the british whig 1kb quvtl amtuff tbr qauuda wall mllshd sbm1wbekiy tmj hiqiidar iod baiartlaj aim at idwaiid john uudek ft son ax tmb athfjum jij jfehfjfmfttfotr fo rtiom hw tamms oat poena ml aaaitm if paid in edvsjisf ho aaaer dieonnliuurd until autjra mpiulwvaltw4ltll0imi tltr pumitlirr sbl insertion and 7dari ajbaeouani tiisafli i til htatet lea li d- fin ihtlivi an ipu tab wbiwni mieevr s ie hate dd f hffflrlhft amunriiin and l prfllflfwldi abequnl instrtiae advertisement ihnt i iftw mrmwfl h isssrted nali forbid d tircd aratuniy b adelitml n prrtcal wftmiotwi all lesitsrs to nh-ptm- hjik lot r it i iv t jc ft ie imttel ttmifl the athenaram book iihtffii f vni trtl t thi wdl known imrfifi a and general advertiser for canada west hfl4 ol fffefieary y 04j ffaeie ta4 dnra irttaliftf rhear a frta stafiaawdbaav i neiriy rifcw tea praiar riholic doolnf prt h nvjwk ainyy pt li 1 i t lj r f i rl f adifttn nf huarfird svn a q opener edit f k rti fcfwr wi bifcutftlxbfnc nrmoiou rwiand w n j 1 1 vrl nf cp h qpiper per rbem dicor vol xvii kingston canada saturday morning march ii 1818 no 21 job as ivwripitni job pvixrnfaia ii i rapwjpjlb rtum and ir i pmtm iumlbril cvblr willi- i ftthofl stn1 ritb dlnkardi fw jk fc pnfifi in c- rjii amgpl at ll j hl 4xfflytiaa btjshess directory messrs hill parke barristers attuilbtsltliv 1kb solicitors ii chiscerf office next hie wltmvl francis m hill tiios pakke j kindlon ffb 16 lft49 lm mr cameron latl dbfutv noiitrd lans general ab8nt conveyancer notary public a h f i c f t n ti canada life assurance coropan ddi lortftsn 8ii htilli it drtn l heductd katf c office nril doorlomr jatkwtstotcj opf r ffom 9 a- h o 4 p h cobife nwc4il dbttkly 23lfajmiftrtli j t- bradley lata of dcius alf lohtlou hatter furrier- muptcess fftrkt juojtoh 19 w krttftyofpnisf mccnmffrs chtqutrtd t1 all descriptions of ladies and genuemen3 ur ctfamd and ailcrttl oaxttctfcpts madeira bupeuior 6tyic j v- clarke wine and spirit dealer lmlbton buildings pubcess trlt iisc tisauutit virgil cos express- william ware at siao sto c w p- de xarmitage generalgrocer princtn sitvi knu 3tro a fetr doors tbove dr diclf- mv produco likeo in exchange george howe painter giucr am glazier bugot si kindlon near mr phippe cojic faciory sign painting wood fld mar me jniiii liont od deroritcd work in general x john s clnte auciioncrr and ciininmion merclnnlcorfter ofonurin tu urocksiew all orddrt uiaitkfully mqltivl and ponctuahy auendcd 40 wiomas 3pemn97 vvmcak ft luuil le4the8 store prin efosmetkinon deilrr in kaiivo and 5nanihsile lotlnor upper k and calfskins morocc and mw blmakrjjinjinga of every descrjp- j nncf- altomcyaat lw c fcc kinptoa 1amcs 0rrifxy g eorgk b hrnderson fr t 0 butler cabinet maker end uhailerer montreal sttrel kjngsion a owrtral astnrtoienl of ihe lalesl aiyles pt furniture conilandy on fcaaj ejw j tilt on liberal lerma q thebritish anerican hotel lale dateyal hy j ptteaso kinp- ion canada weal 57z xamcd0wallfurrierhftltrr brock slteeu kindlon for- maile opt orde on iho hortel nrrtire fura of every decriptien boitglit and sold matthew drummond grocer wine spirit alenhant vellinpn bui1dinpa neal to mr w wllwfti lvncfil c f b kayler coach bnhdcrs td carriigc nlakera princca slrtef kingston robert mccormick wholesale and retail dealer in wines spirits tea 4 rocc i if c- prinr slroeli klfljln ffiessrsmacdonalds campbell uarrisierd auy ai law princes slreei kineslnn john a macdonam alexander campbeu james mcmillan teacher of mufttc piano fortes tuned address wm mcmillan auctioneer thompson carev ncncri fmpnfiiiia andconimim4onmerlianie flroad street new yik- william ware oenwalcom- miijinn agnt broker and aottmrmtt kinglee francis vtseyi m d surgeon accnueheur c iic new- liurgli camden east john blaclriston sailmaker notllarjy4 kiitminta ontario street z walter eales painter glazier and paper hanger ptincesa sreei kinpatun notice the sunfcribcr respceifolly tnfrma the inhabitants nf the city of ic me lon and alijiaiul district that u lias commeoced business as produce broker fliiohtco is next dorr to the dritili noith american uankand will b nnp ivum 0 ielock am to i p m ffhare fnrmersmar leave 3mplos of tlioirarild- uy ws means buyer will have an nppntttiniiy of akidmntag samples and becomin pnrcliaera ky e1iisrrano mcul pormcrscan aupmm of dtatrgrtta and take advantage nf the highest price as bnnks will bo kepi at his office in which hie latest quutinns for prndwre frnm montreal new yoik ant ureal bhiji will bn found each day open to all without any charge he will alo act 9 general account ant rut aldrchants and tradcmeuv ho ik jiii act h arbitrator in njjmting diputod accounts which may ptftwir much f that litigation teen in our divi sinti cuusts and attend to ibo winding up of bankrupt estates hvwillshoattendioland aqex- r i ju- li j iii and sell land sorip for partie reouirtnj llis services and will auo act as custom house bro ker ho will also kep a reejstor fr landlords who have parma or houses to let by tins register persons can always gel wlm information they want if in aearch of a farm or hougei instead of travelling itfcr the oil or district in aorch of fsrmj or houfls lnndcrd will funlit intheif advantage and interost call and registrar their property at hit ob without delay archibald macdokell kinghton l3lh january 1843 tall importations of sugars tes wines spirits groceries robsht allsh brock arnfitrr mmoarow sheriffs sale of lands minmn ptstrict iv virtue of a to win jj writ of fieri facias isiued out of her mijmys court of queens bench and to me di- rocted agatnfli the lards and tenement which were nf john ijeslipi deceaged at the time of his death to alify john frascr ft certain sum in said writ men tioned whirh the aid john frsser had lately recovered against james william enn and william ferguson executor of ths- fast will and testament of john heasltp deceased i bare ae and taken in execution pan of or tweuy- fnur in first concession township of kingston purchased from hilary dupny equirt by tne said john hclip for merly in the occupation of one thorna cornet part of lot twntyfiwr in firs vcyed by ono tlnnns fiowcpio the saof john heaslip part of lot twenty- four in nistconcession kingston conveyej by ono lrjuis lapourte to the slid john heaslip weal half of lot number thirty in the second concession of tbclownsltip of camden eat 100 acres pat of lot numbet firtysis in seventb concession of camden kit 150 acres part of lot nvasber forty three io ninth conceaaion of camdrn east so acres t and part of the mast- half of lot number flirty one in jiiv con cession of csmden easl all which lands and tenements i shall nffcr for sals at the court house in the city of kingston on setuijay the twenty seventh day of may next at twelve oelock noon ta thfe snwtibr rfrrrtfiilly brtcavr1 inform h town hwi aiialry custemew that he is ow rcceiviux his winter sleek 1 iqafanrl mescuff trasgrokrlfswinesspiatrsaia cstehill elected hy ersanat inapcitiesj in the monlrsal and york matketj mil phrrnt ltt comfjcs amsn otlietft lbe icljun ji art c teas iunpovr rfjtn r hymn ttfanktj 3tucwn 0i i ah ft it- 1 sugars mossfk sprrr mfist e indi ifo- copibe cttn roittri al e pi mllloo havana nnd min cocot cicivats hm sttmh plaia o prcpf ttd wines fh r f hift jittl rjmqdjrl rjtsty l p teaefr ftr it corbett snerjfflxvd shwirrs ornci city of ktnrton m fehruary33 i34s d siieriffs sale of lands midland district fyvinueofa to wit i 13 facing issue j tut of her majestys coon of queens bench and to ne directed at iim suit of john mowat and george levach mowat againal the lands and tenements of kichakd logan dueead in the hands of jane ann logan ad ministratis of the aid richard locan i have ei2d and taken in ixecutinn part nf the broken front of l a h 0 in llw frst conceisinn ofthn township of kingston in the midland district afrc- said which ljhnf land i shall offer for sale at the court house in the city of kinolnn on saturday the istli day of march next at is oclock nonn thomas a corbett n midund utmd sberlrtt office alkliri1 oiitnct hl r v- r sheriffs sale on satfr datth6a tenih day of april next st twelve- oclock noon will he sold si the court house in the city of kington tlir i f i ricd lot nf landj wih llir tenements thereon seiaod by vir tueof a writ of fieri fjcus iestind following suit viz william c clarx r charles johnston lot number 1g7 in the city of king ston t a corbett skrriftf a sbrrirt oltice midland drttiict i kingston j4nosry 11 1m8 ei a cbown tin smiths copper smiths and tin plato ivoaertg princess street kinifston james powell ironmonger jin ware m4nufactufer princess street kingston officeto lett a verv comfort awe office for sn attorrey notsrv or land arnl ia be let aj- ate at ths athenrom luok store rtarusf 18th iw i notice wanted to purchase a good schooner dl found in every resped that will tarty at lean from 1500 iosooo uarreu flour arcw scboonerwoijld bo preferred letters mtim u pjtiij and addressed to uux no 38 cnburb january 27ih is48 101m bhanks f evrry dokrlfli n 0ay be hid hv alhrarufn fhek tutc knot ntl ltron tarc mnb- iprfpif old jm s i i it it s itordcom tirlv holing m cmnnva tjifti rnii wmsy ftiiich vyiiufcty fichntrit fiin in i fo fiii letaff hojii pate au in snarls nsiptjaaa bttiir i i- bnu itc r de ij i clfttso t groceries curvee putlf dn of quinir j- 1 r thjnlr 1 1 i krtsh rur finiind supftnr ftwii sd dilinnf ptin cfachrr soi and pcjii parley ii lmi- hi- ivlu a i r k vi i ev ri ri t arrvw krtii drirf fil iiitpe- alusraaplvia i lb nd j ikbrniks das hoi m jrtf r i r lh tr nl rt cajnslaslives sj a wi w i ihj m ond t olivca sfctonndneft litpfpnil fin nd datks t itrfin and j urawn while iid kt indi j cindy fftptrrortngrjd lcinnna tkst jotdansolt nd hard jnivd ana biitcr almnd cufecln btaalh wnlnui r fin n ma1iga tukrr v- ir n mooatrl rsmas rft zirtc tbfnk r rrtl turkey fm utl fiji plum in jra rnkro feirscilmnornnjrcand lenvfn ivd eii indi cinfco bortjio fatrrrsinawi and peeh fncnmslsnrffjr hm i r- iiai pi lics mtifim ketruifff wnlnil t ilarrey tho nt km 0a4e iihsib rj rodinr llcfsv- bpcnrr aichvcs sjtud oitciaeiolircf a i f baa sad currir pttwdtr snobiipsoirchfutir gf cljw wtiilinr r ii s pabavaawtswwaass wipp4n md nfaiiaf i- sit- nrrad nwrt ami auui tmk pip- ti otl fin art s nlf yndow jim trdf fjim tiif reer and winotrfc htir mitif iw nraninr inlipowdrr indian c f p- ajj slrprf i l mm ttuuhct renin tnn liinphor nrii4trkfc h- m ill nitfa the snwrihet assures the pnblie thai the whole of the annv amirlf s are of the rery test qnality ann will be ld for cash ri prompt pay on the lowest noaibl trim koitekt allen kinpton nov 17 wesndliquors plirmtfflliftn fl pttmir i kitlfutty re quelle j lu lle tirr inek ff ikne jvo liquors- recently impoiied dirtct and fur u tif willi m j- martin corner o vfljae so ware jfitigttoa thry f mil hi ruri fsu mij arc ff j- nd free lsm s4ssxataissaf fineltlple prt jj stihxmwa nd i r i l t i ni ly i und v mdeirs finr pik nnd fjij khcrors dg and r pfoad bsnsn sasjriswj mcduon tares foiav sjieuy jvhsn j cbiteu d brthcrririef j clareti crweu msnni choptftnv nf i i mrlcit oard and jltnnrsrra dfandy s r ii oritodr in jvtw ftnff rto rttty nnd houftfm qn j si waikev jmnnies and lnn itiirat canadian whiairste ki9pt9a no0 1s47 john horsky brazier coppersmith iron and tin plate worker- virj worker be sux begs respectfully to inform hi friends and the public in yenerb thai hi has opened an ekttmiahrnetil if the above hue in bagot street oppnulc lie atktruvm ibafc for where he has on hand a uigu assort- niern of oiwmr dlocb tin japanned shoe lnn and pljin tin ware aiso cooking and box stoves bvsja stoves which he wdl aru at exceedingly ion piics ah kinds of baths such as shower clipper hiparotfortt baths c harden engines of differepi patterns ci1imnev tops of yarlous de- aeripitma r tc am iruws in the abovelino thankfully received and punctually attended to p s from l hs inng experience in business in several of the principal uiiu oft during towna in enxlanj h finders himself that by good worhnansliin ami moderate charges he cannot fsi ln vive satisfaction to ihoe who my favor him whh their nlilis kinptsti dec l 184 fire fiie fire 0kegon saloon kl kg str e bt onooiiie mrs rtwarfv hordvwir fiiore i he suhscri bar would most respect fully return his sinrere thanks to the puuic generally for thelibcral support he has received from them since ins romm in business and would hej leave to solicit a continuance tfterenf uhivh he hopes will be merited by strict art to all who may prouincial parliament ftm tht j titrate lecslatlvt asskmntv wtdnesd- msrch 1 1819 f i t i i mr aflwjy aid thi a possei attention on hi favor him with coll james elder kingston february 2 15u3 j e- would bei leave to rerurn mi sincere thanks to the military firemen and puuiei for their viaretom exertions msaving a part nf hia property from the late firu also to those philanthropic indivi dual for ihe lihtral and disinterested manner in which they contrihutcd suffi- rien funjs to cnahle him to commence in l ii l i i j- e fire fre fire st lawrence mutual fire insurance office at ostoiisueighi n 7 this old well established aod pop ular ofriitpanv hiiinir in maure ari04t samuel morley co general importers of bjroush 4jtd mibrscajputi hardware ooio inlilf tlifit pliendi ird lir j w an public thjt they have rccfiscd eilrnsve anu well aborted stock of 11- i anl stielf httrdmart fancf gooar 4e jc cosfshlsiko psxtlv fnlith dsnt swedes lowmoor par iron lltvifarid hand ifon ct sitfinc and mister steef rnda ptatrs shrrt trnntidtin ilckmithw aovih vices and bellows lrk spikes wromchtand cat nails roil loaiijinjiv and trace chains stirel ri4 coper ld and ziae ivindnw tlli painls and oiu hair sratinc and cnrlrd ilsir shincarienurs joiiersand coopers tools denldc and ninjcle fowiiog pieces an rlrgant ansarhnmt of silver plata and lifiilannitt mdol ware pine cutltrij cj hot water diihcs and plates and dish covers cooking box and fancy stoves ynevrs fire irmn fire oos fce ftc vi a tar ijhsitf oioj tfiifititf wsyji kihtim nai 5 1i7 t or i j hy rit i uvit ctktp r4tcaod ptctent in ltc povpte sf cnsdi tba wlowin vk if rtj n sj rokin fur thor r it rsclcoc fttl ritm i tif nj propartv frtii is ifttvfjftrei urh at coiin 1- bek ftiilh 1ij- ftirnacr fjr atcnc b1t powder mim lvey stabler tvildina im rtftd nrewcrcs lherer distilirries c- t sojldina which might burn by them 1j which nd ibe ecamnr nf conduconita aftiir t is ftbtc tn fiiur ivauted and farro properly for f1vs yb irs on a premium note ooneonj tftrre qroren oer cmf on ilc n enrffdt irj mv a farmer w notice the subcrilcr has commenced the gnoccny u where ho now reside next doo to mr harkev crocaexy store kiorj street kincston where iub hop- hy strict attention to busjnessaoj rortil prices to meet a share of publivpauonagc john poster july 20isu ust receivrd akbfflhsalbbtthesdescriber a supply of jules uauciv crlrarated depilatory powder for reaming fcaj without injury to the svin pauvs old biown wintsnr soap wdhsmsv fin almoiidsoa edis indelime ink for roarkioe uaa itt hsir anil toeth brushes v and i general assortment nf reclm per fumery- robt darken umgfui a rtaryj biock street k 1847 h stewart raornietok of head quartern saint denis street opro l doktcim i r f i t montreal i egs leave to inttrrateto tli pub- v lie that with view to comfort tint with a total disrrgarp of expense lie has fitted up his estah- mshmbntiii the roost luxuri- oos stvle lis eitteasive travel and experience in ihe huiuesa has en thled him ti judge of every thine that ran sumtnthu corrfnrt of his friends an j ftotkcniou will he spared to secure ihem every luxury the pioprietor also begs leave to add ihlt ht nsji attached to the above eatabhahment a ladtt saloon for th parties nuve ruber inort p 9roo by whieli he citc hit aata to ttc oinirny oir tm mroif a lf two dkara nno irn ccnu of which ho pss den and rcccisw ytrj fv fiic jsr tjjri miy crnpholjcally paiimers insurance company uf tho polieiet the inurrd tt cntiikd uj lh nll tv 4 r i m f iv if il do r x- ecj ilt fith taloo o drc pi- wa tlcv do tita e s two thirds clause sve khr plkle u mmi rompntra by which ii aaimd ctt bui iwcihifdn of i he situs ofhi i- i i r t i f l inaurancc upon its fall aalsjbj ii l i n the st ijw tcorr uitcr pfvl prrcu c w tanta c4ejit forn nj prt uf lnkea ontario or ri in m uw hoii arpj iv inoic cfnvcnkntt ailuatod ar ttree euuy lhi kht other office in ntaj yk i canada i tic it rrutgrfncnlt wttb ih catiadms r oihce 4t prrauml ouagrs rcu- fjusrv is rtrss ajaji pv ir tfhrrr iht l eeeur and with h iti j i f j liiitua trlimo- ekd 4lr mercury from hrfi irfaaertv irnrcvl nra rworly kr4urfd vy this pjij without deist nfnj u w im ai d t t i ilasms 4 ih am 1 fbfa inv h pud iroha he fore il itceme due f r ii iii assiiadaa tn ianaiu whodciire a eboap and lattccsaja is ihim fir cidkon leeiiy kitte jeljnssown nirlnct c u sot 317 l y nfi ml haarlanms manner h which i r v j 1f mi1 v ihrr conih- rol wliaction fljid evoiidcaeo hrff tl teti newuadv 1 u ijth rf tvbrunry 1 bccacac m mem- i hf t n tmpinr on thf ofiih of march fie dija lt niy bonding and nroperly with 1 in asjiils rnd my profa ihit fir at day of i amil i tf ooir totnooy 10 ilio f- and libcnf rrincr i which ny iors hm been aeuicd 1 od pj r rrp r f accoivi i i ijj ol privats 1s47- 033m notice fjlhk usiilhr sifined having bten u- pointud a cent for ilia it mr s xisie mitiucb i dy r w i now pi r par or lotalte marine risks rf every ovucriiitinn at rnodnrate rate of premium thomas briocs jcsa aft orrrrr rinrtfe cheap grocery storl biue snhaeribct rwcleave toinfirm ss- farmers and others resorting n kiti h mirset and the public generally ihat he has just tccejvoj ivuiie asssoii rnent of good tkas coffees sugars fruits ftc at uts general grocery its sllxccss stftssti aftvxmabm dr dickxmonj atxt dopr u pottyth bhthmstlt shop he would earnestly draw tbe attention lofihoe wanting a enod nund well fltvoreil article of tia and a delicious cirrtf to his present struck and would request them to call am examine for ihemncltcsi ond if aftei trial thev do not find itc cu ive ui i better arti- cli at a rhaner price than ihty uve hitherto been arcusrnjneil to ot he will lot them have tbo grinds fr nothing thiis not whsjl penpt call fiummtry asasj downrirhlir wlucb anyone cat line win he able to find out all articles in i the tirocvry line wiu be sold as low as piisihlr produce of every description will be token io rxrhnnee at cosa prices me cell i sulirifns r w p of tabmctace kngaton ddc co 187- 3mv caledonia water- 1hk suheiiber has received aenn- li hiftonieot f rne above excel lasui water whirh he will sell in ejoantitius to suit purchasers m t hunter jcxrionje end fftmrenre offtt ontario street iewrs joiisstox wo actiii is47 tl lslt weihouaderin ed heresy wc l fceeo inirtred by ihi sir ifwionco muteil jaaafieeo c rince h v dif r lie gri rfnikn in canada and un ft never berrt nseued on ssjs nrcmj e s recommend llio imun r r n living io nor opin ion lha ipral af o rr the sifot iniurnnea cotnuan wmnti uirr knowkdje j l scho- firw m s ca0ty v brother 0 w arrtil walhctiead trini might c ceo from lle fjitowin jasri brran nf relmveille c w jrhn baatajid masfiaetkesltal mirsmtflavg wi i and frr others rlh in xr yrk and i ctftsd ituiixsm tliesflndnrfp heihh and acnviiylhoeornpanyriiaj be known from tha 1 fact thai uinsa in- a irr nearly 00 monthly awdso llirjea with us ward o iree thou- mndrlolm s fajirf oftkn cmpnr added dur ti ihr viae lime tul forly ihnuand dullart to i prrmum nmi and thai il has near ly nf qiru a wlian ami s hstf ui duiiirs ensured in canae pilio ihe ist twn re4ra afl fchh an v i hawr bfftlni n bau h tvcunecofit of aajtsssjlrfi which all ptiiwit trill plenk to imrteel and l1t will hkrwii akr recrif i for aft noy paid the cjlml r li empanj and lit ntiue of i di- reelr rodr iihr irfrrucrncrirwarj rici its and 4110 bacon iturttorsj ika whekmjck vice preaideat- samorl pariridfc fijtsdasasfy tutaviia w kroger hon j cjhfkiaa jijin v kent mnrrlnwn jt- v ijons s bsyi of st alosna cow in possession ame nio ihe premite of the uhicriler s near waterloo shout th j0th or novem w amiddusied kkd cow theonner ti nqtirjted tu reaose ihe animal and eat l char- s wc maclean i ri ri per 31 isi if fttstdsat 0ivri itrbn rfltwu h kiirclim wallrviunf wmintjio n bp aaatisi vilts cerijiimit philma ttasseae s ri frsfdtbn to vl cbrthcf rovr cfj ffenri isff rlinve kss anal a4aalan rnraelh e of llisftoabjnt v thsnsas ijrrn rsa of tho 8eic sri aiyvetswil thaii brnict ko- f c- amlriv4 k ifs fluia van kruc1mui cnrbttlu iimihfn itilbtmu m h ormrm4 itcs fis riorkville aafssa merrick fan atirrtrlskc w areliihatd ilendcrseii esq fjmvtviv e hn i t e0 nnrtiin trcew t4 cwd march kq ia cm c e iiajclks johnston j a fkenoli atif the midland ditkl iirnuvgfootf sacieiary for curriers oil ftts l tc sv8scribers if also rhiers carriers knives and slcels stnes scourinq rrushest c s morlbyc ccnero mttthent v priace street lvc ut january i nevai i nmmirrxn i mr cornmillee was now in p of the relurn snd poll boovs of beauhafnria return hitherto unvamptcd except in some neulv farmed stale of ihr nchbnrin uiion f ihry ptn1ed any e- crption thr returning officer stated that he coull not return all the u hoo sc4use two vere taken away in eesjrse of iransmii- ion by violence on thr kii 1 1 i jrnwi y this was a crime coinmiltrd hy jeme niiifal wrttchsorre paltry tool hired to do ihe act by a parly too cowardly to do it binvli out because il hid takvn phce bonhj ihr re ke no election fat the tnunly of brauharnoi no the til lain u ha planned and thr toal who rsciij the crimct were a ignorant as they were rascally did llirse peroni not know i ha i secondary rviftrftec wdi prrmittd in caes wijere billei ftouf wai wanting that this was done every day in lh cae of pri vate peron contesting private right hwd not the lame thin bo done whn the dtarst rights oi a whole country arart at hake the law provided as the first of all thing that the representation hould be eomtclcj there wore cifvi of double rrtornicjet of liein ihe vntne which were deeidd hy a jori of jwtimm rustxum like ihr lottmj sm of a half penny in short the name which was nrare the indenture on the writ in i the anyantae there would no doubt be no ohjreiioiu made io the course ho was lak- ine n let any body tell hint n what oilier remedy was to he pfovidrd fo thr slab inflict ed on the hour the ounty an the casta iry theremtdy in this case crtm not he by nroceedioe ai on a contested e1eclon hecaute there was no contest it mul thn he a kind of common law remedy a lemedy that every contiiunt assembly must have to fill up its own body al prrtent that body was not complete but it eighty two mem bers coufd sil and vote so could eighty and thus violence might reduce the members to the mere nonrnm nee v to carry rn the busiues he knew that it would be endear ored to refer to examples of controverted election in another country he d to adhere to the precedents of canada which all know and which oghl to be followed in order fo iirc vent uncertainty where all should be certain as a parliamentary student anr a lawyer he thoueht he saw guihmint intro duced into controverted elections in the british parliament which would not be permitted in other courts however here lhrre was no room for reference of this kind the house- was sitfine in fortt tdomrsfico to fill up i awn boify a distinction was drawn between this ease and une to wbirh be alluded on a former nijjm it was said hat here was in this case no petition but was it therefor said hat no redress should be allbrded where instead of ore parly complaiiiine of arolhrr tsaa ssaesaber sitting as a jule called atten- tjoo to a aiofus in the court 7 the hon memhrr then referced to the rases of the counties of kent haitine and the election of the speaker decided at the usl session snd thu nf bcrnty o simo wtsrh hr prwed io adopt sme itnevhr olctrd proceedin- in cotnrroilee why t what harm would be dourwoutd it he aid that a man who outfit not to v admitted to thr hoots would iv brought ir hvcixe ihe hoitt wis sitiine in committee instrij of with thr speaker in ihe chair ttiose who tvaslrd delay wniitilecrtainlv obtain their deite hy this course for the house would it ftor thr committer had renoetrd to adopt that report and any amenrlmenl niitit then be rjuile in il he prrpared however in hear it slated that the house could consider only the return snd not the papers annexed thereto he was prepared to hear that those annrxrd papers were had hreause there were twi oalhs attached to them yes he was rrpr ed to hear that s thin which would hvr fceea very rood before was rendered araaal for nothing hy the attachment of lhal erond oath but this ryidrnce was of the srm kind would the aiejrince then of the rftwrs nt the har make hon members brieve iheir oaths mf than ihey would believe ihem now that iheir oaths were on parm 7 if oot the evirlenee should be received and it weald then apetai trom the evidence itiat on the rll books saved and losl j dcwiti 10 rt a majority of votes and oocht tn he caled aeeonfinty the hon gentleman conchtded bv moving a r qebrrnint that it appeared from thr 1 of the beinharnois election that j deuitt drj had a msjoiily of votes mr sofcrn camksov aaid that te hon itenite man who spokr usl movl hee fell lht there was some strong ahjection to ihe cruirvr be was pesujux he must have fell al least ihat he was loine contrary to english prac tice when he found it neeesary lo eotel irtto a kv a prehmioarv arjpimenl he thought mr dewitt houlj be returned however for it was cfear he had an apparent majority he ihetteht aeeurst there should be no party discussion rut he i not aeee with the hon cenllcman that the case of a double re turn afforded any precedent which justified ihe course he psopoud to mlevr there was he believed no instance of soeh a drcision as that which the hon meruher sjvike of that a member should take his seit because his name was nearest to the indenture on ihr wni the fact art thai the party whose name wis nearest th indenture was only allowed to appear ftrst by counsel at the har tn looking into precedents he had found that table as eim years aejo no return hayiat hern marie for irra1 crimhy and lincoln ihe llone rl fernmor ordered the ihin tc be explained a i its bar therefore the flsttte could dnuses pioeevd to consider ihe b- jeel nrw before it- the hon gentleman then went into a teesl argument to shuw thai be a rfij fprnrled lo ihe rehire weo not capable afbeine teeeived as evidence i the oehate continued for a couple of hrurs hut it waj congued on the one side to a repe tition and eriforcemel of the fart already drlailed in oir report of the poeerdns of 1 iv vl on the olher lo lechnieal sr- eoneuts act the ealiditv of the evidenrr contaiced ia the reurn o the returning otfi- cer mr avlssisi afterwards moved several re- soluiiont aturmiiis the riifht of mr pcwilt j in his seat fr the county nf qrsubamois i ihe fact nf ihe rohhery of tho pot book and th cjaassjieaev nl punishing the cuiltv par lies nnd rcsolvini lo fidilrrv his tiseelloney 1 jvrayin5 him to take ucb sirps fw the cnilty partvns for instanee hy otferin a reward for their discovery be should see fir mr devvill then took the oath and his seal lite clerk arnrndine the return acror dine lu the order of he monte mr arisri3 then whilr diseulpsline ihe relurntne office jrnm hume except laelt nltfiched to error and not jrmrin evenfu hurl his feohns thought it proper that he 1 he infotmed publicly and solemnly that ha ought to hae made bs return aeordiop in the majnritynmainedby mr dewill lie therefore rrorcd ibat mr norrsl reiurmn ofcer for ihe county of fseagharnois at ihr late election be directed tn appear at thr bir on the gtd of xlarcs a loftaj discission followed which was terminate by a vole a follows yr 46 aeyi ift at about 1 ocloek to which priod oi report extends tbc house on rmslroa of xi r notman took up ihe ease of ibr oxford election which aftr a lenilhv dtcmoa wasdetided b mr ijincks lakine hissrai friday march 3 i- li sovr m asjaestlaa f mr hseeassa mr atrocny ceneesl ahfvrn tfatrd uislooenfu mutiruirvi hid yet bern ttctrrd frvm ihe ltn fr titvrffinkm refteein the coaionw llill wr attvrney gvieinl otooler i-i- i- j etl to artknd hi- jury law i jowee rinji otssta o me aooct thr 4rdr of trw ty fk n enmjeeatimi nf the speesli of ii errrfroey uk uovernor cene sj i trw u f ilc mna hvne been read f paisee wild he hd hern reonemrd a more nn ariima in hi fellencjr in 4nwer lo hia speech ai4 ue 1al p hid reendrd i ihe cult i do ri with vrt ei ptcsture and with errv frk rjnwsrctc muh admired if s eid- braeflr epeeea nd msm not lree bhteerd lhal ov port if it nrjw hv beo reeled to they had rtw hrmhua in a rw kjrlioiem hr r pirtentcd tr om ot gwt f yerand ne mim cmf fjm li le keow nf vjyft cinarfa he wrmiil my neluii i narlo seesesr helnew ihiwwi u tht lie was sasj tiarlinil tu inli nf nv eveiioi t ihe yufcitf thepeupte til erreflasi tssealf nsd rauwed iff in n det saaaiaff and ifereembera were returned irb the sfiaslattwai vir of the people without bribery rrvnipltnn or sce he wnld not ay that if thr cnrftfivct had rv cfed thnclf iiicj nufhl havo doiisv the libevai w- l not have rjid an tnre o mrirty sclliey lurf he trnuhi u n na4deililto fault ut ihr casuvismtves iht that ii atvasn vrrhehnior and antlherrett r i with them was ihl they hid lissstcd ihrtr snesssss swaoee u up iu ii i 11 1 lid utiirjrrrrl i t f i h plnents loo much seneith them t render it wntlh uieir whilr lo eindoaeend lo fight with iscm i had nrhid the jpieeh ifio rtrfl paragraph r i ihrti parlisment hid heen ccl ot ihe varliral period after the a unlit hr had hrard their riplanstitnahe ssnina o rrnd faotl with ihe miotrtty calhnf n ri tnjrviher t thi3 lim rtlhft m zm ifr- r t aoin atteotrin lo uw cvenienee of mcoiuera snd io ji iiii njj in i ji r i u allopf lajens lo rin r their ffn r ufrwc kvriif home he had kft hia hnn he aid tviicwbl nnr it leine waetmsssrw i nrbnt a fir he wia ohfir4 to inte tirnr wilhio ikrrr jva frrr il i- h ni but y t pi i iiil been hy the mimatry ff hviif rif prhitment v peediu they in j found ihl it had bceonir necesirv llnl thr ahjrei of nn- y in sum tie iirnrdiarl ta hrfr j leria tarure the m i- n rfffil in hivine ummihird thrro when uis drt and it vu happy to my lhy had rucrvded to pifwnc irrb t rtll u vinild pratrm ihe rrcurrhoae of the i i 1 ri i uvl i il r for in nirrye lt ftif erftir ceorral hd c1kd parfi in nl i r r and he 01 linee p i i ihsnk him sr dop w ili kieenvney oit tj them ilit he hiildtnioe tlur paiaunirqer madatniwlhnaifh ihe prvvnce and tru he had in wirh ihr ntoal jrjhi- indiealfufia nf t in j ptmrfily and conlarurnem in llo diairteu ho nad viir j l cot prince th-o- hi that he realty taddnne if i i aay ihit if vaa a in wtiteh the indoairinua aotl rll enduius ci nvrv k hju tas a q r if i w wkvever ssseh araetaa chc at any ruwilry ii eosid ai h nihrrwar ihm itotipe fn ifis bfcettteey he tfava ffct eaula msteaty fjd to rr i f rfi rat pplj whritr lr arereti he wvmsd now e1 iho llentfas r ilr lliur i haf asasssisseaasj arauvh be rsarlitsss wul6 be fif- ipasedaaad te wnud jsi lieb ifn uiemaa he wei alw ir afsshred llut line wa o be nn jnfiilnarni sue by t hen i e mael he tilduo tn hh llrta ssh srs nnoie slue ii u wstieh ucnt it nr the t2 ailuett atrr4 that ii- bxee inn wuh -ee- vnt perasvrk iu ite pasi aeftbe v pajry ke titavd nn li tl arritii r i ij nt hr pil idni ihr nainili f i eserlvivy hy h mm tir he c l waa a fat wlnh erfs oht hiat rli4trlimi nd yet kf ile fet ti vr n w pmvr4l i fl it and to airi ihit ll clrllrnry did wina ny ik pr- pfiy diiun hi twsr he lla p has irtllr ilonhi out hia kirlpay hih reeo nvieil hen be vwol ii ih it qmrea 4 mw wesf sfllh cvrry rkitor and y he hid ra ttierd tvrty ui f f m ffii ntn ef v atlffa and tttii it hid ropyr life ltipt il of the c uitl tho ntgn ih- psuk4i4 nf ihe ralf had thvivir f ijjirio ijta kve hi hte ht v if ivvvsh llw uyse ciiwi tftry uw braialiraiif ihr 0a vtttf rntr ol in tin excellency i liil itof iff 1 rotornrree d is ptpjttx aart he snuh fanrv liia etrrvrcy trii atvij tf rlreel wild tvr mnnw fvr the jh riding t4 vurk ia ihr mayrnnttienbcr hi hcin nuhh ihe b r inj ihe raaiis ihe muku and ih warrhmar hecnl p hid nn duhl ihtt iii kiehtrairy k it f fmrn hp eat men uf the ii ross 0 il4t wm and crfuentment and e- hity pui jin i he jrchh il h pr poro t expinfr that pirajv- t mtlil he ant in mprlef the am ndne it iht cicada srss nit nn vrry ppctna btit we wauuj like i krow ihr erjmity ibl aa and when they conatdtredlhe ttmenf gat bvlshs at prrvol tl t tii1lf lropowime lhal thi vhiolry roo of the lnin cild be nthcrwrae it mtui not hr f tuen howevrr that there wat aai4tet hind nf inprjiy far be tee a trading ne fi iueeat pitvptrue merrrnla s irtrders bften fjild jrin miafriinc in hnatnra bt innre often ffnii md ipcegtiiino and if men ceafd in injwtfieriv ad fh pecajolmatv and rarrr ruiirtf hy them iteoud n- ihcrelup v aiid that lire hjinra of he epgntry wa in a bad sutfr i i the- proccriiy whwh ihe cv genetnl altoded in ws th annculluial proajorily nf thr eenlry irf awlwtb ie frinei miebt nn be unable i rjji ti the ionk ph fr hte wheal thai lie is a myaniam1riiej but he vases sd sarttvat tairir of nr ewt of tat which nfclifee uh faoscf ot tas assr n iaeliiae all hi prival n tn toy of lie coid nt wee tbar a mmi miniasvy arret such a bill ai anree of hia cc fkmlo we afpapd ihry wooai the ihn ietrred to ihr i- r of jads lain cif bih ernrfi r ihe ir icd he araasetemi mfldae r i rr sel tonrwacs ftr ht the lie ofsvets of ths crown bad r iaa wet hsesyn hetj jojj lh rtdesvon li amend the nstm of jodwtaes ir amce ihey lw ftne biat m ttl mirhuiudn f the firm place i h at ia up ca whieh lir c1 p ruhl he mid tn be last but hr jio fcv1 thmh it hao wiwrh wed brebb ii w a kuffld in he iras entaly and vcvm it rv4 ore been presided oer rtoole hen brem- hei- thrre wf feat ree t mmmtmmml aoj fi wootil be r the rrr member fo ie rprtd rtdint m deierreine na pnt i ihe rsnrtaasrs qreil anishiivr r i r fi4 rn dno annthet ijlcini- derkicocy w up eeeceaaila wa ir- eniof s coairtef appesl-1- such ft a sraj fteh rji in in aireijoa jf ue pmrines sod ho trueied that asasjasl wouis he lahen tn et it atoer ratarm which he irvaffh eohe called iv wvpthp divi aonofthciinrfrflpme the duieaof bsvjusj bsjl aiincuev afkqlj nrcr he amaltiirrf haretjaa i eun cnsitd lesy caae a grral imnvlcdn of hi kssssssssss rfhewaa lhle tn tap otway inteersiesaal i 1 hrt lime wartcd by chenia m opnri bite a man rrquirrd to apend ht tuno in hu braj ry in siody if he wished io attain aniissnce in bra petfiimo a r diviaiae ol aaf tss prfeiici thni the na crtfund sras leaoe maejlhcd fn ilrlueh ernmrlrx fnr kamrsvp he nnw came in llr pirsrapli which sutcd caaee in e tuntsofie i a tmeiu oj prnaperiiy and eieuil biiines f rest nateeat cst pabililiea an esicprii- and rapidly incrr w asjamsras fitted tn reaaeai kbartf with order ood ihsi ih- jjv r i these oju vawrtaeea in aeenonr dvntved irpn lrvn tbia italy did ovttjip un pjrlnrot anrf b bad caeufisfl tarsi tfcf asy mimtiry wsssll astssna it he fmnj iineyer that that ptrafraph wsl tf aeexpjafcd and wi r j l t j in place let ihem assy rre what the prepih r iv m avaa fl is aiatcd ihif a aii naea lull l ibc aatiafactory r nf iryir delioeratvosssl wi the imartsnl titbjectj i ilia eeeclaaraf hid been erariotrjf pti4 to dcesi uieir atuna tnn and an nther mattrra nf pobrc extern oia her mtjett pruvincial a u- rnnon atidjtd i i o r lence ofih hiva oi of he cooq- try and rrpeelivelr r n- to h r ftieei- tcnj tint that ftinfilesre wa nn rcpnatd ri ths preesstl adviaera nf i1 e fc fcnl pj cnsild nt hinarlfpretv n v rnj jc n 4 yito nf arant nf h i j- i r- r prrrarsl qeea i kiljmrr l ckclf dofl kau enatld lley not leae the rt misjvtry lo rsasee whirh the pnjhht wam hv eae a nrsoj of thriroi i tkywr catted upen to aaj that ther had nn cvnfi tries in ibees jtotrereft hat he niiyat aaaire ihrni tit he hid crset oonrj dwwie irkmhlnjhterjiwrjadiiqdownibal ihe k n menhcr for i pgril ridiae tflwj lalk arlnvalallhirtia i uictilerj hat he oj j wlltsrw be wf ssira v by n bbs ninaiarhi own he nny yled fi what he biai al meeel to ba rifht and tlrrreioec be ofua railed ie hia weo am r nl saha pfted tr djflor sjjth tk ln- njfibsr ejnn ijcnf ii- in open which he est earn pro eni leeaasea lie r mi orfiadsmoau in he l in ilk prrviil miaiatry rr ws had the dieaj ilit ihey hotim declare lhal the had n- rfi jcce in thym j riutyjifcyrjti llfiiiiie hif tv1 wi snd vrhv waaitir cnafrae tn wtkdrawni 1 it euvutjoo fw le tv hamas f l1 1 ceasrj f the aax esna n ton from lacam ssi wi 0ft disee ihich a cooarmb aawiltia taarra f ihe nifred mmiatrr had srd r fif wj it ait hccaiar snttvesg ahtrihrviik tv itveeeiete he wnxm like bi a rrfniort wa 4n 1 no b- iweci a rfnner ai wrra thrr any resaa valire liiairy r mid in fa nt j a frivral i r- fpf a nyimiu what le prcaeal 1i e in rcfirwi jaya j vin what ihn ri ihtij hid dmr ihallhlittnr wmmibl h fnd wantin wh fac thv ihercre friy h 4 ut that ihey had so ciner fa ifca pre hiojamy i he bias vtrtiad wiihlnwo kiif im 1 1 al w hcrt ltarm hjis ai ikatv bnd a mm of ral pnwe- rr isarntof led i tie tit hjin man i h ban aoefi rvnee i b v ihr nenl au sfeaawd liaiuela ite1 m rovh late- vlin ciislctnsn r- iei th m mi wir that thy had d n nheirsine jnuoui- l sesame wji a hu rane bet derint thai srawm 10 at ycrs ptaed and wishnlht an rtcn if 1eie iruluttiy an wep rvit mst sf tbnae ru apoted of bf lha wtialo hwasa t m lu lbe to see any mwjh iry wvch smsm e isyv literal mora iuainoya than ihey imi been sf acu ptraedjast tn the lawa nfthe fravinec eera et thrr wit the 1atj tn aee- jnca j t- and smeeny bf s3 l an in i lrf trvm y and iteilw g mjch haeraltir ash cxhibj eve any m nataiv yij hf had jfi mfi y d ii it ei ai ca the earaa lm acnr ti pmol nf i via wrud now rrfrf oltue m h- t aivd b wmim a ueh iefuat pimialmo and aware ft hi enuld be fi fn rriiufn the p m tl eiicnitofti nr ihtt 6pivi- land the nvorwr nf thcfnalaaje wa relaj h kaeeveeey assv lliaf a peaelavajhs r iuifnitr ufi caotdn in i ran uisiubledly pe tv hr piaa2aph about the pnal rrhiial ssbs triia rcfrfmiino ifeni aay nic whn nijd in ac ne ptil orhe murb needed e- when a maaup sstas brought u ptarper he ppncd irssl it 1 it was alwaard lu aay lhal lafc wenlh tnjare the ere ieney he ainderatd lht in x lriira had inered ainee cd aij ii was r nmual rvd ihrm ut hi sprcrh itflr h id hrcn foaind fr ll nd ih ii hi tmtht tn feel aafcrd to tim at tt hr cnl ps wae tr dnsf n tkcaure it bn ihsl is rierutir wae wjltnj lo juppptf rh r pjer1 if anyihinq c iiv adyore a cnaivey it rilmd anrl bo trwatrd that ln dunpr ft- jrl be ihfown uro lhi in a rsj yrara ihce stwim ilniabiva be a railmad frnes vtnal in tannin and fmrti thrner tn tsr weal em sernr nf ihr pv vfnre ha mtar 1 the itfteae eeasji ve ihr tirral wrmrs uatlmad ua aranrr hy a f nah nf iniry sir h waa cilain uiat it ernum py se4l the ni uinijry iu haae rrralpwe and he iruird uaj it ewitd me n a ai aire mlls- liio kjlie wiiikimv ii wrtd mi aak tvui i raab la tl- 17aisssilv ai kmca cij hr aird thsm tn pa i imi ae hbrril aa ihar rf teal setrn nj tf ihev d4 ilry avvuld fia rri niiiiv v hr ia1iiv tvitiaijy f f ttwy pad a kill whih jive rtclosiie inian in it m any parly it niold ont ant hr w ajld raihrr ee ihe wlwje rnr1winenl dcuyed and vpprl nf nitifvn srvil came tn ihi art nf ui f an eoiual1e mo nf anidi the perni law t lased all hsrery alite sewin relthn tt n impnrla veal miiij i fic of by eijtait and the elaiote to avvte tb rcrtain cit-i- t e ciasisss nf bsibbbs kitivd by ae wuthe alstnto fw anrndjae i lil ijf-iuirn- tine t nrrecrioiion ja eo of sprnpri ted l tl rdiirtwn he nnw rrh uhih tnent tt lf wi yrry eteficienl i mw h- 1 bs hflrsl iihl lhal propeitv ftea tiwna led tlin proper tibith an nvt a in i then emiaoidatiox tho law relslins to vtrf whreb teas much wasted ii i srlirch i vo to say fid pi oriihten bj the hnn rrnilenpn who b jtn durrdihe acta amending and renaturjatint ihe criminal law in lsl hem was akso uas atatute far al- njianiom fa debt il teaal tnaeenanettent andllaerc was ihe act a thahnn merober fe ivaasrsms tn refutats the dulses betaten nvtit and arrtant which be tvewl peines betwiod bad eiven nvsrs saieac line than an other i lhal had been ptaaact 11 wce true ransr h avaa eueh acta i uf aruuldenncarlhe tofha fqpls hc raj pay tlst it waiutd he b aim lrjat urnae ats bere earned bj asj be ease si thehoaiae aa well aahy the utssssty hajl am asff ptacd an nil be rnandrard a haiae tf lb acta nf tlie ministry beeaue ihey alone were fiapaa aibfr foruiena and hauio if they bed nal aaisw pgeid ihena they mold not hava bete peased lie mgalaythtl rw minietay had es iniriaoea z mrr andewr aslalsrv erprfo in lb taw ihaa thcprevni mmialiy had wi tiiey saaasf a uav cie ihr 0 4a babcueaj p in i oass and a awtf laar asi kvcr been enaeieel the penprc nf up- canada arerr idebtel tn hren fa another inmrf is uw toenrrtiaje aieuiyre which aavoorad of ire tibrratily and wbib wa mnat aceeplabyl pi llir prplr the tvm mialry earaa aiw ae- illleaawejasal cedt tw thrj liberality with fssv pre to lie entilqet h p r wwirrwa nt the cnaipiry nif leav hn rlcves asjaf ayrrc paad last j every aea of euch wruu hac for iie rcauh imssfaasjaitni i tle rvanyrceeoj ihe eoatrtre nt lea thaa x10ai hd beee pent alrrmatffi pm libe suneev and hsrsn t ihicine p jvr whle bnt jw ahjlisfs sad 1 yrl hern nveved in ren itcir hear fro 13 i mr aylwml lira ivvi frwnd w had tjriae i ti lvflr lira wa nf ovia who 000 ih biuav ns he utu iy thai t line ria tpfwej df nat narftil measnr trwh h ad eve ctnoe fcahie paiha t r w 1 b w bnaay hw he rrvm jaslify liia haviic dneie tnsad rf iherehad n irtui rrerived j rjjpa f ctufioo which ha tkrea nen the mrfht vei rreriar br nvk 6 aodeaoce sod it tliey did flayihr at any rats haaj fin ti imiiit ant npeo na ihe rawiircea of lapeales a- el there ee oliee mrfcasr hd wn paiard b tr prrarnt ministry sreaeh lhy were entilled t reat eeedtt mtparanrlhe fell assvfrav the ess nf tho aistiiiimriiitn fiaruicanf tpprr canada pel ier lhe hd tn lha h ihera ataa fimhal jjm and llwral airttatre aart pet il wf ad rhat rha pnt sltflrr had 4 n j m h aw j la lia r bensv f s d d nat 1 p djsaand car aa add ar ia uai jfai peay