British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), March 22, 1848, p. 2

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m thev archartd at ihe rat ol 26 ad seme tiatinhi per cenl roy boot ore i per air o per ci ot wjorrmu tavuplt owns hoc7jdor 1 jjj m than bovls hj hos ij lhc 1 preference w tw bovn paper u an article of soarrc importance in ih tatntifactor of ihc aii try and bi wi brrrly exported t th e n urt h me ris si 1 q the tctltof dolic to h jmp0wt4 wilder ihc new el muit he adverse to that had the doty on conrw or wishing paper it 2 9j pet cwl u valtte is ajter driuct- hi rbc twj of i jr lb returned pi all exported upfn ai the custom hoose 2d pet clritfpjm lhll h ho very nearly 12 pr ceil on print ic pr tho tax i 5s pr e wf but as its price vary largely wilh ihe quality the jut bl o ailj averaged ufaon a wf milton ovaliiy alter deduction of excise duly il would be 3 per cent on writing th jiij- 10 par cwlaodas ptinl to i and wriftnjc p im rry nuh into achthr there w some difficulty in aattacuhiu lb l ches th differ- once in rice of wiitioc from irf coer it used i ome tcltools lo the hih- eel post i 100 bill on reit ccm- ninn quality ibe to will lie tirjiiil to 10 per cfmi aroollhe lt nf article lo he charted 71 per cent we find the cotton linen woofm and ilk maoofatflurc ad hardware the ytet4 fori of tlie canajian it rr therefoee jewkd j p h ch circurtftee 1hl un monnl m reall 10 per ruf thi kef dntiet iadjled iyer4- mbi ifidebied to ibi caontiy for all thai thy pooew their lj originally and very rtcemty waj alwt uterally aflei hy hie clmdi tbe halt in which they emhw wa paid for hy 0 lnpetwl treawry for ihe roarfa and ufide and cnau thfotieh which their prod u irannninl to the port nf rtifrtrmj wc havr paid a cormder- hr part ef lher nd neatly all of llir flluiliry i chatej m ihe xtt of britain rm yet lb amcffifcfm coeny a it ba hen called imtlic to the teril carelev- neaa exhibited for ihe dhnil of eofnmrrciol kwe while ffjajripf the benf fit of abolotely frre emnianicalion for all ilt pmdnet with on aarfcriexcepi lirrbrr on which lrw dci-niri4tm- duritt hate hee elwihed in i la fa or proposes loltvy jtvtcpint tan on oo r man ti fiic tutca not oo rnpch for revrntie which il doea not regir a ivr piotectton f ua manvfaclarea there arc several other l lah umf of datin which we thrahl ooike ii forma aitocclhrrone of the wvtilrvu now too evmmon ihat ont cvtoaiit oyitem it c4fcrl unlet indeed ihe farce h f in ihu voynuy and a faier mode of ealioat h eilauihrd between iu depended- tirsaadiis people tbeeiecalieehee heti- utrd in aoiborhc n act adogrfed evidrntly wtthlbe view of diicoorainjeour manofw- tw ttey hart not yet advpteu the new creed efcoada aid endeavored to limit the connection and the lc between ow prli and ihc crp the uhjccl aveonwhile wxl be w sui brfore ihe eaiiouv prlie i- leeealed here in the operation of the tariff a copy of a petition arainat it previuont hm been abown lo wa which we ahall pobliah to- avorroee there can be no doum lhal peti lioaai apioal it will be nuanerovaly inrd httt and wp prfcrr ihm he evil will br checked but the atle nan tny ahow the error of uwi who itafic that any policy adoild here wih i eenre titt trad winch make no pfovoion for iu ocrvaoce elaewhere when even oof own colooica eodeavor lo tazoor prodoctionj n the mol thai the bill be icmi a accoiad ii t imt c imorrcw ucmt csaut anj chaiiveatt rd the mot on on hv cjottine that ne tiusooct l be allowed for he cij nj j inofuv n tfurli adrctiiis the mcfcatititv interest 0 qwrnre mr rlink rljli thai jrentlumen onj tvitlraw ihif oppomlioei when h rv plan- j that no t irluleverwa iwii hy thi bill it only prarlifed lorllwtr yoiunufil iuhmistir their produce lo w0n for ihe foftiaiaatkcl hie boardf trade of fe- ireal wd in dallv cnifnniiiealh with the hoard of trw of qiuc urj lfcjt had ilroncly orccd him to pre elm ineaitire mrboullon anj mr iitnmmd mippovm the matron and aftvr a lnr ivlti which col piinee declared thil afiev ljn thi aedlhnrxlmotiitlhrviniht whihecallh ihe rread aal hirailiatnenl it tfu carried on a dirimon rf 55 in isjrrckon or rioca ao m- on bhimhi of mr holmes ti ho re- faleed ilwjf into a conmhee rf the i0l to coir ibe ptowtety of anarn jmh va itb tea7utatin the inpeton of hut d weaf- ur m kington in i wr mr hiu mij that in ctllinc iheellen- lion of ihecofnmittee u the art 4 nt 6 vic cp 9 which he ptopojed to omrnd hr wmdd particularly advert to thv ilh clanv uhere thr fee fir inieclioi wa ta at 3j per hantlp an allowance which i hi jd- brnt ncj cwhvr anit lhal there werv forly thij barru b for ii- pkfctbfi and he mivvcd the quantity a- mimej to be 4 t ir nl ituhi filr rttjinalc inc income of v ttfpccor would eveeej the al the inumetit nhen llwy ladonc mrons thry were to d- nothing ataiii btcnc it came tvo ule iio i ortr lie on riod thai the pro in rtinu would nl tini ihf m all tluc wiic and oud meamrt which ihe fealject- wowld uinf hn tnmt ood ml irtefuj mawrft mi1it he adnfitcd during thi vi ifurin memleia called ftnu oil part of ihe iftttrifcc at rral pwje otp4e from sj- withlollonavemureil w utj rove thjt ivrc wa- in ihe yirm of retothte gotvraivaeni n eatriol out here whether uudcmontj or iniv- indralood ititurinivintftbir an inrvi libit diccojue lie had the referred to the nnc- jjiil reprienttfnn iu ihe iwo ptwtibcfav- i hey had in ihe liijef 1mrlnce ix bgmuhs ivhich at th lime of ihe lal eeaim had fiol more than lioo inhabilaij fcndmje i re- pveaent iiivex lo partiement while r the invrr province two eomntjeo having 4000 in baitann each nf whieh if bein mrc of the tame empire and were putou theame footio woum hve twortyfuilf rrreonlititt in- teailofiwohe which thero wat nn can no prelexr no rca why any re calling imnarlf a iit1 r having any littrrt fetj hod ex- cimo or advvirjtc lletr hexr and cvcr lie had aij ilut the tkcjity of ot1cnc a eafiyjjpotjtintr to the rrwtcdr of ihu ihe ital and principal defect ariwitj in iheir pccaeal cotialitniimi ond which it wi efl lo th lrvatarc ri he province lo remedy arfihl to ht vooved inln euwuantly cheer hthnntsald that the miuutei onht to hate brought la ihe bill thu nvirneul they cn iutothe jlonse what he tail said wa lhal the anlt wa one which coum not have escaped lhir ateiuittuor the attrnion of anv f min vho liatt iven the leal beed in fub- w rtsi ul d j fj sotmh va irrvortancr he had at crtofqeen deoeh sy ii al 4- obwrewlmltireleif- wu turreu thnti i imported il wotilw revenue of aoj r aiininn m ihe in spector aacmn nf fh flnr etftcied in the pocett ef iitnectinn winch in rtitlll wa aufaawil to he cnal in value to th payment rf jllihe fkpetsea mf acaimnnu he wootd therefore prnref lo mrike nut ihe wofu two pence and insert in lien ih word one lenya fcequjtr inlticiejit in hi judgment for the work pvibraifd tlie moika wa aed to mr il- i noil difrctrd the attention m ihe cnmmiiler lo ihe 211 dative which he propped to amend by the irlnn of sneh wrnd a- weuld perfectly atirmilalr the qhlt tie f canada flur lo thus- wkct exmed in the united ia it waj notori thai whit in can i seat deicfibed a fine flwir would in the nw york market be branded fftpjltnf propincial pai iro rtt jtfonlreol wrf house ofassemblt movoav march ix trtovrt of rut iii mr stimwoor tviwie iuired of ihe han irjeoilemeo 6jowc whether a hoit e- oion wat bmlkfhtatl i q what potition they it airy were f mr dtcatmoiro haled lhal the aewinii woofd he htooh jo che in a very few dan prohauy within a wrek bol il wa im- pcwbe al rreaent to name the precipe day ml aa aoon a the iei5on could be brought lo rrlooe cocuuttently with the c7aifc of mc wtineta before utic a proroitien wmfd take place a warn and irrevelent jcoaon on the bakropt act look place on a votien betne midr by mr ifolmra lo brio to a bill to extend certain expiring 1 1 i mr ciuaot th removed the potlpone- mwnt of the order of the ly ht conenleil lo witkbold it to ao sir allan mttnab to mike m motion of which he bad civen notice hrsnrrateoo inirted oo hu motion to brine in hill t rrnea the unry law which mood before sir allan mcniva mo tion on i he notice lift ukia piecedence mr ckabot thrrefore pwised bi motion fie the poaiponernvnt of the orden which was mrried on a ditiion rf j lo 1 lb hooie then idjournej tctwat afanh 14 th rotrw met t oclock mr swtnwood ttornnlo bronht in the bill rr wbkh be had r notice to repeal lb uaary lawaof thi province rwad a nrt lir u he read 4 cond time a mondiy mr boctttlit mved for leave lobrinr in n bin to eitend ihc time for iaki ihe cenanj in lwrr caaada zhrnciatin rco the ooiran mr ckaaotlheoght thi mlion hoold nol be orpd u it wa idertionrl that the ii waa lo be promt fvw d mr oavhmoo ha noobjrcin iothibill b m i paatrd nn the cnlrary il wa of im portance that it ifooh be jmcd i ofdr r u render tpmliff a mauie alrray paed mr ialcnaicac econmendeil that hi bill ahoold tie kilbdmirn ad replaced ratal eeeift hy a nv jciite mawire afui a little hrtai dfcoion the bil wai read a nrt lime u1lw4i9 mi a mtrx mite the ai of a etimiee remtii o raitwav mr dueitmrr tx4 the nilsdraieal f ihe naotion at tsi fi f on rftion when it wn kraaww llwj paffianeoit wa lobe pretppied a a few f t wa niel t ap poii cmmitirc whicb oold not hate lime todanvinio si a mcn wetill nin iie way on teoe ihe wr of the lloute taken ami fonid li br ifvl him the en wom at alt evrt have rime lo cnher to- formalitm of a valuame bltjd ll annrod tkit the conmitlhold cotiit t fw tillnrr aid tvche t cot prince mewa- pb- teo sherwooj ttfrontoj ik i hill merrily mclcmald ktoj and thr wwttn mr canciro opped in thi mj n oaainatinf corftikr nr chic owehl b be mtde by the ho- col pfiivce wa in favor of ihe ippoini- wwotot ihe eomnwlif mr daomho coold not rontfnt in thu eawimittee wii5 ipmd h ed tohim rfrfii r to ii1 r i had ben aaai panifw tbat the hie woutd be oawpmd in w dayv r her hear jr wh a tn imwatonitbefoie heminitry had been u- lo avo what war the aure of the tiojnrea jf m9 province ard whether tbey eoold pledge rftcwawlvee to forward the interu of my rih4 par one he m mi tft th mmon mr rvrwond and aun mf faw the fcotlen whkb waj carried on a vnuowto3l ho bfr mactiovaid hrouehl in a trill to 4aairmmau lb k if u c r v t ciraa iaarctrinh m hnaira rmft in o bill in frfn1ae w l rf met u of v wd mawtoaoi m inrd that ibi waa a me- f grvot iwportje tor wilw ue 0 1 1- i tr4 hd aarfiri op the rof lwut pavwiujty in uivr caaa waa no aoeane whatever of hi or pepofna rt tr th ho inio4wrd tin bill al m roawmbml f u- koordo of tiado of m ilaoaifcnw t wowm lw v i vloouy ifc4 harm yielded to ihe fthipnrr from u ph li ia per barrel lea than a similar qilily tylmw inrpctod and ihittped froto new york this loss of course fell open ihe producer the farmer of ciadi mllrd efe hou1d ihorc- fore prpae t alter the 211 claufc o a per fectly to aimitif ihe quality or ihe flotir ira- tptctcd n new york where at preeul what re branded aa fine hour tras there branded n prtfiue thi fctolotton wa auoacrecj to av wm another for the iaweilaw of a caue proridin fnr the inspection of oatmeal n the aamr term a floatr the hoiue then returned ifrrrri or tuc covrnvo nccif mr drummond econded hy mr molmen n lhal the speech of ihooovctuor lien- ral he taken intoconrijeralinn thia waj fnfowrd hv a motion that 5upurc he cntrrf to her majesty whetrnpnn mr l4fiitaddreedthe i low in rrp lish lie oid thai he thoom not hve ritcu ajif hut fnr the mi ufterliur on the ivirf iwa tpjl ivpmm v r f tiw what he hid before said a miiiudrraiarmnz which had aricn pr bahy fnm thir rot denlandin the lanptjije in which he mr p hal addreed the houe tlie hot member fri 5hehrooke had made bwtbcaa euuiori whah oncht to lake puce on public ground and corwiderationi merely peiaoiral and offemv by remark which he houm not nwer hecaie the voice of lh cowlry waa louder than could be the arroi of man who had in turn voird wilh all pariie and aaint all patti ltid of hear nir ntaalwr of ihe cabi net for upje canada had ljed o his eon- stituenl lhal il wa jntite lo them and lo the country at htlfv thai lh jtrprrjcntaiioii honh be entred he hd aajrf aim that there were 0 mny jifltcillir to overcome in comicction wis the ubjcl that they oijhl not to be without asesjlon now dninwhich a mratoiemiiht he advanced micm be pre pared and dcjimt if not cairied for the prevent u oiihl at teaal he orepared fr ihe jrjet cwaiaei tba lciiutirv council eon ttiniledaiit wa at preienl nor havinjc ihe co6dcnrc of ihe pnde and oppoaed to ibe arc majority of the prorincal armbly coold not work wilh the kepresefllaiiri of the ptopl and h had remarked that it wa- a raafeei of fufnrr consideration whether lhal kvfy houd not he new minvltcd the change t n few men vas not diffident iu whole riftkof htpivibc c i d ihe people to inkc all pvme mean ihe kepini of the rouoy oieron e mohcr tcnnifv to io oblige her juiiicti i idviej ihe refoml of ihe the- moil forcible mean civen to th kntalivcs of the people in o to removal if ah to the ur rnoio ndviied ihe prople not to ihink of t- hktjnre fur wlicihy were not bnl in dittoii the nv ol l lav ti ami thneby nuke the revenue as ooihle inee il m taken fnrn lkqrj in an iincontilntional manner ace hl ihe will of their leproenlativee be other party had kept williil the bouuh law a we did and aa it iu been i hitfed by otlicial toncieiiderrc of t emo who cniifd nol hiitn the aekto liial heoiiutc llu lad kepi w hi tin le ot the law there wotiu luve leen itf if the other parly hid rrecleil th- we ilid there ivvu irafo hern no i gut initeud of lhi there were m volunteer miliary men oirrvd their ami fftomml cuioiiru ivalkifif hrhintr where there waa no danger bear h jl roiling penule ajratut wlwm 1ierc w iij ro wawant orty dnleajij t out i a w and contrary to law howl of hear hear and from lhat moment ivr were thrown non their trlfdeferct rciklrd not the law bat ibew milkli and at ihe eery raomcnl when lher ban da were avlvancine thote who v accitted of ipjeitine them conftultejr and ndriud the proplr pr aaint you wilh warranu fur fhoitf t orrendrr if iheyconne witv for hih treatou then it i proof thai of ihe land i rt at naught lhaf wbt ti ptncjiimcd ihcrefure contiive ir feareii 14 chair i no hfontf ulon had been saaifttr ijcrr iae confniiui crir rf ijidci piiiy in innocent h arilati i an ncevftmli that ii hi by w far i ivcame re lanl colonel ro way and rnrrrd lm teal the tjieatfon lhal the fipaliel he tantvij lin 11 in- a at ah ul nnofhe n m iv i m or l ntalota in oder lo uow what infnn of ilbeffim ltta m he ured inln io make il a working wot accompaniment to the hiatal of armblv it might to he lemeh o vnte oiuht lo he taken in odcr tounderftand if ihev conenrred in the opinion thai ihe representation of thr connlr oijirbttalw enfare and he had haled it a hi opiivon lhat iha reproeidation oiiht to hr haj on ihe proewhiui of th opilat1on that there wa no justice rxcept iu ttut y- lm in a new country whrro the noeiou of land was accmfhlc mah where there wete larjrc naaea of lh people arnonc whom there won o conflictma ioterou a ut of linnet which wj eetilly drmo- crac no one bene deprived of hi poeion of trie hili wm iho eic in an orer wfa lalcd country where a few were dtamct of ihe coil and ihe maeaof they people ihcir loot and pervlle dependann tlwt tin tae of lhin- not rxitinc hce there could be no pretext a there wa in enlacid for a cvjtem of rotten horonh a in knjand thc roken boiofiih had fuimeily been uie town now dveayrj and which om not to be pvptfafsf- ijllrhvqirv ai far centutte they could not he tken away witheut aciialine the whole nf orily il h id been found nreeaty therefore todrt away wilh it rtadiully in the prort ol lime but her there waa no reaton to infroduce anch a yitein two thousand elector in oiw place ought ool to have one repreienlatire ndnur urnutaad in another place ordy one reptern- tativei when there were noclaihine interests imt a rommunily of inter che- there wa no reason no virtue in any t- islalur thai upheld that fostered wch a roii are lo ou rl nil hir lfly lolhe stale jf y accordln to the law or your wj of your countrymen fear un pre red for roitance fly tpjcrj ait rice lhat we eave if the coverif day overruled by a weak council 500 to ih caffeine of proelaimit martial law no troumei would hav oul hear hear jf sir we i a revponahl tjovernmeul it mou n which rabkc opinion can influence 1 nor and ihc miinater and iheiepre and how can ihey be influenced t w not freedom of t perch of dieoufff onal abue ia to chancre altogether f of the dicuvtion and surely reveil mucbci he of no good in looting to if ft i ay then lhal reform uf parlbml firt measure which we onijhl to c- and lhal the fir i principle of repr t to lei 1 he in proportion to ihe fl but ihe dticucaion of cpicfliouj like not to ire viae to anrv unfeeling declamation alike incon parliamentary piaclic waa then cnii lluuae idiournrd the mbwiipf t frvncli spece ith tm tin reply 4i lie mr ripnemf wntilrl wih ioeerlvcf co- if jed f men j idill iliej liretrelrd fi -vl- titflitr neirl the c nelfji rinl i ditued ofioud rei prh and t t-orcm- nwnii llor mtiihwiei torinaifo ot it ptflfde fvrrrd w criilitiieoei hid iken dure and ftrr hi nueroee or hi dcmlorrn1 g iev hy knnd vnntnu- l ii if mooie biddiof- tli rjeiern ir neiu1 wrrevrntiliin r nonrno nd he teen trmh kbmrl by lie end pnwbi aoa m ld svdnhaio cacued hiuimlf iic lig and cw- tupt diototbi whqinptd ito uninni n ijrwtl tonftdn by hli i nd viltnmu arlvafc e atfeofear eoertr fwiana iwiaojwbra frywo f34 nf pr oneyiiue hmtfu el taetea oe ofe and fww aland ta yt- lemof represent ijwaj cornp even nith uf itnaiu1 why ihoe liv pnulkn in acvewl j nll luwna unaoijiiiint to jcxxtf icmm x oietnbenj rbile in lnr taod e lirfton- twv wilh popuution wf 30 000 ectunrnc rtfti two niveubet ivbitc ibia yit d oriuvit ijwtpl f repreacnutmn connnue aided and um abviir oa it ha been by tie corrupt ininji- tr uppar cdv whirh nly tended i encndir tnaiodvf aoficniof down the orpeiiiiroor rec he tu ono uould new qoaji to lajatova n pc- pe1 of ihc liateful uiitn which had iuv crrund li thi coo dry wkol bhc had vrr lccn to lieland a citt pv emailed np uaby a drgtutorof jcnfund during fhovereicn in imi iho hon- nknoe fur mo ejr h rrtoant mr hutnk reprotfd ibo imouray of montreat nolaa he wi now l-vm- afawad hia pontic i lawful crwjnily he truatcd tbaj ijouat wvotd leave frt n for odiou coenpaii ana betwoeu iw ayriem f kprevratmnn in lh1 rninlrj ud ihe triited stolen jn l l w different tho eioiiteecliftt nrtni- incut bad lo lwk i iecjutd an arti6cii1 yiein of repreieniatiini bvd ihe landed pnprietjr uf england eierciaed influence tnw l etioriof mro pnwet n tho rjrwo and had oltrayacon trolled by erktvpionandllepureharenf itw vie oflhcpc- voter on evil which eaialed fanan ihe day or vafv and waa il ro b aazd that aueh a cm wltutd be oneaed in oanrida trvi toiflvftftespeoilf am ut thbtaoawa eighl iinmodiaiely to dtihento on tho eomliiitiio orihe rrprrarntatvm the diunin nf llw pmrinre e od llio f hl nf wttraee an1 hid i liamrrd wa the fifvl to ihtow nhvacre in ibe live j w f impfii cwent he would ihcrefme tii far tin arid ten other similar rnotim if maie ia vrder tlat ihe people ahld under- tand what the j nf liberality aovii1edto ayei 02 nnj 1 he nam having been called it vfjiejred lhat mrifta llolnec and jobin had not re and u i il mr tolm hein called on ah that af- ur tlir frmark f ihe hou mr irr for isl he sfuld vole with tho aye mr jobin did them rvin 0nl il xh rtl ahotild h lakpn hy the unilrd sl1e for ihe land ennvevanc wilhin iheir territory lle other hy credit britain ft ihe land convey ance wilhin ita letiiimy while the lbid phl chnuld h for ihe ocean coivynce tli objection i tlul in ceeal liiilaiu there canuol be land conveyance of more lhan five ne iv while in the unilcd state ul may at retch out a many ihoi- adr yet ihc compilation for th tefvic i to be ihc vme mhoth caic s- com ad hundred tni convey a rc lw would ni l3t yin of r t or thai fre debate which thi home nhl io toud crioof hear bear f ibat i bae explained nol retorted hear t do not enter into ihe wivvt a enileman who has brn willinnef ly and in a mul unfounded manner represent both what i aid to-iuv- pat tif j do not enter into i efih lhat he of allother rru ouci ito hi l eon nard nrau c hi vote for ihe rraniinnf stii hi cnntiitiaeuta hut if ni in hrarand who had faluly and h eaeiie ihc ayalem therefore he said that an easily ojpor- prejudice nf a lare leclmn of the lloiise mquoted n hi he mr i had nw not woij in hia ocrvation had gone to rtf that upper canada wa wholly corrupt and lhat owme to lhal coiruptionlbeineatuiaof which he complained had taken pace flear hear he had titn with ihe overralion that the popocd mode of vorine the nhlic wh to he vt carded a an official intimation lhat il wat the intention of the mlnitr who had jolt been called to oflic by ihe vle of want of conlidcoce which the lloute had pasocd on iheir predecor to put a trap to the present learjon of parliament and hr had mated lhal it waa a qnelionou which ihe ijouto ought io m- conkolted he had not nncedthal the anp- plir he refated be bad merely nred lhal if ihe llouehould come to the belief that a uclu1 ion could aadouchl lotake place al present jh prnl mntio michl be potorid and ihn a toon a lhy ahoeih ha the help and jftifii labor for the eod of the country of their friend now called to look to their elec tron they oncht m have a nrfcjl aeinn of ih liatui he hadaid aun lhat there wa every motive to dair that i hey should haeuch a aesion thai the eictnilanc of tome of their cotaeo- havinc been caller to oftoa and vacated theie aoala wj no ijtid reason or not having uclia cinn if they looked into pjrliawcnury hiluy they would find thai thedcidcd prepoudeunc of a paty aftr a eenvra rlection did not induce that parly to kit an imwr dial stop to the emo vl parliament n xoea vt4 at ih rtfocwt tunily should b taken even hunnq thi e sionof teatlif the opiniou of thai body on ome final btl of resolution ohich woim shoxr how many rhould he added to ii in order lo ecnc twothird of ih voto in raa this honte should come to the conclusion thai represent alicui cucht to be increased and he had added that it would he 1tant if tlicy shuum fi4 amviif the anvil in lht hoiie ejuinc thcmelve lilrrala matvrity who dtired not be to inwral as land durham who repudiated the idea nf taking any ohrr ui than thai of po illation iinrm which lo found the rprc4iltion and that h atr p wojm nol wml in hear mjuctrce neither would he with to inflcl it and lhat if for a mnmrnt the lxai of population cave them thr mjjjlrl thrirfrlcndt from ih uppt 10- vine had 10 raon to fear that the french majority would be in any way prejudiced aguit ihen or aint any if their polrtical riifhi had not lw people of lower canada bren foremost to call lisntrj rt all denomi nations to iiartiiipate in equnl riht wilh their fttow irhjt to men in power who evocation tud hen freiinh hail intaitahs been farnabe to the utmotl toleration ihe ujtrooi triom to eieiy man lo enjoy hi p- cutiar relircioiu len hehvin that it wa a matter blwcen him and his co ard fur which he wa accountable to no man th auv iredrm wat accorded at once to their liraliiih brethren 31 d it miht he juth their pide that ihy had been lb first in ptii them or an nal i with tnerotelvo moment where a chance of parties hid jui mcheec ivoj ihrre any measure comiuive to io i i f which had been matred oeeurrr the session wa hin contlni itefully u that it wa jut thar w almuld bar sakhi ea he jftojam ihl the lr adminklratiou was weak al lhal had lhy continued in ottie t enht have heyn etpeeied that the lcmiioo which they wont have 1 granted tait hate hej onr citctlated toslrentbcn ihesr ljre irerua- liv- invfra th eapendiint and restrict the nuhlie liherjies lha uiis rrwm have been fxectd from me liitl whieb thy don while in ogw aid from ihe littto lhv had done while wr the name of ih family compiei in rppr canada and hv ala- t ojiiion in liner canada clwer j where dwy barf jrivew uwnipoj- laiion to d pention loud crie of hear nrwr set at ranchi a cm of ihe iwe of a aemmy carried it lim hy r rnrnfue majonii amj tent it waa shioiiti iheirmin- ik- iii i the tlf d covrior ihroiifti iheir ifluec lia vanehof llr which had aw the cftir4tci of hi tih ihe lecitmtiv coiineil ihea 1 h now cow stunted that thy had hen aid- loah ihe will rt the minofliy lo lin- ji 4rhiriif the mitiiy fat krmndm flrtfnit ffaweri mr barf jankluiiieal hie jialnisl 11 iraar ivaiafm jt-rvbu- 1 irnnent nn in ltefmittle i4viiiiiiui iiji ha by ih french tmiadian chof yet ih polirieal intitiiriojs fai which tbev had sprain had been ahnethcr desimlir true lhal fiaoee iu arff lifii hid ejive prfer- enccto mniarebv ud nhaolallnn imt when follow iu the rroiiisrxainplfioif the ameri- revtiiilinit fiance irnnvated hertelf ra ihrmijh deiojjb crimes thuh year of calamity and v10j1 acr pjlabiuhed orjc reformed her laws advvrcaieal poj frve- dom and did away whh ihr privilred or- dr h coniintted hrlf n tt in ih lnitvd srlt th mnl drmrwmli eotiniry n najeri liirm w hr jiiyfrar ihen thai the freneh ciflu hostile in the hbrr- tiesof tire poiy h w under iho er- ciimslanc that had ad hint il would he a leuahle to delay the torimu ratio nf i mv he tot th- chair rauiiii the mippliet ul dnyin th ui or deny- iic cotirljene in luc whont itny hl ul lwef lm- merely askiiie lhal whatever asfoirihl aaearchine iituuiry life loiad cries of he hcar paruof tho house mr mdomldj gteanrry h dentood the hon rentleman jj for il mr 3adclkv thouhl lhat it waf c h rricrellcd that ihe hon menln r maurice bad not aomremd ihe i french in th am way that te hj lnchsh if lie had done o hi rfl mw f vj ltju fll m in- same way that the hon member for flei- ay had dnne it was pcifcit plain and iitiuct thai he aw catlei ujsn trie adeniuv iraiiou to utr what ihcir measures wntimhe and that h aurf reconmmld that ihc ii ihmild not beantej till they hv lusun- sorry ii- r cries tf no no from the fnnch roemhers the hon gentleman hadeeitun- ly ilated that the snpnhe ooehi not t h ranted tilt the new miuitcr cane ack from iheir coumiincni no no amxphn- edsome f the jral measures which ita their intent to hy lufore the cowlv- xo no ff he mr brutmisuitdrpy1 id hon cxnllernan it was in conuiau wlh thnt nioitndhim hear hear hr booltok xorfou thoncht it a siy thai iboae members from lower canada who could express themselves ao well a th niember for st v riad done dipnoi addre ihe hon in rngfith lo irevnthi mimnderstandine hear hear fhis own pan he had rto heard the eaprcminn-n- irlhaiictflo ihe hin member jwr dnl he ipmt that there had been anything infhm lory io the addre ho had debrcred 01 tc contrary he mr u was prpird to jft0 wth him in the greater part of what he d eupdlwouii ito coot hia tt k- tviii pcprvd ni lo l on will luiae fiieoao whirl he considered ah nil j nru he delayed al to puv ilo wi foe iheir bcinj foil motored fa h neat semm fr ftiizy atone roae and called ihe anrnlnn of the f i 1 iltaironrdinaty unuteor ibe hon meinber lot maorice l uie cuorae rt thiatpoch lo ahed what did tho ii rncmher mean 7 wap il in enenpe ibe cwermnenl t abdicate in hi fa mr skilled in ii practice if j djnrua ana rt iha dmpifnc and he axtolor tj member appeared in b dcltitftf pvuin ibe career which lil already mndlcd ih vuoiry wilh blood if th union were parrrf r f the qitojiimo were mooe appeal to niiiial and rclinvipirjudieawnuld lie inuhyi wl ht were before lite hon uicmlnr miiflil nw io whtflwi nd but the ewnuy waa j goap ih anto tie milit irjumprii hnmiht rue but the riiie coeiwud paals he tme effea 0e cn rt llw ptpolil ton wntti j tflil tn lum diacvrd wuuld be mtowcd b bbaumictl fit and iniaeiy wa l 01 atssw iht hjo irffti member h id aloidf deluded bitrfienirtlioaiij jipiiidcd eivjnyiorn to dh brink i theptoa- plee otid left ihro 1 wa o fiiiw h in- fft f t r ot hkhljac hieii lho iiuit iiidmar i ld h iin mirod to lciray d dfetl ihrmt while llwy waaiidheiwilkmintnireiat lieaf h law wuld awllwepain and il eittc iiin to reiwit oul nf reach rt dancer t wuw otaaairmia and prpieo lhal li 1 r r mnt bilnn of une man wlrlo coiu nt miffvr i the linri meinttr llbed of iw cnrruptito aid orvellyof ibe ttemvwn bl wa r rwi ihe ctu ufall ibe roic lt w otvn nfnilif witniheoaual enoeliruirviat rr m t v aee eeerr pclcl refwm luifhi hjvo beu brouhl iml dl lw wwtild n he miiafiri tvuhoiit armed r l k wnal wa ihrreavu vvben dtaqir wa tmininant ih rem member libandnned lo riioi r tho itooea wbrnti fw rr- dveeivedand ihvn deaeril were there aeen io bt renans4 1 would nnl ihe hnn incnl r i to ton lit ul kn 1 meurr- and 10 1ia i tur 10 fm of abvse for arrfleniffj atperiiy ut eenairriiur perjttdwoi for weehiof t iheseeai end nf au kclatrn 1 if ihc vmmm veo repeated the 10 toeiiona inlibled be ejlven4 rea mnt e inttrvwtile c1tirf we should bu bcueatbiu vttkt f et in wir 1- iy a muii mibl posibty ealtnm so or rounant rr aelf- reprc llr l hir and milii be eeuid tjv4gh uear in ii sv ij r r art eovhi b ireaccroa lo lib uilrw anen bu plv and bia rvb hn uld impel and i- ciic ilicro itokl and tben um tktm iu the same or davicaov ihen moved thai mestrs moauaal canchnn beauhien nd watts liould he adjed to tue tandincottaoiitiec tn kaihvay tr a- mcnao had little more lossy hut he hoped the countiy would knewjr in what war his in vesication would u molhered dwt rol th corvtlticiiu h the hon- member for mrdleiek fel a much interested in ihe coinnlrtioii of ih great we ten railway a any other parties did not every sensible man in montreal leel that the poftrah rail- iv ay was thr irtrm irnporlant dan lhat could be crrid out 7 why ihen should the moti- ly attempt thu to smother an inquiry r merely haieie it wa set on fool by a pcrion dot ii ihc majorily of the house f after some jnribcrdiknai04i said lhat if the committee hen to rvwrt at all il oojehl not to bo larger tli lnth wa however lhal if it weie intended to recom- mend new ctitcrpric the connry wtf loti much in debt lo undertake thn rashly this was evident from the want of ciilltolhc late miion of one of the exminister to lin land where he had failed to mogiik fuou even from rn srovernmem which ras inost hound to furnish them it was therefore he thought drsirabfc to add a few iw members to the original commiitee iu order to ita it attenilon 01 those refitutioiw which he lhoujcbt ihc proper sohject of their considera tion such a ihe moderaliurj of faies the conduct of the people enfacd upon them the speed of ihe train and so forth jf more names were added ibe commit wom be come impraelieme in the united slates ihey wore now abandoning ihe vrroaeou system of protection on pva nil fed urea and ihey wouldlhusbo ahtc toltellat aprire that wnitld prevent canada from irpposinj- hiih ilutie as however ik wiahed h commil- tce lorcpoit ho shoold vule ail the mo tion for its furibcr eiteruion aa the abuse uf a crcal thin ilr catlct aid he woim lo prvent er roneous impressions oinc fnnh 1a1e lhal his mission in england hal not been iniierful reside the saan of xi7ujjo0 ihe difference of exchange between the piarwiil kiven hy jical britain and the sun actually burrowed trie home government bar eonenid to waive iha payment of the iinlalnwul due hy the colony for four years the ruflwcy niarkvl want then in good cindilioi cana dian debeultire were he low par thi had made tho operation of ihe gnvfinmnt dra nn slowly hul it had since inyimj almrt all ihe money rjrarjled by 1orfiamrnt the that lhmvuj rd debt wa al oveumcjiti hoi a british whig al far orbarn iijtrr mjlf tnd i made a menial tow never lo aitend anollw st latrickv dinner unless i eonu bv morally anrd lhal this corlom of highland cnllcmen would not be ihcf match 30 okcenct- th tmy line of i i i i now wotkinc wh to lapraiiie and eommni icatio are r- ceirltlhr lelejcraph olscc in montreah j r r aaaaw h illagnctic sclcgraijil ijvrc4urc imthh hi arrival of tlf steamship wednesday march 23 iws the arrival of th cnmorio iou s in pos- osoo of most imjotunl news news which speaks far it if the ariival of tbe nevi steamer vehich sailed from liveipool on the lllhinsl and is due al boston on the 23ib iiamrwiy looked for it is now known that the ministry after tariff made and renewed a few iioporta jaw intend to prniojiie the ssion of par liamenl this intention ha excited th ire of th great pnnu who i a speech of much power hul toll of the mol sooilicais afjajtljc ha inveighed ae3nt the condort of the new men in power amid all ihc in- veclire h illconcealed treason tnd ihe open sedition of hi harraneie the aicb-a-i- lator speavs some horn troth he say the people of cunarla ne io need of testation and il is a cruel mocvery lo prorogue the par liament when the people expect reform ii abosays lhal since population is the hasi of reprercittaiion canada cannot h duly repre- senled vbite tbe rrrwrame village of corn- wait end one member lo patliament and ihe important city of montreal only two the speech of mr papmeau our reader can perns al ihcir wiw whatever troth he may utter one feeling only can be elicited from its penis oiler disgust for the pardoned rebel who could sting the hanil which raited him and hs family irora perdition v for- fhfom other feeling con tempt for ihc mm itry who could pardon iay and load honors anch monster of ingratitude cambria riftcbx ry9 tvtci from rtroii will fact ww however iot croalod hy th left them by iheir prvdrcesacus mr drvsisiom ihen moved 111 flmcndmnt lhat ihe nam of dr deauhien nd caochou hetruck out n the motion and thl f dr fortier added it e county of nicolct ami lhat secltrr of ihc cmnlry waa nft fl r prcen1eit on the cumimtleo ilo therefore aim dr rrlie and ictatn iw lmn nernhrs foe vaudrenit atv sr rranei cil to said j 1 hear sir a mcna had fell a liule ltojetfc what he had heard of tho freeli wen of the hon memher for st maurice had ihoughl that real injustice had been don upper canada j but tbe spcch that iheyhad yut heard wu a pvrfcclly parlianieury siircchjut ih speech he hmik ba peeled from the hon memher and in mol rt which he could himself concur jleev wish it to b uudcfmooj thai he coueurrel in the whole of lhal lorech bil he imitfj of ih ccatrsl pari of it he thought they mcm topah iheir mrnds cut freely in thi hr fur hi own pari when he thouu the kn member for si maurice was wrontr he w opoe ho when he thought be was law ii miiii vi- lum ccl riij r r amidst inud and in- rait of cjuelion and iokc rwl ire else ihey would not iln hiy slmuld eonsiilrt lha 011101 rt tho reroeniatinn during tlie present eftalaqi after snow athhin ia lh nrsmy of improving ih mmnrip act iu or r 1 1 aeufcus rt ihe pnpid ilim of f canada miht be taken mr paunesu on- chafed hi ariss aarly in the mhiwin wrdsmr stealer l i lievr i luve ol- pevasrd ij lhat 1 staled avian i i it oalcw ih iluu aft j i hardly link i ii waajlh wkh rili to the prrtanal alie f ihe mrutber m slirthioolr wbaiir ha born by prion wb wore etotbrd wuh dieiarorl lit out i hae tahet in iimichf- mwttvve power whw fechajapj ft view we i b that it has ihe apnvalovilios wliw aphsi found in he jthv dneuinrut wheliiifr lb val i have vr d itrd hear har two liayut lhir misary hjt wtrtnlh whole y lf conn ir have wilhmil my di latum tenor of tvhnie adiiinitrtnhl lav hru p- tufiretl 11 e 11 he ouaiiej a hearing me said ih house would xurelv ol compel him to r li rct without hi ii amwcrvit nne of l remark of th hon mcjlwf for si jfauts spoke apolre he had to chaitoh the presence of thii house wilh on iinra atfl inmakina pccli in a ijiirit ol cfccl pro pritty which had it prevail ih lmc he addrerd ihe hotasar in pi5i would not hate comlld him col rj have trousld the hfl wilh a uile v- ration in hi nidrei maintained lhal it wa 1 111 rreueh he necessary and tad liv rtho reprcscied tectiou rt the country much iiitrfested id railways tho anienjirieni was lost without divi1on th m14imi motion was uvn carried ewa vy7 ou fiiday the lion bfr ttoulto mliv ercd th fdlowiu mes4tr frnm hi lkceilency elgin it kincardine itir ooiernor cejcal rrcoenmur toth legislative aemhk thai roe hmitd be adopted to anlhoriie ihe issue of oehenlorca on ihc credilof ih province toa vxient not esceedin f j ih- m rt meet- nt- the evienct i ih public service con nected wilh ih public works and of tutlaio- ine the creifit nf the province i that branch nf th puhlic service guvermntnt house montreal 1 7th march m8 tk custosis ail mr badilfy staled lhat he w anlhofiad to ktaif lhat the customs bill would shortly be proclaimed city council ifeotfmt march m tararnt ui wiiip ttc mofo l mesem cmnler anln wiky rlleraon ilih dher chanomvue siinaun ity waddsnchaari 5twlb iilnu naiuafslal allo minute rt prvi- nwciinjj reod r t itinjia of j coutionnnd eon reulitoto ta flcrerrcd lu uo coiunitlce on acraiocnt anc appeal of j criurford and d iluctt fw kavo t lay dnorn dniuinff matrno craded ldlor vicniift vat cnntpany psvic the o-on- tie moe fr were pcrith vraa n wreh rjaon nun fnleehrrid lreuclrer and fiinu tho tadio pmta f ach a cbiraclc mr tapinonu caipuinevi f a mmtprrpota tion nf hi lanfna i uofehnf and uipar ia- rnenury rcciniinatni h d b an remtted u tie beiond tho fletdurw jdebtt- aid ibe itonfak mtmber for feherboio va uucy avud be th last in prorofcc h iii m a the r of iniareprescn tilio intojhl tlielton mimler fv sbtrbewbaafaiu i h lejai fad gny litrf tin lluvto would eani him a i r i had ban eh ir ed wilh on oncjndid act iovptnlie ihe peh f an hn member fd o he uuh uiuj ihc picoch t well a any uente on lh fl m ol ibit lttur erieof baebcfj charged utch uvc meotber nitb haviof toled what he had nd ilte ki ntcinbet said it wa ind ly nttm mry l agitate a rvpcj llw iinin a ivconttriimi rt tho leiditiec hnumeih and drptttmra ir preaenl aatem ut rpccitin aa crripi and nvmilriu and aid lhat ltd siivil l bought vppoe nada ru ha u hvt cadr and lhat ihc rnnln lakweesi cm da nudjnljnd uji hern tw esaoaf and mievof ihia cuvntr a it hud bn n euro ami ro ki rt relnd rattavfd de vhrhmht conune tilt oril rejirya j it ooaviawiaaj hiauaat nieav he mkred j rrj iron 0 him a a ll at csnctfh il had ndc arrsl he had thank iid never nude nnv arrm u thcwitrre mny i hal had mh no ira wer and c threw kib tlw uiu e of lho iweuiu r ff si maurice a i of eit-urt- the postal difficulties frcn fe ontrtoyrfnfo wc lire still without any jtfawtc nod reli- aw iniorrnation on the sihjrd of ih pjt diifirnltirs hrliveen the mothr countrv and the united suic and are conaecjuenllo in iiorjite a lo how lone w ab rjhrl frniti ihe jipoiiveniencv ahfinr ihcrefroin we utideritind hoer thai cooiraet for ihe ennreyane of ihe rritjh maili over land fmm intifav to qurhee have bn en- irerd intn fef nine monlhs certain and t hi woijm aitpcar to indcat lhal there is lilllc crctaiion oi the noil nf onr covern- mrnt of lhte diflieutri h1n tpcrdily atanru tho fdlowirf irels frrvn ou new york rnnlcinporair wil explain the current oipinioni on ihc subject omoaaj out ueijliliora trie potal tartt tlie washinfr- tnu union lalei that th proposal fr a fail rcciprcal posi oificc treaty was rejtterl by thf britith coivtuincnt aij not a we slat ed by fr tbtcrrli upon order from or go vrnrient we have seen a ilirr fom private iidiviihtal in loiijji in which he stairs lhal oh rt her majesty moiisler imw infirmed tin umi ihev wn perfect i v willrii to roin into a pct olgcr ticvty with ih united stales hy which the- stneriean and the jhirmi shi should ny eout nitvaniai hut that hi jiikft had bmfceti ojr ihc neipliili4i and that ihc roailc iiiv rioted wilh 1j10 aurican pent jo6c au i not wilh ihe llilih ouriiifm loiation is a direi as lhis and ihrouh a lislrhdue piivwechanmo fi wasomnu- nicifeit to ihe letter- writer in tfunfaiuin and not wuh any ifcsia nf briuif srtit lo the iniu th hnd u ii tretsur the io iu rtbcint lmesperc incurred byoaid crnnpuny airaeo its urinationreferred lo llw cuiuntteo on pieoid vlcr uroi ti or cnnnliee a waane- aattf waifeiv nta- live lo the tewtimnof iy uradr again bciof weed to roinnve a 5cvw which had been r in in one of lletiuf the harbur aroataoat that ihef did ni eioaor aaoi bo peeoliar ciretnn ataasoff of s c caa ibai ihe reoaovaiof the scoar alpom b- a th of finance cmaille recmbwndioej tb pajioenl rt ocrat tqiall iiu u j 0 pblicc i i ii reutiv to lho rooduct of ibe poucomeo 0 0ffa rt ihe pfitootf fi 1 miini cliarped with win eonevned in ihe mo bcry of mn t j angel broker of ihit citv tlie comn4iea could not uvd on the rnofr ratal a teft it lo the coeoaben of in couo- eil woo after a rone and aimaicd rr dhailaaad the two poticcinvn in charge tit robert heron and kbrr manu- ofieera dr iheir aheatma will of cirac be receieed ly ihe cooacil and ihete noi lhr leatl 0bt but ihe two- men who hare been diriniaacd aru be rcjp pofoled uxc report rt ibe sekci cornrntten to nltoni it referred tha gomnctal bjnh l brvuhl in a rtut in which it nwotvied lhat th vawla and 1l ir rt th vuf irji be pulitibed whkb wamoiy jeeriid t be lr aojfpt and aod aaetoiofty j by meoea cwtt ii and oher n ttw coutc rt ibe diuaaio mr itil fwtvoit a tme- jrf iaud litat il vu in ojunem llti very lilifi- n the debt euld it pmvedt and the conn cil tcntuiiy would be ibtijjed to pay ih cew mr anleiiorooiiliaowlhookrci il not wlthaandii th c uoeil after a rona converaailoa on ue prpiivt of rceimif the reicinion of l cvawfofd ahich w uviatly vcreptcd tfowroed khih in i v i tsstis- tssrlttr fconrmcl e rfialaiive cowil rt mlam slcw ktcd the tvoci beai ivby ra-jiiv- f f umi nt in jiciu l iii irtilh irt hiite w b d it ermemi hear tvar ard it wmild an ah- urdiyloaay lhat ht dirted lcw nnl qnt bv miua v as ih 1i m i p- ihtiitljn frt iii flovrtjhubft tli wr the men aelef le lo rrrv il intopractic rfheara jf had diiruatrt nwhrti it un iven hy thte whoioro at hrait and in prai lie lyraoia hti by ratrra who had ateojy avt4d lhal il hi mmacmriir and hy lahfy and by reai eidrt on tler pan that lhv could rny rbeature in which lb majority of the iwn pnil in thlwo pio- vine were oprrflhat h hd niatumed lb rtaidea wbmo llwy werr to fnllow it bad d lhai ira a ma4 adonriiratioii ha had lb fullral cnfidnri lr- mro wbe eiljf thwrd that lli wl ra jor of 1 a vtttle tcrn- nnl uii lhat white he d taife avrat hai iwik anannjnned in ofliee ibey ftoma0 thai ih aduiibitrliii vitcatfitl oul well and l the primie tfa yl he frarrd that it mifht ha i i irey wer nt mltaj al iml ibe fit ojteiiejif to in i t- 1hi rit semion wa not lo arry ot ih pfil eiihi rt parhanirr i luy had lad a mlnnlri h ijrfe arm ion neu i1 laooanrea eir rrritla10rt alter i aj cvn my view openly and tnjjly brcau i diil not with lo late ly auipriit n jit j thin il pcaie i ei peeled an leelinn i aui am lr by choice bui w cnuiimou be ran i scp i ami jovi ttr democrjiic roil tort f inn iiitiulitwk jlbtue itrcauao i hav oppoel tl ihe ither power rimtlilttld n lhiciuutiy alt ihi dais ntty life v and all my lift have cored the ieprriiaivr body rt ih- vpl hutsir the proals ll ihr iararirotitsi of twta ioai bit drew ihe pr ple ininihir ifijuaud alfninr when lho penplr ht holied that ira a moil oaiwfltaiiiij tluftehtng accn4liiui ind ihtlf hut of plie in a tbjle heir rhiidcieanf mleiif lirar tu all part of ihe huai a1h cntainly ih term wkardfiw and haaudaurviueour- lef btmltr r nnf fifr t j rj lho other wilt m lad vi he aiuwienai of iu ptibjif- fjaflj rftehfwh rrinjt wnn kuland mvadrd our liartal icaj oo nut to veinie am rrsotlsuted then in an iieuuitt liual rnannr and ilnnjdeil oi the itrit prin- of no no lie tnl t onde oo- llrf freieh ljftu as well a any rnv g7t the ilooi of thai llue or in ihe world r h juhirand h asitetl lhal tlwre evi he doubt of what he said a the repe wnld show tnmorrow and lli w all it wa areinanied hv a rlia nf hai apared to hitn cot t naalttollnaan1 j i i b on the prjavatj bllh of ihe jtntii a icrnuitit and natinn frir rf puhvy- wamirmi he would nunt in ih n9h omr rt the eiovotk which ih hon ihotan had rndr me f he tmd dr lb aytem of rmhii att erumnt l- jux in thi couulfv a nen1row e a rsfwc he had tlwiild lud sydenl n a hsvinft louht tli whnte of uwr cfl t lond cfr rt ha ami lp vnhrl niht he of lhal opniutii br wasuoi tj had id thai ilnh ilant arm flu mu of irla imil nf tjikioai aiafii in the v ilo two province flfinr hear i j red to him thu i piiiinia rt ihl kind l wilh a very bad zter from ih- hnn r fol st hlaiiltre had tho ffoach if j in en pkn in tbe mm spirit l who the rsh one it wnnm nol has been iii- fft him lo have irnuhlvd llw hoasr wrlh 4h ul 4i van n but thr ronffail ias locim dcopaney between the tun v remurb thai it wn jinpnihlr in h rip toahin pfc nu il eirainty nilerrdtli1de in ih- hnf me iiiifbeiconittcl th lum enoinl bn plraaed to advert in arid reimib l what bo had culled u i ml w there we eceasiotia whrai it tweatu tj to adeett tn the eodil of individ f th hon memher hi i lnen phard in i i lo hnn ff m l fioially a a rcnllenr ade arrest tiliil imirejvx enfniuraj tn eo lh ifc c-l- d ihe tul md lordcr neu cr al wha laadiuaje at rew whiiu itripii but lhai wo n initahe m never been hit tahtaataur in aaajke a id hi hfa fiui uhri th majt aiiuli i tafi kj a mi ivh i vihiiirf fsjaji j rsily ay tiroiod a nd a llai i i if i veiled in him hav eaua in ff huprlvah life br emld lavaw4foavbllwai i inii nf aeal ulilur i cmrniiptino and if i j rar r1 r uj i u jn- f rul wcnvcniv rth mjfch lais atasmsoa coiiriirovaiiwavs mr cicuon moved lhat msr tm- strmc and mefavloitd be added to the rail way couirtullec sk a m i would nol oppn ih rnotioo hut the tjoinnnttec wo alroajj vi lifr thai iu- did not like ih idea if haiinif more arf- dii there were already lwrc names vn it whieh wet certainly ilhcieiil nt nviluvi having inni carried mr me- farlind proposed to add ihi nn of mcsts licheijy and mr mvnairr tnitfhl if llnruotion would v procide with the whole tlsratt uotitd rn- coin rnjiculoni nir amrnpaijihtthi wa liefale m lniy ili iiekl jnsr fl era eiidem ihll rhe iiitruivm wa lo ptvmi ihe pnitir lee froo rr polling at all j tr it umi al pisrit as fairly eiitiluled w il coilu b- w namea nte elerted i a lm rpeeul faik vrrv eciinn of ti ploriiara- llowevrr o eonvideid ihe inrhirni rrol in aifovr for ihere wa grille wrh jail d hie jfoiue trceir any awiaj cie ipe unle ilolicv h0 imbj jiven mr ta ii s hutil thiprirtjre of t hmna imi wn lilli ii it n d hmtld h m- c conaxttioy in a small part of our samday impaeminn il is slated that sir richitd amlmii5 was a guest at the st patiickn dinner the fici i tbe jrallant major cvmefsj waimiled and evpected mil was iiname lo attend thv eiror a cor iwted befoio 0 hurigrcd copie were truck it otir aij to hiv srakox tlie wiiitr anay biohen up navigation i ojn at ihe head of the iike bnl eveiiihin j fnimliy we have no dmiht lhal ihr ditiib j yet hard at6 fjl at kixli ood wil be so iv w the r in olhev wj tin ki i ikoai itfoclari th stncasiai rfiriii mr lni i ear i wuihl tmf tlw keled lie iimd in lill i 111 ii lev ww i v kl ii 111 i aajl dftn piiim is ii irttnl n only jf f siieiivn i- rantei ii v dtinl is aid th nilihtn lln adjtnilr drl wmdd h a ihr r to i ml 1 iv jll- wll tteft iu jilxff1 aa fr if it no wlfcivwi ihil lie m vrr in a riniuillv- ihe wtiild d uiiirr vi m il m r iin i iflln hu elm- iii ivuinnttrr the iinlv oiw kow mnutvrs are w hint lo adopt ih principle of ieiociy in poaa wll a ii navurjation there iiul be ijie i ratine nivindt r landing ie ixiuji- dllllculiy nf ei when twn overimoeot with todjlhe ame ihiue and vet canttnt do il thr union aetl thai lb kib itwi ititaciil njeclvil pmpoi lion ef teeipiocity last fall iv do no itn- ilerted imi mailer thetijilivh akaiov did pail at vjice adopt the new l sudden prnial they cnutd nol eioir hai our iviiuater tnmal wiihui the ormi rt ihe ivivutur tnn was wanted nivtl autbori- ly of ihn law thai we tcton was ihr tnlv rjrrii i which took place now lho iaaoso3v are 1niovrd oi iiy ha raly mr iurco depafrli hy itwatl learner no dubi tw ihe matter rorielly onr loij ewn i lhal he ai divapinnloil and chafiinril at the nrvi vwiiioi which he was umirti tt tikf uiti hi iw ordt- we do not ay lhal tir pnpit altmt oilier mailer tucli a prp for iianio was ex- retlrdibtti lhat iu- fiodvu mal nailer mf nriproeiv a fuly a n ed l and ihe tailor dtlil were 11 he easily 011014 the rrnknce ihui whiell we mwlo ih ailion fed lljaal wliteh ne n at nnw n kviuc1j- rv thai we a minl in hrtii 1 lhat ihe t tiiuf 1 ia nitaan 11 whol il itlni x v jwirtvii rommic ti pom at 1uiri 1 ri il jia hn aid by 0 itftiur eila jimrim thai the eilil iiraneiuint wilh tru1 jieilii hin lialid brtwh mr hmetnlt lind lotd pal irtoftlofr hi3 lafi njeth ity mi jdnihin ihr jlluavlef jmrml t jlin deill ihi and a- 1114 iia tli fijeluii caoi a loi i i hiitihanl- t ivadnnekui casirfhwdini id thi phjla- for many day to coin- though ihe iior of vtnler are over the l1e uvre frosts hate ihjckened hc ice in alt directions and il will lak a hut seric rt nne and warns day to uieltil jijin from present iarwc il will be intly the mi idle of april before kintnn llarhnr is ojen for itc purpose cd frcr navigation wlikl h paurr rht it w d vtmr ii alii l ld ia unit v lit- ie a i mm twit rj u eiv div irtlbjel l ihey hoi ii i iv i tleiptna jf rrf ibavor to isi ih pnttiruklai ol ill ti 1 1 an 01111 1 prijfird hy kl lunimfi oiral rt ihii irwftrd on i paliueronti fll futt waa aery rimpla cb cot eimnent jumld n ihe rule nf jla foi t eniii j uiee within it nwi imitlnry while ihn mtm mle thiinm hr ih nan in llw vs rlf itih i bo inhen h uuav rm iniil v ulil f iiah helimaj h r urt frfllir 1rt1itt in mitmrl it10 il a anil thnllhe whulr pol- riuld la diudd lulu ihitv oll hm ul for tht brukk wnio ihuiilano lovoiis mrt wiu- i was at the recrril st patrick dinner and i afiies with yvua iu iticeneral ckcellence hut i cumiul aioid exprcsin my dijtul at a piaciire u hich i ailed lliettal mtr or lc during llw enllr eveiiin i nllinle t the jvenntpaitins tnf ulial are called llish- lm 1 hnroiv to fa sprite loatl i am lomthattl iaoulout omor himand lnllian at iheir social stcioriii whn dririlni tnavl lo jdive one hovit 01 the lalde vtoth and th dher l on th chain ihey il nn and chen voetfeioiuly thi i railed ftiinit ihn lln 11 mime thi- 1ei the cne it cahuot h dermed mnulknnnly fw nrnttith kolhiii loihilalin aiiailai ihi euuoin ef ilwir fuiafolhri j hni 1 lhro i m himtfemauly in the cuiliwii illf t ttrm ihe vlnervauco of il hy fihmen al lhir nalional prilivora lo ho auyihiua hm proper nr dirmrea il i eouiilid anlu- mauly amonj ih luiiuau hi dine rn whole mi i but no man utll aay thai tcich a dinner wrwild w a atfutlvmaul dth fu a rmvtpran palal jul n with th iii timtiktlon f a highland humma nnnna filah uenlleuten i e diity lamia placed nn a while tahh eluth wa tho ia 1 fwairdlt nl the 11 liimer uuivrd i au itlhh lhal ii ua wilh dldnilv i irtuljn1 great revolution in france f1vf hundred persons killto couivt depamsdetlutbd risc depamturnofnif kotai- fami ly fok knciandcrkvt ex- citcm nsr among rueroclace nov vow mareli 13 ii a- th earner cooiorat arrived thi rnocn joe havins aiil from liverpool on the zlih gft sh biinjc iwo weeks talr intellienco fmm enrland si arrived at halifax on lho 5th and had a constant soccessio of castcrty rales revolution in france cnunt do patt pro claimed kint loh philippe daseda itcuihlic jcurd bloojahed in paris trie roval family of france jclt for en- land trcil los of lifenational goanls strongly wned th people paiais royal and the tuiuiict have bcn sacked au communication with pari ent off tho people are in pocssion ot the railway stations end hv taken op tbe rail a chant of ministry is enceicd in e05 inland b m com has bceo vrv dull for all dccritionj hot without mvch chan markets rather firner a ibe dose ftorn 57s 6d cony as ei 38s wttffat american 60s io 6s cottoji down 1 j- 0 id per lb paotisiox io fair demand and ralhef improving nw voas 7 r the dtfchess dorleans he count do pri and the doe do nemowr have hn alilho chamber of depniies and have been rejected by ibe chamber aad ihc ple who penc iratel mm the chamber of uepnlies tho chamber uf drnolirshos rkclated itself tn mrotoncrse and ha refused lo allow tho family uf tali pbi1ipc lo resign lho throoe there will be rrcsl effoikaaade to snpfotl the dichas d tlve idea of nlte- pumic 1 not areeabje to the f taaae deivtilief tlie chamber met today bol the ponvlaco ovcrraswercd th majority the kinjatlocckyleft the palace or the tiilrieentd by ft1y of the cav alry of the national gnards and several rleiinents of regular cavalry tbe carriage weal by the quay to th barrier of ptiasey the troop were all tvithdiawo at m lodav aot a sotifer to be seen the iwotlltf rihrikv msi national jsiatdnd the national gnarfs with lb pop le all inlcfcoor betweeti tht laro aide uf the rir is cot ot asfront gorernrrtenl will be oreaoidn a republic on the model of the united slate n propowd a wocssin of peroons in bio armed have just pasted rait vine ihe throve uei ihir tlumildcis in iiuirjpb and sineirw laa marseillois hymn there has been a frightful loss of life and in many instances th trootri refused to act aimwhc people the nomber kilted is aid o be over 500 principally in the neiph- sot hood of the 11 a i romaic ond between lhal and the tuilerie an attempt waa made on tbe finance mlnitters residroce tl i oesoch which failed the teciii has hvert soondinr all throori pari count moles wa first named and rejected hy the people thiers and kattot were neat named auad tho pencil ma lions appointing tbe ministers were torn down evriyahcie hy ihe people cne- ral lamoriciere h hen apposittrrl comman v of lb nlional nanls the placard was ignrd by tvirr and ifarrot the porlo hare riiiratd into cellars of the th- leri and are diuihnin- tht wiaesrhalf pat i p m on thnrsday mth il was hoped that the worst waa over alaaot half- pal 7 oclock the boulevard rinben crowded there arrivrd a column 0 ihe com- haunt many of them armed with musket and sinein the choruses of the gironoaer ibey were received with uproars of elicita lions by the peojd and proceeded to tho office rt ihe yuf iouw which seem to be the oran of iheir to mutable opraji fort they demanded tht ibe kdilorssce iholibcsr ehehie were not aain played with m mattust principal editor of the vafiri bauanckcd ihrm fiom ihe balcony nnd as sured ibem lhat their liberties would i bit jimo he secured ihit ee was repealed i m duiinc theitihr viy tree nn the whole line of the boulevard j as been felted every on nf the saprrb lamp posts base heco thrown down and au coveim into barri cades ihe corner of etcy street is a hani- cad uttmo stfronftoepcr clfrkst woibmen all laboring at the wort with an eariursvwvindcvvcriioo atliofock m tviltan lurreil areoinpanicd by geo iamoricior rraired fiom r e chantbcr of drpulics lo llie ministry of the interior oho he was fumhly intalw in rtnrenec of ibv national faird and a inuhitode nf citizen whofili rawcuff ouleainth pntacv ih ki and hi fmily procnrdrd to neoilly under an cnrl of ihe crairass ieis i j 1 1 r thcironteenraiatdihetqillesstwtthv pafact tva immediately occitii4 hv ihe ininrxcnie who destroyed everv thing in il windows furnilui pcties c at ihechamheiof ipulieal one omocatt t sm imtk the chair in presence evf ahoui vhi mi tnbers shoiilv afterward it waa p thai ihe duel- doilean had arriv ed at the puce wiih her leo os tho ptiacrloon appejredat tbe left oomccoso- panird by ih twr piincc and the uuco s i hrpniffvflra lr pari entered rt led b one if the mm- petsof the house he ptneiuied with dirti- cnllv as far as the seinicircle which waa teni1d witiiolfieers and somicn nf tlmw i tonal lotastlsts his uemh prod uccw tiivefy i m prrviou on he ascinhly alrncojsjitm- distely artetsraid the duchess entered aoit oletl hefitf between her tun oi tho hall were then forcibly atncrj hy ttrrtyiur- luiteof aimed i the lower eider and rational inijd when ihe llinccsa ami hay children ilired to m of th upr feochrt rt ilievsjiiieofmaileltiv lrsidoutul cu- the l nilallcat and oinoar rtretrairatr tnd when aileurr hn retoedm ilopln rnca 3 nnihimwrd tw iii nimy thai th kit had ahdrcottd in favoi if his iahdhit and ewftn ih rejnev n ih jlckh dtlllean a vnico firm lhpuhhc cvlii n u loo lule an itotercilluble acene of iinittll ihn entued a nntnhernr drmlirl rollsetnl ariptoj wa thteh ond her rhidii as i tho due m kuh aihl mtmlpeume 1 ik fwaai tjujuli ato rullird itmnd artei a iw ienaika bt on tin iorh uf pnml i kir a ul hi mother ttvm tho ptuv cei rlnd mowrd lv tl itto msihr1 tt inrr iur miups id 1i1 ttmal vomily llv 1 1 irw lii wr rf ip titr lhtwvfh iviuovii ffloinlvut to ih hull ill lrteteli 1 rtm ilw ilirvantdm ihiwni da l aoavfomft rldeurtol iliait tho tribuii and all ih w i b ih iple aiul ih nlbmai ji ike h0mvj uf tho mvnhita of thv wet uvrumw niltl a afsaai hnn wllneatad iof th mia a mmi ir ii id a de ill t- loial lho trowl tmt- tuiwtt

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