r emigration h ftr jtmr nrto fori crry tc v v ay in wiia to ymr notice any itionconncclcd with ihr honor jil af her maueity evernmeni and in idriniiratien of thoc roln vftotrnu which hsvc been ooliiifi for ibe hatnesnand nipcrilyof ihe fjkft thjw province i m itttc i out antinpaie the anatoes desire of yat urdahip n on all occajtoo 10 pre fo inch subjects ou tlienlion and j faveriblr roosideii o but whentotjch induce wit is m- hkradded ihe fact lhal ihe subject nf ibm i-i- jev involve toe claims f a casmavm burning v nnd ihtesetetse of that evenhanded jns- tiec which metel out i a r to evrry man i h meini re rr it rrtchf f i in rncoawrced lo un that it will not only awaken your j tnpsthaci bl invofc- the speedy intcrprni- yon of that elemeney acd patriotism which uw proniiknt alltlbotciof your ltjiip- eolirsjed td liberal mind toe subject of emigration a conne tied if lib this provider anrj ihclrarvfri ol alare perti if tv drstilnl- ppadatinn of the it i- tb dm to there evlonitl scores lidotiuiles- familiar to vow torilahip in ibe danger drl diceuhies hire attended suck tnltrprise ctfutel hate tttfyc trr pcnnr- hon and discernment t your active im in 3 iming mind in lh rapid inlrodueiion mins the nreaenl yt of so large a ynuinu of impceerishrd and helpless rtoitijnj as weir juviithl lo our port ib crowded shins anj under circumstance in every w so unfa- vonbtv fetrfol appro he it- ion arete ctuef- tlinf j lhat 10 dch an i n mi r of wretth- ptdly offluit in ninjvle firld for wmv nf unnrj fh dttudn in hr d flia smrf iricawrerirniftnf cvw4v mf lm h fnmijhcd i wl of moilaiay whidi in futvf iibtorr coititult n onttrtcnnt m mrljrcl ly rccom of hrr trroij pud fuhlbh jil cium of rflptjtll tlio djmft j d 11101 otj of at nlnc inijn 1 1 oniimin fofrifift w ccni r i vly nublt of lh zurta whtcb nrfi litavaf ikinf bd unnvoitukv crralrj l whhk lba porr intiible crcon rmlvvnr the 0pral fiewf of ftl tw of ihh viori ifuld bf mid lnotvn u ihc tmjrijl it- rrr fit r i 1 hj the honof 10 my pt hif lblatitc connf l on tuoocratitfk lo ntotr ji ajftttw to hci mtt ctctn mjiy i pptich uficbcft old 3 arrrd ami iyfffirdij i do noldrtitelonffvj yon r latjaj p ir ut fttifi crtjimvttcitifkt inr viru or rulnn hich i miy nvf foitarl to ilir ry of fcoir mr3ni which ht been dm by hr mjty govt rnrf hi ir ifuriw lu ihov rifrinu bo hift vn mim cjojj ftr is it ify ink ion lo imnjrn tlie iolivr m tho0 limlio r0ritor of hr maihi cifjntrjr whfthotv onm throng ihf tai mwrw rmiffrlioo to ril lhaimlvf in bv4m1 of a wumrvil imj onnfijlmr stpt- ui wholly r l1i u t f hai mrnjll afltj paired excilio vvii to n fj i k- c ihr ioccri of hrni imlotry 1 ten my lord wholly j lo any rain anlorfrv exhibition hfforv ihc pomic vye vtor4tk miw hfir me forwatil i ft prorninmj oiin lir kcirvf himjm vtvlcw4vri ib j avcn4i ioo whjdi in tht jteifrowitc f njj official dn1ir it h scvn tv nifrm to viinf nolhioc hot of thai miprif4 roi- or dmtf which alt fiihfw1 id unl jl o rr lo tw hovi nfl imrrr of ihvir sootfvijn h to the wrijehtw rri s tl tw of vnlichtrop huffiikiiy ftil mvt iovuc0 lb pfffvm p- to i jil c jai clmcny of yor loromirri lie fiimic jionilioii jn which hy hi- fjvr of tbl rwniivf ovtnimtnt htff i hive beeo iurru xj chairmio of their ly foin- moo ind by the pvluvtiy of oi ftlloxr ejutn chiirnin of ui nnul1y chten brat co4iwiiltce hive eo1w mt thro 0ji i rrrr of neijly twf qlv vu 11 n- ointu4iomtuikpltfkemjiilcii xl fcy lb homo oofcmmtnt ind qui by ftjsw jwlp wfl l 1 tirfir h hen dfflrwctw the hrfftrib comfort of irbvrw1uv3irrouh m rotjrbl jo mijom of thrlr fovc their trorldlymeiotimrl tugndioljtitij enmjiiian dip uilr jlrjlitiili mil portion of ihef c miiiivi people on flieir imval thu tbe hlitrfiogrr public chorjiy nj of privite bcocrolcac fl fir of itmt ilkimjooi which thfir ifrmi- flhtitly armiei of fctrricrd thipi mewmiep id vw biw frowafrttariowi poruof ireuriind secwfe ciil iwrt wvrr ira otoylhe extctsive hfrrrtim mntfttctroawtx tetoitotefo nut l rwltltfcmaltiojetootitf hmd t 5tii nl t jk occuion to qveiioo 91 4flfc pfliculjily tlvc i ffjuinnof ft lo the irj iijmf under jk greeted oooitjbfcnriie arawve invana- tvj thai itcijrf boenorw by ot or oilier at ibe padieo abovf riefttiooetl wheo buiaed for join c otppoird thoe ri ich tbey milex in toch a luatr of drbillty mwftfftthcj fcive pot rwtr thl thry ft rtirvtfttit hoo toe were induced to l rir n by oein ponited many iv4uurt uy hadnpferrealrteil for ht4tbci hive been ihii yeir ibout one 1 1- j obipped of by the ienu of omj nwho not oily itromiceri lh c i t i n i thry wrre vofdl itul hi locitihijt t atqoebecto whom imlroeiionv uxa oeat lo y ihrrn ill froro x- to s eah y iccdrding to ibvif nurohew on ihrii nthoirctfir no ins of hi lfituiip to be fonnd aiid they were then throwti wbb the boooly of the government hrr ind v tf r chltttibtf drtaittontcf rite inliwijo4 tf bli lordiuip wu tware of lbi btot h n- iv tnd btirttchi rondnei mi ibe pjet of w irish ideals and he one of the min1cr5 of the crown i dire am iy wb he vvoum dejorvr bol ihit ehiritmy urd rliich thitikfth no evil woofd teich me to hnpe t i ooblrmift of hilimh bijjh in lh con- 0ce of her mot gncioo mijsty ni aitiaj in the hovoeibfe atminittutiin of ftercovfmment eoold not o fir forei r trty dmy which he owed lo hi sorv- rrip and hii country but lhii it vm the w imi qoiulhvtad act of wonhtt t or principled hircline whoe hoonv pvety ttveiple of bumuiify and ereij rti of y bdbecooe uhalty eitinc it bowtindi of these watifff wlip fajlen fielttn to lht crvrl yteni of oo iofi0mel which in crowded r- tod tbe imjire atoiopherc of twiftl i indocci ji n thi mill diiciie vyhiih so r4idlv nted the bill of iu confcated vicliinx oaoltiludci hive died on ihc uyttv white a itill pealer portion of them reached ovr rtorr in uich a r i y ud futed r4ate to defy the pemftioi if cal it and to and wtmuy uni vilidi allentioni a- i nouinj care of heir aod faithful attendant they lihd- r iborei only to and inearly -nt- ifmf aeylojin that hoele rormu- afao often rmbilteri j bijl it j id shb existence p hi lred m1 lhita f decided lb it their ftd conilctl of bad biacuit and oitmeat and tint aseahothof tbeie aflklcj eie in tatf mi fji u feed twine hvm cne fcwmiwdl ofawaur and rrj lo a u aj poirij v the ijiijitliiv food md witer wa much too mjll tfrutudee err board in iiy iim hondfed wre liid- lndueriminite m- he- fiber which ihr vcw1 tiogrwilh ny r1r muf lmot heir my j deep reejrt thit men ee- jy epee tally thai of imc b balbwity tmtim treeing ibrm uotharp ofa mjik own amjb imwai of bo catta eomnru wmwkw the m the 0bss of her caluntnaey but ihit luch hnrriblc aod iii i c ccene o it detcribrd htim have been ounctej mijer the veiy fli which vhoold b a proteeio to her iinfohiwatr ml elencelew nyr u i unworthy l entlni an htfww duk hile orrr ll leihl r citchcft of her well eauird fame and jjhy il woum in my ojinit hae oen rn hn maoe to hijve itejirivej himi 1 once of life than 10 hit ihtis iihieeied lliem to lhke k uemr nltrrspie orf iyiliun wliieh nrta orlv to iucrtie li feaf id ki juify he error of a painful diouiinn 1 einnot here fefnit from ennmeralinr lo your loiitthi uw affirm he mmy inliti- ee where ii ihr hinont ot there nnfilov naie hcinc an utter diireard wahidiot only to every ptioeide of hnmanily ool even to tbvff common decrneie of lile which n- tnrc in ihc lowcl ilepfh of faditinej j i mifwlnoe o icrtiirihly vervtf to peeaerve thoic kmieratit from kilkenny qureoo iiii vi 1 iv anit ihr etlil of virgi oil paul avou of which liitwj devetei atal pilzwilliam and hajov m1iis nni cjpliiu waniteifnril ne ihr several pioirfetoo qerr infjalalp v fearful ilrlitnlum nen i hi confirmation of ill male lo yoiic inr1hip of ihc ciliiea ni hen free ollvtl nih rawi id nili i of st rilv hf fact 1 he- leave to lint a public olertihlt tihn new 1frntiwick m at whicli wwl e it in ireland the ir v i rhildten nud women hronm o ihit poll thfrt iifonunalc lieiiictcotu titutc a iutl of ihr two oiitiienls ftlmh lwd ivimeitm faute al sv a copy of ihu keilnriiei ha hren irint ihcij in ht lacelleney the tioveioor teii- erato be for warded in ir miiy cnimrnl fommenl my i hre none cnry ami fancnitc wmw he wholly in- roiaif lo ealwctt the irtaiifc ofthlt jit indignation i hirh uch a dwclotemeit is calroht to i r the ltt cat of hnnin heincj which wai received fiotp lid palmertoiiv rltlc waa hy the lwd aihuiinn hie cj h tfwhichbtit 1 few day inee died of the pfevaitine fever and eopifclfd in alt of oe kit ml red and eventvfntir men wnen ir vilh whvhvidiiytin were ajinmi in o 5latc of njlitv no tioie lol in ctttleclina ftio the miltlary vrlio have on ihu orcain and thvnuthmil the enon been nit kind ant lineml and from other nnrce eitftrtt ccmiidfinior which ill hih ioipor- liner demid tnd lhat ihe mme ability wisdom and firmfttr which have beendipy- en by your tordfhin on uhrr iljvci4 not je imaottinl lo uv intcreh and remrity sf ihit infant province will be alucbew to ihr aabjeel of thia rommnnication i have thehnoor to he with the hijhet con ak ration yoiic ioriljiip moil obedl hitmlde iwlvl adam fkrkie mnnirrauiil occrmher 1m7 british whig ojifir par oft pnafp satcrmv ianuakv l m stakea4f dirtha charrd 2fc cl marriifjoa j arrival of the st mrr infficioit hlicejf of clotliiii igr ihe male wnlc apjurel for ilir fpmie mu wckwral iih ihr mwabeokctl and oilier place fnr- 1 r l ihcv wore uenetallv n nol health o i ii in radcrofll rommiaionri wrre en- jhled lo hdve ilnni teot tiftwilhool delay lo iheir dipt eir plre 01 drlitiafjon i feci fnlivrd 0 be awv o tale in vonr lnrtlii i ihal the ieople if ihe lvovjncr ienerallv are j lo welcome lu the country all who my frit inclined la enii- rale they are wiltin in hd a helpnijf nl ii i incipient effilof emiraiirni which tv iuduiry and imhiiy evcrtluallv icd lo affluence and honor thev leiie la aec i1il lhni a i ijrorni and healthy p- vjiio- inilimrimicly emptoyed in ilcvejoiti ihoe icieat ennie o amply poed hv cinadi several depatimenb of atri enltnie commerce and ihr mechanical art and ihey conlidenlty believe lhat tbe honett view the moral ilniifvtmurii and the irn- mediate cnnforl of luottnd of their fellow cttiitimeft at home who iow pine in wait i iihlnce rniil be epiifienllv pomoej hibehnia sixteen days utefl from europe from our ukwix correspoxdest jjnoosy oecenber i ltt 71 public hwinect of the firt cion of the fifteenth imperial rajpamenl commrncerl on tueday the 23rd novemhpe and was opened by commiccinn hat royal speech tliltm little fro be enerl norhincs of ireh doromrnt eiceiit perhaps that it i more peeoliaiy barren in iu cliaracter it commence- hy rlatint lhat lire majesty hit ordervd the commiminntr lo declare the closet u which hive induced lice lo call iar- liamenl loelher ot tbi present lime hut i look in vain for the explanation there i a liricf allnpion lo tht dihrcv which ba for and the cmbarraw- larai vome time prcviled menb of irade feelinof dmrat and alarm tier lai1y to tllhorie her ljhv im deecllcm they hrbcejt taalwatatti dervrteek4 hy a removal to ihi iiartion a btitih north merica while hone ret they would afford every facility lo ihe imrial ioiemmrnt in earrvtof rnli rikcevfol t in- a well dievtrd itrm cf rmitition ihey it ihr ame time mot earnestly remnnlrilo nav ir- t j aeainu he introduction of siich hoide of beetle aud vagrant p have brrn o in crrrmooion1y ihrvw upon ihi yomc nl ihiitlv populated country- thev cnfidriitlv trul aat tvd lhal the lnowu hmnuily nf llrr hoal ttraciou mjely and tint of llrr vdvitcbi will induce them uillmnt ileliv loprerent recurrence of the evilo jntly cunijjainril of and which fount the lubject of ihwappeaj thdfalality which ha- attended the conre nfemierationiince the month of mny last canntrl my inrd but be present to ymir mind it iteenu a picture from which the ve of the simeaman ihe patriot and the christian luma with ortriarht di5ewi and horror of the ouchnndrru ihoiuaml human btfau who left he land of their nativity to nwdahomein canada it in estimated thai fifty thousand were common piupera from tbe byejaae roorhoujea and iiurtier of lartc and fnanutouft citici of the original one hqftdred lhoiiand fiwt ihoutand amd up ward died on their poaije to uaffl country nd of thote who landed on mir shoeea o far aa ihe return have been collected op- warda of twenty thowand have fallen victim to an tnidio and fatl diee the rem- runi now acatlerrd orer varimrt portions nf the province baveheeoejedipirited in miml and in many inwauce utterly jrckle of their future condition and fortunes those orphan who hive nrvired llie memorable vivitation remain lo be provided for and educated under the filtering care of tboe charitable aeijtlnn- ilnady nllej by the indigent children nf tbe renilent poor nf ihe ovarii inwn and cilie of canada a lane number of our humane wealthy and ditin eiihed ciliens itoth nf the clergy and laity in rarifhk tec i ion t of the province have viiicii iln ir rful and valuable live in their rffr1 in relieve lh 1 t and oiifort the lat hoon of the jiek and ihe iviit such my lord ha iteea ihe re- full of emigration during the present year and vie wine the diatroiiji coaler uence which have followed in ill tram i would rrrpcct fully demand nf your lordhip to what caac arr we to attribute bote evil which have bed here o feebly jctetl how hai it haened lhal whilm in fonjer vrar when no elraordinary ditre existed parliament frit compelled to lav down rc epilation for veel encs in the hiiine of trariaoortincmitant andllcr majeclyv fjftrernnicm apioiutrd aareuu at all the emtgrmt pnrib and now when emigration ha k is d to a healthy character and iikrrated tiilance and moic active mca- nre- are midted mh on the part of nf her v toenuiieiii j i the provincial than cndi the evil marlial law oum proclaimed nothing leu wi and ihe frightful cticne which daily q ifrfandi iiibothlloirof pjrriamenr the mi have moved for a commiire i be jr in pjifiaiawntoi the prtv tiont are deemed epel 1 i iii i add the r rim fir emigrant- on hnnl f ltieie hip which arc offered a conreyjnee i now left it wnahl jf in euliielv to the cpdity and despotic ervetiriif the laaalrh in command and the ship afcml irmjporanly apinlvd tt i a fir i which eamiol ie questioned mv lord tlmt ihe tfoverntnent aleuts were m i- hi irihtauce a jly dcci ivrd and erolv imjxned on hi ihr nitcenary viev and artful ce n ich prcciu- nt the nreemjry receiving the ivf ihf suiit dcnt irl those innnc- pohcy ditlv rmtceiucn tht inhtimmu trallic of rth and hoftil ki day- hefwe ihc tftittffmb uric admitted oit tmardj the vtuck de fined in receive lliem wete anchored m ihe tieam liavin been previottjy fmnijied with lare nu4ilitv f naleriiu and workmeti arlively cmphej ftr ihe en cm itirtoe of erecting ddilinnal berth in om teelt f wo extra lifh from dt i deck were addcrf into w bieli ell tjei and craidjlinnj were indis- ei ninatety fttrrel tlie pleading of humnilv were milled hy ihe vannilul crvethfj of that mpcity whih reuiued in the anticipation lhal it wat ibout lo ttfrrive two iiouiiji per head rw every jjitimial liclim krom thi oercmivdioe of ihe thipn and ihf absence m proier avcminiljlion il i eay to perceive lhal not nulv real iaeow vruiritc hut mneh mvere miniin rnum hue rnvuril to thnr who were omiphm hy kawn iy am diminution n pljlt lhtititlvr in the bjili oj rpactoi a4 unprincipled tliarer to ivhatcver cauct iul- tirernt delect in the pln of emiifiarioii may ho allnbuted it m to bt hperl miy ltd iht her majely finvernnni will u profit lv ihe fad cooiequetice- whh hare irnltrd from ihc injidjciii and a meamret nirned hy both ihr lnded priiwof and ihrir mrrcc blriy aeni and lhal they will avail them- telvrof ihe frililir which may be olterrd by ihc ueoide of fnadl and other portion ni llel mjt north american folvfti lu wtf a mole humane liberal and bene cial plan of nniferalion lliau thai whkh t l- i lieii atumpt1 mfidentlv en iiti ihr 1 i r v liitt that ihe i j r t y rini rtut uvrable and terv rf w into riuvn of the orrmeicial diirc j ttif i the two mr mr tbe f the t ad- an- lhat irr rvun- chant ill tptwivt led hy rencrat a which induced finitrr to recommend to the directors of the bank of knelantl a eourc of proceeding loltcd to uch emergency not a word however fam i to ihe remedial measure and iver majca- yj minrtlera console themselves with ihc xalisfactioo that the law hit not been in- fringed that ibe alarm has mifeidcd and that the prcture on tbe llinkin and com mercial interest ha- been militate these are no douht legitimate luhjcct of salifac- tiou provided ihry are welt founded kt i fear lhat though the ilorin may hive clrarcd i the commerciat atmosphere serenity is far from beinr- reilored wt have not yet re ceived account i of tbe effects which ihese diaaleta may bare abroad in our indian empire in the colonies auwnr the mer chant in foreign port- the effects ori ihe commercial community here hare been seri- oi it ha been alarming aod therefore i am far from thinkint in the language of the speech lhat the alarm has subsided by far ihe erratrr part of the speech however ioccupird with ireland and thij subject al tcady promiaefi lo be the mot fiuitful ource of dlactisiion in ibe present xsmoo her ma- jlih treas in inlaid lamenti ihe alrociou crinaea whkh have been committed the spirit of insubordination which ha been mani- feted and pecommerif to the considera- lioo of parliament measures which frill due resrd to tha rights of properly may ad vance ts r social condition of the people and tend lo ibe permanent improvement of that part of the united kingdom her mijest as nsual looks with confidence to the main- tenince of the jrocral peace of ktimpe f bol wilh lh exception of a couple of jines devo ted to ibe expression of great concern al the breaking out of the civil war in switzer land oor farcin relations are passed over in coaruralire sikace we hae no mention of france austria meiico portugal and it may in contrnuencc be assumed that out rela- tions with thooe conntrie are m satisfactory as l t to reqnire comment her majesty con cludes with ihe hope that the time rs not far distant when nadcr the massing of divine providence the commerce and tnduvlry ot the united kingdom will have resumed their woitled activity in the rotwe of lord afler the format rradiag of the queens speech the earl of yarborough moved the aimresa in reply which was kconded by lord eljhinstone tord stanley then delivered a very eloquent and argumentative speech the noble lord iben described wilh great power the present stte of the country having referred to the bank restriction act lord stanley then pro ceeded lo the tmt of ireland o emphatically alluded lo in ibe speech from the throne and after a vivid description of the crimes of the peoptr the noble lord implored protection for the lives of tbe landlords and their families lord stinlej referred also lo the stale of our foreign relation and advised the government to profit by ihe comeqocncc of their interven tion in portugal rem lining a neutral a pos sible in theaffairs of foreigfi countries nrd ljiijji7 nr defended the minileriat policy ii fwd qrmghim spoke admirably on the nlale of ireland and urged lhat the suprema cy of the taw should there be vindicated and not only ihe murderer but his intiaters pal down the kart of kdcn rrferred lo the necessity of disarming the ieainlry a mea sure urenlly required tor il is certain thai while they possess arms they wiii it used for the most atrocious of purposes the njdic was ajrecd toananiraouly jn the common l be reply to tht speech wai m oven by mr llejswood seconded by mr s adair mr gratlan moved v amendment lo ihc address which was supported by the repealers who enumerated their grievance the home secrelaiy opposed the amendment and dwell emphatically upon the neceiiiy of the people acquiring habits of selmcpendenee the amendment was then withdrawn and the ad dress agreed to after the presentation of petition on the filth november the fply in iiaavti to ihe royal speech came to in considered loid tjcore heutieck in a bmg ami earnest seech jjredd the house on the wjci of he tle of the country confining h chicly to commrrcial matleri lnl jotm unwell an fcwrrtd ue noble leader of the prolix ionics expresine a hoie that an i rjvrincnl in our condition was soon o be prnlueed on monday sir george wey introduced the iisb arms sill the measure will only be j in rfrc i in the disturbed ditlricla i is proposed to augment rsssijiiahy tbe con tiitj force and to enaet a na1ly of heavy imptisoumeal m all thore in who house arms are found coueraled 1lii is loo much asampte of what may be called til by bit irgithilloti it nibbles u ralhcr tl of commons the chancellor kschcqncr inwodncrd ihe ssvjet and niqhls debate ha taken pfaco in whu batinr mr luhart me- fitltre newdegate and mr matenna w- principal sneakers oft ihe muinn marquis of granby ihc deblc haso journed tlic hon c p villier ha iunrd cre lo the electors of vyolvcrham nonncin his intention to talte hi seat t ofoiteh in trreftrence to south l4ncai havine hren relumed fvrbolb mr a iter llnrv an rminent amciican in f lilfcrnl ptinciple has offered hmn candidate fr the rcpreienulionor sni t ln casliie mr f wen clnled bolb faffa iwl radtpf of yuebrilire and fr stirvnort hafccbed lieavelf jnemlsce for ihe 4 the racnbtey for steickport thus vnealm vl he contestej with spirit hyaldenriaii xt a liberal ittaf llajh hatsjaja cierva- livr mr cowan has declined to n oaths or his scat for edinhurxh in moic- vjnence if a dnqtialiftealion attathin hast of which he was not aware tsttil atr the eleciion fjom his bavin been at thetm of the oteeijon a parly lo a contract wih iter majmy stationery ortire hlr uvelav the head of one of llie fallen huej i for sun er i j nd is about to ivsisri htsalve ihe acceptance of ihe chittern ikmoro her majly the queen ha cmifiu upon lord norm an by the grand co s of lr ralli racait- by tlic death of sir k ionlai the queen ha- ato aproint d samuel vitwfoice l d rishopnf ovforrf to he her ftvjestys hish almoner in the room of ihe ardbishop of york deceased it is tow definitely settled that shak- fpeares bouse and the sbaksare remises jdjoininc 1 srios as soon as the monems sub scribed he made over lo the comrrcsioner of the uood forest tl is intended in future to keep apermi nenl naval force at new zealand il will consist of a fritc a sloop of war and a stcimer orders have been sent oduo form a nival depot at auckland mrf svh stores and provision as cannot be procure in the colony will be sent out from cnlanu such is the activity in pcepnrine cannon foe ihe guardships and roast batteries that here are more men einptoved now than dtirog ihe heat of the war in i ml a circular has been issued from downing st inmruelinr the authorities m ihrcolonies lo address ihe roman catholic prlltes in such colonics hy the title to which tsrir rank in their own church wouu appear to cive ihem claim dsawhhf ilylinj thea your race or vour swnalrff ntbe cue may he the december miines are oe the usual standard yoser contains awie oth er asattcrs 35 unpublished letters fleer cromwell which will prove a mbtutial re- ir for lite admrrers of ihc jv itroteclor ijtnttetf term- with bvoaphic and the jhr- i 1 cnirersiaconuin besides a clever arti cle enlillel fireside hnrrora of christnas some foreign poetry tastefully translate bj mr morn the coiorifli lilrary tede- cember comprises the first part of rixvons wild sports of the prairie and the ffbeky mountains michael anelo titmarit has 1 christmas work in preparation fonring a companion lo mrs perkins ball the parrnofotvoi joti trial publuhed in edinbirgh is afler an existence n 90years to beven up not beinjrsuiticiently pitronited ivaan- nscrijit of cervantes entitled ki f r has been discovered and is about to be pub lished the adaee that might is not risht is once atain eonfinncd tbe war in switxrland between the sonderbund and the fedeeals has been only a series nf disasters lo tie fto man catholic cantons and for the iroment tuccess has crowned the arms onhc aessorf in this most unnatural contest to lb etio lation of fribuurgmiit now be added he sur render of zujeand schwylc indthe riefiosja storming of lucene tlie capture of tt tal ler cily was enly effected al lh price afro il -i- 1 one battery was the scene f obalinileconalictforfour hours the i we fo5ht desperately for iheir churj and their domes and according t one af four federal battalions were totally anntbuled this courage however was of no aviipat the numerous forces ind wet served aly of the federalists the latler stotrrle ne beiehts which command tbe cily ben these heights were once in meaoif ine radical army lucerne could rar hans hold out and the rovemment of lmtpce asked leave to capitulate the conrv of the federalists replied lhat it was f lale and lhat he could only accept an intccev al surrender this was agreed to lhf federal uoorw entered the place on the- of november al tins junclure the crei rov ers harr renewed their efforts for the lion of the swiss republic a prolyl has been sijd in london by the due de and lnrd palmerton wilh the concur f ncc of the minuter of the ollw powers in nl auce of which sir slrmfnrd canninj l ml this country for reme via piij for p pne of nrcinj ihe frdera ove switzerland to suspend ihi vmbpi- p eeedinp and ajopl the terms ieco by ihe kuropean cabin c w the cost of both parties the sniih cnrle were ofned nn l pdcc llioker haw suspended nayment with lather heavy iljhilitic the corn markm have ptofl very dull both here and al liverpool and the prices of wheat havennderone a decline of z to 3 r qr ameruan flour may be onoied at j3 lo 27 per brl the demand is very languid the ufcovion nf fessrs v pemberton k co in the canadian irade wasanonnccd on tht z inil the liabilities are named t between lt00 and rioouo the houv a n idendi youis irtly omi36a n foen llotater a- isststwl 7roeo itetmur 11811 limn mr parliament avsembhd un the itm nil shaw tfevre was rccleclrd shaker rejectine ireland llie jtpsji say- i- we regret to male thai crianes and onlraires eon liniie iimiminuhed in ireland the tale of tiissciaiy clare wrttmealb kin cnmitv roscomimiti and limerick i must 1epwahle the oftenc perpelralel in these sic cowjiws hnn a saduinuon the history of ireland and render tl aholote necessary for ibe nre- serration of the peace of ihr remaining parts of the country that a rior beyond the present laws snnuul be exercised hy ihe go- vcmmcitl foe ibe inntction of life and pro rertv the detaih which daily reach us from illfa led licland are almost all wiitlen in the sjme unvarying fat t character of bm the pressure t want amongst tbe pende seiioits nil undoubtedly it apjiears secondary in intcmily 10 ihe insane desire of rictl ravins life- tl livet of the lcst benefictors ofthe iicople oem more peculiarly devoted to sacri fice- a dejitililia of lhiirtivo frlfh mem inr headed by mr h gratlan waited upon livd john rmrl on lh h tilt on ihe silb- jeet of iih irtir the de pu la lion uh mill 1 357 resotutions n irish altairs to his urdsbrp and alluded wilh satisfaction lo the ovirnmenl hijvine already adopted fotir of ihc frcufniticnitaiion ujicstd vtr an imptovemrnl of ihe law hftiveeii landlord and tenant the establishment of fosd de pots increacl fciiities for the liausfer of inrumticted estates and the disosition lo alford ihc eode an opportunity of recfarm- in waste ladt in prefeience to ihe emigra tion scheme tle demlatio however ch irfly insisted upon it leinf ihe first duly of lh ovcrnment 10 provide food for the starving people oflhe commercial affair ihe timti speaks a follows it is gralifyi-j- lobe able to announce thai a marked improvement has laken place durin the rvavl firlmhl 111 ihc asjicct of commercial altairs the value of public securities his advanced and there has been less stringency in ihe market generally the resolution of the ftink ol england to reduce the rate of interest to 6 per cent which was promulgated on the 2nd inslj will tend still farther to restore confidence and enable holders of produce to sell their various commodities on more favorable term at present however the markets for corn ind colonial nroluce are depressed and this fact coupled with the failures which fcnr in all parts of ibe cnqnlry throws a gloom over our prospects which the amelioration of the money market does not iitcetiiahy remove en the manufacturing district there i some what ecater activity with more hands em ployed whilst un the other hand large bodies of men are beins- diicharjed from the various railway works which have been suspended the royal rank of liverpool vus resumed buincst tinder favorable circumstances the asiatic cholera has advanced to the prussian frontier the fa vrexsc pais pajwr states that the united states rovcrmenl ha purchased llie island of iru from reeec and will at once pay oftlhc norlkae due in the manufacturing district in great tiri tain and in many parti of ireland and has nbifrvcd with admirarion tlie patience with which lueie sujtcriasjabavc been generally borne the disfren which has blety prevailed amons ihe commercial euef has attecled many imionanl beanclies of the revenue rler mjesty irtiau lhal ihe time h not dis tant when under ihe mesiinsrof liine po- vidence the commere and industry of the initcd kincloin wilt have reaumed their wonted activity markets rest wesiem f n i rtuur 2w to tl3 rich- aaosm 4hmandria orleans and oliio sloj canadian itslo ot canadian sweet utts i u states and canada sour sictsn wheair stale and canada while and mwed nrf 70 lbs 7i 6d lo 8s td red do 6s lo 7s h miaaj coen pernr 32a ifjsfis corn meal per ithl 110 lil oatmea t mo lbs s in 2s oats ii i- jr i 3 doperooibs 3j to i re per 00 lbs 3 l u 1easr jver 501 lbs 30s to 40 since hie departure of the last steamship corn market depressed by slackened smand in the interior which with other causes has v reduced it aciiviiy klour has fully receded from 6d to 1 per hbf white indian com and corn meat have been eju depressed tbe ulter in very lucish demand and the losidon market solerday atttsou the arrivals of english wheal for markei were exceedingly finvs the huiitc s s lansaclcd was scarce save for some selected pat eels wbkb brought average pri ces yesterday quotations for money closed at 95i fclicner inlls had risen to 5 prem and bank slock 0 nil by ihe qneew ii prrmn iht- in ihe ubeat ciiclc- in lidnd f the juren u efcnie and the cnrteir f fie trnsea staler ihi ihe ceat ftr has hern vinoiinrrd toaml itrcrcedby irtt p liorerinent tbr tlenland ntit brine no new of importance nl caiin iftir appea rw satinciniy and teiht cnwt wi tlie italian intelli jence is uniulcr appaennces are lw tiled ty in fa iniprovtment in mcrtimil artair from ihe shock lhat confulence has auied il cannot lie otherwise than a iw isly- m reduction of ihc minimum rale of irt 10 fi per cenl by the uunk has given literal aalisfacijon tk account fiom he v luiing ftiitiii arc lo of a more lrabte nature several fjihire hae t taken place tha dfrnfla of the w india iwnk hare been iefncd acrenlan h agrnts ihe uism bank nf un the capital ol the rank wliieh wm e iwishrd two yms since is only ilhmi maaseth lkrrteii ii fo bi hrfebopl- aid mets koneenl h qlfxns sifeecsl oh thumuv tbe ihtlr ullj lite llnpesritil parliament assembled a we1mint mr shaw lefevre was reelected speaker ind the remainder of the week was occupied in swearing in the new members 0 tuesday ike following royal bpeech waa delivered hy cnmmivsijn jy lorttiami gmtumen ller majrsty has ordered ns to declare to you ihc caues which has induced her to call parliament together and at the present lime her majetiy has seen with great concern ihe distress which has for some time prevail cd amone the commercial olissc- the em barrairncnls of rade were al one period aara- valed by so eoeral a fccliuc of duini and alarm lhal her majesty foe the pnrpoe of restotins con6dence authorized her minis ters to recommend to the directors of ihe bank of england ibe cmirse of uroceedins suited to such an emreency this course mih have led to an infiiigcmeat of the law iler ma jesty has great satisfaction in bvuig able to inform you lhal tbe law has not bren infring ed that tb alarm has subsided and that the pressure on the bankine and commercial in terests has been militated the ahondmt harvest with which thia country has been blessed has alleviated the evils which always accompany the want of employment in the manufacturing liuicts her majesty has however lo lament the rv u re uftevcre distirsa in somr- parts of ireland owinsr to ihe scarciiy of ttc usiul foot of the people her majesty uusu lhat ihis distreas will h materi11y relieved by ihe everlioi ivhieh have been made lo carry into eflecl the law of the last session of iarliameni for ihe support of ihe destitute poor her majesty bis learned wilh satiifaetian that landed proprielors have tuken advantage of the means placed at their diphl by the liberality of parliament for the improvement of lands her mdieslj lamcnls that in om counties of ireland atlrocious crimes have been com mitted and a spirit of insubordination has manifested itself leading lo organized resis tance to legal rifhl tne lorj iicn1 ha employed with viznr and energy the mean which the law pface al his dupnal to delect oflcaders and prevent ihe repetition of ulfend ers her majesty feel il however to be her duly to htr peaceable and we i misled sub jecl loak issislace of parliament in tak ing fuflhci precautin a aairit llie perprlra lion of crime in certain counties ad districts ireland her micsty view wilh the deepest anie ly anj interest ihc presetil condition of lie- land aim he recommend in ihe cohsideralitn of parliament meamirrs which with due retard lo the rights o property may advance tbe social condition v the cople ad tend t the prrrnueiii improvement of that part of ibe cartes kingdom llrr mijrmy liiorm wilh ai concern the breaking out of civil war in swilerland iltl majiy win communieiiion with her allies on ll usibjecl and has epreed her readiness to uc in concert wilh them tier friendly influence fr ihc pm of retoiiec lo ihc sums confcdeiitimiy the uljtsullfa of peace her mjmty louvs wilh eon fide nee lo the maintenance f the general peare kitrop- her alojcsty has concluded with the rewib lie of tbe tuiimdor a treaty for llie vinprrsaion of the slavr trade del mjly has iiven directions that this iteaty uould be lid before ynssj venfheiii 0 me ihui of claamssit iter mjjetv has sjiven direclimm that the estimate for the neu year should in- prepare i fo he pinrir of herns ld hhrcu they wilt be framed with a careful regard in ihe exincfvt of the putdic services my isru onrj crnfcnen her mjjiy rceominemu to the comujrra- tiori of pjrliaincil the law whili rrnlte the navigation of the united kingdom with a view in ascertain whelher any chanjrea can tanker i the cit election this rr momentous alfir was bmughc lo a final close on weneaday eveninc the grnm numtier lor ihe two candidates beinr fon mtcrsovslo 386 fon mckssrric84 early on wednesday moming mr ken- nelh mckenaie made a formal protest against the legality of the election on the grounds of cornidion and bribery on lh part of ihr co- verrment candidate and bis friends and re tired from the hopeless contest as far as sve can jude very little bribery and corruption have been practised on llie clcelors of this enod cily by mr macdonaul 0- his friends were we called for an opinion we should say thai the very reterse of that sort ol thing has been the order of the day aope ay the dettl wpqicdwntinmhtp 10 behold and tanked to tempt ji mi like food j b vf old j l j s r 1 r r wraei than f yne an3 tempts bjmakmf 1 ieh rsm makmr poor the ahov may he hrs black majestys modern inoie of operations but il certainly was not adopted on this rodent oecasruo by the modem canadian slaiesaran and his friends they prefeired the aucienl and pa triarchal method of gently pertuidiumcn to he consistent lawyer as mr mclieinie lilttc dreamed he of ibe vai potency of hi erafl tjk of ita jwer of the fourth es- lite ihe 1rea i call coared wilh thai of the lavp il is contemptibly weak and pitiful nay the presssjll election limes has lo ield the jxis in a mere mechanical power ihe screw firiuuce no no mr macdooam ami hi fnvnws can be com4etely exonerated from injkirn use of any brihey or comiplion in gaining the huge victory ihey have won iikr m tsnofc of newcastle thev merclydid wiial ihry irked with tlseir own and -peakin- seriousiy w slsonld say ibat ihc winning candidate and his friends have been much toft eager lo win bailie thai was wonbefore the enemy took the field a bat tie in which the lorccs arrayed on were always five to one when mr patrick relired that was the time for mr lyfacdonald and his friends lo play the gener ous iilcad of which they became ten time more active and clamorous and if the result of ihe contest ever was in doum which we strenuously druy it was through the very precaution used to ensure it for instance w here ws the henebl of paradiar ibe cl low lads in iheciiyltallt thote who hid rote were sure lo vote for macdonald and ihe presence of ibosc who had ivone hy fr the greater number only etssperatcd the cy- posile faction some of whom might have voted for the winning man this exhibition did no mighty harm as it turned ont bat il rniehl have done a deal of mbchipf while mr macdonald continues to be the aide aod diligent statesman familiar and pleasant in hi personal demeanour easy of acco- to bis constituents n his bureau al montreal and remindful lhal he owes his creators to ihe people ot hit native luwn he may ifat assured of ihc abtoluie safety of his parliamentary seat the man lives not in kindlon who can unseal bim tbe politicjl eaislcncc of a cabinet minister is 30 preca rious that he knows not hovr soon he may be called before his constituents it must there fore he highly satisfactory o mr macjonald t knoiv lhat he can always rely upon ihe pccmle of kindlon to support him but while his own csilion is so excellentj he should re member that other persons are not so favoura bly situated and since ho can afford so well lobe generous he should be so in reality indultfi in acrimonious table talk mr coini- ler is no lawyer consequently could not mature the bill in legal phraseology it was brouht for discussion as be said and it was for he cooncit lo make any alterations oecev aary mr aneen seemed low lolboioueily understand il principle and in supporima il contended atrontrly lhat as there was a house of industry established street beeceine should be put a stop to mr patterson made some sen sible remarks in it fivor bol was mel by mr ivsirk who aid that yoo coald not rui down beeetine torn fore it wm useless to make laws oft the subject it was moved 10 be re ferred ti a select committee which would be eqoivalent to consienini ihe obsvcfcd elanse about pttufiuisosj lo the tomb of a certain departed and venerable family the cap- utcls the hill was finally passed by the ronnf of the mayor we certainly wonld wib thai a tulu more independence was im- peeenaied in the disposition of ihe council a motion was passed lo sapamon befoe tbe stipendiary mawtraie tbe carters lhat were absenl from the late fire in carson- baitem we hope lhal ibit will be acted itfmn for it was a full halfhoi after ihe fire bells rnnir lhal any of ihe carters appeared we shosild supivwe not more than half a doien attended altogether unless smnc strinjnl measures are adopted lo enore their attendance we are jnt a weh witbmt fire enarines al all- mr union moved lhat search be made hoot ihe premises or mr williamson for tinpowder as be was informed that sninc was secreted ii a hay wt the may and cily maglslrate alter the coonci adjocjrncd sent lo see aboul it pj ts rs ms yhhtj lihhoiwirenadah nee brio in ihe iclte by im j ter few pferv the um auiteitrr a- nn hn onvt m aceonuie tha pubt in mail lew ubfi on the ffdtti uhmd 00 ibr jlat alton u wiakoetson thus nmt tlm liroeof ikc ll waii j tt ciuarrv dmwe hove beare toosle ihsl ihe ha m id of fw fasslso tbo lleaseof lndnst itan ben pcetponod aalh lb lotbof fesvti y neat thssbhtdc mrkwk- be adnpte which without inntfrr l our rtiarifirnr itrtiijrlh iny itromulc ihr coniliier cial and fnlnnial julrrels of the empire her majealy has ihouifihl pinjer u apsoinl a commiihn m reiori nn ihi leit mari of imitrovine the heallh ff in mrlroirolm and llrr bl jely rrcouiirjeiida ifrjwil rret al- lenlinn stieii inaaurea as will be laid bvture von relative to ll mmic health h ma jety las awfdf yinpa limed with tnwaailleriia which altl hie uuinisjeu c city counciu rresenl his worshinthe mayor messrs anlen cosinlcr patterson rourk ford crawford robixon smylh linton hall and mcmalion treasurers accoanls broucht up from the finance committee read and adopted and lo he immediately published tbe harbor dues have paid the coal of erect ins litht house m defraying ils expenses tearing a balmee of s mielhim over xw in the treasurers haml the clerk read a leitcr from mr hopkirk collector of culoms statins that the new custom house wan not yet ready ftr his w- moeal thereto and that tbe cipiralton of his lime lie ins uji he aked ihe council to granl him the use of ihc present ulace for a few days after a jrcat deal of unnceesiary dis eiison it was agreed lo let him retain the room as lone as required at the yearly rent ot 10 pr nnmnn we faney it would have been belter to have granted mrhopkirk rc- ejiiest willimil apiiendiuje ihe almve lerms there was too much of the straining al a piat in llie nlfair lo cmmeil reoued itself into a coin iniltre of llie wlule alderman kvd in ihc cbair mi counter brought up for a second read iui- iji kill for put ins a slop lo street le e gitafi vacancy indecent spehnres of llie person and fur pnnishini proslilules j liill jave 10 a frcst deal or warm and rathef annrydiiciiaion indeed the svioeijirii of ihe hill seemed lo have been lt sisfht of in lesjaliiiitrme and personal lhrdv t was a slamr lo fmd men wl a oslhl to be tbo first to step forward to proteel the morals o tho city and ioptcrni the disgraceful acenrs which are every iiifriil onacted at every eupner of ti slncla lendliia tbemselvet to the soiree of tilk hook s udder comfany- on tsoesdy iatbv w annnsl feiel of roa of ise ovt iww fpr fipfn m kio- urn tnmtneaf in the iij lltl toe museeed aonwirlil uta than tr honored in omnbe- j iw euierltivoeol of eery varied svstoee pirn of u ten coasts e rrved virh ceimannimenif tien headed rhe addremnf mr ble thvcofiuri f irseoonspa- y veiling fns s preoi i tutors swumlbtcvmfi tf properly piniri bf tbe nihabitvfte f rbe cilj wtvmo ivr faj0 in mr r- llie worrt qirs fovssjeiiim tv ta a f f r waa well rveieed and nfter perch saw irpfika yoienftnnh on ibe pari uf ltiie irsent in ihr ltsk in tiir r ompnj i ifj hj j wilhsmaon enwhtch brinif duly iemdrl was earrif hy eclmsfion nod thro e brers civen fur llieif fulre jsspe j cilee snpj rrciutiirfva dramatic skacki at- then mwej jo oiick etsewm in lbs midot tf whieb n sereict f frmy mi tha prnramoe 1mi nil iuciir tft k- ip in1 ncrallj pafukei of bj thai 1ine lea v haj eoe n1 jrone and llie peasssssvd 011 nf fare lns m iij al a irii fron rlw captain lh j tatdeaud furosa were ioattntlr mnaor nd 1 nin amd- rsdy fc dne inc iw rlrieh a m 1 erllrnl tmidritk omd 1 been pmridesl llna rand oniff ihe wvelwi of me kairtib is rrlly a lasssl ndmataml tb roatrameoti are wt vri ihe pi vers koep dniinlilc lime and lil i alamaat i nvch in llw rupoe they kep kiuer m lhat ihc ust chord the atruck wot as miaeh in tunc aa the tvl we rornitr this psrtigittf weaww asratil now kafwjssssb haabeen indebti j rr mneie al e a etc lo the kindneea and eoaaijerilion of the enmmiooansj ofeer of hie itiinent in srriraai wilh ooen a il k- iwita- t be had tbe a fair t nsuocsi really no to lani- lk lb alilitary eaeept 1m peooeaon bui uiia is ajhemmbm daoffrw waa eonlinaad wiih imiiriof enery imiil paet 00a ncuck durins srliich liesst ihe refreaerrcnl room wm open krrti prnprirtr w aa mueh obserrcd an il a pwldie oll aod u jst1 mm urn miea nt nil jueahiltlk pleaanra was fejij orpaah the nail was t j tastefanr deovaud and no dirsy 0a erc lions te rose tbe uoilni rjndosuanc ure thens hut the utter eipoaed to peoptr ticw as th rmwi ohannio orrumcala of tbe itonitceii euamber tlie membata flbo cooipaajv were dreaasxl in their new sesjrtet tjnifarsn and from ihe eatrenc allenlion iba udwa paid ibtrn ihey eesrwd the fittl adrarufe oflho color ejmtav nv4lhe atrebteai awafbjmjajjamj rvoue r jlm-rr- enrol curved dorm ike enliee eeenani andnoi ne awifle prraon sva iiaihe slightest deajree ck rated hj wtoeor raoasc dtnk in umpuiici res- peel mi- j ufihei- beiiora aarbl svry tba ca raj4a o xftwycaaa dattoslay beins ibe first of the rxew year we tender the con- sratulation of tbe soasnn to our readers to our subscribers our heartfelt thanks for their continued support and in those best of friemr our advertisers ibe assurance that grateful for iheir many favors we shsll con- liuue lo miinuin the large circulation uf llie rriluh whirj j tilt 1 1 s i n 1 1 of irr mrlmtkn on thursslay anomine dr rohron the re- litrninr- offitrer foe kinelon ofticially stated ihr refill of ihe elrelinn and when a cer tain qitanlily of chcerinf had been performed ihe cbairiiie was proceeded with the member heel ihc hon john a macriunald with his proposer ami seconder and some nf h committee were seated in an open carriarp drawu by eight horses which was followrd by fifty other carriaiees of all kinds and deciniosv drawn by from sis horsrs to one lioncp in which were sealed the electors and iheir friend in this slate ihe party went round the city t slopping and ehecrint al prosier places the whole concluded with louche ibe mtmser eleel entertaining as many as his honse would lrold xt diaohipr fiae on wadcdaf last atoni ten ucloev m h lrvke ijul m ibe wrsfn bvildiflf oceprfj h m r carafl 1 ataeerai andleoe atvaied m frineee irerl al llie corner nf ckefv mtrrea ofaissjlm the scotch chutch the wind boi ver fcli from ihe fbassfc there araa on atvif ibe lmf oe ihosa immadiali lv ayanioe lul lite fve h pmimot beinj on lha epid llnr llok ot l comraany sajii lore rbiwn sr stieda ma- ivi nnd r t 1 i 1 and lk misehief vm etmfwd lo the liue in whihi tbo tire i aastn mr sfwn liaoao vm burnt an mi oibrry neeupid hy mr richard ralmer ud a tarn it wonden ir r r 1 stiert ei1i ae cral fantllirr which bate oecfuno itouto tesa tl fire was put out by iwslee ocavaa aivi wartj al a public meet- in held at mr j trneltmnn chlarsfjiii wnrd ctltrd by mr oliver mown ami ii friend for ihc purpose of leltailia a fri and proper krson loreeseul said ward aj coun cillor at the aajsroachins election mr wil liam srr i1ii waa fxoptucd is a fit and proper poraou to repretenl catiraiui word aa cmin eillor and carried by a largo majority ol tho moet7ii tj l 1 1 lki hr caiivriann mr mur ney has lost hii election o f lutings and mr ii iu flint of ins patllcuur uollllosrlmt ni mellindul baa bifi rtinnifd ii it defeat of mr mufney is one of lh moat unepeetcd ovauls of ui eetnt in ui rr tn wftstwravah iaeao of ka and nwwharr uwriofrnaa ibe fhanv wrassfcatn no aa i 1 1 n m m 4 atioe nstiof s lreeakmee f aoro d- rvot f a 1 f smra niod ttrelw asre open the wmitar ifu-n- cbe r w 4 lhoat t h- been ei 1 r v r rm f ri fr want nr ija ab ertanae nn eivntnnee enirld li plrj m a r limr i ihe n r hi wnt h nn- anehwam jv itrfcrri aboanao fe r4ss rn be ehl in o lorr tr irneier the almsoao i ibe vt- i vm i i unified piv slmt tnwlsii vliwji sa inr bsaed ptu llrrachll tm 1 fin hr bfte rilinijn thni tair iiee r ka the day bcfve v h- das nfer proposed stkam tcfi and for- warding company the meetin which iras called by pnblic adveriinn lake into ccmidrialion tlie iiroprirtv and etadieev of elahtiditn a steam tti and lorwardine compant loolt olare on monday al the city lljll and wis nnmrmrmv tto mst repccifil1y atende we noticed srreral nl our nm rripeetalda merchant and forwarder and we have sel dom seen romie melln ati kifjfajani eon- dueled in a mor- biiineslike manner john connter iwi va eallal to lh chair ir mr cntl rerpreted lo act us seeietary the worthy chairman in introdtscin the biwinessof the meeting descriraed ihe scrowinr prospeiily of canada its rapidly increaiinc wealth tmanatioi from the rftxli ind the enereie of the farmer he statrd that a v ff few yearaaev in i9t0 the whose espnrt r floor fofn lyiee canada atau omfer stmml hot wavtean lat year ii amnonled to a mil lion and 4 rjnjriw and iht h amount of produce wa still rapidly increiinsp he had no douhl ihit nest ycr nns some extrnor- dinary easnalty occurred lb tireslexporiar- lion of prodnve ever made would take place and lhii ii was ihe duty of merchants an po- vitie ft ir lit hail heard thai at was the far lenlion tf lome ol tbe paneibul forwanlera m rensoee irseir eiimihmrnls trom kineton to rrevkville and prricott anal t r nfl t ar- hov1 the inhabitanta eaf kirji arap nd doing lo lake care 0 ibeir own ir uwltra it was iben moved by mr motval and ae- conded hy ml- drummoud that a slearsjtjre cnny vrttf pensnt highly beneficial to the eoinee m pnen and lo ihe viiaj iutcfcsla of kindlon in nar- lieular mr ienilrrnn entertained no dossbl that if ihe reqiirsilionistt wowld nairaolee the reals- ralreai of the rwofits rsctdont ja ivjr pnr-j-m- aiffl jteraons folly competent to do so wonld b found ij tjnaiantee lhal tbe whole slock re- uireil honlil be lakeo nji in a month mr walter sard he was of opinion that the slaxk already raauditycd wosdd be morn llun antpfe to to art the bmtrsfna wnasrli wam renuired and rf the new company cbrne las ptrcebae lhal which belonged to the ikan of which he was a member he was qiile willina and ready to sell it to tbrsn mr thosnai wilson dcsued mr bender son to inform the meetfny wasceher or ssot it was ibe inlention of ibe arircirval forwardera to remove iheir estabtudwoants lo beockvilu and prescoll mr hervderson would tike to cam from mr witsoo in wbal qnarlef ah a rrpoit oricinaled the cnairman menarated that r was nolrw rinns that a report had ben ewcnlited lhal besefda bf flbholaauiajavwstyaahtaoa or intended al 00 drslanl tirsse in leave kitte- oo bsst be did not believe it for n wonld frequently be necessary to tow laden schoon ers down the sleam and alwiys an mr jones said there was no doubt lhal the forwarders had contcntjalrd a removal ibai messrs hooker 5t henderson were tbe only forwiidcrs who rasse5cd realcstate in xirxv ton anej they all had considerable topertj 10 qrcajkvilleor preseotl mi henderson thonhl that oerinrrs wem tyeally mrslaken in iheir estimate of tbo quantity of prvdoee which woatd be hnrrhl rawta as ihe liktlnesa of mccey matters wonld ireatw limit tbe purchases of erain and thai one company woald be able lo do ill tbe business mr cull said that be preriiined although he had been qucstrd lo nse has linters srethary bo wonld am be aarecladed frsam nsins his ionsate a tittle npt ao important ao nccasson as ihe present lr rarely spoke at smblicnaeetinr lot potitres be bad neither talent or usle but be considered that on ssreh a snhjeci a1 ihat wfaicbeecvpied ibeatlrnlicei of ihe rneelina every man who bad roaaed an opinion f himself sboafd come forward and state lhat opinion he differed altosreth- fmm lu friend mr lleodeon ibe increaj ed ami still racreain- aiirnni of iatkojlural clucc could not be clcind ft wan well wn that during the spriruj vast quantiliea of flovirand wtseat came down late onu rin aometbina like fifty thousand barrel before harvest it was equally well known lhal we have had a veij jxodnaire barveii as it b not to be denied out very little indeed his gone to maikel vjnee uarveat that produce ihen miht be in the bands of the far mer he merchant or the toannficjatrer no doubt the money market baa been tight as had brrn remarked and 1 a 1 iriconvenicnen was ml yet that produce mint ha brottclit to market and it was no small pftml of tht rtrowine wealth of thccnufiiry that notwith- slandins the tialte of the money matket probably a million of barret of fvn r were still held by the parties he had named in bofan nf beltei prices but added he rto may aa well allcmpt in dam ihe st lawrence ns lollop tbt proxies of aericulturat produce towards a mariivl lo markei it mnst 0 and what hat market will be depends unon tbe cost of trarw port a irjeat deal haa been said abnul errn- noitolie and it was no common thine to heat absurd and nnjul imputatlorss aeamat lha monopolies in the forwardine bunisve n doubt mounalies hid exialed hul br belicvrd there wa ud n nrnn in that room who would not ictadlv hate been n rronolist if il had been iii fa poiver he heartily confesaed lhat he would the fact was lhal every mm wan or won id be so more or lesa and wswfej nana would ak i lhat person lobe found nlio wovdd volsiitaiily arive sip iticb an anmntaj whiui he could eonlinae lo enjoy il not srilr iba most cj il while it tailed nolliin however euntinnes for ever and alien aaonopedir of any kind cessaaf tn 6 beneficial the voice of public opinion will aa in ui case nil on end to them it bid al ways nntawed in him thai pcau mistake ibad a existed in retard tn irosmnlieav bad hern prntikiive of rtcai ni m wsrlt si evil nee could it be dcuird that our org fotwardinaj cstalilthmmtis had hern attended vitlh ad van laevs by the facilities whieji iheir isree cipl- iui hid ahordcd i but he believed lha limn had arrive when such nsnfionotiet warn mora pro diietive of o than itooo if we ire to iom- icte with our iickhber ihe cost of production as well is of triuspoft must be reduced if not aatl ixrienlluro wihhr rluntrd onj our eoniuerre crippled whniver eaira tncli reduction increasea ik weollh of ihr farrnr and add tn the riches of the comnniiuy with urh eanttsi he waa an advocate for tht cslu mrni of such aenmnny il wni then moved by mr w wiltn and seconded by mr matthew niummnnd thai messrs cvwinier wm wilson tbna wibon ji uilawmrtve john mnwat juhn wlkin and wk cnisfi b t tftmmtunti with pwver to add to tlirli number lo prtaanrtj ii kiit- n to iir ioeb tlke tht ntaarnalf me tt l obtain n rhirtat and aanvel wit- half the rtquirvd iooh shall ba liwylhat tonttn fikfilnf of llie aunatrltafa kr tan ii on ivf artlntlne maajaspnl and dlmratsv aim rtsinlnsr i r litnllurt fbr lbs nlitsj ff- vet atil isflho cams i thanktwam tntfd la lha naltmaistl the niaallnf adbnlrnfd hs a frlhrtdu rrhfas a eettf tht itpoiliimhs hirrrsullhinb