valuable real estate for sale that urge and valuibu farm belonging to jamcs rvtecll require hiiuwnm funic hill farm agreeably situate on the montreal red only three mile from tint city containing about 540 acres of which mjre now under cultivation tli o remainder beine well weeded- there it als pertaining to the firm tn natcnsivcmaftrtlt fioin whkh an im moose quantity of gooj frduw for horned cattle rony be annually cu reiuleiioi iiftaoinletlrabla fur in for an exitnive dairy bciue crtiwd f what was migi- imlly three distinct though contiguues fmrrns viz nneof 96 tcmpi rwh km emlmc of 236 acres it kill o su1- dmlol with excellent fcilt as in admit ofoach being occupied separately ami will be resd if josued the ere tiimp ore four dwelling houses two barns who stables etc there ate now unor the farmaunit q0 tone f hay and 50 acros undo tro of wheat tees corn oan pntatoceand tjniipaw1iichwiiliasiai if lnrs a yoke of often and the farming implements mny be had al a falihlttm payable in g and 12 month fr fen iter inform at if rearilin term winch will bo very liloe and hi her ptirncuhinf apply to tho im riieiuroro oupiiant st watt aveva r couts merehts rnetnft 4t f usustj 1647 frf3ii importations of wines liquors c com rwn n aortmnt of tine ami cnnn dbliquara flea wholesale and retail at aw vw or the sowriw notib cti of lha mattel so kiomwi wkn e3 rme om pwi hunl a sanrfimane port bvacssoru mideira lm a co madeira k s l p teeerifje chateau do re v her lite cla re r crape 6t keg rrjodimlirimpoewr try fine tw omcofnac tie firmy idiotic stntn r r r 1 3 r i nii rinn ranad ivhikcy will variety of uqoote toiubu for the asam och as ftne pp1 srnip r lapajorry srrup srbrrrvsfnip laanvbna die 4c pet salt by william j- martin makel square kinftinn joro 147 soap and candles phksunsfkj8erkiumwu pp f p candles opefivt to kimflzmsp mmd 0il factory orioboi 7is47 -f- i clfooljooks just received at the atheneum book store jpkaffvfvfj scaoo boou boston academy efutic olneyi gm and atlaj kirkbtati tinmmir do eiocnudaj waiirfvf djcilonary pilrrrokfatoqilmiigjtfflll f do- eeerftnie do do gietee e8obis17 blank deeds for sale in tw athenuirtqook store deffdbnf ftnia iiddoaorm of it su- dmfbofiwisu ihlhorerooirar l hocirc docdt ilhoit dt of oti d- do vilbbjf rtf mc jfcvdsrbla vito bir of dovuf ft viibeoe eur nf tocr al9cci rx qimttf bench and duukl f oitf i rrti0i coitrt fctik ofrai incompaitabtk blaejb japan ink ittheathesecyi book store kingston camaua wfbft the last s0ppb by xboivardo tx vlnci ruh rnc cclsiatteo f0 i it raphael krobgirete 71tb jt w to erv ruin ha fcrra rcrnrrd nj oruaailiiirfd to mioj i wdppoilnotiooicxllnc inbe wcllknovrir ajenublcear4ia of rihicl mersae loi ifur the vtall iipaa which u wa pilnud hucnvucjinloduitiv 0ao ikuie i rawc0pieseotrdtchtify einrtof lhawcfmrattf pir- nrrtjburrcficj aftd for if 7ict fitf wlaraec ftr slja at ut mwiw ok orr- fresh groceries at thb city stor2 corner tf klvg prdtcess streets kkno0tok wholesale and retail tfibflebkribrrr ao reotttto from mn iraiuad wee yua their spio ooffdof ea tea sugar coffee prulu liquors l7umf c- fllof ltch to of lhi spnn imof ulton and in iptij vri bo frond cnol in qeotii ond ln o dtoa lhtiny yd offrfoii in ij markrl th rmwjfig ooflitiit n i jf ihti rc goo teas lookoir yua llyoo ft j -ic- do 5 om urvni torj ftno 9rtajdigfi do do 5 bviogirnpowdvr do scodjk kiiiiu do dn 6 ri 1 1 i 1 1 sugars lolvtllmcm rif1nttcuh ioknrlroicmrimd 10 ydbmluoh 4 mh ln r m r coffees 4 j tobaccos 2 ooxm rtntcii51i is 0 iiwrotdctyi 5iijpicr 10 jo 8- 5 do vtfcnewinr wea cot 1tnrrdew prroted for chewiof 30 14 ski pen or matcibur snuff molasses i4hhd cuu liquors 1 nhtfa mrth0 2 do brviit brrrcw 2 do lh4uoee dckujk 3 do gu oak snunvfon hia wlihaj 2 bhdr llolvrot ftcaara do 4 ioboctka t tihd tjkvmnif 5 oafco dv do in botir 2 pipe ivrrctlo vn 2 bhd while ww 4 aamaclajaii 4 alwkic fruit 0fl tmini muvcath rmnn 50 drooi- pin n niiaofdcfi 50 fane j boxco treeco 5 in fj1brt tfhmhj 5 do umnotfl do m swb ahnondi sundries 4 tiereto rko 10 bblo pot biler 10 boiasirch 10 dn fir dkh t cjo indo 1 clktc 7 qixca gnond cinaioioo 4 pcppr pmi 2 dm jtmitta gintr 1 bi cnoiinna do 10 ooic lemon sjrup 0 srporiil do 6 popeor souco 0 r- 4 ntktit id oi so jomihtotd 90 lmr coa itfoom 10 whifv 4 kfssolotlmo 10 buio fwt s- ijt with voriert of niclo in tho grucor ha iooftjnicrouj lo mention thomas hendry jt co k npton j 11137 fall importations fresh groceries wrqlftile wd retail 23 chni canvass for bale by the subscriber rmm nflt wb iwwm ohi s rttotmr wuim j n mcvcr 12 uoarlnj ancbora from 12 40 cm rgncis huiuns wrath mett c baewh gelcnofime b- pkitotby ocd ovwier optiiccirv duuma af m w7 i2 sulrrir win ft be faw vtsf j ml nil w bro- whf w iohm iwhb tiff f w cwebiet jtmt fmi4 aa for fclb uus orum tmlumo cfuifirs tjmk conr o jgm end srej rei arh sqar kattm c kj bgstoretamhoiankn tohi fficndv nd le fo6lic fr ttw ery ficnl pilrui4tr odlo him dunn tlio oosi itjro jooro ond d nvnl rtrpoclfoll intwin trwmilhalb hmm ftccifh jtrf c ukj vvicd tlock o roceries wines and liquors campnstngi folbwt irooli 4ndim4n poti mr6tri sfmrrib miftcllii iciit chimp- no marthhacofntc bnndj ijndvcojnac do gaokiine scotch whiky hmbndo cio chfidro pcppcrminl ram cantdun vfiukov wj m tolioitf portieour otionltnn tn tho tbntestocfcof vtiwmih ftorj ttm f ihcio oat it een iniperted deecl bnmin he h eetftdcnca in rcryiantcndirjj thorn bclnf oo run 4uucrton tno gooccoivo ta fiorw rhfinx been cffoj attmcj by hurrf a tlc n york tknia in j monltcol nmtku con bo ftconimcicd beiaf ef the oeitdiulitieiv teas tras ejit tmnrrut old 1ljoa yonj ujaoe junpnwjc jvftfcj ptuzlmfr intpc poho shboo r ondothcr leaa- ohvr- gtto rnatod ad gnund cuffot s i5a crusted ood 1ucot4 tiejck fruits rinnn cnmar ri1ben p- almondi nvoctendbtllof oandjcd orojcc lotnnn nod ctlra saenn otiro ond lord oil rttttof cr dcocriptkhn ftcmro socoo mvc rmi vctuhccin anchivtcj linuritt sirdmrt sccnod csotilc nj bnjvn 3p scorch itlutr rd0 lnu scruvimx brwi fi spoors wh d iio grdo raaf wckj buck uad ac dec fish slenn ichfiiw ifcrrinr north smo ifcna eae jw lubock tiffiof wiiiboh od codfish cavf1nc trlncinco hot ftj cnooom rwcun punutioo stoomboot weuplrult le nomo 4e t m and 1 boxro tobaccos cttodh nnlmd ffoeflew cat haoo daw and amitotic chewing plus ond lariw iyi scarfofuni ond cunnsur toikti nj often -c- moceobot upure nod h fcelft hra n oorlcryol other gnid co nintnnioncninn ah of which will bo rdd wwtotant ufuh ot thr lwct qoncmlir prioc hi motto wiftf light frt ootfook o troio kavnihrnnrvln food ecru kino llvewacr lgg spuing and summer new dry goods the 5iwriwr are njr or pr t sit well hkir j oartiooelef itruish cry goods jiiinpedfmfe uwpootpor cwar dc m lrtrotdgfry nnkcnt km7 vndtwctd dull n0ir3uitiicf til ootneotf vvliploumand settm hhirtioi 74v 6kcu ouch whne aeuarcd lulum mar and two ulva frmtr piffittlo dov chccd oruh fc7 mnd dtck 9iio vk- inftand votlpallofnt jun tfli ho od ujtlr bridinni kdkf madir chintt u4 youcd gronri dtuo 8n foekvi do f nj b jk coraho p fipj itick sitio dowi albtlarfdrtion fir imprirfod t k ckimi cn wroud od ondeiiiof brco4e 4w trqw88rm and ve3t1ng8 alio a oefaeeni frooi lnndon dirl pr juh- bm d jeol n hofo fsflooooooyoitotvolmlnapood faris and london hat olitfunt k watt forwarding notice rphf fhrvn rcrttatjing company nrrchv ttivc notice that their new and fol kjiting iron i m h emerald and oregon wtth tho union kailroad ara now in operation and jing asunder steamer emerald capt t cvminc urivaani le4vr avlnrr tvtry 7wiij nvricoy and 4mwwvj at odck am dtfirwvads lc the hailroad iffimc- dialf tj ttt the inival of the can from tin tttjmcr orrjcon anil acfjea at aylmcrat eclok pm steamer oregon tt m- niuian- 0wwaai lravci ptiilace jo fort tvery tvsda thursday and ifurtfay haffpait 6 o clock t a m atomliic frave union vilujec immrialoly after the aiivaloftbc cat from the aleaaier emrram bothboau toueb at all stoping placemen rcuu each way they alw cic notice that no freibt will be tcccircd on board thrlf stemei if not jiropeily markvd and lvybillrd and not after eleven oclttk p- mu at aylmcr oft the niht ajfefiowj in ailn any coming to hand after that lime rnurt remain in atorc nittil the tmvine trio they do thb lo pit- ent property hvin jonely and carclvly thrown on oojm by owncri without bill or xlaik conrmcry not entered thy will not he rcuneiblr for iny pro- pcrtv withont bein duly entered and a receipt eranlcd tiios cuming acttit umon forcqdns copanp ayloier 1st july 1847 forwarding the undented haviar entered into co partnership for the puoftol carrying on the foitwvuding itusines oetween kingston a montreal i tick vans via he rideou canal and itiver s lttwttice ivillbe prepared on the opening of the navi gation aritli a new stock of steamers barges capable of carrying 0000 fufdi of rinwr per nooib to tend forward any properly which may be cnntined to them from their experience and knowledge of ihe rihine they iraal to bo able to ivc general aaliefaction and solicit a share of public patronage the durineu will be carried on in montreal at the ore eccopivd latt seraen by hil- mau k vala under the name and firm of siitrti k glatporo and at kingdoit uder tba name and firm of giajrod james aglasford george sm1tu kindlon slh march 117 sktf bay of quinte new arrangement 1847 rnc arucndid akd comuontocs stcahco queen victoria c a pt john barry downwards will leave bttuvilufor kingston every monday wedneadaynml friday afterfiooiia nt half paat 3 oclock touching at the into rmediae porta upwards leave a e browne cra wharf atinjafen iv belleville every tuesday thursday and salurday afternmins at oclock or immediately after ihe arrival of the montreal line of steamora thereby forming a direct lino of com munication bolivcon that city and the bay of quinic- 7 the abovo steamer la fitted up in a onrferior manner with state rnnma and every attention paid in una comfort ar accommodation nfpaenger belleville slat june 1947 for sale fresh teas sugars coffee tobacco fruit and 01 her staple groceries jugmflfi glassware cj t 4 rflhs snbicrihers are receiving and offer l for sale hhfti muscovado teir m obl- do do i hhd reancd tof do 5 libd cij motioff t5hjfchets yvuojj hvaoo toa 6ne and s cheilaold llviftn do 30 hlf chtu hiocrvtr twonvv 4o so piekjgeo iiucktca ocnona rpwciion ond gtnf n 20 i c iu coftte 10 obnt froth nud jo 140 boxea mjg bunch riwin in urimc order to boie tofcrco am tie iiydw c vcndiili sspsptfojit itvwcn 15 joro msccobne snowt m mbtspe aid llivann cfon 40 mti cihlo ond 3 lura auptce 12 do hoafttcd pichlea ond uyoioro ond pcp- r soocct w hoxra london suth 10 x spcon condleo 0 do corn roono 1h tao 7x9 gammon sheet gttw 2o0 4i ti turnhknj 40 uii jpif lk 15 obi n i lltrjlcifo in fond condition mftoilto bed twd ohw twine hemp d i jper ond locifrr molclw iwovd vcoiiuo rod ond bundr uthcr oriicloa m cuk fool vtottor 30 kq alort04 icniigik ccnoc jfomdy jomioo rom ood bananwi gin by ihe bfd wr qncf codt iso eel plaior maut so do fieh fiound woter limp onondoco soh ovofttontlv on hand 500 dot hoy ttaca oltpltant watt a4im fomoooiojrc4oor kinrlonjufkj ic 147 fresh fruits received a i u vi ilfiiiit not fiihaij pea nui ia just baaana ponoo injure prokfvod clnor eta rifa conijif xrmon onj qmgt whouoitoind rrtailhy wikmam j martin mirni huui vinrkon itih jono i94t sauces and pickles al k ik atioiiifttnt of london ficfe lea and 9aucaa for iiia at hfce ifmaneuti jao ffftirr flft llral 1 84 7- 110eau 2anal ano grenviue rg rut low raaasuait it4 perth caprain fenvick willp1 ood lm n4dkc tctotosjojkyf dounwarls willloovo kiiaion rery tvcjy at 9 a kn- mil- i0j upiwr llioweta 4 p- fr jorkofdlle a fi uhmoo e l oliver- ferry llj tfnilhvfoteafry wtdnea 2j a- if mcmicktilk 4 kr r 10 fr fi i landne lt liif uwa mt and inivo in rjtown 4 upwards winicove uyrwn ffejy futlat at 0 a if uocllamj t i tmft uewcirlandi 5 smfitro m oj nt mnctvife nwlbo klw etetf satojj- i a uhrrrafarry 5 lilno 0 jim fiu 1 p- urperunwra c kinetfonatilli h t i drf of np in kiocton every satiuday at 4 tncautoho4troiaifioonncelion wuresotar iily atameni boioeen iuiwn and ctuniwa trrt mewtmli and aflnroa iowoiern trovchua ihe hcoi foot tolhecnleewefipjrinte fr h or r r l h r tecminodtion the maweon lmmd m macpherson crlsb kmealen sib june lem7 kingston a hamilton the new iron steam br magnet- willmttl fotlher notice leave sjwgs- ton for hamilton callireatthc inffrffiediate purtjj on tuesday and frida aflernoonj it 4 oclnrkor tnmrdale after the arrival ef the mail bnau ffom nfnitnal and will leave hamilton or kingston on monday and thursday moxtiflgs kingitoo sept 03 1817 lake ontario the royal hall lino of stmera will leave kingston i to every aterhoon wt cxrcnud t five ovtoek ptroieelj toc cnvt port hepci weotbor rotantthw rctorninf will leo tliewto f r kqw rweurl at anteeiwrdiou prta everv wj inirr cttcrldj m ovr vicv p m rrciivt tuiil uik fo c0jmvcr jji ino in toih senber to tho close of the swajoo it twejrenoee n b ctbinor deck poaaentarowjhbe entire- lj free from contact with sick enirwia aaaoee arc illowcd on boas the moil line ryat mail office toronto jolf g 1847 j mail line of steamers notiot rphe royal mail stbmers jl pjisspout hlgiflnyder anj cjljfjjdjl will carry pight from lachine te kinpiien andlfcjivtv it ihcre in26 hours and wlieniianilahlrflft porta above will be ahijipej itnnvxlv yn boarti the lake ootario steanthw mr wm gunn aeeftl ttlmfa will aitenj to the receiviit andppk raf good r auitt27i87 ta m t r from buffu0 to montftal 1847 s47 laraehtarw and hiver st iiawwnce steam boat lrtt j the splendid new and pntly mhhid united state mail line ov stealtftv- catakacc m spti jvhcl rochester q capt hn- lauy ofthb ltfrb cipltu w- niagara in coboeetion jlh ihb new yjtjfifi bkitisr quckmf r caprioltiniw british e31p1hr cipt ifwridift tormimc lir lio r ihuntrkab i roiwktf wkoo sackeus iiarhop kl bnoclvilteodouptnbufr nppfloniiyfll wio- iv im unrquitkd scnrry o iho nrv si 7 lk lonomaimilflticsanlitntmodbrtv lb caxadn itra thp p- olcvbr bbrr maxkoraetoroa oil klndo ond colore of printing ink vctftf wft v book kttftkc tiun and troy m- trojrn y tror faoruaiy je17 3m it tb above ink for aalo tttha atkencum stoic kitptaafcb 0 it don kg anas hotef the piofaclar nf tkia catobnawaienl wklcl niny faoi bo mid to have no nvolnn tltr tonriovf f atitfico bega lo tuim io lui no moitaoo fida and pateoa pn ml mneam iiitnkfoi tia lopnrt aojcnenwly aecodd t hfotfk ina rvnaivel fnnnsl parf uct to keprretftt ewinnient in notre dame street tko iwvuar ttfrtitjlf the poeortyof we bjwo- iu t aud fieanja lha vc- ieo1 rt dcucr ls4 ui aod 8roiu dunn the pl ytt the wioloof thia ihmenss establishment lit been tomykut in the rvnrt atyk of deeoeo- uronnd wtlicvcoii for fit omf ot rnihi the furniture ia of ihe moat ottollr daacripliin and uo pafiwi tr attan- danceaar eech a dcacrietm oa nmea lo rwmhir ihe iitonjrinenlf in the wanatoi t man of rnk nod foriui than ufooc uaootlr rt with to llatala the situation fa central and wiihv on caw distance of the champ do mare tne cathedral biahopa ctiojrdi imi ptae the donka thr corernffwnt office t the mew lluae nc uia different ilgi nicola and 4i1iee4f ihcdftvfcntmitiur dearunent tht ity hah cooit ifixjar and other povlfc hutlosoa itfcb o on ear vj led aite with abandonee of otr od lcltt end hoetmm ito froiia plidid vow ovtrrlio owntitf eaponjo r the mihir st tttnx wlmlollteoyo m rewred by tlav deer delu and ocodoj ahaova of too beeatifnt ltaod of st ilrlent nnd iho diaual boooatoina of the eivtvtn toroahiya ativn ihe convenience will be toad six bathing booms no a billiard room tte ta0le win boaeraatd hh arary ddi cacy of ihe aeaonn end white tltopfoeeiolor will v- 1 f expenao to ijivo teliafietn to all who nuy honor him with tbcfr pttronjp ihs urjc oumvr which tho citant of hia tablwhmct cnabiee hifn to aceofninudoto will admit of bia thirst bcjoj f j rcqoobt carriages will be olwoyain ottatidooco to convey portico oondfrom the stcomboat wharmaaidlhe cp per canada 4 other ta officca and ike proerwitar wiltaporo neacrtton to mabchu hew eaubtiinnnt eunlinuo wolhy of the tibeml pblrmeijrnlilcblig recoirrdai lr ot rokco j mdon eg ana montreal may 14 1847 caledonia springs the canada housb rtflhe subjcriber in ekpreing hia j ownjatien fer the very liberal patron age he received during the preceding sum- mer befa to inform tho public that the canaiu house is again opened be imn for the rcceptinn uf tfiriion and he moot rcapecfttlly aolicita i conllltuabcc of their atrvnajo je azures them that ho will spare no pain loatld te their cumfort health and re creation since the clrwe of ihe last season the houvc and reuni have onjcrine many imponant alteration anl inpitrra menra whieh it ia hoped will add in the etitnfum and ennvvnienre of vinitere the uimnjj rumi lta been considerably enlarged and the bor removed from the huiiac the subscriber ia happy to vtale that miss murray whoaiieniinnlovtailofa is so well known will atill remain at the springs the caledonia springs present the pcal advantage of a variety of medicinal waters acknowtejged by the most emi nent of lite faculty to be each of their kind unrivalled in their efficacy for the ciirenf discatee and invigorating qualities the salt and sulphur baihs are in full operation from the uaeof which the moat jxtoordinary benefit have beenderlved the stages will leave montreal every morning sunday excepted ond arrive at the springs in the evenly the charges of the canada house will be ihe sme aa last year namely byththoolb 0 0 byibewecli 115 0 0 tli dor 0 7 h cuptoam may 27 1s47 aanve lineaioanflhif new bit in the nni awaeaiw ad ejee mir rfioma pfrlkaor plinie ihe ciiia cf minimal pid qn v many mtrnaiin bmia na vaj ion wtl nnd ihionnoar i ho moot inlorev dieejot nnie tn ainoitea nownvvardsuova kinrvtondanrat3ril upwards- trove 1ivdtkew51 tfaajejaldafa- drtksepl1pet miua mandarin saflce- tiia axtr satc extant ron fjrnvaate avicaa ensotp m of the wraneua book 5rw o ii m bubutt vj cefcatir ap canada aogoatcf iftt7- to the lovorfl of tho weed william o j m atttln wbvkaeia or rli aai rfem f 3alo aaaainaaatof uorenna prlneipo pne1la cjil of ill ohni4 uirt aie caveodiah j oronckii anpulin choiflocaifatohowlnf pinto riadf acd turkwi totaewa markf i swijare kiiiuju 1mt clher cenbkal agency awd commission office 6barjc yarj bticklcsury london ntor the 1onjion hoatt to merchant a conifncrcial nevi roim publie liorneo agricultural societies otucerortf thr army ant ny pnolrro pomiaherauf sewa paaej a ondcdonrtt jencrlty simuonds et ward gncrtd agents end comibiion aitrthmts rtiturx theifraleful thanha for post fimn to their krionda and the colonial pontic in rcncrt and bc tn acquaint thaanlajnt thotore ready lo eieeote ordara fnr supfliesof any kind ood quantity of and fiooosof every de criir of firlr4roeuiliiy at iho vary lwoo ftm priaee of uwalay end ireiipasjl biriocoi open the uatt liberal lerma pro rided tboyorapro- viouiy arniasd ynn radtor draflo at other lanf or 1 1 r t dttra or a reference toaofnc imdun or liverpool utaiae for pay men l 3immonld ex waud wl i rceaiea onntaffi meou of any deviation of mrrcflah 01ze te bo eold on enmmjion ond accept billa ot ninety day crtolhiedtvr the amount ntt ro cciptnf the hill of lvlinr cnoifamonto en treated lo their care will moot with every pouihlc dwaeich in their dirposol ond sale be cudueud with the ereaieu attention to the anieecetaof the coaai20 a r hoowtedconf genera t cenaattfsien buaineej acquired durinf o tone re aidonco in jamaieo ond tho otiw west india njode and maaawal oitenaivoourtcor hoai tw with atl iho dritbh coloniea tneoipertenro of areel yeara in lwirlun aa c 4aiol agenu evtptcd withaeomotitodeoltentiitaoqdjiiefiasiil willthey truit onoble incn to five aaliafaction toihoao who mj honor theui with tnoircom naaneaf to the ketdino public of canada the atvrtiarr prcpirm totrinnhho w- pvoire valoabto and intcvoimg be1ia hy mail tv nny put of ufpcr or lower canode el the pfteteaftllcasi 6 eu viearannd rrviewrin american itiptnry lufn r oinl ficlioo dt vv i simia 0 so tit peve fn n frooeh of m mieheh 0 3u lvtomi4noif boma 0 50 foibt atnootitimt chomiairy 0 95 cumuot pnyatulofy illeatreted 910 p clov 0 h llodkhortbo walrrcvre- h 0 htieatrihwiiikmi posa 0 si jjftcref ieateai i 00 d ofdehv 10 steel daeo d 75 drt oi ua tfeefcwaoj by t b thorpe 0 6tl the fjatnr tntopyof atoetidic- 0 50 urafuavtoykff 0 poriltanka mraioe i 0 3 j foria ur iho pefple in which every thine lf prnctienl ion ti every body 0 3 a trrotiao n milhi cnwo whereby the qulrfy ond tianliiy of milk which any cw ofrfl eivi nay br oeooratrly aeeor- lam nmnrr knavinee 0 50 rcettn uoeibline ft 61 v io rho ntnatonthconturj o 51 rrbikmi r f ii n go kiirirhra ltorroinciwomaio 0 w ir fe oy f iho wa uibr nolning tho cob aitd ifol pd djffpasl lo t c cai mnr iow vs wdlbo orfwoilytrandaj t krweieo jn khyhon or bj bofker ffow voik rqt loitt if very extensive and ajmvrtd eeioif el liberty o the colonial life asbubnce bmpany kmaifrfrfaju aflhwajfjsjflrf jt of par rieimr 110 capital 000000 btenllno- oraiuehcdre ma rvareieor cractitn assurances on the lives 0 prronjrrwivnin oratof iofroreed o rnr votvwse greet briton india or ow fwam abrwid eeiiatoon 1 gooree streel tyt4i 4 a- fii rsttaoow jssivineiploee- mtiiiiv 1 5 greet si jameastreer governor the ftrlfoxrlg the eaitfop elgin and kincardine r5orrrnorcrnrre cenaoe the capital or ihe conpovis-fsoo- ow all the directwnare sbarrhuljen of the cocnpiny the rates have neen formed on the most correct ooser rations which exist as to ihe value of life the profits of ihe company will be ascertained and divided ot certain interval when each policy having a right lo participate in ihe profit will share in the pond to be allocated fu division among ihe aav4tcsl advantages among other atlvaulages held out by this company to which the attention of the public is especially requested the following may be particularised the stevrittf of a trrrge guzrantfed caroioj if the moderatitole of premium which may be paid yearly or halfyearly at the option ef the party aaaating iii the uurreaoi facilities to the assured as regard residence and trorciviru the limtis belof generally 1 1 particular the oieur pvu bystcn rtivu or ialiryyvtktti belisut anu north srcricen prrt end anu europfon port time aftheytar without ezxrn charge thrajiured need thus be nncjer no anpre- heniiona of losinsjihe benefits of their policies by the oeiisaioii wrhaps inadvertent on their part to ajive the notice required by other companies of their intention lo eroia the atlantic iv the ronp dispatch in the disposal of ts board ef directors at montreal meg invested with full powers lo examine into and accept of proposals putting the company on the risk al once without com- mnnicalnc with the parent hoard v thefreeidtionrooi stomp datv en tra nee fee or ouyomrr erjhnsc in effecting atsmsoaca vi the fact of the company being aswhl o life assurance ojfice tincooiiecleu with either fire or marine insurance copies of the companys prospectus tables of utc fnr assurance with roo ms without pi on is mi single lives joint lives and survivershipa lor the whole term of life or lor a limited period together with every other information way he oh tained on application at the offices of the company lie older of the director a davidson parker manager far canada branch in canada head office mostreal no 19 great si jamce street hear peter mgillchiirmn imvid d4vid50n f alexr simpson eea ikw rwisay kan chklstk ounkix cso kicdtcal ad vis en ceo campuell eso m 0 aolicitoa john rose ears jtiiucc alrxr davidson parker rao dranch oinree wilh buajrda f msngcrmnt homolao leen eaunncd ai ihe 11 pcev in ufitub north ancri new srtnswick heed office sl johns agent dvxvax ttsiavao j- ova scoti vheod omee holifox arrilr jawm srwt baqcjsvawaat faq am ilwr foft west indiesatjaoaako tr j r ami tali guiana for australialn sydney ond adetaido for cape colonv in capo town for east indies and ceylon in ctbitbii modroa tiroby oud cuhnww june 16- l t for sale hsnonh halfafuno 13 in the 9h con of ponlanj a ipy 10 chablbsstoakt rowlands unique preparations vinoier the cuprxml patltonsue op iikh majestv tuk cjvkgttf llltf ft ii ruixcz alfikwt ttie hoval ramilt amo ntinltrv or bbcat onitaln as weu aa rue lotsaal aovkitcios axd couara or tc0ore akeoatvcmaiav ptcpaaaoake cstccmcd rowlands macassar oil is ceaewoted througltot iho wrtd for iie eenial nd paaeeialaiajg ejnaktiea for iho rvmoi hr ltcoduce and rewnrea aei edf it fom fltiog off jt treming gere rearorrr cey or ro rl wifimat eaav free it una wewf and owroaftd reoeero it aoraiy eorv end iiy foe cnicnavo it ia eapc rcrow wend aa formiof tlte buiiaof a biiirieoi lleo or lute miidrendifif iheuacof hie rweomh ooneeaarry price 3a d to fajiuy dud foouol u 4 email 10a u and uouboe that viae susarbaula to meeara rowland ond son 50 hatton iardon london gesrteviasf 1 cvntmlcrit atmsal on impentirc duty ia state ihe efficacy nf yoor exetlout maeaaaaa oiu fo the uat fifteen yer i have been bow osaasibhd by a evcafol fevie whimin lodw i havo used almteit every ioeoa ifi cure o head nf hair again bet all tor cjirie ilatly a friend ulvueu lair rcsttnr il can oner uatn n 3 6 j botile every srmpton of a ne head a un becan in ahow letf lo tho avepriae both vf mrvlf family i reaolved oi laavtof snotlwr and oikho- cjbi tmlto betc lire whe of which leni mcd ibadnndhavenoie aahindotmun vhf hair a eer o man enured aud i cunaaijy re- ciuimrnd owl all tw hjtr riot tried la oiccllet od will tut fad lo dn ao 1 sjtvi silfiifsajr ovt obedient veranl j walker utonor ivutfly lodje near taunton on hie wroppcr of coeh i w 1 lloitaaiaweasmaiik tt these weewa u tie linea s cabsar oll a ah others are 5p oiavr imitahaaetf rowlands kalydor thia oriental daisvmic prepieotinn raof nniunfmcocy inuieeotimy pifyioc tho sai fnam art piurlna sinr rancaa rlorcinta fascaats tan and dncolotioa hcaln- soemat svoa oe j- n r jcnc avolvaaoeaarfo4fenasrenrycouri and on admired aordas ond 4tiury of the moeaftiu end naca priced cd and it ini per bmtlc rowlands odonto or pearl dextiprice a wiure powoea rj tn ttfttii enfvndetl of iv ehnieeet nn4 tuosl reeavrcii tnrtdntf tkt oriental eferlat li erodic ilea uitar fraui the tectht removee aptia of mctpieot ikev pijiittief anl prcocive iho eo4r intptwi rie hhr pare end nejme ttbiun nn6 fjirea onverwr one peffmma rr 6rrof a price 5a 7d pee box eight hundred thousand acres of land tc tim huron tract notice to old se1tleks emi grants and others the canada com pan v have aigain llirnwn open all their lamia in the huron tit act for ilium by wavrif lease fur ten years- no money bring rbqihrisd down the kent payable on the 1st pfcbrnary io each year is not much more lb to ihe interest upn the upset price nf the ltorl the right to pur chase the freehnhlat any time within eh ton yeara at a fixod price named in lease ia aecuretl to the settler who uld thussave all further payrneuu of rents the huron district ia known to be one oftlid mn healthy sjittl fertile tracts of land in canada it has more than doubled its population within fnur yeara the huron traciintho year 1812 con taincj7j01 sou la in june laaryenr the huron dietrif numbered id 983 souls accorjirtafi the official returns tbeabnvo lantlaarein itlocka there- fnroartnftline facility for the undivided settlement f families of old seulois ant their friend maps printed parlicuurs and every rcquiatte information upon the hiinui and the canada companys other la nr in the province will be furnished race or ciitnog by application ifhy letter pompaij to tho canada companys office nt toronto end goderieli end strafford inho huron district cayna cnsjrsrivsorrjccf rredericksttorontoisljanviai cm for sale 100000 sot dolivored in juno next apply to william j martin market vuore kinvuen notice the undersigned frrfabl all persona credilirie one oieon their account r without written trdora eignod hy oneul thefirni mrjamca j li0iacic h k r ion 118 kirifetrvn april 20lh lft 33 to let the hotjhe npimnnf occu pied ly ihn xiilnciisnr pijios aion given on the pi rat tiny of mny neat thomas a corbbtx kingslarimarsli ttf lbf7 3j if ill ml ftincd fruitle oiiit nee the oao of four taluabio eive no better nainej oi area no in extract- rphls msdkinshss acquirrd an esteajeat oneesiitslliheilceleirily thiouba country which hsa been stsstaiiej vinue aodelrcacy aloorjas a rroirda ckofjraer km etij ulceuated ioite throat teneauojmg rheumatic artrclioe uiscaaesor theklw white swallinsa diseases of the bones all ulcerate cases altceimnrof lha li ver dyspepsia cost ivew ess all chronic sad nekviuus cvrnpuiou occurring m rfeai- lllalei aaal catheittconstiiutieas diseases caused ej an impuftc stlala el tba ulood the aucafiljm kxtract is a eom- elele antidote to the serious evils rrojucrj et ihe iriedicious ose e mrbcury as a sprinu and pall purifier it can not be surpassed trorfcing its way tiuongh iho system vrilh aaileni andaoeclivclotve cleanmngth blood benoving dyspeptic influence soothing ike nerves risnovine internal obstruction and i disease that wenm otherwise cause injury te the liver snjlung persons whose censlitutlnns are- rw av oowi hy the use of mercury ahpm- orquilnr and any one who te sv fi0ji distaseo liver or anixjud treat me m of any nl ihe ahnvrilisre t use the arcanum extract wuc delay in numerous tnanrcs also w ben ulca lioo hid laii bare soth ligament anj bor anu where io allanpearancc no human ajiear hut amputation cauhl hat esaveit life palienh have ben snatcfaeo from the grave and res- lorel lo health ihe devouring disease being completely eradicated by the usvofthisinas rmulr elltarj tne pmprmoiaenhe arcanum ex tract have bfjfl this met it me tied ia all the above disuse with the ftosieratlying results in usingthe medicine neither eusr- es nor plcafure iieed be mirriupird ra ruirine only the usual restraint ul moderation millet aoj li tquanj appljrawe an aflica- cious te the infant aa well as the adult pamphlets civrnf a desciiatioli far what ihe arcanum extract is apahss- ble tsithoervaliosohltisenaible peisaira- tionansctrsiiaaon diseaera in erneaat accompstiynachboule aeenta are seprjd with lbs above pacophfeu for fratuiicsa sii- culation price 51 per bottle prepared and sold ay j winer hamilton canada weal and jobn wioercc co 83 maiden lane ny for sale al ihe atbeneum rook s k i n e i o n important information jrtp tended iwlividuls rr tltefukrof z i ioe tne mwe profit vent llienvol spurious comt under the nameaof macas sar olu kalvixirr aodoioyio aorne uoder the rmjtoedajnrrtoh nf itnynltft and tli rvcomcnt depatmenta with n inur at leima ot isreeptiim ihev copy th ti odeer trrrmtn tritimittwtt ttiumivt jittit nr nomca and ajdreoaea fr so reolj t the ajiijrwe tprlia- il ia thceere mr oeeeasjrt to r aara l snioi ppt oace arvlp the arc wit rowfaxds fawewererfumery60aia bltuft bs aw- imported aify by meeara ros51n brothers gh torooio cnoda m mall cases aoiublo tar cnemiata aod peefomera on puretiirn clmiiore hticart of jruduttat ini ulmmavt sold retail by rospecliwe ctwmuta and per- feniors important information caution k rowland son jo hanoi garden loitdeiij 1 ej tr cotinn the nobvmy and gentry i s d bcrus luiatcd by lite atlcnurte of sw e svp- keeecia ho to cvtnpoooda of iheir own ninnui felure fii has tuleo of maciasaa oil kivn ond ootvpt aome uoder the implied bnetioo of royalty ond the cac- mror department tj aitnwt attcmplvot u eeptiim wltile they ey ilw li4a bills ad eertiverncta and tcalinvmiau aowtiiutint ctita nameo ond addkoaca for he reol of ibe unpmal prptirtoa jlie oto ger m ctsam oil kcvrc anj oooto ore imnvlands and ihe lvrpsr of each roiiallonoaeol rowtnuv prtxealinc lhl of he ahtcle wflh ibcir iikiiure at use r l in red la na a nowxwo ot son rowlands m cass vr oh- the oeelar virtvco f tliis aucecaafol iiiyotiioei fnr resfriojr improving and beohfuhg tkt tfniwtv sir are ic well hsjswe ond mmreemied n need emmnl tlio vcy fctof m haiine wrod th lest f nenrly half a century it pnmslaan anit itbtamaed ineefwei l p1nneeof he majesty incqoeen h r fl prince alhrt tbowhtlrbf ihe rijrl family wf great hnitw ond o every cobi rf o eivilircd wi1 j anj lite hih nu in which ri is univenwhy hehl tioibor vrilh ognwruiteaiinvhhttw cellilly recnvod ofilo eftlceitrd law hca nod aurrk paofaf itr mciuv iaice 3avwsad7a- orpomily rttttka ceuul to 4 sse4iat i0a6d nod double that am wis cirfr on hovrapl jvrnf frh hrflf f llr rouxxi oaore artrcte ore those macaco k oil words reliaeliaea j rowlands kalydor an oriental balsamic prepara- faun aii pimples xpqts ict rtonf singular cfon in iiw ki blotches rbdxrxs freckles tan inrl discoloration produasms a kemtbvfierhme ond rroepreoy com plblont and an edetfnwaoeeanrwafeit rynio hajnds armil neck tl il llvehiahla aaa reavvaline nj llafrralirrip wnih laireealera and reatdeota in wane chmaics und in eaaca f snnbern slioa of imrcte or chhjetnt lnnrniioai iia vuteat hive n- anij eiicnaivety hoew and rtfttthirtr p pfeoftneleobb ike court and lbs royaf family of great ruiw aa well ao an rfaannl courts of europe nd 1 rrv i j vnriif itv jrr nohnowlrilced ila artfyig n per lift obtained tlk eaetjitu lc ft jmsjusafs1obilitv andgentrv of alloiviliiedeairans cr pevaeofptvrrforvskalvdors ajmiamsjc unossl aatrioeeota utterly rtinoa io the c4lo ahkb by thsir repsjaswl action rndooeor hrahb eneli hwtle of rlie eeavtochaatlwwdarowlxnn kaly- fhlrenilielvrappcratida rowlanh a son v itittttft gnncr is atw rneravatl hy oorivif ibe faacaawt4earrei thogovenv nxt siamp ahlicd trn aavob price 4a 6d rd aardprbole itowlandrt oponto or pearl dentiftllce awiiltb powder for tiik terrtii omnphiided nt the ell and wl reraae eafdsaia0eorel lerool nf mosiiem haf vloc fcr svearref and enniifmt im tnern and irwerleotvi iho com ila tidy erfiflirniaitdfriiffram mimalic nrur lneoh ulliiaartvotltlkn ihacnttrt hoyatfamifvav hi tm hovrrtwli ano nobility ttptmghoirp europe winv ihe irenoioi demand nneowsflti ihn favor in wsjuhh as nalv sesnlly bsm ksii fcw pst t fniuim gnrmrlrjhi faoaiio kaiylkmou noh thnto ikrif natnn eic a uqrta by meaara rcwftln hiintller itvitonmii rnaitla iminall tlrri irrrf mhatrfo flw lmtrti anl lvr- rurtki on puk haa where aaware e fr4vtnt oavelereav rtulel halall by rsfseilabla c imllti sari tir fusj palayvr and c meshs atltheraspeciat nada k are nl nd bj la druggist throughout ca- vsr j winers pectoral syrap of lloreboum and elecam pan e or the speedy and rflrelua or th coegh colds whoopine coexh cure a spitting of ulead mf uoexh croop or hives con- aumption fleuiisy hoarseness paina and orcnesfotlhe dieast aad lns bronchitis a disease that is sweeping hu rirede to s pre nature under the fictitious name of consumption can be cored by this medicine theutfal symptom ef this disease b ton- elm at conxb soreness of the lnnjrs or throat hoarseness dtttcalle al brealhjog athma hectic fever spitting op thlrtm or miierandsomeima blood itsoothing more lh an mflamation of ihr tine shio wlich lines the inside af the win le ot the wind tubes nrair vessels which iuii ttirouxr every usit of ihe lmi the peculiar rltltiea ef this eompun have for a lone tine atuaetej the tlrnhei bflrr wreilrwi rpreifvvirei kri vimu vvn ely mierest iioa recoils been imclesie ihedevelopemenief theiraetive poweis and uulmouanc qaaiifies hirh he nronirlon an powametogroifyeftd ptst thi medmhrs to ihe pumic with full cnfldoer ol iiabeins the most safe and valuable rtuery everrlla covered and adapted te eji diseases ol tho lone when any of the funrfiors ee not perform lhair eatuial or healthy netion it is universally helirvedthai cod tn hie providence hasnotatoieled hiaehildren wilt pain and diseae without at the same firs giving ttirm seawelmwe in ibe garden l naive that will noi only me teste but io many eases entirely relieve ihm wiib these views sirnxy irsipiessed bn oui mini eeery ana should feel a crvat desire to juvrsiiraie la ihe utmost of his powei the gieai arena o uttereaoj le diaw liom thl arorce thai mainicrion which the wisdom of msa baa failed lo attain in amenting thrsariicla lo i ht pomrrtha prflpnelora ssere infomced by the hpe that a medicine urenvrcl nilb murh rare ano ilrict regard to ihecheftteal properiies ol ils several ingredients shoefd tohetb place of thousands of irresponsible aotiom of tho h which the co a try is delated ose efeen- kettle nf hr syrup ajdll be aiilelcienlueonvirref ibe mosl scepti cil of itatfrnebcial ettecl i prepared and sold by j wier hamitton canada west ami joins vyimer it co 83 maiden lsnen y fur sale al the alhe neombookstcmiynpalmervpandcneatha kinmvtou and by nil respecrabfe druggislf jar wiih w ttbt hroihout caraua cune for worms ijfiner canadian vermifuge warkantedinetrceses the heat re wedy even yet discovered for worms t it not only destroys them but inviogratc the whole ayslruiy and ejniric off ihe innerabun sjnut slime er moeus so prevalent in the eomncti and kowals eipeeislly el lnrfr in baj koallh it is barmlvssin lis rlertser the symemawdlbe health of tba patientre aluayit imploring by ila use even when nr woe aredricevfrad thr nehirine heih eauiahle no child will rcfese to lsfceit net even tbe ntost delicate kj oi r amnrac ticaloharrvations upon oisra resoltinc frosw worm acrorrpary each ioiur prepared and sold by j wlnr ifamitfoa canada heat and john wrmrrec co maiden lnen y foisaleatihe atbeusvar rook store n ralmei c mvtsknga ton en hy alt the resneclable diugiat ihrouehnui canada s- f wiketts celebrateo medicine cioea are kepi eviwihnty atjrencum hook ztai begot sierei kmgatotiviat winkrakcunum cxtractfonha pilcfiduwiogmcdi x nn tfale it the xdy oiidphihanrnl eiiienl alieueartaarisin irobi on impuii att of the blond winkrsprctorvlsyrupofhorr uountkveltuampankfr ibe erne a coujlio tmla asihin cowimptifft e wixkrs canadian vrlrmlrthf ytte hrl rvmrdy ever yel diaetvered fi wiuine winrrs tooth aciib props aosij bfjn or f theto4li aete winiitscampiklkatrdnrrvrani box- iinimknt a cerioin euro re iho in iv 3ouilir ami c hv4ler lltini rl r n- vlviud family tllmmkntforate nrrfcljniruo vhto sollmga hhoniatur qinck n i rnueertmi ar wrvkciikicalpilkotxtm kn1 aefmsdy sole and olteeluol mitoiia rioft rtbe tnseiher with an estmaive esjlieit r i m u tiifji ind amwieaii liani medirma m iv c ipju oo pal varnish or sale ttihi atlieiieitsii ffc hlcwti nuperlni roiai vai hi istita ami jiinrre hy iln tloaoti or aiiinlv lottlu tiumtiy mer thnntamiiliuil oiimeaiiitulileieiiria kinastmii april is imfi t tisii t mi ikitiii wmltf ash i n fit a u ativkktint lw waatem i nija as easjtj tnllio tltr rxvasyassujttavain vw tnaa j llasasa aad miumai li itae iindei lha siriand aasaf ot baeua jaaa ihs lha sitlejewd aasat 4