i r tte qboufli m iiitfat imiiit mention awwaotm artfttr fo a uml haw hi tton rim aiair fmlfl er dpwntaiit wartl trta llutt unlum qf ut rmhlithtr lfmtjll lint liul tmitr 9 lw tidh iulpmipfihrrtrtvni flrtl fniwri i an n i l 104 thovt lan l nc 4d pet jh b n d id pcrlfn fntcrli rriniti adnrtvatinrnia wlhienl iwnifwmchftiifm tab in writing in4l forbid and ohirrtd nercdinr ly viimmfttr jnornf of in lot cat iqlllkflim nenl will in ijiucil nl on inj wtiul wkalnocycr ba owjaald fjjlk lot e huktt f t j ie isbii the a thenars and general advertiser for canada west opifer per prbem dicor at it vet iiwf w a i- i m1h wlt rvmyirjitfnnuw rvmf if rrn iem hkfwj ubicnli4wi liouf fritb trtt o iuiurd vycvi oca f f i d ilwl lf ao v p nmifi kuatth injijf i bttukrilwuisg nlkullntflduunh ldnd lw wruwcnflf 1 lwy heyi nr ifcltt job fzubtinfff 4mmvfjop rarimerrj mlv executed t tbe a rf vol xvii kingston canada saturday morning january 15 18tt no 5 tltlm willi wpwlffc and wr handbill imiijmde card bfkr stcaml flilln blankaofajl kihtrrtlctda kt printing in colour neatly nrfh j7t the rtinenl f jobtyat ift i tndnf lit vciy bet dceeriyuo directory j vclarke jttmun o je juw e and spirit dealer lambton builointis anetr kiwostox caimm ww gos express william ware i elilottot u de jvannitago riwgrocebprmc sttyat on a few door above dr dick- produce taken in exchange howe pamttr giuur juaur bagoi st kingston mr ftiiplwa cmdtefioft palming wood and marbln 1mii ufltrnd deeotalad work in grnrrtl s nam jolsn s oluto auctioneer and mfniwuft alrchanicnrncrifonuiit mlbcksm fclloniertihonhmly raewvwd and punctually attonrjej to nqhamab pennons wholesale ad kaiil leather store prin- asiet kiaprtoo peaw io nalm fibiu boot orellly hondarsoiw oamcf juurneyai uw fiw c kinjiofj james powell ironmonger tii wrt m inula ciyrcr lnnc su kingilnn tte british american hotel siibu1ffs midland ditiictj1t virttio of to will s xs tt f fiuri fciu wueil ant if hcrmjc ty cuiiit of qhcii hooch hud to me dirocct ogjinftt iho ianosnj tenbment8 nlileh wore of john haesmi docanod 1 tlio limr of liia doatli tnaatuff john caunutiiana aortninsurd io tid writ miwttanod which tho oid john cttntutmkm had lately recovered liul jaoic winiain n ami william fefptaaa scmu- lora of the lat will and tolmcot if juiis iiakmf dcriaed 1 imvo oizvd ami ukon 10 xcrtllwq pit of lot si in lc htraajun tiwn uhip of kingston rnirchasod fnm hilary tuitiy kquirc hy the aid john liktrr fnfincrly in the uc cupation of one thomas cornel ionof ltt 24 in ltcoiiccmioitown hip nf kingmoo convoyed by one thumas hwe to the aahljuiin hah- lip part of lc 2t in lat cniiccdaitti towothip of kingston conccd ly one loiiu lpoiic tfi the aim1 ions hakmf woathalf lt n 30 in nd concos10 of camden rt 100 acroa part lt no 46 in 7ih con- cesaion of camiln eaal 150 acrca pari of lot no 43 in 9th concession of camden eam so acre nod pari o lal concession wf camilrti kal all which lands and tene ment i v offer for sale at tlio cnurt houe in the cily of lincaron on saturday the fouuthday of march next at 12 oclock noon- t a corbett sfcttutv oflka cilyaf ktattloo mit dstt notrinhrf 25 1647 canad wert- 7 laacdowalljfurricrfcllnuvr brott sei kifinort turf mtfe up io nior on the horel oeuca f jaaqp i04cnpttoft bonght and soul matthew drammond rocer wnc el spirt merrham we1tmp biiuinp next to mr w wilaoa 4 siaaatonc w v ft b katter coach ihimen d carriage iakcr hifxplf princes stieei robert hccormick whoirwic hj hvlail dealer in winc spinh toa- gmrenet fc fiaioh aireoi thi meawstmaeddnaldaoampbell 5w kinew joi1m a macponald atgxasoer cavneu juaes tflcminan tcnclicr of m pinn mcmillan forc auctioneer addres itompson carey ncroi imnotiiindcommwamkbanlau jrtail siiwi new vork- wuliamware general com- oiiwon airnu drtcr and auciioneer sheriffs sale of lands- on saturday the igth day of january 1ss will be dd 4 ilie court limine in tlio cily nf king ton the undrmemioned land and teftenmuifigfri f virtue of aivcral ivrhe of fwfa faca itied imi of the court of the midland dulrict anj tomr directed vir john oliphantwoiaoy a george yarker dfu all tlic righi title and inloreat of defen dant in lot no 3cth cwceion lo borough john narrltnersjhaiiirifr rf angus mcvicar dfitof angus mcvicar drfinthnt ah tlio right title and inlenl fine de foiidani io town lot no u93 and nuo oart of lot hu sj i crthfamnii kindlon anil village lot in portmnouih hcing part of lot no 19 lat coiicvjioo tonoaliip of kingston sale at isrt t a corbett orrjft it d shcriltn offiee kington oct 3 17 nwii kinr cw wacdonalds hotel laic sioncv p the city bath- fr streei torocilo aancls v care m surpon aceourliciir j- c hurgh cimrlen eat p kcvv- edward stacey merchant taj- 1nr nearly nppmiic uie mwntreai wank jbn street kin jdin blackiston sailmaker no 4 hardy buildings ontario sireel k winter eales paimcr tilnxicr aod faner hanjer tiiacetfa street iciaytoa x a cfiowil tin smiths otamfff smttha and 11b plate l orkers princaa siroet kintgamn t 0 butler cabinet mikcr odd uholaterer montreal street kinpio a general aaaortmcot of tlte latent myie f purnitore constandy oa hand and for ir oa liberal icrnin sheruis sale midland diraicr ff v viitoeoft to wit fijwniofvvn ditioiii kxponoa bauod mt of her nlnjesty court of qaoflirt iteod od tome iliraatml against ihc lands and tenem ents of james faaer at the auitof iioseo d smith 1 haw ecized and taken the northerly lialf nmoher and nnnlieaainily qyarter af nuoiher 3 in the 4th conrsioit of kmcuown alo the iveat half o number 21 in the sth codtaatoii pruderickhtugli midland district all tthuh lainu i will idhr for olc n the court hoe in kinuion on saturday tho 4tudiy of march next alihe hour of 2 ortk ooon- t rorrfrrr shfritf mjjttri biyfrkt shenlt oiliee city of kintn mhriautl dotficls november 30 i8j7 attach men dhx dthtwlct to witt ahecbijient ieaawl out of tho district court of tho midland diitrict and t mc directed aqamai ihc etnte real a tvollaapfa4iil mttirat tan an abcondinjr or cctncednl debtor at the ftulrf nathaniel iiaeuans for the mm of eleven cuinda one shilling and jcvei pence dljmiinv and ano at the nit of john miller james miller aod thomas miller forthcmim fall importations- op sugars teas wines spirits ml groc eries robert allbh qltock 0thrkt kllf3hton rpilr sttbtrifrcr renrrlfu1ly hczlrtiu inftiim wit toivn n4 cvwatry ciwiemm tbat ik i naa rrivii fna winter slock ol lfntl mrtra tgasoroifsubalwimma spirits a c4tffnl aelrairj by ewiwl inrctin n the miutrcaf anl kfh veil mnkck hal refht sti oniricr amu ouicc the following arifctr teas gtinpotrfwr ilyavai ye llnoa twtkay m hi sfciit ivkc cprt simjtong miclonr ofiaii wl litlin sugars uaaqm spi- mh koi ia do 1uuu hclbwj llntaaiea cop v e 13 giro rophi qi ztinj llitttion cwcutdi o sptmvli puin dt frtpved v i h e 9 1 ixwaoon atti ej haaviraii pl ssy pikot bmrn i ptrwrffi ilnnta iwi mldmaotry rooarl- clfcl mtitiiirriimi old port- spirits old jfirn tiqil cnnr itrandy junlimiix ooindy ibffl iid fodjviimowo gin laiju wlivkrv scirk whiihcy srlkifum ton in i t4 coort ndi ponor and tulo air in ql tmatfmaa iioo marlvnt rm or vic d dtiliic curtco and oilier lvctini groceries cincca rkm n vf utitiw mcaaaacaaanly laaf ft jt bttrr fme ind soara fu- d u nnnt plain cf4ckm pil aj ivoil ujiwvi patra-fce- vcfioirrtl m mbmaaai p aim ibahpiaal uouyniitl iuium mttin wii ill 4 jili bunk dorli4n m j fi itwunjii ttatiit while mid rrllir crxaia- vatisirfi w iviktmmlj olu seoa and finr lliea st on inaa lirrrptid fine nd dko i baaad aad lir lne bft wiicmd tvi4 lndislarrndy fult 0atrtil irfnu bot laafcaiauli tivd i 111 ioo biinr alnd ii nrrtn iii wlwtt r i ivnito kbu vjaga tikey viincm ii muni kiainft i u ciioami pining nvi tarfc kj5 k noli plim in jura pitftfttto faeita tmrw ihoieje nj lcninn pfl kpi indii uinrf nd pr iiim hmmhl iiiip h ikciiu totmiltliltial u src- mutin k ifil wlnnl lr mvry unvrjl kki 1ntc indu stn qwuhiiia ilifvvieilii kweppr nativa s ihd llrioipfia uiirrah aimbvrotiaa1 iwrip pnaik r srmrirsirkrtr fitik thtitli wlilinx lfd 4itl p lr 111 fwf twim w ov wimic utid ivotiti pi slir tiha nihl htiu hill ii ick thcrivmhl l cjtl flit in jm jd nt wiamlirji finc laea 0r nd win cp jo u tir iurf ikvimv apwfr toll t vp4 aiihh nlltir lpwitii vbd ttlftirjti i sli twitni thrift stilfjif 1lfini1tip itfjf mrtl ell ir the snwribpr ntirr th inimie libit lite wlioleof tin ahnve aitielrtair nl ihe vij samuel morley co ceneuak importers of bjfcustt wd jmemcjja isaiclwnre woui hairy t ilimate tn their friend nd l die that ihey have receited j rxlenire ann well aoo slock of ami fikttf ilinlwarct fartcv foots 5 4e camruivinp c t r i r rhioti pnl swede ftbwbmai uai ironi ilooji and rjnd iron fal sttrin and ifhmer steel canada plate sliel i tan mm i tin puckmith anrik vcm an hellowf llerk spike wlmfthiaad cat nail9 cvil lin and traee lun sheel bra corner lead and zinc wiajaw glaw paint a oil hair sealing and carted hair slii cjrprnlet joiitertand conp too doume and single fovthng pieces an eteffftml assortment of siiwt fnrw and brilmmiit metal ilwe fw cutlery c hot water diihe and plate and d cnfm cooking box and fancy stoves fender fire loi fire dog fcc ao sign of the cvoswf 5aie princttt strttr kiatoo nov 5 1s47 for sil le aaa bush fl oats by ihe soaaer- vi fj bcctfinerorquwa and wejihn ion streets- p j buckley kingtton 30th november 1847 86- sheriffs sale of lands mlolan0 distftlct w y virtitcafa to will s ishvnoffkv faeitiii issue j nut of liar maietty con tqaeotva betie and to ie director at ilia rail of john aiowat aid george lev ach mowataniial the lands and tenements tf richard logan lereawd in im baud of jane ann logan air inirulraiitk of die mid richard lopnn i lnve 2xid and taken in execulifi part of ihe uoken front of lot no 19 l ihc finn conrcsaon nflhn townships kinoit in the midland district fnrt- utiitl which lot of land 1 hal oitet lo sle ai tho court llonein the city tf kington oa sainrdny ihc isth day match next at li clock noon tuomas a corbett sheriff fmhrirf t k sheria office mnlvand diflricl mtk deceailar im7 j comalissjon jilnis the ciiarrnr ok misses tbe lfff itiil nimir wt meet with in til whtt hipw kml whit frnr tltfj kc d wwn in4ii htn v lit hi wate lltii aviativiea ivaealriwwtrj v kulcakiine4llafciai i lhfmilti in tlic wmmiilt of my ihftv tlii im ile cnrl 4jj hi thw ciift o mm bui n w- olj n aitunuiin fw n mmv yfitr lturtmdrd w kid wnh i i i m 1ie intcmioc itjlttu ntfmlowf t it iln ber kcid ni tlirnitrlil not tt fo iae ivrminp lv liffevfieeiiia mafffletboi inn wdh nc ft lt rer wiii nty lifipeo to deriielfa for 4r d ft uiicinfi f ll lliljkt pv an u ovf iuf to ill ma v eieed he vmtiftrwaoo i wiie tli ru nf lit nterriv n n dng wiw rfc pf r nld her umc l0 aotc atwl inlnjiiced mm wrrjnj wlirft ia tnw lir my irfo i etulliag if rir ifto mn n4e dvufbl my intention and i aeurty jnl rrd to ffimwfiirti hftto 1 cotjtd vn bcr fiutn jfieaaaareaeaarea i limber aoold yield i virjojr 1 t iii pii paitsl i- irmntac biiinnas encially commission rvo lel quality and will ie old for cali iiiomift 4i on the lont tretilitr t rcibkiit alien kiapton noremher 117 t i esy viitucof i jjiwo trrluof the north western lysubaxce com fant of nineteen pound eighteen itbillinfl of and ono penny i huvo eizd ami os w e g o n y rwhe a cent of tin company haare oicb in iron hotel 6niario mreeij wavid mcc rattan tet m ivuli wberueianrmd to orot inanrance ihe jnajtcliun of the aid u in wbere ho i prepared to eant pnioet loat or jamace to property m vbrthrrfrmnfire or danger uf lulaml m t hunter aft worember i8a7 taken all the estate real ae well a personal of tbe aaid david me aahl n ml raue the aamc to bo dichaiccil within three raleodcf monlhajhe aaid schooner will he held liable fr tho fymciit f03 sale- rviirneiv jkiiinv it acharlof 1 bcuveer idouand txoubu flour bunhvni sbo will 19 laid on advaniagcont term apply to rl t i1unter- kiopataiit oct is isl7 sjlf by lb sil lerv sfni for sale bscrilntf ul lilsltip cband- i- no 1 llaidy bnird- log tar 111 rh kiii tnrrtil ijtins lillllli and everything in rhsiipchaiii1lrre lno wai donaldson ort isi7 s7 v poil sale ort and sherry vinefilnv brandy tta n hrbeatn qarr cnki and octavia toaa suiar fruit c c vciy low foi eaah charles hales oetefil8l7 oaleoonia water the suhaeitler baa received a enn- aighmcitt f the aove oxihwnt vuicrwbib ho will avll in ijuaiitiiion toauupurchaacri m t iiuntrr fraunje ana ptariare tfjtto on i ul io street lands for sale the savfttiaet have the following landa in the midland district for sale athl jm no i in the 3d con pithnsuign soierea ha 10 in lk7lh con riehmmij 200 acmr 31 4 ul no 39 lr the 7ih con camden 10o acre wnl j lot no 15 in the lib con kenne bec 100 acre lot n t 3th cn oldea m0 ttteu tat no 18 6l con 200jrre cumminc macdonell sab6untm ginsilon jane 29th l917 itunkfl flf tcjj dnrip1wn j b bud alxfaeum dv torc ind atisfuciion of the t a saiil jiei benefit daiut conrirlt rjf d sheriff office midland duuict nov 4 is17 just rbetved a3ni for sale by tee subscriber a supply of jala hioel v celebrated drailalory powder for rewaving hair vrithftbt injury to the kin- palry v old brawl wiadaor willfamifine alnn lfl sotp itv fadelitdc lak for mrl linen e flair and tooth bntata e ad a general aiottnwnt of rolih per- furnery robt hanktll drvgcitt 4 apothtcwy boei sireel wiatoflocls l17 notice imi e sotuci iber ha commenced ihe ji pnn- uuiinu wbem he now icaido inmv dint io mr ilarkva croelccry store kint strer1 kindlon where bo hohm hy ntriet aitention lu buineand mideiate price to meet a shre uf puldiipattnait john foster ju1yooisi7 for bale ash rrifffi lot uf shrar- cuklad hams very ohhwi j hilmaud maili flair oct- isi7 e sulrerihrr loving eommonrcj nttp it n rl mnrfffi fie simo umhlink t tbt fia ul ineial siroet in ihn city i rw pro ve roii hi ri menu end in iho li n e hii exteimtvo slmai and cellar an- vtiiiublo ftr ibe straso of any ile cri pi it ii uf gnod and arv ronideri tpiile aatvi fnon 4 enal iik of fno kron hi long expciifnce in ihetradr nflhiacilv the suh fliiten hnit olf that witb arimdnou attention to the iuieiem nf lliind wm may employ hirnho will be able in jivr kiifiieiiiiu ch hle3 hales kingston oct 13 isl7 nil be ml sko id villi afrjiir n nfinii cll and ijj wed elt n aro hefition rut wtn mi cliureli bo married we went v ltr made uic fl pron linfer ard t annoyed by en utrlward jffmjffi i cauld nvt e ti ikt rin on ber naer ifavtnf krn mf i rot ctrct aaiel taheb i mill lived in fer of afrieoree fiindqi inalria ihtea nlueiy mirmattb ltrrfrreo wiih tnt refoor ttriz afiamvfr vitogr awt 1tnf made ever thinf wmnj toihrt there ttok her wuthr till rnj cij like ihe time i uhe rritir m 0f v 11 w1ed ly jvetainim b d b 8 awn pmnric ptclttl bok o i ua i w ia eden wbere all ile brtr fredin hie pij ond ro n vf a il lonf uk lloit a time tb fmler n the rabut einit hibbu uvte ljofti lgara mwibee anjilkrbfc4rd ihtf eaird donley ifcjt bingrlttar djlee tt iifi cndi dk 11 sk where f rn galbetuthit j to llirr mtr tlc llaroilii mm hknnluet kim wttk uou like tk aa one ltliiii i thr tuihe pr nil hi tvitid like iwher xvkcfemurlini or pfcyha iln fitr tvol nor ariini o tut a eni t evi jmii nf tc thiol c of 7 wlw ike sn le c to bed willi li tmt ll tym red o fr the tapr and rina ivni ifffrf at it tm il u an the plontb a ivf am tlhava tin ljrp pehi wi 1 m iithia r ieelit a i7 i k an bent ptin ivli ft tr lc tfcot llaar uk ray rtkt a bvpiaimf at 1 wflnj kin1 a ure tbky yu- hiy h an day ml iv on w stkwaut plcihrigrok of head q starters saint drxis stkeet orpohie donuakai hvtilj montreal bkos lave tointimaketo the pub lic that with a view to comfort and wiib a total ditfrearjt nf ifxpone be ha kitted uf bis estab lishment in the moat luxuri ous dtylk hi extcnivo travel ami expeririir in the hiiuc ha en aldtl bim to jndxc if every ihin that ran add iodic confirt f hi friunl and nnnattinri willboaparad tocura ihemcvrry luxury tbe riipiieinr ob- hega loave to ild ihn ha u attacbed to tho above eatabliahmeut a ladies sal00x for tbe accommodation ol private parties november im7 a3 3m h taijiorn fskkat srbkill uk um1fd statbs 8knatb jilt micxtcan wail jt ikt kfm varl llf tucir hiinijua ta nr ti mr cat- ii ir4liin awta taken bftp on baviam t y serirr mr iavkio ft and mu la acifiaf limn tuiktn rvt iu ytnr enfiiidcraiiime i o been nyeiaed br ike taine remo hreli in ie li oprat tfio war irani ik nam eon- linna r luck have eree nncei4eh ine la ftthil i- my pf f iiion in hie uar i du n iq i ii utlvert tb reaum nbieh governed me vn ieetim further tlin i necmary ia ejtjio bjrci on the preacnl 1 ojifiwil ike bj tlien only becoe i eo it necesrr and ty bi l avrtrl no mly beer ibe prei- tl friikaol auiboriij otu j ibe umled saiea lnbientcra di trfiry at ihatttmo rn4rd by tbe mexican not only beeaiik tbe i jfjtmpf coirem teas uafafideilriitb j from 1iifk eoniklerationa of jmliey reae i rfraw tbiit it moat lead tv the gfil and wtm u to ihc eoitnirr and gteiilv endanger ite free xiitanote tlic war waa dvctiredt and rec pied aaab by the ffoycrwneni when it a- t- jje laaitttil iiheafdt iilobemydiiiy ialmpo route o i to preiei at far ua pwhte th- ncr ivbib x lltfoaien free iriattlu- j smh wa my olnvcl in propnnj ibe de h n line at ike laft emon ieh i nn tfei now jning itree reuhitiona but i ahall ea u my tiim 1 all lintei kldty and inde idetilly atch bceme m seaw b baa tjdinaf taaffe or n rivtraoeall otyeli1o tehal iaood pr be eowhtrr- when i pennaael n senate ut ibe united sitc t nveleaj von dilfceni bne j pifliey ijp bf a tco hftvvi of contfv in our jijn ae rihd in jiivr handx ar an aajhy jj1lt0o0o we are wnfc offthn evr i ail nt ikinf it eorunr itboh llial avido w hatft ko ol n000 akriabfakflea ad 1i tbi ft aalblnf all itul mr prerioent it tt wild i kfo aite line wtnld bie bren c a tbe euiion nx ilio war tbe prciidcni and ibe seere lary of war bre id it but i m my in my mind it u utterly i iuawile- tta hao kick i r would h re la eivered una hoatilr ludiant and would hve remiircd oolv a ttii e trflnflrnt aqd tiip of war to giunj j chm- fr cven ra vtxm remained inieimafed by mexieoand thai too wbco tko mctictn rrw era and prwci were cooler and lt povkttfal ibm tley areow and ciin any mto bclir- it woiifd eoat ava to d rvrnt i lkn m entry on iho tfeo war we cw eiie mr prrniavnl 10 lb coohiii roli of amtbet em palf sir the oone mearre re wottcd aa were ai ihc itet tetaion v arc tulj n lv w c fvf coocjueal that npficitly dieavowed i u noi an ordrf o hk oot tbe n1iihh1y of mrairo for ibe predent vow ditinetly he vintwvta retain ilt natpmabiy xirtt ir n e eomc to ik prjeli- cl qveatn sbai wc carry n the v1 i br ii-i- j carefully into the mailer and i inn ay tnorc ie mnv llniaj now riihiof aeiot ii honcr than at ha uat a bill bf been koj- lauvamajr tbe prenint f m d- dilivnal forceof ntlraaiban twenlynvelbouaafid men makaif la all rw lea than eeventy tboo- aaod troa for ike nexi eampaifn and l mt ei pente f fby 5c00lo0o0 kawarfni ia the eondilron or tbe mone market a prearni 7 lm year m conwocccc oftbc pjaahiaqai hnitti in kuroie we bad a larc balance of iraduinmrr fror and mnocy wa tofclittlbl we re nnw en- einnbff eel wlh a urc avajn boii njt we bare in aend lar mm- bmb to bntjtaml and mrico tf drniti fcieot here tbr are ojl fet in the preacni altie of the inaikct tbo money eoe to enland i are ike iroorr nole ciyned below prndockanllhwcr the endwillu that tbe uaaaaiy note win a iata the awbirertwry and pecie be riven out thoa draining both pe and will be a erent eornmercial cri and the fwur nf out twnkcv tliero i dhfer now of all ibi wkiehdid not eiitt at the wjnninrof the lal ewnn men you mat et but money you cannot i bec eimverted with a gentleman well v erred in eownercial matieraj and he ha cven at hi nninkin tbat irramry nnlcaand they are nribn more m ie ihnn bitnt whirb aiotl be nrpa kt would not bir more than 90 dmiari f fcr iqq auatfaj which irihc ntre 1 ihrik itiao 7 jkr eont bnl air ikeac ate mt ibo onlj nbjrciton fuewrdable a iikc re eajaat ibf wir duul tec ihvalljh ert chniceof oldkinin any tkiof by it if wcahnuldbeeuccctaful inouraim wkirh 1 hitii believe brf if we tlpaum ibe tvw ed bjecit would bo defeated jbit a i tke ibe r3ir aide tbe more elciorka wc c u lreatrf nl he mm ftuvuty io rnyinf at uree- aiowcl what i to be ibe etrrl if o aaa cei refre if ijulnc in maieo wt rclliwiw iir tkll i tlilmnlt ii kno ribrttt any paarvta mr t ifitial iad-ie- hnv te yi la oin a ece bc rwmtt ea mke war r reqoire lw m mive iee 1 you itntllo l ivcrmnriii of mcieo nvic if r for ice vub ale aviralral by your fwn ricee- itul ut oi yi aecom ih by ibe very irjecl yu d whcffr ueim i iitnn than r i any tiuie to be wines atd liquors laft fur i hold it to be a hit pnnerjtle thn c ytay receive indnmiifr in ibe bnv ul ikireu ed lerriinrr m a but not bona tbe eubi tmlbattrnlon of ike tuwie u reaoeeifully d lone uf mexican in oftiinf at ihe rrieated lu uao ure me1t t i araion peje relutjin 1 did i became i msb asd liquors kvuhl it woutd be a erett iarnaf u men ami racentty imported dttecl ad foe nak 1 tbc but abav i beeaie i nw i woum f rt im from wing intuited i ibe oienl ae h ln tim 1 i onin ciitrea in i removal j p iirycr on have he movkptotbeirnew piigm- ises cornur of klxn no pmxccv 5tavrt riligl n nfrv 12 is 17 willum j- martin r trrr o v f v i j a o-r- tliy ennia in pirt a rdkrw and trie couo and free lon ntimteralnm fnc old rtt ilunia mliittiis 4id other port lnaelhgn lewm and wuir madeira knac fb and um srwruc i g and li 1rtle and 0own stierric medivm a ihne fi4c skeiry sujiilan 1 ctkdlnu d rryelritinv s claret jmic4u mrfcaui ckmfineor tm brand ltlitflrfli4hrniarv4 lleoney drudy bin fmeclid lbndv m imtk fine tale llrnuty ceneta and llnoatid tiin tenun soiich yvlnty jnnalond lwarl itum ciiindan whwbie c k-rtjala- nov 1847 rra denl 1e a dkureiii eirw be vfnj prorulirtii of like wo enoer n fr tlti in notice gltib l having bren ap a pdintvd aicctil far ibo colcb bie isnae rnrit lnow fneparrd to lake miinei rilif nf evmy dcerintinn at midtrraie raieji of premium thomas oriir riiir kiitnh bkiics jcxa jgtnl slrerl kmi juprt ihe mexican to mile n idmiiy and lu ty tw lb eipcaar f the wir 1 n i lkccve i tliwifhi tliere w tn hiiard il le nt nu eiiiiuucd 1nnfit llyiukl ifiitfeikt- il vtal mkfl and nioiiry ai leueua vet in ve wctc vielavtuu ve ivu rl cvo tilu vji cfpirrcd lei1lii ti hit it thai jo seal kianr mowiarmy and may tbe oie4il ike riv f menem h ii joptrlc aut eitnueori irma writ air bve ihe aued nljeei m ike bee- eltceird mr we roiqerd a prett hjc we ttkaeearfd m ifbcimr j teiyl an we rirftred iaehtanitj i n m rvl n iik 4l ivowed bv the rridcit li brn aecmiptttlied vo mr praidcm die objeel in ruilrimlt ikn piver nnw 1 1 aak ira auwd the em- rlele hicinfilurcuiour hogifi f wo eamnil narjc the fibire upfn inuf imvp il i iwl 4aipnl b lk ihii lu ibe et lui ihn r or jh eantjin w lid n error h kumvd on a tkaalle we utmed m ainwaniiiy if e wnled i st rbfukt laee atlwced it hrn we hd lie uneef inurband we bwerenjeaorrd t i0 at ii by a ikuy whfhhid lie metreana efuwd to tgn ouw kav eunapaetcly upt ilw ranjennl pwy ilid nfoae and hwlailnr tndia all out bf ihnytt vkturw lb nor i mill will be ur nihonjlkiy t tij nee rrub1ic tan iah ii e will lr oe bbmi1 uu were u of v ric ttj and hcrvitcrriiniy for lle ttme einayeted ler eunucor tbe tre ident w- very nueh ihe onnc enavkltna what w 11k ttrioa nroecution tf the war an i hive- me tbjt the penoc of mcaicu tre dtviikd intr fuclton nawaad by rtnhiurr rotor and die only w ty to arrive at vrb w dctirc h to liut lluin eviwn will ir then ne e to build up a reutbcan form f foyernow ni pmn irncfiienvlpoaicirll rtiiwt lorrda o vad who jfn avetiau nf peier mr rcidcni t etofv i umil a fcbow an mdpudot rejib i be cen j u tb t nn jh i autpec of ilaeiicror i cm well rec hn an trito- erilc or owniiie nvttmtmttl eould be ibu fcrrtrdt but bw a fec vernmeut can 1 canntr ree 1 ind ujy unirralud jucb a i f kveraavai rrtual rriic fnnhe hajiavil lb h but air ace 1ir botiuta arc lt- tfi trt and rt en miw mjke f republirw tbo jro4c nf meafau da am trimi it tbetai body of the tnli ihcneo and wcubh icmrenirkt ed in the clcrr nd liny aru hrbrj i it the olbce uic b- d j h ovneia uf tbe iitnd in oilwr wirdii me itinic mtfttf nerhta iltva bi bin luy arc eirered witlm it me uwan ef fieinin2 firn rtveiocl arid if put us would tumble dwn in day the rnwakttri trtn eltovfj be wilhdruwn tbe noly iher raiiva tbn would be in rrl nd paafai tbe firiic rirnnwnl tint it ij r i mrvlrl be ivelfm ami il wwubl fjll ibe ioiknt our troi- ure wilkdrjwn mr prernlnil rfoei aeniial ihiihtia 131 any jniwer m mtco for we avafl theubrbe iwidi prr n hftin and arwtn mad t u ae nutuhl ke c mwpitfd 10 nke il -or- vht tle enojiternib af iliikovts nbieh fit hae i hmf avnitaaicrl cam nn in tbtt ferj wav tjitfe ua in iitlmiiu a ti u conotcr il inaiewio un ay drrre till at um a ap- 1 ueai4 a msoer of eic s ii utum w wiik mi men if lb pi rr 11 mm i koitf nre in multr a ire ny 4i ricb teria aa wr nk jlic iv nb il hunelf nrrt wo rll lb il vcty eure 1 hive furhaijntrl ii nj ainiav wnu if all mojiiire fm wc mini mficr trrm which tire loo f cunlj rlniundl i- not l an ibttuwriitwni i but if ibe faofiutail fpt ciouirnl i nm lidt uji wc ai coiowr id oeehpv hie ctnmrjtj lb elforcht nrm ni uifn lie a but inai l v wctl the prorfnl 1 riem tlii will te tbe ri cvery uruine4 nc i a d eoive line w11 hntv a bubc ire km hi lite icn iilf nniliuot tl mhf avl oceupr alim realrr cieni of lemlory tlte men eeaed in ibcwjr ike mitiartur lhbrtvfl 1 awfaw rjaed drrchy or inihrrelly 1 hrpc bodr wimlieadirrk t return ml tleir inllircnce in fvorof a iiuathn v war will bo fund i mwttfvl l ju well air owlbt wc ivp dffded iy rmljiona of alu m tin fwmer amhinl eipeudvd wlit will rat gi w iniemmfy itf with the 1 tun whiel ymi wtll bv olnm evtiitiilc prriea b tho reuiin t have aboiln ihe ek popoaed by h prei bnl it i to bl4 itt ibe 11 uiuualiiy mr 1 md llmw teeen vy fight ajn9lnvnnl people 00 rwir hinavt riwvr n prtincc or inemporfd nvbamp maian kball neau either nx mr 1rcittcnl neilber j andfortlirrr re- fa1 t will be gain lw ovwwed tbject af ihe war vommc ha been nl ti cuifrmi nbieb b wl dwinetlr deoied ibeuhjecllohellkciliiklionj tpf the oatiin ilit t of metii and eel tr wbi wo denayttw urn necoiuli hcu aiyj what we 4vonn nil hue been thfiitid tot f al lef will he iinpencltincnt o ike abuiiy of uur fveromeml t iiunjr ii inm altiira ebriwldelhe full uit f gbe mp tnai h teutti d and hed o ibe ctunlry but mr pre idfid i an afraid all ur pfiviu nril be eon- flu d ik f ilnij clcir r 1 lultl q bkt rpn ut hardb0le pffrl tvimi are mee civen to war than modern ntio itrnvreer mneh we mibt rjuce at the cngmre bravery andavihof nur tiuopa and live afmqhinf vie lore tbey have achieved ke wayoiorry locm fr tba ibe avrrnnn bid loat that repnltti lot mtdefatior and jutlke wlueh had been it ernrnntf tttfpthjfca f it early day fe al1 tleinpl lu hold meiieo a a pminpe or ioeomo- rale it in tht union nrc ba1l and il niterly imfnvc- latahte we bad never aawiiihttteet any of tbe la- i ji u 1 1 i 11 1 -ir- 1- s rr fniim tsei leoifory into ur union wr bv- removed them farther a iy wc hive nter iiieyporfed ny peoeiv linn iki ivn but tbe raueaeian raea lite free wbti man and thll we now corrupt thi free white oplilinn by inirwdueinc intueiur coacilcrav ihe indiana and tlie mited meet of metieo tic prolepied mntl ernety aititt nich a ptliey 0ir riernnent foe ihc free while man thi feature nn tm aeeret ur i lbiliy hie ppiowb republic aa tbi aaalt- eeit bad failed becua ibey bad inatnty attrmpt- ed 10 afafi tbe cdnred rmoc oa an equably with the wbitra in atninf that by nature 11 nien wfrc cmially dret lu free oternmnl yet it wot pmwed io ibe micm sute urriicrrf nd pue tnern rn an equality with htc real nf ihc slate heuocrlr protpwtinl tbe tdfltioo fd hny uah it liey in ny f ffn he dfencd to the r of hiftory io tbow thnl ilia cnlured race could not be blended irih nmi ijovemfnenti tad in thottm term with whit race ih tlo colored rtcetr alvray ekf rad- td tad tbtl ibt while even in tvajrtt1aio m iota tn airtieof itc elrnnttefrre irwiiiutiunt he came nejt 1 eoatifjcr ihc iwo point in 00c iht theboldinf of meitcoin nibciioo waaldia tli end ttyiffpfeafow free irtttitctton and ihtt no ttick line a puliry aafm u be adooind hwouiiia anvtie of nme to reto thai tbe ioeoipruiioo of meiico would be eviftrooa li our free inatiuiiun uc who ulennmd lb amtrictn cootiilotton r bo who had atudieej it aaajactttt ho whob4 profit from ho eomplc ofhiaty and htd marked ih coneeejaenean where tic f 1 t htd been held by hotlfle ntltnai u tiinvoit eviiuat uoukl ikc uo uiber tnaffa convince him that to h4d the e pnlilic of mettcoi ciilier a a prcfvmcc or t ler- nittie ii uad to tlur uberen and ovcr- rhmw of 4ir bee intlilutwo in all ibe etample m which ueh ineorprtiiint of lerrilvtet of ttrfw uer4r- beinoj any thtof near llic propor- tknnl which iff iln vwr the uniled stalet uk end bad been 1hed1wnfil of the cuncjuennj aarlf wiih u mexico wvuld add to intb to tho twtmm0tf of ihc general utetomenl tbtl 11 nrtuld abrb alt ibe power uf tbe srle it wvlil tieeme iuucritil it would ueurp tbo pow er of the iimtiec jepnrunenl all lite power al ihe fwt wuld ftll ml ikclundtuf the eieeutivo ond with tbe prevailing rule tt party prcrtplitmandthonereanf ptimoteof iieejecutiv our inflitultona would hut bo able i combat tbe preaidcnlnl rfcctjm they could iot retitl ibo check mr c tliouri 4ibn niibed ecu- llcnten nut to oalter ihemclee with ibe delutive idea hni we well a great britain cotitd bold jrcal empire under tubyfclion and hohl tbem i tfny ofall iveminefi lh1 ever emitted cound i anted of the relent rwcr of ei 1 nnio w itkotti icducin her neovlc to aiiafahv or ber olueirtl tn corruptron tho waa in prt heetie tle ejecmive boeh vf the foternment find tbe ctnterhtien lljc lloutc of lord were hereditary riik never bad teh a evptcily for tvpaal when tin rouua empire ertended ejti ond uct bemed the btrrwra of iuty t ij r ceri- tmt reiwee ban to weaken d nuoo it bfn to eeiyol anvrehy ad violence wet iheorrter ofthe d ij vet gojljnd bad been fonf on in thcci1eninnflkvdmhiiont without any tim in llfcir iwo ifielctiti bol c 4 iot afj aui1inditnewmiwarniritkirot bow wiqiftaar u in imrf4f wne twenty foreign stntta faal the unsftn wirknbnwofnyn twanaitbanm ut tutrc bntwdrvri tt uc re wen tevew nf aaaw wirhina1 tlinn rniied ejeen pvww wear vytaawi lur crvuwt ivk wn m rearpnriti taaapafvi i under ifrel nh4be uurioti are rly wt our pceuil wwija j if i a niii iur f hijb rjrttaeter nj bv tjh jlrrdir tlkllwulicvtu ii wt out jp4afj rmrtn w4twn1 tur inniiuti oftitn nqd jh rfunit trvfbnl uw ibe hni ctiririent tiiu i a ajvett miitba o uaan tutin naaavy adapted ton peot hifhlr aas irecl nv1r- aod cttftiaalirict nnd il waa re aarkalr ho in nil ihe nvolutanta oaata laittn h r 101 keen nane indebutd tr nay advaunr beyhid neemj in ihtrr nan w terntocrii mtre 10 nceidcni nr tiulnaatinaj nf cr iiomor iliqo i aoy rrin of pya- vinni iv of iho human mind w 1 foe nur eorwii j 1 mart ir a awn- jiwicti n of ciecumnuace than ibo toperna wovtnm and inieibcewc of our lirtfujara aaa herein lie an jeeai dantruii 1 ijqiiulan uf ewrumtlaneea it wwh v enny bu icdi ent to iht tiin may ovcrthmw not vupiuvnnatjb we aeem to buve no fenr f ibet lrliljtyj uai j prcorrrltvn f our liberty i nit ttnt la om j fbwy nf nor rtrut nuty talk a af 4k fc f liberty io our rrly binlyvy ba frtai nitv wi to win f trbaeij nour tbe flet amwiy 1 to eotim iho world uf nnnrj rajruvr favfea t1fnvio m to bwavt oal potrer lny vteti ig ffw irc rino ta tbat few rbat the price 4 liberty w v perpetual yiw unec now nrrttt tn rnnrjivlcr lhj muj not tt all iu ilie opir nppenri in tumj ha litrt by divine rtm i ant 1 naul bi we u not 10 tifiljnl wr thlt fmd i in to bi ha crttiti mittbe of til ajd it it a ttraati to upiu ibit it m owe do ibo pnnciu nf aa liberty be we nfj over iri cnt neat and lht rutfhint nur nterfy if wepertint in rbii dalunuwr- dy of retribution wi caaou a4 il wlu beiaa with it dentine live ewnnrqqeneew m nuttry ap nw im ruidefminr hit aueeitat rmrw ajl rheeaonr ppeuwd la iiip poeicy of hedn3f mm by liflil of ewiqteat ind of nnnrrinf il ikbl ni a province ur icrriiokea or sutra of fhj ujwj varmient 9jt tfhtt v wt if dul aha frfieuaar of bit efforts to arronl ibt war tad ij oonaaqurooct mr- cnlhfntn naid b uv ml tba viialjrnt ohkuee of dinenuncliof ourmlrt anvw in tlji dekrrivt tic by takior in tbi vti deiwon and inderjinily inia oof tttid lime been ncnwcd when lb in hi rwennrjredncuriaaatniowf nrnr so- o t 1 j be ahncjld haw rindteatud a pbb in tu mti id he wou hatertjnsvtu gfct vwnt bo wnutd bare hid n oommrttaa to uuefwu tjn rtvrtti ibe rtlaiioo eiialing botieun 0 a4 steiieo hnwlftiht yet thrt wi r if lui tltttof wwr ffnd that failed of ktauwanrnef 1 lwtv44 bt latwm baxo be nn mntvnnnwwnnnnt tutcof tbe rio uraoje nd oiiauracd hi patt- tinn on ihc bnemdary which ii mijrht hnva ben deemed ppn b claim which wld tajbr uodt f toeoe vbe to ut and uf no m lo pftajli e but jic b d been oetroied- wbnrt ibt m fiwirc line hutd now be ho had oooptoioo now in c lie wt noi now peep ted ta nay arber arceultl detientte th bent line bulb umujd tar that wc olviutd eticuie iit cfntrtl prw vincr mr reterdr jcinton- whut uv me c0mun ve tltpuld evwcuwt r wt ihoun evacuate uk central parti of ih slm qow un enpied and eh btek the tmopt ta a dtantnl bujndirr receiving tuffictent tornurry tot all proper indemmliet ihe final dectnon to be nutrtat to negotiation tt well a lu cipetuut of lb war it may lake year to neeurc a pm etttj uenm thw plan but mm flat penal would b ciocdwcamlt dincnunfb oejrvtl tu wnm eerwliedtoa dead curpno and we tbuum rlimuliu- git oomelvet front it t tonej nt punbv if f tleuld only be kept aajtrfi nd pumoc out irwt iaterotttotl fucy with maauriy iaactivityi tall wail iho day for our oenuny w hall do bourn tbntogniu ten thomnd ictorie ifi bntllo atr cinu d he urtta old mia b vaa nkamt a oot atrtner todtbtt if htbwdoifnnl any itiint hl win tirmrr or peoukar upon uuj sennit ilwy mutt tttribote it to tba improntiocni of ihiriv5 year tea tbit trtt rnjith seat nne he ijid nnl the policy of war- in tba cm nf the penponcd repntil pa finta hah ttoud ttmnut ttvoe in seotu to rmai k ut wt utterly ofoaew toib enjund wai altnrly ornaenwdloit niand hidrnlerferad awd look puee- me ndiffoineel bw isenoa ot ia 14 qrfdn yc c 4d h 4ninmw lh ptf1 b c mm as sticitpayitin penally for h two buodreo rml boof depudanti which ia ditwiwetiontte ut meumbent weight thctttcnt to truth llo nidkiion of the tupcrm rue tare yet tir in- mend of idcmnhv from her oonqueau they tro bniden hi iter und etca nethbonnf ireland ha ttedher reiurceafnt il tavtft ml ih inbor cf bet peuple ulmoat beyond their pmcer to betr shall wc w aft aod mw ibi ctmpb lor tern ltial nhiemnitte for lltecxpenaet uf our war t txi u bttvi cenidet ibt incotpration of mctieo lata tbi ivrn tlife ore tmy state w meieni there wo nbh rtrtt have to initial trrirtc tlte jtcnort lite mp1rie the juotice wsmbl allbavo to be ofiooied by ihe baccuiitc a ia our territotiet mtrto up of our own people w fom iho tame fretgn tkk tt nttftalffa we hove in tbi firrl fimttlon of a t to lkt care of them tnd ibey tre etantnf ii btjl wlieuthey rcch lbeeuf iwen iye when ihcj tome in yert nf maturity iilwy eteiiiatnnun tt ou cjmn and in al i wtaeei tin tmve n4 m wkb vacirnw yua nmyenll it rtueiotion but it will bt lurced tuneutitnuli yai ih be e npeljed whatever totaj of r i you mv nblih io huld a 0 pmtiee tnd it wm w but a novioeul pv erniacnt al utt hnv laaf h you lit v to itold it 10 ubjection bcore n it reduced 10 obedience before it it la truih nnd in clmrueter pan of thi t cmferjcrjev it will lake a htw tim enj land bf h- hi ireland one tetfoj hundred iaffpuw and ttnu ibey are intaiic people fa- ntda h been in m uf ihe britir ct omimcuifut feiiehurrdrc4yeuwpi m mill ih p cntdmna tr t itottilc pp ti rftt4io id the ri ijul itnhi a iho evcialary of wtt ynti will neier ret enough to pot il ouj will bvt to c40cutuf lhernketuf theneqpl bc unit- rdsluu thi and thn rveit neoiiei rih btivc tv betr ibt barii w cvinv hi tb never will lit ur f iboutnnd imtocoie from nil example wkvn mr tiro wim free tobc bsended ttnhlhe low and popn ot thi union te nikteufuthcemlin pvulaiiob arfrim theuldnloek eiul in every ttne m llbe uiigmol anjlupsntoo and eupctttu to il in that uneonyeiaut tuehirttnt tu uttir toil tad gencit io come wdra they did npi thi ip in th vifotinu ceotral peonacutinu of lht war m trnr to ver wb would ml tbo deatb virtit uf our bctnvfd inatitoiionw ond ytj tb parly appeared to be rererii- tho ordar nf ihett doctrine ihey wem p t to th nauontl debt tnd the pmteeuln of tbi war waa hourly ddtasto ibt natbwf1 debt th atpewaoa nr ii j ctmpmfn would be ibondoqil to tbuar penwof iborttolutioej tbey iu awd to an iocrotteof ibe piteoaift of tba rociklr gurermoent yet what ewumta rapidly locrcaau it 1 r r y ru c itut j 1 thjj ot i tto f n put metallic currency ytt did wt uot afl know ishi oyr irewanry nulca aod pnvtoub wtrt becninj mora and ruoo tb lupra of oat emu- try they wren iouto or trot trade jot tbt wtr ihut wvicht in be pronocuted htt tbatdy rtodarud iinr4ibu lomxaypnrom tn fro utif fa ma t to cortw the tlttvoliva ntprmnt it ii mieniniinoot in retract jour trpa when you trtinetmr ili el ejfrewnon toutnnvnti mere pride for lb food of the coeutny it mpnar itiai ltieec uno alternttire betneew ibio rwupaoiru hne of ewiey tn thit oi tbo preniumi i aty no beeute public jrtinn ii mndoupj and iber cam b nuptnec wid uexico abort of o aouwinknnt t letitnry mr c mtj tpnbe to bin frmwow tnl tbt whif tidnol ibo elnua aod bora lanotqrry thai lb n lb h voiod for lb w which kw hidrifnweel tlrfyhd dieni it inaonr trumnw nml far the relief nf gen tailor but iboy bd volh to ft territuryal ihc wat tetnton and ot tahi ttiim when the pubtio nnlicntw wwtaaitt ibo only way 6ir mttrtf wtti th ehfnav lr- inii ri mm be j l t l thi nujo cr m tltlt hme tocnn and mini tv baxajd uf autil oectjptntn fo belieior rot wataa u wrjoid peopnw rulbinf mi but if bo fond loot bt t he iipprtd io ikeaa viewu h vnoold jur peihapn mve fo n cotnmitlee t00trv with uv nnr rener1now in t owl on tbt pvotwr and betlljnelnbeaftitd- r may not bt lait ycr i it nity noi be for mty yatt bait tea bju lecwe pwee w nbu taout tb ftual ona of duwntnhnf ountrltt