oil townsenot kausafarilla the most extraordinary medi cine in if ie world tb saintd i put up in qoan bottle it is trijrm chwpcr plciftfttrr 4 warranted pupmar to on awd- it eure dwaace wiijinal votirjraj otgin sickening ur i bilitatin- th pyafl oreat pall af0 wixtbr medicine 3ftoatfcaoty and peffcirit of isa sam- pa ritu atcr nit utltof inediooo i while il tradi cilot drvrv it ifivirtnri the bly it h iti of l tifj twi fill wtntu nwdicifkartrr known il ot onl porirvw llc wlilr ajhcio ood lfdoay ni l fcip but ii erotica pvra stc tietj uonl a fr pjtarvcj bj no other oaadjcin and a ihw lice iho fjraad oecrrlof iljjbrrmccee it prlmiicd wihi h paist pro irxi moto than 35lrltj eurcs vf ojar cmi of dtec at lct jomoot tlrea watc r ni j l r lmihaki tjtorciinnc uhajtntiwn atocvaeeof dnpsie 1 ajjooocaicaef goerl dtuuty and want of rea7 tjoon caavaof tl4 different fcioilo complaint 20h0 rmj joji hjn ltttttififtphiitt j ww mm of leca of kidneye a 1 8jjaaai of jaomptpa tt ltifrp iyjtfuvsjll wvuni punvleaoi the face ar i together wh mwfiwi cw nfskkuitfkihf pw in the aide and chart tbr an i raort appear incredible biji jrd hat itflkf fnaai puvaeianr jnil our ajronufmmail uhnef the ciiiico state in fejin us of esiearrdiaoiy tm ft vmi bw kifkp enaf of ijio b wvfoumi dnffiilk to kcwirk n j tannm u ihni he can refvr to jsvlaisjcaoniuthal pliecal thwt acootmod of camithccittif sw yirl wukfffvxfritf wfer h icaior nii lo mn of rorrimpmkrutq ii uoouvcdlj mroj 54m chiurrn ihc past season ai it raifrjvr iio ck of jucmc ml prepatcd fcw fit luo sutnn toaion il imm kic w4i hwn to i iiji bpj the ir4 ihn mal doticaw cdiui w rheumatism jbail sirpivtl rwd irilb uic iiwil pcfcl in rsroiii ctirtplomlt mvcw tft mnibinf rr il iim per jo infjfro odefful otvr rcimdit bctavrod of kc scraft ly tkr vot f your ttcvucnt ipojitb m- lllicj tty tf i nvr like out four ui il iok ilim dttatr fvr uliich i feci ulixlf ondtr mrpaauif your r c fit ii f kaac w citain ioc wooicfm xfiryoih mrcl 1 1j47 orinions of rilysicians dt tufrnoend liwt jjily rcitnr order front ltkmi m diltcfcot port of ihe ulimti- ttitkit to certify umi r uw ttrnt riiytcmhtif hn cvvail almrlhvr in ox- oo uc ptcrjlkd or vnfd riu and trkrre l i be one of ii rootl taruue pjrttgi in tltc mrorkl ilp ruuncm d x wlonmd r it hhits md im llmindormd albany apoil lk ixitcd states officer caplts w mcuinoneof iwluvlrdsmie morm4po d hrfmtf clf iho xntr jtny lyt44ltjlt 111 kindl rfl in lite m ccrti- fif jie il lelu ji wha rtwy rmnrat ij- a ynr frloc i w uketi wilh the inrtikiu ood my rt yicm lofi in i dmttld pitta i wiitidicftrio try ur tutntcnd srimhll and afift liking ivo oe ihrw b i tejr i r i r h r j altrivvte it mhirdf lo the al 4fapaiiia i hac chhiiukj laknc it lld and ilt improve eiery jy i ttcfccto lhal il ojved nty lilt ood woo i j rjol be witlmut il nnde any cnmcrutio g v molkak it fdjfitca it ffji ti- rn relief tliii entire m mdiove it arrit tho yateo r vhea llti jlahnuumctore drmdfony awotlen cthenr mr s ttty hie idrt and loovt rotpectibk lawyer in fliilfrrdro the tlkrwir- ii ai mi- of a letter received froro hini dr twmd- i areord oo bollle f tour srtnifi ql 1 fjriltrnl in it ertceta t cferonic liyntie non to whtcs i iu bbuflli civr iminry tkcitijaco aereral yer ro in p-ivi- iu pleaic d iwo wljra to tha etr of lr sfjniouf- i llofc envcj withioof oor prmcipil tjbjtciona nij drond iljjc v irr- ji r i sihii tarry consomrnos curci ra 9itkittr coosiaif r lcr co- tfia cu coarra utfit rftflm mfjrv vwi 6rew to he cai ferlr ftaaa vi st dvu or pro pfft 4i mr avov je aceoefrt radeoiroeevo dr tovftacnd llrt xrmlj ivttlf fwi a ti i look o viojnal now wutchj mikd wv iu0f ma j asvctad ma utcocly udcod gry booaaaooa4t4lt faackior coofn lti o4 aerer ni to iieerent mo ttn attenriio lo ky boaiocfll wrlhio tho ht few ycsro it irtcreaoad on tm aidtfilty at wri 1 beeamc redcj lkrmltaed mi 4fbuu nd raiord rau mf oqb rilub bad niittor and fo lle lt nmr tiicjqljii prfr jui 0 u i ii 7 yvor sxmnill had raofar 4 weal iit5red me friend and mfmhtwmnmd thai i ror j die will ibe cun- urtpciorj och 1 rivfotkrlmfyneai lo uifnn yu tha1 my arnria nflar itbn ihroo boule rf yvirwaapari1u i find tn lehu rcattj il 1 am now enjrtyii 5c hit teltavcd mc tatiully anj louolt bucr health iima i h yaara i hid toval cnlwly at my ppetiu- iararatro jmivrmctl ypg ro al urtf l pubjlth ilu rfiliiiav oic in tlrooaocra if you hylihkffirk 1 iniffo ynra om lid a vcphrfidaolj itiaarbnkof i jm winter u be eoc tcty tnoeu alartnd n lior eeuri wh4o u in i- ljl ni- ii i i are hr aimouf il and il arafmry fclet ler j reh i mtf anj ma oa well ana ao nr ld i eeer at he waa aloo futt t tittto iiy it i iheui a aqj ixi im it nvith and fair nnw l i m otto li ftcd tenfd c healtli ivitifr jjufvitrlllr rwcdicnio tf iv cosaxt 44 1 8wvvry glkls uliao this yo wn h piv ennetin djll eve uotcseoan lira face ftmh ii al c trtwf pfifojr n wivrft ivf llr taacdv ia panlla- if in rlnp er w re w ilie feeeker nd kktitlp and y niijlii rimrktin ya fie jaii ml batftifil mii knati il ft oltli rc of 4acwjc ae i tuowriedli1 great fkualc ukdicixk mi j i- fcl iulu i a kcrrr 1 apeedr cc fr iouriiil i tmiii ktrrit mi lirrc iveiili liriklrd 4ir ilrhrali me tiro ivjt i rntiijft- f l4iv ar jimiihih tarr dunrj llff il bir it eirfl pra invptt of ifcrnrii mihitiir wvlrtitc je- urvdoid by jf if nui milfipal offiee im foltrmal sua hwkline ni y iqrsiotfear meet albanyard alloie ltiiteiial 1rneibu und meebantu ccwcolly t- if- uoiied smiei weal indtea and tltljatlda wfeaoemc rtil afom ci canada k7 i c iv rilakiks rrenttnr civ iyhankskisnawevco haml bn o john winer ioodon c john sattermmneal r w kex- foru nd lr r b fiaolt qacbee j mussox aml j nowuca agent lor rur 6oiavithbo a- peck- rheumaflsei mokb than sow cases of riifu- tatitcm haa been cured l the oc f dr rowncnj sri4taril1a witftiil lire fcaal 3 yaara psixtlpal officr ix fulton st tin 1r ili b od with the nvt1 perfect occia in rheumatic tnnp i irtvfytt araere nrehmnlc- tcato4ufhtnqnreil hn iehuetcd arc indeed ivmtdcriul ghcr remediea nuinciimea fieu if npftary relief ihta entirely cfad ia tea il froro lha ayetn eveo vrhcei ihclimba and bone arodrcjdtully mokcn new york dec u is4c to doctoi tonvaeto filk i ihink it ny duly t tctgrn too my own metre lannka fr ihe lenr6i i liaev experienced llic i it kltract if saravtril i tr albcted fir many inoolh tiu rlicumttic ain and alan ittflrumotinn of ihe lieer rhc uitcinja trhicfc 1 endured front llcto diacaoca rcntlecd uiv lifo aborovnt me- i tiiod ctary remedy thai wa nreoeiiud lor me froni three of tiro bet phyuciooa in uic city hut wiibinit receiin2 any mfmalmwt benefit i cniijcrcd inyt- im ir i but try cite advico of a ine ni wi induced lo try tnur compound t lj but fuint lruka of aucce but i fin hipny ii y i i hlf a botllc bctrc i vinerknccd refkf lba in im fcuppy l ay i hid nol liiken more ihan duccd me lo ptrocvorr in iu uc and 19 bottka be citccic4 an emirc core it i now nina iinilia aince 1 oted yir itemed and i om ricful lnpy to ay i net ce enjoyed better bcahh i ahsll ukc rct plaore io reortmmentini a in the ltlxicd fpe yy it u4 i fiml bvliere my life i ivhii lire rreafevt ropeei 1low me to mbieribc mfrctfyour ttefl frieml william b- moruan 41 canal atrcci comer of broadway ua tmxjo i wa attacked iriih di ireaain- pain m my hip y lad thit t coou nut wlk wrftoot my i ruich and much ol the ime i wa obtted m koeo dbj bed- i iried eve- rut remedici bot uiej did not reticee me i then cricd on one of nur f phyatcana did not hep me i licard of ymir saraapnrilh andob- t uned bride and in a frn data it eotirely cored 1u11 i- walnkit auny jaa 2 lftls- 32 uaniclj at rjnjlfitfhoevatrl i oa accidmi- nthi5 1c irr irrfn tsin ij in vinratirt em ei 1 1 fall fri r n- ll rckic anj unj i- frj itljoe ji tf ice kedmo raill ajiid fjl f nre oiirr ic a f1unce- it inuiw4rtmy euke4et i nfrvr i uin of the fertuk ftm ukel la the pri jt ciiut hi runner ft trait ni t- ivm f n iiauiaramf n rfltfitrilt tir ii vait ceitifier fhc intfiwajaat lit we m it tin- nlrtrj ilitl i j rri nf cta htve inva retried li nvoffeal cea wicc fio nive lirrai tirlii sijdrnnv nfter naint fcv ulf iia incjn la mfjielbci hive ireen maaj with ireallliy tjrl my wiftlinin rcty l1n tread by eahnca nnd i l ti- ir ofiiriujf coitiniiljr ty tn arj a r laftiiiai nf lnarin drwn fltiitt f the hmuxi il wnh nu diicouje ortl hvmj kvwn c vjirre ihot medicine hrtcirtrd n iifra iifij alhlmttc ttroaotoioendea fv itjiy uvifwil i ohuiocd a iifv f vil raei of r- rilfa and ua the ltrt m ytt vc ipv in a alat r rofivrd her cjnitaint ji aatrred oer heitik luias crirfjl b4nr altalaja4vvi4 1 i- itore in lljaja artdtgw- vejjinr rtmnj r neil- t ihr ivlthr m u- uimub tnr f jud 4 1 aufeoy an ii j toi anu mai2in nrfrs fli kiti f r i r i- p teocllllv ptccuod io u free oca to n f i x fdutc arbrt fa retn toaupf vati rrk- inj that cffleat ncrvd the lorn g lfi td loiakek fail it a rtliin prteainlivf 3kss aeonr 1 jool at ikyi iron ffnr liit icm 1 hrv- yw dakytduvnr uynu ihu lortk frv i w p immiiia arwj t u rn1tuul r ji tlolvanattua ud ol n mvflm opjme ia invlaauc w a fee ayrteiii vi- jy i fy rowing llw mpif ik tp ob aaoj wti atrtfigui tcinm rwo4l rtlrtw j u r ktflfvlu cfiro laoloftlml ao4oiarei piajmlfcj ihu dm aaeaatona4oo i mftwomj tmoorinwaor tiukk clfllmjcm jv jwoo- lr a t f ipptj tfloto w y aotoaj hto liver complaint tko uviwinff ia from a rrapetftk merckanl and m pntftirc evidence thai drtownicnd sf npiri u ii iii m ii rffvetivc remedy eeer itnnnro lor oradkaliofi a r thwmj- in m brntber nf m r x h j iv thiaint exchance u ker 37 yii1 lo if ceaaary will vouch for the foci conuned io lire etrtificate thcro ia n miilike ihojnij and i 0 rape if dircdaonre contrnoally cored and by themi bi incdrcittc kcw yonnietil fj js47 oa towrid dear sit i am r i an act nf jic lo publicly boknowledr the jteal oennilu i hfc reecited from tire ue of yoatr saranorhu lreiof- in town boot two jcan ulneo in a aery ca aod dcbifiialed ftte my jitnte w enronic r il nm m the hrrf nd ilomih and aa mny tlvnrhicnnuinptn i war arrrducej lhl t had eery irtllo hopof re erey ifn reading cvomdcrutc nf the rffeei of ynnr mtdieine i rcvitrid to try i thmili i rntetljirwd a ncjodice apainvt udetf lini rl rinkdier 1 hd liken lite medicine bait tor iti and liaii lo recover tdoaue and rnniiniktl lit kfiier nd nm norr wctl in deed i nm tt muhi invprnecd lhl mv fiicn coicvlv liniwd mo tflkn 1 retorriid in the city- yo re t liberty in jtnbliidi ibw if jn ibink it will vlcnd the ue of jutir eieclknt lotncdy t- tuwlnfx l ln fmivaavfj lor ileipsrcixii i e nnncid cetriealc ih simple and imiiiiul tri j atiflrin nrid relief three a rc lh vftirijanif wnmur i thi citv and ttnk- ln- nud ff lhicre trm iridof isrrii hi their tltii die t- nh of win- i ijlird oe to ec kw dnllmn he tfw- 1 iixe pviiie in hatinaj forili t mliiuf itrnc hni it nut iinc ii ih ft mv a mliiir iei and i mnihti td wn llheicd tnli jnrieralovlnlivy admuf mre she fityrfl 0 a pal roovrj ly unf family ht4rjiiij hn rntuntu i waa irrm undrd by a frinj ti uy tnr sjropf ihn arlm- m ttdiw ulie jic rrevred iter reeh and hjei4btedtn afk aln m the ahhnimkr 4 rine vrpiiated willi trw eirtintl ine she i nw hmic wrud m mtieh belter health xiiiovik luabevd fvrh 4mmliaml jlkhrpfl tayiyir 1 yvrkat llruntlyn fits fitkt pm dr timntcnd nil hjvin trcl h sirip rilli m criptmi ftnf cnjrnetf reciieiiireni d il ivl waa ibni il i fie ive c fnlnwm rno to cut jod fraaarkklc firmer in u-rieit- iot trinv ajrajii 3 lcj7 hit irjr si i inve n linte ill vym rrf e nli h hen ycnl yr irr tif fitftjiih fiii w tiird hlmmi rrerr uitij fi her imt wwkiil mree t i ih nhlnijii w enm in iit rrmitirhid iittn 411 ymr eiro ji f aaip like iw w irwmhi jin th jm r0 m hrallti wc aitj uiip iter akn nl vh itiruannjiilli ud arc very lid we did ft il nrrf y tirid hrr kiienvih imt altr im hidiv renritf ij aiaito tr tfrmir te m ni iamn rjjrd oihi ocarir fr eh we twjfolhiil yuwffwpavafaffv john butixil jon tiih rev john stiykr rf jrre tiy a id an i friechlita wff m 10 of 1 e lftl ivrvmniim hin m h fnetmviffeertirwalrvt u t a l6ee fjfi fal- smet oa salianlajh li avk f jptf h- tnwafo leorftv i am cnotrnrd lofiti jo rtilcmeii tj ilut lrnr fit tmed ffn hlkvinf vn jim i iii tender otcneliltn iimmc irh ar ewmrrinj a i hve burn i ova reduced ti many innntti i7 hie liyaaaaiianaothk thai it m for ma avoijlll r krt brtt olmltad vnicr which covered the aniptt of my hetdwhitfb wcfuenwly iabvjmeandanra it e nifmcari n acat i url ooitc a notobor nf ramedioa frbolh lira onfnntnniu lul i rrered irltk f ro serwfituoiil f look your ornpoialton of tfuroono- rtlla which tjii the kindmeaa t orehlenro hftarcatmod m ac uran mv naval brolihoo i am now enyi f e ilmn i fter fat nut i iaf yoofa i am niw ijj eearr of f j wchcvc il v te an inttim mrdiein nn rrmrnrd i il my nrnor acjoajiair whwh art rif i kf f hava lan a nvmiarav lor a fl real mav lim i laaa llawraa kech may be rao oorajb fl tr yni t imdf 1 r 1- bran r t 1 jtltm kv if jcr- c 1- flf wrt j r lflnatic asylum jarwea cummin i eorj one of ike arrnrtanu 10 the lunatic aylum 0uekclr ittand ia tlio ccmkman rpvkcn vf in the mkmj letter riieumatism- thi it ooly one more than roar inoyoand raoeeof rheocoaiiaro that dr townocnda saraapar jl ji corrd tjte motacveve chrvmc caaoarc week ly eradicated by itt extraordinary tirluca fli at ij llir id 1- mj 47ir- t have aultcrad terribly for ome yeofo with the rhcumaiiam con- idrrb4e of the time j could not eat deep or work i had mat ditlreoiinf ftnin and mv limba wtrc ternbty eirvlltn j have on d fair hoitlea nf your sjraapojaka and llnry dune mr mnre tbanoajc tlmirund dvdlara trorthf l f am ao march better indeed i am entieelr re irevcd y are i liberty fnuac frihc bene lit of the nlictcd yvur nrreelfully james cumminus two chil0rex saved- very few faanliea inderd in fact we have not heard if 00 luai uaed dr townacftda kr- purilu in timcj to any children ike oat rummer wlinv lhucs lhal dd not akocd and dd the certificate e pobiah betow iromclunve rviovnee of iii valocand i only another intanec of it av inf the rajf children da iomtwi9hfe i hadlirsehrldrrn cured bv your ti 1 n of y s 1 coin otaini ami dyentry nor w int k irwilhi nd the ullrcr 3 year ivy were very rnaeli e doecd and wc epcicd iney rfould di they veea giver up by two rropceirbjo ptiyaician when the docloj irjfitfbifd iii c moat loor uicm we relived to icy yur sarvpanlla we had hoard on nueh of but had hot mtlc eindcnee there beiac v muci aloaf infv iiit ih worthwa nit we rc very tlrinkfol lliai vodid iv il onoubiedly avcd the liw of both i iw ir thia rjat otliera ouy he n n nt i- ue lu your rapeetfhhr john vllsonjr- m rri mie bfjn sejit i5 1647 mrsthodist cieryyman tlic fimimm- waa ncnt to our aent ia rah way by ibeftce o tuniann otlfce meihodut e gbowli mm of ihr mot learned ami re per ted in the meutediat cnaneciii mt ia a nvtlwr evi dence of tho wnoderfol n 7orcajanjr j j 00 it 1 1 1 faroo fitav ji fr anme lime past tyooatewarcexrorienced great croeralde bjlily 0 inf ayatcm attended with conalant ond aljrmmc irrrulioc of the throat nnd lunjt war- at yor loatance and 10 cwnecuonee of baaing read iaptnin mr lcrtna dcied tcalimony in ita behold induced in try ur tuwniend far famed sarvaftitla 1 tried if i rnle nvre in the aooethati in tfic rnfr nf ita rrotin efh racioo irut i am bound in enauf now lone knowledge lat 1 had nol tried it boore i began to cpicnee ita atliiiary clteeu and i may now with captain mclean that f woatd not oc wiilxiut il fur any eouidrrtin it ha doncme more fmdthan anf poiou reme- dy i have tried and if ibte rtatf ment ia deemed by yuo of any impnrtanee you hitvc my full con acot louijcit iiuuic jotunlson flrliway auiifild 14 piiiiciploaenlfi kolloat sun luildin n y 103 soolvpcari sirecl alan and all the principal trogieli atid merchnu generally tlruuehoul tlic united states wost indtea and the canada whi4eralc and reiail hmtp fnr caoada kinj- inn c w chartra itteuttneailo c w ly- man knrclw f llamihm c w john wince lmdnn c w j din a icr mnntrml it w rnfad and r p e pjcadl qoeboe j muaon artd j rowloai acni for bohlon vtiicu a- feck just altkived am fob sub bt tob cbscbf at his ware rooi market btmldint 4pjax0 f0rtk 5j lo cj 0v wariaatdt mahogany jnj gilt frame mmui iotle aize toilet and oihi cbnea i rsiithit mantle cloeka dn time iiec do 0 i- clock mariner time pjccef tltirlyhonr trns cloeke 3 to 7 a vc sjdendd aorunentof oil ijintint in cilt ffaincxt frearlinml tinman acenrdrona and f toy uureaiu 0ol sumfaaud uoe a few copies family hiuc prcetjj tv jikidiuenh itvea of the pow rcrormatimi in iermany nj snilrrjenj hannah mnrr wnrke i shakieare work bofnt ivorfa j walker dictionary klnlm itible dr barkers for bilious cghflaiktspains in the head giddiness siclttcst jaundice ob- slmcliftns confinement of the tfoujels ic v tbcrteal demand for little pill is a sutttoent guarantee fat llicir uftcfulnrm in ihe atvc complaints numerout testimonials could be fiiven iffrfmvaik from peivrtc of lur ulcf wrijrtmfic mth tf ao rrjmrfy sqttt be tfttftqut them m c4ijf 0 vi stfzntn of hwoaiocmluotacoara to which tire human miner ia liable thero 14 acarccly ooctkia lymotemt of wit ten are not acriuwalyaravatcd by a conriccd haic lh rnwcu and to itiir aooa many owethciorijin and cnnlinoanee tntfpm serving the atrncntjiy canal free from ubaiiocinm ia a point of och primary imprrtincc thai every octree of rc ia mknvcd by moe or kei iff in- evvivcnicncc o wfliiio when habiioal oa rfreaaprovaiu fjtcehurfol rrjnr of heihhiaaoon impared aomei lintca by aiw decree and at nbor time more rapidly dico tea make tlreir inmadron iho conal itutrui and in numherlca iiigtaiioost particularly wlerc tho habtti arc acdeitiary or where frco tivioc if indulged perioancnt ill health u ihe pmnw reooll it mutt be obiuuf rmt i moat aupcificial obcver thai when ir mh of noturc nnw atludrd to arc not pcrfornwd with due tz aariatnnce moat be obtained frotn art apcricul mcscirwa ihen teeoowindifoa- idy nccewsirr and nmn be fud eecuiirae to until the recently kr aocb aid ceaca rot il ia a norrtin nf canaidccthie imnnrtanre whit tt nlit be employcj fhe h of afierient lrdionra u nonreruut but their effred on the ayilem ary conderablr i mot cierl ihcir inrlncnee clnrfly n the eahalvnt nac1a of nn mvh f tire bowel nnly wliittl the aciin of nthera eiicnda more ir lean tu tlie while of ihe ia- tealinnl canal tlic lller cltaa of aperieiiia ia evidently the beat adapted to olitmte ibc hbtnal nnfinenr nt f the darcti ir awty that ad jitinnat ectrroent which nature then recturrcj lo alaiat iter in tho pctformnec of her cccoatomod fun minii it iinrerinhron that uller prinenu tha ike pill now ntivrvd 10 tha jiwwic ore irmed nd itier activity c be iicroacd o tetacntdi mcdy by takin m j irfrr nr am niter oonnlity thei rml ony fumnlran aperient medicine pnpcr for renc- ril urn in a family nil arc alow well csteulutcd 10 iwwci maai f the mipoea fur which posattva rornediea ace iwraary the pitu are n k hnwevrr reeommeadrd ia a specifics the rare rf all jiacaww aoel pre4krnortjtertrntarcunrac iban ridicirkta and are nnlv ft nh for dceptiei rut ikev will prore a viiloibte keriwdv cue thai cnn alnlc of iho ihiwela winch lay the fondaipoo if much aiiltcrinf fat llmrc nceaiinoal untrue i ma in which all arc liable and tor all tbnac dao dcre which arafiirmaxetorluadcd atatc of ihn ato machanlalmrvlaryeanal tonacqikblly dccded bciwlrl will be drivcd fram ihrir ua in tiddmea and pninain ihe head arenmponied with xaoaew orckncaa in all nrttdachea wrhtrccuatierncaa prevaita m rlucneicr itikuoa atluka the cm- meneemrnt of chohc lite enrly atoeee f jjub dice aol in prolin lite ermlvm f uurnw- tlieyrroiie nrmhnenrenlor ehnein tin diet modi ii will aaait their eorratinn nnd njtvrwnce baa pmred lhal aa an afwicnt they are aife mtrl cawuctaabva my be lkn hy adulta and ebderen and in neery tae nf prccnacy t chihlreti nf five ycaranf ar an opnarovi ihev my he readily rjiven inmitnni jir orinje or jchy and lima diaoiard ihcy orcutianii rnnre ry nf cilubitmo than liwdora or otlrcr diurccblc medrciacav prertcj and sll only at lite atlicneom book siorr tiintoii sold in lloxoat la 3d and to cu cactw tt tire ehef hjiri f the pmietor in ad viniiinj iho pill ia lu mako ihcm fenrally ivfulmacir whrr lrtwnaartra u- with llia n-j- nd in avmd any eharao of ifflpcriritm keeip rifakhninj their eoeapinrni pnrtt ifartrd n wh iw whereby mescal men may nae ifccaw t iuy ace fit and pcrm a distance can get tbim rrcporud at any anvtht- cy a sum r n0ticr 11he suleiir hereby ircg in cltec ilioir ictticatd lu iutr fnomu j tlic pulitic yncramy in capacity of cvm- missi0n mbitchants ofdjev- brai agents and from their lik exjicficncc in thia markot mat tltcy wili ite enabled t give every aiifoction it diapoaing uf cli jfly aa may he cor fijed to thoir cofc fur stlu or cunaign mont fhs clkm0w it ci- byuvrn 0li 21 1847 883m soap anj candles tltkmlmlsfmttltkkhaacrtaauyeaahartda avpoly of and candlae aoarwr lo any yet manuue lured 11 kmjfamn nihikat hbsidny ananrax juaoav ra t krtfrfaa f af fantfe veey i october ln47 hvrpof dvidpce whojeaalr and ktuil nor 11817 ivm mcmilt4n book bindery at the athskeum book tt0re bagot street thr subscribers rcspcrrfttlly inforni iho inhabitants of kmqoutt anj vicinity bat liavin-aencagejcom- petent avorkmenihny on now firrparcil tfa oxccute all biniln ofvrli in tho bonk pioding lino with fmruncfla anil ilcspaitri alldoscnpltonsorblank booltsrnptitc to onlr edward john barker son sept 10 1847 ship chandlery nol hardys builolwgs william donaldson tarring murrliascd all my stock in urjutc andimereai i the ahnvc etabluhnenl i beg to recommend him lo my frtrnja the matter and owners of vesiolr m t iluanlvs rmg subscriber having onefod into the olmve liuiiitcsi worilllcall theuttentirmof his friuojaantl theirhb- lic to his ejiablishmenl where mill be cotitfanily sscpl on hand evcretlnig in ihe shin chandlery line wm donaldson kingstor 1st 1s7 0- desirable residence near klupton to be let or to be let or sold will im mediate poseinn that vcrjuoin- modiotid family rrjsiijonre on tho tfp of barrtcficld hill formerly otctipud by col frarer and recent by mr 3 kt r- n a arc garden ia alloehid to the house which is roomy ami in good repair and the stabler and wutij- aro spacious and convenient for particulars apply to mr niiholaa cros in the vilhrgc who will ahrlf nc prremivca or to 0 samun knii oct m 187 bu1tbr lc l ljchi j llutjer fat h y oct- t 1517- 20 soap rosin xa turu brijhi sp koii t tlmj il t thus uekdkyfec heuiunos just rkckived thwfira catch tii0s- hnuryvmcu oct 71847 oat misal jff bccibcia- oil 7 17 th0s ilexditv co lands for sale the subscriber have the mlejwin lrd in lite midland district r sale sooth j lot no 1 in the 3j con piubaigh 60 acre no 10 jrjllitlji con richmotnk 2m acre- south lot no 33 iu the 7th coir aimjcn 100 acre wel 5 11 no 15 ia tlielui cokhanc- bee 1u0 lcrcs- lot no 9 5th cvt olrfen 200 acres l01n0 18 clhcon lxia cuhmixc macdonfll kinlon jam 39th 1847 britannia life assurance company ho t prtncfs street bank wdo 4pourt by aft qfpmhammtt capital 1000000 sttrzlg cheapest raters of any office doing business in cava- commission business the subscriber haviojeommtneod buaincaaacommiioo morchont in ihe simo duildmga at 11ns foot of pnitofrti street ir ilii city now pro- pared io receive tfonaigomonta and iranaac hnainoaa jrenerolly in tho commission li n e iiih cxtriivo siorm and cellaraare suitable lor the storoffo of any tie ncriplionof goihllj d art considered quite safe from external riak of fire from hi ion- experience in ihetradc of tiita ciiy the subscriber flatfcmhiin aolfthat tvitli aaaidtioua attention to tho iiitorems rf ihoso who may employ him ho will be able l gtvoaaiiafitcitot cjmklts hales kingston oct 13 1347 stoves stoves stoves thc sukacrilfor roapeetumy aolieita o public attention to his wintor stock of shivoit comprising every variety ioctuding fancy stove parlor stoves fiox sioveo single ood duuble cnokin siovo of various pattcrna and aires hot air stoves dumb stove and tin stoves of the imt canodian and united states manufac- theao stoves fnr ihe convenience of injpccinn nre placed in ihe warehouse immediataij jjoining th subcribera hardware eitabliahrocnni an inspec tion of which ia aolcited before pur cbaaing olsovrltcro j powell princess steeet ocr 1817 83 3m valuable real estate- for sale 1viat largo and valuable farm belonging to jahm rjjsli esquire kootrn aa tuttlea hill farm agreeably situated on the montreal rad only three miles from tlitscity cntainin about 540 acres of which 20aro now under cultivation ihe remainder hiring well wooded there is also pertaining to the farm an ox tensive ma rtth from which an im- meuso quantity of good frdder for horded oattlo may he annually cut rendering ita most desirable farm fur an extensive dairy being composed ff what was origi nally three distiner though contiguous farms viz one of j6 acea one of 2fj0 and one of 23s acres it i nttll so sub divided with excellent fences as to admit ofuach bating occupied separately and will bo i0 sold if desired the erections are four dwelling houses two bams with stables fcc there are now upon thn farm abort 200 tons of hay and 50 acres undo crops of wheat peaso com oau potatoeaand tjroipwhichwitli aspai of hoiea a yoke f oxen and the farming implemeirtf may lie had at a valuation payable in g and i months for further information regarding terma which will bt very liberal and other particulars apply 10 the pro piieiororto oliphast cc watt jafv roal wrbvf kioatatua 1 u auhsi is47 blank deeds for sale at f h atheneum book store deeds of bargain and sato form oflbo sta tute l dccdaofdirgainondso vrilli barof dower montage dcchiartltotit bar of dowor do do with br of dower mfnali with iwcf dower iv wiowal barof dowor aipaw cojtt of queer baci and diotrict oinird dirt court clank for nan marcb id 47 jkcomparable blnck japan ink m cvhtii v h jt tm c a mi ktall i t the a thetfeut book s tore kingston canada west mills mantlnvln sance tjil iim iui1 cxtattt roa riahtgaife stivak oa soup sold tit lb ffacncura book store o h m bunbury cabuf agent for canada aujcusi 21 197- chees e just received and for sale by the subscribers a quantity of platc celebrated imitation cfteshire cheese thomas hendry co mr2lsn bmuat rrfirct fr ktngstm dr thos w roison p undersigned luvinf ircvn ap- itrwl to act aa aent r ibis ciimpanr which has hucn ooingnusncsai io canada and this city since ita year 1x3 rcapcctfully rotjuoal perams re- piiritig life assurance to call at his office prixcess stkeet kinainn where prnjpvcluxo and oil nereaary inforntaiiun will be riven a a variety ofhblft to meet thecir- ctinisiancc and convenienco of appli cants can lo een tho rale nf similar tables in the of fice doing husincss in lloie province arc aa follows firr an artaurnnec rf ci00 rhftta1 life aatairaaca cjacr1ft 2 4 4 xal lvi kimj tt tf i 3 brrtahim aaaurai co v it 0 h these mohrato rater linlonvreihatr smllicioiit mpfctf in provide for hwt ptil it in the power of mnt persains to assure and tvith rcfreitue in the present titr vf tho hcilih of he itihaiiiiahla of the lvu- vinco gcnurol y it ay lie ihnuje mceea saryahould the prevailing sicureaa in- croaao to decline lakin- any ptnk ir appear therefore to lw a iluly to tlioe who have to provide fiir ihorr fnrmiliea 10 lake the timely precaution of eaaiiruirr their lives end thus prnvijaajnnii tho rink of perhaps inaving thoao lpiniluit un in their exertions of mrans lu aiiluur dilti- culticstf not demii iiiinn thomas imicorfja ax t kingaton aug- 21 isl7 67y sauces ano picklieb a lthsk 4ttiarrit ol lonarmptctvirs on hand folt sale s00 casks superior nome manufactured pale vinegar al is p gallon 3s ftrj for casks at ihe warehouse of mcaarsoii- phan wall ktngaion and at the kingston brewery ond distillery salxratus of choice roality at si per 100 lbs black walnut lumber 20000 feet of various dimensions that is boards inch and i inch plank i j 2 2j 3 and 4 inch scantlinc of 8nndrv lengths sx 5 4tl an tho abovo lumber will be disposed of at j23 per m james moittox kiiijaten hffwtry a diuiljcry july 17 wo- ami nauraa fsr ct the 1wjji fllicol athtntmn lh shift l otj for the million jyowv the time for alt fjfcrtw who tram to provide ttttmtctk with winter pars rilmr suhacriber rcspocifnlly wishes his fi rends in know that ho is now manufacturing all kinds and ipialitieaof winter fur clothing comprising coat ctpa mitts cloves mtilmlit capes o for gentlemen anj muft- unas tippet caps capes mills and glove for ladies all other kfsos of furs made to orijetl j a med has on hand a large sop ply of llglttle rvtca hear skins frcy fikatid other fancy skins for hljijch rotten made io urdcr at greatly re duced prices tkc army mfphtd to order on the htftcl notice j a mcdowall i jfk sttett kinfhrn i17 tile coloniaf- lite assurance dompatjy bfgtttered and empvittrtd witter art of fat tuxmenl 7 j w jvl chap i 10 capitali00000 steltllvo bstaalisu reran toe resroteor kffaxtixn assurances on the lives of ptrsoni rcridm in or atrtvt to r ofttd to the cofanhtof orcat britain indiu u otht plaits abroud etwsjbmil igwaaafl street fjoornatr 4 a itlihury in 3s si vincent place mvaractl 15 groat iti mt street governor tub rtitox the baulof elgin and kincardine cvtrotcrwr caned the capita l of lite company 500- 000 all ihe dirtccvrv ire sfisrewdcia of the cotnpsny the rates have ln brrnrrj on the most cwwl obsrr- vatiens which rvut aa to the value of life the profits of th cawipanv will be acert snd iivided ai certain intervals whentach policy having a right lo participate in ihe pmfiu trills share in the fund lo be suocatctl fo dirinon aaton the assured advantages amon other advantages ecu out by this company to which the attention m the luihlic cspcctalty reriueted ho folloxeing may be uiriicutiri7cd i- the security of a tnrqe puoroaeed capitol il the moderate rate of jvrifa a vrhicji may be paid yearly or halfyearly at the option of the parly assoritig iil the iaertosed faciutie t the ewurtf as regards residence end varriiiri the limits being generally verr etenaiv and ia particular ac oasured being at tiberty to pes by steam vesutj or taumc patktts mtriit ony sotth jiauricafi prt and any european pott time of the yor without extra charge theautirtd need thus be uodfr no appre- hemronsonosingthe beneftls of tneir policies by the oraistion perhaps inajrcrtent on their part to give the notice required by other companies of iheir intention 10 cross ihe atlantic iv the ptompt dispatch in tk ditwjcd of business the board of directors st montreal being invested with fall towers to examine inio and accejrt ot nroposab poltinj the company on the risk at once svrlbuut co- mmucalifig with lie jiarent board vthe exemption frotn stamp outu gt- trance fee j or any other expense in jfecting a m a antes vl the fact of ihe cumjuny beiag whvllyei life assurance office unconnected with either fire or marine insurance copies of ihe comranys frosjrectus tables of kair for assurance with mo- rtrs without pro its- on single lives- joint lives and snrvivorshiis for ihe whole term of life or foe a limited period together with every other infirrnalion ay be oh- uined on applicatioa at the otfices of the company by oidcr of the directors a davidson parker manager fur canada branch in canada head offtcey montreal no 10 grc-h3t- jamcv street dtrkctoal ho peter mulf fvi chktstr dunk1n atcotcat nvrrr geo- campbell eso m d aoliciron john hose esa hamftm atkxr davidson parr bet eai branch office witjl buatda of maniremont havealrvi ocn eattbkaliod at tho fultuwin paci in unt i- north ahtorie new drllnsvvfckhrwdotvc sljna afoot datsmsm romitakvr e ovascoriaheadoffieenaliraa arrau jaaca srawaat eao c j srawaat ejq for wer inpleai jamaica tdnulad barhadffca jjn ijiri fou australiain sjdncv and adelaide for cape colonv locapctown for east ix dibs and crylom in calcutta madroa uutnbay and cofviajw jurcls a1 tiii ii rnt j t all l i ii n j tj rjf rr printing ink vws j0b and book- near the lobe and trvj m j n y troy february 1 1847 3m it thaaborclofc for aile at th a athcncuoi bmk store kiaeaionfob2 itut for sake htfftft cfcfliu fket sawed luvuuu lumber to bo dolivererj in june next apply to william j martin arftf fouore kinnatnn1tth may is the undersigned forbid all persona crediting any one on their account tvttlrotit written tsplics signeil by oneul thefirtn mrjancs j i ulack h iv s jones kinstnn april 20th 1h7 33 tf por biihzt port and sherry win bgitf hrandv ac in hocslteads quarter casks and octaves teas sugars fruit c o very low fur cosh charles hales oct 2c 181 to tub reading public of canada the alvcrtiacf ia preoared tftlranmit the fiu lowarg valuable anil rnlcroatrnr dtvalua by mail loany prl of upper or lvcr caaaua at lle priccaaltrxed s ct viewaaiit reviewain amcriran ttiatry liierataro and fiction uy w ut simuts 0 io the jle from the frrnch m miclwtri 0 tvibvaw geniua of niroa 0 in ifcitfea atrricolloral chemistry 0 s5 i lbvawlnjy illimrated st0 p vclarn h 0 iunilfvlirf the wttercurc 0 n tm4iriwitloui pain 0 ml sljmcreair lwidon m i co ctr imfrrlin loslcartptiiea 0 73 4joiltobievvrabytiirtvwpa rt the humv philitsirpuy of mania do f i lifeof ovotaybir 0 v itfi iimii hestwa o ds faeia iiwiik feiifle in wlrichovry ia f practical ia lr every blr m 0 i a trraluc wi mikhcnwa whereby iho ajoality anrl rpmatitf nf milh whuh any enw will ive may b r i4v t uiaed ninniriii sravinjfa 0 f0 oreao ti a mhllne 0 in viwavawtnilhrnifaiiroathcaalijry 0 ml caa uapuwlic 0 ao fruhaflslieatrebrmtaariinplvi 0 50 onlera for any f alarve m r- the anh amt tt pirl orhlrrwril in tt cl mertn vrh wlllbo prrtrruiluatlrimlflil jfrfrrr m kiinmin lr fjj urlf now vsni fabs j47 for sale rjhknrrca half of lnxo 13 io tlie j 9ih cufof pirrtland apply to charles stuart kingaioruoly 27 1s17 rowlands unique prlepaaatlons i nfrn fur lupixial patnohtcr or iifh majrsty tllr qtrcn 1 h it f mixer auttrit tiik iimval fasiily anlt noltllltv mp c it rat uui tav aa wkm aa t sevcrtal sovihrigs axis coukts or ktlopr ahooklvcftsamry c i ut c n cstckhtor i rowlands macassar oil s ecubratrrl ibrtwaovul the wrw nrr in aeoial anj iiiurrahine qualrtn fat the m tfmir 1 1 imaajavbtv ard reatare aw afp it from ftliar ilt if tntttinz ce rcliwa ocj tfar t in tiffit etr trees it from scarf onrt jihftvjfent rrrrtlrra it ivjt rriy fatty fj rtrry foe cwlmikx it m eapccially rccoai memki aa ptitg h b44ofa urtunruis hetri or hate anf rendering ihcavasfjf lc fjirccomti ihaneecoaarr prierrta g4 t firnrly dotllca ictraltoa wnll lua cd and double thstsiie 31a perbnttle to moaat rowland and son0e lulton ctirrtlearsj 1 enaiderit alaioal art irnpcnitifc duly lo etott the crlicacy if taf eaevment macasaas ojp f tlie loat fifin ycr 1 hat twrn baldricaartelby a dregful ficr whilat in f ml- i i li t ucd itnvi twj itieana li pro cure a head nf hi aatn hvt t m rfttnt aeeincd friili- tntil fmrciftrfuauy a friend adtiard the oenf yuj tdua ifalf llealhtcr i can cireno better hamrj rd ier mmmt a36l bottle every ptm of a new head f hair bejan t aliow ilhf tlie airrprif hth of mref and fartttly 1 rrjttvcd nit turinf anulhrr aij trlniri od a t a bvitle hebrrc ihe wlile rf which was uacd i htd aitd harr anw no hnlinf a head nf h liras ever a rnan ctfiyad arf i enrneaty re eomaucfml lhal all wh have ma uivd ihii- caeelleat oil will t fail to dn i am jsir your ito1icjirai rervant j walker colonel whutly wf urartatinton on tho wrapper of each j dcm krvyj- totlwliiccsw artik j j5sekbs oreiheo words in frr laaea s m u oil ah otlrfra aro sr- iiuitonsfli rowlands kalyitor thia orlemlal ralmic prrai la of imfiifiae p in thoroughly purifying ibc 3ut fmm all rmelm srv kaatatu hmrrcna- faecjufca fwi and uireoloaitoka ifaline suitanav sraa ie jnrcia and prvdicine r i- r and an admired nyflnens and ovfiery of tho hanrwaaua and kob price js gd anda 6d perurlilc rowlands odonto or pearl dextffrice a wmi totura vwa tiik tataru timpirarled of ihe chiiccai aod rrwat reeaerraf irtturt f ihr ottrnltt tthml ji eradicate tartar froan the ttathi rnorra f mctpieni decay vlrahra ant inwtrr the r4or- infii ir inr r it pare rw jarmrie iailfii ond fflvca rierefff 4irtjare fa i he i r j f price per bar jmp0ntar7xf0nmati0s unpreiciplvd iinlitiastrau fr tlie mbe of tio- inf ii tfilk iranr vend the nvtc spuiitus illmpillsjtsiinnvr tho naniaaor-mata- tfabtll klyiltrandodontt axnr under lh trapfw oftneiirta of rurally nd tha jivrfnnieiit i bailrtkata with r at- moaala ml ufjcf tbev cipy rjn uhru rrnrrr- f iirtr ft an rrilraaniitwrirfavf maoteautd areoaeafrrtlre pfealj m lire o2irtal i v ji rj ni i it thrrcjfo iitflify tucerwwry in o thit ihcwd uowlaxdi imvn ibc vapjkrof eacjiouiele l4 zs ate ac lpartes anfy he merora hoin unottltjrs cvtoro canada in aruall laea trjiublc fr cnomit p oo perchrlnieiacwhec beware offtaujtett itni- mtavjw sold retail hy roapeclflb chomista and pcr- fom era important information caution a- rowland son co liatton gnrdn t wnrioii ji kg tncoutioft n nobility and gentry afpinat l bemj miatcit h ihe allomipta of s m-f- kcpora who i evinprtund or lher own manu facture t tlr tilhw of h mtcasaaa on kllvaam nj uiroxtv umie unovr the imptird oanclitm uf r- and the qrtn- mrmt depot tuwmhvrirjx aiminar nttcioplant i- ecptin while they cipy the lakas uiwr ad vert iarincnta aj teatiauiiiala abiilutirif etitit nofdca nrto addreaaor for lite real of the or if inal frqiar at iie of gtwit ma caaia on ki noa an onowo are rowlands- aad hi wrapper of ec1 beorathe nahief w rowlands pecccijinf dial of the article with their siaiocc at the fart in rd tbuo a rowland a so- rowlands m cassr oil thu eiitulr virtoeaif thia aiicceaafnl invertlinrt fr rrtrrfl- offn h mi srvroiityfa thr n i i t 1 1- arc to well known and apjirecialcd to pid cwmirvnj hie very fad of ita hiviu aiood tje tcrt f ncady hnlf rtctorrf proatwn and bi pitied ilrcepccinl lairiaaeof llr mjcaly uteqircco ii il prince albert uic whrrtu ik rnyral family f oraal llntun pndnfeecry court rf ite ci4liirj trrlj and the high trtrctfi ia which it ia tmivrratfy held tethcf with nijnirriijatetiti4 niy tccciveal nf ita rilieacv altij lu bet n amrrt irafif it lacrit paice j-i- or fauidy tltile erual to 4 arnajljal itfabm and joaja thai abo 9lo cactlntf oft the wiapw perof each kntla of the f rowlands asffftaa article ro lhaao macas5uk oil wird in lira linta rowlands kmydor- an oriental ovusamic pukpaua- tloxof ahamlai elkeicy in hmroujlily purify- in- iu kia ttmm h fomtles spots blotches renyv freckles tan nd dtxcolqrattoxs prodi d alfrav frrst tnl rriraiiriry c plbxiox orun hdiiieejafrraidf rucyoflhc iianos aft ms hiifl xkk it iovaluabla aa a ftenivtin and itcfrcahirif waali in lliv ant reiittm in warm chwalea aad ia caaeit rtf siftliurn stiflga at luaecta nt i hi denial tlltlalutio it vilnca hiw uwlt olid itcuivcly locu arkrawlraeed lis purifyiz and rrrraara itvjvrtvr hlnihed the i achiaiw patronacoflltctjcrkkn ik court and the royal family nl tintf riaio a well aa thopincrpal ixukts of iiopk and ihe nwm diam aiidgkntuv of aheiviliiednanii ir pewarenr of k alypors rnlaihine aiitter alrucnia nilersy roriim la tho comrvxtih mid tthith hr their leffllent action endanger iwwlll kaih hailn af the erririaeltaathrwlp ftolvltnllv kaly imroilhe wraierait a rtlwianlt a ffoni hi llattrj liiinimh ia alart rncmvnt hy detnreiif ike jn r tlegovn nertt stamp arfij un each price l cd and hr gd per li-lth- rowlands odonto or pearl destifuice awhitr rowprr for tiik tkktii c nimiinoat of the eh ct ind nurt tthttt t lnrritt m- ijni wrrajnf arlttia hie twlir fr jpsvefsf ami lslug h trisvm and ryr r ft the reu ia iniln rltietenlaihtfrajrniii arihitfir funrcilara hajrnhi l 1 iiaeteet- tlhljllkkm irwrirk t dtrovaifvmllvofgrthatihutmv anil ihr rtnvrllkhsn ami ktlnimti tiihuhghoirr kukopf- whueih- rrial rtrman alnncv latnrr ihe favttf ii which it ia umveraally lr priee vhl j lt tirio timeetiisllmfirifiarthn ttnrarmneiil inttip naanlha alyltlfn isaaal fa eneti i ltowiviwmacanmuoilklv iktt svilblmrhiirifh ahlo pkitfumfrv istailv ihhhks atr aa ikntfiird uf mear ultsmlx iriothku fanada i 1 aearrf aniiu fr thilra arwl lr fatwav tin purahaatn tlaewhero srrear frarfafral 0htrtfmhlt shimhalail hy t chtudata and pet r r- wl neks arcanum extrnu fphismcdicinehas scrqired sft oxututeil a andrslahillic4cltiijty thiauyhauiltnt coonlry uhich has been sustained hy lh viiiue artdelrcacy aloneas a eotcdy far scrofula nr icmts krll ulckiiapko sorb throat longstanding riikumatic sitccliear dioastfof the skin while swelliap lieaes of the coses all ulcsraua cases anvetmarof the lver dyttepsm c0stive1nkss am chronic aad nkkvious coinalaints nceurnnff iatfem- ittaied and tatliclirconsiiliitiai diseae caused bv an impure mat the ulood the artwilmjm kxtractif a con- plclc aatidou to the svrloua kvilsr reduced hy ihe miodicinus use ol ftlejuuhy as a spring and fall purifier it can not b surparred working its may tmrufh the rytein with aiilent ardeflcciitsfaica cleaning ih loiod removifar dyspeptic ikfluekces 3iroihinihkekvis repoeipg internal ohstiqctions aad disease that uool other w is caosvinjoi i to the liver and lungs persons wbosf coastttiittnns are atakera downhy ihe use of mercury altfen ic orquunr and any one who are auneriaj- fron diseased liver or aainjotuiaa trfatrhrni of an ol the hnretliarssre thoum use the arcanum extract wituwt delay in niiaeroas ttwanccs ale wl riwtera lion had hid hair tnlmiarent and haiue and where lo alltipeiarre to huqai orths bat mulationeenrhavesatcdlite patiaaia havewtitistisiehed lies the iae an ie- tared to health the ilcvoarins disrase hria cornplctrly eradicate b the n i oft bra iaas- tiroabl exlisci the frrtbiirtais of the arcanum ex tract have had this medicine used in all the ahore diseases with the d osleralifiipf rcsnlis ia iimpthe rrediclne netthti brssj- aess nor pleasti need he interloped ra- qaifim only the usual rcjtiaiat ol rnoderatioa indict and is rqnsllj aphlirahle and effica cious to the infant as well as the anlt pamphtrls eivine a desctiotiaa far what the arcanum extract is -pphea- b wilhobseivationsonlnseasihc feiapira- tiort and a treatise on disease ia geaesaf arroinpmi each bollle ayents air rapplrvd atitli the above pamphlet for gutuitoia err cttvalloh price 51 per bottle preparcrand sertav j winer hamilton canada west atav john wmer co 83 maiden lane nt for sale at the athetirum hook stole n palrncrs and c heaths kinpion tod v all the respectable dloecisu throuehonf ca nada f j winers pectonalr syrap of horeboil and eleuampamt ijlor tho speedy and eflectoal cars a cihxhsfcoldsjambmapiiliniiofsload whonpiu couh croop or livei con- aoipiion ptcuiiy hoatscjiess pains and ofroesfof ihe rreasi and lonjs utoachitis a disease thai is weeping tm d tecs m a prc- mlii rave under the dclttionl name of oraj in uiption can he cored by this roccicino the u u a i this disease fitoa chins arc ovih soreness of ike langs r jihmi hnaracnr dillrcttfty of brealbjag atbina hectic fever spitting rap phlrgai at tnaticiaiidsoaieiimehlood inaaolhiag more than sn inltauiation of the aae skin which lima the inside 01 hit whole of the wiad tuhra or ait vessels which too tbtoaeb every patt of the lwp0r the peculiar viiluea of this cowroand have for a lawl tmc allraclcd the altenlioa ol the i i nroloaion and pabliej and a lively iutit h rc i ct been rtticcttdta sfifttm hsriihi rhmihc fffl itit yuhnoimnc qualities which the picptreleisais now a me lo gratify and present this medtcino to the pulltc with foil coofideoee of its becn the most safe aod valnahlr reavedy evetdtt covered aod ataplcd to all diaeasea of tha lung when ny of uv functions dn msrt perform their oaluial or healthy action it is universally believed that god ia h providence has not afflicted hischildren wila vain and diaease without at the samr ttma ivinrthetnsomethiiiiiithesaocoor mlcie that will not only medicate hut in many cases entirely relieve them willi these vfee strongly impressed on otar oinrjs esert oca should feel a xrvat desire to investicatej t the utmost ol hi power ihe c nrenanf ualuie and to draw fiotn that seaiee ikal inatmclion which the wisdom of maa bvs failed to attain in prescrlinc thisaitirleto the tlmictlv proprietors wcrty infunired bythefaepe that a medicine prepare wwh moch caie ana strict regard in kut ercimca piooeitres ol ila several ingredients shoo id taketh place el thousands of irteajnsihle notirami of lha day jwith which the coootry delaeetl ctkc use of one botils cf ibe syiuw wil he snllieiriitto conviace the most cet4i- cal of it heoehcial licet piepared and sold hy j wiiei hamitlo canada ivest and john wiener co est maiden lane ft y tut sale at the albe- neom rook stor n palmers and c heaths rivfrjhm and hy all respectable dmggiras hrorjchnai a cuke roit worms iriers canadian vermifuge ivjarrantedin all cases ihe best re it rjredy ever yel discovered for wars jl not only dcsilft s them hot in vio r m ir- vt xhole vtemand c airier ofl ihe soperaben datit slimc or mucus so prevalent in lle stnmach and howcls esperialv ol these ha had hiarlh h u haimi t tls efcterts r th system and the liralth of the palientis always inpiovihf hy its ce ecea vthen ae norms areihscoverrd the medirine beirg palatsme no child will rofose to tab it nt even the mfit delicate plain enil prac- liealohservatrons upon dresss resulting ta worms accomp each bottle prepared andsiililhv j winn hamiltos caoad vwsi hml johu wmer st co m maiden laneny foisaleat ihr athenenai ltook store n filnrive c- llewll skinfa ion and hy all lha respectable dtntjrim throitcl canada 1266at v i n e it y s celesrateo medicines rpiikfnwia medicine ore kept cnnelanht jl m sitv at tho athracuni ilvol mvra ua ritrcet kijhtin vil u iserh aroanum extract- 1 nlo apeedyand cure r nlldiacaoteariaio- 1nkft un itrtpiim hie of ihr bload winkipsprcrtmialsyuipofhonf iiouxia kiktirnifr the eoic nt lnti i avilmib t onuniptho eve wixilrn caxaihan vkrmlprck- thc hei reiiiiil vvei yet ttihwruj fir woaim wixripsttnrrii ache drops a aar lnii riirc fir the ln ih acho vliipimpihikatkinerviani lltlxk liximhst a errlnio enre fr lu la ajifiiliv jeintie mi fhipe hhilntim winra raviiiv oistjhkkt- ryrsio lavri nf rtaivilhji whit ttltiffgr rhlki ihe ajafwwraacawerrtlnhdie wlnkrthtltllcalpmfointmfkt a pacdy aali do1 rlvcclual iciirfdy flcul rilea tif ether with an ralr naive taiielt f ceiytl lilth nd aineieaiipalrnt mvdioiitea nv c llh copal varnish i aoii slk artlio atwtirtiw vnk 1 shro miieim roiai vah nisii it liw niirl qnnrin lv tin ilnseti ne alritln kiltlo innmiry mora ohanta aniipliml m ntiipamt lmia kiiifatmapiillj iwdi rpni ilitltihll utlltl ammttsrttals i aovicim miit ht rotek canada ta imuijii in the t it nf hlisslriocshfta ws hy puhaanjniia itaaaa u ius iaa piaaa umlai ihe mtk anil iiaivs ut kowaaa jim lliaata a r