ecue ih itiet jl int k i mr biw tn 1 m- s fiiifi 1114 the piiii it nl would he y uc t a ililattrn md hmi h- m mi the count- in lw n4jlthuh he tvaiibf in the mjn he ulstibfj il sbih be paid into the uimiw f ic tihii hienilri hoiort sif a mcnao laid tu oid r wi ever ufutd upmi the mililii lo iuo1f 10 ibe mftifhpiil init fcfluirru wv puvd atki militia olbcerelo nhrih and fjitsliit them t by tin niiif before iheir wm a day ps bulimihlenc uirh ether ii inwnl f ttto wai tub- fcrirvcj ami crillec w aoumcd 10 carry the jci inta eiivit- mr cftttcf id lhl he petition cero sareed or elay er recil delre lhat e plan fer ihe mnnmevl abo4m beilcorel thr v innvkf fr inilun hit iji 1 1 li r worb woum b vin iii spie ih ihr coav nitee bid powctod ii ihe mr mottt re-retl- tht lh mmher f i l jj o ii invluiiort sir a menah wtmal unrstiation in m he wanted info n at ten sir a mcnsyo niy the million r qursied hat a open crfurts beateevd in- arcad of an obllc ll ha wo ked what boinetj hsd afl nicra det council with iht morueein they had a renter entcrri ja it than amy ntuer dultkli they la virj more in the if cuuniy than in y other it ws there hull lb inunni wit be eicetcd an 1 the sceue of action was there tby vibcsianopenitmn to be f i d cbclmi cre iw c vnr s- i i bei ciecuj jan tkrhturo j d ftim ivere rr l ori bub iijv ml hvtv lrii pfjj thr tcpfe wind in fen mnmrni from hli ihry c- i miirev tb cntty rorj mr j lit cattfc0 td tltf he mr in thai 10 ovhtfe hii vto erciril lim- the ico cenlirii 0r merrill i one in cla5cr on in n l 0m in triice he wuu mec w licv ii wt hm in oik n i va cerefril i llrt- krrmltll watihai jjii ww notthe rn4t fkttj h ctc of cih to fither mjlhew ansehi or aattalatfell the per v there cllrvj it 1 al mt il ool erects cpoa 0 emu an mn- 5fot t he cmiio iir bat the lftj h lotlo with ihe miller oorv ibun ith te cnmnil- twfot the relief oflbe detilute j j itcrinj lria tod scotch afiet fie wr j frvn eerjl uiber rnem- brk the h0lii wii pjt ind lrtl- avri 9 later from china lie if y cortfer orf finjww mt ii tlie iimiliip ptm capl crii- wml trnffh s itnrjjt b citon hr- ioiuuejivfi iht ponth- i uh of di- rnscr t nvaking ihe paue in ikv e7 hort liinc of rljthly- dy thi u oae f ibr beil i eci mije the it of tartli iitiku th rbinee fr hjdbb v rcbtin in a harnhle vockle illm lj in ihe m ni lowhtcn iwlkcbtltntf id riren liie thrre reason to fjf tst chiton woud b hwfcilet ft4 irkfjlim rertneed wiib iira1 buin we gtt betart the dc- li1 of lrteftrw extlltt of a ulle itrj cisr- dc lllh o the riflirr and bum them itown hut iter- wftw the ttoteoieni m iloffjrd at lr it itll cli tefrf militics had frwui wil e they tnteodfd to lake in ihemttef ttc hive no uilfievtos 10 m4t6 til trtill of lire illii nti i chiiieie will evce n oul a ciimil torlnre my xtrict ww lioml but even if vitliiw t lacfifced we caottothivc confidence a to iheir bin lite real culprit were it hudd hadi sc rmiidev ilie piion of canton won id readily afford the ipply hoi would jttc be puis 6edt keyincjwy roie the tillibc i im lj wile the field- or if he did not ite ihould j a an ctmpte but wlut aecuttiy hare tec for tlic flliwe t c4jtain tmacdootall lefl hu otiy at the raexoriet a a uard let the nob nhould prlt ait attacfc and trigmed do lleei kmtf fo troot iff irlm on the rnorninof ihe 9ih iy i- ii wah sir john datis on hord ihe ucilcton hii way j the rivef afler embarlciitc a compny of h m 35ih rejrtmrnr ibr vulmip arxiiimiw t hilf ratl 1 v m hi iht i v to recclre john oaufmni the dtdalih hirexcn lertcv would rraeh canion on ihe mnrninjof ihe iclh and u wail wilbsoxne amiety to boar what slep ho uko tfcort u feme ijiltrrencc of npinion ai lo the conduct of the chink aolhodlieaon iwtt c s aod fij ri thr impcifccl lr rnjr of nhfti ha i lten place wo do not feel war ranted in teruurinfoprown frw keyiwr duller to if john djv j puhlihed ia an other coltiovi it mill be okittrtti that he tjoet ii attempt to i rfi tbc r iioi of the tin oi ihfuv l mpj -its- upon their tkim we awf hear that b hi offered a rewind of s0 cji for the hodk and that two hare licew lecoyered by drfin tho crek nue actrliined ti hemr snsalh and the olher aid iq be mr brown it i conjtc- lured that thry e ive two killed on landing and thrown into thf walct the 04lcr four ore probably burjpd iibni or cut lo pieced and destroyed thtivo borliea nere dtcadfully nvtiilipd and the aj dulv of biryine on kjilhmen nf cit r rihivtly or hit l joy went tkw iirr a faff niw ihp in mrlu l4ja atiihhl m 0 for the mimr ff watka littlrfdr recrea tion sho lv jier bndinhiy wcallck- odbylhe tium anl etffj ne of tim inhoo4nlv hcherd the mu of lb at tack uiiknoxtj onleiit be ihe deeirooted harj of lh- peopl in fmifnrs sotve mwlm a flfct innawanh ot oe of tee filtatea 1 a pacirj tfpeatn- hal tsv t kill nr lorrii devil har unde1 thre tlii of cwrm w eoiaiderrl an idle threat for roakioe of which ihe r nte art o otfcofswi ard foieijnetaconjinoed id wj thre hffofr tl htttaffl did nl wltraefiao oran and tr i at firtildeii thil any ftti nc had been thrrr oa the svvath the bodtec etjtltic have bweei be nvtitd m a 4rslt lrjm of wat in that fteichmrbodt rnt t r 1 t tui httd loiie of ihe hodie had yi4arjf f fifty waundf opnn lterei mde bv j1 apar tc aod aeceral of ihco wtw fonnd lied hand nd foot tl is tln- t that thvy in iy have ben f j 10 death hr loiurr f ihe pcai itioi thuftdaj de tbit thevcoou bae been dead mre tiian 45 hou f fce cotamuitv her are ofcouree io aauteof real eutvoaem ad it w qa- c flu n whil up the rjwink antwitiea will take to rbtatn redrrv si ji djrift wili the ieamer tultr and wo miowar hmili v inrjot it thoocht hy aotic that he will denaaud atihrbimu of kv- ine4lbehofi5jlhc villam in whih the eataueopbc oecotrel and illhii ia rffined will blocklle ihe f pjmi until he re- ceitet additional trk otttn l when be will lake aoch i n at be laae nthae hnweeei kiawo certainly dr liri iit -l- 1 i in one of s ute leltrre from ssatuai ttatei that ait of the men tta faxed in ihe nndr f mf imff hee been rreledt and thl it a con6denttj ec- prctcd that the fenait thirteen would he efrcoverco before iop at ihcii game and retidencc hare been o ad loith to uie an- ibaiiiie them waa lo be performed at wbampoa on fck the fiolftbun notice of their intenlioo by public placard trantlatlonj of which hare appeared at jitercnt timnin the honi vore lirri the imperfect accoont of what tnok place oi ihe 5rhi ihowi itir irnly the diabollral ptan tr deatroyin foreieitra w carried iutn effect in eaeh village a band of i j b ofanied tliy liirnoul atthe alarm or the gnn diiide into partica one to cot off x rr- treat the other lo hunt the rofcitncri lo dtalh all thti waa enaeted a frw fay aeo and will h k nlea an awtojeanrnple is madf thiwatnota fodden onibnr of popular fary or the insane action of a mere ncs the cbeme of oteiatiorva was demberatelv i i tini i 1 approved br ihr elders of the 48 1 fiilae of the 5hihweitm aeicoltu ra diufieuin the imrdiate ricinityof can- inn nr ihi combinatino confined in one dslrict iheie i reaoo to believe thil ihe ylem pevatfc at knoan an auemnt bavin ien made to cat mt a parly of t r there the same dae that the m orders were comnihedal the fastee crek- the tniu of auch cmhinatinn are onkrtown tot when h consider that the government nml sp- piefe ihrm lite convictioti preys ihelf upon n that wp rim either abandon canton en lirv nra pollmernr a napier miml jroorije this hi-asum- moiibirtty rave until they hnnmr stie for pardon in cenlinnalion of detail wc may mn loti tht mr hitler brother let the ditle- ltan of that mr-i- ifr fu ii nirj i hr jjhurt jn coea of hit jvlk- b cnt reiih noftqt tntiuih ihsneihfnl i hivejet fenr thr ipird paid tn ntial af- i ihe people nn efcnbl appecialed the fralrrnl love which heavd such danger mr ku tier was in ihe employ of dcnl fcco of onr rompuinl irvkta i i- kvcilvnry eatey laua in h rvnly to the mm hum- ihatawy measure of mattll n us pail will not drbar lh- urilish govnneni fmm anther meapnrcof its own ll wh jeind 0-re- foreotithe views lake hy the ovcrnmeit ai home and whether they may regaid th harrih caulmuhe ihe irim oriiuiriduali or chajeablt tea tut ihe chinese nation what ulterior measure wilibe adopted jn eilher evertl ihe cae it surrounded with difll cullies and ibooh il cannot b- i thai some uoanty will he vxmt4 tvr ti b iter rccurliy of crilih reirent miuk must consider the continjencie- befre ihev can ul pailiaaml lo jtanl suppue fa- iuch an armamerm as would be tiecnaary to cjerct the chinese corernmenl the withdrawal of ihe oiitlh tiepretenia- live at canton and the bwvdo of the pu have hoth been uceiel and are alludej tn in ihe correspondence between the meclianu and the plenipotentiary ano ihe views of in dividual meiobets of the nmmnnily on ihfie meaaures are naturally hissed hy the chvcl they would havr on their interest but it teems doubtful if ihey would bene tit he hon a larje ordilres the chinese sn much as ourselves tl has been sormtsed lhai it urtender aud demolition of all lh hups fort which we did not ncuy mty br n conlempution tine will show what irou there u in ihis tlie only thin- officially announced is the eaerution of four of the ciiiriinals and th ai uranee ibat oilier ae htrsripf evafnin- ti n and will suffer the severe i puuhneiil tftst i v two mainljin waited nr sir john davis to anotnte lht furof ive sjlla irshdbeen eotvlctcifand wntaupj disp uted in the morning at whanchu ke ihe chinev were anxieutlhal some ciijcr place should be fixed upon and ii is sm pro posed the execution pron nd lelow canton but hi tclency resolved isfcl ihe should be made and the example sol whei- the ctime tud been conmitted ami in the pretence of persons deputed hy h n e f and as many of ihe he hi cominnity s chote to atte id the i teamerpjulo vaotj to be in mdinrst at daybreak fne he prpoe of conveying ilie secretary to the oiieriu- dent of trade the vict consul and ihe intrr- prcler in ihe q aftn rvitri hirty men and three nffiees of tle 05tb r5mcnt they arrived at whancchukee about half pat 7 oclock where tare chinese soldiers were found drawn up on the levrl common hefore the hall of ancestors onr own handful of soidirrsj aucmenieu hy a few teamen luviu j landed and forrned and the mandartn amon whom were lnf ihe quarchowtoo and nlhets ofiimportince having reeieed the do pulalion with tivery mariifistaiin ofcurdiitll ty and conducted them to the prefect baree mr srcrttary jnnmton gave them o under tand that he eoutd uot then accept their prof fered i uh i y j i he carne on impovtant hisnies tnd ihe sooner it was proceeded with the tler uuon which tun iinmc- ihalrly jcve the orders in a tingle word and with tarijin ranidiiy of the number was tun oul frons one of li- bojti he seemed a tire j peasant ji haidb lis back and his moulh waf frf mck rtih lh m kin ihil al hr mfcihd hrr forn u jhe ihiln hatl 1 11 i r i f lm ii an emus je rnnd al of round the rht ler m htr lir bows seeing litilt the seoul lyn vemel wj tun on ctcw lindvl and aumpted to escape ui were l ujn by the vijjfcr hy wlmn numibers were seied and hi to uircrt ss illi htchetf fifteen werehio the hoai eiiht were killed cut up hy hr hot tut 110 tvajll tcrr 1he hole of ihrte jus vete iesroyel ky far on board if hit rn had been frinj vjif quantities of itinkpoic mtchtock mww krlooi prait ke nes kir with a fv lrce uiy of jn hli ii ii on heinc i rj thi enus were alwav rftatajj loaded lit aosl iuslaitcef ljii- ihe matches jiichud in all the swimcr les aiu mliei meitbets ef ihe hcdvi iwcd their iek the wmmde leiti aud uuaiiout cae ij levward jnini lo in the olfn iul mr where moslof hi r n i i lit on hoard uj nnd a nutubvr ipj nmuuili 4 si i i- was farfiti a4lhc crrans anddyinc ppllin ihe wreieu es volicilinc on all f a i ijasv an end v to ihrif uferinv 0cterrnn4 were it- laacablmst to h laken aiire that many thrift in the waler irtnj srtu ailemiliii t cut their throatf othes to ifrin a each ollut trjie man wi lahhel ift the ailempt i blow up hc mtttlxim v rwn foituoalery iicovr cd auoihrtf sreiit mk to continue hu flirihl any wsey- in the avlof lweriur the sai 10 cite hitrneif n when his hnl was severed from hrt bady hy one of lb i irate crew with an a several attempt we made to fire ihe hpu lvats and maiw of th pirates were picked down with hfe- v fmtn the abip hen aut to fire oi them nftlhinp tut the prgvbioru fteccsar jor their crews was founj on bard carrrov dec 9 lsi7 noon oar ery wont fears uv beine fully real ited thehmfy of 1oor hccatl wai found sjoul decently were tied behind tatd j i fchnvei fnrwanl ahout thirty or forty yards from the shore he fell or was thrown on his kneet in the open pace between ihe enjeiisb and chinre so1diers ud his bound -wi- t vs elevatrd so a lo eautehim to stoop lh extctlunter f hi hmr heary bfade and at one blow ms haet was roll inj- on the ground the jchaslly ifnnlc nmhlin on ihe other ije the aihrr ihree were but ripetitirit of the firt escept thai the law and vnnne t eemed to mko an euiuywiklttware -ln- fc th was rone s qnlcklv that two jfenllrmcn from the plutu who followed the nffuiaii in another hnal did not arrive until ihe attend ants were lifting ihe corpse into ibcir colftru further intkllicemfe per sttt wc haee received wirmtf p8mkv tim of the km february whtth puts da in no sision nf full patticfjarsrepecine ihe rveeiv outbreak in france as the main featurevo thi unhappy event have lcrn forelaltl thmuh thf tlerraphic reports and pn- ihrd in ihe daily adrtrtatr an hrtuk wkg we do not consider i rrccry revir- in o it igllft nssct it lh ay that ihe new heretofore published is substantially eorei the following extracts vvil be fudio enntatn all tbc news of im otace up lo lln time the steamer left lord john riksetl ijvjlrd hit rud in the iiouc of comtnvni on the evinihifi ffijjy the i8h baf and the eveiiemd which it created may he inferred from the lit that all the approaches to the ittii wr mockej op by crowds of welmtwcd pftsnrf honrs before the ciutomary time of hninniic business the aticndanct of me mhers w unusmlly lanee and peers sons and oltv favored person who bve the enlrdc on tila occasions rauslered in great force the metanchnly calamity uhich hat ot uvra irelnd duniij- the fal iwo year v great failures which occurred lat yea anl the niter prostration of cunmerclal enterpei consequent in both evenl- had so jtrioutf inlcrfered with the o reeeuue om country that it became palpable the screw must be apifictl to the purse st rins of bv people with rijtor in pmc cjnartc vhr was ihe qurstiou hich iuiervtted every tnt hm mvtery is now solvsj th wind l to he taied hy increaina lh income w from three to five per cent and hint ohnuin impost n lo be continued for five veanlon nvnit petsdatarj by the great pelilcat urid ifcvire to uke a ajl iv revewrauoii of lheti cuvh- of seen lo be heartily sick of the v0xe w l0t bliltlo inllitificr hone so long and an paliently er rri prroeeii chmm anmnd lhm atinli try in awwiitn ha bee itntnon jirevaif thai svs phta ix would nol march as quickly as hit subject jeered on ihe road fo improvenwnl they had depoed him a svrt time will ten the accuit- ev of tic malfmenf he had secnlaned im minilry by ihe admissim of three laymen and prooiicd some further political reforms lnrd pi i me rsto n made a declaration in the house of cumuvhij other evrniut which cve much alifaclion as it quiets all irfcmc- r jvion of an curoiiean war the aulrau had declared lo ihv urilrih cabinet ibat h iah nol interfere wils the political atielivrttiift vt ttmdl llaly was lle sene tli conclwiiotl wai arrived at by mol leriiix il ldradv ehar after a hmi unjiilahahh hint from lord plnrrn thai any such inleflerence wnw meeiwiihihe simn dipleatire from ihe catiinel of winch he s a rnciuwr we have an arrival from india rn the 16th rfiuaiy iii polical newsf om inlia isfit- kfaclorj i l i t hamine irw on the eve of arlure for neland adfretrs had sen jit ii i to his loiojiip and a uhcriit lino waa 0 fonl 10 rain a statue nf blm and ao l have his pnrliait laken the dittrihu- tivn of the crrater part nf he scinje piize niaiy ha been ordered lo lake pvice imm diitelv tlie amount cifdured in h 1s13 was sained t x5am ihil reahed at he lime a mounted in inmu the amntml 10 btdtolrbvlvtj it xw7ft53 a riol had tken place at hyderahail in the dvcean trhen about twenlv people ot iheir live the eeal frtiival r ihe mohmrum htdpased oil in compataiire innquitil with the eceeiioftf sftme disturbances al cwor ihe eet ol india wai iranquit raicjee luijria the notorious bandit chief ha been captured and is in tanna btnl- awaitin hi trial rm one itnnbh thai it will lerminte in his oeinc sentenced to ihe lat penalty of the law a pr eel a motion has jii been ined hy the qenctl cnvrninenl inii- mnlinc ua no fewer lhan s3 princes and chkf had hen induced hy tit lo havetnttee and feu air infanticide pjil down iir izhnul iheir ir in ii n-ii- there is a rumor thai t mhmrd enritemplates viviti n c our resident al pehawur m is said he is anxious lo se cure a place of refuse srronicst ns from lh nii china lions of hir toft in neiwul order h been completely restored and the country eem rlmrrihinat the kid of dalhoutie arrived at madras on the 5th and wat expect ed lo leave on ihe 0b the commercial accounts by ihu mail jkoth from india ana china are very tffttrttfa atirrf several other failures of mercantile firmt lnl rcenrrtd confidence seemed al most entirely suspended the union bank had been unable to neet its cngaercuitij- the measure of ihe government intro dneed into ihe houe nf lords for imtoiftjl diulomaiic relaiinns wilh rnmcj has snmainej a cheek amnuntini virlualy 10 a defeit there i nolhiu which lr up an keilh- hilso rench a the mentmn nf the csen ihe ftfte talent d ftimies ol imt ixnne of the brt ruler in italy t nil poesc ll higher inteljeciual capacity coytnraikcc or ealilntr in the hihbv- of cmntom on thellih fevuvj mr 1aiucwcfti moved fjr e l- luinte a vill i male inrljier piovimn fax li tf aii4j of j r y sea lo notth america- the nreessilv of additional rtss nj a t mis on thinhjrct the tiijhl hon geeiilouian bervetl woim lie eviienl from he fad thai vobl iflttmo persons who had crowd hk alunhc lo canja and new rrumwicfc ihe lolal mortjlily amounted to i7-4w- thcobjeelof the bill was lo make naoe euvclualprovisiott for preaeninf ihe health of ihe cfrurimt after a ihorl eftn venal ion lea re wa iven and ik bllwaj lubseriucnily iffouyhl and read a jrt time commrrcial rrwrt fvaai wdlmtt 8mha4 tw luw ahlekffh ihea hsfl breo olj a 4w4ef in- piiveiftrnliu ihe nspctl of cniwertnil ifta ir darinc he ni two ces i here m oeerr mirk a t return of enr1denee ariitftf mhinly fnn tha tntey 4 ihe cs terms in wuieb tlfiam he ubumej tlie belief re fiffnt iht nu futtlki rjjvrea nf ntipriite mas te vfoked f- wamhatb the voluc oi ncle nil rciji tit t ptvdoeejaec toehed he loae mm tne ojue mrkis ovprmed kit f t iflaniretl c t and refmm roprtjne jare pameb unt rle siicfllsm f buyer n me ninufciirtjf and mnic i- r mjnit ijni eonl aoc in pmrrra ftyrv my s i nj ureifft oiem nr ihe to crroie ilnia critine an iaspmed demand luir j i t 1 waea n rule higher we notice a inueu better ilem oj fo el uteil fur nuii pr t inilf fa unat ue but io fur eiruiin the demand m imn im miiptotcj and better pikae n ij- the corn irdc ha been tn a dull nnd lotrint tiiie ilujat the mtmht tte foreign rrisb cvtittue n a very lirniied ee1i ireft hdrs are rv i l f ice at f inc on the i4lh inmnt el vi wheal rte ml the cvrrenet of the prevvms moidyt whitf ftrrti mi9 a ehade hme fawr inijoed nur iji q i 1 1 i j t j imna wet of a liiflntjji tanrfuejeti ft hulapff worthy f in any arliele tk ptaee in ihe inirktt htd in ftnjio m tlie igtli nnd lejih iillul at the pfk il it 1 1 rrl lit 1 1 the week endi fchiuary 21 loihs w dull and pneia tentted dvwnmida hie ajvircf fiin ildd ttate thtat hobnr and clatfne ihetrrle e- erry iaartiee and that whel liad reset hl during luc p i w aotcd fnw la to in cd irquiftrr since the 3tl1 the mirk la lltrtutghotil ihe iji is k l i orerlle finr and in a few intlaner price otnifv1 n d- vanctri- icndrney it ii tminy ol eyawll thai nhjimri the period w nw ol hand when the ctm djtiea vdl cain bo reimo in ijmi esterti there is n4 much pifrcl at pftl of fscea riif much bejwid the i lie rw ctirrant fhti jrirca fruii twucau s noetr the alreuec f en li demand foe alnvai eety llttria of bread plutt an4 tho encourjelfi afpearaiaer of the wtieil plant at lh peenl tun tt vi if ih ivrt wnirrrn canil nesji if tool 27 6j luuttw 0e 2bv m 30 american wheel 10- t i0 lii ul ri hf in ci sd per eojiur wc hswc nllodvd in the r j the cafb toifc li iniy lhcefr ho drsumhsj eeuiind tar reader thai ihe fwjhtvtii is e rale ut is heat atij fhmr frutn d aaer lh tat of imirch rcat i duly pe r dtriy per hr b 11 it is ii whig ohtee pf oraarn ssiaor saturday- march m 1818 the paihafticnt is prorouel the sviou iicnjrrl ihe members arc mmavrajg home and every ihme polilical is at a hand iil for ihe n re tent viii iv f i t j r vrftif tut all thai ihe countiy has gained by the late political aliugl is change ol men mr price ets a thousand pound a year out of the pubtic port- instead f mr mac dtaald and mr raldwin ij cock of the walk in ihe executive council tn lieu of mr sherwood there ll to be no reform noreirmcboieolt no investigation into abuses no nofling of cu bui each new man it lo lock his salary and contrive how to retain il it ia imytril eacellency the covetnor ceneralj heaven itesi ihe tiro pi winded citttenian alludes in his prorogation sjeech to an eercu resumpiion of iheir joint labors bui every one low what lll tseans- j parliament nest mrch tlie fult lime the law allows we rjuilc acree in opinion wilb mr lubel paihaeau thai unless the ministry acw or old intended lo do something for the country it was a cruel mockery to call be member tocelhcr the commencement of walk w i r 1 take my walk ahmad our man w io rndrrtar cnnder43 s3 his in ivat ij v i nr jo veariative jrj far rjfte vu cm ihsn any ponlirt since the day f ea ll 1 v n h can not disiel ihe rnnhle h whch ralil n tns cniiry in rrference tn hrsolac the nnroprie fehn is nni l tl capture of pirates fnrs the frirnd f chw d e 1 uh wc reejel lo say thit iree our bm itie all doubli aj tolh jceolfol iraedj at i tee hare been cumpletelv rtjclted s of urctumtvmen xlers bittr brown stiall bellamy oahiwifl ami mccacl bav been bartiarouilv enrdeiej hy the siva vijlie s whre threau hare been nelcled ulhby their ovm aothorilica aad by ihe british pleiii- pntentiary the paljculan are nnlr knnwn from th does connect wilh fnrriji iradc and eitbiih vvllliofea their story is the ame and iheif dewtatioa of the deed is cpftsej to ttfowf li are ua ihe aftrrroert of sunday the slh the krty above nvned left ihe factnies in a tt boat intendine in iwcd a hore way up the riret and then latd for a eaik return- in in time fr dinner tlrr did coti tack a- sd rvi monday there was mcn t eitement and jret alam for their safety a party waa immediately eormed lo p in ireh of ihn thr e returned in se evening harine aacertainrd t i theii miin feiendt landed near sori villaee on lh- faste creek nrl thai incre had been a dittxfanee one of ihe tvialmca lo cam back o the eveoingof tbe i he re thai after the foreigners landed ztif wece bel at ihr riillerent villages nod a diturtce endued hnt of ihe fate of ihe paeneis h wa i illy iciwnt ai atiernji a jhn ttade n eaplqfe the lnn tat though neaped the river aftr beinj a cteal deal bailercd with if onthetthihe lle hai rrturrnrd her efew 94u ipie no ioforiwation fir bart were two pistol cis uith the fljles tc hot the pistob hd been taken en arwrr i wtaow repntd hy retethe ritn that m irswding the ffslnfitn nmomed their vhtbasr a airok- pauy interr4ii llier re- teat to the boat an attack wa made wiih stoweeanda eirr i- bm sloek in the movthaod aevvety iijurerf drew a paflcj and shot erne of ihe nmnlim m otei wereired wm h rasaid ibal from three lo vc ere lillei two of ihr foreintm ere anertrej ar ihis pc u u supposed fhe li w i srseif ill nther 11 rtklsnd arid wf hunted frntrl rtllaa- t village until th7 were alt detiioted a ivhr report sy rvvaw rfve ia a ios- bsnwj t were iiiifn jit anf dlierrib ui- i a rlroe arut waeticd tno tl- ity in prneeed in i erase nvmind lher c x ri ijdead n- alive f i- li however l- il v in a iwteaf dwd ihv f- aarjali ieth- at riieifinrj aarwn ar rvaj a tugktg la tih ard ii ever vrsure tm rvpottm fr ttlbftrit var rvflrwi th misv r day rsm hirmfi u- 4 at thr- f s- i carfti os r frirf rsh n m yserday anrl atived al ihe covsuhte during the niht lie appeared tu have been cut less lhan mottof the atlier4 in ws choen as the one lo end r thia tnnnin almnt ten oclock ihe body of poor balkwitl arrived fcjl was i cut and covered with mud as to h- scarcely keor oe more bnij is f 1 at fourtd but u is said that it is al most cut np in o lhat ihe mandarins ap pear to he ashamed to send il down no donhl all the remainder are brutally lmra ured i discracvfully mutitalcd there i but little iv thai id mandarin could have writ all the booira io on monday if they lad fjkr4 the body of mecarl was sent down lo whtnraafeinkrvreenl jrst aa tl corps cf balkwsu arived down here at present ihcr is o appearanee of any riinr near us- the s1opja of hne lne his effected wonders in keepm him place free from r ir bevond what you can possthly imaeiue 3 nclnek p m mr i has imf returned from he in- aurit on or balkwill lr appears that tbirc i full evidence bv tm inlltmatimi that be wj tied np alive by cords round ihe arms and bhin1 he enul therefore hive died nf his wounds oe heen healrn lo death as he stfttd hnnnd two other hdir are now hein- eaminedone i decided tn h smll ihe other ia eilher bnwn or b1lam but the feature are ao mihd and awoflen thai till ihry t the clnhe the wound eyes m nth ftp washed thry cannot detkninc which surreal evidence goes direct to rvoee that btuwih died nt befnfe th evninof mon day twentyfour bourr afer the attack he was a pwrrfiil uian aud in his wrlthine it apteats he mm t have severely chafed and inflamed hit arms in endeavoring to ret looe the bodies spnlsen of bein sn mulitaled have not yel hen senl down those fonnd are iw mccal ad balkwill 3rd sm ill 1th brown nr rellaiy liiajn one of the latter and rittter- we htee n reason in complain of any want of fuhcarancc ret indeed the chi nese here are behavine very well and i hou xh the tactic na cot ia great there is no ttn e 5 p mthehndy not identified at blf- rat 3 now loms oul to b brn that kntter and heuamy are still mim i do not like to raf e on the poor fellow as if ihry were a how so 1 have not seen lhe but the wounds are dcfiherf a frightful and in one e forty in number the cuishina eaecution mnsl prohahly appeari to a a btidgct rceovc a lesi faioraltf lluxo kong dec 22 we have receired fnstn an aulhctlie nnrcei ihe followinr accounl of the precedinls nf il m sloop seoul and the hon company leamr pinto aeiino the pirales thai infrsl the east coast of china the sleamer afier making a successful passage to ninjepo ainu the n e rnrnoon coaled there and proceeded to jinn the scouf which was found al anchor under the white ooet the iwo veasru remained there some days through lress of wcthe and nn the 24th nov the wind moderating proceeded tnulli anchoring nndrr lnmyet sund that niht and slating early next morninjr- al isylifhr sevjnl piratical vessel were o- teferd standing nut tu meichow snnnd on eltin- sirhl of the scout and llotn ihey aitemptcdto i scape bo beating into suallnxv water and in this ihry all suceerded wih ihe exception owe u which the scout opened fire the villain n all prospect of wt impoihe had ihe audacity ro run ahinijside of the ot nnd into her and threw linkpot on hnard tn her imminent rik wouudinone marine slightly at this tl- the seoul rave the pirate a brnaruiuv which riddled her hull ann rt the vi sel on fire with ihe exception of the wounded all has inmped overboard and tried in mske for the hot which aiont of them ritecicn hjt number were diownaj or hot in ihe water and twenlyne wrrr jcurei alive a pz hlonfjin lothit ecel wa recaptured hv ihe soul it en consiitin of lie and oi cake the meruit findit it impnfime lo follow the other into the sound nn arcnunl nf the thoal water ihe phto fiom herlihtrfmuhl was ahe lo preened in ehaie and on cauie n risr of a lare pvaiical esel which he o icl t nerer dii rrekome- lea its eeneral principle he income- fairly and impartially levied ii as lillle ii minus as anv other tax true it is nt irujtititotial inati other f e impnslr for compels very mm lo lay hare his hwsin an4 if ntevay his books to the prjing ev of tne goventmril 0t bu a ihe p ttnsujho have ffiosl procriy to protect f r ihe person who nuht in be made tocoilrile mom ijherally to the netctilies of the iw the principle a we have said- hi unevct- tiouahle ijufortanatcly however il itfl al the wfosi- end at ihe hae inslead of l apex of the social column the maw wil an income of 150 per year the clerk imiflinjj shupeeiier or the mal trar enan is notoriously a poorer tnau relaliviv iiteakincr than the mechanic whrwe incohi half ihe amount any one of the fnp cucs has to make an appearance in sorij with which tle laborer and the artiheervn liperie- bei4e- the iricome derived f professional labor from the sweat of ihehnr solo stakotiht to he treated if iaxf all with far snore tewta uec than ineomes rived frm real penrterty the middle elit the be that v the hone v hut unhappy sloie lilllc of il ar cnnteqncnlly up in fr not only al ihe renewals ihe v with kj harshnes by thommilerwhosieuilv reaw it before he was clothed wilh official prvt but the content uilh much ttuih hafv really wealthy do nol pay inuroporiionlo meant the ccait deration of this ahjl fwcedne cnnvielion on every inuirer lhat the wf vtem of taxation in liih country is fj ojic of two ihift rnn lake plac t m mote day rither ihe ftaiiunal cieditnrvv i a cnrprnuiie or ihe crest landed of itroiarriy iusi mibrhwr nf p ptrinh anil iufirri renik eluj w rnk tm ij tl 51a ms sh 3 and nafirc leikinc at llw preeenl aiato avvof 0 il f rb ibl ihiil lt a w u twormtft i i al ck iif fr jfaio 9a ka ca st 4 am aid 4itai 4 if id 3tji 3 tudl f lw inpeiil ffulj bfi luc 11 prrrtirrikr arce fund d turner ftied into fiuiin il uieles beatiu ward my loner ihe pirate u unv have ben on the tp f the skil with hfnni axe- foot sll npfvaea to have heen lied eanewherr hy mv ujifal i am saiifid that the todie ol the iwn ir iii c ffen will pnee tu be mostrvjneilly mdinaltwmher- wive ihey wuh have been a0jhl in ere ihr sir jnhi davi we hear is tju ma way up in ihr oxuimj k hoalpived the i ntii j al chtteruiive so that hr wll le in whimpoa ihisevenjnrf- pe ftloom which ihe lidm of th bojva haa prrad ner u you eio well imagine fcjlb thb and aasiriean flags re hsnjin half mat sf cmtmi lle chineae want to make oul that ihe row rwnercd he ene of onr pap knoek- ineiuwti i fmairhny who waprlliite them ihi itrh brrhimifin all the people when ihe altay eiuiiahi eej in earnetl jut fancy the feeling wte v lrn we her iy iwo medi cal nrn i an if not three of thje racn wem alive rit jiulv nn monday evening had the pfiflo been t the fictorio then we could have ran her up ard in all probability have conelrd clem t lftrui of fne thiee toiir now late are lo be inter red toiaoirnw uauiw htiim uill rme f all ihii cil ety knows tis mafter eartnot he palehed up the lieea of ten timea the nmrber o the wirletied eriruinala ahnnld nol he aecepfed at an alonr- menl someihine miiil be rlnne in prevent lujrk dine ii4 nl to merely pnniah when euch 4rf4 tie doie aom il c monti je 23 rauiovlei d eahvf im7 t jnkuj dvti i lih hrrjond is under bvi lo hsve enad durinf ilia u in reasaiaaamj with eit bui ua yet vay r haa lianaiaved ellhrr in the r of lie1jnsms htiw far il- art likely lo he rto wuh w ri lrl linwtvei ajtpre rwj rljj ariyr-u-t- that mv srw liw4llimlth 4 jllljl ijirtmitl tn wirid- about in rwdcf to run the vcsel on shore hut a round thol culling avaj her mainmast prevented her escape the crew uprui ihit jumped oveihaard and made for the shoie hut tlurlylhree of thrm were picked up hy the hoatfiontl seven were shot nichl coming on farther piinuit of ikt olhrr vrsels was abandoned for that day and before next morning llier had all cleated oul of ihe sound 0 tne evening of ihe 6th the srnul tarted ror ihe northward ihe steamer re maininc at anchor tat i the 58th when she weighed and attnid nul in the same direction the same mnrninc she f r 11 in wilh a large fleel ol merehinl junks under convnv flf aiv mandarin war vessel mlmly afterward infannalton was recj fmm a fihrrnvin that fmir veae1a had phimlred a villac in the neirjihathoivl thr previous uihl ai d were al anchor in n hay in the wtward of 1in- i bai tne man volunteered lo accompany ihe alcamtr and h them out the plum teamtd ia nnd fmmd tveui at anchor in a hrie rlo lo the tieach on iee- m her appenjrhicreal nunhersof men left them two of thr rvsjtelt jcl under way one on each side of the hay the plun arajr- aued nee pnnrm crape a1eanisr rinto hr and the mandarins coining uji al the time joined the tleani in ihr attack the other pirate ecapln and tvot hr a mrmenl snpnsin that ihe war jik- wj uw the one ihey were attack to trape ihe lejmer put shrill in urnit lite m tth round erap and rani lee a i dirfrrcel lifne sevetal rf the crew jtnpl nveieaid pu t wre sht ty mall arm funn ihr biidr and itjmle uiea in the number of illytvti al list the inasi of the jtink wa alua awav when tlm remaining lweniyeihl wtt picked up hv he 1nt on hoarding her hr merchant yinks eheerinj all the time and throwing miilr at lhne in ihe wnlrr mi rcntly wilh crew dchem the crew of lus versel cnnrftid tf 10 men nnd it tunid oul to be the same winch nrfl a former orcainn encountered the hoiu of ihe fenl woundinq ona officer the leanur talinc in low the llvj iwo hoaia deseiied by ihrif crew pro cerled in rkr former ainwracc ia nleirtinw sound whee the seoul had returned aftrran unaueresftil eriie tho at thing sern nf the piinlv eetl which iho ptnln fim at lacked war onl al ea mill hitiily rnartrd relmnlrx uthahi ttvlr ihr hrr rf thr miuii- drina frhm whnn llieie iwlieve ahe eepedn on the 3 iff eeeiiber uih iliips rtond jiieig the cnaaf to the snulhwam arid chr ju ihfe eaaoiiuiuif the biyi alrnit r thry fetl in wuh a veisej al anchoi undrr jjaw kw iiini in lifpj water near ihe injul fin areina lit ateamer nearlnrr her slieiul ia according l ihtir meant tu ihe extenci ihe male their i a trrowinv feeiinc in f rd of direel tn contraditrniifn to in taaftlioi anrl as the inlerr si on the naip dcm sweeps away lwniytiru millionvan nna iy half ihe rcveuue it is desiiahle to et rid ar spcdily a pori the incusuiiilhe shspe of cxciie cu and other nflicers who under the or proleclirti the rovenue live by ihe prw vicious syalem the olher arta nf ihe nudjetiecimre remark the onty reirtitteil laa is twi foreign cftptier ore which only produces- tne irlmm mim nf 41009 the wtwisijl fences are lo be impcaerrl for which pri ths minister aslra for 150000 to rmji miliiia force 115000 fur the rdnjni 70000 for ihe navj an 5t mikina towl unvr partm 0i0 for ihe rmy head of aomollimii moie thrn half a rrv ytili thi iartioii of ihe fijneial p ha been virulently auaitcd kcauie ft opeua with addilitmal jerynotiy ihfch nf a cnuioon wilhour french seafm0 john unscell dwelt ujvm tins put of hi jtf w iih siuular einloiis the rit n ohservatiitis wvtht there was itotlti iitifj a warwtih rrtifee hullhat we he prrjiared fr snch x ctntimcrney this will rankl- lis iniuu af u ft to must that lltliee l aim niti dhy i the lnple like the rtench ia unjeuiame ihey will rocred to hfjiirtle on exarr riucine thentsekrs in a atnle of armed tramv n lime couili have hensnlref ihe llfitish miutalei nitre in s iiplay of such jnoitv a te pesfl rvfraihlte fielincin p r rjennx rrskasvki ihu rajlnrnef whiev m be maiulv iiftiecil bv the feaev or in r pschnm of liftluiu mallis am d mf nrttsmnlv lavf leachrsi a riu lhal v alt the lietiiiy rf ihe khcah b and phanej if h allnmlrr wuat sine jy in su e olf a eliirii will his sd i y io dtfect iheir en m i toward i ftmi r1 the pnkcy j lianet inhk hut i rtiih knilandilihnuh a cesrfraliea pasted away iirifn ihe s-e- i 1 aliick a teijnis- would ihem ia veiy koh he mujailil ii faae snrlpditical if roulj icadily rnl the fliue w4ftff i9 war tu be served cmlit vra smorsl pers in parliament as nrnoiwfjn e5 at n county fiir 4nd is made the rfcval de bitiu of every umuujov warrior who de hie lo tilltatd fence wih ihe prejudices aud nations of mankind jtothing hul surn hrcfmty could have in duced the flnvenieul lo rone the atron feelir- which exils on this stihjcr a mm less firm lhn sr ruwrt vei1 would have tlvoi appctied at the hurricane of exreraiion which cajrd through the land when he en dowed m ay isnoih iwn or three ypjrs haik and snheqnpnlly tiu bare mention of onaf irrir- the i0mj cilholic clerfiy of ireland nn the public purse produced asloihneut and indrcnason a lmpft of the cartet 1dy cacited in jnhn hull a pai of minfled fear and fmv semewliat chin in lhoe displayed hv his fosirfincd namrsake al aihl of the flmterine ltd fibttk of ihe ul lerel bemdieaul nut ncesity hts no law and the mission of l- rd mimio in itumc clear ly foreshowed ihe ait rl iv rvay tlie imperative nectasily of namiiiic a regular accrediled iftewlftt the cpulot komr for the pihkwe xtf keeping jti melhin like uhjeciion ihe fiery spirit of ihe kornau catholic hrirarchy theptiesl anj mifiticiaiat whocontrihnt in swsll the repeal rent and lrepalite ihe na lion animity o unhappily prrvalinl on ihe other side of sl cracc channel the tirt eif i i miaioii mj he read us ihe popes k- r ifii to the irish bishops which ar ted un aome of tbem like bomb- ahell thrown into a citadel in return hi holiness reqiiirnl umi he hoim have a re presenlativeut the court of st jame and hence the bill which the lords bavc already cnntrired to d vfj ire the bill as it stood cave the pipe the lifleof the 4l ponlirt which thr duke of wellington required should be changed to thai of sovereign nf ihe kcn an states thia wa somewhat reluelauuy ac ceded to th the jcurl of klinloun p posesl an amenrjmrnt pohtlulm the recep tion of an ecclesiastic as the popes represen tative in him country the amendmriit wai canicd aeaiul the ijovetnnvnl hy 67 lo 61 a small majority hul quite sufficient in matk lha animus of the peers on the sulrjtet tlie hill has panrd ihrouh ihe commillee with another amendment by the duke of welling ion which declares that ihe iaovcrhsn of england ia lh role aud supreme head in all mailers civil end ecclesiastical io ihis realm conaiderine thai we send dionsaitc repre sentative fo turkey to hryltnl tn china and to countries where chtistianily iinot xc- knowlrdjred and seu1d receive ilirir repre sentatives in return it items thiuskinnrd uteety lo reject so u tic e rem on ion sly ihe over- lures of the h ad of a church whuae initial supremacy ia ackfjwfeded by such a larrc m on oionr own aubjrcls and of the chris tian world t is caaier however to dilate o the folly nf stich ikrm 7 thai to work a change i mens feeling vh iope has no etnwer to create jealousy 09 c4use nneasiner he h nonriueuk and needy impment fie mhstwvftbut c in li of rendrin- nicsleula- ble service to hie british cnvemmenl- hy restraining hia clergy emhroilir ihem- trjres with the stle in matters fore in iheir splritoal funelirns and as a atmkc uf ijte ftalicy the covernmeul actej tvicly in rwkfiii forward thr flieau whether the eer eshihiled the me owrviltai in curlat inj it ofitt fair prareuiiois a point upon which considerable didcrence of opinion ria tnrally prvsaiu j finr are ihtta tuitujf ij j o coin njiitiirre iihrajbiia1 co00 llafhnjr k 10 w t u hest livrrpvnl faftouu famrou ta uhiueeatcr abml bststoi 3i-0v- lrilrt glacaw ilstll tsdand wafccwd ntaesto pijmpfjlij uliviijljuflij bunrilaceai fjoc0 jtuw i5 total abnut ul wheal purd pfotjiii in of hntne and fvrrijfn put- tue find a kfff p blh m lh um riid lierptot aaiilrls h itu rilwr n fijranein leivdo tj nthwuhflansliji ibe td aujilin wheji are uiw fneraard ttc folhw- m impiin rai the united jtsiea l k hace i- l 11th an ibo hihl3u ire nrnl23 m i iteet 60 hf it ir pra 4l 11 i1oh 3e2hitatisl5il csiaof l heae 1633 buoiid js w ld frvea ihe tettli 1i0 rtsrsnl impsrlatinns o amcrcan luenn at ijbj ia at ruj ewei aliy rij wall pe rvejil haa met ai uctrfl liermnd in ihe livsri hiirkrl htplder are tkin snr lusher ften ukhoairll ureeii4ninche reeeiuly ar tivfl lhvessi ial rrraueh and h-ing- j io hoinany athul t rfuifl the readers of the brilisx whig for some years past have been uccourrw lo see rtarine the mnn h of march some account of the preparations naaline to cany on ihe for ward r trade that main day of kintoni prosperity during the coming season of navi gation this beine the cae we shall wiltout forihtr peface proccel with our walk utid the first place weahall rw to it tint y pm fuilwav aku sme yaari this place of tery extensive burinvas is now solely tenanted by mr s d fowler formerly messrs fowler ic wood large meamtttats are on the larje railway- vl7i and several smaller vessels on the small rail way one of lucsc steamers is the qrcn this vesiel haa been thoroughly repaired tod made good in every particular her boilers and engine more especially she will rcume her bumness on the djv of qujnte aa soon as the navigation opeui under the command of mr henry corn of uellrville one of her owners capt barry her laic commander having tranifetred his services lo the ezliixt runmn between hamilton aitd toronto in rear of the queen on the same railway ia the large rrnpeherfreionafbeloogiiiiucapl iatlersuu of ihiaciiy who intend- litis mason lo command her himself she will be em ployed in ihe flour trade between the heart of the lake and pfonireal being too large to pas through the wtlhsnd cana she has been ihorcufrhly repaired anil is in excellent vr on ihe mock aojhiinc is capl utderlci vca lew itramer nearly ready for kkvjii rti j-rwi- j 4 by uuaxnltmn t r j- i i iekj boai is ititenried for the bay of quinu but il is very pcuhlcinalical whether she will b placed on thai route she is a rcmajkabl handsome vesael built tu run of the ie f ihe pussjuvf lad whrn her entire aid lo be very powerful are in ber her draft of w iter speava whole lirrariee fur pul old kinpin ttte nosc iron steamer pmprt looks handsomer than ever she is btlnf psjultsia fitted and decomled under the eye m her able corrrmaudcr cap w- oowm and when aqoal wir ayaio prove 4 ihe untcn of ibe canadian waters fur ut questionably the is iuo moat elegant sieamvesael ia canada- at least in western c j u we shslj rpeak i her atran jemenu for ibeieajonj wlujri encsv tionins ihe other steamers of the line ini fni u re number dtacrwca fiaumc dock this novel invention here at least does not term 6 much known or appreciated as it bould be- we recommend the curious now the ice io rood n take a walk lo tbc far end of ontario steel and look at uiia duck wilh ill threw caissons it is now caoable of lifting and re- tainin- vessels of l cj loos burthen bat as ihe messrs beauprc arc busy bntldinx a fourth caitsons wbeo lhat is completed iho h rk will be able la esiie and repah all vosek ftthrcecdin300iobuithenaadfts ihe trade of ttie art icrraij nd larger hips arc hjilt hy the ajjiliun of one or nora caivon the mean lo rait and reoair ibers can reader be cftvcteil on the stocks io ihe snip vaid adjoining the faallipji foek ihe uthvsv beauprc are huildinx for mr william anlin a schoonr s v of larrj tonnage fne the purirose of earn-in- acroa io oswego cleared lumber an article iiiuch wanted in vankcvlaud a oew branch of the lumber trade that must prove lucra- i lite irom the eouitant demand of he ailiclc- ta6eeoirinnif a neet cina dtsraicr bcilmosociattt this new institution was organised on thursday last at a public meeting rn tb court llvofc the follouineedtlemen urtre rhmeii directors viz mesarv j j qur roives sampson j ftrcden wm dn f j i a thihodo r allen j crawford d sha and c stuart the directon will shortly to appoint a manager gas comttsv uvare happy to ray that the act to incorporate ihe kinrton gat 1 1 1 company his received the royal ai- senl and operatioau are expected to corarenco immediately g crtcat fiat at watamroutr on tucvday last great fire occurred a i wa- terlown at which two livet were lost the paper mill i cs to menrv kuowlton fc rice was unforiuitatejy consumed jassc 20000 particular in our nesf uoojf salt tonight and monday iiht will he ibe la1 opportunities afforded to purchase at the great sale of ilnglish books by mr linton at hi auction room trie rrtvynm o mcaiaur- mr peter carroll ahhoujfc folks wickedly call hioa mbe inlrujer from 0fotd io reality the iirii member for that counly he passed npivards nn bis nuviv l bis latu cons ti thence on wednesdat lat it n eitniwwrm rpvrmfirf me itrhiih whig w yer cv irrrpnojsndloa 1-j5s- m loo- ai rvelm ti siiti l20 ainvata f burfusul piarb fa rrjenicd in iyd mill ihe ihmanst crjlluiueu lady a dcmsit hiarunf up iw lursahan tlosier if wtsicrs ihe itrilres er voa ti iis irihni niicca aiibui 5aa to l7e per the ftato if trado in iho minn trict rlsxi not pva arty u- urn f ulujcnl impirtance hlt nod aeranlfnllieiied rurt mevl at mancheekr the dcmano r tinuand yarn cntinuea cry dut ami itllle htrfineaa it an n ifi wruk fin luelier piiees ttlnsh banrcea ic mvrwaf l pay- tire lutcva return of tho main of einpt jinent viaj itta if ihe and ex ik nf pvi rm i inn the ervi bravely on the median kirdinand hit cemtiluttmi uairwit u aammr pnl n aiali if iai4cv rm a i cor a fi in par u tveiy traaoji tn lereomeand aii aj passluaj ihtnnri a rlalj- ia apitoiulid dttin ltnyaltth la to he it iy ttui lrocii luse ihe kiiil hna ratilf i ural lohnideit i fails of leuli claimed ul n the a sut i ncj piinr fsiri n i i-rlf- llsv if illllhn 10 p iranri the h inuatit i tiift ps ntiil i it- mud ttihimilv nf ihe fiitiile vicvtcv ij eirliimedlm npl d an unmi t thta0 enjlnl io i iv oiililulhm vii iatin hnsvirirh haa bvh hint llpwat hern lilrrit and utiitu iii lh hhoii- ie tahui nnll if ii peii fv ml till e i p faveiiiinn the peiije meetiijiitly inhmlli u fl toflmfalutiir the present mrily are eiintlv rlmniui1 and heiray all ihe facilla- lien ofliririkn urfeate in llv l r da nn the ljtimaiic tlelations itile drfi atid in ise common on mr warj motion for money ivrvnlu thebudel and ruice luuiake siiatialino after raplanatinn lavin r- cnutse lo a screl crrin lire rs4 the emimaies and ihrn isiii thai up as in i c l iheir ieinnomi nfinitaheit dueaiiui jjav- irtr am iiji l he sitecme tac when it was reeefnmeiiitei onw to relieve tho tprln nf irade oml aiika up fur the defalcation of iheienwn aiueralilr additlnn lo uwun in irtltl ond ie a urc it and eatenuiu k r o pleas lhat ate at once tritium and in- i i hatisist aslvnealed ecounmy n ii pilimi and hvett miiauiietpiv prihe lf cxpf njiluft kavscr- n tnfulay nlltl thry cave up tlie ncrty of the committee on the tfavy ml army estimates they had propo ihe ntelit htfurp they fnnnd it was warranted neither bv preeedrnl nr reamn and uhnt eves inoiivpa they wtjcm have fur coneonl meu tl ey wer cm ulleal o yield iho ghttj sarse tflbr puhhe we ahdjl ntw iim bahlv i nnw he line reason fir iuerrisiiif thn navy and atiiy iun l hnw r 1 s nt hint inerear u dun lu ibilpwm turutlliy hmi v nl ij crihfilenio 11 llsv penple iiurl unit ajlti ml hit- liiilimce ul nhchletl artfu rfhvaivei f mnehesjcr ahew n the eufffa1ssf lle wpek euvjinf feh m there were iwj rcf hsndn full liiue 1025 of hint nnnibcr huflo ihe cmtnn ritlriv in ihe wvjhm rfistncii lv repnrii recetvro itminq ihe hitfnul ut0 ihal a pametau ainnunt uf linrea j but wilh ipui any iopfutcmct in price iveohtabccn coadeeabtc flnetist rn tv bnltah puth ilorm- llie p at hrlnhi jtilt the loodnee ba hct upwards llio relt nt ahhtii oeiko f miney orekwif inveeiinenl conhnrd teiih tlrt faei thil ihe i iiner htli dre ir aiarchareloacewe4add ni rspevrt cib- n nnencd i4 ims ifilh insaiil i j j n cbed ol or rn uiriif he courae u iiurfour ne ftet l m dajt htlte ehsneo tva ilict vi ihe ltsi ih mui4di hjimui- tim aret qmuiioaa i cwunl tse mioee raa i wheneo lw fpeerliiy ifeili si t which linc thrro iace for n ffiul pernl artkr a lihl irifis- r n t lhf left it l nl io 110 jirflliai rjflvernmi w ii l- r isicn-i- pefsrliinre of ihr nitn tit ihi neat leau iww hip heeame krtnen m iho 19i ll rtavc ro lo a tii reaeln nirine in ihe on vienlh ihipe eimi msiio n iho pjjio iain4 hy tho ffmeial litrment 4t i c premier tin ihsl dvcaiel fr mnrvar ihe aecm csd it pj uirifj mill r-vrp- ihltc march 53e in cfis pennum li hits been remarked ihai uernaif lr ealeraln- 1ilpni indr v thai llus iirnme iai aa it nnpliea li hidcra nf lons aniiuitiee ivtiirji liee ivlte yeri in rut taill rttaaujul n annual ch ire nf 15 re c snh i havsi hnrlhrr r rnis rflltt jewnpnii ii4aetr iue to feci in pf nf ntus dialnfjelhit 1 ttlsl itf lilo l j ll nd ihvr j 1 1 l ns die city ul lmd vc rev ii tiirttif la villi hotretiry no lw vpjie ranat ulam0ria ui auoh arhaua theee t no rrinre f i4mr in tto market n the 9m hrri the maarsraj day tuesdiry fek 0 iur ri nnlrrahle vlclitri o tie iffmvff feiiiifil ft tliea further 0hnel 0 no ehteeditxlj and fa1ly eljlt fr ok the 93 d i i r i t teat niiieh imvnuphd hr ue stcei u i if itao nniirettin i- raiml uu ibo imer diy l- ssr iuw alaasti alexs and m ec nla 1 will bsv eery liyil lo all probability she will be put on the rvn line in lieu of the ctacrsjecur now crowinr axed and feeble hut should her drttinationuliimately prove the bay of quinle upc ion wishtijfor diiideratum will be accompliihtrj via a day boat on the bay t that is a steamer which can leave kingion far betlevilu ira iho motninc and return within sixteen uoort a fcal which the new teul can easily per- lortn svi uu di m june but i will be ihe end of july ot the hejjinti auppial before he will be ready for business- her command will be offer lo ceplain chryaler now of the iracu o if ofcl wbosc vesaet in apple pae oeder lies ban v to commetrce r x us on i r y as aorw the ice will permit wilh the exception of a few haget undcrroinr repair these are all the vessels a ibe marine rail way- we mutt not foicet to mention that tba new xibl home huilt by the corona tion at ihe extremity of the jvailway wharf ia nouf brin- raised tttenty oe tbjily feet hihcr even withlhis addition toiuhtihl the kinslon lighl honc will prove hut a very tony affair- how much better wnom it be to apply to ibe home authoitiies for per- olhntol lo erect a wooden tcnemenl on the top of ihe aiarlello tower on tlie shoal a tone meni lhat could readily cdrmoliahcdincasc of ihe tower hciii- pttm for war putpom lu the immejisl vicinily of ihe marine railway are two farwuikn ealabjuswuenl thai of uttutf j a walter co at that of the uettn- mccu urothcta of ihr former iluuse wo can aay rutt little inasmuch as nic ilisoniion of the prsenl firm s eut- templaled ind when the re stock is 5ld or divided two or more foreatilinr tltb- lishmenl may b frmed oul of the mhrials before our walk is ended we may bttu it in our viwcr in pak definitely uu this head- of the nther f that of the mer mccnt brothers e are happy to say that several iiiinns t their means of tran- siiorlrttiok and stonaee hive been made to meet the emerencict of ihe cmiits tean the larc slrauwi wuniif purchased 1 fill vhensuufcal hie foot nf trv railway has been raised and ihornnlily repaired with new lspies peddle lioes phallanes ir her lop and deck hamper ha been removed and he isconiertcd iitioa pctfect ln ihhi rt r liiitncs p6tot and speed cost cipr her draft of water ia so much les- end iliut il iseaipecicd nol loesceeil s nr 6fec al ihe ulmosi ie will thercfoie dc- kcn- a the rapids to montreal rslurninit wilh bfl lur hy way of ihe canal the prorogation of parliament bluatrftcstj michcj 1a1- this day at z oclock p il hit exel lencv the governor general proceeded us slate to tho chamber of the leislalivc coun llir lirliameni ruitdinr the mem bers or the cstaie couucal bttosssurn bled his llxccllcocy wai oleaied lo cocji- mandlht aiieodanccol the fjrslalivr asverrf- my and ihit house bein present ihe fof- lourindu were assented p iri her m jj- lyname hy his etceliencry taterts general via au act w make better prori iron wilh res- hccl lo r rv nl pu rls ihg expenses of supportin- inrlijeot ciurfjinu and of forwarding ihem in their placea of destination and tn anend ihe act thereiu memioivej h an acl tt remove dauhts as to the liere from uhich the provision of ihe act regulsline the funsmonin of jnrur in lnerer canajaa were intended lo have 0ce and effect an acl to incorporate ute city of kinuoi gas lighl company an act to incorporate the toronto alheaeom an act to authorise tbc rector and wardens ol saint pauls church lcdoo lo icjl part ol the glebe on certain conditio an acl io tender executory certain jud mrnls tendered hy the late couila of queen- bench fur lnwc r canada i an act to incorporate canadien dc quebec an acl lo mmd ihe act for reuulin lha shiprinbf seamen and to fucd tho ieca oyih under be said act a art to continue and amend lb act for ihe inspection of flaqr ami t atasl i i r for ilic impeciion of oalmeav an act lo amend ihe acl to icorporau thn town of uunda 3 au act to lihtoepurate the wejlern trfejraps company an ao to provide lor the twycctisiflof bbbei in quebec and meeiirral 3 vnltfti ouulns11urcii kail romj frm if ihit djvy aretttr aitieelineuf the dirvcluia of lhi4 road hss i 11 ju i held in in cily auj ihe muit erhhte meorurea hsve tien liken for ihe early ceimulelimof ihe whole work the 14130 mitesuf the fa l end of the road to rouaes ftiiiil wen rocateif and the whlv line fmm fatefishufich to clumplaln i now ready anl w ihv iwnji eieclnnl contraetnra sia thouriud lnn of rail have been purchased tg nf oe rtilivrre- before ihe listl nf october neat tho uuslwi forties faneeaose ha been nur- rluscit ond nl0 tk chana ami pihei 1 iii liit4cusa vnitlucs have beust contracted for slaty mihi- f iho road will ue iiy lor ihe mil urn oaily imrlof noal utmnn a pni- tionoflheremaiinferinllic innnthuf apill fl loutoft nd all by ihe lf ul july mceeedinu jhe rhrevinra confldeully believe ihol ihe lletail ulji brnpeivd f lrrlhl and irnvel iiuii ivdeiithiifith m llnusas point on fiairiptalnhy ihe ijbbif aiiull ih1p alfaiisuf itm iwy utv in i lieiy llfrtfbuy lalk thr euudiutin i an ad to repejl ihe acl ibeicip nuraii ami i mike belter oviaoj fouatcflc attiwiioi of aprons ol dui on uie 1uu kma aasisb auact to incarporate urtcnnimuiv ccuipnnyef totnnto- n act to amend the law rtlalinjr lo ihu inenrporalinnof ihcciy nf montreal an acl to conthw for a uuiitnrl vitff ssvrral acts and ordinances ihercin mctar liewil ami for olher purtioari an act 10 maul reilm min t met mjy foe ilefiayinr certain espensci of tbacajt fovemment f li an act fr ram on the crodil of pw snhaled k ve nr fund a sun of mftnet renircj for the public svivkew a after which hi kxceheney ihv governor general wos peaed rt1 lnv alrsw mccuaia drolhem havo enced of lb- ihid pailmnient wilh the fclitrebeuenlgjrdco ltaulcafablc of tarce hnldiuj 1xooo raafvrrli ol flour in adiilien to ihe premises on iheir own whaif thia i- beeniloue wrmt unh a view if save insu rance nle- non so ehoibitatitly hi than for any qthei psiipie lie fc re leuvini ihis acrne of our labor in ukn i look ni the ojtnui lylaajl luuatuv hi ihwera tannery whorf we mepir4 inlo ihe kington foundry we lrujj l crartiaf in fll blael tlie mn worliuc itmur lurea anil ewty ihina itujotiua a hichfy prntperous aute of lminea stwllne wilh mr mtswai tha mauarter that centlemat niuredu- ihal isiitn itlisunsllnje ikert were five puandrisk now a wofb in town one uf llwui dusitg an nltnual vtjual stioke of btatlmi wtik lliu nwn yel i much had the tlilp plus wines lnriaril in klnrfslon thl they tvrr busier now atl midiyed mm lira than ihry ill 1 lyvai ip hi vjfl iumirri sperc ii fiis cfreiri of i ae otft 44 civfrnen elv hy iv ssvnov 1 hv teasem tu wlivvu lbt 1 fanolml conanlt ihe puldic interetl mrd yoaiseeasast niencr h brinstlnc tht peent etalan rfti close sshh view lo uv ruiflpfvsjiswrv yriui labnia at an early yr rinl a in puisuanee ef my drelsraj itantur f have taken masnre inr ihr rieijlnrurf a nve aitui i am eatakdiaj upxl pliae nu the strnfoiuorata eeasarsvy l ulporf z h iv oi e erenpleltds i liusl thai llw menllie mfwjsjn j hv ihr hovlncl1 mil lh i it- tu- pivsi hiiun ih loeufff w ibo eala 1 h lal ie i l ihflvism wo nilviuw moj tftat lb ol j i ihrv 0l trtiultesl us 4itv4uris ianlumfmtih fahm afsea i ihenh ou in liil mv iml f vfh hh ut wv aal iiyiflisdt 10 ibessstvlsr- iii iv iilislstle 4vrt r mi in