hpivtlk imn aw ka l ftiut ii then waal tum rrwllw lmmr hiiiii- j f hmulnf tfrin p4tk1rn th iir iunlj rfii1injii thutl lcs t tlta mml tif nf lnvimthfa and anethte nr an nn in ihte ii t smus t fot asta n eaie ami nil ti htiku i enn ni nay tin keri lll i a eewiweeerit m rvy rrnl lnk teafaftw it nt nntr ihlfif llaf e i ftnl lseti evccr p aaihle v tille httmstv c0uma4il4e fditi im imanusslva -ntanipiiuatefl- adral iff ewv mi-li- lt tnn l i- ihe nrei 1 f alien 14 m r jeewe vet fnireeeev itttifailltt v3mmi mari lit p ami uihreet thn m ndwd m f lit as leep nl tmvmifiwf raj lniiliminaeikr krawrsnr ju lwuiytt ihydafj 1de dartr flit tfrrlhwi mnhrl uv teal vm vj rasnvitahllt i 1 in a faf 111 mil tvc llvit iw rase lifitftil aec1riita w thw l hmi canrt ht expired av lit 1 41 oiciwjii wiih hi hi eer i mb nr nhesroi frj- tha tnniial ffpjwim of lu moo john tfrilwi were vrsleruay tnlencd m vdcar ii in censttliauce villi ihe wish ef ue iff erased vno was on f the cirit founder of that etllrnnl tli be arse a tolbwej to h aijtown chnnb iry afcotit eiht hiin- dre j arw including some of our leadim totrtisieoulr and many of iii cjnialry jw frnrn vrcarlier tan rer dr cra deliver ed ammt ftoqeft and aireiiviate fuil oloh a lirp hrtmbf r w c4nq1c aecom- ytirtfdlhebrir io lhr pliwofimtrcdrfll fffiw iftrofmut htl ih llnmii thdiani mt ihr rortfjt t lorril a til iirt in ihtitkltalcfb iimajii tx itir rainulp eni wrt firrj the frr f titcjrdrfwtrf ttfolbat 1a their patiih in lrrt wf r toftf phoro frnrr11- ttera clwcit until tfkr mk ptocmion m rtacbtd tu ctatrh qymc jbkfcfy p- tmt kowrt scwooj ron urrct ca- 3um 11 jiitriymt hf iwc ia talf tht ivi trt mnrrirb rtfortj iiftumti rtib imptfl insfitotrfu- nrly all atlhfiikr- mm who ha otreaiily bfwfc nilavr tftvtt of cotnn tchool ooj who ht rnrnrrllhf vtrywlwporthatvo ittmtl ai lot nowwl fehootfc ro ftfrrff t otfj thfmfrwlerfor lihllci cheir pro- rtv tno ttrftttavte of todau dnrtrti tfct tnt rwioo b larger than hatj hn kit fipte llpwjurtijt kiffirt ht of th rotiac iaefthr4et4i tent hyouici floundli thrjftiinotnlflehoolat alhmv fnr ihc silk f jfvv yoffc ow coautiito 300 pojul rhew opeo1 wilh tryorynvif ind woftltroor are yet wfore ih 31 itatuace mttlte faoogt sorm1shfto1 in uib- ytn arooutcd to thirl y at ny one time bui ur b pecutioiis he not been lew e gt a b the aluadtiw of pupil tochn ihsm hv tit a ili i r saii fkill of the miev rmpoye1 toitivlimetklion oo thiolijeei however we norpote toimrk in the next notnwof ihij iourml whn we hope to be aide to an- nooftce the opening of ihe model school in icnnectiom wilb ihc normil setioti oumoio cvaion our retdert will trcovet that oti of the fiaitark at chammy wa kaiattuani tail utm fjien oa iaformatioa ititei by an mifividttj named w uoyd a man nameil cjpnjnl re- aidini at chamblv wo arresled an mpteton tnd h ben in jail aiiee lhat beriod lie eonld have ben brought to trflaj doring ibe rrient criorinal term but h iitnocenec is obonl lo be erttbluhed nnfohanaiely for him a litlle too lale for hr has already tndertfdof an imptisonmeni of four or five mtnth a 4ninondrroaod ha come firwn1 and atcnaed h of hiat iowlf the incendiary if renoud i lobe wietrf bojd himftrlf set the harmclit oft 4kv rewawitn h ua ftl irrf who brpt tft canita tt an olj wmii thai i rud rfren ben ikih t eotp ijui 4hal ihete wre tntlrocn rhrfrr1 i caawwy and that in had an inva if ihe bt f teka woro hnrnt ihr iroos would he srnl bari aru tholn bd ertevd fvmid e m ellri tollhtm on are hutihai he ha tta soon aflrr thnc h saw flvmr jumc from lhhawfk and lhal he wouli haee pf- rented rord from doin the act hut lhat ihe latlrr told jitmil waai0 bnneof his uyd who til in town lo i eriifete oamtt rfapatnle was orrefted on tvcairaaay by nhlbiif jrrcmie and commuud t pnw cwttr fj- wt hawe phj k ihajily for ta- aiojcthat edwanl olalloeh bjf member for cat i ton vil rote wilh the reform pamy at 4hc cominj session of parlinroent mil more jhll lhc peate iu of hil mom ir1xiniat awpporlers knowinc ihts seem perfecily lla fird lhat be ahonld do so and f one thinr more than inotbr hotl of hi lining o coull ontioeen lhat such is hkinlcnliou it b ihe act of the ouoioa iocatt h reputed vrgmn jlii bis name in its list vf rrtuoc amongst those ivhe pojitica ate eovby white a few weeks bofor il pfnnnred mr malloeb a comcrromlo he bk bone and then r went so fr at lo authorke itr juvflfreo gazette to change mr mallocia name from a eimijarrosition to that in which it has now placed htm to one more suited lo bit feeling jyfw povavf c5 mm tlonccns at touoxto tiic lecinre pven by vmt rojeu on saturday ftvcmnc lav was attended we houm aay with ihe moat flailtnoc and patifyfl reaulta nol only a regards the number and the res- neclabiliiy of ihe audieaee but the eoinent ewcew of ihe eipertmeou exhiwied we confer lhat before mr rodje- appeararre weentertainrd but tittle faith in the truth or efficacy of iht science of mesmerism om aceptlcum howcvcr was malerially shaken by wilnetinp ihe slrikinc effects produced iponperons while under the magnetic influ ence imparled hy the operator tbe iretur was in all ill fetnret an ialcrestinc one ard as it is mr rodtcrs iiiteiuion as wilt be teen ty the advertisemcat in another column to civt another tectote this evening we would recommend our friend and all tlose whc eurioiity ba been excited by the reputed onderwfflkinp of this sciree lo be present at tbe lecture torono jfrrali c ratikh antt to kcncw the briluli hp tndi rfcfollv arrvpj j nw yck fioan lieoriool with rawenrs lost her capuiaaod 33 of the cmiint on the n oil montreal markets tovot moevrttth febtrr 194 4 are in ovutaod at 23t per evl for pt d tt tr pet1e hot iltere ia no pnslf tlte riffaiitmt clol leheinjj eoii ipek and oine then thefic ftf itte winter rndr o fkt diniiird oj bring bnrnn lo nirei now hry7 ci rfrr iin- j plw hae ouwufate avnaand fr rnajattpma- iien hart iheet la a direction to nvl puicitm i i deanery tkcrc ie iucra iwdv- jieey lfire ftajey oe i teoetk etock f wheat ia vnly abuol 5000 buancu and ff isilw i i i uienv ia none bre ox ia ihcfu any con- aiovrtte qmniiiy w corte fofw ibcte ootltine d tre rwj sw of wf pmiuk wrre mado wvnt work pt ollr uic qwtolen atriaiio meo45 pritne3ce 6dt 3 pcf 000 itoo on thaotlkr iuiohj tio luireew mew prk uwa t4awiforiifhl oi idaerhairxt oh tneioia o wo dtsnenef iwivec eiowa aiweri ind boyefa aaul it i n pnwi lie ricruralelr lo quvto lirn tbft f- f fiaoiinvl xfkje tha dankiate ort been draw a troaegr ml hteboeo void at it per mi- preo 50 day ttxr waa not moch ile nand pir tsoflmnur endientlpa u4 dy ifi ft jcjpeeeiipefl wa accju tm utj er aiaina umwimn tjtavii iblt opeipiievre fntfot tfl tv nam meiallon lail wrik uiat two mw pwl offks kail fpa iiummitd in ihla dfilikl ona pi bnnarui cnrnersi maryibwrfth john bon- hani bi pil matarj another at hr wtr i is i- nf melrvmle dead of the conaetoii iake mall from piolnn to thr tirmer p4rv iwlee a wk l on weujaaadya anl silimdayikron firi p cimacorrmtowf t ijan ah a rrnmrkame iutanco ol ilia mimnei ni ihe weaiher a reael clearrd mil at soalfb w ulifatt wilh a carjfo of anm on lire wl jan the hiffhwats ore nearly hare of annw and communication with ibe country alnioai susienleil ond has been so fur the ll we week arrivlls attde nitfsfl libriril prabmify mr veuerton kewofk rapt maok montftujl john malean cnelidi amefa1l wellink uvojoimi maotonald aihi ujr cananonne t tieorce w redmond hieortrenl mr oliimlorlt mon treal m a- perkina new york richard b rirtin iuaitd mjor hadcliff arahrrl labbat luih j c franks robert hrcneh and aile abedhain duneao perth f p tallmaic ptlaki mr ro- to- nln- john miller p low mr don ftclffe vnr or wlstafi balaam of wild chen rjewawc of rottfrniifeits and imitations te wujpi railed onl a4oiithio etce of or vywrfe htlamnf wild cherry la all ih ukio vkhi it teetpnotended cur in many fit after llie skill fik hf psvi wa uftvaiu tag ha flvcled a lare and iieeeaain deuod pa it tnia luet imh cuej aevefat miieifisd euftterni an4 i f paloi off eitaea niaiote aimrtar naoie aitd tppearence in lh eiuine lin auue ore cajtd yp b wild chrnrf ojuam f rykeaafd l wim rihftt ne tve aihi ivmerw -i- r wiu clefiy niu pelhf ifcenanie ad ccirtff eeilifitee to reme llinae if ihe itne itabam l wtalara hitvo f wim twily la ike wdb ene tna feal merely imttnte ilt oire f the i nhilo tttey oraea none of iia rrfltkt look well to tiir mark of thtt ggximvf twreonioii dtem u ol unin vrjite wilh the wo-d- lf wiaurn j- of wtmclwaey phuad hlwn in ha ftaoa i eeh hiliw brarinf label on lira fanl wlh me alfoatnre f ij wi8tar mo tbh will he efite1ape4 htefter with a htw wrapper enpynht reiared 1644 on mnidi will aia fjear the written ieniiute of 1 wvrsr sudby oeuaaaujacniltyaooclvviit canid extensive sale op sugars taas tobaccoa wines liquors general 1xd groceries w at tmc toati or john patterson osta rio evtaekt acixgstos on thursday the tvt fea w 11 en a lare slock of groceries will be offered lo ihe trade on liberal term aroou the stock vviji be found 15 midi bright port rico sugar 50bbu do do do do 9v0 half ehean tra conaittin il voting i fa loa and tivankays loocaddiec aaorted tea black and gtti 50 hac creen coffre 100 tatae of tobacco 5s 3 ifia rice cloven tmr starch blue pen- per cinicer pffoajnd uv miutard viuear nauf ajmonda bed cot da v pkib broom oc ate with a compfclc aarottmeot of good io ihe lme saleatoneomoev william ware auctioneer kinyton 10 181s extexsivg a ii a a if a 4wmm by oliphant ifa watt on trllrttmvthej7lfifchjnrtint nt one octoek p m will he old sugar trtt cttffe litr jvccw tobacco cumucfn svrra and a varietv of other staple cuoce- hies hy the package -4uft- port and sheny wine cocoae brandy scheidan gin jamaica rum canada whiakcy ilbd hv caka and barrel asn 100 ohk north slrore and bay st george jjeniiiif term under xiv cao with ditcount over isf 3 month credit on ajroeed naitcr oliphant i watt riasatoftafnx ii isis- notice iaenders ill leritivcl at mr cnvdair ohvt cny buiminp until satuttdav imi naiunt for ihe eivtion il i large frame barn on tue farm of the life edward nnlde iiliin a mile aril a iwf if kingmn plana and scciflcoiioiih f the ituihl iiigielli be acn ut mr cmenule t gc feb i lib 1s8 john bbfcden lost 1ursday afternoon at rsqiiajr and h liutweeii tue mark the reeijctict nf the kcv w tlerchmor a fackatea ated with black aj- ilff m the honnmlde j a mac tlonald montreal whoever will leave the same at the office of hie carouictc cv aehft will he liboeajlly rewarddl kineaton i llli fob lls if art union of london b ach subscriber of ooe guinea for ihe li current year en snc3bt bfarch ll4 will reccire an iinnreion of a line en- irarinj the prisoner of cisors and a taldmr ol wood enrraeio from original deaign bv tbirt leading artila illiaatraiive of miltono i laller od ij peneroto with ihe ten bcidec a fair chance of gaining a valuable prize the subscription list for canada i not open and will be cloud about tbe 20th fcbio- iaatant prospeetusea and receipts lo be had of be undcriigftetl r c chalmers fioiomfy seewlortet montreal ff hmarr 8ih ltt9 j33i in bankruptcy paovxc or cana a fsbict muuon aifrl rfl to wit lritr commission iwned by stafronn f kianraraca nire jndae of the dblrict coirt of ihe midland district dated ihe tenth day of frbruary one ihojiand cichl hundred and fortyeight f meeting of creditors on friday the twenlyfifth day of february one ihouijtid echt hundred and forty teht at the court house in the city of hiofpton io ihe said district a 12 ovlock noon t a corbett ffner v d jons bha k a m nci solicitor for the petitioning creditor sheriffs office 11th diy of february in ac warei aueilon reoms sale a jvdat ittl attbrnajy tkooeioak new bousbftlb rdhmtlre coniirfso or black waliml r ihiwi bottom anil pointed tto iiottnl mahoatjhy line king chairs dlack walnirt uineut chesti of uiasveia stoves wilh taiioui william ware be i i rri -1- colli oilier article feoroary 5tfi tstq auction sale of qrocerie 0 avc a c at the cm sa lr rooms market buildings wlllhesombv aneiionou wedxes- day llie lih ins vihnl rerrere ut close tarions coiuijenaieiit having njde ajvancc on the saase the following il- 20 rm moteovadosuear is0 chest tea vnrtwta brandy mw bote tnbaeen unl kanterde 46 jars snuff gin a0 brandy in qr casks lvo dor rejil fywwloii poller rfiinla mekfcco u 50 0ros m alcbcs fyondou oihkeauncricr riufaf a tot of llairburtiel mcsures vfllsl var- other articles sale at u oclock terms at sjve j stes linton kincloofch s is w to the public the sntocriber he to infu ta of the ri the innhi lly and country thai he till conlijhics liuu factoring nvsheetraokaudppbhffabe in nl its branches a zood aohinenl nf which will always be found on hand at hi ceanises in rotfit street directly in icat ot eses john mowni st nn b b lla nping and jobbing in rrneral will lie executed wilh nealnc and daich fatilactory or n chifge and by eyivinf hi best attention l all orders with which he may be favored aif mndertte jnive he isnjirs lo sec ore a share of public f atronaat- bvthsof jl deseriilinos wm proctor kinplnn feb 8 1318 h6n city i ilfigston gas mgiit c03ipaxv a general meeting of ihe stiara balden io ibe tbove oaniej coinnany will fcj held m the ly imi ffl salaid vt l 12th imtanl ai 3 p 4l fur the friirpo nf reeeivirt lias report of ihe kiucn ihe eleeiton of directors and adojmin the arti cles of association mj otlrer hnrunjs by oriler of ihe comoiil dt uotheibfroon rsaxntw 12- klnplon feb 3 is4 fou sale rpheafw htnner uachaelnf jl bmwha isooanj 10 oua flour batrfhen she vri1 le h1i nn the rhowing teem u0 cah xjodin jhnenctt 300 12 mnlwoa raqh lb uunlfap applv i stlrkpatrick fc rerrowks or m t lilnter kincatnn 9la feb lst3 s5 if tlw ftaniihon i wi oopy fot ttsfasswke unrivallep scientific bnteatatkmght inder the direction of mr j o d abqorxeta mr arpluxet fas liie hniiof of an- nouncine io ih indies ami sentfemeii of kinejlnn lhat l will give a lecture an exhibition on mummvturspw kvkxixus february 14th and 15th in ihe lons room limuon birildiiitf prin ce sticrl on hlnch necainn will e- hihitel a gptmlti t of atlrwmutt chtmi eojond wefojijrneic apperaiun tncethei with cheniicaj l-olrin- vieirs ohrcal de1nun and ihe ansuimsl ration of llnity rpllonsof nitjon0ype of lauhnc flasa for a deerij4ib and parlicourtc lsne bilw kmjln 1 tfik ordnance notice sealed i bnihsiis will i re- mived ly the ipeprciive oflieei nf the oiilmiice tt kinon until tuesuay thr sstbof march bxn for the hire f itftiutlaj wtjll btiitt and cumin fitting stone oh brick houses rrtjutrrtt for qjhxri quarter and a mess house furilie rival an tilery at kingtm fnr a pcnnl rvf one year certain or hnpnr if ifnrted commencing on the lainf mayncxt the building miwt pacioiia with milibk fit mem a p the climate olno stabling oulh uavs rc they intit he io t complete atnto nf repair both ioafrtutly and evtertially ord durinithe rvarirnl ihey ar in charge of the onl nance that lfartment will pcrf- tm necesanry iiitetmi riiro rrnse m ascewnawvii such as ropainnij glass fsort l4hrka plarsiering or making goooilajffctain the painlir nrcnlontitj lint all external repairs required to the fitut tarts ronfpiirnia c must be executed liythe landlord nn ueioir applied tn hy the bnrrack master which if tint duly attended to will he performed by in ordnance ami tie ex pense charged again the henl for ftmher particular to the ex tent nf the accnmnvnjaltvsii ice required nnplicatinn to e made tn the itarrack maxtor at kinton duiintoricu hnurs tho tender tu ho in duplicate nnd lo bat marked tifl ihe ouuido teissier fur omrom qiajrters officrni otrlnatice kinptnnfelmiarys i54s- allthecilr r u v tan above trea ith jt atlastic aso otabi0 niifr will laff oa tv esdavv hieaampkdhlrahv at 3 u ft the rurat mail sraisa which leave tfbir york fob uverpoql on saturday j itiui frlffuaty william ware eiulan m fchuaiy sij covkknment noticf- rfendkus will l rccairved nt tk b onii osllii kiisjvwit aw nion 1 3th fkilliuaky lhf frnm utsilia tilirg in cutc o tttgi itncl fr ipyinj her majjajly n ill tmiinn wiib sihli uutiicaif oatiueaaipcaatid vrefefablc arrav le rpired fiimilie kt april 1mb hi tho 3 1 t makcii lloj st jvt ijidialvaw i ii- tv lers mils etrpatm the rate b cnvrucvi in ivods at 1enili for whirl ni h niil viil l fiinilieil oatmfl at pease vl vltiktarlrsat cnneucy per cwt i per nusfte i tf lb tltu oaitncul und pae l be put ft in l snhstnnliat cak at the ev iennc f ut coiitrecturi to i of tfc lrt iiiiauv and tn be vm ranted to ke qusej rntl wot fnr twv pjsllrtlll tvrd iiclivcrv t her mijiiy diclyarl jpfl foniter will baj unliee i bltlhii made tm n piititosl fmnt which ean h nhiulned at ihe comrniavarvu offiee v aiip1icamini or lhat dimim it bear iff actial sinpitiire rf the party making t a availl a f tw- pemons willing v- enict imna bosij oyiib tho fiinrijiai t rtic stun of caru laden sith supplius fur tov svtll be nerpl rwrt toil svcr ibe cata ranaji bttlc payment will le made at lita officv either i it specie at ihe rate of currency pur ddlar or in nratm e cliaiirthl bsinkn nt iik oplinftsif ibi svym cinnruiastuijc onsrer nn pm duciio of ihu prnper otscera rccei forme supplies cimmisaoriit kinlnn cnj february isis chivnielea newaueooy okokgk cook ifsn tali aaaasa or aav sniti coa aosv sifaaat ait vcam aisavfacioncaa or me if nilc bortlott oards wolld infmni the iiuhlie and the nnlmas v ihu nld inlliluinenl no 11 fnl- lin 8neel where he ha alway heen am- nlyil that he continues tho rnannfaclnrt of nil mw varieties nf plating visiths and lllank card lmrrlofnrofiirnilifd hs hie t 1kjhuhnent and that any orjei fnr enrioni kimu will oe- faithfnllv and iromntly etecot ea ot ahdkaiion to hi rac assent mevrt flv t lalham no fl fulton sleeel at the fotlowinsiirfice nual dic0nnl off for ca1i ni io i hoo who htiv to rd acain six y marmo and white hacksaw per rsross lunyr do 3 dveantiir do m eifrnmctm hnry and fratl surface card per ftowiuc scale ernjaawal enamelled cards tmled pka aeannfullv p itihi 1 wilh legnt deiiartri as boedim piipfcrs blank card ssiailhhint ptijin tafj do do la rire do do do do dowwe size of the small do do duuljc ize of ihe large do do also all the above ixes of every color to order other sine cut lo order of either of the fumfciriaa qua litis mourning card of rafioui siaci matlc to order cold hoidered eatds do m do 0t edsc do do f heet cap size oi 20 hy 30 inch ivoiv snrlaco do do pearl do d do hbnk sheets do i atsn railroad and steamhat tic tela made ha older of any color or of different colors as may he desired the sibaciibcr invites oil editors of the coiled sulci and canada woo are disposed to lake their pay in cards and who will fend him a copy or their papers coavtaioine the a j- vchitcmeiit acd iiwerr it for three nsonths new yoik feb ims ko i ilsrtrrjrro li si 30 21 13 opposition between kltrpton and hiuatufjnl fblhe sidwcriufr in liis now nndcr- m taking renetctfolly auliclu a itura ofrnintr patronatre hoavill eiill tiaran ftnitr rtrw oa 7a6dpo- u and i nvllliov v atmie plwir rf heat quality tndmn meal ont meal bnck wheat flocy vc anld cheap in iirortnrfian a urge qnantiiy of oats onj vtkor onin oalayid atsn side bacon ham tongnt and pidhsd ri tlio luiler hctng estprnssly enmd rnd put up fr family tise ia nf tin be himl sturr in wellinaftiwi steet acarly oppnsiital the gltusgafv wandimie or nexednoro lr onmhloaciiriavtinner atsai a cartn f fvh mi kuan dc shortsjnatntnvndrniin oanaiioque mifli w hahdb wetlinjcton street notice wanted to purchas a good sciioomer well fiiund in every respect that will eariy nt least from 1500 to 2000 barrels finiratew schooner wud ho preferred letters hum ikporotv and addressed to oni nv3s csimtrv january wlb ims 10 im oovbbkment koticr tvoers will lo received at lltr i inuisaariat office kinctun iiinj n ik nn hie isli f ftvbkt- akv 13 w from persons willing tnentr ititoa tniiraet ngrccjlly w certain con ditnins which may be rem at this orlicn for aupulyitii aid delivering at the m taiyhihpiirsin tho tnwn nf kiucstmi and al puim henry ouch qiantinca i provisions vegetable jau groceries of ihr las qnaliw and aiiljvt to ni- prval ia itiiy 1k fciiircd fnr uiic you from t april 113 to 31vt marcl 1s i let m rnrntkewl y he reipitril of the nrnrlci whnli in anil iii tender will 1e noticed mile mjle mi a tiurd frm which can i iilituiinfl at ttic ciijrmanat illice en apppeatiiii t n immile ftceurity sn jet tn ihr fiupntvtiltnf th- sctnor cuininiasatial ulfi wi he rerjtiirnl fire fire firej oregon saloon- kino street opponu jura irvtordi ifordsftia jare tmie subcrihcr would most reapeet fully return his sincere thanks to th puhjic generally for tho liberal support he hns rcceivod from them since his commencement it business and would rs5 leave to solicit n continuance therenf whi he hopes will ho merited by strict alicntin on his part to tall who may favir mm with a enll james elder kioctnn february 2 183 j k would liet leavo to return his iine thsnha the military firemen and puhlic fnr their viperous exertions iniavinj a part raf hia property from uie lae pirn alas iri iltna philanihrnpic indivi ducils fr thn lihnral and disintorestrd manner in which they contributed soft- eei fgi s til finlln him 0 rorauxsyiri l imiil ivi prircaio be iiascd m cunency and piyrnm will le inidi mmrhy iitni m sjnvm at ihe ml rif sal id turrenej per iviur or in x tes rf chartered if nu al the option of tlio 5emor com- mihiiiut ouscet ftunmisaiini kiiftn 2nd fobriinry ss csrojiitu v neva io cow chairs chairs p uk suoscrtltfr having auceeeded bis father in the ctaiir utaklbg bosinosa ne irave to acruainl ihe pnmic that he wil continue tlte came in all its branchea trust n that lie will receive that encouragement which he will ever cnovavot to deeree wilson hatch princess street kington fehruar tolo j ulcsuhicriher which he has 6l0be insurance compaky of feonoon messrs evan chapman u c of montreal aeenl of the jtone in- eueaee comtaay far canada have anpolmed tbe underused sithafcol at kinilnn ai he is mw prepair j to ins me ah ilencriptioti of pmperly ajinst 1cm b fire on ajsafitatfeous trrm iv onjiiial fandcd canilal of thia coa pay ia ohfi inuira sterlinb and the agents nr juihorised toseltle losscs wjlbout rrferrint heai to rnjrjand charges w jenkins princess slreel knitton fchntary 4 sl jtfajj uvrrnmext notice r nsndbrs will be reeeited ai the cimimiftttiiat oltce kingston unril ngomno ibe isli febrl isis fonn crvhus dctftrousof entering into n contract for sup lying her maje ly triki inside nf fmt heny ddy when reipiired wilb pure water iuhjrrt to approval far ono venr from the 1st may is4s to the 30lt aprit isis the teijers must express the rate in currency per 100 gallons in words v lensih aod tvo tnndcr will be noticed uiu- ca made on a punted fvrafi which em be owaiifcd at the comiaanat office on nnplintitiun pivtufni tmllo made at tvs office on the ceitificate of ihe officer com islanding at fmt henry that rtife water has been regularly and satisfactorily sup pliedeiihet in specie at the rate ofiia ug ciirtetuy er dnllar nr in nea cbniteivd hanks nt the option of tl senior commissariat ollitcr coimisaauat kicslon fclniary7d ireas fj chronicle it news lo cony m retiring from a buaineas followed far the soace of 2 yens would tetum hi ralefnt thanls the pttuie for the support he has so lonj ic- reivej ami would be eac tu recommend his son wilson hatch who succeeds him in the hiir making uusiitfss to the favorable con- idraion ol the public c hatch kuigtton feb lit isw imw london newspapers pkt05tlaltniestftlijansrimiikive lr1irafd nona do do punch do itfl 1alie ntsior do d speciatr d d kifsiujerfotirveeklf do pnnehs ahnanaek ft4 piclial atmaaclt it dtc otc notice tntn 1 nr ascribe tt reipectfull j nftrrl tint iha undceaig nct afnt lima receisl n ifrj f it thr a1ave t lh ut jnorv lh inioeeio meet the amtsis4fls einod hty fi lhereffwe ernuno eeaileu ette for the yee 1848 lo aych se nuke imuktiate ppti- iioi sibcrripthriit lv rcceircj fe etert whrr lvinjn ncwrecr maajme r rctiew on niotjrratc tcnos pyalle in adrnnec r oc c chalmers qideve received al tlio aotiat fleei st kintvm xoetresljnoart7ui t4o cord wood ttexdrrs willlm received nt tl offiee if the prnitetiiwry untf saturdny the 2gth february infant friun faith penjinans may be willing cot ami deliver into llic punitontiai tri flic timber now standing on ibj part if the penitentiary int xnrtb yf pjninfl street tim wood it li le cjj ium engii four peel fiom point l eorp and the tendera no stain n what tale ercord the wood will b cot nndduliveied tender will nt tbe amj lime be rj eei fr thn pure base of all the tin her a it mow auuds nn tho oaul pa u of ho ut two toretiea will oo required fnr xv fitbful performance of audi contract a may bo enured into h smith inwer pcorincial penitentiary feb 3 ist5- for sale farms of cultivated land asd lvprortimext i0t6 no 29 ri cth cm of pitta- a bunh price 100 100 acres n30vi cth c0bdtft1fe 100 100 anrea no 30egthcondodrjeioo 100 n3 100 aere tin 30 east part cth cot dado x75 7f arree nt 3s 100 aercs tho above are desirnblu purchases for small capitalists properly on tol no 44 the llnirse lot and premise on colhnrne street lately harvey 200 the llousn and ut uioly good- iincni hnmittnn street jcvq the house ami u lately trotvelps on ellico sircrl 45 apply to ihe suhcriber ceorcr ok i li- stuart kingston january 17 is4 t il curriers oil for sale by the subscribers aino curklersmvniveaandsteck stones scouring bruahon cve s morley tfeco central jfardvore mrcaonfi prinees street kingston lat january l8ts viueslon for snl by the subscribers q iiu1iaosuo pvto tticn cuhe its bwreli gjlfv im cnoata and haw civsi choiea tea tjjsmi voesae liysnn anl tniuky 50 ik chtuaojlcduieabucaovg and leavna 30 n-e- unyf ri ard penaaini cnlfie 50 seaapdhmlflrtttenhrdaadcacn diahtmoaeo 0e d w 65 itfse scented mftccahoy snwlt 15 jiueamalafa rii 3 titrreatafvin qtce ic 01 pot daiuf 50 ixa tun unana out ttcoia hlapniiti par aasortef v5 reattsfine 0nik pmi umuj im 40 dtea uidttu starch 70 tluae su and ctjcv 15 boienpipeo 50 ivl wtoarfisfeited an1 plaiav la diu pints tarens liui4 uui fi 5 otacx i x 4 dt piekkti otuona and oheiki- oyaisr s dos sioui hton nil j bbtoseruceracoiniititie 4se afcok m bhe no 1 nonb hora aohi llcnios asuatity 50 pjlis i 8ajstceereaduoaplt inapoatad so dnintonvlesl d 95 boiiswo wniie6h and macaiel a irish pitt and sherry wines f coe pwly ithda tod q ali seniedm 0o s 10 ban vvexcm whithrj co bbb meaand pnma maaa por fed- packeobrscvbeu onontc sltl szs bythathst oruoroiits wftiee li i i j oupiiantfrttt n bcaab oij re uaeley oata po taasssf kincssw janunrj 27 lb notice the subscriber oprcifully tafcrsria- thrinhawanta nf thn caly eafkinfsv ln nj midland dietriajt- thit be leaa romntenced buainon oa produco broker hia office in noit door io the brdiab north americnn ittank and svill bo rpra ivum 0 ovioch am to v l m whosc ftn rrwra may leovesjamploi nf ihcirjjrain uy tlva mranta biyers will have an onnriumtty of eaarnkjtntj aampte4 and beenminf pnictnieera by tbas arcange- meid farmerscan dpsnnsnnf ihetr grain arnlmke odvauiage of the inubest pricey na biolui wil bo kept at bis oree in which tin latest ourqaiirtfja fr 1rrwtuen ftm mujitreol now yurst and tirvut tlritoin will b fuud each day open to nil without any chnigc- h will also act aacunirnl accuhnt- sant pnt merclianto and trileotei lt jko and act ai arbitrator in jutng tlisputcd accunta which loay preveir much of that litirationseonin our liivi aini riirts and attend to tlio winding un of bankrupt lcstatea hrwillawamcndtolanfl agen cy boainca and ini andaell lano scrip fepjrticsreaniitn bis ervies will ulan net as custom house bko kkr hn will also keep a lleiqirfiir i and rja vb luve fiirms r house t let by this rcuterrrerinf ciualway ijti wbt infirtnaiinn they wont if in nearrli of a fann or house instead of ttsividling vor ilie crtj or district in aeaecb f farms or llouea landlords wil findit inthiradvaiitajo ondimereat rth nnd rrgulrnr their pniperty at ids nucc without delt anciliuli macdoxell kittjslihi 13th jinuary icus to bble that liandsnv and pacioia ho tel on tin place daime quebec tbu etldiabmcnt compria evajty rmsiie and ibs slfcaiim is ieniral and mnt csgide tor lb lhjsines omveninnce md eorrfort of ntrauanni it contains one inrgc iuli fire fltll fllll st law v pack mirafc tat t it h of 4 wnl ls or unnsace ay e 4 r mt tfmut4 issla to twa aarrai c cwa us eg vrf 4 9mfmim mc li ritnavsa a eroi l t f t lasvraiace u f ihstav anntn sttnpa roet rgm a j ah a am ivshvi hrias ti p fcjtta irk t ia febae n- ensssp iaiatr4 and utta arassssrfj run rive ve ms oy a pncttta 0t of nnd tutu quorfen oar cm 0 tl- smarwi e- a paasaja v imrm vaipphl aao omo hi nm wt by ukesft tw at n earr rf sn1bjejaf lay i eoae iaut o4 ftatrfj l are mm in uet t- i- j-ji- fl w mun i i government notice steamboat ticiiisport- sealr0 tenders rili be receive at this oihce nntd nnonon monday the 14th february next tor transport by steamboat dnringlhe seawn nf navigation of icvtcv of troops feorernmeat paseners horses and sifrrri oo the followine mules toronto to hamilton ami intermediate ports and vice versa fwmhht ih ptsiuh rw wei- and om wfttt mland landing to itorrit and lite narrows of lake stmcoe ct twe versa altiaifrorii torontolo lrnetanitshenc by lnnd and water via qriltiv forms of trader and ibe particulars of the contract tn be entered into can beohiaincd on application at tbe commissariat office two sureties whose real icnahirn rnusl be affixed io the tenders will be required lo x 300 currency for ihe asincagj tiyaw enter inlo a bond for fiilliul pfrmincc nf each eetttenl lynvent will be made in mexican or j led states dollan at 5 id currency each oe in notes of a chartered bank at the ojtion of ihe com mi tsar i at depailmenl comarissaat at orncr toronto 13th january lthb fjj v j to ropy in bankruptcy pantixeao canada midland oauicl t tftf joirru ptrasov of ibectyofkiusmvn 5hpowneo commission issued by iford p kirfc- r ef thcmjdand drcricl dated the wenlysixtb jy of january one bousand eight hundred and fortyeight first merlin- nf creditors m saturday tbe twelfth day ol february one tbootsnd ciht hundred and fortyeight at the court hnuse in the city of kingston io the said district at 12 oclock noon ktiratittv cc dcaaotvca aianfaveysu thomas acorbfitt sherib m d sheriffs outee kingston january 27 1m7 lie lnit kom kiv 1sicjo titisna lluii 1ite kni la llonm ninl ihinv l l ted renins alar an ele pnl rsentdy rnnm s2 fel in itinth lart of svhicli is divdd nht fr a sitting ttnunisind the whole may b emvoitcil when retuirud intonddiltonajl bel cfinj by tnaaua of movoablc the itasement enntina tho kdchens and oilier ieiiisilt oqircn pavacwim nu the 1st of may nez aiiidy if bvleitrr taihl paid tn fir ssewellek quebec january 8 184 64t tv valuable oscal cstale fou sale ar a3tt h tuc yuojtsvuusood or pari stanley on lake krlr dlsiatct or lonuom canada wkt ots i and 2 in 3rd con township f yarm uih 400 acres lot t tu ud con township of varmnuib 200 acres ltt 2 in 1st con township if varmnirb all hint iartnf lot 1 in lat con yar mnuth mw remat dng unsidil vwn priniag about 170 acrea and fiarmin u largo portion of ibe touia plot of port stanley also tbe n e part nf lnt m in ihe ut range north of tho lafco rood hjthwold vj acres tllhrtkvvci tm mw veyrdttoo undefined by jihx jjovt ivicc et in trul tn sell and convey the name or ao much thereof as may be necessary for payment of tho sum of 477 lis t mcatrtx gilmour jc co of alnntea1oro hereby idler id for sale by private contract in blocks or iota to suit purchaser all romaining unaold on wednesday the 6rl day of march next will be putupat puif- lic auction at nuun un that day at pori stanley the property in port stanley eoift- pria a laejo ntunvr of town lob and la4a wilai pirr whorfa and waer fronts in most eligible iilaantimi fet busineas ninny wilh watcbouses and otber buildinga already erected the above lands arc in the immediate neihliorhood of port stanley nnd butting o tho punk rtad between idonand port stanley and ane toist desirable a farms and residenees maps and plans are lobe haj at the office uf the undersigned in londoner at colonel rnsiwiclis pirt stanley henry c r recher iindnn c w dec 17 1s47 isusjrcs j ul c mak u- mh ten eemairf 1 k ptt imtr rvtfvlin jar xuj hiitm liaises trsbutt eott sra isavacai i-ca- ne ir it no oxj ibe er f at oi bn ivi ciijiia a ttvotiiirdscraavia lkouep nf me eaaaa he nniat iheitii-i- fcia w awisirfaarttie r fuia iteoeft if tr p ifll jf4n q te r lvrarraiaatl4i n ise t uss reerrfi pnf wiuil cahssi irhhnrpir lkeainv sr as liafrsanaai imteactf aail tv a are eitry urn- a ntneet1te in naa yflfk caaadamleuafraneantaajhfjfca fni4ran p ojv presvtt aora rec lame m my hnl ntnateli ro 1 wans inaniheni ui are pl r in ih p eiicsor mhii aci rfr i u 4 rtc re rru uealis nia addtcsed j ih secnury ak numhr in ucblc to uwinfhnc alafn rauafff e d ky thu cmipnjrii nraaash ad paid wiinsji detav adenaet mnua bcfa it lmcine and t eheefriii ree il- rnirn v the laimeea f canad ho dealre a ajlim ar4 aafa ioivi aoce attt rf r fc gtoeov rritr kiteyjmhosttrn oia w nr l ls the ee and la ae- aataafetila l fleehlvs iw-jt- met lv if ce- nj jpve rest sansfac and aonji ia- ksr- tirr sit on ibe liih frprvrirj x bectmsa aim br efiliettonpr nibgiif 1areb tan dayatnee 4 ie bvd- ad p pta m in ad hnetn r d- paja lava ava day st affsnl if hvr tatttttv ri im 4b4 rlwt1ojl w wn jontoac rnrraei1k c aril t 147 atifle ii i847rl ad imievy rnrtilv lhat we hva tft rrd a4 unja neittajsve sr hikiraace cn dr taeaee hajfaja uiiiae iiarim raltonp is caoansu and hi u ee base leaser been aared on asavi premr rvetee aad j omtfit r -x- tat iv4hiia t- idsamsaa nen ia ae sans enasswneaana1nefijt afrit vsan aasii tr issaa anwjjn weatseihaad tnrliirwiwniilteenre ihnaaasaainsf tnaees jsbnin rimiamsnhe c w jn e uvhklrc w mntirk r v aed rnirn nuiee tiua alhen uih in srw yeb ansi ctiaad lttkesedntalnh tatyvftfcee aafcq fnw usa fatillrl iitrajimarjji 233030 monthly aodeard uiajear vlbsparardi or iheac lw aadufi j tatt f cojpjri- jdrdjur bf ihr ainte lima mk for iraaatand awlara m itacaxijof trtvfnuntxi and ifcil i hu ujaa ly anile a miltm and a half ir wura anara4 caadaribftiucir iwoyeanvca bh an aaaessinent riis neeer bee uij f ft aatvato have uritieneeilrseatc c auihotiie wuh all amtnttt pleao intpecl and iber sfnl euaceccipii rar alt irnnera paid taf estem ofihecomjeeay bud ihaoamsa foet rtct renvrr oilier efeecneea naeaaatn off iccks a0 altus rmkirdfiaj ir fife wjci rcnlstil tfimuci partfide pmsdmkt lln j o lawkint jmm v kenr alnttrstsnv if y jj s ft larn tyov nsaiaanli daniel juifvt ftj i rjiclla etaeel n keirchilj watte wa wddinfton x v nrl vitas braatua vdjas ttcnjitnio phtilijia uaaseaa n v fimiaco vt v lift tdeer es rj maiisnictiwfii itfnnl aepttnef f yjivn c e ii run ciameati p iitn luwh jisnt i bkv iaec w arehiwilj lfe e tmr tlietmariilant cn xensva and ljni1 match rao i oil c b nunrsjuiixstox j v rtewii aektafar o- iltltind d i lljuxryufjutt aasaaaaayy 1 11947 jerrlch gin u tlvc of i d t rovn cq rfenri 4 suva rrtiall caq of a urtvw r orthosaaf iles 0 mhisei eqf ill ph ll o va k j fji h o onnl aaan lroei easw rehiwr iacai sheriffs sale of lcnr3s i ajtkn satur- lflaytho6ih midland district to wir jay of may next wilt be sold at tho court house cily of kingston at nonn tho undermentioned landa keixcd by virtue nf an execution issuej nut of the court of queens tfonch and to me di rected at the suit of jaqucsadr1ex pierre barrier george cavanaoh west quarter nn 9 in tbe 2h6 con cession pittsburgh t a c0hbett ssrrijf at 1 sheriff omce kingston january 26 lets j notice cjish pjus it the kinc3tjn bhewiihy bisltuieht for the following articles af prottuce wheat per co lbs kvkper5slbs corni nerklb barley per4fltbs buckwheat net m lbs oatper3ilbs 3 tvi 3a 2 ta is 3j 3o jaagry w 1618 james morton city brewery rrihk subscriber aenta for x james rosseleao the pro- pn tnrof the above batablishuicnt will pay the highest market price fu of good quality oijphant watt kingston dee 4 1347 natf notice for natural the gathering nf ur the kvdemptioit of the brady that enter into life eternal will be rrearhed by robert cook in tho old news room comer nf wellington and johnston stioctt and directly opposite the british wesley an method i at chapel sun day afternoon at halfpaat 2 oclock and in the uveniug at6 oclock kinsioii dec it im7 t mrs kings school mrs king begs to acquaint the parent a nf her former pupils a well anrhkei who propuae to entrust their child i en to her cae lhat her school will re open after the vacation oa monday the i7m of january mnl kisc baa encicd n more com- mndirnia hmiae wlifch she hopes very shortly t oeralpjr this ha hmn resn dcrcd ueivsnry by the increased num ber of her pupils and will nnaldu her to acconmidate pmr boarder in ad ditioti t- her iirenont number they will have the npmrtuniiy of recomrx a finiored education on ihe most mujer- ele lorm tho liartieiilarato be known be a per sonal applicntinn n r a younte person nf respecta blc connections uantod aaan aaaistant kindlon jan 1 1 ift4s mm rikcuiar piirpaavs pcfiiooirsl l boos dct odenshiirff n v jan 13 1618 ld pomrrcvwillfutnisb fnr cna diait liitecnbers a of tbe tyarterry monlhlynr scuiiomntlily fsamicatiesre af ihe jrtittj mlr nt the juihtiahers uriees free oflhn united slate puinre anj ttcive canada bills at par w imynrent seal by mall post paid to the imes reet machin btocfcritl tevensnn esr bank montreal brock ville wen burl bnnlcel1er dn james allen perth rooks in be bound stntfn mi mr il prjcnt tcletanh ofnce will be howd to atdfl and rlebveied at the an hare isilis p rnmfroy- taluablg fflhwlrursb stock f0i sale itpubsnlscrilrt off r fur sale the ktllinvin fonwtrniyo stocc via t steamhoainklilg lordty ley and swa fujw toeeoiee wilt six first cl barges built la issg and thkb1s f nrnaller sine carrying 1200 and 1300 barrels each should the ftvl not he sold hy the 1st february next by private arrange ment il will be oovrei at puhie sale of which due notice will be given forany infrfnntiov apply to j a walker kindlon orlierete m1lluuu st walkso montreal 4ih j isltr money rrmltted to etgupe thbouos harnden fcctt- to citiicn or tiik rollwtc cosrajas nt etittnd trrtund rttfhm tf wattm francgrrmttht primirt ntrio hnmirjt fahmutckv9tmd btlium lltdhnt j elc also steeney pasxaje pnicored fnm lietnol tn new york b- the rpu fir1 c asj shipa nilinc frvsn ureim on the w a hul i6tlt 2w and lh of f ay mon h eolak me38eiaer will leav hrie anthe24t1 inatant ta oeel the steamer camrrfa which aaila fiuin new york on the hdih for funks naitioijarsariply to avilltam wark aeet kn1or aomcuitdbat socibtt s of the xtdljyn district v otice is iirrfy given that isa cnvrrnmeia lixnt in gift of the ajrrf enltural sneme of ihe sidland distract at the vear is47 has bn ieed and ssilt ha pnrahte in ihe treasurer arntbrnnvr dntv aprasintei by lb rhectite township brina skeeiie in provti lo the snm aahkribest on application al me aite thomas clawit jeorrcr jl s ti 3 kinjptffm xot- soth s oysters oysters m at the kelson saloor priiut street