British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 18, 1847, p. 2

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mmnmwmm fmntmll j pwiirlrirjn the n nrnrm felling ite rwu tr er sro ireteaua to fuim opin fmfn fvm tw pfwon n rfted v thai everi itjiw y adawrabty mfard for the m v j tin wimiie cfuerncnt system- afllrrat it iclijid thai the ftrmp itwihl osrh auauanrr will be i nvpuwus t1 kfur 01 the mimkora tee are ro leld ewey miftifm but mmu i be r minr a it s nbuul i bo vrertcd 01 l iu course ibe aeg of tun will bo pqtfritaihff du rvi andhssiiberipense of the eouniy oojmijv letocnesl thi ixrrage kim to ken ii crrpret of pnsonem whu bte hern eons- tultrd tor ltl and laho thru trial in in rcrubr cvurtr wiifctf oe poripon meni the placid afford nmmmhft tntbr in the jttofirtoflhe the hshrriet miner pliorrsphrd u trrgfe flrrtrer particulars per 5tk britannia commercial distress lirnlwiker 18 fllladc ttr05 to parsv llwv si co fi my aodrtsv e f if hong son si lrnscf regis cairllinsiutltco motion eardy hardine wrn mint byrne co liverpool amitcrdarrj aanmur bank the liveiponl euffth thwh irt i wa acript daiea one oclock on the iftb ayv the general appearance of business here op to lb hoc i anyihinr tit euenuraciejr tie retried failure of other firmv together with ibt present of owner mifcvii h added to the gloom ft inch kill hang overall eonvnereiel transactions tbe same paper say svc refer lo the lit io another column of failure that have recurred sine lb drparlurr of the packet wbichf utlhtsgh containing a numfctr of rum 1cts r ftuul ch kfemi i u lho ekei0v1y iumifhed in london ihe ftlvit of ihe old aftd reipcctible writ india hun 1 jdb cohen l son occa- eioned nwp rrpel their tia1hlilie are about 51000- tbmuiinfcco loimerly brite thwhamco in ihe eal india and eftpliai iade hate auoatopd py- mmi iteir liabilttiea r nlitnated at v2q thy were lr manv j tajenlt for the vice tor of v the fail- rr of johnioo coeft co eai india mtt- ehantj hai been uo annoonce1 villi liabili ties la the extent of 30000 an j rjdet weiabolt co m the ame lrade with obli kitioftt tn lee amount of xwooo 0 mon day itix the tjhrlravf colonial broiler troe- ttaeifccook if mincifl51ne uhrne leans- action have been of lute year jecond lt nme in 1ri aoipcndcd payment their lia- hilitiejarf corjactuped at ahitt x35ooo0 within iheto fw monlm they haee rtirtaited thrirbosinrai lo r tllt- if lb wl vie bad orrnntd a few ereel ago their lia- biitir5 wonld ni have heea much ca than one aa lit ion ileilinj thtf faitore i greatly to be depjoredj a il moil tneeitjbly brio down other hooae with which the houe wu orneted and il pro re but too plainly that tbe miachiefit not all oeer mr- robert ferrand n old refpcclable com factoi marklane ha also suspend ed pajoieot ilia toiifteis wi considered verj asfe and wu t one time very eaten iae- he aat in the hone of commor du- einjf the the ten 6rt pailiamenl after ihe passing of ihe r form act and waa much res pected we are happy to slate that mem boyd fcthwtiaa wbote upentian irtnlr paee on ihe 3d of october hue beeo enabled to rc- aume baurtest the trade of the house is chicsy with ceylon in glasgow failurei continoe to take place ogiuie clarke ek co cowans smith co and campbell it batty are the principal the celebrated campbelli of ivlay the ttat la j ijire of argyeshire has sitalc undr diccvttiea lo the eicnt of 6co and the rijht haa adamgordof vifconnkenmuce igom in ihe scotch gazette as a uknipl the foltoftine nrcvinciat haokt have etufm wwria xm port baok go4eja ihej were both ninks of tuue bot not lo a ejeat amouot great endeaeoun are be in g made to rewei lait ihe r bank of lireryool and it i confienlly expected that ihe inttitntion will reiume tmsineu on the lit of december neat the london joint stock bank haj onderta- aen the aernty in the cnetropolia and by an itaue of nev snare and a lvti i lemojet- lii j ofthe deed of jeltlcmcni it ia hoed that bank will be reinstated in putlie opinion wncttarnplecpslal for the transaction of ita future busipcwi heasurt are in further proteo for ihe recmintbbmcnl ofthe north and soithwatea bank and che liverpool bsnkinc company and wi trust these insti- turooa trill alio bo enabled to recocomence bvtineas we reeyet lo ilste thai the teriovi decline in the price of rair i now prodacine in an- 4imtn ihe vii of the ry aojtar renneries tnihfirtirrnnvnt hi iyaiematie encrcee j nv nenlf a resolution caltintf rn iofcfimcnr lo elblib rranerr tth v copied and it was propped thai if thf ipwi jionld nrl accede to all the recommendatwn rmrlv lo il by lhecomicilatemalrtrnikion shouj b npcvhl to att their meagre whether itbll oi otherwise this howeftr wta not accede to tbe council ain met on nmmiyih i3lh instant to continue the doision wt ten ant mmpenalion and leiuaailem the at tendance wa thinner tbut ever the lordssiarinf asar almost to a man a frok lestilniion was mwriltirw mil tbe ex pediency of an alteiationif law of land lofd and tenant n as in rorc rmpensaton for permanent impivemei- the mcttm llien airned lancolir it appears thai the nssile tn ihe paymenl of rent has manifested iuf the mhttl a well as the vf use avwatly in tlsuf lhia noted fonts inecal csmknlrw ofiainx the claims of isndlorik is ivinsiinjagii there still continues accnnlnncj ninvemenl atainst the payments of rents and imes the nenah cuardian of j wf dte ham ibr foltowhljt e me jame imnnn porrh 1- i i fof ile h rnl riym mt of rarris ekane cloi 1 ai arikmisey wa oit friday week assaulted at turaariwhito in llieaeloftervinnmicea four persons are to abide their trial a the fproachii ftttagn quarter sessions chjrjed wiih the ashumi pwlattwuwfihr isra iituimt nec tonnvtha snhjonrd impsvfltlhl rvnetamalion puhhshed in the form of a circuur and d- dreed lo ihe liewtmanu of counties jfas yj heen isjnrd innounciz the deleimn- tionof ihe eecnuvetorrnitbyeerryinen wilhtn the power of ihe tieens vicreetii insoppiess ihe wicked pift which now disturbs ihe public peace and retard the so cial immurement and pruerly of the coun try trie nnmrrons nulrae whch have lalf- ty taken daee nw the uwless pirit which ha been exhibited by the nple in the di- inrhed rfistricls make it necesjary that ihe lord lieutenanl should yfttsniuhtaj his deter mination lo eaercire all the power with which r rc iiy law well i for ihe ai- preson of disturhnees a fu the preventiu and detection of crime w ilia excellency deeply deporcs the des- tilite condition nf a tatjce numher of ihe peo ple hut alfhotrjh nuiraehave been coi- milted on the jdea of distres yet il r notn rinn that the robberies of anus and the nhi attacks locnnsdntly oeurrinj in the coun ties of limerick and clare as well as the a irociotrs assavina lions which have slso jiv- rated tippcwy kitije coonty and ros- commun not induced by tlir pressure of want but are the arts of habitai di of the public peace arise eek by the perora tion of sucti crimes lo intimidate all uther clas ses u tbe lord lieutenant white altordinr so the well disposed the proteolion of ih law and the japort of the esjeulive government in their rrlis to maintain order earnestly aiis for truir conperatton in suppressing such violations of ibt public peee as have recent ly occurred in the county of limerick and iis oihrr places and in endeavouring to jrifrt njuvlj thai nolwithlandinfi the lrjeoim- lili orlarulauwii with ihe cereal article of fvojandlhe generally favorable resulb of ihe harvests there will still be a deficiency in ireland fiom tbo wan of ihe potato nnl that that dhsicency mrtsl if wad up a far as ihe people are able to buy ihemliy itiipotb nf mai- wheat iwr c from ameiiea if hmveves the itiinufvltirinr interest is betfnninilu revrve as it indicated by ihe elvhkc on eoltoii the tmwrls of coin may he counterpoised by ihe expoits of mamifae- lurd m0sti r ahoerher the monetary nressure is aomewhal abated and the scneraf anet of affjirs exhibits mercantile improremenr we can sav mhvaj ennsolalnry as tn the condi- tiun or ireland that famine begins aesin in timk ihimijh the jand is eertaiid that oulras murder and disronlenl prevail i jn auneuted dret is equally cviim to such an extent indeed is hie diorcmatton ppoeedjsir lhal ihe covrifissiiehil as well as the friends of oidce everywhere ire heom in alarmed leit soceily itsvtf ihnaijd peona dusolvest inj rnau return to a able of nature what renders the aspect of ihine sn hideous is that the insjrt pari of thce ontrji are not committed by person in n destitute con dition hul hy thoe who are able to buy l a rm s a nd am m n n i i ion in addition to this autminc fact we nv conielleil to admit thai ihe victim sought fr kymaawaiu are lltoie undosvuer who remain nn thalt prntcrk nd pfotect and cher ish their tenant and lpendet to b6 the brsl undlnrds sefm in he the first victims i this remirkble phase in ihe extraurrtinary and tumultuous phenomena now occurrine m ireland hj been in csislne more or less sine the rnnrjer of lt nwvury a iwalc- mon of ihe htkhet character while wlkin- in his ownshiutberv to the nomber of sir tisns already recorded ure hve now to add hot of mitjv mhnu nf 4locommnn the time of the 6th it nvatived yesterday thus drseribei the appalling jet major million ot stkiioivnarranofhieh family anlcntnecled hy intermarriages with the dtivcof wellington succeeded about thier years nn loan etitc of xioolw or 12000 a year which had bulftstgrd tn lord hartrfnd a innalie a ihe proterty was under ihe tender care nf the irish court of chancery it had been vcy badly manaed with an im- steered the chaiirel emre easl by n lh a arpiaitrr to ten ihe land was masf ihe hlna vt nrtiol i and on cieni owiiif to the heisy sth ihen runn h iuiseei alior- lo a few muiur aj f one liutidred and leu human beinp ka gen and crew rinelyonp ptrssliet saiue n horn w vie tu ejpiain and the kc i m it the perions who wi re eaved lot u projeilyaid wireiefr nearly nake evrriion was utai but owin in elipt on which the veil itrueh da kites nf ihe niehr it wa imik make ativ elwt i sase mv pari ot or cjro rteiy a wild nd the uuc in ie hij on ihn whole the accounts are rnosl eheer- intf and the 0iijenhire tiirnuhhiil the roimliv are in the hitft prits oiht wills proper peilions tpper csnids isife atfloio iladieala q jty will be forever anuihiltn thelie ivhiclibtdthe french cjnjlijn to thctn miut he scuied llie- mo ment the result in ivrhrn canndj is an nounced anil ilio pailms will he anything hut nwmiihnj tilt iiamiltx spirtatonon ion or tilt election in this cilv w to sir allan mcn there witt beany ij vie heard of n tor i it at 1 he rlcchon wit v ralce place oi ihe und instaht nwvwi- boil the candidate busily at work the ompaifu aaa lo base eiuinnrnrfjf at urautford nesdav each party having a meeliu fnttnn i likely mba- british whig opfr pvr oran dum saturday deccmbkr i6 1s17 tfri nf limli clisreed co marnier 5j lntd urey hai intimated to sir chatlm crey unvernor of jamaica thil the sorefls- mrm are amidasfl hs reneiy the dehewnt nvi- pty of lahor which has hern oicftwl source id tbe injury and loss attained by ihe pun- ten the cuvernmenl luvo acreedtoau- thorite the hnsorlor iminirtinucf eroev from the coast of afjica tu the weal indian colonic they ate lobe treated of course as free laburirs under indenture or subject to a lav if introduced at the public expense tharowrd or the briim mm solttion to thk position of arstrusis the willi- pro- said and convict thoe who ire cnacd ofeil3pe considerable rti bar pat dc mes we foiheai urgent difncullies comparison fidev the fallare of the hoose of n brebasrt recorded in oar list svhieh i connected with dnhe k co o havana and j h rune tfoft other bouses whose lo mention have been in a wjjarhoo beyond all comparison the moat e a tensive in tbe world whoe transac tions are immense wilh germany and toe medltervanean and indeed with every ipnt whene luear is consumed bt been cnmpelletf to aeok yssulance from the gorernmerr which has been accorded to a treat amount tw ojdeslablnhed houe of falenat tt co f of bayonne has stopped payment their enjnjresneots art estimated al about f -j- i tva cmv ia attributed to eiteoive snecuu- lara ireland the accoools which have been received frusn ireland doiina tbe past fortnight con tinue tocreafen the mind of all peaceably dieposed people serious ourm the levtvry f captain rock and the murderous man- dales of lady clare aro starried out lo a greater exient than ever amonelho recent asaaasi nations we have to record ihe follow inej a poor inoffensive widow njmed kerov ws barbarously murdered in a ncm adjoinins btr residence at bohcrlsee near borrejbead county oftipperary on ihr i inst ttie illfated svomann head was friht- flaw fraeturtd wilh stones a portion of hr vnm protruded throoejh the wountli infltcted a major mahon sra shot dead on the same overling near strolestotr in the county of kororrmin a pok man named micharl wslsh iteward and caretaker to charles t oxittibon ti of datlynahinch in the couaty ofcrare was murderej on the hfi road near frt anns by a ball which ear- vied away tbe roof of bis skull there are tsyvrral other murders recorded hut we for bear the further augmentation of such an ajrocioaa list a sterling of thirtyfear irish meuhers sssootly repealers termed the nation couu erl sras opened si duhkn on the 3rd instant tv oroceedinp ware held wilh ctaum door bui ihe fattovin is the suhslinee ol the pro eyeed to and alan of thuse di- wbjrh thouek not aecded t ye were not resected in ibe nrat eateory atmov a reaofnlmo thst the wrnmm it oiud m uon tofnisbtheioadaonitrrtakenun- 4er the laaourrate aet and now uselrv the lobe obtained froas the unipji4nj4ted ot tho srranu to ireland made by ihe aolfcwriir of tarhameat last year u lhi covcnsaaenl b ailed noon to employ people m const rod in a ihe earthworks f fssrlstsvy sand to snake advance to railway i use couiirsxrjon of whose works fa faayejav ft waj aesoed avss eon proposiljoibs be comrrurieated to and ibatt onless ther iboold be m sots otbora enarfeamy moe proposed by rjovtrnmem an stosdd be peoyosed ftn it j ri- r so ea lb isowm of farliamenr wmmn mhsniued a pro uosi burs that f w n rapendjlnr upo army aid the other deport- mbnarlud in ibc commission of similar otences there ie nn elsas iave the euiltv them selves which is not interesled in brinjn- to punishment the hihsvaymau ihe burlier and tlm assassin and ihe lord lieutenant hopes lhal a vijeornti anil enerlic cnojera tion on ihe part of lhne frhtual pnneriies and lives maybe sacrificed at the hands of these oflrndeis will enable the asilhorities to carry out successfully the endeavors of the rcu live government to vindicate the law and pro tect her mjestvs peaceable subjects the lord jjeutrnanli therefore ernlinn- jf peals not lo ihe jjentrv atone hul to mf whv iffu in earn iheit livelihood sy honel labour to aid his efforts in suppressing msstem of lerrvr whtch he feels satisfied if exercised bs the tcsv bul svhich may he over come by the energy and dctemainatkn of the manr who me it is intended to overawe u his excellency boprr hat the misguided people who are often led into ciime few wicked men may be persuaded to listen to oetter advice and shim the eompanionahipof the felon and the murderej whose course through life can often he raced by ihe nweiy which he has drawn upon tltose whu bare unwarily joined bim in a career of crime rsi excellence is resolved hy every nans in his power to stippress the wicked spirit which now disturbs ihe public peace and retards tbe socfil improvement and the fv of the cnuntk the constabulary will be increased in all its dishtrhed dis tricts whereby an additions burden ill be thrown upon ihe rates military detachments wilt he stationed wherever neceary in aid of ihu i 1 1 authorities ami efficient patrols maualained lihfeat rewards will he iven for iforr- n to iftc avres of oiteuderst and ample proteclion for all who come for ward an4 prosecute them in short no exer tion shall be snared for lieorously enforcin ibe law sini ihose hy whom it is vsouted thi lord liintenanl therefnre wins all who cnaae eilher in resisunce tu leal authority or in attacks npon life and property to ahtjiif from such crime which tvill le followed by ihe severest punishtnenf he cautions tba people not lo join with tlie habitual perpetraton of rwlra not to listen to the evil counsels of oven who encourage npposition to the lav tof their own eftds and who will leave ihose they have deluded into crime to sufer punishment about all he thinks il his duty io makr known ihe penal- tiea that will be incurred by aocefiuiea to crime and that all pcrsnus afturd ihcru ihe means lo escape who aid in heir disguise sv ho mislead those who may he in seaich of them or who harbor offenders in flieir houses 14 th liaud of every one vhnnhl be aaairst the perpcralor of crime and the uw will pur- suo with ritor not alone the culprit himself bnt scnlence lo trantpnrlftftori or imprisonment alt who ire bim aid shelter or protection by bis excellency couimand tt m somsrville dblio castte nov 9 from fjir art lorft albion itfa uul we yesterday received our fttes by the bii- tannia which came down to the lbth nil the commercial inlcllieercex iitn the whole more fjvoramr tss indicates that we may presently look forward to a restoraltori o confidence nlor failures bare taken mensc population anu it tt saio x3o0oo arrear of cent the manager had forsvme time been threatened- the tenants refused eilher to pay renr lo till ihe land or tiee it up it was the plain dniy of a propritne to check a slate of thine fnaulll with misery and death lo the stij increasing still ini- unverixhed mass accnruii1y major mahon hat year uaatajtv many to r migrate teavini the coast clearer for 1hkc that remained at the eincnic of flqq he chartered two fes- su and sent out a number of his tenants lo ampiica many more wished lo be so favor ed but tht tajojs ntejns were exhausted for lhal year svf are now wd howeser ihm inn hefore litis hr was a uoomd man his name slond first on a list of twelve crn- ttrmen prosctibfd by the carbonari of r05- fftmmnn for rrfuyinr to continue ihe wasteful and dcirradine conacre sytem the foirwrc of the potatoe crop saved them for a lime at tuesday this ernttcman drove strtn slruklown and called al hi aeimsoince to lay out extensive plans of mpnveiuent havinj iusl borrowed money from the draining fund to employ sixty fami- lir foe the winter he proceeded to ros- enmmon where foe want fnrds the pnorhouso seas in dancer of being closed and exerted hiinsell there tn kerp oen all the arrange ment for lh benefit of the poor on hi re turn from ibis charitable duty he wna mur dered on his own ra1 and there is every rcaon to believe by hisywn people a little after g oclock in the evening two assassins marked him as he passed one of their pirces took elfecl lorfinr a heavily t discharge in his breast ami kilfin him on the spot nenl is wro and enercetiralty drawn sin and if lord riarenden adheres tnhi declaration that he will send a sufficient force into the disturbed counties lo peeserre order and pre senl crime it will bo ahlrssins in ihe peacea ble inhabitants of the country we also learn mat the queen in her speech when opening re now be slid wed in lhal town lf sinith will be left at me this time a fart which we can innnmro wilh certainty for the benefit of his ttiififrons ja tieuu the helical 1 look particitbrty bruilr ami the spirili of their opj4nenti are con ttter ably above kumrnvt beat otir friend 1 a dt- lance may rely upon it that mr ikman i he the nest member for wojlwwjlh the cjrctin will prritiy tke l m the 6th proximo bul we cannot speak situ cer- lliily ire ifctton- mr webster i inu ttvi auj it t exprrted iht mr shade also will eoine forward on b consers alive inlrrst we hve 00 far nf ihe result nf ihs rtidtiijc provided ihe cn act patriot tolly and as shey are pet feet ly aware that it will lie me less too in in poll- with twoci didatrs we do nl inieruin a duuh that o of the tfentfetoen still nlire mr ferro ex- judeof the wellininn district curl iv a radical cididalr hut he i not neafmi topu- lar in the tnwisship of waterloo avtr reti red -on-a-penmnii- j rie ml jemmy uorand ffosf riajfaus mr chalmers the lie mem ber will he the conscivailvo candale unrixthe lal sesiun mrchatntm proved himself one of the most industrious members in ihe house and hi frientu are muineof mcccss lie wilt he niposed hy mr weteu- hall a deserter imrji the conservatro rank svho was defeated al the last contest it will he ecn hv a communication elsewure thai some of lb mmt independent rrfrmera m theridin the aocia- tion candidate and the unceremrvrous man ner in which an old aad tried repreentative has been treated ivorou henry john bon lion will hp the radical candidal his o nut yt announced as hocrevs tonety suiecied that mr d his t ibrtol- ten old predilections t is ujaswm wl conservalivei will altosv him to afk the course of this however we have ledie il is somewhat stiauee iha mjon- lyof the radical candidates l5 traitors to ihe cnuservali re cause he had- irals etf rul italton norfolk ofwl and middlesex will have the diiinptid h0pc nf votmc for men who have deled the conservative ranks maul who eecev hiltrrly opposed to the very party rvhicn mtcrcnt county ok krontkxac itemy smith jiinr k was efreud by accumation member of parliament for the county of frunlrnac ytlttly allemoon at waterloo the fslierilf t- a corfcctr fat opened the meeting at too oclock when tunis snook eq secondej by mr ioha ovlm projosed mr itrory smith afttr- ward sadjiicr seconded hy dr ueam- ih proposed j d mtrk e tpo the show of hand the sheriff declared the choice tu be in mr henry smith favor the late member then addressed the meeting al length followed afterwards by mr marks who 1stiir that the efcrtion was in the hands of the meeting ami ihnt if i bey declared oaintt him he would deehne the contest considering it improper to briu the freehold crv ls such weather as the present fom their homes to the polling place unlesa some probability existed of a successful leiminatiot in his favor mr marks ended hi speech hy declaring hjs resignation the sberitf thin declarrd ihe elcctiou to have fallen upon henry smith jun enquire and the meet- risv was dissolved the new member elect was then btoujhl into town iu triumphal pro cession thus ended the election for fron- teioc mr henry smith probably is the firt member returned ofthe next house o assembly pbom our hnkw cokrkpundent no appral for a hoist somewh from that which traitor generally i qrvfmr hineks wij be lb rjil wbelh- i one llftflm nr- itrenu- on th pursu prove place but lhi we an we intimated that as effect continue after the same micht be iipated and in fict jn all mtch cases the the ause ji removed rvpeeterl now tle wft a proportion for loftdtf try wlia ii tioo nt4 wmft a mae tfea f war nw isssssrssri avly 4 uuamtuavsv sssat by saaauw suacteu in am 1u aaw lfw nm0m of uw loeio rfsi usssw awaa tuaast hate twi atfc hoes lfcj fuitl 1ank of i rli- 1 has nnl it eemit acted upim ihe sueestsnna of the avcrnment loincreae their isae lo any rvtf rlml and it even doublful if that intilntion ins iran- cended the limib of sir rovu peel act at all the jnflut of bullion hasinr ciumcd t to sicreasc its issuea without evceedin the lasv nevertlwlos the pemtission isen hy ihe ministers undr llnir htlr lo ihe lunk m zihoctoher i isosstrfajlk u rnere moral inltuerce of a thmnvej relaxation of rertrietinn acted un lb public mind want of confideticr ihe reat densnyher of credit was lo a pjeater extent removed and as soon as ihe pressure w militated the wheels ul the monrlary mrichine were seen to move ttio mofe njr the bte accounts we see ia somewhat censored for refraining to act more eiterukitelyon the permission eivenesiial ly aa the pled re of lod jnhn llusse 1 1 to apidy lo arhamtnt foe an aci vf iswlemmty sva so lull and complete imputations are not want- ins so fatten on the hrik a desire lo do all m afe buineti ni al the eiedit per cenl rate of interest without takinany risks vwwwttil from the uncertain talo of ertif bank entertained doums if lrrf ssflasaajtu rmht he able to carry his hill of lodcmtiiiy and iherrfore made all sofo bv keynna wttbn the timili of tho jaw a crlir have somcwht advanced if the advanco of cotton be wetl founded anrl peo peoenl it is a fnvorabln symptom how an inert im of demtnd and there aa tt shswt for an ao ria riuiioo 0 manufaciunna rner f fhatcorn haa advanced uv ro r imwim tu contra it prove i ho tsuo laaien ly this jonrnal for iome time pi parltamenl will rccommcntl a forn but and at the same time by way of counterpoise we snprsose it is hrlhersaid that some altera linn in the jaw of nnonrv rigkti will he re- commendd there can be nodonht thl lhi lax mils nf ihingi has been greatly increased by ihe inefficient manner in which thcrjaws have been administered lor some years past party spirit and the injuflioeni majorities in ibe house of commons have deterred minis tcrs from doing their duty and enforcing pub lic tranquility to this ertrct wo have often spoken in the albion and allhouclt welament the necessity wc are reduced that a cabinet has at nt seen found that will have the courage to do its duty the ft re tndr society al berlin has been dissolved the kinjr ol sardinia his issued letter tsalent fur the establishment nf a na tional kink at turin it 9 staled that the austrian government intends in impovc an income lav j he indian government hs despatched several active and sctenlific olfi- cers in explore the countries of lua and thibet the french government has made a present of books to ihe lsriftsh house of commons- a statue of the talc mr huskis- omi is about to be placed in ihe vestibule of lloyd room io lemdon the good service pension vacant by the death of captain willes h s been given to sir john ross ft k renorled that mr george remie formarly uw p for pswirh has hern appointed gover nor of ihe falkland islands the queen dowatcr of england airived al mailcira on the ul iust and was received by the inhabi- lantsnf the inland with eveiy demonstration or resjtccl a criminal information has been filed by the new bishop of manchester against a surgeon of birmingham named gutteridtre ibralihel her majestys steam er cormorant is daily expected at porumonlh wilh lfioofxx dollars from tho western eoajt of south america mr bonltam who was formerly governor of sincspftre la to be ihe governor of huns ken in the place of sir john davis who has resided an italian newspaper asserts ihl nipolron widow the archduchess hfaria timia nf parma has ben furmallv married al vienna in the count dc tuimwhes onis of her mi n isle u is said thai victor cousin hilhcrlo one of ihe parisian atcjcpriests of ifiidetily ha embraced christianity anil is ahrtut to berime a monk nf i tiapn- the pntmasltr general the marquis of clanrl- caruv pu m arrange the details of impios nslal cotirnunjratiou belwcen this country and fianr ft is said that scarcely a single new railway schema will isc brought before parliament net se ion what a b1csiii for uvrrwurked mem ioss of thk stephen whitney packktsiiip tie iceeiil arriraj from tjuland ha h us th uieunchtdy iurllionee of ihe rritnrttrm of the splendid pukvlllh sufaa fwrrnry which left thi port on th- rth ociutef she wa ol 00 the niht nf the jihhil nwinberahnul lonclnck when a most awful los of life look place- we have collected the foltourimgimrticuoia front variost nuvjrves first in impnrlance is the prntel drnwit up by tho mute nf ihr virsrl for prsrnlltion tn ihe uivnen which briefly and fully narratta the particulars of the painful event on the 8ih of october usl pasl he sltiu stephen whtney left ihe tmri of new vork hound for liverpool hsnklase material oc- fur nn the pasae unlil wednesday lh lotn day or november inst fl on which day on or about two oclock in ihe afternoon inn ship was hove in and sounding were hadiri filty fethomj the weather waa patlicularlv hick biij tho wind blowine very hard thu hip was under doublu reefed 1 r at clock p m tho wind increasing ihe waa close reefed at 9 oclock p m njado ihe rand very clovo to tho phip a her elearirirnirfrom ill jand saw a ftt white 1101 whir oneonvullint wilh tho catuih i look hr tho liarht on the old head of kin- aale t hdulrd oit hr shin on ihe alaiuard l by nuthat nh o clock cnnjdosiu we hid tufbrient njtuie hrnih tfal tiils ctnlidate and svr have not yet hes er mr carrot or col whitehead ret- ot these cntemen svill sec the eessity of tz sn without delay ntis erfurl svill be made for mr ilirif free church qsielion hut the co ed by that xentlcman in montreal t hut a poor recommendation in zorr nuors john ivilaoh t ttie busily al work as an article elsewhere will shoyv hie mote independent rtuicals arc seriously annoyed at the attempt to foist mr notman 011 the county and many of them will vole frr mr krtnatiner whilst others sviltslayal home the tale member was never so popular a at ihe presrnt moment and his residence in the locality will be a powerful argument in hi favor ssear cnl prince ihe reat western humbug svill 40 in without opposition nothing rnurc dceadin could be said of the constituency aen malcolm cameron ea the cu torn house itntiitor will run on the radi cal ticket and the name of the hon j m- ytd cameron has been mentined as hi oj- pnvnt we are withnut informaliau of any description froas this cosinly but we can scarcely believe that makolui is the man for gativay rururt it is said that the tn5peclor gene ral will meel with some oppnsition but there u no douu of his return mr gwynne of toronto an- 1 lake huron railrroad memory hu hen spleen of and mr gall but they need not trouble ihemsewes they are no rcouifcd i1 uci two rdica candidaces arc in the field mr thompson the lain member and mr doula france of ihis city mr thompson is nitqiieslionmhlv the most unpopu lar man on ihe giand risxr and several in telligent electors have informed us that they would vote for almnst any person who would oppose him hamilton o icriliy es of this city is spoken of as the conservative candidate and we should be well pleased to sec him in the field nwffjnc we are not aware that the late member will be opposed i m- merrill is iho radical can- didato but his conduct with reference to ihe railways havinc given creal dissatisfaction tn his consiituents a determined effort will be made tn defeat him no test than three con servativr candidate have been spoken of messrs rykerl w 0 dark and holland mcdonald hut this is a perfect absurdity- mr ryherl is ihe only man who can oppose merrill successful afd we trust that he svill be the candidate v y dickson the late member will meet wilh no opnnsilion 7bvonfo m r flnnlton shersvooi and rtlhune are in ttc field the latter jrrnttr- man t a thorough poinij conservative and comes forward in in the free trade thenrieeof the dj of course none but a conservative has any chance of success flt iidf iwi-irr- price ihe ule radical memher will he opposed by j w gamble kq a grniletneti hwhlv ctccncil and vsho i- almoat cntaiii of sticccs srfqnd uitkt we uitjeislaad tui mr duan is nain in the liem third hiding- m lura miohcopjvurd hy mr 1pil the tjfrniiu svhie addms veiled o iidich iirmsrsneii mid doubttcs itaj- tmftrd new al in ihe msusiomrl m ihe staff eoat a unell t ihr u amoulhe bruicitvd ntlfv of xrw zealand it i frar ed hiti ever lhal lbtiniftfl brncvolrnrenf mr hlske svill meel with no field for cer eie sav- in the taw csmib of toronto flmwn nidmg 0 rrxmr scobie is out in rmmsuitii h the llndical ledrr and ki f tends arf wnrtciu rnosl itldllstrioiuly- tt i pstaiesvliat siulmlnr that a atateaman vvlsnsv iulturucc would have secured for ins const iturnu almut unv thinr tlnv could ivfl- snttahty rxpiri hilil inic mufly nr reeled the irvaltty ad left ihe vnple toeutrct ihwr own improvewfuti uhiul he was itiviivsiriv and iiarrrlinir ifer ihr bihlract qution of resmiiibli gwrtnfiint t h- i hit canadian fiinul sill adopt tur- precaution of keeping rimsuki oiunh 6rmfa mr flunn u ruile certain of luseleelioujaud will probamy ineol uith no oprwltion phi- mitline embraces the arinns conlilu- encirs west of toronto tcastsvaril we ria not accounts which cm lin relied upon ssur can we giro iho uomts or the diltervnt on- didateu ki- 1 1 will return iho receiver frqrftj mr guwan is safe in leode mr snlioiliiv r mejonahi will represent cornwall ami mr mirrji mcmuttiis liuvlsisj relued his lukhnlwre wtlhh 1 mr j s alcdunell n rkrigarry fauonr november 19 1847 parliament was on thursday prorogued t this day when tt maeb fnr the dispatch of business the speech from the throne trill not however be delivered before tues day ncx1 the 23rd november it is rumored that immediately after the elvction of speak er the house will proceed with the public business up to christmas and then there will he a very short recess of eichl or ten day prior lo the resumptieu of the bmiues of the country it is a very natural artd interesting question what business will first be entered upon t ireland we he sure will have vrry early attention 1 am informed upon sood authority hut one of the earliest act of ministers sstll be lo place the most agita ted districts of ireland under nmrlisllavv while they attempt lo pas for the whole country a coercion dill far moe slainecftt than the one they asitcd to throw out on a former occasion a ctrnsiderjble increase io the incometax will he prpotcd mean time ihe present monetary crisis a it is the mst pressing rnusl denvmd the first consid eration it ic ntf to h evicted that in nrte urnl lie hrutk iiitlrr vtcai le rrpral- v rut immediate steps must be taken be wf step of ever so temporary a character restore confidence and actirily in commcr- ol ahtjirs lnrd seymour it is understood vtl protose the rjht hon charles shaw afevrr as speaker of the house of com one nd lhat mr john abel smith will spond th motion the earl of yariorouh wl more and ihe rirl of deshorouh se- cu the address in the house of lonn mr nes ileywofuf and hfr a shafto adar vll be respectively the mover and iccunder ilhe commons i have to announce the death ofthe atdi- shop of vork the decease of the vencrs- prelate took place on the 5th insl nt ihe haee dtshopuhorp he had entered his ti year on the 9th of october bvk hi rfiool education was received at wevtmcath wence at a proper period he removed to lrisl church oxford tn 1791 on the amlalioa of dr douras f the see of arlisle to that of salisbury dr harcourt sjs consecrated cuhop f chisle and hem lilt bishopric up to 1837 when nn the death cdr markham he was translated to the athbishoprick of vork dr hipgrovc be- ernes the new aichbihnp of york a fehop of hereford he fraaj known a a prelate rsolid attainments without harlnc any pre- tsion to the elesjuence of the duhop of ford or lo the profound jearnui of ihe ithop of st david dr hampden re- ou professor of divinity at oxford suereed ij- musejove as bishop of herefoid dr fe first 8lhop of manchcsler it therf- srt be entitled lo a seat in ihe house of ids and unlit another bishopric become leant dr hampden will tcmaip ttiluml a uol amosl melancholy shipwreck has taken ace on the irish cnaat the new york ackelhip stsphen whitney wenl ashore ear scull on the 10th inst the loss of life a deplorable and consisted nf 76 passe it ers and m of the ahipa crew the stephen kbitnej which was one of the line of pack- lo coin- to messrs thotnas and joseph nilofcork iftw ton bur- en and about seven years old she lefl new rk on the th oil in company vrih the ra and cambridge both of which vessel wired in sifety laat wek to ibc ac- uainled wilh the bold rocky character of ihe anthern coast of ireland the almost imme itc demolition ofthe vesacl will be matter 1 no surprise she went to piece in iru iinn1c am the female pasener are said o be drowned the firlecond 1 third mates bared the same fate isarfgc ftuaitiitirs of ha caro and pieces of the vwrck had been sliore- the elrctiooof lord rector of the universi- y of claow ws decided nn ihe 15th inl then col mure m p defeated lord john rtoiullirta majority of nations and by 31 kple the earl of dalhotitici joernoc fieniral 4 india has embanked on hoard ii m steam ieatc si don fnr alexandria rn roufe lo arulta the hiht lion a m otarrell thencw- v appjintvd fiovcrnor nf mnlla proceed hilher in a day or two in if m steamer i ibttm mr fjenrge rennie formerly m p for fptwieh has hcorj appninieu fnreruor of the liatklanii maud ilisaaid lhal mr cohden has decided on faking his seal for ihe west ridina of yaufc- isire and mr vilhrrs will remain eurtlattt i fvol verba mplon mr alderman kerihav liberal is lo be broualil fvsviard tu succeed mr cussssvss at stucbjoff vied of this measure is lo enable 1ie colonist to compete in tha hritikh markrl wilh the tow priced slaeceown star ihe cultisation of which has received so real a slimuins by our rrecnl kislalion on free- trade pitiiciule some people asseri how ever thai the plan propossd by minister is merely a form of legalised slavery disguised hut likely to prove not the less slrinjent mr jme stfphcn haa rescued the under cohmial secrelaryshipand has been promoted to the rank of a privy councillor with a rumour of hi probable return hreafter to tome higher and m0ft responsible official po- silion mr stephen wa better knountothe public than perhaps any other subordinate offi cial he has been tho virtual ruler of the colonies formats year and has served un der colonial secretaries whose politic were as wide as the pole asunder he was ea- pciicnced in official ronlineaiid for this reason bis superiors were generally ui his power cold cunning and reserved he was little eiteemed by ihe representative of colonial intrtrtu and hi acute knowledge nf colo nial covernmcnl enabled bim to overthrow hi antaijoimm and to reirt supreme in the colonial omce mi ntcrivak of the west ern circuit tureceds ta the vaeani poil he was professor of political economy at oxford and was otherwise much distinguished as a member of lhat university and in hi capa city of professor he haa delivered and pub lished some icelurof on cotonizatinn vshich are supposed tu have led lo the present ap pointment the bank returns for ihe last two weeks how a gradual return lo commercial prosperi ty the returns exhibit an increase in tbe reserve of note the latter indicating the improved condition of the bank and that lh drain for ejild had diminished the rate of in terest is still kepi at a ruinous fieirc advan ce are still cautiously made but securities of everv description are more negotiable ond the nervcral trade ofthe counlrv shews symp toms of revira there ha been a further improvement in ihe value of pnhtic securities and a steady influx of bullion during the next few months may he afety calculated upon the wilberforce which anived on tuesday secek from st petrshurh brought ffoan xfno in specie the com rant from rid de janeiro is announced to have sailed wilh bullion to ihe amount of 1503- 000 and the ttob hoy is ctpeeld to hrinr cld to the amount of awil 70000x1 some of the laigst houses which were compelled to suspend payment during the panic hare re sumed business the bank of england have consented to assist mr fiatdincr of manches ter and a resumption of that tntlv mans ev tensive operalisuii may he sjieedily lfokej for jk it known to the whig tlial a genuine irishman never or bul very rareff answer rraeslioti without previously akiue another following ihi rule which llio aparen1y incouvenitnt often 9ve ifsuhlc 1i it he supposed tbml a snail creep up one sf ihe posts of the telegraph a eircn mrantel of feel and inches eacb morning and temitsfc the same ditancc in th eveninc for one month il is required to know without the aid of trigouomeliy the altitude of ihe beorr at the nonlhs end the veriest tyro in the mensuration of height and distances would say f none precisely ihe answer to the abstruse problem of the malliematical whig nolonvscotohman vould voto for mr kirkpatrick no not one are accrplable lo the m they osihi not nl thai reason to be legtelled hy us but if sve aredlennined to give a peefcreue lo mr mckcnir let rt in the name nf covumoi bsjssq he nn some more rational ground th ttr x nrcdlcv h hurrah fur ciiual righu a catholic december i iftt7 flsnk the ltvrfytl nankin irs 0 uv uvinjany and ttiv iiiti if each rtbout to resume business the only ex tensive failure which i have to report hy this packet is lhal of mrtsr tmeman cook the colonial drokerj nf mincing lane the liabilities are 350000 but 90s tn the pound will certainly be paid to thn creditors the forefem news is invested with more lhan nsual interest- from france we bare two more tragedies added to the lil of events for whkh thai country has been celebrated count bffsassja the sreat negotiator of ihe spanish marriage and who had just arrived a ambassador al naple was found on ihe 2nd of the month in bed with his throat cut and bathed in his blood at present whether he put an end to hi exigence or whether he was assassinated appear involved in a mys tery which the french ministerial papers are indisposed lo unravel the other event has occurred in the person of count mortier lite son of the marshal je treeiso who was in cluded in the number of fieschls victims the count was suddenly seiaed with insani ty and after atlempung his own life and ihe lives of his children was secured and placed in confinement the french loan of 2yifx0f haa been taken by m de roth child varrou changes are heina made in ihe spanish ministry and the gttttta is full of dismissal ministerial and military the scssinn or the belgian chambers was openrd at jvussi by kmv ieopom on tuesday week the royal speech contains nothing worthy of comment by the cape intelligencer i learn tint sir henry pollincrr bos luued a proclamation acautst one ef the katflr chief sandilla ds nounein- him as a rebel and ordcrina all classes to arm for the invasion of hrsternlo- rirs i ant glad to stnd ihoso indications of a proper spirit on ihe part of the new governor circumstanced as ho is hesitatlouj delay nr half measnrct would be a crime and it i only by determined conduct that the scutcrs can be freed from the murdcroua attack of tho savages switzerland is now in the midst of a ctvil war general dufnur tbe commander of the federal forces l laying sjre lo fribur garrisoned by the troops of the ctonderbund it appears lhat the cunard steamer arc to run twice a month tnlh winter and weekly in the aajmirtct alternately ninniujc in 11ulon and new york on ihe 3rd of january the cambria will sail for new vork and on the 15th of the ame month another leamcr will start fur hnslon after april the steamers will run every week ltal monday the price of corn declined from 2 in 3s per quarter in mark lane- canadian corn u now quoted at 60s to s3 indian corn from 2rs to 3- american flour is enquired after the prices vary fxnm il lo vis per hrl canada is from fc to 27s barley beans and oats are easier to buy the flitm hon charles shaw ufcbre has been elect speaker of the lloue of com- moi omlca er- rsjsihu poraio rnom tub peri aceoriin n a kller psthluhed in iho tilott rttif chrquuu il appear ihut several i rernt evuhmenla have been tnoda 111 tho nay tj prndurin pnlaloca from thn peel the wiiler stale lhal afier plautingati ecptuj number nf svhnle rmtalnea n ihe aains numwr nf sel nl ihe perl the prrxluce n ihe fnnner uas in nn case niual to the niter whrllier rejrurdrd numlrr weight or quluy neither was there the feast iudicatiori nf dtsesst in one instance fun 31hi of potalort ten ii nr plant uf pnel were obtained thnse urerc planted in the uus i u nv hut svlthut mainire arid the prmluee yielded itmhas uf puisne ijmr piulgrij hitlieul a peek on ihvn another hibernian in the person of dr beamish has been driren ftom the field leaving ihe frontenac electors to pick and choose hecen mr henry smith and j e- marks eq warden of the midland district jn the city two scotchmen ue pitted for the prize in the county luo englishmen while with characteristic devotion a vat concourse of irishmen as bottle hotdcr and seconds crowd inside the rinjf bavin pre viously rhvad their own countrymen from ihe scene and pitched nationality and sponsible government to the j i a mectiue or the roman catholic ilteclors of kiutstott cous hy public advertise ment a few cveninys aco was numeroujy at tended tih verv lleverend tbe vicar general was present altho he hail no hand in calline the meetlnv the rev gentleman read tetters from the cilr candidate and appeared favorable lo tho pretensions of mr macdonald bul not more than half a dorrn individuals seemed disposed to sustain the view of ihe clergy and not our of these was permitted lo open hi lips many sincere christians are of opinion bat all needs are alike in the sihl of omnipotence while ihe rtval mass of rran kind believe or are iiuc4il to believe that as there u bul one lord ono forth one bap- tum so is there hut one true church out of whtcb no man can be saved it is not my purpose to argue the question here bul simply to observe that if this question be true a sincere catholic has in all human probability the bel chance of salvation the subject u too mysterious and abstruse loo comprehen sive and difficult for any one to approach it successfully vh has nol made it the atudv nf a whole life and it requires a tartar amount of learning and dorp research lhan can be brought tohis aid by one layman out of ave hundred even in the highest walks of litera ture hence the cereal body of ihe christian world tnut necessarily adopt for proof the testimony nf their spiritual teachers and no man builds bis lailh on tha assurance of his pastor wilh greater lubmksii eues ond humi lity than an irish cathuhc be hows his un derstanding his rraonand his svill in humble obedience lo iho evposiiion of christianity declared to him from the altar and the put- pit in nil ihis the catholic is reasonable and consistent hut tf unmindful of the high consideration which induce him to this rs trciuc humility lie in the heat and clamor of popular cacilemrnt octer violcoce to bis own nature hy rejecting the counsel of his priest spurnint his admonitions and seltins his authority at naught it is no sufficient car cue lo say lhal he sobmita lobim in spiritual maltors but ncd in tbinsj politloal now the political qnestioct lhat cause the catholics at ihe present moment to ael so unseemly apart is a purely piritual question in which hii clergymen lake a far deeper interest than any man can possibly 0 who claim hi sup port to co into parliament fur what is there spiritual lhal he has any certain knowledge if not the religious education of hi for fht ttrituh tlvg- m whn frnotoe tnrit rlnim tho muf prt trst flifwffsstaassres itstssj u era teful soya hit kerrurr tlunnh the coltrenn m your ndpeuu ent j 1 if me to vindicstf ot apolo cise the fttanv reasons why i humbly but strenuously adverted the return tt tbos kiikpatrick esq as a mendercthc prcfiir rial paiisnent my firt reason t imply because i sec the great necessity of an irish party in this country although i isioir thai national dihtincttoo as a general rule aro so pton oiie of evil lhat they ouht not to be encouraged but if national exclusion n prac ticed national resentment mmt fiitlfr 1 ihe evil lo be dreaded can only he removed by national ttoso bursting th brvlsof na tional cvlnsmm and so hy the eublihm ol of impartial justice leave no room for iho eitn liiusc vf theeiil if this le admitted nd who can sleny it j it lo be shown thai natioua this i ha now do irishmen mark what follows nly then remains etcluo r mil a summary of olticrt- sikit write uf tees wnijena ifljuld irithmcn vj 3 j treirer inmrea t 4m 0 an d f ofllrrt rtn1remr ihr cnafk clleelswe it iu 3 v 43 ssu 3 a 5 l- to be concise let it sn tlice loarive an as- creole areonnt of ihe office vthich are no irs than t of w hich bul3c irixbmeri io children j it is to procure this in its preient form according to the doctrine of the ro man catholic church lhat the priest inter feres at all and even in political mailers i do not conceive thai he would be exceedinclv wron before he eornmilled biraielf were be to cssaurth his pastor by the ittne that a cicrcyman arrives al ihe hih clerical station of vicar general he must have acquired a fund of general information and knowledge which brings him in clot frmiriailty with the must difficult questions of civil poltcy in studying canon law he cannot etclude an acquaintance wilh the laws of hie court- try and in all mailers connected with thi revenues of the church in which as in the present ense il may be deemed advisable 0 require the interpcnilion of the people ac un questionably is the safest cuide io follow t is a dangerous experiment lo quarrel wilh the paslorxof the church if we con sider ihe sanctity nf their character m6 tlvei thn sacred office they are comrah- sinned by divine authority to execute their cultivated minds and superior judgment com pared with ours wc arc constrained in admil they never can wilfully lead us into error how much safrr to submit our limited under- landing evcu i political question as we do in matter of far giyiltft monient to their discretion lhan hy oppnsuij- them to brina our jloly ilvlitton into disrepute and earn for ourselves the unacniabtc character nf 1 refractory congregation candidate for parliamentary rlcctions we know ate fruitful of sine promises but hue we ever known ihecropto he abundant dow not know lhat the chief butler very often rememberolh not joseph but forris him and knowinc these thine we have iho unheard of madness lo irl a most nerni- clon evampleiit rrfuinc not only lo be guided hy be sober advico of the clcrjy bul lo odmit iheir interference in a question tvhich if we look ibe trouble of examining a we ought to d ive would find lobe strictly pititual ond m herein we base nn rirhl to move one fol lnyond the other without tbctr concurrence ond directions stee ajjain sriaat trouble we take hove very earnest we are while lhoe who ael u hy ihe ears are tnokinc ou with the ffrealvsl comkmure and indilterencr at lite very hour when the catholic voters uf kiofstun thv the air lo rewound with lh ahswjia of llnrrnh ft mckeukir and esual riprtita lhal eentlcman nud hiercr aiilnjrnnfst war i r- stated before the ame ublc crocking their jovesover a cup of ccdteo- although one of ibem wthapa the very net i hour would huve fnund the pottlnllo bonea of wolfejone ond yuutur tminelt taltllno alusut hiv ear aa h he wutl enemy uf re liqiou tnleratiou aad freedom n0 then what gicat caiuo sso common people mere puppii in the ijiaiii havo to tea cutraelivu about tho ktsriinrut huh matttr bofor m u cannot 11 dhuited lhat our llishnp and virti loneral are hy ajreal odds lh boat jiidgvi tb tortus nrtvrid bj mr maedooald employed therein this i fearlelv asset l shows ihe great neennty of an lrih parly- we sco that aflrr all the duly acknowtcftrd merit talent and inlerily vf irishmen in offices ihey land in lh mcace ratio uf i to li who i th- siato so levfly that will submit to the cntinnnr erf t tatt vf lhins4 are iriphmen ony fit lo bt dm keepen police and some such let irish men answer nve thai query any person dnubtinr ihe verily of coy statement can satisfy himself hy havinr re course in ihe canadian directories and ihero the whole facts will appearand if these facts do nol prove a wholesale proscription then i knov not what dues t joined mr kirfcpa trick because saw the wealth the wisdom the talent ihe industry and patriotism of iho cily join him i like hun because he is haled hy the hiotlcd and ireai i liko him besausu he ue 11 r stoojied lope ile mecnues for pspa larilv i like him because he was aspersed and traduced for no oiher eausr for vtlu- pcration than that hr did not conrict without a prosecution vv conrict men who did more toiujporl ihe of iho law when in danger of hetns trampled under iho fot of democracy than his vile inducer did with all their vannlcd hracadoeia i warm ty clung lo hi cause ai he intended lo g to parliament for ihe sole purpose of serving ihn lii v t ti trf rriistnidaaas if yoined hi friend because be would annihilaro ascendancy and intolerance and perpetual an erertaslinc amity between all classes and creeds hy advocating espial laws equal rant and priviless arcordinr to the uuma ricat strenrh of the parly i likchtsa becaus hi character from bis juvenite day to thu prcenl 1 itreproachamc aa was pumirly de- elared by many opulent and independent men who bavo had upwards of s7 years know lede 0 hi actions i like bins because be is a scion from an ancient slock of irrlaad beil friend i like him because he was con victed for his meritoriftiis act of charity in alleviating iho deplorable predicament of suf fering humanity oeearonrd by the tyrannical aristocracy of my native country ts ho astumo ihr title but pmsas ihe wealth of the erm ine inhabitants of ibai once torely and happy land permit me l say they are not trim ihey are aliens tha descendants sf a savce hiulil soldiery of but a years slanitin who prove themselves to be worthy bom of tho parent stock of cromweltiam consider mr kirkpatrick lo be uided by a fixed principle of mind shicti determines him to tstrcm pothtng but what b hononhje and to abhor whatever is bassi ovunwortby r bis mora i n well as political conduct he ii said to be iho troe friosrd lh affeciiuna to relation the ccuv scienliosrs martstrale the upright lawyer and obliging worthy citlien possessed nf a mind superior lo fer to atlfib interest and conup lion stove nied by the priocijde of unifbnn rectitude and integrity icalous fnr public art leresl and happines mscrniimoiii without being proud humble without bein mean josl without being harsh simple in hisbjianperj tul manly in his fceiinc and on hi wsird yota cars entirely rely socb a msn jir io ffr opinion need not pledge bimsetf to his con stituency his previous act ihe acli af bu wholr life are the beil criterion to judge by i would prefer such a man to one who wptfld swear lo one party promise another and flat ter a third if aneh be it may be raid thai i have or had souk pecuniary motive far adro eating mr ka aihan ibis i fling back wills dsservrdconiuaarly and acorn i havo aa motive hul the establishment of food tawa and the prosperity of all classes which would emamte frrm lhe aggrandisement of mj countrymen and whenever t re an irish man desetvintof ify aid thr rr i am iherv i will bri with the atrvaclion of enhrsion sup porting his cause with unftitwhinc tenacliy which no bribery can seduce no terrorein dclcr i have no yxrsonnf reason to like mr k aa he was one of a cummilier who re futed accepting my proposal for a ituitron yet when i saw lh cysnj nf my adoflesl cnuntry at take and hi merits re deserving t threw all personalities eat side and stood h him whose entire aim woutd he to m suk h pny homp tnj ahsra free particularly whew aavr the wholesale pro serinlion of irishmen who i am inrry loaay allow ihemseue in he eaord ly rrldr- tirsted ilupliclty although in lima of danger iheirverttcej an duly acknowledged and ap- peecialoit i cannot eonrlud tttlbout e- knotvtodgina lhal i derived a groat deal of my information from tho ability aitit itnufblittu mo exertions of an etuditt onntompnraia ealtad llibetnia lo sxhnm telnrn my slnetn lhanhi whill i rematn i rdllor your intrtniuinv m i v klaptnoi decrmboi i7 ht r- tha stramar a4rushi wtvhh oa mm in ul insiant hrl nu tmahi tar wsaaw is nn ii11 ul tnuirr nsl r and four trmiiiand dollar la m ihroo hundras tjsouaaad dull rvfw vutw sub tl

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