British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 29, 1848, p. 1

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ft ffthmir ud fauirfir t ararw4si p bakto eon wnw at tmthswveom we m anaoajfeewfa darjatvaae wl weteereff id lwpbli mud 7li1tjiiw skmflnttmi end id etnelneeeeri eiewm4ai1rnwrilon adrertnoirnenii atthoul emfcdltaainn wmchourm h he tn wriiibe lentvforbld aacn rdl vitinrwingnjehiralnfihekrci tifti aa uy eeetea ifc pntpiev le firitbl ww and general advertiser for canada west the athenana beak itvrfitri wit irfvtr at inv n icu n t kind f flttwy a blmk i j ling lh of ijf f raj jf eaikoa aiilf bitis tefraaja hr iu uwrf fvrffa4lf r iv uj 4ttuyped i i jw mki md jj j giwv edit- of aniil end tfiin book njmhtno buffon ik cd nd law bnaee cwt 01 i alwaj a kept hr jitftd opifer per oftbem dicor job a li in vol xvil kingston canada saturday morning january 29 1818 no 9 priittiwo fij4 nf jun riuxtiircii fully etceulcd altfo a i u h p r v vleji o mnchrau i jhr id circauia ivj it mnknfm larevjte 4c rnnfn cotvirr neofiu txtrmud ittm nl i job i rp jforj r wl dcntvn huijud ntc ti ifiha linm i ndi the v- 80sinkss directory i t bradley latt p dc1um a h i tkoo hatter furrier mmn rmtkt icihoth tt w undfpfmiuarcnfffsi 01 rrt stun au descriptions of tr ud ghtlqixin fun k cmiwd and altered x v clarke wine ano spirit dealer lambton building eisicr itnorov wapwarr viiujilacos express w1ujam waret kiwoatox 1 w p d laxmitage genealgrocerprioc sinct kiiinlon fw door ibo dr dick- imv projucc kt n io rxcbnc howe fomfr gtmtr sflribaot st- kingston wr mr phifvpon cndlc fclory- sijn piinting mt liori indcwfid work jn general x jqhn s oluto auclioneer and ccromiion mercbanucornof onltno njbrrtcvsteeu ah orjnoinkfullf roitd inj puneiuilty btcmm w sheriffs sale of lands miolaad district ij v virjum to wit fjavritotpicri furiits iurt nut of her majesty conn orquoci bcncs nul v ie itfrcieth at uio mu or john mow at n george lev ac h molvatpmt the lands anj tenements of k1chard logan jocefi in the htnoi of jane ann logan ad minflraiik of ihc id richftrxl toco 1 have eixrj nnj lokfrt in gxcciition pirt of tlc broken froutof lai no 19 i ibo first concession of the towftiwp of kinfmon in the mliatl diiici afrrc- tiid which lot of lifld i hll offer fir tfaltilie court honwin the city of fall importations of sugars tes vines spirits groc erioa robert aubs li inform hv f rcccwi n hit winter stttk ol iaf ami tkfiicrjijo tsasclukbftlesvinbspirimfc kinaion oh satufdtff ihe istti jfty ofi carefully wlteltf by pfonal inprctlon in i the montl an new york markrl mirhuditflt 12 oclnet noon tii0ma5 a lukftktt sttrtg mmbrw zfrf f sheriff 0tce midland oialrict iflh december 1847- siigrifps sale midland diathict fj y virtue of to wit s jj writ of fieri faciua iasuodoutof hermajca ry f crurt of quetna bttiich mij to mo directed igaiuat tho landano tenements which wore of john kaesl1p deceased at tho time of bia death toaatiff john cannutukks pen candle runnyj t certain aum in aaij wiit montionej wood and marblolon wicll gjj iuum cannutiiknn had uiely recovered aainit jinea william aon and william ferguson kxecu- tora of tho lut will and toitnmeitt of john haratir dereaaed 1 have aoized am taken in eiccoiioa oert j of lot 24 in lat conooatioti town- aliia of kingaton purcrmstl from thomas pcnixttys wholesale hilary duuuy enquire bv the aeid ard retth leather stoe prin- john halip formerly in ibe oc- eoaastreet kingston dealer ir native cnoaiion of one thomas cormi tftd mam sole leather upper kip pnrtof lot 24 1st conccaaion town akkja n calf skina morocca d limnfa bmmkaw findioge of every dcacrip- ti an crajfl k hamdanwi barritera aormta at law fco ate- kirtpton m jamts powell ironmonger were vnufociurer lfince6recl the british american hotel bete daleya by j patto p ai a caiwda wei alfedwau brock stmi ktnpton f oiajle op to rder on the ahhlct oolice- ra or terydeeripiion bought ard sold- matthew drummond grocer wne fc spirrt merchant welbnjion huiuinf next o mr w- wilaonx kixato w r ft kavler cwciiwcn 44 carnage makera pnoreaa street kinptnn kpbertmccormick whoicsnie aru keuil dealer m winwsplrtu teaa grocerieflke phnrcm street kinisaloii nessrhacdoqaldcampbeu baoahemca attoroeya at m- fnnce jorin a macdonald t alkxastikr campdflli jajoes mciflluan mvie piano forlea 3 wm mcmiuan teacher of auciibnrf- tbompflon ft carey iroforluig andcommiiamwi wl bceed sueei nrw vrk fienera efhaniij wiuiamv7are general com raiaaion afni bnker and auctioneer kkmncw macdpaalds hotel mc siones roniu oifl city hatha king street torowo frapeta 7 oarey sitrfeon coueheur c- borjh camilen baal m c new edward stacey mtrclmni tai- lneeavhy oopoaiie the montreal bank kccsiree kincatrm john blackibton saiimker nolhardva uilildinp- ontario sirl 2 walter eales painter glazier and paper hnngrr prieotth street kingston ea cfiown tin smiths copper smitlia and tin plate workerai pnncota street kinaton- t 0 butleti cabinet maker and ujriioteierer montreal street kingaton agunerol aaaortmenl of lite latest viylee ofvorutiure conaunily on band and for eel e an liberal terwa 60 ahip f kingaton conveyed hy one tin i nn m hoive to the wle john hah- lip purl jf lm 4 in lat concession townahiri of kingston conveyed by oiic lnoia laporte to the aeid john haislir wethair lot no 30 in 2nd concession of cenden k tm 100 arr pert lot no 46 in tib con cession of camden bast 10 acna pert of lot no 43 in 9th concession of cemden eat 30 aerea and part of the eaavattlf of lot no 41 in lat conceaaimn of camden east all wsich lands end tene ment i shell offer for sole ot the court houae tn the city of kineaton on saturday ihe fourth dev of mahbh kbjt el ib iivium noon t a corrett sheriff m d shftilp 01tlce oily of kintflon mij dk1 november 25 1647 herifps sale midland distinct t v virtue of a to wit xi writ of vcti itttioni fxpunua isuutl nut of hr matjttya cihirt of queens bench end tome directed ageinvt tho lano end tenements of jwrs fraer at the suituf hoscn b shith 1 hevi noixed and taken the northerly half number 4 end nrlheatoily qnartei tf number in tlve 4th cnneewon of fnomtwii euo tho withelf of numhor 21 in the 5th cmceasiori trijrrikmlnjiilj mijuml uutriot all vmch lands i will nff for cele at ihe court houe in kiiicmun wn satukdaylhethuyif march next at ihe lur of 12 oclock noon t a roruett shrriff 3uuand district sheriff office cily of kiokitoo midland district j november 30 1847 sheriffs sale midland dmtmct stan satur- io tm wit daythe6f irentli jay of apri ihst t twelve pi i 1 nc t nnn will boaotd at the ciur flfiuae in ihe fity of kiittui ih nmliminefti d lot of land wih thf tenements thtrmneiaed by vir me of t writ of fieri faciua iained fl o nil if r h viz william c clark charles johnston loi oumoor 167 jn the city of king- avail t a coiiriett slurifsld shrnir office midland disinct kintion january 11 lin the foil i article teas cijnpoivrr ya vobiif tlyafi mytmi skio praor cmprr suelhir svga us minrril snrijfr m l kojt tnilt jo h duoblo ftfiiiejroajml m 4 coffee i rmtcd mth irttindfltiitiithimf caficaiawtsi i beet sinifiith puin frr 1 1 wines in wo0iv pamr fcxjvaeanl pav8keffypii1euiidfwa l ptvawl1 heoty tt utdtibttty lkiieaflcurfi muiircvif old poili sim hits j jt nnc i lm lund cahne drtmly hr hi drimjj 1 1 d fiift loimuf gt l u vv -k- i whivhey snhciua tii i i tfvl cmi rkefltf cppcmini intjn fmh ni 1ftk ak ia quarts slou- eliiif mijtcjnrvo eu dc vic de djtviiie cunco a olker fqoeja- groceries cnvkwftitl cv of quinie jrhovu tiily ihti frevh huorr finoand uernr f a o iini pljin crtfckcra ivt u pcrl k- r h pi ri i f vvnii- m unr r lf h at- li- 3 h- 3 i f i i urramvrwi ir j lb 0 j i uhikf durban n j so caatee wkiio d retvw ojcj sj and fine olirei iilton- rii fln aad dka t refined nd pi ltqitnee rroivn lvlnlcnd et lndi sejaf candy fit qrc nj inww h hard rhhw nno flillcr afivnii brcclutmi bracil wultiut t jlrtik x miligii turkrr vbjcocib m m rii brti znle currvnu plom tlcti tov rci ptmn in jam hhrvfci fci llv jn urrrl iiorrio kive itaejeapj p urvce fc and rwe pcln tn onion y ptoofllilu lmkinirfju1awrr itedi cimaam lioi ivaora sv uhrbrn krllitip wtnui di hafvy univeml km omit inilmsfy hariin iwflonk ecner anrhhviit si- i obrrt a- i ii nj airnv ivmovf sudiici iha ctancwk wkihui liq i i nd paste mwin thw wai wrxnfhnr d ivnttei i r s- lrril nienl f t v h- k mpwm iid ptfn a caienr 0 cn qwm pinlto wnd tim -iwd- fifiir lin h r mi uivtiw ihirmd trn drftam ffikpttvrjrr indn cppit alutii ftafrprlir kimwtra m tuulei suit vrm tatleri sutnlitif dinilhir jtpc mnt til uteo thr suhtcrihoi atnrr the iumr ilii ilf whole of the anove arltelr are of the very uet qualilvi and ivill be ll ot cali ot iirptnpt tvt ihe lticil noihlr term rabert allen icinifon november 117 john horsey brazier coppersmith iu0x and tin platkw0bker wire worker c kc j gs ripch fully to inform m is fiiend and thepuwio in tawrl that ha ha opoittd an ltaluhmciit in tho above lino in bagot street oppotiu ike alhtfuum btik sto where lie has on huud a largo maori rnont of ciiir blork tin j n panned sheet iron sod piuin tit wave also co0k1xu and box stoves dumb stove which he will sell at exceedingly lctv prices all kind of baths ewl as shower slipper hip ami font bath ciivrdkn engines of dirttfrent pattern s chimney tops of various dc- i acriotionv 8cfi fcc au order in ihe above line thankfully received and punctually attended to p s prom j hs long experience in bufinea in evcral j the principal manufacturing town in enslanj he fljlleis himaelf that by good workmanship and midera1e change he cannot fail to cive eaiifacriftri iu ihnc who may favor him with their orders kluieton iecl5 1s47- samuel morley co general importers of english jufb american llardwnica u70uld intimate to their friend and thr vj public that they have received an extensive ano writ aor stock of ileum and shelf wtrtlware fancy goals tj cjr compftiiijto pauir eewu dankj swede lowmoer hr iron hoop and oaud 1iop ci spring and bjsalcr steel canada plates sheet iron and tin blacksmith anviit vice and jlelldwa dck spikes wrought and cut naitt coily luitiii and trace cliaiii sheet bra coh lvad and zinc window olasa pjuntv anil oiij hair stating and currj hair shiu cartrntrra ji ur i- 1 cooper tooli double and injle fowling piece art elfigant assortment offtw pltttc and bnlanniimrttrl ware fm cutlery e rri tv-t- rhii fco dwi cover cooklnc box and fancy stoves fenders fir from fire dqgi e st sifttx of the crotrut sav princeu street kington nov 5 1811 notice- the nortltwestenn rtwe ja mi omea isscrasck cohp a ny of oiw e a o n- y ie affent of thlacnmpanj heart moved hie office to ihe elch4fcc oijim iiilrona hoit qfmno trer whaeftoiepmpared lo grenl inaurance egaiejei tme or demei to property whether from tiro or danger of intend nefiealioft h- t huntkr aftnt m london steel pens- just received at the atheneum book stftre larc aaenrlment of steel pen by ration maker iacludinr uillot cele- wated macnrun doejum die new york ladie pen endaeerelaiher new article va liaeraj attowenc lo the trade pel ehj 2 just received andfursalebythesdssghiber a supply of jnte hauel v celebrated depletory pawder far removing bair withui irjury to ibe akin pateyvfmd brown yyiadeor soap williaeifv aae aleioed sap edav inaalible ink far eserkin linen iu hair and tooth bonne e ami a general aworlment of beflek per fumery robt bahker drvg ciit 4 apdtheearyj block street kinptonocl8 1847 wines and liquors ph e ewulfc f 7 rrateirullr c- n4ictrt t ihe lenre uwk f nrjvfi iiy liquors rrrni1r toinoited direct and lor mic at tltr w1luam j martin corrtrr o 1j be f sqnart a tjir aeeie1 prt flbw ie fcnuinf nd fire no ituenrtwe fine dil rl p-rt- llunifts irdmn nod thr pnrl btetuin j od welava aleawiee km r k l shmic ik r- 1 l md ifi m ri three eniau hrrre si jura 1 iri d beychervilk cuett rhai4u mrpeua ciiamimft of reiawei heeoevi mtietl honikxey bnndj 5pefrfw bandx in bollw fkae ph bndr v end uttlund jin cenoltseleh whukey j i ivwnid run imhi whttkrrave knno novfio 147 foit sale the new schooner r ac ha el of livcen 1800 enj 190 bbl flour burthen she wilhteaolj nn ajventageoualrrrna apply to if t hunter kingston oct 13 181 b3tf for sale y thstihschbor t hiship chaml- lery stnro no 1 hardy build- ingf tail- fmch kcwln taircrt ropt iwlilea rj overvliiing in ihostiip chandlery line wm donaldson oct 23 1847 87 ato t uenatu in the rjltlthh far uamnton j8w13u w8a- biutib a the 17th of december ih adgeefoei jrutc nn 5 titabililic im rmuml by r iw who trauird tool hiii niiore which a ived lh fjuiv whilier reliwo leu i did aftr lpjfr w rfin iir jf d lo membf of plinithnl befrr lhcr adaibrmi iniu lll m l pi the viui of our chriilitiv ailionaltir ah nn infri nfrrjifni of ih i hrtlian eharo- in ltu irp itc drdiltnl oiai idr i lljlf principle uf lite contioln n but it a onfl of three principle in ttlitch individual r itmt lo liitlcd like eliuilrtt riftil in rpe m tearr he reminded the lle lht ihe ad- vn i f f j j je into pafuatiicnt nould d- br a qirifliea and womii make an ril or an nrhikv tea ihcn entered nio a vere c krle and pondcriua refutation of the varioua ffttrc- 1 by bwrd juhn rumdl uil r fi kj t for tins nwt prl on ihe dofinu ldo in the laat number of ihe q j i fr r he rcmindd lord j nuoell that lite tp vhicr had ped ihe bill for lie na- iin w b l stkivart ptmrnietou of head quarters saint denis street orrojitt l on icaxal j l- i r i montreal egs klmi ii iutimateto ilic pub- licithat with a view to comfort itul with a mini ihraro of rxponae he ha fitted up hts estao- lishmbntiii the must luxuri ous at vlb mi extensive travel and txntiuco in the huiutfh he er led him in j i of ovorv thin that ran add in the comfitrc of hi friend end ni rxo nn will he soared up iccurc rhein evry luxury thai pmprictr aio bega leave l tildthat ho has altached lo the above establishment a ladies saloon for the accommodation ol pittvatg parties novcmhcr 1m7 933m in no of tli j i 1 had leen cvm- eaffl l n oolraixd peplo iu repeal vlho i jer io trembling haite and wroed ni if a aimiler tn j take plee oow wjiili u not mijmiumr tke peoolo mighl j- anoiotliinx raorc uian th reprml of lliiv m j ruftinitng ilt ii atiould becatried he iheii cudtlm wiih weapon br ha1 from ine aaroo infy from whkli he hd j hi f i aaintt ird j ku4el mihil the conagicncc ej lhat ijenlkman mihl w ncickod after all he had aid nd wrjlien y unireftiir f oiford at aocin lite wrd i rnix withdrawn frven ihe poruu of iim eriviuvfo l i i r sf mr cladatone ilvc oaaaln rejnark lhat in apeech wa a imfctf meaalleej f talleyranda aavt v hac al tecn lo man to cvxceal ht t ii he nel rentored to hrrak a lunce with i h ntkn of cooienjed hare in frtto e fer to auoooet ihe etfobhahed religion of rat cjn1ry he ireoled wiih rm alight ndtcule htpbctl relooed tu hit original deaoncialivna of rifiirr vslh jr cooaidrrrd aa mofe lub- ren e of ihe beat inlereata of 1ii counirj lhan ir li ctc jet perrpnaed lo parhametit it rrr biin the appnbalon of boh huaei of lhclcitjiufe tie hoor of tteiory miht fire mivterv ihe pleasure of iriumja bttl ihe hur mfifiutjliort noold eorne antl ihy rrnsi depend that the prrve f roghnd vmutd not acee irt the meaeavtfof the rgtalivre if it eeard in he wholly or profcaerdlv chlatian fart i arundrl aod surrry ajpirttd i ir on the general ground of rcltisu frecofn and reheiemja irulli io waa nl old f tahs v r ilf forn he rffni i ditbijnr tj ii th riujkivnui in miitc feelinp f injignaiion which hie fulher nj ffirlher crperirnced avflaaj lo ther ubtv been n eluded by them fttra rjaihamenr ll wvt therefore nm vrondiful lhai he rjiild lyiiiihiae ilh ih jew wha were iac rng aorf iho eame falling exeluenn ha vrai rf einwi lhai ihe church alvraye aurterrd rti- nn tlie laily and no better prm f he addueed than r ondinn f spt l ihe preaefti moment he ihen wandered ii rjhmfi ofhi wn riyilera on ihf ire no jubl hurt ihe aame ad- bcen wndwedio tle un by 1h iet und rt woe pnaad adyie m be he chriiti pwveea kylicir maiden tuekey ndviainf him lo place itjivh bl r cir i ixt aid erne fiiaf vicahfid laq kflg et ft leaf cfai airy it cold be tendered avith perfect joa- tiee bv vartce birt by ureal britain if it per titled in lhiteielueinofihe jew we wrtd in ueh eae gie h suit an lite nni of l vj he roijht teltua l haiealaetavef men of diffr ent reugkioa in my avajthuoh i harr tmhuwirt albaniana ctili iwtji ready for new t j and mavn ilea perpriually dilvrbinjr the pence of mntini lcbaruin but 1 airi m jo have a race afimffi s i r rkakk for uttu peaee inyally and charily r in altaira adding ue eea- liibuliona to jour naiial veauh and lhai rec f h a limidfulef men i am lold lint ihe men of thin race are ihe men whom yfl oeni nacnufly eiudc fiom all aharo io yoor national reprearirtalwn and you obaliualety debar frin an ihe liooota and rewjd wheh yn confre on yoar outc eilfena he lped ihel hy ibe voioftha1 ereninf the nonoriiny would ba lakta awat frofd the julian of rctoiimg pon thai w bd noricht loadrtae hin to adopl the maxima of hurtyand tolcraiioo or of teeing ui blen c on preaacd nn hnordrcelhat we ok l act op- i ii eaeactft trd dumtanft- op7ed and sr ii vriky aupporied the mslin wui ihe triao mr ii drummond hpcd iht hooe woqij ee cuw heel if he ymiored lo ocw few obvrta- liunt upon ihi ueeam ahhou- he waanol pe- rtjttprrut aivoch iooipe ha cvnld place ibe qofttlnn in a new pni mi tiew b fore pnerd in furot laafieii ha mutt take alia kbrflf ot denying ihe moljieea far ae any one eojtj deny eemive eliriaetad to thaoppnenu v r before the woe y iho hno member for duckinfhamhirr or he could sincerely i i being aaeaaurl by nld prrjuuieeanr any unworlhy prrjtidieea iberawe ih jewj many i who heard him kew ihtt he wae hoi ying whl wae unirue though privte reamia indwed hnn not to atalo mote uul be mtght add that frw menibm of lhl houa had taken nvore pain than he hid to beenme eewmiaud wilhllfrejewa not only in lh1 r i aei i frfe from all j mn l cd renewed hirt f no aad mier ruftian libeahfm ml a nann at hbeiiy in make frm hia own ttjnivn hi own f and laiihl jfiin to dpia lha dofiiln nf lit- churcii iceof nwea and order li benlttm uuht a mn tt deny arhil tv elael rttj j 1 1 i coonlry n eoimlry of llie declare lhai liytolhem he dmnrd sd ni catj l j ihe qcrion enjjed a vaam f b r lit af every doaarrptio miybabada notice the uruiereigoed having ucn ii- poiottml affent for the f fllubls iibisb isaobwcb c0mp1w le note pi a pared to take marino rieka of every deecriitioo at moderate ratoa of premium thomas diuccs u n ati orm prineemreel kieeyea j mi for- sake orteuisherry winefrgin rrandyt cvc in hojnheada qnarer ca4a led oetavra toa suvxera ktitt kc 4c vey lotv for am charles hales oet 26j87 caledonia water the dubaciilwrhas received a row nignmenl of the ahuve oxrohent vvatur ivhifth he will sell in ijueriuiiej to auit iurcliaer m t huktep tuihaagf o4 ftiireiwr jrrr 0i4ta nirrvl cheap grocery store die subcriberhte leave to inform thtffarmert and oihera rriorting o kinnmriii muract and generally lliar he ha juat prime aaaurimeiti vf good tkas coffees sugars fruits vc at his gen era i- grocery asms iara3not sttaia ix fmjscasa tnxt 4eipctoorta6ore or jijrwoirfnxidoor to forsyth buctomuh shop he would earnestly drew thr attention of ihoa tveiitinc a cnd anund well flavored article of tm and a deicioua coifbe to hiapreeenl stivrk and would requrrat thnm 1 call end exemtne for therneelveei end if after trieli thev do not firj hecen rive them a bttr trti l- k- at a cheaper price then thev have hitherto iwen eccuatomed to get m will let them have tho oooda for nohinp title ie not rbal people cell jlvfmr but tlownrifltiijoci which any one calling wilt be able o find uul all article in thourorvry lino will beeold a low aa rioihlc produce of every deacripliou will be taken in earloitigr at cosh priced one t s c w p 1e larmitace- kington dec 29 187 3m ith lo ihe rornin c anted a ciri in over that vitn halluoi notice 1he sulciiber hey commenced the taocchv uvsinksi ivhoieliei row reaide next door to mr heriea crockei stnrc kin street kiogelor where litt hopoa hy uriel alteiiliou iu i ii modulate price to meet a imc i public pauiinee john foster- ihr onveratkn ti tnfund min hulj htrrallj ch eieeea den- in ihe home niifnof m fancy m a hope oppoaed the meain n the njnda lhai ihrre waa no prcemiaenee or cicfenec in lje jewuh rce whirh wnm julifv lite hoae in reuiirf the hf end tf ih fih iii were neeeatnry in be taken befure any frmher cm id takehu eat in pari lament y n t noinved on the rn tide but eon lend that in eppoainj ihe emaneiplnei of tsr jehc wn not influenced aa mr dianiplt ap- poeejby any remnant of ihe dav oflbtdaikeat tio adniwron of every intldl antl atheitl nio parement naa inenlabu f c ihe jew knew nvnit ftf ihe nine reoialion eiyen lo u and who never- thetei had rvwted it- ue thee eniroyertcd jhe artmania of mr gudetoncand eemored him in ityeeef leac for ttafiaf ia bvarof itveaaieof whhjh be clearlj forraw tlf dincvl- ij ttiihad been known in the uniyeraityof o ford iai mr- gladalono entertained hip prevent rh public and tntcnekd to vote aniiiat the jjtn jeeeived n elppr hkh ho had famedy roied he nerer wokdhave enjoyed tho hih honor which hnd reoeiiy been conferred on him bjih it tnirepr1y i- morpeih aiiieej ihe prificiplc that when th ahe reooired foen an claa of citiiem iho petfqiince of any acta or the pajtrnntof anr dulbtvheothaetiniof ciiieni iriipoaed n disbrace of ereed which did not led t practice n in ic rirmntnnity ahould operate a an eiglttfin front any l dignity or privilege aritht it gift iv lhat principle tie tuppofled atefji hjeh he reminded srr li j h i wa m lliw lo emancipate pataec and urn oofnifl vaa conaned ixnply to ihe remtel of jekdimlititka- nwl lhat he ahtank from fa iow4v riji the principle of eqiji3i1y itetro tw law to iit r i if i i l rront any fear ef eat rerdftam f freecandmie into great drum or i heir accmmee tv mill evnautueney ue ihen ppm weeeeet loaoontideration nf tje amifee peiiivn lo thii meaiore both in the if country- moiiwi which in hii opinion w ttidedon retiioo fcw alna- mc tlien ljf out iyi jifm kitell bd ever ameried lijaaj had nwteeew lo witblililiei on l c hia lrdhp had dvetincil oectarej iffiuiwei eailtl to pervjd and influence cverj mfffli iteaaid howerer ileal bjeeerev j not be impaired ue tle kfaaeaf jvwainto partiarnni and ha jyrd we of ihe eaino opinion and for laaia tlcr renaon hot if tl relif kn ihe i i tii wae f ri irtfuj br tlteie hkiic wceeeath eaaail ro neither aiuw inn w entunjoid by t0 dmiaiiin nf a if in ne condrion but in world i r hoari and la far from beinff aetnited hj hol tnvfl aa miwh aa lb elaovent maber fr bckinehnmahira hintrir flauhtrri bji in enoaidrrinc iwl ye etiia jt w4 necr o uu rero af the epirii which k nhfvid wjen he rementsered thrf peiiiion of acbaron veluveffo1ak peii riom tw ihe ahn1livi of arei-aivoire- whon li he had hed a cavnri mooater decuro that he wtorrpen in patollr ot tonptlt n wnieh lh pui fiilc tuviued t ll prffrfed fntaaore r i l 5 carried h ewatd not help thinkine h uv lion baronet nh clwed ihe dtheic tiat oifhi hii ihr r ij m n if on ihr hrd icn he aaid ihal ihe intente inlfrel which the jrarjeeajlea t m ajra- lin evekeel hd not reprd the feafi bn the ee- uuieliad etiiinfi jller heir tliii qif tion crnlinej irw hm memoer muil he earned no mahe hl ihe tftwoaj roar b in noneor uler lhejiclrd h1 ba afiej the lor memvr t odam t teuy noyti tltai if we rerir ihe jew thie meaauee w hill baek jlifir ftf4hehjtd on the eonthunej of londjtn wli wmile retun hwn afain aid ihnt ih cinloit which occurred in wilkeae woittd hr reviyrd lhai udtuvtrjry iro the un happy rjelnra f iindn cnud nol a few innmhi ao and ore chnaiun to reareaenr ihcm ovbt ten they mtf in lb nfotluniia poiion alill ri ya4 inflnr of chiriniy i poured in oin them tof4 ht pe whirh hiwr ier 1 haee no hrrj jlwchl fie noble tori told u ut mfjii h ret dftircnt wai the irrittmenl whh ihe jwa row ret tfi fww ihe ewefw ftf lvilon fv ihal in which ihejr wrjr aohjecied many year back prrhapi t nrr in appefanee than in reahly in rr ifmee they eji m j r jewi bf i of the lhumberew no they niraei l in a more tender hvi nn lea eii monner hw nnni a rit i r in mneh laoejhler and ehcerin i aree tith ih noble rd lhat there ihl weallei ga a fu1 jtd lout laefohnn- o lr iyf4 hi onn i- and that of no lhr prna 4 lha rhhh i vtmt cea of 0drt intd tim thai bui ihe goo internal a a cive of so n and eonfiwi a aval n it irdftt areer and oil tbie r 1 r r c fvn way in ie amte direeittok it hid ten mid a mattarof lotaf lhl ibee were no ratmr pirtieam ihi country sa tnueli ihr wopt tier wa much ih lt a ia aatta in a pale but llicy wtro now dinard inio litla mwera bte hrth could only peieod uyaa jna tneim had inpvftd bi drvaej farrnl 1m tiiy v jew becauo they knew cat vymt ilwy ve dnf we wm no whhia igll f ic nativity of ove loed aad aa otam br witoud imil jar ol fill j lo iew a r e or m aitl w1j froea ihr jew tbe ettvi vwnaj ihfj wr renvr liaaaalaf mrcnwwn utlvui rartnjie r ileajee dvauat ovtifd ii mw1mn anta mrv nce f ir pi y o4 ithftoe it rav tw ilm oer of l trtimu 1 y and ioloitraaa h waa t r a of petecolmm and prteeleej lflra it eaelae isttcofth lb ada aaa vitnlivova fiemf whiekl tvntd lonan lb rifka f wiahjn c1 a h j lie c i tnihe pnfrui and jrauita af chi f n a f to a mockery of ihe ivbte p wrraro uf od hear her an j t2 i fhere wa nnnnn whuditred uke mi lrd beeaiao no man knew whree he wa lo wd to f tuajio the freaeh retluliori wm ihe irpmjh of im r hear the libeal fweaote ihy hd brn lyranniard over by their king eoa np ant dctna d hin and broi0 tvy hid born dgped by l jt ihe men- nl rhilrot i i ih h eirttek down ihe ketk he areed with ihr nonjc laid tvd j bewith1 lhat nihine dii an eoj1ennplibtr atn pirrrnn v t kmmrp-e- laitrna of pephety a o eoil in ftie but there uh a ttunv t e afa1ie eatav liuned in aeriprie her iarj and eyery man ughl lo cobder hiw fat ttw afawatm and i cvnduel wenv cat- jj ig reauu ltear hoar j ho nlaa apeed in opuiie a hit lhenobk kvd iht trw fae r of anoathnar not henkiavby which m aicere rtlijtau per ih 1 fon tint eeewaf iqtiliino ronwoahl lyid j nnnl btjr eiertljiflie kr m di aa aeatntabj belief vtiid he rmnred thwtofir1eaak heentrtrd intna ertyuta cat the enbmmfti by nlieh h bad aecured tho ia itro of r mr mt r r j l0 ihrcemle yawefvavwy wsich afler w repntft be i j i ht eatipaw mt c t hvaf of oaa ma ii raltid ihe llaaaat nbect ili rar jd inro ifvtf frf ir avtffia calftilica u luatnd is l b- nliteti yure neui ed itial tbf ihhj nw et in tea n live bvit jw t taar raanlry li ad ven add vn the knoai rlhmli weeesalnjnaitej hpil f ojeiejrtuil ivfaffnvd uipnryt v erffjpata ract3 3 bad ie hfi ad m oj aj the manirv wa ap pr m a raee pfjj sey oy faaif ftoifkd ovofr raeif ibtt r ae fit j w 1i i id inin pb ment would qncbr wailnibwdvl ldj rvwtl id iwiv jrial teo ha desaxo lear tu nn r nof a ia no law aonl ilm mlmiltkiionof jew into rfc nrirlaliee nctier then any law apain4 the introduction f tuk r women wa hear of many wture abtmi ihe right of wnmea and nni a few eeeaaie ejflateh lhai llwy are eonal r men in lleaneitrr who knnw bui we may hhte a mary w tl lo adnrn the benchm of lie hjinm v tlc member pmreeded in y there we no law a pro- jojitaton nf the jew or other eoub ir beaom in anewnt lime eipte ite they could pecum b really thruiin leeilatore pa we underalwod ihe bonormblc crfrn nh waa oecaaionally very iedwiinclly bead wei fuff ontl in fmen theclerfy that ike cao d i date wert purlakera nf the vrameota and were in eorjneiion aiih ihe uiajffcj oh h end fcee lie raieuiird ihal ihe elefe we rn alone ibe eompelrni jitlea of ih ctirt lnoiijnr crory lormler of th o ancka ik newedetievnf oi ohl ho miftil eayfanw eecr that thiaeuntey wa yl ctiatan bat if t meao paaard the jew wete admitted into par mrnea ihal cnild be no hoccr i irr ber and ohj it would befreal hfpacilrj oc ibe pirl of a jew to j no in lha prayer wlih were ditty read tn thai if and f in meqfo were dopted ho nonidrd that fnm lhat lima forward no man ehfukj er dare in iba british parliaincot pnjoiune lha riarao chrun ld c bemineb id tht h od be dinkinr from hi dofy if h did nuthiof nor tpmn refwter hi yrfe in fiw of iht meaaure ll wa with deep pain h feh hmiaclf cald upon 1 aeparate himelf finm friend and lo inflict w hat mifjhl perhap pro an injury to hia parly hoi he waa actuated by a antemn en of a- lo which all other enodeoon mut five way he had i i vn with ihe- rienda of m panninci ihe ftml mllno which ih whif hai nae ttn lhiuvecl in 1633 and lre cndnl n irw jew that linv had em bem eueh aa rn liwlify hmi m rencindinc in is4 th rmr in fant of tltej jewa whch he bid rifn in 1133 if h enam bine uejaeu lobelwye ibil by vntinf in faynr of ihi mcaore ho woa either irapnirm l r nr r- r n i i pailioment he would b the ul man te i for of iiintf ihe jwt lo a potiiie eejttnliit wiih bo rret nf ihrir fellow uhjirl je reminded lha hnye lhat whrn lha hl for ih repea i nf the teat and convkai acta ra paaed in ihe comnmoa ii wa pavd in veh a ahpe aa would have a once enibed jewa to v member of the iv i- lure and tltal it u not til ihe bh r r the hoiiavnf tywda ihjt lha word on the lru t i nf a christian were inerted in the daelaration which w theneepwward to w taken by all n didale into oflica and into pahia mnl when ihe bill wm nrturaed in ihe ioae of c r r the refjnrt traa uoitenaat thai thoae had ben inaerud no one tlanaw any danger in iho ornttaion of tho wordtoor dtd any perk defend their tnaertun net iho jpmand lhat they would cicludo jcwa feum tho jil tovo dot where he would aek wa tho dofr of admillioe jew mtn th cejwutun they i ii be returned by a christian coaatitoeney and 4 i 3 ruh riatjary n uiv a nrcaaa tba prey in 1 art vrtli to imke and ir rofuino i ylvnrd eiaal in fmnaal i t r hwe anrm pjnratarllea of ih wttno ue the um h l nifhi th t4io i initodd in k t jaad ie whit area ihepeeiae ntemve leyal i naact uq oitp the tilit hnnrj jri1nn tald at ih mrae urar ihn h taealei d n m iy in iho ol aaana f j i i in ia ofa4 tonn ihr i lnj of i i- 41 tla faiihwr afbohiaji while ft wfuld bad eifna olnrrend thrialtan tnemura nn iarlehlia1 wnvh ovj aoj mtke tb oume in d he nwni bertnrkinf tya brw meotioned lo 4 kt jb tho r fu i c oi a detm1a r wkici ibe word o oo ih in fith of a ohnita j oat oceih what i hhrld ma4f euwaa a t leave tho prnieaiaaia ro takn tf deatraoj iba they onw lake rdmr with iid wrr n fe true faih of chriti f leava akt lb- h j man calrwhn mlh in ihe ahapn in whtak it i pervenl aiandv a td rene tor la j e nearly aa nrwe the word of ih th tuuecnaaal tobyllaefimocih11 ibjitfjm i n4ett4 m the rrav c thjte mttit h prnpykwda jca wavfd be ready a nnrain take it taw wnajd h the 1 h i yjnum pr e av lea nj out aaaaj of ihm dec rhi itt nwua ecrd hj th pvrer of ifca pp i w r otrtainl t i nn necaey a oeir rtwant tlja rwjutim tut f ahauid prcte au he atea it i r i nnanyr 1 eit eavilne a ting fe nr th jewish r licti una efcotn- aa e p v v j h i m i r clbnlii- erlr tv bit wawtd la fnovd on i n toe iybiimvhi i ia m w ed n rnnflllllc vil diili1il t eotwia hie i oun lawl iiim ipa hi r gi 11 jy uul ifw reatoo w- vent live era in par it ihe ehoreh whenever tndlaleaere nfie rtei jr 1 my hnvijmy wa drpved to july 20 for sir ikku sa lis hut nf 3u0ar- t cimtjeu hams- very oxccwww j i11ll1aku murk t rur oct isj7 ain- fie i erk oar ir few j lfc trati in th j clu iiarl rite j mlc if th chuch befure ihe reformation ihe eiil p emahd il ai once aatf ihe itecnrmation tmf heny vim knewl awn papiwa onnnrhand xoneunfiiiniila no ile nlhey but t ill i e r1ia nteni wainf iwfttllli tf the eiblijf d etjureh ficr thai ihe betnajeij ef lei m end tathamenl ener lo be a chieh of enlind ljl lim aa rmtriaot afvr thii vu admitted he itenan lulhnlic and ih- niamire wa no e pnaea1aif but atitl ir wa cbulian lie ned that ihi wa mrt an cltureh o knnnd ffntinf of common ltn member atl liaup vn pivate npiniim thr memher far the uicriy of oafon sir tt iolii had iim piat npin one and olbee hiiorbf jentkmen ld ihejre bil in ihal h ihy alt had olio eumtnnn mould pio nd oo a a pnvblo it they weie lo alternnt lo mak uft dtraite of chrittanily and promoiino judim ihey would hvo lillk chine- when tbe laid down their trqit a nwiuber of pariiaroenl of bavin it r roetored lo ihenv besade lha dnr ilalf w alnnl ythvtary foe ihero waa no fit nf pnaelvlitm to th jewih frjirioo he 3 ilwu akej how ihe hocto cootd refuoe the jew the iieeaia al y nrt peopoaed to be awuded tn ihni after ii hd rendered thcia capable of fining all maivterial hj municipal office j a jew miht now be elected lird mayor of n o aeiinf in that cpieily ha might become a mem her nf thn pnvy f i fr there tyat ruthing aiid in the taili of a privy councillor which be read at lrnelhaboiil the true failhnf a chria- llan r i- r routd qualify liintarlf under ihe vitin w tobeconioa pry councjllor why c- j he be presented fraea becoming ln a member of lha senate t ho thftdrricd to ihe argument of mr goutbom and observed thai that gentteman had frrincrly efinoaed ih h i of reman cm i into pth rm n precieely hw mom gfound upon which he rw oppfiwd rh admmm of ihe jewa bui when te tho jira were an i 11 j i been i iuuf p a into jut tttv if 1l ill vitipv in and neyee bad there been mom- ratal jy no callmlie and prillsnl popuja1in rtaaairji than i lite rereil aawtirnt he i tlio llmoklotcal lha jew mill min- inr tendcrnr and jukliceattil toc-n- miaihasaaitered and fallen iaie- tike li vi if hud by lighlning nrhlud fcj the kewhrfhlud 4utd it ruin he had ich auuck by a dopatrli w ml lord taj- bd recently aadrta1 iu lha 9jeeal rnilriaan the pcar ind ol c ba a n eeiaaif i but a apeaker le eerild not haec trj iourh indoed n appeared lo iiim fuf- prqeeaead leart tho spekerwa eeejeji in tire eaeea tatiii a l whti w ked by ticrcnunttl it ua her gc aaa and whi replied a pultcuur ae the name oilier people he ncaved tlit if ii mjeaty vtyr a im aatai ih ypaakerb thi heaa of frd ead la jk ahil hi clij creed tfe eight lum cealkmmn mum ettewvenal e a ptivle ipdl libhatl hata tiie taaeai nvceal ifce aaaee wa eaheule eeed but il the i fl ladbeen j lb l lh d flinti bv uil hc ihe nble eefd aetiiiaoajldia nph le h e tri pn f liufjkfl iimi itamuldveatuvfrrh la icir- nint nf higfdry win the alilulo bwk jlemt lrit j yea h vkiitd e u9 triumph id mwtalhwa but alal vrae hrim i lte eft and upioiuiii of rtbjbn- leud crict of xaj no and nrdcr kvtigire woe the principle which inuhl ttii ietercn ad thl 11 im mr 0 ri waa returned tor ih enunii clara and knocked at iho done of tho haa r- r i- in tt ir with aiitieo ihibh hf 01- burn wa a membor from i tie ontfwl and whioh euweojenlly ota ceded all lhpiiler whieh ihey kod he tioped llial it would not be neecmry faf mr gnulbi in und rgo onee more ihe nnte peoee of re- al oa tim n4 hiinilniion at eaefjiei in the ee nf the- jea he ihn ealiyj ujonmr noalbxrn fw n eptnatioa nf ihe rr- rrn whh hd induced him n- i only i hrt a lle govrroiwnl hut n a u pltntr ia jaaratmi n cvii to h adniiaajon f ihe jw inio thr oi leialaluer of le iahotd if he eatfft uned a i ihal lime hr i r iulht nl in have enapnlrd to voebtttianlnc iho rerilaiur eif jamaica and if he did n rt ha ought m eaplam wht h id h aoctanhntty e change in hi opinvn a ihal which be had nr ctfntly rh mted it lennnded lha huc that twt kr the truaiiavn of ir lv ed 1633 end which wiarrdo by then nt a divitann i kiok rl necev iu m a fra ed in rrfcrcue i etda of ihe j r irn nf ilia right haa eamerjieeq ihe laemlwr v thr c verity r oid i ri aaibttl ready bjt fl hj lord ra undemrid lo aty in refm iheandaf ihe peevcni oaih and dceumi ao taitowb ea a mncimcl the ctn ffi red to thnae da m not cnvcyiag o wblifation arar cntimry fnn the dleuoeirto made bcinecn n n- m ib eaecioo and oij an uatb a iat in ihe 1 r we a4 a chriaiian lo wtaroa ihe new teiameni and jew to avear n s otdteaueteal w rn f mlil ukr tfi wath which u mo obratory oa anataara aed w thn ue the nb a a aarwima by wkioaj ira ul be bound but k wqnuo ditfveent hna ywu u an oath a a fej by whieh ynu i len a eicludaponmotrroai the ii una of oamam hear iieay i nwd not imnw lha hn longer if i wae not olled eevai to eatraei a mtm coaeeption of the hooanble and taafrd gnntta man the recorder for lonetefl t ltatl tba honornbt t6 learned gnieen mighl be aa- praed to -p- u wth eon k ni f z iba awf ect end m prolvaaing lo aonni my paatb j aaanjj to which j do not hjeet fnr cadi ctin of a waa open to hi eniiciam he tooa the aearn mty of nuking a itmanl in reltta to the lata eteclon for iho crty nf lonovm m wklth he area gtcvoufly in emr ha oappuae lht mj ejeeeaaa wa ctrrd inconaeejimnoouf ey m cutninvriih umn rothachid thm irneeiap aad again that in conarejucnec if the bonnr ahicjl wit kie mo by lhat ohxiun i wm jodueed lo unng in a hill fur ihe emancipation of tbe jwa tlflmorablaod tctrned cotlcnian it miaukna in both the fntcrctirca ttho fact aa mighl havaaeen by ihf v advenieaeatv lhl thoae gonifenkn aho wre my cppntmata ia islt drelared ihey war nni inclined 1 eppna my rt tecimo that they wmd ba iatisd if lha rmlcua whnwmmyejteguthlmrrt i i r n i and wfa u nay oultaago aaw vara pa pnacd tt ihey on lha oppose aid wa ajeeejej o nacne two other cnllem4 adopting iuuh eiea to ray election inaccxe ihey had ia ecion whatever aadajoa ay aat f eeaaj aej fe knowing fba iaj y ir diftaaiiy fj d tea irk m a oocirat hnawing likowi ht with my r tiii nmn it i cry iwuavxnieat lo hr f ihaealunct which ekonb yjed la ihe ea nrty al a radical wrty jheei i might rerwant r t to rrpteaent 1 aooia hata koi ery well aliad if ihrre fd hec nv aecvl i crere cmie a tbl winch i tuj la unkna jfhl pflybwerer which boxini nj j 1 in idai and which 4cd mem td tfvia aatd i 1 1 a r 1 1 l pmly u ayl iv jy in tbe c owif aa ecmnn we aie moth rtronrr than an aaue i nctii f will rt aaj t wuh hvin two of mi oan and ia rt iti rttwr rctitaed aa ahall hare in- le ihao fnr randidaie aad joa hnji be laao if iht fou t had incu to ebaaea kewaaj f iho niynf lfitnrtai wheh i w i irw teig orentonng upna even- ne i ttmnghl f jaj bo4mdtu iceipt lha lia lterioiehtoj rajq ciryivd before jnd nm n o a nv m t r ih ejiy out afa cno oaruo ka b hva cmng fraard bi ao jjiaf

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