British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 19, 1848, p. 1

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barrow whig afrvttatr fcr canada wtit pul1sukd cwmiwkiuciy iff tioamjj ami silunjiit vunr 1dward john barker fc son at tiik athkkaum jsajatf hrt hw lii as afjn r7nir mflmo ita ra akarw it paid ui lift iii fa ltw dtaamiaitd unlil affpntr up gilvemnl ll im i f llu ihilftiiw rjwt rt i aainiata sis lines nod under vv oo fatal imvtivi sml r drarh anha rpwill inaetthm sfariltausta l illvfs jj i t i r 1 1 ir- a ni im cijk ahiuoal mnf hani alaott ten line jj pttatitftfl fl iieiiin srruln n rtlnr hr rwash afllraaaajint ineeitin adivitisomewia nilhaml igsoiurtctiuttlriritingm ink- iwaiiimi rtlrfttlto until twwl nnd charged nrenttlingly- th0ltiiii viulrwcjw4ptlniiutmt aftlifclnrirpullvn fh be allowed t jtii u 11 whsieociei afltmi to br pipoid john lov k mim 1 and general advertiser for canada west u opifer per oebem dicor vol xvii kingston canada wednesday morning january 19 is 18 no 0 the aihenau jeoavavrmsct aisvar ar tbw well lyr himkw ntmmwrj thr f in wn ij lui ed i mlsm awsrtr awun t ivatrr tllta- ffrsvakeof fofsesaaal ie alilajnaaw krwffj lia- tj tv wifi terx4afpd diwii auim ivtrfke jiid aa 4tf4wwrhivf airfrcnl sod m lw im pice mnfi tvftiah rn r 1 1 1 jap l ink iinimiu lixudomi b adnnd jaw talnlisawtel iaj atay vt flas mt job printiwo ti i i m jwfmijub pltlfftij afil raukaithi af f aailhd v and mi prf lw iiamnm cutffr kill v4- ulurffwiusar susii irvyku pnxtvg in tuovr ncoffy txtctdtd 1 r tv f jb tj a cai tajy aawfj ill f uitf ri y lt ct hcrirthfq business directory j vclaiikk xm cb acs bs wine and spirit dealer mmbtgn builhisus cat jtkpcr kwrtoit sauvr t jfc virgil acos express wltliam wakexpv kixd8ton ft w p de larmitage filnerljrocer mlw smci kinekon few lor above dr ihck- pioduc lkon in cxulmitgc george howe painter gtidcr aud glazier bugol si kiswoi r mr pliippo cnjic f lion nj dgcofal wofk in gonen z hn stnto auctioneer and cmmimi morchleomcr rfotlinn ud brock swot- all orjertihmkfiilly tceewej j ii unjed to thomas poaneys vviolesnie j ril leathetr store prio- e3cret kioion dmtor n njiv j pih su ieilkt upper kpi mid calfskio mroc j b maker fmjing of every oewrip- sliekifrs sale of lands mtniaxn district w y vinuiof a to wit s d writ officii fnriim iucj out of her majesty cunrc nfcllwcii benr oml if im directed m iho mil of john mow at a oeorof ievach mowateaoi iho lands ami tengments of richard logan lmarj io hi heiuh of jane ann logan ai- minislraliiic of lie taid richard tajm i havo iwisej and lakon in ercruuon pirt of hie broken front of lot no 10 i tlic lirsl conccwiiiii of tltntvwfllliipof kiiii i llio midlnrid diitnct nft-ro- 5oid vilticli lol of l iik a lip mil 11 kinjmnn on sainnlay he lsth day of marelt next nt i oclock noon thomas a corbrtt sheriff midland ihslrlil shcrifl- office miduotl diclticl ltihlrkrr 1m7 j sincitiffs sale iiulml offer twr iln iho city if ohellly henderson bariicw aitornceaat la o he king101 os0bqb e llnui jaxatss powell iionmonor llnwaro maoufac inter irioeea 5uecl kibgaioo the british american hotel uie daleva- ly j pttsnwos kc- loa canada w jamcbowaujfurrierhaller brock streat kinv- fo made p u rj on lite ilioricit mniat fur of tery deeriploo bonght and sold matthew drnmmond grocer wm fc spirit merclianl wellm building nest to mr w ailaon itiqawoc w t b kayter coach rhiwew d carriage maker pinee strcci klnfaloo robenmccormick wioinlo iml reuil dealer in winm spirit ten cnct9 s pri sl ki messrsiiaacdonaidcamiibell nirndffk allrney at lw lncc street kss v marnrts atbxa caw lames bewfflan taochr of muvr pi- pries toned adlv- wn mcmillan auciioneer thompson carey nprai loponirbncnmislrla fjmi street kewyvrk william waie grnornlcom- mknmt arrx broker and auciioneer kington cw hacdoaalds hotel llicsumids ihe cny blh king sircci torooio francis v carey m- 0 surgeon accwwhef ci n- edward stacey modwni tai led nearly opponc ui muittrucl bonk king street kitnptvn john blackiston sniimiifccr kohai0y walter eales fainter m nd paper haor panci srrci ft a cown l sndilip copper sdltb 3j l- latc otter princes sutler knistou t 0 butler cabinet maker and upwaierer mntre1 stnci lcinolh a gepcral ajortmcni of ihc liirt iyk of pufnuof t c0iitan0y on lianj atij tir talr on lilxnil lomin co midland ot3tmctov viitue of to whs s jts a tt f fieri facius bnuoduliff hcrmajt ts ciriirtnf qumii bunch 9rto tci me iliaectct sgmt the lakiks ami tblealbntd hich tvere of john haesmp lucoaeu at iho time of in death losttisff jaiim cahrutiiih 9 certain suin to haiti wrii mptninngel which the ail jnv cmniit hau lately recovered agiiiiat jamc william- fn ami william ftrgoaon hlxuco tora of lite lose will oinj testament if jihim haulip dkuaed 1 havo seized ami taken in executitm part of lor 24 in in concetsioi town ship of kingston purchased from hilary dupuy esquire by the said jhs hkslir formerly in ihe oc- cupation of one ltiomas cnrtel pari of it 24 in latcoiccajitmtoun- ship of kingiion conveyed by one tbirneu howe to the wdiouw haes- ttr part iif lot 21 in let cuncesiiun township of kingston conveyed by one loiiu laporlc to the ntd jox rlultr west half lot no 30 in 2nd concesai of cnmden eagr 100 acres part lo no 40 in 7ilt cin cession of camden ease iso acres part of lot no 43 in 9th contention of camden east so acre and pari of the gastltlf of lot no 41 iflltf concoioi of camden eai ail mlmh ikanift nd ottm- ments i hall oltur fuv sate ut the court hnnso in the city of kinstitoti on saturday iho fouutu day of march next at 12 oclock noon t a cotwktt rsan jl shmir olticf 1 cilrnf kinjleh mid disl nntetthrr s itvit sheriffs sale mfolaho pistnicr v viitncofa t wit i 15 writ nl vru tliiioni i spoaus iaicil out of hrr mnjtty cotih of qnrvnd hvncji and iimolrociodaani uie lan da and tenements- f jamks rftacn at the miilrf hos b sminr 1 lieve seized and taken the notthcrly half nuiflltfr 4- end noilheaiiiutly qnalei of nnmlcr3 in ihe 4th conreion nf krnetown uo iho itvai half of numhei i in tht 5th cnbcwaaiehi freiteriiksunih xiidlmid limitci all wliirli landa i will inter tr sale it ill court mouse in ktricmiti saturday the 4th day f makch next at iho hour of ic ovioct noon t a corkfttt shuf mtdttd dutriet sheriff oftwe ciivofkion mitllaiail htalcm kvember 3u 17 c notice the nortttw esters issuuanck com pa kt osw ego n- y the age fit of thia company ha re moved hi office to tlie excsiance ornery in iron hotel ontario sirvet where ho ia prepared to grant larance against losn or damage to property wlieiher from fire of danger of inland m t hunter ifav karefnbcr 1847 attac ililest mlolo lllsfklct i by vii to ivit i jljiwo lvijiof auaclimeni issued out the distiict cihitl of iho midland district ami lu me iliftideda mnwi the emioe real a wclupramilr david mcok at- tan an alheonrjins or cnieealed drmor at inetjitf nathaniel iiaeoans for iho snm of eleven pounds one ahillim and swu pence- itahpeuuv and also ct iho tnil if john millbr jamesaiiller and thomas miller for the sum of nineeco poulide eighteen hdlirijs and one penny 1 hevil ei2d and taken all the estate real a well iienuiial of ilo aid david me rattan atil unit the said david mcguattan return within thu inrisdietion of tbo said coutt and rause ihe aame to le dicharped within three calender monthstho said chtoftcr will ho held liable fr tho puymonl ucnckt and aatifueiion of the aaid claims t a corbrtt sheriff sberirt office midland distticl kot 4 i4t j tall ibuportjatifriis of sugars teas wines spirits ano groc oriea prock srrtirt rixsatov i iir sirtior rrjrririlly heeileareto iniottti ui town 4itil oouiry citttofocr- where he lua on hand that li is new rccrtrih hie winter stock ol mem of john holtsby brazier oopper8mith iron and tin plate worker viro worker o c egs rospeeifiillv to inform hi friends and the public in general that huhaa opened an estjillihmetit i tho above line in bagot street opjtite the athtruxtnx iuck st0rt a ittigu assort b jfn uitfrtprado tgaxrourrlpwlnrasptltrrsala carefully rlcitd by norena1 ittemuee in lue montreal and new york market ills nrrent slock comprises ainen elheis ihr following articles teas oasapwaltyana yic nyintrkfty sauebeai caaaa nd lloii suga rs mutlv soif miat b iodi q lvitflajtclea- masc c o f v 15 h gtttn rnk4 oivl gfeaii ri4ritlkrf lfiaaaand hpelccei chmmlatc rtm tji piin 1 winks ls wmal anttl hjiudrimr ru sihrtr f p ivtcrfto jiitlt lort wjsjyy ucociru clsrtt xuua ofnik old port sim hits cmjaatoiaa lfirlbni cr iumm- nitdy hvthndgm vnn uia wintkcy acnoii wautj- schcijtm uia 0 1 doi cltenj i m i i r puficr and iir o ausfu stemkiacls elixir maraelnart r k vic do d4m11c c and other liervs groceries cnrv- ptatr- ry orejnitin- jewsvq cumnt uj frmth sens pfk 4rd snrr6rt fli l ooa llnin crackers pi and rvil uky ci oralinaric pure fce vcrmicrlli accnisifl aw koptcni otilcjarml iua mesf ao- wps in 1 io d lb i t uucntn injury it w rdnr cuttit while hd yclkiir caouea ivm speriep wai wiaks aiml j u11 sfcrra and unc oiocr str 0nds lirctpu j fine and flvkc 1 krfiited nrf t lourie bn4vn ivtiitc rd kuit iodassojio cnv 1 i r 1 1 1 r lr rittfisf nvi jmd4n sot she iwd kacd snlw nno hrit- ftlmmk micrfn pflmah wtilntji i utota vi miiit lrtnu habwmhv an hi znlr io inu purn uert jtky pip lirm rri ilump ih jrs pftkcuvsn ranit titniparairijfe aaj lmn ttil tut indii conner ooenrfi kivts llojnsoarurccnfas and iwpies ptcklbs juilrd tma- wa r thkihf tttltl1uti- red tibbtf toftnnriff 111 1rtteei- sec mjjrrti hfteail xvtmi rf ii v v inivil kn ijc tiii sny biidin rcrrrslcnk a4vnae a uu1 u1ttcr unrrs aochotptskad ii lnwjrr sroic uclt nii ror tlwitk vtnfn liiil nl hi ekiwf trtixr vilvi wfpcnii nitrf wrumt piipr ssk turrd xijim tirma niip ijjirk twci ihj pi rit oil lit quo jiiit rnlsp window im ivrfdj kiijj ivrvrs lfrvm uwffiik i its and crn ftnvtmv inkbmwdtv lnrlirtti alnni thur t4f itrt kain cvam f tsifar ntilppw it tulhoiw i miii il p th sipwfiwl aehh hi pnwir lh tlr whocc of thr ai aisclcare l ihc eri let ouliv atttl will be old for carh oi prompt pay en ilic low si 4sime tron kobekt allen kincton novemw 117 foit sale the new schooner racilaelof lelwcoi i sou and vm 0 ubls flour lnjnluo she viulic told on ajvanlajpouslerms aiiyiu m t jitnter kinesioit oct 18 lsi7 g tf copper lion sheet if lock tin japanned anj plain tin waros a lso cookino and box stoves dumb stoves which he will sell at exceedingly low i priced am kinjof baths such as shower sftpper hip ami foot daths slc harden engines of different patterns chimney topd of various de scriptions c all oilers in the abvc line thankfully received and punctually attended to p s from l hs long experience in business in several of the principal manufacturing towns in engtanj he flatter hiniaelf that by good worfcnnnahip and moderate charges he cannot fail in ewe aatbfaetion to ihoe who may favor trim with their orders kingusn dec 15 187 as jcvs nit jlihy lam a a a t l a io fc voatrrfaif ii 1 a m kt wtu 4 clioapor than tlie cheapest watciies and clocks riifie subicriler in returning lhaftka to his friend and the public for the yery liberal patronage ettenjed to liim during the pal three years would res pectfully tnfinn them that h has just re ceived a 1 r r 1 stotk of cold and silver watches jrwcllcrtj plated goods cjtf a variety of clocks english and american manufacture of ilihvieni pot terns slivsa spoons inale to order he iuviie the public ti call and examine before purchasni ewwhma vm huddle kingston nov 2 1k7 t for sale the soheriberm fsaer hie fallowinx f p itbe mi0land district foile flootht iol no 1 in ttie 3d con pttsouigh 50 irres we to in the 7ih con ridimew 200 seres saulk lot no 39 in the 7th con catoden too cres west j ut no 15 in the 4th con kcnne aec too scree lai no 9 5ui con cjuen 00 ie let no tft 6th con 200 arret cummjko macdonell svttfitorsstc rmgilftn june mth ibn just received anuforsalebythesubscbiber asuppjy nf jilc ilawel v ctltaialfd depiutory powder for removing hair witmut injury to the kin palevv old fiiotf n wintfsor soap it willismsv ahc alamail snap edtv instkbse ink for marking linen c ilair and tooth rrntltet ice and a general atsoitpenl iii enelich per fuiaety rout barrcek drvgct ft foaeeory bieck streei kiopton oct 8 1bt7 for sale bviko subaeri her at his ship thand- mry store nv i hardy btpm- intar- imtrh itoin tarratl uoflc intll ad everything in ihu ship cliandlesre lno wai donaldson on 113 m7 7 for sale port ami sherry wine oin brandy e in ll quarter caks and octavr tea sujiats fruit c gu cf low foi cadi charles hales oct 25 1817 i- caledonia water rffhe subset iber has received a con- b eignmont of the above excellent water wliich he will sell in onunljuos to suit nurcbascis m t 1iustrr exchange qd a-j- ojare ttafio smcel- u samuel morleyco of exgl1su ajfd jmericjijf llaruwarea itt 0ril inlimau to ikir friends ami ike an ftimic xhat hiiy have received cvtensirc iih well uwileil 2tock of itvanj an i hfaff htrdwarc gooh jc je en mthisinc r a 11 t t v kap1ih luiiks swede lowmoor bar iron fancy llvopand butl lift vi tspom a id w paasda plate h isfar kfeel x lin andtia iili anvi vice ami hello ike ivrtiirat a cut sfil in ria blacksai deck s coil lirsmj and 1eacf c slicel uf4f coppri lad uc zinc wiiidtor cjss pjifitv and hi ifuir crating and coiled hair ship carpeaten joier cnoperi toeb doamc aid inie fovilmf piece an rtczmit aoitnrn of sdcrr plated and britannia mttnl vanfinc caturtf ji hot water dihes and plate and dish cover cookino box and fancy stoves feder firs iron firs do sic srn of the croiwt ptinttrs strtet kington nov 5 1417 for s a h e fioft bushels oats by ihe suhwi ww t casaei v queen and i yelling ion streu pj hucklcy kingjtnn 30th november j647 3i w l stizwart propritstott of head quarters saint uusts street oprosit uonkf ajak l 0 t t l montreal begs leave to iutimateto the pub lie that with a view in comfort mid with a tola isrejarri of expense he ha fitted up his entai lkijmentiii the most luxuri ous style his extensive travel and experience in the business has en aided him to jndo of every thinrj that ran add to the comfort of his friends and no oxen ion wd i ho pared to secure ihcrnevry luxury the proprietor ao begs leave to add that he llfti attached to iho above establishment a ladies saloon for tho accommodation ol paivate parties november im7- 03 3n nir issl view of erostem ii tr fine we lrtwd bjeh frnni n ridc tn ibe tuthio nod id saw it iting bcihi nd ittmy nn t ever- hsnoj itille h it locked sswh ihon fotn un nottt fotntm ol rioe from tho moub inountuinn fofiiiag il loly backc round we lceenilrtl thesis before as and lol iijhl f uio holy ciiy fcr ever aii we wcto uuck with the vivid crin aftheieeary alt ihmdriio btstawaiadrca- bd 11 boliisnt hae the wi rj cx nft srn iho tilled pulton of tho biifhtet i dtheshnlowptirplenmd jilie all ihe hitls nm teseesf bvinf bn ones terraced sad ihri wee mill coinplclcly sn in the neiffhuur- hrul oft ntr etcampmeit this eveainf ilo ler rct- folvrirtir the slsts of the sno wtoeh oil ujnic thicivesa einjruur air of uild- nev in tho caltivaled spots lloro and ieeo frevebosio nmnn the hilts the reg m dropped all er nl a- nwt etiirtrcea or full nf corn ind0ie mptnd usrks wvirtiaf nyn i nit reo ilh citoiri c elftmcn td uncnnes sod botlhnc with tuctinjloi1fcba oo we wrrrt pnsideepntd well yiriin- in lite ihjivas or tone cimetos ftw cmef kg onj there bfonnc in ike dells povt pif or arabs wih i l r l i ft be eitr patl mote iljh- erftii 04 lcep 4i i 0 p m wr cnchoped wide besuhfal d pfol we wero tjna t lur ttcuer of 3 roet wlhttx otoit crrtrtccs wcfe fringed ariib delicate frrnf white dinoc wwpriot i vent back ontor road ihc ftno sttne road which wound rvnd ihc rer- date pnn4nurr opposile looor rock to finds vnfvrlle which i hd seen elimbiot and r- to a ceat hocbt and i brought baei cbfirmioe handful of h wers vliue we were ol dion r in the tent a rovnd af scufline was heard ootwde mod when out jrsj- mma tutt entered he wss out of breulft we n 1 irdi heard ihe whole alius and treta amax ed l and how 1 1 onr malrnndro er eanv fild be in the caue of elottiisins po am theirlooded mates hd come wirh lh- rtotiuoa ai cceibsfmaf befmc ilio paats and on fndto the mvod partly occtipied though then wa4eaty f rki loft they becama abit lee ad wondered otovd wbt boiness thec cooij christians had in nseir covntry our daernan resented this aad threw the speaker dwh afsj tkc tentropes there ih- owtulhe and our cook coming hep tn ihe ohuj falling one opn snmher over the tent i ihedarlc ivv hsd the iswrf nf i anl wil idtva iojihe u h j rso mj pjftliemtiai tl te rs f mediltstrsneso ike a baeia ki p kfcia tatar belwe tvtm v wra inwards it tpiwrver but in nauau ancient sychar whrre lira 1h1l jacove wjl a f saoioria wai wom ft jfa onr mnrl ln thnnicb a ntoat tortile valtce nntv cutl huft wv ta rwlmaca heibt w pnied on the h ii 4sc t vsc in 0 series of uhlt- hndf of w h ft socecaiio of ihrce h wc c iravmethc llaworrah tatjrjbc- tueen wo tu ilnouh diva rmindi snd otrjitawi p o ivoc mtra of ihe rrkk wili f rcby atnireaaeat rich cud about sev vr -rnhn- nhnib r jowl no daic feons my rrly jtmiisi i bad alwiya laiuo a tnif inlrretl n this old qi i feehn- synin liy wiib ulh arir ken dlhl in ihe wie anl itihvi titlvof jei coicenm n what loifli t wm f r both p irtw la ifear llial la m ti iff ik n tirl every where nnd thai d cjra were lh w t iho jcrumloft tciapat as iiv raouaraia ui sehsrr nd wht 1 t0m it livr jiy il wi to lln jtttj when he cw jinfiw to llw satmrston io tlte mrabir if hispid i ate thrj icrel pricil nnl uia aemnl vf ih inauto ol jvom dois jiorilc were of eamae wfl a llieir aree an bo e loh hid rnvrli 1- pead on his nn ado ih- jews wero buui1 r veep uieir ree and wwhip purr od letl p eewlat matter of faiui uitt j ioh saaiild hao bul one dwelling ulnar wkieh ws their view of their tewoe aid uie sjnwflmm were aorely njftii in poii in their entraror lo wurahtp jdmslt mi qccirdinec will ihc unr if l 1 as ibcy cij a t bolicre in siruns gtd i and if tho jewaeanu nrtadool ibcn in worahip in tho icuiplo at jnijlon they cotd not be blanted f bnildm ae t theoarlres sorb wmlrtjyi my vew of ihe milter nd beine rny eiew was wlu in jocib u iasrcsl tlutt i wvied oil jiv 4 km mmnt litfiiiiin and retneinberrd thit sonaeswec in tlic eiiy w were qpjrfoehin was trciund lht aiered coiy nf rhe ssrnarilm pfnteleueli ttovi of must j whtrl rite pnfkssvra wlicvo to tc tho bad one and in te 3500 yenni old tho flrt icirncd men ome the claim ians dv not believe il to be ncr aaatd as tbst but ihsr lism htlp npinin or il value and would fhntr 1 anoncr rhari any inther i belicveeseertin instsica where ihe dhuted tests aunt etui and grixin are eneerncd the piestjtt inhahmanu the ctly tc the cjnit ions as beat lily as theedd inhabitant med ia bate the jw the pecaeot inhihtiants aro mahommcdins nf the moh bigoted character nnd they nould adrnt neither jew or ctiiin iihin ihew j itv nil wimhi a fiw years when le nrrnenl a ihc country then eifipfian conpece llcn in besier mmoers they dae not refuse as sdtnion but ihey bhaved wit rret insrence w bjl t rde frm end i end of the city rmr temt bi- pitched on a cren n llieiher tide our hrcihad tn op at stukl as poble throuch ihe nariuw msatt whkh wuud ml hwtd iwoolxcast nnd woraeed wrh urge alippcfy stone as we redo suaf nne behind annlhc at ibit fner pace all the people came o 10 ttare sod many to tooek ttroe lltflastalafs were ibmva lata my face men and wooscn uuhod and sneered and cbil- den hi t inc ml tiicw toncue i fct wbat a kwi i wai i iriittrr4ie awjl imtlee if uprnion tik lltl t itllyj llit froisiri cvarfea faraa ptlrsceffeaa t thin d nsl rfmi tti rh awhile mm pisa df ye ttn ia n fv ri a r fl t lr ki iwafiinsasbrvaisi liemnad hwwen ontrt hd my lj su4 lit m spoil his- ple v u itu hunrt v mrfnt h ifilk i ivoli m rvvr wdriv rn iw atra ttrf vi n rrirnitet il w iol vmj j ntiin1tvl in itiy f ll hn bivanr bt wirra d ir h firehu i nc vt i the larath 1 e i was happy in lha inp4i ay vi dtitc a md eijlkiji tt l by ir ifssvimli i niw arij tnl the b faxkel nf every drsetihsaa ohyuaada lbe autcssli- dua lofe notice rpnue l having been ap pointed agent for tlie colvhsrs 3hbine lsicace fohpwf la now prepared intake marine rinks of every description at moderate rates of premium thomas bbircs jdkjl 4yenr oi 1 in- priocw slieet kaetaa smf notice t1he subscrilier haa commenced the ciiifccitv btihiskse veheieljn now resides neat dooi lo mr ilatkes crockery storr kin4 street kiii whero ho hopns by strict attention lo hufinesriaiid rrvulcrate prices lo meet a share of pnulicpaifonuge john foster july 01347 foh sake l stl erior lot of stgar- culthd iiam-4- vvryoxcrllent i mark j hilllakd t pla-t- oct- 187 removal- jt iiryoe o have ke- moved lotheir new pisem- lses cornor of king axo piukccsji srutttn kings- not ii is17 wines and liquors til b ateolrn of the uuic ia reselfully rr qucalcd t- ihe urte tueb nf wixk asi liquors ttecently imported direct and lor aalo ol tt william j- martin comer f vitari 5juoee a the oaasisi in prt tow sod ate eenuine and free front aitdlerta ftncnldplr htt iiuwra5rdtti and mbr pnel lllaakbina 1rf nil vrh madeiras fine pk wd id sw jk o sod ii iiiio ind ihwn sherries medim tlm o tffssv wsawfj mjiur t1iarwo il ftyehrville iutela tlmteiu mrceam ciiafnrire f viit wj mrlellolardand lennry grand rwi rllm ofndy in jeotik- fine palo urany fisbjfia and ltut fa cenuive seneb u lakee lasnaitia and lwnid liui ln4iti lvaaka vpyjiatamad r- fj urint the v where i1d yehr a belwe th nnuotiin kbt and ctrzim a aaate mithadoa frrtik jiarccl m cmand which jacoh buotf- the ealhy optna inirj thrswidc haiai n joneinit nfrht ejhvy and ihe basin e aid well which is ijv ved jxncaflw conveoiofi of jesus with the sa- rninian se of wuf hwj wuusd the use oi hill lo tho well nnd aawrj rd i r4 i afce the draidcr oftas hill- c l thenther side i bsdlliaao neviewnf the whle lae of the ripes wklhc eily lies a narrow vahry neh anlhfcapjv 2ve and tveth by lh 1 nrf tiniim wliete tbesooare bhek emnvenf lumfw dmted lha tuu cf lh rock kr this hiht jicnbs land looked a beautiful ip tiro wlt is a inrrc rouh iieapofsln arilha ho in the middle nsavsy cl4ed an what there ia belnr cruj 0 i c id eal av m tfci i ii that h to ba accn on the soive w at a wrll irihy lo be m ua nm for there mimiay aponaod alialfoir cwen lha n4 ssdb between this an i ho leifflj which km abasjt amila aad a half off besrybolv knnjs thai iho jew htd aa friendly dealings wt- lite sataatiinn m ihc i me of jeis the qjarntn had ihcn laicd above vw ean tlow msoi l had fjaaeaowa u7n their wfnih the ssmauna had wuwed lu aihi uc jew m rsmuio l temple nf jcruae n but the jewslater1iwiaaaniyd ree ar4 wnld al dini ihrhey htd any rihi instate fa ltsadr wiawaipin lojf other jewidi rwiucr it realty ws a na ttifrt ajeflim lu ihc jn it a in ihat they ol oiiicd nee nm only because ihe jews urhcvd lt taey hold tlto prampn nn ilic eerr ciiwl ir ihe parity nf uv race hut becaev tla ianrrtvirriaje of the fenei kimri- taa uiael ia a itli asyri ins and thr dowred lltpm my nr 11 lawstooa ararrfnji aamisc i as llieir race so iho satnirklan were excluded from ihe uuiliffgof ihelesiipfa ahrve5f0 year b e amniihiinjpcraiiued lobolp ihey did all they cd in luitdcf alwt ssw limdrtd araia afiesj ihe biand leave thm lha pcnaiao cogtl in ahij ub il je aid rwrv vero aubjeet to waild a tecd temple i frhovah and ihey built n nn mciunt gcriin a ahtickin- nnrly m lbs hm of lha jew t nd it the 1 a mi ayi 1 11 1 miifti 1 bvouiitnl few uf rj liow hiw ovy jui wju lit il is lhc m rtimtiic i fiih and ttiore h noiksj my what tlnr vilors thought of the htitin fiilh aa thy h4j it and yet whui a censof httc1 nnd tnojdrntndio w hre indlhuail i bul loeoflcil la ihff hreta uf other cities where noi nuht u ktvow bler than t jnha caeh nise ttt wmjnpyin thu ripp find in a dirfrent manner in lb atrecta nf iktvr eftsr iaes uk uiemsrtees in piiy hnd dirc uio anmr with no belief bnw ilje m realily 4 ne ssuiada siewaand feci- in lhin tlteo m thatntiiodj had of utirs ne vu nf thiira at last sec were thmaoh rand clad i is to amiemim thcttc at iis nutttai end dot a 4j nshl aw iiid ur tjire a cninpn of leper were under the ire cj ool to u fcr eliiiy and atn ichtng ilwirni tned h mds ft ts 1 lerrx- ae ht w hei we ree ti ntn in ural ctontry it ikj un at ji evry dy tur lent were pitched n a weedy pl nf rvuo atnk odvu orefiards sfii ripj fin tutanajj nnd lu p v iv il n ii ir s de in j tvrim on thelhr tli 19 l thaferner itkii uhhiilim tf hi tw 1 bot cliui h ia it inoci il ii feiiitily both hive hast add iitc btibldini m r wbich ow ihcm to ha been place f pfpomnjje after dioier we isccndcd a heijhi pt ihe tulln1nedn cemetrr whortcs wc bid a fie new in thn tsst uiim- this niaa ltitiifot cly il was onrc lie eial nf sim on and il i otall aid luurt ntttf he frosn iu silastrifti a anikin idicn it eaanptl fills tie ralky fmm side lo de and nij a ktt way up the virla nf lritim it hwic witli io flit white rofarc bejwj by fieroeehich mr r und llw wwn vw srcad frxn rf t raf and frm cvuit lo ciflrt two 01 three patos iriin upiniic dt iij hiher alft anil 0 racrful inmarrl terc nd ihcre thin 10 my djiht we descended i e k the sniafa yn ii-uc- we were uidvd in it and w nn iwtle all the srnrii of the place vjloii pe the mtn wrario the irish helinrt like t urban which we ra in iho por- trail nf jrttrphua sd aunv d jw tlny ud ihdr nambcr w uly in this pses and tbaal trty nyifeelrwlwe u a hundred is ihe wlve whii tny icunj ihcr chief pjl in bcbtltcnn lley kp ihrce ere fc 11 in ihe year fitwas n in oiriitm as ihe jen awd in iju ifp in tht temple tlic yaco was a rjl vjjntf irwkin raiel wilhiti a euriatned reeea if whieh is kct ti il enray f the tviilalcoh itwn ahnnn to mv luid vil tsbvrf 1 lr aiiain many a nihl i imsvkkslarartf rny rud hht dniif ii and 1v1w 1 tr f vrec ii nti filhn v lmiulifu iill 1 pr v me my eyas filled 0ji will liwn 11 a i ssas ll pltaant cryn- but many u rjk bltor one kuan en since lhe hilil nf ihe hard yoar fell m i enj tut udy an tbia orjii ilhvum wlvc hill srd pvny wr afe a wniio eb icc twi ne r n all sn wsa d i iber ike nut even my oirn hi tie fddfineb ajuff tual lh it i t it- m4hrr ildni ir ihm m wlwn rhe tocdlspixrjfnl to cheer m filhr p llvi ww a ahike in i ve lu v lp uein baed and they wh had a fishtend loa nt waadr aid csaiine alarms vm in the face fw wed be a whole day an mot tnihc wi taiin- fjj no onuldil eel 11 dnyhnw an im man had ek and rvoii hxe t bot i dlavl mind intdf at all at all inly me intlc ier no rjiti in af tho ojirity rinl iee wi a pretiicr child wid h chek of pitk aitd sojaw svher white f wij hk ycllww lralrn r tiko eoamrintly a dtoawier au ahmu- eyes the color of lire sky in jmr odeirt the hovjerliwe lery on the iaan- ccnl child an tubbed at all the danplss in hrr face a 1 faded ihe rv bah an irtr art aiih back ia her bead as if all ihe lair she eret put nut ihe hjht in en an ii laly il siill h ise grc t y 00 heart heart ss ce her livjd ol has laaa ihin bind an dear w ynn snail vice thit j r l t f 11 dty atn fr bread none to the fnee then motut ud solbe her to kdoep on her f ca wnekm all hh ti ne the sin wnafd be on n mbs betn an aso arlcep dot one niht after bin tupd like a long while aic mated op to say p10 eery hanry an be f m ilia wrd waf ool of her avtajlb sbo iratcbed beraelf ool on 01 thra up an died well i ink ongrcaily atlhit bit ravhar a id ci had lake her fmm lbs misery nn sbo snu1doi be hungry aio t r the anel in barren wt fecdiof jlkf thin ithnohlnnlv ftw araiher id uke to fci v- f sltewa the fart i ifw viw dtc bjt tssaaal in bn loa n rjtratio thin ti in my rilher zi work at taslf b t the piwf ti d it tfjl fiia raal an mther uj keep the laat bits an aapio the hack iha whro bud ci ne in an make bimbbeve that she ale afrs andptctind abe wr eivin bimher uvn an laojh 4 lkewid hm eh bat her lae had tiare naiad thin jrai like ibo efubinff of hrr bearl il vi make my avah creep bqi you tttr in every body birrtix ynrlf mihcr dear i i heered vm aay nn mm could jrins a aale deepe t nr me fiiher once nuar 1 tatr rhifimj when that n luritz at the poaldc thin iho arm 1 scry walje u fainted orcr his spade and was o twn in the fver wc nor out of ibe dui way an the piei wrt always nut an a weight olsiekwa n mr fjtlier n rwtihine lo qnimh ihe thist lha wa pcihlnc him bann a tn f cnolj walher from lh sir nc are ihc dmoe day as nibl mother sit brilo the wsip of slmw lht tpt hio frm the fl ru ob bnl bis t face was hot an red h two eyes liic hhline i roatrl an a ptift j his breath ud bn yr en be tf such iminiaeway thjia u his wikler inj well we ihoohl bo wj jeiim cool bot 1 aarc cnnorli it was death own 4d finjcs upon limi fr lie m qnitc stble and aiid la mother sarab awasr ma earr put yer hsnd undrr my had an rafaa me the rht is tastnf my ma bm ut me kl ye aw aad then he dred nttonliaijy yulav tbadiydawm an the spirit died m me tm but i coldnl help mannj at 1 mother a snno stroked the irndy she safed bersof lnrnnt it and hrdly slirriaa for iwn rbya may b i ihacht sfi ktr iros wrr osrd up tor bee eyes wur as dhry aidavt twre wj ftd in the h vc ihinbot wc coomnt 1 lale it tis tery arc lo its iho body enough wlen the heart i fult on iho third day ha i wrapped htm n bcrogld eloik and cakd nic in ikiji irer so we cairied him iv the jjracc onraelres wtllkni rhrood r ehn fur tho neighbors were ta hard pnt in il to keep ihsnv ivf ahre fi mind us ut nv dsd suvtrfi ihe ool n re siren ih 1jimlvrlheldty w nihinf was too hard for bcr we eeraped nw tiio earth an berrid him mather di1nl spnak all tho timo only bircrcd and pt her face aluac her hinds and tlonhor unqiin mnt arid walked boe ao fait that i cniildseareely teeptp wid hr noarannar wets wc in than ahe fainted away an whin she came tfpiir fi- bn days i asrea wad ma el n e i wrt bkc b are ihe an rjartlfn- sasa llir mrinri fj ijr 4 e kkd- hal nsjvi mthinc svflsjb simtrirja awftfm sff cjt fnhapaif ll jo tears an iho sb assjsaa tahi 1 i n 1i1 i- ij n lbcss mtrvrilear v itr in ifa lilvubhjsaa tari vrin hi br ismkias co f my riaf bnl siirv iajt hiri nt lavitij ibo aray the crsihnjs an ihc imly llimtluf ce me ny ewsrt awithanirhit7 faben fv a lilivouwav miha n i tttfs dew ir ir id nl knnw why but i aresjvj xrf f i f i k- like a blua ay ftil hf i iia i f r- hlodly to ata mie may aantlli dd bit it fx ihdnt ii spakal vtrwptl 1 41 mklwfrewi ud asads i aff aawt if ibsre icuiflwi ine n hiawy hd mind nae ibb ispttm lbavm si of mtin i my borasl ntihitili t dit katw ntuch vut hits at all 1 triji i ha thin srfiiq i uved str 1 thjjiio kmh n hw i ty v w biinf duwn inavbr wid iter utt een r wid ajnahioa in i rl tl f cl jio- bail itlin r rssasjbta ikhtii ray fail an m tur thejamp pt umaft ne ajlaia rr lhc a try p an ntii ay a n lne f ds wnaaam on- tthfir tmi whit bit me ewlmy tss lhra f my p fiiie ihii niee said sa ib id ii is and mv a -k- lpnfcf l nilireat atnsvr tjn nald hae a ssaens a a at nm ib i uattpjlnbs in sue bommepain head bona wbr i hi a f r id ruurr ii n anyway fj enutlnl huelnbrwe tntias stl hvaher saajffit- knw i nout p fa te rn at in entlikr nnb awtsaa td iiv atrrnctb m wear my krwes l nnvf the alatsaiivtn retinat tot iaatwl hieer ba ft mr heart wiy ilvd memd wry mother anthes frolho m into uv brafo cll destti rldnr bittym wasasia1d r- all lire noohtnptred to rjss f dnt f 1ke a cm srar dtssq h it io not oraov rarwalhsj sjnee tir o udy my aarf u fr oaifd i dih break my t iie jealcrifiy but wtiw i iryt aalkf mthitsebtoderiwiasi into mr fnc an my inajaa atofli wftm or vas an whin i d- tell my lsry iia las anrrtrsfl ene to h flits i an tlrr w oi ls in if lntih fir ibo dah know how heavs at heart is or the aqoeeiin in my itoart pvfla ami pitiful at alt now nothin ahul ap the bean tiko famiftr hxm curl aad wnqdrrral noww cw it p4ts nrnihcr om or my head soraatlssjarj ioi afraid im inn weak tn jet each to usa mpp 1 wouldnt lavo il at all on if- ht frr of lua p ji- jfathnry ivdf yoar spceah is fintls an yar a are fult hka the tnvw in llso emsa ya aiy jt wit alhlicr on fed rne o if j conk firs me bink ihv dirlmt mrllnr an bl 3 fte swwa rniraif n iur pari hot i fthtjid 4 it was iiini 1 di i felt it n tref efni m wrj1ln 00 n rt of rdhw hr to ill and cc btc that 1 cutild bo atbtwid ivs liavo in lh veil iven il it i j sm j it iri 1 laltervd 1nt it i w hi m sintvd i niehmnt 1 tie pi himself diies ni loici te wihtul cjreful rnirfkawai and he h ida il by ti end uf iho tnterssn which il fit m a seioit lko u0 emasairf ihejewradi ijv in ynaace wo werclihl i ihmrli le arrlpwiys nf iho nmraberolus muiakd jcwa link btnkfv tho jatrm aaear wy ibasiin rtad rrrwn ihe hill by uw by trstfyiraa heathen wnea i mhcrwi a inle cndlc ieh binned mead in lite shu id whi i snarstlp jetirali in his t icmple 11 la 1ffkf la yaa besmri i navtcnt una esnntr wna reading imid tlie hiiny of inc j wm and sainarilln irtinj lo sjclir 1 yn ilc smari tans and iler tbeo rao yrt moic miaed this wao ibe niirrel whieh lh wnamn f samaon referred in w slo ao or le rnesiua iffbether wa mclt t- ajiinhaji n hjn mourn in ar m jeeumem 7 and ihna 1 eipu her w-n- deihalj j i4stssm ask waler of her ww uag m saanian tlkfa wan- rpiairh at m lllt tcnp u- j imiatma nlhitfda ho samaiitns ha1 itered iwu m hrec x relalioe to brc iwn jnuin ebil and rtltma iheirnuin snerr 4 epy f lhc taia ihc tatmfilaifai iin f tslli aas tbc lu pj ratrotcray nnd ibo firib ckjpier nf thi- gspe1 nf jnlin while we were lil reading iq nur t1 tlo jiekal ivai in full cry nn tin skjks vf tlcitliia v lfrtuna ek icowh uf ta cthe bmtalo mmnif kviireyi thai m cunard wfca hat failed aj mentioned in a tntr nnnlicr of thit paper is ml lln ftyil mail cnnlihichr but a mr joseph tnnard of mirauiirhi mr satlltlrl cultfd nf halifax ova scoij the mail contmctor u a en lreli dtteicnt peraot tn thank cod hes berrid aaya she whin im ene mivaornren if yo w t o on yer bended kneea m the neifclilwr make cm put nw down brmje btia tlmt wnnl le tune aes sse lnr i ier lnt rullanc mc i ihtht may be ltcw itfed nnd enthrailid live lo ote bul ahe wrouldnt thin ahe pari ha arma rad me a drew me in her and railed me lie faired rn her fatbeilcpt brte and aiid the orithftna q a woaj pnaetme i ftcot llic iilae f heart nppel whiafitaer laid tuw aad whin ahe aid co iu acrep my drtiot tr yo netd it anie wnain 1 aanke mylwtwdwaa z wwnehinr cjd ochf twas myiinbers neck land iho hand i held was ntf sie wa dvid a hard mrnw was rnp ne her beart an it ft he red hke a bird h firirnd at ut4 il cut auoy thin i wa nbiaa tma awasa iho zf nnd the heart troume imwely taasfh i ewld hardly crawl i notlctbeneii hwjat ad boubt vni lo seo it he w dead all uu j fci ihufl uria plain co nwffh i aaiuldnt itehrirc li0 wa ine in airnesi an thnvirhl d micht ha weskne r abed eel the betise m ii out when nil failed tbm by a dais ttcnasing i c nol0 pnt its hrde my father t ihtnk ahe tvoildnl rest y any sraarsa else an whin ue riw frssia the grave slie aee 1 kept her word och lady didal i feel bitcrly when ht waienveed iiifiwn menn i loai the hand ihi uaeil t stroke down my hairao tlielnvln wrd an iho sweet anie i always te swus ihe fraic esrrt whan tdjiieamsaway nmer uit la n nature iairniy hgs imy be lvoi ca tna tier i hi t- tf otessmia on gr ffir titad niv my f kindly ieanr o if i eoaid bdieta rl t an yney i miy sfojjar bsa tool it wmim r ii- nay beat t ihink o if yoli only teaaliaaantw i illiv insorote 111 co to u rwrldl end lo yt biddin 111 jm to iwrrs ye yes twice ftt a rkilltsof an ambtmcvn p isqu itprfceliml brratetlm nnevr gftitaiv tlieuhjejeie pneh e- taw wis aa ciibd in the v h e charsecflsf wiram crt oa the llth ucemher thcesaa bad boon 4004 aliriii2lhe week lis hnnar sard fieqrrln wi wheiher ivilliam wi4oas the pjwowmi onne tlm uilek wba weal ni rewdem mcr in 171 and bad hecott a cltisraofthe cnltad fulesiad hidlfkeaa lha mihuf jiv tice to ihii eintr c m claitw ceriiin frehrid eslin io lhs enjniry ta ease eamc befrfo the ennrt in eieprw m iha rerrwtnf the msier h hd fcg d bwaarsj i f c r j v it was cnnlndcd ia sup- part nf iic esecarnnf thai lh ran 1 ad aa el ma through hi jjrandf ter a ilia esonaid of his not botn a naiuml bwn saaat af onsat it rtiv-t- said liat lio chief aivrj msnf af aiios the cliini f tbo radtm warn fuunded un the iatc between tri emnts and atneres in iir3 and ital but hs was af opintnnlhtt tbero wasitftiliior in laveae lrsilsta alticl the ribt j thavnidtm pirs tresl nf itempwcre d itiaj ruet larstaaaj in asaav ica tu beenma american ciiiiens but ia smiiwa line to america a bilash o4 did not divrat bimtetf of his aemee to tka ontuc cmsm tliia had bean hrfodod in ecvcr eaara tlitnaj willoek did ivn ppa in america till it3l and cvtnananly dd nt cnaac n itbin that treaty which wamtic in ii3j tto sccvij imalp enteecd 411 ia 1701 wssa brent act aad tho grandfather was not within the hicwhly at lha time tnc qtwatinn must thcrerve depend upon thesumes of7 ooec5a cei ii o 2111 ceo iu c si sod 3 jauies 3 4 tba eraiaoaon and llc fithcr woes both vara in anwr tea by the ltum of anne n eipuioed by- ihal of cle h it was delated that iho ehittfrea raf nil britisi sidipwfj lei nat if jtlr jiitie if her maysty sfsajld iw deemed natural inrrn alcta irf ilia hinzdimi tbc leslano lherafie was whotherthc fatliee of lha claimant lmdarml m bs a british subject by iho 3th twut cap si it wspoidrd tba all perarmalinrnrtul afhs a1lrpaneenf theormrn f great uilain wbaa fithrn were aulwrvita ut this country diuld be to ken ti bo nalurnl km slbjeta uf great biitain by the aei nf 4 lon if bero fssrs eeftaio rnlrielini rriintetl nih firl as tn ehidrea wbpao falber at iho tiqo nf ibeir birlh aauli b atiinlduf irich la4isjby jiii na tluiawrjot atberwiss afcorttjly aldin whoso fatherr arcra liable to ilm pensliiesnf hih trcama in ea so of their retuoiiof l diis ifinedtan wattoot he r-jy- al licence 1 nod thirdly children whoaa calffra were in the sersise nf any ferci ptincc r stale then in enmity wila this eoeorry the prait eliumni did ckjo oatln any nf ihesa reatrieliaaa il had hwetar been acod thai lha erandfkih or had sdjuroj hi alfecimec lu ihc british cwa adhatbeencacaii amcrisan ciliicns and bad fnud to be a subject of tins kingdom hisbon- vmiiji jni argument was fatucwaw if ibo pnrcnls liad anyibint lo binr llwm aihia tbe diaqnahfyintf atatntc the diidren micht lor thru imvileees al in that rasa it must oe cteorfy pri ldallba pril bad sdluauy cnmmillcd aieh an act bvl hieraj was oatbiot pmetw in dwciae ip danit tfxat lite lther bd jaaa lhiij i ilimw njt hif alweiamca in trat brw am lfllwsnnirilbevrjdmoaay aet wlrrea wmild havs stiwcied him tn prahics otitl ibat would rkii densire tbo children f their iifrts tnd while tho eavsjaaes f lbs jvniwe isssai uacvntiadctao ida itawrai lh chiklromt

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