the brffbh whig qwuvl ad 04ntfl whl plnuslh kmiwkkklv ss atiiknaum hm el rlf out pmnira m an if ptt j in aoiweaw ihm etretfnjrr mtmmvmjjmiiuvmtaff lw pnbhaher pwjjautou sii itnco aodonder ivw j jftwrthwl hh h iteto atafe le iuav 41 r insertion nd lil rt line fcu rh nwmawm mtnflpewwmi iki awdirwttna twtnehnvgta twni wruiftfl 0jtf i until fhd lwl enlarged acc tftliafl j fi haitian wiuu being journal nfllia lateral audraucwcuutrint aejaenf h bv allowed atmmmiii en uy pttttf ritottpeffi ah trillm lu be patpid 14mn lovt mtmkh- ic srittel ttmt nd general advert1 h e 11 for canada west the ailenram book store a til wall of a 14 s it mutiny huk 4v ft f k ov f itrt is wn iioj jujhy iiea fwtitfu 42am ihr tta f p v weaaaoaae 11 ft auvi4uly1fw pjaftaritwwt ffffw wrui tfayf awab t4rm of hum wwu id u fiawer1 rn ree mvnri ila fffmipm ftmljkfhnlmnfs uujia ijrjrda i opifbr per trbeltt dicor oyeje lfjrnj j urno oaixltf utoiu swfa tnyi ho4 fo mi job altis 4ij mtjgiygnff jon printi50 itly meulcd at lb p i t a f i vol- xvi kingston canada saturday morning january 1 1848 no 101 i 10uhi it with 4jflr tnd utodeftt irter fttdbill coeeuca imihid ird otliaoudlat stciui mt fuanhtajaakmi fuuerefcad 4k oto business directory j vclaukk wine and spirit dealer iambtos buildings nmcm ixnect bistros mx wt vtrgil cos express william warejfetw siuitivi- s sam- c- w p d larmitago kneralorioerpir kibto a fw ainirlv pr l4-ti- rtnb 1iojocr lakf in m george howe palter gitdtr and gtazier baoi si kingston near mr paippev cndle frtwr sin piniing vv nj msrlil imiia- liitti anj dfofiwj wk in gincfl a joha s clat attciionccr and ftud rrck pt all anltfrsthftnvfolly rtvl anj tmioctallr kttcmm im thomas pemieys v j knih usather stoke pri ccustrort kirnioft 0vr in ntiiv rtl fis tte ouirr ujpem kin ind orirskir mirocc mml imii b nit mkrr finjtngi of every jtjcrip- urn daftuly hcnflenom bamiew junes powell ironmonger ac tib vr mjoofcioref lnc sikf t ktagftltmu the british american hotel midino dttrmctt i tf v f t wit s 1 a wril fl fifiri facivi ined ot f hcrmnjn- tyv oiiint nf qiefn llciic mnl in mrilicitc eiimt the lanhs u tbnemknts whidi were of john haemi jcniml at tlio lima lti in tum in jmtl will mriiliunn which mo i liiln cnuniy wn aiitl viss- vtrpmnn kxccn irt tupw m will 3iul toftlarmlli lhv ttf mr lvil 1 livtf vrizfil ftl t4-oi- in excnjiiitri pnt of un ci in lt citiceiirti tfttvttj lup of kiniuti iirclivl fiurn hilary mv emuire by the hij jltx hklir fmimrtw in hie r- ciintiih uf o tikihm cimrt ptnof lii4ici iicwtccfbiiiiitwii- lu of kinmon rotivoj iy one tfcium hrtciiilic mhljuiiv juts- lir pull f ul in lm 0rctiiim tuwnliip of kiiig4tfi concjcii liy one mmh lovtt tn llic u jti s luctlir vt half lot n30 in 8ndcumtnn of camlc em 100 acrb pftrt iit no4c in ih dm- eeion f cmtlcn bait 1w acre part of im nu 43 in 9lh chcenihi of caintlen k5t so acre unj part of the etuhalf of lot no 41 in i cunceinn icntlrn et ah which lands j tene ment i shall off for sale at ihn cnft hufte ihe city of kingmon on saturday tho fourth diy of march next it is oclock noon t a cornrtt shriltt office cilyof kioiion whl diit lnll iiuportnlions op sugars tes wixes spirits ami groceries robert aj4sft in- k stulrft msinvni heriffs sale h sfirh a ffirj irffli oysatuncjllluh cinr 1k17 will lrdwik 1 thtt li mi siilnrrihrr rprirttlly lrs n6rici iiih tn a- i 4iiii othintry cimtamth ioqcinai wert luttfiniok kir sheriffs sale cpf landfl it iwir ikfirinj liu wutlvt slock r cj a n ioafihil mimctiitd tkasrkrkik wines tcpinmt fftilly tclfctrj y f roiiat iiiirctiin in tlit 1miir4t nd avw ywk markru lis iffrik stiwlc cmnlitt ajflou j otutt llir mlojnj ailicki- teas giiapvlrr my vijif flttftaj svgclhrtijtvniii rnn- coffer tltom rl rn fn funuthh ilfnna d mfc uftn wines wlftl tjjt r j madrir i p svrry md brown i r tnriflr iuu pl 4 bmfmrii chh mu uij port spirits ow jmiic tti3 iun intc rrnr iwjmiix wmtalj hrflnduta cotiion gi i wbb j sth wlutkry krlkidvm gin i 1 dot ct rhny pcppcfiniql n4a portund pau au in qunrli siovffntmr rliiir mtcfiin fuu jo vit d 4oliic cumco and oilkf rntora groceries cfttaaputt ofqinnv bw fred lltl ihyof d he riihl at ihr coun llmim in lie city liiugiittlir umlcnnyntifincl j lwlx7kj xl tenements siiij hy virtue f o writ of fcr fi il iimki mil of lhemiirt of he mtj lanj district and to m ihrecil viz william simpson pululiff ra john ord atfnftw all the riftlit liile ami intcral nf ihr llrfitiulmit in lnt ni 101 in ihe vil pfch il hjt i the wcai lialf of east liilfo22 irtcmkiiiptm sle t2 o non t a- kinptotsulstnt 1347 j forrett skcrif jl d postponement the nove sale of lnd pott- pondtlll gaturiay the 18s in tant tho saro hmr nna ptare t a c0r8ett sheriff at d she riltv officf i kinjiton december 14 1m7 1 postponement rme tboe sile oi lands ii fttrtni ux janoarj pimtpond till saturday l4st tli me bcur and nlcr t a corbett stttrijf m d shcfiff office kinpti december 18 1847 j 57 r 0 mrr iamcdowallfurrierhaticr brck street kindlon fur maije up to rev on the thortefi notice far oi iry description boitght and s matthew drummond grocer w k spin mrrchnl wr 1 buiminp cxl to mr w wl kintonc on satohdat the 1i1i january lbis will be snlc teaa robert mccormickj whole arid keuil dealer in wintfj spirit r groceries kc prinrai strict kinimn sessriaacdonajdcanipbell iurrir1rfc amorney lttwi pnkwt strrei kdfftnn- onm maodosmn alexasoer camfbtlji james mcmillan muric pin firtes t wm mcmillw tencltcr of uncil ajjrit auciionrcr- thompson a carer ocncmi brodsirelnwyorv william waro gcncrnl com- oiiminn apnt brokrr ij aucioer kinptoncw hacdonalds hotel late sionc eppoaite toronto ibe city batht king street francis v carey surgeon accoucheor tw burgb camriek eh- m d- c kcw eriwarducey mi-rchaittai- w neatly oppwiw 1- mvual on ki sw king- jitoblackistob r no4hrjuns walter eales paiuicr ciazier and rr hpr pnnccm gm e a cnown tin sniui n liaml 3j 60 t 0 butler cubilh mukrr hni uhvif miiival ixvi iiijtoii a ji arimfl1 u mir uliifjil ifflnti is o ihe northwestern ixsukaxck coup a ny of oawec o n v rjhe aent f ihia cnipny hftftre- ej u n0ice io hk cxchncc ofricct in if uti a moid ti rcet avherc ho prepared m grant liiawronte lainat loi or damage to property wliilier frvmfire or danger uf inliml navijatiirn m t hunter motemkcs 1817 xanfls for sale rflhesowfibet havr lefnitavrin0 landf x inthemidlanddisthlctiorale south 4 lot no i iu the 3u can fitubmgli 5u arret no 10 n ut 7l1i con rsclimooil n aerer sojih ui no 39 h iue 7lh co camden 100 aer wat 1 ut no 15 in the 4th con kcnne- lot no 9 sth oo oioo t aeret lot fo 18 6th con 200 aere gumming 4 hacdokbll sorviorte 8inpto dy nf nitd at the court houao in the city of kinga- tnn tho iinilrmemionrj landx and ttmrnrntpi oeixtd ty virtue of avrrat ivrita of ficra faci iaued nut f th oihjrt of the midland district and io mr directiml i john oliphant ptimf george yarker drrndanl all lh right title and inlereat of dcfen sint in jaot no 13 fjth concejnion ln- oruii john carruthers koinfrjf angus mcvlcar orrootair and the sank of montreal angus mcvjcar orrnionf ah ih right title andintcreat of ibo de fomlant in town lnt no 393atd nlm nart of lot n- m lot cneainn kingatonondyiluge ioiinponiaiiii bong pnrt of lot no 18 lal cuncjnn tcmiittfipof kingmon sole at 12 iicliclcnl tacorbett shrift m d slcrittoltice kinii s ik47 sheriffs sale mipiako liftt t ijv vitjiioofa to wit j wrilifvtd- dttioni kxpnua ianed out of her majesty court nf ueeno bench and tomodirccikaeanithc land and tenements of jamcsfuaach at tho auit of hosso b smith i htve eoimd ond taken hc notihorly half kumwr 4 and norhelct1y quarter of number 3 in the th dipntnfok of erno5town alao tho avathof uf numhor 24 in trie fttli ctnceaion frrderiabuigh mijlmtd ditrict all whvehlnikbl avill njfcr fiir sal at the court hon in kinffton n saturday ihc uu d y f march next aitbo lwii of 12 oviocfc ooo t a coruett- ttcri jmd district sheriffs oitwr 1 city of kington mmiand dittit attac 11 men t midland llnttftict i 13 virtue o to ftit j jiwu utitaof aundifjmirt iaud out of ifc dithct cimin of ihri milllviitl district iol tt m tlnrcd js4iifini ile etto rrnl n vull david mcolcat tan ai ahsimmltiat r imarfalcltl lrlior m ho auitof nathaniel 1iaegans for iho sum of eleven pnda onn himuic ond acvvn peneo halt mnnv and alio at the unit of john miller james aiiller and thomas m1llkk fonue him jrltrtnn i ttmaw pla crackrro pit 4 perl otttof flrrt c falia rk r pavtka 4e vaae1l matr am- rkh ptl btlla f nifuaa urlii in jr i r wintfw cjr vhltr rrf tflhw cixwxwtiskfw v vt va mvl uila speun and pmr otv sct cjntl4e ierfw fine nd cik i ithucdnd plc eottlrt drtivn whilr and kin li sqm rif raufi- una leimvo bt jrdn rll hrftvd hard awm o dilirr ahnd 6ho 01 ivntmit i iiaio ntrta muf ivarjt fnto an sheuifps sale of mnds mtolaxd dlstotct ny virfllrof to witi i lvritofficr fariuf r i out of i ler majeatyo cotnt f qoofvf droeh and t e directed it iho it t john mow at anil george levacii xlowatamim iho lands and tenements oft richard logan tkeented in the i hando of jane ann logan ad ministratrix oflbetahl richard lnnn i have ncid and takn in eiecution part nf the uoken front of lot ny 19 i i he first coorev n of thtownahlpte kinoton in the midland district afore said wbich niof land i aiiai offer fff sah at the cuurt lionc in tho city kiuoatnn on saturduy lite 16th day v mordi nextat i ovwk non thomas a coriirtt 5 sherirti office midland uuiiiet mil ivctmtoiv l v wf io direct iho aitvtiiim of f itoet mirrtik i ihc mwin ireatibc hilnj br ihelttt mr w haanr for mtnj- jai voaato iir vt t-m- i in lhi cp th chcclkoiia wcro jirrn o rimtwty j44irtu and whe atofaatiw rt fot z tat0h 0ifitd we an ia that f ownr eout ce the great 1o irhich rui from ht atvckt of pmper ear io cuorf want of tall and tho iho of inaulftcttai borclv ihry would willingly incur a utile mc nprox in i k- fiat inrfanc nii eat miat to uc in w im ii- i utf oo ilfin ood lih md nl tufbciohly alton to bear uofmfviutnn an altcmfti to efftcl a niftinjr ym in uiie woy onen caiara a civ earecitton in iho ejtiahly t peurinttna mt aic intotmtd by mr ofiden the nreanl lfoclor thai prime me aad prim pui ahmitd be cut int auaic ptccc of a oejf die weigh of fr pounda at otacuca bk hut that r mcaa tofk may be cut into piece wu ftve inchc wile aeroa ue aido of the h iraekino ihe rib in ihc middl oiltai rtaocci i irir mfi bltiuld uo tdfled aa recom nwnijfd by mr mwao i the tgatita occomca a utgr pwtion of our apace bnl we hart thouchl n vf aufhennt lotctca atnl iopounc to uaiify it without bo1eincnl hemarksontiiesumgctof pack ing poqk in confcrmny with ue erokmof loapcction in jnvf r cnid by the late yya moore formtly inspector of btef end jvrfr fo coy ond jjutrtit o onfreof tlte ititcriorliotionof upper canada rendvni tt aeocatato to etpoailiu produce intf nccd fr jrr ma ket a ul the head of aho ntlion in lower canada whoro atvparatory for rate m i- utinn a dcaixnatiafi of characier be- nvr necemary and ia oflwojiy gitco tn t enhance wh hie iawa and ntom of itkt pro vince and in ihti maoner tho produce of the hpter h identified a tho prodoctiin of loycr caoada ad aa auch it fcnown in pniijn mafkeia it iv therefore cfy irrnortant to tho intereat of ihia pmucc to maintain ml aupport u food and uniform chime tr to iiaeipofl eom- aaufilk and aa rcvpeeta the ancle undc coo ikjimu bvef nd tork a iniformitr ot parity in ehkmcter can he maintainrdi ooy 6y on tfow arm rrolavm uf t comean of o oarmifton to faeihiatolhaioviiibtebjaci the writer afo dnctd 10 fiteeoth ldkc and iortructivn ffoon uaiamhwf 0 ivnceipctience be icoibbd i bare presumed to addrcat thrc m aaaob i- m fuoda the lard and ltnnii t miba a barrel hvl wr arc acoatomcd o ach raid cat h wcibtn hta two hnodmd to two honttfrd and fifty yditt carraar a pnw mrv fehfrtting kbo rl b too hcava for i brrcl to lake fnun it im dd t lc n iw not- alwaf a rclaioinc i i b u vac ht to ihc vanrl paiur poali pocked from jnd fat hoja riniinf from ico to 343 iua the earn and eonrime of one and hilf hor to the wnrl but no cote of more than the enarat porta of ihma hatnvrc and tlie woii ihajo op tdcpiccr porno iwk ia alao potc4 from ihe rrma wring part of crcaaca fum which mom ha brea ar tccted but to coruiat nf wo mom f the coarc paitetban wluo packed fmm oaaul hoja caaoo pili toadoof fraalkrkij j n mux not cooeiatof more than tho coat ae porta of two careaaea and no packed front orciac of leiatbanfvbc hvndret runoa wnylil and in voic iamance wheie the lama and up4imrr aw na packed and ibcm being a auplua if ai4 po4krm thin fir me we am iccoiwnd i pick iteatbinmcaa for which we hare no brand bot it io coatoaient fce jmme confumplmrn from tail explanation of urn oth and quality lutauc tu each xmdr the 1 1 i m iy bo at n gnral kua io mbe hi aelection from carcaao f cither in ireland and on tu contiiwot of eu rope tok cut frf ptckioj into piece of fnur pound weight beef into pieeca of eight rond wfihi tluth b cuvd before packing t4 former pick ty piece to the urcl the latter twcntyfive of viriitu onalilire to ut the anny and nary and foe the eajt and vvret india market in iba stato of now york and one otke of ihe united siale dm circa m plit through hit eeolm of the back the wlroio uvijtiti of th hof the idc or hauc am cot erne way iom pieces of fire or ix iacbca in brrwdih the ajtoolnvr and hato era packed with lbetde piece wiibont further cut ling but iho province ia aoinewbat dirent from eiiher the eunken or that of the iav that i we cut into pieeea io average from fire l ail pound and not ts that nr or over eijht which ia approved a mure eonrennni o jfctory to the coraoner than the euipeaa manner and land to a aafer prcacrvattwn than lpi oj the sttc a peiooa btoek and etav- cr arc acceamty inotdrr to cut ihe meat anmnih fnune and n a aoltabte minner o the char actcr of ocr inspection i in a grrat ineavore maintained by tbe uniform iiy in bapc iieend ycjgluf thfi aaecaa hal endeavoot t give a panicvbi deaoiiplron of lh manner of cutting a career of pork in eonformiiy to our lundan clm kitl r l li rik of ak prim uevf almofld b picked fro n fat eahlc ai may 4 i care in inelvrcliw itooioi ihe neck and ahath catam uef avmm eonnini nf c fl eattt of all ncopltm of i3irre ymtra ild and njrird willi nl akre than half a otf a or ihiee ahankrto the hirrel theo m but w wr and nunntr to cul t an aa to mtniiit a uniform hpe and an nttt weight of piece in accordance with the at aodrud to writooota oajmiapfmn uf llrpnwca to bo clearly undcriw1 ia ddlicnll nkhnuh a man landing hy and afie tut a tide f the acr ctmi wonht havenodilacohy theiranar to proceed in a regu- manner t- ajwfe4 m rolling place theyre quarter m the bbk nvnledwn fan oroamto tin- j tint of lite neck at lite tw oiot which ut o7 lite neck ne tho prioi of llkhoolor which col into t oi ihrco piece confirming in tho weight neat oooir tte quaitcr ihmngb imfihvrayi qaqi n t lle point of the rwlder bme rann with the btek t ile oppiite cod of the omte leaving the bick at the one acfcn or rigl victim in breadth which eroweot nv p ecca f hie average webt proceed hv acparaint ihclimddcr fiomtlibriket aad rthttcut nd cak wlf the ibe vhtnk ftnmthe ahujer utow the jwvfi ibo halttcr into tno or three piece aecvv i c nd weigh jlj done cot lhroh lle rcmaioi port tengthwaf ranging with llic briabclano nb col into piecta a nr aojre a pobtc of the atpincard weight tire hindcportcr beina lccd on the hlch ouioo uvwn hkh cot tumogh ichgfuwty leaving tte back tiir aumt ii incha in breadth cut line eloae tu tb crotch bowe which back half col alofarwaej l average netht neat acpatate the rtok fcoo the kg or thigh uar- c il- tunk entire t i cap or ik- t pice of the barrel cut vlttifchncv fnn ih abaiiw th ajarnlt lhc j thigh the thigh or round intpneea no excttdmg eight pooviu- weighl vhicrer may ehrerl tsa m i ano picking of lite boeff wnt oeeemardy eacrcim hi judgmeul in ateemp the caicafce euiubto u cch gfiov and olwar cuttuig a aide for each ujrm to wtiicli adj or r0 frorn ccording fo tho weight oeef a ivrk imuij be packed edgeway in ihcurre and ile lotto dinctioa at gitro frr packing pwrfc will be obaerved io paekmg beef apylying u each band foer ouacea oi rillpeirc j and wsta packed from the btk fwf rfponatjva il moaj be a lend wh th ame qjniiiy anduliy of mil a duveted for putt printing tn cejouri ncoffy tjffd i 1 r nfimwt ot jobtjpo waauuwlyaaa ml if tic eery bet ekacjipiaow sheep aiiooldnntaeafvived to go am of am etlion liolthi 1j caw tbrittng old injaed anli cannot ba onekcivtd oucrib sin ihri iv r vo tn do yttticn to her ofaajrhaf vhjij be tt rcttf r i pnverty aod i inly uamfc fiat tf the needfol fo4 and waawewhaj unibmy witw tnvfecl aofoty aej tiitc ii be itroprd to rcmonccato by tb j pn1 f immalrd for the nurcner tho oatlaaoj mm oid the beat price uch a it ia or if oji m- emnrvtam rbcaveco wdl boaocroaml aft weigfrl and valve and if kept foe atoek tt a um r i ti might be pmutily ihurft nl tiit ej f au uh f vmer e taaa ortfitr aud of nineteen poundi kilnecn ahilliuja mid ono penny i hwu hwil nd ukcn ail tliu liatoeo real nn woji u peraotnl uf tlto noid iavid me git at tan nit i onlom tho aam davio mccvltattan irtwi withii thu j irtadiciuiu nf th aaid com t ami eacc ihe name io lm diaafcd withii three calender moliahc aaid elionei will bo held hftblr n tho payment benefit and aairaaawtinji of thu oaid claim t a- cohbut sitrijf v d sherirta ornce midland l4tii nov 4 let7 ljrwm peel rul india uioger oorrtro raitta uamaon and peweltei picktpa urjard olrajv ntelntile piccahlla ciibinahimwemtiejfr rucunbci tot lpici iuecwmamooui ki lehun wahnt d ilarrer uiurml king onde indu is- rrqrhn reef aleak emcocc ancn- 8aun oiucier otivra aboieand cneric lmdrf stwua ftrchrtn clue chalk tfjaw lnmd nd pvte lllarkinj tn inc w fn wmppmg ond vlaoa ppe hw tjncl niebt lirjia balll bock thoen mid ptpi crti oil ia entitle and pink winevw ilm tlmlag e rmhmg umti imarnnd wmccinh hiiand imn bnmaaa fnkpnader jnmtnrffj ahim saltpetre lmaoa and miu sii cream r tartar su1eiriie biinfrtne rrmr tle mu nt the ootiiber aaauiea the public that ihe whole of ihc ahore arlieteaare nf the rerj beat quality and will be aojd for cau oi iromiil nay on the uiavet naih crn konert ailen kiruplon novemher 117 for saub the ntur schooner rachabl of hetweet lai00 ih0 uua flouf burthen sbo will be aold on advanugeoui tcrmn apply in r ta hunter or r n young ktntaton oct is i87 s5 tf for sale by ih subnher at hie ship chand- wry store no i hmdvs bolt iojfn tair pllrh koxln tmrreel rone mrinilla oa everything in iho ship chandlery lino wlf lknamckn 0st23jsn s7 for sa1b portnndsmerrv wnefiln j1raniv c in hogalmrod qnarer cnke and 0otv ttfio stiara fhlk c w vcij lour fot caah chaftles hales oct 26 1847 caleoon1a water ihe sulactilwr hoa rrccivd a con- aigumeut of tho bot okcohvnt water whinh he will oell in plant it io to suit turobsori m t hunter rcaonre ond nsufntre ojlre ontario street t commission hijne ii e silracrirer baying commenecd imainc aa a cumtnisiun merchant in ihc titinc boildinfio ot tin ftot of ptincea street in thia city id now pro itred in receive cinoitnmontf and iranaac huitiooa generally in tho commission line ilia cxttftriee sioroa out cellars are mjitame fur tho storaco of tiny do acriiiiott nf gooda mid ap conatdcrcd mile aofo from eaiemol rlwk of firo prom hia long experience in the trade of tliia city the suuaeriber flottera him aejlf that with aitluoun ottenttou lu the intcreoto of thoao uho may eophy him ho will he able tn eioe aatiifacitou charles hales kiajjcnoci p 1s47 ii b w u stewart psopriktos of ead quarters saint denis stheet orroiitt u o a s i i ii u t p montral egs leave to ioiimateto the pub lic thot with oviow to comfort iml with o total jiarehrp of expense ho hia fitted up lia bstab- mshmbktin tlic mum luxuri ous stvlb ilia oxteuatvo travel and experieuco in the buaineaa ha en ablod liim tn judge of every thing that ran odd to iho comfort of hie friend and no exertion wtllboapored tuaeeoro them every luxury tho ptnprietr also beja ddthat he ja attaclicj to eatabliahmenl a ladies saloon for tho accommodation ot privatc paaxtlht november 1s47 03 3m letve to iho obuvo piitljxcwminiimj ajaawoawkioiawp be ibiereacd in the uapar rrorince being oijuevd i d- ip in eiieiiiciee r tlw ruin- m e n wlncl o loje a proortipn i tlr prvifttjni laa uen firid ttf preaent aoaaan ie38- of thai jevetvejo tin tnoathuf june lw fyhjnr loth aa damaged and uf uiat reeeired during ihc nvnlh of julj and avut uafhaj inure of leaaur atatiut ever tut ti prwred defective aad ivt uaithannncrvgrth vf all that ha pajaej i aaaaiaaa proved ufimcrehautahla in than plafo it unvnre mlufiatorr and ueafuht print wi in ilefretaaed nniravi in ihe treatment that lave led ta theot unfivnabu eenlt whic i am wund to vpprorc um contae man gcntleenen of uuj upper rrvvteee tn ihe j u i n 1 crrjil jv mjmicr of treatment an j oandoon in which their potk el way been rccfij e take wjto w cmpuift that fur tlm aa inn vf three tear the fwfc reeeired fmnrnwre enm of the upper country and even froenmte eeat uf tferoufai i cot io a ey ittetur nanner we lure rreeivrd acme lot afpiak cut hr piccea cfto twcol lliute and erenarty pvunt weight with the anotit uilt and feet atlached other pitcch in atrip ofeee twaod thrc pound each trfee of teaa wan fun pvune taonot bo lawful branded novhenioo large tanoot bo rtcut to tclain ihe popee hpc md weight- wi nve tx comlam of the aiie of barret fronj raateuaii nf the upr country being cither lou urpuf too icaam and in oma tntanceo ae enaakvauoarnaonahk timbct io other a defectivo in vreaininajuri and fatitknl m nonfu some of ijieaedeccela lend tn th k of pickk when the ctojfii t i ii ri v i unmrrctotahir but ibe nant rwrnuu cvnw hare rcoulted jrum the uetctener o too aramionivua pplrcaloa of aalt wbcn no aatt rcmairvt lo fted aid uri theaxkle u become eeid and often pualld rcenrring the proriirn umuerchantabk eour aadileeaefitljr tainted in ihe latter can of tiiile or oiuae bnl vr the wap builcr sum ivt of fotalujtc been matcriatty injorcd and needy ryin liyl whrn baircluo i ha keu the a try deefiplijo may be had m tk alheiicun djoji ttjfkhf oto fiatx just received androrsaixbythesuflscribl a supply of jleahauelv celebrated drhlalofy powder veilhniil minry palerv for removing hair to the akin om blwarh winder soap oivillramiv 6ne alamnd s edov inrlelibu ink for marking linen tu hairandtiihbrnhrok and a reneral aoorirnent nf tocn per f rbt barker drfrt jpotht0ry biock street ifinjronts w4- notice 11he suhacrtlror htu oommoneed the ontrccaty uukaaa wheoho miw riitea neat door in mr horhca crnefccry store kitaa ikmct tiijwui wltctt lu hopoa hy alriet attention io liumiierand mo price lo ricet eh a re uf publicntririiiae john foster july 201347 fotl sale s erior lot or sugar- cuhiil hams- very nxcellunt j hjll1akd mark t puer oct 187 removal tt t urvcb st co ho ae- t moved nttheir new prem ises corner of kino ah pntrei smrnts kitigatid nov 12 isp vines and liquors the an tfentetn ef tse phlie i reapejetlufty re trd fw ihe large tnek f imported diicet and tot aak at the haato willlm j martin corner 0 laref 4trt atnfon they mtt in part a nroowe and are covinc and free fmm adulteration fine nld pale rvrt tunia eunhmana and mher port uurlnnn le fc wrabv madeira fine pte and jod saevaku dg aarfr pale and brnnsanka medium three fi a julran f rthateeo o vyclkrilk j claret t matfeiul v rhamanajac nt earttnta brand mvlen oiaj and menneeer r7raavy fhaynyecald dwy in oouk tine pal hlj tner and mnuftiidam ienumeseitteh wbiaer jntaaeaand leward row canaelian ufnatafe kmctnn x- im notice lhe l haying bnon op a pointed agent for the coidibcs 1iisb ismccb foflflw lanow piepnrrl tn toko mnnwi rirh of every lejcrioliotij ot ptojrote iqio of promt m thomas brino jomi ojriviprinresttertl kindlon j ku ed ajaaij a too ebtiinjaot uo of aallocxre vr ujm other ingredient piodiieinj a rutt eurjap oflinve amell many hare erred in cutting the lef rite ehoak fron the houtder nd fnuw ll- tani a when o arniiited tlie ic too mnu audeaonoibr branded ofevarr are arparatelt p jad trio fw eutunc thu it apc ri aaci6ee hate rctuked chit tie frwn okfieienej of the barrel and uilrahnldirt je nec ayfoly of fultto ciuuto prwartalton- ol therefore dl wlro my acfollvf encljiie to odtnure in paeinir lfatvl pork arc forr w or tle riccemty of tiroridin fid and oui tfit uaoefa nd an aajaala iiily of e d niue all there no mil irctrjut for ajli c pr fin v iat vf near ri p o coore ait ipty be ued in packing nechloibe bd when oummaawpy lobe utt mrtd a iti iiwfulwc of ihe tarrcl tt pnewmg beef t y mi in jla ihine t nnh thty koiaaia ire and ae icooircd l le ijr land wcttaciaoned whit awv of while u vr- mjye lweoteiht and e hlt inclna i f and rhrcrvuitlif an inch in tmknes v barrel to be tarnhljiroo of irc hoth covered i rjvv nhite ai or tuehy hp frav- of ihe centre uncovered and bcred l centre ef the ktrjo with a bt of nne melt inwter air lr reception nf akhn ad iut id bnare end pchlrd at tbeiejd v law and fraetkre fo ade of pnrk oc ed and branded fr etpmuonn in twcr da nmr v me prine mc ptink and a iwi hundred paund l tle barrel ft pnaa lainadr fiomaidr rneer nf seart ag n two hondred and fifty novbd- k cawaao and fmrd lalrh fion ik ah u irth rvok pot cvnut of one awonea tn tee 10 iba hi fa m iv band aikj faetreefeof pork ualhuiln un iwenteu 01 w- buodrcd the block aefarate tlka hetd from ihe bndy j ilveiv rhvu insr j ya cfaeiuutcibeitoka ibecea rem the headtlie hradthroih h centre uf brain llia br eatt oaw ceh half of tfo ead clreeked e enarated at uc ninl of l j accaudmz w the wet h t ol ihc head urn aeuarale the neck fvnthbodeboto ihe int of the ahnower ohichcul inujlvoor trjeo niece according i weight i proceed by eenaratrnj the ahouhlcrt eut- ting tlwouhthe body in breadth fire or ia inche torn up the loulekr aeparatina et tic centre making itm nf ihree piece of rju ahoutderac unrdinj lo weight euin ffihevi ete tbore the kneeynntt tbia oone reaoraie lb unm from tba udj l the hipbme tho ham ereo reparate each from the other euulnccloee rjttw crotchwrne icafing a uivo4eao of 5r or rt pound weight eaeh ham cut an two or three pie- j cee accordin tu wekind thelegacleuo abutc thegambrclynt tnc nt agd leal ruocete u to turn lb budv rrn tide up cutting ukrwufh at ihc centre of the back when each aioa ia cut through kagihwaya cra cutucr each pari into cocee of from ate lu ix pound weight the l ocinj cut and urrpod far packing it packed hom lite buk fo ciaoruovn the tw rrnuiicathal eadi bane thouhl be edited with tcrcnrytw pouada ed gouej putc yak su ubea lirum lafauf may or twhw llnd cacluratc ofpicbara tmoog a at will ipake h sol wbcn packed in the autotmo winter to bo re packed at the opening of ike wuia rpring out kca than one barrel f l iilijnlinf the rime irrim and poriiy ia required ioreevry 6te barrel ofpuiku picking and inckle to whieh add tkreo iunceof ratitfo tf eicft bucl tv i t i pj oi puckitg imo unci ia very timpi afrcr uruoadm a layer otaauoyer the bottom or tli bjrrch piace tlrepkee id by dc edgewayn oa ctoao an may be nod a uyerof vntt beteee each ierefpok uhl tho buret ijfluod a4ectig the beet ptece fcu ihe tnp t 1ww head anrj at aarat uf i packed ng hcekd it jioutdbe pickknl ttitl it pk i lcn aa 1 can aahukj and wlioo booged ahll reruitn on un bilc or if piled with the bun iparrrja t iqay raui be impioper here to remark that neither beef nor porkahnuld bo racked nnot ihe niinal hel l hly ped ot neiihet hvtd it be pjehii u a fnnxa hate a mrithcr eaae aw tge will enwr outchera ilwotd bo emttotted a1m va to nncr iltetr enreac wherher beef or pork tv lang with ihcepco ufl tprcad until the animal heal hjcmwe rilnct beef r ln in a fruien ute imim be gfadejlty thawer hefo alttncinarfve roen or- warm ota beel fmrert in tho crc0 i uaariy ruinrd u aalt- mg end th uj ratavi be peeked rot eipnrtatton ifavini concluded my iearka relating l pnk 1 ahjll priieeed to explain the bwcooj ol picking and iretrwerifof pee nfr 1 di4vriar fmm tbi ajreaafy iven a applying tu ueet aid rwh llic pr41w uf laeef reoeived from tke t oniry jurinj llieyeir ityrj v ai to hat f pork cimipoautfly inll and haaahkepmt id irrejuur m ilw nmanrr of culling and in a eh fetic tte nf etjlhi r are mate rial atfmai mid eni be roctid mly by rrgulr and yniftmi ire ti cloiuily 10 out avaleaa and uiseui fir obuiraui thi mfvoiuuon it i uh lira t adtentor in uii lioaine- tliee jrr tjr nuaurieni nn 0 bf pack ed fuf capt mew ourea meat pome and a tn b pavhed two hujrcd pwnnd lo the hoiel alt ikefm packed alinuhl be vf fl t attte thre jtoi ld aid upwanl nien cnvt pd virer nd hnid be cot rito piece orwrfy ccjuai aarnybe nf raj anajoaw eight and wi lea than tone ot fcr eight aoricd und jmrnl v llicililtrreneihtieaaccotdi0g thai is tn my mean bcaf ahell cuntal of ehvtcc aacrniaweh bnahei hb irjuiiafmapr na dokamd ilinraloualynf call- pono stfuaj ehtf vrvoaayiri vf 4000 lit ealtle of tho nconu qvamity of ah a directed uf prk tij be raaffi curat if rrtalud during tv rfin- ralfu bui if remammg kmger more au will be occeaaary in all caae it abvotd bo pickld tmruodiatelj after beinet pteked with rhv rm t wiiluiakinadh4rv taipwutlbiearwi if piled bong upwjruw in no cae ihoujj bni or pvrk be pektcd at the head it luobbly lhit moy uf ll lared- erin pk itemt fudr iieur lhenperlion of nit upon h aa reryirci ihc mmac or overeaae of weight be rag in pnrpoovon uiht rfejatity of ibe pork that madofmtjeuvlona1itiea4 grain indian oafm pea and una pctcd it the uuit aeiaorli mawaj to the narrct aad repneked nnd picked with piebu atmitg a fell will niako it will inercaac in weight fieeo ig pei cent pork made from odt grain n0 not will gain mlla if any t king in weight onekr lcibeftem of ilt pork made at dulilterve wnlaa7ydecicne in weight by tho npcratinn nf eih modi if akna ilriptam ift andunwoithjnr ljr brand on- lea imprtrd by hard fd and ataum it be uaderalc ihh a v ra r m r qn 1 wtl decme in weight uia ihe aoramer ik and witlradualty doa uottl tio eaaae of tho hoi aeaaon erpeeiatty when tranftruted and eroneed tn lite heated atemayfv re prk t1 alwy run ahnri nf the original weight when round dcetiiuie of pickle to loneally occoia frnm emc de fect in the barrel a loatnf baaj three to jiipcr cent to tlaowoernd llic evil of defcetito r- ret coea nnt end with tlte ownt of the proeiraan botcatcni in tlc mconeutec epcae nnd taa 0 rapoiiilin lo llw lnpee u r if he u wi nn fortunatr aa i pan oin qnraiced any defect that peeve to ihe injury of tho eeenrwioa n4 lend to lb diarepeta of tha ofortanial of our cuontiy 4apv4ircetjoroarc fife for lw uwfo nni rjficnnt barrel aj hneid or frieoda from hie vppcronumry in mure neglrca tocoafonn in he infgitangitewihey wil baye 00 cnoae lo ejiin ir all ontawfot va up cuoacmeirm a liju aiaeket anrnr iriaviev autajcan nencn rire the bidof tibetr lef nataw e 71 aithy fact u nude evloent by atottoi airiltrblhu newypk naoonal antr3lvry suiltrd u fredenck dime ha aad afc iuii ulely pmceenvd aa fuc harrianflnjaa preach iierly to the benighted cititme of iho freeat mrxmf the eth and their aaoaenta eie aiwi ieth til tzk ctean and witkb la tjie argutunt uf the jvid and wie j ipilr ntiy far a few momenta when ort 1 t wiim n ptorej a llcy ofunroeechantn hbec4 aratlcrini the emienti onifadonkran whteh i awl tind oprvi tit w ill behind nva an 4 r i c riii wth ih uim dugoatiaf ana ation tcncb swct lmira eiecnifc t tn the ahar of liar lj ha free mei bt ihe 1 j m 1 wa nnt oonit peed pinieehiie aciene benviwed pnaaj of riarkrb and rafafc wonannper ol uw eia of freln0 m ed nt frapaaoartao an otrrllr b ciji c app arjteh muff ikat povt dueed ilter aiuml rr r oj the lodirw 71 nd he i jewi irioiruvtaol oul- tnrow iut the nicr thmar tot tw rftffet a a therrosw the oirger twmg the roamtauo ciajap fin- rrrrt there maawa a paowr of e aidbriustar bck aarrruinantaaa revdyrruilr and grnrralty nearly vbtataed tbaj neither fj m e natr need he wmyeal thinv whtl prnktin wo ckkcd brwl tliadaoif ur thr a ncricn inima be rf 0 ka veto trmiai ihe prpmed eile it w a raacatly ibiret erri ui kiid b aid and naa onwwthy eo fro pejple lhe amekaaa hwirer a it aaayueod m our nene knrw better tbcy fclhual lae aajv inuht aery j typify the apiril of aiarrioaa ln the eagle ateul h ajao- teatalier btjcia tte eagle wtllcpcd apnn hoaaau flu at etee arwerion tkal itaw jp wkhm it aaro fc a j the eaee tbi a the free amffcan eagle ya poto4xf weooa ih iteomic njfhl r i f i wcueeel from tbwa tory re fjludiga trt f r nqarrriqa oa- t they iruriilaatnaot agaiaat rjfcisatft j f t hack aaytooal inoyee hw tfpa a0ujo o alao true wuue tee tree uaoi jjev tjl seen ayiwinytavmit in the pobsc by and a elaas o nrl akeih arnrrre r wrncbm nf mcwraanrii notjij it keep up the ialirahw fue t tf tawua0 etpernmeo and the ehrecfer eoevd by tka wfviee and vodimn fiw many year hsruogbf thjek and tho pubtie ihat th hantit hmho it dofricefol tn lift fnoac lichee the admiralty or der which weobtta evlaatraliy ocaaajpr ichlv apphwttanahating brn mia to uo 13 hlpaonthnalof the tmvauf fr fcfajaatul hipto boited lha indolroaoftonh a an ijijiliiil ejuaniily of le an j ar in la rati he daily ratiowa of afeeoa iler loednvpa oral ine r hr tr inlrnffei aad orerjrarnn r ilr- rh an rarfnent an pkanj to laad r tlae iayae of tho fotvnphtg oumtitiva ut tew aoi nr fr daily roiinn of apanta to aucft of lb vrcu a of her uajajty a hip aa away bo rkolrmoo nakin a uafltitulhir til 10 amit an oca oge two nonete any mn trfo ntt be rtiwad p uva up mty om half ihc lunwanec of apwita woom than receive oanvhyalf the abav prnpurtioo oa ouirier of enouco jgarono ouooo ur uiey nay bo paid ike aatmga oaooey opaw uv to anr nar in iieo iheronc de borceirejljf lo he read top diatral ipi etinpjnrftptftd fatly eaja ioed uhi uaupro pewed coaogo w be murely riuitajy 00 tbaai pnrt- toall egcocercpuii and coenmandotf otbcerauf her majmtf and laaot s 1 ewes and auhs many arc the opinion and very diteeae ta to if ppcr action crv turning lb rama to um rwee in jiij part j iij- rroinee and a h at a ry- matiar uf umc imponance wa vrmld be glad heter than ihe borlon paprra tl oveft to her arua of oor reader 00 ihe tubyecl the ale rrtmo fw au eniri aa in let lha rmi be t ure at atl time rent albrw ike interenurae aa early aa oevnser aad mbnta a lite aa janwoy each htvioc ther dtivrrnt tltemc some few yeara woo fbeo no fielir wat premd fw lov 001 aaimtl and vben ifir- tec ade of a haru or lied or eten fervco wia denied item by the nevo powoful onimtla uvttbwanw thrnughoot th cmai nri orawam end whrn a aetnty ubitcnce w tiroeued hy aeratehiar ihonagh the arww to rrnch itu pnjr frnieo herwge 4 the fl id nf ike nrai pni- tarn uf to hnv o ihe yod tratrad alike hy cattle and yu03 hnewo and iruildew under root by ihe pie wa taougbt anafecionl fcr ibeir auppnrc and when mot crnp were not cmarn or mored i tern nem m emirjit then indeed j j waa exeerjv to imvc the lnth tm7rd before hat kgwattug of june thew the mighl j be aohiunce tr the dm nd br farinr but avw tlaai je ttwmp and crrt ere re may be growo i ahmtdance anj cm u caly atated there can be no necaion fnr inch late umung which by keeping them r roug n th moiltar uaore weooawf intrdrea the faillief difficulty of turning fr lamb ort at a pereal when iheee ia not ruth ivnt heuigc in ophy ihe uck nftlie mothr mirad leaving th hvotlie aery irntcaaootorecroilhrrieftth fw oodhtr porittd nf ouin ihi we think ibe oiain eaoac for ehlcioeinn in mny of th wotk tircre i yea aonjher rajeetioo m rhw prae- uo the ftk ahutd be wn hy the ki uf may aor m aptf prior lo ihearm mucli dtnfer h aveftow io hanoliny eeer uev uiohrnf trlc octa srcay idcp 3hj of lbl button papir put forth tljeidtalqtt lha ucit of mcamhipt which li about locoinraance rtiu nin belweei liverpool and new york qeaj month is only an ajpeidea lo the boatoo linrj aaj waj netcr igteadc q fee uuaj cbe we happen to know ihe iter than ihe fknlon pep v thn the tninaera in boalon lore iitformtttun ia derirod r hen nfirujti ti the cornpnnj lieeroot now their ifltenlioar rv at pcarwbre and a toon aa they co obuid 1 consent of ibe oritth ipivcrncoeut tj change lo transfer all the auaev rraaja halifax anj buaaat od ruo betwoen ir- poet ami ncte vwlaiooe ii ii theprujonk of ihr company tn induce the briliah jcoarnf mnt 1 eitj all the 0nda irmili ihnur new york in montreal and to hare a itfahaia and diminct line of coaat tt earner to ryt b- rweea llaltfaa newfoundland and man york we have every retiog lo belicre from fcujv eftoturnat in enane that tbrte purpoao may atl he carried iimo eveenlma befora ibe end of another ver or t icail two tho rritik north anaericao componjrje liver- nnn unrfehunj ihe whole affair perfectly well anil do not rrjep 0 ttavincma the british cottmnjaolof 0e proonely and ad- vuiiae of carrying out rtfa idea itj idle thercforo lot ibo botin preretwcaj a ihrmtelvei wiib the idea that tbe cune i will lortf cuntinvt to nirt lo iheir porr- 1 awaiaaw m ouhhit- c wriitit those wsl ket tnit winter oucht r- ranlioo in purchatq more than 3 lid per horci of lake ootnrie on 1 rate in olher placet 1 we d per here will oc uli lo ix w per urrel icaaun uoder any cii pendance can be plac k market nour lb beaide only n aebcl reejiirc4and cb victor ai j mut be lefe jrwrirtjnw