ikrpvvi mb hi8 vi ul1 lu unw ff the jsmhi mu latest utrounla nf the iteenlutlon in jlaaee u e eiw th mkhv in y- i v i a win uvt felled llttf ilhffiil ihr mrlrepn re kiijj keening lhat the ekiiht h inu landed 1 pdkuauvcliirt ili yt jil aeciuitw ell the rkin 1 htwwv ami although il if by n ptfam tm ciuf tht lit mil tovteae1imith lrj tjhm t hit rrlverl no fteial irdonnaliiui biff llmii dueulay eviiic arhrn it watt ihttied from tlie auiointftert uf ml ihriia it j i mi ton tfniror ifarupulilt m fee restored tv famirfajtdsir rofreil peel m ejcnnalej nerjaiion enthe tfratiirv breath tnnevrilrinent it the ily on fruity was wonl ipvlhifttf tvsueaaeal since isso arid coeeou hirh epennl ftt k after i r i f fceor of tuuims fell to av a rrbasblar lt hem pioclaiaieti the xioe and frfmilj have lo knguftd a thviivl teerttttullt we proiocd ond enrenrl t- 1 now mi dqpmvpltmjeiil f the conor si m dc umarlinfj minister of foiripi artaii m minuk of maiine mcreineut minister of jimee lcft brinii minister of war m marie mirmler rf public uvk m vtun satin imiuialer of the interior m llhi minister i i t il 1- 1 ri minister pontic instruction mgoelchau mlnafstiof finance m uarnicr paj fchjm parts coeernnr cevannior cofmw alders gcndc coartaia com ceo of ki i ion 1 civmbi tv ministry wit wwmly inuhrd the rseetinj v the chatr o pfftts wu inlci irj ah cvrtin olio wilh vriy kailfoftdor oilliike iimipj tvf ww mirivlry tf hftt h jf rf lain llirir iurnuilhmn ollhtjdft all mfts ufcc ml id ihr rvonlon the penpte pi corjs erh uublithtd by crif of 4 hw rfpumiqiie tb ibrofl m einlij tfrrook ib urttlft iw pobliclv bncdcd lol mrile hftt vf n drifrn from vv bytbr ittitfrnl unj lk pp1 in spile of ehr r itrti of ihf km o p t- account ffom luly stt tlit chr irooiw htmi ijniifv airy ttntrrl- tbt aixrtrjantioooicftrofticolaet with the iuofll al paouft j 100 persons irtf kill ed and wounded rumofft from home state ihit hie pm b lifter homrn bck in ui rcfrrm and bia been irtdijposri thee ir rmmoqrsin lirerjol ifcol lord john kv ti had y c be psecnientliip bis rfi ct jtc ri h iuv- muci i li action the dfwienr in the rereow wifi ziooooo ond lord john ri4e ii pfojowj lo inereae ibo incooic tax to 5 percent for two ye aij mrtrmcin march 20 9 f w- wehave nrthin eowmciejol lo retort ttie weather u remitkftuy wild a heavy thaw cotomeacrd ycjteidfty aqd still continues tkriliiointter 43 dcpjrcu aboie tbc isloundin new fnn france fca au raou ak0rtd all otbr hjeu of dinsioo legislative assembly the huuac was hfmld on sunji- on ffcctftadint on private peliltons iweraj of vhich it ulrr ficiiion for ioors suslaintd doiiftctbe rebellion thia aftrrnovn sevetsl mhi wre read a bird time iid pied geemnwn haoetered a rwrd of 100 ft ike eonvicfiti of ihe parlfi who foretblv abstracted ibe poll iwka at the bnubarftou elect on incontenittnee of the wire beinj down arc arc u61c tv t any tnofe montreal news new ya 20lh march leftvanwnwll owrilni fert wftibmfton on safoiday mnstajct wilh mrc ttlal sectataiy mr sctiet hesllb u iaoovhia aod bo in follow oo toeeday or wed e rday 7w larjto gfoccry al iba noelbern liber- tjpbyadelpbiftbomtddowrtatfticb1 tlat slrimr rawton wudesttoyedby fire thia ticnufir sle aras nan hore oa fjibnl klaod crear d pasenerra aaved the ttto coristmtht of uraln ajd otler produce was tot aa veie 3 now some cattle were ihtofmoperboardaoiswai abure tbe boat w a total lost nek y3nxmafirtet march l8balfpsi7 t r mnriieta haanj been ey qnirt today prtjei on chance beloa occurladjn draco- ing tbe prenh reeololion and 1h toso- ttencea with the trade t the markel fur ptoor contjnoos eery grm btsttbedewaftdimnodetate fialea about 2000 ubv at o ckai i cotn there aa alraom a stoa- tion abot 3u00 hbeh told at 53c o 5cc jar aouodiersev leaj trtwhelsflyeal wnr fi hut not aelwei sale 000 fcoibeb crrre l50c 4000 bushel ofaioat oat- ajte 4t 4 50c and tlull svcaai awi corsct are in good enquiry od the toaikrt i ftroi mojvias is steady mokcv it stilt lights and stoifinc baa gone i 1 i ccsil tiaota are entirely un- aajeame kiw york makkltaafck39 francs and paper of iwo freb haaaaal cannot he sold ai all kimbeeti firmbui nof aelive sales 1000 ir at s6 6il a s 76 foi jretod brands coast u eerv dull t 52 tf 55c for yellow awd ivbile ibe demad itery ligbl white aa wanted and the mxrlceta firm oars is 47 o 50c jitc fior in hie hp and dull maai rnah le at 241 a 250 poac scarce eccplox oeus slowly at 10 uiber provisions are cotton is doom j o j wilboni alo of itn- jw lance tjs cukanxt roeat mam wntpstaa these veh are mui l r j to ajsl o ibe dbllowiouid rasas ijvaeot- cunhfii fr vv york iirrijv 26h feb ahdonia for ftotn tasrj lth much aemica tor new york solu til9u match acadia for roton stuflayf 9th april jlaeraafor new yofksatunjfty lih april and thereafter fjrrn april to noeenhr nctaiv the jeparttiiea will be weekly every satqiday from liverpool to america thcm aniaica- ombria from new yok at ih- march caledonia fmm tininrt wejtiei 5th april america frca new ynik wedney i6th do acadia from rmjn wedneiitlav 3rd may ifiberniafrocnncw yk wdda joth io the weeblr dtpaitufe uotn ametira to liverpool will cimneice iu may the aailior y from amerkft aftc tbe 25lh mftrebto be wcdneidjy piht t meaais ralnwin and price are ex pected in town about the bejcnninc uf next week and we snp kai ibe eltinn for ike potuth and firi mm of yotk will eoneott imincdifttelf rgrnof sltis ibaf a mr felloweis will urte m iutdin and 1h4t mr price will rind an opponent in rhe lejcud of ourbasn and the svconri ridrajr i george lauftllhife wh umta to hia very distftiil relftlionticp tn dr ryeroi ecommeod bim in ilr mrlbeist ejecloiv of jaw firat toronfs fce ttht nvi4rion mj ho considered a- etow open the rhu lee civnmeneed ply- inc hetwern hamilton niaora rochester and ihai die tii- pal ir tine avllf een fllv p renin jfjfie drkat urrkn5i0n limduk at tiik ratts or nt rn tliiaaythi iflthof motrlt iftlss will nrvyti ft romsmberrd by atl wlm wiinrmil he avafhl i i in aweiftcu of he oroti lilt of the aral car anlulned hy a wire ceble iheear ivaaeanahla rf hnmlnjfnhr neri li wea ndeiattod thai ha ellettjito lartvof the jlatinutsfied kjiajineei who hae nnoer labeo tbe conalmction of the bridge hid de- irriftihed to aeemniany her huuand but h ir af xhi cold wilh svme pmwi she was ucvailed on lo rfand m the iff leremed jpecuiora wlto 1 ho hu 4atifi- vlioi to behom the pralrnl crno cvrr wit ifcaed when we take inio confide a lion ihe itnitw of ibe ihiendad btiilee bein in vinv f ihe pejl falls on one tide ami the whiil- ao1 on the other while the clevntmn of the ear wm 2j0 fett ohoec the awful mi lime rirer the wire cable we only wo invh lijftirtcti so thsl it appeared but a lhrejd in nm eves a ultteafler 1 oclock mr rleii ronlt ki seat atone in the car brioc ohiomj ihe t i- on rhe ctnad aide 1 c jmiice tc the feelinc of nil present a iwealli- lejnxietv filled every hitl ftml when he retched jibcu halfwy our fears tt wny for hta safety and a fthout of joy from alt broke forth which ovopnwered fin onr ear uip thnndrr of ihexteat fall and waa neehned from tjie opiotire ide on attival al th itnd ihnmr warmheaited cheen cold a the dr wa ftwrfiifd ihe intrepid and eiiterpcii- iiaj ii ivi iii on hia iclnmin- lliree beafly cheer and oc noa for his u4y a her determination lo accooipaiy ik i ussanrf wft knoiftii the enot determined inec of mr llllrtl wft oberced by all tmty we live in a wnndroui ae o re a eeniu man in a cotri- is ii i ihrouh the itr 2s0 t bovi the watenr on wire which are nsed in elec leicity when we relleet fwn itvur imma- nallnn is tftised so ihnt the mind renlftled an he experience t pait days i- in as out vnrif ll was indeed a 1 i 1 i- for hut especially foe those who promote j tnl have lakeu an intercut in the 1 mcli of ibe bodfie all snr mises re put lo jlim as o the iiraclieabilitc of it by this day ex- bihitinn tiv work isv ntbujt rapidity and no doiihi enleruined vf il provins highly profitable to those i- hevr had the ool fortune to incest iheir fund in ibeolendid k i ft u ibe first atlemp i of the bind on this mighty outlet of hv inland tea tn the at hniic ocean and mr ellell must fuel nrftlirv calion ftod commendable pride that lie i the fim mftn who ever croucd in a m k ibrottfli the air on wire f m one bmlvf to aiiplbrt thereby it is tn be boped leeriin to a happy nrotnerniii fncrons and reciprocal nnion a fiim chain of fricadtbiji between mother and daakhlet cod sare ihe quern and gtfd bicst ihe prewvnlnf the tttt statea c cotoniil nieswixdlcn sd of bonier q i i seeley under the hv ihe new york tvioune iubtisbes aeverat htrm iraiha taken from different pancre respecting this ir- if v ujk amonfjst thuo is ihe follow- in account of i r arvett of sec ley ukeo frtrni tbe couvie jr exytirtr to whom it it said to have been cominmicated hy a rti- rlcman of the h i cbaraeler ti will be seen thai it dirters n nmc utiicu1ara from ihe teoo r given in tbe fv which waa i from ftjr nelson one of the pany who went in farsoit of sceley h potidam st l co k y- feb sb iaat wednesday tfternoon a well drcued and gentlemanly aoprariojc man waft iveit com in j tip the streets of llonkinstown tllaei backing nvfoic a latcft mob who were ftrmed with bindreons and olher murderous weaiion iv s asob he krt at bav wilb iwo siltols one of whub be held in either bjad 11 on reaching ibe villan tavern hib pur suers and himself batted and it wa ascer- laiened that ihe maan oasne was seeley late a merchant of canada and that ihe mob were bent on ajrestiug bim fti they a lie red fnr toofeclreftdful criinccocnmitted incanada in ihe irevence and in the hearing of all ckarlaj declared 1u inoocencc if anv crime bi said le owed den hi canada which he conk not heelaiined ibe rroteciion of tbe law and spin and aeain declared hit willingness to ii rcr i- 1e r bimsetf to ihe aiilhoiities of itiis slate but at often sftid that be would never be taken atire ty such a riotous body i men jmj mmv imj canada wheie he would be imnrisjned without hope of ecape 4 purine all this lime neither the montreal merchant neuoei who had raised the hue and cry nor any of hi assist an ta had the smallest scrap uf writ secet or leal war rant but now a watrant was shown to scley which had wen hastily obtained from a neiehaoesiihnapslratetaodnnhrtdrclarin- his suifiicion that it was not valid hait only a hoaa that lie miht be kidnapped m4 earned over ibe line he too aaof doarn la me ttrettt ziaxooiod dog by a cunatsbkcl the town ft was fonod lhat hi right knee was dreadfully shattered jnd he rendered crip ple for life if injccd he escapei with life even you may well marine the borror of the community when it was frnrned fiom nelson lhat bis only eveuse for the punuit on his suut ibe savage attack of ihe aimed snob and the lini shoot ioe down of a man who was ftirviui to uikvct himseff up to llie hmik of ibe law was thai serley owed him a debt of sisly pound svbicb was wot due outil next ifto the warrant non which the fina arrwt was prcienned to be madr was illegally is sued and void in its face it is said more over thai the enn with which the man xcajt shot waa trnxured at tbe olqcc of the irate to wboea seelry applied for hgal pruiec tion the leelint of ekmperaliou are in- ftnd il is if y piohable that the enticed u tho outrage will suttir unish- ri a england and cuba therecanbe liile dobt that ihe recent natch m l0a4 georee bentinck in ibe bri- tsh vitl ii-n- iii t in lelation to enqljnd letxinx the island of cuba tea intended at a sort of feeler to ascertain whether uch an act wnum be i- 1 oj justified by ihe united states and ave are surprised bat the inltject haa not been retereed lo by concreia in some way or other lb nrsjiect lo do so may perhaps haee keen caused by ihe debates and aeila- tion on the treaty with mexico but now that that matter is disponed of we hnne that thin eery implant aftmecl will not be passed over in silence the uoitedstates and cuba arc jeot7rhieally so situated lhat i mr former could poi loterate the ownership of ihe latter twine traafered lo any of ibe eyeat knrooean pnwers wiih the ownership of tbar island vested in enjcund lhat haufhty and imierfona pokier would pcuscu a conlfol over ihh coontry of a most tfcmvitdoms rumuro with the in- and discoveries in ocean steam naeiation m4 with her im mense navy she could exetclse complete con trol over the whole of the commerce of ihr united 5 it and compel os to hr continu ally in dread of her naval tioiceri or to re- conifiuct our navy on a scale that woulj enable il lo cope with her sirnre- ervalion ihe firu law of nature tcema to demand that we shrmlrj not tolerate the iranfer of that iland in any rofean now- er and to insist bat if spam has any inten tion of ftilinje iih it that she shall transfer il to the united slotea conrrna we hope will soou irc ilrir attention lo the mailer what i hen to be done ihey besi know but lor ourtelf we think it would be jaidi cloh for cooprea the warmakinc ow- er to pas unanimously if ioilite a reso lution requeslina the ptesidtntof tbe united stiles through our mmiser to iufvrm the vpanib cuvernweni n a solemn manner that the hansferof the ittand of cuba to the brtiisb noeernmrnt with a view of perm a neatly peesaiiit ir nitder any pretence what ever will bo looked upon ihe government and people of tbe united state aa a just eiye of war and direclint lo a copy of the tame to be transmitted to ibe giiftsrt go vernment tbrourh our minister in condon- it such a resolution as this were iaased with any decree f unanimirr sic thinv it would have tha ectcil dejred in tnt f il alsftj ofitala in kiuano wonjd riropd if mm ihi united 8rnta mi may h wavwffl thi united hrfifa mus may h prepared fur a war wjhi venixe which she bmurilft tn bo manned isisno of i m day- al a war with the ijulted staloa ivnum dn raura bar plana and woulit be avoided ua loud aaptheiiae l lo bo impel if mi now a oie troaly is diiihkaed of nuereaa wilt luke anme proper aciioo on tfiii j-ij- lnt umllrr ate york paper manna item swaiea- we are bajipy to irtake ihe felluwine annoaincf nw and we tope lhat mr van norman tvtl cntinn- eucaf1 i hi operation we tum that ihe inhahilnnla of the town anl district have noi lovl aiifhl of the nceait of uiiual the ea teriise lv forwardiua liter nfa for a peal i ro cmor 0thc bttitritk itttthisw m yen will have tbe ondnrj to aua- ivhiuco hi yrmr pnper ibal tbe furnace at mi- inora is imw in dlal making a aufterior ejuality of pie trnsi and i am ready lu re caiee orders jor that artiele yourehl servl doceil v tynnaux 5 tut nkw oiiohi acr w have every reaaou to believe the new custom act if received the kya1 absent and u it will be in operation on the 5th aixil next by magnetic telegraph last mgiirs ilerout jtviorrn for 0 urtiuh wsj rmontaaut march jl 7 oclock e r ve have no transaction in produce lo t pod we have slitt avid weather it lnv oce ibawin the wlivje luyaej the mkrsy in our stceu tail d i lrpwislativasscubly laf evening in reply tn a qjnealbpi of the ll mr vff i mr druitnnond stared ibaf t was the intention of joverumenl in prorogue parliament os soon as lest supplies bad been rated the bill for tke coniiniia tion of cpiri law naisd tbia aorjoort the iloajjc was r y in a dcbaloon ilia kcelleocy tbe rjoe grsaflll meeoase aolhe loue on kridsy mnjfaj ihe supdies the rtples on which tfulpeaw- tdy he taken tonibt a meataje iraj rc- eesresj from ihe rsaaapltble ihe leslalivt couci1 aunouiiciuj their aaent to a unrobe ofhdh tle enrtm pijer sthicli hiee rcacbe ua furiuaai detail accent- of ihe ouibrenlc in parte but little in stivuuce tn addition toib1 riiuta in our telcgrjpjic datche the latest nccotints state that ihe lrurtsiotal go vernment apj oinfed hvs thcn cotlirmed ltic kins of france aid hdai family had o tn the chateau ojcu all the miohlers had quitted their hotels th x nil hern railway had been burnt so that j uaa im03ille to pet out of pari by thai line tbe pawfe was closed alt uastian- ouil in the tuillfriea au intenliet nad teeu iasueel in ihe name of the french evoflftj aeainst any merlin of the kxcahiur tie people were cruwtlini ihe aire el and were preparjna to attack the cattle of vin- prince louis napoleon bonaparte left london fo pari on ihe 6h pv orury tbe immediate ciuse of the out break wa the determination of the co- eernment fo prcvtnl ihe hohjin of a great kefoim biriict which bad been fixed fur he 22nd fcftrury the debate in ibe house of commons no he jewish disabilities bill was resumed on the hth alt on a division the nuiner were for ibe second reajine 27 ftaint it 201 mrfboiteheie b m a bill m mike l iuc mt iill ntyt tlfi viipj fta- ccra ly sea lo north america fa t taaat or ibe day prcviom n ihe avwtraiol the steamer gaavaob felt to s3 ui mbe- nuently rallied oftlj v beport lm uultftlo iirie down 0 ivxriinsivk halajj ii y auction or wifjes uquos and ohlctries viorvv tiir ynheriler beinit llln re1i hmiieu p la abiie line v il rll i aseim tt h krfe lifiii r jf oito m luirael nltee on ivusdat invf wbpse0d4y tht 4th si- 1jft tutffo aft l ner conimencintf eachday at 111 n m the whole tf hia alock in ivustr ronslstfnii of llrrmdv gin winea if nther tiouori 12 ttisih mutcorado snear si rwr cwce teas cieen and jlfack 90 rsaacsuteo is dsttea lokueo with n jrge variety cf olliee ancles in hip it dc too nuneiuiis looeutiuo ims- au he shop fumiturr and ulisiu 1 of tk gaafcu ufins scaip and welxhti j4 funnisre scootts fnnnela emjuv linuor hufj fjr casks ad ujrrtl eoce hit terms will be uhral john strantalt- 0mi1ant fcavatt amiivftt klncaloo r march 20 ibis atiantic ami oxtaiuo expkbss r ii k ciodiclor wi leave this office on 1 fftlljat 31 t mahctlal sovlnch foe the rtojat hiti ruainff a hrhjvjetj tinmen fur tiierjiogl on wcd- joihi diem hii cslff iatii4aff monno vatva ta j maane v hewpiiet a t k ycia arwoiul eveeaai blamai wtikh t j ue tttltinmll miv mid t iip4l flimtrnmr laaj icvaaeoaad lo ho puiternl a nivrxu pfctaiaoai ar iykek isuus hu fatwa t slfee if piiitt- hoeeb s at ihe r s flher mlh tbid diuefli r if a stml taaieawa red if r aaki at nana nn ksidnr itte icufi m iflh witlcl caer k-t- i lrvih ye rderot repiied be si feted uid ia anil ccot nuuoir of rehaifve mid funus 01 tttrtdvv nrnia- uuj ayed ft yera r in nrni 7 etr vimaaq k frsrinefflv r sjne liiiwlrf ii tirana iaf orlh i ii ta i i t i t 1 1 i i i in h trot tni tn nd ins a rrlflirea it eaenihnc in it fifth encm rerji 1 i illi oild dr wifltirt busm of wui cherry we cfivufei iho wirtd to protooa a tawdievne rah kiniltjiai hjihs the irtl hko in article feu anaarl an lapaul jo kern r u-b- baa tu qvtt i l riat ntru riierteatoww f rha fr oeshw prrle si- i iivl tii p o ftr hecme ihe veneral wsv4eu a ft i fm lhat v ir r 1 smul winje itiuabi f wild ctv hvinj i j kuduf mr kijt iffainpleaav jnai mar etd f iitiw eo tin- first ouvnnh f beeri tlie ateol f- sdlm him inedttiie snv bf fivc je im dorm llmt littm i inre sj ttue b4ftitcl doluta nrtb i hare firoonrlr edj i i ii in lit kel alaea f tn ofo wbn awee eaved ajfah m m ttl feoede aud rlae ekill t phtvieitii fi raileil i -r- r kaamaiiajteaamac v10e oer frnwd uwr tn rfti ci- r- and cjfaljirftid f iiwlf arevhrtatiwi fr mber lorti cutoof ihimeaiind f r the tore nr emche ey atas4 f coeiamp io aalhua ifite c j i dee john ru5ablu sah wrheuofutxedeatedsuaenairihivinedi- eina neie art genuine ujijree sid i liu pl3 on ihe wmppee by r eeocraur ru i prnrloee rje cataraqrii iiodge no lo la d tbe ilrnihersof ihi lodo ore reqnesteo lo meet at he jiodice lloom on thursday next at 2 oclock p ma 10 allend the funeral o our ule brother wm j mahtix a ml and nauicuo attendance is re- qnolfd by order ef the n c h h caimtutilkrs- strrtfary rru rem loner floods kingrlon martbl 1s1 j notice affz pefarieii aro fnrliiil traaia4in list laiftla ilt chttcfteiifi kvm- cimwiii john shrpiiairil swrtjhjitti ui 17 is- rt jw it 5h april wm wake aenu var k isis lost afx satuitdav the ihih insl out f a vvtiath between the stores mr david nljflio and mr llto jojntalon n ladystfckvsqumnl skin muff whoever bm fburd the ameand will deliver it tu mr tbomas juhiiston ill be suitably rewardd- kualaaa march 2j 1 hi s to the canadian pnblic- harndenftco her lo iaiwaa hor baviaa friend in 1urope tftfitt to kinizrte to acneeir a al ihey vietf inade ibe fujicsl ami raort exteve ariaitrracnts foe the orr- anl seanu and mat on applicaiion to their rranch flolitc and a encis in uotton new vnrfc pliitsdelimia hakimoie and new or ean pirfaescait be teeifed lo any port in he united male in fomlaji vcsels and rackelfchipn and every infiiimailo ejreen them requisite for thrie isfe and inott expe- itilitiita een re vance irom culand and the continent to tbeir respective ports of detiuv oariifo i li kndriv ic co appeal wiih -lealcon- ridvnee to the vt numher of pawoeis who have in paiit year hiiped undenheir initrue- lions to certify to tbe violent eate beslnived upon those thiis cntttntii themselves n their ototeetion in no instance hve tin v ever failed to fcteem mioctiully the preavial ffeta- fcjce titketfcnvsuedby thrir american hauaea uotwithlsnilm- the hih rates of aioee which hre frroueutly ocorred in ship h hyt the holders were forwarded and ibey asaiinr parties lhat the arrio confidence may he idaceil on any future en element reeltnikn co are ihe e ans for tram tu cvs boln and cope and co a philadelphia line of packet from irverol and in the selection of all traoir other piveii- njef hiu ihe eatem care i taken that tht j arc sich a to contribute the noal to the com fort of the pasaener parlira desirous lo transrait money to any part f furope can be furnisrwd with drnft efirfrji hntf j m4 wfitoml jr fan aunbv supplied with lettera ofcrrdilon onr itritith etahliihmeni there hundred f thouandi ol ifounds erline hare thu oeen tranafited hy n in prrfrtt rafely be reetirot hcfhy avidinv the rik of lo4 by eeilefil oj olherwue aud realizing ibe full v4lic of hi properly i v can be aecurcd lo qiebee aa abore a arnr pfict- fo further infornatino which will he cven eiiherneraonillir ftrhvletteraptv tnuatfy hkn k cn new yrk harnden co cotton or fcj avilllam ware ou fnfereff hereof kindlon march iftw- in bankruptcy 7n fae mnfer o thqt is warrku ha8ttxg4 flaiwrurv in pufmianee of an order of ihe jnde of the court of haxkrnmcy for the midland lrlricl on thursday itfrd jfjrch int at t2 ocloek noin will t sotd by public auction at the court jtnuv city of k-n- atm all the fjr0k dktl 1 belvnine to ald eate and at the ame hour and place the followine real folate of saij bankrupt the west half of lot invnber two in rhe icbih coueeaaiou of vrutam in he coj- boiic district atto one uodivided fifth tjiare as i in common of lot inumher tweo- lythroe and twenty- onr is the third coni- c iv-ior- and twenlyrive in the fonrtb con- eesaion of tbe township of collinjrwood in the simcoe diiitrict fo paitieutan of title c apnly to ibe ondrrslened c hender ton solicitor thomas brfcgsjrv iaiffiiye waumcmuxain acjionofr auviirtisemnto to tht editor e t v sriim ffa stwr hjll kiiov j march ir5 isis j si uftvina noueed in yoor jaa caution to tbe oublic signed cbafre luart not to pur chac lot no 147 and v no 154 wtui the heweaerd premits ihefeon on centre stveelfin ihe town now city of kingston mne the propers o or the ttite of the late charles stnan jeeexved i have to recpie lhat eu wilt for the infumstinn of the pob- lic insert in yonr paper lht the said xolr towse and premises on centre street arc not vested in the estate of lh lata charles mnart deceased as is wy tjdrst from ihe foitawinc tateaornt bt beon to me and lo my heir and ibet i have ihe rirju and title in me and my heirs lo dispose vl the same by public or private rale fo 1 patent or freed from oovemmeut lo thomas mnrkland eh his heirs and aaaign for xp 147 and no 151 m the lutfrnj now city of kiufton ant by irauf trom cieut governor peter hnntcr dated the smjuly 13u2 and secured the 4th of aucusi icxti no i grant or deed f conveyance frnmtbomaa marklaod jso1- hut or city of kinntoiij lo george okiu 5liiait clerk and allan mtctra k4 active kxecurore ofthefm will and testament of chaijcs stuart deceased tlr heirs and as- eirns dited life 1st of june 18i7 and ltefilered the 9wi of seplentber lfi27 no 3 grant or deed of conveeance from okill smart clerk and allan mac lean esq aetinc nttecutni of the lat will md testament of charle ptoail tn de- ceiaed lo john solomon crlwrifchr jfeirv and aain- of lm no 147 sis the town imw city of kington datrd the 21th of sp- umber 18t7 ojj tcistored the 2sth of sep- l i t it sno4urantqr deed of conveyance from jnhu sohiosoo cartwrifm lo ihe rev gtmigv okill stuail and heirs and aaiw of ut nn m7inlketon now city ni kiai dated ihe uth sjseptembee ltf7 repitered he lh seprnher k7 vmii tawaltem errant miiiria okim rtrt l t1 uaj st araaaaai atmkktiaia haix iioomm sxten9ive dale of muois x liuovkulks hy ahctioim 0 thuilmuy the td march int il rm oehvli loclaaf aeieint caa tujhs rffw ronacro rj- tiumiftv trafage paint nv will reaitfve 4 oldies i ttlm ovdj fine cper sno- ihuiif i rj i ir 1 1 iirli iitfjrr llysonhui d ill d- younit tlyou aiij funpvwdcr inferior irrinjr in vteft tin rndmi tobacco k njints rtfviia heme cuidarjr aasorkd njttff jyrcmrii wrftrin paper asortet siirs snvamajlne bank pl 3kypi while lj 3cwt rich aud 3 afl venetian rd i irene will also 15ma brixbt porio rieosuiear aitickafea llneo teis jlyonfj yuung tyoim and tivankay ojimevfuoand jainvftm crstce ihalf boxes cvenilih tga of katra fine liiilily ffl do- hnnevdrw 5v ilji maecabuy suutt wih rarioua oilier ii dc us uatftwisc iiie drown sheiv thda cenuine connc hiandv hcniiei yv 3hn i anchor brand hda nuro hollands ri ieil eaaks jffc western canada whiskey ulije rum fee terms liberaf ompimnt li watt kifilon lttb march idls midland district building society itice la herebr riven that tht jsrtt in teetine of thk society will be held at coisrhmtse on thursday the 23rd day af mi 1b48 ajtfalon march 17 ims tobe sold by auction armnnday the firsl day of mat next valine court house at 12 nclock noorpariof lot number 1q0 un wellington sireik r tbe city o kincinu now ocupie4l y b- john collar bj virtue of a power of sale a mortgage apply to mesn s i art nd sftrauce nr to he subscriber wiijjam ware kllon 17tb march lb wtional loan and life aiiitncc society of london avina btnk frthe benefit of tlie orphan and the widow eruwiiisd el kt fit pjblithet oaial 500000 sterlg or 2500000 a reserve passu from ibe surplus premiums of lo0o0 cuaiutai e tub oavat ue oiaecenai lnxpo f lanni hurra v i- f sueut llanvvtf shmi enjaif w n woulhouse fao- fras bigtt iii aoian henry tin drnumrb eo j tt ioryth f lln j a mariwvwd nuuraisiirevtiss ao lin joiinmiamiltov u illia m wilson km wuoi0 i- i john fmftfvkaej allxandih c ttooixsox iw mt hunter areni ofliie onunj btujt ii j leader stagft tler aent o iree tt w u i y kt lltciiaitdsi pta crnetrtt iun4i for je u shm nd d v jtsiaiiirjbl c york febvoirj 1 t notice aljl- perrtfli are hereby forbidden from furebiiire ihe premiei ot princess sift feasej to mus hrarismckat anderi benia lm no 16 and alio the h iot anl premies on centre street lot no h7 inlhis city advertised for sal v the rev rjeore o stuart hey birrberroperli of he estate of ibe late c stuart rn- deeeaaed chaklcs stuart teston march t3 iis strffiriob oakum fur sale by tbe sub scriber a tl fgnal 1 1 r vr- v paints oil cc samuel mokley ec co princess streel v mrcb 18 11s books books 11ie attention of the public is respectfully requested to a lre and varied assort- menf hooks coumnej to the subscriber annaljy i chancerv lane tondon con- srsiiiof some thousand volumes of works divinity law medicine sury history voutc travtu 4- 4 h- iviib will be disroied nf by auction seme linmhit mranlh of which due notice wilt m eito and catalogue may be had tluee jar i the sate 1 nc tbat wiib to spend tbeir leiturc hours orptiiuv urill do well to a i lend as there v i works for atl clashes jamks linton killer march 6th 181 vaum toil salk mh nuhko aneftf ut9an13 hie ter h llaa flrl tvnciari or iv i t jfi nne mile fnu llr luv if wtiatfi llieinif is of i iierif i lath tiand u neily all eloarej wf bul has feu buimmian n ii any xlfw r rtmre nei it urill be aold eru raesi and u loa j oredi kieel enr the nvanw ajiy tu juin v ham nivaexetil mamli ij thh tsk 1500000 acres of land full bale in can alii west to the public thfc ipnwrnwe hf lartafai uw faaaasav toaoa w jirff c vrti canal m valuable iumii a n5 at foil balk at anti tn rm if fhuhmiuyftaw ap 1l it iscaillry uit liikt kijf fmltaicr or lonnon canoa wcst lot t an 2 in 3rl 0n tuvvnhtp iff varronutri 4u0 acirjfl i i in mii cqattuwisihpeif yarmniitli 200 acre lnt 2 in lallmt luwftahi nf ynrmnutli 2m acicn allthatpurtif lot 1 tea lal 11111 yut miitnli niy re ma in in it unim dim irietrjg ahout itu acir uml ftnmtunit 111- tortivri uf tsu tuwil fhh of lm staioy- alao the n k pet f rot 16 in law lat hana0 pfiieth uf tho lake ituuj- sonlhwl j s aca- tb atjovo lntnta in vine len enn viwed i4tltoundemieiieimy jntpi litit vicki eq in tpiiat to aell nml c mvcy 0 a same bht n mncli itioicuf ap may iecv for paymunr f tlie anm nf e737 fatj tn mttanrait gilinmir co if iinireat are hicry isrcfirl for sofc ky private contrucu ll cba or lni ful im prhfaairv a remnininer un- njn wkilnksl v uiej timi tnyf v f airtrt willtw pur unai ifji- llc auction noon that day al firl staiilery f pvnjkfly in fort iniily enm- prieei larco uumher flf tuwn lt and lots with pur uhsrf muf evtfei fmntbi in mnal ulicihlu ailuaiinna fi huiricaamaiiy with waeehune and ohee hi li iv aready orectoj tho aliove lain aro in tin tmme- li -a- neiohtiirhiioil inrt staii1nv and buffing nil 1i10 ptauk roal beiureeu lvlon anj port snntoy am are mutt voirmc a farme orul jleaidnca hlah anl plan are to be had at the oltitf f tlc niulrriiiiiei in london ir al colonel roiw ckv pet smnlm henry c u hechbk lonjotic wl c 17 is47 farther notice put little of the djvjve lnoila liavinj h -il- nuotber public aurtimi thereof will rake place 01 pun sunlev on monday ilio j7ih jay nf april ncxnl noon conjitwna ot salo in fnrl fiateil hbnry c- nbfcher lnnjon 6th marrh 1s18 1 848 transportation storage cv commission fylf 1 k suhscribers under the firm of van dewater broreiers ro in otereeti and w s rossiter el co in new york are the sole proprietors of tbe old and accnrs ron van ukwateus nicn nnil mmiiiki mar boib running be ween new vvrit ad osure rsj in connexion with these lines a fteel of first class schooners will run regular- be tween fowrgqftqrl poffi an liku erie it stebijtt and tbeir fieijities bj steamers aarn cutorart wfy ae onorro jr laimntci 7vfrnia cfmou unj propelur ciron tnffether with 1 contemplated steamer direct to toronto atj hamilton frum their own hfriite will connect theae lines with eeery canadian and american port on lake onle- ria 1 river st j awrence thiv are ako connected vilh ihe chicago steam preirllrn iirnnin regularly from otmt and are ure- pared to receive cooda as heretofore for porta on ljke miehljan as their house in osorroo will be devoted exclusively to the receisini mid farwardinrj of nroperly they assure their friends and tbe puhtic that goods or produce convened to them hall be forwarded with all pniue despatch and at low rates they willdcvote especial altentian tn debenture and waw hmne condi o a to reduce ihe cxpeitses in owivefo and new york to a much lurr rale than heretofore- connmenu cf utopertj for sate or trans- uortlion are respectfully aoliilij foe i heir houe in new york andoswcejo robbiit j van dewater acto wjifr m s rossitktrr kew yos william it van ofiwater ftvt 1svis fjtoeo iydenham saloon market butloivgs tie subscriber rvapcctfully infumsi trienjv that hn hu twcn lhat wrlvnnwn stanu in the market hrjuitro lalw kept ly mr thnmaa mcdnnriu anif kimiwi 4 ihaj stfknattx stttoon ivliet- he hunea to ho fneorcd wiili the kunatrmac of the pulotc s smyth kntnn march lal js4s 18 i in eye anil hits wanted tlr v jj 1 ice in cash ivill be thid fur mwcflantable rye and oats deirrm ot the wo rehouse at cin- attj wrtanf maclhersom crane co nnrtn fubrijury d jfiu iii me and stone fh sniciiher wr leave to inform his slar cahtoeaefl anr others that frnen rr ivwoj the mi ifueat month he v ive alvjy on hand and fnro uuria- flre terms tre bet roach uur ab ifmdii aod rorumvuibtanv ountny ol sikouglcrcut anfus icteod waxted l cobds okltmckilv vma opfffkhj isj5 m ln kfw york mica aid fawrgo line w s roitler c im broid st ny r it van debater tier alhanj culver ftca- utlea van debaters bruther co- tjohn r hall coun uhrv bosloo- taa dcwaleri 8 fc w uar cj- hv no cnvslin coroerof water street new york r b van dewater pwe alhan ft b tlvde ica rome it d hatch syracuse van dewiler rrolbera x co fl uv lfir fvansjv j on zaa onfuno od iratf 5f humphrey it cn parker curli j il cmwan1 o 1 siarliew uc honkc r k cn j ii ttrcrr k drcrtne ci james rmwee u wik browne u j sjones ojcdeiishunrh alexandria bay oak point cape vincent shekels harbor kington c iv toronto c w if4mirtnflr w brockville c w tula custom house sale ttiaaaa bo sum hy pitule aucticif tf c l i qneona wharf oa tllchsday the fith april next on account il her majetea njmnme tin schooner rainbow aiui 20 tons ivitk ckituj k- cccunp1etck ternih milohnnwn at the time sflle at tvulvr iicloch r jackson kirrptoo march 6 isis thvcntiiidu tbipr a vh cr itlefveaal nuut ifityfi imacmm ok leajio heairttaajtl usaivkhiiiri ifaliel j the laralnpa iii uir r nrarly filkow ac rvairuustdiwthm hawira tajacr well kiktttfi nm nne fill inf ftt fu iho jrviiui tlln um eh rajiuli liim in lv vnra uuj istpv la llpi mrala iohu ua li thas labudm nic ted ly way of rkaskvr ten v r 07 or 6nfc cash mvsfae va of cfimnitlk htfmfm in ajavarfecajlj ociti fone uaajjl wm tho hvnia pa yable t fvfrriirr eaph yisar ore auwit tko inierm six fee il ttihin thi imico if llic lain no money is required down tvhilar upon nltirrn iccnj5 li juclisy rs liviti ur tlirv yiurn rnl rniiat bo ptiil in ndvuier lnl i p ivmenta ivi1 froc th sctilur fiiatn fnwr oil- umil im 3rd or dthyvjrof hiturm nf lceja tho rhi tn cuiiifcc the thkk liiii ilisi iri tin ui hk ciirej t the lcneu nt a 6 mi nmed in latf nril nn nhwancc is itsftejej recording t aniuipfthl patntrnt 1ut nf j i ami ony luitrirt nfe mmiin can h iftrinel urtfilientiin if ly vwcr upmid n csssxtu orrana to mm and iderich f r riiaidmili kqk aid cdhrne dlmiirl ralttc ifuwilmli nej c- v iutt enjrirc sialfvrj huron diiriel uuch i0isl 2ccm cataraql bltidgiv to de let oxcqstract the tolls of th ca taraqul bridge from thr lit april 1si to the 20th january 1sid inclusive rleniers vcilllrt received at the j fjfliin nf thi cnvarpi bruise cimpariv on honuavuut 27ih jav r march ww il i otuck p u fmrn audi pttemif n id u wilitlv in kent ttri uin- fr the luevo perioj tliu itcn- tn lc cvaiiy itaied in womi at leitgth which llmf i l he pii1 wmhls in ibe firat fmfy waierfu afiur the aij let tt april it i i 1e un jeraiird that audi flhc army and sy ami nthejr miaitniy ftfpjrtreiiid n or in- tdualcjiiirrs cikiirjcl efttocrd inu e- hveen llie 0ivvrnmeiillirl cntarafui uije cumpany arc fmoipl frum tod nj ibal vt mil- wlii on july ftoii g tiiov cuming fmrn 111 or mmlrr n d iho oiiccmra anil omccrs of tlie coiaraqui briilgvfrnpyt theif jer ffayjttl eliscsnid cunisca arcalaoto etiillficc the rate of toll ami other jtifrrrnv linn will lie fiirnierscil ujnn applicattnn at uic caiaroqui uiidgeoikc node due it nlimtcrnenl tvilt be mode in 11 i under atiy pretext vrhaiyievcr frriin the amount nf contract entered iitl tleajpetaaiai tn ferine- or their aacni to be i -i- t ureniue nf the tenders and the names of rwo 9irncieni sureties ajrc lo b inserted ho are willing to enter inln brinj b the fiui tul pcrforoiancu uf m the tender in oe fhiaj to the pfiderii nf ilrtttltaiieiuiii vriiureicimi i n i auljcit tm lit npivjl 11 i pieaidcia and uirectuis of ajij cnrn- paoy sitttorywl 7vrarjrt c- coy calaraqui hrnl t fliit ki5rrm dh murch isis chwrir seaea 11 rjuay idl ie li iaai for sale an undivided third part nf k- liae infiht woollen pac- tllu v at npa icr liiuf ll ufmura tion tin premiav tin le viuvpd ui ptilicaiinn ti mr i iv very hm factory nd u ixaae een n i ttnnn nf aula niale hnvn nij api i iimn ir phedkkick nklun or w j slovn eitutr of tk fate ftoxrt fjnfj pa vfefc bkaaariatknl kirrlnn marrh 7 j8 so if leaiaad iwr 0 suu cahllneaas tjfah viitim ti- urn on rar wus af v4ocj af 1 1 pause n ne worer f joseph flersqxc jfoaraif it is oiderrd tht the third oneval meetine nf frjlior of ihe abovf mwet baekrtlptf tor hroof f tfhu exvitiiiallon of 6anlcru and qrantin omi6eale h held al the jadfce chrnhrr in tlr out hou lily ot k od whi tstlav trie 29 maaoi iusuu altlie nour of live ive oclock noon by the court 5 rowlands cafe p f pfccraio assureae kindlon march 6 le13 siar is ilankrultcy fn am ratter 0 joseph piersqp a bankrupt v otice i hertte eiven lhai the follow- t in eltrcte v r to ttbc estate of the ahenre nanscd turkniftt will be aotl kv public auction en s tuuiav thf 26 b invtaaii at ihe sit hvni of mr janata lin m auctioneer itc nukct uare at ihe hoar of 12 ocjucw ncm eix one undjsidftl third af the sleaoaer transit eaaject wcharesforre- pair to be unecific eo uta day of sie eixht shares of winstar pd co stack the haei tjav capable of carryifl coobairelsor fluor one horse 200 aciej of landi eomeosed of lha north haters r f n-x- h and ft in ihe ih cnnceion gf 5ntm i itie weilero hariri terms made knnufn on the day of sa m any fuilhre iffnefnation viixtrha the sbuee will he luruished on apflfcatimi to p r itcvain kioaylon march 7 ifits e bv private sale fa hatesayard widi american cotton 5heetinc 1 h cnllori ibtea 3 do culton yam wirxfam watlk aeiu for the m4nfaciuree linapion w jinea itfv di stja a aaa cfjan uv rj brm tu4ya ae im ee f famii iloej 4avaa joun mate at fc j uk let- ii a no i kg au1 joaii z in rf j l v a 14 w eatnaaj and deauatct rcuey a a coerayr and a niei hia ri aavaaaa1 sa al jra ailfe uhach kc te faveedaa4l rirrlprkeaue hnea to mc t a it we c lihe irlion- ilatltfa1i deacrihr wm psoctoil kinarnoa v b mk vmm w i l itttallk if ay tinsmith avc dac 4vc j fyi rfal 0 fa utenxtu frefftifataa wclllllgfoii mifrt mfe stilrcrshir thankful f pa foyer npccrfiiy imimetia 1 jj rriermlo anil tliet mlblic lhul lie lj nova n hta a ines anpmncnt tf every dcjcfipliun mini r td rav waut which be i prrared to evil on tlie favrame ieriia cnppee mreet imn and trtr made tip to riidar ac low teicaaa kirnetnn mnrarr 3 l4s ifcv vatines in tfae wood rirc ouacrirr reapf rltfully inforrtm the ptitdict lhat hang made lare addition in hie frcoer celiirue he hae now ihr l2tt and int cinnnodouf wine volenfany ii m in the trade hi extensive navwirtmcnt of wine well belccicd and carefully i in at itua proper svan i nnw i ptrfict orulcf and rvadv fir iimpecticin- cuaitinc lorta of old vnii brisht iln and brown shcrnce mado iras import d dirvci tcneriffe i iltr which will be rta by the pipe bgll hoiobead qunrtor cast or octave on moderate term the ohjei of the snwriber ir tn i iirc the public that they can at nil limem tiuped with staple winea in prrftci ordrr cheifmr than can lie iinpirtoej in mal1 nijbiititie hv private indiwduahi james williamson officrra messna wirjeac pumin ninncra balra kc c supplied to tinier kington feh- m 184 cox vict labor in puraumr of the statrjte9 victentn chap 4th tenders will tin rerjeaal nt ibu oittcc of tho provincial pcniten- hrti y of canada tmiie 12 nclnck at noon in tvtitttty tc afjiprit next frona uch peraune aa my no willing to codt tract for the labor nf such u umber of convict blacksmith carpenters shkmakcrs m taihra stvnts cotter tor one or thrco years ni ecu bo sgreeal opein tho tenders must state tho rates per day for eacn convict according tn tho lime he may have been firplnyej in bjj parlicitlnr trade iptttrrrrn mihojfrrrisivl jg phaltttj f every three moothi from m dlte f c ouscl ttaii roapmsibl euroties rosideat lm wtult will be rcrtuif ifor fg n iintrcl that ma he entered intn any firlher pini born qurr i pl bo hid on au auu af tba tnxiatution h smith krothocul petntiary feo sstb isis vonge ill f lis plourtlxo estabushrment r h k undrrqned hseinjf heenrne prvw 1 prier nf the yllntar mills rthiehare imvyi perfect onjor hejs to nifmrrn the puhlk that h i rrepsred tc etfef intn euiacrmiits ru ihe f louring of wheat uonii the iua1 hma tho cbaractetr wlrick the yntifpi mills heand hs hiihertp iniiue and the fact nf its not havtngcm piftt luaietrihas evaun preaoni lo thoio wbiiatetiit in export flour instead of lib ihf iih mirmaaas foesand erpd rncrohanlatjle atticta and it will bo tu personal arc tf ihe propnetrar to av that iu prteaeint hih standing on aul hivaweod iiihu nanda df e frkokrick joxkj yonfs mula pobroar- 18 islsjeat globe nh3anh fiommfc of london j if essns ryan chapman ce ivl o montreal aeeot of the cwhn la aneanee cemrof rcaseos haeeappiaits ttiesi deri fibaieent at kieston and he it niv l io i iwire atl uscnptioo ef prrty ajrisi joss by reon sdvantaeeoes tiat the oeigiiol funded capital of ihiacora rany ta 035 kujiw ioiahbi and the aeut are authokied ta etu tnjaft a 1 u refcrrirtc n lo enxlaatf cirtnixs w jnkjk3 primeu street kiomia pewary 4 itwa fob 8ai- the new hrhhincr kachakl hetivccn isuonndiyioubbpfnur hurthnn she vdl ie si1 on the following tcrme df wit jc 1 1 in june rtexi jc3i0i3 monihs 3of 1 momthn kimpatricr ft wrrowra i or m t mlevrgr f krvri 1 feb il8 61 tf i removal tis kwgstjy mesrapfl hjdse ith ubctlhe grateful fur 0am favors lary lesv moft rcpeifullie to return thnnks iu rno inhahimnto of kiofsimi cot thr lung continued patron uge he ban received he fouler acquaints thorn tbat bo aa removed hua tavssth ao kkf- sjrtnhltfs tn iho lvew stone rorjce lq nireusutav sijjn of clio tologrshi hcause a llbtctlt opposite his old sisjuj ivlter tic hopes to bo favored with axontittik ric4 ntcoaiiinl the sub eriher hssee cellont aecoipmndationa fur trsyefterv ijosrdeii aud traugera io hiahuuan y hh ynrd shed and stables arc in tcrior to ticmc in ibe city geokg8 mink 3ne eatrae covered carriages douhto wskna utfel pojcc sadilv horea ibtswd at soj kour af le irjv nr nilit kioton petu iss oysters oystews at tm miok sbox iseccmherlf