tt atfetsd htanrt4 tailed opm to jrei tfuranrtof iht lctttltiuns tnif1l miw i tjfeo hid bee bom out ot if q jrrrii 1 1 tfca a british tvifvt trtlnrt hit bill but svsaftor could rjdeprirrd m htt r irht b twalg nf tut failx ir ha been eomrnded tatlurtof jristw witwv bo svavlhe moofij ttataf the geandfiivr hat ihe e1im ad ibt a7trrinn ngm nni a h i in we j lltr ttomjlhlht hid nl jnnvj himself wilhin fiv ytr bf nrnr n s vrmrnt in tvinc ctttmhirv ptfitffttfa ecrlain pi rauffrir ad by it it but lie ifctdfm i it eviden adblprdfuulitnimfcbl lnc athtved flu tba rfcrnvinetftflheae tt1 nafff vrii of lire piwi xmrfrr shmhp lilleteerned umtoe nil lbv cinunnlbncft hit lrnor lhuhl iimi the mtltv irpori s tit hi tnd tto euisn of ibe ifh3ejt mot altored dtdf pekth 0fmrc080en on free trade a irtift was held on friday nihr the 10th ult il siccljott at which the rim f ih arouth wt present by inviiarinv vtvsire ihvir late reiiiiftvv mr cob alts noi member fur the west hmjf of tvtkahire mr comeri in an elaboratr ihkk tbvwift jililw tbe reason which had induced him l elect iit for lite iwt bd- in of yoi fchrt in patliame nt then proceed ki to defend hit free tj- itfiitofilr at ceat stntlh after alludnx io the prtres f these aaessme in parksf eurnpe h weed ti to av we have rad he jaunt thrown oiti acninst m 1 say in thi country f our nol havinc idccd other cnunlries u ibllow one rwmiv and ne cjgnj vnrl rje- yetoitrt in the tlne nf cwfl ltft aid tt yon can hov mc one crtonliy h uhire4otr pmv i ivill utttmc fr uitti vvvh i tajlcr him m h r 11 ibtw- him a cannirv hiit hv frtlnicj nut et- mplf chee ha lmiifhtei an it u he- mliri tehih it i nf lh rrfcnt initriaiice in lhh f mhmrv vitl hivhen in1nrt lo do s tt is th inilej sat of america heir hear within motis or the m 9ax r le hill fralin t t ti taw hv antfnmcjji t ibey mvlei iltesr ucjf ani ilblrheii j uft ltir amivman nf tttii tfranortdore on roitcihv dmrr vcau thev hail isp1 it it brfoie mar haf and i lome j it mtvo kwlmmlr ini thai sir riil tel mii1e h chf ae ai e limr h i 1 h l ace them th on- canttr f mat m ftnviion tr nnr wan acnvtieanv ha4 jil np e prn in vheh tatpfpitr jwfvr an fru eoirae onpaji vr hid il net seen thai lfir- pctl in4 chajred be raw tf t st to a if ale taniu tlnvm 10- t j l ihr mrchinl ciitl cwnaie on moe idv c aii cnnltt enmre to impmi eorn tvith mure crtalnlv f eenoaerilinn i vliofe wehotim hae hjd bovund a tfi ftf ihmnvrf uir punj- marttd tolc1h lira uar ber4i4 it m trail known cnllpme o tht under the osj lrnr eafr tfij a itfllictih mptm inum mov fit com from the frleiiot to mini bmlrl air thry neecr wntm mart il tvii lh ilr ruw doittt tltr alimiippi and ofitn with iflv fo e il rv- kcau the j coul never ealcnutr ihat iie pfr wi4 r mam love officienllv to cnam lhit l inlr- dk it to all har hvv tfit mr ar- pttrmeot ptie- in ri i if u fy e- ftrin corn had not ha fij viiin a nrmd- t rat limit at he lime u ivs ve ukmu iwl have haj a cjnt t of the tift wr hi4 f mi j flf one want with fm tlo ittil eritinx durricu ofriita i blivc w- cmm not hare hpn unn1ed with crn if uv hid de- pf ftdfi dpno tne cftjiluev te in ti- pnn ofhtmhuii flgn 4tti jm ait ii we had not the tlimuhu which w cvn sv thai mevnre and wtl- i f 1 ihe cxtivr elinarf mp4ic we dff frtu lh rani ia rieooftbe intrrioe of riumj wi amiei- notr cenllem ih ve nr ihe ttineaivi i offer ht ihe toliey wr ban pi neo with regard to the corwuw aid thai il ha nt prcffeiited et calinsii- fiom avfli innoircjiwifcf whv no otic entld ffeve eipectcd that h 1 1 i hare 4 niir- dawm anikmoa umrth nrifthu 41tmk hiilji- iui- ut cttn to mcl ai turlptcted and aneamnuj eareiiy no man coold ttci thai xe lioilj o thfoni neb an orrfraj a lhat iiliont vp i itrin- hear bete ihit what thai we ie of ihe den uho i ry lo rulm jh r i- loo cradit- jotwbeaier iw belief ihat wt imea hcen luavring all these evil frrvp ihr r- fteo 1aov con trm reran o inly with a brjte imaonnion of ornl why entleme we bat e had an imicawtfexportaiion t amen ta dwin the ut nme moniht of the pre- ht tfii the etprtalion of mir manufaeliireil po rrtm liverpool to america been 000 packages more than we etfotej there in ibeaaeno time hat year yon hare had in increased demand in meet an imofiadna rfeom whieli irises from a sudden at un- apeclei deficiency which von won bad nntler a renur and trowinj- rterhear if tlioie hd hen nm calamity n america lhmnh the rlrmruction m ejltbeir chthin entity fbmtjh huf- row and other wilintfi1j of 4riciiunrp eon te m no an i inly with or fjn- ne here then y m have rprced a avl 4cn demand fiom lhm jai the mc j ivr had for uk chevto t have krn f iheduirerynu hac ilfctcin colmn di- irieblbrntih the want of a raw mlpriil i htt is a tmt eonoldlion i 1 t to the other artsof ihe kinkn to fiij that sn ibxhe ptct wvr vibrr ilreritions f atiannjacturo ar carried oti lly bv not ttftrtcl somwehas in like pctintls of bim perced food v voo ml ri f mwt been enaed in h eonrovcey tor toa hke ten eeaw and that dnfin that perjoa i have had many opporfiintiif while triiilin other district or wnornu the c0idilion uflfic wokin eus there vou my rememser hat in thcvir 1819 islfl m 18tl we were jltenn tion the hh ffice of locdand that svry ureal eanitio ecmtt4 frcn the u ntn vhich followed loottrfalc i was thitils othi nnnnfe- itirinr towns hchi kmipirain sffichl tvoivchjmto 3l hie n4vtits ntl 1 re is 17 the retpecte olcnipmcntitmos hw on the pari of her mrv walter cne ec consul in the eon and on behalf of the republic senor krncico marcos secielaiy of stale for the interior and foreign affair the articles are fowle t number and lull instrnctiotrf are umxfd in the shape ofmp plintenlal articles the pnticial uticlei ml in ihe fv lowing lefm al i crrat uiiiain and the repnbuc of the equator declare the lilfic m u abol- klted furftct ann in nuler to avoid any awill that inav hereafter oecirr trnm any cir- tiimlaiiie proving hejiijicial to the mere of enmmerce aai atltatiais for want of a pfojrec cxpunatioti of the real smrit of the nluma h traffic in slaves do here mutually declare lo be nndtf1od by such inuett only which is carjd on in neeoes hronht from africa in order to tanpoft ihrm to other ptmnflhe world frsale but in no manner whatever the cmieeyin iw one pocl o tbcta uiatiw fcelntwrtto the repnhlie ih lave exitine within it be uch iitmr ufceti rilhtr with the osjerl of ellin them of with anv olhef ft pmhiutl by the lawt art 2 the rffffwlc oflhe fjnator agrees a eal as nak and to punih w ith the cn altiet which the efcilni lnal bwi efapttse on plates all nch nalorians who on the hh hm of in ny oihr plaee anavf the jtirmkttoa of the repnblir may be rtind emh4ikiocwanli dismbirlcin one oi mote unions hiiiht from africa a taves ail x tlie rimi f te fnalor will rmnn iate ercry other legislative provision ilnl itany be seenrsl trst1idle for the pr-vpn- limi nf lier citrtnfrom inan in any way io lliv said trcie sn stares and ut the com- pseie ftinctron thereof eeinz thai the ulfte arc i harmnoy with lle which may he hintiit3j by g rfiialn fur the hke oh- yet and with ih constitutional principles of the rppduic al u in otdr nwitc ctfmltely loprevrfal any infiinmcnt of ihe spirit of ihf piesenl trealy ih hirfh conttin iaytio mutuamy ciiiiit ihil irfcair 4iiw of uiifif rasyactive navre wliiih tm b providej with special imirtrciions foe f piriojr a hrrrinafter menionel myvrw1tnori merchant vesset ef rbe twn natioiu l may up wajqilfcble ttmfo be snerctej nf inenaed ii ihe trafic in slaves r of having btl fitted ostt fm iimi pnni o of havi diirijij ihe vey- on which hey arp met kv the saw cruiser hep pietl in thr traffic of slaves contrary in the itfnvsinn f this lealy ami thai such cm may detain and vendor curry away rh eerk in ocder that they might he trnuih f tttl in the uumwc here inafter agreed npoit idhavr trae njde nin dllkkofwkllinrtonontlik state of our national de fences the following interesting leler appeared on mftnjy in the column of one of autmofffp inj cilvinjoriirs sir there is nnw in ciicnlation among a eery few an i affl hy iteaflh a letter of tnlecriihti imlaice hy a warrior who almn1 w vx a then wrole as well a he i li iww in v 77th year vri even boiler than be did ien it ihetne is tne condition of ihi cnonlry rnuiusarm and hs statements may mar the ieohimj hearl tremble me enler into every detail he namca from pergonal iivervstiou the mot likely rt laf debarka- iisn he poves- ihe east with whieh it might e effvctert he jrvpeastt the nullityrf ou nion of tsefene we hive no mililia emt ew ait sen itistnt revjlars from wkioio 1d00j almip available at home utile ariilhiy un jtrm n jtore he says with ttifiiittf jnth c have naw lived t7 years a id liied in honr god crril i may not livr l je ti eojieiiueiirr nf rcfutinc thp plans of ilefnce wfcli i have in vain submitted lo these ajsvtlw w lie afterward osnceedt to demand mean tie mlt patawrtlfs with litem bejvnp qitdttton mhnr ujjui u ttlional tnwieof thr line u all thic dicloinres there i no secrel htit to ii i l- our enem bnos the weikneshof everj company squadron ami nnterv ih disunl tuliaatrf txtra garaman tus one nm nf vry battalion as well as they are known si the horse guards with an ambassador at the capital and a consul in every port there en he nothing hid we are no longer aflntl invasion and the land of warsfe the country moreover re oniremo be told thai it i no loncr insular lfnl i is connected with the continent hy a causpway of leam that it eonlain perhap the kast watlike topn1alionof any in enrope untrained and athmfal in arms and slow to learn their use let u contrast ine fruit ol a 32 y v pewe with the itle of the invaders his african campaign hvc been made by every regiment of his svioof rnen in rotation these haee ben inured lo every danger a to every privaliu nd i hey have contracted habits of bloodshed and devasution onite n- known in europe for centuries this forrm- ilame fceisiprrtejby a bllilil nf dxtxw men many of whom mi be coal tt least u in i- bp iempiid lo fnlluw the recuurann lc4tre in die splits of the richest prey bat eser yi ortri itself to ihe cupuliiy ami re vrncj- of an eenv that strch nvsiont pre vail on the oppmite coaw not onv in ihe rtratjstt n its crenadjer bit atone t states men phi0ow pnelt is roved ttift fully in thewoeks of lacre telle and thiers ami even 1 toruuevuip himself who i r bit rpepnl work fiii xv ikspis s an ani- meviiv in this ennntrv mvs l4mutiblp on ihe pvt of so creat n writer he dwelts upon their fahipij oavtl triumph aerf rivlysays tbl a french ismc ot 3t euns look an english til us over the implacable ani mosity of lhat pres whkh now writes as a cilv as if that war was mill rating it cn neither foflve imr forget our sueeses j founijatinnsof ihe worlds liberly if he is wrong on this suwct who presumes to be riht if he calls for a defensive armour ttall we be deaf aj adders intent upon oir pelf cur speculations oor investmenu whih are destined perhapv to pay a war tonlrihu lion can snclt a man be supposed to nrf precaution without good reason i his life haa been paiied in the aervicc of hts counlry and it has been loit and observant jf all tint he in his great moderation asks for ihe public seciihly was franlcd we should posiesi just onetenth of the means which mir formidable neighbor thinks iodispcniabtr fur his safely rrtitjsir rtcattoxs with utu ford palinemon on the 7ih ull in ihe house of common admitted lhat the brazil govern has uticd a dccre imposinr a diftrr- enlialifnly of onethird extra from am afire the hi of joly next noon all ships jnt ur ir cjroe entering graiian imrts from coun tries whero itrai lan ships art not received upon the terms of ihe moil favored nation a dpprre which at the present moment would itidunc english ships the new decree refers to a pffrioam ilecree of lrf fand declaies ihi from the 11 of july next an addition of onethird would be made to oil customs duties iijmn ihe carcoesof vcsvlscomiacfrom on- tries which shurnld not ptaee brazilian vest urvn the foolio of those of the eoot favored nations with regard o ihic countries which now arat e this advantage to brazilian ship the exist- ne indulgence win be contin ued to them only until the 1st of july nrt uutess they shoum hind themselves hy conven tion to continue thti adrantace to braxilian shijs for a specific period at present the americans portugese and auslriaus are those which art classed upon the most favor ed footing whilst the english french dan ish bctjian swedish and hamttuicn ves sels are placvd at a disadiantas until the act of 4rliamvnt of 1s15 by which vice admiraltv conrts were established conferine a jnristltrlion over bailian trader supposed to l m 1 in the tr trade which era are wholly at variance with the law of nations the brazilian cannot be expected to form ireaiivs of reciprocal advanue ho- ever a the su ar act of llr is based upon the principal of admitting the produce of brazil upft as favored a footing as that ercn of our own colonies if the prejudices of ihr slave abolitionisis roum hp removed no rb- stnee would stand in ihe way of a treaty of the mm complete reciprocily we are forti fied in onr opinions that no insuperable m- cullies will eventually preclude an arrange ment hviween great britain and brazil pro vided the above act be repeated aa by the late advice we hare received from rio we are informed that a verbal promise has been iven to the british ambassador lord how- den which will he repeated in writing that the vessels of thi country will be excepted from tlii new tax lord jmioeuton on this subject declared on the lstliinsc that gov ernment had nn intention lo repeal the act al luded to bjti undoubtedly if the braziliar government hould consent to a new trely civitijc to british cruier a tight of search otid recoyiaine the mixed commission in ihe amc manner a had been done by portuel bef majestys jcovernovenl wonfd consider lhat a sniticienl reason whj they should enler into a new treaty with the government of biuil the contract contains vuious vvh to the carrying of veriiment oflicci dierttc and their families tatjilkj 30 stcrlii- in the fust eibinto x deck luse for each adutl mm or s for m to mrrribcr ttn ul lh v i1 tent as we dit in ibe cttm crmemher thul there was leflelo and lrds than hear br titrrp were 2 iooo shelied and 0430 depodrnt u chial reljf in lerdtaw1 wufrprfiani and birmingham anl luz pirit ijft rid n ihesamewiv an vu mv rctimbr ihatvaislry vvarfaaverlfv into vat ipnietal tfolknoixr ikj the esx iw- it lo ne ev- imliel ny i more viitjni in in ljncirter pvojilc in m- ton it tewlns f remjik im hue they si it ou been qtorg ibrou p suitr bie have had n n iirly rifine in hi hlaeaii hear sear 1 hjre tom ou have been snbri hre fim ihr ul lip raw mtertl fo eotioii trt4imfr t a s hhrmicd ia4 but in xiirtcld luraait hati ann wvihrnvo lit btt h ihnuifwdhy th rtai ije f c u-en- tiartn tvtp dtlces iv i rsjrfll fte tb a enca4mifkfj biht in ex- cine for li rr thf i f him tor 4nfj clej fy ive to thf iliatiicl antrudiiitvrxv afiw malial and yosi wii shiff b c rip valivriy lil1 ssiftrine aae rww lsl- w p hvi rn hiai la america ivy ws bive an iaadaili ny f coiioini viktt ap hive th jri- fa vn is livrnt atmoiat m a rate as i ssod thai yon mart cviu at a tsftvwttur pfic- yon are not ti much nvre than thfec half prr iimpht and thoiijh thrr themelve onohiind still greater tri- j p ill ii on owr part serms not meh nvre t pouml now hj hir anil fenn ihil iod od rlmis ft dvifnf pqr- synset wpt never lo arf hn ihy are nnv i ay this rlrleict ft- gevt eitane r at sstace of propok made as yon have ever hd here hue mockik wa roekrr load cheer give you their ejctnrij-amn- dance of raw maieial rt4 nrdioary ta ttjlssosl and snneiry at an ordinary in- ievttl and yu never can have bad trade ion in lbm dutikt iieiv bar wilh lwerkfcttri lofcrfp os t jonu dopalr of itf a rtvif al of trade the 8lave trade tatar aatwtgt caiar biitain avn rrmrrvc or th fratvt rt tn jawitsts of rata twatrir jaj ratsa ityi the irrsviy btlwn hr mjjvsiy and vte sst 4 ifct fttcwr trtt ytetordwy fttttaitd by casftmamj o jimj t y tssstlfsn tbf lriif wts i ti at tyiiio sswsmatof miyturiltm mtirlctlson et l lsw ysiw l exfc uiy sa and land over other na vel mailed ami im al ihe firt cannon shot will ha swil in kent trsaikcs i lit imt country nn spirit al all rnrresiottdisrto thl of frartre no rancour ro mtevolenc we love paeej tnd we shlmr eves to every provocaton we arp conlent wilh a tte of insecurity unknown to auv otlver ponlt in tin world nor do we he lieve that mi irnappeated enemy is ever on ihr- watci for art nression in pnnr his lecons amn aid liiili- us not ht calcutta nor j f i hut in london or duhfju u tlie treat conveiant wilh ihls jd well inakin the cotirve of ihiog alone raises a orouhri vnier ftp ia vain calif n iliit r i other governments to lake ihe infkl ortoafy preeaalitiit no minister has ye bud itss hatdibond to pomelo the house with thii rtocunetit in his hand and throw ijimsclf upnn ihe com ir imploring it to iik provision j jaint a harirctac lhat may irfeik over io any hour whiut onr sha- dsnt are at ipwvatl or at mha all thai won h- rvejnirl wnritf be an insurance of am iwt o- thir r rent noon ibr greatest aes7umu1atiw of wealth evrr yi heaped up hy man il i ineej loo tr ne uiat the appeal u ii ihe l admiral wai on ibe sea noum b nnheeied thai he nation is so he- mterf in he ilhrnii of richer thai il ean- ni nveit iti ev fom them nor consider how much wilhmil gwetci ihesr treasures lit in every larter yet every hope of prolonged leace hangs on the thread of one life and chance or irko nr tht dagger may spver it at any rnnmrel a declaration nf war and peejrt of invading knland would make anv ieeeitin mwrninent pojitltr the cnpyrichtinthe colonies tfouse of commons dec 7 lord mahin inquired whether any of onr coloniv had availed themselves of tht aei of last session st hereby the crown was authorized to suspend ihe operation of the statuary prohtblior agiinst the importation into any colony of foreign reprints of english books in cases where the legislature of the colony made such a provision with respect to the rights of the ahhor as should lt approved by the crown f m lahnnchere answered that two among tlw svhrtei aitn e mvttot4i4iiofivli rsvej colonial acts and sent them here for confir malion imjfnsirig a duly of 3d mr cent upon the importation of what were before pirated editions of english works published in the united stales and providing thai the proceed of that duty should be remitted for the benefit of those who had the copyright in ihr country her majesty government entirely approved the principal of these act btii there were certain detail which appeared objection able and therefore the acta had been relumed with a statement of these objection but the details would oodcubr besaliifaclcriy arranged disrovrnyors isramn capt l paul son of the danish hre triton reports having discovered a rww island on his last tnyaja from santa cru to london the following is his aeeeounl of the discovery a few days after wc had left the roads of the antilles on the evening of the 2tst of march wind mmlttg bard from the sonthwest one of ihe men at the bow called out lhat he satv land i did not believe this to he the ease but on rasliu the itad it pji ve 16 fathoms and again 4hoily after rtcjave five fathoms we paad hie nihl in the ncjcsboihooj lvit and in ibo morning distinctly n an island before n and we cisl anchor in a hav 7 fathoms deep with sardv buliom and anrdlac a rjood pro leetio and anchoring ground several ooi landed and found the island covered with ihe most iriviinant vegetation one of onr sailor found on the beach the skeleton of a man and a boat partly built we could only formcon- jciurpson the subject this island i situated in lat 33 19 n-jonx- 42 39 w fromth mont rest ifcraul the fullowiti letter wa handed to publication ind we recommend altcn ihe subject on w inch it treats ornii or i in ivuftt or tni montreal bihjmuary ilr srt frr yarn informiiion and that if tr4 onemliy i am directed hy ibeitataa ril of the lloard to transmit to ynn i e- an nexed copy f a letter iddmiiaol to hnn by ms francis mtliunnell tde inprir uj flutter tpmorarijy apfsnintsd in october last a the council confer il contains son use fnl directions fr ihe imcsjwf mating ait iisk inc of butter as an oilielv of exnort- tt is the intention of ilie rujrs to trtiion the provincial arliamot at the oel sssion for an acs to establish an inspector- cf btitlel lo take pteet as rally in tbe soaas new lutter is likely to lip bronchi nil iv market ptosamy in july or autnt t will hp necrary that some time should daie between ihe passine of a butter insertion act and iu rw i- v as its reinire- ajtett nasi kf maie generally known nfvre they can rvcomnlied with ft is no con- tcmplaied to make the inspettion of ijullev compulsory bnt otional as in ihe evt of riour but no ituiter will he cliibk it ipectio unless it he in paekaesof ife de scription provided for in the act foe of the intended provisions of the act i nn di rected lo sialei lhat butter keffsor rrfcirtj shall he made of white ah wood rhjtwing in every respcl the most suitable wecj country meehant dairyman or oihejper- vnnseneticd or interested in ihe parjrtic of butter must therefore see ihe nccesilyof having a sufficient quantity of wmrv avh staves prepared and properly season ideady for making into firkins as nrn as the w parliament which will ela wish the iv and form of the firkin lo be used thai hate been promulgated copies ot ihe at sseill be extensively circulated and puhlitrdii the public prints in ample time for d i ihe purposes of the trade n conclusion i am directed lodrafryaar attention to the importance of a carepl ob servation of the various recnmmenrmn tontainedin mr mcdonehs letter iv4ltjr becatje many of them will probably quired by ihe iotended enactment ml oe came thr obvious tendency of their c adoption is lo increase the value of the niiele and to establish for canaditn butter a character in foreign market tliao it euld otherwise attain i am sir your mot nhidienl servant fredk a wils corr mosvacat 10th decemser p to tht cmrmm ond cmiaeif o fae boord of tvnde crhvihfmrx i he respectfully fr mlt the rmlowin- report of the pru in the inspection of butter ince my ai ment as inspector tlie aaaatilv of batter inspects branded fron ihe 2srf october hft mencement of my operaiiors lo iblji i t the close of the seasun is v22 kejs of virion onalilirs a follow 25ckee first quality 19i0 do second di 1813 do third do 555 do fourth do 136 do fifth do ot do oreaic tht large irnfo tion of ihe inferior rv t attribute principally to ihe short notice k montkeil election fwm tht mitttol eroid ontnesday ihe election besjan at he seve ral olls at ine usual hour 9 octoct a m al the commencement every i bras wore a mooth face except at ihe lulling place in visitation sfren wa ocenpied by a cnnsdcr- sbfa body of french canadian lrtrljpaj lo the arly of messrs holmes and ft k thee person howeiersriorlly reiiedfroin ihe immediate vicinily of the polling booth an i tool up a rnnliim across the end of la- ranchetierc atrttl 0i the other hann there vrat a slmr- vuy of ihe supporter ofmcssrs loan and mckenxie who held their head- noaner at thr roy at ouk aa iu maryn streclalmnt ophite the southern end of visitation sireel ourine the first three hours of the polling these tsvohcklei had freryueeil kmtiish nnr of them chanic froin its own towards ihu polli booth ff afen hi ihe position ij and ven of ihe intention loesiallih an irpec ennsrrinence of which the trade was wv unprepared for tho rcitiirvmentj of fl iven the nv nment nf pan tlvne 000 strong would furnish immediate means two roil- roaejs have been 0m ned to mavreansl bitulofjie within a week besides ihe one through j and arrav an emharto al havre would oh- fiin irarrsporl for as many men aa would shake fhfcbftd la its finite tnd in s0 hour they might jandrj at southampton and ports momh 400x1 cuarda in london and three idocb ships iii be ports wnufil bo our defence but had we even tmr and warning we could nnly atieinhte ihe imposing strength of from 30tx in lofitgmrn bf iht line 11 s 1 mrnsaaicaerrko this is iho omi- mav of lb- viet tnd iht hravtm of iht forennst man nf ibis agbt who of all nh- rr -ff- r 1- ia bbown hlalililipa of deffriit r and threnffa tlitm ithj the new mail contract cu- naro stliamers fiwat fae st ono tf b courrer we hire been farored with the perusal of a copy nf the contract entered into on the 1st of julv fttb helweentne lord commission ers and ihe admiralty and messrs cunard flurns and mclrer for the conveyance of her majestys mails between enlaod and north america the contractor r required to be provided from the 1st january isv with eicjhl pond and efficient steam vessels each le supplied with engines of not less than four hundred hortp pitver and from the 3ul december itms with nine such vek of such con struction and trcnlh as to he fit to carry cuts of the largest calibre now used on board her majesty steam vcsrl of war and to be equipped in the canst cffijieoi manner for the packet service if rpuuirrd by the lords commissioners of the admiralty ihe steamers are t call al lmyhead in the irish channel for ihe pnr- pc of receiving and delivering mail ami if m cm of stress of weaiber or other unavoida ble circumstance thesiramers should nor be auafn fetch the river mersey the mail wilh ihe officer in charge may be landed at isristol ftlmnuth plymouth sonthampton portsmouth dover or dcl in addition lo the general penalty of 30- ofio for the nonperforintncc of the arce- menu ihe contractor are liable in a penally i j for any dvlay or devijtion on me vovagr without the sanction of ihe mail officer who is to decide all discretionary ques tions as io the necessity nl stopping to assist vessels in distress or to save human life a penalty uf jqq alto incurred in case of a delay of iweive hours uftrr ibe apiiointed time for leavine liverpool and also a further mm of 500 for evey socceniv neriod of twelve hours which shall elapse until the de parture ol the stttmci the contractor to receive 003 por art ansa for ibe xervicei between iiveroo1 and halifr and bassssllt and 00000 per annum for those between liverponl and new ynrlr either direct or by way of jlaliftx msking in all 115000 per annnm to be paid quar terly an additional allowance lo he made lo the contrariors in case a sloto of wr should occaaimi an increase io thn rait of inmirance or freight for coals but not lo exceed 40000 per t i j the eonlracl lo continue for ln year from the fiftl ffalnrday in january ifms and twill dettrmined by eilher parly saving twelvt monlbt rolive tftor that period hut dtttr- minoble by tho contractor at any limo after the aral rear by a imilirnolicton i ymnt of iofloo govern r- n l o htvt i i the onlronu purchtsinglho vttttls att valuation j ht contractors not to tailgn or disoit of tht contract vlmdt imilbtfl lj rv ijadp til slorepicktd and put up in a very sfrttra ly manner io orne package the uuer seas thrown in rolls as received from the in ducer io other nude of various cohr nd uatitie mived together obliging me to lvc a low character to the whole r-aefem- others contained several pound of mlt on lie lop other had large quantities of coarse tit mixed in with the uuue and i have sen some gutter which was strongly flavored vih veft and thus rendered most unpaiatabl the irregular size and slovenly appearare of the packar in which butter is hroolif o ihst market is also to he denrecal thi as well as the other fault alluded may by little care be so easily rcmedl lhat i hcj lo submit the following suc tics for tho fnl ore regulation of the teae in this important article a uniform shape and iir or se of titin or cask should be established sav o sixes one to contain 56 pounds nf imrr and io weich li pounds tare and ihe oef in contain st pounds of rntter and lo with 16 pounds tare the firkins or casfcssrum he mad of wku ah liht and follhonjd and the full weight or tare shoutd he hrairiil end of the- tree aod tiiti t i riii ii 1 1 j y finijlsij by the ollir without nnnl mitchitf on either side in the other wards lurv thi lime every tiring wa conducred wilh tranquility about a quarter pist lived ve however a body of ffnch ca- aadlaata amonj whom several lawyer were very conspicuoitsj adranced aloinjnrtlre dame street shouting and hallooing on thrrr way to the royal oaf inn and the visitation street poll tap writerof this notice followed them a rroectfnl disiance tit he rtched the office of ihe royal engintrr detriment where he fojnda reatmany nonc who expressed pnlty freelylheir especlatioii of seeing t speedy retreat to ihe meantime the tjrht began in the jvc between visita tion street and tht royal oak tho din of voice or the dull thump of slicks which cross ed each other or fell with more effect on the bead of their opponents were varied by the sharp crack of u earm of winch several licrwrrj took rjace in the crowd presently an attack wasmade upon the lavtrn on tht fipfct fone htin tbrowo a shot war1eed from one of the windows tnd io a minute the dis cbarge were evtrtl time rcpealej fom the garret and the firt sooi at the dalaace of the engineer department it appearad a if most of these sht were fired in lb air rather than at the people in the atrett but it is evi dent thai some at leal were not of thi inno cent character for carter soon exhibited hi neckcloth tt the writer whichhad been lhrouh within a baii of h neck in the mcanlirrre the war was carried on with spirit b the bicen parly in ibe street thr window were broken in with stone xni slicks and ih discharge of lire arm wa re sumed wilh great vivacity when the tight wa over the walls exhibited mirnrou marks of the effect of the balls every lace where thev stnrck hein chipped arlcr tlu aault had been continued for some minules a rush back told that the aaifat hod cauht tartar they were presently tern running away from tha scant of action in the reatel disorder dispersed all over tht street now and then tnininj round not from an iiilention to rally but apparently from absolute bewilder ment amonc iht foremost in the retreat was a french canadian gentleman of the bar whose tall figure and ions arms one of which swung a formidable bludgeon evidently new and made txpesly for the occasion were too remarkable not to be rccnjrni lie looked for some mo menu ptrfrrfli ditlrjum and then tok one of the ide streets leadm to lajfanchetntrc street some of ijii comrades were ks fortunate tlicir irritated pursuer were soon among them ami divided and panicstricken ihey wttf kfltflccd down without any power of hnjdin themselves or each other ft is mnch to be rebelled thai several of hwse pern were eilly ill- treated a result which we do not deplore ibe less became we know thit they hroiijht the injury apoa thcmsslve opposite ifce rntji- ncr office ihrp pprtons were knotkrd down and dreadfully benten aboit tht head with handler rvtry hmv of which was fol lowed by a ireim of mood alitatsf these was mr ditsltu it is tail by tliost who wrr siandinr hv that he wjm crtnin hi vp hern 1 x jwauf the returninir ollicer bavin view of the case favorable lo maintained by mr baldwin lie intimated that it would be quite competent to proleit and to procore a decision of tht assembly cm lheeiieslinn in lhat way but mr scsaie ob jected that that ctnitm would have the effect nf puciftir the ptrtiet in a very different posi tion from that which they wossld occetpy if a special return were made the livturnjnt officer then declared his return that there had been polled for mr baldwin 802 volts and for mr seobie sit shewing a majority of ml voter fur mr ualdwin by which he wa duly elected to represent the fonrth riding of york in the provincial parliament mr scobie then stated that he deemed it his duly to hi friend io enter a protest acainst the kctaro and be accordingly did so on the c jd of intimidation bribery partiality and corruption bavins been prac ticed and many illegal votes recorded and tlul the election had been irregularly tod il legally conducted and the ivkeedinc not carried or in conformity with the provis ions of the law a appeared frsss tht spe cial return civen ia by tht deputy returmnp officer for the township of wlutcborcb and ol her circrmtancet the vole fut the tveral tovruahip tlood a fellow via afatsvia noih gwi1trtabq7 tjibride be much more apt to exhibit ibe same while they are powerful than when they arc weak and we know ihe r i of upper canada loo well not lo feel certain that any manifestation of such a purpose- tvotd lead to an immediate ditsoluiion ot parliament and the certain re turn of conservative in evtry place where reformer are now sent itara nd rsrnt wiichureh j9t refit 16 rttt gwitimbury j betels 130 vtli 1 r- 31 thort 34 brock n bldwit eo2 scbit s4i bttssfti s3 ii in 79 20 6 71 38 s3 139 641 miyseityfrir8tldfin 361 tlie cootest was a hot on the iitrmnt exertion irtrt made no the part ot mr baldwin tnd bit friend a apoear from the number of vole polled and ibe distance from which many of them bad come to give their volet to nay nouiing of tht extraordinary mean that were ited lo intimidate parties and to gain over many to mr baldwins inde who m re previously pledged totupporlmr scobie but ootwithtlaodin all thit and the prominent position whicn mr- baldwin holds a the head of a party the victory rained by him i nothing extraordinary foe ou of 1 343 vote polled bu majority t 261 and ihe number of votes polled by mr scobie at thi election is within 10 of the number polled by mr baldwin at the previous election when the latter wa oppoaed in ibt fourth riding by mr corhett on that occasion mr baldwin polled 551 vote on ttte peeaent occaaioq mr scobie polled su volt wilh the cooper or one none but we makers name on h seasoned wood bitsta used in making the casks and tovnrmr important point the tore keeper shonjd 10 hi rnpply of caks made in anticipao andtv them out as wanted to the fani or diitymimi to be filled and properly paid at the dairy before heiu brought in- store the firlcin should be weir iraftrtl and soaked with ilraii brine or prcki- fore the butter pnl into them jwu only should be used in pacling and that y in snascient riiantily to preserve the itnr and it should bo distinctly nndersiechf ml whenrver corirje salt i used the ihwr however riiod in other reisers shall not i inspection nfirtt ouwify buucr boml ways he washed w lb pickle instead if i asii improves its qualify and renders hie nr no salt necessary to make it kep sej- iirgrtmild not be rtsorled to force chnrrtj a it deteriorates the quality of the rii too much caaaal be id or done lo pirtffd cleanliness in iht vtfwbt hands and rrvsj ibinej that comes in contact wilh tlnller in ronnrvinn wilh this uhject i ry mention the imporlanee of cvd pam tnd proper f for cow without wi cood butter cannot bo obtained oj rvi carrots will impart the bel color and flj duller and loether wilh frrji era hay will be found he tnosl nutritions produrtire food milch cnw cannot i carefully kent from such herbs a iiria nftrnsivv usic nr mrll t rsiller ift tut gutter will be fusind tn iwi iwtter ji richer color than that cnad in wint nevertheless if popeily made in trial will he fund good in quality altlrtaeh rich in color bcinc fully eonvineedof ilie ben elfrcl which a well renlatisl svvtnn sl spelinn mnst ensure by laisinf- ihr char i nf canadi m huller in pnvi rr mnrkrt thai isnih iry prmlucer ami hiipcr ivlf c r ra prclainrs on be olher side of h road and who rushed acroo to save him the party of aspirants were fairly driven frot ihe be id neforethe military were called out try me ovidr lemanc when they reached the itayal oak they were drawn up in fronl of ihe door and a number of police tent in no arrest were made e belie re lint wa the only altcmn at any thine like an organised attack itpon the poih bnt toward ibe cloe mr itoy the beturuin ollicer ol lb st louis ward comlained that marry of hvajra holme and cafonlarnt electnr cxmtd not reach iht iiolf h accord ingly rtftilftl the militarv but we understand the ollicer in command declined to art except in sunporiof the civil force it wi therefor fonnd neeesary to end for rme fvolicesnen but upon their arrival it wa judged loo late 10 continue ihtpollinif and the around having been cleared the business wa adjourned for the day wc understand that a jood may straler on bath side were beaten in the byt street near thi polling place about five oclock fn the st ann ward cothidfrfamcalaim was fell hy ihe voter on behalf of mmrj luun itrn mtkcuzienwine- tn a report which prevailed very ircucrajy that a fatnumbe- of men foilirtrd with lirearms were lyin in wiii in a tar yard nea the foiling prac so far as rmum b ascntatnerf however no forcible osmclini wasojcrcd in that quarter and a starch for rircaim made hv tt m b hartley esq i he relirniin olticrr in the afternoon wa without y imh w fnv were ren p icily fuquenlty during ihe day in thr aatmrntlhaatt the result of ibt first day pittas folios fvdiine rm i mskenito wt iwftlet 39 i utm b9 on ivcdtpmnaiy merniu messrs mckrnzw and lunn wrote lo the lie hi ruin officer lo announce their retirement fiocn lir cnsiicsl- the nesvcot hi circumstance siwedilv spread ibmnri the town aed the uoiaf honors were in the evening pafd la ike sneceful candi dtey we have to thank fame of ihe gen llrmvilv supports of mor h and lafuntdie fur iht honor they did u in break ine our wicdnv- jut fr the ndntss nf mtfvr e iih aatl ot cattara which e har moch pleasure in acknowledging tley wont iijyc done more mitchivf i i r- ulc their interests trisanced h it t wnu sptclfutly tnxtest lhal any lei vnicimenig which the nsjncil na reen mend iinlil nol make inpectinn conpu hut leave ihe imyer and slier free to f luemndve nf il nr nut at ihtir own opli j have the bonnr to e gentlemen your most ohririeulmfvant sieved khancismcdonnt 5 rnwnvissr ivt hrtto itarntn a row took place il tfiuiday cvenirfi nt iho worha of ihe ureal western rtffity comimuy nwine in national trmijusiii- curk and connaujfht wvre as iimnl he place of uaiii ity of the bstliierenli mitjhe cauc of iho riot a wish lo compel lhe employed tn strike for waas the st was vlnpprd and tho whole of the i disehariceilt after dark the connaus1iiti proceeded up lo the qnatler of hie cilj orn pied hy the coruoninn and lmiko rui lieads ihe most pppiovcd manner we understand that nnother themjit l trel lu ih iht work will bt mad iiuduv fniiw greatly frar that peaoo einuut tio tutkieif wilhosjt wn hart a company of soltiem lionrd in iht city the wnes rd j iiv3j i jd per day a very h rale ftr hit aewn and vl our puuaelnus cmintrymon oust fltlil fnr more ijainwoa iffvimlnr unu fourth ridinc op vobk fton lfc trvnto colonist the declaration cf thr tfrrrnination of the c0ntrl for the tilh riding nf vk wa made hv a raj small q frlimin ofli- rer al sliarnnon mortdsy last the jolh latt the deputy imjr- fii- frnmlhescve- rritosvmips haiin- ifiveji in tfiir return ihe e ttve cammed up fmrn the town- sjiip of v liikbuch a special return was riven i in enrqinnrv of im vii clrrk wha wa- apotnted rjy he pmaciiuil retikaiat oilieer km bavirift jjujiearpsl at lln time and ntice n mid ami the iioll for hint township was wit tlivirfiijv injy openrd jnjeniiuneicd icmdinin aw thr wain fie a few ivo poll rink aieinr ihe inioincccr ninointed v clerk siaiuie did not emposver him in ppointment he made a special tie citcsirasiaaee without giving is to ihe leumliry of the course pashucd itirs a iejuty lie inii as im make eh jtemrn nf inv oninioi ulivji lie had pursued il aipcarcd alo that a pretest had been trisvn in by several tree- ireowctst in ii c towmhri nf feoriina aeeinst ibe leihiy ii the klrciion on aeenunt of in- limidnion bribery and rorruiili1 liavinr uvtn practlieij and many illegat ivlc polled on the parr f mr baldwin mr scobie ijrjfd that under lb prcnliar cireatfrslaaerp of ihe case he wa entitled in demand a special julnm nf ihe eirriimslances imt in thi be was met by mr baldwin who dtaaatrded that th rtlrrincorreer shonld return him as ibe member duly elecled on 1k otljer hand it was unrrd rrat the return- inxfltftcer ssas not competent in decide ihe rjueslim is here an illril comi had hern parua that iiivulirtuvd the wblu of ilie tmcerditj that iik dirty of list kctutninjt lhrerrlmrly was l rnnke a nnecitf rnlrrrft nr lln eirrumljueei a they bnd occurred and in kave lm matter in the drsiion nf the itfuse f asemmv mr fhldwiu pnruteil tail tu ibe ilrhu oiti f ibal on a fnrmtr ureasiim he rul iveiifed t similar rpielinn tnd b inled it a as a jftveedrni for him to be glided lit 10 vote making only a dirtercnee of the necessity for a system of regilration of mtc simitar to that in force in the united kingdom so far as applicable lo ihii country must bt obvious t every one delimit of see int the elections in caiar1 conducted with fairnntsaod impartiality and w hope lo see a measnr f the kind proposed u parliament at tn early day british whig oplv pte oratm oio wednesday january 19 icus tho kleclions are nearly ifrtol rfnite over for ibe returns have almost all been declared the majority aairut minister increases fearfully and the result can readonly lo their ljtrvt jicrour ui wap hav been received of ihe lot of the follow- int places formerly represented by conser vative vii cmmiiw ot east and yvt hatlon and middle and the second ridin of fork while the correspnndinx cin i the soliury county of prince edward this i in upper canada fnr in lower ca nada all the recent election have terminated in the return of opoi1ion candidate thecal of this l in public feel- in i rant difficult to be ascertained the people of upper canada ntspeel and admire the upper canadian portion of the ministry ft wit mer morris sherwood macdon mcamernn and cayley they have de clared his at the polls for not only ha each member of the lowtr house been returned with overwhelming majorities but in iile of all their lost the minister have a decided majnrity of the upper canada member they admire thet fnrntlcmen wc say be cause ihey arc men of character talent and husintst hahil but ihey havt nothint in common with such creature a mesr bru- neau turcotte badjetey and daly the lower canadian member of the etecutlvc council wbile ibey see theit own portion of hi fine province ably rtnresenird in the executive connvif of the country they e lower ca nada consimed to the custody of men whom ibey would not lhemelv enlrutl with the government of a petty parish 7 hi is the stumldinr block hy which the ministry have been tripped up the veriest conservative in the and blushes within himself when he see tuch men a messrs lafontaine and marin made to give way to mer torcotle and bmnean and then that everlasting mr daly why keep him in the adminis tration against the loud and deep exclama tions of a whole people why retain him in ibe most important situation of provincial secretary of tht province where by more than nnchalf ihe inhabitants ht is cordially hated and detested t we do nol expre ourselves thus a intending risonal reproach to this everlasting gentleman wc are assured that in private life he ia most estimable man snd wt- hart bten given to undentand that a an office man of business he hat no tsiperjor bnt what of that the lower conadian detest liimnnaceounl of hi political apotacv and had he the virtue of enoch tud the wisdom of kinj soloman it would make nn difference in their tcnlimcnl what imueei- y therefore in the ministry lo keep him in office and thereby endanger the ins of their own place i the best and only excust to be found for tbem is that mr daly i an excel lent psimic servant and ha done nothing tn deserve dismissal but on lb contrary re ward dui after what ha happened well may his eofrcre exclaim with drulu c eo on hi linnet ihcyvt ondont ooueitry thus it hj been the lnwcr cnarfitn portion uf the ministry which ha disgusted upper canada and led to tho return of o llefoirner in puco of coiuerlive il is an ill wind lhat blows nolmdy good since ibe ministry have been dcfvtltd it it far heller thai ihey should bt beaten by a lare ihan by a small majority a weak administration ii a carte to any form of gov ernment measrt baldwin and frtfonlalne will he suocientty atrony to carry ihtir mea sures without huyinjr up tho mrbihtri and measienu iht loott prv will bt without a market theyll hav to bt hontstin tpiie of thtmielveti another food raaaon fese tirj pirated m the hrjo majority ft lhat should tht upptr cantdt refvrmtr and tht lowte conadt member have any utttriur dttlant on the constitution of 10 iroriiict they will many the choice of the mayor the election of clrref mai1rale took place al the city hh on saturday last and lb choice has fallen upon mr atdrman pord the court met at noon the jatc mayor in the chair mr robert auglcn al once proposed adcrman ford seconded by mr james baker there wa nodebate and ibe vote wa ialvnit once a2 yeas and 7 nay one member absent the late mayor immediately declared alderman ford mayor and resigned bcal to him the court in a body proceeded to the court ho use lo have tbt new mayor tworn in where lhal duly wa performed by judge kirkpatrick the coortlbtn relumed to the city hall when it wa ahorlly afterward adjourned we expressed tor opinion of the nexv mayor lat week that opinion teems to he endorsed by the whole city mr ford has mado a most effective aldeiman and wilt makta most excellent chief magistrate mr olivers concert this really spirited affair came ort on fri day eve nine last tt the court rat the oirjht waavery qopropitious lamag heavily but the audience never thele wa very nu- meroti and highly fashionable the con- certwacirttlrarncntal throughout th band of the 20th regiment of which mr oliver i master i an exceedingly effective band perhapalhe very best lhat ba visited canada and under it able leader direction played with much precision and effect some of the moil difficult orchestral piece yet composed out of door this band is porety military with wind injtrumenti entirely but within the concert room wind and stringed instrument arc agreeably intermingled in fact ihe ab sence of ihe oboe is tbe sole difference he iween mr oliver band and that of a lirsl rate orchestra many of tbe player arc far beyond mediocrity in particular the primo vioiinceljo and a rcniarto primo violin mr oliver led of courac although the concert consisted of ten piece only we caonot afford space lo notice them all the opening overture tht to le deut aveules wa very charmingly per formed and jave a lone la all that fallowed a ipltndid watv by prrf led by mr oli ver french flagcnlel aod accompanied on the harp by mi oliver a young lady not 14 year old gave exquisil satisfaction thi waltz i quite a modern ccmpoilion and afforded to at canadians far removed from the possibility of hearing new music a samplr of tbe amount of instrumentation now em ployed by the tjood master in orchestral muic the temc wa constantly varied and passing through a succession of more than a dozen diflertnt instruments gave cch in turn somethine dilbcolt and dclirjlitful to executt thi walla wa the rom of the concert a soto on tho corkerfmo a new instrument on the accordeon principle hoi a v r hihsniy nrtmi by mis oliver aecomjianied on tbe harp by her father a otoon the cortvooean by mr oliver wa aba effective but lhal which pleased the audience most waa new kind of coop called the railroad galop in which all kinds of horrible diicords strange snunds and movine incident were made to accord o la ffceaoven with a pleasint lively melody thi was to much admired that it demanded and received a unanimous encore tbe second pari commenced with prers overture to aguf very sniritedy rwen haydn hymn cod savt ttf soneror wa played a a qnartett tjvinc an opportu- ftity to mi oliver aain lo exhibit her knowledge of music and of tho ctrrutrlino the tenor violin in this composition wa ex ceedingly welt played auohcr walt tht qicen of the iofi but did nol tell like ii rirs the concert concluded with mrvart overture lo at figaro ever delightful and ever new in which oil the trinffed instrument had more ihan cnoueh to do and well they did it moved hy mr iihju fussesccondta v mr john shaw d thai a commillec be apnninted to t down the list of lh hfltrfsi willin to wwv mflkud jee mill ihe mimlier uf share thrj souid he witliaar to take and to rcjrottiaa tame to tht nevi meetine moved by mr jj cull seconded by mr chat llalrtf 5 tliat ihe committee consist of hi vvor hip ihe mayor messrs j r forylb j counter win wianjolin watkins wsr ferjrnsws the kirhpalrick john mowei ami henry cildesleeve with power to add to their number moved by a campbell esq seconded by w wilson krs 6 trial ihr committee as soon a ihtwm of three i prhiif currency he ob- scribed for aauill call a meeting of the osve scriv s for the purine uf recrivinar the dyt lawsandalu fur ihe election of tbe dircc tori for ihe enuin year moved by jh forylu iw4c0bded by mr wjuoeavvt 7 1ht no per shall be allowed to cribe for more than ten share until ntcca- should calf for it r5- tna coarouattov ivscti at two oclock on saturday after tbe election of mayor was over the clly conrcil met at tht brith american hotel lo raiiake of a charo- pagne lunch ordered some day prevtomly in addition to the cily council were invited as cues the late mayor the sheriff lha district jtje the officer of the corporation and several other olnclal gentlemen each member of the ccuncil had a brace of frcn li and altogether ihey made a jolly parly of sixty the lunch va got up in splendid style and the champarne which flew about in half pint bsiinpers added materially to the- hilarity of the meeting mr alderman hill took the head of the ttbtc and mr aldrirnajs mclean oilciated a crotprer several toasts were dmnk and several tocecut were made the topic of which seemed lo be tbe pcifecualnactrors which tbe election ot mr ford to the dignity of mayor bad given the city jut party brossesipal an eaetj hour c rlxcirasca ox einaorx a tbi arti cle i not to be had from the bank al preterit wt recommend parties to avail tbenacltea af remitting through harndtftco mr wart their agent ha already remitted several sum varying in amounts from 5 to 2 sterling w the conductor of mr war rxpres for the steamer of the 20th from new york for livcrpvol will irate bir cbc on monday latxt there have been foartjifr cessfui lri made by thl xxpresa to lb steamer attended wilh t7eattxpene oa ac conni of the road we art bafpybcwtvtr lo slate that it i ettin to be verj extensive ly patronised and wch it thoold be ttraad vantage ofa direct and certain communiwtrnei to the aluntie at thi season of the year sboulj be appreciated by all havin-romuisi- nication to mate to the old country f tirr v nam en on sunday asiot monday the weather was mild with alight ficnl at nicht yesterday il brsraa to tnow mid drift afloediriir very miserable cratehiijc oi iho road what iho weather will bt when onr paper letch onr reader is more than a rsorse can tell and ht tit a much longer hntd ihan even dr st pin nut coatello the iceinlliebarlhxbmbcrucnannosvseaii days but il i yet weak and loaded tcaun do rujt thk cfty council our reporter wa nnforlunately absent at tbe fjrst meeting or buciues of the new city council on monday nihr a circumstance which we hope will not axain oon occur with tbeexceptioq of strikm the slandink commillees and pain a few ordinary re solutions there wa no public bariaesa transaelcd the following are hie standing committees via isotird o iforxsmessrs wiley craw ford smyth channonhouse angler hoard of htotthths warship the mayor and all the aldermen ou ftnana ojd aucumtnl messrs pal- terson allen wilson counter angleo on the jairlef messrs counter hill clitnnonhnuse mclean allen smyth on fire and florct messrs flanagan mcmaliou crawford harvey mclean on co rlrrj wiley bredcn memahon hill linton on prmmg messrs hill patterson simpson wilson harvey cm jjwrifliid ortur messvrs anlcn hllj raiser smyth couultr ore potlih worship he mayor measrt linton anglen mclean counter on scrsocd messr flanagan harvey wiley waddiokham mcleaa the gas company the public meetiuf- in ihe city hall to gel up thi company was well attended on mon day lust john counter eq wa chair- mau andt d wothcrtojemisecrttary several cxctlltni sptccbtt wtre madt oie in particular by j r fnrsylb esij the folluwinjr resolutions were patted unanimous ly anj ihe meeting broke n- fvctf proba bility exists that tho company will go into immediate existence moved by j r forsyth ot seconded hy w fercuvon km l thai lb fa nieeiinf cnntiilur lhat it will be of very arott advantage tn tin city tn hot e a gas company etliliuslicd at it will ilea source of comfort security nnd economy to ihe inhabiunh ccnerally mnitd by w wilson fq seconded by mr ja linton 3 that this meeting ii firmly imprttaed with iht cnsivktion hint an tneifvtic mnvt- mtnl should ht mad tn attain hit object con lecnidated muted by mr thai wilson tcuojrd by f c multttmirv kttj s that iht jniiltuiinu nf a cnmnnny lo lynf mllarfolh mpany be calltd iho city of kuim gsi tfykl t willed lias re l trull com ia of t btta otrltlilulivd and incnrnortlid by aol of ptrliamtnt in moniretl will bf ihf most tit- ufstiory mod of pioctdurt o 7 dituct corjircjl so ktlla interest is taken in the rtectc for district counciltors lhal out of ibe irven ori aruinalty chosen in ihe midland dmic have as yet heard only the name of mrs warner and sucppjrd f tub lave fiasa poetic vsjtrfi lioc into the can of tbe hir fife 7ji held this day at lb city hall atone o before the iuyt and a full denen of marj- trate list of a1emdciu rbrcttnd tt srve in thk skxt houe uf amauidlv w il pemlrui-c- i lln i stemnudc urifjs silmrv r t tc afunilc t ilk f g anmtenbc vit i c sbcnrovd cc i is al t 3d gen csvirocic rtrstlvt vv ytesiro ciytf ralssmtsd swiotjtatw- ctiynf jf city kitu iwaejfstwvsv j r il u lis tsvtsrbrtsvw ctku n ffyftteo ueetvttlv m ldm i f 1 fj iti rminz rorx 3rf ffidie ttvesv cwnty t artfmt plievswrtstfa fiarrrtr guvrry a clatassf h jfatirgt wrrc aijavtotf m ircaccer simtoe st4tt4l m h orrrsr rvvcibnnleif 44 st avmhcvi jaftefj4crary prtu t btuthant cjaetvc avtassrt ssnfisskttf fi if lvrcaeret ftuefnw atrttltv oxford m is 4 ad dtagla ciummiio r7eir7fe- 7- 7 u i mr sariswtlc leedf j1 til tvtsv alfjf4- rsw ptrasrat ivirstlel li tftrmtii rwy lejrvd niddun ijillir t fttuvjle stffustty rirdeirri rrrayvrtditrd cd ciryrx j winmic a mr dsittmidifi j ihcwbjjobm mr dlkc k m hon i ftl v llsmiih c j aaiva cril ajobio r y s mircvotulc ah- mvxltno c ninnini lis d oily c n mr iadaitya f umissisttu r ijnwn rairesmd john mccsianed d ri piineed me efiar ft i5 w d mr merer g jn cavtclioj 8gl t mrjolmm r x 11 t rfslu i a im me dell c tt lton d e mallners r j c lelt r prnslr1 lin j ft rft ireftfnitcb7tff j r sevmnur c orrnitrvllaut lsvovrllfl st41 ft q mr i hmlvavhl j la otd ttkx tl hkjaw n i ltwa tiva jtlhfl or fairer r mrlaniiufcvt mr vvttenutlrs dr rbsubfti fi mr drntditwuhsstttftsasp me nimatuxst- i ift n tkiivtr isnrt9 dr ixit grnnoj 4u pruteriltrfk j it uiustawa i illmfaattaaam mr rtitttnstuf hvrr rtrflrtn mr lirteai k f rertrnl rnnjulljr tfmlust llnhws ibutbfrol p 4 rriittrvtius hiusl v f- tht mftvna of 1t qsiintll lsva hat tsttsb s tit ilslti city for lltt nat