mam at ftr luidt wirt skuiwkekly t3hitl4ir ud hfclurjay korrjlnr n wwuii jobs barker ft 1011 afttsjs atilenelm ftml test mf ator he umbo how 7xinff0 rvrsa ii paid ii idvia hapsdhwonluosj anlll artwaraft jvwaah aaualssallha ftp ion of iho puulishar attn ittitmiun si i linos and under tea vo iral lnamuvutirj 1deah itnrni iiuiriddi if llnaiu rx urns si 4 j- fmt msenlocn and 104 aaniohseosallncmja olmvnlsn thiol 4t pci liaelnhhami1parlton and m per line foresail auaawavsat wnow adfafiiaaassntt wjriiaal pmlfldtfvlimis which oujm id bo iaorriimt tqirxtpm wwtoaeinf a jootnahiftha tarjrrat jmlwcitfutwjnt wilt kwtllvli oo advarilsomstita ffi any pretest whsisoersi all ijelurs tv be vtpaid or n jouit uo fftlutt ic and general advertiser for canada west u opifer per orbem sic or vol- xvii kingston canada saturday morning february 12 1848 no 18 the athenaoa i tha sfl knen i kw f jtf 4 5xaw buoop niiii jaw as rf ra 1 sol too fcvwin v a mciintim frrf rrwmpm hn ai1jw pui vtaettos woo mumji4 pwh idiiows mdf wumi d mi 1 8pw pnrf w hmm ps a j- spl u siw job prist tib fuiy ieof1 l thn ai r ifioit with ovawieb fnofs ifsnlbole- bll heads cards b ft of i 3iamsal ftr ffwikvouiji pwnfmg ii cebvn htff mrf jp sues or of tho my 1- 4ei t aw u3iness dffiectory- t bradley r wts or dcllfk axd r 0 f n r hatter furrier jlhtcu stttest klxofttw ir w all descriptions or laataa oni gentlemen fare clratud and altcffd tikcrftlktffpauki asurckvrrvmi tj v clarke w1n and spirit dealer umbton buildings vlctl ftlcst kcvqsto cstf aba wot- virqil gos express william vare4pf kikoptok ttt p p de laoiitago gknkralgs smet fuifio 1 for dimtl above dr dick ov pnxjucr ibken in ictnnj teoe h0we painter gilder at glftxier bugot st kington mar mr phipen canjie fcorjj i e c sjif ftiniin wood sftj mardlo lmita w lirini nj deroratej work in nrril s shenifps salc of lands ly virhicof a owriiofpten miolano distiticr to will fatttmt issue out of llcr mnjiyv conn ofqitocns belief ami to in ilirccicj at tho suit of john mowat lirl george revacm molvatagmm the lands anil tenbmests of richard loo an docrar1 in llic hnnds of jane ann logan aj- miilraltik of the oiil rihiarj oin 1 lnvo inrii and lakon in etccutiilli part of to ipfolcco from of lot no 19 in tire firl conccfrcifrti oflhotnwobhipitf k iuhfltun ia the midland district nfarv laid which lot of laud i aba offer or jale ai the court bimtaeje tho city of kiuaton oa satordar ih tslh day of march next at 19 ivlock non thomas a cor0ktt sktriff muhq4 district shttiirs oflicr mmhatl diilikt 14th docenhrr 147 sherifrs sa1e fall iiuportntioiiai of sugars tes wlxgs spirits ana groc erio m r0b2htallss sftocu tukkf mi u s inform ui town xu f bat be i roiy rcirin i fc r f b of to wii fscius imucdoutitf hermnjea jolxa 3 cuto attctioneer and grarniaatna mccchmt corner of ontario ad brock steou alt orjcrsthnvfully wd and punctually attendou to thoqmas pennevs wholesale and rouil leather store im- eastrai kinptoo dealer in nalwu usmi pimthsote ruaihor uppera kip amd calfskins mnroccoa and linings biot maker findings of eery jekrip crejqy henderson birhsiars auornersat law c c ktofaton george e henoerson ss cm- james powell ironmonger iya wic mjuufclurer ictnccts street tito brftisft american ffote lata dieys by j lttscison kihr itoa camda wert xapksbowallffurrierhaker rock strtot kinrion- furs nade up to rdor on the ahortesl nolica furs of virydeertpttits booght and sold matthew drammond wvne h spirit merchsn friiwirtgs next to mr w rinloac w groccr weltiopoo wilaeoa f b kayler conch buiwcrs jud csrrigemtkera princeu street knptnn robert hcconnicb wholesale and bctfail dealer in wines samtt teas kt priooem street kiogaton virtue writ of iir p tys court of qoetia bonch nod to mfdirected aejinst tho lands and tenements uhich wcru of john haemip jecoaed at ito tim of itiadoalll to satisfy jihn fihrnnn lainaum in mil wnt miifionl h tho saidjoun carfttfhem had lately recovered aguinm jjiiufs lvilkttn- io and william frttfii eteieti or of the hnt will and testament of joiin hubiip dorqied i have seized and tnkoo in execuiiiin pure of lot 94 in tsi conception town- hip of kniemo purchased frim hilary uupuy biquirc by the said jihs hattalrti ftomeily in hm oc- ctipaiiou of ooe thomas corel tart of lot 24 in 1st fonccasiou town- hip of kingston conveved hy one thomas howe to the aa id john haas- wf- part of lot 24 in 1st concfaxion townnhip of kingston conveyed hj one lonin l- iii n the aid jokc hac slit weathalf lot no 30 in 9nd concessom of camden eaat 100 acrca part lot nu4c it con- cession of camden east 150 acra pan of lot no 43 in 9th conrcssioci of camden east so acres and pari of the eaathalf of lot no 41 in 1st all which lands nj tene ments 1 shall offer for sale at the court houae in the city of kingston on saturday the fourth day of march next noon t a mf at 12 oclock sheriff oatf city of kinciton mid dttl norembcr n 14t corrftt shttiff m a snmbiacdodaldcampbell butlfatotsb alloroeysat lsip princess 5trl john a macdonalo alexander campbclui james moliaillanl of maatc piano fortes tuned address wm memirao auctioneer thompson carey general importing and commitiion ifecclianlssi bcoad sir rci new york william ware general com- fliissioa agent broker and auctioneer kingston cw hecdonaldb hotel late stones apposite the city bstha king street toronto francis v- carey surgeon accoucheu otc burgh camden kant m d new edward staceyj merchant tai tor opposile the montreal dank king street kinrtfcrk john blackicrton saiimnker mo4 hardy buimtnet ontario street x walter bales painter glazier and paper uaiigcr rnncc street e ft a cfiown tin smiths copper smiths and tin plato vorkers princess streot rcinolon t hbutler cabinet maker and unhuuierer montreal street kingxin a general aasortment of the latest atylea af furniture cenaumly on hand and cor ale on liberal terne 60 notice 1 the nortltwestern issukaftck compact of ogwe qo n y tmr anem rf ihi company haare moved hia office to ilie exchaficc offtcaju irnna kotfl omario mr n where he is prepared in grant inauranoe acsinat 1o or damsre to property ayfiether frora fire or danger of inland naviplinn m t hunter norrnbtt 1847- bla5t errij flrptin miy be d n sheriirs sale midland distaot tly to wit j if wriiol ven ditioni ktrhtnus isanod out of htr majesty court of queen ljncn and to mo directed agattt the lan os and tenements of jamm fm at the suit of hoaco b smith i have seized and lako the northerly half nuuiber 4 tad sorlheastotly quarter of number 3 in tlie tli conceioi f ernestovrn also the wtlialf of numher 24 in the 5th cnnceasion prederickabmgh midland district all which land i will offer for sate at the court house in kingston n saturday the 4th day of march next attbobourof 2 oclock noon t- a corbkrr sheriff ji7a distfut shriira office city of atinalao midland dsslrit norbr 3j li7 sheriffs sale mtolako dtttaier fh satur- to wil j day the fif teenib dy of april lhhct st twelve i ocjoclt noon will besidd at the cuurt house io the city of kitnttoni the under merit inned lot of la nd wih lc tenements thereon seiaed by vir tue of a writ of fieri paciua issued following suit vt2 william c clark charles johnston lo numtor lc7 in the city of king- a ton t a conitett sheriff m b sseriir office midland dulficl kingston jjmuj n 1s48 london steel pens just received at the atheneum book store a large attortmtftt ef uel peas by rarioa makers iactudiajc cillets cele- irated magnum boaera the new york ladies pen and severafother new articles a libet al allowance to the trade- october 26 teareto n winter stock of lrtsf u d muscitiido teasnrotkk wines spirits ot crefnlly sewted hy nertnust infection in the montreal and new york market hi resrnt slock comitrikee amon etheti the following aiticlfi t kas gvftpowdrr uria vf mjvaf tj hraoa slin ivkor cnw twtj bpsaajo t iaaty d luiha kuga us mucrrto bnprfsur misi cii india o 7wbfe ucfihilglrtd mmo coffee gittn kiri q r v pi inttvm fi itim bad mih okvi wines in fliidi atttto ib j- waevim l p iv svrrj rt j bowo l p- twnflc kavna pt adafcrfr- ji uicaflt ctafal maiaaa old port spirits ohjamaioa i4nd crtnc ufaodr nmrjtis lhindyllott4idiii cgawassb uia i 1 wbir sciich wnjtktjr srhcifnm cmi m i ens ck chctty w 7 j- ii 1 y i pjk at in quprtt k0vltin eli sir chtfkv kiidr vic us dntiircufico m1 tthcr iirufs g koceri i s cttrcmnlt bjr ufquinre jrltersviitnlj if kivlt rnttrr pulo i sj t rv p i find q1ilki fci i i v r t i- no fri 0mrlrf pye fltcvctiiheh wr- amw aanl 6okyho4 lflintc mru- vviial b nui p f tiilcp sor windr castile while jelv cxola uai iffflt waa wiek 3ljuld oiw sttn nod fe olrrs sxit ijmnutb lit r r rg lj t itcfiicd and pjtte qrten urosro white nd knl inrfm sc cdj- fnrit ofjer n4 ispp s biilct vtiu4jiu ui0rln i kiftitl w fitu vi llntlo nut mmtnn tfkc vnkni 01 mutritil itamih rot imc ftmaeta plums rest tukry fi i- u niflna ft jar pskflssvptn fsfltciu ri kij iiifin lel kst liidtn jmifcr rottltfo t t li s ihi f n i j 1 1 1 and pcdehc pkw iss mined oton vjomp pjeohlu fifkiicuiikiivetfe cucumher hot prfifva savccs mustifrhiit rtehnn walnut de llvfrev lnie ji km tnde tndu sr rrosn itccfai ill 1 i nelmste snli ti uurs l liri cw i ta frtsto sieart 8ifcb nine- cloe chlk vlntn ltid d in- lilirk 7 tuine vnri wmpptnaond wnlinc pnncr she frutailj nilht hzlits futh llrkk tiitucca nd piota tvr oil in iirf4 trj pinle wla lem t tbf e t- 1 1 lnts rrrrantl ullltctlkb llif nd cirfft bnwi ltikpodtf ittdinotyiamm alwn miprttt sutfilnif hin1ok kpr mtfe nil hee the sehciiaet swires the pahlic ilia tlie whole of ibaaborc atirleaaie m ilia tiy tcl oualily ami will be sold fur cah of iiromit pavi on the lowrt rocili1r tc roreltt allen kindlon noremlier l17 john horsey brazier coppersmith ikon aiti pltr worker wire worlicr c stc beg icaporlfulty to inform hi prienja an j the public in general thai in has opened 00 establishment ir the above line in bagot street oppvite the athinrum stori sliriv he has uii ijui a lago aaaort tin japanned shee menl of cper issm1c i m jan lrn anj plain tin wares cooking ani box stoves dumb stoves which ha will soil at exceedingly ou pries all kind- of baths- nu as showet slipfvr hip and font baths ctc gardes engines of different paiierna chimney tops of varintia de acriuinns cve jtc ah ufjtfn in the aline line thankfulk rare wed and punctually attended to p s f j ip lung experience in bufiitea in oeveal of ihc principu mnnuraetiifing twns in englanj lie flatten himself that ly good m-rkmanohir- and mxjemte charge he cannot foil if rgiyfj aaitsfartinn tr those who may favor him with their orders kingston dec 1 lsfl7 samuel morleyco general impoiiters of exglish jixd axejtjcak hardware vlfoufd intimate tn their friend and the tt pnmic tnm 1j livr receised a kit enure ano wr isoited stock or llcay owl shrlf wtrvirc fancy goal 4 4 eohraiaiko falitr lorih banks svedet lowmoor list iron i1ooi ami dandlmn csvlpstiriaeand blister sleet canada plates bli ionandtin glsckmilhs anvil vicei n dark spikes wrswwand cm nails il loiiif and i mcc chain zinc lotfl i t slteet br coipev lrad an window obia paints and oils hair seaiine and cotled hair i shii i i h coepers toot uwj ad najetv pvurltuf pircrs auregtnt aartftrnt of slvrr ptitc and uriianiiut autof ware fine cnturit -j- hot water dishes and plates and dv cooking box and fancy stoyft fsiiders fire lion pice doc 4c ut otm o me clwrsif soap princtr strtft kindlon nov 5 17 tllfc navigation laws tv m frfiror stt- 7vj4fo rif sir f iaatcod f imrcoasng hio tlomeu varaasaat i rvrl tke nstiatioo f so far u it enncernfd tko inun1 wtcri f cnda thr liovtricui toennrnt ttd tddretej her itjr in prevent anercsn vtpscu rrn t vjilersoftke st it rnm lite auntnrj liic b jit ctnwh to hontreal nd jij krh of s urn pivteeiive duly tn lneuhd ur lu uedlort of patafpf cmthltv rk np the ngmi matket ihej njl time pennnwd their dirty to qiaaaa oe mil as lu gient ltntnin even if thru desin bd ca4rd of arconvoliplimeat ifl enund rot it i m have been rasf to htve icn sntit- fifliwr md indeed onsotwrf a lea0iii ty thit proteeiiun to rh agrieullural mid eiotniet- cisl of csnfldn as r m of i i d hvo bren gronted by the mother cava tie when id john rumn prpoed few yere musa of cpomonp to impr pet i tiri iji r i eoimcprquimervn vltnt i n irj into grent ufiuio ffom abmjd m hs- fcf enco to sir rohrrt peelas1iiories1oorduiie 1 jojm ftd no inlrnlion of perntitlinf al ont tiflasi tho vlmai mnd flour of foieirn countrift w cater ociiiok poifi freof duts ft ii reoerrcd by sir robert peh to propose on etfry tbe meures of freo trod lo their i t 1 1 fipui estent ntthojjh it ta ooe to 0t teenao to any thai be ftfl bitoaflf comillid by ihealmosl total failure of the pttato crop tn iralapfjt and partially throughout the united king dom to adopt n meaiore thai hs wvotd notolhoi- vinr pfrhapa 1 r sanctioned b n i the espf rknee ihey have nlready had in i- j of tho effeet of ihs pre trde aye- irrn thero can be no doubt that parliament will be compelled lo retrace ila aloi and tocktiiue a dlj opon forcteft breadtjoffa entering urlkih pnrt su iii aa ws in cani1a aia eoireeinrd we jraire and a coloniats we may ioaiat opoo hav- nf oar projirii admiurd iiln enr1ad uprt such tcrma aa will ajiva 0 n deijed sdvaotage oror fur rigii coanlriea if efifund wiahes to tstaa her colon iea sho moil n4 ireattbfm aa fci c bvt sa iri if ehe penuat in any other polict thry ri ii fall frvin her f m anror inabiliiy to em- petcuconnual terms wu forego countries in the dnth fnrif1 j invtance england ha abtliihd laaiars in the wi jodtc but ahe ad- mita tho slaaerown sugar of foreign eontrlen insoih rnliah otarkets ofn etjoal batas with the pugars of her can fxtoniea wflffaj atavery ia au koown and where envently fcr enfvil he ii ii aj a it u j c j otiit 1 w l stewart psorriktob of head quurer sa1xt uems stheiit pf oil t c domccasi hotel montreal wines and liquors plieaiieaitwt of the anstie ia respccimj queried i th ure ltk f fbh aa wises imoited 4xd liquors direct and for sate at the just rbrbivrd ahd fob sale by the subscriber a supply of alrs hauel v celehrated depilatory powdett fjr removing hair without injury to the akir pateyvnm drown windsor soap wilhsmsv ane alroond soap enw indelible lnk for markiog liuen alc hair arid tooth bmahert andageaeralauoetmenlof rntih per fumery root barker druuf fr apoihtraru btoch street kmratoa oct s 1w7 notice f unjoraigfied baaing bowl ap- pninted athene fnr tte coumbos blieissauc8c01pirit la now prepared to toko marina risk f every rteacripiiun at moderate rate of premium thomas brigcs jca few orrresv princtssatreeti recently mif ut willi m j martin crntr o jfjftd 57iore nftncfoa they eonaiat m p p fthowa and re genuine and fice frm atnlterntion fine1tiplerfl llrjnt saidiimiia and el j i i iwis i tvetaba madeirsst fm ple arid faj shenks ii- u and u- j 0rfftvn slterrieaj medium tltree grade sherry sljuliaoj j ohateho de beychrrvi1te clarets caaiaah uargraai chaoitmne of r hranda mrtehotordand lrooaya drandy iperxr ihd brandy io bottk fine plr neondy fjenrra and llouns ci qniijftf scmcli whiekey jamaica and 1 n l ttan r i p- i s i wr i 6tc kingston nos 301917 notice he suhscriber ha cnmmenceil the cfaoceav buamaa where he now rcsiilc nexi ilor to mr harkes crockery store king street kinahm whore he hope hy strict aiteulinn to hasineeand moileiate prices to rncai a share of publicpaironnee john fosteb july 201347 for sale by the subscriber al his ship clieml- tery store no 1 hattlvs buim- ins tar plicli uomlti tarrcd itope manilla d everylhiagin ihushipchaadlory it t bes leave to intimateto the puh- licrlhftt with a view tn cmfrij sutl hiili a tttul rlisirttarri of expense he hs fitted hi his estab jshment in the al ji x t ict ocd ctyle ilia extensive trve anj experience in the business has en abled hiui to jujge tffevcry thing tha- ran oj j to the comfort of hi frictitls and no exertion will he sparctl loacturr thetn eve ry luxuy the piuprietor aln bega leave lc add that he ha attached to the above gstabuhmctt a ladies saloon fnr the accommodation ol pnivati pahtift novemhcr 1647 03 3m oct 23 isi7 nd line donaldson s7 caledonia water the subset iber has received enn- sigmmnt of i he ahovc excellent water tvhtnh he will sell in quautiiiua lo suit purchasers m t- iicntbr etthttngt end mnrenve off ontario streel- cow in possession af ame ittto the premies of the subscriber near waterloo about ihellh ol eseai- ber a aniddl sixed kk0 cow th owner is requested to recoovc the animal and pay i charges cheap grocery store ihe subscribe- bcgaleave loiufi t l snd oilier resortinp ti kiuuton moricet and the publk generally that he hs j leccivcd prime as3utlmert of good tkasp coffee45 sugars fruits c at 1113 general grocery x aatciss strcct a fete four nooty or diktonsudntxtdtmn re fbrytk atacafotira skp fe woulrl earnestly draw the attention nflhnac tvatiig a gorj sound welh fljvored a rtu ot tealfltl ailliciola ciutaxp lo ilia present stock and would rcqueat them to call and examine tor ihernsrlvcai and if afiui trial ihcvdo nni find be can give them a imllar airi- clafp ot a cheaper prttv than llity hove hitherto lncn accustomed r net he ill let thcro have iho tiouda for tmihiii thiis not what people call finmwtry but dutvftrijthtdr which anyone raminf wil he able to fiiul ml an aitirjes in the ofhwery lint tvjll be aom a low as iiossihm produce of every iwcrtolinai will be labrn ot exchane 3l coia price c tt v rrmitit5 kingaton dec 29 ww 3m kivrvtofi klf kmston dee 31 iv i miclean if valuamm mill sites t caxanoqlk nphb tnlerhiined offer far ata the uihraa- plol water piawsr at ganaiheipe and will altinl neiv tacrlily fnr the rrrctioo ol fnior mjiu nr nv nthn kij of mrffmiei jnr kilrjjtinn i ton wch knnnn in rrnoite particolio iwcriiiinij put iron v liieh will be liwral and any further infnfim k at meulieat in 0i aihlrrn nli v kvan lo oi mfov vrrtu llcku frctlipasjil njon the ptrmiars to r j mloxald ce fiaitsmwjhr hciihitai il7 in fart huminf atatea ti ike dctlmcnon of jisr own frre m ii from vrhat hear dalj of ihe atte wen india os4ai0s and the msuritkia rmrn ihe otlsr pcoatraoon or alj oor katcomiikr eial houaes ennneeted with the uade of lhrte p-ta- r ii n and thnu tho hopelcaa atat4 tu which r j at e reduced hy the unuoe fklaiion if iieai ti in 1 in respscl of tho rut the poiac piona itblhitloo apparent that thej can neer rr pnjapeote aa inj aa that onjoat ayatem of legulattitn a continued u there fe great it fain deaiffs lo retain her prrril dmtingnialied po- ritton among tlie nannnaf lite earth and to retain ihe nviito alups cidnniea and commcree ahe iuum fire that proteclin in her cdonrea in hrr own marvela whieh will loako ihcnt protperoo and eiihenicd s if tkc weal india clonics ahotd to ibandunrd ti y grent itrilniift wmdd not tlieif aitoa- von be north tntprored t would thry not legiplair ffe iemaetves in mich a war as in enabu lliem in manocaeiure auar at a prot iviafid of a and i u 1 1 gieot bnlam place those clonic in eoch a ptvitkin aa to cauac their roin inttejil m inakin litem y- cmn sov mi faclre reaann to givrt f- a cooree oflecnlaiion llul n duets aueli dia oa reaolls tle ansvrcr ia that the peofler unfland hutd tie allowed ia bsjrcham urtiraafaia al ihseheapeal pwvn rale if that answer is lo bo pejied in then i ay rfic can fujrehase frfm her own ftowrt at aa cheap a rtr as any other chintre if ade tc- atiwea in them tlie alee labor ni man dealns l sec a retrtd in ihc wml ndes but if roy eneonrace h in new ofwna llraiil or cuba uy ad llni friih pria opos the rome tcruva if ufseined where slavery ia saofiietali do rvt vittf the cpe f blmd wholbohl tuvcry io such hrmr in fact eiconiai thai ver auej which ihe nation nid twenty miljions aieilc toawjtb tho argument in favor of priteci to oir eojarfirodueiic cnlonies nd which appears in tre ir ii r ia nf equ il foecnhen apihvi tu canada if c sc ro oaitinoe s cotonv of ceat f 1 ia 1 here with one dtup f lei- tiah rn ma veiaa wl lines not arneie pray fnr ita eonimimieeftie mo it lnvo thnt nortec linn or ik pniilocte in ihe biikih market ayhidl will inrke it sail intereus to deal eemikh as ortnibir if nil crniitety with tha moiiki country if our drtins rirr lyhtjiy or ehrli wnh uic unit uiilltci ute foi taaeeanlanstj and in unit ahe mihl aa well call ueg coccnr aa jfoih it tn cniinreia icutions ore letwneal mall l wil be aled how are uv t lo otained tlie ainv ainiplf loeire o aorh a inoovraie pi cltosi fur oor gat aid innbrr m or marketa a tl ifidncs ua aid lloc litr elrai kniand irastaateaftha loitrd slates a small dvt iff fiv- or ais rlins per giurirr vf wkral and ftj three shilling pr lrrcl of vvor hjki lh whsnl anrl ivmrof lorin coontocs i max h itoiil po ia all the nnitcottmi i sa ii mflt bii1 iir pr4viied ogfa aoj all saol aaosn larvojh najf iitteajd waters from tlo i wiern siii he allowed lo enter fire of dvy f mir racial iraa in act ilrelf eiooaty wo tooccanpliali uii ong tpt ntodrfalc if iho rjasaaadi f visual muui hatsi a rerenoc lacro can lc nn dtfnm or fie aaeeeas a the enovaror- ttin ns alioirtrl h erlam of aernri ttae eaity- lesirarfoirt ihr western stales lw the useafl ad eroaa iho allntk- ntiil thai noy n lie required rr coassjmoiii4i ia iko atlanta mm anj rnatasa siiate r fa the soply f the rjsl ska irltnaeaer rhna remain aa liter aiewhest aorf hour unic notih imos in the foiled slams titan io csiasts pnf ihf aodr vf the limns mar- to ha miftkd thai it i farcn rowiuwsatmrd snj mnimrwilvibassjalo a llaaja lor any length of lima i tvv e rilerap ihr n alh afdc cf tclu d stilt threat itnuln has on i ne hiti in l hat event be alien and ajh afierwarda in feetm ml aaaumhoe h t ho government of ihr unite4 si a tea will not i tlte duty upn cooudin a heal anduturenienog iheir pia as aa la keep i op ihut teettn of diecinteni in canuda ihey i im there ia lo mueh g nnjo1 u ortoiehnel in a very frw yean pflioo coftjtrif for laflttasahsl iito ihe american cnmo if on the other haml ihe awnci gajevsa- imi aholj uka tff ihe dutieo opm arfrcvl and j loti enti ibrir otita or rqiat le hmo with hae elsrced by o we atmll then s i rnmer- cinlly eonnreed flh the vniied sttr tint we ha1l aoon to upn insuni oa a lrrifi couoiry h canada one witxoa jople atatl tlten ihsx no immediate iotervat or cuonniim in ile rolih market and we olrk from asanlalf neeeasiiy in ensibly lide rnto the lap of j pjaaeiaeji a pfitljr propperl roy llin pfi liudv fcna lotkc loyal ihabiumi uf canau ai j luve claewhrre swftdy ataied al lrve my views wilh refjafd lo ihe ewst of ihe navta4k ifowsopoo mi tnmf wstera it nnlr renina fvr tae to jve ihe laajrcl aasaq notice lrr i hvn ahown thai fl ptikjc la e n and lo carry the trade of ihe wfx in h- vcsseli to mon treal and quebec t a inireh cheaper rate than ihe americana carry their jtrodnci t new viik if ire have no protection in the knctioi bssiajef- aod ihe americans nasal n imadtfy their liiffol jot ita which ielatelo canadian whent a qjct thee m ill alwaya be a betirrmifkrl u uio new york than in mcfttrcot and ilr emimojiiies will nl go down the ltwrenee ei io verv limited quniilice inst will reek tbe new- york market if o hve prolrcinn al itonte our product gq lo k- i tip r lov- rence and we cno attract by thai ruyio n itro poniioior ihe prodocttoa of ihe viiern tatea oot onder no eiieomatjnres ntft it te the intcrcat af can mia ta permit the- an fie ma to ore ir si lwroee caoila if grct uotm ahmjld nl fear eotnpetittoo with the amcocana bciwecn qocker nd ute 0th porta ahe can an nodkfr her novatiin la ae to pcrmii tho americano t carry our produf ta frum o jehec 01 mimtrrnt rt cncand tho aanerieans wdj thea have btiliah cjji to etintend cit nrtcad of canadian such a staesstfal ootiraai hiweaeao ctcrtruonvo of her maritinte inleat i ili not apjircbend witl be abandoned by ihe doiia raikaineol su far ca oor inland iraja j concrrned itas c i l ci moat carff wjat flour ac nhrpcr io slvalnol and qocbre than the americans can catry it from tho vvcatcfaj to new yiwk oribey will loaeue baoura thai will ilraya be a aotrcieni ahrck upon canadian iatip owner evrn tf tlwy had no eompetillhi v vr tie tjulca ri cikatltall wheat entiling lic united sllca can stimulate bovincaa opnn iho si lsttrcrcr ia tu ibc aa it moat be lo all reflect a i- i i e r y hoohl the itritirdt government unwtaetr repeal ihe nasifolpsi laws it it ia ant to bo pfcaumed ilmt ihej will allow mhei ihia oe anj alter colo nv afiee aorh repeal to leielnie mi any way 1u efjtict ih i repeal jf 99 drd sho would 6nd aa many different navigation lawa aa ahe hia anionics ahhst in fci awe could not tell whi liar rclaima were with fveifn cijolnte ii eema to me ilwrefs that our frovineil admin titration could wot have aeriootlj pbpckd ihdl oeat lltilain nootd sonnil ihsm afteea repeal f the navisjftikofi lraws to llttaftlff in fuluae wiih the oal tn soy manoer ahaiercr by tlie covarta lj paascd by our tctialatore tit setaion ike aanio rate of doiy waa iiaanaed pon ihe dritiali ordp cntrrmr ihc ptoinee a upon arncricai n difference waamotle between oriat driiiin srl ihc unwed statea outtxy au rely could not have aopposeo that ihc bciith gcvernnrtnl woalel hive per mil ird aoch sn enaci menl tt receiic the rtysl asacnt br that bill 11 ad rocivvi doiy oracvrnandnhiiir per cant waa fitfjrred npno all fionda enlennp the privinee wlniher roaiiofciufed in esalaad or ihe united stalo on mucordour ffteco ahilkng and ihrce penco per cwlwheilwr imported by the st atssitaco tr ky tfio lmted stales and the sane duty waa imposed ofma all niher isoantlrej irttelra wlei5ur wy should cotneby ihc imted state or by the st lawrence f thoa t tka cnttad it jtea niota the full natural sod artificial awaatawta it ivsr iho st lawrence ruute when otjr 1rovineinl government arced tn ihia bill they iitusl have forgouco ho ttatt ihey required to iaic upon the st lawrence cs- nila- tlwy lgialo an every pituble way izfasi tlnc cannla and iajvw of lbs route by cv yoik and thctt eohial if nvtradof ihese tin w wo cuatams bill oor lesainriti had agrej to a am ill deommsliopj duly tn favir of ud by the si lawienco ihev i would itice dtaekijtrd ilieir dly towsda ert lund and ihii ce4oy and ihey would have jlwchy materia intreaed the revenue derivable uvm tll aai mc it- llwkanta consk this 1 huml niinniiin il i the doty of tho provincisl f losrsaosral io qv- at ihe scy nct sessrm of lifts iciaahiirri ar tnrttlrr i psriy may bo in pmer ahiioneh ips reform part ac onrrnf ly bprnaiaj in favor of preo trarkt and f lu reilfine niviotit lows f rwmly belreve 1 i ij iiiiilt patriotism m tho leadrs rf that party in wriicti void i fit kasl to pcruiil ihem ttsaapf ifice the inliretts f utecoimlry ua inee pfirly ciy i think thai al wejlrjieariinf men o lili portatatirtti require lobe shown what is aw iks afoalafc of the rvofiooe to attn that he of i- v vrlitsh will beat jnnthc rla inicieals i esooii hrhvve tit it vple who have a aiako in ihi ptoawiiiyottti eo wkeiker y fj litem ivea conarretfses or iifvnttrr will sop- iiii in sirc4 ifard to ihi proaprrilv vecstwe it iiuy bv f with the uhlhinkrnf io cry mi fr fire tiatlc m tho v l of ihe xstv iihii lias iroin the qiifei i havo been iciinirif it t lora f a iwonieoi hi the late ive lakall be conilit roovjh in nrs cttctly j onfislcvnorftoo and iolri of toronto and iho cw f monircal aa to are inem vrilb not a few accompanying ecpvaaaonv of poor rtluyon thopsl f iho coosdson ond crfp epiei jlftotlrnipt tv impugn ray long sod we1 no b ri-mri- the tvnarivaliea taute ihe oklanehty umh i that tuch iaoavosbps hate a moat pereeptoo tmtucs of two princifilessrhreneuim uatpjaasa of coasra- j ttve twbj apply ift that unrurhr nanie rtrry i shinin sacilbtiof puhoy nhuh o few arlfih itfranl or visionary ajblic men may ejiao to tidopt ant the anbcoihinktnr fairiin of iecon niunity are etrwtd either to scquiroce in these chanjodble aivd u l r r r i ne ir t m i ed ss daeitera of the caose of tvyoliy and riolilt aaltnillii but woinualoapeet ti eihibitteo of o much iaconkoy sod inerme wlteo ll condoclnf thai miwlny engine lbs rrea lalnos woe as is do wohsppily too often to man who pasjajsj avlittlcifilo i as of asmo pritciire and uflrn writ a amall st atnoont of moe wortt aa j i nee tn t its of ibe commoniiv to often oeed and an0tea tltey wrue fov hn and that claaa f wounr is found lo be ovet im- mediblely phnottve which jnivud f vi whotewama dirrelion lo pwuic oyanaon b the mil n- ptndrr to ita imiftrii t paj vcr- arly ths ir not pethpa aj oreut remedy fur ia d mipfy hate ot ihtnfa toil it bec the pipbltc lo br wltfted aeatnpt the miaehtaf td iho deerndation if ihey eann4 aobotirol laaaaiaaval of pwkive yoml in ita nvim tlie ptasat fs bo rrally iflncnlial and owfu abvud beentidatedithe maosament ot mro of itlcf rity ap1 enial weijii who will ol ux tho mp mifiwuttt bnio ilteir nsceaatte the neojy crave iry to blifhlllfoir isputalaasi as india ijoafa or barter away dewrost inlorcaisofoor coyy i may be escuaed whtbt opn thta auhrci for lafsaaf a iswavat to iho rcwglt of tits late alee- iinna that rcsplt i am free lo control has not ereslly aajraspkod me it haa but title cscccded what i anticipated and is what every renctltng conaeiralive i covesed wilk worm iho aurjw dariq ihc laaisil tnootha ssnnaacd linial vile iimicrst ra3atic sijifsr for tae vs va mnrj jjrfawr t tlie otijsi of hi comujomcatan u in fsdni tenlio io ik c4ri ciion of me tss rrtaaa siilatkairvweaolancvi that rss to saas sbad v n very r p oc not entos rac nwved- v faaari jnn wka ini as ijwaa pssmeajera firea a ey ferfitl sceoiait of saaa tahly and sorfting shir favrr is riaa opao ihe srslavrj snlaotrcalgjoaioflrvftaaaaiii making fk2tcv u ft and atsjirafaw as lite tmo pu lnw fmm omo to ttoso kara koeo eaankd isvlfietme nomrs of paaonvra ua tltreo ftatitf uzt u and orvoa otasat ojolstuofhr itea imp cd jitimanely inlowoosj to arretl or dimoth hajaaait soflvoor bataa ywt t r 1 i mi more or intnftiilyi ti a deiee fjial ciaar homimiy to ahoder vihwit aiormo to detail the tnetdonta of ily occurrence tsih tw effrft in arrfai tha mqniita m u j prr ecj for aod tho argument t ordi awrily employed hs been ifl eveyy br n in during tho ronieat itaok it wa curnawnly aaked sthal ccal publk princjole upoo wliictl fi i tj rrevt public jl are about con- teod fir r ir wlial aball we bo strs fi h r n iho tsmdtltona of nor coemhilion binding txir ties loour fatltcrlsad laytne deeper and rlmnr ihs crfuojiof out pomio prospertiy and amdirtc iho f root eoso of ejucaiisi nmrakty and re- ti io labrinf ft ihr mairroino i pis jiilffi loioe wb poociud tbe mcora caat htbjriiy of the laal tlliamrnt kfim i frits ui ihal ws hs none ut tbewf hih and crcd thiaa o eonund for- wa kave actn tlw parlimcoiary afa alalion haa aimed i the itanal rrnlrarl ja tita ly ftrl and wtr boi ha vaf etld h ilaeean aaaiiiiia palimcoaryk hs tmed iflasala and tt wn lh fl hikarcnlietyaimdivtdulor parly aearndt t m menl and ha been a continuous arva foe lv m a trsw of itasaio ott wjlaa me o call public attenuo to a very aitfipps asr rcetifs finrt however it may not bo oat or poiro q beieflr akcteh an ootlms f tlo condition nt fsm pneera on beartt tho cnmnvia run of mmi jraprt aipa ths tween decks ara nowrad wmb irmpoeary bunkv ad pcwv as atspunaf aparlmeota two three or anh onwrii rjm t hufi iff pr i irfhii crtl jca nf rib iuja and of all aee and eattitoo are bswmwipjbi crowded lilts place tttoa amnced sw eoaw aeoacnamlov atlanlie no of them psrhawaj ever at twfora itolsvfssf inaupjtly arnfeva vrftuy elfd ilseeasjw pmvi e ibewawa f- i ui am lo d oasir asjg msafr tito nvsinaprofidcd for eaua ss deck cftftti m z vf a temporary slrociarvf esasa- cfmtoa and pcealiatty uicoorsieni to oaeteaalo bad sroather tlie ahp h eesreesy left hor rnrt of dsfasttasj if every psanjcr to down with aru aiehiseas they omw into ihetr aiceptiv pen aod toftk in 0 tatly u rabts tor o fjtro ta even pan tr v rniks an effrl when nfhf ftpitiarhet tho halhra aroctoard andsnlinaa soy almw nf nijh wclhee estafa uia ttqlhrs as kaptevwed throifwwamm avsvjafjsl waotiaa- nus anj sefwo lbs pnne cmaieros cm rwo frvaaasa aickcso rswvas ehoeaaa is aaosneesal h ship sjawit oavlosifs har a nd oad jvad ia iviiiiiprr triemortatitebosrj4 n immi front ahip n alwaya fnoavored by tha ssaalheron fjs voyar if ths paaaavs is s mwfi erftr whlh f enurao laid to tua rutoessrtr of krerrtne iho halchew on trla wnaaasw at avvtto ia lripsvitoa fav ottdwsews il is lhai aljipo aoivinr at qoavc atunw a painful lit uf dsatha and iucknea 0 makieif n southern paie evirly peorinf hh tact jot aosplw ft t nraahy of fll hatrheoioeiuysn p1cc sod power and locro it haa cihtbtted th rreatioo cn of cfices at a laeasy osucoae aa a aof u nsdy iroubteaome a meoaciaa friend ahaa rwieker tlie beat inisrevt of the eonmry nnrihe reaper ta biliiy of sneirly ha been e d inihaachcliooof sosas oflhc iodindttal alohsta been appointed tu onuaiimia that be- eaine kgilimalety tscaoi itc ayatem uftdrr i i niiul the coonim rtiuat noa be cmidueird t milt be aaid ia mote to bsoo f r ihia ihsn ho ad t inn m ration in vhtl il csan niitlrdi but 1 willawpwfr that hnror uuth and juflisuji arc belle iti espvdichry aod f n- eraatitca ahoold hao teen die lot tu eihiavt a practical raidanco f ike cofwpiriei find itiquiiy of whtch that atatc haa bton imcp4ih tfiev too okould hv0 maaiftotrda oe brirjih pslrneas in ihe eelllemrnt of conteud elreiaa and thry ihuld have been abac to brnorail io ihcii opneoa an eaiplenf wjkinffoeva toaxeri- firc prvlr and i- r interests t lbs t pejbjosifteo hsvano right u ntkipata lhai lhe opnocaia will tawo ihc mitita in evincing to the world ibul in the essretaoof an insfatras poic doty ihey am abvo tho infiococo of alt aarsoruif and party coetsldcralvvia bchcvm aa i 4 that uftsre ia a t u d r- friirr whieh m berth dock or sioesnax of an immtrrani nhio enihits wilh eloord hatchew the story nf tho huok hole of catetrlta ma naloo bat it rva aajaa mare and boftsfl rave n tea in thoeasai allnavd to ia too very quiiino of ptf miaeey lka rery refinement of umimi er wty i i- fawa and n n t m gm tofrevtf well inloed fail to mm rf i rendine tl lmt oil 10 roach fid arrvvasl he a very auvfjia has ofuctl oawiot w evshsl ahrwrjat cartaio d lear oaa r enttdad ir ciae wd isjj be artitrd hy the i psoisliirstai that ovverlbed hy eh1ibeao and vulfd tnuolrr iei hie law he ttiia xj esvcy mar soid r t c awa by aea ll be retot with mpe r r nf ovch tar cooliof fond qji b id paomw lad wattf tih fuel i 14 pjuijjsfct correnl of pure ceraaod wamiiv aaffnatd wi aof ihufatiwon n pemte s inlfta lv epkl ted rfihi law tliepr4ee residi wth bm ibv aanpi provdedekio4 apjiotua aw rrni piasco f cr whieli rae to 4 ed m all h will to or awwrcftllyvtonnacva ira tftosaj on aa cuoni ofbl weftiher od the vry pa tov ifrdina aa woll oaj eeoome cainj under dccat wll proroto beaa nj imaltyjo ihr coufllry we eaml winder ollho j poliiical elianrrs which liao ot cnm ocr vs when that liifhloned and tound ptimic nuinion ua ixen cnliaied inio ihs ssntkay of the acre of iho laat parliament and tka ooaalled coaaerf altrs io- in 1 wo eannui wondr thit ihoo sajsfsi tonally omeat and eaihuaa osic fnr tha fenume ooscrvattse csue ahovw in the reeent contest haae mited trir armi ia ind terence 0 to utter perptetiiy aa to mraibie jiave rtao men from a comptraiiye estimation of isjaaal aeiiveaaniinduwoi na in of ihseirp tliepeoittenitalate ji bodtawo uy tr firo dnd pjissejilyotbyiha swike pie wkihi fraa air by piae pewciraliuy ika k si ottoa p i of ihe reaol win beaapjliax in vaewuoi aaa m laa time isao it syvajfj iawnj trshdlaaj ariarlr ihe rrhos air or w feverew anis stwajm aselwifed io foid weuiherand srfiiat alth lichee ara offl an a t i of ro kii j tari be cmduxtrj on dck uoi bsfaaig may to pona on bolow but ihs law ah a j to nopef standirjf sod ataks in ihe country ihe fiffto i ttc arfp0 a e f f r n urynt t 1 hi rtlkh fl bltle rjo they vroou hare afa meter in aloutd oe peoaaied in ako cvnr paajmaraaw aaanrd lo ilkm nor has il aaated ni a light j lrt n aimpotiw be enaeuvt and cfllurued and naintat i reel am etmeaia ut of nhiih tiifto re mark uf mino have ia avajio decree f emwti t nail mj m any country u fvuod la be of ihe amn mmtl uvo ny tarsal eontanercial or ivdiiteal rjiralitm aod i ksvo alaayo been prepared ro hue my acia and opmvna aa a puofcc fraq freeu ciiitvased and mhen uiry call lor ah even an m- ajvvled iinnr aiih aasniljr in ihe hewt and eseiiement ol an kkciton ejotest io j aliould j nm be taken by auojiao wvro ihs limi uf onh nary cooiety wtaneiimes a liltlo maiwf cased m tin irtaiarsl eltria to maintain a prejdo arid bolatcruos parly but i was i confeao iisroly pfcpared for so rest a def radation of comet and iraical feelinr- in wmte rsftws eonduciora or thai potirotiof ute taia abch calfa haetf sanacrsw degree ihs warmli of coosorriive ssjoaa that hi ro many rsanfli whilst vrorlucaa oe holvw frienda havo been rewarded and r ven tpmcoe miea aijrnecd by ifflicea for which ihey had on nckflwed n smne of lite ual up bnltsrvfof lle ususlorchy and of ttiii4j aoprema ey havii had llwir evuivis iwuarfcirmffiblcjulics treated wt4h iorttftvrtee and boalcaisfc i hare no pfrhetai that f- wl will rir ifallthtt ir lh krftrfin party to ni h iho prvertmiisnl m abj lobe i rf i otlleaatopidrlktf isaama m r j f p turn a jf to in ounvua iml euidtnoa of tto aaora fnaieal and i my sdd a hr sa llaocn estida eoneeohi1 rttauyal of ih1i aawrraats fr h enimt be denied ilhot skasoj nn avaest levdnf itefopiitta in wsr canada who sfe nvtoritel not eaerlltd wh kyafy jki j on m a atolls heard and mtri eoiir tr the fnudofths ooftotiv ihey jjt ihr auo port or all haot and rihl abrfllovd men f ah wfati hi lueptredaoirsodsantin ib romrnai tofafsati am atatra to as ihs dastwlluiai of psriy at far datas away aa lh1 iks only tf i miolilvalim for iee alwll be manl and inlel kvlwal filnsra wilh aneouiveal alignment io iho rreat and rotobinj lis of nairini sv eaeutc it ihry atopt a tsultaluwi r eucess of lha avos vrotenl itcir body do aoo to weaasn the bda winch link aa saewja hs4aowa tind i pr diet ihrir early and atonal d ul tits loyally uf iksrouniry mill afain riae in lis mntht and ihrr pnohralvwi io tttqbo as eompkto aa n waa in lt36 or lrj4l ypajf obcdcnl ssaeaiir v iiriirvr tletutlto jimim l1 nl ejovipaa and impelled hy the r nth nnta wlm can doout ita elqeacy 1 toay ttouiio- of the ewjforl to iho pr aratcrra wlo aawa aitkermhblshardukimy oheoas or any that ran bs oaten wnhout ssatltswfi tfur h fftwlher ihsm can bno aaoajsw no deck in iko contrieaneo arranged there ut flinirnl paaiwo ctpi the hfs saving result f smetntly dso fecimo a cmwdsd woh deck of hutnia auetaruuj ajoll impniurll cmhihas en mteepeaw this ml beoent t nnahur hy tlie paras a of 0 law aa udroauaf lnr c jil ji evpidity may atari okjca ikaaf and ffravrly hint n 4nr of aatunc lha atiiiort he d uttjeiwrilera may foe a risaa f add iiionat pmdu rr ihs kik i m rlwre is no ptnud tor altrm atova and opaci 6m plieea to urje arned taaavs havo alarays eittrl art ijrr a film d vvaasli do i be tonkidw midirdack solllt ottyn os rrfsnu in troder deck r tfo paaseojee rfsp ta and don away irotirewa doo1tlks ospodiao cs tf ihs law ht a ciiiifo bo pciiolcd of a i h r tint iaja mssifsts acd rryortp l vc teauk admit of wo ovhiv a aery hoofa kuy in tio tlie espenmeiii boi aja to tto rapidly accoiti uimir bend a c ken ins sail mrwi of o lie built paekrt v- tftaa sftiovoeo ol witoin anal humony but iho cyosfl run of sea w enf a d rkoaf in iho cmveyancoo alrema popamfsea mx belt rl laiar hcarr wd ulti r dtavajaa ard avassl rr uf k in ifn fynt t pitmih ihia d ipod s of it i err no tinrumel ot wadinln wad lrt a ilventn kilnd and olhr onkjwoa laowsfd hyf tlutoanily ihorowillarraaipoaaa in tin pfftaiiurf envoa to i a ralt and mark ihi prediction if lba pfao a oeo aovaasa vm ntu fnd atanelhme lil tbw aurao irn iii lite rlteiiftemeiit f rwii ptmngmt akiw m ndamip ooaitf straruvatetia areatnidrdiiadt dirk tr lha ue t a ai ii ipnajis saal the alfp wtke wrh bip taa itasj aval sad iaitit thro sci