British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 19, 1848, p. 2

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hstferer fr saoa times p ow- wa crmrlncd to ttasv jwnonigo- flu ebipaddtd la ptivalo iclter 1 desired lord kor manhy incae any uh lclinhimd tta e pressed to hifli at oar i state thai lew rcc e ireland 1 ss patrick day ia3 hem1lev upon a a tta of mertb wmli drnaonstralinn lion given in thoeporonai and wmiihw i be node lhrjhovt lhr whole of ire- the reception hmdlji lrn cvwjry- al- uod whtck waa to strike terror into the ufl lo men rn fom tniurliiui- ivsrn heart floe iklocof ivalehoo wn circumstatee ore amitsd lii rl kmjp qjoicr borcver instate ural it any stiltons- j landa reception f uovuiamy iuw it altmed ryrsons realty imaincst and comi lathe occasion in i that he miht be mite in toy overt ml ol treason their pioceed- our dealins with ihe french government her majety minuter woilm jet faiiishonour- my and openly and under 10 crcuma- ec would there be any jrrnund to suftpniin aaiticroui or ibraalnmr effectually checked that we woum enarc in ny intrigue holilc my dipilion to tiottncetod many of ihe to the povernment of franco- lwd merlin- proved compete failure it with reprcl to he departure of the bute tannot howetff or eorctiud ihat the ex- nd dulchett of monlnensaer ficm knglnd sratecl state ot ireland presents many atarsnint jj palmeion cuitudiclvd ilc rrot that trrdiraiions the lreeoname tine adopted by j tt h4 h araay in oumqrnee tf r 1lllrarepeal papers in whrch the miter j i jitcttvciv of certain iwhiuhh in he ts evaporated in jdle speechr the over whelming prtpiniooi made by lord claren don lo trust any rnoislrr fneeline howreer j ile and cnillenae the interposition nf ise gflrrrnrnl increases as the grmntj i iriiaatain says m iihprovei eeery day mr vjtffln milchrll by hjj wild raii ml pooner o- ucerhrinjk d tjjn bilf ht wbcle letiejht of ihe ijw- he heaping cou of tr pon hu owft hd wbiju ni5 fti rvllow eonnlrfflien fq rfic wti iht- tihrne iaws laj irero fatirrjl ly tl rfovmonal ciwitisaatpl of fimcc ui 4- drd- i hie rst heard tht n- nch cwi hvtd- oce confnfte ol aiy hiinj if fecliithe duke ard lgtcif r mmlpen ier ha ben fod f haw nr hflftirimjff ofhjliefof hf khi h al all j or h- lief of ihe fc mk al al rveouno w-p- ii iirfitan iy the crtmmlnj m iil of that k h willi rffiifd lo th departure of the duke 40j iincoilaue hut ittf bt rrnch o he tir rjorrdjif ho li ailowrrf oad ni linrnhcf of in iofaualtd urihrfleclia frltow-re-jnlry- wro to periotrte deed of violence tvhich nst imait with teofvld retnhtiiion on them- ereea thia fi of the fate of komu vilhji li 11 1 villi and ptriolim aitiur uieearl of clifendon al mhe ttim u- jff majesty v fvholioner ceiteral 4d go neral h1ehee of lrlaad datrhi lordship l hlf rr-djjvf- o cnmiiil infoftjlori and threaten lo ineeve woon hi vjp- aod j duchf ile 1hilpeotr il i enturly he re milt of their own choice rheert ani to farfioto bein lh cojuiftlcncr of oy em- mimkaiioii made by the iloue wij at ittct e thai thte oul he mary rcawnt why it woiisd tuvchren ticdrmcf h mtjetya neramonl ihl they wiu ua uycd hte inrtead of oln ava with kfjbtrl to the wluk of the coti lvjof ld hiwdi foe a ircilv stith ftit lu ovule fvfcljt sccljj oji tle ame rigid werk afer week m boy ahali bate produced their effft the f- feci 00c 0 etreet eivt but of deliberate tie ijtet tnm uhici i have ee- nd aiieertal rmnteol o weej ireland ceived from lot ihwdeo to fa- uil lev- etear ot brflfih utiefierff and ptatt hr rrero pairh eonti soformatittti ejhctty of the ffiroci 0mmhica1rt mr- jon 0t iih iafge mated by the nome 1 namely that jo eo dptecatet in a jtuilic tddre to the ihe mill of if eommnoleatir with the people j he frowlli of thi lirent erlioj rrazifiac grernirent led him to dvir ikt rien ooly retort ipn ihe him m untied iri4 clasiic hin hcuam tertilee the coteifctiitn hall ha io dew rreeited an aeei of eiili itt the konof the rett of mttovi w1o at hi iitfaratiari etyjoeal aod teiuhnfe aeecaj bul hip tli secitou of the heteal m teoiitraeoateialereeoflhcnfedrtaie tceaa hee i9d vapoorinc am tj linj ihemelee ihe irittt voioful goertn- jbenl in uiu tseiied conjimckmr all the xwef athofiliea hate pieaoiid m6lrraes 10 tr eiecoiire dedarir their nftfijcuoin r coeerrentrd protrmiug aaiut ihe altemjih made o induce fiance lo ilfferr 4i lb dooirljr artait of the ife of le md the itwi contederaltnn haeiot reoved lo wtarte a ieenntralidn in tlit- oini air avrm wed al the xartli hll on ftwjay lat when the elder mr richard otiornan loct lle chair- mr obiien m p and tlte pccenl nf renhhfinj a commerce ttealy on tceoivtl cf the leve trde- rul h ote nd 1 m dtpatch jutt at the moment ol lire racket mcthtff meagher mitchfl dvflv nd ocoeman figured in the poceioei me j iii mitchell of ihe unihd riamrn tta the 6tfivjoiar ho eatilcd vfeue erf ei niurrecloii u 1 j the rol of the iks inctdiv that or mr w s ohnan uiu he ay lo form a nr contbinalion of the ilih eple uoft the iimal raci to if ih little or no htelly tlie ie- imj after ttart yeparaled aunl 1000 of bm haw erer matebed ihrihuh t cilv fvur aweat paveafk httfea at the catle jjales hut were to well walchh by the tiiee lhal n breach of nace look place ixt cnma anl of the brees si e mafcctey aa loqilt eheered hy ibe mol the ieiaioii cf llir hfcfttnnrm ifiuil tie ptovalfc including tftland eillmii the nmiow of iu icone te i a u pmf 0 that fcoy tr lighten the bajrettm of ihr ir eeivry ethap eire tlan rwn uriel jitiee to he eajllytaxej peoio ejttfiw il rfcthvasif ee vf tj thr outractoua linage potrj lortu at the iwnnr lfilf and wicot libel pummed an th ourai filaajm bae at lenlh rooted ibe coeetamenl lo take ale to prosecute ihe brliefc warranu h been id aainat r jaft milctclj taa adilmrislihel ph tnheil lo his oaorr om ako acaimt mr william stalih 0biier m p and mr ttwnras meaher f walrrfoid who at charwl with llmin aedillont jeer1iei m muaic ual dumin the remt iit ijc loqjdti club ia lhal ihe irfotmalion tuii mched ihe toerrnent thai the abov parlies wtlh ofner haift been discovered carryinc ajo ejandestlne eofreapoadence with ccuin jojtiesin frweeof a hlirhryjjinff fovt chs- jtgamy ftftlbcy unity alown touch mia jptea men roqd bare oern only miplacj j macetroxa fon skoittov thfipartlei charted with sedition mw smifh orien meabesand mitchell al leged at the head vollce oace a ihe i8a noeoined into recomaaocct to amear n the court of qiieans drnch o ihr ni day faler term oitnely on sjturijjy ih ulnot ajrij text tbay re ctcorted to the police office by cmrd who cheered them iuti1y and on their return they were accompiiicd ly a larrpe number of the ppilac whoae noity rfemomtrarions of acelaotaiivn wee conliaueo until thev reached the commiiiee room of tbo coofederaioei where mr smith ourim al bu brother lraeernaddrecd heciowd glorrin in their marljrdom 5ir mitch h declared hi determination to publish arii- clea ia the unisat mvoa eivry week for iht purpoae of creaiin diaftct aid di- conient amonrxt the people jn fact there vu more aedtlioi the street at ih wa to be found i ajd publication the ioformalioni haft ben forwarded th the crownoflce hy ise maeutrato thr iraeeraert hw apiiri for cnie nf ihon o3arinout docoiv which lb clrrt are ihaao encased in waking out in mtnaji the acditioo will be rtftiuidurj tbicuii ibe eoitotiy tv crown solio- f nnlewiaik h eftt retaiuers 00 th pn nf ihe irwewuirth i mr jooatuo iim q me lvbit4de q c aid sr coluian 0ujh ttv lntutnen with i ahoney ami frdicilor tiirif uih led me tp think it powhlt tb a ernne nf ofklnlmi might jjeha uhe be n hr he ame tm i eanset hd out to the t r u v roflhvhtil exceciatidi iji the present abtf btieillhatil t kkrl any cufimercaal lvaty can be hraturd the beiieiavllvi aaeve toany father ne- inisor any avoidable enacmiiil of atah 11 n 1 lm r with x l f jfiuet qod ibey haee a oct of nvlioti tlat cfeat urimi i o deifdrnt uoo the draaiu thai w i wilttna tucary no oor corource villi ibat cuiilry oit alrboal any trnat which the bra- liliao fjvcrnoieitt ciay lhuk hi inie upbtl il by expte we have receited le fjtawing imrnant irtenieoee oo the ihth ihe inkatlah of cracow pe claimed a repnhhc 15lu irnrrfeol ufe ude aii ot ihe provie day the liv or was n0vr1o4 fcjf the pfpft h mbrtis wfr pvhliavt wkrutfa tnriiccd in he e- fcancr a wree h been id by th ren otilfftitf fatttsaic aijihffiinr tie e-mab- kifmi t of dekl for raw material or ftanu- rursited ffi fir which the lutif tn resell evonw intfrmeii mitinc iheif va- ine ttet cotlcetloa ire made tfanfafbre h enilbeoajiekl ann will he feeread at i a the rarw of ducmrtl tkv will bei the ifejopcf the retihlc ad the uepou wi wi i irr lh prveciot m ihe slife tlii con r aisih apianni irov luk era1i env h 1 lite itippoi 1 f rr ibe filee it j j te r tatin of i opivici fffi nerorttt ih i ray he trti t a nrw kili tinerom tirv hi 4il of in utfeii nie t atiil 4n val 1n1 icewj avtrtc a rysciii tv- iapoiledto the jawllattf in rin tlm day than it all hcprcvio eyectbea acliftf upon ihe literal meaning ot the words vonr power arc limited which occur in kedm jtdlirts circular ihe wo comnarlenerahi al buhk hare impend ed the lodrmeot of money in the handt of hanken mopped law proceeding forced honkaof difpeouot to become banks of hnt aodioipcndcd caih paymenu a projrel of lave il i ail it in hand to allow ihe state to tsy op the railways from ihe companies in whoehandt ihey nnv ie rjivinioahareholdcninlicu of five per cchl alock at a giean price geo cavainac baa beco appointed minis ter of war on ihe 23id infant klla having been pott ed be ihe belgian and cerman ailing iipan ihe french lo ito ibtm arm and march with ihem to beloam and germany loeib- wb republics asoiit sooo pcnple amhvd at pjooft who however con tenter iheanaelrea with hurting unit latioftal ik4 ah idea ol war i4lh the continental pnwer h al an end except as tcards ria- if ihe pole lucit willheexcediny dihiculi to keep ihe french people from ruitif to their aid the gjrernoe t will in all pro bbility be comjiefkd hy he premre of the rtiuhiiodi to inieirvrt jl will not co ut if il can he avoided brail will ao and cannot reyit any diaptay of aemathy for the tali- a arty of lwtouse piih emirant ft pati a few dayaince with ihe ihtemijrt nf penrtralin into poland and lamnif the ilaolitd nf revolt tiiircnttntrymen in pari arr hakiuwilh real atxivty to the ftanlu nf their exnioia all the knia remdtn in or vuitin pai have received ul order to leave tha city ioimiiite1y tlie pairs yvirnate of ttiurliy stat that the cnmiioir of the seine had been tfi reeled hy the mxirttr of lie interior to con fer with ihe bilih cownl wciin the claims of imiuh workmen who had been ox- p41d fiom rien a titvixtnz jaloa7 teat beeinninj a he maiiiieifd by lite wp4rinriih at tv ahxrdiiic limiiidtion owr ibem aumed hv the pi titiiif lud it ft ay tt diet j4 t4i ihe re lurie far lli ecconj frn tie tirieinf wouj ml aoiitl itic i covem uepa bit5 hare keen recivod in pari gektiala ano p iifltlv mr srram vrfin jmiinvin the imwlanl fcl tlii minbardy omo rant or two olher wl be lh- coanel fvr j pu iarrectinn il h ua thai the rnovt- ivc crown the armj attt f s ihoa refer l 1 pfneiitbon william s osih obrien tst awtd jifbn m ichell placed nb terdae ftvalla tvr t hi eemmenii irelaivl in oeiti oeio it is brtnewfiriie and w rule in it hay lied lime in whieh w c4ft diuvtenre iht hve l and thr turt 1 pmdir kiliit ediri phi ta nr a i tflh putoft nl mwtvd kiwn he fact if ytvtjiy we mm btfiy all the pal ae1 1 bet heweroilh iot that 1v7 dtered from m in beat th- i llmtlu ihr iv tie pmlri il iat irrlaaulwai ibe aj end ai of hp ai aj liberty ana proputv of he vo he i oei of lhir4vinw i f i re tow in iht tj of tt j a a rnovc ment eumttncd n ijan ani ltrtf ami rniei a milan it i tnui liieolmii rla wa waviajjotei ol lie citalitiii the fottoari new earrrnirr f ii abftte aiajieaei m iv ltt ri- tirii tlt vrofity nf l4iatary havrvl mi ram at lit e n ke 411 iho ifto tf l j js like a hzu 1 r j liifti 4t rb4im wti 1i co ri v n wj t flhc iile1 nw fti virfluft ij t e is t m f a nil rhut in ittmte vf mi bn ihv tilofin 0 tlta thond r4aokh tdetnaiad ihi r ii iinlt- vid4iarteli in tbe or0 f i uiur motit tiii rftntamf bating lerr fivte j 1 1 g0afrjatts tie chae air- thee leni ihat fbey mend teaiim i aj aril eatenhtrj lo eacte vhum n her ha- jiriya mlfeeb in immhi irie ti-ri- nahiy for men n iihi ni 114 rt oi- e- con1efiilmnl oisantiitrrat ii aee ft wimi jml et ae- le ifm people tv u dilconlme i sltimef f j iw lintorma 4etal will t l atarnir- ni of dcwient u tn uqi isw ntvmieijiifiiof wruem k ilie only i all irf iho fttaiiie ma rtnr 4 an i rnm stately ihe ei bslfra ihe iltt and tilrslid a abirrei a rttie ijavj hud nrei fulftwek rvtita can ere b lot i and aee of fakajavia e tww p f rll a -a- er s 1 1 f c 1 1 ill- t pc-ljite- j i iie lr v nvr f e tej nvmi tl lunir iepea a vr iter iau lef l ao utcv evvaj tev of ahiltrrv i drtan oil wiii i1j1m iruuli at a hrt limnre tntn jlija he riad tlie kpott of a 1 rum airtlher arn1 say that lb imel f the i jiire 4 rt im kv iioiin and huri 4ut 4 1 iif4iotti ltavitirteni irlathd urfjrr trf t rf tt ft f pdma tmlli al iltcita 4 rfiri3r fnvrmail orfce ojl fi hne jay 4in the iiijen mne a u rker of le lnttlaa uniijl iie vli pro- 1 viief trrfi ivjj rctoi oi talent alvkti frim milan are in the 11th iirvfcpf at lha je le iy wa rlau f coanpulf iftiirmj jso f prerj jf l- lrpnr if rreil ji ri d 11 all li kle 1 aw teo a r r jj ml e lj arj i 1 1 i 1 in 3 i iher- i i ii 4 1 4 w4 my r-a- i a 4v hi i- e at accrclntmof thellnnirian cham bvrv or iht 3ed ltati il wai unanimously neanlrcj al ihe inuanrt ihe opoiiim laitrr to mnd a dr j mfatioti i vienna de tic hie inmr1iale etabhhmil nf 0 fjnii i j 1 y inut cortiiit ernmiely t liufijaana enlirly ittin fim the a lveiiinel a alo the minidtal atudition f tl omrou ue erj iril eftrm in ihe law f lie comlry the time at which ike jeeiwttio hlej al vi ina wa ft ttinat the duluthncvf in tie detailed ha brvkfn one uiiiut the d rnand wan under c oirtl j c ration we have advice from napte to ihe lot irtanl and tfm medina lo the tb 1 hey btinc unleaant intelloe that owinto the emteifnis of thr kina ner having ti been commniieated le rnnlet vlarm th- iojt and thr neattun tenxn wi iil en 00- up to thr rromiic of the 7th the bomwdmiit fim he tita1rl anj fori saivare had continued al interval nrtfi at a tm t it hriit pjncipallv diectnl iejip he fit till the hrihf the vihtl ntnr1eir4 l- vy jjeat ettlewl ihe s-va- dr foil lal leu cairicd by lrni mj ini tddiert nie pfivmier happily the v h ann the new laf the nev toiiliiwti a i due and it 1 10 he hpij wviiid jn a aio u lumlwi mjh j k h met ali hail arrived at jcanara ami lakei gj hi absl in one vt the o a p iucc tfe cmmrrcial lrlem 1om vijna ate o the nnt z decrilioii the whde conntiy h ard to he n a slate nf tfateftil entlititjiji and iim taii cmtfi dehie and pjrtal co j ne or the pp liate been hnn to a temarltahh extent n ll ouinleiunlad fntiuent if tlr ntj ai- ule ara mmvehy mlcaliii a if ji netts it i ad arc o4c hatrie i y ite atulec h defire them f i i daa vth wavaiilim kil not t aoj uay been re al 4 hrtwuij ftii enbociikd m lff tn4adlhcei jttavil uf vienna prooiiitial new bhvnswick v rrceiverj the ft jehn carrier nf psterepf that cit v- ihe it tltla the lh ux wa prhii corvaiike at fthff etd not mel ihe lifitatnre at fielerin the provincial c iait waa jfy ikrd u f jt4ll for lte parr me of beint jir-in- he hvie f avervmy i bv whjrh w he lclalure of that pfii ne 1 e lfi ktreilenry sir llam it afii that a ih- fionjie toii gatka j g o rp h r m s r with reference ti your teaentalion of lh daldjhe tl ar inaaijed oji ihe h hh 4nd pnl dover rh1 at a irs ac- tjan ae tniiea apart i hve th- h te vittfjl a eipy of a mier ijevel to llin lewc uphn ihv an jci of jtur iiloima- tiun i ltve the honor to ha sir your mot obedient ne vault j wi dcmcomb toorsaiilhm p pmoniiej j- g 0 cyrwji lraprtev mantieaolaleh jllwex fl hta flt hon oirtlinot eou llat lir htaittij mpkha thdaycalled at m efhc lo iht t aie in ihe im eidirf fj1 at gile fv l and sck1 the itaniltmm and port lover hojd iheif bn a dtlance of atnh i niijca be- twtente i an 4 and but d- taiire rvtween 2 aid i ant n pim ovit to jrtu thai trii i 10 di rert vitfiaio if the nevitatiokvf the j3lh t mjy jat wheseiq it ia aotalrd that tilu are lo vr eer te oicepl wher tao or ihre mre eate the mine nad are dairf within a lea utlance than lire mites oiu foan ihe mil in which cae f jyoeu ai the ritsi hall car tltv ae twtid tfale and 0 on with ertf illnlk ate vimitally placed liid tu cutiofi voti that the exaction of tu a reptcfeanw if correct i clearly il- aa and muu be ilncouiiujtd v hvtt jw s j vv hrafcomb t g w byi ki n thow tie frttlation nf 10 receie in acate 1 than live anile apart apfo to lumicroadi if the toil it tffiffj fm d ujihte the parlie aieved mkc an iirtuicdtatv apdicalion to yovev of hi steamer either for the tranpoitaiioci of freight w ithout lrarvhimni or ihe unve t paainc at reducad loten dck pjcni and a lew genllcanen in the eahtn will ostein aojcrior acrojtmodatioai util thr regular irip are announced any informa tion can ue furnbhed or arraofeinrh made u ub ihe amu mewl h w k k hwav rrmifoo ewlalor british wh 16 oftfif oe oreo olef yykdscsoay morning april 19 meeting in chigoe- and the leulltivf c tcil i it coniitv court rkfom loon th ocreilm our eoi- lemprary reinarhii sittv year hae elapaed iee ihe le- lature ha tael in thia city ad now that it ha been clearly demon tit thai thi i wot governor eafi at hi mere fa ehatte hi eat nf gtvenifrvul t- arv cift ol the rvvvint he deaie we haie no joul the pfje of xcw brtiruwiek will vetitioo tei lalt liu vernmeiu lo have t nej at a ait mot ad- aniaew 10 the pfviocn ifcneialjy uiau iu prevent locatiimi after the uual comirkfll npn ihe jrila- lioit of the pt rvia arid thinxtn the iunaif taaolftbly ff thir ee oflletanp- r li m ki r cmeoitel hi vh it sn the trkic n the ftdlowi wod n wf pmn itwrmt ctumn tie avfahf 4x cteuacafj lff ffrr a lhrrf llei mjity havlrt heer jjea- lo e niiire my aerviei in rilhr irlr hi i th last oean on vrbtch i hail hare an 0pflcliiitty nf enretrr yag 11 li- hve ln inod 11 wiich i hav- bei called in aiirivti kfemm if lii mii ce lljaeharii tn aim tn enpjrv pallet ve ti itb wlict rv iav seen einiitred lv ike j le and h pi p wil- which orey kav hcen uiriwi tinj lie th- dad i yioi ai ccineftt hrtve j e iv rl imperfectly tlei4hjtd i anticipate lhty viufuniled cxttlf aittetl by britih capital and entetie that thia object will he fiy it ttioed ajn4 anjrfcifttion of lite prinei contitulio al govornmenl will ik hihy con- dtieiv lo the occr of thete virwaand such principle- will rientialy v found in providing for executive reponihility and a due veparalion of administrative from lcfc- lalive funclim the pmtet of carrying on thee imieimanl priicipie n tli imemt of all ar1y divmm and nrilira while jl homf oit a ttiarniee for their uccesful ae- civmpliihnen1 atfink ij me liie moi hearitvil iralificanii haiz onifornjy oniicaiovd as ar a it la defended on me to jolcr amonct you a piril nf rttaaifirily he chane wfieb in lhre eventfrt time are in prrrem ihroruhmtl iht world there can lie none i fer nawrea in the hereditary feeling with wlieb ynii have cher ished a regard lor nilih inriiltttiiim hmu and princij and in latin fearo oiyini i cuaoimanf1 avroier drirc f tyoiir wel fare iocil an oliliral llivt bv epe n earnest vrlkh ibac le may be reitrfth- encd and cernenled thrtnihoilt a pmvmee dettincd unieer lvoidtce to attune promjtir ht a tan anirl ihe pjcivu dc- pmulcncfs of he ottfh kliiprri 0 the 2uh itii a number of dnetimenu eeutin to lln- n i iie crtlm mii- luhmml in lilt cofiiie were laid wore the aenddy by direction of hi exclhncy the lieiiteimul gawifiv fron ihcia we find tsa 11 etausrnent in utts pviq9c undci the ham of ciiims fler ihe ecvl of he lmhriadntir wilt bil st jotm coitroter of lmtw al navi law v1 ut of j atelpte clerk at 2f ami one at cio one i gtsir of lni c3u0 me if and to aci ft c ils 1itauataiieaat si john xi 90 ai si afldt a rmiririle oe xj5 ami a sarehor arid iierfc ci 3 a aliramiehi imifar oltirer with ir ilariet of flw nnd atlos fopeciivelv ad al each of the tot rvvim plaet a t wuiluu veilii lh alaty annexed drcer xijoj ricmhifk xij dbrt 1 xmrts juimk xmi camt ells xi- majnijavxlij slsvihen xj th- piucial jnlet ilvajvur non lh oiticetf umlcr the new a iannm will tie 11 to enforce ih jittvitttflta of lheni- eainn liws vyh ret vt- eurii short iioutk betwrknv on tario and huktts ffc etracl the mlowtn mfe 4 letter from vter perrv kfl m p p a ijrtjed to the edilo o f toniio hie rnr one of that duw w ean he rttwd h 60m port whir fvmery hintra 1 vvindw riaibur tfq hire bav jn irielf the reat ttffsatv bay h way nf ihe nanow brid- w v rtm arm n lake smcoe av 4tli 4i nilr horlet than any r i r al hitite for thoe urio hem h reat lake and cojertuently one he mant thi roote ha hp tboroo ly examined surveyed and fllfw km nraan hy ome three or fcaw en jj knfinteri and pnnnuneed hv f e 1 af tea if not belter f f we ktlcmd anil tonuently ft- rt dewijlion of road as that ri route vf ihe tame dilaace wj under thair orralion wliph hi wn airvd and the foofev pnanvu jw bf ihe wocr y r th kavrnritai tvoivrar auj of ie faewe keen rr n w9lurtl leciinn beir r iviislby ad seufo hoad l hpnej wa exactly on ihe fl theaiinihilamiereforean iife ix ajedy jaded and mw tlir jjac will br duhed du invreask in the kcvfnfe a tlf tfantti aee to the cenvpvraitf e rcternaorihe evry rna caman jiriiea cotteeiej at ikapvaia nfiejnt itd ilanirvi fte ibe iuatcr ondm in aonl soie a ffoliffiftf irvfsvh eaieevd altaee tle nttr htof i theaataetir a d m i ai rej from 1 r-f- aititeevlf nfrimflrt the anatevd alaleroenl emifi colrecud at the lm ui trnlo in ui aprj r 1 ini at5c3 2 it dxtnnfl ame qoitlar in l47 ii g ineeoieinlm xiol is 5 kvlftf eathet aeiier man one honored ftf oent- in rvar of ihe present ear tw tenieti a thi rvtenue was evhelea1 in em fm the united male iaieided toe 11aoihvtn sehtch in ee s nr ol the want of eeoatl fireei treee slii- ntent eio tototah te have no meana di aeeeetairs kg ihe aetmt w eyntvremr it i kheaejd rhxt wie tveioofvl will apreddy iaj tircfirs lalfpaawlh nemivted lo o a tttow demioaiti under peoprr rreuulwn te a- flnfanee and eiifae alttnctant on a jeitrwv t o davtaat avi to eolr fnoja vnl ay dnhea which hodj 1t ovaac at hoiffve aw eehi ol eejie im- cewt that have leen epnauet f lime nod an which 11 ike dote of the iectiivc i rciruva wiihl a mny rrpcanrlorvf wbut the rvveoo f rh advice eiu cumoares o fvbly witl tiiat o4lected dunof eirm hvdma peied f ut y ilamilan 1 t ml behind in the mftjienwhwm uai i4wliw tn mr pine cd-wr- da rhi pt at weve kiodtr lumped ariib tapt mowin irtucn oltafit doiree e3ected t too pact ef llahuititnl dvtnf lha q latter eodiaf io april- ld t33 4 1 dirrlng aio quarter in 1w 3s j4 9 inereateio l4s xis 7 9 4 shaw teg an odranee on the quarter of qklii e immtred ano nmely jrer eeoi- the tarnit jlrtimtfoawon e fw mn a wherh ta have a per vet riehl to rm to tv ae waim make tha comparative mcreaa roo tteruj urer two hoodied per cent skvtltai savjm bajtk accookt or tmi canaoa coteav in order to alford every aiitance to inhitnont and provident leitten the caoada lyeanpaiy wilt receive any iom no maitfrjtow small the amount raav he for wlutffi hteit leee hitler- may not have immediate want on oyptjffcnd al- inw inter al ihe rale m six perum per an- iir for the fame but it i clearly nnder- tood ha the full anaoont with inreal ae- erued thai at all tim be at the disposal oi the tettler withogt mktk for his ptir- noe ihe cotopnny baa oened an account which a termed srftcrj protvitvnf or -sot- rojea fhy ifciounl thiu atfordine to the prudent lattice every facility joe atcnmulal- inc aokcieot money to putchaae the freehold of the rand which he leaves whenever he eliftoi la do ao within ihe term of en onr bntabonld bad harvr oany nthr unlbf- teen mifor viit bun he has always ihe anoiititdeitrd with intrel accrued at hi dipoal to maet them the advanta ge of thi account are confined lo th com- pny actual leie ietllei duiiii the con- tiiuance of tarir leaae ean aixn miu- nhem mctioivi frernsturoo rm hh f mhs rriit 4jritd ami form j v j nlanktiij anrl ixwn mde tf irnm the xaidnvertolrrttalbo reer dercon- taet ani wi u finhd nl iilat ply uvenlveihl lfc of xh ir vciion whi- le-ii- ine o tieofoft lh irv rt xle which w j 1enlsaiii f thr gvrmmeiu xsttf it reason that ihe ihf t iiaiivvssj cwuv anfvw chwc auo completed oil rrference lo the ma- ani charts it wi le n th4t thi route ix by if ihe moit tirect between the fir west art east ay kthrhexter oweo ordenbnrv ke ec ihe latler binc ihe wrxem lerreroa of the real bntton riilroad with it mrerooj tti- bninrief and that the diataii fromvvr mackinaw ri between lvkedluron and mnhian which will continue hreafier av now and herviofore to the piinl where ihe hulk of the vveirn trade andtaeel will pats i a rreat if not greater rv vrl sania at lo sitnn bay tbeirhy th nwn conclusively thai vo other mrrl ain authiir whaieeer over him in eftronce to ihe water comrnunication wllbi hax a d eided and overwhelmini advwax er every other in point of djilauce fvr that part to be uud by railroad lw ktrljiccxci a trial hsju wff kore mr jomic ly aj a which ha caused no liltle qsp the ciimnenial eotnmunity nf miiiel the f irl are hon lhee 0ft4he1 is13 a p of ihe name of ww- rtdiiljrtn lvllinen canada w la he olfic- of the ajent of ibe ml j viiranee coavjijuy l kindlon i 7oes oviock p m and insured a ciw laden or um ladv at pn lke ontario the inaurance to pinon nf the perveiii day tsiti- the achonncr t e- wa lot on thcvemnr of el or mink j of nair frm ml ltii y a brilwi vrevei aiid lin the producv nf ary ltji uutiit neiti t ie- 1 1 vefv ol lii c is a cjiwn j tv h crfi k it hvi i v 31 to fdmsti i 5iijin vi ith ihe 1 iw c oti 1j ihrr the crrynot n ovicy in a 1 v- lb- twtcs the 3b uavin keen cvidenlfr r in a iall and ahe never wavhe ql hie iniiraoe company fs- j iirtitmncci chieflv on tbr pleas s- tbal mcftn1 coicealed fion the frff rl fwl whicli were wilbir hde at lire time of eitcciim- if l i kcci a tlui the wheat was uxvi e f trvunmlpulat preni that hid been forced into the jailer pu ft of tteathr having enckiileiej a- which ilic vxa mid cro had ae mid illy thai mti aware of ih oa of ihe che iiwuicd b carn scrcral w eiincl vi bath aids and tnai a full acennntrf the trial i ifuiiicdiately pubied in a u iinj l teiriin firi what eoutd b vry iinpvrfecl luiemefll f fac riiltrcd nnrii into diitft lhai uc would parnii mr rosv lite plaiitii inj conducted the 1 hiiiiy ikt j torn and crvm ars i1y in ivhfj th trtof xvfiiaey u a lcae ti eral of ad wn 111 ol ail vtraovte eitectnj inwv end onwards till to asaims 1 ihe rrlaliona liilberltr in farce ubkh rtraifd ihe imjanrathni vdc frxn ficf emmr lifte pifs ami n nl oilitn at of ctaraica lj all v rk drpariiuj iaaa ihe tsmu mav itnmm m r11 fic lajk er nkw jiwt a lii ewniir liaere w41 ai rtteiiii t r 1 le itsiilt ol n w uuii wsc the miiild hmetrclj iiiiie into ta vnrttti vvareoinof 3le- j- llijaiuand pcecdil lv lh- gtnrt and went out tlifki h hyhl m- then made hi wit nc l ibe fovf nl the mav pur ihe uvk fiii john mimv ml itvfcfir rrm tii of he wilit- ev amhttatt wirfr im4itl hy tl acute n a 111 i 1 1 lb a iul the lunrance comiiy won that theiiiirrvj if ll fion inelack f irtdai j fli l hi put of their a jniirei to the jhy irm fan wm vel 1 when he sej were unjefatand iboiit to be fitrm t bel hut a unlm wv our limited pipcaied i j with hi n mexti j and we edit on did xz and mo mr eaira- crtvv-ev- jiice iijict wa- i1lci fiiti ad hi litaai- dtiwii ihe chimney fcbnnl u lri when fie w niiau lftitee1 ant further mi ncevuiil of the line bf otiiiis malle av he fcndej h- lkn fanikil it miww in eitneate hineii hm reoiaineh jxmiij m the chimney ii wa discovered hy hi nrt prlcnn crii inli aveial iauiin j iot who endeavoj4 10 oxhie te hin fi the lop of the chim ht w iame iriftirw liisti wthu zvi n ub 1ia prrfii hi- lnih i j nnl ilt wh i tie itai i w i 1 wiij tti- r m v h i til 4 amiit li- 1 1 r 1 ir i i iv tl ihe 11 11 v i tl li r h j 1 tifrw iv m 1 v rrttihiiipd tun srrmii ptw tliit xrivvil al iti ajit her firl 1 iat well uilewwitb pa vl iw availed otnervif hi i dt lwul hec leday u ntieb aaieprivvd i- lriil luttwe vt hjd h in devoted eeliiv veynef deck pifr im abjemraiee aher i fry ial 1 lv nn the i ve and livl mtd intfiliiil i not a whit liotn lim she is calcntakd iu a ien vt 0ir ami havin a eovi ln 1 tomi completely plie weather ho alftid civrnit i-i- am freihi w hich an by my vivlin lh inllr ii or montreal tanuffieturtv m fnllv the mcamer hcralf i niidel and weviutapjiurjtftf tin i clfirinl aaenhi lw cam srval laviiii tin rwi will ti ni mviidv nei nl nn inul in t ti- ttvaniiine we imv- will ihmci manv i than fiom lnl v 1 e iviplniirf iijih il- hiepi ititfi li l 4 m llnlhaf 11- rrtn if dai- a ati h t if iwn 111 lilti el ififti hit cntirca de eetij on thrnva r fr the invilminn tt reallx iid 4 vce- 1 iti- com- viit i ii p a apied we the h 1 of ssnhar uil fion rd fm lle- ti fr dek il s 1 ill d hiifjfir are vfb hejdll- 4 nilii1 ud tt i r a v jlafirt- rnril 1 rmit rf i tn tohkc iks drsowo on ihe th ins mr trinurar and mr james qiion vf otonave and mr fenrra for of dhnme were drowned al heatev fail in ihe hir er trent thev xtatted from the f 01 of the slid in a akrt intndir v dref the rapid tocrom eay j where mrcarrhadvnme tneu ennlovd at rafting timber hut were nnt en rffter leaven theatide the akijf earn ihiouh with a bote ilrtvc into il tul ptit fien xtrm loxtern hilt neilhrr rf men we e with it 1 iavippoed that hey rin funl nf a fiefc and alove their kiit ai irtre dbmmi a intlvi and a half and the river ea- ceedinly rcmh the hodiea havs pa yet been found mr carr bn left a fardry nottaittt cunev dnowitd0o siturday ni ht bh inm while two persons weto tannine in a boat ome ahorl difiancr from the town i hy come mismanagement the boat wa dpl and a j i j nf 15faraof tz by name hitch m tasjrowned oemolinoji french man thothr praon in the boat wa with nne 4fficniy reccoed from the water hy mr s wallbride who hearinf thai criei of the diownih nion iovmcdiataly hastened to ihe it and iucceeived in aavinc bemohne the younj lad ba not vel hen twoa iklicvtiu nvrugcacer daowvjd yesterday forenoon ah in nlfltli thesmnf haiate crevea f from the bank into the river moira opjavtiie m b fraickf tanny and waa tlrownrd the rody was picked up toward evening in the miltpond of mr jcwaa cannif lb fval acciowt on some day aj week thursday we thinb two men in a canoe were croitthr moira helorv wamtxid mill in hunatcrfofd hy some ace idea i ihe canoe waa upiet and one cd ihe unfortunate men a ihaclcmith named memuilen was drowned our information 1 rather vajo bni we fear there i no doubt nf ihe fac thuit the ixlh death by drowning that we have recorded within a few day- lb gast ltewo hmhcd nftha rohher- afiiwitealio iheplau anl it i pvtmiia ni reneeallv hanico 1it lhe ae lrih mi nio- ne and ttj oien lrc ttm aeej vpio rae aad there w no dhfaltf in pon tlt the itfi d aiearade rraett ral nv itn- feal hn he tynvmen wth iiiir ere nearly u ed i ith had ei nve creep o under iheir 00j ana item he lrfi that nuny nqrva aflcr on ntteflflitnee ihercfine nr itfti onhs hare contiived in amaes uja antm of money n- nuru rei4innej ac fw 1 1 il- 1 ino iontli lwnm n the tenver hx m tinin iwtfcfv n11 wtiile droik drpp- it n ihe dectii ad ibe bf hurm- tml tvr f j ouiaiiepn- rf lrr ihmler ai k nod i 1 a laet thai tie ou jen- rally trere rnetiof t mat indndehariercr w rwan ik a kf tliewbs in whieh vm emevrd nil ui el1eea a invitee tivelht dfej fct ivnt trtnknt the nne 6t llje wfecti of th r-i-en- mirnt ha1 ofttererl in it em f lliftir vilue ihe ulwf only ti e aeeheti hd 1 nlrie iitkne value hu iilnnr ihe leiee of iltr ui irtiumirn lyia nl in let ih1 thi wis th etnil nfntt nfe m iraat wllb lrii m eetn theafl trqerihl fieis tnm he tnmf jnl rhua the nu i1 ttey ivjhi wrre 11 ie- oonr ibeaiek fiji n iniif r pe imi mtir reenrery the rei r torihr wife ot no dilcimi rf ei 1 het erirattlen loheia i1nt emiij aipx arrel vui lem ihin th he alitte i ti riv- mabitaaa 4flinl at aro m nt me i- n fit i4 the nunm ij nrrta p1 a yiee4 of vjyj fa rie ltxiue atoy fjr hy lftcr wiieri have been reeejvd iu ltth w lern that nnr inhfati lnl- find nkertell aivd tor knlvij in ihe i- tti on ihe t26h utic and ibal he sail ilutn tit lini ti eimimene ihe ihea1ient rarsvfjaiifn 11 uiriion siai fe 01 hi juu we ae ird l elet foi th or untion ii ml 10 nake ituf vt silnir sen will be an miua1v hrilianl raiie t to tie latini whfeh will lr preeii1ed winlhir ilreal will iexy ihv nianaciv lid tide vvrmtivit maiu- to he tetr m engage mcl i lulfijlm mot iiecvfi ckml at ltnrie lurhroi couiifr f- rirnjirr in li sni little itrinnl vi in ihe n tut ri town nl nu diiipaimee nf a lihin neajed ii thi haa reiidesl lhre u- 11 natitmijrly vaetlisl thl the murtlend hut it i kdrcidv t in enlriiilniy iktltlclllaia his diniunrance ifjwtion sffiato icr arve jhonr- -rliine- il 11 ha rwn neel at pumii miccled with it- f i i b f jr -i- linti f njiriii irn yerjy i crivjly r- i i lit s i ijiiial m nur owl ivt 1 a 11 iri- d t tiff it irf4 in i1 m v u r1nd j 1 an liniatl in i iiil 1 4j wrimmi nir n in mifcr r 11 iitiwl ilnileilotia me hi i a f ivin twf tha neai new from eutapo nwy be expect ed towatih the end of the peent week the 5trea sonii aatled on te 3rd of april ond the relar mail steamer tattfii on the 8th lie taller is iboretote on het i lib day nut the new mit h politically tniemling be cause a fotlntihtin timei like these brinp fonb a mullilnde of event lonr salnr- days itaue we hope to be able lo allay ihe curlniivyof out readers from montreal we bare nolhina new whasocver ah the new ministers who have appeared before their constituent have been eiain returned by acclamation mr ilinck is on bis toad to oxford to expiienee a like reception nnleaa another mr vamifjatt sheutd aijaia inurfere between the people and their choke mr luitcstn made a alayof a couple of day at kindlon duttn- which time be inspected the provincial iniuattoey d made himtelf matter or many of the facts connected with ihe cabling newnapeioulciy aainit the management of thia involution allhoub nothinsjia known officially il ha leaked out that the new militate do nol in tend lo cofljpne the varliamenl until late in the fall although ihi procraai nation of the promitaid reform look nnracion yet it is the only wiae course for ihe new men in power lo pursue the experience of lt summer ithi n thai a parliament camiw be neld in hot weather and in iht tarty autumn in tiecesilie of the country compel every man to mind bif own bovine coiiieumtrjr until after in harvevl it falhertd in and partly dipoed ofnn leadini man in canada will beat leisure lo jejwdate besides the deay will enable lhminitera to dicest their contemplated mea5uteere they propose ihem to ihe country for adoption anolber report jerhap not o well uanded ay that none but tlron lartymen are to re ceive office in future tbia f probably rnund ed on ihe recenl appointment of mr ea mcdonellarmf mr matthew ryan when the retormer wer lawt tn power ihey di puled and alienated iheir fcerd bysfteit appoinlmtnt of sdfch gtnilraaii as mn stanton filiaabbon and olker lo hit occa sional racanclea il was tanlantoont to a confe3on treat in iheir own rank they hd uo loaurisguylica make public offices thif ertovfitcri d tiol intend in lu rrmnit tstiwed that the onaervaiive teouid new koowinxx apflfiiit a refaimet lo office they intend to folloattheame policy and carefully proscribe ihrr tiitiiaivyponent the wbafom of 1tt line of conduct will bcahewn mpe verye- teuivcratlinjcofpeudoconeivalivs when the malemetuj of conervatm i io loaei allended with pecuniary henettt present nr popective il wilt he alonisbin to se bunt few sincere votaries it will continue l ose ihe words conseivaiiee and reformer arc mere terms drjjjnaliupaiy nol principles foe iiwlnce amonj ihe late men in pnwtr htm morri daly mcdonald anil cayly vrere coostrvaliv in name and like sir ubit peel at home were expediency mn in praciiwe of pure conservatism ihey did not ftptcar lo pi one join and on the othei iiit tvltfl ttff l ttml 1ilciurjtltee ir iljmelves he furmers they are so mere ly hy c 1 c nm lance beina in reality amonii if lrongsl and purest conterealivrs in the land being so in principle the lime ate fl approaching when the truth of these as- citons will be made manifest young aiexandfr this neve professor of the mapc arl has riven two entertainments at tha city hall hey were both liberally patronised as ihi- trentleman ha been made ibe suhjert of critt- cism we shall jive our opinion of h s merits and ntetension- he is evidently a french man bis countenance indicates it and hi miue shews it although from inn resi dence in the united slate his english smacks ttroojrly of yanhceism a an artiat ht if fully eiuml lo bliu and superior to marshall l sac and other who have visted kins- ton hi tricks ate inenioos and some of hem quite novel water cfianjed into 6ida was retnaikamy clever youn al- t vender tonic apparently a common chair and placedh before his audience he then look a large tin pail shewed the audience it was empty and put it cm the chair he then poured a urge quantity of water into tha tin pail lit a spirit of wine ftre under the pal and pretended to cook some soup fie then covered the tin pail with a lid which he showed lobe also empty and when he averted his soup lo be cooked he look oitlhe td and ihe waier was certainly ijnne and in jieu of it were half a down lire pigeons the ingenuity of this irick cmiied in spiling rid of ihe water and ihe introduc tion of the pigeons and as itwrisdone on a common chair before the audience il certainly dserved the apidaust it received several other tricjc were equally ingenious narticn- urly the feal of ihe shawl whichw recom mend the curinu to see with their own eyes as it drrie our pavers of decriptloiv yunne alexander tdays ajam lonitht fnr the bensiu nf the luot of kindlon his ivmstiipi the tanor hs kinjiy granted he uall free of cliatvje fr this ireneroteut pir- pose which will no doubt be well filkd qrkg op tub vtrfortx fihe coallany oi hetier tueadjy ill ivnpnhnd sree riianvv it in ibe cay halt m t ani0c peepe- rairasj liaee un made by lb omuniiiee tle eveiiina rnuriamment will eimmenec srith a collkiof traotlee mt1ur uf mtw me t- he hhvistxd by a ved and iliwilmal tuu rcl in nhkal xerral hdlef and jtentkmcn vt nramjaail celruiiy u uo part iv cmcetl aitj he o pvitirnlj cnncert o u jurve in rocr umi ilve nmj i o ubku chairs rutws he in remvre lltc eeaniicneetoent f imayiff far vyhieli rrluv qndrllo ftanj o esaeaaty cnard wo le to w onlwn tlttnauy ifai 10 pnumi a pmcramme rnery dinf in the canetiwo imo will u under thr d reun uf mttltaaam wiumf in h liuoof need rw bly of men are a lsefajl firemen tapeein of nmirlo lljttl ro euarsfsvst enoii hw when tho viiihmi fire rijiiy am in need rf sofm haae fn rwiarepaey fr ilea hollar nftfaniaolm of lliirsririy ieitto turaa hw the poafeof khic- ln i hiw i f rslilodo lal all nbo can at icd ibul rwieco fn n est hn cant t iv tickasa to fleo l ihnfo who c- that uic ogv tinl nf ratitiinvl f-j- thr dark frwnf can cormier was n j ytlerday mmirniit ii entarin lite our initii canl ihe uml w n j art and the wa heavy and the iee1 hinjehed tn iitd ettnek lire sulk prr hie veaet ts j eifl aeek bul n lire wera lui city couwcit- it ijta own tiroktia blottmf april 17 ltws pacskkt his worship the vayor messrs wilson smyth hill anjlen bnrdea baker met fiterm waddinham mcmahon channonbouse allen llahm simpson crawford minutes of previous- meelinx f- comsturvicaviotif from young aleiander requevtin that his perrorrrjljtr no tuesday evening jhoutj hcoiidir t4rekat rename of iht may 01 and council ko action fiom j niekalla eqcterle of ht peace enclosing the llepcri of the grand jury with retard to the tate of the dol crcfcrard lolhe committee on police from ttititcc of common school com plaining that in consequence of ci77 bein due to ihcm they cannot fulfil enragemenla which they have entered into ftefviitd to committee 00 school from do mclean superintendent of common scjmuts claiming the sum ijd in the a from all taxes acdio the cits meferretl lo committee on schools ritirio of ale pliiltip statiui that he has been illegally fined by the police magistrate for keeping his routing alley open after ii oclock and praying the council to take ihe matter into cotiideraiioahcferrd to the police msixtiale il woum appar from ihe tvidence brought forward in the petition ihat the puttcemen who prefarred the charge after leaving the bowjiug aueywent mr f wiilings and erujitired the time and were answered that it wa ten minutes pat eleven 011 the clock hut thai it was fast thev preferred the charge on the time mentioned lo thein at williams wnhev- nol room to glfqlhei the ifthalt which erowrft ffi tb risotutiori which waratfvf1ed- movexibauttiin wlw jj aldennaii counler tbel ihe ccwrdffee aftf icdntej 10 ireal with the comttirelal i ofc cliff praying for the o2ceof ciljj surveyor n action of jame grecnaway and noble rela tive to irmauendanco at fires for which tbey hrf been fined no action of n plsnrr q relating to nuisance on city property referred to coamittmm city property pfltv widow of james nfma formerly clerk ortha maiket iraymc ibat heratw continued in the situation formerly occupied hy his jathcro iciian atfoari of finance committer rrcommendtnij ihe paymral of several strta4tad ovar tilt nexi meeting of committee on carters luling that tbey cannot recommend the removal of the cab stand at the present lime of jselect committee appointed lo confer wilb ihe cnmmrrcial bsow with referenc to the chancery uil staling ibat in consequence of a icltvrreccived from p a harian esq o he effect hit ihe bank would willingly meet ihe select committee prodded ihey were willing to grant a decree in chancery and upon no other conditions the majuriiy of the committee had refused to act adopted ma vviuon spoke at somolenglb upon thi subject iuj trcmiinended ihe grailin nf ihe decree he thought ibe council cer tainly could not be put into a worse stale than ihey wee there was not one of the conn vrrrh vwi wmpihtvnv themoiiry i ihe bank 7vte bank woeld eventually telihe decetsooner ar laterasd he thought the council might as wellgmrl it at once ma aictchals ihe grant ing of b dpcrce and would do so as ioi a hn had a seat at the council board he con tended that the old corpocaiioi had borrowed money illegally to build some twenty or thirty rops in the markvl buildings he knew that ibe chancery cuart would never pant a decree to ihe commercial bank mr conler theyll gel it al last kolhey wont ge il it was bis afaatsh and irm be liff that if ihe council gave the decree in chancery ihe tnembet round ihe couiicil board woum be obliged lo resign iheir seals to the iirettom of tha commercial bank ma ctmwfoao wa in favor of gianting the decree it was his opinion that memhrn of the coajncil should act individually in this matter as though it we a prieate abairof noundi shihiu1 and pence ma hili was in fasor of granting a dcrec in chancery j but he ws nol prepared to go so far as to have a chancery officer pul t ihe city bui mm- to regulate the affair nf the city it had hcen d nol of door thai the money ws illegally procured such was nol ihe ce when the council were called upon to pay they were not prepared for it and had recourse lo a suhlcrfue very often 11 tl in iith case fur ihe pirica f ainiti lime me did nol believe tbey had ever sought to repudiate the debt mr rjianoxilousr opposed the granting of ihe decree a large sum ol money ome x 10000 or c50oooj had been borrowed ille gally by a majority of a council comunsed of live peraons ihe chairman giving the catling vote if the decree were a bo coa sidcred the members of lhst council would be the sumecu of the coutl of chancery mr v rrtav ihtrnght it woum be vesting loo much jiower in the committee in allow ihem to errant a decree if the matler couhl he brought alraul so thai the committee should repnrt the council the terms proposed by the bank he would vote lor if mr skitil said thaltlec dank incur very well that il was on account of the council having to pay outstanding debentures that they wrfo ad paid before ibis tbey kntw tbia he did not suppose ihey could have be authorised lo aascnt lo a j cent- j chaffp eery ptotided tfaey can agrt with ihe bank comrmure n lo what amount is to be annual ly paid and the lime ot payment n abso tha time to be gieen hy lho bank in case of do faoltby council before ore decrtehall bajolin fcrce hy ihrbaak tbe conrmiiu fr- rencrl to ihe cuttncil before an ananremeiit i jjnall v concludrdp and no decra tn bs- con ftktd nnil assented lo by the coirrici mawl ky alderman anglrn condcd by afri1mtn sriyih ihafibii counrij teimin tohavj iheir committee meet a commiu froi ihe conmlrciji bank anj re willing 10 arranaje all mailers with the bank when the arrangement i nsade and further ibat tbia cojncil i willing lobiiiil the ciiy tfeaanrcr hy acl u ilovorstiot to pay the bank the lomnf x30tw per annum prorijej iheaaisl bank becomr sole creditor escrpt the english n and according as the reenue of iba ty incrcastf lo pj aaid sank more in to- aovtoa the bill for meuding the ltarbor acl waa nad a lirl lime and ordered to be printed tfcl council adjourned al neat if oclock until ihis evening a 7 ocrax a social session of the disirici councillors of the township of pittsburgh was hrm at t hone of mr a- gtivbjan he ojj mon treal road cm sal of day ibrlfth april jbat tut the pjrnoso eauwbiaj and confirming the several qrvsenjaa of higlmys and oihev matters connected wrlb isads and qridsrsu pre4entj r1aaxs and jas bijltrv- naal township councillors many of the oerrsrrn of highways betug prcvtnt it was orderad- 1st that on road divwott no 10 john mcarther r m all persem habte for slalnle labor living onxdgt of south side of said division ofroad n nelson i geraldt and jbput ihau 0q vjj ofldj toat tbamp3hsurteyr bfl inslractd 10 proceed and lay fa the road tmtwttss r01 no 18 irvd 193rd con pillibirrgh road vision no miame parker r m 3rd that all other ditisiorof eooeda rve- rnain confirmed with ibe rifjion of iirl- sioa no 6 and 7 in tin vruag 0 uwthcl which are to be continued as one diviiaon aw ikfrctornre and that person te br statute laovramaaiddirisian are lo wctfk wtujoajir callei upon by ihe road master asul h road mailer for division no 6 to be lira officer for the currrrryear firofelhe road msjwjstsussnj ordeta fvibv taaejirear irriima dii isioowbere the work ls ftrrtfc perrovm5 4lb complaint basing beiro maajertot- sancesof old veood and robhish plied on rtsaat division 4t 8 obrfrwtliirg aajd road mlxm no4 5 and ts the ovvwer of 1 bordered and rrqurrest itfcaibvlboj removed forthwith or otfeu against tbo parlies araordi p tefel work en this division to be prftrtfli-record- ing to bjvuw no 68 rwft sth a shed having baea 4i4 fmmf middle ol the stla in tbe vifr rieftrldroad division no the ore muj diiai ii a 11 ill ml bbavuv he samtv renvovsval fethnntri r asjfciarajsaa nrtxeesl against ibe part its aartorfiie to asvr 6lh a compinl hario been made that john wafer of piiubatgh boke dosvn m mile post on the pa rib road tbe town cletk u resoested to arriu re the said john wsjcr wbo is supposed fo h n re to jonefat replace ihe same forthwilb or be will be proceeded against according b iw 7tb by order of the township crmlloei thai the contract work on rod division nsu 10 old muitlreil riljialfji by majtf buks be complrled forlhwilh acevrdlng tosiecaca- tlon or his m re lies will be tovd for ihvwwk not done at oae oclock thr session suljonrcrd john iwiltlk tottoas clevat been very iat gpfor lnoiey aniljny it cln tioiiuna wojtd tuii ihey mtul put ihe cjfn chan cery theieby nttgincrtitig ihe eamesof ibe council some x3c0 or c100 mr couavca spoko for upwards of half an hour and gave the whole bissttry of the con- nection of ike corporation with the co-inner- cial dank since the yeae 111 at uch time he mated the income of the town vaa alioul xlryooj and ihr otved ihe oank 3000 he then mated thai upon receiving aa rifcil lespnleh fcon the home cfofcmmriil ihal kingston was to bo ihe permanent nl of ovemmtt of united canada lho corjiora lion set iheir utialo vrork lo devise mcana li make the fulura meiropolia worihy of the higt borvr conferred upon st ihey acta j upon a d fotmetly pnaed hy ihe magis trates of lite district who had prnnosed 0 erect a market llonai lo chi xi8t00 eten as far hack as ieu6 the cotiltacl for ilia pteient huihiing was originally xlfooo bul thrnngii jailing and olher chicantty il bad retirntl lll0x more than ihe f mitiiel eilra slehii were nscnitad aftei he had lethed hin office tvilrb of course kit iij in tim gn illagndic fctkottaffa ieeoforfv isvltaak reiairt rom bloiuau- dlojcvaial apartlfst have 00 traosactioni in produc la bitwis coaiijb- we have a continuance f fine wradlisv trie sfurnrr ivnnrnji fell fa hpt p m with a larr freight aod llr nuber tf pasrrgers fac this morning abah7 ocjct a alarm uf fire was given which frovfd tobc until house corner of liaockrliere nd st- oeunis st rente dltt peof otjotb fsaeaasst cnifen the tuiifdinc uru deimvei it suraoosed to be tbect of m laxetujury hit excellency the kneetmoc ueacrsjlvaa hcen yielded to apoiol george okillsual joseph raetjfa paunt praneoss xavirr ftrojactna atleyn peter sherard and iwew centres in b manage of a maris rat otaoiherf in ibe cily r cotmnisstonrn of i h m fm it t rtf itfamllil am latctabeu in the said cfty- 3 mt f mosiiictl apri 17 a very litlla doinj in our frwucs maekel moilrrnr sales of plov ll had the latter ireice aaiis nnminally 7m a 3loa for pearls no change to note i fiest antivat t fajbaajc ti ytt tuis srac4l tba sifvjn- o ortieeil ihia mominr ladoaj pork and pntrf to merv nyh at glaas itj in the furvrrdine trades the stesmers haee commenced trvrrr rttj- hr tripmelvrenlacnsne vifijflarflcvciloradrtti the lacliine canal nil be opened ajfc i c5ib lost tiip weather loday awaavtaftae oifit wilh a fresh nnrtheiff sfm aloij mrltf ihisoveninj 37 dervri above astft f1wh bdffvto bceiraif sumlaij apa am tbo untied siaua steam fiiata afatammp p com- mekenatcj arrived h thi part lake ibyjfuro veraciua wh kh ihaca abyiay as the tvi imt haaanali ihiklav- as ihe carat out fiom vera cmt iha ln do w vi i v m neiitr mbtaachiwefli arrived there fhifri few orleana havlou on board mr ciihtj aitxiair cotnsriimiimer ftr wufn lira ratification of tha ireaty tha aajtlft if revululinn was safd lo be fcrmenled al 3u ulsvitini oualaraiasva iba jlfth talk cai witaon aci 1 11 governor of ytn jan notice thai ihe follow tng diy he ijmnitttaah reudei th- vrttin- elvli rtlnlnhtralloil tf tawl ally wlli tha atehlw ptteadu ctirthtafa intu th hind- of ihe mealaan atithartlfvt- lb jccordtme with ihe irmunaa nitrad lrrla by cm duller i iba amoitcaa lealtltuta ww pud in ihetr duapjtoatlou ntw yoaa april it the nteamawp ftn has at jam ihat otlria willi tlripajebra hum ibnii h ihe 9hl mil anf taianie tn laf lnf inw tht mai tntaiphliai iwltawi y vwai f

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