British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), March 29, 1848, p. 1

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thgumsh whig ihitari idvtruior ftr oaiad woil itnilwklt skmuwhkkiv itiiv vnrajjj awt bilunlar horrjni st edward john barker fc 6quv at tlll atmctmllm 7f fo frw kinrvm wtfj fermfls ftajsu ra aausruiif iwidiu jfmft rlmiirttt1m vwnuu iahnre ami nnjhr 911 w roar ittiiw iwftvm i lrwsntawnwrtfon ot id inrhnehirraen ubeiwuenl imwi adsrriiwnwnl- hmd ipeno draetna lnwham i taiat mi imrftrjufttflfarmil awl aborted eirfiujiily canadian tveuwiiae jtmuitf aitl fallowed qmukimmi oaeiielftialatoecr all lvti i piiird ic tho athenzni boole store txntr atlhwffaillin- ktilif 1 jit s love rm k and general advertiser for canada west opifhr perorbem dioor ip i- mfi- xvh kimiston canada wednesmy morning march 29 1818 no 26 is triiifi i m- wti et tlhrilkuwri ktjdas mi wave wrj eaim- twlfturvt i i uyaj i vlffmlfl f i n mt4 iln4 llillkiw v vw pulcf4i i u snta i r i- dtia 4 i i4 wu nil ptnnntu mnadn wm d spmmii wn 41 y iv k lllji raff4fm v v c ibmllmipn ixlwei ihedeeui j lij wrut ktvw uia j vj kept aw sk job pbthtiha 4 m lsrrsjtfrwnf jttll frintsitm- vi icuuuh aerujlpiiig rj r- inujif jimdi wal imnvuu pia j wave hhltilu ivcot mllllu iteluf ifn laoum slcaui- hiln riant well hirvd l r j v jit eta frinf injr cesw nrotfy cjcciref it the nknt rf jut tape iewirely w business directory messrsrhill parke 11 a it it 1 s t k it s ainriuhtv w sicit03s ii ouxfieit orncc srxt tuk nmri francis m 1iiil nios parks i kilm fa 16 wi- latedtrotv ntclstrau tand a benebal a8enx conveyancer notary public fta t tot t caniiftttfo amuranca company decji hortgafi roods ptuliow u if drawn l rrjieri rl frv office nf vt door lo mr jack0iis store ttprnfran9amtofm oetefa nvoir dmricii if t bradley litc or rctm losooh hatter ov furrier rrmgjlu stttbkt c01wn w- tomtit 4 ftilr urcmc cbrrxftd slpfft alf descriptions of ladlfl3 ani gfiatlembna fun cfafrwrf altered otrtlkt8iaiei a ftoreiuoit 3tyik fojiw a u uiing 9 peoples ottawa rideau forwarding line- m orrjni andmdbav vasal fijmlti subscrilwrt bog trt notify iho huwic geiicrolly iliai iwoy tweftd citmigtiiiig a lino of fit tlftm slcamrw mil q j w lo tly jti ihy utiditu atnl kijcfttt ruiiuiijtlioy will btpwiml ujtmi ilcuimig of lie hftvigin jcxt stiit f irwaro pfoporiy citliloil l tlir crf willi nromiititujc ami jct tte neceoty rr the nnnniziin f 5rti n aajttmiihmnti li in view tle terfiirmaiici mine patticularty ot fvahlnfd t il from placg on ibr oiuva aii1 bmvflfl nmio iwcms or- ircftt from tint fjcl that in fjuueqiicnctf nf iim geat intnail f tlic ivnl bvin jivcrtcj fnun ilfic mttfi f imimo of ifcr in i fliil hav j clarkr wine and spirit dealer l31bt0n hulluintjs iffwccsl biaeelt sikoiw canada ww virqw- cos express- wltuam warei 5l lowivnec many itniue vacate ihuckoiirol ahigllior tlieivuj reriarinf the mean if irannrt unite invuvquatdly to tlio rciuifomciiis if ilifc fvvitin of tliotminir tlio subacriltcra wnnkl bo to rmnark thaiadauynvnnrluie ftom mvntml may at alblmcaw jepninw upnnwi lliot tlis giaivac tort will lf lmkod ia land ing property itrto vtriuos ataiinmi un tbe hmite agrtenmy wiih in5trurtioni ami cciinn anl tliai prmlnco vij nmm r tin th c v7 p de larmitaee oekekalgaoctrrince street ciiiaaton a few oouraabofdrlick annv prauico latoo in xcharf o george howe painter gilder and glazier bagot st- kingston oar mr pliippene candle focioryj lfn paintingt wondaad marm imita- liun anj decorated work in general john s clnte ancnoncrr ami mmiiaionmerelianteorncrf ontatto ami urck fitoeu k orders thankfully received and punctually attended to imivard paae deatined for mun irenli will not be tin aded lill after it arrival at ihat market a practice nut bilbortn attended to tariff f fieiihuc will bepubjiilied ftt a tubaeqiint pornal clemoujones st co yiuntttia tmd kingston frs clemow k co february 23 is4s 18tf gl03e insusanct g3mamy of london m messrs ryan chapman co of montreal anl nf the gloa n amraflm company for cn4 hre appoioitd the ttiovmjgneil snbatent at kiaien and he i new prepared to tne all ilertation of properly agaioil lo by fire on advaouicou lrr u tt17 original funded capital of baft com- dbelily jltlorneai u aorwnjdarteja clknpiiii eftsoaf c9 gov t 0 butler cubrwl maker untl uolaierec moaarcel strtrel knigdon a general aawortrneni of tholateat alyptn f furniiurt eanataaily on hand anj c 4ara on literal lerm thosuab pcnneys wholesale j knail lkathrttxrkrrt caaaslralaurvinfion dooler iu naee m1 opaniahsolo ioathet kajw aard yaal8nrra aad ftkrajuy 4 bi wasotanojtoga otoeery jeacrtp- iinn melfflllion sterliffg ai ra avnt are antkvrij tawllu tri aw hiaaa td guards w jknkins arijkeaa sltael kinatai nr the britivsh american hotel iloncawawst 1 fopenns ime iallaqsrraiticr hauer brncfc street kindlon- fore made opt tanlor on iho atiortcrt notice furs of very description bought and sold satlhew drutamond grocer rvne k spirit merehaul vvellinctnn sansdlnfai faianct to mr w- xvtraons kingatunc w f vt b kayler conch buiucrs afid carriap maker princcaa street kinptna montreal atbh uudoraijtricd havina removed k from tho caledonia spring u wonapnai takea toaeu lo inform hi frtenda and tho pumie tlmt b lia made erriniguraont tvjtli ilprnpiicloj of thai splesdm establishment sreu kuowo to inn travelling com- flt aannitv a hascos hotel fepajaaj ia pi tbcig iornui1ily elcataa nel puf in tmt beat aiatoof repair am will lr nrady fiir the rocaiplitiii uf viaitora by tje 2 lat instant to bijli tepuiation orjyed byblita hotel for ao maoy yrara rendcre it un- norcrarf to aay anything relative to lie aituaiion interna decorations and eim oria and the snrwnhermlrdce him acf that ibo billsip farb wines and a ttentmxcbaliill not bo behind my aeon iu tliia hnlel tienjre and that are wknlr attention hall he ave to render llmao who maylmnor lltint with their patronage in every way fall iinpoutntions of sajafahs tbk wink spirits fc groc erio s h0b8ht alz3n ttock atlscrt aa30ton phi snwriker reielfnlly becleavet fnfnfm au town aiid oomlry castomen hat be if now rehiring hi winter sjack tl m j u a jkaav m laftml mirtcorado tcasgrocrries wines spirit ac carefnlty vesetej he neraanal maitection m ut mnnifearand new york mattel hi iireeiit sioea eoaipiieet amou otheif the follovviii article teas cuaanwdrr tlvm ynjr hjrfnn taraafcaji it v i s i ii peknr coprr sudiua 8stfcuortpmeoatand oolia ouga rs maaaaatada stperr mnl r india avi daawa to haaaam coffee rean rnapte4 nad eroj pwnution llranatil mcli ccot cneiiitlata tlrrt swnwh puin i projtrd w i n e in vi if tkr b j maarim u f tl hrry wleond avomb leonnnv itnr poriafilswrrt glrct malaga taprrvji 0d pori sim kits oh jamais inu tunj riit urady ttaftlmux nande holtftdfiin utiinritvn gin luaada whijr ticnoli wliiakve jtaikituui in m 1 dut cm a i jag laohuio trftu dc vic do duuic caraoe aad wtbor liqaeora f rocetiips caaaarwiitvbae atajhaaa jaraancit7 pirv knh niiier flaaah snprrfinc ruorand oaimral ajj plftin crackcnpth and peatl sarlcj tlet cnrtaaamc pavreo jtc vcntiiclli hflceafnai8atr anaf ht ptri ihniey anl lairtcum hvaraaa wirt n 1 lb a4 ik antttcot lktrham vnjrw- sr wtnjair anrf aafban car ttaisrttiav uk te immaiga lreiraawl pio and oavkat rrid and pie i atrk nwa wlmltaod aai larfu seearcaadf faoiea onmeeaandteovia fkt jafdanall ah i led bam akrllrd ana rnter alaiada nrlo fiwtl wt aai mtla nou miuga tttrkr vateoca aai 51uartr1 uia real z aip ciirrantai plana aficai turkay fig krai fraaai pltma in jara pibfivm kaitta cifrfi ofimje nd lvinn ph kaat india ciacer oerriao 1 uhihii lrccnriea and pafhei rcj miar1 onam vlno1 rilihi ci r h ina cnitl i nvtaw rtod ubuy s vt ti kjkmt kohhh wtfevl ol harfrv uirr3l kent oarlrtndaint rtnjoa ftwl atfc ky a iht a silijoiin oliffa aicioijuii conic fmaovr sovoaiaa m ntlfc wtntln rrwl aaj ph rlckr tainc ivfaa wrpfitir nd wrdinc fpf slar tkieiaj niahl tithta uih hrickraccano rpc im 0l ja oaia n4 iwhio waalaaf olaaa cr fuiir unra haavana wtirrktmleantktd cn firhtan lakpa arfcr j afiia i afr ra ali fminnrr t aa j guahri kvtia creaia iff tariff ph1aif rriwvms r-p- mit ll aor ta sntrtcribet aorr the pimfe tkat the whole of the avc articles are of the eety let qoality and will be old frf ctah or fire five firel oregon saloon kl ho btrkbt opposite mrt ji7otji ihtdcn stor tiie snlhrrilioi would moal reamer fully return hiainecrthanna to ihi- rjgiln generally for tholibvrat ani he ha receive fntm thern since hi enmmoncymni in ljuineaa and wmilll wf lmve to mlieit a ciftiinuanrc tlrei rh tvhrrli he htnes will he meritod by alntl tllentlon on hie part to fell who mtj fuvor him with u enlh jamek elder kinffeinn february 2 146 j e eroiitj bet involo return lr ultiertatlhtiokato he military firotnen and ptihllr fr their vifenm ttxeitime mi saving a part f uia property from tin late fro ali to iho5ir philanibrnpie indivr onal for the liberal aol drintoreatrt manner in which they contributed airk etaau fund ti enable inro lo comment in uufeineae again j- e gkokge cook tirrf it i no or cly awitii cn foa xiia et six vuaf mamracrvacn of tllc i iko bartlett cards would jaforv the pouic aad tle mtratif of the old ettahhafcmcaii no 71 fall ton sircet where he haa alway keen en- hyrj that he contrimei the raannfaclurc or iii4 nd et- lh varirttri of playing bit fire hbe1 fire st lawrence mutual fie it uhange offlco at ogdensbbrg n t- rtt prppeamhn alaai frtf itd talc al in uim m at old fflhisold wol ahialdufheji and pop a alar caaanr cootra li anoaro aealnt to nr daaaam ly ftnal rtauaal drnap raica aal liertn ihr per caaa1fc the rtlltwi ayaifhhrpiithtnad raaaaaaia lime aannfi it fjiecvoa all caira lhnrdh apariv fea ila ihnomit irh m9 uilvn peirka bltieb amita ttvina faicra fo aokcrw dal alkia rnrdc mm ijaary slauca imaaaj ja rcko pieavfieo fukffk ditticcnea 4rv liotliafa arliiak mifht bir bv lwn m hkh and ihe ccnaatnv f connviiof in affile it v abt i- coatne ianutod aai fot tvaffiyi for five vr rs on a premium notbv of ont oad taree rjorrt nrr ceaf oolite avanl araaataa mpu a fame jfoi tijr vthich ha f r hi nte in we y f r n ti0d a ai lim nan lan cenitof which he mmwn rcreiw plivtr6te taarr tii ra cnialtetieale ho eolhd the tahmer5 issdhancs gompafvt br tbcpvtkie tbe roevad m cantleduilia reix eva mraaaa hi caar f la do am a einjttraoh aluerf utopninrij ami ureyb ri contain a two thikds clauskv likai1tcphwo nf man eanip- ky atraah nv inrcl gcte lal ialhrda at the value ofllo bapetlyi cvsn if ha paid laearaaec apon iu cijt aatiaa tlte flke i at jovnaburch an ha sl law rcacrircr rffaaaf pnmmii v cre raaehrd fram mn i om or ke iu f ioufototid ie nvaa eeenientle eitimd f a urie eiaiatry 0a- ar othr fflcc m nw itnk card hefrloiva famitliert hy the famlthdient j anj that aay order iur vrion kiau will be failhfullv aoj wromplly execot ej on application to hs otv aenu mer rly ft lalhip no 71 polloa strral 4l ihe bflmt lag prices ual dirconal offfor caih arlnllioeew1iebay to sell again nx marble ami white backs 36 per gross harry s 00 30 drcanlnrs do 24 rimcllrd tvnry and pearl surface card per fihwine eiahcksed enamelled cards tinted plain heanlifully polished ift fdajrul designs ai lordrra printers blank catdr 8wl- wanks playing cardiaac w 1 ts per cress dv do 2 12 luge do jo 1 m do do 2 21 double mic of the small 1 30 do do 2 t double slxe of the urge 1 63 do do s 02 also ah the above sizee of every color lo order other tires cut to order of either of the foregone qualities mourning cards o various sizes aaade to order hold bordered cards do do ttilt edec do do knaraelled sheet cap size 20 by ho inch ivoiv surface do do pearl do do do blink sheels do do alan railroad and steamboat tickets made to order of any color or of different color as may he desired tin- serbrr invites all editors of the united slates and canada teho arc dispottd to take their pay in earda and vrho will send him a copy or their paper conlainins the ad- eeriurmenl and inert it for three months neve york feb 1mb 12 3 our unking ivatkm nov iheo ia tt it aaneves ihl iito rtfmc are uariig ihyt ihfj ae peghaf t it arariraav rhi nvy ilr irniia a drryt m il utai lrv hit4 v eaiet wdrr a moec r rctaetem t jmm fa tntle hon sjn rriit fi e aaev nafke 1 have evin nie a ntnjiwpi roacav uiuwiv j wnre jmit iine a dniii t any leaajllsiaed ic qtcntly rnjaiorrd ti h md ha nfjcu nf il il oc lnfiia rtim pnlh dtvettiiteata a v kmd ia auaia ll nnho i lke leava ih prf anil and t imtt ih maetanae f ilo ihjaci win be catieiduicda nraaraail afadrm rw urasiatru nroaijilpiy on ttie juvrnt poaaible lerms l sajfoh salapa of cnltivated land mtd iipmvemt 0t8 n 09 e clh cans nf plti- bursrlk mice jb0o 100 atfrea icmir with ilh yk car it- tindian pl ilffiea l pfaavsjft enicra hso hinieealrlvand oeaclitot laare aer fwd w avwe ctifmii io ihe p- rvaaa e ftaira he ibe eveaeji aad vii i r a stiitvrriio ihi 1 believe ihe eaiia it i riri at canada ii pirteni iaiuji jc3c0ikxi ikhfa naaataafi a jirffc pmviiirimtf ulri iho1 n xt ihe ranha of the ant fifdeor iheiriaic tru ie eetdrntlt far taaal him iv ieet lh rcu r f lte itaev ihmjco atnintry ad itn dfdv nf rrtil tp niill ll wiivrllm riah0ftllhvaii sii4jr rfjr of cijtt rfairt4riiin ivrj rfiti ut dimjrhiiinlin wu haa ei ncd the pal aiil r nnki ilia prnnm bialc if naaaetary nwlufa a thai eapiy retaat srl can dnr er that niim fciuet br eer aw dio o eofrect im prrtrfii sj mcih r rinkinc and pply the vcanct w1itti i priaoai esl ia ilic f r nf tlte province t ech aa alanainrj es- tent and lnok lo iha pteaent ciecntnii al tlnuee ol aatmme u a remfdy in ntor t pvmt thia annual applicalinai f llie sw hrf anoual il ha ban oinee 1 coma to th cnarnr una vearoalj dietcnttf itom onvra h odiihhal pnrure and prfeido a reaede f- the fctrrith eicitement and ninaitat rvtn nf ntmav iadaatritii rrderi which uajtftunktily eliaucterie ii and eteo to saaea ihainnnaure inteeet of llio canatrr aa a etvad ad 6nj hoals il ie qkeo1ai1v naiy ht ihntfay rfnnteat take the entire catilinl nf iltocurrenar inta iheirawn hand and atjmltvh a cvl mhftl qjnk j iajeand tht ieh an inhitlio at a lnerinuihi f ii fnaden it ahi in bririah rmienenf eorb mnitaiatt ieavast lt n iiiy i itgf r one heh aaam ha rejreiffii ira atf taaataa villi rnfaal gmiiiede and aaaaakethai the edjwetmicat of ibe motxutf jtfn t ihacthfoy tbe ray bfief hinta ebe er sea e iftih r iv miiird villi the iw nf briaf inf ibe ebfrci be- baa the twiaaaitaal end the pabtk aeo elnpie nl p awtsajabifl and era baaed on onr aipetacc id a e del nt coins nd cloae onaerealivn rjwifhe niy leaidrnee in tbie enomrt evane aav- cumaungbto veoirod iimis have pwj tieyaeid a d ate ih utwr paitinu necvn ey ead commerce ml aaiata la bne the minirt vnder the tsaaai4esalbaa nf tliearatn miimriy ti tori a prrid tptaiate botiaaiii tlcin l hve ria bdiu and er in pmmte lla welfare nf h pioeiaee aad vf their ainecro d all rav aa an 4 i imro the rvonr in be 5 ir vcrr fnetfohe 7000 john crt5wblu hinil01 mreh 3g 1 boeoiatdfkdna aannpfaond aauad irpc f gafiinny jcndia ila paper to- alt danbee ad bf ntats adareacd amibrr in iheuqi v ihe srcrruj e to n fion a large n havhtsj lt 0 utfe ppiu i a enpinf it aa nt and paid 11 and hi r turn k r ii aor d h l k wiliniot drt brntrnf dor n l 1 1 1 er ebeip 11 br larrneranf canada aoja 4rasl aj m gidivon lreiiy kiitar jobnansarn uninel c v no r 1 ij7 tin pmmpi nd handavne naaer bj irliich oxenknta b dee have hrcn met bj iho caipa- ay eiee ereat sjlialaclioa aad emieovnre bcc- b tetp kentoroa vwoei 91 isit 4 i became mem- her of iheoompaf nnihashof maichfve ui robert mccormick wimiwalc ami uemi dealer in winea spirit tee tiroccrieac prinrcns sueet kingtfl mesarsmacdonaldcarapbell liarriiierai auuracco at lw rinceao sirtci kinpinn joii a micdonaio f eomfonabw it cmfton ilt of tht csaadd woaae r caledonia jhits 3 jm mmtrealfeh 10 lst8 mxroonain alexanntft uamplinli 1 thompson garevt n 1mjhrling and comniusinn mcrslianbapt broad sireel new virk- valuahm mux sites at gananoque- pheundamarfloftrr for xh he rsstfrr ployed water power at carniaoaneajmi will aitord erery facility for the erection of james mcmillan teacher of fijarmilk er any other hind of machinery music- piann korjpa pnned ajdreaa wm mcmillan auctioneer well known lo reoqire gehcml com- cniiilna agent rrolr 3nd aucliilormsia nevr- francis v carey sauasaa acenurheur kc- hutxlt cainden cast john blackiston saiimker no 4 hardy a ruildrne ontario street 2 walter ealea painter glazier assd panax hanger prince street 7yt silnjilnn ton wc inown to rrolij panicjiar iritenpiiovi- fai term which will be irbeial and any forlher utforeiatiart analy at montreal to messrs aaderson aaldja grans ce or messrs persia oockos co nd sjassel the cfci mcdonaloco tianjnoqne 1st december 1817 7n o t 1 ct a cj1siipjiid jit the auhcsntllbswl dist1lieh ior fnc folloteiaj- articles uf proluce aaa a inh 1 imn m imiomg and voeerty wiib in and hertaf ne my pnvf iblearat fay nf ainl scj v brar ijnnnt i iho pfaapt and ubrrat manner m svbiih wy in s be n aetlkd aadatidr tkwfs johnston tvmemvrllc c w l hj riebeittr dee ii i8j7 wrlhaanderairn- emrebj cetir ilnil are hnre been irtd by lb si vstnee hmaalcaaaiaaaa c ainca ujui j wlc4jiidouu xio0 tt0 itaft nperaoaa in caaoda acres sa d lm are bare never been assajaaed an ear no 30 el cth coo dpdfr j ioo 100 bw aaastaih recoiataaad arttsa t tartrtntnvi i iirere brmr ia our ooia wna wn 1 re- 1 j et ttiaeiars n asjaajsl laorneo no32wj6lbcotidnilnxi00 tfig cninseataneaejpn h aerej firrd jn bicmiriirtrr jk orabcr u w nn39 eaatpart 6acoa 76 1 aratadjlna wjjiajad janiea brren favlunrihe c wioba h mfchnelkrlljit mirrirtillc w bv jendfn nsraaaroiiaotbeni bath u pfoa york id rrawet purrbia c ta for sale by the subscribers i q liddsjamarts roitosico aad cuba 1 o sasora is dtrdadiuo 120 caeste and balf crjroti chniee tea lit ton yoant ifjaua and tvaabas so w rbesraand coddiea thck do soedioojf and pihna 30 rac lcaarrn rioaad sumauacnliear 0 rs aad hutfboeeo ifcneyavw od cased dulitabacan5 ifia fi5 jara roe seenled mactaboy seart li shfstmalhn ttina 2 tierce caroline rica r qrlerot brle ao m- l ho raatao wfappitf paper utwted 2s rrawa fn bank ruii puio aaj ruled 40 fjir lodhi starch 2q sm and csndtrv vtetyv bi na dr tumblers nwd and plsia t riats whttrlfn tu ducittfc 5 bueblnb j ln finkkd uihmi and gherkaa oyaler seee ate i umslmubinn diitenv ajarro 3 baeaa graatrvi cotton tanae etc -trr- j0 bmi nn i k urib sbor oplir rrrrine rw jilitej r n i bnysigifradouniiirtpied j mntpoeied do sainton whiiefiah aad macberol s man e jt and sheny wiaeal tjnenae brondr bidt and a oaakl nrhiedam da 10 bble wcautn wbiakc ssd i bbii me- and fno mesa pork uea w aicaaabasevbch nandsm sail jfhsa finer ifaasaaa water line oup17antawa1t s ik- csaa paid for smuj oattaod to yasja hnrsenn jaevarr w tohs the bbi or uror aua otioa ant baavttaaslucondoe aerat s tim above are r fiirssaah realialn properly onuol axo 24 the ojaae lotl totrdr f tfolboriiosireet utex horvey 200 1 tlie hniisft aud ul irvtaly good- ounnn hamiltnii sffeet 0 tiifclytroivejia laciiaileanhacotnpaartnar aunj j syaci thai iiajnvorancsaie neajfa 200000 moaxtlly rt e j iym ads of tbran the house and tn on elkeest 45 apiy to tejpssrtice ceorce okitl stoabt jynffman january i7 ls4- 7al saffluellmorrly co- qbheilatmlmpqmifts of mglisu axd jijjericjjx their rriends and the thxt they have receded an extensive aaa asl asaorled stoca of htacu and stelf ihtrdwarct arfjcry crwev 4 4- r fasnr dollar in frtotofirpcaanoon ta a- mo time about corly tbnoea it cap f peeiomnea mtkiui lj r irtl mitiiml r j slf f j ee taaa- dovddu ent h imsc wrio ra m sin the hel two jr o arbiah an i irer ucnlakt v bvafeala cembralrs of aoiwitf buli ll cheap grocery store f leave toinform b ih farmers and other resorting ri kiiicatun maraet and tba public s he haa joat leeeived a rime aaaortment of tgood tkas coffees sugars fbuit9 at kis general grocery icyd jpehsnot sjprobioi ik eaisceaaa staact icztdoor foforsyfas iinii ioi j dujjnni ta 1 acae- xdooraooore or 0 pwonieitt pse to nancti and ihty lihane iwe reeep or n fmneya pid the estcivt ojlcornpaiifod tbojiea f iu di rcclf innjj ujhc rcfprcneaeapri4rv offtccii6 and dlfusbtona ailos bacon 1 1ka whkeukk w0ar1re1o v pohlic that thes e a ctlown tin smiths coppnfsmilha fin plato wortora frincaaa siroat kidalod timiab powasll ironmonger tio ware manufacturer rrittceaa street wheat jrr60lb 3 ltyrderaolba ds rohrf oerseiba- 3a tiakmvy ir48lbs b w hucatwhkat nerklhe 2a 3d oat5per3llb- fv 31 jeneary 12 18 ib james morton office a yea y comfort nourryi or laud ajent to be 11 y at the alheneum unov slorr february hit 1818 to let olticrforsn auonpey let an t notice gathering of israel for tho kadempuon nf iho nalural borly that enter into life eternal will bo preached by robert cook i ihanu news room corner uf wellingion and johniion sircrts anil dkadly oppneite the bralsh wesleyan mrsihcahot chanel kingiton every son day afarstoto at halffsast 1 o clock vjjii in ihe evening at g oclncv v kiasjatoo dec 15 1817 enrjiih cink swedes a jowmorarlar iron hoop sod abjtvd trcaif rfasl eaatojr and lit isle rstesvf jcenerlaflitea ssit 1ronjndnn blitjojj anai vices and bellows drck spiles wrourbiand cat ntili- l logis snd trace cbain sheet brass cenet lcifj and ztac wiodaar rlaas paints ana oils otci uarseiiingju sbia carpenters cwh4 uair joiier aed whu and soiite poprllaicfi cgpet tool an riwrwi aotriieiti ofsilorr pluttd and brittinnit metal warcfute cutlery 4c hot wsjer dkhaa and plates and dbh cotera cooking box and faivct stovs fcnderst fire irene rrc dors ie fcor sirn of la oaaui 7ia vtncees srvee a bmwit nf crr jccp3 eaoy be bad al the atheneusa fhok stdft pr tsanvi jvn ihvtd cnchttja k n firtdidd we tier wilaoit waddmto k y rnfftl viuay ema vr uf hjltlm vice rnaaeeai saaiyclprtrfte pimedtnfy uu v kraeer mnxciinbte jaliaykem murnnsra ftf y hee urawn iv rjverica kaq and bolon corneh aq of miavnamttiseaaaabairaal ovtboea- aorynt arfearneil cbara bvnttci rao of l aadnsws c hon rhn van ft he st cooanaam s uubrju m h orovwd jnvo ea bfocbaiite asn morrek beau mrrnebabic w archib1fl f ja rjodimanobvur tbunaa tntwem ra ron crtjea aaa eoassajl llaeeh auuii k rifarteh jeltlxfiton j a rktxrjf a arniaf h ii iiii- jr mtnryc foute oejiieam 8 ha wisttltl earnestly j row the attention rftthoe wanting a eood aoundp avail flivorad article nf tc and ejilicioua toreea to hi preaant stock and wmrts muaat tbem to call and examine fa siasinacucat and if after trial thavdo rih find be can givo thero bmer arti ajkh ac eoheaper price ihao they have ijbacrto bwti aecuatntned to ret he will lea them have the gnnda for nothing this ia not what pexiple call jtummtry lnt down righiort which any one calling evil he able to find oat all articles iu vie grocery ltoe will beaold aalosvaa pjvasribbr avam- ca yl chef er lfeb ena banri f deacriptina will be tab en in exclwnsnaat coan pncea ewcavissofreel c w p je larmitage- kingatonlec29 187 3m circular posikaovs pcaioaical l bona dcvor ogdenabnrsr n y- jan 13 1648 li pomeboy will furnish for cna daan snlaribers any of the qiiarlerty stnnthlvnr scmimonthty j c l c jlolis oi ihe united states at the publish era prices free ofthe untied states posfotfr and receive canada dills al oar in payroeot sant by mail pott paid to the lines itraatkccs revt muhn brcefcville sfaffjaaoa esq banlt montreal brock illc iv m- bupi boclricller do james allen perth rooks lobe bound seat to mr mviill prccntt tekjtaph office xrillba bound ta fttefi and flclivetrd at the eamr nlare louis p p0herov for curriers oil sale by tue subscribers at lao curr1ebs knieea and stecla stonea scouring brushea rc mobley dc co cenero arojrare vtraoafr priaceaa street kingitni 1 i january tble family stnoia tte aaaee arilhtn eieeptiun ai one rata aad br one rale frnm the nifot cereal eata 1 em st ntaaeai able laauain i bf lere the eimiont roquired to evo a full and lieallhj mnnelarv atatrm tt the cvly amotd beaboal iti italti caneney inavaeadaat m gd silver and nyptt coin tliie invnl lh cotrnntnl fttwuu i io nrtes thymc on dcmiend rn tanc in vabte fairn 5s to xloo and eapptr ibe ineat baabtn ioritiwn wiib each paper at a cbreenc tare and a half per cent v wia a etnady anneal reeenuo woeld b created of xlss liie paper in be a leerl treder iu oil ceara wtthia tltn unjied porioee and paeula ot tht parent nnfc t protect tbie iave ihe paid up cepaat tba arva r1 uaik of tbn pnsinne whvch t hssa taken entfeetivelr el aszttoff hct o jnir ailbthe oveermneai sod k wnutd bo nceer t eltnwitfai ibe ptiaiteolo draw uul snstsjtva ihe eitent nr 21 per cent over ibe annual of capiiil deraeitedon iia tahh of their sbareeuadaff a due reajerd being had ta ihri cvror trmr a tare inina of the aasaant ao dcpeed eaejfca be pnjfii iby nifeied by gseraateai aad the neii prniiie omo ibcrefroa be patd to too roe- pec live raka oireasvitelyconaievriaktho eery irnaertant nbjnrlon nhieh it may with ptveeey baaatd uimh fillinvrrrt of rjiecowy are rf ruled it appears ia me incnatent with iba ryincioki of aoaaneeci that in a cdonv hke canaja tvbara a nnm popufaiusn ia aporad oavr a east ejtenl o eeaairy and vtheo capital an in ao maay ways lornverniblymeaiedthaninradkstekxbai asiiaeirnt rircnulw rnrftmnteodd inanyobrr mwaiawtvi totrhtartifr wxr aaare ttie ri an4 cuiire lamer h oupplyine ibe curfeaey tberivfibe plts vf ahkh abould ibo erovc and thereby reduce iasilit tbe arrow wbich ibe cavny wot preaeni udvfniae and tba inability nf the d nk b rrnder ibo aiaallaal aovincc aro prtnf it evident nf the uwund state of tba monetary eyicm and the unaisv nomlinn rf ibo rrneret iraov nf the eoearry ity njpi iv ihia plan uf tidtrd nme if tbe gutcmeient wnold derisea lirfr and pttirtiaroi c v and 1 hen by nveem rn rrducn dultc aa whauer artrchwnf eonnemorina would add nnwi to the euntfoeta aad pmeptrtiy of laa ernplr ariajey raitot ei thai rovroae apart as a ainkiaf lewd tv ibe pymcnif ho cotnial evbt tocy and ihmuch iha tlte inttblnu faaeralle vnwld afca derive many minor fceacftte whih wasmeerary herein roiicwuoe if wtitld ale rriunhy ebecbtwdtrenotblr htine ay tern at pnraent adoptad by the eaittin- bania hieb itw am plaaad w term diltanee of brtwnfo betaryn upe end lowe caned tnn reaaeof cneeeaaeat nme wwtd be j jm protection and edtenie to beaker an end nootd be pat lo ifo praeike nfia ranrtcd to in un- the circulation ol rival ttanke aad pet llpnl own nitf a out iaied batiae n nerd tf hntljnr a ajuaniitr of specie in prniaet their tasne c adeerae icbnrx aaaic or run thry asajtd easpioy lhair full capital wknan addition f s per caal in ihi liinte luoa bnhera ahanld appreciate ibis pmpeaiiioo fcaawi in s they d itie dtficnltv expense and hird 4 pmsidmenpeew in time of prasee and rbe jrahirdy waieb tmi irr l- of nv bifhrw ctedi and odotbtd atreiee hate been pbeed mi atevclteona they emddnlm ariih mfery od pmt ij ivnweltei and prcai advantage in i ibe pahhc adae aas eany emt ihuadoumai vrioeiplo f sotch dankmf aamety oprnny eaeh creda wib their eastoms tkpinomle i itir haa done aanre optaee seiax j 10 ih prood nnliit iic niw rctiptcm in llc uhdrhfraal nhd hpn htr auiej artaoit pt tpgehr fie aklwifh it evw aandd to tlw aa ntat uf tht eeeniry yet h eabvtbe roanurietgrrr mer chant nd lrtifrr t brlbfj into aettr and pn dtirllic ntnfi whil ionnindrrd drd mvi ihat pertain of their capital muchtby hure iwb j1ied b in real in mehiney building nr root eataie and taeaebp pvaaaet hy add to tho laaeana of aivinc empbnoaent lo ibe aoebinf r1ara and lo ui injuatry and cnforta of la h 1 iin enrealty and the pnta ibay would rreeive frooi ibe incaiment by gernaarnt nf thu ponwnnf lvlreapilt whteu wdbc toi0d unneereurf i beep tokd p would io 0em ihe gnteamem sua i a ncre nnoaj cnac t mderd i belnir 41 much ln itian ihry co ioppty these ewn paper rm at pteaeat to manufaeturees tba ptaa pmpid weald be a n of tn reiaay fcind ao bcatihy matcry rtm wnjj muveaibla tiwprcaaat mfit ab htlinwnta tobeceue mdascaicnni nd enmc them irl comete with lbno f oldet and richer eouniriea adraotate srnuld injs ately be taven uf the imoioom rater powee at ptraeaiof no aft in maaa put of ihe cmoaj m erecting noafaiure nf fafine kind and tto many year would elapae iiec4one woard be aeoond v itnpvri of the ansencan ceatment in rnanuralmny fecmliot a hnme mrk wod be trraled f if a wrfc purfoa of our airpjo fh- rwotl prodjre itielarmer ootd altra i b auto otbuincnri rv tt uw prodaer o cwl j beiotba mirvri and rtituenlj ttiaiuliir bin lofarthrr earln mcrclktoju ould not tecjuiro to import an lartjcty a tvane raanelaaiisrea fod vuud lcffslamlyobtinajvffsedfo when auairlied al lire aame caai nd of a r it qutly frif and ikair rotiiuirr wihiu hr enabled m inert ibetr enrnkeraeoia ilh anepirttdo and reeejeriiy eiehafa vrnvtd enon uvo anneefeirabe toen and ihe eatmwrl rnirec united lro- iguis joseph papimcao a evey maj posesrl of the tlithlett pnnille nirmunt of henetntmn expected this rennwnrej piirjot brake out on taoday night in huil4 millimiti4forysltaiiinf ineechreand ri in fie rati on against enlaad and cuehuiron knand conupl and cniraplint was jlirse- irtkthcreihc system wuh which she was re- prruehltl in ireland hrtwfl toes fae nwaa of r 4 cati nf oft fa v r of trt- fud h aaaie ef pc v fmnieferre reniurderrrsaa4r0 upper canada too was corrupt aval bribed hm sold itself for asaacy the french canadiao said the beine the mft nninron were eali- tied o the roaiofity ia the hcprcenutive as sembly lower cansdahad been jot cled by upper canada there aivhilile rotten boronh with a popalaltoa of 10000 souls eave is represenuuves here twoeoontieseach with a population f 40000 aotils enee bet two mcmber at hat rate och oneht lo return t wen tyenr aieatbcr the end of mr papi- aeans desire tbe aim of his aeslerion t ihat a mere numerical majority wilbout rcrard to edvestioo property situation er interests shall tyrannically rule over ibe minority f op- pesins the british population to be in the mu norttywhirb we know it ia ndl tbia the goserarntat avast elect otherwise mr- papi- nesu will agitate and the union will be re pealed this was a iillte too rnach even tor mr chatm mr caachoo jnd mr sanfield maadoatj the two first named gentlemen reptovetimmrorhisimpfooencc they tbouebt hnn piwnaiurt in this cxpositina of hie imaeo- iues for the future bat mr macdoaau went a little farther he felt it aeceaaary toaaaia- tain in lba house tbe tnletin prrmrc tnadt hi iin the rnuae vrrriower that mented sse never thoacht of any btrm in uaalin ihem vsiih ihe tsjiuf aa they were such ffemleineii wliea captain qraduvora cot the guitar h hinaael it to defendant asava ran wy with it a fast aa he could she ihuiun ii belter ijr her ia mlow hioi tbee that her harmnd should do an becanse her kx mihl ptote afcne proctioa to her though m a stale ol ishiillc her hair wjs all loo and hr neck hare she tollewro him lo the ca4le ur barrack whan die cam apirith hia lie madeaa esoil lo se cure the giar hut defendant kept her off by diecme lit eiunw ta her breaai she eoa- imoed hereitvrts nil h was quite evhaaatad and fell hark upvi a fence mr strathy ked defendaat if be had aay exithniaii0 tonster janl derndanl said it breams oecrimry iq sjet poemin of the cnitar and tbe manqec in which it wju accomplished was as siatao hy complainant thr mitrtes c tint an assautt bad ben cnmiilcd and fried the defendant itf currency and costs the fine was a sad the fmlllce inmedi ttely left tba uteo prockkmnos of tacn6 m agricultural assoftation op upprr canada at a uefinja of drttton juu pariuoaf fo paofic in rve cuvrt ouse toronfo oafae 17ia pcbrueij ibt tho hn adam feruun preiideol of the association in the chair tbe treasurer ave in a reiort of the kt- eeiptt etpeiidiinre aitddrbt of the ae- ctatio after which the followinc roh tio were nnaniraeaaly adopted moved by a a 8urnhin ex seconded by t pace kaq 1 resolved that blcnrs- thoiln con prr 4l j kvnltsj fas a comniltee to amlit lha treasurenr accounts and that they oe pre- tented to the president on or before ihe 15ih day of march neat and mat ihe laidcum- imttee he requested to draft a report lo iba govern own l erobcjyinsr the proceedines of the isseciation to ha submiuap toihe presi jem a tire ealiet ransjble parwc cernejj moved by jamn wrterihejlij seeonded by w ttowsnnj evsj 2 rescued that apjafctw by maato- riat be made to tbe cavantroent to recoca tnciul to ihe legilaldr a unnt imii the public funds of x1o0q fatr aramp to iba prevtuaial aricttltaraj aaaeeatioo of vppcc canada and abu that be ranted ta iba ajuociativn for the rnarpose o eabune it ta tinaidstv rhr onulardinji claun qf ihr jear 1 1647 and that tbe pretuleot bp retjjteied to iptpiijife and farvrirrl to job welebti ctq l p x one of tba viet ftasjdenta of ins brave glengarries were ready to march association now in montreal a memorial toj down aain provided a ecrtsla cofttiaaancy should ijvnrttr it necessary be rated the ae lator imimitv and poinled out bow jnjwl be was to upper canada which if there had been any srlllns in the quealion hid btnelf been sold in the mailer of the union weans assured by xcotlemen who were la the house who perfectly uademaad ibe french langoasic that tbe eanka of bis speech which mr papineau delieetad 1st enj- hsh wts a very very diirerant thlnf from ihat which he spoke in freiich we obsetea thai it wsi much soltncd dowo in tba mincrvt the apeach waa evidently spoken for lhebec- fit of iheaahery and ihe french mfynhcrs w pilt ifi a report hy hirnrko ih- jflntivfrotth ho ffirir1aifiunsoiriiaittt suppreia the french veraien altcaetherllle orition in french aad english were certain ly as diierent from each other as dsikarss froea lietand aa col gain aaid of the knj iih onr thre was liittr or norhinp reprchtn- sibleia ihat what the french one waa may be pretty well determined fioen the reily of the mnnwr of sharbroove as published in the pstuf which is perhaps more irlcrally ac curate than ear own and maybe rnorr de aaneed on aa cooniif from an enemy those who reoiamber the debates in the eld tower canadian house of aenbly when colonel gacy with smesome other members main tained a spirited thnaeh iarrtrciual twxle asjaiast papineau aod bt follower and were preseni in tbe home on tuesday niht tnusi base been strongly remiuded ol old time v they shall tt on the tuut of papineae the same aodacion full power iu add i t siro te poed l ripped the mlaan an4 utps r h tifj cfl nl il in c f ii r i r labor and an end be pot tn lha p de oeatee we rfls pj rhin abich llieir eniuvers art omifed tu taaort ta winf to the iitauuiewnr uf a pnper tecidatsnat saedlum- in fct a si tniwuunt nf lha umtest pnteiaee fiutn ihe hijhess w iba kwcat would r apeedilj feel tlio pasd ersccu of a full sound aad lieawiv cojeroce sari am eonsncrd noibina loojtd h nvire hfcaine if nue areieat osceltont and bmrrenl cswf terwsl ban ti admin- on the hart of papineae the fame andaciam t none t alien of ftcpnblican doctrioesthe ssann eeniumeliaaat teatss aaiast the nriush nation and the imperial governaaent the sarae dictatorial preiuinpon col gney exhibited the aid deaaai spirit the old bich tcmir of loyally ta the sovereign and attaah- menl to the constitoiinn which distinguished him in his fotaier alia tl sinlebanded coa- tcats with this apolr of ceditvon we ikooem when we saw bias rise from bis seat that be waa undertakinc a labor of fore that h fell the amuw jasjova uwtviuoph and the vanitylbe raptureof the strife beery loyal sajft in the province eeey man svssrj snpport btituih connection is indebtad to cel guy tar ha coaraesi and prempcituda in iba rebuking the agitator wbea surraaadsd bj hiral- myrmi1 1 h asilstion for tba repeal of the union is fairly ceeatneaced an the apeech of mr pa riiieo is an earnvit of what we rrnf espeet wo mna confass tba it rather sarprised m ta hear sir allen wcnab exprcaabrs afroeal of mr papiaeavj sroliwsetts aa delivetad in ftii psrnvaocach vbusav thenr certainly not so ojjiive ia tone were yet to the same affect we were amnnf ihe rirst to advocate the uovao of the provirrce and we haling fofajet oorold kiaes it is tnjmateril to ns ftern what part of tbe province cornas an station fecit repeal wheihr from french rcouwicaa or english radical papineaqs tailor ihe raaipol the cooipaa we hall ojipese it with m the hills ability god bis gisai ia e a mrasiie the moil total to ntr fvospr it tbe mol iiijurinu lo true cqnititn- ttonal freedom the mot likely to lead a second tiese ta civu dientionv and ultimate ssnl- tion fnnn the mother coaatry it is well to be awfe mediiatrd mischief in time to op pose a remedy to be fore warard is lo be fnrearrned aad we can only aay taaw any man is mad rnuaich to auppoae that tbe gov- erumeht f lhi conntry can be adottnistared by a coalition of ilia prirtt fsetlon and the ru m p of the aid hirh tor e upper casailaaa he i a tjt candate far st lukra si a c ri a coalition would be opewrd by the whale of the ttcroras prly iril inoderale onaortatises of upsser canada by ihe vrbole britiih party in lower canada and w unpaee be ra in eonililerablo potlion of the prcucb mcludint mr ieontainc it would certainly be easir pruinjc thiae that the courier should 6ij isv self some hne morning comine wit in favor of a cjalilinn between lha present ministry and lie principal pact of tbeseppoeteraof the late one hot erva stranser thinii than ihat hsive bappeaed in the political world cjnc whik rny the umon nujt ba preaorved inlsct3dntreaj covritr the abore effapt witb lituo dvlaf ikjible carried moved by tf o we lb bo seconded by j p torektojjpq 3 reiolsed tbvarpllothe cstra afjicnltural societies or vvnilera canada be drawn up and immediately cirjulaied uruta the rccauily of rentwed andeioruu iclion an the part of tbe frieads of tricghnre matiraelurei ic fcc- ihrtsujhoiit ihr pre- vi nee and epecally for the purpose of mis- uininthis atrowtatioi and that f pejfa and tmtj kutten escjrsi o cebur be a cq tim iitee to carry this resjalatio julo eikct bfpvti by w thamiati fan jcvnf bv c q wcllj hvh t iiwfliwiwmwi tfofmmi- s- pointed to 10 ue the ncoeaaary reparations ami arrarrementi for thrr prorlncial kthibi- lion to be held at cobor oi the fttt tueadayl wednesdac tnersdy and prtday of 0to brrneat ihj thil the president tn vice preiidros e w themion eiq samuel tviimntand johiiftobscmi kari durham w- s coaster and j waftoo eqroi cnlhorne asa a bymham 0e- bajlun thnmaa pae and h j kittas fr be nonhumvrlaud be tbe cnassartee for that iropow and ihat auch cornnjiifre thall rei vise the premlnm lst praenraj and arrana the rooks of haire arr generally make til uh necsary arraneinrnts tor ihe ee bibjtstss aadro4i time to time ejee pucii ili- tmclions lo the secretary nf the tsvciatioa ftt i m ihi th y hare t tlirir numvr ucn dui- inih lha ir eninnct eland at lcat ave nnoal rh nro a m their lodnrnl may srem nredfuf crrid muerd hy henry h1un cnnded by h w thaataasj e s rorvrfd thai asa a brnham at ceantnr shall be treanrer foe all the purpo se connected with the enminr seaov locsj j biimncat and thm he five soch secetfry fee due fultilment of hi oace u tbe cornaaittaa mae demand carried mved hy e v iierjtsnn esq snajedby h- rhtn fi rolrad tht the sccretarirs of tba district sxietreashallbecnnsideredby vieraa nf thrir otfirc a at secrclaric bo the provincial aaociatioa and tb rnmpetttonr a ich ditricl for ihe pratinci premium ball h directed thet alt arsfcjei intended roe enrnpeti ton ahah b entered with the sacra ry ot his or tneir ilrvtrict or county t tocekea p lt to be days ptastoq to tbe ami leewanfed te tba secrasryof t poviricrelac lin ah tiemreehibiline mjra tbarf ow article car cmpf titinoj hh for escry aorcdinc oavi pay a nm nf vennace sylfnny ratoj the fund of ibe asasatiaa carried mated bv rtn adaat percasan sreended bv fleny rulun ku 7 rfolvadl1ial a cotj of the iraasatr tionmf the new york state a enroll ami soetatyj coaiwtinf of piee annual voame of proceeding ha been trawitied tf the prevdeat of th aomciation e v thom- an eq by rtr ohnsnn the itvcordina secretary for ihe oe nl bnefii of the a- lociafion the catnmitloe derire iinihioioaslsf ie record ihe sataae a the kind feeliaf shnorq to the provincial auiiatina hj the new vnrk stale society and thsst aeopvof lue rvo1ntian be tranimiued to mr jnhntjn aad fittbr that the ervtrvidncf between mr jiihnnn and e w thnrnnn rarj the ea- prwsident ol the ancjtioa e ubtlihad with this day pro carrisd arsaaaaatf hi been in cireiuiun k ibe ltrr dr evineinf aa aeaasa alraajjr hrittfcn ii bjcnihn and bio iwa adfaasre ivq dt not airoaut iu vucb te ibe actaal truth f ii but era are aurt esinnad ihat foe not ptvatha prioeipsfe and cheteea of lb u enseal and tba tibc1 tbnt tito caeaael drmjuded u rvn4l of me jkanpb hi eiaotiffwj on whil enmna mr av lie iatvd one nf a- hi raatraaej ihil wh mual ho r i hi aduce w njt pvhti 01 mr 0 xn miliar v i lb nfpu-i- ame jfif h ctuin jw nj b dwo acd if ia eseukf flaea you an fn1t ta and aiih hna r mr is fina sour bicellafi- ap h sscatoaaf vallya most peida he b a dfliewa or aaowr io ep0rt of police ph0cee0ings txft4 lnfoajc vv hparary ttb ome aanaianotof oar wa uf dunkine u a complaint wrs made by henrietta drayer ii eicalkacy 1 caannt aund leaaaai wif ef dreyer m maehshic hffcrre fietieja and arilf aat dhaw ssossati measrt siralhy and monairfau j notice or hnldanaardealnfflee a id th paoceaeaintoowline eaqire of f k ibe ftyj recimrnl of foe tor an aault ba relish vry l id lha e i tuat w lrvf ihr daf aad a capraft oerimara railed 41l wittn r ntherhuivandanopfur asjoitar which ihe fjrrunr mca a i c fc iami iuy latter had ef there in br rrpjirrd and rua- liul i twso haa rmt been a meaaure however press i its nbteie that ha encard ih atraatwn t iba ceknsi lsiluv nc fd beeam uadaf aevtov nthartfmn fr hina writ tiwaynueandlanoy wa aaaal rriwa vafv wall fcnticman ihat ia for u va

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