imrribh whig mb mvflrtjiw fcr outfit wtt v in i81 ko kkhmvkkkiv tm twjmifcit mi sourtot ntrrlfl it edward john barker bon at thk atiiinii theuf vwiiafnw iflrw ifciii k1iy ttn wwwa aisri u irfi a leaner nn poi 4imittiihktl oirri hu h iv i p tfiitwilhfsn1h kiufil- mi nii 11 ri im aha nti iwwtrn i j i line fan ifrviit inwint hlwtifml ma if evifte 1iwelrn ab t iafv-1oll- rn1il twuiwwhauejnii w gia4hthvhwi fran ill tlt mfblimin noneirtciiriiutw and 11 1 peaell hniiaeniu ii btiieil lobm ilit- lurifcl at si and 3 iiiitluucvjoipit i- jailir iov raixt en yjsme35 directory j v7claukk pl xvii eneral advertiser for canada wfct 1 mwpllktiwttihtwli t tin will bat rl uiraana of 9tomaf 4 juu fhit nlujmf ritaoof rk frwlf ratio twit fcibwa t prajttfi vlwjta lkatnf prettvad llyu aivvpjkpv5tri ivrzwmlfum ingirw with mirmm ft tm- f havtaatal worla rf t alowa hutoeve rvo-l- ftd aiat oatl iwti ieoikximjin etuuutfgawwii iioian m iii tj r j f t atviy ff sale opifer per orbem dicor i kingston canada wednesday moin january 5 1818 no i job friwt1t i authvjus raurruh lm henv tianat ouwi kir hu4u6 fmcrervd eke- fce v printing l coivvrt nearly wfrl- u twarwiwiraiau jobtypctaeaitjaajanw jni if tlc eey ui dien lvn wine and spirit dealer umbton bu1ldiws hjkui mnr ri f vtrgi l a cot express i a a t o ft jiukiffs sale j mict1ir vuu ur c w p- ie larmitaga khjitsinn a dvn love dr- dick- onv procf laven in -xclonj- gerge howei pointer gitdtr miotazitri hftffot si- kingston cf mr phippen cmllc farlorr sin paiotittg vo id marble lmiw- iii mj dttoraiej work n inerat x jffiiix s clot auctioneer and pwmt44i mcrhil corner f ollttriu mxib qmycv irru all iirjcrsthniik frilly recvej aoj uacuially mrtulj lo tfiomas ponnoys whotcwile a k4tl lbathrtrstoitg prin- cmsstretl kington dw in kalivo urt cmirskifl mrdco wl lining ct makers fin jiugg of every deacrip linn- n 03culykhenderaanbrriieri jamba orrirly t wit fmi f qmna ifoncuir i apaiiat iln lajs ibntrf hliirh vteroalo ll locojmtl at il jinnvff a sum in ou witl i nttttil ho anl jiiii cnni tm4il cotiitl nqniiiai jjmcvil ii 1 william ferpno tlio lnt will autl iv iuiaijr ilih rncv tjkuh ill kt 21 an lt ctnce9 iuiihi novel iiiuy enirc 11itir fimefly ii of mc tlmma iil2lin wtcmi f kltlflflna convc llmvc itf llie wnl nf j i l in i i iem pollc im tl p wt hair i iiccftaitn of cim part hot no 4c ft of camden ent lot no in ot a ten eim so ac y baftlalf or loi fiini of camkfi k wswk lands s 1 shall offer u lloita i the cut tijrdav the f itcii next tall importations of fl sugaus tes wixes spiuits grocerie a by bobert aiclii dtock anmbt klxstott rsillp sineriwr rrjprrifiihy bec1cvcta iufnrai 1ii tawn na ftnalry ctiilnrn thfi h it naw revfwhi 1i winler sik 01 iiip f aui lai t t a o brttt jncs poweu lmnmonjcr iw w mnaftctartr mm j jmiri o5up kingjfflli kifti mj oi ttesii american hotel rll- lie dale i- j vittekios kiiff s sale c tt is s atukpav ihehs 1a wcdqwallfurrierhntlcrljlmualty 188 wih prtlyr ill the sliorieu notice fu ripunn bbnfhi anil bow- linrtcjt rclite mattbew dnitamond hi n a1on c w- v is inclrmenunirej i ul izd hy virice atf fipr fecial iuej uf ilie mtjunj ifrtritft weltiriooril viz wuoop oiln otlpiiaktpfeuifi rker toft gmccrt ide lay of isold at ingt anil ivarnl ofthc 10 pv t ft bkaylsr coach buiwcrs cimap lew pfiffw srt rimpion mrsnic5onaldacampbell lurmwaimvi james mcmillan tccr of vri memuian auciionccr rgf y t11 liilc al f l no 136u cueen lo- general b sireei ktwyntfc- i r gewrnilcoiwi william ware muaion apnl bioker kirpnc w anj actic i macdonalds hotel bic si bh king strt nppoiw toronlii the cly francis v carey surgeon actfomliear c burfhi cemkn eak bank op month i ft litin town ln s i3 jj hlno l lot hu ut crthvmiivn hi ami village lm in pntitnouilt jrt of ln no 10 ui onioin cj of kingmiiii 1 coi lirohknnl tacorbbtt- lf omer xb disrate r by vilicnf tlh punne iftnoj i grl of tyaftchl rceil aanni the tivlcmkntsof ji 11lj trajcrlvsrfluwixa cifrfally ywm hy iftl iacltonh the menlfeal anl kw yoik mdtkeu hit ifrnt sierv ceaiaxttti iaj tthqi llic flmvinf article tras 0pr1 ihiift vc llyw tetve ikmmafa pf k cpr i l sugars i mmrnf snfwur mf etti india do uuwur kvfih trmlkd mmba coffee cittn ilfwjfl m jrtnl pdl4lion lw4iid 1ehceat on ti it i rct spiaihi plia l pt wlniis bjmra ricvmpfaaajbh l p taaenfl hma tvo amarm nrnf p spirits om jimite 1oc 1hnd cnr hn y iaa4 wliivcyatch wliwk sahaai gin in 1 an cm chert y prpafoiwii lit lt wl pk ak ia qoru ki bilk maurlo dm dc vie do daftte ca ghoceries catnat u iljr ofq nii jcflcffoh vnu krli bglirr pnwm surrfrtielw4 04mr1 pi 4 1 ookckrr pat aad pol tuiky lr f ml u p4rrv fcct ucciranisaa 4irw ii-ijm- ie ali 1 mit4wv lb mid jib billus sir wlid- ciii while ad janr cmauew weja srcon w wnt malil chijienai ad vine olive siltunujojrrcpnpinond u uc6l ard pt liaw ilrwn u lii and il ladia suti cmj pacta ojaajeaanrf trnvm bel jonuaali ilwlkd hi lin1 fitltrc afmmar ttcet 6al tt ink nat mtl turkey vil mihtntel rtifin wt z iaie ttffrt irn iwi tej p wa rva nm ia jar frfin f mil crtoinor ii j imi fni f ladia qipjw rri 1 1 v jmvvtft ml ivataa paflcuta mvi tmin vitl pice- uiiknw lajiavvn um c lataflt fwl krthins xvtnih vaflltua taafra4ialitj tin irl iitiw ati f u ihirra aeclrwka saviuel morleyco gknerai impohteiis of exglisti jxd jmericjx hardware lorldiiaimatctallieir friea j aa4 tkt v pumic that thrj bv ceerivrd ft evriimvf 9nj wdl afatlel stck of jhttnj and shftf ffyfofiecwi fatraj goo h sfc jr comfllsfi f a e l t i r ih bank swede kwiootf uer iron hoop jnd uand on v sfiaj and blmr steel canada plate sltrci trni aail tin bucknilb anrik vice an i hillovf dcfc spikes wretishtaad cat niu coit lwciinfr and traee chdilit shttl rra conp l ifuic wlaalinv cfji points and oiu mir 5ratin anl c tiffed hair ship cafneiiurs juiteiaad cooper toott dtle ad single foulin- pivcea an elegant axqrtncn ofrilvr plated and bfitaaam metal wttrt fate gutter if t j im vvar dibert tnd rutea enj diah cover cooking box and fancy stoves rviijert fiu iron fire do ixe- si of tht crowuf 4w priacte strut kington nov- 5 1817 for sa l e tf buswels oats by i sakfi- vvv bet corner of qitea n3 imilif z lmrt1 illfin irf n hticw m he ffrrraeerj n inkietliac n ilii emty aj n rcamfki arilh nard la lie feme- it aa1 ihr nt ip liwftjtita kt cit u a ih rd at ul-htl- im bllk lhn any uiher dir- ti ttf llie f in ji r npjcd lli be fi ttnrilcrlmtaiai than at llic einnvncfncin 4 the ri farficnu fao vim da anv ibi 4tiefkt tff the eic ttlicti j il viaitel and llr air ihirt- r in rvmaa tlie jvvmtt je v rrnnik cwk iafbi oftef liatin ivc- pft villi cen ialeaalit a per- iatfirillio a dicet fta deeurrdiiif tafd neod f ltf i trk hi tdfttea and cuie toiotnn ihepueei nv ad- frofilw- b eteited uy the ppeii of tke c tjnnmiicle dcalined be rralttcil 1 1 cili nvenu ile choleea je atajtd itk hc l saany and in iva1reh f gemmeai of scvmi november il i rtamribf thl ia t trifjv jtvrmtt j- iccni tl of may be nelj dca efndt tluh hlrfc fi4cmie i canamnae fluli1f of i i he enro pucfflie ha wo fl pir that iv vailed for r i 4here cton of the turn reached d weenl r v h thefe- maldf icaoeif ufnm illalknaaelaii in feneial kap iheainea hettrr nj more ttarmty etd even m be nd eefl in tei and tc err i mliatfi fraij loo streets pj kiapton 30th november bucklfv is17 k4i tta dimrie khap aax at k lb aee wheie the epidemic fiitt mde rtiivifw in i30 in tto oore of llierne f walidy peoctutea tw tl tofmof b fo dreiaaber la sckemath drfhert iw eavirant vf thoae wnt and finatfr in fv maaih of pcbigatjr to ihe town of at sahony and in the davett af v tf ceierally iho ehokra mani fetted invlt rtl tfta1 bafaetce of ihienac nuc nitf hirtpdinojf nttemu hk omnetieeen aflhaanareii- at tiaj in tieal riiaa- i4n mj i natu f tke liado piood by the native pwulahy conttitmted tt tief it sci- iof af ancf aaan uaao atiavkrd by the fcwr of ikcwuatfy kareely recoteied from that fjimvj eaiaii nl tu eonimaee i kna and a in tue kabnoek nomid ihrir lijbitky t cplemie itarka u linioithrd by llieir eaatrwii f cnfimantly tie- nj in ihe i air and inlafioc vie pva brae pj otnfcejhc of the 1ppra af the enm- ireeihiot nf te epidrtiie tke eoviac of tire liffttae a nanat rapid an j jooh aomtinoe rpefeocd at the ctpiri of a hit hnajn l a later period iia advance wat alaekeed and pirentd awe friliia f tuifabv lreteient the proportion of the ntortal jty eiteity with the eemf or tew rapmliiy vf n en of fc ajtaleay donnrrhe6rt three doyifromlbo i3ih nance lh half the paticnu hid vceomvd at a laier pcod ue prpvriu beeanae raihelm wifvvabk ao that atriwqmlv the realer pn were tared bt naerfical lrettncnt ottrded in tnar tji idoi cnderabe notnhef of d iu i from oholffa took place nn the 19ih jo1y when il ija- lo 13 ihonotifonh il failty drebned and on iejof anfmmhere wrrrmiy 14 ii tnatam week tn july when the number nf death had at ready i decteaaed ra1cniie mtetmilfent fecn reappeared an efidom proof wf a ohenrr in the eharooler ot the efvjtiri- ko chjea hoved ilf mnre rrhy allenncd by all it tyraptoma teat rapkd in ita peorcap a we haaa before aaid and freaieatly mern in ijfam h wliiefi freaenily proeed fatal al thtt moment the rpideruic aaj bo t4ctc aa drawin near ittcpoaein atlrakan it tjloat from the date reeewed a to tho 23d of axio that from the llh of joly to the 8n of aoutl the mvaeraent v- at i i fnma jjy tinrtawoold onntain a cm1 bk ano inoc- liote ily arete hii ai a to contain only otic eaev irsrti ihe vraiibte if j i ioio piraarea whkh had rrra n fhhnj an tl ii m larre cimnny nf the read ij m l ltdjr n the heart pf ok- innhin the nvu aa e flsnaj bjlr wjlbraaa and etwfii iauoiiaa by a tw irrtor fiiiarj ri ie aoieanee or i- bwk roed p afatitrt u iwwa wh batq aevo irjtm ctatem fm4 rto nvor am be pgvikda i waiomy eiildhjhrridiijjf tkeebta bera of the grawpaaj a the dad otlhag li rjrte 811 griffs sale of lands muatasd district y viniteofn to wit fj writ of fieri paeinst iwtie i nflt of her majf my cmirt lifqwcen bracs airrl to me etteectej at tho it fit john mow at a ml beorgelevach mowatapmai the lands 3nj tenements ortnaentbot hj fw 1 nejrcal ueatmeot kichaltd logan jccenj in the harxhi nf jane ann logan aj- inimmramtx of the atj rtchanl lrcn i liave neizj ami taken in execution oait of the broken front of lu no 19 in ie piral coneesonp f thotownaliipof kniceton in the midland district fre- aaid which lolof land i ahal offer fur i stall m lite court honin h criy if kingston i the sth jay of math nxt at i iivwk niaain thomas a coitnttt sheriff uutond oirhicl sheilf oltiee midumf diatnrt 14th december utfj 4 1 23 19 13 16 147 49 it 19 639 l sij 513 3m 31 g 3rt vs 2t 20 17ft ao 30 to atf 3 167 18 mi 5031 l3 d bo aavd of ihe toiooa remedy ii lb jrl av sr mrtoal jilieaefthe tnjici ntfiity without the tonill ihcchoic fli reokio no hnr presented ih tttt fi un ii tr haurloi slenil streh we hallfci w l and paif rdiaeblht i lar- u ac upp and wfwiac ftlfw- hbt brm iuu bnak tfceei id ctatm oii i aah id commission klwncss ik iilrvrilar havin rommanrnl miic i oitoi mei l i in ihe stone llviilij ut ttc fi ul 1iiinta suovt in tliia citjr ie tow pto arol tr rrexiva riniinmont qua irunoc lmine cneially in tho commission line miaoxivimivu tie iij ciuaia aic tiiiiuhlo fir the uhuito of any do- rind oearix- ihoeaiucked taacorobed i to it lot- 1l l atajratt ike inieniitr af t the naalid sat thjhily dwnoiled to that lite nunurvf dfalht m coropififtao with tsatof se palkn w in h rtioof fowr to five in lraaahe trvtitcaictan pmt ineee m cencr 2 na nialijfnat nutiar lo it ihe atlnekt wrre aeojxt ibrcramp and vonvuttona ce tovre rarrl onifalrl and teareelr one died f thoae ah d rcenarai to ntotieat aid at ihe pad f pbru tlte epidemic aeemrd to htve ennt dtnppercd but it wet only a tdlii aviav avl the end j march ti broke out avilti renewed vuaciihiuwcthlct whefe ttj hid been atarded and ajrfil it bejan to aprcd vw fd t l 1 lm 1irtlw 4 ij iru daktlt ahrflj the catt vl o cpm sia lf ike irtjieatt tawatjt j jii4iit tod in trie n toward ttli hrr- ijiwjij on lhj i fill tf hay on thia ide f id ciuf i i i on ibo tlk nf may at fchaj wlir reatecndiof ihrtffel il priie tf cllnmiiluk arvnmrf al ifa enduf jir unto m of in k slid wndm uuaa canien pahn- j jldhtit av y jw siittcoer h itter lutn bwirftfiasnuabassbvm kpmm l isuabn s crraai f ay iv ml o 1- ilr intn t smitmll iv ini edward stacey mralrn lr nrarlr ippoin fie minimal if kingsireri kihctinn john blackiston saiil walter eales paintor jhjcr and pafcr har ilimcra s- siuhnr lrmifcoe rp mai ttr sulhcfilnf a the v wltateaf the ave arlieleiaie r quality and till e i ireaih ay on tbe ua i- kindlon jowt na1i robkrt noeeatwr 19j7 j m iliiiu uho my employ 9 wh he all n to oun ai iffaei ioi tj m chaklw hales e ft a cllown hn sntji copper smiths fiucs street j tin plate wufirai kinyaion t 0 butler cabinet makcitul uphckrer mtnilreai lrvt kltvloo a general aanorlmcnt nf the laieatffi of patnotdre constantly on hand aale on liheral terma ttoticje frr go at 1 1 of eli1 lattrn io kiiiw xu and nmh1aierlyhai nf itrs in the 4ili cawmw l kf4n awo tho wmiblf il sntu ihr rh ci4sii frwtmifch mttllaital dwrkl i luiia4bk iy ui ata 4traplli4lhay ns- f l2rlim n i sirilafel jhetiht 0c j ciiyolrtioni midi lflr jabeff w- ll ii mbmt i li trttiet j ifttavi vritm e mil nliha dimriel idiand dimet nd ai tle kamic real fdaviusieorat oidinc rr concenh it of nathaniel lir ill iitn of eleven foi sai-b- jlhe new sehiortea ft j hriiveen s0or hnhhen thowiilhrmon a aplv in rtio u i irintoiitocl is isia yen jyouj sal ilcrit voi mil- ww j lj tttc i ar amacliimi tliniri i me itrreax oil iii tan m ucur il tialuew 1 ihlllfl tlr mr tr plletli kwh tpe- manilla j ntia i i cook oad lj gcieak nd naikf in ike are roraflitlotsd irf week nf ji it diabrad itatlf tsiaarvpt it ifo from exirinnl rik of fiio i tim ihat the offtr fdiliioff atone frnmlii- ih npired m uinuwi in the vicimfe tnd otimti tle c mtaf to traoac oeaioo r al iot aaaraeal ihe mafady irt ttly u onnatl enaihor if jochtcf i llrf co rrnotnni nt suemfad on ibit j if the nnain it uiteniiy ia fmibly dnniuuhini rimirfc of tftmirnent pnrjed m ihe ii dlflvrrd arrnrdme o the dc of th ma- i and the intenjrtj nf it rnytiiptnm nt pat till nfan ftruvfdinff lo tho divtficncc of ipinion mkmpm lite pliyncian ij peeaent fitaeiaci tnfmto rheriiaj the mrtld if treatment i the piyi- na cnnirutlf eiaed in cnntlcl with n irten ahie l btkwart z picurttieron of ead q narters saint dbxw stbsftt ofrosiii don tcf asfaa hotel montreal e5 leave n intimeo the pub lie that wiutmlr oomfirfl ilh a ia wj3atie exom n ffx estaiji ttaal liuo neod ooken of i which torptiet a lonf bit vf poaotar apeciact trwe coaployed lr an atmeniaa named infant att o native of aoirn oppcir to hitoobtniru etum repoution the ttoliofetheanwor- ihy attoniv ihent appear ealcoulel vdtnorehaxni lh4aood al aek moment ihe aaarlaj oiotot from the arork of vne wlio ha hid iho reaatcat oiprnencc in eatea of chnler prhp of nny l1l mi- nir bo ovfnl k ia from the work nf d ftetrtc laic of i ht but la- dia coniponyv tbhtncni on cholera fcej lor nroveotioo iabrivr than etirei rrakoe i pft vfftttno from the fureo of circvmatancet in whkh torao eraun arc pcel n dentc vf their bti endeatort to peeeni iheea derancinenit of itealth a ill neeerthheta lokr place in which eat in the majority of inttaoce il folloinf pilla villbe found a moat eicelleni ntrav fttaaaaal wwfchnf alaaa aarl cialili eoeli u jiit made into lj pji one lakrn al bed lime fr an advlf pcrwin foronri in v ur ihrea night or lihlfof onerrwrd to im ttr and railed nith a mile wily pat chihf witl increase the trcrefnio ot bv and lend iheohv ii piify lle bld npm the vowe rod cieiie all tlie foactivn and in thot acting will mtn unljbk abttnrnrc nnrml prevent ihe aceet ion of ehoka oi tiv aiteaar and fotifar ilut it fail in d nr it n ili avtcrthcaraa prepare iho way fr ueh nhrr treaiaient at iho eaae mar be fund more ctatnially ut reouiie pp jericho nwe eoeitf tmm nil tiilherta been ah4o m u r any aetiiint nf their efftrifl bo ralmac it v to oomfori frill he redilj cid under tho olr- ea fiftt vfk f jitjr the e1ra made it fou saiej ruj aid al t the t the north westeif 1xs1j kanc k c o m v a op osw ego n y the aireot n ihiconnnny move j loatnliceio the exjcc orncb ii irono lintel ontario vbr0 hiipriarcj to erat t ptfntnit nsr- or damdre lo i wlirllter from fire or danger uf jtfavipiinn m t iiuntes noremher 1847 te- avxit anrc ifitnt jfi lands for sale the swhrike have ihe fallowi mi ike midland district sentkl lot no- i in ijit 3d con pi j uj ia the 7tli con richmond she- uih iu no 35 iu iu7iu coopuiden too acre wot utno rtin the lib corcnnc- hie w0erea tot av 6lh tu ojjen m0 acoj tqtno06 silt coo amotrcf cummisu macd0n 8affal rinjtloojjuncdlh 847 half ill anl al th john 4u james rimsk ami thl4mlmeu fiieilie au lif nineti orjiilf eitjlttefuhilltcg anil oroktih i have aeel taken tf utato real oa well leramaip t aatj uav1d m gftatltjl mil imvidilattan tctoni within the ririoijtkf iiom cotmi rtttito ihe pwi ho jichorpel wuhnr- lliicc rjloit iotjlhmk t4 raviw will ho hit jilr ff iho payinti lnnvfit owiisfactton of the claimk t a cohflrvlt i iaerr m d mtrllaotl diiuict i7- ortnnlhrur brandt fcc liwfj qarer onkt ami or ct- 26 1847 j caledonia waift thesultaeiihet h viiimeiit wcr wliiih f tt iitoitcliate exehw sheiitt 0 3 ahdrdrslbltheslibscrlbeh supplaj jnlca mattel v celehtalel n 1iib sui die git imvreaiil crorysto ftkm w ho hopoar filaon- xrohciil hantifioii ter e yjrne tuael i meneoj tvhero f i r ir harkes i kingami ilontion lo i to meet a tttfvaitav raaanauxuri v4b j mtooxiatoajre iravol itufauawoweai tblutf l lint en wvtaaoafsaart thing that c4fttviktto friotiila rirjjpaararhr a4 hryflfiaretl to secure rieswaaa2orjf vrietor ilao hejjs leave lo qltachei lo iho abuvo lihment a las1ks saloon ft an- iho accomntojuioiti ol ptuvaris wmrs iweioher is47 03 3m s anljliqtrors 4ienlinn af ihe pvic ia teotcelfow re- 4veoet i ile lafje ha f 7a jyft llquors qcamilf imported direct aaj fur ec at tlie sln ipparaner jti thn trcrnmcil nf afwkvi tje rt niknnia eee u h third of thai h ronih in the rno aniw nf atraaa ailuatc hc irc tairthawd f that ctj on an iuinl name j llbalchiakflftta s uaftrnnawf u it nt known irfiml pern atai lafat aiiud on lite 4th of jlr the rljucierif a ciltin named jelwieft attrkeri hj tlkp ditearte in ti thtbodc snlil ututnry ditici t the eilvof atlrakn ttlf an cka lle hrhrwiaq tlllt on the ae 4ii the sili of joltf a tartar inhahitinc lie iifdoiarlcnf the citj fell ill oij dird on the tli inlbwpttj at lbciimc lime a hilulbrtn tfiacf ifiarmlnrekl waa h ke4 and toecomb uetttanv and plaiv of tt nataiir un i we marfe an eaceoen fnn jemiateaila the inraun and the loa4 st a f injf by way of be- lhny and jcrjch and reluming by llie convent nf st sho i nero j at tbi day ao maeh dan lee nf fijint oraym ihtete in rn down from jefutateni to jericho that imeolkr in pft when they can aj unite their foardt into a corpt pf aimcj meo our ovn parly of fur joiner the ten with whom we had tmiell in tle deer i aaj ior rtiaatf ot kumpran ehtlenkn raqartbed nennnawn iv ride with ot were cigliicn and the drnjjoincti ckt kafad keriier and mutcdnrcfa vho tok charge of nu trnl and b- add ten armed c wdlcu out nurtibcr umi vf a caravan wlncb an jbee wre bkely tt attack invvnd we acarce- w w 4v me llie wk v w v tilt danfataaa piii of the raid appcircd deetel and the t4 gf jencv kt atuilt4 with lowo and ir4 witiiferlibty lay aefvrc gaalmotlaahfclciaatlhe awaltt iv larad h iva hfl jcroaaler three fta mytcli another ia ile hnnf ilaalhi ind ijf oo ranf jsini w iwin- lolled away from thennoth of the rpakhe mrnv a chrkl wondet a i d d row the a niaa ekat fot lln h cenc fih irtff1i b e mbv n a ttine but oc hi via fcjj ivovn m il of a jujvtre hit vivid tmenmrt the p ettjh o j l 1 i ere and aal intf i ltaij with a bod eoiec enrw forth how oae hrara hat ifce ewn thrnoh ok aavtoj beta of lite tninh and icva the ded man m hi taiaaa nil aj- ft llie tlepoltuetaokur lite th dow uf the roeot in ise tomb which we eiiored at ortkny u vmllt went dnwn a enndrak wiy iitti tf rek one fhht of dnp itrrmt tep el u int a ipiitl vaulted ch ravwi and iwo uoec mo raepa numwor atiu into ihr lol iomh atfoati hd mtk tnore ha moni far ewe vly tlw wtnk when t ikn a caidw imw iu the till hat ihy ea4 ihe lmie m ilha an j maf aad that of y u ine lrr tm wc did not iq iie lar irartcf hif in- on wlk tt mi a np ayibin fba wiih oar obaorv a pljce iriterctiin- a beth ot y we f hack ujv4 theilga aaia and tjjain at wc avaendcd into ihe valley 1 wa painful to loc eifiht ol the place where jetut wa wont bc ttalec himvlf wioi the frieadahin nf lai iro and hi fi4cr nad roit fco ttc confltt which bete him in the rewt city cner ynnder ridf e pot trt oatc ryn aa the nd fmn jcia ajfrm to jciahn tnd tot to aaa oioonf hh faaiocaet of lb thiarc wlm teem to vuvc infettcl thitrtonin all line afirtdinf ntottf um tflllrr vjnaeiioc on ijir one hill ami vrkiimrao the uther fu thfrc nr fcor mtte we left behinit ut tlwteanty lillaetpeiid atonf thebnttom uf ce vallcf and be4 to ateeod to tto h1tvw tray which it eontidercd tlw mrwt dnorowapof all hero sit kredartek oennikcr wn mipooj irdk ft ferovad by robaera ia 1620 hal ate f fled and hid i rn it c on tlie fitai abrm waco tbty tr turned ha wai lyinj nkrd and btoejinf in tn ghrt foai they fol ititn on a huv and carried him to jericho where he mod tveeonr par hap he vat lit taking of the p wattictjf ihe satanri- taa when ihiaaccidetiibefel lun t wa tbiaktnf of it nil i- eery atr of the wy- anooier atnry wtiptvarfttly mti tav- in my minda beantirol caihthe letetd whieh wtt told me by a ceton friend ia awica tihen i little dreamed of oter travellinf aec tbwvpot our mad oow tftdtahy aeendd tht hifh tirtft fraoiavhatli mrr trciartottnovetuikjlk nhin of jeticla the trark wit n it jinvh m to make oar protre teif lw i h- white roefce under the addy tin ipte out tuch ht and claro t made me enter more lhoumy intt tlie mwy nf peter anil the cherrlrtthn my mdt can pcrhaptdo and ye4 the my m whmi i have told iv hyriid m caalraiawtna have all felt hthftauty tt itihlt jcu ad two or three of hi duovakt went down one summer day frutn jeruil to jef ehn ittet the ardent and ar peter wat atoroil by lite teachcft eidc on lite ruad to otircl lay a ifwvrrlire which tire teacher defied peter to pick ttps but which tck let lie he did ant dunk it wurib ihelnmblaia ttni i- teaeher atoopad fur it and iemncd it in tho village f a ipeatoo of tkcrriot- tlieae ehcerkt lie aan fat ctatern men ar h n iho boartrti fold of hia drcm when ihey hid to oaeend llto fide and tho road uy between heated meat and over runted ttooet and moia citrine vlutedattt peter became larmcnted with heal onl ihieat and fell behind avian the taelcf dmpned aripe cherry z every f tlot and cirl jfji i- i- i i uy dlj tsw i mfy nrtitfihi iffj tynx le lima by ts hrlh ihey fi ihe i vrd hraty r ihatiaeracaaa hw n pawl rtivt frf fluic on tlu nwnttstt aa uic puiand ui llie etniec of it ia p wj nxio- imiiiimij hr ioflnrj an4 il oiua nn k liim rthe av nf flat carta aid ut lary nf laaak flc cerru i ike fce of thnaa m4iuin uec u- j irin or lomlw ara nuw lira vbmlt f riwi wara tnana of oar part mvcil t diro it reach llie luwtrootttho arak retptnwc for ihe irtt of oai ttrty uca hi ord terott hit thioot to vw le drirt oa1 hred the wty iimt u rrnvnt that ihe mn of jtstj hi lirthi llicprnpvt tl lawatatat ml ihrir tpruig w not sd thr la cioak or to ntcr the fur ullage iciineiil jj aajfl tktt ilvm ravat ciy wt pbumo ihey not tjy o t thtat reton an ifttt t n imlwsifia wtthimhenirra werehev0 anfoihit diy thwrfc ihit aeio aww eapd atu siihai wo i lun aflfaaaai u4 fiuiij it ntitr tuy dcluam nlliin coulj riiiirr tlan lh rtcihtar 1 in a ap a foctit a iwnir4t luntt wilh all wa bat are ff mine wk pii 0h ten ji cn apaailra vink of trwheirraom b a a bat ihe pitua ciortc thii wc eontd a eodom the leiti ndhtdoor diowe ltte ptaced enocr a irrc w1r inot were travhrd hy the ttrwra brojd irhti guoecd apn ihr ripping wtca and ovp jrcvn utafaa lj pn it wst co tic pra were tvcda m tlio hikct lrnd oad the a ata utt ia koo aaar tho uia oilrtr pioicanf mirenmpiny wemdiuineni ih tt nf the tiruam vcrt eneanipiaet of trv r in tho plre iitaui t ful kut i atetr taw onaerheatifnlnt tht afloi wju to lb fc- naoina wf an aqelutl and other loint ira cte of former ljbitatini ia tho d ir whtii jeti elm tra ajrettciiyl aeni nith oie emp ion to ax ih spi-j- wbrvh wit hul a ft i i the viln 1 up fi- i untet awuc bawheo aad pr ad ilttlx n ini r i- i- iifi ehii aeerned lotuowthal ihe woe hd m -n- oloacd 0 tlita liotctt aatdtiai lite ea u t atr hof brtw the neareat hilt all waa l about a eieopl be eavtlo and dn l ike bora wliich kttttf ente the water my eonpinrn and t fnund the templtmrt a bnlheoiita illljwji baa under iba tht low of a 1ic orrrhinpi tree lliere waa pod deecaoixk for the a-tfanr- l ilr c bathed rrjnicin wim the ponpiaof jenohn ii uk twettleai f th arita the biteen tratev fet a tteon intwraitoa lovvte- in cvaryajcrtd act rircr and apriiif 11 v real the btvretl it aad tat ihnl of now h irt ihnta at rmcuc in y a4 ba aua to wtafioc and tuch aaay avapra ho taparjitoa whieb kadi liondrcdtof pilxeioat ettry yaar la rah intuthe jjaa 3ui inif ill tho lraw ejiu faf removed fiuai jxiiu ftfv rt wttftof to lara away with ot hatia- uj hit bead ut ttf ajcicd walera there ni mon f njm bjl ibo atari were ctorwui when 1 cioiaoot ofoor toot to ttka foe route luuk befnta reorm lo rctt hera and there the wleh fre eaat yllow fscamtoa iba ireet and water but there warn toacltaa of ihe b nil and cool where the tt cuierod like fraetcnu of moonhght thw dy tl nd in my 1iiey at one of ihe ovot riclietuui of og iraveto v ivi trfoonc 0roam it l ctr we are a nt to uarn that the ut dtnic oxvioell iottill la pelei arerly ttoopd for ihem when tiny were that we done jei turned lahtin and aaid with a aioile i tic who aibve otiiptnf to a mtll i iiii t wilt liave to bend hibcv to mtny letter ihinf fmm the ojc we hd a aplendid view of the pfainnftho jirlon v lakka to the very fw i i monltina whet the dead sea uy a bsio and uttnmlea eipnte to the fblftlc m0i and tujoen rnoaalalai enckjtedthe wf hie nearer mount int verc roekt brown an demlate with liera and ihero the rcmiine rtf on aqueduct or oilier ancient by si stephen gate my boiminjft imlfcimi theeltet of actitamtnti which nd ur tervanit and hoc- htte aed wav tht diatanl mooataint wera ja and mrt hat lert of lu itaariewl pany ol clothed in iho toft aod lovely bacv wich earn bo it kfid in ihr valley of jaaptml at d a m we pr ceejcd by iik camel rod to bethany wheh a ind up the tide f ike olivet and ert t ut riije to ihe eat a am a o had ptvd tbcucetilh tle eity al n1 ilt hoiieotaiia moloroic jtt jly 201317 ceiri temovt la ijctiltfurktjjrr fat reraovinr wilhnut ittittntoakin paleyv winjane soap aat lnr m vvitliiaai ahnand snap b loflir nf every near r iff im i m etlevl line iwjraiml aimi j tfl fll tl l kislon ila ink for marking i4jiate v fn prr- robt- barkkk iltoekslteel a s47 for a sll erior cuitkd ha re jn bryci moved i istfs cnior ol strt ie f sugar- lery sxeflllnt illiaud 7 b liavo ke- ew irem- ai pwxcgm willum j martin corwr witrnrf rlalwav a-nr-r- ttrtt ennaitt in part a fultowa and ate genuine and free fmm adulteration tine ntd f fvrl ham w sardinian and other ftn llleetim feww and wclthjjjeirat fine pale and uaaj slteelet d g anrl 0 pole and lonwn surrict rriomtreerde cherry st f chntoa dc noycherville twava riattcau mtmaiia 1 hampirrnc nf tru brand rieutard ii llenneirey baiady srpvrwoid lhnly ii foe lar ihanrly omert and jhiltandt jin fjeiuines- rh wiw y janc4 nd uw4rt ktiui catndaii wbhawka ijntioit nne 3u ld4t uvu 1 i maffjlt- n otic e jtlle ttiihrtirnerl having ben ap- tiiitotl agent for iho colmbus hauwb ix50raxcb iw1at unovpteparil to take marino rukn of ofety iloacrtottoo at mcaloi aioiatc of prmliim tiiomas brincs jvait jef orrrt princewslteet rhijtoari j 6 tiloall on the iw hank vf the imff llethany anj hi fiw iynj on hc ewtterii alte ir the 1tint nf olivet and o wt li ihtaiw fiitucn fgrhnta dii iti firm jeiutj- 1 i it u fvi b iir inhtljord hy l- iwcntv uuiitie a y pior place hot kv4inf htr jilni iha nvislbe aprvird fmin it houwa niri vuitl at r rrulre in thil eorttiv f rlac mpnre mdthantiel and ljne eompind aithalaf i- tnuj t pfiliia no lb idc of ihe hetl m vey an en front bov ufo hxondiij tin qit ihmrver vtr aliltt r from our h- to viiu in uld timh wbieb it ebed av tuhlb lilir xo tnlirrheri4d travller bi h i thw tn u- rvally ihe ueo wh t ii im wa burird but to tea any anent larnh ii ihm tiit w i nn o ini v n to w mej nd we jdy afewl d ne dth rckthwn li m v 3i lter ithimotr w 100 amie crp0 hid occbrw laui i liaw ffirn n whed thalthoojd ir d cijvd aoeh qfrprfuawwaa and lh4n wc avum lne had reyrvwiihlinne af j-t- liranniin frlb frau the chmbettin ihe lck and n4 i uiic f aacli rv at it dnr in the nurrimiichirchjuid- tue jimcaimre mcha o judo i ore lulj nf lura and cavern and e kfwv iron ilio seripnitr lvr abundantly lhee were wed by the uhl rnxntnttnte at dwelina far thcnivlvet and thoir clllo at a thrllcr 1 the wlivfanr n refu- in lite fuiiire m hid ii plnre fr rjbh and a pltc of dtpoil fr u iwad where a emioa was kmd wiih hnt nriwtwraia iiaavwatra holo labor wald make it n tienire ptre af tori l by rfcaoarin ibc eiilrnec and n anm rceul oily ut tlie orch of the nrf a hnnduiite veatibtilfi waa uhainel ami the ncee were hwn inl f urn air the fa cepint nf aodw onvtimtt the rccaaa htd pitt romonroet nrthet ira ibeif watlt to lhl otch d ia ut siitti t vja orwtie atlranan laladt amihly petd inthe fnret ttaaahro eitnu oie riombcr f taiirn ineononvrahv fi- ihe 4th to lite 13 st r laaf oj lllvmi the nnmilrlay inht iante if whm lldid li ilrc wn nt tfua by eviovnt y of infl nnmatam nf r mtertint nrul mmjieturic lonninl the aj p ar- iaceifa lavidy ftui the oilier tttgatiip of tutled did m y i iii fullr dfvc- prd ii4 il tai tcfj oehjai jt ihev wc tu foond enmhin- rj in nne ee thr f4ryatsam rmihl ml tkciov ann renriaiiit ihe niitudy at hmie rtwu the njniiy luk it ir the nrrfie clideta ihit nnuiut ire in lha unimtl and anlmnnd ttfmihi wiih rptrr ejr it luleiuiiy thhl iibt rcrpretio the cpnl iwl ehtmeut if ilr rlheaat wrra however mtm dijitd frmn the t3tt nf jrity lite rbeavta ben ti rpead with all jj 1 inbrrcul r pidily its miiuivy nud llcd i tle firt inturim m ur n wuf imhlwy nwa ii mren tpetad thr aifowai tbeett imu- eeioy apprnriii m thr ipito- mot dihnt iiat onr iitmhrr and rncic l pfrteneeiw irtd datip birufiiica m em rararrmirj m the titopult atirfo it altaktd vt- lvc mder ealily diiteenl oniiirdtinl aiictl aivpli- i aataol- arc th myi of ihime wjm fell rk uiitrt to ihe iworjetnf idhlin willtunl ihminetiim uf afic f- h wt irm- er remarked 1h tba mile iiererr the fcnulo ttieaa to the lathttal fifcmowti tht odoli co ailucked in prefwnee la thhldreu and in frnc1 a fr rrtrt iumber of kgmaii lltjb ft vtaloniaht or ktfmwcht uliolurtii a cnsairftrrn- fio poetiua tf atttiktn jhit 1ji fjcl it canty aplained by the inwoo of limg nd- by etch arennnly ttirouh a smiftaiin airtoa the plain watnnec a dehevoot a reason ever men lived in joaephue caht il a divina ttgwa not te1bofit mib of rrjennd fahr troeca and bore grew ihe botaain arliich wtt worth nirr j thtn ilt weifht in tilvet and wat a oeoturo for t wbieh llie kinrt ol the rt tidt fan jciieho w eahed in ihe scopiurrt tlie ciij nf plmtreca and jericho wat but one re a bud4 low wbieb peopled iho ptiin hrw rjl neat wa bar en tad etaawy bore tror the diratm irael ot the foot of iba tnaawlalnt tai i ihe outlet vaa a atrip uf tcrdre brwj tinomi and thickly vrdvrt where we hat w ibr jdun soffarl the palm a ami lha tyctm an i tho hne heh th wifd bora modern ihe hnriava wlheirttrmi the bua which queen clen- pnira r coveted a ti tend inefacnem fmm bfypt tor plant to frenw at llclrtpolif ha oaaafa prarod fom the fco ol fhe earth i iiiead nf ihetct and the front ind utrcanea whteh raaro tanoamed in fr cvontrie we find nr little bat uil reewt ihorny newnlat and ireat barren of tpaom or fruit tlio vetdam aoip howevt tor k treagliful fmm afar and thowa that thu feft tihty nf tlie anil hat nut dpnocd thorn if efevuvh for iho mippol and himry nf tnn weo man bnt ihere with ai and etrjoj them we doteended hy o mtd uho an ioeulrlair rite ihe teccwi hill i eve ruav dawn the eto llcwien ditnmunled bni lha bcul waa an oaoorn tire ihtl i ventured in keep nj acai xwn f ftunrd upfiha tire bnttaot and w hi atl of the party beinnijj ihe detcont it tvrd tn ftar fill that i wat lad to turn away wc wen now at lhr ft rf the rnounttin calrd yiutii tm4 by iho ntonkt to bo iho of tho temptation a few pilrirnt com from iftf giro tnd it otinll ba iien antn not pywt otaurt pfeaeed dnwo and thahea lghhor and ritfinina over aba it leto gifp iitayoar baavto purgaby not having been yet rebraacd from iltit b1faay ri y ic a on tt tlta aad in telheaeo wat wtn in edinburgh o totrrrua luifli matt for tlie rcpnae f hi a w4pcrfueto od m sc mirvt cttholic ciafchin that tip piomodctcnpuin of hie church on ihe ooca on ao learo hl it pretcntcd a tight of unu oval gran jeur and wjlemritj 1 no altar paint injft were rjirondrd in moumrg and to auu tea tbepotprt aa ajal a part of the glkry tim wiodnrat panclwd in crape and atudded triih tilvericara had an imjtfcwvo cflvcl while lha catafalque eteetrdintaa ccnoe of ihechnreli bad o mutt madtrkent appearance it waa filmed of foot pilbrt ttreaiheri mi crape wrlli twitted ailrer and tnrmoontcd by n lofty canopy uf ermine aad utek eliih rjvayed ayiuipwioott and fn n whrtt dcbacndcd in waving lna lha artpeey ibm cunncefcd it arilh pifuea within ihia caltfalquc wt placed an inilaljon bier tart tarcophago having on eaeb aiae lb etceicaeoa nfthe deceated i and oo ota top ue hrj ritiaa frum o pntfuaioa of neb work wot a larra cjuj fit of bumithed tilver at each corvr of ota bkr were pkcad mat aaarklbra lha iaurvau being filled op wiih numenot uperliglila it ii realty hottihlc lo uua lial an getal ditplay waa roaouic tjlf that tltara wany neccttiiy fur a ura owat iho rpoaa of tho hrxrttort awdt bnt mio tbinr ct clear and erl dfpilrtoal lconoclt mol not bo totwewioro t main try longer in purxatnry than con ba befpecv hcmtot au m i be gotaoloftt at ejprdiiiooat if atpotaihk ond at uk only rvty wo cm of aaanphhinf lit rflcatt it u tki yiitptl i ufrcetiwft at iho tabcraaete oiaaw4aaamj beffiag wwirplraat nf nar well at of money pate aiatahlc rcaoottun f ha tukjci and pet half od aonhaff edaoalvuw yero mate tppftc tpecchca on uoitlae itwid never oo to becpocmntll lawntory ogr ff ajr ynffc aymp iwera wijnrjyleealo it so ye ympahtero prepare iind vour tpeeehet and let ot fiotn purgatory ip iho twoetett rv ivsaxvntty or tiia tmm we recevt to bear thjt the mtraniiohi ovlemirely oar ber made and abipbuiidfh hee com oi i i h acuoioii ale ferafrt jco cuuardj in bc lira j a hi klled lo yield to the itfwre a lo uoitairt kunif it i attarnptbal me cmiiati vtclt hill caver am hujpabihtita bcu it i iroamibfe at preornt tpftake toom iviilable coupling a a kejkvt of ihrm rjo of anira and limltor of a ur onotd iolivtrpool mr canard ejeripntcd a timilit difficujty at fatraei ant bat w enabled to rriujue hit htioie we rpay hope w prfatrt will ha bl kaj tho dtrasvxrin motnmchi efaacoa hioaeroi l coii 111 owiwtlcaivaavlai r a lri0n oked vehat waa rnoant by ihe rwfilwajwf life nvected fiel malr al rnopty tad a real fooi dinner none oi whirh roeta ba ttlued mtboait real txl