ohptfft ejif f yi w n uwnmr wfvtwkm ifonh riharwoaaj ana- bffrm jfcaa awrlo- w jsmf pv fi mmpli avirv jv j i deafm sim ea jft in ti an d imuviil william dlpiit aautmsj c mr m41ncimx hvsasmifc oaj fluff j wiu c mr dporfb r j it iwn j c mtffiftn it mr llhdtell tin a imitin il h smir j tun n j s maeiwit jl aw- maolean c w mr rijfyc f- rrmvm r john mccvfffttt 0 uprlm-vd- mr ean d sairaerrfe ttiljvtaimlt- ft jf 0rlieaisi ftrnaawee- cevfiaa mttrfv y taiau mrscl it joxph oawtaai r mr miw c hon ft ft miw 8 a c r mr bhi it g b lywi d r math c jimea trfmo r- dr neum r ho j if bmilii r- hon v hnl it b sajasmu c dr muh r mr uuiu l imiamhfl w 4esl a tfldrtr sri ivea mr nrw r m rnhvriax r c- j tl h m t it bwciykfsc mwtit r a tbrw ntrr iwwy al tdli j3taib r dr rfrlir r mr kuurmier r xt oeigtlfrt r k dajmirk-nir- dr boftlliai r n 1 lurtr k dr dirvft r dr lrwtlmi r j kmlcfmur 1h- ukoauiw p ilnir wffrdiii 4 aw icrtirrim brrtttcr yi- jupjmmum pmat rmtrrl7 atvinm minirtcr vmm t -itfktfjwm- mr eutrmoft c jf rfm rum mr wctewg rt j plrpter n mcivivt r ib mrcvtliund t itmfnoi r t mr chrir4w c- dwiil it r d m armttmnf r i fvrqvin di utcis r 34 c omwt r fttdiol ddwaul 1 momck v rriftrl rxcprdlrnly jrfatt ijii 4 fnmful murdrr wm rnmrillpil at diou or die bftmoa frf jb uli inurkt pyrrol tkt4nam tkt miff of oor cor mpdrxirnt ri trcivr jnrf ji rr wrr imgftlfcti urrcfiuilin- mr dll had dtectetl uid m her lilll prt fo fchoot ninr qkxk a m atat0atl2 rcm fht m faid0d tbeflfiorcf htr hon fih ktrtictth triet j r wwl the floor covered wilh blnort snipicion trhted on a colored d nvmed allied c ntrir rot irtible who jfu thedrradful dred mrs hell bore the riihetchnelr i erery rtli- iiomot bfe ho wu a mor4 excellent pious nwomi od cxmlaol ntlednl it ihe lord uuc a at ifct ut of ivr murder mr bcjj w- it work broid crrk nl 22 iiiicacaj toronto pojrwu sr1awhjract ik9 aruhtfc rairloa coitat trie afinull report of ute com- piny pfn ir tbr monueil pipers 1 fltrthbiijarfmerrvfoihrjolh ixnemkr ltunnon 13i 3j thebri- i ufiamt rii r lind unvinv hltc eifi- 1 jiluiiouily- purli itndlhrotijjh ht r nv- rr ly be found oeceviry co the right of wtitpmalw with tbe rxerjkioo of sber- wookt the hon r- mcill toored seconded or atcjt q isacdevl sthit the ihines of the pro printer he nd uifr are herehy teridereo to tlje honotle a n mono for hi able and eosrgfttie sareices as precidertt of the cotpq rmjtm ndjtat ihit eoiremjn he rearrested to iccept ibe mm of two huridred ihd fifr poaotir aa an aehtioledjrhrht for sfe time ij lite riion he bi jrt04r4 fo their huttnesv chiruf tbe pkst jreae qe6c iurcvnf m- jjpwjtenoa m wehtlerhaiheen recni- sta tnijorlte of eoten btit it is said there areioeamy sponosis ihit ibu ekctioti will be pretest nl ijtaiftt with neeea mr vrln4rj declared aiojurtlf w 364 vhich wm rrfjde j fro the ew townsbipi where pkfrnl 4edi wee flee p we hivt hjrhftlfil ihaoy eoted wllbcwl tkett hut eipeet to cet thero a lie old setted town hrp wtr fcrewon had lurr oiajority noewiiklandip fliat every hindrance v rnoirieed o keep hack the voter in faror of thsiibervl eandidte tie fl i te wa terloo toirrs woufd require two rfaya lo poll alj theirlta an1 it is to be hoped that the towfchjpwrlll be iiwttipa hy ihr nett eeeiion asrhv irvoid lowmhljs hive been awimf eoshrvittert who hie rectnlly arrlrrd in the eonniry ind jrarauy whose intrllireoee dnwieihevd o potirteil miiteis ftojnilqn jovrnol 4 irpru iitj il nmi arucm royal ist of the bri mv i teanr- vhraajr wiln the nimei of the eommjiejefi tniiendi of cuii3in iviuer dooj vrlvt formerly commanded on bnurl the com hckwfnqneswcand pitlon will iv gtd lo learn tint ho hshr pooled to tbr coai- miml of one of jbe new steamships thr fl ciptiin america r c h- e jndfcinv rarofi j fdwo lotit alt ryr-e- waltr dosiftlas il 5rinrion- w j lais vim hanm john leitcb johd slonc- a n i j fr 5 wl 1 1 u w 01 w j 1 1 6 i i fi a a s 1 9 i m a 1 x iz 2 8 fi r 9 c- i is i w 7 k rs o j m n 14 it cl r rr v a i flf s a a a f r i i it 1 1 cimv rttlbplfri ik urtkr payd- we ohserer- by an ivxro of the canada 0 ielle pdmbhed on satnmiy jiit in ihre brine now ecidr imounlin lo iboul hleeit hnnrlrej u of the inutil ftind irtvnc firwn the new sales uf cloft rnseree in cpirr lvi- any religion body in thit 4ri of trie province tlmt may be demons of rrceivinfo hfe of ih id -s- id tie nndertlie provmon rf fce 7th motion of the btftolfalvmti 3r d ami iu viet nfiaf 79 ij nnti6ed tn mnve an applieilimi to hut trct4miwtc1 tn lh clerk of ut tlon eve- futiee oosvneil on or before the ll day of j jly next st dine for u hli pnrhtfes men i i v said 7th smiion they niil4 de- sirelhrshireof the sold itii jtt which may he allocated o ihemj to be applw and puf lint forth also naneitly is pmtme the untn ber of pertont in the anl lit mentioned pit of the trovinee beloteioi i their rclrijious srsnimflg wih tit colta pajiic creit effou seem to he makine in tome quartcs tn create a pinie about th- cholera npproschin thr continent from europe we believe these praiseworthy efforts lo cwalc- a pinte 4inc from a number of medicil ipcwilw who hare prenared thcmsrlves with a variely of curioii new ind ilwmla mediinn to core that disorder tlio brjl wiy frr the people to nvtnafjt will br to kerp thrmvflve perrci1y quiet there i no danger of the cholera and by so doing save ther hriirh and their money at ihe sime time y ymtrolo qj fkorcsr on ihe 17th instanl ceor dtbctvj kcj coroner wi called loinitimte in inquiry into the caose of ihe dnh of da vid nelson- evidenec was orrrl thowin that ihe deceased ind henrv ivlwins vi ited a oewlyrnarried eonplf it rob- mocormieks in richmond street and appeared on good terms with each other after taking or two they began to spar ind williamse n ceased a slap with his open hand below the short tibs on the left side nelson sat on the table few minutciind then retired from the toosrifhnt tell immediately ifter leavtnje and tired but a few minuter on the postmortem evainination dr mcllmurray denoted ihil the tiver wis ruptured to the extent of wo inches and thit the hemorrhage which fol- lowej hid caused death the jury aflcr a deliberate investigation returned a verdict of monjtokgafcr jl t withims who was coenmilte u hr coronrrt warrant to tlie hocae dihiicloiol toronto coionrsf o eiroavs or wsjcai raom csfi to tiic usittf stitc it appests that sanguina expectations ar entettainetl in wm quariers that the markets of the united stites wilt he opened for the site of cimdiao produce we ireinfocied that n anticipation of the introduction ot our prujuce into ihe united stius freo of duly some of our intcrectinj neighbors are no pnrchasmc wheat in canada for which they pay in cno 3 9d cirreiwy per biishel at oak vi lie im hamilton we are informed that pur chases are bring made on ihcse lem by accnts holding commissions from houses in the uoitcd sulci brilijb ccionisf o mcsmfti- profrssor ror is in toronto ind intends giving a course of lec tures and experiments on the above named mbject 4iirtra easda hihjiroii nmionii i- cmfeiv caledonia itcedfh 7aoavuai advertu forjinalori ou the 15h ji ufar vlw4 ork un the to jeiee iivirpod iy and thi kiber 28lb jamtiry pkt dr wiatara bateun of wild cherry alifepflkseilved- ul luuy new jersey nov i iprts mr seth w fowtc dir sir oted dr wistars balsam p wild cherry with grcit benefit tm y -herr- fully comply with your request to ive my testimony in fivoi of it some lime since i look cold and it settled on my luo t wis iroubvej several weeks with a very bid couh raixd blooil several limes and had all the alarrnine symptoms attending eonfirmed en- fnm4iou 1 oapiired nf recovery after ifui- various remedies in vain 1 obtained a bottle of your biuam f tok three hnttlev and lo my astonishment wa entirely enrej i attribute my restoration to health in thit medicine alone all who irr sirk or afflicted with pulmonary lavetumt i woum recon mend them lo try dx- wistaks balsam immediately thomas f keeleb beware of imposition the teenier ihe value of any dticoery ihe higher it if held in ih esteem of ibe ptihlic audsomochin oropouion i thitnumic lia ble lo he imposed upon by ih spunrus imila lions or icmorinl deienine and dithonest men who like ihe drone in the hive have neither the ability nor inclinilion tc provide fortuemaetvcstbut thrive ind juxsriaie upon the eiriving of the drervinr the extraordinary success atlendiag the u4 of thu medicine in diteaav of xht tunes and the many singular cnrcvif traa eiected hare niinrallyittraeled the attention of many physicians as well aithe whole fraternity of quark and caused unprincipled counter fetter and imitators in nalm oltsmirio mlalnrei of similir nitne ind ippearance for the genuine sauim some are cittcfl syrup of wild cherry inj tar cherry pectoral com- poupsvinp of wild chcfry wild cher- ryconfre and sundry otha rooiioumu to which i hey attach a ion string of pufl bu of which nostrums we know not hi n it i ivistars balsa vi of wildciieftflv alone thai pervrms the cure lot iheio not drteive you noti genuine unkai signed i bttrs on ikevrpjkr fo te by drugun gensrhe iv n in bankrultuy pnotdtcc or cnftaoa josierii pnnrs of midland district ihe city of kingston t wu 5shipownrr commission isud hy siaitsid f kirk- patriekeq jnrja of ibe district cuit of the midland tstnci dated the wcntysixth dayof january one housanu eijehl hundred and forty eigfil firt meeting of crditom on saturday the twelfth qyol february otie ihousind eiht hundred aod forlyeiril at the coort itousr in the city of kj wgtlon in the and dijlrict at 12 oclvckf noon kjakrarucil bumowks atlorneysv thomas a couctt blwriftm p- sheriat olfiee kitoi january 7 iw7- extenhive aic1i sale n v ol1phantawat t on tiiuksday ihe 3rd february next at i oclock p mp will be aold sugar teav coflre iliuln rice totsaeco cnltes st kurdb and a variety of oihrr maple groceries by the pack a lo port aii sheny wines cognac brandy sehridham jamiiia hum canada whiikvy hwa 4 cuka and kwiilp a i n 100 bhls north shme bay st george hetriaw tcno undvr x25 ch with discount over xij 3 mooiti crrd i on aipruveo pc al iho imc time uad oare will be sold by auction sundry bcyt debts note and jwgqicml helongtti to the ws f annalron hi girrr 1 1 o wrsshaif lo no- s7 7th con ii array i j 00 icrr ompimnt watt kingston jan m islti ill bo in ihla city yealerday morning at hi silly four year city of cirv o r kintoi k ng8ton pltv ha ll m ihttfilicn orric jan s2 plmhcits ufj he 1 l monoav nkx1 the 3m in fcirn al three octock f mfrojnraisojpi wttkiur irt aeeiil ll cfflii ry fjiiijifiey vtowil and fire livpeelotnl r ctv jy uil r ut ll cilv council m- flvnvgam otf curk ayoahiung iiou8b ffw gentlkmen iioalidkiis vii ace j lt- aeettnmiotutl with v boirj and ovvwai nirert ktnrt uigstii janinl i81h can nnj ouor vi wtof for tfnlq by the suhsciubers q hdds jouwica toto rkv and cub i ui ditto jj ckrmm anil hnlt cheat choice tea hyson vrhlntf mvuto 0l tv ikv io iii nuojtdillvkdo eouchirne rtd l 30 11 ili t kiflnl 5unr crt iu toee in f lmlflnt mwjl w rtd ca ten dijitta hi- f jamrwrciaedmicaioy nufl li upjmmouca thmnrw j tlil m ftlcc imi put lursst 50 im ibrwfwp 300 itc pja vsaaniii la t isaetet kc4iiti fiafl link rht umn4sud m i it tit uc 20 tt i- s i ind j 13 hairs prra 30 iw lrtimileeat1ulrildpln 14 i pfrti wirt- i lpmm rlirtinfi 5 idiek i tk 4 lva tio p ind fjherkin oyater tjjuo- ice 5 lo shuliftn tlts mmks1 3 uc c uecia i j i- i 30 btle ni i nurih bor 1 j f rvrat ijoaliirj 50 n 1 biyteafcluuioh iorecrd ii cmojwh j 5i salfnvo wniienh- i maekekl l illull k port aod sheny wipes cooic brmly j v h 9ehpooanilaa 10 bias wertcm whuey h d- go hva me and pr mcs pora rori fed rrsckeo uyseubtj oainhei sjiii atlantic and 0mtar1d express ee on monday r tor it for ihe roffd pilfj ctntie l 7hi fibruirjit 3 fu khdmtr wwh leive m fvr livcr ihaaknallm uib fkbithaky- wil1jam wark kjntnnirjth january isis opposition botveca kingston and hamiltoil r n i f i k snlioiilspr his ihw under- taking nsncifuly nliejun aharc n mimic iiria lie- tiill 7b pet lfhls fl meat on cvc a it fmiir n imv a and 1 hillidli nv m m imlian iek wheal flour mrll rni 113 hh rf h miml i ihlchvip hi rnprniri ts o ipianiity of oats anil either dnii ti slor tin n fstk and oasnriei 6ul rnm v water lime j ic lll or bretr qoaoiiij oupiant 9c watt n bcaah pid ft barley uta and po- liloee k jvnoiry 27 h48 sheriffs sale mintand diitsticr to wit j on saturday the mi fcbrmry next will ho anlj at 13 ooloek noun at tho wharf nf john cntinter erj the schooner rachael aeiveen 1800 onrfooo wr i7urivn with all her rigging served hy vmhwr iii ultuiittu uuuj hhi of ibc coiri u qtiecn ucnefa nnj to mc ilffi the bank of montreal reuben r young el at aulisok aftw hatubwt huhtkr- t a corsrtt tkerjf m d sheiiltn office 1 kinpruon i7ih january 119 j sherjfs sale of lands mijiond ditlricti t 01 satuk- o wtr j layslio6ili jay of may nrxr will im snu at ills- court lliuse city irf kirrrioht ahin ihn unrirmemiinehl lrthrh eizcr lv v ifiite nf in kxruliii itied om of tw coort of ilccu tlcncli arj to nut jj rtctej at s- m w jaqusajriexpieriebarb1cr ra ucorgecayaxagii west half so 7 incite 2nd concnsaiitii rililiiircjh wi quarter nn 9 hi the 2nd con- ctrsstori putsburli t a corfpt 5aen4 d skerssti office ii january vj 164ft shoiiffa sale of lands on anj sliil favfcm ttttai loozts pteml fl tlie lsjhnrhrinfxirnsisly cnreo ami put iij fr family iih isifitc bnst kiml stork in wellington street nearly ofiftiito lliv gthifftw wairstlinfjj or nx ilihirii air dumblesv cnrifeslioner aio carn f frch mixrd oiian siiuvsjiial arrived from gjiiuntmitic mills w garde wrutncn ii sifrt kindlon january ri ibls fcvlm fire fjju fire st uwltencc mutual firt insurance office at osdcaabargh w 7 t ivrfl csaoislied and fftp- r tv hro agjliut iiksl client r 4teaaami n- folnsvlnc m ant i revnii rr isrir a- all ralrn ltirii prpcriy uum unsold nbrgumpaajttcsniiii tut ftr 4aac iv fii i im rnrht ilr kiplr ipf c- jwaftosasirfi it vmjlfv is imftmsrei irl k tinon fjcviea 0aek- sntuh hp frnier f- atlienw ball ah riikf mill- livefv suwca llnildin in ttnelul rfajween utheiir dattilserfev iu ir 4 wtii iriitt ut lit iikio 1 ivittru n4 ike eevwie f eantfuennjj ita ijbm il i ftutc l ensutf n ili nrit fum prpvty for five yb arson a fflemiuai hote ofortcontt tfutt qnarimpcr cer dm ifat miviin eneufett cmpb a farmer kambim efo r whuh lc ev inaete lo ue cwimfiy fnj rit ljitit nut a half l niyi ih ten rrriuirfw ftclt br rtrs ilawn nd receive tnlirr cr fic feafv itirt iniy emfttitjcllf ie c4uo farmsrs issubanc5 company uy thr uksej tlic invurtl i entitled lu lite pvsl m rsasvand a e tc f j if it do not ei enj isr rai itiue vi tlie jtr iy n4l uiey 0 att cniatfi t two thirds clause likr tneftjieire of mn ernpanre br witch ivttin i il i 1 h4 1 fihe i j qt ht 1lie hawaani tloninnirfl ia tv st taw- fetjrr rivae ifajunik ijctr c w etnfa ir ielrl ftnart amy starl l ooiaasaip ur kne m n fv fvitr ij w rt m c con vcitien 1 1 utustcit rf a larg riiy uiti nt tlirr vfhcu im new vfk t cm4a vlflc tit irrotgcinciii wuh tlte aaa1uai ln baa iaea eniure ree- rrtwsittlrtinrliutcliintanftdiiintneiiibcrv t4vi j u mry cwrrci i in ho jnw vtr silr tcir i lie im teuis in j wlli tf4tpniet thr mlavrinx re ctwm teiiimh timl nijrri ij itte scicnry from n ure uvuil t tin r 1 ri mirfselom mutxc priiy tntvrrd lij t ctiipinv tl wftrri and oid rtlhiut drtt aaaastaif bclre it k rcenuttenc tlc intnttfiion la a ciejf n j l ox satuttday tlc 16ht day nr january 1813 will to frdd al the court hnuan in tho city of kina- tnn crsn iindetrinentimie1 linda ami tenement ttitfd by virtue of aevoral wrilanf fiora icn issued ntilnfoto oiturt of the midland oistitct and to mc diroctrd vi2 joum olipiiant phintiff george yarker dff all tha right titlo rl intcred of dtfcn- jantin iwtno 136111 cintiioij lr- uorcrugri john cabouthersbialijr angus mcvicar l tent and the bank of montrrh re angus mcvicar ifrftnjcni ah isw riqni titla and inlttront of the do fcnrlaut in inwn lot n w3 an auu rrart rf fnt n 2 lt cmintrioei kingston and village fotin pnjtrnnutli ljciic part of no r 1st c unceaijoit tutfriahip if kiiiatoti sale at 12 oclitek nnn racoftlbtt merc itf 0 siitt orlico kiugalntioct s 147 postponement the almvo sajtf ia pnsipnned until saturday next the 33nd tmunt at 12 oclck fumn t- a coriirrr sheriff 01ice kingitoii january 16 11 postponement the ohnvr ii i fulhor rwlprned nniil saturday ihe sijl fciouary ib4tfat 12 unlock nnnn t a corr ett sheriff w p sberlftn oflir kngs jannary jsp iis j jl nd thiv w m hi t da rfu tlr humfr f cnitdti detire aife iouiaca jiit 6rr tneo lbghy kiiley jiilirtitai n dastiiam t w- nv3 lj l tiic fmaapt rd imuuvoc mnrtr b whtcli accut tu ti fire tisve lirvii ntet j hie cnmj- nv go ruulhjiwuhvft tn j cahinlcnr cic llttr kevatafthft wo4- 51 19it on tuc i3ttt upcniirjr i became a mem- hti nf tlte otmmtitrmoci of ureli ftvc trr iirc 11 my wdiftg ind prnrvriv with miand isvn nii4 niy pnf lajkfira dy rr aaeillvajln tr testiaaavy loin proplnnd kuyalnabicr nnkklidyhas6ceiisiisi anj aitlt irlvfft johvstox rniervltc t w antil l p4 druckvtlle drc ii ft7 we the onderipn- rd heseoy eemfy thai w itve been maneed by ilto st itvrcnre m utuil itur nee c since nbnsit 1ie mnc 0 h firal peatiana t canada ind dl tc kt iier been vseved n vur peciuuim ivatc and can crthlwentu rcevaimend ine inlitniin to ttiwrj hein in tir oin- m id elicjpc and oic of ihe asfeat inatiranee eaaasaajnarp svtihtu aaar knwrrdyrw i sclto- rld jann llion srtey av drotnce o w amwtdjav stnlbathead tetimonil milv jeii frin elan r iftera jnt brvan f rellamyvihec w jut im uharfblyiafmirriejiilrc ivj nd froft in iji ptftjrry umo in nev v r and citad llior tbe anirnalorm licilih and activity of hie caanamyfaay b hmvam from the c tliat ii invririera ra nrarlr 200000 monthly and elel tic year ia ith upwards of turec ihm- ml jvllam i favr miltf- cvinpanv addrd lar in- bvatme lrmrndl forty htnd dlum tn tt mptuf prrtntitn nta and lhal it ba near- hwrfa4ei aniemioiaal a lialfof dtaflara eneured in cmmd antkaa ihje lsi taw yeara n urhan j ht iiir been lid s uaenta laav wrilieneerimaaiej of autlitirtty wliirh all mlieaknlv wll tn inrprel and lry tatll tikesvifreldkorr4tpii for all inonrya paid tiaj ratent if ik riny and tle nsoiaa nf il ui- rccfor rcudrr ulltur utcrcnen ncerasaia ofrrrcns and directors ira iviicelock vieo ir i samuel vtitiat ivtadjinny i w kerr nii cif jijm v krnt morrao n hi v lion 6 s hitwn ofl muana alois dacoli ioaidcnl ihrnai jndn j itiehi m eljwn k ijikiiiw wokee umoa hviuvkt n- y riral vllm rraasim vjaai lktijtitii ilti tip jhlmrsm x v- rovlt co vt t cavsier rnhctts caq ifemi ji ittrrfira krano smuwrft caen4r ii of usual lii cv thnari va n-r- e nry 1 anttetj uaw uvtirdtct laf anlrcaa t- i- linn llnllip van tvii currjran tinaihn lluubfit al j ii aoaca 11 im i- mrotek laa mrrrhaith- w archibald jlrfrtrra k fidininrlirtrr tn jni o camlweil ik nttrin ticek and ejtvotf lareu ki 1 1 cil t e t llakfi jflllwimn j a kttvt ii aiucr r ll4tan4 ltoci iiekry t fuoix secrrurv ogdeiiabr-li- 0c it leit notice the suhrftrilm roapeotfully infirma r hiliathanita nf th city of kina loo ond mifliml diatrict that u haa commenced btiainea oa produce broker lliiufjico ia next door tn tlu dtiimi nortli american un4 und il torpett frnm 0 uclnck a mo to 4- i- m- wtora farmrra may inave ami1ov nf tlirirgrain hy this nieina imytms will have an ouporlunily of exbiiiimnj aamnha and beenmiua phirlnwrs iy litis arranue- menl farmer can ilipnaei nf thuir jioim ond lukc odvaiitnscf the lilicst jrice na 1 toha wit in kop ot ins nlficc in wliuli the latent uisitlatinnm cor lnjiwa 4 ibe seatonnt xwiajatfaaji of 18t8 mnnteyal now york and ui h cverrefli ivmtik hursea m brtlaiu will bn rsuhili uocli day open to all xviitnui anv ijovkunmknt notice pitoamboat transport sajalgdtkxdkrs wili t receive at pm irhvr aiilf noon monuayjiie j mix neiior fjlaxsport by steimbuvt iltospec t u of tiir gxty of kirgstoh g is light rf cmitaiiooo curmiky ilivij im 011 the followinif renle wrftt lo ihtmiltvn nnrl ininnnodiate hruantl picrrtrml punic d aifrfffral nml tltcenfforit ami rw orran itlttitf fntjrildf httt ti fftl un y row c zrrrnt stnc vice versa a ofrnni tttrtmtolq lrnrtattihiu i la ml ami ivaicr via qrittitk ns nf lander art j the patliuljr or 1k- el to lie entered iatr ran lie nhuiied caiian at the coinnvunt ofsee 6iirrtirs vhoe real siiatiiret inut be j to the tendrr wh re knired 19 into i ftd for rwo currency for tte mt ieifmrnance of each agreement and went will to midc in mcxiran or united pillars it id cmrenc each or ies of a chartered ttnlai trie tt ion r rnmmitsarial u parlmcnt rvvmissapuat ortcs toronto 13h january 11 year 1 to pj w nn i tvt ent- fll ixsnrirls fi nawj for sale pcnis or cultivated land asd improvements ots no 29 ej 61h con nf pirej- peice 4jio0 100 acrea cutcondodo 100100 aem v30 g oth con do do xi 00 100 ac n 3vlflthcondnda6ic0 10q v-3- eaitpari gthcoododo 5 jj aercs v 3s6igucondodolu0 100 jhy filmve 010 liirabfo plkcllaawa fotriallcaiitaliala to bo incorporated by act of p ciicixent estimate of outlay jewi i iv rk lf tfffj ciiaiqt hr will nlno act noinra1 acceasjfil- atit p01i moreriain nnj jrnjomcitv ro ifcn mnl act as a rluiratnr in ajimi jg jiapiiied occtirnti wlnlh may inevvnr much nfttiai liriiriinn aeon in nui oivi linn fourta ami tkisd to tho velbilirai up of itanki ujn kotia itwillahd nmionl tn lni1 auen cv uusiticjia ind n nntaell land scrip for nartios inn int inn aerviiva and will rjlsnct sa custom itolse bko- ker he will oui lo a rtc land trda win hive firm ir hon to leii by llatu rcjaiamr gel whni infnrniaiinri triey wnnl if in eearfth ifa farm or llmiso latavl nf 1rrivrilin oyer tlio cy r district mi uiftn nfftrma nr llue laijicrda will audit tnllicii ndvsnlio and iniervl cnll and retrial rnr ihnir itnkriy ul bin olhco wirhoitt delay archibald macdongll kington 13th jaimary isjs m t be let that liandanme ami paciou hotel tin thf place d anner qucloc- fne eaiahlisliment enmntie every rerjinatle and the rtitinlion for ile ltntt of centm itid most cig convenience at trie d c ainft rmc la2c iih- lot xoa 24 and prornca afropnlly on jite lltuise lot ami rcamutes on cojhnw stroet lately harveys 500 flhn itnutei and 10 flatoly good it tin hamilton stroel j- r 0 riw ilnnae and lot lately trowcll onhico street 45 kpfalf to ihe suhscriher crjorge okifl stuart tinratnn january 17 134- eme circular pmfiaars pcmooieat 8i book dkwt ilsjlenurj rv y- jan j3 tti4v r d pomkrov will furnish for cam- la jian sitbcrtbers any of the quarterty moitmv nr se mtmonthly publicationa of tfic uiutrd states at the pitbluhcrv piices free pf im ano tccite united slates pcujorr cjii dills at par in payment sent by mi iojj to ttic lines acrcsirfccs reu t machin brockeip koa e ftank montreal brcv uookreller j serei eillc wfn bue jimrs a books i oouiol sent to mr mcrlll piaseoti vrpliolrce will he hound to onler an jvlivcicd al the ame plice order mc louis d pomkrov- husiueis stiangera it cor lie dminc ruonu evjt largo utiiig itonma curtito rnopii uauoom and thirty ihrvtf ited kwvm alan an ete- ant aaaemhly wooin 5 feet in length part of which iw d voted off for n sitting rnnm and tho who fa may be converted when rotoiirod inoaddilinnul lied l ir by maii nf muveblc paitilions the basement ennmina tho kitcheti and oilier rtquvaiu officca pusactstnn on the 1st of may nexu apply if bv letirr pnal niid to w s sewell eso qvibcr quebec january 81813 64i w valuable kcal estate for sale at asp i tiik kucmvom009 of port stanlty ou lnkc krlci niaiakt or lost caoa cst rroltnrl ur sitn riori purifying dtnl cod iioilv do rltt j rf omc arjr ofiw sv stom tnitk lor one llddcr brtk chiiim y britfc work of rntnrl bcneh wuud ijunidiy fssltuo ouj cwitintjn ies apparatus c 0 rfion- wiili pipe ash lan fajronix llmrn lnn tins uihtlers ate cmiihjnacr wn4ier 2 im jttci mfut t gu lloblnr i i guvcrnur connections main pipes support ofifw vinls ol o inch i ineh f inth 2 inch pi turner anil bojetl liwn down llic pipe c buira lapenc tit kjogalw iqr blibtiii rol 2zt privnto 3rvirc pliant cvh nty 21 fci li cuiiitfg qru filling in ircftch fonts tt- i snlari krcinrrintr lnw anil othor rliarcihi working cauiul fqr iurchaae pi coil iie arid coniiiyiucics which itw ariac in 100 300 i mo 0 0 0 n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 u 0 vt loos 0 q 3o jou 101 1 041 fi 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q q 0 a t 0 0 0 ny v 130 0 fl 130 jtk 5r0 d u 0 0 0 0 ao 311 0 u 4130 0 q 0 413 503 0 0 0 0 0 0 m03 0 q 0 ft anhrf owtunr t j 1 lllh40v al ja l ii lvrkfth c j p miiri limp litrla tor line w ovin i 13l mo ssa 0 i f3 vjo 0 0 7v fftavj o tn ae wn a ae coai eriraenf 401 peiffase r- snt xm4 lape al a nvtrtr r 4 am d 40 6- a p4min lifma aai y j3 inn 9 ih pnvr w sutvi lysia tk 0 1 uw um o n- b il mm he horm o rnmd tr i the vapeido cjnnot be nhe an on the oilur hjnt the very lowest climate ots 1 nf vli and 2 in 3rd ton moulb 400 aci township dtjuci orij- ii ixarre tt lie jivijj btre ue saisiftercmitatayarattta 0 j the caleu atimp aie matje with a certainty ttrjav 4 j 1 g mcjua is citcauted si notice 01eisherebyol ijn ni meeting of tho stock holders- i cataiaaui bridge will be oldtiii nn monoav the l t dayof jm3ry tsts at the iiffica nf tho said ctnvpany oseocjnck pm fur the n t nose of etociin dirvctrn a for thfloinni year according inlaw and iransactj with the bridf- the annuls nf the prt year will be then ami hrro aubmrited lor tho itiapcc tiuo uf flsrstuekholdcia- thomas gh isup stffltqry qnd ttnsurty c bridge ctomftan calaraqii nc office kinyxmi jan- is 186 mesmcrisia n o h itm dug the sciertc in ill it vrcn monstrated protkssorst germain havfsi ffrr1n cnirfirjmf lmc t lc rmv nf the seieencc af atiaaneriaaa am proavcelarmerairardi04rv pliervinrna tlrtuh the aid bf mc above w ta acirno n lecri ic eixatcd 1a j r i i i s signed ttnuqft to deliver a lbcture ta torn lanee tw loe request rrafessor wi de- iu a ittupe oav fbnayeresixg fedruary at tbe city hull trefi aritf 6e rrlwm iriranir saiiq and fffff iairiaj frr- mafaaeal ij y ltsuee in aa jtfnserie steep afidvm tjl be read frn vtrrie vf ihe rift reevretafeii mhaliiunig of the mijiaoj uihncl njilnirvf mrsmcriietf by auc st caaaaaai iflidnvmimvj ihe noirjnbfy antl m roa csatu prdueed upon ttjostf uoer ha maeetie ttr1tcncc a oatiitf esechent mi3k aril be mutj anee b nrrja i a jafclinfl no eentlcman nd tar la- dir 3 ci i i had at meava arrmuf rv r h v- pimrr ataenn tlw st tte m rite lifui oiceeaidhj 6n uim itcrj ore anil be taken uj lre ft lc leei ajaavnav f irt r ksacasan jaa ot in ind con tnwnattip nf yarmouth 200 acres j lot in 1st con tovriialiip uf yarmouth 200 teres alt thai part of lot i in lal con yai- itnuiiti now remai inrj uiianltl vmn prising ahout 170 acrvn and f-rfmin- a arjre pniium of tins town plot uf port aim llatl x e part of lnl ig in ihe lal range north i tho lube uu4o squill wold 6 acrca tho ahuvd linda hnvin been con veyed tlho undortgned hy jin brt wick esq in trust to sell ajjd convey thu ainet ot an much luroif aa may he i neecsartry fr payment of iho wioi of 1737 1 lo ucusra gimnor fc co uf montioal ar hrcuy iftrd fir sulc by private comraet ill hliajmu or mm tt- autl purchaser all roinainin unihl on wednesday the firt dv nf march new will l put up at pub- lic auction at noon on that day ut pnrl stanvy- thoprnporty in pnrt stanley eon- priacs a larfo number f town lota and lot with pier wharf and waer froitis in anoatt rigrhle htuationa fi lujatuest iiiaiiv lv ilh waivhoiuos qiui other hnildina alfady erected the ahnvn land arc in that immediate neighbor hood of port stanley and hutting on tho plunk rail 11 ween londn and port stanley and aie most desirable a farms and residences mop iimi arc iole had at ihe ufbce of ihe undersigned in london or at colonel uiitwick port stanley henry c r reciier london c w dec 17 1s47 notice government notice steamboattransport on lake ontario for the year 1848 sealed tenders will be re ceived at tho commissi iai otcce kingston until noon on thursday 3rd february 1848 from ony pornn nr iwrann willing to rnnr inr n coilrarl atcrrrn1ia lo dtif lain csssliiiiia which nty tn ncan nn riplrailin at tho cummisatiai ui n at kinsatot toronto ard nigira fur the following aorvircs viz tor the tr4nsp3rt df trqdp3 pertons attarlnru to aiie army i i llnrae and government stora during ihe si i of navigation of is k iurliid- ing mirli furi her nciiodas the bulla injy cintinnc in run from kingston to coburg tori uopr wliiibyjorooia ami vice teri from kings on to lite iuf or ifiilffitj and vice tcru iflotttdri u thr rniila hetvveon the mation jibt uicntiuned srpi jio tarixlera will ho ruircd tot anj ihe rates to bo aisled in money mkmittko to lurupe tiir0d0b hakndgk co tqaraniamorinc rolimc cot5tits rtfrml maud 8rttan4 writs fi sfnrvfjr r nvnr iuttit slirtrtrr dttmtrt ifohtuisiswitttrbimt -also- sttthir tassafe pnxored from lirrpool to new v j k h hy tbe regular fiosi clasa sh ssiltnai frvin liverpool ou thels6tb j lttb iht mj ttb of eeorj montb e a special messenger wilmravr hrre on thr 24th instant lo mtl ihe ktaainrr cambria wbicu siuj fi vs y on tlie sfti for further rutliruui u 0i viuiam ware aeal hiaoo january fl ioia eawh riue cm pjjd it the kingston brewshy distiller y for the m lowing irficlei v produce wheat prr60jtis hy r5hlhs corn kr 5im bsrly mr 13 iu btckivhkat mf 56 lb 0at james january 2 isi8 ss 64 lb 3j morton currvncy partiea tiriulerirg are requested innli servo lhal tut rrislit ofrimtuial oe- i j cjruji kuuinage and ihe piial b5pp of ofbceia and nthciy lati he aairrtiiucd liy inuaurenent iwn and a half tons tnaaerumihit lo be cunidrol orjual o urns ion wciljl and paymeni hi itv midc fur each inn uvariht so acer uincd itfiitichdil furniture carriages and oihrr rli1ea not comprised iu the ahvr and ml personal uagjao in axctai nf the timiitity illowd hy kegulation tu he cuniptited hv ivuight ur rneaorerneni aa may le agreed ujiui hotweun the parties and jal for at tariff or tommeteial talea fio eminent in no cale heing an swciohle fur tha frcglw of such bagpgt hc iccovcrvd frorr the celsebaatebrehsdtpbr wtlh cam rr ian vliimifpar prpirij fipm lr titeipt of rt ctu trlttj hrls ujsiavjt thla iflllf 4f haj beinin uaf in kiliud ait vvplafc wiih groat aueeasm fur miny irir p4 ia now pif the fiit lirno ihu thuu i iulc- i hi gshilitry one trial mill nrv its rlli iey prvpard anil nj j iiiuvut v- kiat crhmjr and dmi it ujs mr4t i imlllo kingit on i i- ia v if isre thf a pkfdl vi t notue ire gat hk it i no he kiilcm i4ii f ndy that enter uti l lac ptenehed hy robert ook in ihe old avgw r ioi c a if wuuinrrtn ud jtini m sieh and ftrrctlyiiprnsitc lhr uiimi wsl tlmhihluri clial klqiuutrffajfff lin- lay aftmuou m balfpaats u ami m the otnjng ktngsiim vc 4 mrs bangs school ms at triaok u irj4 vamjaulk mill sites at ganak0fok t lewiifnad offer for sale tlic unem- pd uatrr jowr aloananouf mil nnll avom erery ritiiy fcr the cvcciiatiof pijwr mill or any other kind of machinery t pnajaiaajii is too well known to rrquirr i ilsiarintioi cow cahk inl near brr a iiifddl- is rritittri ebarrj in ft tie ilrlw iv u rciiio possession- rrmui t uf the snrnlier t ih jinli nf nnresit f w theiwiur kinstaa fjcs iv iltc animal ami pay macltlan it furiher mrasra mtsrs pumisti can in prj will be liber iifwm iffply it montreal taijrrsaaj aluo evinav co ivrnn bickis t co and uioii to r k j mcdonald ci njr tt december i my to or tbe kinti hasga to acquaint tltn areola of hnr firmor pupils w ivelt otithn who nrnpnae 0 entruat their children lo jirr ca that her stcbool wall ruonon ftcr thcvacatiurt on fanttoff the ilth of jttttuftnj mna king has ennd a mor com mndirius htitiae tvlitili she hopes vory bottly tt occupy thia hia been reu fered ajgtfaawt by the increased mnn her of her pupil and lytll enable her to arrcvnnidate fur mjrdera in ad djtiun to hot jicsrtit numher they will have the opportunity of receivirj a tlriuliod educalinn nu tho most moder ate tcrsjif tlui nanrcularato im knnavn oy a per sonal apidiratinn v j a yiionrr noraon of reapeeia lab conacsitioata tvantml a an aaantfanl kinsinm jan n is4 5 im c ochtek i si jtj agiucurroitu socibtt of the midland dlfflttct notice ismrrkbyo vcnt lhal tk i gorrnnt uraot in aid of the ari- cllural sely of ihe midland district fat ihe ytar 1847 has been retired and will ho whicli mnai ho iccoycrtd from the p lo ihe treasurer oroihr of6cer duty rnvnaff lw y lh r township alraise rv iocietici m proportion lo lie suot sabaciibaam uxcpliiime ffmrilv auhject jo on ipphcat011 at fny oflkt ihe ippmval nttbej senior gominaariat y thomas glasisup officer at ivi i r w b roqurcd 1 t tvcoiurrr axi ihe reaugiturcuf two respnnnhle per- i kingston nor 3qtb 187 hiuu tvininaj to enter into a bond with the principal iij ilic sum of jloooaterling fur the due and faithful performance ot the fiiit named cnntraci and xloo fur the latter iuum br given m tho tenders pavnient will ho made si kingston in mfaficm or united stpim dollara ot id curteii each or by ctiecfc on o ltaiteird lanlr at the option uf tho senior commissariat officttr comjlkmiifai kncton january to 18 choniclr at news to copy city brewery tub sub5criiies agonurn jams ruskl evuamftii pmiorot the ibovc gatahlultmcut walj pay iic market pric fir of good quality ompiiant o watt k i ihe 4 isi7 bj tor sale hir wrl of l1 n o ai ll r ponuij mhllati lkalmualal0iaa 0 ic ii i dred a ii e t i tmiiytvo vd with an actus ine jjprnveu with on i ror ion k xcellenl hirticuhr enrpiito nf c stenvun tier opposite the cothl house kin ton 31ai dec 17 if poa c curriers oil sjw ol this scoscmbers l80 slmiprt scouring uruln s mrriev ti c iic octroi irrfo- ifincftl slffcl kinjn ist jenujfj isis lemons i lemons 110r slely m drummono kingnwn oct il 1s1v 001m valuable forwarding stogr for sali3 tub sulenlicrs ofltr fir sale ihe f illiiivini puis i first stock ez steamnata kltlb lord vtan- fey and swa rlow m with six rrt i jiakuks built lis is16 and tiibb8 f anirller ai7e carrying 12q0 and 13q0 barrels cacti should tho htirli noi ho sold hy the 1st february unxi hy private arrauie mcni il will he nflred at public sale nf which duo noircf wiij ik fivcri knrqnv inforrjtjtiun npnly in j a walker 6tcn kingstuu or litre tu himjauo k walkfr montruav 4th januarv 188 oysters oysters at the nelson salooif prilhxti street i deccmhor is7 justreceived i a f urn r or mi tottawna eelebratell iiedicims dtj irkjamin oaanuctlps vagasi ik pilk ur ifaiiiliasur coiled ladlan veraaaa ma pilla vrvv- rmru riias- maoalta vetjeuma pic chrmoiatn aabtnn balaam ijoist llafikkh drmzb urockoutal lost a bout the blmi de cemhar n ltajra a brown thibet shawia with a broad colired border whoever has found ihe aamo and will leve ii at the athueiim bnok store will be re varded for thoirirouhle iviugatun dec 31st j8i7 wet f eft ano colds priveimoj n v t a i x ii r barkers waterproof jupftii varnuu for root aert lumrw v ovk anplteairi arin rrlk a heavtirot jr lirca tvssfla teaantaaassi ta rr maanfaaaavh and ruhy huvkftf ttllu khh ara orwahircoi ivkr ja4 pn lailr jfustop