British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), February 26, 1848, p. 2

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clottheh extracts prill ttamek hibernia ml mhalk and the carl of shrinvsmirr fm itiffiwrfrtmaicirropfan 7ws tht iw looked fa hy ft aicbhihr i toem tn the el of shrewutv lrnfiih appeared in thr cnfomn of the dublin rftrminwni it i rather an nhjrua- ikm than en answer it i dated si jt- faive ttm fcasl of ihc chair of st peterrjan 11 niur prefaced by an fmt from lb vnncil nf trent declarinc icesr amoved ihe holy scroti w a i fatal that rrtai bishop forrlful of iheir xlhronand of tbe pontifioal dignity not only caw l tath miaistr rs of ilir ur hot een ervcd tbfwt rvrrsranellr jhn ol tnam ihutcom- ibt hii tdm it lom a commission oft now offra otonary oecurtence ve qt in prr- millrf to require in whatpilrenf ihe inane or foreitri department ha your lordship tekf out your heh eommioh 1a rncrosch eoj ihe divine authority of hmrt w to mrt- terfave to itiirttt cinder ihr tniiiilr who 4 the ohjeei of your ilinieired rutr lb rcero f the calholic church rn ireland t ttlc imtnimenl f ihf rrj or fj ci cn- ywon hit berftprobjimy ennveved lhrruari abbf of thve fuoctfoninr w bn rave recent- iavn informinc onc of the cjthvie v hibom in thu foonlrytlhsf by tey or vice- rrpjlcowtnnt a premier day had hecnet 1 fsvfl for feslincnnd lnniiliaiinnt for thutt- j am in ihr vrvl r l churchc the nh- jd theectrminiealin cculd not b mi- nehcts the coincidence of placets and fcn arte thanksgiving on ft sntne dv in thr oiholir n0 pfolmuni rlkiffhf brotirfit nbcu l by mrr htfnbr iiilifrf04i mibt iffijiit on ibe pfopjo f irruml utv itfinio luoofly bdh twil j b mrl m1 cnpiei by thr tmmt feitron ppiso1 bij million tplnrtfdion or cirttiitan rcfrrpfp to pmo iff jpmljwi ihif j n atftmnl upon tbi- 4jubeiiie of ihr cbiitfb bnl iy h inl plri zuttty irf n wur iikrtihft to h irfelmwiftj to thr lml tilf of litz ifp iu5pahi to tllf bnrfit of tbi pjilith tvjl aumirnta poiiti otit to rathojr jlijcfeofv the coomr of brir jrtnal jiiip flwbill ffr remain in lord sltrcbnry dfw rrfhpt nnalhoiifcl anil prfttrnpini iwftlalion tn lh vn of dna juron of soch oauttly favor b ftlfrilmln xht bnarof ior4 sbcrwboiv nvjt it wao i t y cotrf jpoimlmre in wlkb hf tpp n frmh poof of ihc blbcy of irtf tin w c flfl i- in rtfrc or coiiri1 uhh thoo il office am djqlffldm to ilirir rrliri zperincx protinc tbt mkii catmiet l- itc vrtcoiaiiclly eniloyj lo mim our tnc- ioi 10 fco ftp jit j pcrtiopi on oirr litfa ind dtiriplinf wbiili tijihoul hir would noi have bm mtcwtds afirr jmtml the inpfrl cw1ico rlicb be my ere cjihromly paoh over by b loravhip sod l olbrr iovon noj4iiro i which dicroei catholic bate twin yooenwd the aorm-isboj- tlin deciiet ibe fditefihl condition of iho protde ekcied from their home rterubin of famine nm iftrj that if ibe iih priesllkood tfhn ltwe eeoeatoeall for the chaitir if tbe human t ibe jqlke of lb fvilafiito they ip denounced ax uftithefr f the public peiee wboinwrfrre with the eroj rui of pro perty ilewy moreover tht when t 1nrs i- jir allied fetfe wllkb cannot lie cll- iradictcd thro a load and nr rlajnotir hu been eicitf d ihronh knlad a id the elery have been rfartalivd as gitilly of onchmttan dcouncmliriiii ii i ir diocee he ayt u ptbap it the nnciamplfd patifnrr and rcaignaltoo of ih conp i have jntl dr- cribed and many soch oihcn over jrrlaivj that yonr lorcnbip mav find a p oof of he inpfficirncy of the cathnic hiirbv m ibeetecvahjecalmntnrtttr the kltjkh nrnau whichyour torojiip rcechoei with ucb elnphalbic fidelity ihc pohlic woald be apt tu infer that tbi diorejc abounded in tbrae murdero alrocitiei that have excittd th raoeraj horror how do the fact bowfcr itand of all ihc munjen and otraces account of which commiioni bare been ianed and the ordinary crane of law ha boon impended not a aingle one baa taken pmce within flrtf ciocop thtmgh of all diocetca in ireund conlaininj- at once the moat naoerooj and dolitut populaticn for the trolb of ihiu aenioo 1 rrfn lo the prc- otni coaitnivions and even the nametof the tocalitirt oeer which the late p roc lama lioflieilcnd bear atteaiation lo the funeral trancjuililj of thi diocese and tbe patient revcriaiion of iu poojde not that there have nl beer aome aeizore of pmprrty imon- therett eahb and tumijis by tlareint crealutca and abundance of coftticlioni fo poch trtmei nay ao well bas he majtly of ibe law been vindicated durina the talc m ihn town that a man and womn for the petty larceny of a drake wr re boibsentenceil ai the local journal informs oe loan montbvimpntonjnrnt tliia ex- empljon from hfaeier crimei ia not adduced a any explanation or yonr jordrip much rm u tbe way of invidiuu contrial with ihoae djoccaei that are dmlurhed notwilh- oranding the itteiant cal aod preacbina of tbefr pawtor no of should the present dafea continue unmiiiaicd tbe real and preach inc of a st- paul could not pemud wwwaandi lo lie down and starve j when peratkia are daily jeen who from ibe in etfottiet law of se i fpre erection nach what u nrccary to iutain them fr he mocnpat rorfrtmr5 that ibt v willinjfly cout hkarceratioo or even battibmenf in order that life ao dear to every ceatnre iwhiij lie peotonpd- no but i addnce lht com porative tranquility of jfcf dicte of tnam to ahow the animus of ibe allied conpiia lora againat the fair fame of ibe priesthood when tbey venture to rcprent 10 yrn thr atate ol any ai accounting for a melancholy prceminrnee in crime which ejlla not however but in yon liw erduloi imatpnation which il u not brpjii r if voir r rq i imi aemibilily for the cooj name of ihr catholic hterarehy should haveiurheh he then denie eirenaatanlially that th people of ireland have hecn nnitvful for the charily extended to thm a bpr that lord shrewsbury bau not aborted tneir iftraj- utode wilh a view to chck wrh chariiv the earl i neit lold im u pity nr ic condition of the occc u u bipicntieak and in reference to his nrervann bni ffltctiop of ibe repeal rent be totd that when elill poorer in tchoou ni rkiinu the cithotic association wit similarly upjiorled and it thui ncrcely availed for hi on al leged inratitode did yoor lordship or yof fellow prrr ow ao much tanda1wj at the riht ofeiii- 2c0j claimed by the prwti f irolmd after the oi ample of st pul tlrn ljunrh my in- diaoi philic5 aeitil ihtir vetld ili- tkal interference i o n a m a lf catholic peer of eogland ioociv frooi the toweat fficoj of wbeeh ihry wvff eicloded lf l like the enclititted lntfu of rh j thr keep of iheir baioi patfin briatkftr with ibe penal trora ulkii kept atoof the arproach ray the vety ope of lilaif lj1 altamber in which iliey wonbl have mill lain vtlhovt much l n ieiety had it not been fcr 0connm and ihr fihlir peieata and people of irund r vi nnl i 1 thai there waa uttered any t frn ny qnarter aaiot the lacrd inrluence that muidillr ij thr men m ihir jiv mofl warfare until the mighty chief fnull l iraaawn of rim arnaehnoiru thai avfrr wen ha ward around fheir aawniamip anl the dan awwr of tem potion awabronl then oftce awaar 10 freedom a no t9 life uhoconld bae iawajlsawat that it wml have beew aince itat owawteabot of ome o4 thoje lorjt u inifte tw aarreieiate bijtofj who jy t their bon owjr conjj only be eoalled uy iheir iaje at datnr tbaratiort and inl rol i fel ihc watwet atkaree in their affe n t ut unre www taocoanpamortf of jwjji ih only t-w- actaaacakijfy lo fabotir o rae new and awwtti toirrefor hww wl lmdiaiajly asawmwm w- tjk- of their mrae us awziavawaw the afveajaort fbjt ibe to atoatilau of ehatit ae a- oaf tfwwwuaow aod lywrf mnewte ajfte wawawaeiwi pfere influrf fha m ewavm raiipvilrat one 4wfe her i- lill lljn latalfcimaaawa bo i doe yonr hruhipcnne like the reineer to intnnate ihit fr ll hnho f iti ihr trrtitv lo ltjilttl a few c3iuiie ihat re t ho yet wanted or to pnl nlbir 111 irpi ve thnem mjrfettder onr i r r tbe i f onr own bnd and ki mwiiilorit rf ibe piety of a nnble pii iiltn 1h bantn of lb comniiiimeti f hr-pu- a measure that ba iuif ioinh in u np our rtiaritie r nvy other rrlijnnljj v iirjtniiiier j ii vbr 1enime them in eiilrr mo the falrour of other me then tjnmrt bo neljcvm m rver o ls hho- v hi wlihmno tynt i st obi cbryoatom si ainlrr st piick s hilary m ieo and o f eiirt tli and ibe atrtihmrfi of mattle tatdival rotu and liir arehlnbop ol lvoai jii more mfern ibi whi bnvo axiv the itistjiric dicniti of the aikciiiy cniiumeocalo tic lay tu mioiimeilv i e a one nl vo my lord uf ev liv w voeatin bavr fklviid y irl in cillvdic lijtnte nf irelan have ielroi o the vfl a ry il rnep and roo who air srnifive in imri3rv ihinfmlhit tiofv not iviaiiirwujrihiiiwby name ad to bnld p to ihe fifimn 1 the vorm iwa of it ieiiitjri4 s t lliey werr rormeird eiiprik ami vt uijiii i hve waited nn i bve waited sn vo for aiv proof of to rnv for urh ehrniieicv hi have filled ibe cmhr ei f f irrutnl iiwl wf kr and lb worb b crlcf hy yonr r en lj heh rf lreti in4 itk eneme wilh pv i ir of hurone atl ibe n w for to a over now i ittcinl tle of raliidr which itinr i e nr- nc knottier jeitie1r comtrunt rt lr- meme1 tbe viathv nml afffliinn of ibi htri i l km rtteirl bo4lirl i t liinentliv i impair it on rhrislin wor m for u few crime and iit in nmnii areaterildio iheir pwiorrau e jl w rnt your rnr fior imi of an ilittion pph of rrnee the nne ij1i2 lo eiiltve ie rhiier n maneinaie e cnthli ebtrch ibe one ip cheek and iant p hy faking avav ihe ofiintl roni it pal lor the oiher to ditir vid pitfy it hy rea- torin ihe legitimate yirimlusvii of ho h-er- irebt lbe ore in line r if he vijied lo reeirt lho ckjullr nile of iome of the pmteil nt peer of enuod hy ltamniin on ibe clerrwhiki be conni d jitanl leivvtl tjiej in iwlf viriiicainq ftneita tit turvf of be peer into lhec ihe bibop making ho hfidrl for nf fnrce llench befic ihe o r i r ciitbnlte eluerie lt 5htttslhiiy tson told now ho ha caniuwd cmmt ik mottlcmbrr tbe hhp of america ad mve inamicnary the tjhftpnf new york vthoororacvd iceenlly brfnre cftttfre4 ihe aehkihop of olcnita m the eon rihop of adrlaid- hdrpbj d hi lrih pcie and numerous others tbe leluf cootbfvs in tbe fofloniri ttm 44 im hire intutied ihc mijily of rin caholie ltvne mhen ymi hwed to ur- nkh ihe fame nf one of the fairest ainrcdtv nw 4 ihe rnoc faithful of the daughter of ibe rrian church i mmbet and the mt- trec of all rhmehri and aed another njicnt enef to iho intny othrr hy which ihe holy faihr i hnwed itown in aitribotintf lo ik cully tmniwlcf o th hirrcb of mil codtitry t1ieo ditnrdrx which thy labor ireeanily in comcl aid wblcbj had ynat iffieient candor or moml courage loaeowil yon hnnli rather haw traced to the uniirm ttiioieerni cf your own vott have rep reenird lbi liieratehv a an accewv li crime a pestilent occ in the cummon wealth and yon have a far aa in vod lay accredited ihe mrweprctonulinn ihit are hourly ent forlblotlie rlernl c putose of entuving the jib hierarchy what mrh ni u lif i lu if on and tragic miiclure thi eniire elfair of roman emhatsiei jtnd lrith clerical denunciation t is your lordihip 3wi that tvbilt one nomiinin prcacbend ptirjice enetctin at h rom rriilvo i i i in be u uku i hvhm o the wildcat forms of liberty uboad nay he represented at the boon friend uf ibe youthful cieemaechio who it i ad iafjreif lo be aoothcr rienzr and lo reuorc ihe rein of ibe aneinil tribone on ihe rain of lb empire of the succeo of st peter ii it even said that lord miuto ton jvpirca to the fame awl hooora of petrarch becoming a rnuiicat toniwleer in favor of ihe eomine po litical mibjenium and he may be proton gin c liiialay in roma until like the admirer of liberty and laura he aharr ihe triumph of the youne tfticmzi by receivintt the crown of poetiy on the capilol jl i ihe repfeeiia- lioa of auch an amhaadoc aid to be n hos tile lo the holy father you have been etrenlheninp hy vnur calnmnie tn iho iiii hierarchy and for thi public scandal t now demand adevale repcrction- vnor lonkhip at least will not conlrovert ihe position that evangelical discipline requires that for pnblic sins there should he a public penance co lho mv lord of ssrewbury and for lhi grievous sxand1 ttfcint the church 6tr penance and weep between the porch and he altar the per end of the staff in which you have directed attention n em blematical of ihe cottcc in he administered lo peniicnt litis penance it to be tempered with merey and own toward peer who have more of proud flesh than other pendents we should forbear any nnncccsrary rijtr htll should rather stretch out ihe crivk tt reclaim iheir wandering and the staff to sustain their fallerivs steps at ihey approacli tbe trrbuni of mercv ihua realiii tbe mystical signifi cation of tbe pasloial crufirr pur- it rcbelcsj sumintft ii6rmo rcducil erranle- i hv tbe honor to he yoir lofilbijiv rerv ohient servant i john abch bishop of tu am ewlv v y ifcrttj vi ncew3eihjin 14 th w mjfihy blile aiirriif sto ue lere ite pj- iit ai peint no iie repx whet i iviik the i prom likrly lo miek ai the milti ivodla sj o sj empmv hmlhi iviveiiinn lfrone lle iheme a univervftl eoltey th i tvciy crutkman wl n gcni hasdeiet inininl r rmcfmea tj fr piwsmt arc mthihv and vi i uenitir mmnaoti eveni it li ih hitd ch meoiec of rtrirv pfwln iih ltirvizd plh thnmch llc oltl tfvwltfff villi a n4l if npili4iie ejke unjer their nn noil ir yii trntjir lo invi n fiimd lo iprftd an evnfn wtih roa ihe fcmfy wfiy wth upried eicvmn auefi a in ny whf ji jou hojn 0i ive lo uje m r d lnmt nrvrr pebir ajnaerha dy if kna ws ireasrrtvilkhuit- eviociml tr ru peew m tile ihan ivvr fm eeeee mm sa h i h mve thr a are ii d itirh r il m i lu uu fc-in- mud in vnnuj ili rv nrrliiv ftl well ftf in ifi i ail tbr ftyiirtrc tittua jd tr fjiiuiibj ouih a capftrie n vjiu i pio my c4iyv rir tw way t itikiny nl vtd ml- ihe 3jeig i lirft iwa awcoo m w ftn it apret h lr itfffl ftfoiyat re h ti lirfi tlst ut u mi ri i a iptit fe lrnriia itvitit keneh rhnti ilk ltfv re wreoty lhf i nt 0 ip- liietv iflincl f h win lnov ih1 lti i ihsl r a re ia d i jlfe f roitliric2 lrier ih 1 v ins o mna d jitiltea iifi rcfrh lie- il f evobrluj halrlx uli r- ift lir ilikl or rithof mh i un im i lnie r wr etetv m f biewa- nftrlis- fw pnjhit e eit il pk- it f mwfeil hr lnl ilml i i iv r l ah wl v iv ni e l i s nrir itnkitr- iremt fitim l-ni- h i- 1 j in wtrrni wlw md4idhd fr l- iiixtv tr fair i- lii nfimit lthe iij ivh eestarfe li aflf if nj ih vitih ciih onit kij fttlleaod it frl iihih i y n r lrtid iknao araee tera hchi uh i m hin mm fejv e t dnnd wmitreei eipp rrouro inw ilurlvrn hu v ihippilitirl l inbiilisrjjimd inr i c ill f hi cfii rftto hie eehireifi i i kn lr anvet tt cnttitrf dtif fitil rnvtt4 a eqf jruo f 12 jftid v iu reabxj l lisi nid power i trzil m miae t ivn- flftb l w le hpi rerutf ut eee in he vihriwrit isery tim hvvn ruuiti to mhr ixl the fiiiei heiyrriin f per ry ieml 1j rrnrrrnir osefaiile iwn h- mp arwrwwn act lht afeenwat teircf ww rn4e i f ifio itd aiklirncrra pai ji jnwry ijo iie msji iaewavw have earmilatne tlv jicf my jei oielrl thi ehhel and jnmt rlirihd ften4 tihp4lh re1 o ili hewerd reuiitir ihr mufi ad iie if iiiaeodre dr prird iln iimiriey hi- her eml jo h u i ir fr i s j i i j f- imhi lj f 1 1 v e ranbi the ijic vuw w4aieveit rj m prri tr-ito- maaaiitiiio uhht e mid exlriped itvrr ihe ntiitd other lfn m iiiili iaef t it ia aih ihrti h atr i l 4ir rjittipfte stfiuk nt t- if f ir ftan iimiwoi nejdlyljr m m tok md sehiffr m july i3h nmdkatty iwwnrtl rf- if1 is c if llsai her brother rei4im cnnr mip hi l m rmipiilv ed even tred in roi prf wmrly lolhee3iiuteelhfivih le tuiiir tttc rri4 iflter preeiin- rvn e nm le ufwil sr ltirta mip hi nvei aeptrati tehtlf fam il t i f ii r r ft li sije rimtrtftl i niii1 i 4 ih- piivi- uluih fmiiia ne inv ihe pi ie nrir l me rre in wttvh rf e oeefiii ihrtitj- s tt of tt ihr fvmid hour atnt dr th ihe rehtiwlio it wofllief s lt- mie i fr lite e hi l pt f i piri if h h v ii id 1 i4tsuirihi vrniu uvtl trf ti- rwitrifiie vr whined i hi nut im w vev en h i llniit m ienl mw le ttb f l 1fiwrt nt rejri in i eie lil p- ler hif d it wiltilh ptitttw hfl ihs iv a t fevm t tifce ihjve daumt pj lire p y rnluasrrilppei lvf rm itwised nhie 11 e ll vr f thr n iirt iiliejnr r ihe etiirfonrl nil h fe fni f fw iviliprie h i irv 0 otttvt4 itf p n itif vvi in ewiiim i t ni iv ii jtede iftjreq v i he le fwv i rrmiia the kwd- tv riioe f hlnve k1 nil mid vl refe tl lle vr it iiwirl nr r i it 4 l minn o ill ibirao imrc l e i ii iiri r t it iw v a tnrr wn lh- mn the nf inrp h s n e ui jivt h s mile npn m e heel eejt ir r efi v hinh l rieffdj ly u io r nojii ninh i ntirlt rr-tttidee- fliirew al iho h ceeiin- if the d t i rvir ira v h r i ihrt i r itmri jeit f siil aatiiahtej invuml i f o rt n tmil y mkreel v e tn ij lin rf hi iiir nod iv irvit1 m nliv n in tlj ijijih ii lt te juf ile ivc ij- d il alhwh auhurh il i ta- there were eoy imineitmte a rp ii fe ile unrbef toilui life hilee ii iflv m inifrti hf iv effrcl iv by the i1iiem firoi frr rminwnl ih desf the pner fr e o felt a bcc w ticcl lie hire fe alatwle 01 pcemyrlt iv l rr ered bjl 1 e hejw4f hn fwt i i fct d alh noitrl tive on te tinr snee tvn tt rrmnf rl n f i beitlmuui nired a hkuv tin ir i 1 lee1ltf inc tht bo cnrot wk mhrit livcinjthc finv anoticj lesiebrou willrjiihiw hnvo hed iithe irriraisl if adcj knavt lbl otnidihv etlrst wli ha m toil tvrnd ii i fienehira afnev in iho dredau- tnav tlit nit n tiel y jntitenij n virt if wo im1 f wt t rt vo ittj tvrcmr enrfal f aier awiminlf vra atriclw epctt- lipfi mil wr nnh th rneh ctlanv in afrif he reaw nil irkine ihrj rnaawnviif me eeeeoi fry vrh4e ritjy he fr bvaien lit found hiejef t- i q wt 4j hy the vwi rlon troop of ahderoiio rvl on nnthe bv the fontw of ihe rh ealnny fcrirlaof with bayioeu nndee nnerm linwseif nnd m hir tear ihe derr there w- n raoinf lie idf rrif in nnritder to the diie daomle oe rihcr lo grncal lintnri eire on mie cvidt of lico srfil with hi ttmify mrd ruile c 1 r i mxiikmi or 5 jean d tiee eondirioo were rntd iind ihe lmr trlli it firllvtver ornrhin in om4 nn hnhrfed pe wee ceordinly lm vd l lfar vejile to a trench freafe al home hotvorer th coiir1ilin rwh hl hen urantefl proved if le ny ihln 5 lagi hccepame yci ln o hnrh of the ftttif vt3ihil violatitif tse tivrj of ihe eovrrnnr fer of ajerio ihc an of fynii ivivie- tin ho ut han hiuewf ntnt f oitlf n jtf abicl kjdce he hern whec- dvdand sitteredbr thrnsvtntaf liip3ibppe nnrt i hi n 1iitle net if rd 10 five uf yf inhnv ihe eyi ltineaiei wheh he iftrhftjatcd id to lhor himrhf on the cneeily of llr nrieb km of iho tecncli fijvmlfiff i 1 f y h k h 4 midi tfe ormt even hf ihb rw nhnh iraw nanehed thelasf tjhtlh t vo hc iir f ihr cirt efwrilra iwirlcen duke of vralarihi fnt hi ln e i- tjw web of spool poh mlrtttfe fo be pereely fcnnwn nvefi here murw leai nl ibe h 1 w ir ttm aunnitc ivjty lf ti aeitiu nitw le loviied kts loo rnn leeiitmnh and ictnrled in his property and revenue 10 one ein teh till h ran thi be eipldioed tthn it reovmtied j that the lavita lion ha ennif d lu h ptttie njjorne nut it ie krfeot enun fmm imfefl by unded al sls- bimiso whoie the ifllialnuni poitnernjlj irtuminaud ihe town on hi arrival ivepibilioo were m do in eelrr lie lit r o by puhhc itfjamafaii nd lewnre and adulation duo thirifc aa n 4ilin oeiwral wtfo hvad to him he rlnelliwd h tlrr nmnleawjlwn and wnald nm eren a giwd or hnoir rfi t his miliiort rank he tnjvellrd fiuni si sih- tin o midritt iwc and tk err lo arrive in ike cpitt al fvur in tho nrniif an hiir ai vhih it wv nm lit eo oreted hi e nooolar ntntferaioi4fttln raaeple aft rhjamivnl ernnu ernliitied lo ruvl m fino nf hi hnel bnl ii awimrit shvurin hnifi k rb rhttn anrlh njj rhieh cmld pn4ie nn otiihiral nf tho niblio eohniaim whm it hcane ircry to pre it himelf to ritr fjuecn he wmi 0 it io plin emiwaw hi tlic hruiihjm of a friend ij aroio ptipfur mhive viiora vi- n are given of hie in terr k rlh ht mjj but we havo feiin lo kitaf llml it fra eh nfmlify the rt hjril he wtt y l qeen ad ki ntraparli none nf ia it word nf kind- id ifiti if dei or inn o ihe i4hrr werp mterehntl and tiio intcr- eiew ttrininttcd aiijrfatnnty efkri aftimsrdr lirk hi rit and the evftlnfa and ia nnv nn ertto d v be 01 a vieii lo the pfovincea hsve been eieethird ever tjftrrn mother tnt pai t htlh ii ii lely to tdintifij and rine minuter lo tl piuee reeciv b the nittiihtrr bejnj pfenr m on the oic vl and i- retb hhnl tateufb mmlid lrt reports fnve th reiikoo thi of rte deehne of qeoi hrb certain ihil he h heu ulyt ft which bate jhvjtfdd much alarwh on tro t there nrrin ih- narv x t h n u dmlv eal in the 11 of ibee fiwr hr dnjrj nrr 11 to jte eivpi iiird f t orally ihrie ioira m 1 mie of iorniihitiv xnnhi u v the pubic antihy h i uved by ih fitequcsl ap pearmee of ise lioeeii in pohlio wllrl an morfit nf vtfiteima orttrax cr4l ie lioevr ovdtnn le eireiilaied ftpoeriin ih- io a- iir tt fore liibelu vih le re- trhieh lite tlireen mlhej ni kog lenra tiijrv re ifiil i eteruin nith lofard 1 1 live occcviim if ie diclies ile ai noier n aoatpoel ilin ae tvr ealetfatfu j of the ap penranee nf a di ik- ie t v thotr nnr ihre tiiinili rtne ml nf the d iheof mnoipeo- 4ee hivinf twbpi teuhile ihe errt piirr of eufnpe lilind and finre tjrrpta hav nn akia wed lt ierifniy nf iibepj and nillf rrdrd itf fr liufy to ct m hy te iinnrippe rane of ti arreiif in the itreoi fttp or eaeaj m ih eibjtml me f ihe m- l- penerh li ht tti uj of a dvncd eipj- coin bxre imo it rnd it un hreu raore iao or eo irioed th ii cntnd im pnifidhcr trrie in ko ihe s die in f re ei in sfiio oaviorhniw ie f iin ir ff imn pjtl wirhn ike eircte nf bn hieepn nnd th reeniritr iraoyreajl niverof j rpe l ihe utn rini of ike prnmot time ainc hmrter em fwr1lp rhoniof nality tvremay lo mi tjicae nnl itiilir rpccutliua atdct kd r fherlir eimjfill for eercral dat m il- hxrrrai tiro hi henlram ff ed 10 iwti tied iii at i lniiii whie i trild vih g it rie n rnvr- rnv nf tut proeal io wnie a eier it i km ih hiltirwit4 m jv ff lite hip lahte rrplin i ii id mv i i in i lir trfilii feti uio rmri mi f liiii c n n ifr- lor d vfl ritri iff hi wilvht iire i tiv and rlein ltitoe mhii nwwe h ecn tle per wmw 11 km to i nllvvi t uit pjri- in etjer tint hi hi iv b nlf iwt t inl ti mlt- rui to h ip tot jn prai tte inflr mln kikii ihi wfitrraj frlicr l-ir- ltve ipau or u r of 1 1 1 j- r rhd it ffcriu riirriiiif- k wtly f the huiei in whrl le hia lrci lnivn demod 11 the ftp tilfoeot ir lint treaty nf csihiiiuiiio r h it deleramocih hirevrr m il iht murr enll rrnuin in iviuee llher le ull o n ll atvdher aim n j lube mole 11 rijhie hfu to mikl ihot lio may lr ro v in 1 h afenrtaeffe of toll nf the f av we icieu vdh p trirt thtt orn ihe empiio nf ihe a ih fri-ii- the evejiir irtio villi uheeh rhev weo tpeajlw htalken doiiimtdiea kuroiime dy r rherbve lkn rdlnl niml and ikone t kuft mn1bnvtnti ore an foaer enm pellet tnirrnq wi fnumd wrilh rilt7 evipfi it airaar w4d ileoi imi luve uatu n fwftmbed i- ihern kval f llrfn hih wre arverrly eail on al beio- repmavd foi n ahdehkader havrj been rrnxned in fri lwimalce ami thi lr nffinu on nf ia rhe f n vrry old mn nlei wuufd rerioinlf imto dfd f rfrief if ua arpartiivn hid eo wd in been eonveyed to th epejk a ah hi hit ovr mii 4d mnn had en p ihlo a eriirr f hn prpvai at foil mai jmy i and fiffin ifni ipo rmm n inia until he tranddihat ho wu tu be macre j lo fufi taaafh iatkr fliom mexico fvow ihc ft y trfh frrtaadvno feb h h4t tbe oorv bat hrovcn looe aud i unv send ynn lit tee days and all important- imvaal drier tin- dily overland eprea to tve jie voxfc tauoe ha nifivn hiinin rlii fiom newoiivatisof tbe cth th andstbust and mobile loth- lfli flvrfl itie pleavine ni ietv tbe bfivieen slanwiiinvel fht vriufrniiy cravrbeoe- ivsailccl on tbe 31d nit tboitb h i no 1 u r flvwl vera i than c ne or vimi irii il vo tve v ef lnief account ffon ihefitf nl metico ihe ificti nf jimtay vtnicli i k ntya liler iimii th- advices hrmtbl hy ih imilh j he lritib ffurir urr feni llotiiv of mexico ftt veea crz on ihr mutt thi- cunei wii romid once mi b- va up to mexico and twice n rv way rioter hut be ifl iioue nf hia correpundence- onr fnrrophiiknt write us urn vera cniz thre are peee eottion nn thi ir tviy to v ivnin ifie 1vran fjverrnril ihere remalm rot a i4 but ni 01 v here hi positive itfimniona lo the true tbaacler ol ihese nnpooilifttw s nite nf tltotiaod versions mav eiacce to h the correct one tin letter frr tvliiefe ibis extracted i dated tbe ssi fi vera cm sue from a tourer ujon vhichvt rely with confidence na new of itnpnrtanre tva lrenit down hy iho triih cmnier fuhirh hat lrapired save ibat a nofluvrurncnftr has node by mariano avila cvcrnoc of san luupolnti it reprrient ihe opinion of tle peoptf that state a well as of cuadiljj ira cnajualo nnd xacitteai tn rerd to lhace f which they profess lo be utterly nppocd i coll earnestly npon the niherslale lo eperale with them in ofmim- force lu defod the country and in levy lave for ihe port of ihe wr onr correspondent at vee cnrz fron when we derive lhe fjflt tlaehes r litle 111001 nce lo lltli ronnoeenfo tje fiovrnar of jan lni haa 1ws wjl dayin ihc fireeater and the yc ej ihii slate ate o fearful of brin invaj ffom saltillo or tampicot or fron tbe oity of mexico that they arc eternally upc lue people of other states to unite and efj on lite war th arm hit hi seen leiier f- city f mexico dated the 13th of which say poistly that ranee n9wf been mde and it add that bnev trttlh assert that the gvw rtttnillt and the -ulhor- itiva wonld vety hoily be lranfeirell t0 lje citv or mexico w hlt been allowed to mate btdyj from a pivalv letter received by ic0tjl bosne of this city van cm mcxicoxm me tliere i a verv jare and valnant ttbh leaver litis morning fur jilapa composed in pari of covcmment st properly bctnntne lo ftiendty excan merchant h i mure valuable r- any that ha yet been upon ihe mad a fnce nf iirrilla akout 9trf iimf etmbia are ktioicn to be wailing on m to attack it and gen lviffl ia t anaiiou to cbatie thi noted person prom the rilrt pseaylfie thj tlie ieamship mckiro capt fttx9 rived on sunday from vera cnifc via a j en basinc lefl the foimer tort on trf nnd the utter on ihe 31st till oir account by ibis arrival are aontra- dietory in retaid to peace as the rnmo come to us from washington 0e oi easional correkpondents who apprised lf iainr time incc of lc iranntiton of a dltrpatehe by be lonpnftvar sant rf ittratoe hin opinion hat peace i t fir at jiast as the aleve can p loo and anprnv il our ffci ihe other band a letter froffl a dmiirufshed iiiricer dated thr lftlr in ihe city ot tfevko iv t tbe mexican conqtecs harlot been ame lo foim a ftjnvtin and eace itj at far off a ever we cannot uthltataltc to decide between ihoe contradictory opinion bit proceed to lay before our reailr auch letters aa we have received by ihi mivat specijt cotrcttondencc of ihr ficvtune va cacfci jan is lv the courier dispatched hy iho tvnjjinh i e- sn arrived here on situday flie 33d havin left mrvlro on the ilhh vllhouh utmost everybody rzi peace as emcladcd i have seen a private kllet fom a beji source entitled in credit which states hat ibi general impremon is entitled lo oocrrli and that he cannot see bat we are anyrearer to it ban ever an cxpedilivn under col nleclcland rth tenuvsee volm bei eompocd of iout 300 infantry soil xt muiicd men slated this morning to follow up the oixbi oad and try to cut ot the robber who ate rerecn1ed to lie in larc fotce on the main roaiio funte nacional from an 0eearsna1 corresponrt1 titm tanjmu fc97tvc4xk- we are in receipmf news froui the city of mexico 10 tltc if nt all wwipnel al ihe capital peace peace is the cry il i ccnrtallv believritttal cen scolt and mr tril have mtceeeded nmaiin a inaty nf peace nothing i oow for of cours- all ihe movements of ho hih in authority nre kept secret- esrsons of rep clfihilily n vmne bih in ailhomj pomiively slate ihere 1 no doubt titer ill be paveiu three month ttiepmniiuitttitito nf ihn stale of jlan pulosi atost the goectnmenl and her invitation to otrrt states ntpnrd 10 ihv flnvcrnmenl tkc mabnr peace ik end depnuet to meet at ibe civ of san ltu tfntoij i ttrtist enfes doesnol 00k wy inkjeh like any permanency in an peaceful arranement made or 10 be mad by our galllul general it has raihr a mi wprel cntrtuat tr omk capt wiipplc is said tn hare ntriird fnm the city 01 mexico and to have brmibt down new iht 0iiha ims been taken and 1 now in ponseon tt a ihrly f uop4 dipatcbed fiom tlu ciiy of mctcut new bruxswiclv we have lb st john fiowrvt of the lilh inst in lb legislature now in session fnrd giey recent jrplcb lo sir john har vey having been read mr fihrr soid that he wmld five noiice thai al an eailv day he ihoiibl move t resobilion to the effect thai ibe principle contained in that itespateh be immediately adoded by that ifottsjt he did mt believe the resolution avbieli he should mnve would le prouctive of any drbale ai the ay of talking bad ene by retpoimme troreihment waat lenih established beyond cavil and they bad nolbina lo do but to act uii il tli urn in pawn an act in incorporate a milling contany has sustained the prin ciple of mikine the shareholder reiitontible for dmilde ihe amount of their shares tlie cnvnvr mentions that a despatch had been laid before the house from tbe nnvernor central ol canada rbtimine jurisdiction on behalf of the latter province dnwn tn the little fall at ihn mcrjih nf the madawasba rver alieut fort miles above the grand kail and his assumption of jurisdiction is based on a despatch from sir ceorqe murray dated ifiso written tt it said wilh an viilfrely different object ilia aeded howeeer that ihe doundary commissioner havo already agreed iipoo or recommended a line of mm- ijey between that province and ca- aali a bill for facilitating ibe construction lhro new brnnswielc of ihe uveal trunk fwlway from halifax to quebec i said in he in pre- oa ration j civirc her mniestys government the same powers as were granted by the act formerly passed for opening the military roftd with pants of land in addition the vacancy occasioned by the death ol ihe attorney general will not he filled up until after the arrival of tbe new governor sir edmnnd hiad who ia to leave england in the steamer of ihe 26th inst aril may therefore be expected in this province by the i5iu march pivehnndred and ivtyt wo nersons remain ed in the emiejaot hospital covxeclat fmmrl to new dmnswlck from nil places frv 1s7 i070 t atctlirat in isk 977683 sterling increase in im 7 2jr tetlin export in 1s17 632612 sterlin in lrlg310742slerlig j decrease in 147 178130 atetltnx imekriat derncs-dnrin- the year 117 ihe iittjx ritd duties collected at the pott of st john and its ontsta lions amounted to 28097 9s id of this sum s298 8 4d wne secured at st- john siiirttttc total oulwardt at sljflhn 177 iresse 309901 ton 13132 men tulal oolwarrbat the oatbays 637 reasels ssil2tons 3997 men the session of parliament nonsuoscriberstothe rrifiirarc may have thai newatnpcr regultrly mailed to their ajdte duritu the whole of ihe cnuikitf eauon of th provincial parlia ment eoinmetvrina wilh the nu in ber which contain tlie speech from tbe throne and endine wilh the prorotfiliiiii speck aud f dollar remtlted to mom california aeeonntt from macallan in dre istpve the kiikiiiiis of the capture of iaya mitan jnd san jnse tlie cotittea and porbmonlh enlered tiunyma rn oct ltb and a surrenier was leiiianileil and retwd the lawn ki a fort ami l iree water halteries erected 11 its de- ffnce and wid thave sco wilh new arni from chili at i1ayjitfu n the inmn nf ihe hk the liwrj was iirmbcrdeil furdo turuulr- when a while iijl was di- uved the lutep had r irciltd duinjc ihe lillit with all ihrir cauiiuri and n and after ihr inn 11 h nl hprn mnch juwd y shoi and hell iho profi- cnpiclujid l 4trendrr the mir mon lrm fr x vi n jtid th iolvm mlei wai tiliivld ly lu dale i lie town htiiiue lvrrt ilrsailfj nf carriw- wa left oji shtwr the fnre nf the tnk bein mat and 011 ihe i7lh kov u nf ibe meriv barincffil into th- tiivrti topl seln ile hmteil wilh only l5 nfficwa and mo finurd the enemy m nlitiai peom aiiimlrlvalr1 ihin killinc frum w 50 sirtj dcfvin lhirn ill melt fiom ibe ioa funl silfiidrcv svis tvonndrd in v foot which wa tl wlv casualty tn on wees hi ihe isii nvlhe inmy s ip the mnnninins rs isvo iniilir i d iso n x men i lie led lieut luvwoa nf the nivv who ws rktej nl sill j e with aniviicjtm and bl fulifntoiatis lie me- cult nmde fetrij itttoiiiiis etao to lieut iliyiaj wncfctbvh nslhy defended eoemy liiuni rr it wild the br- mare ibl rbiel jn m t af men hywutkl did uui bwe a itmoanl unly wo were libly umiinlil in tin- 2i ami jind nov v kfilou of the kow vuh viitvtilrnra wa- htu aiuel- crl at la 1j ly hw men uiulei iviandn who wiarepunel utth fo hi w liwnl and wounded lu ibe iitrilt the attack wa re- newel wilh ca hi nod sum 1 1 ir the truim is not known bnl ibe new vra uy will be iiuu lr tfibe ttv nf tbemwe ibete imi heit mhjii hitli t m the virinily nf mnxallui in whiehthr lnurf4in f one l and lt wmllidp mriicn u uibiowu jonjef for the md of on ihe editor postage pant kindlon feb i 116 british whig 0lfr r otaam olv saturday ferruahy 26 isis yesterday the ratbamenl assembled whether the speech from tbe throne was then delivered or deferred ontil today or monday we bavo not learnt most tkely the awearin in of the members and the choice of a speaker would occupy bo time of ihe llogse of assembly all day yesterday and ibe speech was consequently delayed tbe choice of the speaker is ihe firl and motl rnomrtiloui mailer for if the baldwin- iafontaine party can elect their speaker they can cany every tiling else they wiah and if the ministry with the help of panincau and hit tail can place iheir own man in ihe chair they bid fair to continue in nfltce ji ear al lowing that such a political animal as papi- neau and his tail ia in actual existence thr candidate fov ihc sprakcrttnp on the reform side mr- rvfotin on ihe ministerial side six allan n macnab j and on the papinrau and tail side the ercal papinean bimf our own opinion it thai mr moiia will be tbe speaker legatty of the market collector coucctinf market telia on wood brought into tbe cty aid defeated of by prevout contract nnj that they have jwer tn confer wilh ihe city solid lor and police magistrate on hc subject also that ibe same committee iram the power 10 enquire whether any officer of lha council has any inlerenl drrrct or indirect in ihe contract lor market tolls the council adjourned sine die caknt rrpahicansymntoi are increa in every day in canada the canadian jtnrnlarc even disenssing ibe question of an ultimate sreeasion from real britain and of annexation la the united stalcf ailtclesoti ibis suhjvcl are admitted into the governinerl or ronseiviive journals there even her public men are beinninx tn change cron not ion aej sir allan mcnah wasin ihk ciy hurin his tay al the affor ileus in trqncnl conversation wiili our cilixvit he freejy adnimed the probability of the nttimatr to railway from halifax quebec downina slteel oct 23 18t7 sia a favorable report havin renehrd tier majesty government as to the practica bility of consliuclinz one pod line of rail- vbf between halifax and quebec it appears to her majesty i government ihe proper tiete hi arrived for recalling the attention of ihc lcifuture of new brunswick to the mtlft- tions passed by the home of asemmr on ihe srjrl of april 1816 pledin ihc house lo defray it fair proportinn of the expense of ihe preliminary survey for ihe projected rail way instructions haee been iven lo major robinson to transmit in you and lo the gov ernor general of canada and ihr lieuten ant onvernor of nnva scntia precipe late- of the ataminl of expenditure incurred ou thi service for each prorincc and nn receiving ihe account of new rmnswick yoa wi communicate il lo the liaise of as srrriwy and recommend that provision be made for repaying to the rfituh treaury ihe smottni advanced ihr ihr iojwsjinn i question cillnr to hie ule la plana lpon of lo major robinson up 10 the date mentioned in the statement which will he aiibfiiitted to you i iirfi slaed cntt lieol gov sir w colcbroolte kt c c tittle for7r v l- bmnsirifk of cs 117 sn1 have the honor lo forward for ihe informatinn of your excellency oclnsed enpy nf an order which i received from the inspector general of fotltucations on tbe 2d batliit and with reference thereto to stale thai as soon after the doling of the working seaon a the accounts can be prepared they shall j forwarded to yoor kxcellcncy 1 bare oc signed wm rcuvsox copt jlf eg bt major itis ercelkney sir w m c- cokbrouke qrjice 0 orrfnonce aug 20 1s17 sin the roard havine made a commoni- calion tn ihe secretory of stale nti a letter to majw rohtnson of the royal engineer dated stfth may lt which was forwarded hy ihe asststnnt inspector general ol forlin- eations on ihe i6th jane reeardine the pro- i- of the evploiatinn survev foi a line of railroad between halifax and quebec and the amount necessarv lor carrying it on and requesting his iotuhi lo obtain from ihe lords commissioners of ibe treanry fnr- their credit on the commissariat chest at haii- fax enable the commit inncrs engaged on ihe survey lo continue iheir operations to the 30lh september nevt i am directed to ac quaint you therewith and that earl grey hah signified that in addition to the several titans of 130 and 2000 which have been ad vanced by the commissariat office at halifav on account of this service lo the 30lh june last theit lordship have authorized the commissariat lo make further murs upon the requisition of ibe oflieer in cbartte of the iriey lolbr eslenl of x 811 to defray ex penses to the 30th next september lord grey ha no expressed hit desire that ihe commissioners employed on this survey may lie instructed 10 prepare accounts uf ihe whole expenditure incurred up to the close of the present working season within the territory of each of the three piovincc which have hern evilored nnd in fnmkh those account to tbe respective governor who will in the meantime be inslntcted by hi lordship to apjv fw the repayment on the mcctinof the provincial leihlatnrcs tbe uord therefnre request yon will call upon ihe officers rmpjiiynl fnp the account required by the secretary of slate i have fcc signed g bitllu true copy for urn secretary siftwd wai rnnixsnsr ciaf jm jtu mtjvr m ceo sir j f horgnyoe k c b ttrtrott o asnjrio frtm far riit ifcrwr ove rt afatfefiv ilmiam i w6rnoe rinfed jwnbtf trut ima ocvcvr ih17 sin i litve received your desriatch ko 9 f ihe j9ih rpiefirvr c 1 think it riichl b state ihat i approve of rnur su rbeinn nl in mttctinn ihc aliena tion of iy of ibe crnwn lands in new dunwick ubirh may be icriiired fr the pnrimot thr ftailwav which arc lifcvlj to he raided it eaftie m enneqnence of the railioad passing ihrmth tlum you will there ittte cive directions to the oowers of ihe ironn land dparimeit to avnid dipin nf nuv sueli lands al present except wjlb a itistinrl rrseivatmn of ihe power of the crvivn to resetve any portion of them which may br required for ihc railway jl will also he hiitdr thai purehniei sbnuld lie coalirelm in ibe eveni of the railway injr wiihm five stile at the pp- lion either i siurenvf ihr ijnd rd lo th m rn ireetin payment for nnprnt ement or tn pay an adjilroiml ricv for ii according to dbaliation signed cncv f rpnumrni luv on the bay ix hwaf clear nf ice frnm knrlinton canal to npaiilc mr nelml whrf toot of calha- tine aj jon tteelp omtfost 07uu vnv romrcr it his been decided in marbnelts that a pupil rnnot he turn ef mil nf v lin im hid chjinrter the jildjfe tiiliif thai ibe worse ih rhtyt character was ihe taote nerd of rihvil iuffuonre lo reform hi b rtlai ntd ball practice of the 20ih rf-tji- mfinta ten days apo we noticed the crt danger to ihe lives and limb of her majcst a liejes from the bullets of the firing parlies of tbe 20tb reimenl creeesinx the ic in the direc- lion where all the travel from the eastwvd enters kingston no atlentinn wax paid by tbe military authorities to nor notice and the improper aed danrrou practice was daily continnrd toward ihe end of last week as mr thomas rillie a pittsburgh farmer was ciovjit- a uillrl tnek the ice in his immediate vicinity and oherrn- where il fell he picked il up and nflerwarls wait ing upon thr tuwnslrp cirmnet c rater q complained of the crnl danger he had been in on monday morning the onlxntet went to ibe firmz party and d jreffiraf the subaltern in eomnijul staled the fjci and reqitevcd thai the pr elite of firing arrows the ice in that direction mibt be diseeniinud receiving no satificttfy re4y the corenec vety puinly tatd dial should anv ease of dealh from a chance bullet come before him nttieially as coroner be should feel it hisdiilv after ibe public and private nofce pven to recommend lo the jtry a vetdicl nf wtlfl ilitrdrt so savin the coroner bowed and took hit leave and ihe officer in command sftorlly afterward withdrew uk men since when the practice his wen discontinued the late affair of jloxidr wkluxqtox st 24th february s-n- the account which appeared in the last flcrau of ihe affair between captain saddlier and another gentleman on saturjay lost is false in every particular neither mr stewart or myself will take any further notice of newspaper remarks on the subject your lrnls arch john macdonrll yr nf greenfield to the eliiorcf th prfih wi notc tv tiir noitort or ni wtrrc the correct particulars of ihe affair nf honor abnve alluded lo not having enme lo on knowledee we forebor in our last imneessson frnm saying one word about il we are as sntcd however by mr mdonrlf that thr conduct nf both pailiev no far from bein j -i-i- aonorofrtv as the feraid sates was on tbe contrary quite ibe reverse tne ttrrald thinks proper lo pitch into cupt- saddlier before he i a magistrale thrs is wrone onels in them selves may be improper and un called for hot tbe parties who are enaged in tbcin ire not the more criminal because they are matslrales the dole of wellineon and ibe earl of wiiicbelsea fonhl a duel lord caatlereagb and mr cannin fooxbl another and vety recently in montreal thr hon mcr aylwin and daly exchanged shots all these gentlemen were not only inaifst rates bnl mrmhers of the executive government and also nf ihe lcmaturc by lite way the hrcld was particularly silent when bit fiend mr aylwin was a combatant as 10 the other gentleman alluded to by mr mdoncll although wc ourselves atcoppotrd on principle lo dncllin- yet wc do not ice how he ccnld well avoid a meeting wilh capt slamiier when called out by ihat gen- llvmai city coivcil feb 19 1817 tlie council met present ihe mayor aldermen hill flanagan wilson country mclean anhn snilh breden and baker count illnrv mcmahon linton wad jinham cbaunambouse smpon and allen a committee on cily properly was formed coos m in j of messrs connie r anjlrn wad dinsbaut mcmiihon and baker tlie iviilinns nf mcsr ncdrle palmer c stensnn il 1 liijhl t bitr mm flynn mrmalnm ua relay iv eila ad t pcrkini were read and referred to com mi l tec a report from ihe city treauirer respect- in- usiiranci wasread it wis urdrtvii lkwl ibe treasurer nnlify all paitica occnpyiiljt premisra in fontof the cily hall and all the cellars in any part of the ruildinc lbit nn femlie will be allowed to dwell ial aach premises after the first of my nexl thr reort of ibe finance commitie re- commending ibe payment of certain account was read and adnpted the repoilnf ihe cily bailiit was rend walint for out of the fiom office for n guard rnn- noaciioai mr simpson iavc iotice thai he wvuld hiingin a ii ii to irpeal lhi pat i of ibe llyc- law ti llini to slteel a rtvilitei ihe limn of auctioned avllink in tho street on market square mr anleu moved ibe fivl reading of a imi to trulie ihe aiaxe of itiend oideiei that the llard of reviaora enn- htal of alderiftou hreilen hill wiltfi mid mrlean iieludin the mayor ordered ihul hi mnikel act bv referred in ibe mnikol commilice to enquire intn tlw wfi0xpnfi of caiada from gcal its uobable annexation to tbi country- anton many nl the leader of roth pirlis the same sentiitent are hesmoi to ptevtil the new parliament in thai cilnny will present some singular dewhqimcil be fore the iitst aeioiofi will have terminated notk the above ia from tbe new york furoitl tbe editor la suffered himself to be gulled the canadian ncwpper are ditcutsttig ro such topic a separation from great britain or annexation to the united state all parties here whether tory con servative wbi or raleal areoiito co- lenled with ihc constitution of the ptorince and its present bappy relation to great ji- tain the present contention is about place and iower in other tvors the loaves and fishes as to sir auan menb it ii more than paitdv ihat ihe irllanl knight like every elhfr enilie man fafajja aij my have spnketi of the lepawlwtj one day or other of cpuaala foat ho toiih emire but il i biclly imobable lhal be eecr eoo- tctoplated or pvdieted its annexation lo the united slates the people nf canada hav iuo intimate commercial telaiions with new york ate friendly disponed inward ihc ameri can but thorc exists here no political love or admiralion vi them nn ibe contrary a deep feeling of petiteel disike rtades all casf which has in be eradicated before anylhin liie annexation can bo jboiljtkl almut when cieal luiain nf her own at cord relinquishes cawela the pet vincc will become one of the natoi of the earth x tjrnsiw mohmm pitfit wc have some intention nf reihlirhin a small paper 01 four morn in s in ihe ur k xs monday tuesday itimsdayi hi frijryx omiltin the davi of the a m inijmteoflrnilamiucr jjhathe ralytnjn man named oconncdl wilh h wishy- wasbywiteryspeechessliconcrliojioti hill in spite of father mcdermott and bu miiftka- oatsdennncialtomoflhcstxonnpprmiilrt spite of all impmeemonl hart visibly benn id 1 rr ii the envermenul energy ditplayecf in ihe proeecdinj of the special commission t mis and limerick will do real ihlnp iff relraioin the horrible oorars lately ao pre valent lkfterin ibonch l 4o and that ttry itixrrtjrly frout the iojiictota of death upon criminals umlerany circumuances i ytt atrr forced lo ennfest my belief that this social commission will do vat jood i may be i rare nay i do believe lhal measures lrtw nllef extcrmlalioo would have answered al feasf a well for ihe moment and even better in ihe sequel for the ahedjini- of blool even if criminals cannot fail lo arouse much hitler venaace inhlie liearts of surviving accom plices and friend but still i see ibe wwtlt c the murderers are fairly ml out of the way of conlienln their trooeos afsniaimlroita and therefore that much fpod mnt result fiom iteie proceednr alrvady oatrajes arc rown less common especially n the coon hex where ihe cowmiorrs have at aihl rfwicl rjcctplf breathe jnorc freely sittofj evil wediiadlv and alll rritits hhig publication uecea that every thm l o r l on tbe casfj piinciplcno subscribers no credik if one hitndred paper nt one iotny each exn be sold daily tbr expense of telegraphic reports liltor and material will be barely to do thi it is id il4 ll tiii numer will he an ab solute toss uud anv more than ihxl number ill be lo ihe good to pay manaemenl our rvadns will please 0 eon idcr whether pjcl i worthy their kind palmnae liic fit ym llatj ve umlrtxtanc with ihc manchester unity intend iviii rand ball al the town mall in ihe early part tf march to which ihe public can jrain admittance by liekets 10 be procured from a cnminiltce appointed for the ptirpoae o mo ouvruf s coirccnril will be seen on rcfrerce to our adverlisin columns ihat m oliver the highly educated band mafernf the 20th regiment nlend a second concert a la jttlun al tbe town 111100 friday next ihc 3rd match mr oivrrs last cooeet wai so well appre ciate by all those who witnessed it that we need hardly add the nrxl one will be oume- rously and fashionably a i tended jv a colo saf tlie end of february lum cohl during- ibe pat two days the wraher ba iven eoblvr than during the whole w inter srrblywuertn0ii5hperhajei the thctnnrcetcr may not have tooi so low ns it s before christmas the fact is the weather has been waiai for so long a time ihat the ptrsmf oou xnaawja lo uixea- aonablc aid therefore uucooiforuble ho ajjw and mr joesenl appearaiwe of any from oua vmmmrtsnsdtsx lcc january 3s 1w i think i can now fairly ouic yott that our horifln isclraiine and sivrsptomixe of a fine and lone day upon the ntelaroholy niht that u now paxsiig away i need to longer prjk ii will not fail m be remembered for fenerations yet to come eighteen hundred and fnry even and disaster il ion- bo synonymous ami few of u 1 fancy either in ihe mot he country or in ihe deperfilencie nr likely in forjel the lestuns ihr bitter lesions which it ha taught tu that violence of the storm mover all pattie seem to ajrec in blieriii and i repeal i think lhal the sisrn of improvement ore un deniable tn ihe fm place rofiunn is res tored dtfsiiwjneoceed hrathilytnd with cood feeling the houses which have slnod ihc tempest are naturally decmd safe and ihe stream of commerce is begilinin in itwv mvitbly andraudly aain rseenitly un- de sptvlmim i cheeked in neatly nil tt rnuchicvon pbaxe our merchants see ai irnlh ihat vawlrieaa et adventnre is nm anmher ler fur certainly 0 jinfil and ihrirdisoovlionio apread their iraiuacltjm over a larje fii fi has been tfifitlial eir eti icrihril and in ihe third place monru lu emcred frdm ihc hidingplace into which its fear bad driven il and is sufficieitlly plentiful to serve every commercial purpose acin trade loo in innst of it branchra i wimin to revive and stir itself or peoide appear to be wakinr ftom a fiijlhlfnl ileum and to rf ibat ibey arc nwakintr unlexs l am exircmcl raiaulen we shall have a coof year hutjnest ami rattfactory balances nn the profit ride nf the accout lolillcal aftaira are ralber threatening it is true loil ihey show nothing ihat nay fairly cause iij to despond the fierce imarttew now fiitnin tlwmselves into a phalanx hostile in ibe mitiitiy wall on berime ir for thooh they ulk loudly ihero ii mxhwm 111 them 1 here is the hih clmteh vecinin threatenin a mioiij njipnsillnn in nil national duration bill depend upon it they wiilbe nveieome their 1 ihe vel jitdi 1 inlnreat tt moiowimi niinwron and ify hliitr olllimiicb iheir iiiealion i wfinr rut lord john ha the people nf emrland with blm and lln no slavery cry will be a htt that wont do iteland will be a nf wld w vnl ilillwully loo t but the mountain b sildy dei mniinr y i in pilf of jtti aieblribup of tnam with hi thtiiidvrlnit hhindetiiir nlnimie and ithplotif tnxiha 1 may he expected at and demntoitiin wj the time when the sentences of death are car ried into cxeiotiorij hut afterward stealer order and peace may he lonkesl for and then will come ihe j eal btiiinevs of flie legislator luj muft leari in mlc with law not tear be mttst aholss concilration hall by trying concimtion ibelf he must do what ha never yel been done makin a brother of the irish man an ei tin one lie will find bim bot a hoihcr slill anj willinajto la censidered one but will our rulers see ibis as in do h there tbe nh- in a eery few cay parliament will meet serious btrtines ties before it and recordina to all appearances tl will apply il self serious ly lo its work- thoafi called a parliament u must not bcomc a mere debating society it must act firmly and talk little we snail have ihc corn question the west india qnes- tioti he irish j l the currency quef lion the education rtiaestion and a score mnre ol topic all equally impotatl the iak is herculean but f think that tbe par- liiatjfllt has in it a good deal ihit u hercrj- i can too a very fceline exists in the ranks of the minierial sopporters tbey bava leanit thai onion i strength and many minor dilferenees will be merged in etjvrls forth ceieral nnd fornu altairs will wear an interesting as- prcl for you j isl now franco i xe all think in a positively critical comtition in tense excitement pie ail in the french com- wunty throtjei all its grader fear rt- kardin he kinjv health doubts reapectiiiar the ministry suimises oboiit tbe recency q triucs for ihe aluinrnent of powerand office and thequeslton of abjclkader and alaoria have covered france with excitement and bare caused il to resemble avast maaziot of pinpowder ony waiting for the spark lo explode 1 forbear to make any remarks up on the recent charge against m finiaol or w fs ww r ftw svrt xrwk ixlsftsferj you are very rooj judge of mioia- icrial morality in canada and can detenrtine fne yonesvlves as to ihe triumph which the french cabinet his achieved we think it a pyrrhic conquest another auch victory would destroy ihe amvernmenl altojelher spanish affairs w ill i think for once p 1 turably excite yog do not of coiine suppose that yon will experience mnch delight firm learning ihat four orihe ccniber of tbe spanish cabinet inetudin ita chief arc lard tip with ihe fnjfjcnzi but fancy that yruj will feel some satisfaction as yon read of the re lorn of eprtero t fathertand and of the interment of sa many anrxwitici ua his reapnearance at madiid it i be lieved thai be is jcsttned shortly to play oxen 1 kiio an impoflnt part in ibe taolitical ajrjrftt of bi country arraea and cbrisuna arc said 10 be at the last gasp of atrife one or both everybody assert must oon fall then jonhtlesx espartero will be looked toby ail partialis ihc only man who haa a fair chanco of regenerating spain yoti will t be surprised al ibe prcsrnfc condition of italy fata events bavo too clearly tended towards a crisis lo make tbe existing excitement at all wonderful it it only tbe natural fruit sown in tbe bygone spring 8nl i am afraid thai the present wall be an awfully large one moch larger indeed than the sower expected sicily aa yoo will see completely and wildly asaeoe and in all probability will prove that lite political is ax destructive as fire lateral naples locv- bardy rome and genoa atl ahare in the go neral agitation and no doubt tbe coming earthquake will spread far and wide it would seem lhal princ mrrnich haa re ceive a erinuebcek in the development of bis watlike propensities ilia own subordm- ates are said to have conspired againat bitrtt and to have outwitted bim on a question of iulrrfcencc tu tell the iralh the illustrious cenilentan tood sadly in nacd of a leasou of this kind switzerland remains much nnxetlfid tbe spirit of dispute still animates the eootendinj reccnns and prevents anything like settle rnent the poor jesuits are fairly honied oxtl in all cjnariers driven from swilaeriaad they pert tefuex in many of ihe surrntindiag cnuntrie but tbey are expelled from h ital jvmilism ha many livei il ia of a fctfuft nature and denes cxlirpalion yoti will not have failed lo notice tbo va rious illness winch ha itevoilvd more or leas amon ihe snvcrieenis of curope- tilt iufllt ena or rremo raeasit has been geneiat- k called her has sieedyoiiee even royal ty itself ibe autocrat of all ihe rtnama even ha hern tyrannised over by ibe jrrenter tyrantsliil- russia denmark siain franca and i doil know bovmany more of onr mort- aichs have been laid up queen victoria taut wen billen by a do- prince albert boa bwrj declared asthmatic and hi majesty of ktdlr ha had iwo fits which rendcrert pmrhotomy rrrtmty no wonder ihererbre ihat we rommon people do suffer 0 toudh w ban my- aliy set on example there nre auto to be plrnt of courliertiknmkawho follow h 1 am hmnfy to ay however that balk xtottl- elea nj alibjeet ate tcellbit ihi liir of ftc epidemic it if drcttling repll l tbnafcb haalih in lailnnd u ii- anylurtij m ft favorable condition hie ehtuti it ftow el moscow may it go nnfuillwr i do not think yon will ha tnatfrtally fled hy a close tndy of tho llernpdiu eontre- voiy the subject la now aviwf t court nf uv anj llioto ii will alay whho ay innney u lo be nl ml uf it tho rwaj of the lawyera 1 ad m liable 1 wo ar likta lash into i really mtiitnl ay hrw ilxjrw crhlnryand wo rft oattoetuw eal artwwav

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