fire fire kgon saloon xing street mn trjkif rtrtwort stort ihe subscriber would mct rteci fllhj r6hlfllhi euk jncrillj forthelibervl support fan received from irrenv ince hi nm an convent in btuioeae ind would kg leave to tolicit a ejniiouince tberrnr ak he hope tail be merited by hrict aeration on hia yt to ell who may flier bicp with i ch james elder kington february 1343 j e would beg leave to return his sincere thank a to the military firemen nd public ff their vigertu mrtinn p property from the v atq to those philanthropic indivi dual for tbe liberal end distntereaiefl meirwrin which ihoy contributed ufb- cipn funja loanable lum to commence jo bounce ifain j e george cook raft late ran or ilt saimi cook rest thk rasr six uk macfactoru bartlett cards v70uld inform lb miotic ltd tbe patrons cf lhlld 71 fill ua slrr ft where be b jvry tf a cm ployed tbal be wmheasj the wanafactare of all the varieties of flavin visiting apd blank cards betvtofere furnished by ibe ublubreflt ind that ae order for various iadj aritl be tailbfuhv and promptly tvecot- oct ipplieilien to hi ctt agent min lathsio no- tj fulton street at the ttving pricci usoai discount off for cub cle lbe who boy to sell araifl via 1arle 4 wmta back jin per rrosa harry 8 so 30 deeanlara do 24 esoamtlud itore end peai surface cards er fc1rowiricje ieaaaeeaee eflimeli4 cards ttattd plain wifullr pollsbvd with tgant designs as aorden printer blank cartv siull blanki uyin card no do do lare do da do do looblc size of lheaml do do double siae of ihe lare do do 1 15 ner grow 54 2i 30 at 6s 62 made to at all the above size of every color to order oibtr sixes cot toorderoy either of i be foretoin qualities mourning cards c varioui size order cold hordered card rjo do fahedte do do enamelled sheet cap size 20 by 20 inch ivciv surlace do do pearl do do do tilank thteu do do a vi railroad and keareboal tic ku made to order of any color or of different color ftj may he deiifed- tbc sibriber ivm all editors of the united stale and canada who ate deposed to lake their iay in t and whn will inrf him a copy of their papers containing the ad vcrtitfmcftt ad ineit i coonth new york x ms 123n samuel morley co qhnirrl imponters of ryglish jjfd american hardware would intimate to their friend and the public tbal they bare received an ettroaive aoo well assorted stock of heavy and shelf hardware fancy goats j cjc comlllite faatlt entliib banks swedes lowrooor bar iron hoop and band iron cfjt strin and rliaier steel cra4a pate shce iron nd tin ulacknhfli anvils vtcet bebowfi dck spikes wtooal and cnt naiu coil losjin and t ce cbaim sheet brut copper lad and zinc window glass painu and klf hair scaling and curled hair shtp carpenters joiners and cwiptr tools jjjjmt and siole fowling piece an elegant assortment of stiver ptattd antlbrilonnvi metal ware fine cutlery je hot water dishca and plates and dish corer cooking box and fancy stoves fenders fire itott fire dogs c c sign of tht croats sow iruiccci strut ginpton nov5 1847- for curriers oil sale by the subscribers fall importations of sugars teas wines spirits akd grocerie s robert allsn brocs otrrett rtx9ton rtihe subscriber mpecifouy benleaveto inform bis town and conmrjr customer that be i now receding his winter stock ol sugars jioafaiid muscovado tbasoroccrieswtnbsrritltsdto cdfetnlly selected ht rwrsonal iwowcbh in the montreal and new yrk markets his present stock comorues aasong othettj the following articles teas ttinpovrdcrhrwn yoonj lfyon iitwi sain pcko cp swucbongt aasssssssf cojoo and ih sugars mssssvrvvtv snpcrir mnh eta india do ihyc kcfined crohcd m-im0jc- coffer ceen loavitd and ground flamtttvsja cuoctrolatt best sponun plsia dbprvntred wines ill oobl sottlvtv e j mjirl p vrnr plcm dm l ptvncriftv llunii puct tnshhvry boocrlv currl maufacuficrlor old port spirits old jamaica lir trfand coiasc brsnrfj ri ijfsit rht holland gin coiiinaoo lih vmnfo wuaiaf scolch vyklakej snbciitain gin in 1 doi caaco clienv pepper nun i j posjrr and palo ata in ooirlt slouchtooaelisir marscbioo eau dc vic do deiic curaco and ullitr jiij0i grocitries cutni rimiituwjfjiini jccteraon c ny u m t frtan rafter ftnoand sopcrfiac noorand oatmeal pliia crackrra put aod pcarj bark t carolina kic pastcaotc verrtficcllimaceironi atroar ra vu- r bailej and laintat mi wr m i lb- and ibbouui durham in jar r wtdaorcaalte white and yctlnaf cols was tfprrm was wica mmild oj i a b and pne 0 stt otiandaca li pool fnc and baaka t refined and patio iriainirieot broo while and raal india sofiar candj favit oraneaand lmnrit beart jordan aolt abctkd bard shelled ana rtllcr alnvtada brocconi draxit watnut ant ilaile nova malaga tarkcj vakocia ni moacatcl kii ftest mm- cufranla flaffw boa turkey fio bca frrah ploma in jar paaacavati facita ciinnoratrcand lcmno perl iai tndim il- n r bottlco favrradamounsrcena and peaches r miti onions walnuts piccalilla giikinafjaulitotrcrs red cabbage cvcontbcfa hot pcppcra sivcca myiroom kctchop walnot do- laevm uimrcrml ktnz ondo india sy rrdtn kccf itcitk eaacnce a vira silad oixipc oliccs aacbosicfaod corric i siaoaics sirch rloc gloa clialk wbi i and pasie dlcklnr tuine wafete w valine d wn p hoc ttsfood nijtuiiithlfl btiti uriektvbaccoand pip cew oil in qoms and pints window iiaaa utsug e fishing cnca bcrr and m i ik hair and cvrn braotna a it ia and warranted ii rrci dieaaea witbout aiokcoingor dasssaaaaklsj hw ptrc f i lndisncoppcraa alum frjisom and glaowi salla trcdin of tartar sitlphof dfimalinn rvp maia i t the sohteriber assures the public that the whole of ifco ahoro artiruaam j vr v bet qnalit- majssl pay on will tr sold for casli tbe lowest pomtblc term hobert allen kinston november 1847 u britannia life assurance company ho i princes street bank mndoh empvrtd by act opowiomrnl capital w0000 stervg cheapest kates of any office doing business in canada iit townsends saksapaitill the most extraordinary ciwe in tug world tw eatraet is put op in qosrt botttes sil tiawa cheaper plcataaior supeiior lo ao sold tomitiff p-c- paiieni great pall and winter mediclnej tha fioat laotj and fsjpcfsorilp of ala sana- patiluovorah 9ihceinedein ia white it eradi- com iwenwc il iariewatc uie b-rtls- ilsone vf ue ery brat pll a winter ndicinoa vrr known it ntont purifiv lbs whjo sjatcin and sinmeihena ih perartn nut it creates new pure andrkkbtood a power poaseoacd by oo lbrr cnediciae and in ibis lies lb tjand soerei of m arondcrm avoecaa it baa wjtbin tbcpaat two years nvwc than 3500 coreo f acrcfc cases of disoise at least 2c000 of uicsc were cainatdartd incurable mor than 3000 eaarsof chronic rbeuuisliam 2000 caaestif dtpc 4000 cases uf gcnoral dvbdilj aod want of eaerfc 7000 caacsurthedrftereot fvaalo coroplsinls 2000 cases of l 1 00 caseeof lincmipuint 1500 cases of dwcoasj of tbe kidneys and drop 8000 cases of cnoinpnn aod i mi i r eacs of diseases of the blond sis ulcers ervsipelaa salt rheum pimples oa tbe face otc ltctfcthct wilb numoroua caacs rrsick headache pain in lbs sido and cheat spinal artcelions t eb tnia wt arc osrarc must appear incredible but wo have irtiera frwm phmcisas and our a rente frum all parla of tho units d stales in- hirminr oa of aslrodinarj coc r vn rjs- klrk eeis onanf ihe nwi respectable drot in ncarsrk s s fin dw that he can refer to mote twn 1 50 cnaeo in tbst plscn aln there are thoanda of casea in the ciiy of new ynek which e will cfcr lo with pleasure and to men of character ii ia tha bei medicine fne has pnr rcntiscurdiacbw known it undoubiedlj saved be ln of more ihan 5000 children the past sctrson as it removed the causa of discasc and prepared laaavj foe the summer sraaon ft baa nceer ben known lo injure in the tcaal lb mwt delicate ebild- rheumatism t-i- stiwpthh ia oard wilh the nam t perfect t t in rheumatic cmp1ainis hiwever sceerc or chronic- tbe aairtnibinr cures it ha per formed a ro indeed wonderfol olher remedies ifnfhmu y ic lemporarj rlict this eotirclj eradeaice il ftom tha srsem oven when ibe limbs and bonee art drradfullj awollen jer nr scth terry one of tho oldest and moat respectable lsevyers in hsilfofd cooel tno mkssrinf is ao etiraei of a letter received from him tovaraa- have used one bolite f your sarsapariha and find il is excellent in its effects opm s chronic rheumatic pain iv which i r aubjaci from an miorv oecdiioned several years ago in a public atafe picaae vend me two boulcs to use care rf dr seymour- i base conversed with two of oor principal phvaiclaa and recovo- setii terry llarttord march ld 13 cu consumitiox cured- also curriers kuivoiridstcch stowm scouring bnialio ice s- morley ico crnerai iordieore 3ereaofs princes street kingston 1st january i ss va luable mill sites at ganakoque thk undersigned offer for salt the unem plojed water power at ginaooque and will afford every facility for tbe erection ol fr mli or jny thcr kind of mrhmery the situation is too welt known 10 requite particular oelcriptioii t- 1tt v vhicb will be libetal and any farther information aoftlv at montreal lo messrs anderson au1dn rvsns co- or mtrt ienin oottus ccoand anon tbe ptecnises to cij mcdonald 4 co gaoanoeue ui december lbm7 circular rowsaoys pcntootcai book dcnr odcnsbvrn y- jan 13 161 t d pomrrovwujfurojsb for cam- ehan sjubcriuers anv of the qurterlr moaiblyoi scmnonlbty rmblicalions of ifie uflnled stalest at tlie pubtivbeis ibices free nfthe united si airs pwtt and receive canada brits at par in pavmrok scot by roail noat paid to the laes acrcafjtccj iuvt hacbtn rjrockvilk icvenson esq jnk montreal biock- w- bar bookseller james alien pertb books lobe bond sent to mr nbihl preacolt tetepapb office will be hound lo order and delivered ai the same place louis d- pomeroy- ore 3ciicof rtfirtt or kingston dr thos- w robjson lh unjcrtigncd having been ap- pointed to oct oa agnl fur this company which hia brcn doing ui i n- in canada and tbia city since tlie year 1839 respectfully requcsu peru- re quiring ltc assurance to call at his office princess street kingston where proipeclues one all ncccmry in formation will bo given also a variety of table lo meet the cir cumstances and convenience of appli cants eon becn the kalca of similar talries in the of- 6cc tioing buainess in this province aa follow firf an aurance nftq0 colnl lifa airnca cospa30 x5 nntwt un fund 4q i i i aasofattcc co do- 3 these moderate rotes titifemore vdfucionl snftly in provide foe looses it in ihe power of most neraons lo assure and with reference lo the present stale of tho health of the inhftuilanl of the pro vince genoral y il mtiy be thought ncce sary should the prevailing ajcknesa in crease to decline taking any rikka i appear therefore lo he o duly on those who have to provide for their familie to lake ihe timely nrocauiion of aauringtheir lives and ihu protide against the risk of perhaps leaving thove dcpendanl upon their exertion or means lo suffer diffi culties if not destitution thomas bricgsjn attnl kington aug 21 1s47 67y cheap grocery ret an pul can e i r i iwr com- ptniit ol catarrh ow araini vfutimlf kw oreea h me cef wfjiac rsta aif af aaseer dtfititt or ouae er- ptttipniptin utht si4r 4- 4tf 4v u4j tta f eitrctf drtnrnsend ocarsir ncarlrlwcntr jest ago j took a violent eold which scitted o- rny i 1 and affected enc aeverelf indeed finsllv it became a constant bsekin- cuuch but no acrero si to revent mc from attending to mj bttaincssv wtlliia tho list fear yeara it inceeosed on me raduillf- at laal 1 became reduced i becalhod with difficulty and raiacd wih my cuurh rnvch bad matter and for lite lat nine monlbs precious to uinj jut m n bad ffcutar nilil areata injeed ms fucods and airaetf aupnnaed that i avonld din with the cw aomption but 1 have ihe happiness lo inform yu that to my sorpiiae after oain ihree bottlca of ttupsarspfi11a i find my health resided il ict0ved mo gradually nd lam now enjoying moen bettct health than 1 hive befer in 5b yesnt i had slnvst entirely uai my npociile which ia also returned- vou are at liberty lo pubtiah ihia with my name in llic pspcrr if you choose my liltle gih who is three years old had a very bad cold thewviteof laal winter- we be cjkmc very much alarmed on her secion wlilc otine the medicine i cve he amn of it and ii soon entirety relieved her as well aa invsclf and ahe is aa well now as sny child i ever aw she was also full of link iriulchca it nk them sway and bee avin ra anvolh and fair now and i am ailianed she recovered bar helih from uinf yourexccjicninrfdicine s- w cqnant 4 w bowery girta rkad this vuo who have plo comnjciinn dull ryes uotehesnn ihe fceeuucli akm and arc oulf spirits uses ivtueor iwoufhr townsenhv sanm- parilla if will eleanseyur blod freckelaand bmchea and jivo yu remove tbe animation eye ftc are nnd beauiiful eom f immenso valuo lu boon asjead or ihe scrofota by the use of eicrllent lf tber were afltieled asrercly wilb bad ottcs hsve taken only bouk it look ilicm away for which i any self ooder deep uif slion yuora rcapeclfirtle isaac wcraint 1 rywi new york march i ir47 nbc has reel pr frern ii opinions of physicians townaendiaslmoat dsly rrecivine vtdsr ssssmta csanrttal parte of the uma tltasia to cerufy ihat we the undernd phyaieiens of ihe tiiv of albany have in uwfrwr rjirvrfilv j j t s i i rf and brjkvc it to be one of tbc moat taluaue yrt paraxon in lbs maet ii p puunt d j jvilsonm v r b ttrlggs h d- p klmtindoitf albany april i i h 4 1 j npllesui4criberlhtfjiea the pat mora and others t united ipl u iv m msrint cmps s fi l ha iak it kit states office i r one at the united ncaic nd menivr of the new jtesey bindly seniusthcfulro4intenru fla own i v ban wv jan 5i c a year sine i vss taken wiih the inaoosi nd my hok ysiem kti in a debilitated naio i was indooed to iry ur townaend s ra4pieilts and sftee ukinf or three untile i waavery much i rj attribute il entirely tlieasid sarsapartlla 1 hire eoniinucd taking r and find tljat f ir n y- iii day i believe hal il saved my life and would not be wiihui it mder aiy conai jeraiion g w mclkftx rrineipal office 156 fuhonil n bnilunj n y loosiulhteirt street albany sndaliho principal pufems and mcrehsnu femralty lmuhout trie unfiled statce west iodiavsnd the oansdat wndcsalcec retail afenuifn-cansda-jcn- ioi c w cilaklks bttenttnato w lyman knrkhavy dr o rhmil- inn c w john wrnek lern ft w john satter miflireal r w ux- fordand jr p e pkaultquobio j- musson and j bowles aecnl fcruur linflnn yt- tlieo a peck more than 2000 cases of mat1sm has been cured by tbc use hhedeatise t or townaenda srsanaiiha tfiihin tho laal 3 yr principal office 12fi ultort- tsats ssrsnpsrilu is used wrlh the nvtrsecl aoeeeaain rheumatic conplaini however veee orehronie tlieartobjunc curt arc indeed wonderful other remedies aoirijirnc irr temporary reltff this entirely cradialr it fpim lhesyslem e wlicn iholimb assffawtl ac dreadfully swollen neve york dec ii to docma townco- sis i ihink il my duly tn return you sk sincere i hank a rnribe bcneqial have eapercnced by the use of yoar attract or samparima isvo aulcted for many moniho with lihcumliensns and abm innsmnhtton of upc liver the aunvna which i endured from ihca divesses nfsswp y lite a burden to rbc i hied cveey remeu l was pesertbed fr me from threw of iw b physicians in ihe cily hut without receivc lf peemanenl benefit 1 ooaiuvred myaelf ine but by ihe ndvics nr friend was mduoei ff tiur compound i had but fainl basha oftcs jl 1 am happy to uy i hd not lsken m ljin jislfa bottle before i espeeienecd rcrief i ducod mo tnpcrsttcrc in its use and uibolue hava ertecied an eniire cure- it i no mc month sinco i d your remedy ami i am grateful nnd hippy to say 1 never enjoyei boiler healih- ahall lake f n ptamrc in recnmnvmr l in the afflicted f wy ita una i nrol belt- jife wasssaed- with ihe fjrempi reaneet allow me lo av myself your jratefnt friend william a morga 43 canil ureei corner of dxotf da tuswwa i was allukcd wirv tressibt pnm n iny hip yint ao bad um nol walk witltout riy croiehea i and mr limo i waa obliecd to kec my bed- 1 te ral remedies but ihcy did nnt rrlicvo 1 could i of the f ll i out 1 i ben h no a irsa ptvj laincd a botile snd in few duys fl cnltetl caatd nie and t am as well now aa cver- asiibell ivalkb8 albanyjan3 185 22 uanjejat- liver complaint the wlnwing ia from a reapeetawc mereint and ia pnitivc evidence thsl r townaendar- aspinlln ia ihcmnit cffcciive remedy ever knwn for crsdicatin disease r thwrnj ia a bftaer of v c ac k w thwinreiebane bnkrs 37 wall l who jf necessary wiu vouch ferihe facts contained in the certificate there ino mklakc lltouanda and tvnandj of case of disease ore continually cured and by the na of hia medicine new yocksept 9 jsl d towvteab ttqr sir i am conitrtncd aa an act of justice to publicly ackrwtwlrdfiihc frreai lenefia 1 hare received from tbc ute of our arstparilla lteinr tn town about two ym aineo in a very weak and debilitated stnie my disease was a chroma infltmmaiin of he er and slomaeb sn many or um conaurnfrfn i wa an reduced thai 1 had very mile hnpo rffa cavery hcarirp and reading considerable ibe enccls of your medicine i rcsnucd to fya thquli i enicrtained a prejudieo njninpl n4er tiscd reincdica i had taken lu siaediciiselia a sassritinre andlanto reenter fraduhv coniinoed lo ct bcilcr and am nfw well it- deed i am ao muh improved tlinl my frih scarcely rceignitcd me when i relumed im city ynu arc at librrlj in pnbith litis ifrsw think it will ertend ftst uso of your eactpnt remedy- t- tuwin principal os j3c fulunal the tha notice gathering of israel foe jtojcmpiion of the ktiural bodv thai nnitr into life etmtl w bprcujbv uobert cook u ttscold news room corner of wcllingioo krj j uvnav ir stceeta end idredly ortpoaitr h liritisn wcateyen hrtrwtit chtfiet ksfuo every fton sut efterrcid et hatfpaet 2 oclock tud in fise escninjat cfk tirigstin ivr i5 1 h vl aucei and picklea afasuk assvrtaaeet of ltndoa rltktei ai jtecs fm au at lb jtmm avk ffers nm hm avidfisnn re resorting ro kifiazetasn marnet nnd tlto public generally that he has jot rocoived prime esonmcni of good tkas coffees sucjrs fruits c at iu5 gen bit a i grocery im rkccs ttafktg afw dotrt efcety or dirlmsoni nai door r-r- siladznilk shop he would crnostlydraw llitsatleritin nfthoar wanting a unod sound well flavored article rrf tea entl e delicious cnrrri lo hit prcaent slock nml would reoueat litem lo call and exarniric f ihninatlves and if after tfiel irsy do not find he ean cive lben a hnttei erti el et a cnmpsnt price thon they hvo hitherto been accustomed m gel fi vrttl let tlsfrre have the oretda r ajejlhlu thtiin not what penple call i- nr v but uviri pil whicli anyone caltiuc will be oble to fim out all article in the grocery lino wiu be sold ta lew an oooaiijlr prince of every description vj be taken in eiehanqe tt cota price yrvcezusued c w p os iarm1tage kingston dea 0 i8i7 3m rpsrklinp itlcsinn all nf which unmarried udk grfjat fdmale hedicimk i i icrtda saraaparills ia a aeerein and speedy erne fm incipient conauinplioni oaren- nss icucurrhitj or wbilea kirvctod or ditlicotl mcnatriiatann i ictniincncc of unnv or inejun- sre dueharpe ilineof and fr the fcneeat pro tratiun of ihe eratcm nn matter whtthcr llio re- nltof inboront eaoae or produced by meguloriij ittnesa of accident nothing en be mnro eorprreine than ita in- vifnraiingeirectaunlhc human f ram peranna alt weakeeea and isniiudcifrm taking il at once become rubalsnd fo uf energy under ita in fluncev ft immediately cuunleraela the nerve icasnrss of the female frame which ia lb great cauac of birrennea ft will not be expected of na in caveanf an delicate a nature to ethibii eertineateauf cores perfnimed but we can eore tbe aruicird thai hondreda nf have been reported i ua- seitval easei where familea have been witlmut children after ualns a fe bntlle of i it it invalu r- medicine bav been blessed witii neattlty oltapine or tnod1y wif bein f rally dia irraarjd by wrjknras and general lehhly and aiiftcrine cflntiuiliy r psin and a aoneahnn of tearinfdnwn falling fine woenband wioi oiher di rfie qi ties snd limar lnown esace wltere ynor nvrdicine hsa eiteicd e cure and also hearine it reermmended fitrauch esse aa i havcdcacibcdj i obtained a hoiile of yor rattttl of srps rilla and foltnwed lbc cirretinna ynu paac me to a ort period i removed her eeassslasatsv nnd satored iter hesltrl 11- grateful the bene niashe received i lake plenaurc in thoa aeknow- j t i recvmrnendinf it tu the public u i mafrurbi toe grand snd lydius sis albsny aeff 17 iml to moth tifts and married ladies tniaeitiaeiofdafsanardle baa been oi press jy prrpared in rrferenco n femalo complaints no female wtifbaarcaaon lo auiose she approach- mj that critical parid the turn of jife huld neglect to take it as il ia a certain preventative for any of ive numerous and hornme daeaae tu which fcmaleaaraaubjeet at ibis time of hfe tbia pcrid nav be itelsysd sevoral yeata hy uanj tbia inedxin nor it it le valuable for iltote ap ptrtchina wmnhuod aa it t calculated lu snisl nature bt nuekeninr the arid ihrmmt tbeaytten indeed tbia medicine lamvatnsble for sll thr daeaaa lo wbrh woman are aubjeet it braces ihe wlitle ifiim renewa pevmannuy lbs natural enrcies by remivine tha impiir4tce of tl v- t n- farsttmulatinr ihe aytein a a i r i mi- i which is ibe eaaanf motnod0ioes laksn forftmsl weaknaos and disssos scrofula cured tbia ortifieal coaeluaively prnvea ihat this aarsapaiua haapeifeet ennlnj over atinaln diseasasvf ine blyid tbree pare na ourod o one hnuas unpraeedanted thhck riuldrcn th tateaarn daarii l have the plasams riintorm joy that ihrra of ray shildran have loist her speech anncied cettificalo story nr auftenn the anncied cettificalo tells a simple truthful story nf auftennc and rehef thee thiusandauf similar easea in this cily snd rn lyn and ysilhcn arc llmesandaof parents if tv children die fisf fearer boinf homboged i save a fow baeealtn sesi 13 18r da- towarn i lake eicaaure in sljat for the benefit of ihose wltnm it may eitnccrr mt dauthler turn yesra and i mnntlis old afflicted th general debility nnd inasof she was cven ijj a paat recovery by our fn f phyaieian but fortunslely i waa reewnme by a i tn try your sarsipsrtfl before in- ud nne millie she ecenered her ajieecv waa enabled lo valk sbnir in tbe ottontahme all wb were aeoijainied with the circumsis she ia now quito wclland in much better he li an abe has for 18 nmnths psat josern tavlor 123 yufkll assesjdtr ltl ass ah fitsr fits fit dr tearsraesvd nol havinu tested liia sa rills in esesof fia reensnsn n and wsa nrpctaer to receive the fajuiwing an dif jligf nt and reeje table farmer in wet set foaoiif aesnjsl 13 l da tnwtendosfsir i hvo a huh seven yearaor ngp wln has ben aeveral ye il feeiedwitb fu we tried shnnl every lb m her but without euccr si lasl akhiil cosjld find au recommendation in ynnf cifcua ri like hera wo ihouht sa aiie wjsin dehcate health we should five be irn el tsaranparilta n are vry lad we did far ii rwily remred her alrenth but abe haa b reiutn of the ftujn nnr rfrat pteaverr and an- she aa u bceninmr rugged and haarit whicli wcfcclcrslefuv yioracaper john butbeul j lunatic asylual jsme comminrs t one of lh asawtanl iatbeliaaue asylum uteekwvlta lalsndiathe ecaileraan spoken of in ibe follesvjog lsuev rueumati3m tbia i oalf one moe ihsn fber thoossied aacsof rhevmsttaen ihat or tooaende saraapariiu cured tho ruetserer ch runic eases era week ly sradtcaud by its i usordiosry virtues dtsctfvrius lauwe sept 14 1r7- da torleijea sir- f hare sufvtod terribly tot nine years srilh tl rhcomstiam con aiderable oflhc lire i coud not eat 1 work 1 had nvial drureetinf pains limba were ictnbly swnllen i hsve ii your saras partita and the sicep or snd my osedfour nd thar a nr nse more than one ihnnaaod avdlsrs fff amao much betic irvrjeed i am entirely re iraved yu stoat liberie to use this tw lh bene fit of lbc sfljicicd yoar reapecifuhy james cummi03 two children saved- yary few families indeedin fact wa hqo not heard nf one lhl used dr tnwnacnd ssrsa parilla in lime lol any children ihe paa summer white those thsl did not sickened snd died tte certificate we puluh below is emelusive evioencc of na value and ia only another instance of it aas ine ihe lire of children oa towasso orar sir i had two children cured bv yooe ssrsaptrilla of ihe summer ooini ptainl and dyaenlary nna wsa nnlv is nsnntbs nd lire other 3 years tvy were vers iecb re duced and see etpeetad they vrould 4 they were given tip bf iwo rcepcchbla nhytteiane whan ihedoctorinfrrmd u that are moat lose ifiem c rcwilred to try your ssraspsritla woknd heard ei much of but had bol lille confidante there bcinf an much aturt advortiaod that a worthwaj but wo sre very thankful thai w ctid fur it unovobledy saved tho lives of hnth 1 write ihis tbal oibeni may be induced lo qa it ymura respnetfuhf john wilson jr mjrtle srenoe orooatjn sept ic7 methodist c r nltowmr waa aont iergyman to oqr arrant if rth way by lite rev o tunisnn ol lbs houiodiat e reaper ted in amhher net chjreh one of ibe owl learned an tho mcihvl j connection and ii denee otho wnndefol effect of dr v ri 1 u- i ibo oyaleon faho pxaaetn hivin for aom imepeat fas i ere aware experienced creel general dc l if my system attended with eonalani and alarmin irritation of tho thnat and ijr i wai at yce own inslsnce snd in cnnarqueqcr or basine read capun mcleans deewled texiosony in ita bebaj induced to i dr tnejds fsr famed s ma pa ills- 1 irierri it i cnnfess renrc in lbs aoee than in t nf iu linz vffi- sr i nnabouaiiacandjr euw tn ac knuwledc ibal i bad nol trrrf u tnna hcrofe i befso to experience if alglar effeeu ad i may wear ay srilh captain wclean lbatl would nni be withoet it for any oonsidarairnn 1 1 has donerc norc food than any peer aois reme dy i have tried snd if thia atstoment deemed by yneof sny imnnrtance yes have me full cosi- som lo make it public j 0 tuxlson- rabwsy a ic 1 i i principal 0ce 126 fulton st sun duildinf n y 105 soulhpoah street albany and sit the pnneipat proteibi sod msrehants fcnersjiy ihruunnet the united state weal tndiee ssd lhecansdta wbotesste and retail sjrents for canada km slon c w charles brem tnrnnto c w ly man kneesbaw it i v h liiei c tv john vikelnenn w j hn siller montreal r w reared and dr p r piesuu qkbec jj muson snd j bowlee ascot foe burlmeton vtthw a peck or barkers ivvative pimass for bilious complaints pains in the head giddiness sichft jatntic 0t stnictinnx confinement of ih bowels jc ejc- the irrcal demand tor lhse p it a sutjciene guarantee for their ujefutn in ibe above comiisints ntfrnerens tettiinoiiiatt coutd be riven if nececary from nernn of the vtinbr8 arcanum kxiracte rilhis medicine baa accqired an exunded andastahlishcdcctebriiy ihreusheiiihe cetintry which ha been uund by its virtue andtfflcaeyelon a cmedy let scitofulaor kin evil utcekateu sore throat lonratsndin rhkumatic artcctions dursiesof ih skin while swellings diseases f i6 bones alt ulcerated airecujf the liver dyspepsia costiveness all chronic and nervious complaint occurring in debt litsted an catbcltrcemtitulieias diteasas caused by an imtuke stale of tbc blood tb altoafsum extract it a com- plclal antidote te lb icrmas evils produced bf fte iniudlciotiauseol fvleltcury as a spring and pall 1urifier it en- nol be ornswd voiking its way thrnugh he avifii vriih ivni endetfecttve totcc ckansintth lohod kemovin dyspeptic influekccs sooth at- ibe nerves resnevine internal obsirediees and diseasesihatwoulmoiherwiaacaesernjuiy la tbe llvek and lungs person whose ceestilations arr hroker down by the ef mercuhy arsenic erquiine and anyone who are snflerinst from diseased liver or an injudicious vteatmrnt nf any el the abeveusease ahonld use tha arcanum extllact witbotn delay in numerous maianres also nhenutcers lion had hid hate bnibltment and hone and wherein atlanpearance no haman saeati hoi amputation could havesavedlife patients bavebeaifisnmchcd tromihe frave and res tored lo health tbe devouring disease heinc completely eradicated by ibe useef this ioes tunable extract tne proprietor or lh arcanum ex tract have bad this medicine used in all tho above diseases villi the rrostralifying result in usingthc medicine neither bui aw nor nleanre need be interrupted re quiring only ibo osea restrain of moterlion indict and i equally applicable and ernes- ciooa lo the infant a well as ihe adeh pamphlel iit a description fo whauhe arcanum extract i applica ble with observations on insensible perspira lion and a treatise on disaass in aerictel accompany each bottle ajrvnt are supplier with ibe above pamphleulor sratuiious cir culation price 1 perbetlle prenarefand sold by j winer hamiliet- canada weal anl john wmer as co 83 maiden lsne n y tor sale at the aihtneitm rook store n hslmet and c heaths kington alt ibe respectable drtjggitw through wawa cliftons hotel montreal rjphe underaifincc hevint removed jl from the colrdwnie springs in montreal take leave tu inform lite friend ht tno public that list ito mode urrangomeni with llio proprietor ofihat splendid establishment so well known lo the travelling com raunilv aa rascos hotel ah5 iatx tulcv for opening the same tjte hoose in now being thoroughly cleaned and put in the wat ute of repair and will lie ready for ihe reception of visitor by rowlands unique preparations raprciat ratrns of s mhhm nigh rcpulation enjoyed hy il ttie hi the litgii reputation enjoyed by tin hotel for an many year render it nn- neccsnrj tn ay anything relative to iis situation internal decoraunn nnd cm oris ond sj snlrcriwr ptrilee him- fef ihnt iho bills of fare wines and attkndancbsihll not bo behind any ecn in this hoiel hcroee end tbai his whole attention 1 a- given tn rooderthnsn who may lion ir hint ni their patronage in every way comfortevto il clifton laieof ihe conowt outr calrrlekia splints mmtreal fell 10 14s i33to iirci smiktv tjik quktn hie h fl riiimt ainrnr tin oovat paaitls amd honility of chlat o it s t a s sj 1 witr a ti scvfral sovesttlcns axis covets ot kinore afdotlvcitsallv vkfraneoakd cftcsjicd uow lands macassar oh is celebrated ibrnolrut tbe smem pt j nnis sad ivkr 2r fvtontbtoeioalkirarof h tuir f il r0daees and retweaaar sfa fkrm f q nd h v out c tip phterm jt i nothing lhe skir whle of tbr j baoe ipjaifl tffsifsl vfart xirl if u t ia i 0 se j ij ikotjd be without facai an ceies o tudden suinns ihenoeerout dissases lo vtaclt laasj htiroan mcr ia liable tlr ia seared ene lbs lympioma of ivhteb are nol aceiaaaty i f cwinced slate vf tho bosrcla and loibta n msfif 04c lltriroiiein and ewiti nuance t n- pre aervin ii slimenure cjnal frtrn obatruetion ia a v of i l arimarj imretrtsnee thit every degree of neglect ia hheym bf more or less of io- cnnvenknc or atiflvrmj wltcn habitoxl eoalifo ncaspeeeaita lbc crater tol vjfoc of health ia soon jmpared sometimes bv ala decrees mj at other tirnearrrorerapiole l- r the coaislilulirm j and in numbcrten ioiances particular veliete tho htbiu are seoeiary or wticre free ivn- ia iftjiel pertoanonl ill beatlh t ihe iviftfi rrsull ii ins4 be obvirr in the mol supelicisl obcarver hut arben tire ruicti mi of ftaiue i n lo are l r r doc rejjulaiily asilance mint be befetsatal from art api medicine lbci necoreimjjiacri my ncceasary and sut be bad rcceursa to until lite necesaitr o ich aid ceaaee hdl it ra a qovnim of eooaidrrms irvuiaivee what larilivo shall be cmrhyol f ti in nf aperient medietnes i erseaiss but lhy offsets on ihesyavrt vary comijenmy aienc start their iriuoence cliirhv n ihe esbabnl vrasi err on fiinvc part of lhe burl only whm tbe aciitn of i j esienda inoo or less to the wlsto rf the ii- teatinst canil tne latter class of apkitin evidently the beat ad jled m asbviil ilsi h mtml fnli ncmcnk if lte u jxtc a they sjvly t ad ditoial cieilemeot arfuch uatore twn rre r asfist ber in lbc pumvinanve of kcr ccejtvned rkjnetions it ia prerihy on this bites principle thu ihe pilk nnw offered tbc ric are nrrnsrsj snd aa iheir anivity can l ietrkd or lesnttd rev ely by tibine larger or jai tiai only furotth an aperient mcdieiie i leafs w e- rsl use in a family ot are s ate9aasjl wa m annwer most of the purposes for v licfa remedies are necesry tla tails are not hnnfovcr rermnien srfxlelc for lb cure of am ilscae aneb prpcst a ore wnan thn icicnwrs and only l fori or rlctei cift iher wllptevaa wualk rratardv ksf um aiii1 alate of ihe nel whicli lay tie fonditibn of lattcksgtrrrin of thftao oectclnnil ouinaereaa ti aliicbhil ao liable and f ell 1ia rjrvrjeea which srisefrnn aiheclicl 0 f tivastv macbandilimemsrreirl tonreikr vheilet benefit will be deiivcd from ilia ir h i 1 mrsa snd prtinaieltcllead acrnani d f xiovj rriekneaa innl llejd v e atlrtrecoifniesa prevails ii flalnencies mumi attc thcmm nyeocemcnlof clilc lhe eael s3es jjun dice and in ffnrnilietf tle ri ion f wurtnu tvyveuiicnoetjnfiiernenor csanf e in the diet mudemtr eiercise vll aaaist their 0 vol ion ondexeirnee 14 prjvrd that oa bhi aperient titer f effi iclone any bo taken by adults and children and atao in arty ate of pvnacy- fl elildren f fv yeiaf e and upwjfdathryny berejhilyeiveniioaipiaile oeane or jrlk snd utua a iold ibey remiieb more esay ftf ethbirinn than fjdir or other imv medicine prenared an im only at lite atheneum book sloie vtnesten sild in hsieam i- j gl rich xt l n sbief nbjeel f tbe rvassef in art- serhsia lhe pill i t make i hem generally oarfuiina cointrj wljrax t1iorirs sro ilh lbs nljrcr and lo ayid r mperioama recip cnlaun lher i parta iaptd on eaeb ila arhercbf medtcsl men maj iaa iheen f ibry aec fit snd peranna at dlance can get tbeni prepared si any a n ears shp j wimers pectoral syrup of llorchound a nd eiecam i a n e- i10r th soetdv and effeclnal cere n cotiajbs ccus aihmaspitline of blood vvhoonias h u vi creep or hives con- snaiption plemiv hoarseness fains and sorencasotlh breast and liinjss kronehilis a disease lhat sxveepin hi dred lo a pre- mattire grave inslei the fictitious name ol consumtion can be cured by ihis memcinc tlietiul sympinmtof this disease rron chitire couh soreness of lhe lime er throat hoarsens ditneuftj of hreaihiny asthma heclic feeer lhttl or matter and sometime blond more lbn n itiltacnalion ef vrliieli tine ibtmside of ihe wind igbra or air vessrtc vrhich ron lhroujl every pstl nf lhe iun tu pccnliar virtues ef hi compeuni havaforalnm ime atlractej lhe itlealiei of the meilicsl profession and public and i tee inlme1 lis trcrnue hem irrlrd f the dcrckpcmctilwl iiei4ctave portcti uulmonbricqeatili which the prenrielora arr now able lo gratify and present ihis medleinr to the nohlic wilhrullceofldsncc of it sein ibe most safe anj valuable remelv everdia covered snd aaploo le all diseases of lh lgnr svhen any ef lb fouctien de nm performlheir nsiural or heslthy mtfavia it is nnivenally believed thai gcxl in ht providence hssnol amicted his children aritf psio amidiseave without al the same tire jivinr i lie oi somelbins in the f arden nl nslurr lhal will not only tediciehol in many cases entiroly relieve thea with iheae viewr sronly impressed on our minds every orr should feel acreal irsire te invftale te lhe utmost of his power the great arena of iiilure and to draw fom that source tha instruction which lhe wisdom of man bar failed loalain in prcsentintlhisatlirleln ihe pumiejh proprietors were influenced hy the hnp thar a medicine prepared with moeh care an strict rexardlo lhe chemical prnperlies ol ilr several inredientshoum lkelh lace ni ihokisands ef irresponsible nolrms of d3 whieh lhe country is dctnged rne use nf on beule of ih will be snlfieien he convince themos cal or it beneficial effrcl prearer1andaeldhy j wi ier hamlls cnada west and jom winter fe c- milattn lnen- yfnt ste al t nenmtrook star kingston and thf syiuj scenli pjrmine lea a hrnirhnul cararls 81 alhe- en palmers and chsaths by all respeclable 0ruggisr its celebrated medicines tllkfotbmnemejicine arc kept ntnatanib on sale l tbe atbenegm uook silyrs jjaffol street kmalon vii wtscimaucanumrsxtract forihe ipcedjonduinanenl core 1 all jaeaae aanang ffoniaii iinjmic slak of llaowortj winivllsheroralsvuupofhorf molvdifc blfccampank for the cure el vavealss uwld asliimconsimpiin ac winmrs canadian vbrmifucr- tlac bet i remedy ever yel divvrrrd ff ft neaaa winghstoonr aciir dawpeva ear lain cure for lhe tth ache wiwiampiioitatbi nerve amh iionk mnimknta certain cere fvr the in rlanimtsloryt seiitic and tlironift kliiimatim vvinkrs family ointment frlac aiivif3rvfiiu wltho swellinrjs kbmalitr r iwmffl t4nctl wlvlssciie aipecdyi safe ond ettvciesr remedy f tort tile tnvelhcf wilh n eitenaive rxnrty f ccroin enlth and afoenean falcnl hawnoi n iv tcm ctlle foit worms w tht rev john nd of iej tily an ld mp of ihe datia r r rolnavmc t1frtkel at 1r t founn street iri sitvroay pan towatfi drr vr in m vn jrnu a atalrinmt d ihe from otnf saimfuf ill irian aha ii render a henefn tu ihee i have been j vaa tedueet for ni thedyapepaiaancnh tlial il avsai tt wslk ft kiep tumt i a skyfr respeelaui v liii bsnrird i ivnend4 te llsasraa pi h i l conat brnefil i tb of ly s d vlitt ateatifj at ui iu the 2t it ncd tci l na by at irtflj did had a arlucl rovered ife niapftf mr brad- arei ciirerneta tivaaaarseane anj nre it e f l a scahi urd nnie a nuitivi f reii frf both lbecranplaintbt 1 reeinl liilte- benratunnl i tm paajr mfnira f ka f nua which ibimitfh ihe hitidmeaa tfertt baa restored me lu ftstatr than mv usual lira- i am nar rnj- hettrr than i bav fr a hoc nf yeaa i am n tv tari i ar 1 he it lobaan tnvtuahl cneilme and recnin it lo mj aaaasrieea seeniafer meh are isrfe sa 1 bve bcrn a saie mies ir yaata i imps thia hsaty kleh msy be t rt r jf il fta -rr- jonff jir ii it notice the north western nsckanck company of osw ego he a nf il moved in nffiec in the exciunci oflcc in iron lliel omario btrcl avlitvc ho h prepare tn grant insurance sheriff s sale of lands n v it coi i r v r rtkvkkjstarcitv avatmht n ivlieiber from satssgplaatn or 1amiji in fire nr jangor properly f in la titl nnvemser ej4t- m t iiunters 1vixews cjsafjlas vermifuge arilantedra allcases ibe bsl re luedy ever yel discovered for warms il mil only julny tbem but iflviofrsjie the srhnle vlemjsnl csiriesolt the minerhn- dsnt alim or snecu c prevalent in lbc atomsch and bowel especially el thnjein hailhealth il is harmlrasin its elect i the system and tbe health nf the pslienti hilsrayimpaovine hy ilsit even when m vorms arediscevered ihe mclicirte bein palatable no chim will rele tn take it not even lhe most delicate ilsin andprac- liralohservslion bfondiasasea resulting tro vrnrrns accompany each battle prepare and sold by j winer mamillnn canada wtffl snl john wimerev co fi3 maiden lsriryf y fnraaleatihe atbeiieiim rook store n palnws c mrailkinr len anc by all ihe resectable dmeeist hnencbnht canada c e iinving bron ap- ikcomparadlk black alnpnu ink hauvfai vehattr woturr a arr i 4 r tuk a tixnt book store knftontanaija vvfsarf or jfeo ressrs otrx fair re if vrfjfjeef tvl free it fmr tttf am awawvv sad render it aaiatfr rsrfv v ztvy fnr catilrvai it it evperislly reeaan rnesdrd a frminj- ibe bai- of a pr mitr t tlese v hate aodnomn te fineeanib avjas we 3 dts faonly i m resjeel me small iu gj and dvutbstsiie fla peehaiireu to yi-f- naruod and rteefjg oavvrirxr 1 liiljn it sjsjs llrf eltieaey macaafsa oil fvihlie lavi brra bw rrcavned by i dreafol india i it tsserj etaaesl evey cure a bead nt hair again r fcer fea nari bill a ropers eieellent tt f have r vrbilatifl ns in pre my erpets minlimi iistbict bby vintic nf e to ivtfi i jl writ f fieri frirr incl nut nf hur mijaty court of ticn bench 3ml tolmel rncioh agiinst the 1arj ami tcnemcrti wbieh were nf jiltn heaalip dc el lhe line ofliii ilcath to aiify john frevtr fi rni auin iilsaid wni men- linneij wliich the aij hn fre lil lately rsjenverej agiinm james william- inn ami wjllinm ferguann rvxtcntnrs nf ibe bit will lard tcaiamem nf john llcasliti deceased i bave se unit leken in kmih part nf loi twcniy- f in f i ctiiifrrin township f kiiijplnrt purr based frnm hilary duptty esquire hy me vaid john helip for merly in the cti ur on nf one thnma cnrnel prt nf lvit lwcntyftjr in firsl conrcvinn township nf kingsmn enn- vryctl hy nna thnmej hntve in ihe aht john lceip parr of lot ivfenly four to hi l i r isioii nf kiiiofinn rotiveyott hy one iotti lfipourle lo the iij john heaavip west half of lot number thirty in tho aetonal cnnccssin nf lbc lewsaihip nf camden east 100 rr- psjtl nf inl ntimhnt ftiriysix in seventh concewim nf camden bast 150 acre part nf fat tiumlsrr forty- ihree in ninth coneoaaion nf cemden bawl so acre and pari nf the kief half of lni niirnhet fnrlyonc in firl con- l-i- i ff camdrn eal alt which hmd ond tenement i ihall vr for aale at lhe cnun hmic in ihe city nf kingaiftn on sattnday the twenty tevenih ly of may noxt el twvjlve nmock nrnn t a cohbett sheriff it d nairr cily o kiclfln february q66re i oirrct u tlhgrifpas sake ti wil fj day itias fif teenth day of april nnxi at twsjlvr oclock hnon wilt beeoid ai the court house in the cily nf kinjslnn lhe undermentinned lnt nf land vtih lhe tenements ihercnnseirad hy vir- innnf a writ nf fieri facta issued following suit viz william c clark vs- charles johnston lnt titirnhcr i67 in ihe city of kin eton t a corrett sheriff atfe9 sherirt office mitfanrt dimrrct kinstri j nuiry u iis aeeuierl frwivr uari rrirteilr s t adviwd the uae nf jar vlosme flair ttr t hn tr belter nne nl alrr p 3 m aetl etery armorer tf a acsr head f ia atna ileir le the saeprrs bnth vf meir an4 fay ilvrjmt mtine aimllireahdnbaain etl e v 1- v he te ihe venje nf arhreh u i easr aa hanl m a t oad of miraaeiera man ened and f carrkvtlj rr- rinrnrni4 lliai 1 vtfiu fjivc nm lri4 ibilirwst cacellenl oil vriu rrl fail 10 4e an i am r5rii tout rrvf4tieat errm j wakeciesatel wjithlv tnjjc near taunton on ihe wtaprr ef each 0 bittemiseecaiicaiickitt i eihearrdsiiraeales v all el iters are spring rowlands kalydor tits oriental buamic prepatan f uiifaflmitirar ir 1 1 i1 r llo sp 0tnn all ptsrlrs sfn rrirtpa rlttciis fsveslts tasj ad dicoioaativas iicahnr slwl 5tics n ksrci and pridoelaca wv srtd an admired sdftfj and iij hi in in wnv and nkk rnce i rj- gd pr bailie uow1ands ooonto or pearl dektsfrice a stajrtl paveaa sna vic trrti e mpnneded of lhe r i fn rerhrrehe i t j thr o 1 ii cradieairs lartar fnarn lhe teeth rcraevta apta if eeeay putuhes aj fnvsejtf tut r j ml fl mvrt fare eaof pttiiiir rii rjttl aafer aa r inj perfmme is tit ruiv price qa d- rnir bi lmrortavllffqnta770 vnr jl lhitdvala ffr lh aake ot in- comrounusnndrr ie same 0 jacas- mralll kuvotrandodontu wtite uflvrr lhe imptttd aancliri t rneahv and the h- f 11 if it leje lineal ariih aimilar al- ifsnsssp at iceftimn ihey cjrv ike kii mdtft- ti9tmtnt reinravtj 1 j t 1 j ji j n ames snd a4avsf utt the icshj ut the nrjeinal j -i- il is llirreftue viflilw necenaiv la ee lhal ihearejid kowlafds is do lu wrnnprr ef earh rlirle the e arneleeare srllh rftitlakds rahnauepkurmkrystiars bwsii- rcs aemprd iafy hy l kljssf n ukuthklcs iteaasaea cvrraee an- tnara tiiiuue fj i lierrtisla and prrfrmfta 0 purrtiaihc aeabirc sate srflvfsfcar issi plfavs sjd rvlail hy rrrclwe f krasuta and per- imrohtant information caution a rowland begiecau beinv mia son teas caraltb lomion an the ni n 1 ir k i led j the aurnnjiis q 0 t tttlif i eninfinard ef ikeie nsn ninu- hsj isfss nf maessvalb oil- and uoujavn saasja mnrtfr the sheriffs sale of lands midhmj diilrict lgh atur- to wit i km day ihe 6th day nf may next will be sold at lhe 11111 llotc caty ssf kinntlaatau nonn ihr i i n- lnds seized hy virlnc frf an excnin is5ucd mil of thn cnxirl of queens ifcnch and to me di rtcted i the tail of jaquesadrienpicrrebarbier a ckoncecavanach vvstsst 0uarirr n 9 in the 2nd cnn- ctfhiatii pittburfli t a cofflftt sheriff av d sheriffs ofiicc kinrioii january 2 1s13 lands for sale rphf snwriaer have the fnltewintjtnh i in the miotnldistrlctfnrslr south t im kt 1 in lhe 3d con pitltfcuigh w aerci nn 10 in the tlh cnn richsnnnr wft ncrr south no 39 tn the 7th con camden 10 teres weal j 1etnd 15 in the lib con kenne bec 100 srre hot nos 5th on omen c00 arcs let no ifl 6th cisn 000 acre cummingcc uacocwella solvit or ic k i ir -1-w- 1s17 acepees abe fscirc pvc katrms tmpttrd sanetivn nf k yafiy sri le corrr mrt drfitmmt vrilh einila aiteaipla at cfptiues vrtiik ihey eay the ulb uilk ad rerliteiiacnls and ti slim i ail ivikntalrnr avrrssae and afdff w for lhe real ol 1ta farteleal ntvasetasepi jieeuitceasir ha casaa ofu kisa nj fc uoavro ate kihvlasiev e4 lhe vyranaee af eeh lieais1licninenr rdivlaniis frreedine that f lhe artirv with their inirjrc si lbs iwl in r4 ik the a boaalxnd v aqv rowlands m cassar oil the encolr vileesnf ihis r l invention fm rttaritr iinnrorias aarf aeavrieiojr fie if i srr iii knowri and arprretalfd turned cmaaeai the vcajwlefil havina slnnd ilic cal nf iteaty half ct4oee if fenri i n andnhrainrd ihe epeeil patronage tf 1 ler m a jtlf iiveqacen jl ic ii prince allen ir t- k- 1 i iik ktyal famtlv of frl tit jih n an nf every cnuri of ihe civilfcl venthl and ihe i esteem ie ch il is omreeaaily laew lofrthcr vitb nutiicrufl tcmffnnials eoaanlj reeived of is elneacy a1ti1 ih bci snd jik pnfanf its merits pla 3srd7 wfeearl p4llea esjisal iu 4 ssiiai ithrod and jo ate that iris trrfr oe the wrap- 1 mrnl raeh uil1c rf ihe rowland f each l ilk nf lhe oaxuivf artielc arc ihvsc rea ar fuse hnee w kowlaniis katador 12104 4 sir s h copal varni sale atthc alhrnrnm nre tiiinr c01ai v ihe nisii in pint nd qunrr h rlobcn or single tnllle cminiry mar chaniominpwd on rrasnnsihle lorma kii ai 1 1346 uleaink uijkds for saik a t atheneum rrjinaftdatc formnflhosl tu s book store defds lute flls irmti 1mm lrainand3 j avith rarnf dewcr mriri jfcedeilh0l oarnf umrr dn hr of imcr mvaivstlaba avle iui nf jeer ttv i n oarnf dnrr avvacvmt f qikcms twehand dislriet cusjfaaf 4 naasslcellh dunk konu mareh h47 n o t i lltk vnitcrsigned pntntod aecnt for llttt colimiu jhhsbiwmincb cmfjrt is nnw prepared in iekt mftiino risk if nvmtj description at mndoreto rate nf premium thomas blufigs team raj orncr princess street kldssttm mat b inkk nf evnv te n mhcifuii ttwoa etniii lvs i t ta had a miusl lantlnvlu ml n snitcc- rirjr oaatcj m j sextant resl itk4k en setrp of rae athneutn itovk fttmf bv ihe suusciihor at hi hip kry shire no 1 lltnla ineatar iltch kcmiii uoiic mnillllll ftnd every litis strip chandkiy oci s3 1847 homl ism id- rarml i in linn uovaisuson 67 i for s a l ea hft north hilf nflns- 13 in ltf tf connf pnnlind aidv io ciiaulhmtuaht knstnnjidy 1 t847 aa ohibntal ralamic prepara tion nf irniilir cflicarr inlltnmhchls puftfy- mr ii skis ft all riuplrs spots blotches repsess freckles ymiy nl discqloratios rraltieinf j htftuhy tthntt jtj frarre e com- plexiqx and an lniied snlbeae and afefi eiveehiilic hams arms hd nrtk it s as a llnvaine and refesliin wash i i rare ur and reeiaeafs in warm clunsles and in cases nf psjaltn stin nf inarets or lueiiteiitnl hnmtatmn its airttsea infebajf sad risensirely wen arairasstrcsrsl lis prffng and reriieia pefue9 nblaified lhe eiefnaiva imnmr iheyitkn ur col rt aadlls kfvl family m unat llraiain aswellaa the paiaeipal tocrts ff roflopfi ndllst mit riimmchkrdxoiil1ty and gewj nf rtlleivihscd ulfsash fj neafareaaf wfffor kaiyfiors enlininr mineral aamngenta ulierly romcui lo the gnanpetton snd athiihi y thrtr reneltrnt 4clvn endantfer 1ieil- ksh hall hi allie uifds lf hrna lle wrapaer sonen desire f i lie ment stniht i 6d per hi row i rtaal of ik rowlands kaly- aaaa ltuwanl a usj ttaasv engraved ky f m rn lhe cosena- flised on cj price i 6d and te anuw oponto or pearl dentifrice a white tow dm fob tiic tkbth ckntraifhler nf ihe eircal arid mal reeltrrae i iaeoeaaf msw nf inestiaa hia vimlc fr eereeeir a ih tervia av ff sa ceisa in i rule f iflfienl ridvratfranl anaialie prnpeiliee havenh ilietourt v royal family oy trkat iirltaln nd the sovkikhn am nooilitv thftouullout khropki uhitvuie feneeal ilemaiit ainncc anaiiinees ihs favor ia stilish il univrraally held rirfc hmasjs ufr caivw tn jcmh fraud tha ftiaernwral stamp aaamlhe h k at v tihi altiietl r raehami hunvlaniwmarawaroiiicaly rior fa shine aide rkurumiuv mjaiw nttuniikn e inivrled ar hy mresra romin iiuothguei rtontt canada uassall lsseeat siitalre iwf hernial add tr fiimsre fin pniehaainf rltslieia eraiar fiwut cntttfitt uldksiai1 ty raelable rimial abd f naeaeta rpilk hh1timi i ativkrltlasttt mwiiuih in tte tmv hv katavasitl jl iaaa- nt ih m taa4 eea am titnieraii