till hvowick kmrtmbnt i w lae am aiw iitmtunf lriiotvhre i the tmt uir n0 srhian lloncs nl a- nmttlv n hi imit in went tevnal mint l llii iwitiphc liijaimeiifl aaal of lfllwmfrj id be made in llir tfialiaijv thi uliritl knmrtil i iti ilraoalcli rf tin 101 miet fteiirtal i ihe loltil cuwpl ajwteianf her mnjeattviieaiiy tie mraa of ik htit iv whirl ii n pei tally ell ljtnnifltihuhtf fwhi win in c teblrssw ffjiirlivii f iw present mr ittaiiai lviw nj ay 1 dwt oiink fradwj in wild baj4 lie o pimhpjy wwd b ievial leivljiurvs imrw as ll bb- liisl canics a iliitotiivm u ioaa up ricivvy vhi orjw ftvven-k- torn tit mbjalrtustrfilh povinccv tliii evaitslcli tt cfcsrj by liyaftwmlj waft ihe north anvtiran 1vi thfccnitiim tt p imfrlsfj v mi th rnmr paacmri vfrit 14 tt lull of ihe ifitvifirlnl ijrvwtfi secute the seu of tlie imperial utn-tiit- apt ffaf tbal no lmfil stsf shall w f ah mum fernoyfvd between uy tljo ftotih aicnou pioviicis mtveosl c1vcj llriuugh any wit of llloc plo- tltftirf7thal uk ueifann mental ccji jlmta iic of uvnpcnct the i coilco lliall lratin in orfoh a rertftd letter ttan- mined in the ltiiiuu mjilprtlwecprbuitjlm flgiigdom m the north american i winces end hftt iho r4c iipifoini re shall be r- urt4cd in ilia cone po dene- of lhoc riiiilfi iiilh which wc have postal conrinlnuia in ft wjch couluitic jlijuli- ctuiill pjcu jrwi ujetiy gwtnwiiiil idtpi4ttj iii luir bic 3 coiicciiwti t i f ql oifv in hit tvcpt of x unlf i lnl taic r ktf uv9anl ihti twoincc liisc jojiitj foe provincial ulltn ih bontftl onu mjtfrn 10 iht coiitno nf uir amlra jvijom anil the fwcici 0iuuu thit rale itjcuij he colktttd accoam lo hruriliih italt nmtjr that in pfpymtit or y petit ow twiiiy of pouacv shall liu rrmjin cpioolt with itajjfcl 10 hit cvrtpoitjtncc 0ovtitj hrlwtta cacti of the rafiatfi v hut that rath povlocc aliall atp mu lha amount it collect in orcff to iroid coohplicatt j account aij heavy x- jmtj fof ufeaawx ottcet for tht nr0t f attxitairiinj tilt actual krrtnut lo whihi each u tnliuej for iht miaij iciitr which it uansmili to cither of tht other woinces and fftit pid letter received fom thoe lro- tco for tmitw with icpecl to w5 h wft th ndtntt tratiimilttj belwet the north anertcan colonic and the united kmjoi and tat forwarded hioh th united kinp mvilar oplionl iayinent lll tik re odnr it u piciicw j rhe exitnjv rydej of aciroji itall it rtutnnl bctvwiln rcivcl to ibr iliitwh packet jiomgc nd the onlforo- iotemal colooul rate of lvo r 3ahf iifof q uw of foioa i joocaf e 1- eicpaht lloanraf byloven feb 12 i8 at it mar nnt prove onintirestinc u ioaie ot your reattf to learn the refill of the ai of cmoeoform in ths lection of the prov ince t bat rken tt llhrriy pciflftf fan tfrvinjointlt cr ir- which j wntod 4ay at he emiranl honit1 and at whl h mlf with taot fjlifjctoiy results i am air your aioat obedient terrant edwjno v cojtttavtt ao timothj coitint in rhrt aced 30 1ial tht entire of hi 1esofi in riht f the larjre toe omhe li- root froaen and vat hrogeit to iht h- rital a fv 4jy 5intr the injury wai ueh ajto rcnjee it quilt impoaaiht to ave any of iht ucaoitirtethi fiaafiul withal soft in- j trivujj wh lelt to render it rt ceutry 16 ampatate the fool at the lero me maurtal anieoutmm f therefore decided stpon lawine throuch the mlatareat hntf i ttrii uf tlir i to him hereafter 1 inini if ihp operjiivn hy d bo iieheadatinmr es lyman of uiit plate took ihe maftment of the chloroform a pirwu quanriiy of eth oeinj jtoored into a leone ol hlelii ptper it ua aphtd over tir aaanv tbeat and month t bai tht not teem ing to answer the aum altothcr that tftnikman enuhed tht side of bo coot lo- iardthrraimt rttyratinc aoera with chlaro- ratirr ippltd il closrly to the inan ihaatrila in few tetondt i inadt the tint ineiiion and lof if men the patient raid o conivant be a vnbdued scream but thii wai he only oc casion throughout the whole operation wbera h pttoaed aennhe lo the eflect of pain after tht anw wa ud and a rltp ent from ihe inferior surface of iht foit lyman dib- toniinoct iht funher ase of the anihaethetic iaareott amoo ihe man recnvnn which he did in a oiinuit or two and beinr aied if he ieltthr onetation he redid nith rnoch ap- hhtenuurwriieoiieratiusi vvhl nperation f surtit r i yt u it on further teeorery however he taied that he felt he firtt cut of the knife but had no ort of re collection of the saw ha vine been ued and eenedto doubt it nor bad he iht leatt ltnowlcdt of tht remaining sieua of the ope- t on bein taliped that it wu cn etidto be became loud in hi praitc of lh mcajure laying l it mu u q grccf onj uj mrovuie ihot troufj lt a men gtt ha tig ut off and him nvf fed tht pjmi the belt evidence thai haa ytl been pro iutcdonbehajf of the haldttin mnit liv and toe nohlt hand which they took for conatitu- tionaj government ind the right of tht neo- litehae betii manifed in the diymjal of john 1dontid from the office of the clark f the peace for the ihlhurt ditficl thi jjtnile- van came to cainda a veiy hoit time pftvi- oo3lobh appointment fet lifted with a dowr- in street recmmendation sir c metcalfe conthlered liai on thu account he nnhl to ik- peovidad for ll rrpiible advuers lock jl different view of the matter and tin formed o0 of the items of the i antatjonisrv which cvtted between thr governor general and his ministers dcka1air inflorce lit umiiirj fa the tune keti sod ftjf sudon aid received ihe akinimni the tory jtrts cutojpted ihe tforernor for hi nimiess and accused mr baldwin ad hit colleaises f bavi atiempltd lo trample under loot the jrctoalivr of irtv crnn jmiice although iomettmrs urdy is always lrc and tiuu being powerful will necessarily prevail- hence aa lime wore o it beeatne appaient i1it mr mcdonald was u riot ihe man lor calway and ibe very men who tallied ronnd sir charles mvtcaue when he refused to consnlt his roinimer rcsptcti aithjnt- jnenu oofbce have been foiced i atrsmii this dowiiir stiei i pel from the oftiec lo which they ihen considered him ya en titled jranything were wanting toevntinc ihe rftbarnunt of cnna thai the conduct of the exhinuter ww perfrtlty eanatiitioil tlis i amply suuvienl mr mcdoaatn comes to the prntinte a ifmri stranger i he baa powerful frienusin knland who rerom- rnrnd him lo the notice of the friirteial tavemmanl he srnowa nothing of the conn try or it inhabitant nor i there any euaran lee lhal hr isrulilied todkchare the dnlin of the office which he fokcilm he reeeiee hii spsaiqimtnifromtht tjavernor without hit il i of a resptiiiihle ministry these atinixters remonstrale bit their eifirta are itrvelepv they tender their rrsienalit q on aeoouot of this and similar inffinsemeali of the coottuuiioit and ifa aeceplel their moiiveaatc mrmepreatnted and their actions maligned thn lioveroor is held up aa a araon of sleadfas loyalty while hi jale inntersare repretenttd a being te mot rtpubtitah set of men in iht ivotld rgl lime has proved that ibte so called rtpuhlicn idrsers srtre riyht and that the appointment of m d mcdonald was recidedty wron s el ft 3 v 1 i i i o m p i a i i i i h dr wltlar baliam or wlu otaty nklukmi and conkumltinv it to iadwd mriwn tmih thai ilp4pmi4 i 5 it s it 7 ft k i s a s s s s a a 51 2 8 s 3 a 5 e ll 2 n f i k w 2 j i 5 s i e 7 3f c d i 1 koibflka srealhtl fr iw- o iimiili baa uii nawum supufe whibj culd and fnuy eu theetiearface leirh the wid taaai n k il hatfamniryl ihtwp htjoti to rwn mki runtwiued pmil thg uimcifjr h ndgjtj eojdfi svvasc iheid skftuj t hie centra v paiftl freqinl ohtervmmv ure been naaim ef te egtiler avrrent vf air al but cpilitii dimncee bunt the vuifrfoc of hi eaiih time lle ind beinjtith on th taitha tuffaf the vnc of sterpfe not iikio thin co so 70 frtl atdtudcd hai been rvniunf v i a ltd ei ve liiajte n w willi s b tufrtut f eir tw thchtisblheiieenl bmiaa top hiiefoi wirj csti aecoo cor iho so f the mereuty thjie tlkhleimoeilinoodfroi the tvryou rjiiot the fttasjpapr fific 0 sunday paortiinjf helwthi four sud five oelnek a fire waidioverej m have broken out in saver strerti hi an empty home a few door above howards urocefy unrv- threc frame iwnstory hon were entirely hutnl and the three small houses iviweeu them and mr ifnwards re ko uwrowjhly in ured thn they are probably incapable of re pair from all w tan learn the fire most rave thttd some time before il w otery pmif of the butldinc deittyrd belonpd to mr awottand the ttlto mr tilt th hydrant at the earners of vnrk street and vf kay sttcei were oetl toronto pojiiof d- llaliimcv we are sony lhal weoin not agree wilh several ef our roou rrettd upper canada eonlemporaiie in ttieir tajav rjos on the hmpln eontroversr we believe lhal tbt apfwntment of dr hampden h been made advisedly and after mature deiera1io on yupoc lo show the opjoien enteruined by tht huhru pcrsooa iu the und and htr covetnmtnl of the traclaiian lull tetimt mpe mii emo thm hlswr thiftrriu ny umind id m with iht ci t ii iu t v mid ici the dihi at hf aflir frfli it iv rlar e 5 rsissa nd ft sinl li i uhi it tin mli li vi t tib wuh l ir rtic i- h l4llrr lf f imoir wibl t hrv- i- iti tni jiirfv ehre eves iei1 nv d iivp li ive w nfhiwiipeil i i aay llir xistw swkaa i we ae led to ih conclusion not nerey vf f are reu to mr cmciumn no only from ihe ttrtor of the pullihej jcu tntnu hut from private informalion from eiisr- l from a person well informed on church mutters it is centrally believed that the lo or traclariai patty are aiming m aoth ini lea than the separation of tlie church tiom ibe state provided they tan at the same time eompa the reitniien of the trnorali- ties we need not say lhal ihe protestant roih of eiiand will never permit the tern noralitiet of ih national church ibht to be dealt with if there ever should be a separa tion of church and slau the revenue will he devoted to ctnttal purpose ibe projd will never sorter them to become the property of one sect over which th slate will bav no evnirml there ia more danger to lb church from one tractarian semipapist than from fifty jaitodinirufl hampovo courier uftfc 9mm la there es er been such a mm wi as tliia makes sttemenli in relation to the hinttes of 1616 and ifcvjio- lie srivs an attract from tht parochisl jomtbal of hr j linit who was a minister in k ft church of hoabufy as early as 1632 which is aafulow 44 ic46 thu winter was oe of the mild- en w ever had no snow all winler inn nor sharp weather ivt never bad bad rtay to eo preach to the indians all this winter ltflisijbe the lord the wiiter makes extracts from a diary keil by himself during the winter nf laft thvwhw that there vav vey tittle snoiv only a few day of mihin crtat deal of rain 4nd remerkatiy warm weather the winter of 1817s is hklr to belong remembrrd t lis remarkable mildnm we sawrftd yesterday that the buds of ihe maple were as much swollen as ihy uual1y ro at the latter cud of maich rcratsston or cmmk in conseqaenee of ihrealcninic notice having been ser upon mr 1oytl the hishhariffoftyrone mret- x of the muiteri of the several n lotlees compisin the district of killymn was held on the 8th utt when he fofjowinff very com in end able resolution was unanimously ilepieri wheieat we are informed lliat evil practice which tigrice other iimtu of tv land and tom w hich our dtrict had j kecu frvh have shown ihcslc here tnd hat ykulkinx axastittf and i itendiarivs hsvc dared lo come among n and to duinrh iht psce o families hy umihi- threatening noti ce ra0l red that wfp the otantmtn of killytnnn will oni ourselves jtrcniiony to nrd the pae of our dilrie that for this purpose we solemnly pledge oorelv first to use all diligence iu discovering stranger remaining in ir neitihorboud as well as vagrants of all jneiipllon secondly lhal we will keep a etrict watch oil all who harbor or cncooracc sued spspicious perrans and thirdly thai if the conspiracy whieh eicrtf such baneful influence in tbt soutli and west toitinenet its outrage here we plrde our- sevet mot solemnly that lo iho ulmt of our power we will brin to condign -o- itu i whom we discover to he aothori advisers or in any way have a cutlty concern in sucb diabolical proceeiinjs c mr buihi the tattnt office poaaijij sioucr eomra to the following toncluiiou in rcxard fn the cro4 in this eonntry i j corn tori throughout the uurun ou re 0 bnkwheat u barley m s pmatos 4 bushels 510000000 xu53li006 slvilyro ioirtfio 5701 8yam tx last crop potatoes j seeova rery mueb diminished in consiueeice of the rol which reserves the attention of tbc coveji- menl osiofo tmti william allrk tinsmith ac c ic tiro vi wal o the cforote froreaouse wellington street plle suhncrihcr thankful f past fsjirvrs lestiectfiijly iiiiirriat to hi frotnls i n j ihr public that ho hat bow uti hand b lyc aastrtmont rf every jeacripiion rvf manufactured tin ware wlu h he is prrorcj to aril rn iho moit favrtwc run ciper thret linn ami tirtwirc malc up lu uriltr at low prices kiuetun march 3j il jo z mr cambkon ftfalk lljiutv u k u i t h h tianll general abemt svkvantkhnotailvrtbur canili lito asurajice compacy d trtsdi hoitds prmiorn s id llraiwii at iw ti beiiiitfrf i ii yc it nil ootn wanted f hiltfat prietj in cash will he pnr uat milhuimmaom hvb amd oats ilivv n ttio wa reliouau at fxift- iiatts vvimkk anrrmirsikv chane co kishh eolrrntrv io isis messrs hill parke iiakr1stkks ittiiimiihw n solicitors ii ciiwckv ofpkh xittii mittrti iwi fkancis m- ini l lh kintofi ytb tilos ti ims is jh e iorl of navialio as the flwttflf hiie paer will iteremj entirely ui iu dailysaleno wfiliu will he treeiirril aiul no credit iive el fir advertiemeiiu u vrrv luw term kingston mwh 4 ll vares aucuoa rooms sam of household furniture horses vc on monday marcd 6 at 7vm ovfojt will be sold l bay nark ruw to oww pr flrejnl coft bolvt an esua wolf k an eheant mahnanv hodrn- chair buek veahnit and fart ted chair illjck walnut kurt his chtv of uravpr ttedtead centre and woik tables a ilili clock slovti with viriu other aruclis and tm barrett herrings wilmamwahs kinit march 3 im3 auction salr of freehold property caulfl be sold rj atfvtiop willoct re- sext sen ox thursday wh that valuamt freclw pairot sweoti naarly c chnrch vnown f march proytrtv silnateil en fwite ihn carter if whilcntrihm tkerv 31 feel fronton dnt sueelaud us h c nche hack with rijhl of catewav from william street seine a stoli i iocs k with a hrick front with a lare ovei nearly stovr and in v condiinn nw realifin aleui jtw rer annum title iinuvtiutiahk for pjl lirnart rurnff of lllc fttticjf1f r itjtms onrbalf cah pvwb lh hilance in nn and uvo yearsi irilk niteti- sale at 12nttoct iksu james linton rlivrtati march 1 181 balk of valuable lands wivfl lj nvbltettvlack rtoon itie lail autl tcnetnenb be tonkin to the tate jj1m metshp ci hint uf several uitudin artl frn it mtualcd in the tovubija of kipplrail and camden kington 3rd mjrch ims farcy baaaar xaottory foroierlj under ihe rhunaement ol mr reupiscu mollkndokfk ha be how lo ip timjteollie inhahiunu of kington that he hasariived here with a much larger fancv bazaar thwi before which he has oenrl at mrs iiuntkrv 5tokk carrier nf eiti aad claience street wbne he will esibit foi sjlvi ii lare sttxt of gtd sisdrer auhe a eod asmorurieot of the bet jewellery 2nd ttiud ivafiilck asitvei plated candle sticks cruet stands fiuiluvkels tnl vviit- ers alwi a large stuck u calnnet ware conuti of wriiinx icks work how idirv and cnthmenn oresine caatf aal olbvr funcv article which he will oler fie sjivoh the mom rcaonnbu lerm mr o intend to sell the wlicde tiici without reserve as he is coin to pre oj the butfness tht basaai will bo ofen fr private sate todvi saturday 4th march anil every succeeding loienoon for iht fnrivnje of ditnin af hu goods n nmner mr 0 tri he quickest one a xx csl z 3 cm ul v on momuy afternoon from z till 5olock and from g till 4 oclock ilvuavir haifa dollar a cbaree may he had of ohtainiuj a vfj- vaiumi nrie eooauting v jewollery silver plated ware cahinet ware china omamrnts and other uegl articl laafistji wishiit odtav are reveetfajlf in- vttd to attend the afononi fotiorits when tht ertaiestcare will tfeea tw the i shall not be over eruivdtd l the mhlie in rejnctvd- 10 alttnd jay a good cbanccj mtnl ate teccifnuy they will hee fair p and no blank t a most ineulons cfocir i on ihe ineroi ses which receivec ihe ireavinmar iho ark ittjnip des mtcutniuittet p4jira5id will be eairifnted tl kmrtin march 5 z siikitirrs saiab- arkn raturwav m ioih jttot will he sulil t ie foirti iiino city kiut wovit l lahseknoun tho i unj and tcneoieiilt seixe1 itnjrr seegtifl in her mnjvi- tya diistiiii covil f iho mijiabi diiriet the bank of opprb canada john hoavmrs anj wy simpson koshrtallrar tr i john houivs the wtilhalirf no59 ntuteufc 1 t a corftrtt sistrlrta 0t5ee mnjand i vltiel kminn hatch 3 1118 no mimie thk jlknkv maitt r i c k re fa re hy tnforn lhal fnllv anfnorisej to col l eel all ryhs nis f4 mj to hansel nj othvr bnvine eawki scrirter wiuimj market siarr kiwanfa tb january iml meit wilh ihe ftgb- mautlf v bo ll rhmietiiflrn- staluleo vivmri piur lib v will lio rccciw at tan miv f rlir iviviittittl leuiui aiv ririlj vi ovhitk al bisna mi tun jig fc 2mf ipril rtl tron rtmm ai may le w ul fl i in ulhijf t mil convili jitlkiilttlht iruitttra hngly eon lost pnjfiltiv aftonicou lal on kinc sikkktheiwviimruhlitaa otficc nod tlie rotjenccofcapt sjimiiot a rbo silk ivttse willi ivail rin and taek contjinin 15 b in itank ii h aodsh n in silver filler will i rewarded on leaving it it uvotfctof ike jhromckft new- one hill ol the rtcflorniiijilion of 10 bean riie ritfore of 15 whitest in ink aoium the left hiargiit kitrftoi february 35 lfth tity of kingston gas light company votjcr i hereby given that the stcii l iwkof the above company is now otic n i r all eroii wishinjc to snbsribe for stocj jsiduah applviiv to u twothekspoon sirrrrcrv pro tcm khilonmfeb 1813 pi up ninmnkcra n tiiihira 11 httiiic ijnttcrj lhioycaia a may he ag mio n il ihe titfiliri iiiut itale tit ratoit h lay fe tmst cunvict accoming li i liine 3c ry hnvis sect crtplojtjd in w lurlieatlav trath liimnti nit tn no made at lio eve tiialitf eveiy three nwutlia froirt 19 ilttie ikt oniiract twi iriil i v ffjvoiicfi rohlcrvi craiiasu wni will be itquitcil forciri rintinvt thai nay bt utilctej inio fyn arthur puitieularmhoi may toiv ia ttd m uu iioil mi jjpliiatuil at l liittuliun hsmith hrjoo provincial pnilerjijry rvji ith ltv sheriffs sale of lauds mioftso pistrict mty virtoo of a ll writ of fieri to ipfl issued out of hoc mjestjr by private rales plsul wide sale to tri can colt beriii fi blr colttni rattt 0 jn cdtioh yarn wirxfam wark a cent for the uaoufacterr kiiicmoiii iht m1k im 4i- aydiimjam saloon market ouildfngu rtlhc flultcribr r5 pitiful 1y infirts hiit fritoils ihathohaa ikn dw vrrll known st mil imhe market squau uiuly kepi hy mr thfivi uccuituoi mni kimivn a- the sgdmaam stitoot wurrt he hoes t bo favurcj wiih11e html iatinat4ifihe public s smyth- ktntnn march ivtj 189 isrn f 6rvakdimg- court fj qiiuiia bench anil tomeji rrclcj ssinat ihe lato and tenement which vvcro nf john huaalip ioctat6il at rh time of his death to satisfy jnh km a certain aum in eaiil writ mcti- ttoncj which the aaio john frater haj lately rccovere j against james williaita- ton anj william feruaon exuciitors nf ihe last will and testament of john llrailjji doccaacd i havo aeized aij takrii in execution pail of lot twemy- futr i first conrsnion tvtvnjihip of kington purchased from hilary duiiy euire by tnc aaid joltn hcaslip for merly in the occupation of one thomas cornejt part of lot twenty four in firi concmmtm township of ktugaton con veyed hy ontj thomas howe to the aaij john htaslip pan oflotivtontyfoiir inftiftconcefistontownhipofkingsnejn cnveycd fcy ono loii lapourlo lo the 5id john heaslip wut half of iot number thirty in tho second conccaaiun ol ihtj township of camden east iqo acre part of lett numboi foriyaix in seventh concession of camden east laoaerea part of lot number foriy- ihrec in ninth concession of camden eaat so acres and part of iho lioat halff lnt number fnrlyone in firat con- ccaion of camden east all which lands and tenements i shall nffer for sale at ihe court house in the city of kingston on satutday the iwoitiyaovomh day of may next at twolvu oclock norm t- a cokrett saeritf av j city of kinnton m d t february 33 isis removal f par ktsvmtflh fllsaaiii awdfii flmfb uisciiler grateful fr pat 1848 peoplis ottawa rideal forwarding line via ottawa judmidbio cattal rvhk s imlnihin a lint of rrit tlan steamers ami hftrfgc tr ly tlsi the olawa am kil a rutti hki they will le proparnl iqitirs thciipftiti nf the navia le0fil tijj tft notify hie o generally thnt ihry intend mri ncxr mod in oitd ilea- v staff exlra covered carriages ry fr1swe-in- h anj a li- i uoraca ybtaik spiingi ti forward prporty ci llnir trsrc with pjuiiputudc patch the ncec- iirh an ct4tilimenl hntn in view i iwrforniattcr none pniculnrly of lo and from ts on lliv ottw3 aud kmtati rcuto hoennica ap parent from tho fact that in cnserjiionce f ttofst iriml f tho vvraai ihing ijiverirti fftiio tiicsi tvalorl lo ihrwo of the st lawrttioe many lliiumo havi vanaicj this channel atigcihr theretij rctlgitini tho inau of irannfsnrt quite iiiaileqiialnly to tlirj rcnuircmcnla if thu eectinn nf lliajjiniiatrs the subhcridevs wenim heg to romark thst a ilailjr dcparlttrc from moutal may at all iwoh depeudvl upnnnnd thai tlij icaiort cssm will hsj taken m land- tug piperly at iho vamms slat ions upon ihmijte avenwy wiih inatroriionsonii itirvtiontanl ilmr prorit tec received upon ihe upward pnae dontinod fr moo- irji1 will not tvo nnhaded till nfter ita arrival ut line marvtm j piauticc nul hitherto aitenjod to- tariff nf fri jlits r will lc puhltahatl at a ativhf i i fsrffiod clemtuvjones k co- ifonttutt rnif saaavraofji prs txemowt co meirvj pohnrary 03 i i81j jhibscrilrcr grateful far favor isejs leave mot repcctfuiiy to roturti thanks to tho inhabitants jf iintu forlljo long cominvaal pation- ago he has received he fonhcr ncmiaints them lhal ho has removed his tavern am ljvhy staivealu ihe ktcw stono honae la claienco stxesjt sign of the telegraph homo directly opposite u old standi whre he hopes to bo favored whh a conlntu anco ufcustonv the sutrcriber has ex cellcnc uerummodattons lot travellers laoanlvrs and straigeva in histtouic and l vard shcdt ani siawca art in- furiottononc in the city jeoitge miniv winm ia the wood fviib nubacriur rwpeotfully informs tho itimtc that haviiif made 1 vy nddiiinn m hie foi nwtr cvllarnv hr liu now lite lnrf id uiou joiuoinjiou wine vaiiltaifony lliiuiti ihotivla 1li rmenivo uaoimont f win- vrell stslttclcil oid carefully laid in ut lliu prupur srason iw ia ircrexl w andrvudyfiir lnipiction riajaitiiie id ports of rltl vinlagce bricult pllfc and llrown slturric matlc- irrts iinportori diwtl tcnctillus tsc it which will k- u hy iho pipw hull uogoitead quarter caatk 01 iletaivu on aimwraie icrms tho ljeoi of tho soliseiilor is to bm one tho 1uhlie lhalhvv cmittlnlt tirrk laupntiertwithstaptv wipts impcfftfl ordcr cheaper iteit can be irnpiiited in mall ugatnilie lv private individuals jmis williamson olticrj messes wiucalnr inulic dinners ihills ac c supplied tiritori kitnfaifi feb 23 1si the day or uihl incd at any hour of kingston fetr 23 isss lime and stone r subscriber begs leave to inform his leeiilar cihtomers ami others that cei ititr st pat tick s society op riyastqx eo oticei hrky cil ilrvtinaof ihe me n thai iho annual i uf tut sooie hre al flfiflflpkllows j wrll lake iiuti imanuyllteshjithrlayof march at rlvllnnclftekffttiiieeleetiftn of oafaj krarrr ut llv rnuin year by oftjif uf tin nfffuojili m flanagan jfic strrttoru kn5don irk oak afb ilne timheiit wanted 10000 than hfrl ihe i jeli rl wx etef flakaa jocl qtptlity i 10 timtr t rl 1 1 w vi e price le ciwll ail 1fsljl llallert fuf vlnc1 1 at n rr n jfitni im tlie hljti forn and alter mondny the 6th of net month he will i jve always on hnri j and for -i- sonabte terms the best roach lime also in kingston and l any riiantily ot s101t koughor cut angls mcleod wattted coo conns ov limk kilk wood a nn kindlon feb k 18is hlm yoiijjc mills flouring establishment tlic undersigned having become pro prietor of the yonge mills which are now in perfect order beg to iiifutui the public that he is picparod in enter into oiitjogciticnts for tho plourlng of wheat upon tho nual terms tho character which the yongo mills urand has hitherto borne t and tho fact ufits in having hcti injured in tho slightest degree during the past dtaatnrm svaaoti present to lltuso whis dcsie to export flour iacccad f whvat the hot giirauteu fur agud and mcrihantalu ritldu and il will ho slias poisons care of the pcopiioior lo soe thai tip present high auudmg bo noi lowered m hia hande frkdkriciv jones yonga mills february j3 1s18 if to the public f 11 ik subscriber bee to inform the fnhahi- tjots uf the cily snj counirsthal he stijl conrinue mamifacuirini iff stebt iron copper wabe in all branches a good assoitioeni of vrhjeh will alaay tie fan it if 01 hand at his rt ns in jfrci strerl jircctly in rear of mratrs john mowst k ao ueielll a ncing ami jobbing in general will k- eveculrd with itnes iml 4eaakb 4liwtiry u eharari umlpy ci hb wst at teniint i all old era wild vrlueli be nuy be bvorcls ami irioilpmlu pricrs lie hnpea tosrcnre a abate f pjbbc fiiii ie bvrijs vl all descrijitioian vm prqctoit wcra atlantic and ontario express the c iiidtkior will leave oti tuesday trli march 11 3 ovlwv 61 ise uy lutttwmrwhivh cavvolot for lirer- poul 04 saturday 11th marcb- william ware agcal kindlon 2w february um rinsstov bdodisb mcttft notice the annual meeting ok the kington nin rwivt7 hitl livurn m tllmy the trfi iby f malta lw al tbr ciuii ik in tlie itiij if kitunat covtik i m for llit jhjftmitc vf electing jctfr fjr tbi eii z ear j iff 600 of tv sociiiyi ut his in um of xmsieach still lktt jdsca at hi aie raveling ji 1 k p m 11 the isud ptiaimc tin secretary will in attetidaiicc jt the cuurt f- tin tf njt ebjiau inii the slink vi ihusielly 1m muriwt en anil after tbe avive mertiiiwi oli jy of uaicfa is dcelarerl to w n r ai4ri uy vialirr tiniii n n kttrji ivtiurrr kiiu4ab feb- l isi nnil contract rpknukks will be rrceivej bi ihr iifitlct- mov kkmhtud id kxcurpx haundenfc j p n a p a n e e march pair the halfyearly napanec pair for ihe sale or ifailer of all kinds uf agricultural produce horses catlfohept siine cc cjr will be held in the town of narama on ibe first tnesday la match march 7 184ft ap two joll0w1kc oatj at this fair cash will be piij for any aoaolity of mercbanublo whcat rve corw peas oats and ha it lev aoctiooeers are respect fully invited t attcitd liceniej hawkers and pedurt and all manufacturers of domestic cain modi lie wilt rind il ertatly to their advjiiage to at tend this fair naawac fchmary 13 ltwa fok sale rhe new schkiner rachael x mwtn isooaad ihoubufjtiur burthen sho will be sold on tho following terms 300 cash 300 in june noxt 300 12 months 3o0 18 mumlts apply to kikkpath1ck o bubrowb9 or m t hunter kingstnn 9th feb i3l8 85if imontrea l tv he undersigned having iemoved nm the oaloetimifa pitii t friends and tho puhlic that hn ha made arrangoroouts with uso ironncur of that splexmq establishment sc well knnwn 10 ihe vravolling cum- munity aa hascos hotel t latu dalfits ptir rvpening the same the house ia ncmy being thoroughly clcaitol and put in the lust sato uf repair and will be rendy fur the rcoejitinn of i hv iie slai inataat tho high imputation enjoyed hy litis uolol fur so many ream tenders it un rioeossary in say anlitng itsjativo ir it minailon internal decorations and com- fur is and tho subscriber plcdce bnti- scf that tho bills of fa kb wines and attendance phail nm be behind ony senn in this htcl bvfure and lhal his whole uitcnliun 9j1ji bit iven to render lljusa who may hoimr him with their patronage in every way comfortable if clifton laic 0 fae ciovli jioxac caleji suiiufp mmireal fch 10 is3 i33i george cook kfistenfeu lsw thk latt ir- of ilv smith cook for imc past six trars majrvrxcmacos op 7mt ccuvsjattq bartlett cards detould inform the public and the patrons tt of tlie old establishment no 71 pul- bin street where he has always hren ajb- jilrtyedj lhal he conlinns the manufacture of all iht varielic of playing visiting and blank cards heretofore himisheii hy the e- tahlihmenl j that any onn fnr various kitida will be faithfully and peoenntly execut- cil on application to his o1e agents mrrs rlyot laiham no 71 kullon street at the fallowing piiaei unal discount off for caih or lo ihoe who buy to sell aatn viz marble and white hacks sdi j s hairy 8 d 30 iveanliirs do 44 kimelled ivory and pearl surfs cards per ftlowiiiicafei ktriti i lin nine lied cards tinted ptiin beautduliy olhrd wilh lant designs as borders prinlrra blank eard sjiall blanks playinj card siitcj no 1 15 per du do large do do do d dnuale ic of tlie small do dt double siac of lire large do do also t all ihe above sites vf every color to order otfier size cut to order uf cither of iho foreifhrii nitalitit tournin card of various tixes made tr eider tidd bordered cards do do tilt t1c do ja llcil ivwy snitace jo icmi do do wank heeh do also if 4u0 anj steamuat tiekek mtrfc in order of any color or of iltfforrnt color o rpaf ne desired the flnbmritier invitei all editors of thr lfniled suie oid canada who are dipkir v uke their ply in cards and tvhr will tend lliin coy or tbir pi conumin the ad wrrtivihenl atd irnerl ti for three miiiris 3 1 1 si 2 21 i 30 3 hi 1 tfi 3 61 knanieheal hct can ic ft 20 by co iucli du do fiiw m poxaarwussji lrrr ttdnnd vctvrvf ikumm hatoma 4 -al- teta rii pocaied frees lirjeiha aryerttly ibe rfufar fiut l jih frnm livrrtoul on ipe u lali a 4irfllu vtci njiiib claasjuv- jikj nnlil satuljy titr m a special mesavnaer ivill haet lifi aailrlh iijljn vi i mt hcambriv fitfos ypr vaitt rsn tlie iahn pof ijrlicularsaily to arlfxlau waul a ner afay fur ihe conveyance of alajeaty jilaib brtwecn kixcstoy axb mugfttox cin the piioce ljward itriel ia lime weekoaca eayouand fitinlheilh awl frofiosavb may bp made eithsr lor the coaa- vryiiiff f tlo mil oer the wlmle totite bfl wecr ktiistou and i 1 jimi or fwr its coa- eeyaner in eiarjtc contracts beiwaeji ktastton ai uta swaa eul or beturen ti10 stone mills 8 riihton key information regarding the form of temler the sersice to be prr fori tied ami the anioutl of sucmiiy u tu tiven ty the con tiactor i coitriclnrs may be obtained at the dial otutn in kmlon ilctoo ftd bi 1 iiiii john oeivr 5 rjire suereyir kisi4tnn pk 8 isis 2- m gloss ins03amce g3mahy of london messrs ryan chapman s co of moiire1 aaxiils f the glob in surance company for canada have appointed the ui dersiicord siibacent at kinslon and lie is now proftared to onrt all description of pmperty againsl lots by fire on advantageous trrmr the oninal funded canital of this con- u i- ia oyemiiilign stebiisb and the agents are aiitborued to settle tosses witlioul referring them u llil 11 charles w jnkim5 princess stteei niitoo fehfoary 4 lems officeto let vfry comfokjhle office for an allorcey notary or land ajcnl to be nlv t ibe uhoiieem book slor fvbruary i sib lcil ut a rphe sublcrnvr in retiring which lie ha followed from a bnssnes for the syace of 32 years would return hi ratefnl thanks to ihe pumic for the snjhpoii he h so oi le- erived and would bej leave lo recommend hi son vvilsok llami whumiccecdshitu in the chair making tutiuc lo the rotable coit- aii- the pablic c hatch kinston feb lt 1848 101 w ciialusrsilairs the sugscfifbrn baeins succeeded hi father in the chair baiting bttatnev lles kavc to sequaim tlr public that ho will iiiz th hi will tvnc jijl ilmiln which be will ever ertovfllai to drrm- wilson hatch icincrm street knfon februatv ims shoriff3 sie of lands mimind district satuk- to wir f dvthooih day iff may ptxt will be siltl at the uiiurt lfmlar cly iif km sliiit rmu h miifringiiiuifij ltnj seized hy virtue f a execution isuod mh of tbv cnuri nf jiicnv tjacli nnj m mr di- icctcj at iho uit of jauuks auhikx p1erue barbieu geoxgkca wit qnafkr x i 1 anafih ccson illsouih 1 shrriltf 0 cornicrr s riff ji i icsmttofi january 2h iis for saik farms of cultivated land am mprovemests 1 ots no s9 r glh cnn nf ljtu- i a imrirh pact 41100 o0 acies no30wi ctli ckju dudv noo 100 acres no 30 e i cah con jo jr u u 1 n ac no2vvethcinjir 4100100 acres nn32 raatpart gthcuailodo lo 75 ai re n11 3s s 6th con jo do 100100 acres tho ahnvo are ikeirjblu purchasca for small cdjnuliara ptopci ty on ot vo tho limit lot anj prorniacs or clhoitiosircctuly llarvey00 th hiinse ami ieh hituly uuod nils om luiniltnn street 0 the ilmso ami i yi ivowellv on rllico sifwii cl5 antifv in ihn snliehhof itkoiatlr osiil stuart- kitiotim jnoiry m is 7 il london mvwspapjius elusive r ii rmu lint i law ted ne- 1i0 rf iooln rl- sw lassjlraf vo-i- do do speeial 11v ei in kiol4 jmltllvllu 0 iwav imx j ii j 4 fmiafit imtomvh d 1 c dte notice inendn snen on refiroifollvioftioed th t us oodrilid acetli he iiihi ii iivi aiea lu ibo lot jtpri lb46 io tptdaf ri in- ilo lapfpiipasj avaa ml iboyo liars rmoi etoipeie i rot iho yror irtik m ftih sa mtika imndmto iyln ipot jiit l 1 -p- r uibar inilti nrwn rt keview 00 0- teriukr a- dtrw fl k c 1 m lm cl ofovm received jt me a- 1 owl oare kneaiio hnniiealjmaarf jtik 145 oyaters oyaters at the nelson saloon vlrearjt street deeoirilwrflsi 4 to ml kinjtnn fj i9m pt for sale by till xlrsjribers iqiiwswin rvito baafa asjff chfm uj uitrvn itolf coiiuiouetoabmm vnc hpm od tmw r j 50 111 l nri- otoojieiuucbdor atd f- l 1- l 3u iu l04y n sod somawn 1 av lin rsubrt dij ttbiccn j 1 i lj jm r seemed maeeoot sane 1 ll 1 j k ilawta 5 ticrcetrotiaa itico in ut im ltioy 6 ua cmfn uroin ml hma wripioc 11 softed ii km p utok pvoidnin 4ti uptacs kvoaavi surer 20 bao- m caudw 16 11410 haee 30 l q toioutewftoio ond cuaa ll im 1irwomn lignid tluckm 5 ip cuck is r a lmt piovjcd and goorkiaa qas gmoc lc 5 ik stjhio oitte qort j hus uruecra colusa tviao 4o -ilof- 30 btu ni 1 s saw 4dlii llcrriojra vsanyj o0- nlfjtslgooidoanfoju ut 1 inpetrd do 2 h wouaas vhiietwu luwl v- j 0rte n h i hbd sod rjr nw4lil oo s w 1 mni h- urr covb- mtsod isaajii mesa pork- on ona4w 1 co hr 1 sail lasss fdf iuiwed waoac loop i- ilotbtcc ia briiiab itlbft oaj plfplfantwjsls5 lftv ccsr kietl jnoarf fw s4av agy notice r the snloc liber rspccifuly isutuaaaoaadl lhoinhrihtniaftf riin city qf too and mithml oistrtch thai wflkl commeneed business ai produce broker htsoiica ia neyt door io ih north antcrirnu hank and nri ivmii 0o amil4ipivtvhr4 farmirs may trave samples ofljictrgrainj uy this mrana buyers will hayn u opjhtm unity of eaarnininc saoiptea akosf bocuwllaj ptliruasera uy this arnufjrn mem parmvracan dispose of thtjrfrala and raktr advantage nf the uihoit brjcflj us itoki will ijo kupt at hu oftiea la whih llio latest iutuiitia gr pfoilw froru moiireah lslrsw yjr araj tissjaa rriuin will bo foqnj oaph jjt cijo to all witlmiilduy chargo tic wij a net aaganoral acqouqw ant pnal merchants otid trajeanacoiv 0o ikanj aci as arbitrator io ayijinlfat dispmol accmmls which may praeaai much nf thai lilixatioti con in our oil aioii onurist and attend tu 114a wiadtuj iffaaj tf li 11 lj 1 t0toa- iif will ji tund bt litlvlv itjfil cy i m aiijiju aoilaell land scrip for panica requiring his services and wil alaoad n custom house brhov k lli ho will a so keep a eeaaisjr car larull trk witn have parma or houses rat ct lljrlhih iiiier el whn iiiflrmailihi iliejr waot if trareli if pjrm ir ifuuaa instead if teatfshiira ver the city ir district sj mrasskfi nf pa mi iif mouses fsiidltieai vvll lindit iitthelr sdvantiam imcfcai ia1l and rrfjiitnir thoir property ot h4 dilo wiiliui ilihjr acciimxrjs macnoxeli kiijawi nth jmi ar isis notice cwsry p1id at the sircssrsreaydisrilistti 36i ivhrat wiffilhi hvicr 5- ik tolln m 50 ll bripv prlnab rurkwhrat mltm 0l5 3 3 1 j3l ju4n 12 1818 james morton cikcular povs pi ojdcdyfchtfjtfi y l d pojteroy pounnovs pratowcal i dooc paaotf t- jan x3 f srill furnish or caaa dian solncribcrs any of ibe qawwh mtithly or saiin0nlmy pnbli cations as iba umtej male at iho rhiliilicrs fcaa jl the united plains potfokee and rvcaiv canada bills at yr in paypeut acnt by wait pot nil to the bnes acrnai mtkllin urooa 101 e bvnk moolraaj dracki res t hacuta urockville stcvi rilb wm bae oookseller do jauie aucu itatl liooks to lc bound aent to mr ifaill precotl tvnjiadt oaee willbe bound to order and delivered al the same idaea louis d- p0utbot- vald4ble rokwabshh hslclt pur sale mwr poliscrilicra offer ftr sal b fillswin immturahoing kmcii ixa stpaiiimaia lkynnj svamawiilfaway wilh six tirmclaaib uarqhs buvii iwtti md thkeeaf anocc ai carryinic 1200 and 1300 daereda esxa sbiull the stuck not bo sm ky ilrsy lai pclienaiy rtaxc by privaia aitta ment ii will be ojjjrerl at puvi if orklvh duo notico will lu uivtvr psiraniy iufirrnahoa hiplr iftj walker fco ktncatoir 4 iiiuiabo wallcoei montruol illt jaoasary jhw ft vafoji notice 1 asp wanted t0puh3 h a tioql sokiloytkk fnipij io artry postcct tyill cany at lsast frr to woo uarrcln fl ur i akt sliriiinvrwoulil ho prcforrvl l mihi imn sffsara otnl aumrota v isvrtsi jaiiumv niav 1ss tfla 3b