j tv mtvji rffl mlerryiir as wntfra rod lamp twhaiht lowul stfrl eipotio fcjti tit doftaira t be 4oroj bm neither bouts- atyot wiftt mnch wkt i ttcv to hew avawpsu of w tv pn4 ibi rtw rnmrifv an4 rrttr i lfnron47 ttjt litter whm 1 b mmvcij m jj rl bf lb 1- ahon iu irti ut 11 tuinuew veerr aae o ereeaied audsevhrrm by g spine ynd rj miwitm we bpmxt ihrt a frol lb- teati 1 1- y tin t when iby f t i-i- aviape we lose netlfttl ororo of in rvilcft ut hi pry shn e wplun thl te the nvrlf livn k aft ieaf u c j p ttkpotittjj ihet mtleme tamd ibefwrte the imk m nn on4uii en i fall raw waifibt vf ilrrmj rniruv iftrv 4rt tt otqsl vitvlf o1 nhivkhvii auusillrunr rt seell wli ever i ceosrdi white jr s hrvvi c i nsry j on isas li n rbvj ti mri i nfimoal ms nd mnl lake thr p fht p en i 1m j i r i uem uv f rrei f it earv r ae bt dmcivm- h iff fr v i mv -o- rmviilf k tip i 1 mh fwvvnn nei im nj u pi rv h nflim umeoatctl w eel abw td in de o lc lowered tvvijvl- iillri rwi to fight clwlf vl i- i ii u mere i- v tiih jhr wy 1c 1 ftart bf ffyft vihi bt ixhlib 1 it 1r tttfmmhnfd lt f ff f t pdir u dfnty ambjhiuf hi iwj it rifc 4 frv n l p r u kip 1lw r trt vik tm ui n jii iilir t m rj n vivlvtflifhrt in- and bjiud lj jicpj- pvii iniiilf tr tmic tiri ir tnif hourtt at vwifeivfftrt mil find iha frturvalvr tit w wl rwj oa ptbut tpirivj ct1mihq c ho litarjnf tn bin u0 qwl f ui pjjj o r li 1 1 l- n i pf u p4cr atvralk judge uy h- unn j nd miot ln l riicvt fa wtm f hi fbl ii4 bntij- ijw lvw i tiiinf1teir 14 ntlkl vhv rb fc fcti 1r fn innah4rjtf l op nif rrrt- i l fftfi v hk vbaaij r i fi turn by nb hn nh hi hu ift4 shi fih ilftnl ji in vf hi cv i i- ii t- by ihr v it n- il q j i- inf k rj mclwl ivbuj hi tunj ffivdtnrtltlbtsliinfer th jiri-ic- iior tf utt ctarl vf qpikviin i u pi- hpt ot tnrjkmmbk lo rirf i l a faii hniu jtfr tatum irr f kinkit- tv ntiy be eum in ih lmfci ol mnltl w qicihc ft in i4li cili ottei hi aij cmm4 to luvo not it hun thfr icr whflf nwitt trnc 4in altctittitfl ivhild h ijvaifj lo ivif tusii mi iurt blukiqjiuy tttd whn drcimouc vhotiltl nlnavi cirn iht muhmii f a msjifitxii ihe rrnrn the cftincil waijj al ftui in c ihe iupcfiy cf tb hnbnpl mntfucj to hit ctufp of official ignt i mj lani 7h viw ww tmhouiv iq mfmul in iht kxfcitiv ht willimt my rftoh urteiktly hi council wn rwafr llul im llikrntt uwpilby lijmltm i lh- fnl of ihe sin uf pirlibnl jmt fcttninalrffbry ptilwfll ihr imhtui to afetei rw ii a n tiood jr oivf sciort mcffu 1h ctimfil bin f tin aioo t nrtfim much if st time ar slrti- i afiiit- cotil bwy riw thiii- 4lrrl lo the on fry rrjirtuiiutiv4 trtjhr a f ei 10ts in qtimticmr 1 tvtlrre apptfmj of m c n vvb ii ii ljmli r ikci b vnmhi p lro ki lb qeun tw imjhfty wtrv jdci- pnlcd bl crffal wowtkovlocotniujcittikffluul j jjl tt j yirc rwj ihe owfc prc- t rf4iiphtueribrtr m1 ol air- dc l iso fw ful j ifm j tftfh igtpw vd 0 al iao iibi vw wo iii io miburf kft stifling ut uufcjv on tnccrculbalvof iho rirn nil mfi mf ni of tlpfnf4bpd l ihum btiw ibylitlwidirtlhiiisii lh urmtl ohfhmbl frf lbepopnof tavmhalnl w lw ue bt wftj nf utjainiof jm al io on full dy ffn 1jm m 4c30 f lueii bmtfljtm i ib- oftil pucnvi wc mddrenitd b luivfi pef m ti mih ttjlt no the teciiiaf taoic of ibvdy inum ertt lbir tithi d nvdtkh hqd fil lira brm of th k jd rn brt1tm fcl rwrv ret ibeo r- r vi dtnnbowltcilf tuu obote mt anct avoevb rfnbt to ii poac aoiifaf ifwr brvu tmmwmlklltwmulkifwmpbimimi hf twe jv-rirr- on obgndftt cia f j w tbfy yp b ikot ibry wiuird mflmjubt biiur lb- m tpioc the brt tfetmolh u avt4 bio two pan j n epoidni ehtcf4d li llr tvju sfrtrtly firh trrd iiuintvw lick trce mode no hi i rj nplilly ihw of lir fonni- nd ore tniy innot hid cupod the wdn i rnb irrfr ion- bfmtdiiiij oh 4mf- tw ftri iluv wf j iii r fc jo ltt ii l t i r ifv pneceuri4 ibnntrb ktivifn i rcb hikii n j ji ocnlriw ohuol of pfopcrty at rm- uciveb eftii art rend bf l or nd the vitlufj cilliilh ovb vi keithnt pntttiofl ai s000 nvel etfhrf wcro tun o yb cnf fivtm a amftin hirb rtifilioti iirh dirtiif lit ii ji tirir wiirtioit troum rorvt nt nflcr tb etiencjra of ihe rrnnw arl ibc traje tiey drely rtiit thir tftrfi vrtff tij- only wilb 1 fcciwi steqneiil1y u fwllrtned the ihree brncor f xht lsdtft to ad mit t i li brejnblusi i jlly ftnj mlt rij lviiii the pruritic afltv ffre bfil lliey tjto failed 10 nluminc unl tmjtor- untobjpt fl ulteily wewirt th a in iifion m lively lo pnt rj whme wor injuriovn tbtti knrsoia to the coonftj they nftlronei th kteeoive to t ihe nod for itseomioc mo outioi for mich a lira at would tdfnit of thr lutire amend incite most 0ciaoiljehilkmljr te acl i vi rcr ii lince bfltd iodaift4td tauve cjtcct on the 5h insl tte ftloat atd jrtgrruv incfee in th- quaihityov butter hviikhl lo mtkl induced ivcipfimorij li-vfv- an iorc tnn of tiyit rtu for lh rt of fmriu the reti nwwed o fae tificffy ibat fbe canada article t m ore btmhl prcialr oodrrthf noiicr of tlie twl at xpovl xebcrr il tiid pfttiiidpf been neelfrjrd ihe wowirf entradlfnipi j rimimr of ltvrinttm bnber rrferrrn to a loi of cni- dabthltry will abbw h i jd m nale lhai ibb lot of bittfr is pmntlljr mitl uniformly cptf- i- imueclr knw hi r fi anoi were e i brstowed itrt tuh klcel hf ne rally arfofted it nould tend inore w any tbaof elae entire a rcaiuncratin trailr n ihe atlicle ttir connc alified thai the eilamb men by aw of an inroeclionofrntlcr uonid pripve highly brtearial i the enmilfy gcuer- t h r r- i r imcm in irocaiinc lhfiw- mcc of in aet mhditiiliiic iht mm wfiic act almjtr ihe jtandud of iccliot in llut jtdutud iv lreanf ur3o a similar chancier ei fm the ettnhlahneiit ofab i pre i ion ofo4tnr4i tbry therefore uecrt ibf occasion of their ap plying for ibe renewal of the act rrwi to th lnpectron offlonr to canse the io-pec- tieiof ojmral loto he proiiieett for pud ictbt4byrteptre to tree thf tvwuof be co nu try from trty naneeeoiry tluribry tesk nkarrti trsr the fc of ihe ioioerlitin of 0onr at l h im be rerjaccd fram j per fcatet whteh ledoction was na jr tlrcoiftcilhejt be to re mind iht trjije ikt ttii the pteseol ptoiir wpctton act fttjinilatevtbe titan rf uuption to tht ir new torfct it u ibjresh peciir pro- tided th the efcafijpi ham nol mejvahec urv contract ftaied on lh inirion5 cuudarj oveina to the jnterrupltoo of be ttl af- ranwenle between the tterniociili of great britain an j ihe united state ami lie ilp5 f tn aulbonticaof ike latler of a i e r- l r- hence lo fneit one of the rriiuhmulstcainerjat boston be co wje leacb irnnerltalely lnm ihe eery front of the hotel to lire river nd a vm1- and rxtetdrd v of urath iv itiun vf ihe st uwience ia dwtinctryvg rotn tlroom et er window the rkotfiilty oflbrrtrv aoi macoifieent m irket trinjly cpn che corm htviili- r4fjjmeniaey btjio io oterctneot honir tj prthjaf nilr rnrrrm a mot dctrana ajasjeitce for liniloi to ibi city either on sra of tt iulnri air cliftonltve nrokotbr evijeajihi im 4 lhoioohrt uy arid- attention aeed all peine and will no jouhi aecoe for hirq the pairotfae njil mccetf of whicb he ri tn cmriienlly eorvintf the home is frriheii wuhtworry operitr rflhfintep of tbi vmuiement of hnj lady rimloe tfto fare i oitbeniol inrilinr kind and bit ihntttfc tftt least of nil the rrhnnifcimuiiont of lliia ttrahtf evtiftltihment tftf cbapaynj are exceedutly modetaie if any person boild heotjdee iheiiiiaerwuitlbmeaveeai tbe euawihmenl itt ibteil vi itsr hotel andjodeefnr ibefnelve am eanvinced tbnlthfx wiuirc me full credit for ih cor- rccfaen 1t my rrnteentatinnj i have ria naer tttntr n ejewbui tfcftfflf io0jnliee lo wr ctiriefn ind lo the ptmic irt genera a boihdxft at cliftosl potax n enure lo lim the aupport and iprovariwn tof the whole etuaiimiiiiiy prraut t1 failed to ebttip pln ivw lou which thry it j locnted ptefviua 13 and which wen tocludcrt io l litknxuep- tented lands io 1s9 as u tftomtio mr located ctmvi lot between iheae will be m to ifjfcrn thai the lime for jlojt ont piient ha uen eienle lo ma rife im lliiiltt cliion ef time shoum ii r n- hreded a ffrinrf of the f re tirtlioit by the loemrent itiav l l con- iaqaeucrnjiwdr vanrrprrf fikltisii msrdett in wr1xrtsy ottiqiavtbo ilh qt inqoeslwu hem ro iho towrwhip of wrmnej by d scolt nrnrr arid n repccijble juy pn thr bidyof ffpy wiunmjjt redden of tht um rail rcarocjibacraictowil- fuimjncr aaim tbrte snhr of the nam tvm ii apparj ibal a depute hid ea- m for aneltm repeclinj ihefje to 1 of lartd nwellcev bcue the uovw 0 ajrtote rlcrtail cartct for whom u lj ion tcxrs ai airil and iij conerjnince of lift vpjjvb fvrra cutlinj oroc jhnc timhc on tbeloi tumroonca wer cociired arcoinat if lit whieh were freed hy wilson jn cin lenenrtof not ohcyins the mmik u ir einu ef fit wuon ws icliw iwljm cnaloloewutlririii on l be 2nnbfafch fait he poeeuv to arrcil the jrothrr frra and nothing moe mzs hea of hiaa lilfbfsrd of ainl ttyynu viie in rpjicikeortucpicio thav be hut ben ii f 1 s 1 wy the bivtberxfeir warnn wr atin rocorrd for their anpien f iinrv 0 ihe 5tid of apul j r b r err aorlrhi kvipm we airevud anil abo boon on be tine day after a dibeol aeirft ihebofy of wiltnn was tx nrar jotcbh fawav 1uv the iuieit en tra ualmialreiahtvsiavmjcbt alibi jmtti jcvice wa jrojocel a terdufof tytlcil miirfnr wita return rj by the jury from tire csrouniiantltl eeiilcncc peoducrj thenciakin dr mjtalt of hall madci tm v- tnitlion of the hofiy ajid ave awy clar nd tatiifaemy evidence ju to ihe catiic of dcalb ya- that ufcuon b4rj been tink kvi a not hy any eapoji ju probably by blow of the ful atj ilex s i n- all with hi woollen cafvrter atof the verdict had been returned anjwheu mf coroner iv mviu cfu a warrant ol 0fo4 rnitment frr the cm hrnthfjr a ccat eictl men i toofc place npott h j- mi into th boirw of the wite of thmtf ecjras whd bad been a r atorr- piirb affcter nrrl aqw v- et her hikn tn conf hi x k wn nily and thnaaee two perhaps in nocf nl liecj after akn ihe coirxier to adminitiei an oaihto him lo u thn truth aud upon hrin 1 h thai h had mo power to v a yixed the hinte lyin upon the lab and alter vumii it uroteuvd that he had no hand in is murder hql thai hi htolber ji tepb had committed it ahnc anj thi oc mooatt had described tha way in hicb wil son was murdered as oxnclty a n he liatl srn it perpetrate jwrdoday mintn jnseim and tboftvi fcrrba were bnb vent lo the dial rtt t mulat guelph and the cnror havmued bu variant for btf aptrebeniiou of abri fertma- gnjf r7corvr oatftr per orm blear wkoesoar xftttinv tout 6- our watrf atf- re whk pu 1 c4nrvtinrtail rpc f u 1 dttnpjpfri4 k it hy u goarrla making in the w w mcn tn fceepin inbjtclinn neajry 4 apiii kant of ibe keeper are mx eeen with a tfick orehii ajnd orvr casrj with the ejection of iaooq thr bt wbolo ar hi a like otaemed dortmte fcaitenf of offence l1 f oro at hand kit ntfhinj of ibe klr- i this fact atrnek ua very lhf a 0 tbe hish atate or tfleplim miintil withi ibe fnrlitntioik all the piinefo tn wdtr lhal v and women appeae oxcelknlly rfll elolbc much better sn tact ifcaaj the g j ihe wot kina cimrs even in j and olfbu anaostiaj tbo tfiarffl flr ateil aryu that the nniobe f metrined ponwn who mat o ibecom waenbont soqo and lbaijcy onrrbc4 uwttusi iha jnmur oti f utfoe btonh n- wtaopwaafteir ihenwlwe aiitb rma from ibe iftaivnjarajiid oiirt ii- fiirii j ihepwofikin dealer tiny anatm n- i oir fiii ill- tru l mcn j rrm huwiuo- ad walebkrrs rd tu l bertnoniaamirrerloo x3xo0 orbiaordntm of the tnurf were tn cnvtj ie limwlrpd trmeaiwrriawa ewha colraaaaa antf ptr had bcrw ukci by the aoakiriliea l ejj i ogg ire on thr 4iwimt mrrtinh of the miwtrbal boaro of trade ta annul wnethisidyloovplaef eiftonday we flfr a abftch of ibe pro- ccdicr tv folio wici keport wa read br4aif tsfcouflcii of ibe ntonlrea tjoard of ttarle fr the year ending tbr 3kt atb cottncil of the montreal boaid of trcile in urrerieribs the trtnt repoej in the lurini- the prlvlyvar to h the fotlow- tne jtreott attbi lime when they nfd tbmrfune- tiorw be general ect of commercial f- fir vm f i reir rttranrjieary ebamcte- the pthenhino of famine which iiereanvd tbeuriuli manji hd precipiiatrd 1 with tfrawal of the t1l fiotrctn which remain ed in laeor of colonial bread ioli while rjkadr4ntan of r i n iid xeoraphirat aauion deprived ibi ctifany of any partici- palion iu ibe beoenl of an early miwi whiea courtlier more favourably eirenrn- unoj were in a portion tn command ak tboiico the reotecnn in fnvnr of colonial ttteaijrujft it afn in frree yt thit prolrc- on keiw f the preteot scr niv caa have m bfravrkiaj vffeel on the trade of the rraaajamv an eapoaiiinn of the riir of the connril uie ohjel of iltc vlate t the tiade of the pforioer at frfaefitcj by lle recent chancer in the forinircial prdiey of crvat britain wai- ijtl in a arbjtarfil to hc r- meii m wmcb they mdravored to uow that ibe ttihaj aval of ptolectin in ibe bitil aaaakcu fm crdnnul prodncu exced the anr when fchipfcd by the sp fw to acernrtiiotifomthe onflad matr which kntpntcl eircmnfunce rende it m jnjiwe they cocid rakiallk the memorial ahnernfdan nftnn in favor nf 9vt a ancti4eatlonnr the britui nnriilinn llw a bteatmnpe the rt liwrcnce to the ahv nfjltirafioni and pmit them tn cany tec fwtm of ciairla to any part of i wmhl tnwcouncl did not therein advocate an im najdiatt m-v- i amilion f all di feerntiatdorim oh import hut recamnrndh aj tbea rjuhe mtni be nainlan until at iratiilich timeaa the puuic work for im- noeioe oar nurnal watei and eommuoi- cahonj iliootd be combed and be free ira1alti f ihf st lvctcnee coiifled trly it tbeeexcon their attention war di- rrtcd to obtain nntmoa to imrort anaer imjnd tor eapnut fvelcn poiir rerlam mb brrrhrtwrm sie3 froeiuia- lain ianueorwbielniy iona had tccumi- utheaevcral ptu aaj lala k walflat aod though not aucceedinz in lh tsti twy rteretlhelrai ol so newrincoainrjefmv ineteaina firfiirwir n f i to- hi reeiain ia irrmamlro m df ffrj meai nan mil l fp matter ujiich iinfrnl a 12 ltlenijo the amendtfiatit of the t v hch in thir 04ion wai avvjute rrtrany imflmr ptrtinuu t aeknfi cu of u peeaenl atk oiayeaj l b araot uf uniformiiy of llirarphk inxjjaa rdi fiiiti of jnf of raaao welt w rjaa awnee 4 adarjiiale aaaarnl l ino t ararjiathin of tkra- r itrrle tnd j f p y up aafalaf ejma- traalvww flftb u aeemarl ttn- knaynl wi iv pr eaewt ey t fflp l tnfrw rvajatire a frta ebante in ba xrfarafr arbieh ibe beitcbt irhnktifd iarami w torrerl ft ifn anan frr ott wfa a ei mtrnp ihe3r inelavv1irvpctttbon1jbe mumed which thrj consider of the ulnost irjjortancr oat only to monfffat tfui to the piorince arrttjrrpafletnrncrtbntsiiil highly useful matter ihe council attended lo were the ii- privtrnftytfine ftreeht in tbevicini oftkf taoal shed anttwharr the repairing the utir ami the erection of abed lo cover the wharrea in their entire relent the pnteclto ftotu deprecation of the properly loced tn the gtvernment sben and iu gieovpt delivery whrn tfemandeft the council however ettij nolteeer fiom cither the board of worke tbv crwlonti branch of ihe inspector geomts dcparlmemjor the clly corporation i the iytance they expeelerl the croncrr keeun in view the necessity tt procniififf a auiiable plee ef meeuoi 00 chne applied for trraijoo to i ihe hll ihe ciwton iioiie for h pniie wbteb the collector under the sanction of mb excellency the governor general most conrtennsly placed at ibeir dinoial fn anna last the council received a re lily to tbcofemoriji of their prejeccsor on tbeileelof a modificalina of ifce naviga tion lnwfff1fl i which the colonial secretary atrd the rjnrdiunof thefrce navigation of the st lawrence right adtoit of asofutrx cnaroi fom thai of i et modilveaikon of thoe i but i 1 an ejrehori of opiniori on the part of the canadian loeisla- lure a condition upon which only it could be eulertmiej a nnl resolution of the two lwnf ratiiatnt in lvor f the mftknre m nh mtiiis lj- d forwhti l ro lh fm- penal governrrrenl and ibe council hare ry reason to r b vrohej of the y cnuntry on tbi anbject will anon be coin plied with in coticlnsifin th council have to exprecr their reret that the two sewiooa of tbo j latnrc stblcb occurred turuf tbetr term of olflce were to abort sn dmat tnoofo hurried a eharafler tlaail ibey fnund it im- hoibje to submit to it ibeir view 00 erveral imtiortant mat sera n- ft mi cert in the forerinf tmsttit their -rr- nrii may be mre favor- able k nritrs- r j- tn bis rxneet tbrv fecfc to r i l aa v 1 of the greatest iinior- tsnee to ihe ennndy nj to which their at tention may advantaeonly be revert the abntttnn or the tty a anteifaenl of ihfr rilry lawthe nac4ifteftt of a cccle nirikruit lnw the contiatiance nf h w i ti h lake sl ptitt and the cofmluction arnl exlinsmn nf ailftr itajrvtil and canals may if thought tns calcclaksl to devertipe tbo pelnetire re nnceaof the cnlnny and vulfrl her io meet atheakajly the competition to which uncc tse ahrd ioliey of tngand alio will henrfoth b- elm to ln treaorer- aceounh aie hnrewlth tiilv mittut ebuwiiicahaunce in bxml of l563s all which is renpecifulu j axdbkvt miaiv vico picailenl fernrmea at wnov monlitll jd arril m clifions hotel late rfcosj ar r40l4tactt tdotrracat to tht emtorof thr auw ii bjinf ear of v earliest tiiwanuto ihm aewlypenrd and pfcarlid etaltskhmenl i drem ii bil jntice lo the enterprin ro- to able fiom personal rxihrihee that mi the acorn of etaaapc mtutnm and enm toit it cannot be afamiastal by at bold on tbir cuntincol the bouo ba ben com plelly renovated 5 rd addition lo iht many covenieine for which it w dulin uii under it farmer proprietor mr rm enj anbtber private entranee ba hn jioled loii wbicb indendtnily of the increased cnrnfoti and peivaey it aifurda the n copints oi ibe bt the mt perfect security in the pftrm of any accident by are or other furtui- tofla cause the ailuaton 1 deliblful and would alow oify hr talcton ina4e of ibii hot tbo realcwt of himself ana family by thai lata rrmi anbeh tme1rrfoae tae rirjblb import 0pyribt boras rm umted scitnsoii payment of the eaaall duty mated in the newtayifij thjnsc that the lollowifrg ecrryirnunieatioo may be efut al the preseni time u iv an arwwer to rt memorial rensf- rnj atfiei- and direction iuft crsrost moneal li april lfs gentlemen i have the honor to aebnow- lede the receipt of jnur com muni cation of hc 25h nltiran on le auhlct of lite uw rtectiug the imrtatlnn of cnpyfiht sooka- ftoni the duitrtrl suis and in repl ana to acquaint yuu that the act 10 and ii virtoraa cap 28 intituled an act to extend the protiurral cnpyrbt act to person feunt in thronuvd kinddln on certain conditio lanot vvtbeen confimm as reonited by he taw of the imperial barlfjmera 10 and ii victoria can- 25 and cnnjequenlly the pro vision of this latter act which are inndd to repeal ihe copyright laws of gieat britain as far at they extended to tbuj proeinte tan not bi cnrviidered s in operation it i ible that the nt mail may hrin intelligence of tire arjyjfirrffatim nf the pro vincial law ico copyright wort wilrrje admitted to entcy ou fle mme fooit r a other boobie 5 per cntnm in tiieets an4 7j ler cehnm bostud is is hardly necessiary n add lhat nnttl euch confirmation i received the laws artecting the itftportation of cmy- n hin s tipreenain as at present the importation thereof tiein prohibited 1 hive lb hoinr lo he gentlemen vour most obcliiit servant j w diaseouae mefu armnnr 2 ramay tradon the st lawbenclt f9pm th mvntuct cowittm corarftercial aivicea fiom canau g wet eeoasved iu town yesterday announc ing uat extensive purchases of wheat haj been mule hie al u 4d currencyjer bvt new tort market he mipv asid pnfrsee fnvn the satc rf new york ja ommeecefl friend upon wbnae jisjfj- rjumsiajd ihe smircehur hie informalion wc pte thr fnllett reliance einreted the opiniort yr v nil ratfjirt dr tb intell tence ibar tiol 20005 bar leln of mou ekeprfotfe 54eieyere r twcpovniciai rchitytift tn piietuanee of trropromnje ioj- i last we looked irrto ihe ptfvinra i u i on or ivtaat borne fjrhlviva bay intendiie to jiee our radrmsvrri ila- tistlcal informarton rwrpectins flihfifamrd placaof pumimbibent li wionrgp fortone io n mr carvon tbe hea kfffa dtrrn- saucd anir it is to lb kindness iajijilsmnmi tncntber with tbt evidance of onrn eyet that we are indebted for the taihrijitoii obtained- id wrilinx about i- peexitino tl im ptnliiilir hiiini do not it s ranee ot the tact that a fierce artef now goicn on in u public piinu a4 bh five to u alleged misnianajtmeflt any accusaiiooor desenceof tfcssaon-au- ihorities ff the ftrtfcest bin ffaaj thoubts we hall confine otti obaelejiomi what we wart tow and lo wtujl wrw with oorown eytf tin main builds flfsfcr vriatni j uimnff the cell of tbo vriaoners rn jcrciibed tr often to rjeej any preipntf ligation 0i uiii luiur-i- fornv4 rrtos h thee eportrons ate finished jb tnilniii potuon fty west vpg completed tbe centre tower hr hc fnrrr ntlor lhcererra the whole when fully canpleied coc uin aocornrrvidatioe for m0 priwifri vive of the wpmtn pjiaofi wbi w beciado tbeoumjerof coneic mw confinement is 414 rmnand yowien these are ruled by ten keepers dtf tbewanlen and 1 end ktepet gl luae n d the rc- alcrrwi mrn tt work coder charge of two keeper tjf lhre inci abni ouelhud only had known their trroie pfetuthe la their adujsnm all kilns of wcik i here pcriofiraffd some of it for cutomera outside bo walls ft surprised and amused at lo tie tmons tfc convih two men employed in 6 conuuclion af perpetual motion machine eeh havi1t a separate scheme nf bis own bih sanguine of mtcoa and both working away wilb a will and detetniitialnra tu sucecd qst qtul terve to cheer and vontole ihem during tbeir many huuu of tedious imprinnnie1 smcly a ehare nf general croelty can hardly be ajiint an daly afonayeteptedoiiopeninsof the oftcc amheim lalarnd ih tuesday tbnrmjay artlmirdayitt a st delivered tiks- iurdayainjsaturdayorlho oprnii of tbcopce c qaavfen bast newbrrrb and wilton closer sunday wtdneda t 01 friday at 4 f m delivered sunday tueiday and eday ouovjcof thtoffl h turv tskvrrw0i crbtes vved teip v ond siturday at a m delitvred rateduemlay and cvnrday at 4 p m- laimained ajntaa institution which wolfe atari clost daily sunday ex- r nijrt jl- ii at tu mty tdmue cepjrl at s a m delivered daily sun- ihtvmrffs tx bxctajtitp al p m in the ttilo ssop there were 2 men jj untiia slates ew daily sniwlay or- work under charge of keeper hooper if pted al 9 phc delisercd dily su whom 7 only were osimrs pew to impriacefv tuj excepted at 3 p m rnenl in ibb mpfp the prisoners clolhf i made the cloth is liome made at is alrv ibe llaanel balb bing warmer strongeranj cheaper than biituh manufaciirev i v shnrmakeesshop were l5mco emnlnjert in makiug hoca amd dools fitf the cvictj uuder charge of keeper tfeharvy of wlaw about one half were mecbanlca bofcw frefr ir- prifonmcot on ehnuirinof tv trejrer of both these hops we were ruaprca that ibe men hert tioht tcaffi were sittitccnily ejoo workmen in earn tbeir ttvine widanizausptcion bring eiitervaenertof ihcii hayiobeeii umcbt tljem while in to ruxment the bucksmitbs whitemsuvan j enclne 001 erf rive ibe rmuiipyi losnoriatuan in tbr valley of ct of rvnniac etfc ieamwwtl tt1ttflcto is pee ttnft no slbki it li pv min htctti on 9ielo156l al cent p wenj learnfomatasi rr evul iva m afjiasfetlc sd rlaod caoala om of rial frutoei ntlolm beog shd al so oibane olit cott orinajc sftsrilj fewmmjo i it if iornoiaible to estimate the nnmber ot pr among whom fur wat wsxd coil 1 vot stores pioviiun si- trvii almost in edle mm of mijwojmo i 071 313 shops are atill in rmn tc ml pace 1 column- few resons were i think pre- 1 parer for this audderr rnbriitq of etepouicvi eiithuarm which threatens ones more lo delude enmp- with wood in irathe pvb of the toreoje tbahftl3 lnu philippe from hi throne sought no futber advantage than that they- promised to them- hrre employed amounts atlelyejth an ectension of the elective fran- j xhise- they rrave founded a republic arraint i heir will while aeekine merely change of 1 mttwvjiiamkimtnmtnut minittry tjt bttw hittig over thrown the dynisiy behold now to ibeir suroroe orvd terror repnmlcauitnv installed 111 the vacant places wboh ore they ft nb tncmy u tmporary eweden number of present to st of whom twothirds are me chanict and the olher thin strikers aod la borers unler chaise of kaenuskiuner and pollard neatly the wbotffttbrse men have beon taught in the pwoni here weswomr very beautiful wora javoailnrtt- some fire enrpim of very superior xonalnireion also vme force pitmpito ntrarty the whale of the auiltuoa with nbuniuoav ot water together with soxe missive locks that wold do credit to any wovweo- nc rlaeksmiins and engine sbo tnrtety interesfine and hiimy worthy of a elail from the coriou wojl is occaatoojlly done for prrsona out- iite the walla for irtilance messrs ic- pberson st tfne it consequence of the great nurry oitbeir rc the want of proper appurlenancbt their ship yaid at hollavl bay hare vflrtav forges at thee sbopa co lunuily atwerlifoeibcm thr staic colters sfieih were the last of thervw sbo we inspected here 27 men arucmployed in culling atone chiefly for the new ilorctal now in course of erectiit nodcr eubre of keeper uumiatop mtp thre men have been tangbt to cut fltonf injmonaiidreveeal beautifnl spfci- njeftof rbeir lanrk iterrr rtfcibitcsu a cvoow- trifl siairewe for exaaaole tr mortal iijve alluded w will be a eery handsome of elion three stories in height on the easl jl of the uain buihurij intended to enn- ain36smt wards of hfrl ariaro each ad m ititf sl lawrence to montrejl nrirs4 dtthj tyruv laitrrtfcn 0fl barrel e reee6tl from the 9ert in montiea and qoebeca dertcieiice of 700000 beneu aetll make fretf fek of iw citrten butrnore paticularly by forwarder mrchents boat men caiteev leambnatownera ai- y- rn- lor of kjfj rntfie hnw ery ahsnrd apjar the ariillfjral fhity impawd o untied stales wbral tn it entry inh canada have ihe bniled states fnple ssnjku tin o wheal in our own country tn seta to ihei and yet w- by law forbid ihem tod wheat such a bw is about a ti lanutd he one to evr water froa ningup kill i judging from their counbnanc general folnet of habil we aoultl m teraerraptof health 1 amoa the time iunlni 0 i0fe uk this i shewn by the cwnparatifsyljmall number of lick in hospital a refent of infantry is composed of 505 men piled for thett youth and good health ofibaap in healthy climates 25 ae the genera nverae in irotfral whereas the 4k jvn n i penitentiary are of all age aa reoy of tl tern ft oro rjic eictortsneoa of ijrir awtroui lltes of hair hahtt of boy yof jar jp number only li are in uoaial bfraourar the prcvatlins cause of inftehtsmeft itoont soldiers drukenne5s aeaded iiawpo3i teutiary yet the geueral comparbaai if in eavorofthvptisoncfs whoate wrjfkeatrrudec ately and prevented frowfijutinx abm own health by row fevdin ofbs asiajorion to health a xceaive rrtntina wbife mentioning il mihary atraino us to notice i small aarligbly 0 io pw vanity v lavtawte writer m- few weelsagv we w oecagsari to crnfeiri ihe atrouset janf prevale prax tcc on the prtrfef llwcommarsrkrfpfi- cer of the gotwwmtrii now inrawitro that rf siidinaiamrnin droves tosbpeni- tnliary for onej ieaio diiciprrrfv at the time tc were 15111 f- 30 ludooffiftders o thi decriptbv tim wtthip the watu of the prison from whatever einse wieiher from a rcbwtt foerj head qjasw or front the illaifl rffcerj corrections mrtpvlicy wl k that slamclnl practice hift ajmo wholly been conlimied aod awme confhd in tu p fw graces arars j ci pu f xy wo h n d wsww others commarrfrtso dtarcah thauycfvm acrjuatnted wilbmhil pyorlant roth j thai nothinfc pffrtfu x a cieilian than to i ifiw mau a aodieraenltttee4 to wf infumoorof punihmer lor ihe cwip of olteae a nila7 p f coiutne- put may still be puriei cvrn wbife thr own not by i no raise it and claiajhf itbrisej by cidunel p w fj fni the inform jltoti rfrw p mtasraarp smeaor general loj calhc art ptpvious lo bnidepaituio fmn tliia province that psrt f hn taul eireai on tvhieb it m situated ht esajmy ivet wide o new street nfif feel covkrnmknt we are u p p tu state lie tlui tho ioveinment has crt jt lo extend the time for lncalec id l lamia to eslawiah ibeir claims anf km w theii kteuts and that the oida ym of iho whh ilatch i9tt for aj5 selling aajcfk land aal areuot pj if tcin4rd- csil piineeajmoow day ewniuv fnni his place if ilamo ol ambly when be wiihdrru njouou for anaddresato hu baavforaattm ww geneialon ihe lr informci that ihe bolioof clln will bt paid wil f theie boona as au for tbjnnly and airtight forward line of conduct issued m the rrieetine of the na m mublmw mi wc a the coonuy i rflfft d derdy indahedlo cap wp parliimeoit oio ww lie wilt cyja- ccieen by nil irtialui tboaa ejirrsjj of ealerwt lo whietf emiaiani aeitmjt jtaiiy eulfile wleu towheeellbnt tb cnnfideneaj lin- p cal mm by m mfv w euro been fx4rnj by i m awutevtbat iiia7 c b while though haghly inafj i nt of view are coryfeaeed i his iv5m venial andtrieial wif o u i neejfcsary topunuh men fir rareacm dia cipoe it should alwaya be anritfw lb brrbclc galct at loat this ihoirw be variable prsmlcc in occuunlrirtw be aritilji -j- rtie tn rear tjt f main duljdin ht ot buildings intended a wotk mn r the men tnw buiding b also buift ibe form of a cross bavin on extreme wbof 300 vei onil a bioadlh rn the bow arm of mo fret the srnfjrrnansn nf a isje range i ftbe most sttperinr dwriprev the boi are large and lofty tbrco revi in hetfm with arched roofs of vec v construediu tho building it at if ft of cm stone an altbmli in 4 vsy invpte uir birv fair to become the sccovei oaiest rrrlileoill the piorifice ylvtrng v essence otdy lotho kintftlnn cly eeil we can nsore mtr readers thai we find ovrsue ineomeieik lo coiieeyonf impression th noble erection a much did u tuii b y jitasiliiy atul capkioirvn mprvs wth faromwo opinio- iih desijnia and pl of ibil aoperbalruoiuio wore tnaile by m cover dale the former archiiecfof w tuttntfofl but hey have been carried nui end 1 on meauro unproved ufon under tbeiliirtiaii of adr unriry ttss ptiaent aicliinkt- one wins of 1howmkho4 nume is uupied ooidaiuin the cjipeulosa and j u n c tb tailoia shvp u j the hvemakvla wv iha iwo taffarnm orotn the ground m id the two latter on the flial duur j the crpsudeia and juala mvj wl etiid 4 prisoner are ill on the opposite ide nf the matabuildrn js ibe tocjtiim of the women prison of similar sue and coustioclion lo the hnsatak oir pace heinj limited we bare little uneo tnjflftfl t atrtjevdrvi wo saw and svrre told m in he xitcben kepthiettivraavait m ajn eoarern- pfeyad in cookcoic aaawaaajjajfc the evening meal of hj triaoucea wo ow it wu hardly ttovdasor cooltl haee wuhed j obe but it wa pmawy as guod and afsuqicieiil s other prisoners receive- every thing about he kitchen dinins hall arid ac prisoner cells woo remarkably clean and kept in appepei order a would be but natural ivhcee labor is lvl we also impacted ihe llospital the doman celbolic chapel and other portions of the piin apd saw nothing to complain of but oa the con trary plenty to adroite w werrr ukenisc shewn over the womens apart men if bui node but a reay short stay tkttt the poor ajafochinalcn ovravrtly disliked intnifion and we respected their ferlmgs accordingly thcyere rncoffy emplojed in sewing- in winding up our rrrnp we must not omit to notice iwo large ga ens within the prison wall one tot iht culture of vraii- hie for ibe use of the priiorrvr and the other the private garder of the warden before we conclude this article tve mni advert tn th puuibmenu of these we beard but little specially bnt in cnurse of conversation elicited a rjood deal of inform malion fliiti is rrt alfoltbes but it not practised to thf same eatcnl lierelofore tne pnaiihmeulof the box i subatitoedr tbisv u avattite somerhin iw a coffin ttandrnp nprisbt in which lhj reractorycon- vld is flaeed and thnl np lrr a nornbrr hones flccordin to his offence ft la a aeve ptfftubrnent iimlonbtedly as it should he h probably nol sorucl as flsinc nn the back al0y sate it rida trrc keeper of very dururcable poition of their duty thai personalty imojahine ihe tofraetrjpjyv liead koeper rssiured us that rsvwwas t dikipliae nf ihe prison maintained fbal pu hmnt of aft kinds h very infreqnent ate he three of bevad and water fn 1 laxy- one piinjshioel thai jf debarring the romicfj ffomthe ue of obaeco i arjl continued and wc think unnecessarily use of inbwco is veenrhl nature to ihe work ci4e amt o deprive them of it is to pum them eery severely tit cnl of tobacco very trivial na were rvd and well condo ed mo tltoiired to partake of in tnnder lion ihe indilaxnee would be allendcrt wh nvrrhenehl nan evil motof the cooeicts will omiin it in spile of every obstacle and mure ibips in the yard ate ktolcti anctffven away to tearifaters ond others for the obtenance f lsis iiil artido than would pa fn a m f ir ration ten imoanvcr wo loort ihe subject to ark erm atlenlinn of the in- spectotf to bt orinved orricc if oiths doling wecv day from a m to c p m on sunday between if hur it b aod f a 01 svauj 5 pm of sll000xx i annually rvvlloc it to say more or lefi every family aud eeery cabin f fyrihtbtixte whig ma- eprto tlal carfcay isowtfrrxn europe eil ecne my frilint r amajl apace in your crowded t aum distributed of it reach situated upon a donme coat of 300r rnil- while as a ua i fua not iostipimy p every producer anb eoa1roer hitresiern valley wb i fully cnmetent to nfrpnti pojulition of 509gw0gx human beinjo nor e if an hitfhe poptela nf tbe wboie wo vv v iljiop lie surest dola ile rewlts to which our fiyere carry iijjl1aerttvnuef i yvt our l- i be avoided t wp ions ou the aujipiaiiion that ufn an are- ri each boat maks u tp 0 roy j a year tbe wnic capable of carrying armually 9svi0 ion adcrurf to this ihe freijul nf 4005 flat bnal csryio on an average evcot fie tons eacb maki hofiol ton more we have m wac ajjil wrvoac nf lolw tonv it may beinibted bat tire beats do am always carry full frtieh they evidently and proritblo one while the auwhintjhcy tisekiie at nrw oiboita alone reejutres tlie irofswl torrjuatl fiom thai city the ut lu vyoml 1 own cnsjaim nflmr t th espert in the aeut year are valieuoted of paris are now armed and backed by the brulal bands of ihe old tie the extina rceime may iuas at their utovnt efforts- this mi jcfr ceiirjj of ihq 01 drama opensi plendiji il wg ytr twinchid- the same sinrjiniorasesbijrry bbwd buslb ad pbiraotbrnpy asihesrsi- ala tbereisthe nn mvtut course to baron with sent slight vafisttcn in ibe jnaie tliblime tbe ru rjajh will sack pari me mtliv ban will open a new sile oate ad amid mo ktki fire this human volcano will pa away tortktr let n see how ctoatly ihe rccm- uaneelies in decdi hhlirwirf lo ihe past ft a few y a beretorure the ttinioe the chamber of peers thr wtde etitrx coiutilulion destroyed- commeim is paa- ysedcoiifideuee dild itntflfrl re ottered ar lany price without a bid ihr cali is uppir nut of ibe cotfttry ntbia will snon re- naii hit a totterintj credit ani fi d cipiial for any governmit to sustain itoflf- sa- i 1hink pluses ihj amount connmed of the arcniidated cil f jb cmtitry in the wars of th tiwl redution at two bundle milliomof pnne slerllit m ibi coune- pait neeed in uie same lajiisbi utesi will lo veitc fvonr ere lon be wt one vat heepwjl to ivc lilrly not fasy to ive raurrlity is leas atbur yonn i- z of the abolition of the snlk iltivtnea buv- divik t and ti of 100 per cent ty- equal amount ii sup pvald to lind ils way to fbe albaticeii via pitmtjran4lfixfres theertsirom pittshiwfitfwina th lasueason sva 4s- lwaa71bs ahewiiic an eaces thus fas over a sitndai bcrivd lat yar of 336720 ibsc a single len will eivepoiiit in tbe mmljnee of the ckrjj irde- frbm mawh filh io m iilu hvfc awii sriljvedtavtwardon isc csmfttfloo bbb pumr aifii bhla pork iffttfim lbs of isucon 37291 ihtpt uid itslbs uf iumr3s01rotobac 7 here i to he added to lhee tim ibx ohipirsrul from onu part to anolhe of the west rvrlloinec4ruumplioiiof tb protlucli of our manufacture ami ulher results of illftitinryvclivr1y aud cariioi f t iafl year an intelligent mcrcnaul qrfcw cibnaltiv ejioaled trc whole of trjis ic-ec- cun- of cminaojiitiesf ot an yrni w jtiioatiuj the annual increase 1 iopcr cenl it u w iaicrot thus we have u the domestic pncuof tbt valley f the misiippi annuahy put afiojt en ib wolcia n totol of w52562d tn such au extenttiai the commerce of thi valley erowu while yeftn i infancy who cao comprehend ill mjnitade when ihebajilu of streams shsh be ponlated to the denily of uaftolj woandcrtasrua fully developed f vdeflaircadvlheupruuetiiisofardnm 4bo jfc t 7 jfc half of ibcin ar now jarvm en an acre or j l land and a lnnlijjjsr tic tftrnfnrfi qajrl 1 it every thiua roecabte and valuable will faatih ejeodily leave such a dutraeted eonnlry nnd ihft rnnuotcnr af ae prccjee itms ton when tlje etpeausof the ccnimouwill be almost dtolw lonk ottho decroo armin ajc clothins oil prance lhal eretio twmlv- fovr rfoveable ftarfahorrs of natmaal guard the njonl de if bs heturn the wholesale up- port of ibe vaobood popillounri ofpafia to befutlowtd by mori lor enactment for asrcry other cflyof the kingdom tt becime plain to the rnjpd ot every fjiinkio man ihat after lu- i- a uv if l of men sn arms wilboul y means of support tbe aitlharitwsto la in prance iu tie uu r poverty and dcstttunn ot the tieauryj l oseje fence a it were iit thesp oion mroeft aud fommejictnw crusade to terminate as i have area3y intimated wmk tneit iipno this oulbreat ir pari am the hvaiinnin of a new european war to h more hlosviy more terruil and more c04cluire than the last annibilatin in their first kevoloiion ibe ter ritorial atixtociacy and forbidiinr by leal nactmentv th recreation of a landed eh beyond aul above mere laborer the french peope have pkparcd fur themselves the ouffl witbnttt tlrst element enprersly no fnjndatinn of odr cau bet laid tio total nwfasrts knd etpnrti ilhm tl in t infanry rs e- mated st f jo 000009 enrianin nearty one litrdofttu whole foreign ccoirnvrce of ibe jutraftaarx c a c kiutmon apriuu aruival of rilk steamship fcottt mv hrx k ttfltwo aua cby post office jinistos the fdlowin are ihe arrangement on ttja cloving nd ariienj nl ibe lailf dorirurhe sumnier toa tf isiesj cotnuicucoi on tlio loibof april j iri l sif tuner eloc daily at bsa m deriverod daily at 4 p m weuvin lail crmri port iiope ppler- um imfnnvwnal orfuis vvct tafttorrabto by tearner closes daily rs uwaaied al 4 p th dalittrad dully monday iav copied on ojiunaof the oueati western mail by land office between kiirfn n toronto ehw daily ot 4 p m drlivered ioiyt on opening of iboollre pinco clward putttint eloaea daily tsililid caajepj d at 4 m twtvoiaaj prohihitrd no stable t l 411 there are now in frnct but two pities bf ayonvu and tn innb and such bssssven its aiali inec tbe awful day ed fll ivtiat ihe end of ail ibeav utiles may be who maxlelk the wajaf the almighty are irikruuble ha he not aid i will visit the tint pf the- father upon ur children to tbv third aid fnrntb enera tiou and 0r not tbe troubles a tearful comment upon thit ictl ujim i eldej bianeh of the bourbons bode dljatn ond ktfhamheaii fjod speed litlle thrwist be be was lijstieaur the funeral pyre nf his own rase yet such walhc rneauf offttj diviuo wiu- xue mure will unravel iuelf well may it he or u if tbe broadlh of ihe atlanlio he iuiid aoianipt lo guard us fnatp ibe wdilrl of the clesj about to commence pray iffiaf tttiymrh i jittftyhrsf lo lie set in n iiin are sn i ibe y o tierce tbe hatreds to bo encntfrri to bitter they mjylifhily overlap tha waste ibalin- lenvnes and calf ih1d work owt rwder desti nies lbn i date dwell ujn cork joril 0 1si9 vr i h for tst iwatsi ir v berore ynu a brief statement nf thn crunrnajc navigation of the valley of ihe ltamippi prejiaavd from data furniaed at lhc late cmtpcireution aj nthei source i is estimated thit iia miiiifp aod its tributaries bner a iiejimboat oaviea tiuof from 3uj103 to35o0xlmdtr now to the mind of a kirota canadian trader this may appear ojrtrrepganl mit they inual nt tho sane lino je faajawl mr jlivors ore targe but we am nnato bocenaueed foe iba fur we did not make them ftnrtotoe point hn number of steamboat ott the waters of the hbbmlpfl galley is eilirrfuf ntltfm with o tonne ufiowtf ton which hoal crtst at i itaijo west calculation 16ih8 601 they give employment to upward of 40000 men and mu ot tho tinuil vairuv of tvor s is 1 thit may ho eitlrmled the number of plat iviu fhftfan hnaej oeer i i i wldcb ui 1 iv taajt vtfm mi n i will erfdeavut tj form a um ihawln the mos- important news mw voaa april 10 4 v as tbr stevucc ffatseraiatl arrived lat evening at 1 1 ovlrtcyaifter a ptrmftg of h foy fnanck s ulfaing taninf eeery thirty oinun well tinaucaldiincultir continue imve 1 adlevutntion rtv aiiwrrrswi ltruaf- ivterny kag t a luaymhoms awelt people 1i1nfi ffi mv iwtfviiatiex vu r fopqy tfcvppe has a cuniptitntinn to tbv prnpl v a cfent recinjjj viriirfc- all traaajtiil i uafeacd cousiiluttfliipromuasi 4 hueoaatrrd boiia4e ajfl aoe alive oo iho pnint of arevofntmn w ijfmlaa ktcii rrr wuftiek smd vtst twy tovilzr- hwk tbo kin of peoria rrejiot j vs have figawtms dttssia isreponed towaiskinpreparauooa foeoelf detveer luneiihnrh lies declared itsetf aav public iviijnj s tranquil tua leaders bavo beon attested forsenwuc a loxnoxv v 9j2 troalfadutl nntnotjtinnnf pirxluce lrvnaoior ofirrh mbfttca loiver prleeo lb per wifrmglo4ififlvr rfseiwidp1irtel lowcyainlfmrrtuht permcb ixn rfhm if wer i1iti mealcj lower caacawhpubhc prnclajrnawl i- p llabovrubutdurmainlainod xb kug ua oboluhed liu tvnaorsaip of iti uju aaadl ptomiduniaurujav t i s dmvruut tjivturbmica andfnetttjkrnv refused tbe tifrptthpffl ifc quired locoovokoai new one within ihrf moaths iflerwarrhv the eion mo be published- the members of ibe jwn ereappoiirleomty the pope f life the finalf- fieatiun for senator it to be ibe ajt uf 30 years and plerrtey eaer of civil and politi- vol ruhfs itio sedatrs will ij chosen por pefereno ftmn ihe preuccaod occlcaioatics owidiateev judges courjciflors of stote con- stitolional lawyers irj pcuset0is of an in come of 4000chdl brmt haid rvrritir took place between tbo government troops and tbe peop ibe latter bred from behind barricades and the roof of house and did i ejeecution the troop freed rpe aod a peat deal of blood- abed took place the alarm bells were inn and universal terror prevailed especially amnnj rbe women the next day proclaimed an armtttce on which occasion a change ef mirsiweri tnok plac- and the king promised w forget on forgive all and boprd the noile wouuematbeaeadp 11- t vt lujftvtjje iiihabiianuif cricoyivan- tjnti cu trirrrevlvesa rubtic 00 li j5 were rmiler rno no the iy oore mfffs was cprnvcjii to relra ioo pnulical paisoners tb nett french packet will take about 153000 lit specie the french merchants feelb tur than tbey tid irtcacn the monster meeincaoao eff at the north wall oa the 20b and waa coeotd on ihe recrnirttirm jf 3dw the lord mayor had refused 0 caij it the naaavej present was typoj hv scattutbe vnonp irrslaird leaders at lvo0d the mormn crrouicle estimated tbra tt 70u0 cgejiaarrtn wputetowrtnmal- ed in honored the great gainby tbe inhabit ants of vienna onee under meuernitb and tbeonnoxmceenrniof a ttmrtitntfon to aus tria an addreoof tonicralulation ur sign ed be numeroua mbikranu to ihrfr tubers in anvtria- trie news of ibetrnclamation of tbe fencr republic created great nciiewot in sterabolm tfie stujertb mkt and had grand torch lihf pharessiorctyrw trw lo liberiy la lblrvervelitran- caise viee lavedrrj rolmt vieetacbvu- o boewaiesniab the pblice very wwety aav siained from au interference and ibe sladrnls slier rrmmbcrblmg tbv streeis very ooxetty dupiaied wm2 rattml amsaxa the kriccmar ifo- rnenfo mired at blrbile bringing advices i from central- atrvetioo o tbe mh ult hhn she veiled atjaltul the pculnmlti were irra wretchirr rrsiari wvr truxajniolhrf wiioif sia- exkiminattoo vslhadolad autfhuul after bfiu defended fur a louliuiefl essldespar- d o receiinassisianceand early in march tbrit inbbiunsicnaiosd to die wairja when urn ilomcnto kit artr- mersuat the lo- diaiwtolhe gmopnlof sne rjjxo sutrounded meiida and rbe inhibit nb hourly expected an btuck tciy anl ariitimrro dos perry praying him not trrcim fad to protect hem from tbeir vaat onvfaifo- cnuimodre perry howerer eejiired rfom sial to ibe mand ocjrioennobe 6tb ulc niid on the mlh from tera 6e we have aeeountc from new dvtearut lo ibe h tiirl fbe ujjjrter rrclion uad tsr- su t in a decided whig triumph mwvtshac eviiiser1i coatiercctaistcof floui during tbe eveby tor aud rtnt 1 week bare been made al 24 consumption tb tttfcav is larfat rsiurli iriri inic uuaar wa rmjxkted at ah ur j tyj l- al which rjbr sgrne few tvareds of lowr conirrbl have ksrfll mild i a sat 1 mn pork rs held ats34 per bb h ie- i l pifnc m apit y f ptimv r3irtf carctj d irv drrraud at v to antirxk the m market light and the rcipt limiti 1 we istotf puis o jelaiidpearraa 31- 6d sme imjirovemant in stot sahra bfon tieil tank l 51 pet cent prvmmro mwtreat tejevapuhas reached 2pcreef patmjnjn mireistra smcak a large buarrjew done cf1ujtea week several theim srtares ustctwj mfcjesbad fua ms 3d on lirm quebec stock sold at tt 6d on timriajnd b n a prtoces at 2jas other swli nominal olvto or xavrcavrom rantorsaif lin cnaestv tlie steamer auc ftcv ffntl u aativrj t jajrvaviattto on ncr tuiptblraoo slreaasroeosatefy ht for bahttm and svill letorn on ilm diy neat lo convey passenger to vvbitebaia itafuttaavs oe ice d j lib excellency the govcmoc general boht been pleased to inkc the followin appcmi- mviuy rii matthew ryn of montreal asuai to w rv venue npecinr for the second hifiinn t hoyrval daaracivpla cja ferrer er e dnuasj anea dlacdonoll aav be of ibe kttn district in ajaco fj alvanjer mcmarriit er reincrf fditu ot tii- tfmim tf jp aiml ftmr oclock a cartrnamjteqf7 while 1 kjiorln to turn hie nroy at thr d2fc ol tbe nharf opiie the custom htftwwb ptrtnttrd torn the nver theualwiicrffr m was to ken oaj t affkafi isl0iva bui lilo gettaml tbe bejaf wa alo drvwoed- t mvtaral april 10 vi p wares th weather enntinnes rmiarrlfifl tret- rwwiaflef evmint 51 dereea above 10 1 be learner prince albert wa flowed ti iiy al her winer iuarlera si- unfit lc cecity to eomnieuer hrr irrp to and fnai fi on thimliyn ft hral 11 peny steamer eontumad nuutg irraiie n lezllfie tnii prftil m ibis smr lie sieonw bit louis is ea tumrio w the papers announce the trjtollaal twnvhafnsemeeof ihetti ibe f ras ibr hoffax trade hnew by tbo ffbcrstr h roewldrrttl ittorc favotjble lbn ontieijuitedt nrw york markrtt- april 8 7 k w th mark 1 have keen enswajly quiet lo rlai i in1 i stiul sils the prices are hravy nfaed for klour wo small avt4 kiokvplili to rnaitu ihejivhhdwnulilt 1 ivlm ot thecloav w dull arl r 1 iin buyers about iwx visvrwsftv y ur owrvntiun preparing oud armtua so arm tor the mrfr ajwtlerl ad o 0 1 j a llii cbviluitorjtrrt flsisjri rneret nayswlottlmvra eainrttr 3urlirto tobfttlufs oalbnri v ihwlfv- claimber dta aului tluicuiodof imlff hojtiati- en ojd aprsjo lovihan riaalwrropr nt eviru rfh sme pi uih c urtesif e s0cnlled 01 irstic but the re tiee was stv5uo for pod siu tmv and ovweutt and common vvcr- ir id at iwj i4e ai1ipijjtryf loiind bmp was rcotcd wu beluft wf ii j vr aek anxinu to elt m as u i n wvsoc t a fc m batteh hy piuur auld at js o aelu ouft lmleja flmiled in ml m sv wof4 niht sui 3to1 buivll r iuiarealoadydl47fl4avttrt crtnhfla ami moirowh vth eeattitrth lliilu imekw salen 4w ot twu u href nuthuipfihoa wiiksi w dull bujeti- aoy iboyom eel ciiiiee et hf riail mi u t ft tf h mua if kta a 5ian u it uto lahli uiiua ahver rlorf tfo romllrsrat saneu ot a v w l pbvalt l rtul m