronounce hi own pntilonaooti aw on ecuse for himself but 0 x titmbttnj liirlimaiuast a liusjeiiiii look al ihe icen field of his 1 own native rin ihe recollection uf by- gone dyaleaj actoas his xvindcrlnjf mind i it innj- ami uncertain interval he iu iho ineaplnldn wlfuftune lo iemeink1 lhal lie mice had a cnnntiy too ami while under live momentary inoueiire nf hi inmislrou f rllntf vrasp hi coiinlryman haml t bn rust hm him llw nrxt inatinl d em of iialinnali- lyi snil ajiickly iwnkeni to n ene nf the mmrfut hltjf i meat a mouthful uf the rir- otvi jtam indfor hia flifrnnl olfrure in older i appeasr the taute mw cwr an tao die in nculuiii in whe1imnn ntedilven hj a yiriely iu nirunlaiwes fuuaj eieiy lllh nf ihe umhlj tvheri ihey aorfmld- na sn ininy iwliu ill a plfin i inteteatvd in the iiqlvelaiil on the to uutthl hn htlt imw ajierlrauf nlkiuiult n vspialilv nf kn wne inpimiik thr muni nl ill rloseo lulls in hatinony and re tee and unite in promoting the prosperity of ihrir adopted country as the most certain means of loquitin indcpend- enevan- prosperity for themaelvcr thi ic the description of nationality that brfili colo nial and if all rnuyrc inbscribed lo the roq- dilion il rrcjuare at would then be 1 crime to yiolat the compact if an enejiihman could make up his mind to are no difference between a roe and a shamrock a seolch- 0n between 1 shamrock ami a thi- tie be would be a narrow minded irish man who made the slightest dtstinclhstr its twecn emblem which constitute the pocv and dignity of 1 arat nation bot if the lion see no harm in detouriec tvtry animal that crosses hit path the h fojtin beatine olt a fat inoe or younc pnllet from some ril i u farm yard to bis drn i cannot perceive the jnstice of a poor harmtea assbein flayed alive forsnalchiot 1 fuoulh- ful of ifrasi foa the paron meadow mr usalf cucoc to an understandinglctcatl our nanovemindrd pnjudicos to lite winds let ut come loeether i men revived to do the best wc cm for out eonvmon conatry bot let no crafty reynard strike the measure no partial un i c suspend the msnce then if the irih exhibit niironility when tiie i ii and scotch no no such thins ihey otmd jupiter indeed ad biro 4 right to liflnfi have you heard it said master whi- that nn idea i abroad imnntf the proscribed for celtiunp an iruh paper in kiotston a fact have you hear j it spoken of that it is in contemplation to set np an iril bnk another fact tbee facta do not prove l lrih tobcthewuey fantftl io ihe world but ihey a hew that even a worm will tsarn on its tormentor some of the kingston pre continue lo name he- kirkpatrick n terms far loo reproachful for thai trick- ei ortalnre who scrapes a fiddto ilonj onr 4 reels oj what ia this due to but a want of union atrnona ho irithy could they hut keep together for three short summer 00 nian would dire to treat in ititin of bis rank and staivosn with mich milked emtnpt the britra toxp though evidently to psotectitie flic pirsoat meadow i the only journal tbit apeaw of tuaavwm jconi or respects united iho litsh would require neither atiafjoitatpnper nor a national bank if tbey would crop a tillle more of the parsons grua and not think it so ircil a crime a tbo fatlier cosvfeasoe lelu thecn they would wanl no artificial afda to make lhemelv e resprcted but tbva can not be while ihey retain tbsii mack olankrn irouivuiealladhcivcnesaonemomcnt nsasallend through ac atr liko the defu of thelbimfe or as some m friend mor e for- cthly exprewd it jdaced at ihe mercy of a gjaw ofrwlikkry lyinl charicter for llm elemitiiuof krsponsiblecovernment irian- ncu weir the degradiua badge like aliveaytf you want spirit to shake it 08 and say uc ate not glares 1 mujl not ho inferred from these rerrautar that 1 would wih on the irish tf they all wore o tiiposed to uppoil mr kirk- na trick he neither desire it himself nor would it be advisable the closer the bit- lle ihe betler to town nd coentry ad he look- for 1 believe i a cdrar uo ind no njviy itfehinnnl iiiken ituiiqo f tkrbrsceoshauohnessy iqlh deccmticr ttikfttot0fticnrujilthg mr dm sn llolvever homme it may be i cannot refrart from ooerina uiy tribute of praise to iho cffujiouaof the nfiua ifa toochins the coming election chimin- a they do with my own sentiment and yielding jnvt ap proval lo tbe lleaj ihe kecetvcr ccruuaji wilhoul vcringon adulation the object of these remarks however li iieithur lo eukaian tho jriiau wkg which would be rather fopcrstiofh at ihis limo of dayi nor to afford an eleelioieering puff to ihe jon john a marcvnald uit to f raraaj my unfeigned nnmiliaied reeel nof so much that mr klkpatrtrk baa stepped to- ward lo damage the od cauie bat that b shovild cyound bi hopra on iisiataiiee to bo detived ftoni the irish arly tjut ia if he lias good reason to do so on ihe alrcnaih of bis heme an liiahman el wasnjeskdnieyoanao that when two candidate appeared o the field on thn same aatfe and tujrvrect dofeat from thedtvi- iot neceaaaiily formed hat tbe icail worthy of the uvo tculd be pfacatdcst fniaasn hi- ujmrd ibc cceuuarvauvc noao and tsnder exislinj ctrcuastartces the ap- uobtinrrt would be richly anotitcd by mr kirkpatrickt for seuinir laid his assumption of suarajawfarse for rcomrrttint kirrriton io parkarnenl what fdfi can ha irgt fir endeavorioe to ouat mr maodcuald t haa th latter rattettianctriyed be httfll ha be evinced iacipnaily indolincc or inaticn lion in tho hih oirice to which ho has been ippoiitid t has he in short hceu proren ufa worthy citlacr a your repiesootitive or is a minister of the crown t a thi i i not what inducement is held out 0 future member to alecr an upright course and seek the in 1 errata of their eoiimihicnltt unjes rewarded by a icnewal of their confidence al tbc lluitinai one word to my connttymen he just be foto you are generous the uritish whig is and ha been your unwavering and stead fast friend the present member for king ston your energetic and cifnm advocate tn parliament duresjaid the one nnd sttfhl ihe other and even l will he ashamed to write myself an irishman wapyous island dec 4 fi 17 ft wines not our triend an iriah- mill jks wbal plea mr kiikimtiek ins for oflerina hlmolf it i but fair lo say lhal for several year pat he hi chervhed the idea of represent in- kinjluu end thul he kive viy lo the hon john a macdonald in jnnt 11 aolely icraitae ho did uol wih to embir- raa the uuveininent immediately before i ht amb1ixenf pvruamehu our fiiend aln ihiiika ibil mr kiiklwlfiek la daervina nf reproach for having dividad iht conativie mlerr an huhmiii did be live in klneten would know lhal thi whole ceh- ititiincyof kihthui i conieteativa 1 anal lhal under nu cneumalipcea whlboevvt un iho hefotm andldile he retnnd jrttt klikpatticki nppfaltion ihecohio i aww llvhiclho kleclow pf kliijpitcw a ehidto hu twernlnomeii we vhhwitmit mlahiii donau aauj wf viaki no cjnnlton hut he avlh hi nlkulidt bil we do nni think il odu llilnf tn hi- chwiet tf neciaa ti ejknhaa illifwoswolliuaiwiiinl ttvehvr ihe mlnfnmnt llh daa h y uf sinloo isihir- frr lilll iud hie e tfhleb imik pll0 on llwdnx vrnaj mt hull wa the nl oh memw f m pmo in llpiwr lauajsjh and isuj iw lanl awobl vtt tanuilt in eulif ad tn wvnva i 1 iff lrmidfwa vta