ac lmrirk cnmr wu oflce wot- a ifi sv- t am fhmw ooolet m in many instance onlae cum rrrxirettwci h v l ilx l ti it n lk if at lh eoo rt- tnod- ai awafl vy wtlfrw csaailncl warrant colitis 10 claim iti wrd tithy trrtrjnl ri thne nn who if ihey tlfilfcllll heir claim at the lime whmi lbc coad have done w ftlh mh mwl entry in the lufawkitt been subjected only to i forfeiture of one jeenv i day is one year tawm rtintf 0 ilhym after sneh entry npwtvtwilifuniih eleim lo swo enodorl ptt t all and ibe srcrrttfyilwftr r in such eases w called oa lo ftiu a chmifcfl but faeorahk interpolation in tbe watnant ahiomcji aaw ntetron ba mprrljr ariem from the areftect of the man to make thai elilm to which he would ittin been nqu k entitled hid he preferred il 01 the turner time lb srcreiaaylwr ha fell il io be ettfmrty dibcolt io wiihtold torn lhe mulrr thatrrwanlfm iond eninfuet whacli had been nronirdfn bin bv her majpry warrfrt the mere particularly m niathe dmv of commandin- offiovn lo lake care thai iroljirrsnndrr their commtnd shall not laffrr br their owl nesticnee o by wont of looojrdceof heir oora right the secretary atwar drarr ikftw kit it be eteatav understood lhat if snhlieis shall base reelected to claim sped conduct jv at the tine at which they may have be- romr entitled to that reward they will not he allowed toy rrltosnccl if their claim are moi prefprrrd on or before ihr 3h drembf r nv frr imp luintv united klmnrm on oi uj-r- i r ii match art for rmf nu n ihf 0twie on or bffli ttir zu jnh nvit for recimeitu in the eam indie ami in chin a aiulralin nd lht lt cljimt in rood conduct iy hrotihl forward afier ihne dtp rftctivplv will he dtrninl in h mfahrbhed faw he jjlw only nn winch ihcy oioy be pferrr i hae lb honor to hre offkercowmaulir the et of sihic fer apidicmton nf the inftrl rondoct watanl a ru ihe cue nf rlwri rrduceil from the innh of prtfrml frr miteontiitel having hren hronht n4cr llrr mrl- 1 have thr hnnnr ia oiirnify b vo lir myal nfctaw ii he ttenl jim tiix iidiitlia h im rtftk by ihefentencr of a tnntl mnrliatitj conftuct atirf that in entille him afterwanh to efflirn reward onrfrr the pftrmmtf r ihe mm mtrnf he mm wrhnenuy toh rdejan erve wilh immernned cmo end net for i wn year io ohialn one dilinikh- ins hill for toor yrar io omam tn ditin- rnkhlncmaik frix year4 to nhtam hirer dttinrtiifhinv- mik nd frr trtw jrer to nhtain four ditinunhin mtvle hem rwrind pefiud in thr 14ih c1jut or ihe warrant in reference i ihcr ear i have o- t b macattiv fcirtulir no8r7 vvh 0ce30u nov is 10 ireland dakiso onurc- on h0mv eeeninc between the itoa m nj s i armed mer attached te ikhiw f john 1 ithill a ner tm in ihrf rillf mr- tothil and hi lmlly weir frnm hr at the time in ronenmote of mrhich the mily effects an evv e nwnro a m ant oman it art ln ftf ltl0 t door from the mrblbj whense mw the 4n ppfnaeh and the man arieim who aeem- fwaied her 4rew huk i wlei thedor from dm inside no nofler imvfvff lud be done v ttan tie t34 fnccj the dnnr off the hin anj lhr f them enlrd thr vjr mli rtocedrd fmn llirnfo to lie if well- rnhwovlkirtfin1lh fne prnlinrla- one of the jailer iied ai tw titii mir with a einwnf ntmdatmx hirn bul the aertant notwiihundtne mle h ay info thf home and tervrl h fin fu- loijrd ajifwonaferv at ft nnd pee- venfed il fom falling inln the hand- m the nirtv- the ihw armed mo bad no faami jrained admitlanee lh lhy dmended a liebt from lhe acrent woan and proe nlmz np auirato the hedroam hrote open evrry h w ttacy mrt whether loeked ftd nntoetorl alan tour larrr peew wtfh thev wtm iothehnneof doeerincl1ir otjrcl their tiiil the nlae in which mr twlfella wf srma were enncealcj tseaped however unril tvoljr m thr man errant havmt h nvtofihe hne wilh the empt fiim ce the alarm ohttldr end ihe party tiinilrnl dc- tampevl the ahore oararr oerored i one of ibe trot dulmbrd part of una county on sunday rena pair of armed rof- ftaa baeinr their fam maekened ml tn ththmuoof wm wji burftworvl cl- jordan and laockitvr al ihe dior aofced wa mr wall within a ffit onm the d b on aceinc r brwnearwl and jud h what ihey waited aisehly uwl anl wrooelr bnlied it at te no 1 ewunjc her calhcr and hrolhrr t meet iv niuck on iniou- thv ra into a room foe am nt white ihrr th dor a forced in and cvrv mmkraml rnlfim nifofed m iff wd mr chtinjir cowan who wa atandiin the klttbevi nm towmm s n in hr was ci r a tt ail 4 hi nn when one f the wlnw wjin w tviihii rtnv rttia of ruvo took de- lu- arm anj fied at uin v a llnalr snd irn ehan- of prxttnn rmiilan pr- ir fnr iho hll pid uidri i nd htm the thai rojih- aererd h arm and lvlrd tituift ihea mau akdeal jfrferia law on saturday niiliia mr ctccne and hi wife were rtoiprd anmit a mile from dro- fheda on their return from the market by cw atmed rnflians who peeenled piatou at ihin and demanded their money they searched both of iheir victim and carried away mr sfooaa pocket contaiajn ii aboiithjlf an mui after near lb aame place iheaame two iimfitiv from the veiijion cuen uoiiwd mr petrr pcnluwrry of morniiifton who wilh hi tewnrd and on of hi nrifhwf were on f prnlleherryn car reiirnimc fioo- lb- maiket th- o1ej pari n raeh ide of lle mtiy otvl ntif of hen rid thn rein m beretin hie slrward leaped nit and grappled wilh him the other rvtended hi aim and nafd a pild hut ibe ep exoulcd wilhnaji diehariv the pitrl tliemlrjn fived a rod cap ran ronml and fitrd the diebare iased br ibe en of lheteward wiilmul rfxcrl- mr penllrhrtry lud ioen in the meantfme fcnnekd dywti hut reenrerin hi limb lie with his fiiet trailed on the ear and drnre 0t a fat a he conld limrfirk orfirts sbeiikillrnt initblty infreain ihroitrh out the kinv cmuay within a few day lieei hatr been hilled and the carcase taken away behtnein to the rev mr rrewri m nrv i centre minrhin btdie ani jame f rollittf ka dunkcrrin we have bein infufinetl lhat several of the leading reentry of thi connty hare ben vtved wilh thrrateiiinr ntiee th r ii iltctcl f this rrserution are lhor who did most foi the oor dnint thr famine it i the hiltet ermtce of ibe jcode who ate ihuji advuin- ihem in their own tfvmr union if neh a rein of 1crtnim he rntiuneit everv tnndotd in i he county nill rel info in camae and drive away to iwnc place of itetr- rwrnasapaaf the lime c may laje jr ilnrr need he m delirarv in mentioning a fael that the niche fbintioiaiy in tbi county had io fly from liu home in ennr- rjunrrof rer ated ihreat of aimarri tvhich ho felt enaied would iv criol into execution a id who bermoe an ah enee on url eieund eannl be ieahialdy blamed even ilmirth he evftss bi lenanlcy to the ojjtren of a nindy aifeut stiff tqitmrmk wednesar 4 ibe iidlenre of patrick ljikin of netlow paih of i wnafih wa availed hy an armed bamlitli mavinireltet- ed an enlruree ly the hieilin i of the dif lliree ie low stoml oi ibe done armed nith un while the remainder malmned thrm e1re oulsre tliey immediairlv made in- miiv fue the widow mneil daughter of ivwkiu hiii iie man fold them that he wa not in ibe hoive thev wen ahmii mkrn irirh fnr her when farkin eid a pitch- fiitb which he ued wilh vuh envet ibnllbe fulhani ete cnmjiolred to decamp on rnmlnf oathadpf 1nwrrer one of ibe enli mls gare the word nns and injjmlly a eun wa dichareil al larkin the cwtlent of which lodged in hi arm whch i teeaily mangled upon tin dicharcc of the tun larkinv son came from an inner room and no nimet wat ha iterxived lhau a eenad hni urvi fired al him and the content indeed iih breast and nerk il i ittpnpd ibe nartv i1ivcil that thee had aemplibed the evllh nf falhr and va a tsey at ntee lef the jdae bflin t trix are under ibe cire r ji iird of hanaher who h cxlfaeted fmm 1ie wnund several slu and lare 5m niaear tastnnnn- thine are in an awful 5ate tnr allhmijh our rnalt o ml murder llieie landlord ad lbt dieer a- tber do in reonmun cineiiev plait and tippeary lrll ibev will tv nibtn in ibe mean iae the u ml lord are prred hv ri tty one in whn n thev o v niv and the hank wt ive no aceinnvlalirtn irili ibe frnniu arr inav hark mnjnrmffntlhe ret tal whch shontd be tbc nnfoitonatc anj pcrrecotcd landloid iockcts avrte i i si read rnil that ili mr m your highly taleoled jidinocnmclt ilien tn 10 dir on thr flwr vf ihr ilonic of com none i 1 to inform his fiirrid that a coroner tor weslmirufer i hall r in aiteml- pier li tjnr the rae aird asa nioilu ii iiai ij iml tn la- iiauit ut 4sji u vi cornr aflrr in demise u that ihc true caue nf bin vath miy he a5crrtainrd i bavr had the eclar in vrhvh far friend mr snilh odrirn was confined cleaned ot fur the in quest and a jury taimmoned i have lalcly read his apeechrjt from whkh i feel convinced f shall be abc io direct the jury la find u mental aberration as the oxiuiale cause nf the vcrv rah et 1 hare never cen in hody die on the floor of the house of com- mori lhauh many have been near dyiltat some nf laubin al fuoli some 0 beiitif hnrrd hv ibe same come of drinkin oue of smoblne hot f never saw any one die on lh- very hoar of the houe i have had ba berd them on jhee nccrtun in the loshv rut 1 witt not bleed mr jidm oconuell i will let him die with pcrnvoiw of the llonse en ihe flm mr- shaker hi ihc usual kindnrs tvch direclim to iermil ihe wakv to be htld in mr smith obrien cellar i rennet mr jmn otonuell will prepare hi own candlo tuhaceo and smttft fur ihe cnuruinmrut af the inmimers as uch atticles ar- nt ieovulei fur in the annual rstfuijle fnr thp members or ibrir frloa or ihe romfinj ineidalal t have freonmlle srn 4 kean mac ready and irimahli die on the floor nf dury unr and ihcy died temaikably wel znd i never miff pjni cnjj blur health than thev tiid after their rrpolrd decease and i bati bavenodrab omll re ihe late mr john ocutiuell lb tuyzftf hi death partaking nf a heflal nd lumldeif nunch on ihr ffsorol urlumy choplwuse vvur obedient juinbee seeait t waxicv coroner kadysnarrjfii-vbuty- the wa olt hfliev 1 i was we ee ren pw bprlif lb t lh pifi eatimnf irean4 will h- futhcr pn-lped- ihat the n-or- of diwlutii bv tb niiie drr and forced flim f the instrou ink h-l- anl wall healfowe1 i oiltiiin njuv ad nothing done in pailinaol ditrinc tv ptesem seinn in thi ca- we e nn bnr- twthe coanltlrtt in lh- firtosiev rr clarendon if he ire inl al erl io vem in 4unry rommittrd to h rhae itrt ituel hi nwa honrmr and fr the r afv thai awitd tiet rowttnrhf to jlaftami irhvlhnn iao m ler by hndinr 1 wninrial cuanle niw ejuio lfaif tfanfor 3- threalnn nle have hi wk 1en aenl thrnn i the ri- fiee hi prinrijl lent iaovrain oam intilmliaif aaaautnatinn if ftf terma poauwi arv i complied wilh fnarrrrc itw t prtftuoth the taifflftf otonsneelmre cin d f the porch nf wvt land fr eueum- vatlatin- ihe niflh tdf lh feriifiratii nf jf either hv aennlinoed lin- nffampaih or hv detachfl fori or marteho towire- reachln- from rrtvntown al the rtorttiwml end of sloke piv and completely emmand inc ihe beaeh at thai anehnrace and elud- in thrnee lhroub cr anl rinnaf wmjh m lowir o rlsnn al which point it wit i reach the harhir itera tmtt pontlrnti nil protect ibe pndle hard pnwder emabljh faeot and eitrcnhv rover the orlhwol oad eipmcd tait of the dockyard lounbfy a pnllemon near phr1ii1e write ihn we are dreadfully dutmbed in lvh neitv rafrhood fact life and property are now vahveltav we bev anme racat who are jiaaly to pv food infnrmalioti lhat will lead to ihe apprehension of aome of the kadinjc mariereri who from the tnath nf mr mlera bava raw on wilh frlfhlfnl tuecef the militarr caree ia ao puced ulh rn the coun- tifi if uajortfk and cak that when the ao- voraail rhorw the o1lectin of arm it aa he oaw in one 4y in th i dattuihed ar1i of lb cowntf and if the government jaai act a avcided panl the country matt 4ftecn uptouoaabioo44wirity micejciu a atka waa nailed laatiee al frtnbronr aa frtda iarnih thieaieain mr- onore twwr wilh death if h did noi surrender lira laanisaaupre ulaly heid h mr mill ihae tfca part weak ibe ouinw aluchm u mr but itu were iniln- h hmdaw litrr from india tbe aceounk from hambiv are n the n rr nnvtfitb wc c0y the folloumr froni from the tiane the ititellvernee of intriet india i al tiee r i two poinl vi the itooftir frnfilknt and ihe goomsoor eunittiy thr ihta ate a lawlmdundmin trjbe tr jjin in the mnunla nint dilrici io the west miiaaitw i i north ciivde ac y al the end 1 ill willi rodias t uk usual hamu if s irtemtkr came dtiwn to ibeoficl of dtindiriitji the peicrfnl iatiah ilanl who reside iherr under the irntee1ion nf ln- ijnih th hiird nf nliimhrerss aibamtnted in atimit j hwni liy asadrd uarne ifli fmlifkd icwtli but were repulsed wilh litis the ftndc boto wbieti i rornmanled by major jaen wa iml in reiiimjo and a dehichment rf ih3 irooer hfidei llae oilef of lieutenant meievrlher proerdd le- ijheinvjdr the lianjt who wnc sidiv l fwh i l in lahore peace pmeailsand the doewc- ra has parsed oecr in quiet the custom recnlatioru hare been revired a new tariff established and ibe old ttrm of corrnptioo and oppretimi pranked in the taaataosi ba been atiolbod the laeitilie given to trade are iikreaaed and the inhalant huc be come oiiiftcd wilh heir opecu much interest was attached to the visit which for itarditie was aboiit to pay to the kin o oidr ihs lordlup nhiie moving inward r pr was in november lo meet the kifip and o nicnl 5ome dav at lurknow the neerfy of ud ml il1rratini in the sytin of ertliu tnic wa tdmilted hwl dnuhis eurd a lo the permanent resnll of any advitp which may be ofiffrf t a debot nrh a luix ruler hi long been an i i-niji- unl hink w thrown out that the kingdom fepire l k- ndii lingered by hunct and able hriiisharnu the mnchlalledof evrijib of sallaa nerd jii ikuares rn ise lib of october iks nwt4ir lvrfc itfiajcd ibie wilh pomp he ha hft no rvman ajf hi hrolber now rtjiy th veirilyoi sail ra wilhmil any rivl b- liberie hrs title me tno if chibj- iv and bis dnjiiuia il are likely lu lapc in a hnil liite yce inuc iialo the duinltiona of the mi n cohnauv the loni of the earner fndih nar din on thrtihrn 0mobej hit awakened inildie al leulo4i in the ineivvuve slle f the indian naiy rb ihi is tan on a ldt of rocs wlsere mjni were foitinl to ave her tftrnn hut she hot since k i- deen watr ami is il ik farej tv lest- fom various source inteli irate hasbeea seamed of the ckolia having fjtniciod rn af it lat the cimaaf kldma pnlcc takrn in bhl atrilird mv weie raj idly canm dwn fo alexandria from ihe iipper cottniry tiiey are eneily k and thai of wlwat in par- lieubr wa deficient price were rjuite nominal hdder prefijrriiie in oiip on their nwaiascniinl raiie than ulnnl in a redisctimt i ik re were ciriumtlv very few lnnac lion in etcon laotain had been done for esn time lie evrhane were oilia up london wp rjnoted tl patrs ri the pound merlinc iiji coin and overeins in atuctlar were in atrtul hfijfleati p0stu niffictmirs rhtween ckcat kwitain nd the lxitd states- prorcsx or tirr liny g btscaorr we cofiy from ihe lin ihihy fdrcjfijer ihe follow n- prniesi of the american mia- isierai uiidih aimntmed fo lord palmer- con on if fvtal difliciilliea which tiav lerenlly nlcrruptej the harmony of the two invcrnmoiitf the l voy extraordinary and minit- mrni potent iary of the united slates in america had ihe hoimr ontne 2ih vtmj la and mnre fully on the 16lk of uml lisi m make overtures in viscount iabnersinii ot mailvs principal sccre re ftf staff for foteicn arttirs for a postal ar aaremrni brtween tle uniiel slalc and tho untied kingdom hie uniericned ba thbday received from her majrivs pjrnalrr veneral a memo- lamlum mji he subject ho communicated in hit government pendint1e negotiation il i rivi ibit the fivi of lie two parties hnutd he ofjnil vet the unlriif b ap- nrised lbat uw order no 9 issued by ihe general pol oflire in june is17 by which a dirrirviatine duabie poltieip levied upon letters fitive ved in american mail iaekrls frtrn the tvird siale to the tolled kincdnm llld fiotii the united kingdom lo the unittd satea cmtinih lo he enf reed twl free intetcourse by letter hctwrcta more lhau twenty milfionj of pep1c who- oiibi r in n ibp llnjlish and of whom tine bajf dwell on the wvsfoin ftffa ofllc atlnnliciv of vich moment to general eom- mercc iniemaiotial friendship iifivate eflec- lion and to the condition and prospects of the cultivated wtitld itiat even a temporary rvtriclni of lhat freedom may well demand tie serinitt a1len1iiu of al who desire lo cher ish relations of amity itctwven kinjrcd na il iifrte e wi ibe uvol ire that the undersigned fca compiled lo pjotrm aaiaj the pil office order it fjurslion i- alboaclnfa dcp4ilment of her ma jtr ftovfnwcnl without the warrant of a llriiih strtaie it is very true that lord palmctalon in hi notrof lbe7sh ancut following a idler which lie had received fromihl demrtmenl aostti that the aci of the 3ut and dtb vic loria eply afrclare thai all letter nol wrirtlft more than half an on rice which shjll b liansmird by the j0t beween lh united kingdom and ihe united u state nf amlrica bill be chargeable with an paifmm rite of mte hitbn aiwl ihe lfc sreilou of the same act irvtdc that the epj i ii0i by ihr pnf shall hr under tood a including the transmission of ujki i letters by packrl boat rut the declaration nf jaw 0 which lord palinerton refers evidently rcljle lo ihe itriliih jacket teviee and oo bul ronlale the dnlieaof nrilish poslae great liiasn miht as well by net id parliament renlale iho duller nf toaii within the united mate as retaliate by act of tarjjamrnl tbesea rate chareuhe ftr conveyance in american paek- k boa i ibe eat and common highway of ibe natiniw and if lb schrlute referred lo in ihe act ahnte mentioned ts lobe applied to american packet boats i he fust office order in question contravene ibr act fox il leave a second miif lvhen one ha all rati y bet n paid iliu making lh rate charged between ihe united sfale arh the uniled kindom two shillrn- ri whit b aet referred lo declares haji be bnl one hatirm rale of oac sbrliinc or di ibe ijriiim legislature crmily in lend by o tan fel velniiely to iu own eehejhar tbe w etvice itf faiiin her trru the can liaeo so in ten retnn crr the packet nation efukn- itaekels in nopnilimi thai parliament led i nol to be eulerlain- 11 have been in- d ttitb internal rf ihe opinion thai arhnri ihe i double jmstasr naiv to ibe which htminm been im applied bnt that on lhe reesilatma by winch packet poai f a upon letters and newspaper hr foreien packets ba been mvnvahy acled upon in regard ti lrur convey themail taclels of nil foreign countries jvow hre are but two nation beside the 5uli which convey lei ler lo this i nv ibrir onmailpackem vias warier e1 all loreiencounlne rrfedt f lard palmetslon ran therefore le nn orb linm and america lh ibi a a rioned act ever aeen mail ikeckrt of france men- dted lo ibe li ami where wait soappheit ben a tt wa double pruiajje levied on a french mail packet the iimlerirucd ha ih by dilient iivqnirv been able to disrorer lk ihe above mentioned rale wai ever so pjied to lle mail packet nf feanee or is it iu belghifl hint thj hovc men- tjnnad ael was o apdied t may b that once on i line nf mail hekets of bel iuoi wbil lori plmerxoncah the ordinary i at of shi jj ie1rt nue upv have been ei ihronh nislakof beer the boat were not tekrn fo he mtl picket hut if so the rriraf rommittrd wa reajir aeknow- ledeil and recriiieil hut im palmemon injsh lhat the ale of pacce oaiae and not the ordinary rates of din letter post- aie are rsarceame upon min conveyed lv ibe oierican gnvmmenl pekel under ihr f amvr men none j mal m rlraer- alun plcreil loeav that u occasion mi which lhi reifitlation wa inplixl bap pned in ism when the ovinia government hvio rstlhlihcd packet toinn iwicc a week belween dover ad otte letters con eeyci by ibnve picket taere edeied to be chirked wiih precisely ihc samtes of oat- anr which arte eharceoble ttpno leiiera con vrved bv trils mail racket thi tiatefieil i made by lrd palmer sori will ijai precision bur irotndcrsacnej ti reply m b inquiiiet in rajiect lo it h informed that the rilian ifinel imau did noi bejio ts pty wiwen ound an oiwer till the month of march u md lhat no diltereice ban ever arisen betircu i lie i wo countries in refcrenee r trlters asnoited by i packet hwk flesitdo tr majesty pottnalercerieial ha himsejjiiaformed the utdftsierird ibai the pol otce order in qiitirn u a novel ajpllvatio of tac rates etahiihil eiwt vear since and the undrsinn lee iw palmenlon io brlurvc thai a her majeyleernmean have never imposed donwe ptaee to ihe injury of any nation but the haled states so the post olfife order in tjaiesam aland in strikinj ootiltaal wltll the velene given to american loiters fmm anwiricv packet btbaa by other nation of rlnrojte iv lieundeisitnedfiirihrrfuhebaitanit ihe order in question a tcinttjjnt wilh ihe convention of 3rd july 18u rejfulale the commerce hetweciilhe trrorics of the llltltod slte and his dritanna majesty which convention provide thi no briber or other duties nr charges shii he imposed in the of any of his rtilannie maiesly tcriiaeh in europe on the vessel of the united sljrl than dull lw pavable in iru amr mtis n- british ve- elsand furllier that the raen of the united scilea shall pay no higher or other di tkarjre on the imporiaiiim or fxporial of ihe car- 0c of ibe said veels than all be payaldc on tht ame article when import or exported bv he mou faeorrd nean nlmns the uodersiined is bet e roft loak if lh few shitlincs which havheen thn far evicted by the rrituh posi hice a sea rateanpon letters which il diam brmjorer sei are a compensation for sc creation of even temporary impediment i he way of cvnuirreial social and xricntjt currepoaid encc between nations speaod the ame jancmer and bound to amilv the hrhet cniideraliaviti pf regard lor cii aiailcoannavc cjji freedom tie trndersinrtt norwthflj i for mer natr tn lrd palinerslon ihi subjct faavv failed to obtain resre not wit- ic conlitiued cacran nl owe poute tkjltkf fo roilrivtile it im t sviuv slal a vt na letters conveyed by ameai w illicit entering hi iuotei willi her maelyv gurernmel 0 l raucement which hah paee t roail srrvice- of the two counlnca on the hding uf kca- procily the nndertipmed avaih lainif of thisoc- caon lo renew to vaeountvhnersioia the anrarre of bis ditin srjcned gconcrbaxcaorr unrteo stales legation 00 eator square wd oeiber 1317 facts for the erktors fioa ac jfomiltvn sp0tor while ihe radical pre arenanufaetqrinc ciicvajicc and rebahin d lale with tthirh to anlluriicc eimae nrcessary i ihc contiiei review itv in ofie bo attack them mountains bahnrd to i thr t ev- frll be toward lb uxuiem anani sjtorl mnkatavans cf ihe t5ft t j eenimn and number of tlw ja lieutenant merew tbei and hi soln ipteiilly otid ipatler bnl the deperv ifolies unim nil aieipt it jnd it was nol until nearly three fimrth ov the 7al were s4iu lhat the rem litider av- it ami became triniier tlie telrnettou of ihe lloojlie is considered to be nfirirvl to unsure quiet on ihr- frontier krviihelr a rrorl was cir culated at kuirrhee thai tuv nf the re- maitnne itwtjtie had peruaded other tribe income down from the inonnlatu and it avenge ihe desth of ibeirbrother this re port a not canrtimed sinde generally continue tranquil tbc ftoamaour countiy jemaius in the ame uaislipfctuv lata as wftre the peoidr do nol recm inclined tn submit t the reula- laoiu proved by tho llritih authorities and fears are entertained thai the practice of hltiin lacririce if nol aclualty rciumad will ape eddy he aa the disturbances wbch were anrcheodad io ibe paabawur dietricl hava foetiinalrly not lake place the collection of ihe irvenc which was eoniideted to gwe rase to theaa diilurhancea i proceeded in quiet and pro occu are held forth of a mild aatern bein a4optj fiom afthiiritbn the ncwiii nol of i- teeit iht mahoofined ii emj1oyed in let lliaijf ibe diptlea lanvnf hia tons ni fir thai inuotiott wtml cntisitcui with vtlv ai richl n riillfirfjmti sacb wa ivi the inlr niton of the lsa1ne rhe undrrsiimd apteals confident r lo lod pair rrslmt himself who wa al that lime one t it uicniber and to his nl- i iet iif that day i he alinstrv and irlinnt if imtevmif th letferof lb act of 3 ailddth ylclnia ca fji sbtmbl erm lo nwii sf a dwcittiindlin the uiidirst ne tvoiild still totcsl aaosi the pol rire order in ques imti aa of a quail inftii utt cbaractrr co-t- irsiieipln hifecl recprocily pivi tn ihe pirtal arrauemeul helvrcen the ennnttie lod pahiierton i welt awjre that ihe art avudetl tn i ntt man datury but tliil a dikrrhnn reu with the lord of the treasury or atw three of ibcin w ilh read lo il appicaliait the ivsl oilice order lo which ihe iladenlfned has already called ihe attention o her alajslvn nverjimenl assumes llirefore undrunbk the ehataeiet of an executive act not rennted til law tne dorce of niifrirn illne which hat ecu maiifrstetl wij apr lio n iempariu aro n the american mails hour of trial hi lethargy icie it he- act of ihe 1at two covefnmenls in ori lhat the pro- lc of utpor canada maye in reality who arelheir true friernh- enemies al hint late day w cannot lake up every measure of nmifeamrt commission but ihe wlowine bief surniaf- which u gaven without any 0leaiid atrolorin wall rtlaee ihe qnestiori fairly hrf be kcclnrc- tt is nonaensis fa jiidje menhj iheir pro fessim whilst we have iheiil to ljh hack lo the libtnry of canu since ihc union i most inlctc n ru govern ment have evisied and thjnvceedin of each require to be recalled lipwft lo piovc lo whirh ihe inple of ujatf catrsila are moit indebted the thought the return lo power of hler raldwinllfonlainc t suleeienl tocaitstconsiernalioi hi sretion of the ptnvince ibemau whnfnctn ecr- risv ls snltfasa in hcbajf oi f wtiohave lorl by ippr canada iu b i1 have deep caoe u re when loo lale tik rnical mfsthy lesai their rarer bvmafcih jtih appro nriaiinn fat canals wh nnimvehpd the cmmltv and prevent d l jion cali- tie dlajmn anything for red and general imnrnvemenu in itejianir nf the rerwt 1 surveys nf m lawrtioce lo fiuhh before ajiponiationi coum be made for other improrctnents equally required i tliey never cease lo fooler french at the efpeoae of brifrah inmitutitms and were rinally hurled from toe office they had dis graced hv the almost unanimous movement of the people of upper canada i thr present ministry came into power rnpporled by an over wlielmin majority of the people of upier canada aad in direct ojipoiido io the frvneb clique whirh had for three year ruled the province with a rod of iron they completed the whnh of the public work commenced by iheir predeceaoe which bad been for month al a sland ttill nwin to the xu of fund by ibis mram ihcy were prerentcd from making appropria tion for various trctioo which rrnui red im provement a much a ihe canal com- menced by the rtldwinlafoulaine parly hiry completed the heath leadinij from hamilton to the western paatof iheprovitice u bich were left half janishcd by their cede cessors alibouich those work et ximfioo more than the original rtthnate they comdlrd the work for ibe improre- ment f the trent navigation they paid the whole of the arbriion losic in utper canada amonntioq lo 160000 mil of a fund create by tavern licence which amnuul will afterwards 500 the various oi ttiels for local imprtaeewienl the core district alone will receive oae tlwosaod pounds per annum from this eyaat and all olber uimhcl in proiortton they panted an acl dr fraying the epentes ol the rhiettwrafm 0 jtatirt oit of the general revenoe althoojh violently opmsed by the french arnf radical opfto it ion thi measure wall eto n additional 6000 per annum lo thi district ibe local imrotrnienu by lbse two act ihe men of core have placed t iheir control trn tho wind dof- fon 0 wot fof makitte anj improving roj and bridges and yet thi noble proceeding wa oppsrd to the ufmoii bu tht prena uory they introdueed a fnpesitf biu whieh will separate ihe endowmeot made areo aopropiiation for the sunsoft of grammar and common school in each llishict thus plicru ihe blcine of education within ibe reach of all ther nov appeal to the electors on lha very bill and are awaitinr the decision of ihe connlrv ieo0 paiinj it into law they repealed all ftifftrmtw dafus in faor of brilih maenfacture ihn enabling the people of canada to purchase imported roodt at a much lower rate tha uiey havo ever been enabled to do they have used their utmost earrtjon to obtain a rtcijrrocity 0 trade wilh the united state so ak to rive our farmer the foil bene fit of ftro morkttt for their ikodncc they have perfected a poaof jstvn will establah a verv low uniform rate on let ter thrcrtjglimil the province and which will come inlo operation immediately these are facts isrosmaownri 01 1 fcv aad the elector of western canada will do well to ponder upon them let every man who ha a vote to record remember that by hi own act he declare whether he deire a facxcir or a daitasn government the french parly have opposed all improvement and have taken every oputrlunily to ihwarl a eovernmenl professing attachment to 8riih institution they imnorerihed the provrnce and at all lime slraiued rvtry nerve to ixjutt urrcn caxo in order thai their own country should retain an nnuit advan tat over u the present ministry have finished all the public work and ex pre a full dele rm rial ion lo undertake other cquilly required ihe irtomenl the public revenue ha rreoverrd from the eflvcis of french mimanaijement a aa exme of thi ihcy have already civen ihe dilteren dklrictsalare sum for local improvemenl they wish lo establish school in every dis tict ineal of one larc lntitulion at to ronto which will be ofcai service whatever to the people they intend to cslabish im- medialelv a low rate of pojgr and tke ihe department under their own control thc ciaptrapof llse radical press amount- to nothiui when cunirated with lhee acts and noutprr canadian who i nol hound hand and fn to a tyrannical and ewnive jjitla au arl- a ur hi choice lei the elector rcrncm that in voting for ihe nominees of ihe baldwin faction ihry epres a desire for facpen do- m i a tins m baldwin is closely connected wilh ihe french party in lower canada and to secure their tipport he ha already acriftced lierct canawa f elector wilt von by your vote aain pbee him and nis french allie in rsirion to injure and finally deloy u if yon rxc one ajtarfc of partriolism or atlachment lo your native and adopted country yon cannot place her destinies in the hands of men whose sole aim is to acyandtze the french country at your expense fivery slay is mlfajvc fieah pioofof the tavb baatian sncirof contra canada the west will not be behind on the ground ihal utt reteutcontijiioli ineludins ihe union and adaai any authority 00 ibe patf of brtajn as attbad th thcrr i no dope of rushing flryyuiinbpf it and he will oh nothing tvrfof rfjiil o ibe liiion the re ifiutirnt of air iboqoemiom which wero raied between 1632 and lol 1v1j ooca appaanuf rbao ahow ol baiaa a named col priacc waa loade aort the ra nnrojoolcbr thtn doctjrod col ptinct to ce ttiduh bttsjd deobertotffpreaenle- o pailiarreot the colocel thanked lhr elaelon tbreo abeert wore then civeo fcr ch iviiiee the qnteo and be cov when he became a fufiiive particularly thn goner and the free and independent elec- making the lepslallre council elective and ion adjourned to a dinner prepared for llieto csyousmr the republican scheme just enume in town so ended ibe election there eem- rated in the quebec manifesto of basing re- d to be hut one opinion thai prince mutf presentation purely 01 population i repsmru ttx thy nt hj done her duty sicb are mr papineau idea a ihoob may herexamrde be followed and dfoninnc he declinr for iho present he expree also ibe cry oi radical arid tory may the eontli a hope dial by ibe wm of the netlacssion tueneie llaioiichout the cojulry a iheir matter may be sufficiently ripe lor recom- represemativc in the eisnang parliament menciai the revolutionary campaign ien srho may justly iyle themselves con- to do mr papineau jnlice he is can- ttmlive jtjrtncr oiposed alike t0 ibe did he conceals nothing lie breathes jorib bioiry of toryism and the ocrsfruri ixivia of wilh the sincerity of a rowticretr a mutat radical urn and who will uport ibe jitat rights both of the crown and ihe leope all hi reoentmeut and hope net a llioucjh of u rait tndc orlojaliy lie s aciliu nf ih and not by disreeardiu lie interest 01 the foimrr it eain iho apptamr of the laller the cenntry into ihe horror of democracy rttry inch i have found he ayi j pir from which may heaven defend asylum in the lime of storm in the toronto r nuf world a lover of republicanisin a believer ihe omnipotent as infalliable riinl of lh many lectin c la tic land of liberty the happ country whichutvior ncihbor laeiorfcmi and po- list of mtien it erfnl eonfederalion of ihe united slate- and 1 arvg ih ittc t then in the hospitable polite and learned i land from whence our anrevtois came ul ruthid to jfols ov ashemblt belle france ihe instructor for aees of mit p h smils c nations of europe who would advance in thet reto j a mcatald roadaof lirhrtyandpogress andlo ibe hih wyeqeae heaani ajuinfccbaboi ct civilization ju4y f mntrwat a jmn i air papioeau ihence proceed to leclureon i ceeaaffmf sol ce camrmn the advantage o iteivblea n governmenl nf ft a o and ihn mischief of tile enelih ooonex y v macdradb bssj his object is plain cnoarh l is co obtain a atoaatrx ivi eaj lowei canadian republic of which be shall v ntfyr milum oiekoa trs be dictator 1 of rma jotm wiwn etsjr he ibnsconjends ctbfff aamaj bavanimssinavc ob would lhal those who have ihr mis- j m w n 0ulion ijw c mr a tit icrnihnj bnd g shewovd k- 1- zt u fortune to he indifterenl to the general princi- c v jdo fmm ftrei would ie thrmrlve the pfeaiore to make z h a joruneyinto the united slate and there 1 ihcy would see hme generally ihe fanner c wrreotichua i daly c there ecel in comfort those of canada how roate5wroeoxectl gu from the verv worsl farm they ttip i3ata1l than wa do from ihe vtry bel bow the crjinrree poorest wlj for ten times the price of ihe very richest of our and ihey will meet with one r i mitcnaniwerweowealllhese thinrtv loour w ivriiinf jnojroodbool if mr papineau will 0 lo upper canadjoftow- he will find a rod collivation under our tvaa abominabte honarcnial overnment a hrfn verr will find in any part of ihe united stales and u- aeeaey prcicw brtter with reference to the dateof settlement much as istbe mischief be has done he never yel did bi unfortunate counlrymen whom he tbfb ted to lauhtr in lha pnoit of the chimera ler ri4if wi nation canadieone and iben deserted 4cafy qev much mischief aa he will do if be pnruad4 bern hat the bad cultivation which is rapid- ly daeesline them of the property of the oil is ihe f4ujt of ibe coreinraenl and nol then cverea own vrra ieiaaea hoaerj 11in mr 0d p l4mtaiir uoaw b rnm itdin mcnrmh o cat poaed m eana bol y ppioau j4apt cucasn r i miiu n hvn jlsvi liana ft j il price r a clisovoo r 0e fx g b lyoo d emlock n ijio r fvjeafhea dr nvi ft fvm llmj h ftiion r toronto 1 not lipe lor freedom tue ham xroed hotv p hincka r of power uyh too heavy on the peopte 0 sjl soolmm c tiie toronto flectiox pneenl hahrilt tm minwta 0 didktftjl urdtcl dibiuhlful toronto lo be thrown olt thi bronchi all hear force up horse cab driver all ibe retainer and icajdie o the corporation were matched up al tin rccaeer alive word of command the kefrmer have n 1- such disxipline aelinc from the hib am honest cofiviciiona of their own inde ii k i i i o h whig minds ihey come np when tbey please anj w nt ooner from ibe first ronlton anj opt oe oftem dler sherwood had their tnmpe pourvd into th i ahout 40 lo 71 when the sturiay januarys lom the general election as lime progresses new gradually eotiei the raineet thev carrie 1 i lleantiarikh canal thonh the selgniorv alanennmntuetensin 1ft teae a tmlil wl suhtnrlet bvlhii r work ti ireeu rendered neailv ttref- aad of ordiuarv draubl cannot ptojje ibruh wiihsjfetv they pased an jtotter which e laldihel asv lem of ktt lhat would di4iaee the rmieror nf h- and rendered one mm a apv itou another thy passed a bill to they ffeinore tht so t cojrfrieji frnm upnt a c inadatndefinefr iheiledc- of her miiiv tw j l bmhl retftilu n iva sorlhm f the proving they tmod a nll wrif reaeia amldeiliriu lliem uwit in ie the lichl tnz worse than pfopie of ca- im nnk amnriean eet m subnmp i rded from snitbaniilon lo men aaed and accept a gvemincnlrtr the ronvev n- 10 u joun in canada f thb lp t hfmli in hriiith packed to furtm fj rial epres conveyairee for the ou purpvc of tiaii4niaie that mail was esl1dilicd by the american lovernmenl and nmliiii more ban a rale tif laolettce h illenny fr a in tw l tier of hill an ounce nr abnnl vxjscner ihe ounce nl weiehi wm demanded for a mail hie exclusively intiiuted for lhal ser- vke ind ihe ihilish post ulliee lor emrey- mtit ihe ameiacan chitid mail from south ampton to the french jmre a distance less than half a great a the drtancc fmm llnton l st- johnwith nnunnviialiieeilaimlinihr leaat expeuive maimer exacts fmr francs or neatly seven fold the mi m paid lo america for more lb an twice the oi vice- ill the underiirned further prnlctu ajaiuai the post olkce order in queation not only aa illegal and unfriendly but aluo a unprecedented it is true lord palmeraton eijdainalhat the united htltnafa tud ihe only lenwitry te which ihe ahoee mtciiencd acthai render nf iheir kr ihr i- lie ebilrtrrn v- entillrl te iieir claim for ier acre and rnl ffr crown efraudiu such j land to which nf itiilih iufhmee la sly nrisand of nada thry itruted mnn the prernmlive f ihe thrown mnl ihtis alluded lo verir-v- the jrfia coaftmrroi thev psed a law ein nl il k lwillsl anfal lyantnf i in i to rnnni laud aeripnllhe iate of i then receive ibe same in iav fjnls al s per aero ihn thvinlrj ttpld lopaa unieersily rill ajemmm linn lo ibe neb an i vat majority nf the penple nf tpper fc ri1ll iheir rbildrena ihev beat worte mill ihey enjeavorrd to iriwf lie pen university asclmol for irarhnf infitlelily theyaacrficed llm iailerelr of the people of upper canada in nrde m eurry lvor with he french parly in loercauswat they reoivrfrom njlfiev see liautlr whoe only crime waa a amcieutlmii dif ference of opinion and 11 rfhsal lo he jnale tool 10 carry out the end nlirritiaii fuetimi j they ml ihn prnvinre in i vnok nrofrt- with kreal puldve rfirh enmmeneril which iho piesenl miuisln err comjeljed address to the klkctorr of st maurice by l j papineau mr l j papineau u- u a ion ail- dreito the raectoxof st manricrand hun- tine4on in which he gini has rearont for ra fusion to be returned 10 ihe ensuine parlia ment he aay thai he a lo ihe union of the canada and desire therr sa-pa- ralinn that he doe not believe lhal reion- litde n tnment will work well he dceircs an elective leitatiee c uneil he refer to ihe united stale a a model for govern men i and cvn to france anythinc and every thing with him rather lhan british inslitit- liiff if ibi man br ineerc in hi opinion he slsould ey to ihe uniled sates for be it said to have suhicicnl mean in live anv where if he were deiirou mil v lo obtain the lighet rieht of britih sutjeel far thee cojoniee he miirhl etlher lake patt in pnblie measure or nol a suited hi fancy rut it 1 evident that mr papincan if this dxomeat cron- lain hi real sentiment i a republican he ha a riht lo hi opinion a lmm have licit he act a base and an 1 1 part to hi otn countrymen who inld not hi views which he plainlv by pnh- litiiinc such opininns to ther injury especial ly at the present lime bnl wo doubt extremely whether liui j papineau has roaie bacfc uninlriietod in the science of govrrnmciit aa he inofetsnsto be and whether he i not pavinr into the hand of ibe prevent corrupt ministry il i verv like a triev of llw f 1 ii school which our present men can readily play vier an- dmui papineau are his near re lalive the present government not only recalled papineau tmm banishment hut voted hun x tmw for hi past service they awe hi son a ilnalnn of c 1000 per annum the rioiiiitum from st manno wa got up by tnreotte the new solicitor general the sutieion of collusion is tlruue pantnean atldrcusar he doe not want a majsrsly of mfnral iti ihe avmldy he think ihey will do heller aa a stronr opposition we understand beside lhat papiamau ha not bern well rcxived lay hi old friends lhat be finds himself supplanted by mr laronlaiue with whom he ii on bad terms 111 eonsc onencc the drowninc minister are trying lomake eain from ibi uapnciided man addrera they are circiilalinir it in thousand ihrons hie riouij pre and have the assurance 1 ue thr namof mcvf bimwin price and malcolm comeron t if ihey an trir principhsof mr papmeau while th wot lb- irxi ibjcmnenl ilf sliow that papineau views are entirely opoed lo lhoe who used lo aei wilh him the foul treachery of thi whole lranarlnm will we hope he fully et miwd to the world and roroil on the heads of the guilty parlte ifonnrr from fa mortrwt c7oaefe we fmd in ihc mineivc a most vohmnmw addre f rom the hon lj papineau tbe pilot moat charilahly promise in translale ii icertainlv in aloin to at will dicbarre al o jtboiioi and an nsefiil duly mr i ia ihe herald eonrchy eheie nndusnenfihe anenual we eve read and w- y my e of tbe mml mjtrftirvotia for l in iii nraa and alenifdily it purtavla lo be an a anrer w rertalu eleclor of st maurice and llamlindon callirte nu him to repfeaent one of ihc contitaciiir mr paninean dccltae pofls ami ihey loo the lead and hrrl mr beaty va always from below mr- sherwood and clotd on first aty he waa abou to 70 below mr sherwood and when tht poll closed on the first day be was kp tjin trom th distant eountie where ihe re- bebind it wasonneen that ftfr re thn a former have thwr chief strentth oford had no chance a he only polkd almiil hat aoiusl ihe minutrv wilh irveral the ioteof lb iwohiejmstcandadac- a fc jt tbe elva on monday mr ilethune aw thar while ihe eain ot hie conser- hiseate a bnpeless hut he had boevatives in upper canada hilberto w the mneh indebted lo the reform vole fottolittfy coiiuly of stormonl pance edward although tic who wnnbl not vole a to 1 t a r l n 1- 1 had humped for mr realy nanv of ve u but eenlleinaavnle v couoly an i his pohioo of ibe he had solemnly promised lhal he would rerince where a change in favor of ihe main a candidal hi the chjae of the pail wetenl men lu power can now be anticipated alliance he bad procured from hi fiaendff wi rw windly fmm the montreot itrott and phce c or r- after each member it was understood by mr reatyj friend an monday ceeninr that on tuesday all mrltufned aa lhal newsvamrr delate hrjhune a firnti rnalrf zwt ihrir second i m vote to mr beale inslead of iht mr a of doimful bethune id it be nndrrstool ant ooe n tjlhtt ros u loose fish have nrlock yesterday fc hal he had reltred and een retnrned in ihi calrenry we place hi friends were ireachermisly poured ante ihe ofoneh gusy and prince mers mccon tinriiir of affflwa ron i we cs polls to swell ihe matnrilics of mesvs b ton and sherwood we cannot understand bow his condticl can be accounted for on bonnrabte jkrirtfipte ft was often ahown in a mean ami snravint a way as ihe thine ittetf wa dishonorable one of ihe steam boat captain addrevrd an hones refnrtnrrj after hia own employer had withdrawn we nut now do ah we ran for ualv after savin ihi he deeserilely walked nplo ihe poll and race a plumper fr doulton we can now say lillle mot a of this contest ii wa honorably carried on ana honorably elorjd on ibe part of mr- beaty and his friend and ii show bvv strong the reform parly is n toronto we believe that if no other meant hatlbeen empoved than lhoe which beewfm ihe honest nufuht irirae of mr- beaty supportr he wouil have been al ihe bead of the pnl we hate never in all our calculation ot ibe rensyj i of thi eenrral elcctinn courjed 00 a ihthrf tofoii and the sturdy 1 ii and plint and perhaps mesirs fjan ri in ii tiff will mjilv cnruab litis coitcst tfannftt roc nf ibe i lie 101 sandwich kfkctiox sandivteli mh december isi7 this morning or rater al noon tdav rolvll mercer f-x- iho reluminc oflievf for ihi county mei the elector in the cnnrt house of ihi district very considerable number of ihe elector were presenj- and after order wa etabahed read the writ anlhoriitnc the elction ol a member lo tejueseni thi county a the hnue of assemldv at the comin rion he ihe itelurnine officer hnrly ajdrcsscd die elec- lo- on the subject and explained why he had called ihem loclaer choree rullnck enquire ihe warden cf ihc ltrcl ibenslood forward and prnjioel in a horl speech col john prince a a fat and proper person lo reprraent the connly the proposer wa seconded by m fdnc an m and highly resnected french canadian poser wi and highly and hy d lvicloit kipiire the councillor for ibe township ot sandwich t ihe former emtlrman spoke in french and ibe latter ejdainrd at knth both iu french and knjr- ifit hi reason ft having 01 former nccamons apposed cdl prince and for now support m hun an nld and venerable french cana dian m lcoue iben addressed his canadian brethren in favor of col prince- after this ihe gallant colonel wa led fur ward by hi proposer and trennder and in 1 fine manly pen nnd english speech adr dressed the electors he thanved the free- ivolder of he connly for tlieir unanimou approval of hi political course during the tal session o parlinmenl congratulated them nn ihe extinction or at least uentinn of parly feelinc declared hianaetf to he a ton rertiee rfamtr hut no flhivof fpdte highly of lha present admanislration and pledged himself to upport luem 10 rong as ihey continued in ihe coire in which ihey had benndeelared himself to he in favor of the university bill as hronbt in by ihc nwrnl admmieiralion- mentioned malcolm cameron gq one of the candi dates fr ihe adjoining county kenl in ry favorable term and eipresed hi reeyct that one who might bo so ntnfal ahmild become iheoppoiile hy lacking himelf lo the tail of ttioie whose only end i the adfincecnent of ibrir own taity ho apoto iojfavnr of lhr new ateumml rill and riplamed how it would opeiata 1 iient were many other pninl but nol of cquaid imporlanre i ihintt whkh tho loomed gentleman spoke in be imirlmntatostto wa interlarded with ploaiinirin and arc doiea anrl though lone was bv rn mein lediml hvrectivaal much appuuaf trrrrih- out from th sasemhled crowd ontherellrempnf of col piln the fo tiifpit olf er ihfict called ripen lbs al tfora loknaivrtbsra were aa otbir lanihfilt d c- b lyor of the ouawa tve lerm ear jenllemeo j doubtfup in our lil prin- tally because holb panics claim them a eirown pattisana colonel ilnfy if any- n must be a conservative but he b m aphinted man rod rilt himself anilused it wlr take thsyxfsre a little rrjito- nloiniue him lo rcloru to hi a lie fiance i- prince ha been on roib aides and may be both tli aeain he is caprician but ttsratt i kngltah and werg by luarnorrd a le he woitfd prove a nod a censer rati ve xht best of mr mcetutcji of sher- fakewe knnwabsolulelynothin aod of billa flint very litle mse save lhat he a michy reat melhodisl those who ppnd to know him belter sarlbat he is 1hnjhly censervarivt in adl li opintans at that hia wiecrssfol oppoiioi to mr lfynihf frem local risal not from pu- kl cnniidc ratio ii oar knowledge of mganof ajlmor induce u to place hint once ammis ihe conaenatirrs a piines men- be if a tborotih jir fellow much iked m respected aiiwe cannot imatne on what ground ihfcfiirmer claim him mr- c ii- lynn uhfca ouskd tlc conservajive can- did capl pelrie in iliicil i loudly cladby ihe radical raj the bytowtt pae style him ooumlul this looks oniiiv for the pdtm tm to know- thcitlluency in htissmi it eery small ad i not improbable tba i like hastin local soms may hare caused is apparent loss lo ifctinuiry fiohe above il my be crmchided lhat out oti whole it doiibtl men the radictannol rely on one should their parly iirnngtr in lhe assetably than is now eajied il is more than provabto thai sumo de looso fish will join itf bul nol for c lion men no wadays know tbc value 0rat in ibe house aad sooner or later pive to obtain il ft n greatly to ba fteplt jartie being so oleely balanced ibai upcie uuiinalo uotetminaiion of iheae loosej tha companion of ihc coyetn oient cervalive or refurm should ao ccnp1ljec1 thivkicipal klfctions tho upproaohin cfffa klrclion are trgardedib almost perfect indiitcrcooa br the greatti of ibe elector two if nol three of ward will be carried hy accla mation 4t vitl be a eontel in ciuracjni ward wl ftleaars il anglcn a n mc lean j igheri senrend athibojo run for amat ood ratasa j f tvsmn w simpson owoutau atari for council men woj happy to hinlr ihsl ihi al- tempi 10 tt m ttobtjit anglen will m aignalljr wd ft iht city conrmtho lose mrs ia4m wwu ha to ksa ira right hand hdftaohtrst member of lal tssdy having sol year u u ovarii ul post u that conund nothins eicapa iw ktw mi or htiarvauotl ilto wpo min anenllaiiowltdid in tha tcrvomonao uulfsrsallr owed h ail andairtalnll ii luwofiklra wayot tk rilgnlui m- arch of lha y wfjf blf aijey litfeof iwerehuttountly ujifartiaiuia ja- be ptaef 0 in oiioo to ha m pctaitsjc ler in ontario ward tbe four ruuirur kl tort mem perrf baker cisnaobdrjuat and linton we believe wit aajtio oftv ibelr services a nwaprunl to ewc bononr in the penon of mr it ajoraoder of tho market square veillpeeaeot uroself or cou tbis srtlmaaji ttulivad so ra- tired a life that poraon- sfxjl j credit that he ha been for twelve yeare an iobiwura of kioptoo such however rs flst ficl mr alexander ts an intelligent jwiasfaunr englisbmao hu been tofersbly mccoiifuk in the management of his own prcantary affair and therefore is the betlr enabled to mind those of uie city he will mabt an imhitlriovit and useful member if elected which wc heartily hope may be the caae for ibis ward i i coondently amrted lb at mr ii bcnsn the exalderanan tin apm present himself but we do not apeak of our own knowledge neither are we certain thai all the ttltn5 memacr intend to renew tbsir term of aafjfa in frontenac ward ihf re will be mo oppo sition tothe k members mem flanagan bredan harv ind crawford nd in sydenham ward the electors hoeo autiay drlcrined lo tend mesanr f- if mill and r vfommskm to raplaca meatra krkpalrick and hall who retire or their m accord a rii chijaftfa the rasiiooa mr samuel smith w be rfretd who frram councillor will ucome alderman fti ixvrence wat ibree of the edd mrmbera aleases- counter r alien and wiley asa pledged aaio loacrvetbe city vlt which raceirain to be the case should mi reurk ott bit services he is sire of rceleciioii f bul ho ha not yet made uowi has deierminaiiem- shouy be declinrmr wm wilminwijlbe retmrrsed jy accaojliap by ibe anadmirihle mayorlie it rack mad bc able two excellent cjualitiea in a caataf ma- gtstrate we are cedimy ffiveo to ondeisrtanid lkfc tbe inccessfol candidate ia each tvaad a- tcndtocjnb toetbiron taesdsy afteimanj ami gtrc their friends a municipal lnneb at least we are certain this will be lbs ca in the calararjn ward where mmn m anxrlrn a n mclean j patterson and w- simpaon intend to be tbe winoio aasft sj coneonenliybo pajin men o meianciiolt accmmrr- an inqaest waa held on tuesday tbaiib inil al jba bouse of lewii neddolfncbinbrlt wfrce john grundy eq of sydenham oba majesty coronan for ibe uidjand drhrtct and by adjonmmenl at lh hoswe ojrr hart ponlanrl tocchin ihe daaib ofjobn nrddo ind andrew ntddo nrpecrivhy ia and 21 yeani of trje from ihe ertdem adduced it wotfd aruscar that ibe lajovcaarji left home em tbtlfcw december 847uieilav some shanfy to g employment they had ta- croas a labe called the depot lake and tm tee nol beiiif aonnd jave way and lbjr were drowned the father uvuifll for some lime wa apprehensive that twy were drowned end al tho iii let end of die cember last set oal in search he wsavlto dtjvmar alo twootrwy w rsarcb wasunxtccesaful umy t and rt o aspin on he w4tamittn usafafc aalfrom iiiteauajjimtiyca to rsewia teshjw asqaair he waijaduccd larsearch pailicnlat- ly the depot lake ne rt dufceved jravs mitt aad capj and be with tbe atoasie of ome indiaas cm a hole through ibe ic an3 ort found ln3rcw mtm iaeeffiuuifce-ta- joio wa raaaa and al great risk from ke insecurity of the ice they appear lobaa srusscd much the face of the two bociea hein a good deal scratched and cut no doubt from ihastt coming in coatsxt with a ice wbirst enaleavoraq- to save- iftmelre the jury who were eery respcclae bir jh- j mcdonald foreman found a tticfrct of accidental drowaed 1tqfft t3- ari rut flistoaum lajanjpi- sons ute this gentleman to be a setcb hear what be sard of btmevff it itiiilffliti on tbe i6tb ivovember lii hiw itnjet so ton- in scotland ilut is fenerafjy m ief lhal 1 bcloae to that counlrj but 1 was riot riorn to the norlh of the twrej nh wiir your kindness iewhed roe to that cratrjvit recalled me to the land of my with i ssa born at no rat dastanee from ibis city in iho ncifiborm cmniy of shftrpsbire pyi- lies recollection cf the paternal bfmj i t the lidnr i ij arclusion of on nrjis8 par- sst1tooe and if anything fragfa done ba rendered me wart by of yosusaror itisowint lo ihe example i wn ibe precept i then received 4 t 0tf ita cuataaa am rats w nifffh nf hits mimtb when woltrt vrraiaaboiu tbe arap- thee evh trttos ra m rtmrn rf4ifx3h fatuil tm fuyirrbui whpiacvaiiecr tv eild ianvriuyaevere tbo road an a karcyaa jfim wub very liti imw on ilisjjiayand and an dofliing rneico a tha harbor- isautaifly tmojjycrojaon ftit lo ptjini ftdorick ant a a lone laind wite e write u looks aa if striw ejttnld afiotlly foil f whieh boih luvm and ooon ty never etond in jrcoie flsojfj jf jodpa brnvinc but a ver aif lit blow fcrjna the south- ward or westwlih vimeno kajliutf ti vlu thin lean yel niajr in life tuarbol 11411 jl 97 iw v 1 440 aooisjoto a jra ffii led bf every uy wn tsticw int lilne ot uto cooi b eymnur lq the dj nwsibet ha bcenaviumedaeaiu iraim hia new vr ad cephas ii- millrt by 500 ntmty tt t- qtta saavioapi general cowl or quarter ctejaioi hr january aad iho oialiiot c ir 1 r 1 jnalarm a kticf tma week at ihe court llease tho tro ryrul rom lost nifhi ftcnieoeoain ur neat thores of taseh lnmond- ntitiioltii ifavclloaton ilr 10 he irenerally otlmuled htt1 lhe scotah wiitei dismay none ol ihnt rich racy fed htuad hymor ko m admimd in iho workt of smohet im lhe novcluu of bb clla 11 ts sincsilsr thai much ahtsulj be sdmfl- led when it la mcoltoeuiuanstbr smtlml was 0 scolchman born oa brouyht up oft afro or fj tiicnc ia ko iuieinnr aootrtastlast a ijctifmir is sited to nniitim hsjo charily wlftoll bolng wleiida n- rin but sands a 1 mi il mm to iht ruraor af thr parish fp order lo rtavswwom itj blawhioci fnrifier to tho w to ihe colisviur 0 riivpara1rt osptnass tilt roe b v rnfers basajo iruoamf loicknow1 rfoniiianaf sfiai aluaa igwirn thr ptot puns of fcuaasoaa wjp frem on nrejld w tofmjommffm mhboulktchktllj lollwojna t