mj lfoiiirt i lo md thtinqvirr hi haw me ibm fninxvnl iltcae ha had offrrrd teoi lh c letm u e ra i iiht ti fli rrjrtted tfente taken nd kwrt vnjuiamlrsi sj inar fust f net rprnef rrprnc d itiocinc 4a ft rv1 w in twhbd bt lb prc r few t aae tie lenff had thru tn irf b ffgfll 1 tbe lnd n d tiii ennc and hfnvnre aad rl nnl onii pnren lakn hi- 1 fit- jrft p r 1 il c wifd j fitrt 80 tne eme it w d jsvni furbrr 1 mc om nf mrnpf hoar hii ae w u ii able in eland anhbcr uwmil m til ilim if ell fen bit wnuldaei iebd etssae hmhhll wd ima skciiwnnfp iwiii ihen n -t- rr j io the inlhlla a r i f tit rum paid vjhim unn 1ul m ci i f cm h teeipw fni lr3cnhdafcd rir ntnlc avavn lad ana in ite taic ricft lie bad rrincd i stay etoexsmafxs kuimi hir latl nf ifc b i onnfivd co i be tif rri j rltr ciom mln lch i n naareapntfthol ha mvflf m ur peri frltiira f ntjr and my luohtf ujtaa sift irajaeu nf itu rmnjairtfimi nj iii eernl rioe and yil mid fr nrinirtinf anv jmunn t aenav a nvrttri vervain vckt sf tmy heftnm iuvrc anb i wifl im7 h 0 r r i b i b bhiti ac vmfrrtf cc ffci ity oorar or mi rr itrxcir mxtitrvt tliiirwtar fctfraify x ruinr jwcttii flftihrit ir iih fiiinjfff i the idckrrl r fillt lhl iriomrf h- ith li-i- ui ivf ifihi nnpoii ivtirtiafr itt7 caiunl tit- til n kilni jwil h tfr j luting ifmfil tier fui m im bivnie iiiiftvtainl hr irn iciini owic timo yvtt piik rcvrtmc ft jift 7w atliwitrt ititrnl imtrd ljmy puiirs itrtrffy ih fwhliinr fltife in thr ml ih jau rti thjrtiliftrit hut gm1- win pna ii t t hjl 11 flvrrrtc whtrfa ihi 1 hrf abffpl jlprf flatn llt hf rrtar he fiiniiitrd fcr i iiimfi roqloton in h hrtir anel fid hii ihfafih a ro i iim in 1 r irnyin 1tt mjti s n j nj colhiitif hut at w 3i tixnul luff finm ind hioti x4ffitniislitrariitli4l bcbul thr rt ftn1 s ntvp f mm hriiilri currftdmi knpu pamthrf snl rij noi jmotv in iiv pijftr an4 hi irif rridrd ii hi piushtn in ihr mnih u rbt 1846 il w tfetimilj tcinnei1 itat ihr de- rfd wu rmrmd in 9 p aar je fcmbtvin hiiut wiiftwi ttnitiftl tilmi cc i jcrf lahrncimrf bf mf ihr nrichhtu wrn lo i lpatie nf ft tuodwin jut rnt for a hire taxing him wih thr irwit which u5 id rirrublion pmjir ddmilird ihl hit wife wm in ihr jifr n hnl 1ll fae bud pjmm ihefr nf hrt vu accmd ilia h m rl out the imd r a lhai r h- hero j iv jwnfime rnmit witnets 4mmiitntrd with ptiwitf npnn hiarrn vnkind trritment irf hi wifr mimntiftlrd iht itpcrftirdt cifltir hd lcrn vech ai v driirire her fif nv vlaim nci hhn lh f had nn ohjctinfi fht ihr slinuhl rw irlirrrd hy olher fi riii ii ut he tihi1h drt nothing for htr wilmcu in i at the jrw wri iitfjwai the tlresrd va rmtrmrl tmactitrtj tj frrt ot drceasr writ wra pedtift pnti rrmal rf swnr of thr cloth roond oornf wr fl a ponton of ihr foni f thr fool wm entirely gnnr it had 6t ippraiiltceof thr tohavjnfjhrrn rut ilt hj in axe thr dmmoi rjnirvd brlirrca har vfrblt a tin e1 which micht ennfain a pint thr rerl wa till hehl hrtwren ihr wnu aflrr the ktdy wa rrmorrd fnm thr iapen into thr diphinr ir wary goodwin i a uler nf llj rfpyfi lrr a -l-r- cflmljifi 41 fcijiu4 wen rnanird hnii tivrnly vrar had arrn rhilhtrn all ahrr vmint cliiu itmnt lerrtrryrara rfd- pr vvrrjl info thr pirnrninlhr firjf werh in xovrmw and icidiiord llirrr tinlil thr bl wrv otfeh roarr- tlr grat frw day of brr hinrthrfr abr irh thr ytgptt ttvicr nn thr nntacca- ion thr wrnt lo thr dooi nf ihr bomr ant jot drink anj tbel treat bark in ihc piajprn her hoiband on that ncraion ontrtd her olt on the heond ahe irft the picpm a boot the lait week in nnrefnher and rrliirntd of her wwnacere shr coniinura flint until ahe ttiej fmlwvr aftnwed hr children to feed wacraaed ihrrc time a dj tnr nieprn had rvh hrn clracicloiil fnui the lime ihr drceaetd wrnl in tfftlil hei daith the only ololhinc ihe had oj at itir ltn a hrf dejith wva n ttoafc tap and gowii slw i j kif 1 nr aeve nhnitld nrrrr enter hi hoor dead or ilir ami ihl h wntim kreji hi wont ivit thru jirerleil a fire in he kiudlrd onimitr hm wa iubrffeillliainnr oitof ih hnly won j frcrxc tij nn liilo annihrr aft tvn hrtn haueil viitntirr al jrnmi connitj in hare thr oaf bmntit into lb hwur hie thirlrt wfft hrril iiturf nn ih iknlran iheleinn hip tlijj1i th hwrr ritrrinilic irrre fiern ihf hnttoi l lh ttflflr w siln fioen and ihe dcrraid lielila tin ri hrltren ler tit wiliir had nmr dilfi- ciillc in ilitrnacin t1o tin irreiftd i mall htfle in iu hoimm the if maikrd lhal f hr had rfianh anj isin 0t a lhai rrrl 5he wutim hare rinirrd lobe rty rtjhtroii t1r fnrehrad on3 one chrk nwf veiv mnrli awnjlm with rxlra- raaiej mntl a marl ryf h fart wihft ntitiien a in lhi ananre ivms thai i w cjhel ur flitrrjfkjfijcllie tori of ihr ntn omlj itvl frl mill inches hhj in lh cnoim f death vifnr jiad hvini lh hfulr in the fm tutnrt li rjfr xrhicl aiu trhvn f r iuafr jt iiim tue itn lhaicay irnaotjhle fiir drrraard in urr f rhaihien an1 mrjtljlinn in have intlird feuiderei in the nir iif ilralh thr ine me frutn nue fool ihe oilic f iurlf hid diajncarrj nthin but 4 i remaining 31 the rnl nf ih 1r- thr ioy wa rinacialrd in ihe rtreiae th mty 1 uvti in inirjfts in hrthni h ajtmi- un biraukt taken 10 hrr about oorock in ihe mortnt 5hr wa takrn from tht picaiy into thr hmate the niimrr rx- pecled tleceaaed oolddie if liriemained in the pnty wuftr beed the prkonf r to take ike decearj into bi hmrr but he rtotitieclr rrfoird o a n the pr ioner al- wayi ordered me and hi rhimtrn to fiwe deceamd u mikh fonl ac kr could col witoeu has heed nrilh f r eihl yeam d ecrri r rn hirh rflw hrr anv kind of eio- irncr drccard wfm into the r pro o her own ffre will sie vt hi niomf on wednetdar niht and wa hetd on thura- lat ni prianirr intlieijed fo the ntijghfoii the faet of thr death nf hij teifr ai n at it occoned l v11 s kr 1 t bad xrtoncu hrr biuband and waa perfectly m rltxabelh ooodtvin nlfir injtrrnf pti- anner and niece nf the laa vrilnr witue and hr alfler wrre in the halril nf eatiysi koeau to dccried they med to to inln hrc firat bol ioueactly the tmrli became ao o5r i- r 1 j 1 ihey nerc nnjhle lo fri in and were obliged i fiire ihe fund in ih roach the apertnre lftwrrn thr ln f thtr ptgfe on one occasion tfhen decrnied came inln ihc hou5 i bein a cold day prisoner carc home and found deceased wirmia hrrnelf he fonk hrr kui inrnrd hrr nut sayine lhai lr did nol rant her hre dcraed suycd in thr liable lhat nim and went into thr hy- pen thr next t orcrikd f n v lfk lo eitoefa when j tvaa 1 en to hrr abe w a quite trainable jamer wilvm a neighbor of piionrr knrw both ptvtne jnd hi wife witne baring braid that pfictncr wife wa dead yon the road aid went to ptitonrr hon- with two other ror ni ikrd htm vhere hia r if 1 ti iftmiiii bit of iherriiii pri- aontr aaid hr nl dead brcane be cmr hrre andhri in the pigpen vtilmn tried to indue pruoorr to tjle her in in nrjr that tot life milil he protertrd he rrfnrd aavinjc would yoy bare me take woman in nw mrrlr had diappirrj oi n- th 1dy th frtftieittn of methhrok rrlpinir bllilfll pnrtmij fbe idtlinov w rny much lliiekrur l ctoned uith ihrm hand nd hhtmt vrirl wbeh amiearanre indirale pf f 4 nl infl immalion thr i lelinr thm4ilrr wer oliml mailed in tfrther and iwif rrv mncn dirnlnnrrd wilft bile frnnihedrndfh f1l bladder ihi i- niirnfihe arifiearaitcx ptrcnled iu rue of deal h fmm l trvlion the 1nnci wa total ly em ply hi eimer coal puckered nr ih pvnm nr jnwrr rvii vfvt iliicstnr 1 wilnevt rohpiren h may a wrfl at ma n hare it elrcilrd on rrne amirattin iimi there iraj no ucrraiinn nm hlrkrninrf thr cnt nf ihe aloniachi wlipfh appearance jir would have expected to find had decci died nrir ration the intlin were filled with harrfned fm ind inetely the lare 111- trtinrhni ut he mfl rh arr ualy tilled with 1ie fnnd during ihe pcr of d- i1irn witnix i of 0iuinu thai 0f fnnil enum have hern likrn the preticir niithl drink htd for witner fnund lb boddef di- trndrd with urtnr suorfon thr itujitaj thai deceased had prahv eaten nnthini fiifal lrt tit ad ihtrtv hoar l ihiuv he pobr within hniml witee niiiunn i that irals iv4 caiurd by intt mintaimri m thr hnrru tht reut mt bate rmud in a vny hor lnc horn the frvxcii ljlr vf ibr eliemiir cfotetamined y mr it yiinr m rxamina the ninmach nf drreaed rwj caiefiitlr tu fact tnnk it hvnr and made a i triiaratjon afil if wilne5 ij ni miaken or hvrworn dralh wa caud try inflanm tin ta ihc lowru the hltmd nin driven in- ward ffom thr fmren rylreirif tr he had not lime tn die il lurvatinn o folhiie thr roirl utt ihe drfrnr r efilavoerd he a vjirly t wicneftarff ti prare ilil jrcad iti a wnmu d tfhanemrd character 3 ll mlftlac hr wut birk 5rnlren real pie attorney general biiody addmadtfat juv ntatriai the rvidcocc juvtfc smith summed up and ihejnry afirr an hours cmimijugou tetururd a cr- 1 nf itmiu thr court md the prisoner that be had lren aerikrd ofmurdrr a more a- rravated tf tiat were ptflme by the olct of the crime baring keen hit own wife reborn he bad aworn nnd wai hnund loeherib and pfnjrri the jury bad imweve taken a merciful tiev nf hn cie and had fmd him evilly nf manslauchler tnlr thai had hren lera iomrcy cwd have t- ahnwn him he had bmullr ronfifrd his wife in m- f n in a mot uvfenenf fijartj wffhyif v w 0 ar jvud iliy aouif wa ibvicluie hrtund to inflict ihe highrat jntnihtnent aanc uonrd by the law and sentenced hiui lo thr penitentiary for senine theronc naff dozen f1low armed ttil 1 htiidenn sallir him tith a mate tracks cult am ireiitrnr- rrceom which induced him in andoi rr 1 i 4 thja look place in broad daylight within fifiv varcsof ihr market and in prrrrkre of al least one bnndrrd praom in nacb a tarof lfit r ihe apathy of our tnntmen i almnt criminal one of the peroi beaten ihe other day ba we nderfatd fact died ind it b ihe mercy of providenre alnne lhat lb ha lint been ihe fate of many ether kren ifkffccccirt of gch coauiileratimiie pecuniary intereit llrould prompt to om- action for tr cliaracler of ihe town ia already yrrh thai l- f r oht prefrr eajhf to any nlher marked and when thry ate obliged in come they remain a jdioii time a poidc li t ihe duly of the cotioci i come forward in ihii matter sail w inppueo it i- a mere vale uf woi aaii apprairr to them e andindinjiinn of the ju- ujrw ccttxuot rihtrdav t of if life ti the lurp lie al law h twtiund a nlee of ihe apprinimni of a frrvh hatch i qtiee cvifel thei ran lir we hatttin but onr npitiwn 1 ihe uhj rt rz thai itieie ajipnintmenti tia hem maik lo mvvd poiiical serrice and not from comideratinnt m jttnftional mriil it will br rrenllerrd hut ihe uatnr of ech nf ihe nrw qjoev fimrrlfl have leri freely and cimerallr ooken tf with fefcrenrr lo ihc nii vacant sdicitofienerauh h is fur ther lo be rrflirttrrrred ihjt mr e who had previnuoy been niiitf inactive aa a ioli- licun lork ft iery iruninnt t m e-ltin- tip an oioitin t the liberal candidate a tb recent rlruiou we are farfmm rnler- liininc a diepclfnl 0aiion of mr itr aieith or rhatrclor ami had the apoil- mnt hepft made under different cwwm mantra althaiith we mivht bare llnuhl tbl mhrr nrmtwji nf the iw f much older utavfint had iitrrior claimm we stinum net have leen lipoxrd to aj a ord jtaicsl it on public tfraitad arid ftr hoe i ro rally eleuted a an hotorame mao jiij ram eit lhat ive uhould have rejoiced at any event tht would lrve afforded him atifica tion ft thr liiti cbocrn fr making the- 3ppintincii aim the ctfcimlaner connect ed with lnftv that hseo rctled inifdic iridic oaiion if mrif cn and johnon are rntillrdtn ilk mvnaon ihe cnre of jimfes- ioii4l merit ivhv were thrv nni conferred on ibrm at the 5me time thsl mr merdith received hia iu ai thii time he bhntqfl ran an ipponcfi of th adiriinitralion sidlny without a wrd of rxptanallon eilhrr ihe ppbll or ta twi with whom he piofrted i net he hrramr the minileri 1 canrlidate far a county formerly represented hy an jipiiion member who wa pmieised for tcrkcton mr jbiton ivaj defraled he rrtnnird lo mnnlriml to vote for ihe adiftrntrat candidatr and one nf thr fast aeh of a defeated parly u to eon tor npon him 2n hoiior which will rvoe he looked upon s the price of hix peiddr on hi shotiiden ihe silk jenur n wil be a bde of shame and to the end of hi pror5mona career lhat inwn wh pmoliiau ihc cmemhranee of ki lohlici1 rrtaftiery as lo mr duvl hi euim lo the rminriion rarftot he denied he vtzt apoioled a fjnen touotel several yean an nd on foanc occasion which we do nt reraslccti eijrd any a daiioist ration nh we jtimiibp havrlieen willing enonh ncc hm a ffb enmntiinn nn hi inifv- inia wih inibalflcr mil even in hi ease ihe time ehrnrn to confer this apprunl- uifiil wis a mtst imprnucr one- we hear rumours of aojne semdahu joh beiae at ibis moment in rnitriap1atoti the 5alaric of favourilr are lo he raised aad rrrn back pay cranted to thrm trmpority clcrkare hi he pnt ori ihe permanit establishment with a view of fatemine them like panne n the cooiitry in accordance wiih eail crey doctrine jt u riiht lhat public altcnlitn shmtld be called to ihij jouibc if if be nccesfiil1y earned oul the nrofle alont will indeed lo attribute to nnnn ihe peoph ol lose conduct h eajion at wiiu id hcn o bad on oe oc- ioje je rermrnee tried lo mace pionrr tn protect hi wife foam ihr inclemency of the wealhrr orvrin him ten uihia ia cash 10 help to provide clothe fnr her and pronuamg biui five hiu linjs a month jntil the svtios tn aart him in ml-m- rvr h s r c j ie that bra wife had nn rhim on him w coak- ejaencr of hrr bid cndnet joho atrxaodrr sron a f lf p if a ejadnate in aril and in medicine i 4 aurajenofeiirhtren and a phvirjn of ix uor ycaia tiandii dora njt kmow prisoner al the bar nti m him liji ihe day of the inorij hid wen decayed prafeafihtauy in thr summrr nf jms never saw brr alive aftewara witnes arirmled the ioourir lie macfariane eoor olrvcer of militia who axud aa coiooer rruetrd rach of ihe joiom and wilneae aiao to eaamino the bode ai it my m be pjfpeo before remvet wilnaw fcj a litlr mo bad ddtiuliy n mtrtinc wlitw on ha band arf larri via ftlad to make a epeedy relreai th amrll wa m afcaaiee sase mhint but a lieap of otrate toe roof f lie pigpen w thtn ukea c rvinrm foud aoaa cieaa alriw elear qnilt then an old nnill or clvak vrar the body of deceaaed ii paa fmbafly atadevcept a ear on be head rapejceo bhck linen or eaeo romd fbe iw afprai then v alto race iovatmj 0 tu tviineoefni taken et it hiagp of ftaouei ftvywafynaae aod itfud ihr dead udy on it aimov tvaaeaeily du m i tlttt amaa a uli wnnaaa lhn r jf a eau w oaaov io m tt f9mw fl ptaeaaaa a draecim tsvmt rgm 4i 34 msitfi he bd lt lrv morals ix dytown fron tht bytoirn gazttu frfc 17- the state of sorirly in ihr plac ltonld acareety he accrrdited hy peronx at 4 dis tance outrages are committed the jaw is set at de6aneo ihe moil peaceable and or- dariy ardonit rnr lnwuimen are knocked down bralen and hol at properly is injured and deslroyed aad ihe ejnilly perpeliatefa r- rape with impnutly nor are irw solitary inoncej hit thine of daily rrcnrrenc freqaeniit indeed that ibey riaec lou craed lo excite aurprite ivo man of any reapect ability kaafe in vrnturin out afier nist should hrcbincc to meet with a mratfc band of tuftian with which the imcn if infested the only cauc of surprise in the midst of tbi 1awlrs violence iv that raany lives hae nul been lost twavm fill several column were we to altrmpt to dtail ihe varmu iniancr of ruffian tin and cime which hre occurred here eeen suae otir last pnhlicalion a hand of some hvi or tlirre hundred men marched op to the work in ihe canal drteriined to be hired aud to drive off those who were at work so that ihr con tractor found himself ctmpeilcd lo discontinue it for the preset a respectable man wat met b two ruffians one of whom tinted him with a p3ece nf iiiio while the other drew nut a pistol uron hisenifeavoriii lo escape ihe mirn ared after him fortunately wilhotit nttc ami this al midday iu one of the mnt public atrrel nme dn nr more have been halen wllh tiek in nic inslanre a min bavin brrn draped out of hi bed and left for dead on thr street witidmr have been boken it diitercal imusos for ihe u thfer r four nihbt and in evny instance uie cuilty part have eeapcl lnv inni we ak for the hundredth limr shall ibis itate nf thint coalinne will oar towusmei nol adopt omr strjk towa rrl profectin jinrmrlvrx and ibeir property foe tey may rrit amred lhat these mflramwill become emboldened hy impnnily and will pefhap not atop trfore lire arr aaciliccd let theenvrrnmrnt be memorialiaed for ajaiatanr r bnt in the mean lime much cau be done tawdidj selfpio union the ahore remarks cere with otbtr mailer cmwdrd ot last week hot with some itt1e raiiation it will apjjy equally to ihe occur- rente of thia acu of the orrr lawless violence hart been commihcd and the of- lender bare escaped with the same imjtily il u out our intention ii detail the pnrtlenlam nf these acta of rii a they have become famitjar aa to have lost aft ioicrel for thr reader crakin- skull iiahin windows rafird with ocejiooal aiifml at rodefv and inotni7 are ihe nrder of the d- thr tirlirr caerallv erm of the hic1ual re- pcetaklilv ihe vffuder composed of ibr mol ahandnrtrd and wnrihlrm intians the lit- hahitaul of ihr town ar lulv 3a uto fnrmrd of these oulra a we are som nf them mure n bat iu bd ihe henf of tv- pcicncr we bate limr m again itemed upon iben the ropity of memnrialimfij ihe citcrnmrm foe wuuee ami we lure errry enufidnce imi no adminutratinu vould luin n draf ear o demands o juvl and ira- tonahl ii 1 a smrmu dutv iucumbnl upon ereiy sood ofrmmeut to tj lo in cilifci pjolrciivn 10 their lives and fry tw mat- irr what may he ihr rom and are not i ho attdi bring etnifcd in irr hind for ihi end at this rty day f in flvlowu the claim for aitance from ihe general reterue par ticalrty atious for it i that branch of com merer which benrnls the whole province which entail all ihr rvif we complain of ujin thi plee pnther we have muir llim nne mceflej the prarrelv nf inrmiit in hie mean lime vrnr tti of prijeeuvr aoe amnjtal hie iitbabiunk lhiuuid aleeat prevent lie ojen drance rj law and hc alroeilie mbieb we rseiy day ffitflew- to illufrai ihir we shall invtancr one eae which rame immedialrly under our eye hi week a aentleman wn driviinr down the main mreel in lowre town when two lafliami wiih immense b1itdeuna ran up to hiia truck hit hirr with saeh violence a to ujc- fer bim a dealt another mow al the driver which he fortunately eteaptd thi rftnlle- man went fonhtviih lo the eofiiiahl iht town clark id to toveeai of our oly miitit hut willfuul fuidina any itfdrva liarfflha f aaal4- weul niard ihe hviur tvhfu llr jomh ba iidrieil jtul trftir we wtiuld le very orrv hia lnruhip lo force canada a system of polity which is condemn cd by ihr puhkc upinioouf the country since writing the above we bare found lhal a rumour is very current that mr attor ney general ftadcly is about lo fur a a to artnrrf hip with mr rnr and it i rnerally lirlirvrd lhat the silk gown j part of he bar- ctiin between lie learned gentlemen time will tell whether there is any truth in thia ni- mour bat il ia certainly a very current one uxird starrs postal pv iat we have been requested 10 publish the fol- lnwiu documnl bv which it will be scn that sotie of our rnntrmporarirs were a little premature in ihrir maemertts reardin thr bearer nflieovenimiaia1 depatohes which airived by the last knisb mail iieior par mittrd to pnerel through the united siatc lerntory without imdimeol hvlract fron afaane lalns letter to the deputy lit mazier general dated buaonj i2th fchryary isis w i pronme that public tmaot has by thi lime reachrd vu annnunrin the fact lhat i had ait witka hol iniernidioi at mont- pelier and 11 that ihi aftiir lr misrepre- tenlcd to lie prejudice of either of the par tie concerned in il i avail myself tt the lifvt opportunity since my return here and put yon iu prssion of all particulars essen tial and im icutinf to it m on toerday aftrrnon the ftlh iitual 1 look mv drpflur liom modreal h the or dinary roneevanr and proied nfi mv iaqtnev wilhnnt annoyance or hindrance until i tracied matlier on the 6iu where soon afier i hid taken dinner mr cottrilj ihe worihi pprior of ihe hotel rrquestcd i would aefninniv him o a piitalr apart mrnt whch i ntrl n and nu cnlerinir wbieh mr- rottiill introduced me to mat shall rcent of the slate of vermont and after thr nual civilities bad hern obacvedhy u a catechetical conversation took place which rc1lcd in a rrqirt on the part f ihe marvhall to examine my haae which wa immediately removed from thr it to the room and a seandi proceeded with hy ihe ma shall and two officer in the course of which every parcel waa opened aa well as mv pad hia nnd mv pijier rlniely exarn- inedouf no uffer unrftlie marshall nrxt rpqiirstrd i wnnbi dec i are if i had any letter or other sealed document about my per son tbi nutation was answered in ihe ne gative both in word 4 deed aa it was im mediately followed by ihe ccreotuny of tum- n the ianer side out of every puckrt in the coat then on my nerson vhrreun the marshall declared hi belief that i wa not in possesion of any sealed document z4 cooieqncnttyi had iml vitilated the law of hi government eprcsed bis mtytt al my deleiltioa vci and altocrlher pnfirmpd hia duly quietly and cieilly 1oafrcof erow acmculttlul association a mretinjef he y reclor of ihi associa tion wa held al the warden room in ihe court house tmnntoon thursday lasl thr minnie of the laat meeiinis liarina been irad the secrrtaiy aad treasurer mr rdmounn made a aieiarat to the meetini- of ihe touluui of the fund a committee wa terij appointed to audit the account and to make a full repnn of ihe aame and the yea iran- action of ihe society by the j5tb of march fin heporl will be pub tithed ii wa reenter d to mrmorialie be cover- meat for a c of money for the association wbieh aiep we hir will he siteerjuful as il ia impcfsiitde to say bow the bumineas can be pdoerciled wiih without it in consequence nf ihe amalliirt nl ihe rrceipl at jfamilloa j jutomn owin b ihe uiifirlunatc state of il was determined to make a siroqfmical to the people of the province in ihe auociaitnn and tn induce thrm to ute ex- rrliontfnr iu support an appeal tbavtiii to bv cheerfully iejmidcd n wr are inpjty lo see that the cnjrtie i pie are dvd tn make every exninn in prepatin fr the annual mealing in lteher the nvucatte hiiet siely lw voted jtioo 111 iid of thr luttiu and eem iiued t act mo1 liberajjy in the mailer 7 rest f i cutiitmn tie jihr ihe rather amount of expenditure there th line peeled asinfjatinn willi omt likely un audiuti f aeciiunu bt fajud indeiil uulf auuutxjouaeem lohave been available fr pirmioma nf which alt has been paid out mcepl some xtionmr iu ihv treasurers rliand while ihr aionuai of pi aifum amrtm in monoy and bvoka waa up- wardt of 100 it waa ii it rd lo lake no further step on ihe inhjerl nf the reriprncal trade between round and the tuiled slate a the mailer appear i br taken ai by ihe twn finvorn- meal and it wo thought br1 lo await thv leaall thn lunatic asylum km on turdav eveniir lasa thesecon expr- tho session of parliament nonsuuscriorrsto ibe hrituklim may have that newspaper recuurly mailed to their nddrrs dnon tbr wbolr of tlivenoinyroriof the provincial parlu- ment commrucioe with the miosher which conlaiiu ihe speech from the tbone and endinr with the proroalron peeh anl no lancer for the um of one dollar feenltcd lo ibe rditor hmlar paid kington feb isis rimeut of a pimi jhirarv lunalic a pall wa had in to tern yluni imnii in iboaiein winof ihr iiim- it hiiildinjn u ck ibe palierit am ihi4e itiieresled inthe utirorr meui f tie invalids ware ceneralhsitviied the ilaecln cnmme lo ii e rnnrc of a cfo ljud al ahiuil seven ocw and strurilv aftcf th eojnpany bean terrive andoiieiilriii hie tem joined willfucjia- lient iu ihe ttanvr the latter rre as loaimv to atqnii ihrvihvlvei vlti crft a cvim be the oat rdini vaiarv of tvrtii enre so marvd wa lhi thai th- arnrd chief juaiiea wa heard to say tht he scarcely fciirw whether the aaue viavuf bore ff ibe oalm in a larjr ai assemvy i was t1irjlt tn learn ibe affll of all prevent bit amoo thv re noticed were hi lordrhp the ltitho of toronio bi lordhip lire chief justice aad mm ltolinon mr jusire mc ioamraoil ihe mine mcoatcapf tnitnn nd ftrs hamilton capl tfrefroy r e mr alderman rl iwd tessrs rarclay and jcnntotf d primrnrn rolls and holliwrll laenres allen rq fharlra bnrczy eq if bell bq jjhn cnncron km and lady mr cayley cait- ke- cle aad lady mr john rlli ciakt f a rq i gilmer eq capl john corlon t d ilarn tq and mrs harri jnh ihrw ard jr esq j o howard eq jrnpa q and mr joseph mr john ludlaw josu mrmnfich eq durcait mcfnnoelft fq mr hppner mrver anrus metrisna tsq o mowar kq w mcparlant eq and mr mrparlanv alerriet eq joha atulliolfann cq and mr mrtuojiand mm nauloo john ltterson fa mr rouncilman rilcliev jno rnberhons eq xtltn ro im- k h itatbrrford ea mm strachar riberl stanton e mtv ir mie stanton j m strange e ro bert wiihauisnn esq mr tud mm wil liamson hit rt umber in attendance surfiruhy shvv ihe interest ruw taken in ihc advance of tie institniion and thr anxious dei that thr humane and winninptonrceof irevtmcnl now t nfvard by dr telfer should he rtnfnej- ive nf the coed fruit to which heir jaboh cdtlv entitle tliem while all went on a mnnlmy alasl t there was yet a pncejitihle change iflll bat a rjalifyinr ime t consisted in fort 1m none came fai rnruktty but all toaid l ipod work of lihteninx the care nf thoe ho deprivej of reafi rrt aloao rl eminlenauce of ihoe of tiieir fellow crea ture to whom con in bi prorvrnre rjranlrd thi palest of all earthly wc- the visit ors ladir and gentlemen ft fl a mpnv youn children mixed itself w the patients buclout tht evrrtfn- m chireetation and in the dance atamnl 10ocwk a slight iippe w prepared for the patient some 70 oe 9 short i v afier tbi the visitor retired amany were tile tonmluutitm dr telfer ix on hi sutceajfiil treatment nor wc r and mr crooyn ihe warden and aisr forntten the benefit resnltlnc and to trsull i the course new panned are yetnnlolri ray who but a abort lime eince shrunk i ibouehl of approaching lboc ai1eriajs alienation of naind now look oo il a rimv 9f huffawwtiov rrt 1 we eoneriitnfa1e che oflber otthr vhim on ihe extraordinary rroereas made aed the general corfnit prevailing tlirouebotft the nsliuitioi trojifo cotonitl british whig oeifer e oram oloav wkirkjesoat februawy ft8 151 to outl subsckhjfbs in hclirville sidney ittwdoa murray trent port brickion colrornr cobarrx port hope whitby and tht ptince imward utrict mr pene of this elablihmmf leaves kiusloa tbisdayofi a colleciinc tour when we hope thai uch of our subscriber who mar be in arrears will be prepared la aellle witli him tut dtivaicv copveir or tira daijorav drrarct tills comcil adjoumed hot-sa- turdav eveiv- rite our readers ami i be furnished with a record of ibeir ovaf as non a we are in pnesinn of an ollicijcopy nf the journals from ihe clerk tbe taraco and district clerk were unaniuiont re elrctrd the late superintendent of wuxa- tinn bavin- resigned an election to oxced that gentleman in th suerintendeikh will come off on the renunciation of ihe ciuntil for slatrzorin order thr weight of thecom- mou school statute until saturday it trpii fell with the awful pressure several dr had taken hate on a resolution fmu mr lewis- tbal the warden he requeue i petitinn hi excellency ihe governor lal to dvvsolve he cotmcil in order llrj ihe sentiment of ihf constituency may kr con sulted on he narril of the common tfcool art the lt dirisinn wa come lo w third dv nf the debate on this honcr of life of dralh to b or not to be the question the yea and nays bcjnr six on each aide the watdra with he in vole rjave ihe final 10 the uikind- nt cm of all whilst on ihe lips of v r ihr member of the cmmril fitted fhedyini woroa of cr c f w flnrfr w w dtr a surfeit of education died the p council iveare atified to find be flatr fair of the dlnct are in a very satisp latt for allheanh divorced a i the tf from the rural section rach wilh herip rale aainbinace a reciprocity of i crer exrsm m a mutual cood undrr mut ahore all tuinr be maintain bc- iwcen the twa and diitri ct council- j7yoirn p cjiianronv liviiotovv on ps lar dr w nelson performed the op- of lithotomy flft u man asred f5 years aed who had hern put under ihe influence of y form a small quantitv of ihe jim w poured upon a piece o ftnl put in a ft u abaped pone and thia waa held o jjj month and noe when in a fete momv ln patient waa oliinxjed into a atate of rwpj inscmibiliiy and so continued dun l0f whole operation which was somewh p traded iu resequence of a pail of the crumbline down it beinc verv snft jiv p it if worthy cf reinaiklbat eh fi pl ibo same operation on ibis man in the ol an utl lat and removed two ecrv hard and waoolh calculi on this ener waa hrttt which also had the m tfexirayiaf fveliur and ennscinusne rf ibe 0 hot its application rp wire aa much time a in ihe preeui ln and the miheqneat eiteel though r- were feasant a dittjtuaj anl en remaiiiicc rv me lime after in quencc of ihv mnre speedy oprralion ed chlwo fmin and brioj iinaltewfed wilh ah xreeable ifte and requiring f k pensive eppafnla with tail little inrf fsr it application we are lou that ur on cive it he preference over ether a w opinion lhat ro important surgical should be perfumed without rmim ocaot lhat n eltrtoally pnitrcl tn indent from those atnijioc torture which prrirucvd under the ureo knife arnold and iuilieiland atmr1 a hr ojieia- linn and a n er uf medical tudnt witnrd it jw more rumors afloat the coniervaiive it ia aaid arc lo remain in office on thr condition that they will con sent to anpport and assist mr papinean in working out ibe dissolution of the union 1 cannot for a moment belie that the rumor ha iny foundation or thai any art of men profrsiine conirrvalic priiiciplra could be boxjgtll so cheaply and jtun iheinjc for tceh a triftincj conii deration lo the tail of the great rebel let n hope for the honor of ihe party that ucli is not the car wt shall nol however remain much longer doubt parliament meets on ihe 25th and a short lime will bow which way the tide of politi cal fancy flows the njmororing of such a aingujar character xte coild not resiet the temptation of pmne it to our readers u we received it and yet there aft more un likely occurrences than the one wr hare men tioned where is that party who will not clin to office op to tbt faff moment when tbey are compelled o retire forced from ibeir stand by the dam strength of ibeir eppo- neuti there ire certain men in ever government who would more heaven and earlh to retain their poaition before the public and to keep ibeir party in tht forcaronnd even ihoorh it should require any sacrifice of principle to accomplish their erf we do not wiih to he understood to intimate that the present ministry arc of this stamp- we would on ihe contrary expect betler things from them after ihe treasonable manifesto of the pardoned rebel the hardened and unthank ful exspeaker had bteu published lo the world rut as ibey appear very backward in leaving ihe hoards free to the paily who mu evtntaally succeed ihem there is no telling wbal shifts they may not he cphed to make to prerrnt the radicals for awhile innger coming inlo power there is one thin certain a more feeble government ibaa the one which it now about to retire could scarcely be found lo exist anywhere and as il is and always has been oar fiid opinion lhat a weak government is a curse to any country and that consequently a govern ment that can reay on astfoiehruvtwri be the ery reverse wc should at irut be led lo expetl great ihimjx from ihe ffadieat ad ministration when it vnrncsthc rein of pow er if ilis ibeir serious intention lo pass euch mcaurcsaj will be really beneficial lo ihe avafiacr they will itnd lhat they never had and perhaps never will have a betler opportu nity of diipteyme thtir zeal for the interest ol this counliy than i hey will have rjurina iheir coming reign too mnch of ihc ttme of ihr hottie ii spent in venting private spleen and fupportiiit party measures instead of wotkinj toteibcr for ihe general welfare of the pro vince there is nothing more properly dit- jtitstiruj than ibis same bitterness of parly let tht monster be kept down for one session lei tht represents lives of the people join band in hand wilh a firm determination to pa good ntl whotewne laws tending to belter the cortditiuo of canada and depend upon il the idea of again resortia 10 tht old system of personal antagonism and petty squabbling would be scouted as ituaur asto the repeal of the tnion there can be no doubt that it would be for ibe goxrd of upper canada were it to take place tomorrow tlii section of the province is essentially british and as willing lo remain to as ihe xauforoof itvtt canada would he lo place themselves uuder the patrmcj care of ia jfrie frcne or to glide into tht warm embrace of the neighboring republic mocb belter vould it be for upper canada lo have a par liament of her own than to suppose lhat she can be at all bene6tted by attemutin to legis late with such meii a the low canada radicals many of them a much oproscd lo british rule as the nn lettered race who send them to parliament if the conservatives arc satisfied that the union is a failure 3n at tended with no benefit but raibe itj lo the province there can be no objection lo their assisting in removing any barrier to be im provement of a section of cminlry wholly conservative always he it understood with out ihe atitancc of mr papinau sf his cltqoe the proceeding of ibo approaching sesiftn of parliament may art lb lubject at itb a- a buie we are quite aware tlial under lire muiiny act commanding officers hare a leaial rirbl lo confine soldiers in the peniten tiaries but these gentlemen should observe ihe spirit of ihc law a well a its letter penitentiaries- in england are what iheir name imports places for pcnileace whrrr yonnc offenders are srnl more or ihe purpose of rrform than pnnisbment in canada the penilenliary is the slate prison ihe wool wich hulks the newcalc of the province where the vilest criminal are confined often for life ami it never could have been the in tention of ihe imperial parliament to confound this rfasx of prisons with any other aa no soditr cjarfisorted in london is ever sent lo newgate or lo ihe middlesex ilour of correction ctfroa ibe tread mill for orrocnea of djriydinr o no soldier should be sent to the provincial penitentiary for ihe mme clat of oflvvkc military men may perhaps differ wilh u iu opinion but tee are fully saiisfied that erery civilian in tht proeince will give hi hearty cobciirrejtct lo our view and why iwcanse erery civilian views ihr dritiah soldier a the pride ornament and protection of the country and consequently driest to see bim treated like ibe vilet cri minal for ortrneca that in ordinary life would be visited wilh ihe mildet of punishments the rlol and murder tiials in ireland were ptocredtnjr ill lrtial order haa been reftlored rauirrra hnwerer was increasing lo an alarming exlent nnd new cases of death by starvation are reported the k french had nol completely recovered hia health and an abdication is laked of though there w aolhiag authentic on the iinject aceou fwm al-ier- slate lhat the eeal irltaof ihc main arabs have submr tied 10 iht freoch the health of the saniah qnten is im proving the inductee of prince mrtlernith in anstiiafauvellnin serious dirticaltie have taken place in the el re orate of hesse cashel tlie citien refnsinc tle the oath of alle giance undrr the conditions proposed by the rice i or their i la bt a supenioci bridge ocr th rhine at cnlone the kinj of bavaria ha ordered the jesuit refnesfrom swiixcrland from fc mtsf york herald refanr tiiis country contltinaj la bt more uanqnil peciaj commit ion atid tkxi coercion law tmp latec0wmbrtaarrkviev7 the lradoaodpimtcrca crffto enantrv hava arrraed j eaiavarowaasjat duemf tssf pei realsmlt 3laaey biarcnbdjnir aorfwi beblrdoocaiiirtrma andasne mfki nf moricloim orrint pcif ihfl fttd cnca licemrily llre tmi m rafccl l gg t etivtl wiioeea a leewo pforpcom tr0 esvtee lr ir relaof ooeonmn iiflrro i ibr genual coolf astssm which i rew lakinr plats tier acrrao froib the sssasujsavitxtfiaf duirrcre show cndiil noofsinenf in ihr iplwflpll itpetslve sme few uilorra hjve levsj h mfiafl the esslassbt but it spjmitbe u bo ahle to aiote lhat ibey art of mior impotanc tht oviaarnj fr mtetaitielesof ruavsgna n4 eubmta avmfikea ba1reneieimlive tlie prirej 0ptaiad ore rnero remevenlv wd fmoi m the indkleme wbeji arenlmerrable u rim eaimasereial tirclea svo nty ncedici list rttirra wf taller nj rnc prvpeeu laxara the euo market eiact mr ut h beett in a unciud te cjtrsoo f prices lr- a taltm 4ae oi ihr mmher jo of the 7tb i toiuc offbeat u itecidiy tbt rfp veoaissi r aid the bet sasnsssi iret i iho noaftasf a to sa ajrf qnr1e lwer lbn nu the peevr monday sm lofrrine iweiiptror were frunstnl rkprr i l e r a coreepnodine der1irr lwl jiuce i i ihi c mvrkrl nd indian coua frtis lodt l il ii tlie s arr irujifing order among tht pruplc ii frtiic vvutflxslr- the sooxv has almost totally disappeared and ihc sleisjbing eonsc- quenlly at an rnd the rrcathtr continues extremely mild for this lime of year it is however much too soon to taped spriojr and it would not greatly surprise us to find good sleighing throughout march it threaten snow while we write o tn mcaeaj nearly all iht rep resentative of the people have pa5ed down wards and among others mr carroll of oxford that gentleman must possess great ii nrtrcr the member for ptootenac leave town today the adjourned commisaioti for limenrk there remains for trial twelve caea of murder and of cou5caey tn murder including tbi batch ibere are altogether in timeiiek jail 93 person awailiiif ihe return ol ihe cmmi son thr catalogue i both lonef 4 dark therr are 395 prisoner in crorimel jail ol whom 9j are charced wilb ftiurder it ivtatrd and the movement of the trnops lhat in the province warrant the rcpori piior tr the general search fnr accordioc in proclnmation the eillacje in d bv a flrearm rit c cccupk 1 fv vyaf mlnav eorr op kvrrravoal a mretm held ia li rnonih nn hetrnlf nf the ahoe sevvi was staivd tbl the inenme fnr the pnvt year wa nleave al lcjft lhal lit nriv man- taiiu 117 mismouarir- with nearly hw other acnl ha ie il vmaio nations afcul sjtofm hciier nf wbm io ire mm and member h in iiehflolt5iwwt popis and emjdoys rihl priuliiii elahlishtrtrtuu t- mr trowan mmic duties rw bin cmiant ebeace from home he isifad lo relinquish hi kihluiial rnnnoslran wilh mil paper which connexion lermliiml wilh tho preaeul ptmbgljitfl the sfutummf will for ibe fuiyre j cnmlurlrd bi h mr kredriick william tinwan w alined hi tiliitlhm in the tiulama lp ment and wh wih ronllnuo tin- pe upon the aaam pullliral iwtnilrlen whleh alur times dirrctvd ill whnliuhire smtmn jiie provincial pknitkntiary dcserlion from the ranks of the soih r stimenl now in garrison t continue hot and heavy twelve men left on sunday night and made their way across l005 island roping 10 get over the main channel of the si lawrence inlo vankeeland hut owing iu a heavy gale from tht wtstward ihc ice there wasjoken up and there was no erowinx at all either by boat or on foot in the attempt however four of the deserters wen unfortu nately drowned and the remaining eight were captured and brought back tn barrack in their company was taken a yankee said to be a sergeant in ihe united stairs army who i accused by some of thr men of having enlirrd thrm lo desert should such prove to in- the fact we beaitily hope the scoun drel w11 bt most fitly puoisked while upon ihi reject wt cannot avoid remarking upon hie impmpriety of sending soldier to the provincial prnitrnliary or reornc f diwljlin a phicliie much loo common in kingston and wbieh i said lo be the main cause of ibe inn prevalent deserlin when a svldier lose hia srjrcptrcm lie i nl man and one lrtnconlinritunt among ihe murderers and thieve of ilia pfsrfflaciil penitentiary i rnoujh lo degrade a man in ins own eye for ever while tho military authorities n england are doing ibeir ttimmii to vlvrate the characirr of lle prirale soldier by treating him 0 a man j ihoo in caoads by covnienafirinx tin peuitentisry mlilt ruentor riffeawre flgvlntt dfaefidfar would ayjcai lo orgiad bim by healing him e was a einhtmi replies were re ceived yesterday mornirg from uverpool lo letters which were despatched from kingston on thr itlh jan to go by ibesleamer of the 15th the ccmceaia for the mtbh irirg is the fire department ala committee meeting of ihe diffrrtnl fire cornpanies compnsirg the fire depart- mentof this city held in ibe victoria eto- ioe house on friday evening islh in lo consider the impriely of receiving the dona tion of mr r- jackono two poaial ten shilling offered 10 the fire department for their exertion at ihe fire on the 1 1th nlf t o butler assistant engineer wascalled o tne chair and w r- lone appointed sccrel ary on motion il wax rrsolvcd thai in the opinion of this meeting use mniie lliat urged mr rjack son lo an acl of neh great liberality was an insult to the fire dtparlment being at so late 0 dale and after ihe offer to the military bad been refirted and biprtblic thank lo a few private individual had been given and the fire department who really eteheoi iffiulvf ajo aayc rp wu lioned hy him resolved tint he chief engineer mr a thibodo do return the donation lo the stiperrdiary magistrate thronh whote handr il waa rercired accompanied hy a cony of these resolutioos rrotvert that ax mr it jackson seem desirous of having his benevolent ads duly roccialcd by tbe puulic tbeee resolution be signed hy the chairman and fumtihrd for publication to papers of ihi ciy signed t 0 butler at h chairman w r joxt secrelary he iitoclaimed districts will lare military fnee njb umtrok caroawe slsle that the roman tatholic prelate will bold anorber eoofeirncc in dnblm upon the dklres of tlicw reeclive diocese prior i the meeting of parliamerfl there i foundation fur tin stale men there has hern a tvon of trie mechanic in cork wvarin tht aspect of an illecl coo- fedrrac rlangeron lo the right of free labor it apiars lhal bcaldetitution and f ciapinymint have riven a sjat n ihe aeaxrsssri week on llw msw dipabrter rvehng prevailod wo which rvn evc oetoj to lb eii w dji ie t iht lem tin aiirkcfi has aot been intinrd ai mark unesai modj lanih taarliei nprortt illhiot anvhlivily and iiodu tojrtirietli parctea rum ere aeerpird and even ol tvs occimo adeltf in hie day naeed ivxxll lhe ne deecp inniif eim ridl hwecer mir meioimo their tvewiiu value in licroh an tie 2aili ia ibe liaantirn in whcmiland ceie wemo 0 timited neale hut wiuvut fiuiher okcwi of price indimettrn waa nvwe 1eable at vl 1adraoeeind ladiictientoo t an imne mehntaltnurfnl ea hampl tbo trmx vsea diehiraeed rv u k puke fcenc fid ib muedisie rq imot itnur 1 rn 1 rtih hihtioh aliefutyin eel aeriea fcrn- letch mini sc per barrel but all d eiiplienatentiirof lc the weather has ml bctmti cold jod eifiac and ihc general ee- leirl ihnubout the conitry ie ihm the vxba ruot laeret rotcrcd anv ijt h lt sxan- fuut aet weucr which hi generally prerailed tn the jywn niiket na ihe tjtih last wia araaeirsswcy nih and r- tcea tay be quouo at a tltliie vfl f j monday vairt i news bv the sarah sands the special commissions at the sitting of enni two men ryan and since the tfrb nf jan vr nd hss 1 a m darinc ny coreap me joirraoi exprtst arrival of the steamship hibefi ni a hie sleamer llihernia arrived al new york on inursday evening haeius sailed from liverpool on ihe 30th nit byjbia arrival we are in possession of the following intelligence liverpool corn market western canal 28s 6d to 23 richmond and alexandria 27s ci t 28s philadelphia and baltimore 25 6d lo 2si new orleans o to 27 61 ohm 25 o ct 6d unilc states jad canadian sour 2i to 2l ki bid indian com 30 to 35 per ds lb oat 2s 6d to 3 per 45 lbs wheal backcye 40s lo 4b per 501 lb owinr r the liberal manner in which ihe market is supplied hy the farmer the market ha ben very dull and a great dis position shown to effect sale in conse- rjuence ihe price paid havr been irregular durins ibe past fortnight there has hern a setcre frost preventinc full ooetetion coo- erjtient1y farmers have had plenty of lime to thrash which may account for ihe liberal sup ply the impression is now calninj ground lhal the last crop of crain was much better than previously credited f v prime mesa rso 10 si ordinary 67 tn 75 men per ul 40 lo 46 extra india heavy s3 to ifloi pun prime mrs per bbl 4 to 60 piimedn35lo40 fancy mes 1slo 55 bacon dried smoked and short middle in salt 25 to 40 ciicrrfirf 41 lo48 middling 3r lo 45s ordioary 34 to 31 luate smoked and dried li lowa- sailed 23a ta 31 lamv l in kep 5s to gl ordinary in rjnod in hws 42 lo 55i inferior and grease 35 to40i reduction of interest owlllf to the continued arrival of rotd wbieh loday amounls at the hank of eng land 10 mvttli rank cf england ha reduced the minimum rate of discount to 4 per cent which ha imparled a better feeling in tht cnmmrrcial circlc and to be permanent il mnvt come cradually looking to the fulnre we arc deetttedly of opinion that a good itcalthy business will be done a frw more failures sicily t naples sardinia and other part of the southern curoie art in open iisnir reel ion dloudthcd ia several place in consequence of conrtiel between the people and ihe iroop lorurrttiioa in italy the kinaof demnoik hdssdi closk of tuk market january 30th corn at the clean waa improvinjrlwirr dull cotton steaily consols su confidsnci ra- tiinilosj croat dislrrsa revailmf among trie poor in andnlnsul laradoii mullhidc am dvstilulo of foo many idle baud lo seek emplnymenl on the railway work in the neitfhlmitinnd of the city many of thee poor tradesmen obiained a 300 which excited some ill will isaoo the natives thi hiit at icnrlb reaejied n brid on rn- day whra 3u0 lonecitlci masous and carpenter struck work and after marclunit ihroncn the ciiy xaitrd on mr drean foreman on the cork terminu of the cashel itaiwy they demmrd the expulsion of the cotiiiiry inimjer win had lo lite well alhenlvesand which the employed muni ly rcm the tevoltcr yielded and re lumed l work father mailww intend to visil rome ochire procecd to america on tneday the lllli inl rix ramilie consign- ofthinyonc iwlividiihl were evicted in one of ihe mojt ciime producing idiklp t tlie uil of mr c si gnswj ami yesterday wrrk a l- ithara a jand- ajrent was ctced all dav lumloc oxtt leuanie icvelinc hase al the sosions at wrfnl the rand jury had 10 consider rtftltfy o n indtrlmrnt the proces of ejevtment is proccedms rapidly in every quelle the secede rs from the aoifon are about ro enmitr a newspajwr to be called ie miceijsnfotjs ftuj rwffliiisf ffjonr wbtcry hkta rhexrrr1 4rv bveheenirararin rum lade in great rteiuiu thnn dmrr pril wrlbtn jtiii on tltc continent firm nf cooaidx impnrtanee eontinuo t rip py n hti and iht raeioo nf the latr crivia in en in n 11 rr t 1 tr- r ill 1 ili r 1 jji enmp and in ojkr la india eereal nthe teaiwa tve rvjtpd paveni ativn iht f4ajaaf ii in beni hraneb booaaa oe firmi ioiimnldv fmaeried with ihe frem ltnda jtors wbieh filedirjlbef1d1rlytar thr i r f ft ie and madra have escaped with k ta than utmost oy naxsl pftfce the chief weight nf ibe idle iniafnrlnne bvinj f1ten a wt antic ipvtcd on calcutta lfxasfsnwlosflf ibo tfmlh and fuoth walrr rank stirh upenovd iq nntemher kfl have issask v 10 rnoo rrmeoi in the eailjp part i ftnwaafxs llw inad mli e l lsp imukiaio lierpvl willi uanchca orer the rancspalhy- jerd pdmeeasanj ba pnlealed aeinat ibe furciblti kvvuig of l4vf upon jv i reeiitenir r mr 1 in enjy the war willi ilw uniteu sr p 1 f v were m do onie hi namlha ainccafd ibo twieloh rcaidcot uica proteased nmai if tliafdilnrnflhe perar- pari paper atarc thai he imd tcn a hiiee writhn frutu 00 tawrd an anicrcau abif iewar csaiad the ltiibffuca mi wliitli amir ihi a fro of artimcry bad been opened on ifiat place iliaearniinoed in adriee mm dclio thai a atac uf lniinea npiroachioe pmic had hern wic nwrcd on ike tbuein eenienfo ei tlr i n r h n 1 i in jjir crirrii ii rliif pthtical and cniuincrcidtaltawa uur lris letttvu of hit ml jo atato that anxiety rtopreinix ibe riioaietn of narlrr and si eilv we inereio2 tne aeibtioe of 36i0 trrtci in nw wtreh wo hi ircidy an nouncrd held folty ro ennfum lite runrrxo kiientmo of the mneeled to raroti tho kine of naplswvweii palxafo sstflw iltirr mioed to rtfuao msknui any coacearrtna t bi pcaole inrelceoee frm ftunt nf the iflih alt alate lhal ibe tbtf i f rtcifn in sicdr hrf predated a i 1 aenaatein in the capital it waa cpncd l he amlnun ibd m ehiirili nco n- 1 mi ru be ttnd received frmn hi emift in tnae any ta tfimtisncea tin aaxbc n the k ntptra hji tumodcd a paa- rtt lhr lc roinin qnwxainna bi an army of 3au0 nice to paeial kms tvdinndia puiiinw down lc icrtll hi imwear bnd peicmrtoily refovd hut prrrniaaam and avouid lhat he wonu in gonjthietivn with all bia otte eiat by fftr all invaaano nf bia iie lerd jmintn o iht other hand havm wen aakid if knfljnd wousd prinjil aumria in aend a n ial eipcdilmii n nalr waa unitntnd ro hvo o ntwd that hi gnvarnvernt vrrsid take no aiep tupeoecnt tle repforotf of o rebchtnn tut thai in ihe erenl l the artoos ssf lla rcxikea and ihe eeiablnimeal nf a reetdar tin smastal nnove ilio rrininc famde t napei faod palinenoa wntild njiajasa all fnetfn ittirreratrtfv jrfd mmtn whi hid or dered tr0 hrilrd fte nol tn appear at npr ltt ita ofesrnre ataurtd erem a reennrtvmiry nwreieot hidoo receipt of th lvrftfeitc it 1 ii aunecjjisi al caleuee nt diirctiniw i ad miral paher in drurh alnr bo iqurfnn i lhcscitraomi llit pcrsojia and iree parlyo knaih eoatibaila lo pooiinant tjv eminent hid enncludrd a kiao nr lqtiooqii al ctdi jwfipuoj at 91 with m oejahsral a frvneji puohrr ifmnia aa there havo len fir aneoo inatnf n intcniina in establish loni a vty larao diermi nnd tinkinf reubliatimeni n the avustiphl iierc4im dessuarta if ihn iv oo a a a hia it will mtwal affect ibo rfiii i in ia 0ak h bffind bj wiibdreinc a lirft plem nf ibe derfolia theieslinu nf the ienn trada remains anallcead excaih imi soenial edhtinnul f irtaeea bar ten pill out ol blwr tht opilil of infulnstnat attl prcrananf the vmrhinenaad hiey nxhsxo rahenf tlsvairlva fran qai sentk nbile tlv -hmhnwetma- tlkai tin manem will be oibled lnji way ihor deraanda tho chera nod miner mt alai pariially nn alrike arln frw daiurlmneaa ha taken plueo tullunoiihboilnr kmcinfif and ihntler bv ih ralnbiin of violence 1 tint pn u ihr oaeiiipbttrd ugalo iht mom iraamaw u ibeie rswashsueaib le have etin neat in wark peam the rvidnl imeni in emmii ohu- 11 wa judged eapadirnl in one iuhatsee iendf tlie aul ik miluerv bul ihn mob hattnn aaevoi- pluhod ihejr end at klkoidaib sjoitlly dlr pefaea ri tfm ii he rliilieea o ii workhp ctnnefe al vict 1 thai lie fgndinllio immniontn wig rfttijbnerifa have been ealssuakilbv lha niiirmitsdendehb ft jiii milrfi tsl f1 tt h ovmrrnieally eithlrbefad a kma 4 n rooot itiisjowl ft la aald thai ilia vraak utre latl lhaiasaaji goouo viu lard up al matflo vrltli inflwail llaye were found juiliy f the murder or mr wartona land aiejii he wa brutally murdered ai tvoon day and ryan f pnck con victed at limerick was one cd ihe mordcr- er the evidence as reported seemeil weak the only ioitive evidence was lhat of a lad who bad been 00 bad tcims with bis uncle tho alleged party wfco hired the am- iiis on saturday the prisoners were brouht up lo receive a sentence when called in ihr nsnat way ibe aruoner hayes said my lavs we hae nnthins to say bnt thai we are both innocent of ihe charge and were not near the jdace where the mnrder wascotnmil- ird 1 never knew william ryao fat ip my life and it i a liard ihinc to be band for a crime of whicb oat is tonoceol the other convict rtart small i bavenothin hut tie same thine lo say my lord i wa fifteen mile away from rally- cornrv thai ki i am convicted on peryircd testimemy 1 he witnr awore xalsefj to arl the reward and may jnl aelp the that atr innocent i ifcnpr lhal we may gel a jong stav mv lord for we are both as innocent as a tbi id unborn sentence wa then passed on ihem they are lo soffci on tbt i3th february michael duller and william llarnnrtoa both men about 40 tear 4 te were placed al ihe bar and indicted of havirij noon the fiih of novemhvr iw7 al ctninnlack wil fully and felonious mnrdored pal nek cloary th auorney general briefly stated lecwavrmfeiiwnwifl 1 w the ttercaxed was a man in veiyhnmblclifr formrrly reidint in the rily of ii rv and had met with his death in conicqurnre of havinst exercised ibe right of a fabject and prosrented some pernis who bid commu ted art ouirarje on hint some lime previous to thepriusajikcji of 18l7 the facta were these x- the deceaied had occaiion lo visit rroadfort in that county in ihe month of november last and being on hit way home aboul a mite and a half from lhat vitlige on the evening of the 5h ibc iwo nrisowrs came np to him and fired al hrra and inflict- a wound of which he died ot the llal ofno vemher bavinc previously made a dinv declaration fully identifying thr two men at the bar a ihc men who had attacked him on the nieht in question the prisoncis vvcfsj both found qull firemen ivrre nexlcon- victeil of demanding fire arm and w lit ins 1 hrr a train notice a number of olhvr prisoner were rtrraim- ed on various charges amoiuj thrm were five persons accused of ibe mnrdrr of martin mcafahon and one nf them when aked tha usual quetioii by ihr clerk of the crown pleaded estitty mr vile id the prisoner was under a misconception aa lo tlie nilure of ibe offence charced ond asked liberty foe him to withdraw ihe plea af piilly- mr dennett let him beakrdthr rjuestion areata aad let trim be loldlbalif ite is fouad sjuiliy or plead nihr he will he hansd the prisoner wa affam aahed if he were suiiyard he replied thai he was ejtimau- jy he pleadeil nut rpiiliy il seemed ihe prisoner coocrived he wsv nte9inpon an in- dictmvnl fnr manslaughter he harinc bern present when the drreased received a blow or a stick from tbe cftct of which he died on monday john cmwe a man about 45 boldins a comfortable cheap hem and having a shop to killatot wa iadcm f harine conrpired wilh others to procure th saarder of mr james watson his uellofd sea1 who had disdrained on him for nnl and wilh ha vi no hi re i ifayes puck and another to iierjctraie the muuc the tvidest- eait bim wa piinciialiy that of hi own nephew a buy aed wetve and a disorderly boose- keeper who swore that white in gaol crow a made a full coofesximi to hiro he wa found euiltyanel sentenced robe hned without a hope of pardon t menrery a al- sen- tenced to be hanenl 0 murder the other trial were for miror orpncr on wnrt day ihe conit adjourned lo he 7th february hoi it will not reaaembe slold ihe rtmmry continue iaitqnil at knnk five men wtra ler fr etecutinn fifteen wrrt senienced to various term of imjuismiment tlie jsjfffsl reopenrd the cammivsioo at limerick on thursday m exico froniht london ciwatrsc the faleof unhappy mexico still banaa ja llir ualance if peace could ba abtainaj even onw on anytbine like ejuirane con ditionthe mrxican peojic mixbji peihaasv ysh turn to valuable account lha eveva leeaoesi they have received tf th disjfsace wweh ibey have incurred ond ibe mnserraa which rhey now endure cnl hut lead he mort ifitrl lijeenl and patriotic among lii t iofluifa into the real taiwe of tbe mllsm wnffb has left them at he mercy of rapaefou m time miht ho a impe that w pe resttaed their leading mea wm pt llseta srjr 1 to ami 4 reasejy fur a nottoaal dahihry which la ajmoat oneaamjel lo htstorj taccauptr of tnelraonlior a poraiy nf nil lhat constitute iho trnln or eonlri- hu lea tn the defence of a people mtial bt to a rreal extent exceptional trw obocl f h nuciirr coopeialnu fur naiioall juosftfa mimiar the irverul stales aa v m llten ihe varinu olasaee of aoctviy eaaat mainly ba allrihuied tolhedeavee lo which imrty dfs- mnliemaaarl rwraoual lvalrlelilfattf iht mind of all whoeiufaged la ue suvltla bt pnwer wmch enned nfteeth epaanon of ibe colonies from ihr parent stale tnt frithlfiil carrincti cf u- aoarahlial nniaian of socieiy hate nm wen trnt home 10 iho espeiienct of all ft tho four wbieh paule a4plfx llftlted slale will lalf a tfind tfnsmaee of he war dejieirihi ei a rontlneviclesof wumi h cmilhlut he rtantt ilia prlda or iliss paonle are rnliiel u favar of and of oorar nn aln will se swresj leiifira nf ihr ilrhnviallr ji y to i lltor nrejujiir a ruurh aa t th rvtuar hand atune nf 1 men in ihe rlialrabava rhaaosxm if e nfi bd 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