tb6 kut13h v7hi0 mwl aavwilm fhr onntdt wot iftrf vf4nrulit nml saturday mnrnliir it rdwaro john barkers son v thk thivum fa w nrrldsen lo mr fijmi fronts ykmm tit nru aravsl u in ad nurei ill wl iphil fkif alllwlhllr tv ahmlf a- nil fmr mittt hiujef 9 ll- rvsiifrttitniti tjt e4ihiiieiihilii sts kwli ico tiara is id tut inwiliosl sll mm imuio ttl hi alvtemshliwad hut ntfihorniminciti id pt letwrieh tgwimt inthn vuerlirrnnt tiu 9rifl d tfrt is whirl- ngtl to he it iinj t irtf 1 r- i el icgel frrlinffr tfcr it reran whm mc jnrn 1 1ifr he iti tosjvanfttrikaiinirr- h i nn4l mi tiftartlmmiiu iauliim john lhc ruixtkr ajnji general advertiser for canada west opifer per orbem dicor the athenanm book tort husk aim prvrr if lu fetjathwi tffn rnaretsv nrs fi- i aanhfcw o i- ji hyii vol xv11 kingston canada saturday morning april 22 isis no 38 u 7sww state o fvhoj vwrl iv pra hs iyfc aufrififvr 5w rrva im fkf i ri sisy- or mj hvkaj h4 i h g adu r a i vi w to j fw wtuijac igfehntuttliu job pbiwtiao a u cfttjifl histiifltss rolyiculadiihc nraavif prft f lywtcts ilariii ftffjirff imljiaadt cards blpwfflah mi m uije irlaabirrfdlfciftfe i no rt lizards sac 4e printing in cw neoifj chmm 0 the mfjuftoni f jb type icnr m business directory messrs hill st parke bakims t i- k s ittflssethmlff sn seiintocs it cmvitr orricr next nn vftrnri ik ftuncis m hill tllfts pakkk jn kirlon prt 16 isis vo mr oamekon latb ocpvtv hcflktrn lakb ftsherat agent convey anckr nofary public ao mcf til ouadi life assaranoe company dcsi mtrtftftl henjt ithlells 4c ac- dvvn il rrfictil rltw t0rt bxi iwr lo mr jckwi siorc ojvr n rom 9 a- m- 1a 4 p i if ft 181 j cmj jiih-j- t- bradley uti of pvtll akd lnpos hatter furrier- frctfce stitct klwftltfi w all descriptions of ladies and gentlemens para cleaned 0jti alutcl j v clakkk wine and spirit dealer lambton buildings nitcm tt klkcjttts casavt virgil i cos express william warjgcf c w p de larmitage generalgrockft princes slivtl kiijgston ft fow jtttift above dr uill- fo m prcduco ibtfu in cchftjc g0 ge howe painter gilder end glazivr iiaoi st kitijmou ftf mr pliimmm cjnjie fjciorr sign pinttii vit ftnd mtwrlnin tiou jnt dooracj wfk in gitierol z john s glnte aucimnoer and tr mrrctian i corner ifonttii whoinnfl penney wkulcsau- nd rt4u leather store priv sarmlkii5to dor in kfttivi- ipriull sou lftilir uppers ki ni oftlf skmt morncc ftul linings bmjtmftkw pindingi of evry jesciip- ototupkhmdersonbanicrs allonreti at uw x c kinptwn iambs oreilly i tiborge e- hendwon co sn s 0 butler cabinet maker and unhobterer montreal sii kinprton a gfiwl afortmcnl of the utet hfw f fiiroiture contan0y oo hanj nd w ak on libejl lerma 6a british american hotel j jittitt05 kuigmoft catiaja 57x 9 ijlbcdowallurribrhaticr brodk slrte kinrton for marfc up m orier on the hortcl notice for or fccry defceriptinn bought anj sotj kaithew drummond grocer wtte v spirit merrbant willnp limipp next to mr w aviuon pknrtmc w f b kayler coach builders fpa crtt ibktrtl princcw strcei ftfngaton william all e5 n tinsmith ac ac ac to duori ik o ar gbngou warehouse wellington mrcet pjfe sulcrher thmkftil for pi fftvnrs respectfully intimate to ht fiiuinn and lite public ihul lc has m n han j ft lro pnrtuicnl of every je acription ofoiftiiufaciure tjv frak wlucvi le i preroiedlutfumiuiomcft favnrme terois coppfr flicet irnn and tioware made up to trler it lw pi hca kindlon alarclt 3 iss ift-b- forwa k j i n g z848 eoples ottawa ridev forwarding line- via ottawa aiv ttldsav vasal faijils subscriber bi t nuify ihtr pubic cntrlly ilifti tlmy intd csi1i1ihiii i tii of fit cui slcamrn a titl bare lo ily m the 0aa and itidrau mwtfi itj ilicy rtill ue irepftd up4to fheipenine nf if o ttaviaintn next stitiit to firwaij nrptnv eiifilcil lo their care willi proitiputudc and des pfttcltt the moowtty fir tlie organizsliiin of miell ftn eath1ilirnvnt liavintj in view ilio pcrfomiancca rnmc particularly tf fieieliiago t and from plactft on tlie ottawa and kilau ruo lccnc5 ap- nfent frm thri fct that in chi fpience of ihe jtai trjnii of the wnt i i i- iliverlcd from iiksc wateiit in iluntc of the st lawronre many rluc have vrfcitcd this channel aliopther tserchy rcdncing lh mcarm of mlafmhi qtiite i quaicty to thg retiirooicnla if tli section of thro tbe sdbveribv r would heq to remark that a daily departure fmm montreal may at all iimcsbii de pendol upn and thai th greatest cvsj will m taken in land ing pnperty t tho various utionupm the route agreeably with instruction and direction aid thai prodocoicreivcd opou the upward paic declined for mon treal will not be uiduadtd till after it arriral at that market a practice not hitherto attended to at ft uusequoiir dlckikson jones ft co kings tan clemow jones f0 ahfllreal frs clemow ft co iqtavii fubruary 23 s1 istt winos in th woori 1 1 h e snucribr rrpecifuhy informs p i he publici that hivinq nudu laije nddiiion to hi former cchiraci he hat now ihe largest and ntot cominolioti wine vouliof any hioie in thv ttil0 hm extensive asorineiit of win well selected ami carefully bid hi at iho proper ian in now in pefjtfl 0uvr nd ready for innpociion tiuotflautif of porthi tif fm vinlhgc5 bright pdc and brown slicrne mjjc- raf imnnrtcu iiiatl tcneriflcs i c which will be antd b tlie tirt- butt ilolteil quirter cak or j ou moderate terma tho olet of the suicriler to a- turetlio politic thai ihuyeau a all limm htsifibtatd with staple v ino jnptrfrct orjcr cheaper than can he unpnafad in mall quantities he private individoaly umes villiamso olncer uwkl uiucfof public dliuicrj ballfj ftc ftc supplied to order kingston feb- 23 18i 1500000 acres of land fuft sale ix canada west 1848 raansfortation storage commission the stimckiww under thr firm efvah dewatkr brorilkrs ft co rft oivceand w- s rossitkr ft co in ntw vora are tbe u jvorictu of he ola ruawiihcd yew york uticasaxd oswego ux6plaxe bqalfs am 4cenrs rea van dfiwateru oswefo and writand line doih rtinnin oclvrctn nw versanti 0wc- tncnaacci wiitj tha lina a fleet of pirtt cbat cmjrit will run ritliftty br- ishtei oswrga zni forlt eq lakes erie k ifrhifaj and their facilities by slcamera nu3gra catarast lrfy of the lttk qntork st lawrtarr tvfrnj clinton attd rfepciur cujlon totetafr wffh x conifmplated sfamrr direct tlie cnnntea compy have frlipl altit 14011000 aches op land ilbporrttt llirnughnul mo1 of ihe tnwnhipi i upper canada ticarty 00000 actv aro siluaieil in tho llvium tnacr wvti kihiwn anonctif tho moat foriilvparfs the prwincd il has uemcd pojm lion in live rear and iiowcontain up ward nf so000 iithabitaul the landti arc offered by war a lease fvr ten yttr or fitr vi cash dinvn iht plan of onr jbtt cathnd the batunct in lntqttfitnt try uiu iry itjm tito kenti payable lt february cfta year aro about the interest at stx toiu upon the price of the land upim moat of tho iota wlteii ije asepv no money is required down tvhuit upon otbera accorlinn to localij ore two or ihrco yoara rent must lu paid in ajvour but thoc payment will free tho ssttlor afrom fortherc until sod 3rd ot 4tbycarof jiiatormm lns tho riht to ponctusr the fmv unto during thv term is secured to fh ii ai a nied aum named in ieait and an alhiwaucc is madt accoidiiist aatuipatwl payment lit of land and any further info nation can bo obtained by application if by totta9m3tpaid at the cmravv officrs toronto atd godoricti ofili itlltdsalr earptiro asphodel colbono dutfict lr acxtnc uuelpb or jtfl w datr esquire stratford licinn diatricl march 101s18 256i rflbcrl mccormick wholesale ami detail dctar hi wincdspiriu teas gfoceriea etc- prinreastitreet kingston ktessiahiacdoiialdcampfiell awiaiersoc attorneys at law rriticea et kinrtnn johm a afhcdonatn ffywpfl mclfiillani tcaclirr uu3ic pianj fotctf tuned add of uusic piano forte tuned address vvtn momdlan auciioaeer thompson cares fionoral iidlhihil anjcouinuioa5lci road street new york icrrhanladji ttf eojazb iv ara general com- pjoimioa ajrnt bruicr and auctioneer ilfaptan c- w jttbciflv carey m savpnn accoueueur c uc ktftt borfh camden east ftfluer bales painter glazier m paper hanger pnacoss srcet ifortpion ijhu ulu lj10uiliosajll aitil ftkci butimgs oniann street z at a cfiown ii smulw copper smiths and tin plate workura pwicas sireot kingston ib powroll ironmonger 6c 5 tfaro uarmroclurcr viinceas street kiri opfice to lbt vctycoeitoruhieoiieetarftn attotrey srtara af od afrnt to br let ap- removal raebctston tble5raph house pblhs suveribcr grateful fr past fftvora begsleavr mojt respect fully to return thonks to tho inhahitaim of kififrston for the long continued patron age he has received he further acquaint them that he haa remored his taveiui and livcky st artirr to iho hew stone house in olirencosueet sign of the telegraph house directly opposite his old stand where he hope to bo favored with a eontinu ance ufcutm tlie subcriher hftek- rellont arrommodaitoiia for travellers ijoanleirt and strangers in hu house and his vard shods aid stables are in ferior to itoue in the city george mixic stoffo extras covered carriajees donhlo yagiis licht duegoa and saddle hordes obtained at any hour uf the day or night kingston fee 23 isis to the pubmc the suvenbcr arcs to intvnn the inhahi- ircnf theciljr and coentrj that he still coatinf 5 nfanuac4rin th shuer ihqs goppsr ware in all it trratichrs a zood asortineat nf tvloch will stwy oe fmmd eti hsftd at his srmises 3 t t street directly in rot o ears john mows i son 11eii1ia nging sad jobaia in general wil be executed wiih utalnslts and drnnttch fjatoliclofy nr no charjex and by jrtfise hi best atlfntinn i all ordrrs with which he rr jy be farorrdand aodrrrtc prices he bopea to cure a share of poblic palfoaagtf baths of all deieojitinns wh proctsr kirestoftffb s 1si8 16m aaravaajpaajk w csnaon au4 inrncn toil mi ljkr ottj rm i i riser st i awrence thes are aho connected with th cliicac steam prortlr tunnin regularly horn oiweto and are prr- parrd to receive goods as heretofore for pos on lake michigan as their bonse in oswkgo will bp devoted exchtsively to the recei vine and fof ward iq or fropertv thy savqia their friendr and the public that goods or produce eonicned to them shall b forwarded with all fnildr dcspalch and at low rates thry nilj j c vote ecrcal attention tn dheolurc awj ware- liwfv soas towftkf the rxpeoesin oswea and new york to a much louer rata ban heretofore coftfigfimcnt of properly far sau or trans- jjjartlihi are respeetfollv solicited for their jtja in new yojfc and ocweo bobert j van dsvvatrr new jit william s roltkit avx york william ii vamdertstet fek 1m qp tew tark tlij ui 0svr liflfr p5 fvs roster oi lub brod p 1 r fl vaa oewsier pier alkiay culver co ulica tt i van debater hmiher co0wreo- t john r hall court sqnare ttatoa taa fewalert 0 it une 0 houte no 7coenysin corner of wster street near york h il yan dewater pier albany b ff hyde co rome h- d hatch syrscuk vanjewater brothers ico oswego jsrnossor ronsorfaton on iuke ororio ilornhrey cn- parker cou j h cafmol o p starkej k co hooker clark ft co ff greer ik41rowneco s jsmej browoe m wst e brottoe hsjoors si un alheneom book store turf lota iii v onff e al i 1 f s flouring establishment rvh k underpinned hsviof lmnic pro j priciorof the- yonwr mills which arc flow in perfect order hejt trl infirm the public iliat he t- prepared to enter iniij cricoromont focihtr flouring of wheat upon the isoal terms tho character which the yoogv mills brand has hitherto lnrne and the fact of iurioi having been injured in tlie slightest oegrco during thai past disastrous season present to ihoso whi desire to export flour instead of wheat tho hct euaranteo for a pjood and merchantable ai ticlc and it will bo tho personal care of ihe proprietor to that its present liiah standing bo not lowered in lib haod frederick jones- vongo mills february 13 1348 it caledonia water the subset tloi baa received con aigurnent of the ohoveoxcohent water which ho will aell in quantities to auit purchasers y r m t iiuhtkr exchange and inruranrt qjfit ontario strel bjrfenshitrgh alexandria bay oak point jr vincent shekels harbor tiaffton c w orontn c w hasaihftnc v boxkeulogp w alliance life and firs assurange dompanyr of london cajhval 10000000 scoeliwsr p he undersigned begs lo inform the fohfc that he has been apuoined actnt for to above company for this city and distnc and is irepared to receive proposals for insurance bn prdperty ad from ibe mane ftfrulajes ariin- froinsi larje canital and hih slandin the nde uul fimj il s ifc ar eonitaue ouitcto insure in j aldiiam kyte kingston ft5lh sffrch 181s valuable heal aetnt for sale port mauley 011 lakirkiir oisraicr or lnooh capa klst iots 1 and sin 3rd con thslij i of yarmouth 400 acres lot i in 2nd coo township of vormouih 200 acres lot 2 in 1st hon tofvnsjliij of varmntith 250 acres ah that part or lot 1 in 1st con yai- mouth now remaining unsium com prininc n niji 170 arios ami jornincd large pottlgp of liu towu plot of port stanley auoihen bpart of lom6in ih 1st rancffnnh of tho lake rod snnthwoll st acres tho ftboyo lauds having been co viycd to the undersigned hy joh bt wick kq intrust 10 sell and oonve j tin aacno or an much thereof a may i4 neeeasarv fur payment of the sum o 737 12s to messrs osimnurco of montreal ere hereby offered for sahj by imvate cootracd in blocks or lot to suit purchasers m ronaainiiiq un sold on wkhnksnaytj 1 tir t v march next will le pur tip at pubi lic auction at noun 00 that day at port stanley the property it pt sjhiv com prisea a lare number of town lots and lota with pier wharfs and watc froota in nfosl oj ilhle situations fu husioesa many with warehouse rnj ohni buihliugs alrcsdy erected tho above lands sre in tho imme diate neighborhood of pot stanley t buitios on the plank road briwecil london and port sp and are mosj dexiralilc aa farms and residences maps and plans aro to lie had at th orttce fifths- under signed in lmdon oj i colonel brntw cks port stanley hekry c r rechbr london c w dc 17 1s47 2llm life assutano iltasullstli pood life tuduatdwitir itaeat 7tirtlier ndtice rot liitl of tho ftsovo lands baring boon sold another public asjri ull crlrotls from idle snglisl pjprr noitril avrftccan pawexbrs act aass wiumerjmtltmtftkm 1he fbowin f ike ontliw of ike new pp snef act ai uiev bie npod fvjo tf prlsel cenniiiiee it witt ve seen tbet lb eon- cuw rrieciioe ike povisinisj of veevctv sad 1ic ptuinimntd mjieriotcndcats hive bceo s clause i tnaetv tbt ike aasnbsi of it- be limited ss bunavs on lbs dek upon fvtikti uc riimcics lr en povtenvr rk essay 12 hpvjivj ft on ibe rvo ovk ifnt i ewnc lt etery 30 anpciftriat fret the meivr or ihe ikp it caw of iu- tsssi ikuo to w ot c tav children under 14 esars tafe to bo rasjfcsjcjaf 11m jji-tuj- 3 bcb ibio earrrine 00or more piistflfcrv to caoy cout and lo be provided wiui eon ecnint plico f- cuokiog end uiuue sp- pars to 4 cverv i 11 rr 1 ij 100 ne tnofc ptftacefen lo have b jmcjnofl iverd utbervimtbc 00m- be uf psmrenjrere to be linmed in tbr ptojiootoa of c paiwnecr to iv4t i j eupoiseial fcl 6- wbfoovfrjigruaiictitcd erssstlfltsli abvre aveare4d tolcoiujtdondapaiaorifr 6 erfoo u le dolv qirlcd dj approved uf by ilemir4ioouiceatlleolrvlearsnre 7 mf4icirs cbetl q bo cirjjiocdand tppruved of b a 1 t j praetiiivdsr ui by ibe emiietloo urticowb to to eiamine he fkrf 1 o itul ni psaft serr rio n d 1 auesbayaasmillad tprfeevd tlotnlei ouner or eharterorp t px sueb laedteol ohicei a un im cteocitmj os pohid h every 10o pfernrjeoj 8 sorgeon to cau tbo rsdsading or sot psrton to auvctsd witb c ijptouf dtteste ibe mister iaeascof kfvaal o to b ponaltv dotei ceediof x50 pitacncn ifrsirvj mor rseovor aawurt r ibcsr fofie tnorvi by eomrnaf provcj beforotvoorrnoiejaticeof ibe psace- 10- addiljtioal rolos and rejeulalions for pre lr ring order and secutioe eteiidtneea and eeotilation may bo preicfed br odor in eouoci ii surgeon or msttot to exact obedience to oil vulrs and louutivnt 15 air iv rr sjtg tsctinr ox rsfwiruj lo utey rote or refutdttot or obstructive nfoatctor nrr io eaoeutkto ef hia duty uue in s feoilty nil eseeedtn 2 eod jutticea of iha pccc may add oneunte en6nenn in the common jo1 to mieb penalty 13 the colnuij land and emigration com inismonrrs w prepme sn abatraet f aets and oroen in council ais cnptcs or ibe abatraet nd istf copies of ilits and the said mete lo be ovbvcrcd on demand by tbc collector or comp trollerur custom at tho pn rrf clearance s the master of tterytbip sad master fulon 40 copies bf lbo aulrsel iti at icotl to on- fjlfai places between dctas under a psnalty not eaeecdinf forte liotlinja w eseb d neglect any persoo duptscinp vr drfacm such j- itid abstracts liomo to a somlsr peoatty- u mode of recornjjpcftniifcesel joclb is ond umroty lj her majraty in respret of ahipt vt bo a sceoruy ftn iho fsilldul ob tereaneeor the orvrbiensor tbk act and for the de payment by ibe master of si penaitk tn which he ay be adjirced tiabla 1c- duties of etnixralion roicc mar be perfurtred sn kissbtrpce by an assistant or at port nlterc there is no ivch ifticcr by iho officer of eotthik erantinr ibe clearance 17 fkdanalioiiof teems in ihe act paten err not rn mean oalio pmrnecrs ship iaclode rverydescript kj j h vessels matter iy persoo bemf in eooouand of trct 16 kirmpts shipi earryintj fewer than nne pss- enfcr to every 0i lonsf if any lral preeeedis or rocatkon aiso as lo any ship carijing imoto pjiaenfcr ihn in ibis prowrtithi ihcouj jvoiti ji to rest villi the defend nt if tbe proof on his part fsil rle number r ptntucr ahjm bo considered as sboec tire pmpvriivn pc- senbed 19 title of act to be tbe nomb american ptcnei act co act to continue in force fe on ysr from its beinp ptfed sod from tbence to lbs cad of ibe ilten neit actaioo of parliament fj aei may ho amended or repeated during lbs present session canada company an annosf tbe prfctore was held on ihe 23rd imlaal al tho goaadbhoure si llelenvpuce mr chs frsrb irasl lbs rhair the report of ibe direrifts slsted tbat lbo amount or ibesevsof ljd cttceiod dansi die year sfrtesj mfsisntt crown rrseiecs i teres si an oeersfjs fit ls 2d per acre f tract rttcl a airof da aisfcies a talal af i7tnj seies proeiif 2117 in wlikb arrosddid i3in nd pok u m in gtifrpb 347 sen a 35on tltnre will take iaet at portstante ijkuisj ibe huron tacl sooaeees wbidiaiaav on monday ihe 17th day of aprt ttcfltf4 from tbe late of land jtasv vot capital 50e or500 bmpotpered bv art off pottirmtnt 2nd yitl hooui issenf 7i6 jair a strings bsssafc to widow and t w t laancitoaruts next at noon conditions ot sale bothcfilstsiieri hkkry 0 nbecier london 6th march 1sjs feth sale fansu of cnltiraterl land street hanrer t cswnsoii 0 fac four e olerors london secretary f fcmoiox caxaovx- fticstoa iocal sosso liknfty fjlluhrslifcveeao j ii forsyth c- doltplitnt18s eso u 1ujam wju40n frssu itn j a 51acdonalu uvujuiln hamilton stsffdlo oosaatl john fl fonsyth fuo iimwmit ailulpk atexamdkra hodinssw esq mt uuntkrarm ouigoontos sircci edward t rfcnardsoncenersi ae coomuyil for iic tjmlcd siaic and ljfii s a 0ssrsaias tiiitit dtssusrsdsnre aieh pyrneai or pro intum bccoi nes da wiihnm fbefrilaie of aacem j lfeandeft starr geneeal afeat 71 walm rw y ksw york rebtowy lo8 a axd improvements iot5no29lcth con of pitugewia a burjjh firicu aiod 100 acres no 30 ctltcondodv scloo 10 acres no 30c4gthcondodcloo 10 aeres no 10 acres nv35 east part othcoatlodo 70 75atieo ko3k 100 area tho nbnve aro dcfireldo pwvhuca for small cautaliota properly on lol so 4 the houso lot and pretniaes on colhnrne street lately harveys jc200 tho hotiso and lot lately good- ally on hamilton street 0- the house and lot lately trowells en ellice street 445 apply to the subscriber ceorck ok ill stuart icingaton january 17 is49 7u i4 the lanria leased et rulssta acre prodi aa aa nnl rrnlatofxlic3 llun trart 71 151 acrrs dfudavssf an annnal rroidf x0 0f und msb- inj iltoimiader of aerea loied 8 tleae- nrrie nvfni of land d ond wd srss 1 15- it tecs- tlrf i- r t 1 1- ky ifio teavsii cujia 151 iom lots in v lltir n trsrt pro ofial rsotsj of la s ojttf cit cislof awiuamatsfuririlh jes muatd ih bsatsss jttjeffi in conadn l tbe n ikis and rd t cstunutf d ss u tn apsroientof id per acic cureey nn all tss wild lands lfld by tbc ewrtsany in the xtst 1p47 able to laiuloaj ass x300 wnd lbs utcomo i tjoi the cerkal itbtt and creditvrsials mai r ihe company aftiife ns ibey ard un rtu3lpt dc ie47rlioarda total of 423777 nf hteh the i fnrr repserrnlcd by the ssloc of i p3tc7i nerso f lead wbieb ate paid or aod rf1 cwo0 the ctrfiditwri rf lbs csjpajsaa ss ra- uidcd land was ss mlo isid nriitiauy p hrsed msvi3 sere- of hieh 03jsi aersa ind been pard leavms 64763 acres bvi said of which 3154 acre hsd been rjoeled tbs irsyairft wffjas atsataj m lbsvwll9 serss a9ufsu lr wbieb ji i j f 1u1 sum i0 ui trinr lbs instahnsait das to palo isp for lands rrrdcdbid beso rsmived md rclcatcd sad 175 aow rmiatnsd t bo aa iutd on improtemcota tbo sntovat due t die coropaoy in the tear 1647 for rents 00 tss yeaa lease snso 7300 and uwss bad been iv ssved to lite 31 st dec 18 17 11 00 tbs eeo- niite aonvunead ibat all uauted rnitisrsbe- 1 the gorcrnmsmt nd the eooipaor bsd boeo brauejbt o a toacsusiooi and ibsl tra uompsst had reeeieed a general lotaasa and disetvsreo froco tbs oonn of alt ctaims ondsriaoir siisioat orrse- insnt wtib goserrmsnl the repnri sras ordcrsd lo bo ptialad mr j mssbillof teas ralerij depvty so eeroor m u r 1 s pujlsetvo w t ifibbsrt and uncheh dirto- les and mr w gaossso audttor tls oost cgtimsjusrysots lou cbsitnao ego eluded lbs procetdrofe sines our tut the illuttnnoe ssgoeenev ctoa rat wf india vircoont hsfdiofsi baa rsssbrd euglsod ws rcyeo o oay 10 etsslient heotth llavile astobed ffcd tbs pctod of i l nttfi lo 1 ir h i die nh j abeb he baa rchoejoisbed the foin nf- r qualities loh tm ibe couocil end camp of lodis which but luidtuty his exhibited lhrouhout aa fajaeoi bol seito the present sca- tion to c njralulsts bia trrdthip vpo h a retoin i- hs oalivo country vlt tho laitrsk bich hs bat so hooorauty woo uijeordisi recptioi 10 h amidst seary eara of pohiicistta moit bo ver erarifjj tu cisbaroof i mtaea tftote- shb and ssbcaon- lira bd trips sstirts to pra- toole the culliraltvo and trade in ootlno adl not bo fiirgion anmgsl bis mors conspicjoss roili iay esplols and arc do not doubt lust ihs pjb- he services so well rcrojered io irtdia for ina pro- icalon and consoldalco of out vast issritorics n theeait adl 10 the courao or lime whoa another and eeen rrcstcr fai sbalt ossso to occupy a high and important fonctnrn in england point out lvd ii- -j- is atdoand orticiant auecssaor in iho mean time wo trust ira lordship aill anjoy 1l0 ofium com dyiifui in heslui aoj fasppinesa vaiioosrornors sro seiirety cireutated by our ctnttnvpojarlc rcsfectlnr ccrtsto ohanrca srbkh aro medttattd in iho enfibah cbnot without ring i i js premature credit to thsae rep v sre mty remark thai it has en kne fc4t ibat no sv- etttia difference of opinion eitsts belveen lbo members nf lrd jobti iluisslla sdmuifstraihin and iho rcadins friands around sir robert pcil tin animosity amounting to porsonal rancour ahieh sttll pre vails 1 j it tbe ctpromer smoif st a largo section of tho llooss of comnionj mui prhips tvro lihtg period preclude lbs right ffr tnerotcx ba avihs osshla uauievfvast o sssjss upon ihe comvieiia ofeecry raflfeune man the djily inereaatne necessity foe a stroag and 1 adnnalstnlioa ws should rtjtit to sos ih 1 r rioti cspab snd intetficit sup- ififlers tf ir robert pl inio 1k0 present cabi- kl tito ofiiioent administrative taontiof sr james grabam and m grosl inftnanea in tbo 1 liaata of commons aoim out naluratly his admrs- ion hsvaiho new ministry- lord lincoln was at ihs first oftoed 1 n lb prssont cabinet j ikji psrhapo lbo personaro who wuatd moot probably urct sir robert peel in lbs now arrangement would bo his active a1y mr cafsrsrsft our buri- leslibc snd retpected reprcseotetito the coit- ptcooa 0 1c nla already deveprd be thrtesntlo man dstng bis abort career bis capacity eoa se md pecohsr nlneaa r t- tendr bim in every expect qohficd to gil rornehih minimum i foae lions and jioqui bia spenrntmont tilo plee sra reel folly enn6coai ivspic of iho utc sttempts l jt ri ho a rn into dit ostsem i 1 ibis town thai ho would bo rscccted ror liverpool as before by a liiuoiphant majority nin unwdj brside ho ton 4 i r7ohrkhiniouoidtol3t7lthr ir- rllecicd by ihe payment at bills rcerivsov in the year 1447 wo foe paripal 1g043 and tr j rrtlcrrsi j rrubin- 3s7g3 currency dy wis take nf i34g3 neresof und whuh weia i pid rrak remain unaold besidio ihe srw m lrvhtoderiep n i jrikrj tol33j7t tire assets would be subject to tho eorrcnl rate r erchsn if realised and remitted to tins country tlio preinhjrnofeabsnfspaid for iho rcrniltances roads ibis tear had been ecus lo lbo lorn of about i the ghostly soldier a eery remark imo circomitanca occurred aoeas years oen al kirkcaldy wheo a person for aboao irotb snt rcapretkb titty lean vouch was li via g io iho famiy of a col m at thsl pfsce tbe asalaatbvj inbsbrted was at one aifrctnily ot tbo town andsroodina sort pjddjcb 0aovan- ir r i m hsd dinrd oat sod there aas nobody si rjsvao bat mrs m her i- a boy shoot tiretvo ysara old j and ann lha msid my ncoonanij mrs m eshod iho utter soj doctsd hfrat u a soldier who was walking baes wards and forwsrda in iho drying ground bebmd he asmss wher soma linan was hasging on the uasaa she ssid sbf wondorcd what bo aould be l rfatro spd bsda aon fetch in us u rn kat he should sohoia any o it the girt fearing be miht bo snoio illduposcd pssoa foil afraid ms m lewever rroniting to watcb from ihe wincv lhat tnrbing hsppcnsd to b alia want bot ttitl pos sfaaasite of the man ioitntioos aho rorocd jer bark towards bun nut haauv pniog 0iwn ihe lnen shsearrtss it iov iht uaoso tsmutaing his walk tbo while ss bason taking nn mrico lior whatever era long tha col relumed and mrs ii lost no time in taking bim totltc windoa io look at too ni- ne afc rould oa cuncotvs abjt bo coofd moan by waif- n laekwaka nd forwards ihsra oq thai lima ofsarawuvwt ann added ostiojy iinit its a gbnst foerof port co m said hs would souer sea and ealling a tara dog tha sraalyieg in tbs rsotn and sccwuipanicd by ths fatlo boy wb brfcd to be permitted to gn ats hs at vpptd out nd screeched iho stranger wkoa tabs sopriss tha di wlikh wsan animal or high enursgs irr stanlly dw kick and sprang through tfas gure ewie which ihe cvl hnd closed behiud him sbiv enrg live rones alt around ths fthonal oicniimt advsned and chal letigd ihs iruo repestedty wliutm wfaliiniag sny answer or niic whiovse till at ungib gelling irriiaied bo raited a weapon with wbieji bo hrt arn biawslf tejtiog bm be must speak t lako tbo conacoenoe absn jut as ira wss proporr tostriko io tbes was rwbdy ibatal the letter bt disappeared snd lite child sank ten loalo tbcjrooncl coi mliftsd iho boy in sons snd as ha brourht bum iftt4i the askasayi bt mi m iho girl voo are right t ann fi rss a ib m lis was eieeadingly isiprosasd wilb i this cucumslanee snd nuob isgrvusd hia own bsbaviogr aadalao tbs having takso lbo child r wuh him whch ha ihouhl had pobabty rv i cited mc fomoiuuiciiijo ir wr mlajkj- rd- inorosr to repair if poaaible iheas srora hs went out sicry nigbt snd wslkod oa thai spot ar soma lime io boa ihs lasavhlsaaj wnold a- loro at laigth hs said thst hs hid teen and hsd converted witb it hoi ths purport of itc son vertefib ko wvld never chnniiests lo sny hunsan beiig rwit svon to bis its the t ffijei of thisooouosssoo fain wr ebsracts wm per csptiblo to evcrywdy ibat knew bim- hs became cav and ivttgfatful od ippssrsd lika one wlv bsd in iriiinftiliiijiilflr a model vlkm btrpaotably soonseud oong aesompliahsd kul poor is his modst gsoes s close ibe l t t all acqoainjenect and rsi i l mofnani shr sntcrliarsilitrona andascjr fij ssvs loacs ibom all brgete tn lha tms lha vcrj nimoof one tor who er heard of a gotornea wilb fncada i she nsrsr g l and ia sltovod no viiilor to bo psrlvt tha should bo uly woo betide bar if i hi bs peslly th mothae i septals iter tho young udtco bsto hsr snd tbe udfw matdesonvt abd hsr liar besui only oiposos hsr tn onptiioais snd atlrscikrfu i from ihe frustte and ihrs aiabos tha young lad i alt lbs mote jeabtos and ilie ralhsr sll the nvre irriuted sgsinst bar tlie young gsnttsoxn of ihe bouts ato persist is hrt with its a j ihia louses lbs topieioie and oecrs of tbo old f anile- i its aecoe bar nisking bssc of lating traps for bjsson od of boing aa artro signiog thing a kind word baa such s strange enact opon be ibat il heqgonily mskea her ron op to bee eht whiss she hides brrtelf and coos bitterly yst joyfidlf she root rwt aistvd ben toid one a asvk thai aba is catioc ibi bread of depeo dcaee snd abvvo alt she miiet know tier tis- iron though il is rjlbr difscult let say wbsi that atstion is it is not lha drswinj room it it aoj tbs kitcban nor it il oio yoonf ladios rwwm it must be the unding psos cbihlran aro hor eapcci desigbt thay la1 lsra bgsmfrt ltr oulvio one anothsr io laaaitf tier puj hills practical jobs peculiar lo joveoils feaineea with ber ws boi and desk tho whole life of the r ia a using ss rnvxi upon tbe loty toil of lbs forgivoncs of jajorie hsr a rasjsj nantsarofvwi fr singing osnnut bo caltod shigitig rhsn it it dons by eonmsnd and dancing is but sorry dancing when you ecrcooou- od to dinco mtraly to fill up a aida-couptc- iter accornp1irjrneotthowtvr era coaniold ihougb oiociaed for tbo benefit of nthara she is sn cnryctvpssda in borabaiesn sbs most havo no ttows of brvowo bat onfy rtntcl tiks a irohioglssa tbosauf tho psrton who is ohsrulunghsr hoc wliofis life is s beritago of pally moinnossoa sht hsa not ths consideration tbst it paid tns cook asd rcry frcoucntty not half ths wages lhat are paid to a hojtcenaid ifl fsct tho ii mmf bst ufoadvantagofff tbs two for she ts aatiiled si test lo a months waraing whereas iho por gvefnras isoflen dimisod si a morocnts aotics tho modsl gotorwaas is lilcralle t the midofsl w- of favub1e so- c t r resttitiia 7ryu van uu hrs aj ircat bet huioly paaei a ctwveaaamtf a fro days stnea ths io- rl- n i r fj io eoo well hnowa on lha stock eichssgesnd si ibaooscossl tbo binkof engund mr jn bull at ibe egsof 100 yeors and scion nroniht died of ths pnveitingapdsnaic when about 58 ond wbennibacmpoy of meata spurting sttrckbruksrt left by rnlttsk in ihi office uf tho chief accountant uf tbs bank vf tutgland a large botntrse of bank sjitca on vascnasriog hi kws sff soiching aioaly fat hs miasini docoinont be wsnt tottie shot ataaai parity to sjfsaawsal mr sire and partly at a isasf hope to his great joy bo fmind thera n mr smoes posaaasion arltoen he earnestly implwvd to heap tlrsmrst uat hiaamployors sjsbsju think that hie reultie wera faig mr siara orcvuraa gaeo bim tho required pronwa and od nslarod ly added lhat wbeo mr bum alioutd attain tha igo 100 he w u givo bioi tbo finest boostnr wine inhiaeetr some lima previous to bis becthaing a csntsrian ho waa pensioned by his employers and 11 r 5 me htd prebably quits urgouon th aftkir wheni truo to bit tngsgtoient ths aged but til vigoroat clerk msdo his ap- peanocr al the dbi ihe impnrianl dsy and claimed tbe prosotted sotlc ths cico was allowed and perhaps lbo ust binbday of tho aoerent clerk was not tbo isaat bsppy dsy of bi bfs tim pooa of pssrsin lbs format and ssasftasaa stlendsnl opan lira rovuloliao iba suf fering condition of the poor ctssacs in paris baa not barn forgot an asouiwn 1 1 1 been c- tabtiabet for aupplying peovjsioosat ttnr4 cost which ia now in peaiiion to deliver ssoh day e00 poinds wvrth of buioienr oieat 2030 ivci uf ino tud sj franca worih of tsgttsbles oe 5co0 frsocafijo0 worth of pmafaawj par dsy a ubrfrr msy thus cioetfre a cvraforlabla aseal rbr 40 or so casta id cr sj- coaipvsod of soup ii ir j of a pound wsifbl ot meat a good nor- inn of vagotsbtes aad a ikird or a litra of viao th opsealives may tikaafo be s jprived nith pro visions unbooked tboseadvsniagciareifilended tauy to the bentfil of it idisert csssea of tha sswiiufvaa tbo tociitiaa hst svasdy rrvjooo al its j i j tbt diltlfotaervfcetrenderrd by tfie d re- i sro gratoiioria rjio j irrojrtcar o sturdayforeooft in rhrrai eat celt on dumg tha ttusporary ab- sooco if ihs imrlress of ike house s woeaan urtd the room where two yoong rosn wsea tlewp- ing and efw carsfuhy erulin ng iheijunalni of iba bed remarked to bracir that it was al rigbo rtd ovietly desatslsd a rw baaiiby nial flurf ulwoaa iho aarfracioaa sisasaaav this rrtsssaaasaasj wa wtiiraascd by a yeate ansa wba was tying in bad is anntbee part of ebaraosa lajtaasal asaia awsaksuie ir hearth ha tsss but partially recnverad fro fever hs eoald in any way ioistjtrs witb iba imtotcut of thr lho smonisbissl of l uuhreas of la ii r mry he imsgtned hsn m eotsong lbo doe lha lusty sausltirtg of th lol strsngty mat beeaar snd whsn she aw lha place which had been selected for its depl bo awkcnad ike akeper but lhy blh protcd lltair r4irs tgm- ranc of ay oueutnaispc wtiicb avfaaa bar tod 10 sock vri useereinoiras intrusion and wa on- ovalsnd ibe child fine r- of iboijt tj ntontsi old hs been h d nw to th paiuohislso- ioqilieb elbrg now xsnaaona sair a ishlse frosn eouer dam iied iw 7rh instant stats tbat lf l d ruijtr has invented a wrrwaolic a oisrjjuo which s far psferabtoto tkst nf m uanoinsea ot midnd s m roitecvrwirue1kon irvstrsd at ku r i lha ciwsf tf it hallooo it riacs rato i tha air from li r i i r ittown wofkin rilk a weight or soaotto nelbcrtond lb wilh loa- ossnserpidi snd can loalscfadsl will wslam twm v tftatcd paptal vjl ciacv- n ir you aro ovaasvaa of knowing wlrat sosal eaweafiow it go to a frsa- andcasy ao ld eskr dwn stst accounta for ht perpelosl thirst by the fact tbst bs wit wssosd on all v why ip a bsrri profssakn not onlf legal bur rehguv nccstnss ii irtsalveo a kwrcegs of is wand a hffsrl thok fpfpnssa pmws rretusnt ttia chenik aro daily ehoving eidanja ot ivilttikxi tha mml striking ba debt of ra hundred tboasand aaasssa- mamma said hitta ei how shad i msh this frock i ror i cw bnow bv n m arte uj j- coy dear repiad bar po oirtg paront it ia aaid that at boston ihe street twsepioga saq annu to 91000 beiog vatlly enort ituua tha inohi v h from uorna golj roinraw if tho ipeeuutrw oiivca bis sios overf body cries out hes a snd tomstimes baa a sogao ff he toceords tbar bcasega birr and dmnd hie dubtr to reirrnra hiimi ah 40 thers appesra ahovt t j lo bo a kind of panic titohsr to th invsria hie worde ji amanaeo abnut thia tima bik oert fot sfjaay bill4rtdrtb like stops are oasn esat away opcm baaitsnd ytalrrs a new peafta ssmi on was prawing m pnst whom bvoicrad sdmirsd obasevieg thai snoa bit th no peraon hid fwn abta to unilals bins su ropbaj bcnaerad th wwst ehmvd mnnni psrnassui witb a bdoar wbscb bo tjob up rr him a lwyor whitaargjiiig in lb districf ccajrt in- i vryloud tnd beatieped to uke bralh be her aascobs i bun why h ihoriovrod why sapoad iba roorrsoee 1 corn sjaaj ling on tbo of a w w an ssttem cdila tpsskiag o poohyoayai- much attatttavi hss been psid to lha rasring of pnulrfr st lbs wast m lks lutlhod now in rasa of bitching cbickeot i eonsidsr tae astcwiar ta tk kfvptien nn of batching rberv in ovawa 1 iaaiiopfy to6ilaumilieitbxs boad it rap and sat a upoo iho boog ssres fc a gsnllsrnan walbiag thnjsgh thesircettof meiieu saw a oildiee sirtmg on lbs kept nf a portiot garnblin with die d yoa kniw if is wrong io raltl th bonaa ajd hv n how n i hclpilt repfied thouaso j vmrmcfsloa nt titi rue acot tb wlowing m a weatero editors ihtnkfiviog asisasasjl sssal tart ver si qsa tim we hss tcked raafj nd fed anothr of abnul lb sarat pototsiion wahaeekillsd a few thtasnd vsaftjam snd at v f j an thstthci rcotiasa i bitaice oor favor mrtcvrih alm fevsl y slssmed lady who bid been showing fj her wit at thsoapen of a staffer sow remind me of a biranatcs tsjsj ut fsllcd with aofnurf in ihe nppcratary diviaa amta rrseekly replied bar adory in thinking you foetbal flatlsrkig coqipimcnt lei roc rtraiost you lhat yoo occupy my oppar atory eatirst two r prelly wvne one having a drdup snindsnd rms op han and tho oajter aa lha eooirarr cbsoy charrtablc and witty giving mucii to the po r wcit wonol itinx abou tha char aelcrol a beautiful html until lwy eulo aol agrae o tlcy appealed to a nend i do aasj hnnwbow inaawswa aaid th ijtier bo safe r thev written you ibai lha pt ileal baad islhibsnd that girca a xaar ytk ru- tpsoktog t ust eoskdtaaa ed tlio streets say m aay porsoo to want ot a dead pig my find on iht will probably uosrss bi ptrpvas in iha nnflli nf orudwayi bstwn brrroandspingstraaa apptieaatt oatdaoi bain oay grv hate a it ir olpectod ho will io there aevctal euts and if tha warsa woalhar srwid ull snd the carriage will let haa sionsb fci gruw jcr and bigger avccoits op ccnix ooaday waseiatana bievwoibai coma ws to miwa aa atabovala speech in cbincery lord ctaro tha tbco clisa- cchor of insunhj bnnjghl a zsrgunswfmryjn j dog o lire bencs with bits aorj daring iib progreatof ih argomtntha istit hu oar rod ah owe loth ovig lhan lb barvrater at hat th c r iy seained in ins u regard lo s4aarf be turned hioiielf quilo asrk in lbcait lastorisl part of lbs c if and bean in full court lo faadw ifaesnimsl currsn st ippod afurt ttro a gn on hr curao said lad clana oa rii rurrin i bgs tbnutand pantma osy lj i roarty look il ror graced ihsl loar lotdabtp srss rrlll yii m tt liltr it it psiyttifo patrass potters iso uoatssv- thea ara iba ihrso groat ister lhal frsea uie rnovaroents of ihs world witkosl ikasa th wnotn woud fait oolajciety sroaid bian cbos agaio th press naafcss paofss aatrislta tbs pulpit rc but wswaa osaarrfa afi ltfg thtra would bs do goiog la church if there wers nn girla tber aeilkte sruald tbara ba anv gning lo war war tbo wildra lo moh witb ao appfausebiil fren lb niaiculiis vtiiboai iba murhjtia absd by srornr tbw nasbos aftecliori would aavst kbiw aof taa lnwi of cwni geruilnale 1 hor1 aba ia lb atasm angn of delight snd lbs grass aaotirs ttanar of ksve vakse slid alt trillion nirnti a msn says dr frmauia as often gettlwo rlohars for ihrransbs ssawda in infttmitig ins vtindai he duis for a dollar ba lays out in sny other way a men eats up a pssnj af sags and it w gma and tks plaasara ha haa fjiyiyed m sndcdi but ths information ba gala puis a oeaspspsr trratured ap in lb aiiad la bw uacd wbem vcr oteaion or iatuuuaaea eaifa be it a nrfps4yinotlh wuhtwnuf o ossa a iwousra it i ths wisdom of to age aad at paal sges too a fimiv wiihaut a nowwwbsr w ajwaya bsjf ansga behind ots lira n gansval iassfwaalssa bradca thry n never ibink moch raw t ad raaab to talk boot and iha usara at flu at gmwiogjf ia ignuranea wilhaaa af tsaasw radnr7d lhsa ww when ths wnrk is dosw aa sasst ausra ja btr unds in lrr u p and aoibuf as amiara bat adivsetbessiid fton ihasoaadewo tha svuetti criela uxwtaasts oaweaarw