British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), February 16, 1848, p. 1

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m bmtish whig a4rtrtu fbr canada waal puhmahkii 9kmmvikkiv i pw motdl suil luinrdai llomhir it tdwakd john barker k son av tin vtiifnakpm teel xltfl n afn lo tar lntriof- out tkn oas iwaafaa ahmii il paid in tift n aniaar murd until ariearaera gteatusueare flislinea nnd uitilrr if ul mtafhmh lnmliiiowtii ta1hisaitlimenal i j aieeililimii i al ian intra ail e sit mlbi llh mwiliini 11 rwrlnetoeeh iliiiiim iimrtibm auchuviu inmi lmlflntltltll llm it i in vlifitf ftiftotrrttit wuiwfacftjtthh4lirfiliirirai i4mhimmu an pictcst wheirnevei all ultatt be p l f on to r phi ht ra she flvitislj rr iwfa the athukok and general advertiser for canada west at vhf t4ui momh a f t f a aw u a tifi v ifiu ih h fcirfi hwarfy ptim i t toaf tfwf htarf pr iip- ft- ate 1 v m cau wra vy nimjtit atvwm if4 wo- vrt t fe i w tr vf ftf 41w ixntodlwul nawcaajnv 141 awajpj stats opiper per orbem dicor vol- xvii kingston canada wednesday moltning february 16 1818 no 14 job pbistictg vil thirst job hnnfoim ftflj ieii iiiim an ptlmljejba pftraf r i uirttl cifcaiaa bii llfd i ard b- law gmavai bike bunwaiiaina fun rir do a- i- j f l in cukut ammw trtili isc wry et 1teiut btj3ines3 directory tb tta d l e y lack or pcitm loxdoh matter a furrier trlmcaom hthrkt kttx w knrtff opi 3itcinljtt chtootrto stvrt all descriptions of indies and gbntl3mn para cleomd and altettj fmnrttjetbhalitlm a tueettlob arytk j v clarke win ano spirit dealer lambton builoings virgil co3 express- william ware4sirf o w p de lamitago geer lgl 10 88 prince smei 4titfiiti wtv proncf ke in cxcliaitg qeoree howe pomr gilder and glazier aol st kingstom filmt mr phippn cji fciut sitfi pini wilj mwmlin- john s cnte aociianeer and mm brock stou all ttotim meived oiii juncmtiir somas ponnovs wlolcsiilp nj mm lhr uppen k and nlfmmm mtc l b i mkrr fujiii or bwj enp- illmi siiekipps sale of lands yvi miolto dlttmct to wii fatid iltic i tl o nf quern btcs il ai iim ml f john nta ecri mr rue tlirrcird ftlovvat hi r r vitlbe n llwii f fi fherm george ievach mowatpmi lie ianos aij tenements of richard logan loeeocd in itw hand of jane ann logan ad- iniiirtrrtliix ofllieaid itiehtfj lk i have srisrd bid lokxii in escruiion part nflhe liroken frnniof lt no 19 in ile firi cnnrc- of lhtivniwpf kinnion in ihe midland liirici nfri anid whecfl iotrr land i hall fterfir sale at he com unf in ha ciy kiuijmon o sauifdnf luc islh day of march nrxt ni 1 ncavb rmna thomas a corbftt shfiiff m4ioi mmitici shttifft ridcr mnlll diiliiri uih ivcfnlxr 1947 fall importations of sugars teis wines spirits and oroc a r i o a robert allh shock trrwtf miin4 that he ii ntxv rcciviiii hi winu slock ul till suhrnbcr irlfrrv inform bi town co nuj cutomrri siikkifps sale mrr oreilly hemtocaaipi btrnu autnicv- i uv i fee kapcmon- iavss uukilly ueui livkinuebomlwci 7amos powell lionmoojcr lih wire ttfturltiiiarttiwi tito british american hotel 57 x w if jaaicd8waupirricrllnllcr bk nen f- maimp mr w grocer weluaflnn fflalthew drummond wiae it spinl moihni hiloir st lo tab kayler conch buiwcrs- nd carr latera pc robert fflccormickp wioirsnie iild ra-ui- dealer in wmespinh lra procerieicn pftnrw stwtaktimn hfflacdonald campbell barriflirnfc atnwr at liw trincc j0i1s a xiardosaik ewiamomcampbbtt midland dinmct t v vlitav f to wit kt writ of pittri pkeqi iii6dutr hormjijt iy court of qnns btfihtlt aiid i m ciifcccctl ffiint the lands nd renlimeht which were of john i1abl1p oecetcl at the time of hat0fttb lotavtuff jmtn caiiailtlmm a certain luffi in aii iit mtmiooneil wluth flip muljm cattntititaa bad lately recover faiim jjnien william n aiij william fero execu- i of the lat will oj teitameot f john 1uttiur oeceej- i haw eiz ii j taken in lsxectjtino part f lot 24 in lit concession tnnvn flhip of ivineaton purchased from hilary uupuy enquire ly the said jf rftrstiv- fmery in the oc cupation of one tbrnnu comal part of lt 24 in lsttoiiceaniif town ijiip if kingston convcjrel ly one thmss hoive l the miiuonn llaa tif part of lmc m in 1st omncfiion towfiahiji of kingnton convejej by one liuiiei lapoite to the natd john iusup west half lot no 30 in 2nd cimeeeaiti of camden kt 100 acha pari lt no 46 in 7ih con- ceffaion of camden east iso acre part of lit no 43 in 9lh concession of camden east so acres nnd pari of the baalhalf nf let no it in 1st concession of camden eavt all vrhick lands and tene ment 1 shall ottor for sale at the court hon in ihe city of kingston on saturday the poor of march next at noooa tv a rth day 12 oclock sheriapfl office ciljef kitiiun mi1 cms nernnvr 5 im7 james mcmillan teacher of wm mcmillan auclioncer thompson carev general imiinriint- and commimm mefthoniajf braad sued new york vtuliamwaxc general com- mhainn a hoker and anclonccr kinpionc w bedonalds hotel imc sioncs ppoaiie ihe ciy call kng street toronto francis v carey m d surgeon acvnuehcvr c ic kcw- burjrcinioen east edward stacey merchant tni- nr nearly opnote the meihreal naik kinf street kinfton john blacidswn ho hardrv iwddinc surmnhor ontario street walter eales iainter glazier and paper hanger princes street kmgtton e a cnown copper smiths anj tin pmieam street kington- till sffltllwi plate workers t 0 butler cabinet maker and upholsterer montreal stieet kingaion a general assortment of the laiesl awlta e furnitore eonstantu on band and for sate on liberal terms 60 notice the north western issltltanch coufa kts of osw ego n y the aaeent of tlm company haa re moved liia uigre in tlie exch ct ornec in irms hnitl hiptvm fc where he is prepared to grant lnuranee against ins or tlamce in frhetberfmm fire or dengr of inland nsviralion f m t hunter baevic3 t tt rfiripiion may be hu a sheriffs sale ulftmhd dririi0il fyvirtueofa towit ilwritofven ditioni kipntwii issued oat of her mnieaiy court of queens bench tfd tome directed agauim the lands and tenements of jmes fftasta at the suh of hnsro b smith i have eied and taken tbo northerly half nnm1cr and nomheaaterly quaiici f number 3 in the itb concession of krnestown also the wesrhalf of niimler 24 in the ml concession frcderikhntgh midland district- ah which lands t will offer for sale mt the court hnue in kingston on saturday ihollidy of march nkxt at the hour of 2 nvlftcfc noon t a corbett skrriff midland mlrul shenffi oascc city af rlncrteaj mmland district nvrirdxr30 1si7 sheriffs saiea mlftlaso dihtmct t satur- to wii sj day ihe fif tecnth day of april nexi st twelve oclock noon will hesolj at the coori house in tle cily of kindlon lle undermentioned lot of land will the tenements thereon seized by vir in of a writ of fieri facius lasued following fuit viz william c classt charles johnston lot number ic7 in the city of king ston t a cowiktt shertfif d shetutsomcr hutaad pisuici tlagstenjinusry 11 1848- losfimtl muoivsjo teascroibires winks spirits ac nsferutly iirrrd hy wrwinl insieeliea in the montreal and new york mitkeu his irrsem stok corfire aineuj sthtis ihe foll4uii arlielfsi tbas gnpow4 iljn vitantf llysofttwsisaj l14k4kii letf- vr huch heaafcleag cm hji sug a us uvtle iufiatojki mj4h coffek rcf i roiv tri o1 f i ti puauiiee ilnaaa j mne44a-cbca- cifcislatadsntal abpntpatad wines jl i l b i uttamra l v sikmj pfe and oresra l p trictiltc huiiw pl ail hlre bsosrkcuft shi2ajrrti om pwt sim kits old lfamala tne- lat fwnaa lliandt bofdtu fto roiuv-puis- vd ivhivy aeiieh ivbttke srhetjion gin in i 0t eftrs chy rrepefattoi lviilpr rir nd pale au in qestls sioe hurfiv eli fir mattelon to j vie de osnite and vllirr f ji groceries cmeasc tiu bit m qime jeffbrrm i arir lhairy kmsh iamer ftm and svhtrin rlg- d qiuul plia crackr pi and pesil bfu b4ncnlai ric psraseie vennkrll lnecbirani arw kvaih pii outlet and tngbai mufaaewirsol lb ad lit sfkllsa lutkn n j r sor wjbaisnr casthr while sd erw c4aeuivai aiwon was wk muld i baaisi and pne i ea 3vr onnftrfaa lvfkwl fn and ravks 1 ftvlwdand pjor liqofte ttfoffo wiiitvanj e i india soarcandj fanec oranpes fd lrt n bc jordan em helkd rur1 krtfrd ane biiler auaraaas lurechn ilvaiil vyefcot i kito nrfk mhi ttkcy yjtooa ait moaraiel kamina tut zuit livfxm plome beii tetkes pts i lrili plan in jsra pactettco ftcita- mnuoin nmn i truat indu cinecr wuo ksitrra lraaa ueenf agee pieat- mi ted ihnons vvilyula picahlla gikine ce1iltnvt red caat cwcottwr hai prjt v paecssi maiiivirmi iffrfrtitp tt f rre inireiml tvwr unte inrli- sj k niinc ilfsiea baal are alneafiea hataal hictpen ullfcsa aielhtvwand vov prfrr sevenira slrcli bhie no rhalk wlif lid nd pmr lllarktnr t mkv wafaia wianinc nrt uniwe pp- hn titj nithi lils baih rnek tjcee and pa tf oil ia anti one amlw wind- iaae cntfe fahif lina tlrrr nnd wine rttki luir and nrina inkpwdt initinrra auii rlalreetie ramiiiaiid liliri she ireain vf triaf sijiif bmhaiae r uftif all the snhaeriaet azures it public lhal t whole of the shove adirles sie of the teiy it- quslily anl wiu to joij for cash oi piempt ear an the lorl tihu term pre p r uorkkt allen kineten novemher 187 wtoand liquors r r ihr pa1c a reapeei folly ra qneated ti the urf nlek f irvgff asd liquors fteeenily mfipoticd dkeei and for sale at the willi m j martin corner e jtfitsvef serarvj kingtton tlir vmaim in pl fjknaa anu aie geoina nj fte fra ndhluraiai fineddptrpfl hunt giediahov hi thrf pnel biacli-tfn- lei oj welalila maostas kmr ple and om amice ual andb pale and utwn sntrnn medmn ihice gftev afcenry rt julian tflroj d beythrvilk ural cfeateav matfeai 1 chmpnc nf amoeo lvande maullolsdand heairey bsttdy aprifthd brand ta bopo fine ph nanty iirtwv and lleilaada iin genuine serfej wijaey jvnmieaand watd isum ciuidjaa whkeyfce km ism not 20 1847 london steel tens- just received at the atheneum book store a large asmlmena of steel pens hy varieti makers includin oilier ceje- kraied magnnm bnnams be new york lajies pens aad several other nrw ariielea a librial allowsece to the trade october 26 just received akb hffl sale by the sdbscbiber supply of jale hauelv celebratej depilatory powder for reaoinj hir without ininty lothe skin faleyv old bow winfm sesp ivilbamsv liiie almond saa p ea indelible ink for mirtin linen oc llairaiadtoolbbniiheje anj crneraj avsorlmrnt of enrlnh prr- fyrecry robt barker irvfcuj k apolkucryi block street ktaettenoctb 1647 notice he subsciibor hes commenced ihe ckocuy bustfis wheiehe ow resides next door lo mr harkes crockery store kine street kiuslon wberobe hopes by strict attention in liuainesraml moderate prices in maata share of publicpmfonare r john foster july20is47 b n ot i c vihe undersigned having besn ap- pointed agent for ihe ciunios imwemsmuscb coipast la now picparou to take marine riks f etory description at moderate rates of premium thomas biurgs jnaa agm qrrien princr kiieajtet i ttr for sale y the siibserihor at his ship chaml lery slnre no lletdyv build mga tiir pllchi hoaln tarrril ronf munlllr ami everything in ihe ship chandlery linn wm 00nald8on oct 23 i8t7 w- caledonia water th e suhaciiber has received a eon aignmem of ihe ebove excellent water which he will selvin quantities to auit purchasers f t hunter caooee and insvrwc ojite ontario slreel oow in possession iameinto the prcmuea of the sumenber near walerlofhoqt the 20th of novem- t sized red cow the owner to femora ihe animal and pay ber a midel trqn l mco charges john hohskys brazier coppersmith iron and tin plate w0hkeil wita worker be be begs rencrifi1y in inrm ht fiends and ihe poblie in genet ibsl hebas rtifmitd tn kitabltlnneit iv tbu above ior in bagot street n iu fmruuet jwk stort where ht has on hand a lerjoaavnf ment tif cornier block tin jponned she liuq and plain tin wstea a lso cook1nu an1 ox stoves tfryifi stqtes which he will tell at exceedingly lofc prices ah kind of baths such as shower slipper hip and font rths etc tiauuen engines of differed patterns chimney tops of tarioua dc- scripiionsf c ah orders in the abivaline thankfully rereived and punotoally muended to p pnimji hs long experiencj in business in several nf the principii mnnofsriiiring towns in englanl hv flatters inmself that by good work man ah it aad minders ie charge he cannot fail ti tve aitiafetinn tn ihoe who may fave htm with their oftler klngstii ore 16 joti samuelmorleyco i gkmeral importers of exgltsh ajtd jtajericdfr i lard war ea ljvlldintirnjte to their friend and th t pehlie that ihey hve received at bateraitf sue well assorted slotk of iltaty ant shrlf iiflware fancy goods 4 c com raisikc abtlt english bjftks swede it lowiooor fctir iron lieop snd band iron cai sirin sod bloterstsel i canada pistes sliel irnajiidtin blselmiihs anvil vices and bellows deck spike wrought and cut kails coil losing and trace chains shert btasa cafptr lead and zinc window guu painu and 01 llacr seating and cnrlcd hair shin cerumen j4hnersaij conper tool doamc aid inl fovilinx pieces an rlpatit assortment afftilwr ptutti and lirsuwttv mttt tvare fine cutlery c hot water dishe and pistes and dell catena rookin erx and fancy stoves fcuajc rut ro f ne aj k sin of the croswt 4te pructt strut lfington nov s iw7 firei fre f b el st lawhrnck mutiul fire insurance oece at ogdeasbtirglii n t nblihod and pm auns in mvif imv util r scp lira nd nil ila filliatjnc tl fl 1itf allfm4a w l stewart prorrintor op head quarters saint dbms street orrositc donctar kotxl montreal begs leave to intimate to the pub- lie that with a vi to comfort and with a total lisregarn of expense ho ha fitted up his estab lishment in the most luxuri ous sty lb his extensive travel and experience in the huiiu bos en abled hint to judgtj f iuir thint ibat can add lot be comfort ji frietido and no exertion willhestareij to secure them every luxury the proprietor alio begs leave to add that he has attached to the above establishment a ladies saloon for the accommodation ot puiratc parti ea november tm7 033m rlllsolil wfll 0 ukr tniane coi ka or jmf lj rt i irevnt io tkc po v rf mtnyiif alana and ta it idl iu lr hiarjiii tnftrev ttnn r inauancfi rh a titoa ki t rk miilll lfh fr4rpa krrr aaticrrr 01 attrts rvaisny mik users siallca ltuin in bikl riwf luler liiiif h uk 4 niildc wnch iriht ltrii bv llivni he arliitl ahtf thr tcff f ehincnn it i absit tt fint iautsifil nd m tpna tor five yeir on a premium no ie ofontoni thru qvorttrt jm ctnt on ihe anvttnr rnanred ctmatppv a larmsi ore qc01 wr hltiek he given iw nate lo hie conjaiy r la dtutm4 a hot 4 io dalur anblcnceriiaiirwhkrihaoysdown and ratoisse a pjief fit ave tair fine mi aoivaatalle fmmebs issneancs company bj 1 police the inatjtrd n antillsd to the tvll iv iiitfjhcnvtifj- if il di net aa- eecd the eah s asss ot be ppny sod tlwr dt qoi euntsin a two toiki5 clause hka the pdieies tf many conpnie w whicb thp it j geis bai ti ir es1re of ht pcpeity av en if ho paid infsriao uavi ita fal nha the fllce is si 0dnabvh an tio si uot rccp riser iyiaiic piealhi c w aan le rajchtd from oerrtif likes oiitari- nr ere iu a few koiie and i nmic ctoveaientlf aituaiod f m urcr cvtnot tfssa ane oiher offlc 10 near yurk r canada white ita arrmjrrmcma frljh ua canadian pt office al pttecvik anrs raja urn 4ivixarirfi deieai 10 i feinjijaa niias uases r paard in mnv cjrreit in the p- ritae or statra whee 1i0 u nccirra and with njmtfnf 1ltefoll io are tr to iaajea astisbs sjiats doreiird to tha seeslsri froau a urc numtafin iwaaos tusil 11 haeiefsm a lara ppeof insured be ibie tfipnr it sraanstt and pid without dalr 11 td ssana esnj rnrhs betxe it bakma dee u and i clertlullr rccmmend the inxun to m the faonare nf canaan avh desire a eheap ana safe iaavf sneo uainal fir gideon lbeht kiilee jhaauwn dietrct c w nwe j 1547- the prompt ainl hinjrnae ntmner be wbib cetdmiv lr fte have beei rnel br the cmqtj giec 1 a 1 i and tunrtjfoon hcrti b tbtr nfwwac u octdl 1817 on ike itnafftamf i ucamas msn- bm oroiermpanr onihasfiaf march five jra ainec 1 t my budinf rf papcrt nlh- tit ard liattnf md- ne ptft li firt dsr of 0 aprj bejj lit bear iacimiony 10 ilia prinpt aad m liberal niiniter in whkh my has has beea seated nd pid- lhvifl johndton prmewilla g w anl 1 tb4t biocfcejlr dc tl 1641 wehaeandemisa- ad berets ecflify that we lav hece inured by the si lwrenca matvl ourencc co rnao abosrt ihe ibaaef delat pttwt in canada ind thjl nc liaee niee avn vjf lnlii t 1 triun i v ni ar ie vi the eheaprai and ne or the aifeat 1nurtce rasmnasj wiiiiia mr bnowledre j t- scho- anj jhn baean ooafkj it brotaer g w ra- m heeretifrm the ftwinf kafa jarnea brjn r belltmrrille c wjuna laandmichatlkillvofmioickeiav w ti fhtm nuiavi4 uhem both in new ytwlt ard mada liiiivcs the avvndncm health nid hitiiy of the eornpany utay be kovwn from ilia faji that it in aor nee are uemiie 200000 monthly ij c1wail the ya nitb onward of throe thos 1 nii do1lr 10 ftvut or he cmanv added dur in ihe sine linw abviil forty lhjmnud 4aai to j rfrcniiiauf peemuinnia nnd iliatil jaaanesr- kr hi to a anitlii aivl a rwf of wtura enmd ri canada iihift the ut tno yem on which an afttnment hs aer been i id n b aecnt lx iocneerliftctri of aulhrily which atl ntilieols will pteaw to npee and lby win inrwtm ukc rrceiprs fr ill nionrye paid the tnent of tlbeeofjipany and iho names of it di- tu render vihcr iefrrienrmy opfimt and diirectorfi notice tuie siibriiur rrapecihihy informs the inhnbiants of the cily rf kinis- imi ond midland diitiia thsi le has rommenced utv as produce broker uisoltue is next door to the ornish north american hank and trill bonen from 0 oclock am to p m- wlicsre kitrmrra inae lenvesamplosoriliiirirttitk uy tli rnca iw hirers will have an mpnunity of 4xamitoriff semnc and incming pnnhasers uy this arrange men puroieracan dponoof rhcirgratn und take odvantaee of the inhct prices 01 u anka will be kept at his office in which hie latest quoutiriis for pnduec i- t montreal sew yoik and fjreat rituin will ln fiund each day ojon to all without any chaise- he uil also act o general account ant post merchants and tiadtsmens i jo ks and act as a rbitrotor in aijnhorig diapiiud accounts which may proven much of that litigation seen in our divi sion comtu and attend to the winding up of bankrupt estates he u ill abo attend to ln0 agen cy husiness and bti andsell land s9rip for parlies reouii jng ins scrviees atvl will alaoact as custom house bro ker ho will also keep a krister for landlords who hayc farms or houses to let by this register person can lwva el whi in forma tion they want if in nrjrrh of a farm or house instead of travelling over the city or district in search of farms or houes landkrda will ftjtdil toiheii advaniago and imeieat cih and registrar their property at bid otfice without dvlav archibali hacdoxbll kingston 13th january i8t9 valuable real instate for sale x and nt rue n eio kaon itooo or port stanley on litko erie p1stmct of loxd05 qaada wlltt eejd rj the nleriffi vtc a tn hi in ei 1lvi08 bacon trcsiiknt yaoiet judaea tt id inektni thi n fairchild ulfr winon waililinjun s ilvnl viu laetoi vif s jkipuinhi phthiiw masens n yi ifla whkklock vice president samuel pdrtride tsiuiaun n y 1 i v k hon j j jlj0ciaa john v kent morrntown n y ii00s s bwn kiaeatoa dec l tewo maclean- ir cheap grocery store nphg subscribei begaleave toinfitrm a the fat mars and others resorting to kington maraet tnd the public generally that he has just iccctvcd a prime aesonment of good teas coffees sugars fruits 6yc at his general ghocery ix wijccess atackt a fett dooft ohovt or difkons io4 next door to rorjyaj btocfomith shop he would earnestly draw ihe rutontioin ofthoeo wanting a good xotmd well flavored article of tea and a delicious uijltctaat to his present stork and wool j reqtieat them to call and examine for itfcmaelvea and if after trial ihev do not find be can give thorn better mfi cbi at a cheaper price than they have hitherto been accustomed to get he will let them have the goods for noihine- this is not whet people call jttmmrry but downrighterf which any on catlii will be able lo find out all articles in the grocery line will be sold as low as possible produce of every description will be taken in eaehance at cosh prices fjmpawatuavlwsw c w p de larmitace kingston uec- 29 187 3m valuable mill sites at cakanoqve the lnderifted offer forsate the unem ployed water power at gananoqse snd will afford tvtty facility for ihe erecton of floor mill or any other kind of machinery the aioatirn i too well baown to rqoiie laf hcoiir itcipiion for terms aahirh will b liheial snd any further information apply at montreal to mrasrs aodcrson aulafjo kvn u co 01 messrs perrin botltu eceand njien tbe pttmiirji lo c k j mcdonald l co gsnsrteue lt dsceaier 1547 pranvhn co vl cheater rovrt eao henri tn tttct rasj and zebisvai cernpu eao of 1 avj tlrnnt brrin oftlieig- iry of arfeniiieil chatlev brocket kt nt t i avkilrc c c hon phtllap van ko1invt 1 cirnwall ehuthan mabvem m ik oonnj jmee eq brvkeitle aamn merttek fj pvwracarihec iv architaald hendren em bidffljnehrtier ttiootae canlarcil baajn tfetlea rroak aad ldaeid usreh bssj l cull c b i1mrlg3 johnstox j a french acni foe the tfidland dalriet ijcnby 47 fuote afwrelarr ogovrevirgh dc ii 1847 taluable fchwardixb stos for sale tit b subscriber offer for sale ihe folhovini- pnnwannino stock m hfea miatwie tfrie louu j itan- leywni swallow wnhsix first class barges built in imo and thrice of smaller sizo tarrying 1500 and 1300 barrels each sbimihe moek nnt he snld by the lat february nem hy privnie arrane- ificb- it will be offrerl at pubic ale of which duo notice will ik- qiven foe any information apply to 1 a walker iv co kincmofi or hereto milliard o walker montreal lib january lsttf agricultural asocirty of the midlaso district notice fs hereby given lhal the government grant io aid of the nttaral society of iie mdlsnd district for ie year 1s17 hat uen received and will be r yme to the tieasyrer or oiher ofticer duly i pointed hy ih nnc1ivc tvtvnahin branch societies fin pcooitioe u the sum urcribed v aptilicalion at mv oltce thomas glasirp trtcmtr a s 3f d kindlon not 30th ji7 oysters oysters t the nelson saloon prinen street bactmberjsi lots i and 2 in 3rd con township of yarmouth 400 acres lot i in 2nd con township of yarmouth 200 acres lot 2 in 1st con township of vannonh 200 acres ah that part of lot i in lat con yai mntiih nciw remai ing unsold otn prising about l0 acres and forming a large portion of the town plot of port stanley also the k- e part of lot 16 in the lat range north of the lake road south wold 52 acres ihe above lands having been con- 1 1 ilwnrjjjiui htntasi or ao much thereof as may be oeceary for payment of the sum of j7 pi to messrs gilmnur co of monticalaro hereby ofterm for sale by private contract in block- or lob to suit purchasers all remaining umom on wkosesday the fifat day of march next will be put up at pub lic auction at noon on that day at port si an ley the property in port stanley com prises a lame number of town lot and lot wilh pir wharfs and water fronts in mnn eligible situations fit business many wiih warehouses and other imi1dints already eroded thoahovo laml ar iu the immediate itcibhtnlloikl of port fttamvy and bulling on the plank road between lomloimnd porlslaiiwy and are most desirable as kurms iml residences haps ami plana are lobe had at the kltifjc of iheunilersininl in london or at colonel rostwieks port stanley henry c r herher london c w dec 17 is47 notice cash paid jtt1ie kincst3n brbwsr7 disriltbky for the following itucles of projwee wheat oergoit 3s w lvkier 5nlhs 3 own per w ihe 3 bahley perlw 3s w- brckwhkat per 561b 2 3d oat per31lht 1 3d- james mohton jan lslft mrs kings school mrs kinli beers m acquaint the parent of her former pupils as well a thisfl who propose io entrust their children lo her caie that her school will reopen aftor iho vacation on vonf7t the vh of jamtmy mas klm has engaged a more com morlinus hinjar trliicfc she hope very shnnly to ikvopy- this babeen rnn ilerol nceoury by the itrcrcoacd hum br of lnr pupils and will enable bci in nccotrmnlatc four boordeis in ad dilimi to her present number they will have tin oppnrtuuiiy nf rccovii a fininltel education on also rpust moler ate terms tim nartienlaretobcfcnnwn by a per- conai apilirution n b a young person of respecta ble connections wanted aaan assistant kingmnn jan i 188 mm circular pomssovs pfnroniral at book dspot ogdensbortrny jan 13 118 f ld romeroy will furnish for cans rjian subscriber any of the quarterly mnnlhlynf se aalbastllll publications of ihe united scales al tha pnutohers prices free of the urleal suus jtafaafcj and receive canaoa bills at par in psymrut sent hy msil post paid to ihe lines atrcacnces iter t maehin brocwille stevenson esq bank montreal brock- vllpe wm bafl bookemer do jjmes allen perth bookt lo be bound irnl to mt merill piescnii telegraph offiea will he hounj 10 oidefand rleliieied st ihe aamr plsee louis d pomeroy fashions fob january t1w warm anj eoqiforuole douilletta hs reappeared this winter in an approved ferrn ornamented by quilting in pstterns fo evenir racial parties lhy are made in pjiilc end ntjif itin trinirned with ermine an- imall msntelel to match the style of trim- rhine rerlincoies is no longer conlined to ihr lablier form manv have trirnmins eacif ebnjr the skirt particuurly in tptiliiue- clorh diee are worn dark bine and clatrt bein5 the favorite color ihey are toshroidcf ed in ut4che iutennifed with embroidery rnrehefthe llnsl hack of the cdjaafa bein equally ornamenied uilb ihe frnl they are slo atconpaiiisal by mantelets einbroioered and ftonne some have merely a single wide fjlon reloiirr or four vary narrow ones diaidejhy bailons tbe gimplrimmina coo- linno an inaipentable scccuotre of moit tnihitrs sod itotntily for roles and raanteaus but she tnnnet and can arc frequency orni mented by them frine oadts and crepe ate mtich used on hall dresses walkjmj 9t4 carrise dreaiess are made tight sad high with lone sleeves eloon at the wriju for cveoin wear ihr corsages are low tiht and iointed many bovine drapetie on the top pretty little mantelrts are made for evening me of lace or plain tulle trimmed wilh several rows of lace the rich lace scatf i lowever more elejant fjewcra sre very much owo on ball dresses cither in bunches gr wreaths forming moulanu or cor dons to frmall as to form the hrsdint of fluuoeeij those of folugc are particusily preily the velvet bonnets are mostly of dark colors black royal blue vanilla bot they are imrj a coritrsvlitai color arid omimrul- ed with much taste inide plumes of small feathers ore fuhlonamep ihe lam falling low but the most ctrgantones have a single otrich feathar nooe with msrsbouti or a bird of psrsdice gimp is also used on velvet bonnets in a kind of rosille covcrios the crown velojrs epingle is very fashionable this sea son i ail shades of ejey fauvette and deep blue they are this winter the forms are various whether io velvet satin de chine casimrr or ovp eschemire those for young ladies of satin a la reine art wilh sleeves and made cuc to the wais maoleaox de viiite reach very low and hare several rows of trimming very pretty little cap are mads of narrow wondx and narrow velvet with lappes of blond cbur cpincjr and stamped velvet form numerous coiffures mixed with black lace and the half squares of lace are mncb in favor corfined bv a bouqurtef rower or miigotint of foihio tr1e national deffncrs tn unt or vnucotove larvca we read i itk a nklenchjj fcliog far it seems in pre ii l the mind of the et eaauin ie one toe ef ijea wh it pal swnlia pejftcrua ut it is iinpnsmue t cceie a moti t in ihe part t4 fnce r enr tr pwee r wfhfl nifpn a the ated daike cantnip plir with leervr lo nay rviihmj the crr jipu thu kt invadie armf asja asfw he tein d befpe 1 rovjd reach lavdon then lh ln- enarenf iho leit ieeejoaite eneuie i pl ofihfj d jvc csitoeiiy t i an inoraherrnt n1 ooen vnmesniae on nvne percih it i laavnajihli eaen tn terse at the pnrpet aaacrjfii pndnt t on teller see hatf ludicrria denatb from paea aaennnnf to hr the pre a eh en manors rpri of hi march l london aad uf his dina isfo london taken by the french haao qnavra becklsolum palscs lrdfl nk a i in v l wm at lb rtfrsbtac rstsaj thr l l banhaf knjl hi iheattelpj itli riov 1 irrpf wtanf aail frhi all the atoebsv4 pasomipen atith irieataf cap rmsajaa aa aaae il every iaenv tv nhor mirh frea taji 4 ii rv tu a atiox aeratjaq ie frrt ttner re sm aimy etf usihebvene 65 km a t rrss inaottaa i pfiy wietila n are on uneeearv sto- hn ni hal te vtattmcd pv is niuula waiiv l4srrree we hu hini in at ika iva ftw itae pwoses cntercl iv bcihtne by a hack cntranr the atnj clej cw ihe h4 j poth hat t laave lihnvjjal it neecasirj lo delay the gift on c rneinr orf enemy of fraaea if n av m elaain in lha iiae it lamt iaion cjasa aeiajijiiibf awascf the ehare ae uatnnhj ofihe eivittoaan otiii ao tofuitmioe pmmth nailae ioer hill tik army rio ceded oovro ihe 3trnd and i hve6ied mjlaeidouores st buceinghun pat- ace wheretpo mar be rernj ir v r4 ition port ea fcoi i fot ihi hrr mijettv pnce alhrn nd ihe nrayal fniily uf enftand avill tt retain lo livelest recuecii- of the eciiiiv ihe chie atry and sreaaeooee of the inradinx amp pf tlae tf7 base hven received avttn ppte reapeet b dm cneay u al usi bnuht to ua aanssaina or ihe nnmciairible of ovi army it was m iatcnlion to quirier the 5ia eiljijncharnileaoticiwtcli lot hi a loiiehsna pnioforebs tviato of the fraasb horn thentnalcottd ont bo inoveed v ante the binldinf tne staloe of ihe chsritovn nalaoa baa baan afojlucr- i rcjvfan afbtcbaviubs aojoofit- uy ibc tisy nf iwff own saaj bceo jasa ak bart i bava fartber caaaecl use marble staiae of tee swiiwr oia aj yt arm sbimefud avaceatod in tbe atioe cellar uoic duke f wejasoa toba 1 it jralnj lyj ifhttj is to be rvencefweard baaatn aimtertitawft avcninon ii alred he alalueof the dotal in the mahiflgpot and tjlj terre io ir tjco uq ayftalltey tcaty tborasand freaebmeo evniciled ioiq ciondoanioaejy valeta draw mrawlara cooks aadfiddtoa aftktfojn ihe alfoau o umrtili form of naintmtgtunls tbr pardessui were nttt prettierthaa i liavethoethi u iseojsssry u and m jukaa a prencb aobject to uo tofo until i vhaol ra- tcie farther itfdel frvm lfjn gotmrrtol- ma dame celeste onoibet renrh robjoct i have pcmifled to act at ihe adcpii ot pmroa in s few dsya i shm bacnabted iv sand tou a iovenioryoftbo afoal4 of londn vehieb noiij rjsc eictuiion of the opara acaua i prnpoaa to mka or mdqaartcav dcife monsieur to recsira tbe animaei of the hieheat eooaxovrjivon bo4va io tha llsaawleref foeem aitainj i dto ism ii fainur i hove the bvr to 6sejmnieala the intellinea of the laitoinr nf tho army nnte my anenmand on the coast of drec wilh the subanitb of lha espiulof bnfbnd 1 write this in use palaes of tl guatph where the locav waves iriurnplnuy above ihe aland ard of oi notural eaemy oit irntt embarking it bmirvnf i calaia co 11 dmsvirk nwt midway is the cbaaaei tbe wind railing has iraoaporu wtxe mweo bv the compts de paria tbs cbateao ncu u chaste and nthee steamers al daybntk vtc camr ta mehnr anj nt 7 p ik urvih ihe tmonevitb borses snd erfiltor frnsj the y dry boat thegonr from dover casrte kepi n n stemy emeinf fire durin the diarmboriatiian at hrieth m handfvl of tha algeria lmntnrfats imutnlbylhe pcmrntitj o tbcroemy arwd i the ehrflk ctift and in fir minoira bj tbe vitdi- mkf4 ibo csenon immedntuy lbs tiwm ho ted from the cuttle nf ceanr on t e eaofef nf tbe cvvue ilia may nd turtin of ihsver brought iho ky f iir lwn i- iho hcfieh and aplicted fr lur- v term of canuipn tltrw i have ihijm rl to grant llin bating the fnd treat dafpnailtan i a nil roar al v ihe director nf ihe relway p peartd with 6rsl elarsnekel foe tbevime of the r ay haaiavg meover vole the r l i of iry ntearw or cmnitaarar peovidasl the nee of iranait forbec analsftilley oir ttny artier i j oclvck in london vary firah mni in the hikeoi pmia wo irn j at hat vuiim and matched over londw etjce hire we aaw llsa fnol of the thai all lha bad already jnird ibe imow vhtcb rtnwrflbr tbe ghry of mr sunsmasj msrinr i lar navsdoiojtl omrred to ic enucdiso mill the caffer r iv s fit kf 53 igantie sndeiirecnety weh pveuooed itdro4 tsor fine fm r 1 ff t nftcn rcmio4 e of aneirnt aratuos hot ibey are nnt re- marhaa for ociirij ihio tt argtb no k w aid have eoealty boen to id ialevnv in moacir- upvwf tvbntirbanljic tsey wearnnelotb iag except lbs abincknk r im 4 tbi ts amanmslya a pmtceiiot ajtinal waiher m wilh the view of eeeia- y pf jf 1 tlte akin r whieh chase ctaaks are mule ars jreavd to shjabj am ntee at m be at aifl aaj pa able a 5le leather and 4fnw re1brovd eftlifr whaeb is nsi t h on rim eyeyt fhe iivacan ivm cloa iefaats kreoss as i aasarvst a arij tvh by uw untcb inwa tha mntte itit many i the aassnti sreai anntiea of lwi4t kt04rep red ajtisj law tasi hi taey orn- ineni their hair in creatcanav wtb nrfaasara which iaapifird in a very deb eats nsana er ta hair ain tataffaj np iio a motvac of lauaa aapa tate knii ie ly afa and aeeey hani awetaiay v entered orer wiih feateao j oolinv fnt pnacaai which i ssjataatasjad br the snmenri svavtobo eery one sjtuhmn bbt ihe appeal apfaieji nauhafmmiiihuri evmaoav ijaoer eyos is enitaacvnd ly them all cflrty 0mnonlii io nath i jo awl ass ileal ihaj peaoaaa idfl- rev more bmraa or nvjiii ban tbai of entering ihofeavr wnhic fmsnkr svsjasji not iz rwofariaaci in the meat oil afcssl aeitaol iii ln trfer winhal ready oaentrrfm am inr or vit ii ax poarineo m ha nn rd a spoal tba in saakslwf ewftaine by ewattantt wandas a awani avtsetj ieaittr wwpwd n lilmasia bsatoaajt jecwrarrd wtlh baajs anbjbniwj taiona tbrfr k tuv aireh albijiiu ares nmoirevt rtanefd itsufa jocwa 9asaj around ijiavn j cartw traj abota xraasika rsawarta ibaasaauos hat she oaawsawwd miss aslaulaiw iaatenil raaavl the sitfkn h- rjinnr tfft aticoji leaving 0a uesshjvut ot h eraaw tvae people st ia ttrtmkly iajs eaoos of tifo so iha hcov t nmrttf wnvot it nt imroedialrjy taral aif p rcit lhm jm n a tecianf iharr relraal am l often wtn aaortally hul ibey artf r ilka a ilsjlrw ssalss awlbsj dmp livmg in spirtjsaslaty 6ne tarf boa it by eltmate aubtar dtfl n milk and rfctitbrt wjjsed by til ns pampered wilh indalranco tney ro aobjaot to tevdiioates but many of inem pncaijy iho ebiefs hs aurfrrej aud ffon the mlfdocl1an of iaiiriiijisi liojom tttc cejfjlcit 4kt satatoay prrnaifi i alwdishepatf london ha issued 10 eaxeh lert mij nroil ojpojlgne naaiceaj letter to lha clery of his atiocsse ita oijrct is now thai ihr cholera it appfoachinito awikeo tbe clft gymen to a slmnger aeoae of tbeirduueaisot merely as spiritual rtiievs but adrbwrs ni ariive promatani of phvral jtnrirorrmeqt p mora etprcially ihe bishop urire them tosw atdnftheaeaoffaier7e tawirsaasr in eaglaa king william traetim snd alderman lonivm r llemaetvee jeaationin csllinj altentioo to the sabjenl ilia tiwiaskiy bcgire that the asp migbi la i id sliaialatins the inert to prompt sod sign parerl tn ho taynwnl f filly rniteni itrrlmg ttul sciiotl tbe bllbfrp tlljoini ihr clleew tothlhe uvmev umg nady i iham ci 1 lo ohaerve ihetlaia of the poor in respect of i secede a ball i in be givea to tbe drupjisr i order temperance and cleanliness fa inf bjajjy at lha manaiontjoua by ihe wi of the poor m ne dwejlingt and el lbs locali- andoahiersofihemerebsnia and uokes i w it as placed to call tbe ainrr llilrdahipten vnrotled s panorama of on- ion of th psor oficeta io sueheava sal bm don and distribuud bu to tbs aoay acoorov autre inleifemnee to eohghun taeir parw- iogtatta choice of the ofeeecav lh r ltllt thc cholera at rar en kv ztzf rr r- 1 rs2st2s2j that iho oner aceompanl by iho eail of lhui c the obviuil dutinf auiosnltytw smxaasje had left london by lb winow road be negleeled

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