commission business the subscriber having omminj bawittasm a co mm i eat on rwvrtrle in the innc brjiijinos al in jciatf of princese street in this gfi l p parj u receive r c tnd trittatc watties in h commission line rxirftivc sinees cellars are auwta fir stimie of any de- eeriimn i gnesdna and art considered quit salt from external risk of 6rr from his long experience in the trade of this city tho subscriber halters him elf that wub assiduous attention to the interests of iliao who may tannlny hifo will he able to give ssiisfnctmo charfcs hales kmgsicnoct 13 1s7 stoves stovesrstoves the subscriber rj ly j b e ui i- aitcfiiii tn hit wiotoi 5lch or movii cnmpritiirio every variety including fancy stoves parlor stoves box stoves single and tfcmbto cooking store of various i crtis and size hot air stove dumb stoves tod tio store a of the beat canadian and united stales manufac ture these store for the convenience of inspecting nee placed m the wr immediately adjoining the subscriber hardware establiahnienni an inspec- lion of which ia solicited before pur aliening euowbeio j powell prince sicrcl oct 1817 s3 3m valuable real estate for sale tphat rgo and valuame farm 1 belonging to jam ktfvacll 4aire known ai tuiucs hill farm nreeubly attested on the montreal rtod only three miles from thi city cdnleioinc about 540 acres of which 2so ire nnw injcr cultivation the remainder be ins well wnnjfo there ia also pertaining to the form an extensive makmi from wliicli ariinv- mone inmiiy of good fiddcr for horned cautu may bo annually cut rendering it a ovist desirable farm fur no etenaivl- ijallty beint eompnsd nf what was nrici nelly threo diitiricr though contjgumi farm fit- nnoof 9 acesone pf 20j 1 j fine of i acres it is mill v ub- jividoj with excellent fences as ti jtfh i nij occupied 5eiprafe1v aoj wil be a toid if desired the creelions sro fbut dwrsttinj hoaro two buns with stables sec ttinrf bin ftove upon tho farm alto a 100 tons of ii ay and 50 aero undo rrwpe of wheat- poase crn oan potatoes and timips which with nipai of horses a yoko of oxen nroi llio mr rniju implemeiita my be hj at a valuation pnynblo in 6 and is month for further information cardinc terma which will be very libera and other particular apply to tho pro rieiorvr io oliphant k wtt bts i ji 1si7 hlamc dkeds for sale st to a atheneum book store dn eotf f u ii j o fi4ala torn of tea sto- talvj4 cki of hir iin a4 s lr with btrr doner motf 0c3- without 6 of da pi vhii banutlaaner m- ir vah hr f dnver hv ini b r i nr c acokt r qdfl kvrrl irvd drtlkcl tajlvrl ftrn dlaak fsfflssj xcomparlblb rlnck lapan ink tt n r a i i c -a- r at0 hi 4tthb athexcum bookstore ksitqx uaxadawertt miii maiirlarin rut acsr fac ixrsjn ro ifaaf o ocr i of fv itiritfufi smv il u- bun8uby csftwj ri0ahc atafr asjasi jt1 the ciieesk tust rccivej sod for sale by subscriber a nuantity of ialcs gttcbraltt ftniwitm ghishjre caecwf thomas hbndrv lc co jtfst arrived at his ware room ati fob sub bt tb8 sifittrlber market building 4 piano fortk 5j to 1 oeisvt irf mahogany and gilifianse mirron anork toilci asj otrici gw eifudajr cotlot msaile cixkl is ttmt ecrs do 0 g coc mariner tims pcca thirtyhour bon cjsvlcrem s3 t 7 a vi srlrnjij aortmeat vf oil psintincbi in gilt frame frvnthand geisssi accordeon aaj fjutva toy bntawi spool sum ana fioa a t t cojiiri family uibkr 1xuiv loeftbo zcnonbaa lirrt h formti in germany rumlbt aod hamuli msten lvsrkf of tbe ppr 5iikarewwkt barns vork wallcer divliomry plyf let bimv hr ekaemkaeae wlvialtaujrctail wn mcmmlan llsk- kef book bindery at the atuenkum book store bagot street r surtscriuers reperifnlty t nforin the inhhitartaof kinqstnn and vicinity th i bavin engaged com pktent workmbsthry are nnw prepared co execute all kind of work in theoook htoding line with nealncaa and dtapatrh all dcacriptiona of lllnnk onoka made 10 ordtt edward john barker son sept 10 l47 ship chandlery noi hardys buildings william donaldson having purchased alt my stork in trade and interest in the altovs baiabliihriirnt icg in revuminind htio lo my fricnja jlaiicft and owners of veaeu m t huntek tliu into the ahiive buautos would call theatrcntion of hii friendi and the pub lie to hie cmabliahment where will be cnniny kept on hand cfervthtu in iuc shincbiindlory line wmddtfaldsox kingoe li 1847 sott dtuidlo residence den kicsstoa to be lct or bolds to le lbtorsirfd withim- tnehite pnim jftfioaf ifesl very rcm rarrtentd hill formerly occupied by col fraer am recency by mr- tucker r- n ajifea garden ia attached in lha houae winch ia roumy and in gnad repair and tho stsblei and outhauaeo spacious and convonienu particulars apply to mr in the vifhige who will for cfc reniisci oci s 187 nr to dr samuon nicholas almw tn kingston butter ia ki new pactrj i 1 1 faf nit it u ttlos iievdrv k co oeu7ls47 soap uosin 50 04l bkrreunchtsoaa bonn f iu i c salneriwit thus hexprt k ci herrings just recpjved 30 bantl no ihu r i c oct- 7 isj7 tiios iicndrt iff j i fi co 50 icribtii orvl o 1hk mial by lha 5b ttiqv hcndrv h ce ortt is17 lands for sale th e 5 r t havr the f 1 17 land in the midland distfitct far sale south lot ko 1 is the 3j can pitbvjigh qjchmonj 00 iff ihetlh cshcaikleiit ox ilam for sal15 uh nsks superior itoye mwufacrcncb 17 ale vinegar at is pr gihon 3 9l for cak a t tho wbrehnue of moars oh jthant watt kintrvtoo and at l j ktngtton flretrry ij iiiyiy saxbratus of choice quality at 9c per 100 ll3 aok walnut lumber c i00 feci of various dimensions thol is rarl jinh and 1 inch plank ljfi 21 3 and 4 inrh eaomtlit of sundry lenflbisxj 4x 4 and 3 3 the ahovo fumlrer will bedinocd of 125 per u james morton sooerfs ni 10 io the 7tb con south j lot no 11 ir 100 4crb wet j lot no 15 in the 4lh t kenat bee 100 kit lot no 9 5ih cm olden 200acrc ut no 18 nth con 500 aetrs ccmmincit macdonru vci a ktiaplajd jnae 29th 11t 3 p i hi uk towxsends sarsafarilu the most extra0rd1narv id1- cne in the world thueiiraelie uot opia qan boiik j il u ail timca eneiper pknkr anil warrnt 9yttn 10 any asvj it etina iii t lining hmpafi hahtbiac aa ii i j v great pall and winter mepkhnfe tltaei bsaatji nd uoeririif of th ssraa paiima uttr bii other ttiedtcioe la whil tt rrjt- ei h i it iovifontcs tba bojy il c of lli cf 1 r wtoic i 1 n fcoo n t nrf twilf fik ri 1 the wrwnio fcf iem and trcitrtltfnf loepcrvio bot it erettc ac h orjj nfli bij potfrr poaewj bj r j i i an n tit lira ibi pi-i- k- itoodrtrgvec it lv pitriird wittpo thapmino yeaf cne i1in 35000 eurea q mtre gm of dineire t ljt 20mdof imm mere eontldf ed iouiul mwe iber 3cidi eaxaof chrvnie ilijh 2000 eaieivf fh 000eief oeucral dcutily nd waaler 7oou raerihcdfflvrent female coroaumu l0j e area of ur cvmptviot lsooeawa of djacaac vf tho ktdoaja j i t 1 r boo0ctjor c- n jr j aiiijr tf ocit4ivir rha wotd fit uleef griikf salt luiein punplraon the faee slc hh tngrlvr wiih nmr n n 1 ftrsick hea4he pals in lha s4e and cti bohmi aflratwwb kcat thi wo are tvwrc miiol mppear inrdivr hvl ho kltrsj front phyiictant ond out afenti from all paifaof the united latra in- ltnninj ua ot eeiraodinsry eurt r van pur kuk eaoar or 1h0 aatsl reeiblp i h io frik n- j infrnia ua ibot he can 1 r u nke lian isu eniea in hiot u 0rr oro ihu jiiji nf pfi m the of nl v htrh we will tttrt iv iiiijmui od to menf rhuoctcr il ia uc beat medicine m t1b pie- mntwenf dneaf knitwo ii uiiibij j iif he lite nf mote toon chitjrtn the past season t am il f t the viw of dioiae and irrpivd oiein fr ilie stimnkf frinn it hm ore ore kftijun 10 nijijrc 11 hie tjti ihefntfl delicate ahild rlfkumatism tlttantjpirrll if ocd with the otofftcl aucrra in khcuoie comouinli lioweacr icfti r cvki tii ftiiritnilnne cam it ha ptt friofi it indeed wondcfful otlter reindir ntociinro e tcmpofoiy relief ihif eottryly ffadieiio it from tua tairrfl etxn wkca the innb ood booeo are dreadfnllf awotlrai ifllfv selh trfrtonnr the a deal l iffpeetaue uwr in hitd conn toe fvllnu ra aia cuioet of a ktior rceutd frorflj hifn of 7mttd i he uoe one battle t r oor ri and find il ie cieueni ut eflvct 0pfl chasttas uheurolic pom lo w- i ijore amiiphiej orfrf vf ae c- 10 0v j kaea biiajim ictoa and rccttcn 5000 aaen cored tr the scrnfou bj tlio uao tr your eacrlfail inedieine tjicr were ojllieicd vcy actcrrlv with bad rc have tiktn oniv fou brtlbta it look them away foe winch 1 fool 11 rr 1 r under deep obligation yours rciecifdly jdaac wckatn 10 wooatarot ktwyoib maree 1 i ma opinions of physicians dr tonoatndit alnwtl inly feeetn odt from phi tieiana 10 diltoreal pjfteof the ltn ttttaia lo eernfy thil we he ptiyieina of ihe t ity of albjtf h ova eafsa preac ibed fir tofrnnnoi and brliiee il la be one of lift ual pjrtnoo in lha market ii p plllncm d i ms ik r r hklijgs m iv p e tjlmcnouitk albany aptxl i u uadtrioe vein ajoanef sarpnlt aaiu4bu jre md united states offirer cap u w mcud one of lw lmld stta malice carpi ord incnoer of lha sear j4iei leeiuiuii la kindu aem uitbi iv lowing ecitf lieate it isfls ha own ftvjfji ranwsstsais i a year aenee i on lakeo with ihr infjiwou ood my hoe ajtteto left in qbiiuui nan i wiodreedlo try utowncend a f vi and oftrr lakinj tmo or three eul 1 vaj tfs inoeh rdiefednd oliruu iiniily totbeaan i he eontinued lakine it ai 6od thai i 1 i r day i hedeve ittat aoaad my ufr and woutd ool be withnul it orjje aoy emudcrmion g w mclcan prlnctftal office l f uluaat sun rtuilriinft nd aujiej ij n or a ii j in n v i03s itithpoajt irect ahuny prtttcipl drageifta and mcrehnro thrti uaalta staler weal 1- the cboij44 vvhlcalc retail aomtifo- hnnida kinr bam c w ciiapilks uk pat tnwwita a w lyman knrkiiavv a co tlnwnl too 0w john win ell london c w john sahekmrjl 0 w rex foltuand or p b puatlt qnebce 1 vjusshn anh j bowles ajcnt ot bui linftoo vi trleo a pecfc rheuhatism mo life than 300fl cases of rfrrt rrtfi an i ft 1 u t alfii s lailia coa of ur scytwao wiliilwiof our pttoeijnl uhfi tend y uailfar j mitch 12 is seth teky i rttoy hrrwery st niillllrry july 17 mit f for the million 1 os lae rftfm fftor- a trtnr fvvlcihxmtoteifiith ivtnttr furs ihe suhacriher raapmirh wiahe ns trtenda to know thai ufarfurtor sll viatfs 10 i a ihjv anil niialiucanf inter fuf clothing praainf of cna mitu mrr oentlaman snl j mf mill rianro fr lavtasfl x otiihn ktxm r rout m1c v0 qklikr w fecal afva har hkt o snal otiiar fane fjkina f hi ve h to 4my s o ff i amedowam ravs frf rey s ra- 1ht britannia life assurance coypany nfl l psincr5 street banx london eakired fy lr of parliament capital 1000000 sterlg cheapest ratcsof aw office doing business in canada v ftffirtt fir k- or thosjw robison iih e uoilenjgnej having leen piiatetl to act as acnl tor comtny which liia been doing hiiainu in canada and this city ainec the year 1839 reancctfiilly refueata nerwnns re quiring life aaadrance t callnt his office priscfss sweet kinjahii where piojetiics anj all nceeirary ibsmiuioji will be ivin aln varicltr of table l mcel ihceir- cum stance shfl coavcuicneo of a cana ean be ten the rate of eimilar talv io the of frcava dniflg larfmaji io ibia proirikca afr ai fwll0w fr an airnrsnee of cioo 4om lfe aroe iut oi 11 x2 4 nvrtmi p pd aj 52 flrimola arirncn t rf these rnnrqtc malef lift nrlicicnt loeji i nrovole iv irea pin il in ine powur of rnoai rernna to nmtire nj urilli reference lo the present aula of ibsj hehh of ihe inhanilsnla if the poi- vinro funeral y it kuy lh thought necea ary akoulri the prevawine fukncaa i rraeio decuna inking any rik it appoara therefore to be a duly on thoar who have to provide fur their fimitie in late the liiitely fireeotjijon rf omtkinf their live and lha prviteqninat iho riak nf irerhapa uvig ihoie drnettdanl npin their everiiona or mrms an auffcr dilti uliiciif nm nvamntinn thomas brtlgg iv reisf kinm im7 7y aucii and pioklcs- alahik afsartiafmarlsadsnpiekui sad hasrat par aak at iba rasoaihn in ftarn hasr hlrael consumption cured cicbm n4 strrnthtm contmbtt9ft ran or tuttd 0raac4iu coaufmio lattff ftp tvoifft cebe rjararrs ceuar aalaaj spittinf fif j r fa tor c wer cte e7ara xvi a stotau i er vfjuit s avrforvftfo pri a ta le 6iee s aniraooe nrrrf th townd dear sir newhj iweatf yara afn i took o fiavnt rod which fettled ot my long and odeelrd ma ooeertlr indeed fially it becama a coajteoi hvcvine cowf k bot not a acerro aa lo firareni mo from oiiendmf to wt buainco within tbe uat few vcora il tiecavcd 00 roefirjuallf al lok 1 becanwi nmaced 1 brtaifcsd with diffieahe aoh imiaod with my cvogh much bad nattor for tlio 11 hioc wtoothf paaaisfji to eiof your streaponha hod rutnf night awrala mj fficoda aod m v ek a upiriaed tlial i woitd die with the coo umpiion but i have the hftppantw tosnlhran jou thai la fay v afler i i three btltet of v- i i find my heelth nire j it karcd ma eemdoally aid i am no cnjiii- moeh bcitcr krakh thin i hva befcra in t jeora 1 id alovift entirety loit my oppoiiie vhkh u mrt rhorned yo ra at hbcrly to pnwh thia with nv nanm in lha papera if j ahiove mr tittle fl who a three yeara old kod a rcff bid cold the whdaaf laat winter wa be cant eerr naeh alamted uo her acenot wkalo ii r the med0 1 rmvo her moioof il arid it van rriil- rrllercd her aa well ai imarlf at i ii o well aiow nay ehild i erer aaw she waa al fall ot littta uutckeo it lk ihnn way and her aho orlh and fir daw rn j i ircorrrrdbar hevh tmm iimnr toorcicelkoi rocdicias s w coxast 444 bower f rhki- mat1sm loa been cured by ihe ae t di rvwnacodisoraaparilti iihn ihe lat 3 yer principal offick i0fi p0lt0h st thi sarmprilu if uad with ihe inoo rrffc vuecraa in lu j n cvoiplaiolt however acffeq or chrome tioalonahiiteillaperiarmr araindato woodrfhtl oiber iemediiaktoriimr five nppntasf relief ihi ent erajioirai jtam ikaaytifrn etei wiica ihcbotba aodhoor aro dreadfully onolko sewyo4kice 11194 to dooma towkfknao sia i 1 tsirk l my july to teturn yao any ew tivteorr thonka fre iie wneaf i have eipenmer bvthcureof ruur btuah of sirjprilja i rva viiuncted for many month with rltfonnlie pivi od nw iiirtnifinnio of the liver ikr asaajfihc j whirl i endured ftoio ukw dicuftf rfsiolvw io lifo a uatav n lo me 1 trted etory tcm4j lh r prcieijbrd foi me fron three of tl be phfaiciana io ihe cily nit uilhnl reeeivinf aoy fstesmscm beefit i cmidrrrd myklleurhi but liy ihe odvieo ft a fnend v imlucrri w try 1ml r rt- nrl1 i hid lcl flint ifnliio p 1 on iippt to ay i hud rnrt iikf n inoce thi i ijava bollle before i ipcrirned rrbef iheitii duced mr lincrteverc miti w aod loo talvri hivo tlfseasb 00 cialirf ct il h botf mitc naatatai tioec i oed our rtmojr od i oi i and happy lo my i never tnjjcd belli healih f bi ahi 4 t iawu i mr -v- fur y ta oaa i firoi bctierc my life i i wlh the frrcite4 ropeet olkv ma lo auhacrib my act f your p imsxtic asvlum jamra cumioea of ilia aoaiatant ir the luoouc ajiurp ikaekwelfa taund ia l itffmlcnt pokeo f a fouowmg ictur jtlieumatism tia ia iarly one ronra thoa w ihonaand eaaeaof rheomalitn tht of towaacnda soraapooma haa eird iv iniwiacfrro ehrooieeaaefare week ly eradicated by it eairaor rimary tirtaea ooickfraxci huxo rpt ii it7 dn toirxaeao dear sir i hare anlrred irrnhly far nine year with the okutmiiioi coo- idrrable of ihe lima i cookt not eat alerp or iriik ibd oinh difireavin oaioi and my iioto is tetrtblf ewellen 1 hare uaed foor tviitraef your soraapmlla aod iriey dona ma more than woe ihuuiiad dolura irorthof joodi imao moelt holler indeed i am entirely re lered yn are at libeity louee ihia fur tho bene it of the atlltelcd vonva reapeetfutly james cummixgs two children savef vary faw familiea indeed u fact a hate not vard of enc tfifcl d dr townaeodi rai pirrlla in u loal any children the ptl mjoquver tthlc thoae tht td not aickaned aod died the eenklieala we publiah below i oonolueiveevijeoce f ito value and ionly another tnatance i ill eav- o the tivea of children da lafrtaifjia dntfsitt i hadtwoehildren amapad be your saroaporilta of ihe avtnmer eom y dyaeniary oh waa onlv 15 mooina jnd lla oiher 3 yeara they were ey moeh re daeeif aod are npeeted they would ihey i up by two reapociaue phyaicana whan the doctor lofrtovd ua that vre asajal lose ihein wo r i i uy your 5iaraepanlla we had heard o loueh of awt had hot utile eonldeoee ihrre lein ao mues ntat adfrrtitad thai i waithlrat but we are eery uiaokfol that we did ur it undoubtedly aaved ihejivea of both i wrto thia that otbera may ho induced lt uae il vuura reapeet fjafl johv wilson jr myrtleavenue brooklyn sept 151847 methodistciercyman the folfowini we ecnt to our esent in rah way by the rev o tumirm ol lha methadiil e churehvoe ofihe nvwt fearord nn j rcipcted in the methodiat mrijn i j ia aontheravi dfoce of the waoderful rneif of dr tewitfvntfe sifmfirtu en the artfn faaxo pjcaaarv hvinf for wwrac lima rmi laarooateawarej ripcfieneed real trneral de- hiutj f i avtem atirwded with cnotni and aurmo irritjiion ofthaihnl on i i wa- at yoor nvn ioiianee ad in of havioeread ciettio moleona levijioony in ite behalf injuced n mr dr tvnnaandv tar ftigird s irapti iiu i tried l i ennfea mnrc in ihe noe lhan ii the t lajfovaee of ita proam- efn eactnubutl ant tvuud m candor now toae- fviwledce ihot i lad not tried it tiefore 1 ltcan leoipcrieoee ita eilntovy etteeta and i may now ay w capioin mclean thl i would not be mlptaji p fo 4n rodcretioa illmdonenietiore ijood than any previous reme dy i have irird and if tbia utcoeot ia deemed wf yo of any imrlince you hare ny full con cot to make i public latuntsox rihwty auftiatld 191 ffihirj2t riilionst sun guildin n y 105 avalaiviri street alny and oil the ormritm pruje nd meretonia marvalvf ihruocvut c c rjpilcj sulci vi indira one the anidiv whlcmlc and retail arranta fnr canada kioj- alon iv chailea brent toio c w 1 ioo korcahiw ic aantiliha c w jyiia wncf lndoo c w jtijh s iicr uaailahlj k ivr4siv mumi ood vltiicu a jaipur f k ten j tlohlca ajeni piefc ilhiebar wi nbrs arcanum extract ihis medicine has aeejoirtd an sxlended and rii li crlrnl ll rli jllhr country which hai been ntuiied by tt rliiue andefrcacestonr a eedy ler sckofulor atinc ril ulcerated s0iie throat leofifiandinj hheuhatic aftetionip oiaesicaaf the skin while surellrsirs diieascf of lbs uoues at ukarstad caftts ailecnani of ihe lirar nvm costiveness ju chronic and ngltvlous comblsiatii occitrnni iadaii filaied and cstlisiictartftultiiions diaeaea eeuicd by an impure slsta af lha blood the arlamim hxtract ia a oat pule aniidaie lo lha tensua bvils prodaced by the injuditiouiiifeol mercury aa a spring ind fall purifier it caa not be autnatsed working ita way ihreojb llaaj ryatccti wiih a allanl andetfaciivefsict clesningihe i0r0d hemotinjdvspeltic influences soothing thr nerved rtmoviua in rfknil obiuucliom aod diaeaaeathat woutioibartriaeagieinjnry to h liver sad lungs persona whoe conflitotinai are hrakati do he the ma of mercukv arsenic orqullne anil any one vlo are muerrnj from dlsealsed liver or aninoncrotii itaalment nf any el the above litraita ahould off tfae arcanum extract vritboal daisy in nutnarodfi istancer aiaw hereauara lion had laid bare bolhlixament and boar and wliereio allapeatance no hnmanmaana bu ampiitatior could haveaavejiirei palianla havebevntnatehed from the grave aqd raf tered lohcalih ilia dsvotjring diaesse being comptalele eradicated by the utroftbia iaai umable exdael tne prnprialaiaof ihe arcanum ex tract have had ihia madicine used in all lha hove iitmn with ihe troatvalifing veiallf in uimjlhe medicine neitherbqai- aea rr plraaute need be interrupted rt- qoitiut only the uanal laitiaint of molcralion in riirl nd if eqiismy sppliesble snd efliea- elaaa lo the infant sa well ar ibe adult kamnmelsf csa a detctipiion fsi wbal the arcanum extractia applica- bit withomertaitsxaonfnfrntible perspira- liaontla treaitte on drsraaea in general acteiofuny ach hoitle aerata are rapplied with the above pamphlets lor giaiaitoaa air- ciilaiion price 1 prr hokle prepare and fold by winer hamilton canada weat and john winer st co s3 maiden lane k y for talc at llie aihenniin rook slorr n plmrrf and c- heaihf kinetan and by allltli refpecuble druggitu ihrouhnvi ca nidi 1256 the coloanial life asstraasbe cohfint f ileeiairrrd ojd empvmrtd mdir ml o par tmmrt capltalfxro stsbliko csrsauihavsoathsosrorsor srrccnan assurances on tue live of ptrtohs rtridtnt in ora6ocr roporerd fo tir tae cofeoti greet qttt pints iorouai iiritair india i rthmivaort cutaoow hh moarraaal tu l d a lthbury jmtvineani plata oraat o jatnta sf taeu j winers pectoral syrup of ilorebound and e i- ec a m pa n e i nob the smawjr and cvjh ivhurimiij cou h croat 510 iih 113 couu oinplion pleiiny aiiiieaotthe llrral ami lun a lieasc inats twsofhiif hit mature jrave r t ihe effectual cure e sjiilltnof hlooj er hives con- r ltarfenef pain and a hrenchitifj drrda to a pre- nctttioui name er 3c jteful friend william b morgan inal ui corner of ilioadway waf ll with a n i a i bad lual 1 cssjal read this pale eompfemmf diu dv tnwhfrn0 i ireonnpain in my h not oth wiihoat my crvichco oid muh nl md smc i woo obcod okcef my lied i tried tve rol remedies but ihey did oni retiere wr i tlaei called on ne ofourfiral pltrcin lie dj v halo roe i heird ot ear sraapntfa and oh lamed a ettle and in few 4 ja it a nurely me and i of e1 wv a ashucll i34i walker tnnre ihn clrf you who hnvf pjio eomaretnf hii y hjwfltaiosj ibi ivt sas awaj adoia outal piritur n hutilcfvtwfitiljr toiwnacnd saw farilti ii mil etrntt rnur hod rrnanve the frcckfla and htotehcfc onj iirc ynu nniniatioii rrurklin eyr frit apfriv ami beautiful corn iiik l f wlmcli ore of imnietifo valu i umaar rid ladiea 0krat ftmalk mediflnf sstiaataaenav stipiriiaotrrecn t apeedreue of iipnt cnui option hirri nan i irirrlaoa i whllea huu dnek ileniaitina lnaaaj sf whjn laiy jiarfivac tvieof and ff rbe aatal hjml tritantl llmoyaieani an matter inarlwr ibn re sfit f mhereni e iuoe or prcdaccd ty kreajaiarityi ituru nr erilni nhic ra he iore anrpriinc ihnnitt in miarjina elteftrn ihe hniam fiame fett all weaknm and lwtudr fwm lbif it ai c aocoitie uha4 ind fgll a rev undrr iim ftairn iivtmec fifty cunterici the ofritr tcvnrvt or tlte fmie fme hh i caue f b i i 1 it will nni aa etfetfi or wl b ease of deirtr nilure l oihitn eeriisetrrtx cure t perftfned iui we can amire tie ortttrttd that hunirrl af eit hate hea frprlcd tu tt baiftsj eea where fainilea have lrrn wichsut ehtdrnnfirrw4ina reintiranr iuh invajiaa bio lord iae hiva been uiaied with boat1iv offpjn or taw oafflrf my ifi fcahf fffatlr dia- irevd hy wrnkrwa oihd 4irnral pe anil iultrlf cofitiiull 1y pin ad i etr if bhtnjsown flnf if tlp ra u hn fti fniei td h v nf cases wlira vyittr mrjrre haa rflvctet ceot carve andalanhrvine vi reenmnur nad ftm tuch rava hr 4-t- t aiifl4 a iwitlrar vor eaet sia nlu ntd fjlnwrj ihe dirvl n yaw pare ir n a on pivl it tewaaed ter asmpmiw mn ratorrd ivr hesllh jvini fratrful nf llie v altfhe lecaiffnl i like pleaaum in thai achao kdin r it in ihepwrm al d hoorie tat crnd aod l aap albuny af it itfoi xn mntllrta nii maritien lanirtr tiii fitralnfji if tapir ita hi been avjfejfttf pti1 m fifirj i feinnkcuinpuidla na irinkb- tvlb- aaao l iuy he iai9prvii inf that critical awniitf ihe nun vf hfr should ni ti lake it a il i o rtin kx- i t far any nf a rasaawissja aad imromo avswam h waieh lenatr a atth at ih limaafwlri flatl ppjl fiiy br vjayad aerarat yaro hy uona m ajwrfja rvrin lata vi1ou car r alulaed t awial and iiia ca ia invtjftii alunyjan2 liver complaint the mtowtn if from a reaneetflw merehant and w pcrtiuve evidence thai o twnenda sr aapanija ie ibecvmal effcelire remedy ever hnownj rorendiealinp divaie dr ttiwiajg a bmlhra of meter c fc f w thtvincfcliana llwksasl jt wall at atn if neeeeatrv will yheh far lv faev contained in llie certificate thero i n tmeiake ihouanda and llpitando of caaei tf titcaeare cliouitly cured and by llie oaa i il hia loodtcioe fitw yoijrsepl984t da- totrrvo drer sir 1 am eonftmine of an act f nrtiee lo pbliely aeknowlcdee ih fftit benrfiu have received from utc of vflo- saroipill- drintj iia town abnvl iwu yen vines an very wck and deulitu led stale m diteaae va a ehmaie inttntnitkn of tlte liir nd ftovnaeh and oa many lhiocslennunpti i waawreafoeed tht i hod very ttrlehijie of rr covrry nraricf and rradii etnidemble f ii ertecia of wur oiediene i ieold to thnah 1 enjeriained a prjudeo aeainit tivd remediea 1 hid liken il noedeine but ihoritime and befan to recover zr i coniiaord lo erl better and om now well i oved i am bo mvli implored ihot my frjen oearcdf iece m w1en i rnurned tn in eily- yoo are at librty t pnuirh ihm f yh ifnalt il wilj erud lk e ol jour eaceile reived v t thwing ivioeipal office ligputtona lost lieifpeecii dr barkers laxativk fiisfisa for bilious complaints pains in the htiad qiidlm sickness janrfhee oh- slruciions confinement of the tyc v the creat demand for ihrne pilli ii a fafllcient guarantee for heir niefulnrvj in lha above eomdaintf numerous tertimonlah eould he civeti irneeeaiy from persoof of the hihmt retpectahility v vrbo have uaed ihem ao fujyaehd tr wfaouf faeei ua coier o maiden v i of thcoumerua i governor the rt ifonrle the earlof elgin and imcahoine vwii fr cthiodo thecapitalorthecsrnnaiiywfsoo- 000 all ihe dirrctvn are sbaieholdcra of ihe cotnpany the rates hata len formad on the mml eorrrct obier- viliunj which escl i lo ihe vilue of life the profits of tht company rein be ascertained snd dividadalcatuln interval tvheneaeh policy hsvinca hjrht lo parlicinale in the profcli will abarv ia the fund lo be alloc aled fe oivietonrathtglae aunrrd advantages antony oiher advantages held ont bj ihia company to which ihe attention of ihe public ii sapecially rcquefted ihe followioj raaj be parliculirixed l the actirifa o o foree flcronreri cojnro 1 1 the alodtrcu rati of prmivm which may be paid yearly or halfyearly at ihe option of tbc party alluring ill ttie tnfrtosrd ficitititt lo tht orturrd as reprdi liridrncr and trocei7injlbe limih beinf jcerally eery eterwive and in particular aw osibred 6einy of liberty to poii by rcam vcitets or if i packets bettcixt any mfa tmervon onf nndone euroorofn aorrarenjr rime of thi yr irtjaoui exfm raoree theaiiorad nsed thuibe node r no spore beotionf of lofimc ihe beneftu of their policies by uk aniiiori perhapa insdrrrtenl on their parl to ivr the aotice required by other campania of thair ialenlion lo erol the atlantic f v the prompt dupnfro in the dnporat af 6 uiiru is the boacd of bireclon at montreal being inveited vrith full powers lo examine inlo and accept of ptepetalfi pnllia the comnany on ihe mb si oaca without coai- oannicmitig wiih ihe psfenl 8erj v the extvtplifro stamp iuy en trance fer or anyother esptnu in ffeciing at i v n vi hie ftl of ihe company beiaa traoyo life auurance oice oncontieclad wiih eilbar fire ot maiiuc niatanct famor iaaa lo wweb ihe human ia liable thoeo ia aearcely one the aynptnmi of which or nnesnua3yaeravated by a coattned ihic of ibe rwcle md to ihle aloer many owe i heir ostein and coitinianeov tlaaprel 3 tho anaoxd ceffiifleate iel a i tmtlitui aly os jueiiny and relief rinilarikain ihia rly i ly and yt ibe arciluiftjaif litre rhildren d iavo a fen imple ifi tnere r nd llrtva i la lei id- rr fearofbeine hambujfed orr auilliqfh rflonklia stpl 13 1817 fll toaxivant i take piaurc in atilnt rfttho brnralof thne i horn it may concern 0r dniihl twn if anil ia rnotho ld hfheled willi crneraldebihiynnd larf ai she wa cites ip as pi reeoverjr by sen f phvoirmr but itwiontltly i wv recvm mcftf i by i friend ia lf arijrrlt brfarc rtt o ooralnflai brittle ihr rmv4 lr fyweeli a j wi ritabvd i valk nlrir ci the ataiiifhnirnt nil h ere rfecaintrd ttian ihe atawvasalan she ia ftnw apart nrcland ptucli utter ihaoake baa been oiloiiihpal hi w ll hea il ia precisely nn thi litter pnneinle that ihe pilla now offered lothe l r are farmed and an tloir oeiivily can be increved or leweord meretv cmawwptiaan bar eorad wy ihio aaedinaa tne as sal aympiotoaof thia diaeaae 6roo- chilil are eanphi0enef of the lnngf ar fhrosl linarwnem dilncalty of braalbini amhma haclic fever ipiltinf up pwsijm ot matlerandaonielimr blond ilitoothine tnore than an in ma ma lion of lha 6ne akin which lines ihs iniiifc of the whole of tbr wind luhei or air varself which rnn throagr every pttl of ihe lungi tne peculiar eirlucf of thia compoun have for along ime stlraclei the ahmlree of tha melic profataion and pablic and lively interest haa receally heart directcdla thc iievelopemcalaf ibeiracliee power and oulinonanc anilities which the proprietors are a ible tn tif y anrl preirnl thia cnedieiar in the pumic with fall confidence of its beint the motl vafeand valuable remedy everdia covered and adapted to all difcuca of ls larifc when any of ih functions do not performthcir naiotal or haallhy action it is universal balievedthil gotlj in hi providence haanalilnicled his children wit pin ami duet wilhaol al lha same umi giving ihem somethine in the srarden of nature thai will not only mcdicaw but in many cavei entirely relieve them wiih ibese eiewr strongly impressed on our minds every oar should teel a ral desire lo inveilisite lo the utmost of hia pswar the arena of aiture and to draw from ihtt source lb infraction which the wiijom of caan baa failed to attain in presenting thi article la ihe pomse j ha pioprietara were influenced hy the hnpe bif a medicine prepared with much care ana strict reeird to ihe chemical properties ol ilr several irrediantsfhjuld taeth place of ihonsinds of nrionsible nostrums of ihe day t with which l he country is deluged rjr the nie of one holile of ihe syruf vii be ulcintto convince lha motl icepli til of ik benracial rffecl prepared and au ny jwier hamilton canada wet anrl john wimer k co 83 maiden lane ni y fff aale at tue alhe- rieum llook store s puersnd c hestha kinjrsion and iy all respectable druegiir hroivhnul canada curb vqi w0hms by lahine a ke frn ilvr qnntilv ihey nnl land m in rnirtin t jrisirtl taylott tjs vwlat urklyn fttsl trtfnend ifeln ajaasmaf r h nws fits onl saving trard n ii aniasawawjm ler j nf nd r hi arta ri rcrnutnf 1 to reorivn ll folvrinc fn nd irepectwc farer hi wwteh in foa on ra tnwjmn nanrlffi arveayraraif r felted wiih far- we1kl her km willioo ermw lind m rrravuiwnd at hlml h notiwm dlieotelwa we anom ci v4iijmitllaaidafi vey fil nnlv rrnd iwr asariwjlbi f kh u fcrrunn rbkbwe felct1 virwra r an 11 aw 11 im ten a htf kial te ar rxrt thine ii laat alilitogs in in tawrehfeulan it aha i v if iweimrai nl v a nr rllil for it hut h hsa jaa 4t ir aire t z ruiftl aort ooaily wily rurnttlt iia aperient medicine peeper for cenr- tfil uao in a family sot are alw well eulaled to aoawrr moat u il pirpcaes fur which paxatite reaiedie aie wncevfaiy tt rma aro nm hawevev reenrnrn aa a spirif r the eure of all dwoaaj irh prrthtroaa aiiementa vre wnra than ridteaht and ar nalr pvl fcrlh lor dcftiin jlnl ther will prove a vuahe rrmedv fw lhl ensnif ttale of ihe linweti wiikii by llie fnuifoo f much uffrrijir fr tlitae aeeavnl ibtirklona in whieh nil are liable and f all lhjae a iffr whieh isaw f aas m fsy ra4td atale nf ih i- maeh an llnnf jitv ctnal f onaeunltr avswitw benfl witl be ived frnm iheir yw inflidilincm an1 rinin h heis annnintnied wiv xaiea nrsikirta in all ifeidachea hr cirliveir preratariii r v ekrn- vneaceiiaent nf clinltr the early sfawjaa jun dee and n promltn- tsfl riruainn ic whmh tyrq ii rvi elnlanrment or ehine ia ihf dki nnhete eaeteiao wdt aeit iheir operaiatsi mo erperinca n nnived thol oa an aperient ihey arc wife eflacciwia may i taken by aduha and ehildrrw and alw in every aic nf prrjnjy t rhimren f five yeara nf ace and inwareli toy be readily ajseaaj in ptp nf njrple nime n jelly and thua dtfuwdtliy arprnh mve rav or eihibitioei tban pander oe vukf 1 ie able med ic i w ittlln flutkhr jwr r ia it leea a naanhfvhsnait ia ikearesha ut ii4 thionied iifif natirsrau iho amhai rwaullaadaeaawai fl hraathii h lha itiiial enrrfiy rin nl ih tlf fw e- f al limn paafaaa a uhvv ii fm a ad dama nirl ivtteii fit reaaal ttlfken tnt ii til i pl- f rrnavta prnairjtlp vine tho aajraws io w j i if hi female a wrofum thi ttartifieita aoaaiu i hm parfaei annt tj over p- diaaaaaaiifih blond a aoa bauaa if tiariraerdan tilftbk crillurrrr fk tewaaawnvfasr pra f bar the puanre rcct ritrrd ifely prove fbal thia the nvwt il lwepeaua vfraswr you three ar my ainhfree h t tut ahbtiul r jfraey rr an m a n dai papal v enifienie at fuller furre i n stnr ihl tsi frwi rsr in ene mt n btasffsmsl f hi fninuinr kareeprtidu lh- iii rnf oli h t hate bee i aatejial lhodyinepia h n stvfr nn1 ie he in liiiihl ie f tuii-rtili- lay it aprnhef fl 1 nn ewaaln brwstll i avs nrj le ps d mr prepared and m onlv at ibe athene ransfe slore kingtton sm m rflirait ja3to rr tlaeelnef nhjeei f i k4awhnnrrirt- rl rw many naiti i ii weei eidifl tlviiit i imh t mi f itiv hevli waa ealramrly lnwhrm and il t a aeabi i ayaile nini ftirbnthtnaeninnlaintalii i irreit henrtil uivt r i wlhl ha fssffsfad m t am in c- y varh nrveri tvrrrdtlir uw tiwhv liv iv i il i inrbj aiba f r l diilllr f vnw ntf airrpaaluo m kaip- ihrfli tlo uw- 4 artr iro n tnnairatraanniviaaunl hyakh o nf lihl titan i liava f a mio heiaryaara i amvaa ii fen ban invalmamo i limy nuir- i aj ureeaat havabveiia m trar atil hah faiati and rannirie a f fialaimer f snl m fara i hpa ima haaty ahainh may ha af awssf nymiaa nr rnluhta hna i j j jnijn nkvrnjatoayuiy nd fid neb he protieloi in d ftftilejf hiec rlail lmaac them rjenerlly ik fnl na emly whew fl epeinan aw aearee viilli jia ntjre and in ntih any etiarja f tintcriini trpf eininimni iheir iatineat pula lapnakit n h ili whrrrhy ntyflicil mn may lhn if ihry ace 11 nnrl ptvanaa nt adilhiiee ran jet tucm ptcare0 at aiy l eoria slap notick ie sunserihrra hereby lie tn offer their ecrviejr to lhiir fcimu and the piimir ifnernllv in enpariiy ntcotm- mission mbrci1ants amlfjkn- eral aorntssndfinm ihelr im irjnbrvs casaojak vermifuge aritantkd in all cases ihe heal rs- udy eve yel discorered for wnrma it nolottty destroys them hut inviofttjite he arlmle avs1em carrieolf ihe laperabun- ijftt llme or macn 0 prevalent in the stomach kovrlt especially nf those is hid heilih il i harawmi ii effects r ihe system and ihe hcallr of ibe ptieniii aleeayaimpinvmi hy it use ren when nr hernia sreiliscavemd- tht medicine brina ttjuiame on child will rehxe to lake il hat even the moil delicale flain andfec liealnlkrvalionv uponditeases reaultisgfioaa wnrmt seeesapny eaeli hntile frepirif and fild hy j winer itamillor rinano weal and john wimer a co- 83 mvrn laneny foraaleal the alhrnmhu roiw slorek pilmernav c heaihnkinffl ton nni hy all hi reapvctame dnrceiil lirnieh cada- 256m t xenanee in w i n z k s celebrated medicine 9 tilkfallawtafl medielnea are kept evnoltnil aa sola nl imj ailieiuraan uook store fcgeiareti kiawyrwi ivern arlanum extractfnrthe ueily eiiri ot aldjaearariaia irom 4 lapa nilue mood vixkit luuvlda imkimmlwnurnv the cute af jinh ve wlnkkrf canadian vkrmlruor- xle ll rriwedv r i jet iirittej fr wornia ttitfkktinril auiib drum a asj wtskuhi1rllokatrnnrrivrakll ittlxlv ltnimlv t a certain rnf tir llie in is iitnfv siat and lirrmr uiminariin miul iawllv ulntatknt krwaha eia f alnlwmsi while i iiaim knc iaeer ileai a e vikirsrmtmicalnirointtrnt a ledy aafe aod adcclual remedy fieri tita- thir wild an aitenaive i nih v f gwm knclieh and amauean fntent metiieufaa iv c ixlli ihia tunrkrl irtmt tbuy will laaj niinuesi lo irl ve every nliaarilrsti inj diapuinftof anrri wrierly aa miiy bec-in- fill to thoir care firr salo or cuoaign mqnt frs ffkmow can1ilks hat errnatanllr fahanf ryuwn soap and rtttirnttnsritfnrn yet manvfaeiurad in kof tna rohatl tlaarar rtjeinn fjti aod r-ti- pveery crn rovtm ay i1knphv t copal varnish it j s ile altlio ailienrnm r 1 st i ire hmrioe covm vaii- nish in pints ml qnuela ly the or aingn tnlfhi pminiry mer crmnta alipdiej in reaanrinhlo lerma kinpmr april 13 ik mflk olli fo siriu kq sale f of eino 13 iii ll- tjumii anpw in onnf p 9iiarlks8tbam kiwmfmjiri 27 hif be of li copirt of ihe companys profpeclns tableaof itate for aursice asini rso f 1 1 it plants oa single lier joint live and survivorship for the whole term of life or for a limited period te ihe with eve ether in formal ion way lainrel oa application at ihe olrtces cnmawns br aider of the directors a davidson parcker managtrfor ctrnocia branch in canada head office itohtreal ke j amea street di n a c totaa hoar peter mgilt crtolrrnan david davidson eao- alexr simpson eo hew ramsay ee christr dunkin eon midical snruaar gko campbell eee m p aolterror john r0sg es af auacks aleftr davidson parkbr eo draneh otlwea with tvarda nr maaafemeni have i been aatabhahed at loefullowin ptacee ia rtritiah nnh america new brunswick hrwddraee stjowna afent duflca roaaaraeur ea ova scot a head orfiev hatifai ay r l jmcisriviir eaq c j svawasr eaq aa ii for wbot indies at jaflsaietrwielao xj d- p l in r fxr austflalialn sydney ana adelaide forcap6 colony in cape town fob east indus and 0eymn la catomta madraa qonbay ond cuanbax joiw 16 147 oliver purr manvfaetureaatlhindaand eofora nt printing inka news job an book hear the cbe and toy mills tro i tn ivmirj 1 1847 ix the above ink for iste at lha alh k store ut v- j lfu y 3m yir for saib 100000 t dolivcreit app jynej umber to lid y ir william j martin viirajrltere kingmtafajtlh may 187 notick the undcrsitjnej foruiil alt ieron eretiilin any nno on ilieif accnunl whiumlltirriwn nrjers aigried by onnl thcfirmorby mrjssscs j 1blacs h 8 jones ifinestoo anril 20ih 1u7 33 if foil sams iortnnil sherry wimegin hkaniiy c to hngbooik dmttl caha and octaves toj wtffvaj vstaoite etc buu vary low for charles hales to the ltlv1ln 1tutlic canada of ccj t1 arwenw r prrpai0 tratranatwiiika y rattialv and ifflwvs4h wa bj yk anf frt nt iiriael uper ar lwr caimda ai the ci clr 0 50 jticra viewaa4 revttii amerieanll liieralifie on llatsi- lt simrti ivvjev the ftvip tmm hie rrrnaw r i miehrm vlawatwjf uihifa aeiehl rtafiflaaliy- rnfiup riissmiiscyi ilkiairaierl 3j r woaavw mm nunbanf il watercine ritihlhmrt without fain fctvlr iitaai i- 4 a luilm 10 siael slate it ftheqaewrfrthrt thhiivvanlfhwilyf mania eae irtfrnf lrrtovr rtnlianaa meaien m fari- nr hi fepw tn vrh thinf irif nraeiialntirvairh4r a trealue n mihh i w- liaretr the aiatiltn sth wnirliany aw wilt aire may ha aaarmti aarrt- talah nnaariaa katmli unm tisapjmiiae v ira the nirameeaillt nly rahavlmirnra haewimie f1hllttsrs 1 1 r far af nt lha 1nv sr arwrih lha tath i p awlsssaj t tl tatltearvn yihrlrivwillvnttiirft fjnain lyinafafwllkatifi awaw n e riwwne 0 a n 0 ti h ml ml i n ml 0 tr h m row lands unique preparations utvoca rne csfccmi fatnosiaas or itca majaarv thk aoasr or u at ffttncc albsbt tbc aovil pasfjlr and koartltt of lheat irkttalx as wcst aa tata stvcftal soml1f05s altd colara op ohm attdostiftjtsallt psepaaio ssjrj zfmmtpm rowlands macassar oil ts eelvbmted ihroog boot the worw cr t rjewlot and i -n- t valiiiee foe the mvmwm mvir i il lr t i- ffjlr n h- lcn mlir ott or taninff ffraaj raatpte orry tftr ta ira erifiael eesv free tt from wear sw frtiand renelerv il asatjaavm eawry an4 w fa ciioat it ia eapeeifll recofw- mexleifortrmcthebi nota 0 hlia or if i and reosevisf the uae of the aneeoeafc imv im j f f 8e4tw feo aod ovook taal ai 3 1- per wittle to moaara rowland and sowco halloo j garden loaaw- c gtitmntil eonaioerrt alinr an imoervlivw dly l tun the effievey of yoajr eieatwt oit fotlhc uat dneewyewralhave been hald aeeaaionedbf a devafgl fever whiwliai india i hsvs iwed alevwt every ineaaw lo oraw erne a liad ef liai aeain but all mv effvia aormedrrullcaamlaecionullr afriead adviaeea ihe iaa f fvtu lajaabaa hair ktn i can five an heller name and after awinf a 3a 64 bot me tvej symnton f a new head vi xajr befan ia alitiiv iteir to tbc aurorise both of foyaair aaal rmiiy rmlved v haviojr another andobtaia cd a 7v hoiue brve the wivle of wbveh srosr aed 1 had and have bow aa hrndve a haad af hair aa ever a man cnyjd aiid i aameeaty fas emnntmts that all who haw not tried thvi eteelk oil will noi fail lo do an 1 an i- 1 nywtohcdieni ifcm- u j waixihcoaoawi niuty uodfe near taaofo on il r wraaser of eaeh j j nr areirwar lrt ne v alloibeea aro ma avifaame rowlands kaltdor tha ortgntal aauamic pnvwwas anf 11 t 1 n rlt cac in tibotvnfair pwrifjioajsj mipii ir sptj rtaflasssb rlotcaaa faaceiaa taar and diammatioii tveataof pvajaaj tllfssj oe laercse and sjfaafafdaf aealtayfraaseervaewrriiryaiwtluiawt nd an admired fmri and drltecy at mm llaita aod kick- price 4 eadqk w per bhlle rowlands o d 0 n t 6 or pearl demlfrictf a wmra fowoia m tua tiaeartdpaoadad of the ri mi m- 1 i ii reel ere e lawaheafe lae ofimtjiyw it aradacataa tartar frwa tho tevih remove aouta of irnplaoi decay jtouha ani iietacvvev ihe ratawf iaaaorta saw rii fare peaettike wiifrea aod eivoa wrarrejidrfawrroltver prroam per w tyiportasrlstormation i i rnl individuate for lha aalo eaf rain fc r h f istipcat spobious cdmrnunk under lha oajoeeof macas- saet oil kaly0or wn itndar lha isaajrri oaaalioo of jbyatlye4w ii a ritiftnmeat ivparuneotf wjin aaaaaaw aav letnpt i urcaptiow they enpy tne mete aaver- hti-mi- rmltixilifffjic1irwva i and addraaeo i i e real of the orfwasal prrpraina it it there iva hialj fronaaan lo vee that ihe red howl a n is baai iso wrapper of eaeh ri r i tho maaslna anietea are wrth howlaivos fafhimhterfrffjmfirv soaps brtusn- k3 eace 5feaara rosoin drothchs co toronto canada in vmli caaea i nmf far ceemata arrd perfatnerv on i rfri 6lftie aswsra fduimai f afraaa sojd retail by rtopocutu cooniata ao1 par focneta important information c a uti o n a rowland son 20 hemoa corauw i aadaa b locaetinn the nobility aod gentry apowt wtaj mvaled by tht siurnots of eome shop r vho i cjilji di ii their own rwaa faetora five iho liilew of jum oru katinso and l tmder the inaiaaf anaeiien of reyair arid the t7vwrwr r0esoeraalwilh einiitar iirniii do sspln phtls loejeopy ihe fabeie bilta at- veiiiaeioenta and teatiaoaviiat aubvtitirtia v pj nacoeaand adotraasw v ine rat of hal orit preparaiiaaa tw as 0aasjrpfaj m ma- caaaaii oia n i rra anj r oooarro rra rowlasos and the vrapoar of raxl bamrattienameor fowlani peeeertiis ihal tjfihr annir willi ilifif rfi jrr aiuie tx in d i a a btiwtand hq5 rowlands macassar oil tka aiagolar vuloevofthw iq i4vjaos for feeurtmp mpraruf bvwvfhvvvf s uia ryorr araio efl hnavo nd appreeat4 ti ned frivri the very fteiofria hatiss tooo ifip irat of nearlr half a ttutj rf peafioo r isirun j kr j hjr tnequceo if tt ii ptineo albert hrwbo r k ji sam u of crrai brill nnstor aytry coju f tin crillwd ferld and jc pieli teaao in mm ii ii ia universally orld tfvipar wfts namoja tetimrniaf eooeianliy eeited oflta eroeacy afw tha heat mxi faroit prnoraol iia n rr faica 3 6dfwl7t- or farnuy balttea equal to 4 email al toe 6d aod eowole oat islfasls i i or th fftsjat- pernf eeh u- ik of the f bo w la ml s oawnt artiek arc iowa f macassoe oil ntdt in j lima j rowlands kalydor an ok1lntai haiamic pbefara- ttonnl rsjursju efteaey in ihorraafbly pamfa- all pi e tto at iimk all vtuplks spqt btatcttes ftedsess freckles t4v mil discoforatrorts rl e affray rwtlam and nnareey af com- riv ii admiree wf nalffrii- rvrthe iianms armand srk ilia invuhtamr oa a kcwvatiaf and rvfiyatiiria wj llr and reaijeale in warm chraaiaj nil in cava of suntarn tsurff of ineeja so i 1 1 inriamielinn iia vvtoea liive tmf afai eaarvvty bmi arknwledftd lu srrsvys and rearax amaaaei iho esaavsavo ptrwaeelhegukrn il court andiho boval amisvv nf frot rtdain aesrttlat inepriufmaltluis of europe aad rtaa hwi deaintuwiierlnooiuty and tfkntfty of otleiviliaed naiiin d- pewarrofpavkolvkalydorp enltpinf iniiaeral airente iallety inwoa la ihe refine- and vtliien by lh repaljeai action r healiu hilje of lha msh haa tv nnrdv row uk n 1s k aly iioiv r the wrarreranda rowiand i cmnm 11 usanatjf iaalaa fced y nvrr f ihe if faaihtrr ei iho i u ram meni snnr otnaed vn eoek piree is id- 4 rt a rwalbasllrv rowlnlrs ooontoi or peam iettifrtch a rilltfi lilwwkb tor thi tbrtii cwihivaw ail ihn rsinieeal and in i rersaeei httdtr- raeoneal ifeeal nf issatlssn blr awtwa r wseeflbat d ftfjjjtaj taevw and ieaaeanit i rmhf elkeicmninlfaftt aniaie avk uinrliualrrfinbvih grifj4 ihe cfiuat a kiyam wuty iuhratfiltaj al th itlwkttr 111 ami ntlftluty lihtlirimllllt kiropb wltilalae avnaaal deoimi at nee annnwneeo the avor in whuvfll ia arnifvranllr laflal iswed mr w cmtna tnr orwvaawealtaaan f n halynuia altatl ttnraehint htwimwiaranaarnniraliy ihii mitmtnr ahl pciifpmiuv mwr ttntmhjjli ee 4 i i f mraae hiwnf lluintkhsa rsftiralx tanow emai ma tw riwiawat a4 f tara i hia sfwf al ml imi nt wki iewaaa piiiehalae mkjesfffviia bj rvarwelaaaarwaaiaa bad ftt frit i auvkuiimkh ii whitl rwt ralavfjptel hi tbvtltv t ktiaso v hiaaaaawd wveataataj ip miw tiw hb and sawsi w jama htaava a i