British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 19, 1848, p. 3

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mtfmlnttf mtacmrfr i til ut of iii pnll nf- ffr julplrl l mim bt jn ihw inn- us3 niiiy hi in mhuif lh senium r lh prosuec ibtr hi hlllr loum lhil tha unmutn iwlft ami b oft 4 npem by ltd ii to m ma iirovttitui mlidmty lihd l ihs pttffm ftrinwrin it link bo fairly ollrtftd that in the which are now corn i eel the wriht ivr tnlhifnee hi not wen hunhl u ihe minuet which eharaetviiaed tl elc hen tirm tinder hip aiiaimco turn giiim mm caiuni tiw wo m been lably vwtlri to ami hvir jon vvheiher vieiv or uimisrly made he aiibmitlrd to nrt fiiliiif slooq can if ihi point cm j u reinsiut for us i whether our epjawals have learnt avtralion hy fotmrr dwem oi whether their net will be rhpucleiircd he ihe ame ttadituvr nromrinkoi rf lrr ni wrtirh miimv roniiikwled in ihnr uvrmhntw tiwivmilhniiiyilltt tvlithilm co alive mitf kin 10 contend i llw iwcoao- nrotnbdug hostility of ihe rftrtvcll cnilidlan to hem blmfi j it i from tlm same rourte lhal ihe hvfonn paiiy tta to anhci- mtt ihff- mcalmt tnnmc their oi1hr in the uipwcftii itrfnrrner nrir of lb knnveiedjo llt tvilhool their aid thf umr canada k cwhwh hpe for uwrr or af mil mn1 then rlffjrrv wt oikxi mr labhialih iri hie soppati- in fur ihiiv litic1 erieiiee eery fc- liloliir francocanadian n lower ca nib mum he acceded o hy ihen the eflecl of ihii wt upper canada hare ajraady el ij rrprobami ws will again h compiled lo txneririli jiluecnwo of it the goveraojeiit of l he hfctt thrre year lia jb 1 r e i relieved lit from many of thr rffrcti whkh wrt wt dttclope ihcmvrliu f gmwiai omi of ih idmininrltn of v by ihe pity which now nml i in r- tomr the if ti of otticr md or rtwird which im tfowmmrnt hflff rterivcl from ifve p u cijcncpd bv ihe rall orikc lilt fftcttas cj rt itiiv bf rtjcroil oi inothcf pnof of ihr iauaftitityof pnhuc opintoft alllbo lnbhuttu of uyr cinadi dc- urc ii a hupirmt 1 1 i condiiclionit idmin- ilriion of jul c affdirt they will ntcc ithindhrtncornbmionlhci uiwll wctii to tio ftniibrilun inp of llictowerciniditn lejr did i whnje- jdrc public fifhn cxiil in lowpr cinidi tiobf orcorrcitiitxlhth icidcrif vrronr or oflerinir n indroemlmt hdmm ujton qiri- liootf puwc pohcy ibmiitcd lo iu inhab- iunt boreor htcllt to r on vre raixsliubojiljbl lo ihf cotinity it u nousljibf fact and it cannot bj coruidrrcd linjcrif we reyajd with m dutrom the robaiuuty ofoorjcatinifbeini coninird to mrtfoj extenl by be repreicnutitei of utth lo iftv reinuv which wf may make we ctaire to oiler no dijcotirlrty or iniull to fanpocmadian fcliowfadjecjji but al the aama lime we will cxercbe what aa yet i thf nrqutrfoftame pririlee nt m briltvn h- jecta tho free and opeti expression of oor opi nion upon an public malum- ite cliw qwjtion likely to be bmnhl before parliament at ill roeetin are thoaein whkh upper canada ba the chief invfre5t ndinaoa3fof ihtcn xltaoat an exelnvive in terval i ttraae o which we now refer are noetfmn oflulalion whclherjocl or eaerai mr tionaafleeunjc ihe retenoe of the province and the means of maiatainina ila credit the qursiian of immiiftalion and in eonneetion avilhtbuthe aetllement and diapoail rf the waale land of the crown the retaliation f our trade wilh hc neichhorin nitte ihe cfubjttbment of owl poat office yten upon a more perfrcl and ttaa ni- vc baai and lally tie adjust went of the xcal tjueation o- r upper canadian unierty tlwm inrely oirer to any mjnitrytu wai ter whal ay ne iheir talent ant ability am- at aofpe for lb erciie of their powera ad ffeactt a far atru for raiii a hnttiant repn laalam for alairtmanhip and tatnottin il ihe 4f rtament of wlwaoierrf m coavct hy tnmijthm oj jtoitoniiy ihair enemic will have hut little lo charge them with if mi ih ctitiaii poliiiial and parly azeaodrc- met inoehareicia them if the public food in be reramd aa tecondary in iidi idnal and tecliriml inletvu llp voice ot ihr ureile wjh mn leach itinr filrra that hilii are uni th nirn of thfi choice tlic cnnil ktcction may wennti4ettd a terminated and thai a radical adoiinblia- lion will be ficrl we bar u rfonbt lei all fraie conei vatiea wawawr remiin united and hnw themelves what ihry atftt ever beoirr v jtor of peace and utdci and of ohedience m all lawfully eonatilu led aiilhoritie lft ai hope that the awjttfjlc iaityhavr learned a ueful lcaten and thai aeirleadrrs will not he hd astray hy the omraeohikohjand taviiipol a irptth- tiean and ingel ire- should however cir- cumalancr ecur of nncnniitulionat in frineroenl or oppression or if rehimican and infidel manifest a1in let us tite nuitedly all coostitulinrial agd honch rnear to obtain nehl and order nxl to j l- bear in crnnd that union it strength united wt hall onner or latei auccec t jirtdcd we most fall oir idftnarin blvj set tt an ex- amide and ihc cofalivtj must for a limp aiihmil in the consequence of theif own folly of their fancied teeurity and intestine divi- iipn torowfo patriot ictltutt krom tnfnnnallnji whirh we think may ua ilaitendatl kum mr itrltft hall ha falnrd hu ttraliwn by a inauiiy near wrhwif chtrfhi wafraino- we have heard finoi n num ber vf the louiiihll in tbinunly und feel ooiifidpnl ilit mfp wither will gai mo dy by a haiidaoriio majority o p3- hink4t thj cnrwoji krvvhouc atatt that ihe mrm pavtjaiia in lh rjec tinn ftr thit ittnnuh vnlei wrp- brikd in vte for uu ijuieiflitl it fumhrl jlf that ihe inihery i meeplimn at il clmre i niojf h aptrin itiai iii- t uf iur it turn ic officer airiiijf k aliin nailca r iiv elecliofs n iienireil hy law only lhti4h iimico wm h nio i no dimbt hfi canietona return for cnniwull i illegal election in1fxl10enck coukty or 1ia oi friday laat ac cording to appointment anthony les lie 1 the beluminy officer for thi connty fo- elaimed robert bpii ej electprf a there- frescnlalieeof ihi county in ihe ening arliamrnl mr be1l in laniac benttinr the occasion acknowledged the honor done bimhyhutoyal hu reforming county and utfd that he hoped by a tontstent anri alraihtfonrard conduct lo show that he i above and would not lead himself lo mere aeclioitof legislation that the interests of ihe whole country and the ceneul rood of ihe pte he dfiarrd would be hif aim and pv atf bxawpw rwi kimitrciv to ml- row at the aieeinu of ihc riiy caaanell o mnaday utt a tiy haandaaanc eonidimenl wa paid to the fktaine cdn krtie kvj and a vole of iiii prnjiel fm hi aerviccr mr tvftie mott libialty refund in l ih niney and uifcotpd ihil ih the tfeaier mattr4teaiid cvrl were m hen uitey ptsid st he divided aannrif llioe olrrs thesnrslion wn adotil nnl prnjinrtimi edamlowsmacitale m clrtk t2t aad treasurer 33 leaving a krfiall hitattce in favor of the city ine inuli1 and honnrame manner in whieti mr hvcrie tti- chaid the duties of hi otfice darint the aft yf ar ho spcnrd fr him universal au probation- journxtitaj erpm 11 i fv the cmii fraieclt lth ftth hwt rmiraini the rnyal stnelion of the r wvp rilbe toincrpae the stoefcnf ihr tjurb c to eta- lunk uf stofatj lo iwirr ic v i i i and to amrnd and extend ihr chalrr hie he montreal oink and ihe till- montical tu inareiia tneir caiuil n h tieorot4te the district thnk of qiiilc ami m incorporate la haniuc de mircliand al moutrcal fj we hive receifttf flraa captain wilv our actire chief f police a statuim uhi of the state of crime m mommm for ihr year endinclhe 3im iwemwr 117- the totl mimher of criminal whreh have paw ihronjh hi hanil wa 4ulfl a twjt latgy number bftl hapnly ltjf by 337 thai nt year monttxnt htrotd tiirmkmvous evrinsinw tie sleainr seaboard fcom new oilcan fat si low havi 100 kjrs ef jimimwiler n bo4l took fire on wednesday hrar cae ferradati the isre ooncommunicatrd with the unwder when a tttmcndoui rtmjnii tool place lb report of which was hcatd a dtadawee of 4u mile the boat wai blown lo atom the pa sender and cfew escaped hefoie lie akado sioa took place no lives lost study he said however that he did not expect to be able to please ihe tones becane he had no jeelinp in common wilh ihem as a a but of course whatever legitutiou take place for the good of the conntrv or this county in particuar they shall m common with re for me rs reap ihe adanlae f it mr boll requested that there should be no parade or omenution shown in token ol victory over a deyealcd adveracy but am re tire in peaee and pud three liearty cheers vcttt ven for our new member the queen and reltfftinjc ojneer tha finu lo the larfaik lilcction bethvrtt cnurrir jan 14 prince edward the polling lor thi county commenced on wednesday the 4y was aw ihe lealmo lod and early were the fnenda of both can didates al work the defeat ui the ministry in tome r the counties secmj only to haft inspirited the friend of the cooiervatiee go vernment in this dislrict and they resolved i exerl iheinselves lo the uttermost lo support ihe present administration and to rescue jbe county from ihe hanjs or a reslleas dtscon teutcitj and dangeron patly we are happy loaay lhil the ejlaruof ihe con r at altera most powerful opposiiion have been crowned with snece and mr stevenson the riht man for ihe right parly mandi at ihe headof the poll with oir opnrfts ibrr kivvs acknowledge a majority ol s vole fcfort coeffe nicolcv dr fouler has succeeded in opposition lo cre4 the etingnithei lfsmtt the old member mr fournier kjtocsuviu mr marquis has 4ccu elected wmt hattov mr wetenhal ia tie successful candidate mjwiy over the late member mr chalmers ciiahitv dr beanbica is rclrjfmd ma- jotily 4m stttrrupd mr druioidond has been suc- aeaeful majority 260 dvaiiax mr smilb his beaten mr wil liams hy a majority of too hardimaiin a far a we have been been able lolcetn hefore fointo pro mr xf waa aheaj want gas fdhfiivli ojli 1 a sitrmfr romhirna inuri iln in ti- mr f ijiiiirfrt s atnn ncntiipvalnl wnmirjr hy the tl rami jar nld if ih wsintnf pnejuitrnmitlu whnh in irafl thtir sillintt tim nhenll jntiiruld in v- pliii ifit he hnl ue i liliem ndimvrt inofttilll oae lr ihem in th bnihlintf hut fmiml i viiy ri necipil h wnild there atfp nith the ktniiin of llmicrnatl prnciire thn a fiftn k of tip iivaipl hittela iiikwj cmtrurd into ennteaaflof cosifl and a ttntiitn w made mil it one hv ih iveh nl miirtiite anal let shrill pi i ii tlm cindy nf ihe cnrumr wh vtivr r n t mend fr that nrpnm trie shvliir will ntloitd before ihr euorltn- mvrrow mntttn junuaiv l s i- ikcfl pjr flawfcnj llaaon- during ihe hfavy sjife f ffediday uim ihe ccnrr ll pnndnt wi itsalc il her mrviriiv in rwr i m i uu cfiidtau iilt 0tif ii bn w1 h m ffiifi r in tle oa1 havlf i eani riiet 1 1 4tiv enftho uvltk pm ii dirocfuis for kingston mutkkt pricks mokuir jnuary 17 1m pr h mr j jvie vitrk f me mt mfnmr nia ulnml m i tlkl wy nhryiii ufa d t4i tf ifwiel fboati oji im fr tw ivartm4 inrfl ikeiay curt pt a or h m0 ft vhp s mullen jf lim hi ibi flnufi il in tub riteae tr lb h rfff vi o n tlilrv sf rtpe wkdi liut ibtnte d rfi iviuioi at lte i tl may ttm sinivlj wird wvntft a3 d n i is o ah 0 i 0 0 0 i ii o fl ft 1 i 0 2 1 t m h in ii l 3 3 c ve n fl 30 0 b i ii y 7 ii a ij 6 i 10 a i ii 4 n v 2 3 i c a i 0 10 0 oo ft 4 i ii o it id o 0 0 0 0 0 i ii ci ii i ii i 5 4 4 r in j ii i a a n 0 0 notice notice is ijkkgijy rn vrn that the arinuul mcvhu uf uiu ittimoia of itio rrlilffe villmilkililviiii mdnhay ili iui lnvf ml i mpaiy ut vtk an the inirinjni iifektfi i ho hi llillg year ierinlihj inlaw aid f iinoiutcrbuiineiufinocld with tin krl thu n ttuints if the pnt yenr will io ihetl oiml itiorn muhirnitvtl itir ihc ldoimp linn ttt ihe slnckhdiliii tiiomis mssij 8ecrttrad 7rrntupr c hipfgt colony falaiabi llrilae mice j kiomi jan 15 iht9 j vatlunblckcal estate for salr at ami p me mjur ui u of ptivt ssiinlry on fnkr krir dutmtt or towiv casaoa wfiat aucti0n salei im1hj11tant8au3 vatiuasle staple groceries sinis kkanuy tirtiwitttitn tvfip rntf eafacv sfiirilous i iim v the 00 1 k jtnitary lual eh precively will l- arald tv llir sntul al hieir anciion lhom the folbtwn 4mon vi 111- hilda tbapeea hilt pnfcic rinier llreen u bkrli to ti i ii j yufi llyf twditktiy jliftfii a til au in iv lohv jteurado tortg hie suili r it o s p e c t u b uf tiik gity oi k1hgst0h gas ught cosipakt capital 12500 currency divided into 500 staroaof 25 each to be iacorpotated by act of parliament estimate of iv n mi kfjmi l 1 ip lll mch c l d frlhajr i ith raw k i mr krcuvao fvittnr a frightful and horrible the cinrinnati commercial haw the follow inc account of the frihllol acme on boatd the a n johnson after ihe explosion the explosion hicw away ihe boiler imx in the fumaees anrl ft rarity eoi aud much of the eahin fell in fsseners wftf ibey opened ihair stale room dnors ruhrd lo where ihe cabin had been oniric amidt the flainm which had seized on ihe fatten limbers i4 the rahin mr s s sitsdef nr ibb city who wa on account of the ctnwleit 1ate of the cabin lyin au the fuof of the ineial hall at the lime of the etjticn fell wilh the cabin on the decfc nd in iho ill the limhera of the cuhin fell on hia lr which prevented him from rising ox doing any ihina the boat took fire which waa momentari ly approaching him and while majt in thi emidition he aw tovrral nerih in the flame iheir hand mended for aid aud hrlrvint with aony and dpair iwil there were none to help them as ihe fire pirojchrd the horsf tid on ihe forcctlle urcttne wild with attrijht and convnrnced kicku rear j ii j i i lhtf wild eicitemrnl the tinbain which held mr sanders were r removed as to liberate him when he tmc and approached ihr mde of tie hoaf nt to rae c j j i v in ill eil f af f ho caught bu a vfh blank threw it ihwhthi hinrlf and nhtif thtouh thr ii ml n fie afnallt aiav and mide flic eca is the shore whieh ivi everinfte by a hith and pricndicular hank a i tee walking some diltane ann th iswr he irt a i 1 1 where h aiicd the minitfii al seeing a iinttfe he iacidcrt tn it iv ten h m in he was oim ro bnw himlf on lv- bed mt vras w vented bv the woman fthe jiure emmrdjaivly or chllehe eante irr at at- templed ihw lltiow liimeelf nn ihe bd hul was iweeenled ako 1i 1 1 a n ittc flitnr slmoft liftflcm and expired otn aftei bein takea to maysrille we wkl here mnle thi1 the mailftlldp pearanee of mr sender and fr guiepiesi alanncd the woman mtt he hardly knew wlwl she wa doin jmj li tvfla iwo chtldren in the a loan a hjr senses tallied stie removed the children made ii a jc0l die and conlrihnied to the eclenl uf her power to ihe relief of llieautferer hronchf there the scene of hnrlrendini ijpatf on board ihe hoat was iajesetihawe tere were hie dead and the dyinrthc hnrk of men a ihcy aiic into the flane to tie no more the wild fright of ihe horses all coaf pired to render ihe krie heymd the pocr of lanpiaae to depict but iheanny of trtow who perihed rnstanlly by the eidosiou nnk into the flames and were thrown into the water lo riie no more were hn and their we could alol say prefnmc to toni wha iitn mi ill c r flrh titnt in a coal and pcet from their bones in rhemidt of jurtciins the nmt accnie that the human frame can endure men in lb depth of iheii aeony were hemic to he shot editing foe aasand olher instruments hy which they mrcht end their suhvrinr h the ahore and in the arljacenl coru1ield were to he seen he most frightful spectacles meads trunk limbsand eecry pat of tlie humjn framv torn from the other parts and in fragments scattered around wifttat5 bijsvtj of will chorry tlta n toi mereaiile journal f h4i l cvf ihe liillnwhitf nciie tr u10 trtvh jiahlar retrtrtlyof ihe oiy wllti cherry k a isa if we rfeak inankseof wieuia datrval rafitju chirry leejfe wp biltvc lovii r tjvu know leffe jt le article iht 11 1 ne of ih ett in hc nrirkei for ike rmplnu lur sienj il iatc- cmineiifted titii oifacino aominf tmn wit n rnot table rwfc nnd eiefull y t nnd kkiltnl filicti ftiih aaaauraeeh ft mam- rdhlwitf rnyi ptdly caienrfeil i rpird by nn iefienced reothrrd by in pimi rfljoicy lin lirrn rtved us lfc ejfteaiuejv fii ery rr 1 rhff 7 n j afty in ile anil atnin iwti mlily reeieelbh r n a fiiimitif ihc middle ami nmi mi erarafj ii no a4 luced tu fau j l rw caijjra and cln favrf diail tivtr iitiil iftepiwia nie cenmuo unkm tinned j utts on ira- eripta for aate by tiuuia mkatanly iliwughniir raaaia acara thr rnv mh josiah firlllall wilh piou hunk mness aeknnwede thereeelm of fifteen bfilltfirfs currency the same bin a rnntrifanttivi inwirtu the poar pntnl of hi church frrm a meinvr of the cily ciwil whose mpre of eanicieuce wnim it llov uln i pi ike uf ihe corpo ration lunch m yamrday ln ots i und 2 in 3rd con tnwitahp 1 yarrrtuth 400 acnn lm 1 mi 2nt om 1 nwnshiii of yarmijiith mroactvvs lutein lactaa towtiafap til yuimnuli 200 trrth all thupauorlil i in1atconyir- mtiih itriw rorniii i cf unsdit f vi puling ahuiit l70acr 1 f- nr lwi kistitm of iho tcjwti plot of port sibley ahfrt the jt r pnrt of lai c in the kl kaftfj nnnh of this iako hoad smuiiiwoiii 52 acroa tin fclmvti lands having been con- viytd to the utideraignej by joh buat- wlcat esq tn trunt u acland convey tht ajiiiiii or r rtiucti thcrtfitl as may be iiccsnry for payment or iho sum of l 1937 12s lo messrs tilmour tc co uf montieal arr hereby iflvrd ftr sale fcy private contrnel in blocks or lots to iii purihnera all remaining unaold on wkllxgsday the first day ot maitch nrxt will tc put up at puei- llt auction at noom 00 that day at tort stanley th prnporiy in port stanley cotn- piises a larjze number of town lots aud lota will pier wharfs and waicr fronia in most eligible mtuatinns fur business many with warehouses and other builjitigs already erected tho aviov lamia are in the immejiato noihhjhjooil of port stanlcy and hutting 00 the plank riad uciwecn lfindimand port sunloy and aic most jevirabtc a pnrms nd konidcncoa maps and pinna are tu be had at the iftice oflhcundorsineu in london or oi culonel hosuvick port stanley hbsry c k recher irnlon q w dec 17 13j7 bflacafi sft vt llifc s lbiv 1 haet i jntn ie few lui iflj dniea si lo tje t ilise i nen i lian rice barley reaid ah t irt imlrtp 11 ydtw vavti i riim u u q vil meeahesitlt hi and lli4iiua cipua iin imc trro 1v nasti pmlles a outlay nronml fnr rite 00 it inrtr purify inrnnd coal llouso ittti loiscs3qj mo i r lift tlo kiof ohio lioltts oitoo tfcr st m tank lor jn humr hi 1 u ciiiraitcv und work ot hclort utick wood kojndary fvnc aiid coiitingcikicaa 120 no 10 0 0 n n 0 n 0 a 0 ii o n 0 n apparatus ac- 1 ltw furnaw dotrni ban 2yj aeaiuir llrj stfarr anj variegated wrap piai paiw w luen knc hinu tmi l4in c tn1d h ralesciimntieitie trjs1liee vilu i hit ha mi mutlirtl nolme jhmh tiier rev lsjoer lk aad rren im imj hin x avaaatlilj vi 1 itljl waie aitil vjiiim other amcka tii anj sraerrf wmti cvw4 lltantly hem sehamtai cev jjiui i aj ruo taaaa whiakey ppeainicliqr caaadflfans fiialtct iuanti ika also ihu miv si t v herring nn wlniimi ihc fteinjji a r -nt- s uwn in uw bontkj ware ov 24th sheriffs sale monday next january is moses lester bfiuxo beaupre the unexpired fase f the drv dock at the fool 0 weal street in ihe cily of kington now oecupieu by tha above ftnnin1 kde al 11 oeloek noo at wm mcmil- uclon room market squire t a corbett waif v d wm- mcmillan auctototr kjpmt january k 14s- laa 3 h a ihu miv si j htl 1dluiii ud v ilthiirtn t ufgrokkuil s-rrc- colrij of sag jfatw cypcll 7oartcrro v aww yviaaa will be mafc known at sale ol1phant watt kwotan uth jaanary 18m8- notice o0sh paw at tim k nttjs t jn brewery fl isti ller y 7 uie following article of pfojuee fiheatr pertjolhs yeir5tilh fkn per 561b bvrley per 44 lbs favckwheatp wr 561bf oltrrsilb 3 3d james morton january 12 1a48 mrs kings school mrs tclxct bargi tobciaiit the parents of lir fonnor pupils as we i astlijto who propuae chor children to her car il will 0 rtorl with pipe a i mo tiih bimhth c conlrnwrr warier 2 isirifiera hmcr gaillltw vialsvn oovcrnnr copncclins main pipes suppotq 0000 yanlf ol 5 inri 4 jiu ii j incli sllicll iiv lumed ami horcd living rfown ilic pipes vc kxtia eamiuo in kinglun lor blasting rovrk 2s0 private sirviec pipes oali say s1 feci itv culling and filling in trench foids ilu 17 sno 0 0 100 0 0 iu 1 0 1 mo 0 0 iu 1 0 35 u 0 oi 0 n rw 0 0 7l d 0 lumli q 0 ijvmuns t0k salei vi tgnatrii dec i valuable ml at iakaw tphr umm 4 tab tw jrwh watarfowrrar wlarftttferyfarihiy fev 11- allp aj any otw k iajft t r toj welt oaiueaurtj roi wrtaa l7riaw farther inftfnaiion me mia a 1 im am mraara perriti uochaai cltj mcdonau craanntie t ijecembr 1547 drumm imv 1310 0 0 1130 2l0 aoo 0 u 0 0 q u celebaattd rldi poh iib camkitlan vermifu wrflfciwwea birc haa bsavri in ua in england and w with jjrmi soeinhn f many ytsara la mw f- i ihc krai liwa tiiinxducad pnc tri will prtitrf 4130 0 0 ww 9ib 0 i ieta eijinfiorinr utw otltcr rhiirgus vvoikiuy cniilal iur purchase oi coal 113 n 0 mo 0 l ioj n 0 adu contingencies wliijh may arise gn3 5fk 0 0 0 0 co nft 400 mnr at 30 fii ri j per inonls lilt 3 w lamm t salaries time for avrityh ipcrari jdwi i ng hjo c1h3 0 li 27vr 703 0 0 aftnvat wome iril oc rtvn of the com mcncenkif i0 or bup aand l 400 pii st n r i tf i i loo o sjhe rar dauine an average of x3 n0 ptililc or mscet lltioj xi douo tjjihebof cvkcqj iiu on q 0 1200 deduct annual oipenea 137ai iaa 0 0 leaer m he divided hriaroen tho streiiorderi even the tint vear av234t 0 0 s r it mast he horn in mnj that all the ealtulition are mhe uiih a certainly uial the jjewoa cnnol he mnic mi on the other hand the atnount of income l calculated at ihe rj lowel ctimaie scimil win reopen 0 monday tie lo entrust thai her ihe vscauuu ifta 17th of jamimy kivii iihi jjnuarj ls jsh sw i k his fneiil viner i a card w ltx vkr rvtvm h slnre lm1ie4 1i ihf are f nj iani r 14 5c lijvr cinviv 0i m rii m 1 sin liliton au itntiitf for tha i rlli ini am ifneietl hy ivaa ni t iflkiln f ut- hih t rtririq nirtaf wa fm t ll i sheriffs sale of lands on stur january a casd vatirimm simpson herly aelntuv litl hn umiiriaii tn the diltneiil fin- potniww itank uimt cnwjason mimiar an j in iho nenrrily wl idjil at in fire on hi tcnncj oi 4l t aortrnixt kiajilonvjjq i iil3 notice dav tlie lcih day of sls will he etj oi uial cmilt huilm in llitj city of ivinqa- loili the iinlrinmirind land 3ml tiiiittnv fatisfd ty virtue of several uriiaj nrfiirm faeia i5ueil outtfihe 1 iurt nf the midlirnj pulril atj o m ilirajfleil viz john olipiiant piaiatiff av cc0rce yakkeri irnf all the riyhi ititearii interest ntdefcn ilftnten lt no t3gth coticfiasiin lo- hfdurll john carrutiiers foiwirt angus mcvicar ffrjvilatrnif ihe annua meciing of the piff ffttrgf gnnh agricultural svejvy will uv hed in iho villi3 rntrirriv fnm at mr john mcfcxvs ivm on daiurrlay ihe 22nd junujry ists ot 3 oca pm john 0 aimie sirrelnry piitahr 15 lse and the dank of montreal ffcufifi mih klxg haa enaed a rnnr enm- mniipua houne vhich fhe hnpev very sltrmly to occupy this htsbeenrvn- tictui necciary hy the increased rum- horef lfr pupin and will enaltli her in ircnttvia fmir bnarjnra in ad oitin r her nreanut nuirilirr they ivill havs ihe ipporiuoily nf rteoivirg a firrrned educatian on the most moder wtillllat 7liu naiticulara to be aown by apiilication 1j a v errn ef m cririi w titled oi4 per itpirlrv kamiti goverxment notice steamboat transport on lake ontario for the yeir 1848 sealaeu tenders will he re ceived at the cunirnistijiiai office kinrrtnri uuttl nooo on thursday 3rd febroary 1848 i from any jrn nr persons tvillint lo 1 gov lknment notice ibslvfltd will b rwelrcil at ihf f i ru no iv i in a mmuairirniina dkptii on mmry the iniituter who officiated in the fienon in greenhaj qttcvd wa chiireh can nine- street carllon j r i v after ihe eoochwion of ihefvrvicanrhcnd- ed a a tleeitr by twa eriit af thetiri rf ii al present fctsitftiirri in fiutnw niiea by a cnttiirtl alcer fmm ihe crluvi district a real hal of exeicfthnt wa eaniei h- thiaitmewha rjuteteartl event autt uh reverertce tvai marcheil the gjarjronmj tehere he at ireent ii in confincnenl awatl- 1 an liuejiigatiofi 1tis5ihe rov2siretent- eo a trikia coiitraal lo ihc xamvly attira of lti mi i- in i and attiaetcd an im- meae ccwj of lookeron thf preacher who ii a iieate in the 71t rl rim en l iwaaav e4 in glaxrte ahented himaclf from uie ittracki only on monday jai he look up hia onarteti with a hithly repetamir 1 y in charlolieitreet under the assaworl name of ihc rev mr rerlrass how he al m iniro- duetion lo the established prehyterrt so a u get admitlanee irio jreenheah charch where he preached on sortdav rnoniint vre aw un able lo 4ate bot the ehureh of ovtftand mnl b lamentably in ivanl of iircacher whrn aiich unknown charactert fiad eay aefei t her pul4t the rel natne uf ihc paily j thona watkin ijifathrr vvearciiiforrn- ed if a minitler of thckll in th oeihhor- hood of kondofi ogr her wai educated to the rniuulryibul arevious to lit hcin licerwedj ticeousted ina rejrimeni bound for the ivut f tidies tftodmc of which wr lam notaaccr iihii1 he wa ti vmit uanvfcrred in the 7lat eefjiaaciil from which he deerlerl when in barlradces ml wa ftcnvw reeamitred he waa ahenl from hi rcfjimntt lacn inaoy monlhaa he had been day nnie he waa iol however idle but had joined a native regimcnti and been pronotetl to the rank of color aereant he at limea al acted a ch3iin having an jichjnj it apoea for the pmfrsinn which in an evil hoor he toraook the hv mr bcritam b rather an enlicioe ymin- man and a tary filtuc rpeaker under thst asiumcrt he boatd uhavc protluced a f near j hie impres- iooan the fair poninn uf the audience let ioweeer inform them if they are not already aware ihafthe rev mr bertram wiicq reduced to privalr watkin nvj mafrirj man and ha a wife living in the harraeki sortk avnfm jftnl h rinlaut olrt angus mo vicar rejioar i fiqlit tide and intciost of the dc- 4 town lot no y93 and mm loc x i 2i i at conccfaion rjivi cdimissakiat of fice mfhiiadufiiln0tnini wljlll xe1av tli0 twenty sixth niani f krfrmancj of auch tllx rtysic3rnboatad bargr nua for owing amli btfffh jinj uaueaux oijf anjriy kingator j the otiht quj rjtmu bm tho navv h rnuireitl for hci ktwcci mnnlrot ami i ni or medial 6 place via vit qiui rijlmu river during bu jili of the c contract form tender an lrmaunn which m crnjiifcj wii be ubtoined nn ipplbwloil at the commirsoiidt o mil nf lot x 2 lat conccnin r ie- iuiue inrl of fi nil 15 1st coiicamiait ti i to be let that hamltome and apneiom 3i hotel nn tlic place j quclioc l iitj eita1tihmfint comniijiva every rtqumiie om tht titnntiud t ccutral and mnst eligible fr iho 1 1 i 1 hi cotiviiittnrc d cnrrrnrt r fttrarits u ennrirts oe large pub lic dntiii kuainii tiigu lrgo sitiins krooir crse uttnw liarrm and ilitttytircc led hiotn alao an ee- h aaiemmy room m foet in loaglra part uf whivh ta dtvdvd nlt lw a siitinq imm luitl the while may bo crttttvitvd wlt3n fetuiirod intt njdilotta i be i kjcm hy tqtiwit raf l rag vabli pjtlctutn- the ijacryitnt ecmtatiii lle kiiihciia ftld ttlmr vtflomtiv offieea poscoimi nn the 1t f may next a pply if w wl r- laaidu tn qavc qncbtc january 8 1848 cmv ixumg pn li i f kiiigsltui sole ai 12 vclicknfon t a corijbtt thrift w sherifta ofiice ivingaltin oct s llr7 in the court ofhankbupthy for tub mtolvn ujsraict- postponement theaikivc sale ia peiponed until saturday next iho 2ad instant al 12 ucloce noon t a c0rbftt sheriff m i sheriffs ohice i kinpton jannary 15 lcw8 j rrency und to clain tc real sijjnoturcb nf two anraniwia to e approvej hy i j in coinliliiiiv which tuny niuiicatuin ai tint imrriuiitii thlict ktatii torniitn and nigtra itir iitf crvicc iz wh tus trassp3ht of t1q3ps peiatrfh oliai litfil tin anrvy fta-hqcf- iliirfasai iml dvernmont isimiiw iltrims i ik sranrt of njvitlhu of s4s ti i n i in mich fuiiticf pviiudaa ibtg uojts nu ciritinnc 1 i uu pltom kingston to coiiitug pari llapr whiibjtoroalo aud icc versa from k1ngson to ihc cty of qaiiitr htid utt rem tnchidiif ihv hfjw bcmvccn the hautrlu lat mcniinnej sopatc temw ill tie rninitcd for each route and ih rates tu ho stated in conency parlies tenderirg orr rcqiirnrel to nt atrv0 that lie frpichi of r jiinonral hag wood w anted such nfonr snheriher e inted paying iheir siirkcrijition te the british 1v1uq ir fircwnotl aunt j nmie us by brinriii idfnt ii sattn as it kindlon jan isih no the science in mcsuierisiii h oil bug all its enaraliani fully de- monitratej professor st having devoted cmvwilerahk lime i arty of i be icirrnce of mctqcrif in jt y and mpl p unjer te pp- the c imp n thf wtttr a donald ucmillalft a rinrvf an irltir tf comiwilion having seen made by lit baikrupt nt tho scioud gnoiil mretir of cifdiinnj anl eutoraiiivd hy m j oiiy of uiohi prcciiti tiiico i hereby given that u general mtfciing f ihe lirediteimif ihe mid itmltriip will la livid at the jinl cbaiolnis in the court hwi ciy f kanirtiii oil thursday t c third hiv f fkukiiaky nrsxt pt ttn mffprihe of ilerutin unin ihu i hjt0nct or vfccliiiii if such uftcrnf ctjinuottinri ly the court si rowlands oavtv wluaal pnj dri atignf kitislon jiimarv 12 isl afinal jvijcnjtm id ifcravma infou aaoxt in nkuuptcy in the mailer rf k ic coyoa ranknint in tht in ihe rvlav f he il llankruj hs pcc drpuiet naytle 1 the ndkel ih- yndarpfd on aj ader tkdmlt prtfimry unl c w bbbsxav aivc notice tf1g sabroiber reapoctfully tnfirms the inhahiranta f the city of kiiigai- ton and aliillnml district that be has cumrnenced biihinesa 9 produce broker hi olticc 15 next door to tho brtiuli north american hank and will be nren from 9 oclock am to i v m whore e4rmora may loave samples of theirgraifi oy tliis means buyers will hsve an ipjn nniy of cxamtniiif fsmples end becoming purchasers by this aerant-e- ment farmtracan disnnae of iheir grain and take advantage of the highest ric a aa books wil he kept at hi office in which ihc latent quotations for prduce frnro montreal new york end great untnin will m f ntnd each day open to nil vviihoul any chargo ho will olo act as general account ant post merchant oiwl tradmen ro ik and art as arbitrator in adjusting jispittcd accnunlst which may prcrcnf much ofthat litigation cen in niir uivi aiiui cnurta nod attend t the winding up of bankrupt estate hi will afco atieml hi umit agex- cy butoesa and ini andacll land scrip for riqttics retiuinng lua acrviet and will alonciaa custom house bro ker hi will au keep a rtfotor f landlirds who tmc farm or houaca to let by this regiiter peraun can always tcl rvlwt infnrmiition they want if in ncarcli of a farm or house iniead of iravidling over the cut or district in vforcli uf fanita or llmtscfi injlertls win fiudit in their ndvaniagi and iuicrt call mid hgitflnir their pioerly at ida oilice witlitkot delavp arcrhsu macooxelt kiiigmen i3tb january 1s13 imsariat as sureties for the doc fuifi f the cntractj to be sent in aealetl marked on the envelope tendfif transport payment will he madb monthly or twomorffdy eiiiier in specie at the rate of s id currency per dollar or in j ivottj orthtrtphna biiik at the option of ifcetwiwortotoboer local ommissariat ofliec montrw7l januaiy isis j govlihnment notice rpenpkrs x loral will he received at the commissariat of- ficetlontreaj until noun on wedsesuay th 26th infant fr the pcrfmancc uf such transport hystasb aod steamboat via tho riw si lawrence line as may be reqiredfu her majestys tftirvittj hajtimeti montreal and king ston and intermediate paccs dui ing tho noafajsvmc ftftun of islft the raadiuoiaf contract form nf tender and any further informal km which may he requhed cut be nbtainrd fn oppl fttion el the cnmmissariat of- fice mwjrel or kingston t tniainihe rates in currency and tocotaiu the real signatures of ttvi reapnnbihlc itcnna to be approved by thecomniiisariar a fulfilmtntof thecofilrftt m be eit in seelod anil narvcd on thai ohvoliio temura fortrnort paymfit wilt be made innthly or t twomunhly either in spool ftt iliu 1 rote of 4a id cttrrcncy pr dollar in nuu 0 ctaittfioil iirks at oplitm nf ihe cnmrmarial ofticei local l ollifc miiiil 7ilijonuftiyilsl8 or ihe c cqw in possession nil 1 1i c jtinie f the snve ami bor camp cfuipic and the peivonal bsgeof oncoro and otlrrv iito he avvftttijaitil by mcuiemrntiwo and n half ton measurement i le cinijcrcd erjual in nne ton weight and piyincnt tt bo mdc for each inn wciyht o ascer ininoil hoodiom furnimire corriiq 3ml other nrbrlesniu coopricd io the ahve and dt persmia bagkam in axceaaj if the tjudiiliiy allowed by tfr utauon to he cuiiipiitcd liv weight tr measurement ai may be ucrred upon beiween the pinies nd paid ittr at tariff or ovalmrciall latea tiovcinmenl it no caj ltii g an wcrahlc firilie frejtr rrfattch hampe which miigl be recovered fioiu the o who i unexccplionnhle sceurilv euhjert to ihc approval l th senior 0ininirtoriil ollicer ar kiriglon will be mnoired ihc real laiures of two t 1 1 nibble per oiis orllii to enter into 11 bund wib ihr piinoipciu in the utim of ciq00 sterling for tho duo and fiiihfnl erroriuance f tlto first nnnieil cihiimrt and xioo for the utter tnutt lie pvvtt i me toratlorav pivuiem tvl be midc ni kingion in mexican tw oftikil siatctdulltist at s id cuneny each or by vheev on a clirjilercil haok at the option of the senior niwimiaarial odiccrr iftlltsattlat kiimn tfiwaryltflsn gy chianhli s newt lo tny valdasle fgjiwardikfi stock for sali rmhr riilmcriliont offer fir sale iho a ffrlstivinc fofiwaitnixr stock tiz sln nkculi btan- lby ohi wa i t ijether wuh six tirsriawbauialc ihiih in s413 arid lliitc l mnallcr fire carrying lioti and isht imimu each sbnold too iih1 foil w dl ly the isf vlijiii uem by privin nrrinc- incut ii will he tdiriri nt puulie sale nf which due noiico will be given fnroiv information nppty lo 1 a walkek accii kington nrkeroio jillllarfj k walkkr montreal 4lh jamry 1s germain u ihe ant r 1 1 r ra fl 1 ut t ilia aid ot le above wriil aeienea has lata ra- 0mw 1 1 nmvt a rv wiift to ijcbwkft a lisctcub in crn lianrf t ih trt cm ts fkif4 vevesixo 4th febhuatl y at ihc city hall ttrih trri w txtrofui vvhovt flm ond atawlaat ay- ifldtrtf tn fcy mttjttn in the mftmtru slttp acijivif will ba rtsj frr maafl ef ike nv reaaveilivi ttsto if m urdlaasfi kratlei nit ban bnn fiviftrreiaed by l4 st gtramfl rd tiivf rettatfefd ih niranr4i itu irl r 1 j jui maacii irrtucrce a raid nf exeelteat music wh ue in attfntl- aoc ttrcft- admitting one entuman n4 ira i dirv 2 11 lo barf at mraara ni-ij- rim- mf noble palmer atltcriem wa slare si lit lltrm occindiy aptlfiarf lo ilia pr- u lew recry eare withtc laafn lo hara a ae am audience tulurc tj bi at 7 frock kmtoa lata 8th iis curriers oil bale by ttli subscribers i7rrikrs knives and steels stones m scouring dm e s m0rley a co grmnit hardaart mrjcnts friuees street- kington 1st january 181 for c t- bradley at of oldljx 4p loxo hatter ev furrier mjfclfl srnckt kiwosttik i fiirttttyqppat3ifcnnjfts chequered start w ali- oeschipnons op ladie and genuemen cuanrd and aucrcd money kkm1tte0 to elropr through harnditn co- te kitea of ihk roijnu eovtmts i- etlruiil hrhmd scotland 4 wuus ffitneexitrmantf prussia austrin dcttnvtfk boh muihtoitcrlnnd belgium hnttenvt fc 4-c- also slrrrae pasare pnktjred from liverpool to new york hy the regular first clasa ship shnc fnwn liverpool on ihc ui 6lb 1 1th istfi tilst anj 26ih of every monlh a special messenger will leave hnie on ihe 34th intani lo meel in steamti cambria which sails from new yoik en ihe 2vth for further particulars aply lo allliam ware agent kington january a 118 lost watetlon ahonl all jihh rf nutvm- ber s fcnwfcajwd kki cw theownei a h itreaa9i 0 r charges klf n dk m 1y1 the animal and j i v ilvacle ii t boutlrurth premhnr nlndvs hkown thiiikt shawl irirli 0 lirial rdorcd uriidor wlmever ina ftomtd t im arid vil bvo il qt ihe aibunrn fook stoici will be re wrinlrd fr ilnrliouldo ivinslon dec jlsi 1si7 sheriffs sale midland diriiitt f atlr- t0w1h vfdayihnrf loonth da y rf apii ill at twelve udock noon will hosold at the couri ibiimp in tho city nf kingtlou the ninlermeninmed lnt of lm tvih ihe tenements thnrenn seized by vir me of a writ of fieri kicios in the following tuit viz 1 william c clark rr- ston ciiarlks johnston ounibor lc7 in ihe city of king- t a rorrktt shmff m t kingtvn january ii ims j iln cniniry lkar4j and ij y krk ghrtiii iti siri kingriiin pfi dvttlf int uumt bja bfock iit 1 noti3e gattleuing f inml ifihcihntnh f the smni ity ni mi lifcewrml btf irvifjtl ly kobkrtcook iniho ii niswv it k 1 cornh f vvliiti jomin srceidia dirfciljrpple i a welt mflim cl ijss io afiorimnin at inrtni2 ucloci vluck nl in ih cvriiins u g mnnn lbirl 5 is 17 cheap grocery store 1iiesilmcrib ftsfitno and others resorfinr and the fumit jat received tn km- maraei bffliorally iltm he ba prime aaorinient of good tras coffe svgirts fruits e at ims general grocery k fdlsgcam tatt ifcttnnjthh fa lifksat 0 fentris machmuii stop lie tviuld er nearly draw ihtftlfitiar of tluaic mauling a ood sounj wal- bivoredarriclo uf ta and adadicaoui- orrff tefft iii hi resent stock and woulfl renieat tlmm l call and examine jqey themselvea and if aftor trial hr d not find he rati give them bmter oataf cte at a cheaper triee than they aaul hitherto been ac get he jfll let litem have the gnnrw f rioihing this 19 not whm people call uaaavrjv hut downrighioef t which ony ontt calliof will be able to krid out all articles in the grocery line will ho sold t loty possible produce of every doscripiiorj svill bf taken in oxchahaje at cmh priceo a rfl is aiwoi c w p ps kinxatnii is1t iulviitaue j3ah i ilu midland for sale he wea hair of lnl no a iiw orient no 19 is tenit cuceion of ponland ifivirit containing one hun dred and tetuty two aeres forty acres improved wttli an tgofllenj log hoiite and borsi thereon fur aarlieailofft eihpiire of c stease m opposiic ihe court ifotjaof inn keeper rlogfofti kiflgtlun 3i1 d6 lm piuntlg presses fou sale acoluaiuiam ptteg a foolscap do uf ihe befil rnantifaciure and nearly nn apply ro thomas seed 33 luile srjamea street montreal d c i5u 6i agricultural society of the midland district v otice is llereqv oivrht hat tfat i governrncnt grant in aid of the agri cultural society of ihe mitfund di ot ihe year ii7 ha trcti rcvird and vritj be payable lo ihe treasurar orolbrr ncficerdtdy appointed by the retpectire township branch soctetatj in i- to the njm sgnrihed 00 iiii jr n oifiee thomas classit treajurtr j s af i kingslon kov 30ih isff city brewery the subscribers amenta foe james russel eq the pn prietorof the above eataidishtntiit wih pay the highest market price foe of good qualify ompuantfc krtgaton dec i84t watt estf oysters oysters at the nelson saloolf prfocrss street a decomwmsw london steel pens just received at the atheneum book stre a large asoriment of slcel ptqs hy variou mafcers includion oitupt crl- srated mi- 1 the new tork ladies pens nd several other new articles a lirral allowance to the trios icloherm just received off 1 v or rut roltowtiao celebrated wedigims n bhandkrvthsvepia dr thnjam ur omithasvr coated inibia tefctaj tanpilia vrrfaalevveerii1ratfatinav miballo vffftahva tilw ciil- iiu arabian uini bubp uakkrilt drjrfiar 44 lttvett niretu kirrialo deo lat wet f eft ano colos pfliventedi n y u s 1 k o r 11 a r kers iilerpvonf japna varolii par boot oarf aorr ftoltw ac ovkarpin ntl nrfijfe hrauiimn uca ivi afefvnsaa to water laaskfrtiairt4ibhl r why hou6ht bal ker nzf dmktfttml 1m kinoeuttfl

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