the british whig a adwuttr ftp onrvttta weal rum j hh km hiuitwtikkkvi ntj wrdftmltf ami salntda flondnf bt sdwkkd john barker r son at 111k atllkxixm m vji ml jw f uf f44a lime trnm tl vim if shmif asajjlai ttrih n fp ffceooiunhed will miirtno- iiiii ik famaber aoreariatrasiluwa nuluiayr v w rmuirtwrt reh hnoirnl ifceeribwi au h ahibaeeitenl invtlii ur if ii tine dd f m bvlhonmt mfcflr iu 11 f ritltw fin laah uuhhitii iftrriun adtrilieenwni wilbmil eeawrwliiavatwhrfhnuahi irpimiiniri fcritiiiitmltiwbiilftjhimcfilnwhjillilr- ttmlllltl wlllb1f njmtufo fitiurfl ffcrdnrireulil u ftibmrd cj adromjw if t lf m rfuhrtliilmul alllclunltr puai im jqtin sov t mi t en srife the atueoaram boole store fffrivf j ini general ai ve rtt s h for canada west 1 a til hate ivwi v tija m nibrf imow taeuaa i r tmt- yt llvs u i h inov4 y r ji pmgvqatwm lafrtfvi wife f4tfei fewm dtliior rf piandard watte a4 1j jtjap kk ta t if am hluw n i rr khi- spera j l hi hink ueo jwofa bl far kf opifbr per or d1coh vol xvii kingston canada saturday morning march 25 isis no 23 job afrmr1er lmlimt v it ii llnda t d firti duii printing in colour nvoffy e t7rd xt tiw aoi iftipjhm rl jnhtjpo uf qtireu new printibo nfiod rcuntixgii faith ahim paranjas b iilt cwptt li and mndaote cv luikhpilb cie ade knwudio wt ad of tse cp r j r t business directory messrs hill parke barristers tmustmmi aia soucitms 11 ornce ket me majrmtm ok frwcis m 1ii1i- tho parke j kijdcn ffc 16 1s3 1m rer cameront utc illim bo i strap iand beneeal agent conveyancer otarypublic canada lift assurance company fctdi iirlpm mils ivliiion lie tf- dftwn l reduted rhto v okte nf tc df u 1 jatt store ftfn9at4 cflvnrc ntwcwtlf district t- bradley mtc dvutv ah toscnow hatter purrier rmxects strbct kixosto c u oik jjy opposite yf cuntjft cfr54 5fvf au descriptions of ladles and gcnllemen fan citanej and altered ostuxtltt mavfity a sgccrior stvib f orwa r i i n g j v- clarkk wine and spirit dealer lambton buildings mtcui tnux iitoio cxao wt vlrail cos express william wartj mso st c v p de larmitage fiknehal g roc kr frincam sinet kingaion tow diiiir nbove dc dick- v piojoce ukcn in exclitife george howe painter gujer and glazier bugoi sukingsiw ner mr phipin cnllc pacldrjr in pliotimi wooil inj maltlo imtn iint and decoraled vvrk in gtncrol z smstimprjiom icornctfotiiiii jj onck sltrh ah lir ifnuk iy rmairei nd iruricuihly micniltfj lt thomas penneya wholesale nd tuiftil lbathifr store prtn- caisirrot kfgtoft deilev in native b ht mrtars fin jing of ocry jcscrii- botn drellly b heienan barrier jr arkilitv eorcefihknderwn 09cai x 0 bntlerj cnbincl maker and a genenl artfnrot r the lft w the british american hotel uie dilw y j pattcnsw hiwf aton wi 57x h iamcdowa31rurricrhaucr broct street kihiti tuw milt wp bplr m c hortci notice fur of tmrydobcipctan bimjhl ond solj ttatxiiew drommondf gmcer wire fc sri mtnhim wcllinfii iiuiuinp nt to mf w wiuoov krsioac w p arkaylernciibuiwcri and carriige makr pfincc sitrceij robert mccormickj wholcwlo and leuit dealer in winc siii tn croccrtetf c priacsi street kinio sessrsmacdonaldcampben ffwtcr attorney ai law lrinco irtti kiaptnn john a macnonafh i alexander campcelt i 1848 peoples ottawa rideau forwarding ljne im omw axmdeav canal r riibcfiliort hfr m nmifjr ilie iiulilic tfcncrally luot tlioy imrnj vmlmiipfaim a lino itf firt ciah memer iil birgto to ply nti tho oma anill liulrau rvmttf qd chcy will re praroj upm ttienpenii of ue mvtgtlw next spriafvio forward ptupmiy ronfrlej co ir en- with imjlilojc 3n l pitch tno necciiy fir yc organikf tin of mi t on ctblt1imtht homing 10 view uio crfifmanca mnrt particuloily af fieiehitirt in il rooi place on the ouawo ottil kiikat tnutdv becomes ap parent frnm lilt fet that in consequence of i he trnii nf ihe wo veinc dirtricd fnrn chese rvaion to those ef the sl avrne tnny home iiavc acaicd ma channel uvgcther iherehy rjncjii the meant of lrnprti qwte i i1i v t the n jjrn in i t thll kclton ttf ui- fvirlty the subcrihct woulj be tn femark tint aily deparluic horn mvntretl imff u oil times ho iri uprm hid thit iii grealokt core will h nken in uruh ine properly at tho varinn station upon lhi- rnui ogfteably wiih instrurlioni and jireetinn thmt pmduco received upon tho upward palace ilcstined for mon- lml will mil be unloaded till after im rriva1 at that marvct a practice not iiiheito itendedta tariit t freight iv wilt be pamialmi ma auhsneni periiij ulemovvjones k co frs- clemow co jmfmh fvhmary23a i9j8 18if ftcm hotkl montreal rrme umtiumftiicd having removed 1 from the caledonia springs w monifcul takca leave to inform l frirmla an1 the piililte that he bat tort j i av iirnni i iiih ih iniflii splendid establishment su woll kmnvn to tho travelling com muiiitv aa hascoshotel n0 latc lhvtj for npeniiigtho tame the hou it ftuw beng ihorootjwy cleanoli btij put inihehst li of rtpair anil will be ready for the reception of visitar hy tse 2ltt inwanl the high repoiaiion enjoyed hy tla mic fif so many yoam remlent it nn nocetary tn tay anyttiog relaiivo to it tilnation ittterual decorations and com nil and tlo suhciilier plnlffe him nof that tho bills of pars wines and attendance ahall m bo behind any ecn in this hmt licfore and that his whole attention hall hrie to rendertliirte who may honor jnm with i heir patronage in every way romfurtabta h crlfton jmuo tht cnworfit oute catednnia spring montreal ftfi 10 is3 l33n fall irapihlaitons of sugars tbs wises spirits aid groceries r0b2ht alicbh bftock 9tre kl0afi3 r suhrihrr rerittilty heleaveto inform hi town ami caaatry colftmrr lil hr it now rcitftviiijc lot wiiitrr stock or fire fire fire orkoox saloon kt ml street ttf mr rtsaaflti nirdrr aajv valuable mill sites at ciananoque- the uerfi offer foriale tht iinrnj ployed wawi powr atcaaomar and will afford every ftcility for ibt erection of fttir miu or any other fcimjof mctii- r v the titoatinn ttlon vcl1 huoun to requtt parilciilar teeriotioi foi teroiti watch il1 up tiheval and any fktrihcr iiifurmaton appk at moniiril to mvn amunonj aijldjn vnt fe c or pmifl ooclut u co upon the bfcmuet 10 cj mcdonaloitca caannir 11 dcceafehafi j847 notick t7sh pijo jit the kineskndrewerydistillhry for the folio wins tniettt t proluee 3- n james mcmillan tcacitrr sfuaic piano foru turtld aj hvaic piano fori ti wti mcmillan auctioneer thompson carey iiuporlnijf and connraiakiciii aierrli broad street new ymfc of addtel i wukat aet 60 lb kvkoersblm coftn ofr56im raittey ir4stfe rttrkwitmat r cr 56 im oatpersiui 3 avm i ad- j m vado teagroriliesulnrssptrthc cattfahjf wkcfctd hy nrrtoial jnjectioa ift the montreal nd nriv york market hit urrtriit 5loek omitirt amonj otliei the following artickv teas mfi shin pcao cne suelivftg soochon iin ano suga rs mirwvaspmi mnrt e cnaiadop l w iiiftiiodouthh miuep copfer cn roamed od n planuiio ln mill yru i cujcvuiat avtffpam ft pn wines in won mttlo r r l i l if tttu pot idswrtr tkacarlv cuitli mniifiii tort sim kits old j 11 it li h jtotdcanx rfndvjloluidcii lnimoo gin rnqd v t skck wliiikcv fie liouhi htn in 1 lot cai tlwnr fi pfiiriim itfiiiimi pitfin n plo al in ajoaria sfoiililtir cltiir m i i l de v v n i curaeo tnd other lqura gilocertes crrr plan bav cqiiitie jeircraobiiimiy lmw ftrai rer firk nd j4tfrriitc floir find 0uiv1 ptiii cjft i i and penrl ln t ie r r li- ptf axwtinkhu v r- r 1- s- hoataaavwvtial it and jtb boiilea jjrl j i n jnri 8arwdfw while id yriutr flu ram ftld fill rrivc salt onanddj mvf pi fitie and bake t reafied ant pt fthriro urnvrn wuta and ea indu suer candy fafhr oftflg nd lenvina hrl jordinavil thvtlco tiarl thlud a oiier aitiii itr v rrant tvuut i i uilo xta mtu turke vwni m paiamvwvmrmtorhla aelaaaal j ihfvn pel krt tiju gincef ftartlo fai rra dtnautm l and picaimmurd onttoa wlnnl pkeatill oiifciaa gaaiilat wraa itr- 1 cabhngr cuoumvr itll kfifb- svc- h khefcapb walaal ai llrir unnril ki7 ut 1tm sv rmjinif ltrftiok kataaae arrua s4tnr1 uilciicrv4 aiicwioand coir ir iwavff svvoaikn 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art of hia property from the ibte firo ati to thnffl philanthropic inuvi- dnnu fur iho lilaaral and diintecaiil manner in wlch ihey ciintnhnied attqi eieni fundi to cnahlo him to commmco in iic r j e fire fire f ire i stlawrexce mutual fire inttrance office at oftdeiabarh bl 7 this old woll caiablithed and pop- our cvmpitrniinu t eiofc eni l at dintcr hy fic i it ii ehrap rira pini 1 ihc ffjile of cndhe mlnwtnt tmfrmmi ttavaaaaw iwr pataaaagf u mctooct all eaira hiafdmj prpoftr fim i lrif oeh aa fewie rurk- nirth ht fiairrr foc avltenet bill alwtv piwdcr hftk lieeit siatilet in riiki awareriafi jljkcn iirijcre ce r heildiitfa wvifh mihl bun be then hy hich nd lat eonooiv f eoivdornn ils fetnn it i ahlr in rnatiff jwliied and htm prtj for fivb yfarsotfa premium note f 9ne onrf 7iee quorfrri oer cenf o- ihe ir a xij a farmer kfttartt foo hy hhieh hr trra hi ome n th cmparty r im dmtar44 a ai iwa nn te eeau f arhch jw pxt darn and rteeivr r- t f rrc yearc thit mat eaiheihy he elhd iho farmers insurance bomjany ii i the inviirfd it rniikulj nit ru a hfm ivako in ee orkita if it dit nt n- cocd ilia a laloe of iho ll nd thr do ifii eutain a two tiiikos clause j m- tat ku ealn cook kvitn s rri tn mimtai tlllhi or hill i kptimltfo bartlett cards itld inorrtt ihoulilic and thr purm f the aid inuhmimttit no 71 put wlierr hr uis iy lvei rta- hut h caajjntjf 1lir raionrirluic f vativtiet rf piavic ril obilah hrrriorare fnfnihro hy hie k and ihal any ordvrt m aaiiaa il be fauhfully ant pinmplly eareol- t optical ion to h ol agenlt min liiiiflm nv 11 foitoii street at the ii prien uoal discount od for cah ne who buy to toll again vix sie and white beki ft per pan iy fi do 30 mihi o i4 me he j ivnry and pear mtface cardt rat arv- n yiluwjseat i ifotl v pohhed wfa blank ft mau flayln t iu do do da lo o e iie of tht small do do de iae of the large do dp cjrdi tinleit hljin wilh rgant leini as cards no t 15 per groi larf dev dal 5t 30 6 mnr p cmpinira hy hieh il waliid nrtibc vtia afhif lio mid imoraiec upja it cull cncrt hanlol january 1 lftifi james morton william ware general com- notice aiinpionc w riisatoo ajrnu ilrotfcr and auctioneer frmicis v carey m n surgeoa acenueheur uc irtira camden eaal 4i kaw john blackiaton kailmnkcr ffa4hardy ontario street walter eales painter glazier mat paper hanger trinccaa sliatl lajnfaton il a cuown tin sitihlis cnper smiibff and tin plato worker priucoaa stroalt ktnimn jam oa powell komnoncr jn wifo manufacturer trincc street kaaajatnai- office to fxt avery cfimfortant ortiee fir an almatj ajoury und lo he let aj- v at the alheneoo ok stair kebmary i5tl i3r the north western ixsuuaxcfr company of oswe go n y theaccniof ihiscnmnany has re moved hinflirem ihe bxchck orrirc ihlnm hotel oniavta street where heiaprtpail lo grant nsiiranrc ejeaintt losn or damacc to property whether from firft or dangor wf inland navigation ii t hunter azi naeemher l47 notice nphe gathtsring of israel for i ho uodcniition of rho natural body ihalfnicr into lire glennal win ue preached hy robert cook n ihetdd news room comer ut wellinaion and johnln steeeta and directly nrtrioaite it c iffirihti wealryan mcthojim chapel ktnctrj every sun lay aitcrno at hathpaat 2olink aivd in i im eenin ai c lrl kinealtfaj uec ii 17 for 8aie- f rrns of cultivated tand axd tuprovsmests lots ni 29 e cih dm ir pitta- burirh orico 100100 arre nn30wj cth con dtidu 100100 a en no sorlhcondndrjfiloo 100 acre- ni2v jnloo 100 acrea vv0 eaatpari gthcoododo 476 75aue m nuksluhcoodo 100 aeref tho above are desirable torchaaea warm capitaliara property on lol xo- 24 the hntiao fot ami praimaa na cnllnrne street lately i larvey cioo tho howae and lai lately gool 1 hamilton sifoi cd the heanij lm lately trowoliyi on ellico street apdv n tho ftnwhher georck okill stuart kingatnn jaimary 17 isi- 7 ii samuel morley co general importers of ejtgmsh jijfd ambricjx hardware vv0ufn intimate tn their rwient and ihe tt ptohc that they have reeeiteo an extensive ana well averted slock af heavy ami shrlf ffmthtxire ftnt goots 5 4 r 1 u p l l 1 akt l v batliak laakaj sejesattowmoor uar iran jlaop and band iron casl spvtn and klitlar fiferj canada plalea slir 1 liafl aaal tin lackrailbi anvt vicrs and lellon decv svikeif wrbahtand col natls coil lpfi aail trace cnai sheet hfim iiimi aitd 2iac window 1 m i ami oitt hair srathic and cnrled hair shii carientri jiiirtnit cnnpru tooli oonmt and injl fovrliwf pieces anelfmu aartmtnt q siforr phitett and ftfiutitttut met til watcinc cutlery c tike ihe pliiea rbe latoretl el ataaeiu evn if ttlaa the ake a at oerrnhtih no uio si ttv rnl iii arfynl iwli h r i w sear aid m nvtc ernntl itirri fte lce rvnoify u n any mhiflirr in new vorli icariaiuiitie ifca ariaia witfc ifci titilitn pnal titifn b preaeml enue rim urtly a lily t and diaati lo anadunanaaihrfa 1 arr puirl in miny ouel in ok pni- iim av ihatvas vhara ilc ia nttaaa aot with t i- tlaf paflwlm re r mw iltfrerd 1- i sfeirure fi a tac 1 brr in tle jn tv wii ifavinf lolal pvipiy ioihed ky ihia i ettmnany il waa tnet aj paid willful jt y r-ir-lii- imtmln wfn it hernr lic und t lieeimv icirnl llr riiiii 1f iha ftmicir ftc cnaili wltn dmra a chjmp ii tf inwc ar ifn flleon lrgff ivl nonn dtci r v 1- tha arnrtpian- liolrre manabj fit tuyf ltn rnet br ilic 0am nv pre erai aatwaatlaa and cvoflkiice fwi atetp newbawi0 wqec 21 i8l7 on ikr 1 jl tl j r f r t vr of the hie cfili ttf i iat mf ii- nrd ji in nd lrlnr md ny aaauli li apr nef u- vrr iiiiiany la ike wa i tty villa itv if pi and liieli my n 1s beta aettled fir tierlrnnvr in iad naid lewis johnston fnweratilto 0 w ai ril j im7 brocatlte oee iai7uvlheadeicn ot mfcr eenify that a sinte het inn j hy ilf st li-m-i- mniiml inanrrtnc c n itt ihciiificof nrrpl ipcunon in canada nd ihal wo liive oreer wen aawied iwr ptettitmiii nmea d an cnfiilotl reonincnil tl liwtilttimn u finer beinj in nor npin im ilia ciepec and oiw 4 ihe atfat intmrnoo aaamalaf awlttai wt knlcdrv j i 8rlio- ikm john flovi cliffy jt li t w a mld j on ive i w nd tei i tjire frnn the finvtwin libera jnmra bfjaji f jmlamyvilln c iv jlin c4nand mttktlkliyir mirvkkflllrx w rii fntni irimrii-i- nthrra utth in near vrjt nnd ciinda iivmw tneadirt tnd rneuyofthaetfiitpsnymay be kaifarn fnm a ftci thai itbinkuranoiaaie nmriy 200000 monthly ml 7 of hrc bou oatul dvhara in favr m hh cnpanj added dur- i- ii- a i tinw kbrat uiy cth ilis t uaaaailata prenmm niiv ind itiai if ha v rr onitea i and a half xtt djhra in canada wnkm tho t i twi yean m which an naaraament ha iwver been uitp n i i f i ciniea of tulhrily ib all amsai wlt l- in aaajpfcti j lh will likfwiae take tceeipte lor l uvnfj pi4 tha extent f ihe eapnny and ika n i if nctor rend ulner ferrenere aeerata ofpickhs and dlftawtoft a ljo tfl tto abort ffzea of every color to order puet line cm to order of either of the for ualith siirnn citji o arioui i ffiadc to f bordered caros do do fikedfla do do namel httl cap afe it ft by 20 inch poiv sitilace do do jrarl do do do jiank oteeia do do xni railroad and steamboat tiekeh made to der of any cotor or of diitcrent color aa ms denred tjtic snmcriotr invites all entora of the fed stales and canada who are dprj tdiike their nay r card and who trail send q acony of ttirir jiapcrs conlainin the ad- vcp and jncert it for tlirec months wyork febl8 l3m for sale by the subscribers ao ttf jacnaiea porto bico an4 cuba jo soera ii ifft diltn chtata and jfftlf chaau ehniee tea flyaon yiia llyaaw and twankar s n chrenojtddieanjekdo sftuebonc nd pihoftj j ielimyf band faaaataa 0ffi v ltttettnd i fvn hcneyde w and cvcn aafwl ffaaaj ig jafa sr aoakd maetaboy iiwqt tl rra mal r4i r av pa uilay si sjtrtr rrnains i friim wmpnp pp4r tatorted olftoariwa bank rum ad ruled 40 jr stareh viili smound candles l top 3 if ur t floled and plata i fg pinii winini liquid uuckiv r tttainh 4 fta pieklej uina and cliejt xnucw o 3 itiplea grvctr tton twine ate 1 nv 1 xmh sim i l i vi aral eoaiwvj tlmtnwrrd do 8 ulrjcm l and mnekeil aa taw p md5berry wiaco tv branalj cm 10 laata ivratara r i i and n eaaka pork roan fed wlarj a o go mi mmuhi prima mo imekro bscutkcll ont akl lw rlaajr faaaealp u lime j ompiast await nlt- cash od fir flwley oata and p 1 hy the h or larer quantica uli kiaafa january s7 1 4 id hot water i r and j dtr anl dik caaefaj cookinu pox akd kancv stoves r h tile lror pirp one a fitf ssfal n far rrvtarul voir fraawes ierrf aviaariati n s m amos dacon haaaaaaat fltaiel jnjoto oi vial criehltin t i i v l wllc wilaon widdintun n fly vdw rmtlua villaa i if hi mil n il 1 4 k v ftaktni casva chratrr rolirrl q ttonri iv- eiq s zebolun crnrll ji r m ii ctivmm llif kaq if ln ttraf ika wfiektock ire pf rv ni sanue partriaw tnrtivn- w k llawjlivaaw john v knit afniritrnirn j iianss awam of st aibaan aukl h t or j r a ff em noil nelf andrew c r ifnn philip v k- cnwwah klnalan hobbell l i trii jtmra tt hrwkvitle aarn mernek km mmickaillec w arcuibnld llaaadnraaaj ka- tdiaenehrif thvnsaa itonineil t nrtn creak aod marh ka tn t t fuarlrs johnston j a pftcxcll acentt w lb lidlend u henry u pouti stcetury oeaenahihdr jl ip oeap grocery store tibsuhcritei ufa leave tninfurm il and ol hers reaoriinj tn kfiiqtjti marxett and the public fjcnnllt liana he haa jnat iecivod a prim aaaoritnonl of gvmd tasa coffees voqarst fruits ae at ma renerm grocery i paivcesi starkt r a fv ijooj avi tv wesson s and nej dor fo afsnfvi woefciin stafn f i u f rneatly draw thenttention of uiiac waging n iwj anund well- fl jvij rwik-1- nf tci and adlicinna cutatb to hi tire sent stock and would reiual thrm t call and examine tor ihuufctltca and if nfrci trial ihtvdfi nnrnid hi can eive ihem n bettor nrii- cla4l acheipr prire than thoy have utimo leen accnatfimed in cet tie will lemiem hav tho fida fr nothing thi la not khi prplrj call jlmnmrry btiiwnvnrislii rf which anynnn cnltinsj ivillie allt in find out all article in thocriccry line aih he anld aa low a iiuimt isutucc rt every dracriptinn w be talini m rxebanv at csa price aatataadfl r vv p oe iarhitarr knatoai uee 20 m1 3m lircufar7 rhnnvn ptainnfrai 4 linns hkioti ivevtohaijt n y jan t llt i pnlery will furnih fnr cana dijn nuenwr any nf thi aiiirly rout i it nr sntimoeitht ptii at i ci for c 15 lryxkti lu ail i atffy d mm iil treifir n tny u hd curriers oil ale hy the svflschtbejls ata urrieks knivra and steen stuaea slflrlkv mv i tr finrea irri w j icaliihof the l f suff ai ik nmiher piie free nriu t butts pi7c ieeive uinrfsi imu at pa i in joymrnl aciil by mail j mid to the line afixaenra rv t martin nimkville s vr iy jin i ywl u j j i u ivfcl nvrl i- h i tvb nrrd rank montreal ifraek do f d fnllf mr heifp mf llr kttlfld i the arne vlie imisp- romitgak the pust orh c- irroar mr ovmwh na ttr new cnt aaaa t aaaaaoi nrw tt ri tlicthlr thr r urtu jjm rwlj ai jsleja aj artvd gwr jjf tutt finrmt h4 fvmjr itairj ia aj flf raf vr ri4it vea sro imt d ra nj tvrlnaf a lf m avfaajal a vi nrr r ynaa escrimaev- tn iaf at nc 1r lh insirne raeallnaef an aw atrai ti it rrr weba lvtft ni yon rirlnrr and lb linlcnani ilnvetnr if ntv vti inr ilpwv nd ivhnce edivanf ktnd t oi nn and jrprt naaai tbr faeiliniv rf elwbn an mtwrn ideemm pti ofl rfiin ibnihflirtil hie rffis xoetai aaanrteai ci bad pn uh viewa nitefiained ky ilinr tdi f- eal tinp n rd cuoriod at- commit mrd l vnn ef- kitey by drpirj datrd hi lccrnibr l htro pivrnnif teal emaidrjl4an in the tfavmas itnprieunl i fnhnerd in lite aijt qiniy and haao rv the bunor to iaivviii tukt hmet on enlrtioe upn iw dwy aiffned ii aa dhelrd rmr fillfrolrntt ui aw etiraenlalirti nnd ndilima anam hud tion tin i time wn f pfflleal in ha impnl govrrnmnl bj ifm 1 raou ifr in iff loilt ntkrel fiboprtat otvc paafell fn ih aeaana wazsam fcv ndrhnfaidoihi tbe peauhd mored hi irdtof in mkn ioaiiejr in hi inter ufilio tih aiifjml jlc n fmid le fnel that llirkrtptfninimftfanbtift mnv nrnt bfm ih yn itiudranlijra uiid wlnh tho lliitith nijtih amefcrn 0vwiea lvorcd and frr wh a remodf a to w anebl a veiy ciniy eiammatiri nsfiirnl tn mliffy u tba aha pvinera ia llmf rrmn 1 ibe tnntfer vf aaaned fuiptn rrrfiu tn lb lnrri1 gannrt tnl ac luatet by any 4e ir tn convtri kvi pul nv bnaaa jnloa paaaaa of rrttm i- h in n nn th ertjitent mtoiceinrat nf tho invpul gntanmrni bt wrre pt- a fmrnit finilinn lint the fccul and cmmf ful iner- vatad thr conira arenr inliaiatw nnneetrd aiih the eiirntjon f tboif pialit imrrtr md ikjal ibry l rrearded 1 erd ofneirse ft i nf than it ha awbaqrntty been hj- tiajly nb a he mean in a nir eai try ofyatrndi civioalin tknruv- aoripdfawn tf isy he canadian n iwita ddras reaaalao te4lio hat iv r i ace daft d the d f jtne isj6 ia which it ii r iht ifa rrjuiin i ih ran ifptmice lithe ritrnt envad tf tl mniher cnvnify envld r t or at lrat ik rutea nnw 4btinrd ia tsc unird srifj nifft ho arftt rd wlh f snt adrrao nf the fiulif cnn il and h j virii y xevr rfunaih daiad mth apit lfrtjthe rrprt of a ahrritnnnrn toe of the ullo drt tllb april idtgand tvnte recently ih iteaalolinn path by the hnu- a it nnta srnli of tbe wth mrh 9dt m liieh a emmd iir m drfravin nfy fieifny that mif kl le creid in ihc pvtt oft- rarnura oom iho ratamnhnvnt ff n t rid nifhrm lale of 0laaiit utid mliot fjnialpwuje tlaeand lb nbir reproen ltionafrum hoithrr pfine evtttaf indiir tle moaitiainot dcre etnlanod by mio nririah vntcnn ia nth amofic in h- va cifcndvd brnfiif jnfrtftiint ao- tml ard efnihceial wskii hae n an lrco a oieanoie benn onnfafeed n the waafcoj cma kylbc rttn i of a prnny pnt- i- nandaifa wmwt nsnfcliaat l dm whirli wii mil ii lb lint mvro cmivoiirftm by ita tiildne ii a ton mmplfl 0 ehrap rapa tsn h in oraai mtata bjm rrenry boon wln by ilio rnilrdkiaicaina enndified fim adrd tn a nnrv wtihrly aeatieicd prowlation and oatondnl siiaiu theanreort tvrh ban ahndd tkoo radue tlna hi rryrd ill riporimni nf oioch that tppcard halirdnim in a financial ann n vtrw and prnfci b ifjparrrt lha cnviiiafihr in the t ji dimlmjiv in i pn oitec rrrmora nsina limn ma eflrrtnu rodnc- lift in r i- vm tf i ill aht rtfutun rni wdjrj ho more tban balanoed lv ihf atinn- moil of the nunv advjrilra an nrjrfty aroint fw by lb lvine and which aoh rodctioii vaiim rmfrfedly ciqeef tn tbi new ho hat ototc prlici1nlf diooiod iviir alaohiti ihni branh f ijni advei- od inin the pi matr nla letlrr ubiob atfetf ni ilic niiuirhmrnt nfun mdcoorftni man- iameit ih the pminrf and ihe ayaal eon- ditvim cnilored bp if 1 aa rtrriui ia ihoeairwnt kin ni any wrll dif eld aofcrm- aid ire beoncerd in iho dntira 0nanlud tn ia aaavi a dr vnto l ihf irnprtrioiif v well a lite afaeeaarb of tho laanf pfrimih to yn kardtnicy a l maybe ima w nei tboajn- t ibo i o uio fvor prnrineea hi we ha aimed lo adap ft mr la tboattainmni f thaoiwurrio- tfiautiro pieecatrnl tlimn wtiioh abno tte poto f theac c cun h tn enj y ibo fiya amc fila rf cheap and nicnlcd ptl rinatitnte ilioo riihor i ban n pamnaa f amia tinn which b- ee prninj ihonry ahnnm ouojlabi eto- mrntanf ijnrrrljinty hraitalvai f dtatrnnnt cndneinc haadnplin anvnf pfnrrrncfo allheihroilitld f nn mejuiry a uio eon- aidfaliofl nt lha rolaiaa dfjotarro nf a atvn v united rrrenoe and maanoiiarnl ar ire aav prnvincea nr that waid trarrihn prtul ar- fujriioiia in the hnda rf ibo hal iniotinni ifeh p n vine no auifrtrd br trl cunri fndc wuh nj coier erntj oanliol thn snm k oecory aecuiini the entcrcotonial hwlallartta we have drfldrd nn roonirinendinj lh utter temerrialtbb wehvr nt boon inontiba an areomonla ilnti oiht bo oreod ia favor of the frirr th abjcr t- tkat hta mdip ilr pt waa iei geaeaali haeanfiriptled wnld reaitlt from the rnnitft boii cnotioned in enl md efte the paaajaaor atali hai aonmrd tle prconiafy fevpnsibiunr f tkf m i j- maj n re parr h rprltrf icint a onntml nc t ei- icndvd nuthiv rndjmikic4abu in eny one af i be clhnioa tn thrwrnaobeadjod tho ft ihallkonvitt oflicint pnoitcal aroofllv nn inpmlrrit fieoa in pvut acvnnvtin will b fta in ihe contidrrarim lhat ndtio ettetr knona nn ih cmrrl tt yr j- ihfii rier wnm aivdrj ibe nonaf 4tef and not om wtbnm itcnrftl t4i ihia nvhivo paaretfld when eonfinrd wilhii ihe kaaataol an1t ftov aaiajht be aaarafe ii eta sore ohm the potl fornioa f iho mr pmtiiiroa etltorod inli n fund a hr pl 4rfmbiliana hofc donvd frnm rniuwaai i rrndo fittunf ho pitnrr in a rairum cota tribwiiafi innkii-f- coid tho on1 oio f rnenditfne ihorrorp snob an arcange- oonaidorathfi tfto caavtsfhlfi ifoi i rn bine eferjihmg has loiamp ba fvnvrrin i ihw aopraflrnrat an4 blrr iitf vy wl anrri iho apvr1 of lb poufnoril llruloeo wo i thrni a pi r ih- srno n bata lio ba f rremirtoad m ihia nrift evbjci to me eiplanetmn mbinaed i i toil i rritiah pfinopfo nf iw valtby wkh addinin4 aatcaacc kulid i lmmmmikjjvidh we aaa iveajaa iwnd oiat ilto ayalrcn nf cuio 0ra and a hi aa now atfj alttruld be pieac red onaur- rd aa ut t ofechcabfe d i i ibore atnnbl ha n i hiff flriliab xnnli aaae pienrr oat no tti jfrum arvl fata td potface uaiih v frai lomfliti i itn tho rie lyovniad 3 thl f iranait pn ce aiiij b rhaffra- bte r kliar tornadcd btem tboao ftwxtm sir iho rutt of eonroyaare ikroggh any of then 4 tnat llr ufliionn iirral cov m ft t ponoe airrttne ih half ovne h nnaoaa in inflation frarda biirra uanmj ibo h rriih naila been the cmied kv the vnflb an pror ncer to bo eienited in o- nnlki hovin- poilal ennvenltnna arlli gftol itrain ae jjf tied by ijod clan4koafrn 5 thai tho pfffj oaynenl f pvaugr an aaoll i botrtn ibo pttvinora ae botwoen ho united i kn- and ibo pjvvineoa aball remim no- llwal iv that tn f eempnesied aecnunia each i pfiyinoe ahatlrotii ihe nf pnatafo h eoooota a mpultin thai mair under eiaajtne vf unreaitficd iwetasaa and irnaiy if fmneiiiloa aa reopeet to iho propayroent o pvleo 7 tho parket potn0of nna i irtlnr te bjlf annex wo omleraiand stdl bo din ibo pah ennmetic pfrin0 and l romitle t ho twt muter cnoml in fnlan4 ftor ih dedntoai nf inr jvt claim on behalf of the po asadal ptm dopnrinionta the mrfeaaal c rio nf twn panoo alrr- aat chaw bte on lmre it the a othr pfcfcai annnr tftandonn a dinrenl fwino and 1 wo i remain at rti credit f hr ir eoeiiro pmviieo wkooe il nay ho clalot whda m ilio eaoof p4cnarnmi in i 1 1 it wl bo fhaed lo tho eredl of poitioce u whkh u irliera alatl to tddnoood car dilivcry it ia iw hat noei sohio and xew rwuniwick aro not rbonreabu oat nf thete aeeeral nr- iim uamwiaan ihnaocb either f iboao rvnotikeaiof iho pnehol mv pnaamr to couwiioa tyin leynd iheib reaerttoty while hia atipoletmn i advanced w ihc0 vineca m jntt in ilaetf h ia m eolcioatod m io- doee prmeilcaldilflcnliie aa the packet milo ref rrod i are t rronrod lo bo opened wbite in irnaaat tn ihoii deaiinatinn aad ibo eroe aany be faad iavrdrntood to be now thoflf if 11 aoety petmj under distinct r l nf accowata l i i i r wc rm j v wl1 be ptovfdcd ihe pt oitie dor of the lt ft sr daheacoo aopikvev imaadfrd ahira i slotavt frfh al ihm e nr latter dywm a rtfwaaf jcmtearf ar ib- oi4voa jh farldxsjssm tnhiiif jn pal trr-nn- nf nno io tha nai n fin 41 mam at fnr 1 hi irrao of canada nd ralaaaanf no pnataea t- amatwra noaj v ml ift i pa lh mrn- pfrnvan hrh ty bo i fis1 aa n eat krr t t nld by iwevettf rate bo n ts il ketevrr nay ba j iiil eirffrondce iwhv rrrf rdirn 4 eaie the akutaonn wh rainrafy w rltceird by tnainlanma ihtoanm hi tala f ihaao pence aad tbo apoaont ad van tar in utnr nf a enid te inee4 rata pftartofiionably dihvnrc4 prouimial 3atiamciit from ae tfontteel ptku of the vmliaf atertinf packrt p i ihl jler mfyjcmr gnrreirneni vai fund ill cnntinibt iranapnn the paekot made n tho prmnca fw a1ncb tnoy are deelincd aa faonorty v 1 j- rr- p toqueboe and n v l ll tef ritorj of the 0iitrd siavo to the raio nf piotafo beet adapted to r vij tlte nericet in fiew with picprr roard to m envoi nf rjie chant on tho revoovoa of the cataalca w not the leaat impoiant ni dwly we arc happily howeaor ni willoat i odoa fr ur direetron in itv pcrfomwaoe p hv0 ajfrcfd lo rrotnajnd ibfro poco ia4aiaata hnndril rnilra and an additannal iao bo ucer- njdnj r- if in rf bey nnd that lini ktt been atahe ocioaled hy rnirpi 1 fl revenue m iflincmf the pmbblo conevrrtney of the aeol lefxatura yno ctewney will twtcevfe thl wo hao aullnvred ihe aealo ad11ed in lb uni1 matata amjiea ht whtob rrferewf trj made in uie ad- ilrcaaaf ibo o lefiahtonrdna june am6 tqtnied m as y n f h- keaart and wlitoh white rt hntuy oiinctdra the nanii atcoled y iho avaombly af sfa samta pnwam tt utoeuhe viowi npeoae nn the llih atoil joa5 hy new b nnjwiev nrh that nvw cnmpfelcr ihe pt oflloc ivffin rird bo remn4 nd ihc in e omy dirtvd q rtae all dit- rnenl wmtd anyh finn fat jai ktid in the apnfclinaiiin lbt nn rpwtiaart llawi eaiomet ifboaj irovm nit fmh mdfod pneii centure wmifj not unata enminrittme lit tt n ff no jn itapnil t 14 f f r now in y hn pfafonted 6r ben at if vol1 inteieiwi- wee lino atnff rto mdi npplieablo tarea armlii ibe fnar inoireo lost jtaae a ee arv f the gawtfbfj utner uc a in be t s faf lha inoroaav of tho poo ieoeies w ghj of fnl thai it aole ro tare qootod i ajain be cwed ad uv te af aia pence per half vuneo inicd kit ad dt ianenf ihre bonnvel mifa ttneily roftkainrthal wp tl pnjaiwno which ir tj i my be rooutto if conrenirm in arretnf o erven- ander whieh iho mnatfentont nf ilia rwt oieo departmento nayb- inlrrrj fni tho pat master garcat vth pninoinl aiiia pbraeaio eyvnpriaed in tho foliniain- anffeo- tinn whieh oot i ier poatoa etataatianl we iffor tr etrcueeye conidratrn lot tliai thoro tnaum bo anejfcw af com rat ahi mcanedi of wheb iho pwl matter oe- iieeal nf that pmainoo pball bo al tba hood th dotiea nf ihia tiffiet ahull be lo audit ih aecminla qvatterly o iln aeteral pmtinaooretnr aoed whtvb ttl be annmtly iearnied m live dhtetent tc tatorra m enlkci and trananiit to sjiifuhd the bilanee d from the four p tvt ncea n ibo po1rot piiaco and tho evinooh with lb ebrof tbet of ilf pott ofttc deparimont en each protince j eiitof intt e r r audiqibo 3 r or raajaphieaui ftft iho vnauiain of a bo naada tbmf iho e r m- 1 1 r r- i tfc- tu ikawaa rdihweon nora scalia aod pfioao tldwid l aajaaat tho 1 v of tbia rt r fi iho i nf tlir ulay o ihochw noar fni which ike ihoo lower r rr to bo froo ahatl bo bine hy ihaofieral pmfinceairi pmjnr toketrtm edlkrihirmaliawiaoa paekn pie id iaii ti 0 rrr dci4nmonta n ua pwneea hall tw eorarate aad diwinnl j l rf luihoeily nnd oojtol af and hnyim in neanl in iheir j- f i fiitcmneola in ivhteh lnll lie reeled tua pwet in pfiirtt tha rltief and vlwdaie ffieer andooitoad or aaaa obyci t r- vrn t q i- eedmp the vanoua laadal aavaea ntfia ic iibm their wn imnia and ibat oooh po tince aliall dvfrar ihocol of ita nn poos olroo anoneenom n pwial naoleo eeauoi ooarweo l and aall retain all ita cuhectitn ioeldm ieepntd i m the batnoe de nn packet patajo toboei- eepud which euiit bo iranoihled otvarteety to tho pcnmt oateo xi ti ne i1hno rlortinf pe half aenaanvd fr ia great oroamuf dro packet i tn f- ail if anajnn by era and land bo iwern lireai rniain nd iho unie the ataoal pmvincefw aluek tho maiia map bo aarrwl ami ijist pif j i 0 hif jie he th- ptotjaklal etaafsja nn paoke kiih f all dio obin ihe i k i not off iho rnmnv0 fund by nia an eieeivo eilnr nt poalnl rr i nnd the nmat elttial cek afafaal rf be lhi etpavaat by weaweniif h imluecntciit fof 0nniriny tn wtiieh we b ife alhded lnlpntently hiweorr f iho nnnonie i ba a1eried en ibe eilaif either eidenf tho aayffiaa wo be iota lho acww by wbh raeta pofvitme n ji idt left to ihe dipneiitrtii i nwn revenue am te eaiein f tie pial fnlta lu he htft witter 4 niit tikelv lo aociro llto ao ajowfeenca f ti ihe provineeo ii ireeit petttj ia the ma1lr ttnt ltc4 peel f tbnactma f f nla f aitoo nd k iavooriiii haggard ptal aocaiaandnlam end tajroeji v j a fit jp art aaaawiva 1i pinv lhni prjeltethiv an j ntiin ime ma mf will il eve the fulii af enurfet andeambne ajraaal fvyld epefieiee wat iberxemtoo lto eenin nnd oe tjeard kf h jafdaijio tn paat miier nerl m hafobaa- f tlrf i in lsl neeiv a anlniblo nndi an rhii if pfve ffrttnt mji aviiiiivd ij lje t4d yji eof il kf live prnaiace reeeatmc or mnrfmjf t haa twen caidincd iq awnaidenot aies blter vd latne 4ih tfi one onitirn rawnf three peoeo eur- rrnoy p hlfneo tr all deheo under ihieo hundrrd inlco and if lhnoht aooeoovry i- i nrpiieo f rvrrnon aaaonee ea ft all 4tbincetfee knw tinndfod mitu he eeteblwlwd ibiwchnnrt hie tnjr pnnncea aad no iratwil ehtfa pal lataroa he rnao the for pinriaeoo in iho npoatri nf utia plaawi are ewiiteeed aa nne aad ho refoeenoo ie iihdr hi it to pickct mailklirm sla twl newapapcra prhnvnieoy ctau anoibit and vr printc papora in n t it bii in eanh pmrioea the creri nrnl nn h of the lv ji my dnecl ihat a and other rnntod inallnr tmubeaehiibrifb the pwal office wiihin avh privwiee fir f eharfr i tliai tlir iii i of eeltera aa already eaptioel afall te natttaal in all c whro ivil balfrad ariih bv fo r r- t tih tbii ill pranhin boonnaa aa ahnliahe all hh a reajoeimly aantea t j- jthfsitfln r- iiizrx rr ireiirral nf tattida oi kiicre beat ibraaajh tar te p m js cettwuted hia ownte legislative cooscll twoasoav 16th match i84 a numbti of petitions were presented hon wsj moamta uid laat there ana a rumni abroad that it was the intentioa of ibo ministry lo obtain ihe supplies hj a vote el rfedit and wtlhont pasinx a ait of appro friatioq of obtaining the concurrence of ihrsj lonte to the granu and he was deairotis ol knotriagit such aa tneir intention aa ba had opvosed a siavilar proceeding i13 and felt hiouelf bound to raise hat voice asaiafll tach a proceed ins now hon mr solueast said tha it wu ha intci of the ilioiftry to ask for a vole of credit as they iboothl it woo jd a mow tha session lo be ctosrd oooer and as tbey in- lendej to conane ihemaelpea voty t lo tbe ealinnatra male ky their predecessor they were ftihng to lake tbe ieatasriibility with oajianybitt of aporopriairon irasfina co ba indemnified by ao act to ba oaaaci aait sasnaaa hon 5r moaati waa rrf that aoeh araa their intention u ac a pcnt of rroat iaa- porunre andswcba rnodc of pnxedare woajuj m denrivin this k of one of ita raoat important pritileees lie woold read a few tinas from a work of high aatbority maytaf law of patliamcni toe ton gentleman here read froco the work in km band which auted tbai x ercntcf the connoni bad on effect hi it bad been sanctienad hy atl tha branches of ibe legislature and referred lo the resoletions paad bv tba hoasc of com mons tn 17s4 eondenjnin sach a practice tbe boo member eonunoed ha tbooht the pmoeedina aary wrerlat and tbere wa ne necessity for taking such astp when ttva govetnmfol enuld sooaaily eet a bill of eu propriation passed units nndtr pry aa inordinary circumstances such as an invai sonbe did not thinksncbacvorsejitsiinibli uovse adiovrncd legislative assembly j j- a march 16 t i t aaocx xoxccvt mr tifoatrsos seeondetl by mr maaairr toneed aj the peiitioa of the oislricf cron ettaiagfj rcimsc tojba taalkkw9ao- rncni b- referred to a select coairaittee sir a mcnaa could not see what power the toti4 bad in the matter which araa entirely of a peieate nalare a pnvata sobscriptio was commenced for the rboitd inr of tbe mofiumini a numvr af years aro and rttors wa cofleciefl anrt an apfncificn was made to government for rnney which tbey did ont pant tba lowest estimate o rebuilding the manaaant waa 15000 tha committee appoioteti did not luak il atpa dient to eommence the work anitl bey had ohuined a lafett sum and mean streai and romdtaa were apoointad to invert tha money in government debentures aod bank slock w we it atill rtenained last winter the cashier oi ihe bank of uppeicaaadaacat a tlatcmftni to him by wblcb b upualoow ajipoared in conwquence of the iatcrtrataa crued tanonnt to about 15000 tbij waa made koivwn to the public araana a letter pomished in ihe eawspapera by bias aad it waa ibe intention f the committee to borin the work in ht bctiiif ef ihe nl spring tbere wasomthine eery ntscioai in ihc rootion which ted bim to mention bf old savina that a aaan alwta eta ricb when he nand bis own rruiner mr mttuuttsaad thai peiiiions bad been presented year after year praying tha tavisa toinqitte into ihaf mattery aad asvetiac aprj aneunjtaad boon hu respociinv tl tha iordo wanted to know why the mniomaal bad not been rlauhed ue belie red lhaltbe committee had acied judicioamy and thaf inoniry contd do no barm he ihotht lharai fare tht the conmitlee atiotil fee apooiotcd to renort arttat had been doie ao that whert the motay became tare enoach ibe ovonq- meit miht be lebgill thit cnald do aa harov and it woold rfve satisfaction col paiycc ail tb only ff which he had to the roenoo wa tha be looked upon the monument as a prie ate araic paytic bodies who had the riajhl to aapear in coorta of lav tboald not com to leu rtejh nt of parlitoaanc la fo i as altar figei wbch oopiht to be invmriftrd ekcwhtrt tha dslrict covincil had no rirht to interfere it was an impertinent act nn ih part to do so he cousidertd the home hij no matar riejm to uterfere and he would vol- aainsl the motion if there waa anyikinc wronjia ihe j kf of tbe cvnmittev lie faroca could brin the matter before iht conrta mr titowrsoo aavj that ibe municipal conn- il had a perfect richl ra eeliooa tba hoits ajaint all erievauee the ordinal ntonomeat was bnilt by apublic eoantani a mibcriotioii bad been raised throuljoul tha proeinco to rehuifd il the money waa paid ia food faith loos aejn aad a coefltnitee ap ponted to carry omi acir intention tha public had a ricnl lo know ehat bad been dono e tbouht the natter bid been iieelecltd and he bnued thai a investigation wonfd tate place becaue he was certain it w0ild rodoaid o the credit of tha comnittto- mr ttnataox was afraid that ihe inter ference of tbe moose wonld clard the pm- eeeaa of the work the ban member fo hamilton slatcrooata were carrecl md although the casmasmei wera appoiatod hf ib honae and called all montreal be fvft it it could nm eie any farther infomaation tha adapted by the cnmcaiitee waa duhkeat by some fntrsona ntar qioanaton who wiabeel to have the plan altered and to have a stair runninc op inside oetthe column mr mcdouam ilenirany conwdared t to bo a pobltc j j i tad was faror of tba mr- onottam eboem that if the heua eoauieedabrtul drocks manameat itmirfll as woll make inqeines aboal tbe tecamjoth and medcalfe moonmeit mr m sricawoon considered ibo aaalltt was a pawk one as the mooev had been etibcrthfd by the militia of uppt canada iucone general or da r no amai tave any ataltat iiattnmn oacor ctlf boulloaiwl did the fcn membe waa i wk flaiahierthe aa not ia tno rnunlrv ai iho time fmr rtnalto i was ii wwiartsuytt wad wata is rmr 0 willow i vi wilt aa watssadei iho itaoajavi ihat be nailed the iassjualttce ntiu to aitd to maka